RIICWD601E Student Assessment Tasks - v1.1 - July 2024

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RIICWD601E Manage Civil Works Design Processes

RIICWD601E Student Assessment Tasks_v1.1 July 2024 Page 1

About this unit
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to manage civil works design processes,
including interpreting and scoping design requirements, monitoring and supporting design
processes and reviewing designs. It applies to those working in management or technical specialist
roles. They generally apply a broad range technical and managerial skills and are responsible for
the delivery of complex outputs that meet site requirements. Licensing, legislative and certification
requirements that apply to this unit can vary between states, territories, and industry sectors. Users
must check requirements with relevant body before applying the unit.
The Elements and Performance Criteria of this unit are outlined below. Elements describe the
essential outcomes. Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate
achievement of the element.


1. Interpret and scope 1.1 Obtain, interpret, clarify and confirm work requirements
design requirements of
civil works 1.2 Access, interpret and apply documentation required for civil works design
and confirm work activity is compliant

1.3 Analyse client design criteria requirements for civil works to confirm
required specifications are included

1.4 Advise client on potential environmental impact of proposed works and

provide design options that meet environmental requirements

1.5 Confirm required development and implementation factors are addressed

in civil works design criteria

1.6 Prepare functional specifications according to engineering standards and

design specifications

1.7 Obtain and document and client agreement on civil works design criteria

2. Identify project design 2.1 Identify innovative procedures for developing the design concept according
options for civil works and to design requirements
determine preferred
design option 2.2 Investigate and analyse potential design concepts that meet design

2.3 Collaborate with client to improve outcomes and resolve issues associated
with design concept

2.4 Advise client of potential impacts of proposed works on local communities

3. Initiate, monitor and 3.1 Analyse and select resources, processes and systems required to develop
support design of civil the design
3.2 Coordinate design tasks to meet required outcomes and cost structure

3.3 Develop and check design solution against engineering specifications

4. Prepare and maintain 4.1 Establish documentation management process according to workplace
documentation requirements

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4.2 Check and confirm supporting documentation required to implement the

design meets workplace requirements

4.3 Check and confirm design is identified by design documentation and

records specified by client

4.4 Apply documentation control process specified by client when making

changes to design

4.5 Check and confirm design documentation for currency and accuracy

5. Review design of civil 5.1 Review design and confirm it meets client requirements
5.2 Incorporate amendments advised by client and confirm design meets
legislative requirements

5.3 Review design with client and obtain documented approval

6. Support design 6.1 Prepare and implement plans that verify completed physical work meets
implementation of civil client requirements
6.2 Develop periodic test schedules for monitoring performance and permit
involved personnel to implement corrective action as required

6.3 Seek feedback from commissioning process to facilitate corrective actions

and design improvements

6.4 Evaluate design outcome performance according to workplace


6.5 Evaluate community response to design outcome and document according

to workplace requirements

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Reasonable Adjustment
Reasonable adjustment in VET is the term applied to modifying the learning environment or making
changes to the training delivered to assist a candidate with a disability. A reasonable adjustment
can be as simple as changing classrooms to be closer to amenities or installing a particular type of
software on a computer for a person with vision impairment.
Why make a reasonable adjustment?
We make reasonable adjustments in VET to make sure that candidates with a disability have:
 The same learning opportunities as candidates without a disability, and
 The same opportunity to perform and complete assessments as those without a disability.
Reasonable adjustment applied to participation in teaching, learning and assessment
activities can include:
 Customising resources and assessment activities within the training package or accredited
 Modifying the presentation medium
 Candidate support
 Use of assistive/adaptive technologies
 Making information accessible both before enrolment and during the course
 Monitoring the adjustments to ensure candidates needs continue to be met
Assistive/Adaptive Technologies
Assistive/Adaptive technology means ‘software or hardware that has been specifically designed to
assist people with disabilities in carrying out daily activities’ (World Wide Web Consortium - W3C).
It includes screen readers, magnifiers, voice recognition software, alternative keyboards, devices
for grasping, visual alert systems, digital note-takers.

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Assessment Plan
The assessment tasks for RIICWD601E Manage civil works design processes are outlined in the
assessment plan below. These tasks have been designed to help you demonstrate the skills and
knowledge that you have learnt during your course.
Please ensure that you read the instructions provided with these tasks carefully. You should also
follow the advice provided in the Learner Guide. The Learner Guide provides important information
for you relating to completing assessment successfully.

Assessment Submission Method

Online upload: Online submission via Learning Management System (Moodle)

Assessment Plan

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Questions

Assessment Task 2: Project Portfolio

This Student Assessment Guide is designed for you to complete the following:
 Student Declaration: Refer to the Moodle instruction, as the Student Declaration is electronic
and forms part of the requirements for this unit.
 Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Questions
 Assessment Task 2: Project Portfolio

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Assessment Requirements
Performance Evidence

The candidate must be able to demonstrate knowledge to complete the tasks outlined in the
elements, performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit, including knowledge of:

 legislation required to manage civil works design processes

 policies, procedures and documentation required to manage civil works design processes,
including those relating to:

 risk assessment and management

 statutory compliance
 work health and safety
 environmental management
 cultural and heritage management
 community relations and consultation
 quality management
 Australian and other relevant Standards
 workplace recording and reporting
 design approvals and review
 performance reviews
 system close outs
 geotechnical management
 hydrological and meteorological management

 types, characteristics, technical capabilities and limitations of materials, plant and

equipment required for civil design and construction
 principles and techniques for managing civil works design processes, including:

 techniques for evaluating potential site hazards, constraints and conditions

 techniques for preparing civil works functional specifications
 techniques for identifying and evaluating design options
 innovative design procedures

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 techniques for developing and implementing design plans, including those requiring
use of new technology
 design cost calculation techniques
 computer aided drafting design (CADD) and drafting technology procedures
 engineering graphical presentation techniques
 communication techniques and equipment
 design review and validation techniques
 performance review techniques
 techniques for advising on design implementation

 principles and techniques for collaborating and negotiating with clients and key external
 principles and techniques for leading and coordinating teams.

Performance Evidence

The candidate must demonstrate the ability to complete the tasks outlined in the elements,
performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit, including evidence of the ability to:

 manage civil works design processes on at least two occasions, including:

 communicating and collaborating with clients to resolve problems and meet job
 seeking advice from required personnel where proposed design includes non-standard
engineering requirements or new technology
 monitoring and supporting design processes
 creating a demonstrating model of the design
 confirming documentation requirements are met
 reviewing designs, including interpreting and confirming the following project

o plans and drawings

o specifications
o design briefs
o engineering survey information
o hydrological, meteorological data geotechnical data

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o cultural and heritage data

 supporting design implementation.

During the above, the candidate must:

 locate and apply required legislation, documentation, policies and procedures

 implement the requirements, procedures and techniques to manage civil works design
processes, including those relating to:

 risk assessments and management

 statutory compliance
 work health and safety
 environmental management
 cultural and heritage management
 quality management

 work with others to manage civil works design processes, including:

 using a range of communication techniques and equipment

 checking and confirming design documentation and reporting requirements
 organising work activities to meet task requirements
 communicating with others to receive and clarify work instructions
 communicating with others to coordinate work activities.

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Assessment Task One: Knowledge Questions

Information for students

Knowledge questions are designed to help you demonstrate the knowledge which you have
acquired during the learning phase of this unit. Ensure that you:
 comply with the due date for the assessment
 adhere with submission guidelines
 answer all questions completely and correctly
 submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced
 do sharing your answers with other students.

Provide answers to all of the questions below:

1. Question: Complete the following table about legislation that you need to know about in
relation to civil works design processes.

Student Answer:

List two different Identify the purpose of Outline how the legislation applies
legislation relevant to legislation to civil works design processes
civil works design

Building Codes and To ensure health, The building Code outlines

Regulations safety and long-term the minimal requirements
sustainability and specifications to
design building,
construction and
maintaining of structures.
This applies to civil work
designs that are involved
in the building of
structures. As an example,
if you are planning a civil
construction project that
involves the construction
of an office building is a
good example. The

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building code must be
followed, which defines the
minimal structural
construction and safety
standards to adhere to.

The act aims to stop the

management and
prevention of actions that
could cause damage to the
environment. The act
ensures compliance with
the rules of nature and
encourages the use of
sustainable practices in
civil work process design.
Environmental In order to save the Examples: Environmental
Protection Laws environment Protection Act mandates
that an assessment of the
environmental impact be
conducted prior to the
design of the bridge that
crosses a river to assess
any likely impacts to
aquatic ecosystems and to
ensure that the
appropriate mitigation
measures are in the place.

Occupational To protect the health The legislation applies to

Health and Safety and safety of the design of civil works for
Standards employees ensuring that phase of
construction and design
are focused on worker
safety. As an example, in
the construction site's
layouts, the Occupational
Health and Safety Act
requires the inclusion of
safety-related features,
including ways to access
the site, fall-prevention
devices and clearly visible

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warnings in the layout of
the construction site in
order in order to safeguard
the health and safety of

2. Question: Complete the following table about Standards that you need to know about in
relation to civil works design processes.

Student Answer:

List at least two Identify the purpose of the Outline how the Standard
Australian Standards Standard applies to civil works design
relevant to civil works processes – give one
design processes example.

AS 4100 (for structural To replace AS 4100—1988, the The general expressions for
steel design) Standards Australia Committee steel member design used in
BD-001, Steel Structures, Sections 5, 6, 7, and 8 of AS
created this Standard. The 4100 are applicable to a
purpose of this Standard is to wide range of steels as long
give specifications for steel as the yield stress used in
structural members used for design does not exceed the
load-bearing purposes in value of 450 MPa stated in
buildings and other structures to Clause 1.11 (b) of AS 4100,
designers of steel structures which is roughly the top limit
of available test data.

AS/NZS 4600 AS/NZS 4600 provides The purpose of AS/NZS

specifications for cold-formed 4600 is to provide
steel structural members used specifications for cold
for load-bearing purposes in formed steel structural
buildings and other structures. members used for
loadbearing in buildings and
other structures to designers
of cold formed steel

National Construction Australia's drainage systems Obtaining a construction

Code must adhere to the NCC's certificate for every stage of
uniform set of technical a multi-phase building
standards for their design, project is important. The
construction, and performance BCA version that
corresponds to the
application submission date
will be used to evaluate the

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3. Question: Complete the following table regarding policies and procedures and general
documentation you need to know about in relation to civil works design processes.

Student Answer:

Policies and Purpose of policy/procedure/document in relation to civil

procedures/document works design processes

The risk assessment and management is in charge of

Risk assessment and identifying, evaluating, and documenting the most important
management risks to the organisation. It provides a comprehensive view of
risk, taking into account both broad corporate risks and
specific insurance-related exposures.

Occupational health and safety is the term most commonly

Work health and safety used to describe the field that is concerned with safeguarding
employees and anybody else who might be affected by their

The procedures that will be taken to prevent or minimise

Environmental adverse effects on the local environment should be included
management in the environmental management plan for a building project.

Any management strategy for cultural assets must take into

Cultural and heritage account the preservation of places' physical forms, the
management promotion of their educational, historic, and cultural value, as
well as the revenue generating from tourism.

Locals' opinions are more crucial to consider when planning.

Community relations and The Coalition Government's Localism Act mandated public
consultation consultation for some projects of a specific size or for specific
organizations, the requirements for which would be outlined
in secondary law.

The quality of a project must be closely monitored from the

Quality management beginning of planning through to final delivery, and this is
stated in the quality management plan. It outlines the
project's quality requirements and clarifies who is in charge of

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what and how decisions are made.

In order to optimise an employee's performance and align it

Performance reviews with the strategic goals of the company, performance
management is an ongoing, continuous process of conveying
and clarifying job assignments, objectives, performance
expectations, and development planning.

Everyone on your team learns more when you document

Documentation your processes. Your team will become more cooperative
management (and to and strategic as more members develop the habit of sharing
ensure all workplace knowledge
recording and reporting

The design process involves figuring out what needs to be

Civil works design done and then doing it. As you move forward, issues may
approvals and review need to be resolved, goals may need to be met, or something
new may need to be developed. The first and most crucial
step is realising that there is no "correct way" to carry out any
task during the design process.

The final phase of the project lifecycle is project closure. The

System close outs (project process of assembling all of the project's deliverables and
closure) delivering them to the client who ordered their development is
known as project handoff.

A geotechnical engineer is an expert in the study of the

Geotechnical management structure of the earth, which is frequently a requirement for
Local Authorities. This assesses a variety of soil mechanics
that are essential to the project's success and the safety of
the workers and the surrounding area.

In order to fulfil their fourfold mandate, the NMHSs must:

Hydrological and 1) Watch and monitor the atmosphere, ocean, and inland
meteorological waterways.
management 2) Conduct research to understand, model, and anticipate
the behaviour of atmospheric and related processes and
3) Offer forecasts, warnings, and advisory services.

4. Question: Choose a structure that you may complete a civil works design for. Complete the
following table identifying two materials that can be used for this type of structure and two
characteristics and two limitations of the material.

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Student Answer:

Include the type of structure
you have chosen here.

Material type Characteristics (2) Limitations (2)

Concrete The capacity to endure A lack of determination

adversity with courage and

Steel Adaptability to adversity The cost of fireproofing is


5. Question: Choose a type of CAD software that you may use to complete a civil works design.
Complete the following table identifying two types of CAD software and two characteristics and
two limitations of the software.

Student Answer:

CAD Software Characteristics (2) Limitations (2)

2D CAD 2D CAD is built on flat Make your own 2D diagram.

designs, which are It prevents perspective or
composed of shapes like size from developing.
lines, rectangles, and circles.
The 1970s saw the
introduction of the first
instances of this software.
useful for illustrating
concepts through the stages
of drafting, sketching, and

One of its many benefits is Production Facilities with

3D CAD that it increases precision, Reduced Capacity
which makes drawing to
scale easier. Allowing the
building to be viewed via a
virtual tour

6. Question: Explain the use of safe work method statements (SWMS) with regard to identifying
and evaluating potential site hazards, constraints and conditions.

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Student Answer:
Observations on Safe Work Methods give every employee in a group the identical, widely
accepted guidance on how to act safely at all times. They can't begin development until a
thorough study of the risks has been done and every practicable measure to reduce those
risks has been taken. A SWMS's main objective is to inform workers on high-risk construction
projects about how to safeguard themselves from danger while at work. The SWMS
systematically lays out the actions that must be taken. recognises any potential threats
around. A safe system of work (SOW) (SWMS) is another name for a declaration of safe work
practises. On high-risk construction sites, this document, which outlines all the potentially
hazardous work that will be done there as well as the safety measures that will be taken to
prevent injury, is necessary. A technique for reducing risks at work is the Safety and Health
Management System (SWMS). As an illustration, think about the laws governing engineering.
The Safe Work Methods Statement is used by managers, supervisors, and employees to
monitor and assess the efficacy of various preventative and protective measures in the
workplace. A safety and health management system (SWMS) is a strategy that identifies
potential hazards and safety precautions for a specific workplace. Specifics include:
 The precise safeguards put in place to guard against injury to workers.
 Outlining the safety precautions that were put in place. How often will assessments
and inspections be conducted, and what will they entail?
 High-risk job risks and their possible effects on employees' health and safety.
Construction work in this area might involve anything and is inherently risky

7. Question: Outline a best practice technique for preparing a civil works functional specification.

Student Answer:
Building Information Modelling (BIM), a newly developed IT tool for the construction sector, will
improve and revolutionise every stage of project delivery, including the specification stage.
New information technology systems that are more functional and interoperable than existing
systems and can make greater use of design model information will be used to perform these
updates and improvements. For people who are interested in work processes related to
specifications, BIM has created new options. As an illustration, BIM will eventually improve
both the process of developing specifications and the method through which contractors and
suppliers use specifications. One potential future for requirements supported by building
information modelling is the use of common standards that are included in the project design
model and are easily changeable. If the system is linked to the design model, designers and
specification writers may be better able to recognise which design factors, such as material
strength or product type, need to be altered to satisfy the project's design objectives and/or
corresponding technical restrictions. Practitioners should be aware of and prepared for the
inevitable arrival of the specification process, even though academics and IT system
developers are now concentrating on improving it.

8. Question: Outline a step-by-step approach for identifying and evaluating design options.

Student Answer:
To the best of my knowledge, I have access to state-of-the-art 3D graphic design software.
Artificial intelligence (AI), augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR), and voice user interfaces

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(VUIs) are a few examples of cutting-edge technology that are only now becoming
commonplace. An outline of the procedures needed to develop and carry out a design may be
seen below. Asking the correct questions is always the first step in any design problem
solution. Think about the problem's pain point or requirement, the people who are affected,
and the reasons why a solution is required. It's crucial to take into account how your
competitors are approaching this issue as well. Make mental notes on what you discover
about what works and what doesn't as you research the market, look into similar projects, and
analyse the results. By conducting market research, consumer behaviour analysis, and
competitive analysis with your marketing and R&D departments, you might be able to gain a
clearer idea of the market's size. Ideas will start to emerge once you've decided on the
project's goals and scope. The team should meet to brainstorm improvements to the product,
then cast votes for the ones they believe would have the most impact. Personas, scenarios,
and storyboards can give your insight into the needs and desires of your target market, which
can then guide the creation of your product and your marketing tactics. As you investigate the
market, consider comparable projects, and evaluate the outcomes, keep a mental note of
everything you learn about what functions and what doesn't. You might be able to get a better
understanding of the market's size by performing market research, consumer behaviour
analysis, and competitive analysis with your marketing and R&D departments. As soon as you
determine the project's objectives and scope, ideas will start to flow. The team should get
together to discuss possible product enhancements, then vote on the ones they think will have
the biggest impact. You can gain insight into your target market's requirements and aspirations
via personas, scenarios, and storyboards, which can subsequently inform the development of
your product and your marketing strategies. Only after the product has been purchased,
utilized, and reviewed can insight be gained on its effectiveness in resolving the initial issue.
It's crucial to pay attention to and take into account user input while creating a new edition of a
product. This document will lay out the modifications that must be done in order to modernise
the product and better meet the needs of the end user. You may improve your product with the
use of data from user testing, prototype testing, market research, and sales. Utilize this
knowledge to develop a service or product that addresses the issues your target market is
facing and meets their wants.

9. Question: Explain the process that you would follow to develop and implement a design plan.
In your answer include an example of the latest technology that you could use to develop a
design concept.

Student Answer:
Top-down estimating can be substituted by bottom-up estimation. The first step in using this
strategy is to estimate how much time and effort will be required for each stage or component
of the project. The following step is to combine all of these various cost estimates into a single,
comprehensive estimate for the project. Since each stage is taken into account separately,
this method of estimating is often more accurate than the top-down strategy. However, this
method requires more time. Parametric modelling is another approach that uses data from
previous projects and seeks to modify that data to each project's unique requirements. Based
on a proportional breakdown of previously finished projects, this strategy's cost projections.
Think about running a construction business. By dividing the total cost of all previous
construction projects by the sum of those projects' combined square footage, parametric
modelling may quickly and easily establish the average price per square foot of a dwelling. We

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may calculate the entire project cost by multiplying this number by the projected total square
footage of the existing home.

10. Question: Outline two cost estimating techniques that can be used for calculating design

Student Answer:
CAD software may enable designers to speed up project completion, increase productivity,
and lower manufacturing costs. Companies can cut back on their design staff if they wish to
because designers are now more productive than ever. Companies are now able to develop
high-quality products at competitive prices, deliver them to clients more quickly, and make
adjustments as they go. The use of computer-aided design (CAD) tools in the fashion industry
is widespread. Before spending any money on production, it enables designers to sketch
outfits and test them on digital models. Using computer-aided design (CAD), changing the
shape or the materials utilised in a design is simple. Previously, if the product's functionality
wasn't up to par, the development team would have to start over. Using computer-aided
design (CAD) software can provide creative teams more control over the correctness of the
goods they produce. Before any physical prototypes are built, if an issue does occur, the
software can be used to examine it, figure out what's wrong, and apply a fix. This is a prudent
financial and environmental choice.

11. Question: Explain the benefit of using CAD for drafting and presenting engineering designs.

Student Answer:
 More excellent Plans.
 Reuse and Effectively Change Plans.
 Simpler to Peruse.
 Worked on Sharing.
 Recording the Plan.
 Ability of the Creator.
 Planning Actual Items in a Virtual Work area.
 Increases Efficiency
Computer aided design permits specialists to make more precise plan portrayals. Computer
aided design supplanted manual plan drafting, permitting plan improvement, adjustment and
streamlining. Computer aided design empowers architects to create more exact plans and
control them essentially. The use of computer-aided design (CAD) tools in the fashion industry
is widespread. Before spending any money on production, it enables designers to sketch
outfits and test them on digital models. Using computer-aided design (CAD), changing the
shape or the materials utilised in a design is simple.

12. Question: List two communication techniques that are useful when managing a civil works
design process and that will assist with the collaboration process with clients, other external
stakeholders and colleagues.

Student Answer:

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 Establish a defined chain of command for communication. Every successful building
project is built on this. For communication to be effective, information must be transmitted
and received at the appropriate time. Everyone on the team needs to be able to talk to one
person about their issues and enquiries.
 Express oneself in a manner that is current, easy to read, and simple to understand: When
speaking to your team, it's crucial to purposefully eschew flowery language in favour of
getting straight to the point. Do not assume that your employees are as knowledgeable
about, instance, building regulations and approvals as you are.

13. Question: List two types of communication equipment that can be used during a civil works
design process.

Student Answer:
 Radio Transmission
 Modems
 Wireless Phone

14. Question: Outline a method that you could use to review and validate a design.

Student Answer:
A specification's construction and validation requirements are decided at the same time. As a
result, the designer can decide whether or not a third party can verify the specification. Of
course, a test engineer must do this before ever starting to develop a whole set of tests. Any
modifications to the criteria should be communicated. The kind of measurements, materials,
equipment, and physical locations needed to complete the verification process must be
determined. Before we finish, we'll discuss the verification method with the design team to
resolve any outstanding difficulties. Some of the hypotheses might be put to the test by being
compared to similar existing devices. When used to validate changes to current infrastructure
or to evaluate potential standard designs for integration into a brand-new application, this
method really shines. Using a demonstration and/or analysis, it is possible to confirm needs
and other product functionalities. To assess the design and replicate the necessary
functionality, use simulation and mathematical models. We can verify that the finished design
is capable of performing as anticipated by putting it through its paces. The entire testing
procedure, from planning to reporting, must be recorded and kept with the other design files.
Validation is therefore the sum of all objects that have been confirmed. The manufacturer's
final design validation, which used comparable items to look for variations from the initial
manufacturing run, must be documented.

15. Question: List two best practice techniques that you can use to review performance of those
involved in the civil works design process.

Student Answer:
 Conditions Applied
 Evidence used
 Ascertaining the performance

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16. Question: Outline two techniques that can be used for negotiating with clients.

Student Answer:
 Comparison with planning
 Collaboration of Work

17. Question: Outline two techniques that can be used for leading and coordinating a team.

Student Answer:
 Clear Communication: Establish transparent communication channels to ensure team
members are well-informed about project goals, expectations, and progress. Regularly
communicate updates, provide feedback, and encourage an open dialogue to foster a
collaborative and informed team environment.
 Delegation and Empowerment: Delegate tasks based on team members' strengths and
expertise. Empower individuals by giving them autonomy and responsibility. This not only
builds trust but also encourages personal and professional growth, leading to a more
motivated and capable team.
 Conflict Resolution: Develop effective conflict resolution strategies to address
disagreements promptly. Encourage open discussion, actively listen to team members,
and find compromises. A leader who can navigate and resolve conflicts promotes a
positive team dynamic, ensuring that the team stays focused and cohesive despite

18. Question: Outline two principles of effective team management.

Student Answer:
 Each member of the team is aware of their responsibilities and carries them out. Members
of the team take proactive steps to guarantee they will have access to the tools they need
to do their assignment and they notify management when there are issues. Members of
high-performing teams constantly exhibit the behaviours that will assist the team achieve
its objectives in addition to knowing what those behaviours are. The crew is trusted to do
work without supervision from management. Members of the group and the individual
alike should be honoured and encouraged.
 Every manager needs to be able to coach and discipline employees. Never use discipline
as a form of punishment; instead, use it to improve the performance of the person in
question in their team position. Disciplined team members are better able to evaluate their
behaviours and develop collectively. The effectiveness of discipline techniques varies
amongst teams. The optimum course of action must be selected by the management. It is
possible to construct a warning and sanction system. If you want your staff to take the
rules seriously, follow through on your threats.

19. Question: Innovative procedures for developing designs in civil construction are so important.
Conduct some research and outline two innovative procedures that could be used to develop
the design concept. One of the procedures must relate to a new technology for civil works

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Student Answer:

1. Building Information Modeling (BIM): BIM is a technology-driven approach that

facilitates the creation and management of detailed digital models throughout the design,
construction, and operational phases of a project. This technology integrates data from
multiple software platforms, allowing for real-time collaboration among architects,
engineers, and contractors. By using BIM, design teams can visualize complex structures,
evaluate different materials, and make informed decisions that enhance sustainability and
reduce costs. The use of BIM is increasingly becoming standard practice in large-scale
construction projects due to its ability to improve visibility, coordination, and decision-
making throughout the project lifecycle.
2. Digital Twin Technology: This emerging technology creates a virtual replica of a
physical structure or system, enabling real-time monitoring and simulation. Digital twins
are especially useful in civil works design because they allow engineers to predict how a
design will perform under various conditions, such as environmental stress or heavy
usage. By leveraging sensor data and IoT integration, digital twins can optimize
maintenance schedules, improve safety, and ensure that the structure meets performance
requirements before it is even built. This procedure not only improves design accuracy but
also helps in proactive planning and resource management.

RIICWD601E Student Assessment Tasks_v1.1 July 2024 Page 20

Assessment Task Two: Project Portfolio

Information for students

In this task, you are required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge by working through a
number of activities and completing and submitting a Project Portfolio.
You will need access to:
 a suitable place to complete activities that replicates a business environment including a
meeting space and computer and internet access
 your learning resources and other information for reference
 Project Portfolio template (this document can be accessed through your unit Moodle)
Ensure that you:
 comply with the due date for assessment
 adhere with submission guidelines
 answer all questions completely and correctly
 submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced
 avoid sharing your answers with other students.

RIICWD601E Student Assessment Tasks_v1.1 July 2024 Page 21

Complete the following activities:

1. Carefully read the following:

This assessment task requires you to manage civil works design processes for two
projects. If you are completing this in your RTO, this will be as per the project
information provided to you by your assessor. If you are completing this based on a
workplace, this will be for two projects of your choice.

You will be collecting evidence for this unit in a Project Portfolio. The steps you
need to take are outlined below. Before you begin, complete page 4 of your Project

2. Design requirements and options.

You are required to interpret and scope design requirements for your two civil
works design projects, as well as identify project design options and a preferred
design. This involves:
 Accessing the requirements for the project, including all relevant
documentation and legislation and policies and procedures.
 Interpreting the requirements for each project based on a review of
requirements and documentation.
 Clarifying any areas in relation to each project and confirming your
understanding of the design requirements.
 Summarising environmental and community impacts and solutions.
 Preparing functional specifications for each project.
 Identifying innovative procedures that can be used to develop the design
 Investigating and analysing potential design concepts.

Work on Section 1 of your Project Portfolio. The Project Portfolio includes separate
sections for you to document your work in relation to Project 1 and Project 2.

When you have completed the steps above, you are to prepare to present your
work in the next activity.
This means developing a presentation that can be provided to a team (your
assessor and fellow students) that addresses all the work you have completed so
far and for both projects.

RIICWD601E Student Assessment Tasks_v1.1 July 2024 Page 22

The purpose of your presentation will be to:
 Present the work you have completed.
 Collaborate with the client (your assessor and fellow students) to make any
improvements required and resolve any issues.
 Clarify any aspects of the work.
 Seeking advice on the suitability of the new technology that may be used to
develop the design (see the section on innovative procedures).
 Check that you have been provided with all of the supporting information
 Obtain agreement for the work you have completed so far, including a
preferred design concept and confirming that it meets the client’s
Prepare your presentation in a format of your choice such as. PowerPoint for use
in the next session. Your presentation should be prepared for a meeting of
approximately 15 minutes duration and your assessor will advise you of the date
and time.

Please note that at the presentation you will need to show that you present
information using sector specific terminology and using listening and questioning
techniques so make sure you prepare for this as part of your presentation

3. Presentation.

You are now to provide your presentation to your team as per the instructions
During your presentation, your assessor will be looking to see that you have
interpreted and scoped the design requirements for each project, as well as
identified design options. The outcome will be to identify the preferred design.
Your assessor will also confirm that you use civil construction design terminology
and listening and questioning techniques.

This should be viewed in person by your assessor as they will need to give you
feedback. Make sure you follow the instructions above and meet the timeframes
Following your presentation, document the feedback provided in your Portfolio.
Complete Section 1 of your Project Portfolio. The Project Portfolio includes
separate sections for you to document your work in relation to Project 1 and Project

4. Civil works initiation, implementation, monitoring support and review.

RIICWD601E Student Assessment Tasks_v1.1 July 2024 Page 23

You are required to initiate, implement, monitor, support and review your two civil
works design projects. This involves:
 Analysing and then selecting which resources, processes and systems are
required for each civil works design project.
 Developing an action plan for each civil works design project to ensure that all
required tasks are documented.
 Coordinating with others to achieve project requirements, including outcomes
and budget.
 Preparing and maintaining all of the documentation that is required for each
civil works design project.
 Reviewing the final design for each civil works design project.
 Implementing the actions plan you have developed for the project.
 Seeking feedback and evaluating design outcomes.
Work on Section 2 of your Project Portfolio. The Project Portfolio includes separate
sections for you to document your work in relation to Project 1 and Project 2.
Please note that your assessor will provide feedback on your working design and
the processes you have used. You will record this feedback in your Portfolio and
respond to it. Following this finalise your Portfolio and submit it as per the
instructions below for activity 5.

5. Submit your completed Project Portfolio.

Make sure you have completed all sections of your Project Portfolio, answered all
questions, provided enough detail as indicated and proofread for spelling and
grammar as necessary.
Submit to your assessor for marking.

RIICWD601E Student Assessment Tasks_v1.1 July 2024 Page 24

The pages that follow from this point will be
completed by your Assessor.

RIICWD601E Student Assessment Tasks_v1.1 July 2024 Page 25

Record of Assessment
To be completed by the unit Assessor

Assessment Details

Student Name

Student Number

Unit of Competency RIICWD601E Manage civil works design processes

Assessor Name

RTO Campbell Institute

Assessor Checklist
To be completed by the unit Assessor

Assessment Activity Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Questions

Question 1 ☐ ☐

Question 2 ☐ ☐

Question 3 ☐ ☐

Question 4 ☐ ☐

Question 5 ☐ ☐

Question 6 ☐ ☐

Question 7 ☐ ☐

Question 8 ☐ ☐

Question 9 ☐ ☐

Question 10 ☐ ☐

Question 11 ☐ ☐

Question 12 ☐ ☐

RIICWD601E Student Assessment Tasks_v1.1 July 2024 Page 26

Question 13 ☐ ☐

Question 14 ☐ ☐

Question 15 ☐ ☐

Question 16 ☐ ☐

Question 17 ☐ ☐

Question 18 ☐ ☐

Question 19 ☐ ☐

Assessment Task 2: Project Portfolio

Project Portfolio ☐ ☐

Presentation ☐ ☐

Results Record
Final assessment results


Task Type Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory Did not submit

Assessment Task 1 Knowledge questions S NYS DNS

Assessment Task 2 Project Portfolio S NYS DNS

Overall unit results C NYC

Feedback to Student

Assessor’s signature Date signed

RIICWD601E Student Assessment Tasks_v1.1 July 2024 Page 27

Complete this section below only if reassessment is required

Reassessment due date

Reassessment submission date

After reassessment, the student is: ☐ Competent ☐ Not Yet Competent

Assessor’s signature Date signed

RIICWD601E Student Assessment Tasks_v1.1 July 2024 Page 28

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