GFF - Eternal Dynasty v2.50

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GFF - Eternal Dynasty v2.

Background Story
The Eternal Dynasty come from the Kusari Sector, where they
lived peacefully for millennia, and their home system became
known as “stars of calm”, due to the enduring peace that the
faction enjoyed. However, as the population continued to grow
and spread through their system, a number of different
philosophies began to flourish and diverge with each other. In
order to maintain peace, a ruling system was established where
regions were divided into clans under the nominal control of a
Royal Dynasty. The Royal Dynasty was intended to serve as a
mediator, and the title was intended to circulate amongst the
ruling families of the various clans.
The dynastic system preserved peace for a time, but gradually
the authority of the ruling dynasty began to wane as the clans
continued to push for their own individual interests. Eventually,
the Royal Dynasty were no longer able to mediate conflicts
between clans, and conflict erupted. Over time, the Dynasty
became a mere puppet of the most powerful clan, while rivalry
between clans gave way to open hatred and xenophobia.
The Clan War era continued for over a century, as the clans
struggled to maintain their rule over the system, until they were
replaced by the next clan. Eventually, the title of Royal Dynasty
fell to a family who held no specific clan allegiance. This family
ceased intervening in conflicts but instead used their position to
fuel conflict between the clans.
This resulted in a series of violent and extremely bloody
conflicts, which devastated the Stars of Calms and greatly
weakened the clans. Then, the Royal Dynasty intervened and
united the remaining clans under an expanded royal army. The
Dynasty refused to pass on their power as tradition required,
instead declaring themselves the Eternal Dynasty.
Intro The Eternal Dynasty’s rule has led to an age of peace and
The Eternal Dynasty are a faction of advanced aliens from the prosperity, which has allowed them to expand into the stars and
Kusari sector. Their forces consist of well armed infantry and beyond the Kusari sector. Yet, bitterness remains between the
drones, supported by high tech robots and vehicles. clans even after centuries of peace. Much of their society still
The Eternal Dynasty emerged from a world long divided into a bears the scars of the clan wars, and many follow the rule of the
patchwork society of warring clans. The royal house became Dynasty only reluctantly, due to their role in the final conflicts
adept at manipulating clans, leading potential rivals into a that ended the Clan War Era.
series of destructive wars before imposing their laws over How will you bring your unity to the stars?
survivors and forming a ruling Dynasty. The Eternal Dynasty will
go to any length to maintain this fragile unity as they expand out
into the stars.
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Gaetano Ferrara
Brandon Gillam
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GFF - Eternal Dynasty v2.50
Name [size] Qua Def Equipment Special Rules Upgrades Cost
Dynasty Leader [1] 3+ 4+ Long Rifle (30”, A1), CCW (A1) Fearless, Hero, Tough(3) A, B, C 50pts
Cyber Lizard [1] 4+ 4+ Toxin Bite (A1, Poison) Fearless, Strider D 15pts
Scout [1] 4+ 5+ Long Rifle (30”, A1), CCW (A1) Fearless, Scout E, F 20pts
Warrior [1] 4+ 4+ Long Rifle (30”, A1), CCW (A1) Fearless C, E, G 20pts
Attack Drone [1] 4+ 4+ Laser Gun (18”, A1, AP(3)), Taser (A1) Fearless, Flying H 25pts
Cyber Bird [1] 5+ 5+ Swarm Attack (A3, Rending) Fearless, Flying, Tough(3) D 35pts
Royal Guard [1] 3+ 4+ Spear-Shot (12”, A1), Spear (A2, AP(1)) Elite Warrior, Fearless, Regeneration I 35pts
Ninja [1] 3+ 5+ 2x Auto-Guns (12”, A1, Rending), Martial Arts (A1) Ambush, Fearless, Stealth, Teleport J 40pts
ONI [1] 3+ 3+ Bash (A2), Heavy Glaive (A3, AP(2)) Fearless, Tough(3) K 70pts
A Upgrade with one: K Replace Heavy Glaive:
Attack Drone  +15pts 2x Heavy Fist (A1, AP(4)) free
(Laser Gun (18", A1, AP(3))) Replace one Heavy Fist:
Mini-Shield Drone (Stealth) +10pts Sword (A2, AP(1), Rending) +5pts
B Replace Long Rifle: Replace any Heavy Fist:
Shotgun (12", A2, AP(1)) +5pts Combat
Shield (Shield Wall)
(12", A3)
Carbine (18”, A2) +5pts Shred-Fist (18”, A2, Rending) +5pts
Replace Long Rifle and CCW: Gun-Fist (24”, A2) +5pts
Spear-Shock (18", A3, AP(1)),  +30pts Fusion-Fist (12", A1, AP(4), Deadly(3)) +10pts
Spear (A3, AP(1)) Rocket-Fist (24”, A1, Blast(3), Indirect) +15pts
Upgrade with one:
Sage (Psychic(1)) +25pts Plasma-Fist (24",UpgradeA2, AP(4))
Strategist (Art of War) +30pts Jetpacks (Ambush, Flying) +25pts
Warlord (Direct Fire) +35pts Upgrade with one:
Upgrade with:
Transport Drone (Fast, Flying) +25pts Attack Drone 
(Laser Gun (18", A1, AP(3)))
C Replace Long Rifle and CCW:
Heavy Pistol (12", A1, AP(1)),  free Art of War: this Special
and all friendly units that
Dagger (A2)
Twin Heavy Pistols (12", A2, AP(1)),  +5pts activate
within 12” may move by up to 3” after
CCW (A2)
2x Daggers (A2) +5pts Beacon: Friendly units using Ambush may
ignore distance restrictions from enemies if they
Replace any Dagger:
Royal Sword (A2, AP(1), Rending) +5pts are deployed within 6” of this model.
Hook Sword (A1, AP(2), Deadly(3)) +10pts Direct Fire: this model and all friendly units that
D Upgrade with: activate within 12” get +6” range when shooting.
Hunt Master (Fear, Scout) +25pts Elite Warrior: For each unmodified result of 6 to
hit when attacking in melee, this model may roll
E Upgrade with one: 1 extra attack. This rule doesn’t apply to newly
Attack Drone  +10pts generated attacks.
Energy Drone: this model and all friendly units
(Laser Gun (18", A1, AP(3)))
Energy Drone +20pts that activate within 12” ignore cover when
F Replace any Long Rifle:
Carbine (18", A2) +5pts Shield Wall: Attacks targeting units where all
Energy Rifle (36”, A1, AP(4)) +15pts a min. ofhave
models this rule count as having AP(-1), to
Sniper Rifle (30”, A1, AP(1), Sniper) +25pts Targeting Array: Once per activation, before
Upgrade with any:
Beacon +10pts attacking, pick one enemy unit within 24”. Next
Targeting Array +20pts gets +1 to itsfriendly
time that a unit shoots at it, that unit
hit rolls.
G Replace Long Rifle: Teleport: Once per activation, before attacking,
Shotguns (12", A2, AP(1)) +5pts place this model anywhere within 6”.
+5pts Dragon BreathPsychic Spells
Carbines (18”, A2) +5pts
Plasma Rifle (24”, A1, AP(4)) (7+): Target enemy unit within
Fusion Rifle (12", A1, AP(4), Deadly(3)) +10pts 12” takes 5 hits.
Flamethrower (12”, A6) +10pts Weaken Soul (7+): Target 2 enemy units within
Shred Rifle (18”, A3, Rending) +10pts 12” get -2 to their next morale test.
Upgrade with one:
Shishi Turret  +20pts Eternal Guidance (8+): Target 2 friendly units
within 12” get +1 to hit next time they shoot.
(Rockets (24", A1, Blast(3), Indirect)) Mind Challenge (8+): Target enemy model within
H Replace Laser Gun: 12” takes 2 hits with AP(4).
Heavy Laser Gun +25pts Spirit Vortex (9+): Target enemy unit within 6”
(24”, A1, AP(3), Deadly(3)) rolls as many dice as models in it, and takes 1
I Replace any Spear-Shot: hit for each 2+ rolled.
Spear-Plasma (12”, A1, AP(4)) +5pts Spirit Wind (9+): Target 2 friendly units within 6”
Spear-Fuse (6", A1, AP(4), Deadly(3)) +5pts get +3" next time they Advance, or +6" next time
Spear-Flame (6”, A6) +10pts they Charge/Rush.
Spear-Shred (9", A3, Rending) +5pts
J Replace any Auto-Gun:
Sword (A1, AP(1), Rending) +5pts
Sickle (A1, AP(2)) +5pts

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