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Investigation 2

Investigating the lift force of a toy helicopter

I am an active member of my school’s aeronautics club. We occasionally fly gas powered
model aircraft and we spend endless hours at the realistic controls of a computer based
flight simulator. I have always been fascinated by flight. Recently my physics teacher
bought a neat little toy helicopter1, one that operates by batteries and infrared remote
control. This toy was the stimulus for my required physics investigation. A little helicopter
theory research and the help of my teacher soon revealed an equation2 that gave me the
purpose of my experiment, namely, to confirm the relationship between theory and

As early as 400 BC the Chinese made toy helicopters. In 1483 Leonardo de Vinci designed a
working helicopter; we do not know if one was ever made. Then in 1754 the Russian
Mikhail Lomonosov developed a helicopter with a motor. The first sustainable flight
helicopter was make in 1860 in France, and the design has improved every since. From
1922 to today helicopters have played an important role in all aspects of aviation.3

F mg
So here is the helicopter equation4: f 2  
8   R
2 2 2
8   2 R2

The rotational frequency of the rotor blade is denoted f. Frequency is measured in hertz
(Hz). The lifting force F (measured in newton’s) is the force required to make a helicopter
hover in air with no up or down motion. I think that the constant 8 2 is derived by the

theory of the equation. The density of air  , units of kilograms per cubic meter, kg m 3.
Lambda,  , is a parameter called the rotor inflow ratio. Lambda relates to the flow of air
about the rotor. The radius of the rotor blade is R. Using Newton’s second law of motion, I
changed F into m g (mass and gravity) in the above equation.

By varying the rotor blade frequency (by adjusting the motor power supply) I then
measured the lifting effect (on a digital balance). A graph of frequency squared again lifting
mass would confirm or deny the equation to my toy helicopter. The other quantities, such

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as the value of gravity, the density of air, the rotor radius and the physical characteristic of
the rotor inflow ratio are all constants, so we can ignore them as far as testing the equation.

Unlike airplanes that have propellers, helicopters have blades. Helicopters are also known
as rotary wing aircraft. When helicopter blades are turning they hit the air and air is
deflected downward, producing lift. This gives some lift and also reduces air pressure. It is
complicated but explained online.5 With rotating blades the helicopter lifts off the ground
or, if forces (weight and lift) are balanced, the helicopter can hover at a fixed distance
above the ground.

When a helicopter is close to the ground the helicopter experiences even more lift, and this
is called ground effect6. This happens because the air is hitting the ground and bounces
back. But the helicopter doesn’t require this in order to fly. The air is constantly pushing
back providing the force needed to create lift. Changing the angle of attack of the blades
varies the amount of lift produced, in much the same way you change the angle of attack of
your hand as you hold it out the car window speeding down the freeway. Adjusting the
entire plane of the rotor controls the direction of the lift. Tilting it forward causes the
helicopter to move forward7.
Here is the Toy Helicopter8

I used the Extech Stroboscope Tachometer stroboscope9, model 46180. It has variable
frequency and a digital readout. I considered the uncertainty here to be ±1 Hz (one digit of

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the least count). I adjusted the strobe frequency to obtain a stationary and a single image of
the rotor blade.

I used an OHAUS digital balance10 model AdventurerTM. It has a resolution down to one
milligram, so the uncertainty was ±1 mg = ±0.001 g.

The helicopter mass alone was 6.721 g and the helicopter when at rest with the mounting
block had a total mass of 172.303 g.

The quantity used in my investigation is the unit of mass, which is not the unit of force, but
the lifting force is directly proportional to the calculated lift mass, hence my investigation
concerns the ‘lift mass’ of the helicopter as a function of the rotor frequency. Although the
digital balance reads mass to three decimal places, I did not accept measurements with this
precision. The reason was that when the helicopter engine was running there was
sufficient vibration and noticeable variable airflow and so that the digital balance reading
kept changing. As a result, I could only read with confidence (that is, a steady value) to one
decimal place. Hence my lift mass uncertainty is limits to ±0.1 g.
I took gravity as 9.8 N kg–1.

I took air density as 1.2 kg m–1.

The rotor radius was measured to be 6.5 cm.

Here is what I did.

(1) First, I secured the helicopter to a block of wood. My teacher suggested this method.
The wood mass was sufficiently large to keep the helicopter on the digital balance even
when the helicopter is spinning its rotor at maximum speed. Then I read the balance
value without the motor running.

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(2) I next started the helicopter engine by using the remote control. I wore safety goggles
and did not stand too close to the experiment. I also made sure other students were
not near by for safety sake. When the lowest power was applied, it was impossible to
get a low rotation frequency. The motor did not move until it started moving at the
lowest frequency, fLow, about 74 Hz. The highest frequency, at the most power, is
denoted as fHigh, about 97 Hz. So that was my range of values. I wanted more.

(3) The mass lifted at any given frequency was determined by a simple calculation. The
lifting mass was: mLift = mStationary – mFrequency. The lift produced by the helicopter
reduces the mass displayed by the electronic balance. Increasing the amount of power
produced increasing lift. The mass lifted by the helicopter is the difference between the
mass at rest of the helicopter (plus wooden platform) with no power applied and the
mass reading when the rotor is spinning. I used a spreadsheet to do the calculations.

(4) A graph of frequency squared against lift mass was then used to determine a linear and
proportional relationship and confirm the scientific theory.

(5) The physical limits of the helicopter restrict the range of measurable frequencies and
lift masses. I obtained only 9 sets of data, but this seems reasonable enough.

There were a few uncertainties in my experiment.

o The least count on the mass measure was ±0.001 g. However, my uncertainty here
was much larger due to the irregular flow of air and the vibrations of the helicopter
motor. The digital reading always jumped about so I was only able to obtain a
reliable value with an uncertainty of ±0.1 g, so I used this precision for my

o The strobe light frequency was absolute with the least count of ±0.1 Hz.

Here is my data.

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Data Set 1, Basic Data

The mass of the helicopter and the wood mount

was a constant mass of 172.3 g. The rotor was
started at the lowest possible frequency, 74.1 Hz
and increased to a maximum of 97.1 Hz. The
corresponding value of the scale measurements
were recorded, and the lift mass was calculated
simply as the total rest mass minus the reading
mLift = mStationary – mFrequency

Data Set 2, Graphing Data
Here is the data for my graph: lift mass,
frequency, and then frequency squared.

Next I consider a graph11 of frequency squared again mass lifted, as the original theory
suggested. All the other equation values are constants.

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Looking at my graph it is clear that the square of frequency is related to the lift mass. The
graph line is reasonably understood as being linear because it touches all the data points in
a straight line, and it touches the original so I can say the relationship is also proportional.

The computer said that the gradient was 856.8 ± 22.86 Hz2 / g. This means my conclusion is
m 22.86
justified to 100%   100%  2.67% . My teacher said this error of about 3% was
m 856.8
not bad at all, given the uncertainties, so I am happy with my results. The theory is correct.

Improvements and extension ideas include the following:

o The frequency range of possible lift values was limited by the remote control.
Perhaps a more powerful power supply would allow me to extend the range but I
would not want to burn out the motor.

o The constant vibration of the helicopter on the balance and the variation of air
currents restricted the precision of mass life measurements. Perhaps a smooth
running motor could be mounted on the block and then higher quality data with a
wider range of values could be obtained.

o If I had more time I would repeat the experiment several times and take an average,
but I ran out of time as my teacher said I played around too much with the
helicopter and there was no more class time to work on the IA.

o A further investigation or extension would include the study of wind power

Overall I enjoyed working with the toy helicopter, especially just flying it about the physics
lab. Perhaps some day I will be a pilot.

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(1) The toy helicopter is an AH‐64 Apache HavocTM made by Air Hogs RC.

(2) There are several sources of this information. See Wayne Johnson, “Helicopter
Theory” (Dover Books, 1994), the web site:
dynamics.pdf as well as the article “Investigating Flight with a Toy Helicopter” by
Michael Liebl, The Physics Teacher, Volume 48, October 2010, pages 458‐460.

(3) For much more history about this see the web article:

(4) Page 25 in “Helicopter Theory” (Dover Books, 2012) by Wayne Johnson

(5) http://mitchellscience.com/physics

(6) http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080927232141AAPOnzf

(7) See the online Rotorcraft Flying Hanbook at:

(8) The toy helicopter is an AH‐64 Apache HavocTM made by Air Hogs RC. It runs on a
rechargeable battery and is controlled by an infrared remote control unit. See

(9) http://www.extech.com/instruments/resources/manuals/461830_831_um.pdf

(10) http://www.ohausadventurerpro.discountscales.com

(11) My graph was made using LoggerPro V 3.8.4 software from Vernier, see:

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