The surface of the road should be stable and non-yielding, to allow the heavy
wheel loads of road traffic to move with least possible rolling resistance. The road
surface should also be even along the longitudinal profile to enable the fast vehicles to
move safely and comfortably at the design speed. The earth road may not be able to
fulfill any of the above requirements, especially during the varying conditions of
traffic loads and the weather. At high moisture contents, the soil becomes, weaker and
soft and starts yielding under heavy wheel loads, thus increasing the tractive
resistance. The unevenness and undulations of the surface along the longitudinal
profile of the road causes vertical oscillations in the fast moving automobiles,
increasing the fuel consumption and the wear of the vehicle components, resulting in a
considerable increase in the vehicle operation cost. Apart from this uneven pavement
surface causes discomfort and fatigue to the passengers of the fast moving vehicles
and cyclists. Therefore, in order to provide a stable and even surface for the traffic, the
roadway is provided with a suitably designed and constructed pavement structure.
Thus a pavement consisting of few layers of pavement materials is constructed over a
prepared soil subgrade to serve as a carriage way.
The pavement carries the wheel loads and transfer the load stresses through a
wider area on the soil subgrade below. Thus the stresses transferred to the subgrade
soil through the pavement layers are considerably lower than the contact pressure or
compressive stresses under the wheel load on the pavement depends both on its
thickness and the characteristics of the pavement layers. A pavement layer is
considered more effective or superior, if it is able to distribute the wheel load stress
through a larger area per unit depth of the layer. However, there will be a small
amount of temporary deformations even on a good pavement surface when heavy
loads are applied. One of the objectives of a well designed and constructed pavement
is therefore to keep this elastic deformation of the pavement within the permissible
Rigid pavements are those which possess note worthy flexural strength or flexural
rigidity. The stresses are not transferred from grain to grain to the layers as in the ease
of flexible pavement layers. The rigid pavements are made of portland cement
concrete-either plain, reinforced or prestressed concrete. The plain cement concrete
slabs are expected to take-up about 40kg/cm2 flexural stress. The rigid pavement has
the slab action and is capable of transmitting the wheel load stresses through a wider
area below. The main point of difference in the structural behaviour of rigid pavement
as compared to the flexible pavement is that the critical condition of stress in the rigid
pavement is the maximum flexural stress occurring in the slab due to wheel load and
the temperature changes where-as in the flexible pavement it is the distribution of
compressive stresses. As the rigid pavement slab has tensile strength, tensile stresses
are developed due to the bending of the slab under wheel load and temperature
variations. Thus the types of stresses developed and their distribution within the
cement concrete slab are quite different. The rigid pavement does not get deformed to
the shape of the lower surface as it can bridge the minor variations of lower layer.
The cement concrete pavement slab can very well serve as a wearing surface as
well an effective base course. Therefore usually the rigid pavement structure consist of
a cement concrete slab, below which a granular base or sub-base course may be
provided as shown in figure. Though the cement concrete slab can also be laid directly
over the soil subgrade, this is not preferred particularly when the subgrade, consists of
fine grained soil. Providing a good base or sub-base course layer under the cement
concrete slab, increases the pavement life considerably and therefore works out more
economical in the long run. The rigid pavements re usually designed and the stresses
are analyzed using the elastic theory, assuming the pavement as an elastic plate resting
over an elastic or a viscous foundation.
1. Soil subgrade
2. Sub-base course
3. Base course
4. Wearing course (cement concrete slab).
Soil mainly consists of mineral matter formed by the disintegration of rocks, by the
action of water, frost, temperature, pressure or by plant or animal life. Based on the
individual grain size of soil particles, soils have been classified as gravel, sand, silt and
clay. The characteristics of soil grains depend on the size, shape, surface texture,
chemical composition and electrical surface charges. Moisture and dry density
influence the engineering behaviour of a soil mass.
i. Stability
ii. Incompressibility
The loads on the pavement are ultimately received by the soil subgrade for dispersion
to the earth mass. It is essential that at no time, the soil subgrade is overstressed. It
means that the pressure transmitted on the top of the subgrade is within the allowable
limit, not to cause excessive stress condition or to deform the same beyond the elastic
limit. Therefore it is desirable that atleast top 50cm layer of the subgrade soil is well
compacted under controlled conditions of optimum moisture content and maximum
dry density. It is necessary to evaluate the strength properties of the soil subgrade. It
helps to adopt the suitable values of the strength parameter for design purposes and in
case this supporting layer does not come upto the expectations, the same is treated or
stabilized to suit the requirements.
Many tests are known for measuring the strength properties of the subgrades.
Mostly the tests are empirical and are useful for their correlation in the design. Some
of the tests have been standardized for the use. The common strength tests for the
evaluation of soil subgrade are:
California bearing ratio (CBR) test is a penetration test, evolved for the empirical
method of pavement design. The CBR test is carried out either in the laboratory on
prepared specimens or in the field by taking in-situ measurements. This test is also
carried out to evaluate the strength of other pavement components materials.
California resistance value is found by using Hveem stabilometter. This test is used
in an empirical method of flexible pavement design based on soil strength.
Triaxial test is considered as the most important soil strength test, still the test is not
very commonly used in structural design of pavements. This is because only a few
theoretical methods make use of this triaxial test results.
The plate bearing test is carried out using a relatively large diameter plate to evaluate
the load supporting capacity of supporting power of the pavement layers. The plate
bearing test is used for determining the elastic modulus of subgrade and also for the
determination of modulus of subgrade reaction in rigid pavement analysis by
westergaard’s approach.
The subbase and base course layers are made of broken stones, bound or unbound
aggregate. Some times in subbase course a layer of stabilized soil or selected granular
soil is also used. In some places boulder stones or bricks are also used as a subbase or
soling course. However at the subbase course, it is desirable to use smaller size grades
aggregates or soil-aggregate mixes or soft aggregates instead of large boulder stone
soling course of brick on edge ssubbase course,as these have no proper interlocking
and therefore have lesser resistance to sinking into the weak subgrade soil when wet.
When the subgrade consists of fine grained soil andwhen the pavement carries heavy
wheel loads, there is a tendency for these boulder stones or bricks to penetrate into the
wet soil, resulting in the formation of undulation and uneven pavement surface in
pavements. Subbase course primarily has the similar function as of the base course and
is provided with inferior materials than of base course. The functions of the base
course are
i. Preventing pumping
ii. Protecting the subgrade against frost action.
Thus the fundamental purpose of a base course and subbase course is to provide a
stress transmitting medium to spread the surface wheel loads in the such manner as to
prevent shear and consolidation deformations.
The subbase and base course layers may be evaluated by suitable strength or stability
test like plate bearing, CBR or stabilometter test.
Cement concrete pavements are considered to be the highest pavement type which
withstands heavy traffic even under adverse subgrade and climatic conditions. The
purpose of the wearing course is to give a smooth riding surface that is dense. It resists
pressure exerted by tyres and takes up wear and tear due to the traffic. Wearing course
also offers a water tight layer against the surface water infiltration. In rigid pavements,
the cement concrete acts like a base course as well as wearing course. The type of
surface depends upon the availability of materials, plants and equipment and upon the
magnitude of surface loads.
The thickness design of pavement primarily depends upon the design wheel load.
Higher wheel loads obviously need thicker pavement, provided other design factors
are the same. while considering the design wheel load, the effects of total static load
on each wheel, multiple wheel load assembly, contact pressure, load repetition and the
dynamic effects of transient loads are to be taken into account.
The properties of the soil subgrade are important in deciding the thickness
requirement of pavements a subgrade with lower stability requires thicker pavement to
protect it from traffic loads.
The various factors to be considered for the design of pavements are given below:
The wheel load configuration is important to know the way in which the loads of a
given vehicle are applied on the pavement surface. To maintain the maximum wheel
load within the specified limit and to carry greater load it is necessary to provide dual
wheel assembly to rear axles of the road vehicles. In doing so the effect on the
pavement through a dual wheel assembly is obviously not equal to two times the load
on any one wheel. So we analyze by Equivalent single wheel load method and may be
determined based on either equivalent deflection or equivalent stress criterion.
Multiple wheel loads are converted to ESWL and this value is used in pavement
design. ESWL is the wheel load that causes the same deflection at the top of subgrade
that of the multiple wheels.
Upto the depth of d/2 each wheel load P acts independently and after this point the
stresses induced due to each load begins to overlap. At depth 2S and above, the
stresses induced are due to the effect of both wheels as the area of overlap is
considerable. So the total stresses due to the dual wheels at any depth greater than 2S
is considered to be equivalent to a single wheel load of magnitude 2P, though this
stress is likely to be slightly greater than the stress due to the dual wheels.
A straight line relationship is assumed between ESWL and depth on log-log scales for
determining ESWL the plot is made as shown in figure.
Two points A and B are plotter on the log-log graph with coordinates of A(P,d/2) and
B (2P,2S). line AB is a plot which is the locus of points where any single wheel load is
equivalent to a certain set of dual wheels. To calculate the ESWL for a dual assembly,
Load on wheel
Contact pressure =
𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑐𝑡 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑟 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑡
It is required to carry out traffic surveys for accounting the factor of repetitions for
wheel loads in the design of pavement. Such data collected are converted to some
constant equivalent wheel loads. Traffic composition in India is of mixed type and it is
essential for design purposes to convert the various wheel loads to one single standard
wheel load. Equivalent wheel load is a single load equivalent to repeated applications
of any particularly wheel load on a pavement which requires the same thickness and
strength of pavement.
Normally, cement concret pavements have a life span of 30 years and the
pavements are usually designed for this period. When the traffic intensity
cannot be predicted accurately for a long period of time, and for low volume
roads, a design period of 20 years may be considered. However the designer
should use his judgement about the design life taking into consideration the
factors, like, traffic volume, the traffic growth rate, the capacity of the road and
the possibility of augmentation of capacity.
The average traffic should normally based on seven-day 24 hour count made in
accordance with IRC : 9 “Traffic census on non-urban roads”. The actual growth r of
the heavy commericial vehicles should be determined. The average growth rate of 7.5
percent may be adopted.
It should be that flexural stress caused by axel loads is maximum when the, tyre
imprint is tangential to the longitudinal edge. When the wheels are tangential to the
transverse joints, stresses are lower and the tyre position is even 15 cm away from the
longitudinal edge, there is a significant reduction in the flexural stress. Observation of
the lateral distribution characteristics of the wheel paths for two lane two-way roads in
india indicates that very few vehicle travel along the edge.
The cumulative number of repetitions of axles during the design period may be
computed from the folling formula:
365×𝐴{(1+𝑟)𝑛 −1}
A is initial number of axles per day in the year when the road is operational.
Temperature differentials between bottom and top of the concrete pavements cause the
concrete slab to wrap, giving rise to stresses. So the developed stresses due to
temperature change are tobe considered in the pavement design. The temperature
differential is a function of solar radiation received by the pavement surface at the
location, losses due to wind velocity etc., and thermal diffusivity of concrete, and is
thus affected by geographical features of the pavement location. As far as possible
values of actually anticipated temperature differentials at the location of the pavement
should be adopted for pavement design.
Westergaard’s considered the rigid pavement slab as a thin elastic plate resting on soil
sub-grade, which is assumed as a dense liquid. The upward reaction is assumed to be
proportional to the deflection. Base on this assumption, Westergaard’s defined a
modulus of sub-grade reaction K in kg/cm3 given by
Where Δ is the displacement level taken as 0.125 cm and p is the pressure sustained by
the rigid plate of 75 cm diameter at a deflection of 0.125 cm.
deformation properties of the subgrade material. The tendency of the slab to deflect is
dependent upon its properties of flexural strength.
The resultant deflection of the slab which is also the deformation of subgrade is a
direct measure of the magnitude of subgrade pressure. The pressure deformation
characteristics of rigid pavement is thus a function of relative stiffness of slab to that
of subgrade.
4 𝐸ℎ3
l= √
12𝐾(1−𝜇 2 )
The concrete pavements fail due to bending stresses, it is necessary that their design is
based on the flexural strength of concrete. The relationship between the flexural
strength and compressive strength may be worked out as :
The mix should be so designed that minimum structural strength requirement in the
field is met at the desired confidence level. Thus if
S = S1+ Za σ
The modulus of elasticity, E, and Poisson’s ratio, t, of cement concrete are known to
vary with concrete materials and strength. The elastic modulus increase with increase
in strength, and Poisson’s ratio decreases with increase in the modulus of elasticity.
While it is desirable that the values of these parameters are ascertained experimentally
for the concrete mix and materials actually to be used in the construction, this
information may not always be available at the design stage. Even a 25 percent
variation in E and t values does not have any significant effect on the flexural stresses
in the pavement concrete.
The use of fatigue criteria is made on the basis of miner’s hypothesis. Fatigue
resistance not consumed by repetitions of one load is available for repetitions
of other loads.
Flexural stresses due to traffic loads and temperature differentials between the top and
bottom fibres of the concrete slab, as the two are assumed to be additive under critical
condition. The effects of moisture changes are opposite of those of temperature
changes and are, not normally considered critical to thickness design.
The loads applied by single as well as tandem axels cause maximum flexural stresses
when the tyre imprint touches the longitudinal edge as shown in fig when the tyre
imprints touch the transverses joints with or without dowel bar, part of the load is
transferred to the other side of the slab by aggregate interlock or dowel bar causing
lower flexural stress both along the corner as well as along the transverse joint. In case
the slab is cast panel by panel with a clear vertical break without any dowel bar or
aggregate interlock; corner load stresses are critical when the dual wheel system is at
the corner. Tandem axles carrying twice the load of a single axle cause flexural
stresses which are about 20 percent lower than that of the single axle load because of
superposition of negative bending moment due to one dual wheel load over the other.
The average spacing of tandem axle is taken as 1.31 meters. Tandem and tridem axle
loads may cause loss of subgrade because of higher deflection. In such case, additional
design criterion of erosion can be included based on experience.
fig) during the night. The restraint offered to this warping tendency by self weight and
the dowel bars of the pavement induces stresses in the pavement, referred to
commonly as temperature warping stresses. These warping stresses are flexural in
nature, being tensile at the bottom during the day and at top during the night. As the
restraint offered to warping at any section of the slab would be a function of weight of
the slab upto that section, it is obvious that corners have very little of such restraint for
slabs without dowel bars. The restraint is maximum in the slab interior and somewhat
less at the edge. Consequently, the temperature stresses induced in the pavement are
maximum at the interior. Under the action of load applications, maximum stress is
induced in the corner region if the joints are not provided with dowel bars as the
corner is discontinuous in two directions. The corner tends to bend like a cantilever,
producing tension at the top during night hours, whereas, tension is produced during
the day time at the bottom of the slab in the interior as well as at the edge.
The maximum combined tensilr stress in the three regions of the slab will thus be
caused when effects of temperature differentials are such as to be additive to the load
effects. This would occur during the day in the case of interior and edge regions at the
time of maximum temperature differential in the slab. In the corner, the temperature
stress is negligible but the load stress is maximum at night when the slab corners have
a tendency to lift up, due to warping and lose partly the foundation support.
Considering the total combined stress for the three regions, they are corner, edge and
interior, for which the load stress decreases in that order while the temperature stress
increases, the critical stress condition is reached in the edge region. It is therefore,
necessary that the concrete slab is designed to with stand the stresses due to warping
and wheel load at the edge region. It is also necessary to check the stress at the corner
region if dowel bars are not provided at the transverse joints and it there is no
possibility of load transfer by aggregate interlock.
The loads cause failure of pavements are mostly applied single and tandem axles, the
stress charts for single axles as well as tandem axles are given in IRC-58.
0.572𝑃 𝑙
Se = [4 log10 ( ) + 0.359]
ℎ2 𝑏
2 2
𝑏 = { √1.6𝑎 + ℎ − 0.675ℎ 𝑖𝑓 𝑎 < 1.724ℎ
𝑎 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒
The temperature stress at the critical edge region may be obtained as per westergaard’s
analysis using Bradbury’s coefficient from following equation:
Ste =
t = maximum temperature differential during day between top and bottom of slab, °C
C = Bradbury’s coefficient which can be ascertained by L/l and B/l from IRC-58
The load stress in the corner region may be obtained as per westergaard’s analysis,
modified by Kelly, from the following equation:
3𝑃 𝑎 √2
Sc =
[1 − ( 𝑙
) ]
𝐸.𝑒.𝑡 𝑎
Stc = √
3(1−𝜇) 𝑙
The cement concrete slab is assumed to be homogeneous and to have uniform elastic
properties with vertical subgrade reaction being proportional to the deflection.
Westergaard has developed a equation for interior stress of pavement:
0.316𝑃 𝑙
Si = [4 log10 ( ) + 1.069]
ℎ2 𝑏
𝐸𝑒𝑡 𝐶𝑥 +𝜇𝐶𝑦
Sti = [ ]
2 1−𝜇 2
Due to uniform temperature rise and fall in the cement concrete slab, there is an
overall expansion and contraction of the slab. Since the slab is in contact with soil
subgrade or the sub-base, the slab movements are restrained due to the friction
between the bottom layer of the pavement and the soil layer. This frictional resistance
therefore tends to prevent the movements thereby inducing the frictional stress in the
bottom fibre of the cement concrete pavement. Stresses in slabs resulting due to this
phenomenon vary with slab length.
Frictional resistance due to subgrade restraint in half the length of the slab,
Sf =
IRC-58 gives ready to use charts for the calculation of load stresses in the edge
region of rigid pavement slabs for single and tandem axle loads of different
magnitudes for subbases having k values in the range of 6, 8, 10, 15 and 30 kg/cm2.
The flexural stress at the edge due to the application of single or tandem axle loads
may be determined using appropriate stress chart, for a given slab thickness and other
design parameters. This stress values divided by the design flexural strength of the
cement concrete, gives the stress ratio of the pavement. If the stress ratio is less than
0.45, the allowable number of repetitions of the axle load is infinity. Cumulative
fatigue damage (CFD) is determined for different axle loads and the value of the
damage should be equal to or less than one.
AASHTO Road test has indicated that there is an important mode of distress in
addition to fatigue cracking that must be considered in the design i.e., erosion of
material from the bottom of the pavement. The erosion is mainly caused by tandem
and multi-axle vehicles and that single axles were mostly responsible for fatigue
cracking. The erosion is dependent on the quality of subbase, climate as well as the
gross weight of vehicles. IRC-58 recommends that paved shoulder be provided up to
1.5 meters beyond the pavement to prevent erosion as well as entry of debris between
the pavement slab and foundation when the slab curls upwards.
Step 4: Compute the repetitions of axle loads of different magnitudes during the design
Step 5: Calculate the stresses due to single and tandem axle loads and determine the
cumulative fatigue damage (CFD).
Step 6: If the CFD is more than 1.0, select a higher thickness and repeat the steps 1 to
Step 7: Compute the temperature stress at the edge and if the sum of the temperature
stress and the flexural stress due to highest wheel load is greater than the modulus of
rupture, select a higher thickness and repeat the steps 1 to 6.
Step 8: Design the pavement thickness on the basis of corner stress if no dowel bars
are provided and there is no load transfer due to lack of aggregate interlock.
Joints are provided in cement concrete pavements to reduce the temperature stresses
are expansion joints, contraction joints and warping joints.
The purpose of the expansion joint is to allow the expansion of the pavement due to
rise in temperature with respect to construction temperature. The design considerations
• Design involves finding the joint spacing for a given expansion joint thickness
(say 2.5 cm specified by IRC) subjected to some maximum spacing (say 140 as per
If ‘δ’ is the maximum expansion in a slab of length Le with a temperature rise from T1
toT2. δᶦ is the half the joint width then the spacing of expansion joints is given by:
Le =
100𝐶(𝑇2 −𝑇1 )
The slab contracts due to the fall in slab temperature below the construction
temperature. Also during the initial curing period, shrinkage occurs in cement
concrete. This movement is resisted by the subgrade drag or friction between the
bottom fibre of slab and the subgrade.
The purpose of the contraction joint is to allow the contraction of the slab due to fall in
slab temperature below the construction temperature.
Length of slab to resist the frictional drag i.e., spacing of contraction joints is
Lc = × 104
h = slab thickness, cm
Dowel bars of expansion joints are mild steel round bars of short length. Half length
of this bar is bonded in one cement slab and the remaining portion is embedded in
adjacent slab, but is kept free for the movement during expansion and contraction of
the slab. The dowel bars allow opening and closing of the joint, maintaining the slab
edges at the same level, and the load transference is effected from one slab to the
The IRC recommends that dowel bar system may be designed on the basis of
bradbury’s analysis for load transfer capacity of a single dowel bar in shear, bending
and bearing in concrete. These values are given below:
2𝑑 3 𝐹𝑓
For bending in the bar, 𝑃 ᶦ =
𝐿𝑑 +8.8𝛿
𝐹𝑏 𝐿2𝑑 𝑑
for bearing on concrete, 𝑃 ᶦ =
12.5(𝐿𝑑 +1.5𝛿)
δ = joint width, cm
The load capacity of the dowel bar in bending and bearing depend on
the total embedded length Ld on both the slabs.
Step 2: Find the load transfer capacities Ps, Pf , and Pb of single dowel bar with
the Ld.
Step 3: Assume load capacity of dowel bar is 40 percent wheel load, find the
load capacity factor f as
In contrast to dowel bars, tie bars are not load transfer devices, but serve as a
means to tie two slabs. Hence tie bars must be deformed or hooked and must be
firmly anchored into the concrete to function properly. They are smaller than
dowel bars and placed at large intervals. They are provided across longitudinal
Design procedure:
Step 1:Area of steel required per meter length of the joint is calculated by the
following formula:
𝐴𝑠 =
Step 2: Length of the tie bar: The total length of tie bar should be atleast twice
the length of embedment required on each slab to develop a bond strength equal
to the working stress of the steel.
This is obtained from the consideration thet the total tensile force developed in
tie bar should not exceed the bond strength between tie bar and the concrete.
Length of tie bar = Lt =
Sb = allowable bond stress in concrete, kg/cm 2 (24.6 kg/cm2 for deformed bars
and 17.5 kg/cm2 in plain tie bars).
Use the given data, IRC load stress chart for edge and corner regions, and
assume any other data required.
Design data:
μ value = 0.15
Slab thickness, cm 15 20 25
1 2.5
𝛿ᶦ = 𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑡 = = 1.25𝑐𝑚
2 2
𝛿ᶦ 1.25
Spacing of expansion joint Le = 100𝐶(𝑇 = 100×10×10−6 (35) = 35.7𝑚 < 140𝑚
2 −𝑇1 )
𝐿𝑥 445
= = 6.26
𝑙 71.1
𝐿𝑦 350
= = 4.92
𝑙 71.1
From the graph of warping stress coefficient Cx at of 6.26 = 0.92
At = 4.92, 𝐶𝑦 = 0.72 <Cx
h = 20, K = 8, Se = 27.5kg/cm2
𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 18.2
Factor of safety available = = 27.5 = 0.66
𝑒𝑑𝑔𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠
As the factor of safety is less than 1.0 it is unsafe. Therefore assume a higher slab
Say h =24cm.
4 3×105 ×24 3
l = √ =81.53cm
12×8(1−0.152 )
𝐿𝑥 445
= = 5.46
𝑙 81.53
𝐿𝑦 350
= = 4.29
𝑙 81.53
From the graph of warping stress coefficient Cx at of 5.46 = 0.80
At = 4.29, 𝐶𝑦 = 0.6 <Cx
h = 24, K = 8, Se = 19.2kg/cm2
𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 20.56
Factor of safety available = = = 1.07 which is safe and
𝑒𝑑𝑔𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 19.2
acceptable value
The combination of stresses at the corner is 23.0+7.1 = 30.1kg/cm2, which is less than
the allowable flexural strength of 40kg/cm2 and hence the design is safe.
2𝑑 3 𝐹𝑓 2×2.53 ×1400
Bending 𝑃 ᶦ = = 42.5+8.8×2.5 = 678𝑘𝑔
𝐿𝑑 +8.8𝛿
𝐹𝑏 𝐿2𝑑 𝑑 100×2.5×42.52
Bearing 𝑃 ᶦ = = 12.5(42.5+1.5×2.5) = 781kg
12.5(𝐿𝑑 +1.5𝛿)
Load capacity of the dowel group = 5100× 100 = 2040kg
Capacity factor required = = 3.0
Effective distance upto which there is load transfer = 1.8l = 1.8 × 81.53 = 147cm
Assuming a trial spacing of 35cm between dowel bars, the capacity available for the
25cm spacing is adequate. Therefore provide 2.5cm dia dowel bars at expansion joints
of total length 45cm at a spacing of 25cm centres.
𝑏𝑓ℎ𝑊 3.5×1.5×26×2400
𝐴𝑠 = = = 2.34cm2 per meter length
100𝑆𝑆 100×1400
Assuming 1cm diameter of the bars, cross sectional area of each tie bar a s =
𝑑𝑆 1×1400
Length of plain tie bar, Lt = 2𝑆 𝑠 = = 28.5𝑐𝑚
𝑏 2×24.6
The length of tie bar may be increased by 5cm for tolerance in placement.
Therefore provide 1cm diameter deformed tie bars, 34cm in length at a spacing
of 33cm.
The basic design of rigid pavement is very simple. A surface layer, made up of slabs
of Portland cement concrete (PCC), sits on top of a handful of sub-layers. The layer
directly under the PCC is more flexible than the concrete, but still quite rigid. This
layer provides a stable base for the PCC as well as assists in drainage. Some roads
have a second sublayer under the first that is even more flexible, while some simply
have the existing soil. The biggest factor in deciding whether this second layer is
necessary is the composition of the existing material.
Rigid pavement is the technical term for any road surface made of concrete.
Concrete roads are called rigid while asphalt-covered roads are flexible. These terms
refer to the amount of deformation created in the road surface itself when in use and
over time. The largest advantages to using concrete pavement are in its durability and
ability to hold a shape. There are three basic types of rigid pavement commonly used