M.SC - Business Statistics AY 2020 2021

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M.Sc. Business Statistics


Curriculum & Syllabi

(2020–2021 Admitted Students)

Transforming life through excellence in education and research.


 World class Education: Excellence in education, grounded in ethics and

critical thinking, for improvement of life.
 Cutting edge Research: An innovation ecosystem to extend knowledge and
solve critical problems.
 Impactful People: Happy, accountable, caring and effective workforce and
 Rewarding Co-creations: Active collaboration with national & international
industries & universities for productivity and economic development.
 Service to Society: Service to the region and world through knowledge and


To be an internationally renowned science school in research and innovation by

imparting futuristic education relevant to the society.


 To nurture students from India and abroad by providing quality education

and training to become scientists, technologists, entrepreneurs and global
leaders with ethical values for a sustainable future.

 To enrich knowledge through innovative research in niche areas.

 To ignite passion for science and provide solutions for national and global

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M.Sc. Business Statistics


1. Graduates will be practitioners and leaders in their chosen field.

2. Graduates will function in their profession with social awareness and


3. Graduates will interact with their peers in other disciplines in their work
place and society and contribute to the economic growth of the country.

4. Graduates will be successful in pursuing higher studies in their chosen field.

5. Graduates will pursue career paths in teaching or research.

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M.Sc. Business Statistics


PO_01: Having a clear understanding of the subject related concepts and of

contemporary issues.

PO_02: Having problem solving ability to address social issues.

PO_03: Having a clear understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.

PO_04: Having cross cultural competency exhibited by working in teams.

PO_05: Having a good working knowledge of communicating in English.

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M.Sc. Business Statistics


On completion of M.Sc. Business Statistics programme, graduates will be able to

PSO1: To analyse a business problem in industry, academia, or government, and

determine the appropriate statistical tests.

PSO2: To use specialist software tools for data storage, analysis and visualization.

PSO3: Able to independently carry out research/investigation to solve practical


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M.Sc. Business Statistics


Category-wise Credit distribution

Category Credits
University Core (UC) 29
University Elective (UE) 06
Programme Core (PC) 23
Programme Elective (PE) 22
Total Credits 80

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M.Sc. Business Statistics


University Core (UC)

Course Code Course Title Type L T P J C
MAT5018 Foundations of Business Mathematics TH 3 0 0 0 3
ENG5003/ English for Science and Technology LO 0 0 4 0 2
FRE5001/ Francais fonctionnel TH 2 0 0 0
GRE5001 Deutsch fuer Anfaenger TH 2 0 0 0
STS4001 Essentials of Business Etiquettes SS 3 0 0 0 1
STS4002 Preparing for Industry SS 3 0 0 0 1
Science, Engineering and Technology
SET5001 PJT 0 0 0 0 2
Project - I
Science, Engineering and Technology
SET5002 PJT 0 0 0 0 2
Project - II
Science, Engineering and Technology
SET5003 PJT 0 0 0 0 2
Project – III
RES5001 Research Methodology ETP 2 0 0 0 2
MBS6099 Master Thesis PJT 0 0 0 0 14
Total Credits 29

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M.Sc. Business Statistics


Programme Core (PC)

Course Code Course Title Type L T P J C
MAT5019 Business Statistics with R ETL 2 0 2 0 3
MAT5020 Data Analytics and Decision Making ETL 2 0 2 0 3
MAT5021 Business Computer applications ETH 2 0 0 0 2
MAT5022 Modelling and Simulation ETH 2 0 2 0 3
Machine Learning with Business
MAT5023 ETL 2 0 2 0 3
MAT5024 Decision Support Systems ETL 2 0 0 4 3
MAT5025 Applied Multivariate Analysis ETL 2 0 2 0 3
Time Series Analysis and Business
MAT5026 ETL 2 0 2 0 3
Total Credits 23

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M.Sc. Business Statistics


Programme Elective (PE)

Course Code Course Title Type L T P J C
MAT6013 Survey Sampling and Design ETH 2 0 0 4 3
MAT6014 Production and Operations Management ETH 2 0 2 0 3
MAT6015 Big Data Analytics and Visualization ETH 2 0 2 0 3
MAT6016 Network and Project Management ETH 3 0 0 0 3
MAT6017 Actuarial Statistics ETH 3 0 0 0 3
MAT6018 Optimization Modelling ETH 3 0 0 0 3
MAT6019 Inventory Analysis ETH 3 0 0 0 3
MAT6020 Financial Mathematics ETH 3 0 0 0 3
MAT6021 Artificial Intelligence in Business ETL 3 0 2 0 4
MATXXXX Industrial Statistics ETH 2 0 2 0 3
MATXXXX Official Statistics ETH 2 0 0 0 2
MATXXXX Statistical Consulting ETH 2 0 0 0 2
MATXXXX Econometric Analysis ETL 2 0 2 0 3
MATXXXX Mathematical Demography ETH 3 0 0 0 3
MATXXXX Economics for Business and Management ETH 3 0 0 0 3
Total Credits 44

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University Core

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Course Code Course Title L T P J C
MAT5018 Foundations of Business Mathematics 3 0 0 0 3
Pre-Requisite NIL Syllabus Version
Course Objectives:
 To enhance the analytical capability of the students using Business Mathematical
 The students will be able to understand the utilities of Ratio, Proportion and Percentage,
Progressions and Interest, Set theory and its Business applications, Permutation,
Combination. Matrices and calculus in real time Business.
 To familiarize the students with the basic mathematical tools with emphasis on
applications to business and economic situations.
 To prepare the students for subsequent work in their business majors and for their future
careers in the business community.
Expected Course Outcome (CO):
 Students shall know how to solve the various business problems using Business
Mathematics concepts.
 Students shall be able to use and apply a wide variety of Business Mathematics concepts
for various manufacturing and service industries.
 Students will be able to understand the mathematical concepts and terminology involved
in derivatives, basic arithmetic operations on vectors and matrices, including inversion
and determinants.
 Apply Business Mathematics techniques in Business Problem.

Module:1 Ratio, Proportion and Percentage 6 hours

Ratio - Definition, Continued Ratio, Inverse Ratio, Proportion, Continued Proportion, Direct
Proportion, Inverse Proportion, Variation, Inverse Variation, Joint Variation, Percentage-
Meaning and Computations of Percentages.

Module:2 Progressions and Interest 6 hours

Arithmetic, Geometric & Harmonic Progression, Simple Interest & Compound Interest, Equated
Monthly Instalments (EMI).

Module:3 Set theory and its Business applications 6 hours

Notation of Sets, Singleton Set, Finite Set, Infinite Set, Equal Set Null Set, Subset, Proper Subset,
Universal Set, Union of Sets, Intersection of Sets.

Module:4 Permutation & Combination 6 hours

Difference between Permutation and Combination. Calculation of permutation and combination.
Emphasis should be on their use in calculation of probability problems.

Module:5 Matrices and Determinants 7 hours

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Definition of Matrix, Types of Matrices, Properties of Determinants, Transpose of a Matrix,
Matrix Operation, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication of Matrices, Determinants of a square
Matrix of order two and three, Adjoint of a square Matrix, Inverse of a square Matrix, Business
Application, Solution of Linear Simultaneous Equations - by Cramer’s Rule, by using inverse of a
Matrix Determinants.

Module:6 Differential , Integral Calculus and Payroll 6 hours

Differential: Differentiation of sum, Product and Quotient, Applications in Business, Marginal
Cost, Marginal Revenue, Maximum Profit. Integral Calculus: Integration by Substitution, Partial
fractions and Integration by parts, Definite integrals, Application of Integration. Payroll: Gross
pay, Hourly rate and hours worked, Overtime, Salary, Commission, Net Pay.

Module:7 Depreciation, Annuities and their applications 6 hours

Depreciation and Salvage value, straight line method, units of products, double declining balance
method, sum of the year’s digits method, Annuities, Sinking funds, Amortization, Capital
Budgeting .

Module:8 Contemporary issues: 2 hours

Lecture by Industry Experts

Total Lecture hours: 45 hours

Text Books:
 Pillai and Bagawathi, S (2007), Business Mathematics and Statistics, Chand Publications.
 M. Raghavachari (2006), Business Mathematics, Tata Mcgraw Hill.
 Andre Francis (2004), Business Mathematics and Statistic, Thomson Publications.

Reference Books:
 Bradley Teresa and Patton Paul (2013), Essential Mathematics For Economics And
Business, 2nd Edition, Wiley India.
 Qasi Zameeruddin, V.K.Khanna and SK Bhambria, (2009), Business Mathematics, Vikas
Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
 P.R. Vittal (2009), Business Mathematics, Margham Publications.
 Padmalochan Hazarika (2010), A Text Book of Business Mathematics, 2nd edition, S.
Chand Publishing.
Mode of evaluation: CAT / Digital Assignment / Quiz / FAT
Recommended by Board of Studies 24-06-2020
Approved by Academic Council No. 59 Date 24-09-2020

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Course Code Course Title L T P J C
ENG5003 English for Science and Technology 0 0 4 0 2
(for MCA & M.Sc., programmes)
Pre-Requisite Cleared EPT Syllabus Version
Course Objectives:
 To enable students to communicate effectively in social, academic and professional contexts
thereby enhancing their interpersonal, managerial, problem-solving, and presentation skills.
 To facilitate students to develop their listening competency and critically evaluate and
review documentaries, talks and speeches.
 To Assist students to read and comprehend News Articles and Scientific Texts; effectively
interpret tables and graphs; write and proof-read official correspondences.

Expected Course Outcome:

 Make effective presentations and display their interpersonal skills in academic and
professional contexts.
 Emerge as good listeners and critically evaluate oral communication.
 Excel in reading, comprehending and interpreting technical reports, texts and data.
 Able to write effectively in English and also display their proof-reading abilities.
 Face real interviews and handle personal and professional conflicts effectively.

Module:1 Career Goals 4hours

Short term and long term career goals
Activity: SWOT Analysis/ Comprehending speeches

Module:2 Interpersonal Skills 4 hours

Interpersonal Communication in/with Groups (Corporate Etiquette: Journey from Campus to
Activity: Role Plays/Mime/Skit

Module:3 Listening Skills 4 hours

Listening to Documentary
Activity: Critically evaluate/Review a documentary/TED Talk

Module:4 Reading Skills 4hours

Skimming, Scanning, Intensive & Extensive reading
Activity: Reading News Papers/Magazines/Scientific Texts

Module:5 Report Writing 4hours

Language and mechanics of writing report
Activity: Writing a Report/Mini Project

Module:6 Study Skills 4hours

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Summarizing the report
Activity: Abstract, Executive Summary, Digital Synopsis

Module:7 Interpreting skills 4hours

Interpret data in tables and graphs Activity: Transcoding

Module:8 Editing Skills 4hours

Proof Reading
Activity: Editing any given text

Module:9 Presentation Skills 4 hours

Oral Presentation using digital tools
Activity: Oral presentation on the given topic using appropriate non-verbal cues

Module:10 Group Discussion 4 hours

Intragroup interaction (avoid, accommodate, compete, compromise, collaborate)
Activity: Group discussion on a given topic

Module:11 Professional Skills 4 hours

Résumé Writing
Activity: Prepare an Electronic Résumé

Module:12 Skill-Gap Analysis 4 hours

Tailor your skills to suit the Job needs
Activity: Write a SoP for higher Studies/Purpose Statement for job

Module:13 Interview Skills 4 hours

Placement/Job Interview
Activity: Mock Interview

Module:14 Managerial Skills 4 hours

Official Meeting to organize events
Activity: Writing Agenda, Minutes of Meeting (video conferencing) and Organizing an event

Module:15 Problem Solving Skills 4 hours

Conflict Management & Decision Making
Activity: Case analysis of a challenging Scenario

Total Lecture hours: 60 hours

Text Book(s)
 Kuhnke, E. Communication Essentials For Dummies. (2015). First Edition. John
Wiley & Sons.
 Hewings, M. Advanced Grammar in Use Book with Answers and CD-ROM: A
Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for Advanced Learners of English. (2013).
Third Edition. Cambridge University Press. UK.
Reference Books

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 Churches, R. Effective Classroom Communication Pocketbook. Management
Pocketbooks. (2015). First Edition. USA.
 Wallwork, A. English for Writing Research Papers. (2016). Second Edition. Springer.
 Wood, J. T. Communication in Our Lives. (2016). Cengage Learning. Boston. USA.
 Anderson, C. TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking. (2016). First
Edition.Boston. Houghton Mifflin. New. York.
 Zinsser, William. On writing well. HarperCollins Publishers. 2016. Thirtieth Edition.
New York.
 Tebeaux, Elizabeth, and Sam Dragga. The essentials of Technical Communication.
2015. First Edition Oxford University Press. USA.
Mode of Evaluation: Mini Project, Flipped Class Room, Lecture, PPT’s, Role play, Assignments
Class/Virtual Presentations, Report and beyond the classroom activities
List of Challenging Experiments (Indicative)
1. Setting short term and long term goals 2 hours
2. Mime/Skit/ Activities through VIT Community Radio 6 hours
3. Critically evaluate / review a documentary/ Activities through 4 hours
VIT Community Radio
4. Mini Project 10 hours
5. Digital Synopsis 4 hours
6. Case analysis of a challenging Scenario 4 hours
7. Intensive & Extensive reading of Scientific Texts 4 hours
8. Editing any given text 8 hours
9. Group discussion on a given topic / Activities through VIT 8 hours
Community Radio
10. Prepare a video résumé along with your video introduction and 10 hours
then create a website (in Google Sites/Webly/Wix) showcasing
skills and achievements.
Total Laboratory Hours 60 hours
Mode of evaluation: Mini Project, Flipped Class Room, Lecture, PPT’s, Role play, Assignments
Class/Virtual Presentations, Report and beyond the classroom activities
Recommended by Board of Studies 22-07-2017
Approved by Academic Council No. 47 Date 24.08.2017

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Course Code Course Title L T P J C
FRE5001 Francais Fonctionnel 2 0 0 0 2
Pre-Requisite Nil Syllabus Version
Course Objectives:
The course gives students the necessary background to:
 demonstrate competence in reading, writing, and speaking basic French, including
knowledge of vocabulary (related to profession, emotions, food, workplace,
sports/hobbies, classroom and family).
 achieve proficiency in French culture-oriented viewpoint.

Expected Course Outcome: Students will be able to

 Remember the daily life communicative situations via personal pronouns, emphatic
pronouns, salutations, negations, interrogations etc.
 Create communicative skill effectively in the French language via regular/irregular verbs.
 Demonstrate comprehension of the spoken/written language in translating simple
 Understand and demonstrate the comprehension of some particular new range of unseen
written materials.
 Demonstrate a clear understanding of the French culture through the language studied.

Module:1 Saluer, Se présenter, Etablir des contacts 3 hours

Les Salutations, Les nombres (1-100), Les jours de la semaine, Les mois de l’année, Les Pronoms
Sujets, Les Pronoms Toniques, La conjugaison des verbes réguliers, La conjugaison des verbes
irréguliers- avoir / être / aller / venir / faire etc.

Module:2 Présenter quelqu’un, Chercher un(e) 3 hours

correspondant(e), Demander des nouvelles
d’une personne.
La conjugaison des verbes Pronominaux, La Négation,
L’interrogation avec ‘Est-ce que ou sans Est-ce que’.

Module:3 Situer un objet ou un lieu, Poser des questions 4 hours

L’article (défini/ indéfini), Les prépositions (à/en/au/aux/sur/dans/avec etc.), L’article contracté,
Les heures en français, La Nationalité du Pays, L’adjectif (La Couleur, l’adjectif possessif,
l’adjectif démonstratif/ l’adjectif interrogatif (quel/quelles/quelle/quelles), L’accord des
adjectifs avec le nom, L’interrogation avec Comment/ Combien / Où etc.,

Module:4 Faire des achats, Comprendre un texte court, 6 hours

Demander et indiquer le chemin.
La traduction simple :(français-anglais / anglais –français)

Module:5 Trouver les questions, Répondre aux 5 hours

questions générales en français.
L’article Partitif, Mettez les phrases aux pluriels, Faites une phrase avec les mots donnés,
Exprimez les phrases données au Masculin ou Féminin, Associez les phrases.

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Module:6 Comment ecrire un passage 3 hours
Décrivez :
La Famille /La Maison, /L’université /Les Loisirs/ La Vie quotidienne etc.

Module:7 Comment ecrire un dialogue 4 hours

a) Réserver un billet de train
b) Entre deux amis qui se rencontrent au café
c) Parmi les membres de la famille
d) Entre le client et le médecin

Module:8 Invited Talk: Native speakers 2 hours

Total Lecture hours: 30 hours

Text Book(s)
 Echo-1,
1 Méthode de français, J. Girardet, J. Pécheur, Publisher CLE International, Paris
 Echo-1,
2 Cahier d’exercices, J. Girardet, J. Pécheur, Publisher CLE International, Paris
Reference Books
1 1, Méthode de français, Régine Mérieux, Yves Loiseau,Les Éditions
. 2004.

2 1, Le cahier d’exercices, Régine Mérieux, Yves Loiseau, Les Éditions
Didier, 2004.

3 EGO 1, Méthode de français, Annie Berthet, Catherine Hugo, Véronique M.
Kizirian, Béatrix Sampsonis, Monique Waendendries , Hachette livre 2006.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT / Assignment / Quiz / FAT

Recommended by Board of Studies 26-2-2016
Approved by Academic Council No 41 Date 17-6-2016

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Course Code Course Title L T P J C
GER5001 Deutsch für Anfänger 2 0 0 0 2
Pre-Requisite NIL Syllabus Version
Course Objectives:
The course gives students the necessary background to:
 enable students to read and communicate in German in their day to day life
 become industry-ready
 make them understand the usage of grammar in the German Language.

Expected Course Outcome: Students will be able to

 Create the basics of the German language in their day to day life.
 Understand the conjugation of different forms of regular/irregular verbs.
 Understand the rule to identify the gender of the Nouns and apply articles appropriately.
 Apply the German language skill in writing corresponding letters, E-Mails etc.
 Create the talent of translating passages from English-German and vice versa and to frame
simple dialogues based on given situations.

Module:1 3 hours
Einleitung, Begrüssungsformen, Landeskunde, Alphabet, Personalpronomen, Verb Konjugation,
Zahlen (1-100), W-fragen, Aussagesätze, Nomen – Singular und Plural
Elementares Verständnis von Deutsch, Genus- Artikelwörter

Module:2 3 hours
Konjugation der Verben (regelmässig /unregelmässig) die Monate, die Wochentage, Hobbys,
Berufe, Jahreszeiten, Artikel, Zahlen (Hundert bis eine Million), Ja-/Nein- Frage, Imperativ mit
Lernziel :
Sätze schreiben, über Hobbys erzählen, über Berufe sprechen usw.

Module:3 4 hours
Possessivpronomen, Negation, Kasus- AkkusatitvundDativ (bestimmter, unbestimmterArtikel),
trennnbare verben, Modalverben, Adjektive, Uhrzeit, Präpositionen, Mahlzeiten, Lebensmittel,
Lernziel :
Sätze mit Modalverben, Verwendung von Artikel, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen, über eine
Wohnung beschreiben.

Module:4 6 hours
Übersetzungen : (Deutsch – Englisch / Englisch – Deutsch)
Lernziel :
Grammatik – Wortschatz – Übung

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Module:5 5 hours
Leseverständnis,Mindmap machen,Korrespondenz- Briefe, Postkarten, E-Mail
Lernziel :
Wortschatzbildung und aktiver Sprach gebrauch

Module:6 . 3 hours
Aufsätze :
Meine Universität, Das Essen, mein Freund oder meine Freundin, meine Familie, ein Fest in
Deutschland usw

Module:7 4 hours
e) Gespräche mit Familienmitgliedern, Am Bahnhof,
f) Gespräche beim Einkaufen ; in einem Supermarkt ; in einer Buchhandlung ;
g) in einem Hotel - an der Rezeption ;ein Termin beim Arzt. Treffen im Cafe

Module:8 Contemporary issues 2 hours

Lecture by Industry Experts
Total Lecture hours: 30 hours

Text Book(s)
 Studio
1 d A1 Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Hermann Funk, Christina Kuhn, Silke
. : 2012
Reference Books
 Netzwerk
1 Deutsch als Fremdsprache A1, Stefanie Dengler, Paul Rusch, Helen Schmtiz,
Tanja Sieber, 2013
 Lagune
2 ,Hartmut Aufderstrasse, Jutta Müller, Thomas Storz, 2012.
 Deutsche
3 SprachlehrefürAUsländer, Heinz Griesbach, Dora Schulz, 2011
 4ThemenAktuell 1, HartmurtAufderstrasse, Heiko Bock, MechthildGerdes, Jutta Müller und
Helmut Müller, 2010
hueber.de, klett-sprachen.de
Mode of Evaluation: CAT / Assignment / Quiz / FAT
Recommended by Board of Studies 04-03-2016
Approved by Academic Council No. 41 Date 17-06-2016

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Course Code Course Title L T P J C
STS4001 Essentials of Business Etiquettes 3 0 0 0 1
Pre-Requisite Syllabus Version
Course Objectives:
 To develop the students’ logical thinking skills
 To learn the strategies of solving quantitative ability problems
 To enrich the verbal ability of the students
 To enhance critical thinking and innovative skills

Expected Course Outcome:

 Enabling students to use relevant aptitude and appropriate language to express themselves
 To communicate the message to the target audience clearly

Module:1 Business Etiquette: Social and Cultural 9 hours

Etiquette and Writing Company Blogs and
Internal Communications and Planning and
Writing press release and meeting notes

Value, Manners, Customs, Language, Tradition, Building a blog, Developing brand message, FAQs',
Assessing Competition, Open and objective Communication, Two-way dialogue, Understanding the
audience, Identifying, Gathering Information, Analysis, Determining, Selecting plan, Progress check,
Types of planning, Write a short, catchy headline, Get to the Point –summarize your subject in the
first paragraph., Body – Make it relevant to your audience.

Module:2 Study skills – Time management skills 3 hours

Prioritization, Procrastination, Scheduling, Multitasking, Monitoring, Working under pressure and
adhering to deadlines

Module:3 Presentation skills – Preparing presentation 7 hours

and Organizing materials and Maintaining
and preparing visual aids and Dealing with
10 Tips to prepare PowerPoint presentation, Outlining the content, Passing the Elevator Test, Blue
sky thinking, Introduction, body and conclusion, Use of Font, Use of Color, Strategic presentation,
Importance and types of visual aids, Animation to captivate your audience, Design of posters, Setting
out the ground rules, Dealing with interruptions, Staying in control of the questions, Handling
difficult questions

Module:4 Quantitative Ability -L1 – Number properties 11 hours

and Averages and Progressions and
Percentages and Ratios
Number of factors, Factorials, Remainder Theorem, Unit digit position, Tens digit position,
Averages, Weighted Average, Arithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression, Harmonic
Progression, Increase & Decrease or successive increase, Types of ratios and proportions.

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Module:5 Reasoning Ability-L1 – Analytical Reasoning 8 hours

Data Arrangement(Linear and circular & Cross Variable Relationship), Blood Relations,
Ordering/ranking/grouping, Puzzle test, Selection Decision table

Module:6 Verbal Ability-L1 – Vocabulary Building 7 hours

Synonyms & Antonyms, One-word substitutes, Word Pairs, Spellings, Idioms, Sentence
completion, Analogies

Total Lecture hours: 45 hours

Reference Books
1. Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler(2001) Crucial Conversations:
Tools for Talking When Stakes are High. Bangalore. McGraw‐Hill Contemporary
2. Dale Carnegie,(1936) How to Win Friends and Influence People. New York. Gallery Books
3. Scott Peck. M(1978) Road Less Travelled. New York City. M. Scott Peck.
4. FACE(2016) Aptipedia Aptitude Encyclopedia. Delhi. Wiley publications
5. ETHNUS(2013) Aptimithra. Bangalore. McGraw-Hill Education Pvt. Ltd.
1. www.chalkstreet.com
2. www.skillsyouneed.com
3. www.mindtools.com
4. www.thebalance.com
5. www.eguru.ooo
Mode of Evaluation: FAT, Assignments, Projects, Case studies, Roleplays,
3 Assessments with Term End FAT (Computer Based Test)
Recommended by Board of Studies 09/06/2017
Approved by Academic Council No. 45th AC Date 15/06/2017

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Course Code Course Title L T P J C
STS4002 Preparing for Industry 3 0 0 0 1
Pre-Requisite Nil Syllabus Version
Course Objectives:
 To develop the students’ logical thinking skills
 To learn the strategies of solving quantitative ability problems
 To enrich the verbal ability of the students
 To enhance critical thinking and innovative skills

Expected Course Outcome:

 Enabling students to simplify, evaluate, analyze and use functions and expressions to
simulate real situations to be industry-ready.

Module:1 Interview skills – Types of interview and 3 hours

Techniques to face remote interviews and
Mock Interview
Structured and unstructured interview orientation, Closed questions and hypothetical questions,
Interviewers’ perspective, Questions to ask/not ask during an interview, Video interview¸
Recorded feedback, Phone interview preparation, Tips to customize preparation for personal
interview, Practice rounds

Module:2 Resume skills – Resume Template and Use of 2 hours

power verbs and Types of resume and
Customizing resume
Structure of a standard resume, Content, color, font, Introduction to Power verbs and Write up,
Quiz on types of resume, Frequent mistakes in customizing resume, Layout - Understanding
different company's requirement, Digitizing career portfolio

Module:3 Emotional Intelligence - L1 – Transactional 12 hours

Analysis and Brain storming and
Psychometric Analysis and Rebus
Puzzles/Problem Solving
Introduction, Contracting, ego states, Life positions, Individual Brainstorming, Group
Brainstorming, Stepladder Technique, Brain writing, Crawford's Slip writing approach, Reverse
brainstorming, Star bursting, Charlette procedure, Round robin brainstorming, Skill Test,
Personality Test, More than one answer, Unique ways

Module:4 Quantitative Ability-L3 – Permutation- 14 hours

Combinations and Probability and Geometry
and mensuration and Trigonometry and
Logarithms and Functions and Quadratic
Equations and Set Theory
Counting, Grouping, Linear Arrangement, Circular Arrangements, Conditional Probability,
Independent and Dependent Events, Properties of Polygon, 2D & 3D Figures, Area & Volumes,

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Heights and distances, Simple trigonometric functions, Introduction to logarithms, Basic rules of
logarithms, Introduction to functions, Basic rules of functions, Understanding Quadratic
Equations, Rules & probabilities of Quadratic Equations, Basic concepts of Venn Diagram.

Module:5 Reasoning ability-L3 – Logical reasoning and 7 hours

Data Analysis and Interpretation
Syllogisms, Binary logic, Sequential output tracing, Crypto arithmetic, Data Sufficiency, Data
interpretation-Advanced, Interpretation tables, pie charts & bar chats

Module:6 Verbal Ability-L3 – Comprehension and 7 hours

Reading comprehension, Para Jumbles, Critical Reasoning (a) Premise and Conclusion, (b)
Assumption & Inference, (c) Strengthening & Weakening an Argument
Total Lecture hours: 45 hours

Reference Books
 1Michael Farra and JIST Editors(2011) Quick Resume & Cover Letter Book: Write and
. Use an Effective Resume in Just One Day. Saint Paul, Minnesota. Jist Works
 2Daniel Flage Ph.D(2003) The Art of Questioning: An Introduction to Critical Thinking.
. London. Pearson
 3David Allen( 2002) Getting Things done : The Art of Stress -Free productivity. New
. York City. Penguin Books.
 4FACE(2016) Aptipedia Aptitude Encyclopedia.Delhi. Wiley publications
 5ETHNUS(2013) Aptimithra. Bangalore. McGraw-Hill Education Pvt. Ltd.

1. www.chalkstreet.com
2. www.skillsyouneed.com
3. www.mindtools.com
4. www.thebalance.com
5. www.eguru.ooo
Mode of Evaluation: FAT, Assignments, Projects, Case studies, Role plays,
3 Assessments with Term End FAT (Computer Based Test)
Recommended by Board of Studies 09/06/2017
Approved by Academic Council No. 45th AC Date 15/06/2017

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 23

Course Code Course Title L T P J C
SET5001 Science, Engineering and Technology Project– I 0 0 0 0 2
Pre-Requisite Syllabus Version
Course Objectives:
 To provide opportunity to involve in research related to science / engineering
 To inculcate research culture
 To enhance the rational and innovative thinking capabilities

Expected Course Outcome:

Student will be able to
 Identify a research problem and carry out literature survey
 Analyse the research gap and formulate the problem
 Interpret the data and synthesize research findings
 Report research findings in written and verbal forms

Modalities / Requirements
1. Individual or group projects can be taken up
2. Involve in literature survey in the chosen field
3. Use Science/Engineering principles to solve identified issues
4. Adopt relevant and well-defined / innovative methodologies to fulfill the specified objective
5. Submission of scientific report in a specified format (after plagiarism check)

Student Assessment : Periodical reviews, oral/poster presentation

Recommended by Board of Studies 17-08-2017
Approved by Academic Council No. 47 Date 05-10-2017

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 24

Course Code Course Title L T P J C
SET5002 Science, Engineering and Technology Project– II 0 0 0 0 2
Pre-Requisite Syllabus Version
Course Objectives:
 To provide an opportunity to involve in research related to science/engineering
 To inculcate research culture
 To enhance the rational and innovative thinking capabilities

Expected Course Outcome:

Student will be able to
 Identify a research problem and carry out a literature survey
 Analyse the research gap and formulate the problem
 Interpret the data and synthesize research findings
 Report research findings in written and verbal forms

Modalities / Requirements
1. Individual or group projects can be taken up
2. Involve in literature survey in the chosen field
3. Use Science/Engineering principles to solve identified issues
4. Adopt relevant and well-defined / innovative methodologies to fulfill the specified objective
5. Submission of scientific report in a specified format (after plagiarism check)

Student Assessment : Periodical reviews, oral/poster presentation

Recommended by Board of Studies 17-08-2017
Approved by Academic Council No. 47 Date 05-10-2017

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 25

Course Code Course Title L T P J C
SET5003 Science, Engineering and Technology Project– III 0 0 0 0 2
Pre-Requisite Syllabus Version
Course Objectives:
 To provide an opportunity to involve in research related to science/engineering
 To inculcate research culture
 To enhance the rational and innovative thinking capabilities

Expected Course Outcome:

Student will be able to
 Identify a research problem and carry out a literature survey
 Analyse the research gap and formulate the problem
 Interpret the data and synthesize research findings
 Report research findings in written and verbal forms

Modalities / Requirements
1. Individual or group projects can be taken up
2. Involve in literature survey in the chosen field
3. Use Science/Engineering principles to solve identified issues
4. Adopt relevant and well-defined / innovative methodologies to fulfill the specified objective
5. Submission of scientific report in a specified format (after plagiarism check)

Student Assessment: Periodical reviews, oral/poster presentation

Recommended by Board of Studies 17-08-2017
Approved by Academic Council No. 47 Date 05-10-2017

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 26

Course Code Course Title L T P J C
RES5001 Research Methodology 2 0 0 0 2
Pre-Requisite Nil Syllabus Version
Course Objectives:
 Impart skills to develop a research topic and design
 Define a purpose statement, a research question or hypothesis, and a research objective
 Analyze the data and arrive at a valid conclusion
 Compile and present research findings

Expected Course Outcome:

Student will be able to
 Explain the basic aspects of research and its ethics
 Outline research problems, their types and objectives
 Formulate good research designs and carry out statistically relevant sampling
 Collect, collate, analyze and interpret data systematically
 Experiment with animals ethically
 Make use of literature and other search engines judiciously for research purposes

Module:1 Introduction and Foundation of Research 2 hours

Meaning, Objectives, Motivation, Utility for research. Concept of theory, empiricism, deductive
and inductive theory. Characteristics of scientific method –Understanding the language of

Module:2 Problem identification and formulation 4 hours

Scientific Research: Problem, Definition, Objectives, Types, Purposes and components of
Research problem

Module:3 Research Design 4 hours

Concept and Importance in Research : Features of a good research design, Exploratory
Research Design and Descriptive Research Designs

Module:4 Sampling 6 hours

Sampling methods, Merits and Demerits. Observation methods, Sampling Errors (Type I and
Type II). Determining size of the sample. Experimental Design: Concept of Independent &
Dependent variables.

Module:5 Data analysis and Reporting 6 hours

Fundamentals of Statistical Analysis and Inference, Multivariate methods, Concepts of
Correlation and Regression; Research Reports: Structure, Components, Types and Layout of
Research report and articles, Writing and interpreting research results, Figures and Graphs

Module:6 Animal handling 2 hours

Guidelines-animal ethical committee, animal models, various routes of drug administrations,
LD50, ED50

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 27

Module:7 Use of encyclopedias and tools in research 4 hours
Research Guides, Handbook, Academic Databases for Biological Science Discipline. Methods to
search required information effectively.

Module:8 Contemporary issues: 2 hours

Lecture by Industry Experts
Total Lecture hours: 30 hours

Text Book(s)
 Catherine
1 Dawson, Introduction to research methods : a practical guide for anyone
. a research project, Oxford : How To Books, Reprint 2010
 Julius
2 S. Bendat, Allan G. Piersol, Random Data: Analysis and Measurement
. 4thEdition, ISBN: 978-1-118-21082-6, 640 pages, September 2011

 Research
3 in Medical and Biological Sciences, 1st Edition, From Planning and
. to Grant Application and Publication, Editos: Petter Laake Haakon Benestad
Bjorn Olsen,
ISBN: 9780128001547, Academic Press, March 2015
Reference Books
 John
1 Creswell, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods
. Fourth Edition (March 14, 2013)
Mode of Evaluation: CAT / Assignment / Quiz / FAT / Project / Seminar
Recommended by Board of Studies 03-08-2017
Approved by Academic Council No. 46 Date 24-08-2017

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 28

Course Code Course Title L T P J C
MBS6099 Master’s Thesis 0 0 0 0 14
Pre-Requisite As per the Academic Regulations Syllabus Version
Course Objectives:
To provide sufficient hands-on learning experience related to the area of specialization with a
focus on research orientation

Expected Course Outcome:

Student will be able to
 Formulate specific problem statements for ill-defined real-life problems with reasonable
assumptions and constraints.
 Perform a literature search and/or patent search in the area of interest.
 Develop a suitable solution methodology for the problem
 Conduct experiments / Design & Analysis / solution iterations and document the results
 Perform error analysis / benchmarking/costing
 Synthesise the results and arrive at scientific conclusions/products/solution
 Document the results in the form of technical report/presentation

1. Can be a theoretical analysis, modelling & simulation, experimentation & analysis,

prototype design, correlation and analysis of data, software development, applied research
and any other related activities.
2. The project can be for one or two semesters based on the completion of the required
number of credits as per the academic regulations.
3. Should be individual work.
4. Carried out inside or outside the university, in any relevant industry or research institution.
5. Publications in the peer-reviewed journals / International Conferences will be an added

Mode of Evaluation: Periodic reviews, Presentation, Final oral viva, Poster submission
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council Date

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 29

Programme Core

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Course Code Course Title L T P J C
MAT5019 Business Statistics with R 2 0 2 0 3
Pre-Requisite NIL Syllabus Version
Course Objectives:
 To understand the functioning of industries and business strategies.
 To provide a wide range of applications of statistics in solving business related problems.
 To apply basic statistical inference methods for tackling real-world business questions and
equips them with basic knowledge of the R statistical programming package.

Expected Course Outcome (CO):

 Compute and interpret descriptive statistics using numerical and graphical techniques.
 Understand the basic concepts of random variables and find an appropriate distribution for
analyzing data specific to an experiment.
 Display conceptual understanding of the nature of data analysis and probability modelling.
 Apply statistical methods like correlation, regression analysis in analysing, interpreting
experimental data.
 Make appropriate decisions using statistical inference that is the central to experimental
 Demonstrate R programming for statistical data.

Module:1 Introduction to Statistical Analysis 2 hours

Introduction to Statistics - Data Collection and Presentation - Categories of Data Groupings -
Exploring Data Analysis - Descriptive Statistics: Measure of Central Tendency, Measure of

Module:2 Introduction to R Software 5 hours

Installation of R Software - Basics of R: Scalars, Vectors, Matrices, Data Frames, Lists, Data
Creation, Data Type Conversion, Variable Information – Basic Operations in R – Control
Structures – Statistical Probability Functions in R – Importing Data – Packages – Working
Directory and R Script – Data Exploration and Visualization.

Module:3 Basic Probability and Random 5 hours

Variable Concepts
Experiment - Sample Space – Event - Axioms of Probability - Basic Properties of Probability -
Conditional Probability - Computation of Probability in R - Simulation of a Random Sample in R
- Random Variables: Discrete and Continuous Random Variables, Marginal, Conditional
Distributions – Mathematical Expectation and its Properties – Covariance – Moment Generating
Function – Characteristic Function.

Module:4 Probability Distributions 4 hours

Binomial Distribution – Poisson Distribution – Normal Distribution and Standardized Normal
Distribution– Exponential Distribution – Student’s t-Distribution – Chi-square Distribution – F-
Distribution – Use of the Probability Distribution in Business Problem Solving Using R.

Module:5 Sampling and Sampling 5 hours


M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 31

Probability and Non Probability Sampling - Probability Sampling Technique: Simple Random,
Systematic, Cluster and Stratified - Non Probability Sampling Technique: Judgment, Quota and
Convenience – Advantages and Disadvantages - Sampling Distribution of the Mean - Central
Limit Theorem and Its Significance.

Module:6 Statistical Inference 5 hours

Testing of Hypothesis – Types of Errors – Critical Region – Large Sample Tests: Z-Test for
Single Proportion, Difference of Proportions, Single Mean and Difference of Means - Small
Sample Tests: Student’s t-Test and F-Test - Chi-Square Test: Goodness of Fit and Independence
of Attributes – Design of Experiments – Analysis of Variance: One and Two Way Classifications
– Point Estimates and Interval Estimates - Method of Moments and Maximum Likelihood –
Confidence Interval.

Module:7 Correlation and Regression 2 hours

Correlation and Regression – Rank Correlation – Partial and Multiple Correlation – Multiple

Module:8 Contemporary issues: 2 hours

Lecture by Industry Experts

Total Lecture hours: 30 hours

Text Book(s)
 Sharma J.K.(2004): Business Statistics, Pearson Education
 Peter Dalgaard (2008), Introductory Statistics with R, 2nd edition, Springer.
 Akinkunmi, M. (2019). Business Statistics with Solutions in R. Berlin, Boston.
 Kapoor.V.K. and Gupta.S. (1978): Fundamentals of Applied Statistics,Sultan Chand and
Reference Books
 Hooda.R.P.(2003) : Statistics for Business and Economics , 3/e, Mac Millan
 Agarwal.B.L(1996): Basic statistics , 3/e, New Age International (P) Ltd
 Anderson.R, Sweeney.J and Williams.A (2002): Statistics for Business and Economics,
8/e, Thomson.
 Bowerman.L.B, O’Connell.R.Murphree.S,(2010): Business Statistics in Practice, Tata
McGraw-Hill Edition
 Amir.D.Aczel and Sounder Pandian (2006): Complete Business Statistics, 6/e, Tata
McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited.
 Michael J.Crawley (2007), The R Book, John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT / Assignment / Quiz / FAT / Project / Seminar
List of Challenging Experiments (Indicative)
1. Introduction: Understanding Data types, importing/exporting data. 2 hours
2. Computing Summary Statistics /plotting and visualizing data using 4 hours
Tabulation and Graphical Representations.
3. Applying correlation and simple linear regression model to real 4 hours
dataset; computing and interpreting the coefficient of
4. Applying multiple linear regression model to real dataset; 3 hours

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 32

computing and interpreting the multiple coefficient of
5. Fitting the following probability distributions: Binomial 4 hours
distribution, Normal distribution, Poisson distribution.
6. Testing of hypothesis for One sample mean and proportion from 2 hours
real-time problems.
7. Testing of hypothesis for Two sample means and proportion from 2hours
real-time problems.
8. Applying the t test for independent and dependent samples 2 hours
9. Applying Chi-square test for goodness of fit test and Contingency 3 hours
test to real dataset.
10. Performing ANOVA for real dataset for Completely randomized 4 hours
Randomized Block design, Latin square Design.
Total Laboratory Hours 30 hours
Mode of assessment: Weekly Assessment / FAT
Recommended by Board of Studies 24-06-2020
Approved by Academic Council No. 59 Date 24-09-2020

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 33

Course Code Course Title L T P J C
MAT5020 Data Analytics and Decision Making 2 0 2 0 3
Pre-Requisite Knowledge of basic Statistics and Mathematics Syllabus Version
Course Objectives:
The objective of the course is to make the student:
 Understand the fundamental concepts of data analysis, data description, decision making,
simulation, random number generation, regression modeling, decision modeling, and
simulation modeling.
 Conversant with various methods and techniques used in summarization and analysis of
 Prepare for investigation of data and examine the possible diagnostics of regression
 Formulate real time problem in a form of model.
 Develop feasible solution of real-life problems, using spreadsheet, decision, simulation
modeling techniques.
 Conduct research using data analysis and decision models.

Expected Course Outcomes:

 At the end of the course students will be able to:
 Learn to develop in-depth understanding of the data analysis and decision modeling.
 Demonstrate the knowledge and skill of data scaling, acquisition, handling, and
 Examine the relationships between dependent and independent variables of simple and
 multiple regression models estimate the parameters and fit a model.
 Perform, handle and manipulate the analysis of various types of data and develop an
appropriate decision model.
 Apply the methods of random number generators and use it to solve real life problems.
 Investigate various types of model using spreadsheet, simulation and decision modeling.
 Conduct application of regression modeling to real time observations.
 Research on real time problems from various disciplines using data analysis and decision

Module:1 Introduction to Data Analysis 4 hours

Data and its measurement, absolute and relative measures of data, data scale (nominal, ordinal,
interval, and ratio), data types, methods of data acquisition, normalization of data, visualization of
data, Time series plots, Box plot, stem and leaf diagram, exploring data with pivot table, data
cleansing, concept of outliers, concept of Z- score, identification of an outliers using Z score and
box plot.

Module:2 Data Processing and Manipulation 4 hours

Processing of data, methods of getting right data, sources of data, data sources on webs, official
statistics, data handling using excel auto-filter, complex queries with advanced filter, importing
external data from Access, creating pivot table from external data, data cleansing, handling the
missing data, data manipulation, summary statistics and process of decision making.

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 34

Module:3 Decision Making under Uncertainties 4 hours
Introduction, elements of decision making,, the precision tree, decision problems: single and
multistage, Bayes rule, numerical problems cases, and applications based on Binomial, Poisson,
Normal and Exponential distributions.

Module:4 Random Number Generation 4 hours

Concept and meaning of random number and its relevance, methods of random number generator.
Techniques for Generating Continuous Random Variates, Generating Discrete Random Variates,
simulating a non – homogeneous Poisson Process and queuing system.

Module:5 Modeling through Regression 6 hours

Concept and definition of a model, steps of modeling, simple and multiple regression model,
estimation of coefficients, fitting of a model, drawing inferences for regression coefficients,
concept of 𝑅2 and adjusted 𝑅2 . Problem of overfitting of regression model, model validation,
construction of confidence interval for regression coefficients, developing prediction interval.
Concept of autocorrelation, multi-collinearity. Test of linearity, test of normality, and the test of
heteroscedasticity for a given regression model. Error analysis and measurement of the forecast

Module:6 Decision Modelling 3 hours

Work force scheduling models, aggregate planning models, logistic models, dynamic financial
models, integer programming models

Module:7 Simulation Modelling 03 hours

Introduction to Simulation modeling, Discrete Simulation model, Continuous Simulation model,
Monte-Carlo simulation. Spreadsheet simulation modelling, selecting probability distributions for
specific simulation, simulating correlated values.

Module:8 Contemporary issues 02 hours

Lecture by Industry Experts

Total Lecture Hours: 30 hours

Text Book(s)
 Albright, S. C., Winston, W. L. and Zappe, C.(2017); Data Analysis and Decision
Making, 6th Edition, Cengage Learning Pvt. Ltd.
Reference Books
 A.M. Law and W.D. Kelton. Simulation Modeling and Analysis, T.M.H. Edition(2016)
 S.M. Ross. Simulation, India Elsevier Publication(2016)
 Wendy L. Martinez, Angel R. Martinez., Computational Statistics handbook with
MATLAB, Chapman & Hall / CRC (2002)

Mode of Evaluation: CAT / Assignment / Quiz / FAT / Project / Seminar

List of Challenging Experiments (Indicative)
1. Introduction to Data Analysis 2 hours
2. Data using statistics 3 hours

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 35

3. Graphical techniques 3 hours
4. Probability to make Business decisions 3 hours
5. Discrete random variables to make business 3 hours
6. Pivot Tables and Conditional Formatting 2 hours
7. Data Processing and Manipulation 3 hours
8. Decision Making under Uncertainties 3 hours
9. Random number generation 2 hours
10 Modelling Through Regression 3 hours
Total laboratory hours 30 hours
Mode of assessment: CAT / FAT
Recommended by Board of Studies 24-06-2020
Approved by Academic No. 59 Date 24-09-2020

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 36

Course Code Curse Title L T P J C
MAT5021 Business Computer Applications 1 0 2 0 2
Pre-Requisite Nil Syllabus Version
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
 Identify Computer Concepts terminology and concepts; basic operating system
functionality and terminology; and internet browsers functionality
 Apply basic and advanced formatting techniques skills to produce word processing
documents, including Letters and Memos, Business Reports, Flyers, Newsletters.
 Demonstrate basic skills involving spreadsheet functions; create formulas, charts, and
graphs; manipulate data; and generate reports including AutoFill, Absolute Cell
References, Grouping sheets and linking formulas
 Develop a database; create and format tables, queries, and reports; and enter and modify
table data.
 Develop and deliver business presentations using presentation software; Create
presentations using text, visual and/or sound elements; use techniques as slide layout,
themes, transitions and animations, charts and tables.

Expected Course Outcome:

 Gain familiarity with the concepts and terminology used in the development,
implementation and operation of business application systems.
 Explore various methods that Information Technology can be used to support existing
businesses and strategies.
 Achieve hands-on experience with productivity/application software to enhance business
 Accomplish projects utilizing business theories, Internet resources and computer
 Work with simple design and development tasks for the main types of business
information systems

Module:1 Computer Basics 2 hours

Fundamentals of information technology concepts – hardware, software, security, and privacy.

Module:2 File Management 2 hours

File management techniques to manipulate electronic files and folders in local, network, and
online environments

Module:3 Business Documentation 2 hours

Business documents with word processing software using spelling and grammar check, format
and layout, tables, citations, graphics, and mail merge.

Module:4 Data Analysis in Excel and Spreadsheets 2 hours

Business documents and analyze data with spreadsheet software using (i) tables, sorting, filtering,
charts and graphics, pivot tables, macros; (ii) statistical, financial, logical and look-up functions

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 37

and formulas; and (iii) add-ins.

Module:5 Business presentations 2 hours

Business multimedia presentations with presentation software using templates, lists, groups,
themes, colors, clip art, pictures, tables, transitions, animation, video, charts, and views.

Module:6 Database Management 2 hours

Databases and manage data with database software using tables, fields, relationships, indexes,
keys, views, queries, forms, reports, and import/export functions

Module:7 Business software applications 2 hours

Web-based technologies to conduct ethical business research.-goal seeking and what-if analysis to
solve problems and make adjustments/recommendations in a business environment

Module:8 Contemporary issues: 1 hours

Lecture by Industry Experts

Total Lecture hours: 15 hours

Text Book(s)
 Skills for Success with Microsoft Office 2019
 Access to Word, Excel, Access, and Power Point 2019
Reference Books
 Technology in action : complete, ISBN : 9780133802962
Mode of Evaluation: CAT / Assignment / Quiz / FAT / Project / Seminar
List of Challenging Experiments (Indicative)
1 Create Letters and Memos 2 hours
2 Create Business Reports 3 hours
3 Create Flyers 2 hours
4 Create Newsletters and Mail Merge Documents 3 hours
5 Create Workbooks with Excel 2013 3 hours
6 Insert Summary Functions Create Charts 3 hours
7 Manage Multiple Worksheets 3 hours
8 Create Databases Tables 3 hours
9 Getting Started with PowerPoint 2013 2 hours
10 Format a Presentation 2 hours
11 Enhance Presentations with Graphics 2 hours
12 Present Data Using Tables, Charts and Animation 2 hours
Total Laboratory Hours 30 hours
Mode of assessment:: Continuous Assessment and FAT.
Recommended by Board of Studies 24-06-2020
Approved by Academic Council No.:59 Date 24-09-2020

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 38

Course Code Course Title L T P J C
MAT5022 Modelling and Simulation 2 0 2 0 3
Calculus and Basic Probability and Statistic
Pre-Requisite Syllabus Version
Course Objectives:
 To understand the functioning of industries and business strategies.
 To provide students hands-on experience in using industry-standard simulation modelling
software in order to structure and solve complex and large-scale managerial decision

Expected Course Outcome:

 Have a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical foundations of stochastic
simulation, including
 Random number generation, sampling from discrete and continuous distributions, and
statistical analysis of transient/steady-state outputs.
 Build realistic discrete-event simulation models using industry-standard software.
 Apply simulation model building and analysis skills to systematically frame and solve
complex business planning problems.
 Explain Verification and Validation of simulation model.
 Interpret the model and apply the results to resolve critical issues in a real world
 Demonstrate various statistical software for simulation technique.

Module:1 Introduction to Modelling and Simulation 4 hours

Introduction to Simulation modeling, Advantages, Disadvantages, Areas of application, System
environment, components of a system, Model of a system, types of models, steps in a simulation
study. Simulation Examples: Simulation of Queuing systems, Simulation of Inventory System,
Other simulation examples.

Module:2 General Principles 2 hours

Concepts in discrete - event simulation, event scheduling/ Time advance algorithm, simulation
using event scheduling.

Module:3 Random Number and Random Variate Generation 6 hours

Random Numbers: Properties, Generations methods, Tests for Random number- Frequency test,
Runs test, Autocorrelation test. Random Variate Generation: Inverse Transform Technique-
Exponential, Uniform, Weibull, Triangular distributions, Direct transformation for Normal and log
normal Distributions, convolution methods- Erlang distribution, Acceptance Rejection Technique

Module:4 Optimization via Simulation 3 hours

Meaning, difficulty, Robust Heuristics, Random Search.

Module:5 Analysis of Simulation Data 4 hours

Input Modelling: Data collection, Identification and distribution with data, parameter estimation,
Goodness of fit tests, Selection of input models without data, Multivariate and time series analysis.

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 39

Verification and Validation of Model – Model Building, Verification, Calibration and Validation
of Models.

Module:6 Output Analysis 5 hours

Types of Simulations with Respect to Output Analysis, Stochastic Nature of output data, Measures
of Performance and their estimation, Output analysis of terminating simulation, Output analysis of
steady state simulations.

Module:7 Simulation Software 4 hours

Selection of Simulation Software, Simulation packages, Trend in Simulation Software.

Module:8 Contemporary issues 2 hours

Lecture by Industry Experts
Total Lecture hours: 30 hours
Text Book(s)
 Robinson, S. (2014) Simulation: The Practice of Model Development and Use (2nd
Edition). Palgrave Macmillan.
 Averill M Law, W David Kelton, Simulation Modelling & Analysis, McGraw Hill
International Editions – Industrial Engineering series, 4th Edition, ISBN: 0-07-100803-9.
Reference Books
 Geoffrey Gordon, (1978) System Simulation, Prentice Hall publication, 2nd Edition,
ISBN: 81-203-0140-4.
 Pidd, M., (2004) Computer Simulation in Management Science. John Wiley & Sons.
 Narsingh Deo (2004), Systems Simulation with Digital Computer, PHI Publication
(EEE), 3rd Edition, ISBN : 0-87692-028-8.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT / Assignment / Quiz / FAT / Project / Seminar

List of Challenging Experiments (Indicative)
1. Features of Pro model Package and Input 6 hours
2. Simulation of Manufacturing System 6 hours
3. Simulation of Service Operations 6 hours
4. Modelling a Live Problem 6 hours
5. Modelling and simulation problems 6 hours
Total Laboratory Hours 30 hours
Mode of assessment: Weekly Assessment / FAT
Recommended by Board of Studies 24-06-2020
Approved by Academic Council No. 59 Date 24-09-2020

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 40

Course Code Course Title L T P J C
MAT5023 Machine Learning in Business Applications 2 0 2 0 3
Pre-Requisite NIL Syllabus Version
Course Objectives:
 Apply quantitative modeling and data analysis techniques to the solution of real world
business problems, communicate findings, and effectively present results using data
visualization techniques.
 Apply principles of Data Science to the analysis of business problems.
 Develop self-learning algorithms using training data to classify or predict the outcome of
future datasets.
 Apply algorithms to build machine intelligence.
Expected Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to:
 Describe what Data Science is and the skill sets needed to be a data scientist.
 Explain in basic terms what Statistical Inference means. Identify probability
distributions commonly used as foundations for statistical modelling. Fit a model to
 Understand the most popular machine learning algorithms
 Analyse and perform an evaluation of learning algorithms and model selection.
 Compare the strengths and weaknesses of many popular machine learning
 Appreciate the underlying mathematical relationships within and across machine
learning algorithms and the paradigms of supervised and unsupervised learning.
 Design and implement various machine learning algorithms in a range of real-world
Module:1 Introduction to Data Science 2 hours
Big Data Analytics, Business intelligence vs Big data, big data frameworks, Current landscape of
Module:2 Exploratory data analysis 4 hours
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), statistical measures, Data Analytics Lifecycle and Discovery,
data visualization techniques.
Module:3 Statistical Inference 4 hours
Population and Sample, Statistical modelling, probability distributions, fitting a model.
Module:4 Introduction to Machine Learning 4 hours
The origins of machine learning-How machines learn - Machine learning in practice- Exploring and
understanding state-of-the-art methods.
Module:5 Classification 4 hours
Learning Associations-Classification-Regression- Decision Trees - Reinforcement Learning-
Probably Approximately Correct Learning (PAC)-Noise-Learning-Multiple classes-Model
Selection and Generalization- Support Vector Machines.
Module:6 Dimensionality Reduction 4 hours
Introduction- Subset Selection-Principal Component Analysis, Feature Embedding-Factor
Analysis-Singular Value Decomposition.
Module:7 Supervised Learning and Unsupervised Learning 6 hours
Linear Discrimination: Introduction- Generalizing the Linear Model-Geometry of the Linear

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 41

Discriminant- Linear Discriminant Analysis- Pairwise Separation-Gradient Descent-Logistic
Discrimination. Clustering: Introduction, K-Means Clustering- Mixtures of Latent Variable
Models- Spectral Clustering-Hierarchical Clustering-Clustering, Choosing the number of Clusters.
Module:8 Contemporary issues 2 hours
Lecture by Industry Experts
Total Lecture hours: 30 hours
Text Book(s)
 Seema Acharya, Subhasini Chellappan, (2019) Big Data Analytics, 2nd edition,
Wiley India.
 E. Alpaydin,(2015), Introduction to Machine Learning, 3rd Edition, MIT Press.
Reference Book(s)
 R N Prasad and Seema Acharya (2016), Fundamentals of Business Analytics, 2ed, Wiley
 C.M. Bishop (2016), Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer.
 K. P. Murphy(2012), Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective, MIT Press.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT, Quiz, Digital Assignment and FAT
List of Challenging Experiments (Indicative)
1 Exploring and Understanding data and formats 3 hour
2 Data visualization 3 hours
3 Model fitting 4 hours
4 Classification techniques using Decision Trees 4 hours
5 Support Vector Machines 4 hours
6 Principle component analysis 4 hours
7 Clustering Algorithms 4 hours
8 Discriminant analysis 4 hours
Total Lecture hours: 30 hours
Mode of evaluation: Continuous Assessment and FAT.
Recommended by Board of Studies 24-06-2020
Approved by Academic Council No.: 59 Date 24-09-2020

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 42

Course Code Course Title L T P J C
MAT5024 Decision Support Systems 2 0 0 4 3
Pre-Requisite NIL Syllabus Version
Course Objectives:
 To review and clarify the fundamental terms, concepts and theories associated with
Decision Support Systems, computerized decision aids, expert systems, group support
systems and executive information systems.
 To discuss and develop skills in the analysis, design and implementation of computerized
Decision Support Systems.
 To discuss organizational and social implications of Decision Support Systems.

Expected Course Outcomes:

 Explain the nature of modelling and how real-world systems may be represented in
mathematical form and realized on a computer.
 Determine when a realistic problem is in non-standard form and represent it quantitatively
using a computer.
 To examine examples and case studies documenting computer support for organizational
decision making, and various planning, analysis and control tasks.
 Distinguish among data processing systems, management information systems, and
decision support/expert systems.
 Analyze how information is used to solve problems.

Module:1 Introduction to Systems 4 hours

The Characteristics and elements of systems, General systems model, Explore communication
systems, Differentiate between data processing systems, management information systems, and
decision support systems.

Module:2 Methods of Decision Making and 2 hours

Problem Solving
Elements of problem solving process - Problems versus systems - Structured, unstructured, and
semi-structured problems - The systems approach and its relationship to the scientific approach.

Module:3 Decision Support Systems (DSS) 5 hours

Development of DSS - Relationship to data processing and database systems - DSS development
and implementation - DSS features and capabilities - DSS in the information center.

Module:4 Expert Systems Overview 5 hours

Expert behaviour in decision-making situations - Knowledge capture - Expert systems
development process - Build a minimal expert system - Apply and modify the system - Multiple
levels of knowledge representation - Multiple levels of control and search procedures.

Module:5 Spreadsheet Facilities 4 hours

Modelling with a spread sheet - Hands-on use of a spreadsheet for business decision-making -
Spreadsheet in the information center.

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Module:6 Manipulation of Models as a 5 hours
decision making procedure
Effects of data manipulation to support decisions in pricing, production, cash flow, and new
product evaluation models - Proficiency in utilizing expert system, spreadsheet, database, graphic
and statistical software for "what if" analyses.

Module:7 Building Management Models 3 hours

Picking a model type - Validation of models - Management models and expert systems in the
information center.

Module:8 Contemporary issues 2 hours

Lecture by Industry Experts

Total Lecture hours: 30 hours

Text Book(s)
 Bennett, John L. Building Decision Support Systems. Reading, MA: Addison
Wesley, 1983.
 S. Christian Albright. VBA for Modelers: Developing Decision Support Systems
with Microsoft Office Excel (5th Edition) Cengage Learning. 2016.
Reference Books
 Leigh, William E. & Michael E. Doherty. Decision Support and Expert Systems.
Cincinnati: South Western Publishing, 1986.
 Sprague, Ralph H., Jr., & Hugh J. Watson, eds. Decision Support Systems.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1986.
 Turban, Efraim. Decision Support and Expert System: Managerial Perspectives.
New York: Macmillan, 1988.
 Young, Lawrence F. Decision Support and Idea Processing Systems, Dubuque, IA:
Wm. C. Brown Publishers, 1989.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT / Assignment / Quiz / FAT / Project / Seminar
Recommended by Board of Studies 24-06-2020
Approved by Academic Council No. 59 Date 24-09-2020

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Course Code Course Title L T P J C
MAT5025 Applied Multivariate Analysis 2 0 2 0 3
Pre-Requisite NIL Syllabus Version
Course Objectives:
 To understand the functioning of industries and business strategies.
 To provide a wide range of applications of statistics in solving business related problems.
 To apply classical multivariate analysis and techniques which are useful for analyzing
both designed experiments and observational studies.

Expected Course Outcome:

 Explain the fundamental principles of multivariate normal distribution and sampling
 Apply hypotheses tests to analyze multivariate data
 Evaluate the different multivariate methods
 Interpret findings in a scientific and concise manner
 Demonstrate various statistical softwares such as SPSS, MINITAB and R programming
for statistical data.

Module:1 Introduction and Matrices 4 hours

Introduction to multivariate analysis - Basic statistics of a data set - Data displays and graphical
representations – Matrices: Rank, inverse, trace and their properties – Characteristic roots and
vectors – Idempotent and partitioned matrices – G-inverse and properties – Reduction of a matrix
into diagonal, canonical and triangular forms.

Module:2 System of Linear Equations 2 hours

Consistency – different types of solutions - Quadratic forms – reductions of different types –
Definite quadratic forms – Cochran’s theorem.

Module:3 Multivariate Normal Distribution 5 hours

Normal distribution – Bivariate Normal distribution – Multivariate Normal distribution -
Marginal and conditional distributions – characteristic function. Maximum likelihood estimation
of the parameters of Multivariate Normal and their sampling distributions – Inference concerning
the mean vector when covariance matrix is known

Module:4 Multivariate Linear Model and Analysis 5 hours

of Variance and Covariance
Total, Partial, Multiple correlation in the Multivariate setup – MLEs of Total, Partial and Multiple
correlation coefficients. Sampling distributions of Total and Multiple Correlation in the null case -
Hotelling T 2 statistic, derivation and its distribution – Uses of T2 statistic - D2 statistic and its
distribution, relation between T2 and D2 statistics.

Module:5 Discriminant Model and Analysis 2 hours

A two group discriminant analysis, a three group discriminant analysis, the decision process of
discriminant analysis( objective, research design, assumptions, estimation of the model, assessing
overall fit of a model, interpretation of the results, validation of the results).

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Module:6 Problem Classification and Analysis of 5 hours
Classification problems - Scope and its applications - Categorical Data Analysis: Categorical
response data, logistic regression-odds ratio, Wald’s statistic - Classification into one of two
populations (known and unknown dispersion matrix) - Classification in to one of several
populations Linear discriminant function - Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA): One-
Way classification.

Module:7 Multivariate Methods in Multivariate 5 hours

Principal components – Definition and Properties - Extraction of Principal components and their
variances - Canonical correlation – Estimation of canonical correlation and variates. Factor
analysis – Mathematical model- Estimation of Factor Loadings –– Concept of factor rotation –
Varimax criterion.

Module:8 Contemporary issues: 2 hours

Lecture by Industry Experts

Total Lecture hours: 30 hours

Text Book(s)
 Johnson, Richard A and. Wichern D.W , Applied Multivariate Statistical
Analysis, 7/e, Prentice-Hall of India Private Ltd., New Delhi, 2019.
 Hardly W.K. and Simor L., Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis, 4 th Edition,
Springer- Verlag, 2015.
 D.F. Morrison, Multivariate Statistical Methods, 3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill
International Book Company,1990.
Reference Books
 Anderson, T.W. (2003) : An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis, Wiley
Eastern Ltd.
 Rao, C.R (1998): Linear Statistical Inference and its Applications, Wiley Eastern
Mode of Evaluation: CAT / Assignment / Quiz / FAT / Project / Seminar
List of Challenging Experiments (Indicative)
1. Test for equality of mean vectors when covariance matrix is 4 hours
2. Lab Experiment on the concept of Covariance matrices 4 hours
3. Experiment based on Discriminant Analysis 4 hours
4. Lab Experiment on Canonical correlation and canonical 4 hours
5. Experiment based on the concept of One Way MANOVA 5 hours
with Post hoc tests
6. Lab experiment on Principal Component Analysis and 4 hours
Factor Analysis
7. Hoteling 𝑅2 and Mahalanobis 𝑅2 5 hours
Total Laboratory Hours 30 hours
Mode of assessment: Weekly Assessment / FAT
Recommended by Board of Studies 24-06-2020
Approved by Academic Council No. 59 Date 24-09-2020

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 46

Course Code Course Title L T P J C
MAT5026 Time Series Analysis for Business Forecasting 2 0 2 0 3
Pre-Requisite NIL Syllabus Version
Course Objectives:
 To understand the functioning of industries and business strategies.
 To provide a clear explanation of the fundamental theory of time series analysis and
forecasting models, which are significant for business study.
 To provide students with a practical experience that will help them in handling modern
statistical software in the analysis of real-life data.

Expected Course Outcome:

 Explain the fundamental principles of different time series models.
 Identify suitable time series models for a given real-life problem.
 Apply time series analysis skills and techniques to analyze real-life problems through
statistical software.
 Demonstrate advanced knowledge of the types of data analysis problems that can be
appropriately dealt with using forecasting techniques.
 Successfully develop forecasting models and apply them to real life problems.
 Demonstrate various statistical softwares such as SPSS, MINITAB and R programming
for statistical data.

Module:1 Introduction to Time Series 3 hours

Definition and examples of time series models, graphical representation of time series data,
Components and various decompositions of time series models, numerical description of time
series, data transformations, methods of estimation, trend and seasonal adjustments.

Module:2 Smoothing Techniques 4 hours

Moving average (MA), weighted moving average, single and double exponential smoothing,
Holt’s and winter’s methods, exponential smoothing techniques for series with trend and
seasonality, basic evaluation of exponential smoothing.

Module:3 Stationary and Non-Stationary Time Series 5 hours

Weak and strong stationary, auto covariance, autocorrelation function (ACF), partial
autocorrelation function (PACF), conditions for stationarity and invertibility, autoregressive
(AR), , autoregressive and moving average (ARMA) models and their statistical Properties,
autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) processes, choice between stationary and
non-stationary models.

Module:4 Spectral Analysis and Decomposition 5 hours

Spectral analysis of weakly stationary process, periodogram and correlogram analysis, spectral
decomposition of weakly AR process and representation as a one-sided MA process, implication
in prediction problems.

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Module:5 Fundamentals of Forecasting 4 hours
Forecasting methods: qualitative and quantitative methods, steps involved in stochastic model
building, forecasting model evaluation, model selection techniques: AIC, BIC and AICC,
forecasting model monitoring.

Module:6 Modelling Volatility 4 hours

Nonlinear modeling of financial time series: meaning of non-linearity, non-constant conditional
variance models for volatility, definition and representation of ARCH and GARCH Models and
their use in financial time series data, diagnostic checking of model, analysis of residuals.

Module:7 Evaluating and Combining Forecast 3 hours

Introduction to business forecasting, forecasting cycle, different forecasting techniques, exploring
data patterns and choosing forecasting technique, managing forecasting process, measuring
forecasting error, forecasting error comparison.

Module:8 Contemporary Issues 2 hours

Lecture by Industry Experts

Total Lecture hours: 30 hours

Text Book(s)
 P.J. Brockwell and R.A. Davis, Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting,
Springer, 2016.
 Terence C. Mills, Applied Time Series Analysis: A Practical Guide to Modeling
and Forecasting, Academic Press, 2019.
 Chan, Ngai Hang, Time series: applications to finance, New York : Wiley
Interscience, 2002.
 Shumway R. H. and Stoffer. D. S.: Time Series Analysis and its Applications with
R Examples, Springer, 2011.
Reference Books
 Walter Enders, Applied Econometric Time Series. 2nd edition, New York, Wiley,
 Shumway, Robert H, Time series analysis and its applications, New York :
Springer, 2000.
 Yaffee, Robert A. Introduction to time series analysis and forecasting with
applications of SAS and SPSS, San Diego, Academic Press, 2000.
 Montgomery D.C., C.L. Jennigs and M. Kulachi, Introduction to Time Series
analysis and Forecasting, Wiley InterScience, 2006.
 Ruey S. Tsay, “Analysis of Financial Time Series, Financial Econometrics”, 3/e
Mode of Evaluation: CAT / Assignment / Quiz / FAT / Project / Seminar
List of Challenging Experiments (Indicative)
1. Exploration of time series data 4 hours
2. Autoregressive time series: for the identification, estimation and 5 hours
forecasting based on autoregressive order obtained from a time
3. Detecting trend & autocorrelation in time series 4 hours
4. Plot of a time series and calculates a set of seasonal index values 4 hours
from a set of values forming a time series.

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5. Runs test for random fluctuations in a time series. 4 hours
6. Introduction to ARMA time series modeling and application of 4 hours
ARIMA time series modeling
7. Forecasting by smoothing technique: estimates the next number 5 hours
using moving average and exponential smoothing.
Total Laboratory Hours 30 hours
Mode of assessment: Weekly Assessment / FAT
Recommended by Board of Studies 24-06-2020
Approved by Academic Council No. 59 Date 24-09-2020

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 49

Programme Elective

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Course Code Course Title L T P J C
MAT6013 Survey Sampling and Design 2 0 0 4 3
Pre-Requisite NIL Syllabus Version
Course Objectives:
 To understand different introductory concepts in sampling and Experimental Design
 To help the students for the analysis of agriculture Experiments.
 To link and analyse the various Designs in Medical and agriculture Experiments.
Expected Course Outcome:
On completion of the course students will be able to
 understand the fundamental advantages and apply essential of life policies.
 apply an appropriate Designs for construction of Experimental designs
 apply some standard Experimental Designs for Analysis of Variance
 able to construct the Mathematical formulation of the Designs
 learn and apply ANOVA for different experiments.
Module:1 Sampling Basics 5 hours
The concept of sampling - Need for sampling - population and sample - sampling unit and sample
frame - Types of Population - Basic properties of the population - sample survey and census -
Principal steps in a Sample survey - Notion of sampling error.
Module:2 Simple Random Sampling 4hours
Simple Random Sampling with and without replacement - Estimation of Population mean and
proportion and their variances- Determination of sample size
Module:3 Stratified Random Sampling 3 hours
Stratified sampling - Principles of stratification - Estimation of population mean and its variance -
Allocation techniques - Estimation of gain due to stratification
Module:4 Systematic Sampling 4 hours
Systematic sampling - Estimation of population mean and its sampling variance - Circular
systematic sampling - comparison of systematic, simple random and stratified random sampling -
cluster sampling with equal sized clusters - estimation of population mean and variance.
Module:5 Experimental Principles 4hours
Basic Principles for designing statistical experiments: Randomization, Replication and local
control techniques - Determination of experimental units and notion of experimental error -
Analysis of variance with one–way and two–way classifications - Models and Methods of

Module:6 Randomised Designs 4 hours

Completely Randomized Design (CRD) and Randomized Block Design (RBD)- Models and
estimates of parameters and their standard error - Analysis of data arising from such designs,
Analysis when one or two observations are missing.
Module:7 Latin Square Design 4 hours
Latin Square Design (LSD) – Model – Estimation of parameters – Method of analysis – Missing
Plot technique in LSD
Module:8 Contemporary issues 2 hours
Lecture by Industry Experts
Total Lecture hours: 30 hours

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 51

Text Book(s)
 Hanif M., Qaiser Shahbaz M. and Munir Ahmad (2018), Sampling Techniques:
Methods and Applications, Nova Science Publishers.
 Montgomery, C.D (2012): Design of Experiments, 8/e, John Wiley and Sons.
Reference Books
 Goon.A.M, Gupta and Dasgupta.B. (2001): An Outline of statistical theory, vol. II,
6/e World Press Calcutta.
 Gupta .S.C. and Kapoor.V.K.(2000): Fundamentals of Applied Statistics, Sultan
Mode of Evaluation: CAT, Quiz, Digital Assignment and FAT.
Mode of Evaluation: Continuous assessment and FAT.
Recommended by Board of Studies 24-06-2020
Approved by Academic Council No. 59 Date 24-09-2020

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 52

Course Code Course Title L T P J C
MAT 6014 Production and Operations Management 3 0 0 0 3
Pre-Requisite Nil Syllabus Version
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
 Understand the basic concepts and theories of the production management.
 Comprehend the operations management situations with greater confidence.
 3.Anticipate issues in production and operations processes they may face during their
 Expand individual knowledge of operations management principles and practices.
 Apply operations management concepts and their influence on business decisions.

Expected Course Outcome:

 Gaining knowledge about managing production processes.
 How to run operations effectively.
 Better understanding of modern production techniques.
 Better understanding of quality management.
 Management skills needed for the effective operations management

Module:1 Productivity 6 hours

Importance, Productivity ratio, productivity measurement, Productivity Index, Awareness-
improvement-maintenance (A.I.M) Process. Production System: Models of production system,
Product Vs Services, Process-focused &product focused systems, product strategies, product life
cycle, and production function.

Module:2 Production Planning and Control: 6 hours

Aggregate Planning, Sequencing, Line Balancing, Flow control, Dispatching, expediting, Gantt
chart, line of balance, learning curve

Module:3 Production and Operations 6 hours

Production Management: Integrated Production Management, System Productivity, Capital
Productivity, Labour Productivity, Personnel Productivity, Training. Operations
Management: Introduction, Operations Management and Strategy, Tools for Implementation of
Operations, Industry Best Practices

Module:4 Operations Strategy 6 hours

Operations Strategy, Competitive Capabilities and Core Competencies, Operations Strategy as a
Competitive Weapon, Linkage Between Corporate, Business, and Operations Strategy,
Developing Operations Strategy, Elements or Components of Operations Strategy, Competitive
Priorities, Manufacturing Strategies, Service Strategies, Global Strategies and Role of Operations
Strategy, Case-lets

Module:5 Forecasting 7 hours

Introduction, The Strategic Importance of Forecasting, Benefits, Cost implications and Decision
making using forecasting, Classification of Forecasting Process, Methods of Forecasting,

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 53

Forecasting and Product Life Cycle, Selection of the Forecasting Method, Qualitative Methods of
Forecasting, Quantitative Methods, Associative Models of Forecasting, Accuracy of Forecasting

Module:6 Facility or Layout Planning and 6 hours

Introduction, Objectives of Layout, Classification of Facilities, Basis for Types of Layouts, Why
Layout decisions are important, Nature of layout problems, Redesigning of a layout,
Manufacturing facility layouts, Types of Layouts, Layout Planning, Evaluating Plant Layouts,
Assembly Line Balancing, Material handling

Module:7 Total Quality Management 6 hours

Introduction, Meaning and Dimensions of Quality, Quality Control Techniques, Quality Based
Strategy, Total Quality Management (TQM), Towards TQM – ISO 9000 as a Platform – Working
with Intranet, Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

Module:8 Contemporary issues 2 hours

Lecture by Industry Experts

Total Lecture hours: 45 hours

Text Book(s)
 Production Systems: Planning, Analysis & Control : By Riggs, J.L.(4th Edn.) John
Wiley & Sons
 Modern Production/Operation management: By Buffa, E.S. & Sarin,.K.(8`" Edn.)
John Wiley & Sons.
Reference Books
 Production & Operations Management: By Panneer saivem, R.(2' 1 Edn.) PHI
 Production & Operations Management : By Chary, S.N.(TMH).

Mode of Evaluation: CAT / Assignment / Quiz / FAT / Project / Seminar

Recommended by Board of Studies 24-06-2020
Approved by Academic Council No. 59 Date 24-09-2020

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 54

Course Code Course Title L T P J C
MAT6015 Big Data Analytics and Visualization 2 0 2 0 3
Pre-Requisite NIL Syllabus Version
Course Objectives:
 To understand the functioning of industries and business strategies.
 To introduce the power of big data analytics and data visualisation techniques in
contributing to business value creation.
 To solve a variety of complex data centred business problems using computer software

Expected Course Outcome:

 Display conceptual understanding of big data analytics and visualization techniques.
 Demonstrate a systematic understanding of database management concepts and their
connections with big data analytics.
 Develop a systematic understanding in order to build and apply skills in big data network
analytics, text mining, and social media data mining.
 Demonstrate critical awareness of how managers and executives utilise big data analytics
for business value creation by improving their operational, social, and financial
performance and create opportunities for new business development.
 Critically evaluate and apply big data techniques using statistical software.

Module:1 Introduction to Big Data Analytics 3 hours

Big Data Overview - State of the Practice in Analytics - The Data Scientist - Big Data Analytics
in Industry Verticals - Data Analytics Lifecycle.

Module:2 Advanced Analytics 4 hours

K-means clustering - Association rules- Linear Regression- Logistic Regression- Naïve Bayes
Decision Trees- Time Series Analysis- Text Analysis.

Module:3 Big Data Analysis Models and 5 hours

Analytics for Unstructured Data (Map Reduce and Hadoop)- The Hadoop Ecosystem- In-database
Analytics – SQL Essentials- Advanced SQL and MADlib for in-database Analytics.

Module:4 Research Trends and Applications 2 hours

Operationalizing an Analytics Project -Creating the Final Deliverables- Data Visualization
Techniques- Final Lab: Application of Data Analytics Lifecycle to a Big Data Analytics

Module:5 Data Analytics Methods Using 4 hours

Statistical Packages
Analyzing and Exploring the Data - Importing and Exporting of files – Recoding and Computing
new variables – Visual Binning – Selection of cases – splitting and merging of files – multiple
responses – Graphical plots : Box Plot, Scatter plot, Histogram, Bar and Pie charts - Fitting of
Curves: Parabola, cubic and exponential – correlation and regression: simple, multiple – Rank
correlation – Variable Selection in Multiple Regression - Residual Analysis: model adequacy,

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 55

detection of outliers and influence observations.

Module:6 6 hours
Testing of Hypotheses – two sample and paired samples t – test; F-test for two sample variances;
Chi-square test for independence of attributes – One way and Two Way Analysis of Variance –
Multiple Comparison tests : Tukey’s test, Duncan’s Multiple range test and Dunnett’s test. Non-
Parametric tests: One sample and Two sample Kolmogorov – Smirnov test, Kruskal – Wallis test,
Friedman test, Median Test – One Way MANOVA – Hotelling’s T2 two sample test – Test for
two Covariance matrices – One way Repeated Measures ANOVA.

Module:7 Factor Analysis 4 hours

Identification of Principle Component, Varimax rotation – Discriminant Analysis – Enter and
Stepwise procedures, discriminant scores – Logistic regression – variable selection procedures
(Backward and Forward with conditional and wald methods), Odds ratio, Classification matrix –
22 , 23 , 32 and 33 factorial designs – Split Plot designs.

Module:8 Contemporary issues 2 hours

Lecture by Industry Experts

Total Lecture hours: 30 hours

Text Book(s)
 Lemahieu, W., vanden Broucke, S., Baesens, B. (2018). Principles of Database
Management: The Practical Guide to Storing, Managing and Analyzing Big and
Small Data. Cambridge University Press.
 Sanders, R.N. (2014). Big Data Driven Supply Chain Management: A Framework
for Implementing Analytics and Turning Information into Intelligence. Pearson FT
Reference Books
 Luke, D.A. (2015). A User's Guide to Network Analysis in R. Springer.
 Kolaczyk, E.D., Csardi, G. (2014) Statistical Analysis of Network Data with R.
 Frank J. Ohlhorst (2013): Big data Analytics, Turning Big data into big money,
John Wiley and Sons.
 Michael Minelli, Michele Chambers, Ambiga Dhiraj (2013): Big Data, Big
Analytics: Emerging Business Intelligence and Analytic Trends . John Wiley and
 Arvind Sathi (2012): Big Data Analytics: Disruptive Technologies for Changing the
Game., MC PressLLC.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT / Assignment / Quiz / FAT / Project / Seminar
List of Challenging Experiments (Indicative)
1. Import and Export of data files, Recoding into different variables, visual 2 hours
binning. Summary statistics using Descriptive option and Means option.
2. Fitting of curves and Simple Correlation 3 hours
3. Multiple regression with variable selection 3 hours
4. Parametric and Non-parametric Tests 3 hours
5. One Way ANOVA, Two Way ANOVA, One way MANOVA post hoc 4 hours
tests – Tukey, Bonferonni

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 56

6. Pictorial Representations of Multivariate data: 2D-bar, pie, histogram; 3 hours
3D- pie, bar, histogram and bivariate Box plot, scatter matrix plot.
7. Logistic regression – odds ratio, Wald’s statistic – Variable Selection 3 hours
8. Discriminant Analysis – Stepwise Method – classification matrix and 3 hours
cross validation
9. Principal Component Analysis – Scree plot – eigen values – 3 hours
Interpretation and its uses – Factor analysis – Initial extraction of factors
through Principal Components – varimax rotation - Assigning factor
scores and its Applications
10. Concept of Change point analysis – ecp package for detecting single and 3 hours
multiple change points in univariate and multivariate data structures.
Total Laboratory Hours 30 hours
Mode of assessment: Weekly Assessment / FAT
Recommended by Board of Studies 24-06-2020
Approved by Academic Council No. 59 Date 24-09-2020

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 57

Course Code Course Title L T P J C
MAT6016 Network and Project Management 3 0 0 0 3
Pre-Requisite Nil Syllabus Version
Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
 Explain the fundamental principles of network and transportation models
 Apply appropriate algorithms to solve a given network problem
 Formulate real-life transportation and assignment problems as mathematical programming
 Apply network models to project management.

Expected Course Outcome:

 Understanding the concepts of Project Management for planning to execution of Projects.
 Understand the feasibility analysis in Project Management and network analysis tools
 Analyze the learning and understand techniques for Project planning, scheduling and
 To analyze, apply and appreciate contemporary project management tools and

Module:1 Network Models 4 hours

Shortest route problems-Minimum spanning tree problem-Maximum flow problems

Module:2 Transportation Models 4 hours

Introduction, Formulation of Transportation Problem (TP), Transportation Algorithm (MODI
Method), the Initial Basic Feasible Solution, Moving Towards Optimality

Module:3 Assignment Models 4 hours

Introduction, Mathematical Formulation of the Problem, Hungarian Method
Algorithm, Routing Problem, Travelling Salesman Problem

Module:4 Project Management 4 hours

Basic Differences between PERT and CPM, Steps of PERT/CPM Techniques, PERT/CPM
Network Components and Precedence Relationships

Module:5 Network Scheduling 4 hours

Critical Path Analysis, Probability in PERT Analysis Project Time Cost Trade off, Updating of
the Project, Resource Allocation

Module:6 Decision Theory 4 hours

Decision Environments, Decision-Making under Certainty, Decision-Making under Risk,
Decision under Uncertainty

Module:7 Markov Chains 4 hours

Stochastic processes - States, Markov Chains - Transition matrices - Types of chains - Steady-
state probabilities

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Module:8 Contemporary issues: 2 hours
Lecture by Industry Experts

Total Lecture hours: 45 hours

Text Book(s)
 F. S. Hillier and G. J. Lieberman, Introduction to Operations Research, McGraw
Hill 2005, eighth edition.
 H. A. Taha, Operations Research, an introduction, Prentice Hall, 2010, ninth
Reference Books
 W. L. Winston, Operations Research: applications and algorithms, Thomson
Brooks/Cole, 2004, fourth edition.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT / Assignment / Quiz / FAT / Project / Seminar

Recommended by Board of Studies 24-06-2020
Approved by Academic Council No. 59 Date 24-09-2020

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 59

Course Code Course Title L T P J C
MAT6017 Actuarial Statistics 3 0 0 0 3
Pre-Requisite NIL Syllabus Version
Course Objectives:
 To understand different introductory concepts in Actuarial science.
 To help the students for taking decision for lfe policies.
 To link and analyse the various stochastic models for Actuarial statistical applications.
Expected Course Outcome:
On completion of the course students will be able to
 understand the fundamental advantages and apply essential of life policies.
 apply an appropriate models for construction of life tables.
 apply some standard distributions for construction of sampling plans.
 able to construct the life tables of the policy holders.
 learn and apply variance transformation techniques
Module:1 Basic deterministic model 4 hours
Cash flows, discount function, interest and discount rates, balances and reserves, internal rate of
return, The life table: Basic definitions, probabilities, construction of life tables, life expectancy.
Module:2 Life Annuities 6 hours
Introduction, calculating annuity premium, interest and survivorship discount function,
guaranteed payments, deferred annuities
Module:3 Fractional durations 6 hours
Life annuities paid monthly, immediate annuities, fractional period premium and reserves,
reserves at fractional durations, Continuous payments: Continuous annuities, force of discount,
force of mortality, Insurance payable at the moment of death, premiums and reserves.
Module:4 The General Insurance 9 hours
Annuity identity, Select morality: Select an ultimate tables, Changed in formulas.
Module:5 Multiple life contracts 6 hours
Joint life status, joint annuities and insurances, last survivor annuities and insurances, moment of
death insurances. The general two life annuity and insurance contracts, contingent insurances
Module:6 Multiple Decrement Theory 6 hours
Basic model, insurances, Determination of the models from the forces of decrement. Stochastic
approach to insurance and annuities; Stochastic approach to insurance and annuity benefits,
deferred contracts, Stochastic approach to reserves and premiums, variance formula.
Module:7 Stochastic approach to life policies 6 hours
Stochastic approach to insurance and annuity benefits, deferred contracts, Stochastic approach to
reserves and premiums, variance formula.
Module:8 Contemporary issues 2 hours
Lecture by Industry Experts
Total Lecture hours: 45 hours
Text Book(s)
 Promislow, S.D (2006): Fundamentals of Actuarial Mathematics, John Willey
 Neill, A. (1977): Life contingencies, Heinemann, London
Reference Books
 Donald D.W.A. (1970): Compound Interest and Annuities, Heinemann, London
Hooker, P.F. and Longley Cook, L.W. (1953): Life and other Contingencies,
 Volume I and Volume II (1957) Cambridge University Press.

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 60

Mode of Evaluation: CAT, Quiz, Digital Assignment and FAT.
Mode of Evaluation: Continuous assessment and FAT.
Recommended by Board of Studies 24-06-2020
Approved by Academic Council No. 59 Date 24-09-2020

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 61

Course Code Course Title L T P J C
MAT6018 Optimization Modelling 3 0 0 0 3
Pre-Requisite NIL Syllabus Version
Course Objectives:
 To understand different concepts business problems for analyzing industrial experiments.
 To help the students for taking decision under business environment.
 To link and analyse the various quantitative models for industrial planning solutions.
Expected Course Outcome:
On completion of the course students will be able to
 Understand the fundamental advantages and apply essential of business models.
 Apply an appropriate Charts for the industrial experiments.
 Apply some standard distributions for construction of sampling plans.
 Able to construct the AOQL plans for normal inspection scheme.
 Learn and apply variance transformation techniques
 Understand the difference between sampling plans for attributes and variables.
Module:1 Linear Models 4 hours
The phase of an operation research study – Linear programming – Graphical method– Simplex
algorithm – Duality formulation – Sensitivity analysis
Module:2 Integer Programming 6 hours
Integer Programming Problem (IPP) - Gomory’s cutting plane algorithm– Mixed IPP – Branch
and Bound technique
Module:3 Dynamic Programming 6 hours
Dynamic programming problem (DPP) - Bellman’s principle of optimality - General formulation
- computation methods and application of DPP - Solving LPP through DPP approach
Module:4 Inventory Models 9 hours
Deterministic inventory models – Classic EOQ model – EOQ with price breaks – EOQ with
storage limitations – Probabilistic Inventory models – Continuous review model – Single period
model - No setup model – setup model (s-S policy)
Module:5 Non-Linear Programming 6 hours
Non-linearprogramming problem–KuhnTuckerconditions–Quadratic Programming
Problem(QPP) - Wolfe’s and Beale’s algorithms for solving QPP – Convex programming
Module:6 General Queuing Models 6 hours
Queuing theory–Basic characteristics of queuing models–Arrival and service distribution– steady
state solution of M/M/1andM/M/C models with associated distribution of queue length and
waiting time - M/G/1 queue-steady results using embedded Markov chain Methods- Pollazcek
Khinchin formula.
Module:7 Poisson Queuing Models 6 hours
Poisson Queuing Models with single server: Descriptions of the model, Assumptions, Probability
distributions for number of Units (steady state), waiting time distribution, Derivation of
characteristics on (M/M/1): (/FIFO) and (M/M/1): (N/FIFO) Models, simple numerical
Module:8 Contemporary issues 2 hours
Lecture by Industry Experts
Total Lecture hours: 45 hours
Text Book(s)
 Hillier FS and LibermannGJ (2002):IntroductiontoOperationsResearch,7 th Edition,

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 62

McGraw Hill
 Kanti Swarup, P.K.Gupta and Man Mohan (2004):OperationsResearch, SultanChand
and Sons, New Delhi.
Reference Books
 V.K.Kapoor,Operations Research:Quantitative Techniques for Management,Sultan
chand and sons.
 N D Vohra,Quantitative Techniques in Management,Tata Mc Hill book series.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT, Quiz, Digital Assignment and FAT.
Mode of Evaluation: Continuous assessment and FAT.
Recommended by Board of Studies 24-06-2020
Approved by Academic Council No.: 59 Date 24-09-2020

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 63

Course Code Course Title L T P J C
MAT6019 Inventory Analysis 3 0 0 0 3
Pre-Requisite NIL Syllabus Version
Course Objectives:
 To develop the foundations of Inventory which are how much to order, when should the order
placed and how much safety stock should be kept.
 To acquaint the students with the concepts Inventory with knowledge of Calculus and
Statistics for computations and analysis of data

Expected Course Outcomes(COs):

 Students are able to acquire the fundamental knowledge of Inventory in terms of basic
definitions, Importance of Inventory for Industries, Different types of Inventories, Various
Inventory Models and its solutions and results.
 Students will improve their knowledge in Economic order quantity and Economic Production
 Understand the principles underlying minimization of total cost and maximization of total
 Students are expected to understand the Predictive knowledge in Demand Forecasting
 Students will be able to find out the various costs involved in Inventory.
Module:1 Basics in Inventory 6 hours
Inventory – Reason for carrying Inventories - Types of inventory- Inventory decisions- Costs and
other factors involved in inventory - Variables in Inventory - Concept of average inventory and
economic order quantity – Classification of Inventory models.

Module:2 Deterministic Inventory Models 7 hours

EOQ model without shortage – EOQ model with different rates of demand in different cycles-
Production model without shortages - EOQ model with shortages –Production model with

Module:3 Dynamic demand and Deterministic inventory models with 6 hours

price breaks
Re-order level and optimum buffer stock – Fixed order quantity system with variable lead time -
Periodic review inventory system – Purchase inventory model with one price break - Purchase
inventory model with two price break - Purchase inventory model with n number of price breaks.
Module:4 Stochastic inventory models 6 hours
Instantaneous demand, no set-up cost model –Discrete and Continuous case-Uniform demand, no
set-up cost model – Continuous and Discrete case-Probabilistic order-level system with constant
lead time – Discrete and Continuous case.

Module:5 Selective Inventory Management 6 hours

Always Better Control (ABC)Analysis- Limitations of ABC Analysis- Vital, essential and
Desirable (VED)Analysis-XYZ Analysis based on Inventory value-FNSD Analysis based on
usage rate of items

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Module:6 Time Series Analysis 6 hours
Level, trend & Seasonality models- Moving average, Simple exponential smoothing, Exponential
smoothing with trend, Damped trends, Double exponential smoothing model for level &
seasonality, Holt-Winter model for level, trend and seasonality

Module:7 Stochastic models with continuous review 6 hours

Method of State Probabilities - Poisson Demand, Exponential Delivery Time - Poisson Demand,
Fixed Delivery Time - Poisson Demand, Stochastic Delivery Time, Single Order - Poisson
Demand, Stochastic Delivery Time, Multiple Orders

Module:8 Contemporary issues 2 hours

Lecture by Industry Experts
Total Lecture hours: 45 hours
Tutorial  A minimum of 5 problems to be worked out by students 15 hours
in every tutorial class
 Another 5 problems per tutorial class to be given as a
home work
Text Book(s)
 Dieter Bartmann and Martin J. Beckmann,” Inventory Control Models and Methods”,
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 1992.
 S.D .Sharma, “Operation Research, Theory Methods and Applications”, Kedar Nath Ram
Nath & Co, 15th edition, 2017.
Reference Books
 Max Muller, “Essentials of Inventory Management”, American Management
Association, Second edition, 2011.
 F.S. Hillier & J.Lieberman, ”Introduction to Operation Research”, Tata- McGraw Hill
Company, New Delhi, 2001.
 Edward A.Silver, David A.Pyke, Douglas A.Thomas, “Inventory and Production
Management in Supply Chains”, Taylors & Francis group, Fourth Edition 2017, Boca
 Paul S.P. Cowpertwait, Andrew V.Metcalfe, “Introductory Time series with R”, Springer,
Mode of evaluation: CAT / Digital Assignment / Quiz / FAT
Recommended by Board of Studies 24-06-2020
Approved by Academic Council No. 59 Date 24-09-2020

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 65

Course Code Course Title L T P J C
MAT6020 Financial Mathematics 3 0 0 0 3
Pre-Requisite None Syllabus Version
Course Objectives :
The course is aimed at providing
 To familiarize with application of mathematics in finance.
 Exposure to Black-Scholes equation, portfolio management.
 To understand the concept of arbitrage and hedging.

Course Outcomes (CO):

At the end of the course the student should be able to
 Have a basic understanding in Matrices.
 Have a basic understanding of financial mathematics, investment appraisal and Asset
pricing model.
 Exposure to Black-Scholes equation, portfolio management.
 To understand the concept of arbitrage and hedging.
 Understand the concepts of Samples and Populations.

Module:1 Matrices 5 hours

Matrices - types of matrices - operations on matrices - determinants - adjoint matrix - inverse of a
matrix - solution of a system of linear equations by inversion method - elementary
transformations – rank of a matrix - consistency and inconsistency of system of equations

Module:2 Fundamentals of the 6 hours

financial markets
Fundamentals of the financial markets, meaning of notions like asset portfolio derivatives
(example: futures, options forwards etc.).

Module:3 Asset pricing model 6 hours

Binomial asset pricing model under no arbitrage condition single-period model, multi-period
model. Risk-neutral probabilities, martingales in the discrete framework, risk-neutral valuation of
European and American options under no arbitrage condition in the Binomial framework.

Module:4 Black-Scholes formula 6 hours

Random walk and Brownian motion, Geometric Brownian motion, Black-Scholes formula,
properties of Black-Scholes option cost, estimation of sigma, pricing American put option and
European call option.

Module:5 Portfolio Management Risk 5 hours

Risk and expected return on a portfolio, capital asset pricing model: capital market line, beta
factor and security market line.

Module:6 Arbitrage 2 hours

Arbitrage theorem, multi-period binomial model, hedging: delta hedging, Greek parameters,

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 66

hedging business risk, value at risk, speculating with derivatives. Tutorials: Tutorial sheets with
relevant problems will be provided by the instructor.

Module:7 Statistics 2 hours

Introduction to Statistics: - estimation and confidence in intervals; - hypothesis testing (inferences
on means and proportions); - correlation; - Simple Regression analysis.

Total Lecture hours: 45 hours

 A minimum of 10 problems to be worked out by
students in every Tutorial Class
 Another 5 problems per Tutorial Class to be given as
Tutorial home work 30 hours

Mode: Individual Exercises, Team Exercises, Online Quizzes,

Online Discussion Forums
Text Book(s):
 S. M. Ross, An Introduction to Mathematical Finance, Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Reference Books:
 D. G. Luenberger, Investment Science, Oxford University Press, NY, 1998.
 J. C. Hull, Options, Futures and Other Derivatives, Prentice Hall Inc., Upper Saddle River, 4
th Ed., 2000.
 Wai-Sum Chan and Yiu-Kuen Tse, Financial Mathematics for Actuaries, 2 nd Edition, World
Scientific (2018).

Mode of Evaluation: CAT / Assignment / Quiz / FAT / Project / Seminar

Recommended by Board of Studies 24-06-2020
Approved by Academic Council NO.: 59 Date 24-09-2020

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 67

Course code Course title L T P J C
MAT6021 Artificial Intelligence in Business 3 0 2 0 4
Pre-requisite NIL Syllabus version

Course Objectives:
1. The main purpose of this course is to provide the most fundamental knowledge to the students
so that they can understand Artificial Intelligence.
2. To provide the foundations for Artificial Intelligence problem-solving techniques and
knowledge representation formalisms.
Expected Course Outcome:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student shall be able to:
1. Demonstrate fundamental understanding of the history of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its
2. Ability to identify the type of AI problem (search, inference, decision making under
uncertainty, game theory, etc).
3. Ability to implement AI methods and algorithms in business problem.
4. Ability to compare the difficulty of different versions of AI problems, in terms of
computational complexity and the efficiency of existing algorithms.
5. Demonstrate awareness and a fundamental understanding of various applications of AI
techniques in intelligent agents, expert systems, artificial neural networks and other machine
learning models.
Module:1 Introduction 4 hours
The AI problems, AI technique, philosophy and development of Artificial intelligence.
Module:2 Problem Spaces and Search 7 hours
State-space search, Uninformed and informed search techniques: BFS, A*, variations of A*. Local
search and optimization: hill-climbing, simulated annealing.
Module:3 Adversarial Search and Game Playing 6 hours
Minimax algorithm, alpha-beta pruning, stochastic games, Constraint- satisfaction problems.
Module:4 Knowledge and Reasoning 6 hours
Logical agents, Propositional logic, First-order logic, Inference in FoL: forward chaining, backward
chaining, resolution, Knowledge representation: Frames, Ontologies, Semantic web and RDF.
Module:5 Introduction to PROLOG 6 hours
Facts and predicates, data types, goal finding, backtracking, simple object, compound objects, use of
cut and fail predicates, recursion, lists, simple input/output, dynamic database.
Module:6 Uncertain knowledge and reasoning 7 hours
Probabilistic reasoning, Bayesian networks, Fuzzy logic
Module:7 Natural Language Processing 7 hours
An Introduction to Natural language Understanding, Perception, Learning.
Module:8 Applications 2 hours
AI in E-commerce, E-tourism, Industry, Medicine, etc.
Total Lecture hours: 45 hours
Text Book(s)
1. Elaine Rich, Kevin Knight, Artificial Intelligence, Second Ed., Tata McGraw Hill, 2008.
2. Dan W. Patterson, Introduction to AI and ES, Pearson Education, 2007.
Reference Books
1. Deepak Khemani, Artificial Intelligence, Tata Mc Graw Hill Education, 2013.
2. E. Charniack, D. McDermott, Artificial Intelligence, Addison Wesley, 1987.

M.Sc. Business Statistics - Curriculum Page 68

3. N.J.Nilsson, Principles of Artificial Intelligence, Morgan Kaufman, 1985.
4. N.P. padhy: Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems, Oxford Higher Education, Oxford
University Press.
5. Ivan Bratko, PROLOG Programming, 2nd Ed., Pearson Education.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT, Quiz, Digital Assignment and FAT.
List of Challenging Experiments (Indicative)
1 Study of facts, objects, predicates and variables in PROLOG. 4 hours
2 Study of Rules and Unification in PROLOG. 2 hour
3 Study of “cut” and “fail” predicate in PROLOG. 2 hour
4 Study of arithmetic operators, simple input/output and compound goals in 4 hours
5 Study of recursion in PROLOG. 2 hour
6 Study of Lists in PROLOG. 2 hour
7 Study of dynamic database in PROLOG. 2 hour
8 Study of string operations in PROLOG. Implement string operations like 4 hours
substring, string position, palindrome etc.)
9 Write a prolog program to maintain family tree. 4 hours
10 Write a prolog program to implement all set operations (Union, intersection, 4 hours
complement etc.)
Total Laboratory hours 30 hours
Mode of Evaluation: Continuous assessment and FAT.
Recommended by Board of Studies 30-06-2021
Approved by Academic Council No. 63 Date


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