John Carroll University Magazine Winter 2007

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The document discusses Dan O'Malley's time as Student Union president at John Carroll University and how his experience there influenced his future goals.

Dan O'Malley was the Student Union president at JCU. He was praised for taking his role seriously and gaining respect for the office. He was a charismatic and effective leader.

Dan O'Malley led initiatives to give students representation on university committees, obtain parking access for late-night studying, and increase voter registration among students.


Vol. 11, Issue1 WINTeR 2007

Grounded in the Gospel

Paul Kozak 04 put himself in harms way for peace and justice

After asking where the parents of outgoing two-term Student Union (SU) president Dan OMalley were in the January 18 Dolan Center crowd , University Heights (UH) longtime mayor Beryl Rothschild, said to Mike and Mary OMalley: I want you to know you raised a wonderful young man. Rothschild went on to praise the son effusively and give him the key to the city. One more vote for a student politician who has proven able at capturing the hearts and minds of peers and elders. OMalley learned the political walk early. He pays attention. He remembers names. He accentuates the positive, and frequently states what hes done for his constituents lately. When he finds a good phrase (We tried to move students further from the margins of the university and closer to its core), hell use it more than once. There arent many babies on campus, but if there were... If that paragraph sounds faintly patronizing, it shouldnt. One of OMalleys achievements is that he took his office seriously and elicited respect for it and himself. Thats not easy. Cynicism and politics are magnetically attracted and the charge is amplified when the office doesnt carry a lot of inherent power and many constituents are in a skeptical stage of their lives. There is little doubt that if OMalley were eligible to be re-elected, he would be. Senior David Schuld, former vice president for student organizations, summed up, Dan OMalley is a true leader. Noting that they often clashed, Schuld declared:

He (OMalley) is charismatic, empathetic, confident and courageous. He was a real force for change.` A big question students have is where their Student Activities fee goes, OMalley began. So, we tried to create a lot of services and programs that students could use and that we would pay for with that money. That includes free shuttles to the airport at the beginning and end of a semester. Also, free copies of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, USA Today and the New York Times available daily at campus locations. In respect to students being closer to the core, OMalley drove the effort to obtain a student rep on almost all university committees. He also had an open line to city hall. When the UH gendarmes were ticketing late-nightstudying students cars parked on campusadjacent streets, OMalley petitioned and won the freedom to park on those arteries until 3 a.m., not 2. He led the UH voter registration of 600 students as part of an unsuccessful effort to thwart the citys recent one-percent income tax increase. He marshaled a serious SU get-out-thevote campaign that increased the number declaring their campus preference by more than 1,000 a dramatic jump. In all, OMalley, the son of a full-time fireman who is also a practicing lawyer, will be remembered with admiration. He says, People arent supposed to serve leaders. Too many go into a political career for the wrong, self-serving reasons, and the people who are meant to be

served are left behind. OMalley worked at Legal Aid this past summer and has logged apprentice hours with Jimmy Dimora, the chair of the countys Democratic Party. He hasnt made up his mind about a political career, but that doesnt seem like a long shot. Law school is immediately ahead. Post-law school, he says he wants to be part of the solution for Clevelands problems. JCUs illustrious alumni dont include many in high elected office, but the way has been paved. One of OMalleys Student Union prez predecessors, John Cranley 96, narrowly missed being elected to Congress in November. Another, Joe Cimperman92, is a Cleveland City Council force and a possibility for higher office. For OMalley, its early, but he did well in his life primary as an SU leader. His valedictory? You always wish you could do more. This was a great education for me. Ive taken more than Ive given. It was a learning experience. Ive had such great experiences here. jp

Dan OMalley 07:

the politician
s T u D


John Carroll University President Robert L. Niehoff, SJ Interim Vice President for University Advancement James Noffke Director of University Marketing and Communications Christine Somosi Editor Jerry Pockar Alumni Journal Michele McFarland Advisory Board Dr. George Bilgere Dr. Luis Ma. R. Calingo Dr. Sherri Crahen Dr. Linda Eisenmann Ms. Kimyette Finley 95 Rev. Howard Gray, SJ Mr. John Marcus 72 Dr. Paul V. Murphy Mrs. Barbara Schubert 62 Ms. Christine Somosi 81 Mr. Brian Williams



VoL. 11 ISSuE 1


FEATURES 17 JCU Service 18 Cover Story Grounded in the Gospel 36 Chasing Algae DEPARTMENTS 2 Presidents Message 3 HOME - News On Campus 7 Images of Carroll 8 Athletics 10 Advancement 11 Enrollment 40 Alumni Journal Class Notes 62 In Memoriam 64 My Turn Maria Pompili 91 Inside Back Cover: Profile Dan OMalley 07

Contributing photographers: Zoltan Bugnyar, John Reid, Rob Wetzler Designed by Villa Beach Communications, Inc. Printed by Lane Press


John Carroll magazine is published quarterly by John Carroll University, 20700 North Park Blvd., University Heights, Ohio 44118. Periodical postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio, 44118 and additional mailing offices. ISSN 1542-0418 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: John Carroll magazine UMC 20700 North Park Blvd. University Heights, OH 44118 It is the mission of the magazine to provide an engaging and accurate reflection of the university and its extended community for its alumni and the other members of the John Carroll family.

his issue of our magazine has stories about service to others being given by the John Carroll community. I am inspired by the open-hearted generosity I so often see demonstrated by our community members. I know that their service is powerfully enhanced by what they have learned here. What so many are doing moves me to think about experiences I had as I tried to become a man for others. On the wall of my bedroom is a beaded necklace given to me when I spent four weeks in St. Ignatius, Montana, teaching catechism to young people on the Flathead Indian Reservation. That was a long time ago, but it was nowhere near as long ago as 1841, which is when Pierre de Smet, SJ, brought Christianity to western Montana it is no accident that the place where I served is named St. Ignatius. The Jesuits Oregon Province, to which I belong, is the long range result of a delegation of Native Americans who went to Saint Louis to ask the Black Robes to come and share faith and life. Father De Smet was the Jesuit who said yes with his life. The Flathead reservation is almost two million square miles of Gods country. The twenty-some thousand Native Americans of the Bitterroot, Salish, Kootenai and Pend dOreilles tribes living there face many challenges. They warmed my heart that summer and taught me about service and engaging the world. Aspects of their spirituality, especially their reverence for the earth, have become important parts of my reflection. I was honored to be considered a member of their community. Earlier in my Jesuit life, seven months after entering the

Society, I lived and worked for some weeks at a soup kitchen, the Blanchet House, in Portland, Oregon. The house does wonderful work among the very poor. Blanchet House was started by a group of Catholic college graduates who saw the needs of the homeless in Portland and asked what they could do to change things. It offers free meals, beds, jobs and hope. I learned about the lives and loves, fears and regrets of the live-in staff and the hundreds of folks we served. All this came back to me when I went with John Carrolls Labre Project students to visit the homeless on a bitterly cold winter night last year. A good number of years later, I found myself in Kingston, Jamaica, with a group of University of San Francisco students. We labored for some days to clear ground so that a playing field could be created for children living in this poor Kingston neighborhood. I remember razor wire and bird of paradise plants; the contradictions were similar to those experienced by Paul Kozak 04, whose witness for peace in Columbia you will read about in this issues cover story. Paul is an exemplar of the men and women for others ethic that is at the heart of who we are. Paul learned in Columbia what I learned in Kingston, Portland and Montana: that to give is to receive, and that the poor and others we assist are great teachers in our lives. The desperation on the reservation; the bite of a winter rain in Portland; the sear of a Kingston afternoon; the warmth generated by our visit to the homeless people on a frigid Cleveland night: it merges in memory. The common denominator is cura personalis, Latin for care of the person. Thats another of the Jesuits favorite phrases. After noting that it originally referred to a Jesuit superiors responsibility to care for the unique needs of every Jesuit, Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia says: Cura Personalis suggests individualized attention to the needs of the other, distinct respect for his or her unique circumstances and concerns, and an appropriate appreciation for his or her particular gifts and insights. Care of the person is at the heart of who we are. We are forming students to be many things: people equipped to thrive in the world; women and men who will be loving and responsible in their relationships; citizens who will make our communities better places. But at the heart of it all is a belief that we should care for one another, should serve. At JCU we develop and use our knowledge and skills to change the world. The desire to care must be voluntary, but it can be learned, and we are trying hard to do that kind of teaching, instruction mindful of the prayer of our founder Ignatius, Teach me to be generous. I think the prayer of Ignatius is being lived at John Carroll.

John Carroll university Winter 2007


P r e s i D e n t s


Learning communities organized

A number of faculty learning communities have been recently organized. One is the Peace Building and Human Rights Learning Community; a second is the Poverty and Solidarity Learning Community; a third is the Entrepreneurial University Learning Community. Each of these three is committed to a year-long slate of activities and discussions. In addition, seven smaller groupings have been convened with the intention of meeting four times a year to explore particular topics. These groupings, also called Sustenance Learning Communities, are devoted to exploring the following topic areas: Economic Growth and Social Change in China, American Studies, Hate Crimes, Caring Faculty, Leadership, The Role of the Intellectual in the 21st Century and Online Learning. In varying ways, these ad hoc faculty groups meet: to foster interdisciplinary collaboration; to work together to produce new programs; to support faculty research; and to address issues of general concern to the community and its mission. Jeanne Colleran 76, the interim director of the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL), designed the Sustenance Program. Speaking of it and the other learning communities sponsored by the CTL, Colleran observed: I am very happy that so many faculty and administrators are participating in learning communities. It reflects well on their commitment to remain current with important intellectual developments, to support each others work, and to continue to find ways to enhance the learning environment at John Carroll.

Master-plan consultants chosen

sasaki assoCiates of Watertown, Massachusetts, has been selected to be John Carrolls master planning consulting firm. The selection of the international planning and design group follows a national competition that began in late October and involved eight national firms in its initial stages. Clevelands Osborn Engineering, Ohios oldest engineering firm, will be Sasakis partner on the project. In what is expected to be a ten-month planning period, the two firms will work to help prepare a campus master plan with five- and ten-year horizons, a plan that will be sufficiently flexible to accommodate adjustments to changing circumstances. The planning period, to be completed before the end of the calendar year, will consist of three phrases: investigation, analysis, and preparation of the master plan with supporting documents. The consultants work will entail a review and plan for five areas of the university: academics, housing, recreation/ athletics, student services, and administration/ parking. The organizational schema, which will support the universitys mission, will be the conceptualized expression of the best way to physically serve John Carrolls present core activities and the changes envisioned over the next decade. The plan is intended, said President Niehoff in a message to the community on January 18, to: deliver a setting that is culturally dynamic, encourages participation, enhances social interaction, and appeals to our students, faculty, staff, visitors, and the larger community. During the nearly year-long planning exercise, there will be substantial opportunities for comment and critique by university constituents, local public officials and the universitys neighbors. Sasakis services will include an informational website dedicated to our campus master plan; the site also will provide constituents with opportunities to express written comments as the planning process progresses.
John Carroll university Winter 2007



Dr. Susan Longs book wins anthropology award

Sociologys Dr. Susan Orpett Long has been awarded the 2006 Francis L.K. Hsu Book Prize by the Society for East Asian Anthropology for her book, Final Days: rich comparative data on the construction of meaningful deaths in post-industrial societies. How to die has become something we can choose; in examining how ordinary people in Japan think and act about dying, Long deals in a sensitive and thoughtful way with a variety of issues currently at the fore in medical anthropology and crosscultural bioethics, including disclosure of diagnosis, discontinuing or withholding treatment, organ donation, euthanasia, and hospice versus hospital care. The citation went on to commend Longs nuanced and insightful analysis that focuses on the gap between formal cultural rules and what ordinary people do when confronted with end-of-life decisions. The society also said that it anticipates that Longs study will be widely cited in Japan and will be important for the anthropological perspective it offers in bioethical debate.

Ignatian Day
Ignatian Day, the university communitys annual gathering to reflect on John Carrolls mission, was held on campus on January 12. This years keynote speaker was Dr. John neafsey, PsyD., a practicing clinical psychologist and a faculty member at Loyola University Chicago. Dr. Neafsey is a volunteer therapist at the Marjorie Kovler Center for the Treatment of Survivors of Torture and is the author of A Sacred Voice Is Calling: Personal Vocation and Social Conscience.


Japanese Culture and Choice at the End of Life (University of Hawaii Press, 2005). The award citation reads: Based on a decade-long ethnographic study of end-oflife decisions in Japan, Final Days provides

Vietnamese scholar visits John Carroll

Dr. Tran Le Hoa Tranh, a professor of literature, linguistics and journalism at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, visited Dr. Paul Nietupskis class on the afternoon of February 26. Dr. Tranh came to campus as a visiting scholar and participated in a wide range of classes, including economics, political science and theatre arts. In Dr. Nietupskis class, she participated in a discussion of religious life in modern Vietnam, and, in particular, of Buddhist customs in a society where traditionally the majority of the population has been Buddhist. Dr. Nietupski said: Dr. Hoa Tranh is at John Carroll to teach us about Vietnam and to learn about the U.S. educational system. She and her colleagues look forward to future active exchanges between Vietnam and the USA, in all fields. Dr. Tranhs visit is sponsored by ASIANetwork, the Center for Educational Exchange with Vietnam, and the American Council of Learned Societies, with support from the Henry Luce Foundation. The goals of the project are to enable Vietnamese faculty visiting select American institutions to examine the academic environment, teaching methods, and curricula of their host, and to stimulate academic exchanges and long-term relationships between ASIANetwork colleges and universities and Vietnamese schools. All expenses are covered by the Luce grant.

John Carroll university Winter 2007


Dr. Francesco Cesareo is president of assumption College

Dr. Francesco Cesareo, who founded John Carrolls Institute of Catholic Studies and is warmly remembered

Grasselli Tower was on February 5

As recorded in The Carroll News (CN) of February 12, 1932, the 150-foot tower that is still the signature of John Carroll University was topped off without fanfare at the end of January. CN reporter Adrian Foose, Jr., was one of only six people on hand. Far from the ground and chilled by a frosty breeze, he wrote, two men labored with a large stone, groaned, said unkind things about it, and shoved it into its final position with a sigh of relief, the last piece of the tower. The fact is that the dreams of Carroll are becoming realities and soon we of the student body will be enjoying the benefits of a new college atmosphere a new and greater Carroll. Foose was unaware that the dreams were fading as the Great Depression threatened to strangle Carrolls capital campaign. Three weeks earlier, construction had been officially suspended. The finishing touches would not be completed until the summer of 1935. For more than three years the campus would lay unoccupied except for Grasselli Tower, which became the temporary residence of Frederick Odenbach, SJ. The biologist-turned-meteorologist-and-seismologist moved in with his dog Hector, his parrot, a gun (for pheasant, probably), an Arctic sleeping bag, his cooking utensils and his laboratory instruments. After beginning its history as the universitys seismology lab, Grasselli Tower would serve a variety of purposes: it would house The Carroll News, the radio station and a phone center for fundraising. Cadets of the Reserve Officer Training Corps would rappel down its facade. And the tower would serve as the landmark for the Heights campus.


by many in the university community, has been named president ot Assumption College, a 2100student liberal arts institution in Worcester, Mass. Cesareo had been a dean at Duquesne University since 2004, but prior to that, he served at John Carroll from 1989 to the spring of 2004.

assistant Football Coach has second book published

John Carroll Assistant Varsity Football Coach Greg Cielec has published his second book of fiction, a novella titled Home and Away Games. His first book My Cleveland Story sold out three hardback printings and was well received by critics. Cielec is an English teacher at Streetsboro, Ohio High School, and an adjunct professor at Lakeland Community College.

First online courses being offered

For the first time, John Carroll is offering online courses for both undergraduates and graduate students. Three classes will be offered in the summer session only. The grad courses are a pre-MBA course and one on management information systems. The undergraduate offering is a course in moral decision making under the aegis of the Department of Religious Studies. The teachers in these classes completed a faculty development training program. The courses will be offered through the universitys Blackboard Web-based learning system. Students registered for the class will receive a designated section on their Blackboard account. The courses will be capped at 15 students because the time professors must spend on directing and grading assignments via email can be more time consuming than traditional class learning management. Students may register for these classes beginning March 19.

John Carroll university Winter 2007


JCU Connect is the new way for alumni to stay in touch

Alumni Relations recently announced that JCU Connect, the universitys new online communications system, will be launched later this spring. It is expected that the system will offer alumni many resources that will make it easier to communicate with each other and stay involved with the John Carroll community. JCU Connects features will include: A searchable alumni directory that will give alumni the ability to locate lost friends and classmates; The option to create a personal profile page to display information about oneself; Postings of the latest university news and events, with the opportunity to register for programming online and stay informed of JCU happenings; A career resources component that will allow business, job and mentoring connections; Class notes sharing of updates with classmates about recent important events in the life of an alumnus; The ability to post photos online and view albums of friends and classmates; Online chat; Postings to message boards; E-mails to friends. The Office of Alumni Relations statement said, in part: JCU Connect will allow alumni to more actively participate with the John Carroll community and will provide an added value to being a graduate. Alumni are advised to check for more information about JCU Connect. Login information for the community will be distributed in the coming months. The Alumni Board and the Office of Alumni Relations are delighted to offer this service and invite alumni to utilize JCU Connect and stay connected with friends, classmates, and the university community.

Dan oMalley 07 given key to university heights

Dan OMalley, the outgoing two-term Student Union (SU) president who graduates in May, was given the key to University Heights by Beryl Rothschild, the longtime mayor of John Carrolls home municipality, at a Dolan Center ceremony on January 18. Youve opened up the Student Union to the city and did such a great job in communicating with us, even though we didnt always agree, Mayor Rothschild told OMalley in presenting him the key. In his remarks, OMalley expressed pride in the relationship the SU established with city officials.
andrew Costigan

Whether I was dealing with city hall, or speaking at a council meeting or writing a letter, the two-term president said, no one was ever too busy to give the students at John Carroll their consideration. The other focus in the January 18 event was the inauguration of the new Student Union president, junior Andrew Costigan, who pledged to continue OMalleys successful efforts to intensify student involvement in the SU.

John Carroll university Winter 2007

1952 1932
Grasselli Tower being constructed in the early 1930s Pacelli Hall was dedicated in 1952.




Images of
Coeds arrive in 1968

Fr. Dunn on a bulldozer preparatory to the construction of Bohannon Hall in the early 1960s



Frs. Lavelle and Zombor in the mid-1970s. Womens basketball team 1977 Student Union presidents John Kleshinski 73 and Tim Russert 72 with Fr. Birkenhauer.




Mens cross country team 1981 Shula Stadium going up in 2002

John Carroll university Winter 2007

Hanging out 1987



Mens basketball squad in national tourney again

[JCu defeated Westminster 87-83 on March1 and lake erie 79-77 on March 3 to advance to play Wooster on March 10] Despite a career-high 34 points from Brandon Mimes, top-seed and host Capital outraced the visiting Blue Streaks on Friday. February 23, to pull out a 78-73 victory and capture the 2007 Ohio Athletic Conference (OAC) Mens Basketball Tournament. The victory earned Capital its first title since 1984 and an automatic bid into the NCAA Division III Championships. However, 48 hours later, the Blue Streaks were selected for an at large bid to the national championship. They will play Westminster College of New Wilmington Pennsylvania on March 1, and if they top the Titans, they will have a shot at the Lake Erie College Storm on March 3. Coach Mike Morans guys have done well at the big dance, and it would not be a great surprise if their season continued well into March. The Streaks finished the OAC regular season and the tournament with a 19-9 mark. They shared the regular season title and handled Baldwin-Wallace, to whom they had lost six straight, nicely, 76-69, to advance to the championship game against Capital of Columbus. Until they fell to the Crusaders, John Carroll had won 11 of their last 13, and the team was looking as if it was rounding into top form at just the right time. That promise may still prove true. JCU is making its 10th appearance in the Division III tourney, and its fourth in the last five years. As has been the case in recent seasons, Moran is stressing depth, fresh legs, platooning. The parts are not interchangeable though. Mimes has been stellar and fellow senior Terry Walsh has been a force with a 16 ppg. average. The coachs son, Pete Moran, is the other player with an average in double figures.

Men & women take thirds in oaC swim & dive

John Carroll couldnt make up ground on the front runners in the final day at the OAC Swimming & Diving Championships as both the mens and womens squads finished in third place. It was a tough ending to the season at the Ocasek Natatorium at the University of Akron. The JCU women had finished either first or second in every OAC Championship since joining the league, while the men finished third at an OAC championship meet for just the second time in program history and the first time since 1999. Ohio Northern teams swept the titles, as the women scored 260 points to run away from Baldwin-Wallace (216.5) and John Carroll (188). On the mens side, the Polar Bears racked up 259 points, well ahead of BaldwinWallace (168), John Carroll (161) and Mount Union (148). Sophomore Heather Gilmour did her part, as she won her third title in as many days in the 1650 free (18:58.33) on the final day. Gilmores other titles were 500 M and 200M freestyle.

Bruce thomas resigns as JCu tennis coach

Dr. Bruce Thomas, who helped engineer a Carroll sweep of the 2006 Ohio Athletic Conference mens and womens tennis championships, has resigned as head mens and womens tennis coach. In five seasons, Thomas built both programs into powers. Last year, he led JCU to its first league mens tennis title since 1999. In five seasons, Thomas mens teams compiled a 52-46 record. Thomas womens squads were more dominant. In 2006, he led the Blue Streaks to their second OAC title in three years. In five years, he guided the Streak women to a record of 80-26. Thomas earned OAC Coach of the Year three times--for the women in 2004 and 2006, and for the men in 2006.

Gridders will play in switzerland this spring

The John Carroll football team is once again planning a trip to Europe in May. This years tour is to Switzerland to play the Grizzlies, the club football team from Bern, Switzerland. The team, some parents and a small contingent of alumni will depart on May 21 and return on May 29.
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John Carroll university Winter 2007 John Carroll university Winter 2007

Three former Streaks are key personnel For Super Bowl champ Colts

Womens basketball ends in oaC quarterfinals
Not a memorable year. There were moments, such as Feb. 15 when they overcame a 23-point deficit to triumph process snap a 30-game losing streak at the hands of the Yellow Jackets. over Baldwin-Wallace, 61-58. and in the

That bubble burst two nights later when Coach Kristie Maravallis squad was handled rudely by Wilmington College, 70-44. The negative mo
From left, tom telesco, Chris Polian and Dave Caldwell.


continued in the OAC tourney when Capital dashed the Streaks hopes with an authoritative 55-38 quarterfinal round victory. John Carroll finished with a 10-16. Jessica Gibbons, Rachael Price and Tracey Prosinski were tightly clustered, just into double figures, as the scoring leaders and Prosinski was the top rebounder.

Three former JCU gridders had major roles in building the Indianapolis Colts into a team that won the world championship. Chris Polian 93, in his second season as vice president of football operations, began his tenure with the Colts in 1998 as the director of pro scouting. He served from 2001-03 as assistant director of football operations, then spent the 2004 season as assistant GM of football operations. He was a wide receiver for JCU from 1989-92. Tom Telesco 95 is in his ninth season with the Colts, with this his first as

director of player personnel. In 2004, he was director of scouting, and before that an area scout. Telesco was a JCU wide receiver from 1991-94. Also in his Colts ninth year, David Caldwell 96 completed his first season as western regional scout. He served from 1998 until 2005 as an area scout. Caldwell was a two-year letterman as an outside linebacker for John Carroll, and joined Telesco as an integral part of the Streaks Ohio Athletic Conference championship team in 1994.

Grapplers go third in oaC tourney

The OAC coaches picked JCUs wrestlers to finish third, and the coaches were right. Still rebuilding, still young. Junior Adam Pizzurro and senior Ryan Summers were the only guys with conference championship final experience. Experience counted as that twosome each took a league title in the OAC tourney at Heidelberg on February 17. Sophomore Elie Naoum, junior Dominic Spitalieri and sophomore Dan Mizener each made it to the championship match and earned All-OAC honors. Juniors Steve Bagnowski and Chris Branchen finished third John Carroll university in the tournament.
Winter 2007

Katie Winings named OAC indoor field athlete of the week

katie Winings was named Ohio Athletic Conference (OAC) Indoor Field Athlete of the Week for her efforts for the period ending February 18. Winings continued her brilliant junior season at the Greater Cleveland Colleges Meet, as she won both the long jump (17-00) and triple jump (35-8 3/4), and finished as the runner-up in the 55-meter hurdles. This is the first career OAC Athlete of the Week honor for Winings.


Have your Cake

By Peter Bernardo 67
Director of Planned Giving

and Eat It Too

deduction of $24,687 which may save them $8,147. At the grandchilds graduation, John Carroll will receive $50,000. Four payments of $10,376.64 are made directly to the grandchild. This means that the grandchild can attend any college of his choosing; he/she does not have to attend JCU to receive the benefit. Every dollar the grandparents gave was either given to the child directly for college or given back in the form of a tax deduction. In addition, a major gift was realized by JCU... as close to having your cake and eating it too as we will see. The example given is only one of many possibilities. If you are interested, a specific solution can be created for your situation by contacting the Planned Giving Office and Peter Bernardo at 216-397-4217.

There is no perpetual motion machine and no free lunch. However, sometimes life allows us a freebee. Deferred annuities are a cake and eat it too phenomena. They do it through the mathematics of time, rate, and interest. Here is an example. A JCU alumnus is 65 and has a grandchild starting high school. The rising cost of college will be a burden. The grandparents would like to help. They also want to donate to JCU. They invest in a deferred annuity or college option annuity. They give JCU $50,000 for a college annuity and defer the first payment for four years to coincide with the grandchild entering college. The magic of time, rate, and interest will produce four yearly payments of $10,376.64 to the student, one payment for every year of college. Uncle Sam gives the grandparents a tax


By Mary Michael 76G Our first-born Michael, known as Mickey, was diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis (NF) when he was four in 1958. He attended special education programs, struggled academically but was a happy child. At fifteen, he began working part time as a dishwasher. After high school graduation, his other jobs included housekeeping at Hillcrest Hospital for ten years. He had a wonderful work ethic and was so proud of his independence and earnings. Mickey began driving at 21. He knew his limits and was the only one of our six who never had an auto accident! Along the way, it was necessary for him to use a cane. Then he had a severe fall, which led to a broken hip, a replacement and ultimately to cancer. His last five years were spent in and out of the hospital. After radiation, Mickey, in consult with us, decided not to pursue chemotherapy when he was told it wouldnt greatly lengthen his life. He spent his last 18 months at home. After Mickeys death in 1992, we wanted to do something significant in his memory. We had developed a profound connection to John Carroll. I received a masters in 1976. Our daughter Erin graduated in 1990. Many relatives and friends are all alumni.
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John Carroll university Winter 2007 John Carroll university Winter 2007

We have two grandsons attending. For 18 years I served on the university board. That provided an opportunity to participate in strategic planning, which helped facilitate the tremendous growth of the university. Participation in committees allowed for involvement with most aspects of the university. My husband, Mike, and I, have grown in our knowledge of the Jesuit mission and believe deeply in the Ignatian value of women and men for others. Upon Mickeys death, we felt there was no better way to honor him than to establish a scholarship for students with a physical, mental or educational disability. This scholarship is also supportive of the strategic goal of creating a more diverse university community. Full endowment of the Michael Scott Michael Memorial Scholarship Fund has been a goal for our family. In February, it became reality. It gives our family such gratification to know that the scholarship will be available every year to a qualified student. Mickey was deeply loved. He made a positive impact on everyone, and didnt allow his limitations to keep him from being all he could be. He was an inspiration and this scholarship is a continuation of our blessing.


ationally, students from high income families are three times more likely to enroll in a four-year college than students from low-income families. For the majority of 18-21 year-olds, a residential four-year college experience is not the norm. However, with help from the federal and state grant and loan programs along with JCU assistance, a college education can be possible and affordable for many families that rule out schools too early because of the sticker price.

John Carroll university Winter 2007


Making a college education affordable


our renewed commitment to low-income families

On February 2, John Carroll announced its new initiative, allowing families making under $40,000 annually to enroll with no out-of-pocket costs towards tuition, effective for the academic year 2007-2008. Federal and state grants, and institutional funds, along with a Stafford loan, will be combined to meet direct tuition cost of students who meet our academic standards. Each familys resources will contribute to room and board costs and miscellaneous expenses. With this new commitment, a John Carroll education is possible for many students who may have too quickly ruled out a private, Catholic education based merely on the sticker price. Currently, close to 20% of John Carroll students come from low-income families. yet the retention and graduation rates among this group lag behind the overall population. Finances surely play a role in their ability to graduate. As an institution, we can do better. living the mission In accord with the universitys mission, students operating under this initiative will be expected to participate in community service projects sponsored through our Center for Community Service. We need to confront the needs of the region, make a John Carroll education more affordable, and shape young people of character who will lead and serve, said JCU President, Rev. Robert L. Niehoff, SJ John Carroll must continue to be a campus that is conscious of the demographic, economic and social challenges in Ohio.

By Brian Williams,
Vice President for Enrollment


John Carroll university Winter 2007

other support This new initiative is a bold step towards helping families that have never considered JCU because of our cost and their resources. Overall, it fits in with one of the goals of the enrollment division: to eliminate family income as a barrier to student success. Many families across the entire financial spectrum make significant sacrifices to afford and attend John Carroll and we are grateful that those families see value in our mission. Our financial aid commitment to all families is motivated by our resolve to make everyones education affordable. The chart shows typical financial packages and their relation to family income:

John Carroll assistance Grants & scholarships

Family income average JCu Grant

$40,000 - $75,000 $75,001 - $100,000 Greater than $100,000

$16,000 $13,000 $10,000

When families do not qualify for federal and state grant aid, John Carroll will be able to look at our donor scholarships and endowed gifts to help middleincome families. For middle- income families, borrowing becomes the most common option to bridge the gap to enrolling at JCU. In the coming year, we will be looking closely at the loan burden our students take on to graduate. New policies and initiatives must help us look at the true cost of a JCU education. It is a time of profound change at the

university, a time when we have frozen room and board rates and are looking at the impact and quality of the overall JCU experience. From the financial aid perspective, our challenge is to: Keep a JCU education possible and affordable for as many students as possible. Ensure our students graduate with minimal loan debt. It will take time to ensure access and affordability for all students considering John Carroll University. But as we begin to form stronger initiatives in need-based aid, it is our hope that the combination of federal, state, institutional and family resources can begin to enable more students to choose excellence and become our future alumni without taking on overwhelming financial burdens.

John Carroll university Winter 2007



This is the first entry in a multi-part look at the admission process and what happens behind the closed doors of our review process.

Behind closed doors

By Steven Vitatoe 95, Director of Enrollment Operations Part i: Do activities really matter? yes, activities matter. The university must make distinctions among large numbers of highly qualified applicants each year. Grades and student curriculum play dominant roles in the review process and rightly so. yet after reading thousands of transcripts of good students, they can all tend to blend together. Extracurricular activities play a key role in differentiating between applicants. Nationally students who are involved and engaged outside the classroom perform better in college than those that are not. We take time trying to understand a students choices in high school so that we can find students who will make our campus a better place. We are trying to shape an entering class that will complement the existing student body and advance the universitys mission. What follows are some observations regarding involvement beyond the classroom and advice on how it fits into the admission process. There is no magic formula. How easy our admission process would be if there was a formula to it (Two varsity sports plus 30 hours volunteering plus yearbook editor equals admission). It is about following your heart. Activities wont make or break an application decision at most schools. So adding more pressure to your days just to squeeze in one more activity can be more damaging than helpful. Depth versus breadth does ring true. Do what you love and the right schools will see your strengths. Stop doing what you hate. If you are spending time on activities that you dont enjoy, then stop. It can only detract from time you could dedicate to other activities. When we read an application, we are trying to get to know the student and catch a glimpse of the soul on paper. We know the John Carroll campus, and through a list of activities we attempt to picture if the fit is right. Imagine a student staying involved in a sport solely because he thinks it will look good on an application, only to find that everyone at the campus loves that sport. Being genuine to activities is essential. Share the context of your involvement. Your college application is not the place to be shy or humble. A student involved with gymnastics may not stand out in the application process but what if the student wakes at 4 a.m. and drives two hours to the nearest gym? That sense of dedication speaks volumes. Further, students often overlook discussing the sharing of family and financial obligations in their applications, but such details can reveal a great deal to us. Con-


John Carroll university Winter 2007

John Carroll University invites all admitted seniors to join us for our

text allows us to truly see the person. Lead. Leadership is more about significance than titles. In the Ignatian tradition, consider the ways you can share your gifts to make a difference for others. Do you help the JV team? Can you help coach a team or clinic in your town? Do you perform for senior citizens and take your talents to others? This type of service can stand out in the application process and make a difference at the same time! Strike a balance. Your level of involvement and commitment means a lot more than the number of clubs you are in or the number of sports you play. We dont want to see student performance or health suffer from being over-involved. Over-involvement leads to nights with fewer than eight hours sleep, fatigue and little time just to daydream and imagine. Theres a balance to be found in which you are passionate

about your activities, your grades dont suffer, you have time to enjoy life. Do something where youre not being judged. Every activity and minute of a day does not need to be added to a resume. According to national trends, this generation of high school students is being judged, graded, analyzed and assessed at every turn. The pressure to always be on leaves time for little else. At heart, we are trying to shape a class, find the right mixture of leaders and followers, athletes and dramatists who will take University Heights by storm. Activities matter so much. They foreshadow the campus life and energy of the next four years. No two students are the same and the more we can see the differences, the better a university we become by bringing in a class with diverse talents and dreams. So, dont be shy in telling your complete story!

Class of 2011


Saturday, April 14, 2007 8:30 a.m. 3:30 p.m. Please join us on campus for this very special event. Program highlights will include:
Walking tours of campus Perspectives from current JCU students Presentations from the Academic Deans Mock lecture sessions Presentations by representatives from Admission, Financial Aid, Orientation, and Residence Life Spring indoor picnic

For more information, please call (216) 397-4294 or (888) 335-6800

John Carroll university Winter 2007


Dear Parents and Guardians: I recognize that, for the parents and guardians of our students, the affordability of higher education continues to be a major and growing concern. In the past year the administration has addressed this concern directly, and we have taken significant steps to realign our costs. The goal has been to minimize rate increases to our students without impacting the educational quality that both students and parents expect and deserve. My purpose in writing this letter is to provide information to you regarding the tuition and fee schedule for the 2007-2008 academic year. The combined tuition, room and board increase for 2007-2008 will be approximately 4.2%, the lowest increase in over ten years. Key changes in the fee schedule for 2007-2008 are as follows: Full-time undergraduate tuition will increase by 5.5%, to $26,144. Room and board rates will not change from 2006-2007 levels, with standard room and board continuing at $7,790 annually. For the third consecutive year, summer school tuition rates will be frozen at their existing level. The student activity fee will remain at $290 annually. For the third consecutive year, MBA and graduate school tuition rates will not increase. Course change and late registration fees have been eliminated. For a complete list of all fees, please access our website: The future is bright for John Carroll, and, in a time of change, we are positioning the University to flourish. Our tuition increase this year allows us to maintain our existing operations while also realizing many of the profound changes happening at JCU: Improving and increasing academic programs, especially those that relate to mission and service; Achieving competitive salary goals necessary for attracting and keeping excellent faculty and staff; Strategic space planning has begun with a Campus Master Plan, along with companion pilot studies relating to short-term and long-term parking possibilities, on-campus and off-campus housing options for students and the restoration of Kulas Auditorium; Improvements will be made in the main dining and dining support areas; carpeting and lighting will be updated in select resident halls, and we will begin the replacement of the athletic varsity track and playing surfaces. The commitment to controlling our expenses while improving programs for all students is achievable through the dedication of our Board of Directors and of the administration as we discover ways to streamline without impacting the quality expected from the university. When we do increase tuition and fees, we do so because they are necessary for John Carroll to continue to attract and retain excellent students and faculty from the region and across the country. I wish to assure you of the vision, commitment and dedication of our faculty and staff who believe in our shared mission: to shape students of character who will learn, lead and serve in a global setting. We sincerely appreciate the sacrifices that your family makes to invest in Jesuit Catholic education and John Carroll. Sincerely,

Robert Niehoff, S.J. President


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Grounded in
Paul Kozak 04 put himself in harms way for peace and justice

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the Gospel:
By Jerry Pockar Theres Paul Kozak 04 last summer: lying in a hammock on the simple porch of his wooden hut in San Jos de Apartado in the northwest of the South American land of Colombia. Paul is looking at the wonder of a sky crowded with stars and listening to his neighbor softly strum a guitar. He said recently, from the vantage of his parents home in Huntington, Pennsylvania: Our nights were very calm, very beautiful. People would visit, come to play guitar, and they would hang out on the porch in their hammocks. According to a LA Times reporter, San Jos de Apartado occupies a Xanadu-like corner of Colombia, creased by river chasms and carpeted with cedar, cacao and banana trees, accessible only by mule. Its a place surrounded by jungle, the kind of place that stimulates, in the words of a poet, green thoughts in a green shade. Sadly, its also a place where nearly fifteen percent of the local population of 1,400 178 humans has been murdered in the last decade. The Colombian Army, the right-wing paramilitaries in the region and the troops of the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) insurgents would no doubt resist the use of the word murder. In their eyes, they are undoubtedly all soldiers, not murderers. Be that as it may, when people are hacked to death because they have publicly announced their intention to be part of a peace community, murder seems a pretty good word choice. There is apparently no dispute that being hacked to death is what happened to Eduardo Luis Guerra, his girlfriend, his 11-year-old son and five other San Jos residents after Guerra announced that another small village was being absorbed into the peace community he and others had established in San Jos. At least one of those victims was beheaded and dismembered. The year before, Guerras wife was killed by an army grenade. There are complexities in Colombia that are no doubt difficult for gringos thousands of miles away to trap. Paul Kozak, who lived in the hamlet of La Union for 365 days says, that it is essentially a matter of the army, the paramilitaries and the guerillas fighting over control of land which has present and potential value and of the nearby drug-smuggling corridor. Most of the people in the peace community are squatters on unclaimed land who arrived in the area in the 1950s. When warfare between revolutionary insurgents, rich landowners paramilitaries and the Colombian army, smoldering since the 1960s, erupted into hideous violence in the 1990s, the inhabitants of little villages like Esperanza (Hope) fled. The peace community is an effort to allow them to reclaim where they had previously cleared, planted and harvested their small portion of the earth. Paul lived there as a year-long volunteer for the Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR), the nations largest and oldest interfaith peace organization. The spiritually-driven young

Youre in the middle of disease and poverty and violence, but besides that, the people are so loving and so generous. There is joy and beauty in the people. They believe in each other and in the goodness of life. They are working to create heaven on earth.

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He also knows that if the area is an Eden, it is one replete with poisonous serpents, malaria, dengue fever, dysentery that kills children and armed men bearing arms with malevolent intent.
alumnus laments that FOR is becoming, in his perception at least, more secular. Nonetheless, FOR has a long, honorable history as a faith-based peace organization, and it was, thus, an appropriate banner for Kozak to march under in his Colombian year, which ended this past December. The most important thing Kozak did was be there. The theory is that the presence of a foreign witness will work to deter violence. While killing Norte Americano witnesses has certainly happened before in Latin America, the assumption is that those likely to do some killing would rather avoid the hassles that come when an international volunteer is slain in a conflicted area. In the aforementioned LA Times article, Paul is quoted as saying, The hope is that by (our) being here, the armed groups wont commit acts that would create an international public relations problem. The political costs increase if something happens to us. After a gun battle last March in which one soldier was killed,

Ana Hilda Vargas, a 50-year-old widow who had been one of Colombias three million internally displaced Colombians before she found refuge in San Jos, said of Kozak and another FOR volunteer to the Southern California papers reporter, If they werent here, we would have been crushed. Again, thats three million internally displaced Colombians in a population of 43 million. The U.S. government, the Organization of American States and a host of human rights groups routinely trumpet how appalled they are by the violence. However, the Colombian government has not done anything significant to improve the situation, and so the savagery, which does wax and wane, continues. In a village not far away, 119 were killed in a mortar attack by guerillas several years ago. Notwithstanding that horror, according to Kozak and the Times reporter, most of the violence recently has come from the army and the paramilitaries. The peace community cluster of villages, was established so that the campesinos could reclaim the land from the warring parties. A Jesuit group, Justicia y Paz, (Justice and Peace) played an important role in the establishment of ten such Colombian communities. A San Francisco Chronicle story referred to their being as many as 50 peace communities. Kozak said, though, that, to his knowledge, the San Jos cluster was one of the only ones to remain intact. Its success in surviving had, he analyzed, everything to do with the fortitude and commitment of the people. Those who chose to be a part of the peace communities committed themselves: to not participate directly or indirectly in the violence; to not carry arms; to not give information to the combatants; to not ask the latter for help; to each make an individual search for a peaceful solution to Colombias conflict; and to participate in communal work. When he speaks of his FOR time, Kozak emphasizes how deep green and gorgeous this part of the planet is. He also knows that if the area is an Eden, it is one replete with poisonous

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serpents, malaria, dengue fever, dysentery that kills children and armed men bearing arms with malevolent intent. Every time you came across an armed actor in the jungle, Kozak related, you would just tense upEven when you expected to see people (with arms), when you saw them, you would be petrified. In the Times piece, Kozak described the March shootout, in which one army soldier was killed, as terrifying and deafening. In an account for the FOR newsletter, Paul wrote: youre waiting for heat to pierce your skin. In all, Kozaks Colombian year was a seminar in suffering. An entry in his journal captures witnessed pathos: Today, we buried our neighbor Adan. Since I had arrived last year, he had been gravely ill. Finally, lung failure took him before he reached 50. The burial was quite a unique experience. After carrying the casket up to our village and digging the grave site, they lowered him in to the ground while machine gun fire was echoing off the mountains. The people were stoic and austere. I looked around me from face to face, and I felt out of place. Behind every look was a story of suffering. The violence and poverty have ravaged the lives of these people. I felt that today, even though I do not share their history, as hard as it is, I did not want to be anywhere else. It clearly was hard and frightening, but when Kozak was on the phone, he took pains to emphasize the positive dimension of what he experienced: youre in the middle of disease and poverty and violence, but besides that, the people are so loving and so generous. There is joy and beauty in the people. They believe in each other and in the goodness of life. They are working to create heaven on earth. When Ive said that, I think people think Im romanticizing it. I dont think thats the case, but people have to experience it to understand. Worrying over whether he might be romanticizing his perception is indicative of an evolving consciousness Kozak is sometimes occupied watching himself learn and grow. Colombia was round three in his Latin expeditions. In the fall semester of his junior year, he studied and served at the Casa de la Solaridad in El Salvador. In that program of the Jesuits Santa Clara University,

undergraduate students study at Universidad de CentroAmericano (UCA), the Jesuit university in San Salvador, and work with the poor for at least three days a week. Casa and El Salvador was, says the political science major, a transformative experience. Transformative is a mighty big adjective, but when you talk to Kozak and you get some sense of the last few years of his young life, you are likely to conclude those 14 letters are apt. Of course when he uses the word, he doesnt simply throw it out there; he grounds it in the Gospel: ...such a transformative experience; I think it is because you actually live the mystery of the Crucifixion and Resurrection... Kozak is grounded in the Gospel; thats the big message of these words on a page. (El Salvador) was the final push off the edge. Its his metaphor and he didnt tie up its loose ends, but its a fair inference that, in his own mind, Kozak has left the plane of the conventional life. He said later in this conversation: A commitment to living out the Gospel is imperative. One of the things you like about Kozak is that he is quick to volunteer to deflate his own ego. He said that it was hard for him

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to come back to University Heights from El Salvador. That feeling is known intimately by the scores of women and men who have served there over nearly half a century with the Diocese of Clevelands Mission Team. When Salvador is not daunting, terrifying or repellent, its one of the most luminous and embracing places on earth, and Clevelands servants of the Salvadorans, like Fr. Joe Callahan 79, often dont want to come back. Here comes Kozaks deflation: In some ways, I was this selfrighteous maniac who had a lot of resentment, bitterness and even anguish. And I was thrown back into University Heights. At first, I responded immaturely or childishly, but I think that was part of my process at the time. My refuge was going to the Catholic Worker House. I would go there on nights I wasnt assigned to be with the people. That was more compelling than going to class. At the beginning of his senior year, Kozak received an invitation to spend a year working at Casa de la Solaridad after graduation. He called the invitation a grace. By July he was back in San Salvador, mentoring Casa students and being a community worker: I worked in a neighborhood oppressed by gang violence in Soyapango. I walked from home to home and listened to people. They had a lot of stories, and their testimonies were absolutely profound. I just spent that year listening and being with them. It was a year of healing for me. I had gone there with a lot of anger and resentment, but just being amongst the people and being present to them, I was moved by the grace of God to be more loving and compassionate.

There were a number of murders in the neighborhood when he was working there, and Kozak said he felt more fear in Soyapango than he did later in Colombia in Colombia, the violence is a little more systematic, but in Salvador, the gangs are just reckless. In addition to the healing and a deeper understanding of the Gospel, Kozak found a new mission in Salvador. He says, While I was working in that parish, I heard countless testimonies of people who during the war were accompanied by internationals. The internationals had no political support; they just went there on their own to do what they could to protect the Salvadorans and get the word out to the world when protection failed. As his year in San Salvador came to an end, Kozak learned that the Fellowship of Reconciliation was recruiting accompaniers (in Spanish acompanante) for its Colombia project. He applied; was accepted; trained in Nyack, N.y; and in December of 2005 found himself being one of two FOR acompanantes in San Jos de Apartado. The acompanante, and there are a good number of them in places like Colombia and Guatemala, isnt simply present to deflect the unhealthy attention of the bad guys. When a human rights violation does occur, the volunteer communicates with, in this case, the FOR representative in the capital of Bogota, who passes the word on to FOR headquarters in San Francisco, which, in turn, communicates with the organizations representatives in Washington. Kozak observes, San Jos de Apartado is more discussed in D.C. than it is in Bogota. Along with infrequent terrifying and deafening moments, San Jos gave Kozak ample opportunity to lie in hammocks and otherwise just be. He observed: I was never bored, but you might spend a day and do two things. Here we have a checklist of things to do. There, you might wake up and decide you wanted milk, so youd walk for half and hour and get milk. youd get back, boil the milk and then wash clothes, and it might be two or three in the afternoon. The pace allowed Kozak to be present to the people, as he said he had been in El Salvador; to listen to them; feel with them; learn from them. A neighbor, he related, whose husband was publicly unfaithful, never complained about her poverty or her tough life. She lost many relatives to the violence. She was always happy just to be. She helped us mend our clothes. I kept thinking she had the grace of Mary.


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As his language reveals, Paul Kozak seems the very model of a young faith-based person. He is also the present poster-boy of John Carrolls commitment to forming students who are men and women for others. There is a picture and brief note about Kozaks volunteer service in the current issue of Company, the national Jesuit publication. Most of the Jesuit colleges and universities submitted a photo and short bio of a graduate engaged in a year of service. Kozak is JCUs representative. Kozak came to JCU with the intent of playing basketball, but instead chose to make peace and justice the core of his collegiate experience. He was the starting point guard on a Pennsylvania state championship basketball team and the quarterback for his high school grid squad that went to the state semi-finals. Kozaks vision has been in formation for a long time. His mother is a former nun, his father a former priest. He said that they made a decision to live out their Gospel commitment by creating a family. They raised me, he said, to be compassionate and to stand with people who are excluded. The LA Times piece describes Kozak as a deeply religious Catholic who once considered joining the priesthood. Paul said that is not true and that he told the reporter, who otherwise wrote a good and truthful article, that it was not true. The deeply religious part is certainly accurate. In the phone interview, Kozak noted that he would soon do a retreat to attempt to find some illumination of his future. For now, though, he is trying to be gentle and patient with myself as he works to find his bearings and readjusts to living back home. He said in the first days of his return, he freaked out when a helicopter overhead brought back memories of threatening Colombian Army copters. Kozak has a different version of the American Dream and is not the typical John Carroll graduate, although there may not be such a creature. Paul is the blessedly extreme exemplar of the Jesuits, and the Gospels most fervently held beliefs and values.

Its seemingly early on Kozaks path. As laudable as his two years of volunteer service are, he has a way to go before he approaches the legacy of people like Callahan, who won the Alumni Medal last year and has been a servant and a light in El Salvador for 16 years. But Paul Kozak is blazing his own trail and its a nice thing to get a glimpse of him as he moves down it. He wrote an essay for the FOR newsletter and titled it, Reclaiming the Promised Land. It begins with a quote from Genesis and is further evidence of his Biblical imagination. Its pretty safe to say that whatever Paul Kozak does, next and after that, he will be earnestly but with good humor and his manifest down-to-earth character hard at work trying to metaphorically reclaim the land that has been promised. Speaking of the people of Esperanza, who are struggling to live in peace on the land they claimed through their toil and their faith and their lives, the last lines of Kozaks essay are these: From their faith in God and loyalty to each other and their past, they have already reached the Promised Land. They exemplify for us what human goodness signifies; their lives are a testament to an invincible spirit. What more could they possibly do? What else is to be expected of them. The answers, of course, are that the people of Esperanza could do nothing more and that nothing else is to be expected of them. The evidence indicates that, irrespective of legacy and longevity of service and the new challenges ahead for him, we can already make the same evaluation of Paul Kozak.

as seen in Company Magazine

Witness for Peace

Right after graduation, Paul Kozak became a Fellowship of Reconciliation volunteer, where he is a witness for peace in a savagely conflicted area of Columbias northwest. Nearly 200 residents and the local archbishop have been murdered by paramilitaries or the Columbian army. Kozak has put himself in harms way to nonviolently guard a group of former residents who have moved back after being driven off. Resident Ana Hilda Vargas, who lost her husband and two brothers, said of Paul and his fellow volunteers: If they werent here, we would have been crushed. Paul asked in a letter home, To what extent are we willing to give of ourselves so that those we love may live better?
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laughter floats from the open window of a half-full restaurant. Jazz music rises up like smoke into the air of a French Quarter night. The mansions that line St. Charles Avenue and City Park sit majestic and orderly. Seemingly, all is well in the Big Easy.
By Emily Shurilla 00

single strand of Mardi Gras beads lays strewn on the sidewalk. Quiet

Anyone who is not a citizen of

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NewOrleans NEEDS to go there

Cleaning up after Katrina

The City that Care Forgot seems to rumble along, without many telltale signs of the epic tragedy that occurred here in the fall of 2005. That is, until you leave the Quarter and the Garden District, and visit areas like the Lower Ninth Ward, or the neighborhoods where the John Carroll volunteer team worked in St. Bernard Parish. In these places, the life is all but gone, drained out along with the water that flooded and destroyed so many homes and businesses and lives. The spirit I knew in the city when I was a Jesuit Volunteer there still exists, but faintly, and only if you strain yourself to feel it. The people who live in New Orleans now have a spirit of rebirth, of renewal, and want that city to be home of rubble remain in the areas that used to serve as front yards. The situation in St. Bernard Parish is not much better. Though many homes still exist in the neighborhoods there, some are marked for demolition, some have yet to be gutted, and some have lain dormant since the storm. Very few neighbors have returned to their homes, and the majority of those that have continue to live in the trailer FEMA so kindly provided (but only temporarily) to them; that is, if they were lucky enough to have qualified for one. Our group spent three days gutting the homes of people who could not afford to pay someone to do the work and had applied for assistance from Habitat for Humanity. We spent one frustrating and while our trip was powerful and meaningful for us all, I cannot help but remember that there is so much more work to do. Anyone who is not a citizen of New Orleans NEEDS to go there, NEEDS to see what has happened, NEEDS to understand what continues to go on there, and NEEDS to be a part of the citys rebirth. During an evening reflection, we were asked to share one word that summed up our experience. My word was connection. I wrote in my journal, Its about my connection to this city, even in all its despair and devastation; there is still a tiny bit of the spirit I came to love about this city. There is still hope and faith alive in the people here. Its about connection to this group of young vibrant people, JCU students, that connects me to a university that shaped so much of who I am. Its about connection to people like Jocelyn Sideco (who works for the Jesuit Province in New Orleans) and St. Augustines Church (an African American Catholic Church in the French Quarter), reminders of the people and the faith that laid the foundation for my JVC year, and continue to guide my life. There is a pull that draws me to the deepest part, the most central part, the heart of this place; and that connection will never be broken.

a John Carroll team at work in new orleans.

again. But there remains, 16 months later, so much injustice and wreckage that it is hard to imagine that reality. Many homes in the Lower Ninth Ward have simply been bulldozed, deemed unworthy of gutting and repair. In some places, bare concrete slabs show where a home used to be; in other places, piles

rainy morning trying our best to learn how to put siding on a house before an intensifying rain cut our work day short. We were a group of 14 who spent just one week of our lives serving the city and people of New Orleans, and trying to learn as much as we could about what happened there and what injustice still exists. And
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itka is an isolated community of 8,500 on Baranof Island in Southeast Alaska. The only

access is by plane or boat. We have a mild climate for Alaska, and we are flanked on the east by snow-capped mountains, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean. Approximately a quarter of the population of Sitka is Alaskan native, mainly Tlingit Indians.
Megan Weiss 06


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Alaskan Corps year of Jesuit Volunteer

A Jesuit volunteers Alaskan experience

Most days I do a variety of jobs to support teachers at Sitka schools, often in the Community Schools office. I help coordinate the Learn and Serve program by going with students from Keet Gooshi Heen Elementary School to help serve lunch at Sitkas Senior Center. The fifth graders are excited to help, and the seniors really love when we come. I have many different students who come to me for help, and sometimes it is for more than homework. One student I met at the womans shelter where I volunteer has been coming to Homework Helpers for three months. His father was abusive and his mother sought a safe place for herself and her son to live. The boy began failing classes, and skipping basketball practice. The situation at home is improving. The tutoring seems to be bearing fruit, and my young friend has pulled up his grades. Weve become close. Im so aware of his and his mothers struggles that I find myself feeling very protective. He knows that I will be hard on him if he doesnt get his work done, but when he completes assignments and we are able to hang out, I feel blessed to have earned his respect. At times I feel a little overwhelmed in my work with these kids, but my motivation is strengthened when I see what they are facing. I never had to deal with the drugs or alcohol, or the sheer struggle to get by, experienced by so many Native Americans. I only hope that I can give a measure of stability to the children with whom I work, and that as my time here unfolds, more

the people in sitka are primarily tlingit.

Megan is crouching in the foreground.

I am in charge of the recycling program at Blatchley Middle School. I go around twice a week with a few eighth graders and collect the paper in the entire school. Sitka is an active recycling community. One of my jobs is after-school tutoring.

and more of them will trust me, if only as a kindly ear for their stories and feelings. I have also been asked to lead a service trip to Tacoma, Washington, to help build houses with Habitat for Humanity over spring break. Although I went on several similar trips at JCU, I never organized the entire trip, from booking the flights to raising the money to cover the cost of the trip. It has been hard being away from home without family and friends, but I have been nurtured by the community and the support staff with whom I work. Being in Alaska has opened my eyes to the world. I do feel that, post-graduation, I am able to live out Father Niehoffs call for us to engage the world. I am constantly using what I learned at John Carroll in way I never thought were possible. There were other options and doing a year of service was a tough decision. I feel that I made the right choice. I continue to apply what I learned in the classroom to the experiences that I am having in the real world in Sitka. The influence of service during my four years at Carroll changed my life forever. I am doing a year of service with the JVC because of the work, dedication, and compassion of the Jesuits. I am grateful for all the people back on campus who encouraged me to do more with my education. I was given the chance to challenge and explore, and because of this my life is very blessed.
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Megan, center, with fellow JvC volunteers. 27

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n Cleveland Heights, I look at

the sidewalk, each slab perfectly made and set to carry children

to school, mail carriers on their

routes, dog walkers on their mission. Sidewalks probably wouldnt have drawn my attention, but after mixing cement for sidewalks and driveways in Tijuana, Mexico, during a service trip, my perspective has changed. I notice and appreciate things and it has made me a better person.
Darcy Green 06

Tijuana taught me

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John Carroll university Winter 2007 John Carroll university Winter 2007

Pouring cement in Tijuana

When I first signed up for the service trip, I fancied myself a Good Samaritan. I was endeavoring to be a woman for others. What I never expected was that in some ways I was the one in need. I needed a broader understanding of the world, a greater appreciation for what I had, a better idea of what was important. My time in Tijuana gave me all this and more. I dont take cement for granted anymore. It is hard work to mix that stuff! Hour after hour in the hot Mexican sun mixing cement will give you a sunburn and sore muscles, but also a great sense of accomplishment. The communities we worked with were in desperate need of cement work. Tijuana is expanding rapidly. It was amazing to lock eyes with one of the community members, even if just for a moment. Our languages were a barrier, but our smiles communicated everything. They were happy to have us and we were happy to be there, regardless of our aching backs. We had some time for fun in Mexico, but even a trip to the beach came with reminders of what the U.S. border means for a city like Tijuana. Since our return home the immigration debate has flared up, but many of the loudest voices on this issue have never seen the effects of the border. Ive watched families sharing Sunday picnics through the fence, throwing hot dog buns back and forth. Ive seen mothers and fathers touch the fingers of their children

Juan, Darcy and Juans sons.

hour after hour mixing cement under the tijauna sun.

The city is growing and the government infrastructure cant keep up. Neighborhoods of tires and chicken wire sprawl up the hills, connected by dirt roads. During the rainy season these roads often become rivers of dangerous mud. It would have been easier to rent a cement truck. Wed have have the job done in no time, and our muscles wouldnt hurt. But the trip was about more than mixing cement. It was about building connections.

through the barrier under the watchful eyes of border officials. I have waited in lines of cars next to the cars of people trying to get to their better paying jobs in the U.S. I have walked along the border where over 3,000 white crosses symbolize the lives lost trying to make it across. Illegal immigration needs to be addressed, but Tijuana left me believing that providing a better life for your family and children is something all people share.

I know its complicated, but I dont like man-made structures standing in the way of someones ability to help himself. Every morning in Tijuana I knew I was going to learn something that day. Maybe the best ratio of sand to gravel and the best mixing technique; new information about the relationship between Mexico and the U.S., or how to introduce myself in pigeon Spanish. I was on my toes. Perhaps the most important lesson came from our bus driver Juan and his family. We got along from the beginning, even though we spoke very little of each others language. Juans sons came and helped us mix every day, and we invited them to the beach. On our last day in Tijuana, Juan took the group to his house to meet his wife and new baby. Riding along the bumpy dirt road, Juan welcomed us to his neighborhood, saying, This is the capital of the world. When we were all crammed into his tiny house (his palace), it hit me: in the midst of what I earlier would have compared to Third World poverty, was a pride and love that made everything beautiful. Before going to Mexico I would have thought that Juan and his family had nothing. They have everything: love for their family, pride in their community, and faith in God. In Cleveland Heights the sidewalk reminds me of all of this. I look at the cement and see the faces of all those I met in Tijuana and the valuable lessons they sent me home with.
John Carroll university Winter 2007


JCU Service
A d M I n I S t R At I O n
In my previous job as a faculty member at the University of Massachusetts Boston, I had the pleasure to work with Dr. Dwight Giles, one of the countrys foremost experts on service-learning. Along with his colleague Janet Eyler, Dwight wrote a lively book entitled Wheres the Learning in ServiceLearning? As his title playfully indicates, although few people in the academy deny the value and contribution of students service, many question whether service has a legitimate place in the classroom. For them, service feels like an activity best kept separate from their teaching. yet, from my perspective as dean, I believe professors have a vital role to play in helping students understand the context, the meaning, and the opportunities of their service. Whether students are volunteering their time in a local agency throughout the school year or spending an intensive two weeks in an immersion experience in another country, they need an informed context for understanding what they see and do. For instance, students who participate in the Arts and Sciences class Cultivating Community spend time working with resi-

Its service and learning

By Linda Eisenmann, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences

dents of Clevelands Hough neighborhood to create a community garden that meets the residents needs. Such a class could feel like a simple service activity. But the team of faculty teaching the course takes seriously its role in expanding students learning. Working from their separate disciplines, faculty members help students understand the impact of demographics and economics on city neighborhoods, including how immigration and migration affected Clevelands growth. They explore the connections among education, jobs, and housing. They question how urban environments can alternately foster community or discourage growth. Faculty bring context from their separate disciplines that helps students understand how urban residents negotiate their lives. Students also rely on their professors to help understand their own reactions. young adults find it especially hard to be patient with injustice, and they often seek immediate answers from politicians, leaders, and neighbors. Exposure to personal, social, and economic inequities that often occurs through service efforts can spark anger that no one is addressing the problems. A hallmark of a Jesuit institution is faculty who are comfortable with such discussions. They expect that students will raise issues of justice, and that their classrooms will become important places to explore the causes, impacts, and amelioration of injustice. Service-learning at its best relies on academic perspectives and intellectual approaches to inform, explain, and contextualize what students see in the world. In the document that defines JCUs Core Curriculum in the Liberal Arts, the faculty outlines many expectations, including that students will become aware of the interdependence of all peoples and that they will develop as whole human persons, with an awareness of alternative world views. Ultimately, as they move through their courses in the Core, students will learn a variety of intellectual, moral, and spiritual principles, and the responsible social actions which flow from them. In plainer words, a Jesuit education values both knowing and doing, both research and reflection. Professors are in the best position to do both, giving shape to how students learn about the world and their contributions to it. The learning in service-learning comes not only in single classrooms, but across the institution as a whole. For us, connecting service and learning is a vital part of our educational mission, and perhaps, our unique contribution to our students futures.


John Carroll university Winter 2007

Lessons Learned
In July of 1998 I had the opportunity to join JCU classmates on an immersion experience to the Rostro de Cristo (the Face of Christ) program in Ecuador. It was a step in a process of opening my mind and heart to our world. Today, many trips to various places later, I coordinate trips to locations including Ecuador. My work offers me a chance to challenge JCU students to taste the reality of our world. Their experiences open them to poverty, oppression, and injustice challenging their minds, hearts, and spirits. ecuador again Returning to Ecuador was powerful little children becoming teenagers, dirt paths becoming paved roads, a newly erected playground. However, as much as things change In one community, people survive living next to a trash dump. Each day they scavenge through trucked-in garbage. As they finished sorting each section, they set it on fire to create space for more. From the fires, black smoke billows. The number of children with respiratory problems is astounding. A few hundred yards from the trash dump is a school; inside a

By Chris Kerr 00, Coordinator of Social Justice Initiatives

hundred or so children are crammed into a space fit for a third of them. There are no walls, broken desks, ripped and torn books. In the neighborhood where we are staying, I get to know Vilma. She enjoys questioning us. She asks about our way of life, and I ask about Ecuador. She says: Who would you rather be with, people who are rich or people who are poor? I think about this question. Relatively speaking, I am rich, and so are my students, my family, my school. I told Vilma that I wasnt sure how to respond. Vilma says: I want to be with people who care about others as much as they want to be cared for themselves. If all people approached others this way, we would not be concerned with rich and poor. I got it and so too did the students with whom we discussed the Ecuadoran womans wisdom at the retreat house that night. Poverty causes suffering. We are all creatures of God and thus connected. We have the power to make change. nicaragua After hours of bumping along the hills of Nicaragua, our group arrived at Ramon Garcia. The families in the community had been living without electricity for a year. It is not unusual for the community to lose a young child to a cold or infection They retrieve their water from a river increasingly polluted by communities and factories upstream. Many in Ramon Garcia grow beans and maize. However, more and more, younger members travel by bus to textile factories (maquiladoras), leaving early and returning late for little pay. Conversations between our students and community members happened in the evening amid the glow of candles. It was clear this area had suffered. They were victims of a 1980s Cold War battle. Men told stories of defending their family from U.S.-trained soldiers. The students sat and listened, clearly saddened by stories of suffering. The morning we left we participated in a prayer service calling for solidarity between the students and the people of Ramon Garcia. One student offered a petition, asking for the communitys forgiveness for whatever complicity we had in their suffering. The Nicaraguans responded with a prayer of thanksgiving for young people who showed such concern and compassion. Poverty is real. War leaves scars. Forgiveness is invaluable.

John Carroll university Winter 2007 John Carroll university Winter 2007

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JCU Service
A d M I n I S t R At I O n
They trek through hillside barrios in Ecuador, bring hot soup to the homeless under bridges in Cleveland, provide social services to migrant workers in Florida, and engage in activism in support of social causes as varied as the right to life and the School of the Americas. The students at John Carroll University that participate in these and other activities see them as an essential part of their growth as students and human beings. Over the last generation the phrase that has come to be associated with this commitment is men and women for others. The term itself was coined in 1973 by the late Jesuit Superior General, Pedro Arrupe, who used this as a way of speaking about his expectations for graduates of Jesuit schools. This new phrase has appeared refreshing to some and alarmingly novel to others. Some have seen this as a helpful means of expressing Jesuit commitment to social justice, while others fear that it represents an activism that tends to eclipse a more traditional Jesuit focus on intellectual life and explicitly religious themes. The deep historical roots of this activity may surprise both groups.

Men and women for others Studies By Dr. Paul V. Murphy, Director of the Institute of Catholic
From their founding the Jesuits sought to inculcate in their students and friends a spirit of deep devotion that showed itself in acts of charity and justice. In the Spiritual Exercises, St. Ignatius wrote that love ought to manifest itself more by deeds than words. This theme was taken up by other early Jesuits who, almost as soon as they founded schools, began to organize their students into voluntary co-curricular associations known as sodalities or confraternities The most successful of these was the Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary established at the Roman College in 1563. The rules of the congregation required frequent confession and communion, prayer, and charitable works that included visiting prisons and providing assistance in hospitals. This soon became the model for similar congregations in other Jesuit schools. Its success was such that in less than fifteen years there were chapters of this organization spread throughout the Jesuit school system. The tradition of the Marian sodality continues today under its new name, the Christian Life Communities. Jesuits founded other confraternities whose activities in late Renaissance Rome were extraordinarily diverse. Perhaps the most dramatic example was the Bon mors Society, or Good Death Society. This association of Roman nobles made it their special duty to care for the homeless dying in the streets of Rome. They gathered the dying in order to provide comfort and dignity while accompanying them in their final hours. The dead they provided with a decent burial. This is an early example of Jesuits animating the privileged to serve the most marginalized. The sons of Romes wealthiest families carrying the cadavers of their generations street people was a striking and indeed disturbing sight to many, as it highlighted the fundamental sense of our common humanity. The call to our students to give of themselves is as old as the Society of Jesus. In a letter written in 1543 from Asia, expressing his frustration at the lack of generosity on the part of many, St. Francis Xavier stated quite pointedly of the scholars of Europe: Would to God that these men who labor so much in gaining knowledge would give as much thought to the account they must one day give to God of the use they have made of their learning and of the talents entrusted to them! In his own way Xavier spurred the students of his day to become men for others. Whether expressed in the words of Pedro Arrupe or the earliest companions of Ignatius, no aspect of Jesuit education today is more rooted in the earliest traditions of the Society of Jesus than the emphasis on educating men and women for others.


John Carroll university Winter 2007

JCU students serve well and receive a lot

Dr. Margaret Finucane 80, Interim Director of the Center for Community Service
Clevelands recent cold temperatures provided a welcome relief from school and activities for many students. But, for a high school student with disabilities who volunteers with JCU students each week, the idea of missing her service was unbearable. Turning to her mother, the young woman cried, But I have to go, its the only time people dont treat me like Im disabled! John Carroll students serve many people in many ways across Greater Cleveland, nationally, and internationally. Through weekly service commitments, one-time opportunities, immersion programs, and special projects, students provide many hours of service. Ive seen these students ours and the high school ones who may be disabled with whom we work in action. Ive learned that they are serving well but that they are also learning, whatever their own limitations, to feel abled. Service is important in terms of what it can provide to others. It is equally important in terms of what it gives to us. Service exposes us to the challenge of interacting with someone who is different from us, the opportunity of learning about their life and their dreams, and the possibility of having their perspective change our understanding of the world. In reflecting on her service work, JCU student Molly McBride 06, noted, Ironic how I thought God was sending me into their lives to help them. I now realize the opposite is true. Service opportunities provide a balance between academic learning and praxis. Students develop theoretical understanding of the course content from the classroom experience. However, it is when they step into the community to serve that the concepts become clearer, the things students have studied are suddenly made manifest in the lived reality of the people they are serving. immersion trips Immersion trips offer students the opportunity to become immersed in the lives of others. John Carroll students choose from among programs sponsored by the Center for Community Service, Campus Ministry, or an academic program. Each immersion trip challenges students to learn about the issues people face, such as homelessness, border issues, or poverty. It was amazing to be doing something that forced me out of my comfort zone and to see that I could meet the challenge and do things that I normally THOUGHT I couldnt do, said Julie Klemens 06. service learning Increasingly, students have the opportunity to engage in service as part of an academic course. Faculty members achieve learning objectives for the course content through specific service experiences. Students may work in an after school program to learn about child development, interpersonal relationships, poverty and social justice, or life in urban communities. voluntary service Sophomore Will Dunbar spends every Saturday afternoon working at Fieldstone Farms Therapeutic Riding Center in Chagrin Falls. Will contacted the Center because he read about an opportunity to mentor a high school student with disabilities who wanted to participate in voluntary service. The students disability necessitated someone to volunteer with her and Will stepped up. Shannon Kelly, a senior, works two days a week with two area teens with disabilities to help them volunteer. Shannon spends Monday afternoons at the Beachwood Library and Tuesday afternoons at the Cleveland Foodbank. Without her commitment to mentoring these teens, they would be unable to volunteer. Community partners Community agencies and organizations strongly value the presence of John Carroll students as well. St Michelle Kelly, SND, principal of St. Thomas Aquinas, wrote after the first day of service in January 2007, Thank you so much for making this happen. Were feeling very adopted and very loved!

John Carroll university Winter 2007


JCU Service
A d M I n I S t R At I O n
The Carroll Cleveland Philosophers Program (CCPP) is in its eighth year at the university. Dr. Jennifer Cutler Merritt, at that time a faculty member of Education and Allied Studies, began CCPP to serve court-adjudicated middle school children from the Cleveland Schools. The population served and the approaches taken have changed along the way and Merritt has left the university for Virginia. What has been constant through the changes is the mission of coaching urban students to think critically about big questions, and, in so doing, to find their analytical and expressive voices. CCPP now has its base in Philosophy, and a textbook focused on ethics and aesthetics has been published, Philosophy for Teens by CCPP professors. A second book will soon be published. The program has been celebrated at conferences in places like Cambridge, England; Glasgow, Scotland; Paris, France; and San Francisco. CCPP may well go through additional changes in the near future, but what is clear is that it is driven by an idea of undeniable power. We asked recent JCU graduate Brittany McLane, this years program coordinator, to talk about CCPP. I started with CCPP two years ago as one of its undergraduate teaching assistants. We bring anywhere from 20-60 students from several Cleveland Municipal School District
John Carroll university Winter 2007

Carroll Cleveland Philosophers:

schools to the university for morning and afternoon sessions once a week. We break into small groups, and generally have between eight and 10 John Carroll undergraduates involved. We will go over a chapter, for example, Is Lying Always Wrong? The central role of

teaching urban students to analyze big questions

have progressed. Fine moments happen quite a bit in the afternoon when Mary Weems, an adjunct faculty member at JCU, is there and were doing enrichment activities. Last week, we did a chapter on the treatment of animals; then in the afternoon, Mary compared the treatment of animals and the treatment of our nations homeless population. We found that four of the 15 students there that day had been homeless for an extended period of time. Mary encourages the students to give voice to their experiences through poetry, prose, music, and drama. The students generate amazing work under her guidance. Racial and cultural issues do emerge but can lead to rich conversation when the teaching assistants foster respectful relationships and let the students lead the discussion. CCPP is a great program, but its trying to fill a gap that still needs to be filled in the public school system. Ideally, public schools should be an equalizer, but the Cleveland schools constantly battle funding and administrative problems that make it difficult to reach that goal. We usually have a program each semester to answer questions about college. Students typically ask about classes, dorm life, and financial aid. We try to explore different post-graduation options with our students. Working with committed teachers and administrators from the Cleveland Schools is very important. Toni Starinsky from Cleveland School of the Arts has served as a tremendous example for me. Robert Golden at Margaret Ireland School was extremely dedicated to the program before he retired and Theo Robinson at Margaret Ireland is now making the program work from his end.

the teaching assistants is to direct and encourage discussion with the students. High schools and middle schools are not set up like colleges. The students who join us from the Cleveland Schools have generally not been asked to sit down and analytically break down questions. We have been taking the students into an exploration of important questions involving ethics and aesthetics, questions like What is love? and Is beauty a matter of fact or a matter of taste? The CCPP students are being asked what they think about things and that can sometimes be empowering in itself. The John Carroll students are learning just how teaching can be used to help people find their voice. The vitality of the discussion depends on who is present, what were reading, and how far the student-teacher relationships

Dean Calingo is bringing quality management to

For more than a decade, Dean Luis Calingo of the Boler School has spread the gospel of quality management to government and university leaders in a number of Asian countries. This effort began when the United States Information Agency asked Dean Calingo to lecture on quality management in his native Philippines. The educator was chosen because he had become an expert in the Baldrige National Quality Program, named after the late Malcolm Baldrige, secretary of commerce during the Reagan administration. Americas National Institute of Standards and Technology honors achievements in domestic quality and productivity with the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. The Baldrige quality criteria have become synonymous throughout the world as the standard for the achievement of excellence in business and institutional performance. Calingo began taking the quality message to the Philippines in 1994 and he has returned every year since to coach business and educational leaders on systematically creating and assessing quality management in a variety of organizations. He has done a similar service in Vietnam for four years, and he will go back to Thailand for the fifth time this summer. One of his contributions to Thailand has been to guide the implementation of an academic accreditation process for Thai higher education. The dean has done versions of the same teaching of quality assessment and management in Indonesia, Mongolia, Pakistan, Singapore, and Sri Lanka. In each case of what he calls my national service, Calingo operates with a basic instructional template, which he calibrates

Asian nations.

Dr. luis Calingo

to annual changes in the Baldrige award criteria and customizes to fit the particulars of a given society. The leader of the Boler School says, I help train the quality assessors. The leaders I work with go out into those lands to diagnose various organizations, using the Baldrige quality framework and eventually impart those diagnostic skills to others. In a place like Thailand, I probably come in contact with about 100 leaders senior managers and government leaders every year. Im teaching the teachers, and a multiplier effect results. He says that since the living expenses stipend he receives is generally very modest, his work in Asia qualifies as service in his own and his students estimation. Most of these governments, said the dean, cannot afford expensive consultants, so they are pleased to have the expertise of someone like me.

A secondary benefit comes out of establishing relations with academic, governmental and institutional leaders in these nations. They, in turn, are eager to facilitate academic partnerships between universities in their countries and the American institutions with which Dean Calingo has been associated. Since he has only been at John Carroll for seven months that kind of development has not occurred here yet, but the dean expects it will. The primary benefit of Dean Calingos international work in teaching quality management is, of course, that he is playing a significant role in fostering the economic development of a number of societies, which are responsible for the well-being of many millions of human beings.
John Carroll university Winter 2007


Chasing algae
Biologys Dr. Jeff Johansen is an international figure in algae research
John Carroll university Winter 2007

By Diane Solov Marketa Krautova sat at a computer in the Dolan Center biology lab, writing detailed descriptions of the organisms she first saw under a microscope, an image that looked, through the scopes lens, something like a family of worms taking a nap. Krautova had brought the specimen algae called Leptolyngbya all the way from southern Utah. The lifes work of biology professor Dr. Jeff Johansen had brought Krautova from the Czech Republic to John Carroll University. Johansen, 53, who chairs the universitys Department of Biology, is an internationally known authority in the study of algae, a complex field of diverse organisms. His research has been published in journals that circulate among scientists around the world, and he draws graduate students and scholars from countries that include Russia, Brazil and Germany. Johansens ever-expanding international network, research projects and prestigious grants also bring a cache of hands-on learning opportunities to the undergraduates on the John Carroll campus. After all, Johansen was a sophomore at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, when he began the algae research that would become his avocation. Thats a real reason I have a dedication to undergraduate research, Johansen said. I know it changed my life and influenced my future. The scientists extensive research, and the grants that largely fund it, take him and his students to the Smoky Mountains, the deserts of the Southwest and the shores of the Great Lakes. In the 18 years he has taught at John Carroll, Johansen has won more than $2.2 million in research grants to study algae. He counts over 75 scientific articles under his authorship, one in three of which includes authors who conducted the research as his student. The latter range from undergraduates to post-doctoral scholars, and its not unusual for the students to take the lead on writing the paper, earning the honor of being first author. Jeff is one of the most passionate research scientists I know, said Dr. Val Flechtner, a biology professor who has

lira Gaisina of the Baskirostan autonomous republic at the microscope.

worked with the algae hunter for 15 years. I think it would be fair to say that the breadth of Jeffs research program is one you would more typically find at a Ph.D.granting institution. It was an opportunity to join a summer field research project on soil algae in desert crusts that crystallized Johansens future as an academic. He believes that working with students is what scientific research should be about and that international students enhance the experience. All the work is student-driven, Johansen said. For me, the thing about research at John Carroll is it should be connected to our teaching mission. One of the hallmarks of our science program is undergraduate research. A native of Redding, California, Johansen is an enthusiastic contributor to campus life. He takes to the airwaves every Thursday on WJCU/FM, 88.7 at 11 p.m., when he hosts a three-hour radio show, Music for Asylums, playing ambient, electronic and world music. His thick, graying beard and wirerimmed glasses make him look every bit

of the academic he is. He spends 15 hours or more a week mentoring students of all levels and working with visiting scholars to add to the inventory of knowledge in algae research, a field of scientific study known as phycology. Algae are a remarkably diverse category of organisms that generally share common characteristics even as they cross the lines of scientific taxonomy. Most are photoantrophic meaning they make their own food through photosynthesis, using sunlight, water and carbon dioxide. Most have a simple biological construction and no cells protecting their reproductive structures. But the term algae is as broad as they come, encompassing tiny microscopic organisms of a single cell to complex plants like giant kelp. Algae grow in virtually every habitat around the globe that has even the briefest and smallest contact with water. Why have algae so captured the attention of the scientist? I became interested in algae when I was an undergraduate in college. There was something magical in the myriad of

John Carroll university Winter 2007

forms that only became visible to the eye under the microscope. Algae are a hidden world to most of us, and seeing what is revealed in a drop of water or a pinch of soil excites me even today, after years of looking. You never know what you are going to find. Finding new species is akin to being an explorer. The rivers, mountains, and plains of this country were tracked and mapped long ago, but one can still see things that no one has ever seen through a microscope, and describe organisms which no one else has seen before. Apart from their beauty, algae are also critical components of the biosphere, serving as important sources of primary production at the base of the food chain and a carbon sink in the worlds oceans.They can be used by scientists as indicators of both pristine ecological conditions and disturbance. Thus, algae are beautiful, exciting, and important, and the study of them reveals much about the ecosystem in which we live. Johansens work and international reputation are primarily built on two categories of algae: a group known as diatoms that grow in marine and freshwater environments and a group called blue-green algae, on which colleagues describe him as a world authority. The biologists most enduring field of study stems from his desert research as an undergraduate at Brigham Young, where he also earned his master of science and Ph.D. in botany. He studied with the first generation of scientists to explore organic communities in arid climates called microbiotic soil crusts, where he developed a keen interest and academic specialty in blue-green algae. Blue-green algae, which are classified as bacteria, act as an important part of the nutrient mix in desert soils and as a cohesive element in the crusts of desert sands, making them vital to preventing erosion. In one research project years ago, Johansen tried to capture the protective qualities of blue-green algae in order to utilize those properties to replenish disturbed desert soils. Success in the laboratory was not duplicated in the field, but the project delivered a valuable tool for John Carroll students:

a light- and temperature-controlled room in the Dolan Center basement where lab samples are preserved and grown for study. Specimen-filled Petrie dishes and test tubes that are the foundation of student research line the shelves of the storage facility. Despite the pay-off of the specimen storage room, Johansens passion is in discovering and documenting new species of algae rather than in applied environmental research. He has so far discovered six new genera and described many species. One recent find from the San Rafael Swell in eastern Utah a product of collaboration with Flechtner on a National Science Foundation-funded project was a new genus of blue-green algae they named Spirirestis rafaelensis, (in Latin, it translates to Spiral Rope). Johansen plans to name another for Christopher Britton, a 1998 John Carroll graduate from Mansfield who died four years ago in a helicopter accident during a U.S. Army training exercise near Watertown, New York. Britton shared authorship with Johansen on a paper published in a Germany-

based international journal about samples collected from in the Mojave Desert. For the last decade, the prestigious NSF grant to study species composition in the Western United States often has taken Johansen and his students to remote locales for field research. Krautova, a masters student from the University of South Bohemia, was among those on the most recent excursion Johansen led. Last summer, she and two Russian scholars accompanied Johansen to Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in Utah, where she collected samples she was describing for her thesis. Johansens algae expertise in aquatic ecosystems also has been a big draw for students, grants and collaborations. Diatoms, a broad group of algae characterized by the organisms silica cell wall, are a common measure used by scientists to diagnose water quality. For years, Johansen has worked with Dr. Gerald Sgro, a former student, who is now an adjunct research faculty member working in Johansens

Johansen in the lab with Klra rehkov of the Czech republic.


John Carroll university Winter 2007

Johansen has established lines of connection with academics from eastern europe and countries of the former soviet union.

lab, on a project sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to study diatoms in the coastal waters of the Great Lakes. Journal articles are underway on the impact of land use and ways to monitor phosphorus levels, a measure of algae growth, in the kilometer-wide slice of waters at the shorelines. When it comes to algal diversity, Johansen has mountainous environments covered, too. Among the major projects the scientist has underway is a piece of a decade-long National Science Foundation endeavor to identify every species in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Collaborating with Dr. Rex Lowe, a professor at Bowling Green State University, Johansen has led students on scientific trips to collect and describe algal samples. The work there was the main attraction of one of the Russian scholars who visited last fall. Hes one of the most energetic colleagues that I work with, said Lowe, who has collaborated with Johansen since he arrived at John Carroll in 1988. Hes a real scholar. He has been pressured by some of his colleagues to move to a larger university, but he loves working with undergraduate students. Flechtner said Johansen stands out not only for his passion and scholarship, but in the kinds of students he shares them with. When Johansen invites a student into his

lab, she said, his goal is always for them to perform high-level scientific research worthy of publication. But it is an opportunity he offers to a wide variety of students. He doesnt just look for the superstar, Flechtner said. He looks for the student who has a real desire to do research and then helps that student grow in ways he would not have been able to in the classroom alone. Documenting new varieties of algae and tracing their evolutionary ties is demanding work and rich in research opportunities for students at all levels. Collecting samples in the field is just the beginning. Each alga (the singular of algae) must be isolated in a culture, described in minute detail and compared with known varieties. Establishing a specimen as unique and assigning it to the correct classification means proving its genetic make-up with DNA sequencing, another specialty that Johansen has brought to the From left, lira Gaisina, aga Pinowksa, Johansen, students who work alongside him in the Klra rehkov, liliya Khaibullina and Mary Bridget Bowen. Dolan Center laboratory. That piece of algae studies has been a major draw for international students as well. Another scholar from the Czech Republic, Klara Rehkov, whose previous work with Johansen in the desert figured into her Ph.D., returned

to John Carroll in October for an eightmonth stay as a Fulbright scholar. She will study the evolutionary relationship of a genus of blue-green algae that grows in desert and arctic regions. Many of the foreign students who come to John Carroll to take advantage of Johansens deep expertise and diverse field opportunities find their way through contacts he has made at international conferences and in the world of peer-reviewed scientific journals. He serves as North American editor of , the journal of the International Society for Diatom Research. He has taught workshops at the University of Southern Bohemia, a school two hours south of Prague, where he knows the laboratory director, and he will return this summer to teach another. If Johansens pattern holds, some of those students and scholars are sure to follow him back to John Carroll. For me, its really fun to work with international scientists, Johansen said. It brings a type of diversity into the university it wouldnt have. Diane Solov is a veteran Northeast Ohio science writer

John Carroll university Winter 2007



You have Received...Now it is time to Give

By Robert A. Valente 69, Alumni Association Board of Directors Is it better to give than receive? What if you have already received, but havent given? Is it the gift or the thought that counts? I am the product of eight years of Jesuit education: four years at University of Detroit High School, and four at Carroll. Every alumnus I have spoken to testifies to the invaluable educational experience at JCU. Each of us is grateful for the education and the experience; we all talk about giving back for the many blessings received. The good intention is there; all it needs is an action step. The members of the JCU National Alumni Board have decided to lead by example. We agree that each board members first annual gift will be to the Carroll Fund. I am making an appeal to all alumni to respond to that challenge. We hope you convert your passion into a financial contribution to the Carroll Fund. How do we continue the legacy of John Carroll University? JCU is facing financial challenges. As a non-profit, it relies on philanthropy. The Carroll Fund is a signpost, reminding you how you can participate in the legacy of JCU. Your gift to the Carroll Fund sustains this distinctive and dynamic environment. Navigate the website and familiarize yourself with the Giving at JCU tab. Call Bob Kirschner at 216.397.4198 with any questions. In addition to the Carroll Fund, please explore making a planned gift, which comes in a variety of forms, including a bequest in your will, a change of beneficiary designation on your retirement plan or life insurance policy, and change of registration on your savings/brokerage account. Your commitment to JCU will enroll you into the Magis Society, which honors alumni, friends, and parents who have remembered John Carroll University in their estate plans. Magis is a Latin adverb meaning more, and represents the Ignatian ideal of going beyond the ordinary. Through this society, John Carroll pays tribute to Ignatius, as we recognize and remember the JCU benefactors who share his ideals and support Jesuit education. Contact Peter Bernardo @216.397.4217 for a consultation on the most appropriate strategy in the planned-gift spectrum. Philanthropy is a learned behavior. The more you learn about the charitable giving process and methods, the easier it becomes for you to become a participant. It is in giving that we receive, and many of you will agree that we have already received. John Carroll University now awaits your half of the bargain.

Make your plans to attend


June 22-24, 2007

Come back to campus and relive your college days and enjoy this special celebration with exciting events all weekend long. Bring yourself, a guest or your whole family and introduce them to the John Carroll tradition. Information is available on the Web at, and you can also register online. Any questions can be directed to Theresa Spada, 216-397-3014 or [email protected].

See you there!

John Carroll university Winter 2007



Send your notes to: larry Kelley 16213 Marquis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44111 216-941-1795

The first thing I want to do is apologize to our editor, Jerry Pockar, I did not want to shame him into running the picture of Bill Muth and myself taken during Reunion Weekend. We should have kept the class banner, Class of 1936, in front of us, and then maybe the photographers would have furnished a copy of the photo to Jerry. Never the less, both of us thank you. ... Since the last issue I received two more letters: one from a recent graduate of JCU and the other a widow of a graduate and a good friend of mine, Mike Krisko MD 37. (Mike delivered four of our seven children.) Mary Krisko moved to the Columbus, OH, area and two of her daughters live nearby so she gets good care there. The recent graduate was Kathryn Schlenker 00 from Cincinnati, OH. She finds the Golden Years column very interesting. I wish she could have come to one of our luncheons back in the 80s and 90s where we always had 25-35 present. When Coach Ralph Vince had his 90th birthday, we had over 100 JCU graduates, all lettermen, who played or served under him present. Too bad nobody made a tape of the Birthday party. I made my letter as cheerleader. Mike Zappone, who owned Mr. Zs restaurant, said that it was the largest group from the college he ever had at the luncheon. Mr. Zs was located off of 117th and Lorain. It is now a chain drug store! When the Cuyahoga River was re-invented he lost the luncheon crowd from City Hall and the crowd from the courts municipal, county, and federal. If you had the jury present, you could have tried the case right there! ... If Im still around on May 31, Ill celebrate another reunion my 75th from St. Ignatius High School. ... This is a note to Bill Nardis 35 daughter in California please send me your address. I misplaced it or put it in a safe place and I cant remember where. That happens with growing old! So until later, keep praying. Just Larry


The Golden Years

Send your notes to: Carl Giblin 1100 Ponce DeLeon Blvd., 401 N Clearwater, FL 33756 727-518-7961 [email protected]

I lucked out for this issue. James oConnell Morgan wrote from deep in the heart of Texas. After so many years of Florida, he and Mary traded palms for cacti. They are near their grandchildren, who have three offspring named Kevin, Tara, and Megan. Those are not exactly Swahili names! By an interesting coincidence, Carroll High School is just a few blocks away, and their football team hasnt lost a game this year, and is rated the #1 high school team in the nation. They have lost just one game in the last four years. ... John sweeney convenes the lunch bunch (Jim Carey, Bud noetzel, Jim schlecht, lou sulzer, Jack Brennan) that live nearby, and for those not in the area, he works the phones. ... John Kenney sends his best wishes from Williamsburg, where he is still taking fife lessons. ... Jim Fleming moved into a retirement complex, in Mesa, AZ, after the recent loss of his wife. ... If any of you are still gainfully employed, give Jim Schlecht a call. Jim Carey would like to hear from any of you that are doing something for a paycheck. Do not include bagging groceries! ... Louie Sulzer is lonesome for Morgan and me, which shows hes losing it. ... Frank Knapp sends his New Years greetings to all his classmates, as do I. ... Take care of each other, Carl

reUnIon Year
Send your notes to: art Wincek 3867 Floral Court Santa Cruz, CA 95062 831-475-1210 [email protected]

We are anticipating our 65th graduation anniversary. It appears that 21 of us survive. The following is a resum of whos coming and the general health of our classmates. ... nick Barille: Overcoming a bout with pneumonia; loves his

doctor. Hes coming. ... Jim Brugger: Wife Dorothy is very ill; hes apparently in OK shape. Will not be leaving Cape Cod for the Reunion. ... Dick Cachat: Good health! Will attend. This is our Mano-Wars man from the Battle of Ormoc Bay. An 8 bullet missed Richard and went through the 3/8 plate of his destroyer, USS Moale, about a foot above his head. It changed his personality. He worked in seven Republic Steel departments and was chief engineer in that rotation. ... ray Casey: Back problems but generally good health; is a probable. He was with the Kraft Company for so long that he worked with the original Kraft brothers in what later became National Dairy Co. and now Kraft Inc. ... John thomas Corrigan: Good health except for macular degeneration. Has a special apparatus to operate his computer. Maybe ... Ken Fitzgerald: Health OK but has back problems. Will not attend and will be opening the cottage with Caroline on Cape Cod. ... Fr. Matt M. herttna: I think his health is OK. Not able to reach him but was hoping that he could say a Mass for us. ... Frank honn: Very good health! Cant come. ... Bob Kraus: Generally good health. Notwithstanding total care-giving for wife Margaret, may try to come up from Akron for a few hours. ... Jack Miller: Generally ailing. Wife Jean recently fell. Not able to come from Carlsbad, CA. ... al Musci: Good health; coming from Ft. Myers, FL. ... Jerry Mulvihill: Poor health; unable to come from New Hyde Park, NY. ... edward J. oMalley, MD: Couldnt reach him in Rocky River. Probably will come. ... Jim Paskert: Generally OK, recovering from minor surgery. Will probably come for one day. ... Bob Politi: Unable to reach, may come out. ... Joe smeraldi: Good health. Will try to come from Trophy Club, TX, 30 miles north of Dallas. ... Bob trivison: Good health and coming from Encinitas, CA. ... Bob smith: Good health; probably not coming from Kingston, NY. ... Frank voiner: Not able to locate. ... tony yonto: Good health, will be coming in from Orrville, OH, and leave that booming foundry of his for a couple of days. ... Unfortunately it was sad to see that Charles McCarthy (good friend and former Travelers Insurance adjuster) and Mike riccardi passed on. ... Bob Kraus notified me of the death of James Jahant, who was with us during the first two years at JCU. Transferred to Holy Cross, graduated 1943 and Columbia Midshipman School the same year; apparently was an amphibious officer, landing at Normandy. Later he worked at Newsweek for 20 years. Bob and he attended St. Sebastian grade school, Akron, OH. Art


Right to left: Jim Carey, John Sweeney, Lou Sulzer, Justin (Bud) Noetzel, and Jim Schlecht, all 1940.


Send your notes to: Bruce e. Thompson 2207 South Belvoir Blvd. University Hts., OH 44118 216-382-4408

Nice to be chatting with you again after my absence from the pages of the fall issue. Sad to say within that general period we received word of the passing of three of our 43 classmen: Bob Gorman, al Piccuta, and Bob Wilson. Following his WWII days in the Navy, Bob Gorman enjoyed a successful career in the Detroit area in the scrapiron business. Married to Jean Boggins of St. Anns church in Cleveland; they had two sons and two daughters. In his later years, Bob regularly
John Carroll university Winter 2007


enjoyed our reunion affairs, regretting he had missed earlier gatherings. Sadly lung cancer led to Bobs death in 2006. ... We seldom if ever heard from Al Piccuta after graduation, possibly because of his residence in far off Northern California. Als brother-in-law, Bob Trivison 42, wrote telling of Als sudden demise in late 2006. Did any of you perchance have communication with Al which would give us insight into his life? ... Bob Wilson, wife Rosemary and four daughters spent the post WWII years in Midland, MI, where Bob was with Dow Chemical. Bob remained active with the USN, serving in the Korean War, eventually retiring as a lieutenant commander. Three years ago the Wilsons moved to Hampton, NH, to be near family members. Some of you East siders might remember Rosemarys parents Smith Restaurant, a popular place on Lake Shore Blvd. in the Euclid area. Bob died in August 2006. Former classmen and friends, Bob Gorman, Al Piccuta, and Bob Wilson will be missed. ... On a more receptive note, we wish a warm and enthusiastic welcome to April and leo Corr as they reestablish their residence in the Cleveland area - 1540 Melrose Circle, Westlake, OH 44145 ... Despite record breaking mild weather, Florida continues to beckon our class. Norma and Jack Kerr are off to Sarasota Bay for two months or so. ... Mitch shaker will soon be in Marco Island to enjoy the rays. ... Pete Diemer and Dick Moriarty with spouses and Jerry sullivan are already well entrenched in Florida. Any others? ... But it was Hawaii that attracted Marie and sal Calandra. Recall my mentioning several issues ago the Calandras trip to Ireland and their returning on the Queen Mary? Can you see Sal and Marie celebrating their 49th wedding anniversary in a pub in Ireland being toasted by pub-crawling Hibernians? It was a memorable occasion, they say. ... Despite a myriad of senior aches and pains, Frank sullivan sends his warm greetings to all from California, where he lives with a son. ... Supreme Court Judge Maura Corrigan (daughter of the late Pete Corrigan) was re-elected big in Michigan. ... What a coincidence. I note that this copy closing date, January 19, 2007 is only two days removed from our January 17, 1943 graduation date 64 years ago. Come May 9, the other half of our class will likewise celebrate 64. Lets look ahead with thoughts and plans for our 65th Reunion June 2008. Take care, Bruce will get together with them during March. ... Dr. Bob Colopy is slowly getting better after almost a year of poor health. ... Bob Mannion and Ruth are still in the University Heights area and are doing OK. Bobs old friend tom Whalen may still be living close to Carroll but his address and phone number are not known. ... Talked to Bruce Thompson 43, who is on the mend after hip surgery. A mutual friend of ours, Bob Gorman, passed away in February 06. ... Keep the following dates in mind and try to attend the Grey Streaks lunches on Wednesdays, February 14, March 14, and April 11. The time is noon on the first floor of the Dolan Science Center (parking available directly under the center, entrance to the garage is at the left end of the building.) The attendance has been growing. Reservations for the lunch: call 216.397.3014. The Alumni Reunion will start on Friday June 22 and continue through Sunday the 24. The big event is Saturday Mass followed by cocktails and dinner. Don Send your notes to: Tom harrison 3980 West Valley Dr. Fairview Park, OH 44126 440-331-4343 216-881-5832 (fax) [email protected]

reUnIon Year
Send your notes to: ed Cunneen 22020 Halburton Rd. Beachwood, OH 44122 216-561-1122 [email protected] Send your notes to: Julius sukys




[email protected]


Send your notes to: don Mcdonald 3440 South Green Rd. Beachwood, OH 44122 216-991-9140

harry and Dottie Badger just returned from Rome, where Dottie and the St. Noel Church choir sang for the Pope. They put on two other concerts in Assisi at the Basilica of St. Francis. ... Dr. Joe Kolp and Cathy are looking forward to a trip to Santa Barbara to see their daughter and her family after Cathy has her second cataract operation. Joe has been putting on seminars for his group of physicians for the past 27 years. ... Coletta and Jay ansberry are headed for Siesta Key at the end of February. Hopefully Grace and I

It is apparent that the Greatest Generation is taking a hit. It is reflected in the number of the class of 48 that have left us. It seems that our class has been hit rather hard but those of us remaining are perking along. ... Fortunately, I have the opportunity to see members of our class who live in Cleveland Charlie eder, Bill sweeny, Bill Coyne, Jack Quinlan I see quite often. In fact, Quinlan, Sweeney and I work out three times a week at a cardiac rehab facility in downtown Cleveland. ... I saw Dr. Bill Duhigg and his wife, Mary, at a luncheon at Nighttown. ... Bill Kelly called during the holidays and is enjoying retirement at Laurel Lake in Hudson, OH. ... andy Foy is in assisted living in Louisville, OH. ... Fr. Gene Moynihan is out of the infirmary at the Josephine Monastery in Baltimore, MD. ... Bill Brugeman called several times from his home in North Carolina during my recent stay in the hospital. Bill is always upbeat with a great outlook. ... Havent heard from Dan hurley in years but brother Ed 43 has informed me that he is doing well living on the West Side of Cleveland. ... ed Muldoon and wife, Ann, are doing well at their home in Coto DeCaza in California. ... Bert ross is in a nursing home near his children in California. ... Joe Walker is planning or is now on a cruise in the Adriatic. ... Bill Claus and wife, Marjorie, are kicking up their heels in Toledo. ... Havent heard from Chuck Codol for a long time hope everything is going well for him. ... Thats it Adios, J.P.S.


John Carroll university Winter 2007


The highpoint of the Christmas Season at the Kamms Corner shopping center at Rocky River Drive and Lorain Road is the arrival and performance of Jim Pojmans Barbershop Quartet. The group is aptly named, A Great Bunch of Guys. They sang a marvelous parody of the song Galway Bay which gave a musical tour of the old angle, the neighborhood and churches of the near West Side. I assumed that Jim had developed this rhyming and descriptive parody, but when I complimented him for his ingenuity, he told me, he learned it from his Irish uncle. Jim, long retired from his insurance business is now helping to organize a sizeable musical presentation to be performed at Magnificat auditorium in early May. ... Bob McMahon is planning to return to his favorite pew for Mass at St. Angelas Church. His aching back has been greatly improved with surgery and lots of therapy. Bobs golf had been limited because of a shoulder injury but now has become an ex-golfer and has accepted the need for disciplined care for his fragile back. Bob has had an interesting and exciting business career. After attaining success with several manufacturing companies, he started his own metals sales and supply company and over the years developed it to become the established specialty metals supplier to most of Northern Ohios manufacturers. ... art studer passed away recently. Art came from Shelby, OH, to attend JCU. He enjoyed a successful career at GMAC in Cleveland and spent a lot of time back in Shelby after he retired. ... More bad news: vince McGervey died in December. Vince operated a successful surveying business for many years and was an enthusiastic participant in the development and growth of the Western suburbs. ... In an earnest search for some good news, I called Greg higgins, who reports that life in Willoughby, OH, is placid and that while he retired from his 30-year service as an usher at Immaculate Conception Church, he continues as a regular and faithful attendant at Mass, without the burden of handling the occasional distracting events that occur in church. ... Bob rukosky, who had been a serious golfer, has reduced his concentration on the game. Unburdened by the use of a pencil or scorecard, Bob has discovered a new free-swinging and carefree game that provides pleasant enjoyment and exercise, while ignoring the reality that his clubs and golf balls dont provide the distance and accuracy he would expect from them when they were new. ... ed McKenna reported his disappointment and dismay with the glaring absence of the usual West Side contingent at the January Gray Streaks luncheon. I offered my sympathy, knowing that Ed and some of the other East Side 49ers look forward to enjoying the charm, magnetism, and humor we add to the party. January has been a difficult month for us West Siders. Pete Corrigan, ray Fox, and Hugh Gallagher 50, have been caring for, or visiting their wives in various hospitals; I was undergoing a medical treatment and tom lynch had a prior commitment. I asked Ed to join us in our prayers for improved health for all of us. ... GOOD NEWS is needed send it soon! All reported with reasonable accuracy. Tom

Send your notes to: J. donald FitzGerald 2872 Lander Rd. Pepper Pike, OH 44124 216-765-1165 [email protected] Send your notes to: Jim Myers 315 Chesapeake Cove Painesville Twp., OH 44077 440-358-0197 [email protected]


reUnIon Year

Who is this class of 50 member? Send your notes to: Charles Byrne 2412 Euclid Heights Blvd., #302 Cleveland Heights, OH 44106 216-791-7900 1-800-594-4629


Our class has been prominent at many of the Saturday lunches of 40-year gatherings of the Mystic Knights of the Sea. In particular, a few weeks ago when the Carroll News interviewed a number of us who were quoted and obliged to offer photos from our World War II days for the News Veterans Day issue. This infrequent visitor happened to be there and was noticed sitting in a frequent attendees official seat! Yes, timing is everything! Which brings to mind the picture herein of one of the usual visitors I am offering a contest for those able to recognize and identify this cute looking class of 50 regular. Class of 50 members who are NOT Mystic Knight members are eligible for a free beer at Muldoons Saloon and Eatery on E. 185th St. at a future Saturday meeting. ... To more sublime reporting: Last month I reported about nes Burkhart and his travels and said his son, Pat, was on the faculty of Rolling Rock University. Though NOT a beer expert, and not having my original notes, of course I suggested it was the editors offices mistake! We old vets know how to pass the buck! It should have been Slippery Rock University, a fine old PA school! ... One of the Saturday founders, Jim Conway, continues as senior advisor to the development department at CWRU is THAT the name. Octogenarian he, having brought fund raising to an art form at CWRU! We old goats remain able! ... Marge and tom lynch are co-chairs of a Top of the Towers benefit for the St. Augustine Health Center. Much grazing and a silent auction, and fellowship will occur. Honored guest Bishop Pilla will be on hand at this early March event. They hope to beat the 2006 target of $100,000. ... I have found the Gray Streaks luncheons at JCU to be quite enlightening with talks by the president and faculty. Finis, CAB


Send your notes to: dorothy Poland [email protected]

Greetings. Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and has a safe and Happy New Year. Now we can get ready for Valentines Day and then Lent and Easter. Wow the year is going by quickly! ... I have had several e-mails from Tom Fields 71 about the ongoing efforts to protect older citizens. Unfortunately, e-mail refuses to recognize his address. If anyone knows about this, please contact me at my e-mail address. ... I received a great Christmas card (e-mail) from Don terrell and I frequently hear from Tom Corrigan 42. Tom and his wife, Marian, live in Salt Lake City. ... larry Casey sent news too. He and his wife Jeanne live in Indiantown, FL, not in Miami as the 2004 Alumni Directory states. They were blessed with seven daughters, five sons, 18 grandchildren and three great grandchildren. And Larry, you are listed in the directory as a 1952 graduate. ... Received a wonderful, long e-mail from Joe valencic with tales of his daughter Michelles trek through Hong Kong, Cambodia and Viet Nam. It was an eye-opening experience for her. She is now at home in Chicago and is an equity partner in a law firm in that city. Joes son-in-law was recently promoted to lieutenant on the Beachwood Police Department. ... Wonderful news from some very nice people. I appreciate your e-mails please keep them coming. Until next time, stay safe and God bless. Dorothy

Leonard Siegel 50 honored for academic career
After his retirement, Leonard Siegel, a member of the Class of 1950, was commended by the governor and the legislature of Pennsylvania for his long and distinguished service as a professor of modern European history at California State University of Pennsylvania. Siegel developed notable courses dealing with Hitler and the anatomy of dictatorship, and he interviewed many world figures, such as the late Richard Nixon. In retirement, Siegel, who earned his Ph.D. at Western Reserve University, continues an active schedule of lectures.
John Carroll university Winter 2007


Hello to all in the class of 53 and to your family and friends. First, we offer our condolences to leo scully on the loss of his wife, Gerry, who died October 14. ... ralph Bosch who lives in Norwalk, CT, sends his best from the East Coast. ... Chuck schott says about the most exciting things in his and his wifes lives these days are watching their two grandsons growing up and spending time in doctors offices. Chuck still lives in Massillon, OH, just as he did during school days. ... I called norm Perney to inquire where the guys are meeting on the second Monday each month now that Hornblowers is closed. The most recent location is Muldoons on East 185th Street. Carl Munn, and Bob sullens are usually there. ... ed Mundzak, as usual, is spending his winter in Florida. ... Jim Mayer says he and his wife enjoy spending some of their free time traveling from their lower Michigan home to their cabin up North for hunting, fishing, or just plain relaxing. This takes place both summer and winter. They also go to Florida for a couple of weeks in the winter. Jim says he is still in touch on occasion with Dick sullivan, who still lives in nearby Toledo, OH. ... Michael Kondik retired in 1991 from his career as a physician. Now he can spend more time with his vintage cars, including a 1930 Model A Ford in which, several years ago, he drove to the top of Mt. Washington, which is the highest point in the United States East of the Mississippi River. Michael lives in Mantua, OH, which, as we all know, is the home of the annual potato festival. Jim


Send your notes to: Peter Mahoney 401 Bounty Way, #145 Avon Lake, OH 44012 440-933-2503 [email protected]


While many of you may be shaking sand out of your shoes there still is life in the North country. At a holiday gathering of 1950 grads of Jesuit City West, Bill adler, while retired from most aspects of engineering, discussed his challenges as a consultant to the City of Cleveland and the Euclid Corridor project. The Panama Canal may have done great things for transportation but wait till you see what happens to downtown Cleveland. ... Gene Burns has put away his golf clubs and accepted a position with Homeland Security responsible for the shoreline and port security at the Cleveland Yacht Club in Rocky River, OH. Gene is very active in church activities (St Angela, Fairview Park) and is a Eucharistic minister, bringing communion to the homebound. I guess that would be spiritual security. ... Gene Flynn, CPA, has purchased several hundred No. 2 pencils and is already in the midst of the tax season. He is forever thankful for a congress that keeps changing the tax laws. He has a Mass said for all employees of the IRS at his parish every April. Gene is known as the human TurboTax. ... austie Groden and wife, Joanne, are headed for the coast. After a very rigorous rehab program at Elyria Memorial Hospital (after his heart episode) he is entered in a seniors golf tournament at the Lodge at Torrey Pines, CA. ... Dave nilges, our man in Centennial, CO, ever conscious of architecture and real estate says the new DAM (Denver Art Museum) is something to see, possibly in a class with the Sydney Opera House or the Guggie in NYC. ... Louise and Bud Mcleod have made the turn that takes you from condo back to home ownership. Bud, never enough to do, is still volunteering for AARP and starting a Boomer Chapter in Providence, plus participation in Operation Clean Government (is that an oxymoron?). Keep the faith Pete Send your notes to: ray rhode 1543 Laclede Road South Euclid, OH 44121 216-381-1996 [email protected]

These couples-the guys are all 54- were in attendence at Jim and Louise Sutphins for an American Civil Liberties Union Benefit. From left Charlie OToole, Carolyn OToole, Mary Alice Ramerman, Louise Sutphin, Herb Ramerman and Jim Sutphin. coming season. ... Mike Caplice has been in Williamsburg, VA, so long that visitors have taken to calling him a damn native Virginian. Last year Mike and Pat celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. This year he is helping to plan the celebration of the 400th anniversary of the founding of Jamestown, our first permanent settlement in the New World. He reports that the Queen (of England, I hope) is expected in May to help with the celebrations. Williamsburg has a new motto ... come visit, OK; but, please dont stay! Seems his adapted homeland is being over run by damn Yankees. Cleveland should have that problem. ... terry Moons sends his best wishes to his old JCU roommates tom Gillen and Bud Feely. Bud and Terry went to high school together in Detroit and Bud introduced him to his future wife, Miriam. After graduation from JCU he went on to the University of Detroit and earned an MBA. After that he worked for the Cadillac Division of General Motors as sales training manager; then he operated a Dodge dealership and then on to Volkswagen, Canada, where he represented the West Coast on the executive committee. In the 70s, he moved to Florida, where he was involved in construction and banking services. He is presently involved in the export trade of commodities such as cement and fertilizer. His classmates will remember the fertilizer part well! It was good to hear from Terry. ... Please continue to pray for Dick Mulac. We just saw Dick and his wife, Kathy, in October at our mini-reunion. Sometime in December, after a round of golf, Dick sat down at home and was unable to get up. Taken to the emergency room, he was diagnosed as having a blown disk in his back. The report as of January has him confined to a wheel chair. He seemed upbeat and hopes that with therapy he will be back on his feet this year. The hospital that he goes to treated Christopher Reeves and the doctors have Dick on the same machine they used for Christopher this machine actually walks for you. He hopes that it will bring his strength back so that he can walk by himself. ... Also, continue to pray for Jerry Donatuccis son, Bill. Jerry was unable to come to our mini-reunion in October because of his sons surgery. Bill seems to be doing better after several months of recovery. ... Stay well and remember to pray for our many classmates who are in poor health and suffer greatly. Ray


It is my sworn duty to report on all migrations involving our classmates. Therefore I must report that at this time (January) the snowbirds have begun their movement to the South. Nancy and Jerry Donatucci are already in Florida soaking up the sun. Doggie Ziegler and Phil Buchanan are expected to join them and then theyll get together with Bud Feely and his wife on Santa Rosa Beach. Rita and Jack Kinney and Sue and John Barranco will join them to round out the group. Harry Gauzman was invited but an unusual ailment for someone his age called heavy commitments keeps him in the North. Jean and Dick norris are firmly entrenched in Sanibel Island and will stay there until the all clear is given for snow in Ohio. In March, Mary Kay and Jerry Futty will arrive in Winter Haven, FL, to help get the Cleveland Indians baseball team in shape for the 44
John Carroll university Winter 2007

57s Reunion meeting with Theresa Spada 04 are (left to right): Joe Gaul, Chuck Novak, Jim Clark, Tom Kasper, Tom Moran, Sal Felice.

Patrick Shannon 56, a family therapist who answered the call of Katrina
Here is how this little piece happened. Last June, the Class of 1956 celebrated its golden anniversary. Jack Breen 56 heard face-toface from his classmate Patrick Shannon about Shannons long service as a family therapist, as well as about his and his wife, Adeles, volunteer service to the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Touched, Breen told Rev. Robert Niehoff, SJ, the university president, and the latter suggested that the Shannons merited at least modest mention in John Carroll magazine. When we reached Patrick Shannon at his home near Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, he was convalescing from cancer surgery and chemotherapy and was a little tired, but the prognosis was positive and Shannon was pleased to talk. He said the legend John Carpenter, the longtime sociology faculty member, was one of the forces that led him into clinical work after he left John Carroll with a degree in sociology. After graduation, Shannon married his first wife, Claire, and worked for three years with children in Cleveland. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) subsequently sponsored his graduate work at Florida State University, after which he signed on for a time with the Catholic Diocese of Trenton, New Jersey. He then had a long run as a mental health clinic supervisor in New Jersey, New York and Bethlehem. In 1979, he was again selected, as he had been by the NIMH, this time to become certified as a trainer in family therapy by the renowned family therapist Salvador Minuchin. This turn of events, said Shannon, opened up a whole new world for me. One important aspect of that opening was the illumination Shannon gained that a mental health problem affects not simply the individual beset but that persons entire family. Traditional psychoanalysis misses that dynamic entirely, the family therapist said over the phone in early February. He also observed that he sees the biggest problems with families, being materialism, the kind of immaturity that prevents accommodation with a spouse, and the overindulgence of children. Prior to his semi-retirement in 2000, Shannon was a full-time family therapist, one who created his own agency, the Academy of Family and Marital Therapy, that focused on the supervision and training of family therapists. He continues to be active in the field on a part-time basis. Claire Shannon died in 1974 and Patrick raised their five children himself until he married a colleague, Adele, toward the end of that decade. When Hurricane Katrina hit at the end of August 2005, Adele and Patrick Shannons hearts were drawn to the victims and asked how they could help. Without knowing where they would serve, they drove toward New Orleans, but it had been evacuated, so they went first to Austin and then Houston



both Texas cities, primarily the latter, received large numbers of Katrina refugees. They did psychiatric triage in both places, walking among the refugees and identifying, assessing severity and prioritizing people with mental health and addiction problems. Although the Shannons encountered a harsh reality. Patrick said he was heartened by what he saw: The spirit of the victims was edifying and the gratitude and cooperation we witnessed was amazing. And everybody had their story, incredible stories. Why the Shannons trek? It was giving back, Patrick said, and certainly Jesuit values.

Send your notes to: leo duffy 1561 Towhee Ln. Naperville, IL 60565 630.355.2199 January-May 1500 Park Beach Cir. Unit 5G Punta Gorda, FL 33950 941.505.8394 [email protected]


class representative is looking for news from his fellow classmates. Please help him!! ... Leo

reUnIon Year
Send your notes to: salvatore r. Felice 3141 W. Pleasant Valley Rd. Parma, OH 44134 440-842-1553 [email protected]

Mike Conti is embarking on a new career, Poker. He recently won the championship in Tunica, MS. ... Many of you will be celebrating your 50th wedding anniversary soon (including yours truly) so let me take the opportunity to wish you many more! Fifty years has gone by quickly. ... Your

Carol and George Billings send greetings from Hope Sound, FL. George retired as an engineer about 21 years ago from the Nippert Company in Delaware, OH. They have a daughter and two grandchildren. ... Germaine and Dave Zenk are

planning to attend Reunion June 22-24, 2007. ... Jim Gasper states that Desmond Paden hopes to make the reunion. Jims wife, Georgia, a home health liaison nurse at the Michael E. DeBakey VA Hospital in Missouri City, TX, says that soldiers wounded in Iraq get priority treatment. ... Sally and tom Feely will be married 50 years June 5, 2007. Tom retired as VP marketing from a major automotive supplier in 2001. They have five children and nine grandkids. Their second daughter, Sister Katherine, is a Notre Dame nun in Chardon, OH. The Feelys now reside in Cheboygan, MI, on the Straits of Mackinac. ... Frank singels wife, Joann, is a miracle survivor after combating cancer 24 years ago. Their daughter is a regional partner for Ernst & Young International and


John Carroll university Winter 2007


responsible for the Pittsburgh office and region. Their son, an electrical engineer, also works in the Pittsburgh area. Frank started a Senior Center, which now has over 500 members. He also volunteers on the Central Cambria School District Board of Trustees. ... Ruth and John Cicotta are back in Florida - [email protected]. ... Joan and robert Tiger tuma celebrated their 46th anniversary in August 2006. In February 2006, their son Douglas and wife Kim presented them with baby boy Jonas. Son Scott, an attorney in the law offices of Robert L. Tuma & Associates, was elected to council in Parma, OH. Sons Jeff and Scott have been teaching political science and health care ethics at Cuyahoga Community College. Son Brian, also an attorney, settled several large cases with dad. The oldest son, Rob, also known as Jungle Bob, teaches animal science in the Cleveland Public Schools. Sons Gregory, Christopher and Douglas are insurance adjusters with prominent insurance companies. ... Eileen and Bart Merella took a 14-day cruise in October with ports-of-call in Barcelona, Sete, and Marseille (France), Monaco, Portofino, Florence, Rome, Sardinia, the Amalfi Coast, Corfu (Greece), Dubrovnik and Venice. They were able to visit with friends and cousins en route. ... James owen, received his Ph.D. from Case Institute in 1961 and his MBA from Case Western Reserve University in 1984. Jim and Elizabeth reside in Savannah, GA. ... Eleanor and Carl Winger have three children and since retirement reside in Punta Gorda, FL. ... In June 2000, John C. Johns, MD retired as VP/medical director, Preferred Care, in Rochester, NY. John was honored by Akron General Medical Center, Akron, OH, with induction into The Society of Distinguished Physicians in 1998. He and wife Stephanie have three children and now reside in Fountain Hills, AZ. ... Patrick Farrell retired from the FBI in 1986 and has been practicing law ever since. He and Carol Ann have six children and 25 grandchildren, all of whom live within 60 miles of their home in Miami Lakes, FL. ... Judy and robert DuBrul reside in Black Mountain, NC - r-j-d53@ ... Carmine Cimoroni is director of sales and marketing for the INCOM Company in Glenwillow, OH, - [email protected]. ... Janet and James Jay holler have four children and reside in Tonawanda, NY - [email protected]. Jim received his MS at Canisius College in 1960. ... Dick Murphy served on the planning committee for Breakfast with Santa at Loyola University (Chicago) in December. Over 100 alumni and friends attended the function and donated money to the Greater Chicago Food Depository. ... June 22-24, 2007 is our FREE 50-year Class reunion. The benefits to the 50-year graduates are many so dont be left out. This will truly be VERY SPECIAL! Your classmates are looking forward to being with you! Good health and God bless, Sal Send your notes to: John e. Clifford 922 Hedgestone Dr. San Antonio TX 78258-2335 210-497-3427 (w) 1-888-248-3679 [email protected] to his nine grandchildren (plus as we speak, one on the way in January), Al has been into the artistic world there in Rocky River. Active in church and other endeavors, he and wife Carol have four children (Cathy, Carin, John and Christy), three of whom live in the vicinity, and one over in Steelers territory. ... Speaking of nine, Bill Geary and Carol also have exactly nine grandchildren and Bill has been retired for exactly nine years from Chrysler and UNISYS. After the second heart attack, he got the message slow down. I cant take the time to tell you all the other illnesses. His major exercise now is playing bridge three times a week, along with the treadmill twice a week. His claim to fame is his daughter, Jeanne. She was the first female Engine Division Plant manager for Ford in Europe. Kathleen is also an engineer; Brian JCU 93; John is in Boston. Bill and Carol, along with the Stegmaiers will be in Mexico for a vacation next month. (Stay tuned. More on Dan stegmaier next issue.) ... Speaking of nine grandchildren, John F. smith, a Bears fan for many years, still lives in Chicago with his wife, Marilyn. He doesnt have nine grandchildren only six to be exact, some of whom are in the vicinity and some in the East. John wrote for the Carillon and was active in international relations while at JCU, and so after getting out of the Army, he naturally continued those interests on his way to becoming a distinguished Carroll alumni. For the past six years he has been teaching a class called Politics and the Press for the Political Science Department at Loyola University. Who better to do that than a former executive producer for CNN in Washington, D.C., a former vice president of CBS News, and former CNN bureau chief in Washington and Moscow. Thats John! He and Marilyn have five children. ... And speaking of the Bears, Pat Doherty still lives in Chicago. When I spoke with his wife, Eileen, she said he watched yesterdays victory over the Saints and, even though he wasnt feeling well, he couldnt help but smile. We can remember Pat in our prayers, and all fellow classmates who at this stage of our lives, are not as robust as we were 481/2 years ago. Pat and Eileen have seven children. ... Thats it for now. You heard an episode of Drought in Freeville on Superman this day, January 22, 1947. On the road to the Big Five O! Write ... Peace, JEC Send your notes to: Jerry Burke 1219 W. Grove St. Arlington Heights, IL 60005-2217 847-398-4620 [email protected]


You may never guess who has taken up watercolor painting in his retirement years. So, Ill tell you the old business major, al Buchta, thats who. For the past four years, when not attending 46
John Carroll university Winter 2007

Class of 1960 mini-reunion in Williamsburg, Virginia.


Although the Blue Steaks basketball team lost to Division I Loyola University back in November, the event drew a good crowd of Chicago area alumni that made for a very enjoyable evening. Loyola was kind enough to provide accommodations for gatherings before and after the game which afforded us the opportunity to catch up with some old friends. Among those in attendance were Jim Mason 60 and Jerry Schweickert 60, who journeyed from Cleveland. The subject again turned to a joint 59/60 mini-reunion, which seems to be generating a fair amount of interest. Our maiden voyage will be at next years Homecoming Weekend of September 28-30, with wives included. Director of Alumni Relations Ryan Daly 99 has offered his full cooperation. We do understand that most of the Class of 60 is required to take afternoon naps to get the proper rest, but we felt some competitive events would be appropriate and welcome your suggestions. We have agreed on a prune juice chug-a-lug contest. Jerry Schweickert assures us that golfing arrangements can be made for those interested. More arrangements will be forthcoming but if you are interesting in attending, mark your calendar and contact either myself or Ryan Daly at JCU 216.397.4516. ... Marty Dempsey is organizing a one week rafting trip out West (probably Utah) in late June or early July that should be a very funfilled and exciting experience. If you are interested, contact Marty to see if any slots are open. ... The toronskis are alive and still working Jack, parttime and Dianne, full-time. They are convinced it keeps them young. In October Dianne and some of her family, including tom szarwarks widow Rita, made a special trip to the land of their ancestors, Poland, which included a pilgrimage following the footsteps of Pope Paul II. ... Bonnie and I are off to Able Rock State Park, SC, to spend some time with Kathy and F.X. Walton and their family. Then it is on to Florida. First stop will be at the Breznais for some golf and good cheer with the JCU/Tampa crowd. Then we head over to the East Coast for fun and sun with the McFauls and the Beahans.

From there we fly to Buenos Aires to spend the month of March with our oldest son, Joe, and his family. ... John Breznai reports that he heard from Dave ross, who sends his regrets at not being able to join the Tampa crowd this year. He and his wife will be going to the Florida East Coast to visit with Jack Piatak in Ponte Vedra Beach. ... By the time you read this, the Chicago Bears may have won the Super Bowl, which is truly remarkable considering their inconsistent play on both sides of the ball but we will take it! Hope you survive the winter still waiting to hear from you. Peace, JB Send your notes to: Jerry schweickert 14285 Washington Blvd. University Hts., OH 44118 216-381-0357 [email protected] been to Ft. Eustis where many of them spent time as commissioned officers. Ive heard stories about a golf match, trips to Yorktown, and various activities in Historic Williamsburg. A guy named Collins directs former Glee Clubbers Vogel, Magnottto and Flask in songs from The Student Prince and one that starts Sons of Carroll. They seem to have sung in the past at some place called Faraghers on Thursday evenings. One guy gets some laughs by sharing some thoughts on aging none of them seem to think they are aging. The only disappointment seems to be that some folks named Malizia, huettner, McGrath and Powers had to cancel at the last minute. ... Since this has occurred in midweek they were unable to celebrate a Eucharist, but the fellowship, thoughts and words, compiled over 50 years, were surely a prayer that pleased their Creator and it was good. ... The letter was signed The Fly Whoever you are, thanks for the material could you be a Horsefly? Be well! Jerry Send your notes to: Jack T. hearns 4186 Silsby Rd. University Heights, OH 44118 216-291-2319 216-291-1560 (fax) [email protected] tion a large private foundation dedicated to helping low income and disadvantaged Detroiters to become self-sufficient. He and his wife, Gerri, live in Birmingham, MI, and have six children and twelve grandchildren. Ed has recently added sailing to his busy schedule. ... Jerry ramusack from South Holland, IL, is project manager for Old Veterans Construction and owner and president of Jer-Don Properties a property management company. He and his wife of 42 years, Donna, have two children and three grandchildren. The Ramusacks are world travelers and recently visited the Baltic states. ... norman Chonacky is a retired senior research scientist with Columbia University. He and his wife, Jane, now reside in New Haven, CT, and have four children, one grandchild, and two more on the way. Norm received his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin and is editor of Computing and Science and Engineering as well as serving as a research fellow at Yale University in the School of Engineering and Applied Science, where Dr. Paul Fleury is dean. ... ronald Bodziony and his wife, Kathleen, live in Warwick, RI, and have four boys and ten grandchildren. After serving 15 years with the U.S. Army, Ron was involved for many years in management with American President Lines ocean cargo carriers. Now retired from the transportation industry, he has taken up bowling and golf. ... I have recently received information that Joseph Walker from Grand Rapids, MI, passed away. Joe attended our 40th Reunion and was a retired regional account manger for AK Steel in Middletown, OH. His territory included the U.S., Canada, and Brazil. When I last spoke with Joe, he and his wife, Mary, had four children and six grandchildren. Joe was part of a large contingent of students that came to JCU in 57 from Saint Ignatius where his uncle Fr. Ara Walker was president. Another uncle, Fr. Seth Walker, was pastor of Gesu Church in University Heights. ... Miriam Gannon Fabien retired as


Mark the last weekend in September 07 on your calendar if you are interested in coming back to JCU for a joint mini-reunion with the class of 59 (more details in next column). ... larry Beaudin reports that Warren arthur, Jim reilly, Paul Cronin and he attended their 50th St. Ignatius H.S. (Chicago) reunion. Unfortunately, Dave Marr was unable to make it. Larry shared more information which will appear in the next Journal. ... The following letter arrived recently: Im just a fly on the wall at The Woodlands Hotel in Williamsburg, VA, and I see them coming. They think once every five years isnt enough so they arrive from Florida: Jean and Jack lyons, Joyce and len Piotrowski, Judy and tom Collins; from St. Louis: Joan and Jim Bowers, Mary Joyce and Dave Keefe; from California: Polly and Paul Flask and Jim shannon; from Rochester: Kit and Dick vogel, Jan and Jerry rachfal. They are talking about how they have come from many different places just as they were sent 50 years ago to JCU by hard working hopeful families rich in hope and faith if not necessarily in finances. Their faith was in God and the Jesuits and their hope was that JCU would provide a foundation for their sons. ... Theres Jan and steve schuda from Pittsburgh, Lynne and John Magnotto from Phoenix, Peg and Bill Buescher from Chicago as well as Carol and Field retterer from Indianapolis. Theyre discussing how much JCU changed them as well as how much it changed in four short years. They remember eating meals, playing pinochle, as well as purchasing books and eventually class rings in the basement of the Ad Building. Someone recalls the chapel and library both being located on the third floor of that building. They laugh about how the gym in which they once played basketball has morphed into a beautiful chapel. ... The Ohio crowd is finally here. Jeanette and Greg Fisher from Cinci, the Cleveland crew Sharon and Dave Nichting, Mary Pat 63 and Frank Dempsey, Melinda and Jim Mason, Jerry and Bev 76 schweickert and the East Liverpudlians Sue and Bob Fitzgerald. Theyre chuckling about how, at the end of Freshman Orientation week, they crushed the 59ers in a push ball contest on a dirt field now named after one of them, beanies, and how they quickly began to confer the incredible names of wild animals, body parts and the like on each other some remain to this day. ... Im still on this wall and it looks like they are enjoying a Happy Hour. Theyve


The Rev. Douglas Carson is an Anglican priest working in the alcoholic research department at the VA Hospital in Ann Arbor, MI. Doug has an M.A. in architectural landscaping from North Carolina State University, an M.A. from Florida State University in humanities, and a M.Div. from St. John Vianney College Seminary in FL. He and his wife, Jonie, have been married for 34 years and have two sons and one grandchild. ... ed Parks is a partner with Plante & Moran one of the nations largest CPA firms, where he is a family business consultant. Ed continues to serve as a trustee with the Thompson Founda-

Jim Mason 60 joins governmental collaboration board
Jim Mason, a retired vice president for public and community affairs at the Eaton Corporation, is a member of the Northeast Ohio Sourcing Office (NEOlSO), a body which allows local governments to aggregate their buying power. Jim Mason brings to NEOlSO proven leadership at the community and business levels, said David Akers, president of NEOlSO. He doesnt just talk about service; he lives it day after day in his leadership across the community. Mason is a former president of the John Carroll University National Alumni Association and is the holder of the universitys Alumni Medal. He is a current member of the universitys Board of Regents.
John Carroll university Winter 2007


head of the English Department at Madonna University in Livonia, MI. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Michigan and has been married to Peter Fabien 60 for 46 years. They now live in Farmington, MI, and have three children and six grandchildren. ... The Class of 61 is reminded of our continuing opportunity to additionally help JCU and its students by contributing to the Class of 61 Scholarship Fund. This endowment was established at the 45th Class Reunion this past summer under the leadership of Dick Murray and Gerry oConnell and provides financial assistance to incoming freshmen. For those of you who were not able to contribute last year, you are encouraged to join with fellow classmates this year and into the future in assisting JCU students. ... Keep us informed Jack Cleveland, an American Cancer Society facility where he has served as treasurer for the last three years. Jerry ran into Bob luzar and Garrick Mishaga recently at Muldoons Saloon & Eatery where the undefeated 1959 football team was meeting. Bob Luzar from Scottsdale, AZ, is still traveling throughout Europe, and Garrick Mishaga, recently retired, lives in Mentor, OH. Mike evans, also on the reunion committee, shares that his nine-year-old granddaughter, Mara, an award winning Irish dancer, hopes to demonstrate her dancing skills with her troupe at reunion. ... I had the pleasure of lunch with John Doyle and Paul Kantz 63 at Meg OMalleys in Melbourne, FL. John, who played basketball for JCU, and left after his third year to attend law school, is still working remotely from Melbourne to his office in Auburn, NY. Johns son, Michael, is a colleague and fellow attorney in Lorain County. ... In an attempt to locate missing classmates for our reunion, the following are persons whose whereabouts are unknown. If you know where they are, please e-mail me or JCU with their information: raymond arsenault, Phillip Barragate, raymond Bath, arthur Brickel, robert Bucklin, richard Carroll, Daniel Doyle, James eagan, John estenik, Joanne Ferree, Joseph haney, ronald Jagos, Gerald Kananen, Dale Kellon, Frank Mausser, Donald McCabe, Donald McConnell, Marshall nickerson, herbert Pahoresky, Donald Perdue, Domenick ripepe, vladimir salamon, Gary savage, Paul stetz, edward thomas, r. James truxes, John Wesley. ... Until next time, please make your reservations for June, and plan on seeing your classmates who are already anxiously anticipating seeing you. Bob Send your notes to: Pete Mykytyn 3015 Alveria Drive Carbondale, IL 62901 618-549-1946 618-453-7885 (w) [email protected] as a freshman. Long and funny story there for another time. ... I received a couple of notes from Mike traynor - [email protected]. Mike and his wife, Molly, recently moved to Divide, CO, from Indianapolis. They moved into a new home in December. I wish I could include the photo taken from their back deck; trust me, its gorgeous. Theyre at 9,100 feet, lots of snow, and lots more of it than just lots of snow. Their son, Grady, and his wife live in Austin, TX. Lots of post-JCU trivia summarized for yall: Navy anti-submarine and special warfare activities in mid 60s; MBA from University of Chicago, Arthur Andersen & Co. auditing, Northwestern University School of Law, Illinois CPA exam passed on first attempt, and a law career until 1990, when he retired. Mikes also run 28 marathons, including 11 in the last 12 months; this includes three Boston Marathons and one Pikes Peak. More to come, says Mike. He also established a 501(c) (3) prostate cancer foundation and organized and directed a fundraising race in Indianapolis after undergoing a prostatectomy in 1999. ... Please let me hear from you. Take care, and have a great 07. Pete Send your notes to: Frank Kelley 20 County Knoll Dr. Binghamton, NY 13901-6109 607-648-5947 [email protected]

reUnIon Year
Send your notes to: Bob andolsen 36100 Maple Dr. North Ridgeville, OH 44039-3756 440-327-1925 440-327-5629 (fax) [email protected]


Your reunion committee is hard at work preparing for our 45th Class Reunion this summer, June 22-24. Now is the time to note those dates on your calendar, and express your interest to one of the committee members who will be contacting you over the next few months. Housing will be available on campus for out-oftown alumni, as well as transportation to JCU from the airport. We are all looking forward to your attendance. Incidentally, one of your old friends asked whether you would be attending the Reunion this time as he was anxious to see you again after all these years. I told him I would mention his inquiry in these notes so that you would have time to plan your attendance. ... Paul Dwyer and wife Sharon are spending their winters in Ft. Myers, FL. ... James arthur Wagner, New York, NY, writes that he retired from First Management Group in 2000, and is engrossed with his partner, Barry Hoggard, in patronage of the arts with concentration on the visual arts as well as emerging artists. In that world, they are represented as collectors, writers, and curators, and maintain an on-line calendar - - of gallery shows. ... Joseph Collura, twice retired, is now spending his time traveling throughout the Rockies and Alaska. His son, Joseph just received his MS in physics from JCU 98. ... Mike leonard, a reunion committee member, is still in Mahwah, NY, employed by Michael Habian & Co. as product and technical manager. ... Carl Brieger is retired, and he and his wife, Judy, reside in Erie, PA. ... Donald Zawistowski is retired, and resides with his wife, Bonnie, in Punta Gorda, FL. ... Bud Meyers, Satellite Beach, FL, recently completed his second fictional terrorist novel, Cry Judas, and is awaiting publication. His son, Matt, recently underwent successful gall bladder surgery and is recuperating at home with Bud and Donna. ... Jerry oMalley, also a reunion committee member, is semi-retired from Dawson Co. and is volunteering at Hope Lodge in 48
John Carroll university Winter 2007


I received a nice Christmas greeting from al thomas - [email protected]. They are still in Perkasie, PA (in case youre wondering as I was, Perkasies web site says its about 30 miles north of Philadelphia), and lamenting the fact that they are growing older. Did I ever tell you that the two greatest letters in the English language are er because they spell the difference between old and older? Anyway, their family is doing well Steve, Jill, grandson Jude, Barb, Jonathan, his fianc Pat, Melissa and her new husband, Todd. Whew! I kind of lost track of who is son, daughter, versus daughter-in-law and son-in-law. Sorry about that. Al and Peggy did some traveling in 2006. They visited family in Deer Park, IL, to Oregon to attend Melissa and Todds wedding. They also ventured to Europe in September: Amsterdam, the Rhine, the Main, the Danube, Prague, the Czech Republic, Budapest, Regensburg, and Vienna. Finally, Al and Peggy had lots of visits to their home as well family from Connecticut, New York, Virginia, and even Alaska. Al also e-mailed me in late December to pass on sad news that Chick Montrose had passed away in December. Chick actually graduated in 62, I remember Chick helped me out a lot with Fr. Bieckers math class


Happy springtime, everyone. How about this: Were essentially 3/5 of our way to Reunion 2009, at which time we will all be (A) eligible for social security, (B) getting used to a new POTUS, and (C) in attendance in University Heights. Make your reunion resolution NOW! ... OK, down to business. The West Coast of Florida continues to add at least one Streak per column: After 37 years practicing law in his hometown of Auburn, NY, and raising daughters Jessica and Kristin, ross tisci and wife Robin have joined the burgeoning group of classmates re-locating to the Gulf Coast. Bonita Springs is the richer for their presence - [email protected]. Rosss personal note expressed an interest in hooking up with Jim Corsica and others located there. (Youve been warned, Box.) All you nouveaugators please ensure that we receive reports on the mega Super Bowl and St. Pattys parties Im sure are brewing. ... Speaking of Bowls, rus Centanni is claiming full credit for the Boise State miracle over Oklahoma, including both the flea-flicker and the Statue of Liberty plays, as well as urging the cheerleader to say yes to the marriage proposal on national TV. ... Gene sullivan and wife Joyce attended the Meineke Car Care Bowl in Charlotte, NC, on December 30 to see Boston College vs. the US Naval Academy. Luxury suite, no less, surrounded by Naval Academy grads. RHIP. Sully attended Naval OCS after graduating Carroll, and spent two years sea duty on an amphibious assault ship based in Norfolk and then two years at the Pentagon. The Middies lost a last minute thriller, and Genes comments echoed most Midwest fans from Columbus to Ann Arbor to South Bend: Oh well, next year! ... Next year? Next house! The Ungys are on the move, again. Ellen and tom ungashick have moved into their third residence since relocating to the greater Atlanta area -

[email protected]. Their previous homes there have been featured in the Atlanta JournalConstitution and Better Homes and Gardens. Watch this space for Ellens continuous home improvement miracles as she continues to restore Atlanta one property at a time. What happened to that wall-sized TV? We send best wishes for their upcoming summer family reunion in Hilton Head, by which time the number of Ungashick grandchildren will have grown from seven to eight. ... The 64 E-Net recently carried a New Years message from class president Pat nally. He and wife Louisa reside in Grand Rapids, MI, and his remarks extolled the heartland virtues of deceased President Gerald R. Ford from that town. Amen to that. Would that todays pols had both his principled convictions and the courage to act on them. Pats closing wish for everyone, may 2007 be filled with new learning and adventures. ... Send me your summer stories. Until next time, God bless all Streaks. Frank conventions and conferences. If any of our classmates are in Philadelphia, New Orleans or Toronto, he will be there so you may want to touch base with him. I got a kick out of his comment about the Internet. He said, Can you imagine how easy it would have been to do school work if we had had Google. ... Dan Kush wrote that he and Judy were in Sarasota, FL, in mid-January. They love the area and were checking out potential locations and homes for their retirement years. He invited me to give him a call and I plan to do that to catch up on the inside scoop on Beltway happenings. ... I had a Christmas note from Jack Mclain. He and Penny are still living in Dallas. Jack has retired from the cockpit of the Delta airliners. Penny continues to fly as a senior flight attendant. ... I emailed Paul Klaus. At the reunion, he and Judy had told us about living in Ohio because Pauls position with his company was there. They told me that they want to move back to Florida when they retire. I asked him how the weather was up there in the winter I did not get a reply yet. Now I wonder if the Internet lines in Ohio are frozen. ... I will conclude this first episode with the fact that Jane and I are living just north of Tampa, FL. I hate to tell those of you up North but we were on the beach in mid-January. If anyone is headin this way, we would love the chance to renew old acquaintances. I would like that chance by phone or e-mail also. Let me know what you have been up to lately. Take care everyone, Dave McFarland - [email protected], louis shainker - [email protected]. Please feel free to contact any of the above classmates to confirm your attendance or to give additional suggestions we can always use! You can also contact Theresa Spada 04, alumni coordinator at JCU. We are asking that members of our class contact their friends and make plans to attend reunion. Personal telephone calls are still the best way to get participation! By the time you receive John Carroll magazine, you will have received a letter advising of the Reunion and getting our class pumped to attend. Our class theme for the reunion is THE CLASS OF 67 WILL ROCK IN 07! 100 alumni of the class of 67 to attend with a class gift goal of $100,000 we need everyone to pitch in and stretch out for a donation to Carroll. ... I have recently heard from rudolph rehm, who reports that he elected to take an early retirement from KPMG in 1994. He has been enjoying his second career in the world of venture ever since. He and his wife, Carla, are also enjoying their five grandchildren. Rudolph resides La Jolla, CA, and theyll attend the 40th Reunion. ... Talking about California, John Forhan recently contacted me to state he will also attend the Reunion from Santa Barbara. ... richard Byrne from Garfield Heights, OH, continues to work at Penske Logistics. ... Dr. leonard Janchar reports that he and his wife, Dorothy, reside in Marion, OH, where he is a pediatrician. ... Kevin oConnor writes from Naperville, IL, where he resides with his wife, Mary Jo. More alumni news coming in the next column. ... Hope to see all of you at our 40th Reunion. ... Take care and keep the telephone calls, e-mails and notes directed to me. Peter


Send your notes to: dick Conoboy 165 South 46th St. Bellingham, WA 98229 [email protected]

Need some news from the Class of 65 as we move into 2007. As you stir from your winter hibernation, think of dropping me a line. ... My wife and I sought the sun again in December and just returned from a three-week trek through Australia. Starting in Melbourne we drove the road along the scenic southern coast to Adelaide. From there we took the famous Ghan train (first class) to Alice Springs in the Australian outback. After a bus trip to Uluru (formerly Ayers Rock) we flew to Cairns for a visit to the Great Barrier Reef and then on to Sydney. It was a memorable trip, blessed with good weather. For those oenophiles, the Jesuits run the Sevenhill Winery in the Clare Valley of South Australia, a detour we did not make. ... As we retire, I am sure there are many of us who are doing similar traveling. Let me know about your adventures. Dick Send your notes to: dave Griffin 1347 Solitaire Pl. Holiday, FL 34690 6454 727-944-5229 [email protected]

reUnIon Year
Send your notes to: Peter French 27955 Forestwood Pkwy. North Olmsted, OH 44070 216-881-7882 216-881-7896 (fax) [email protected]



Hello to all. As you read in the last edition, Fran nunney passed the torch to me. I wondered why he was so nice to me and bought me all those drinks at Reunion! I kid because, the fact is, I readily accepted this hand-off from him. I want to thank Fran for his years as our scribe. I will do my best to carry on the tradition. I have come up a little thin on happenings for this edition. I did not realize the short time frame between getting the last edition and the submission date for the next one. A few days before this was due, I felt like so many of us remember at Carroll when that paper was due tomorrow and I hadnt even started it. ... John stagl is still a Chicago boy. He e-mailed that he will be traveling for his company this year as he has in the past. Believe it or not, Stags is a speaker at

Hello class of 67. Hope all is well as the New Year begins. Winter has arrived on the North Coast in Cleveland. But we can begin to turn our thoughts to June and our 40th Class Reunion. How is that for a lead in? Your reunion committee has been hard at work to provide the best reunion experience for our class. We are working on the events for Saturday June 23 and have some great events planned. We have discussed the following: planting a memorial tree on campus dedicated to our deceased class members, speakers for a class lecture on investing/ retirement and VA benefits; a location on campus to gather and display our class memorabilia (year books, pictures, signs, etc.); Saturday class lunch on the campus. ... Bob Boharic has summed it up this way: my wife and I have really enjoyed the past reunions and we are looking forward the 40th in June. We have decided to divide the class into geographic regions or by clubs/sports among the committee members so they can contact you. The following committee members were identified to contact classmates: Chicago & Pre Med: Bob Boharic - [email protected], I-CHIs: Mark Delong - [email protected] and Bill ryan [email protected], ROTC: Pete Bernardo [email protected], Bill Ryan, Jerry uranker [email protected]; Football: Bill Ryan, Band/ PHI THETO MU: Jerry Uranker; Sociology: Peter French - [email protected]; Cleveland alumni: Mark DeLong, Peter French, Pete Bernardo, Bob

Cleveland area alumni, join us for the 2007 Carroll Golf Classic
June 4, 2007 $125 per golfer
Price includes golf, continental breakfast, lunch at the turn, cocktail hour, dinner (Dinner only:$50) Give-aways and prizes Register your foursome soon; the outing has been a sell-out two years in a row For more information, visit


John Carroll university Winter 2007



Dr. Ken DeLuca 69: a psychologists expedition to Vietnam and Cambodia

Dr. Ken DeLuca 69, 70G is a well-established psychologist who provides clinical psychology and counseling services to children and their families from a base of multiple offices in Clevelands Western neighborhoods. DeLuca, who has taught classes at the university and is a member of the diaconate of the Diocese of Cleveland has received the Ohio Psychology Association Award of Excellence for his service to his profession and his community. Last fall DeLuca and approximately 70 other U.S. psychologists were invited by their national association on an expedition that was part of the People to People informal diplomacy exchange program begun by Dwight Eisenhower, they traveled to Vietnam and Cambodia to establish lines of connections with their counterparts in those Southeast Asian nations. One of the other psychologists on the trip was Massachusetts Dave Ciampi 81. The trip by the American psychologists landed in Ho Chi Minh City last November 9, The professionals spent five whirlwind days visiting mental health facilities and academic institutions. Thirty years after the end of the Vietnam War, DeLuca was impressed with the resiliency of the people, and with their eagerness to learn. They would say, I want to learn more from you. The American psychologists encountered notably gracious and welcoming hosts. DeLuca observed that most of the people the Americans met were not old enough to carry a great consciousness of the war years. That was a major reason why the people in the mental health facilities toured did not exhibit a large number of cases of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). DeLuca and his colleagues did learn that the countrys long series of social and cultural changes has greatly stressed the Vietnamese family structure. The Ohio psychologist said that Vietnams mental health facilities are at least half a century behind those in the West, and that there is a great need for additional mental health professionals and other resources. A similar tour of Cambodia revealed an equally forward looking but far poorer population. The Americans visited the killing fields and learned that after the genocide perpetrated by the Khmer Rouge in the late 1970s, there were only 50 medical doctors remaining


in the land of the Khmer. DeLuca noted that Cambodia is in urgent need of books and virtually all elements of an academic infrastructure. He said that at the university the visitors toured, there were enough reference volumes to fill two small bookcases. As in Vietnam, DeLuca was touched by the graciousness and eagerness to learn of the Cambodians he met. He was also edified by his time with Fr. Kevin Conroy, a priest of the Cleveland Diocese, who is functioning as a Maryknoll Affiliate in Cambodia and doing what DeLuca described as heroic work in caring for HIV patients and developing counseling services at the university in Phnom Penh.
Benard, who retired last year as director of communications and employee relations at Eastman Kodak Co; hank Jesserer, lawyer (we share box seats at Red Wing baseball games); Jerry Magin 67; Steve Chamberlain 66 (Rochesters most active JCU alum); Hon. John Schwartz 66, judge (my UClub big brother); Ron Bircher 68; and Jerry Mackey (our sons graduated from McQuaid Jesuit); John Kendall 95 (my broker), Joe Iuppa 67 and Mike Wolford 63. My wife and I are very pleased that our sons were educated at Jesuit colleges (Marquette and Fairfield, despite my urging of JCU!). While I have volunteered my services to many organizations, my most gratifying has been my involvement with the St. Thomas More Lawyers Guild. When in 2004, as president of the guild; I had the privilege of hosting our guest homilist, Avery Cardinal Dulles, SJ. Finally, I want to thank Gerry Grim for assisting us with some logistical arrange-

1969 1968

Send your notes to: ray Burchyns P.O. Box 771 White River Jct., VT 05001 802.234.9780 [email protected] Send your notes to: Gerry Grim [email protected] 804-758-2306 x136

I got a nice phone call from classmate Bob Mamich who wanted to pass on to the class some wonderful new about his son Joseph 01. Joe was ordained a priest this past fall in the diocese of Cleveland. Father Joe will start his ministry at the Holy Family Church in Stow. ... After my last column, I got a nice e-mail from Fred Grabek. Of 50
John Carroll university Winter 2007

course your super-organized columnist lost Freds note must be caused by the approaching 60th birthday. Fred please e-mail me again, I have the information on George Bosl that you requested. George if youre reading this, Fred is trying to get in touch. ... I got the following from Michael t. DiPrima of Rochester. Michael gets full credit for the majority of this column and really looks like a great replacement for me. News: We are the proud grandparents of Joseph Michael DiPrima (5) and we are anxiously awaiting our second grandchild in March. I have been in the private practice of law for 30 years, specializing in criminal defense and personal injury. I have been selected for the past 20 years to Best Lawyers in America in the criminal defense category. My interest in defense work was awakened when I was a member of the Judicial Board at JCU in 1967-68. I remain in contact with JCU alumni in the Rochester area, such as, Mike

ments when we brought our then-ailing father to an Indians game in 2003. Please believe I didnt write that last bit of self aggrandizement; it truly was Mike writing. ... Now if you would all follow Mikes lead, this would be a lot easier job and a lot better written column. Keep sending those e-mails and calls I promise no more lost e-mails. ... On a personnel note as you might note I am working in Virginia, but would like to get back to Cleveland and my wife, who is still teaching in Cleveland. If you hear of anyone looking for a great fund raiser or great manager (that is self aggrandizement), please give me a call. I would like to return home. All my best to you all, Grimmer Send your notes to: Ted heutsche 2137 East Howe Road Dewitt, MI 48820 517-669-4005 [email protected] [email protected] - e-mailed me that Jimmy had a heart attack sometime in July and on August 5 passed out in the car while I was driving. I took him to the hospital and he now has two stents and a defibrillator implanted in him. He is OK and on five meds a day and his defibrillator hasnt gone off yet. Wedding plans for our daughter, Tina, are coming along ... ... Paul DeFranco and John schlosser updated their alumni profiles online. Paul - [email protected] - is a senior research engineer for the Ferro Corp. He and Karen, have one son, David (31) and make their home in Twinsburg, OH. John - [email protected] - is living in Cincinnati. After leaving Carroll, he received his J.D. from Catholic U. Ted Send your notes to: Tom and rosemary Costello 716 West Vermont Ave. Urbana, IL 61801-4827 217-344-2076 [email protected] Send your notes to: John M. Marcus 5707 Trafton Pl. Bethesda, MD 20817-3738 202-296-0901 [email protected] Marilyn have two late twenties children. He plans on making it back. Others are Dave oBrien, tom Cavanagh, tom ryan, Patty simoson Farrell and Donald, rich Cisek, Bob Quart, Dennis Quilty, Fr. Bob ytsen, Frank Maggio, Bob harrington, Dennis henson, Mike Mullen, and Otis, the guy from the cafeteria. ... Got a note from Bob longo. Hes been living in California for five years. He and Suzy have a son, whos a senior at USF. Bob says hes bumped into Marty lindstrom in Balboa, and has been in close contact with steve Pfander, who has also promised to make it back. And of course Bobby bumped into Jack Bertges at Mass one day, and now they pal it around at the Bohemian Club in SF. (Note Jack came to D.C. at Christmas time and he and I met for lunch. He actually bought!) ... Also heard from our Hall of Famer Jim Peters. He promised to come back and had to cut his e-mail short to help his daughter (freshman at Miami U), with an English paper. ... Others coming back: Bob agnone, tim Franzinger, Bill sixsmith, steve Wainright, Bernie Gesenhues, linda heiss, Don Fisher, Frank rambaldo, Jim Myers, John Meilinger, Holly and John Collins, and that guy who used to walk around the SAC Building dressed as the Grim Reaper. Well, Im over the word limit but make sure you put Reunion (Friday, June 22-Sunday, June 24, ) on your calendars. There are a lot of people who would like to see you make it back. See you there. JM Send your notes to: Gerry o. Patno 13421 Merl Ave. Lakewood, OH 44107-2707 216-410-0129 [email protected]


ed sandrick sent me a long and touching recollection of howie Burgh Howie touched a lot of people in his brief stay with us. I had the pleasure of being one of his closest friends and always was thankful for that relationship. I met Howie in August of 1966, probably on the third floor of Dolan, as we gathered in the T for one of Ripper Wilsons orientation briefs. We became fast friends, as was the case with most of Howies friends. We came from the same neck of the woods, although I was from Whiting, IN. I recall how Joe Pokraka, Charlie ellis (RIP), and I were adopted into the Chicago Club. Howie and I stayed in touch while I was in the Marine Corps, overseas and stateside. As I was leaving the Corps in 1979, then stationed at Camp Pendleton, CA, Howie flew out to San Diego to drive back with me. What a trip! We had the greatest time that I will treasure forever. (note: Ed shared a hilarious story about the trip, but it was just too long; drop Ted an e-mail and he will forward it) Ed continued that he once read a card that said: Its chance that makes brothers, but its hearts that makes friends. ... The second e-mail came from Dennis Casey 87, about Pat Condon being honored by their high school alma mater Brother Rice in Chicago as the Alumni Associations Man of the Year. Info can be found under the alumni section at Dennis is also close friends with Donna 72 and Don Brown. ... rich harkey sent his annual report on the DAT Reunion held at Flannerys in downtown Cleveland on December 27. Class of 70 attendees included group historian and retired educator, Paul antonin; real estate magnate Pat Murphy; terry Wichmann, president of an advertising agency that specializes in automotive dealership ads; and Rich. In addition to working and residing in the state with the Greatest Snow on Earth, Rich maintains offices in Palo Alto and Las Vegas, and while working in Vegas in December, Paul Antonin, Richs Bernet roommate was vacationing at the Mandalay Bay at the same time. ... rick sabolik had to miss this years reunion. The retired Big 4 audit partner said that he was starting a mail order drug business in the Dallas area. Gerri and Pat Murphy and Penny and Rick Sabolik celebrated their 40th wedding anniversaries in 2007. Want pictures of the event [email protected]. ... Peggy Mcintyre - peg-



Its a Saturday morning. Youve finished breakfast and are upstairs getting dressed. Then your daughter comes up and says, Daddy, theres a man here to see you. Who, you wonder. He says hes a friend of yours from John Carroll. So I made my way downstairs ... and there was Mouse, Paul Magnotto, one of those guys like Spook and Chico and Pildy Dildy who, at graduation, you found had real names.) So Mouse who looks no different was in town with his girlfriend. He works for the State of PA and lives in the Sharon/ Farrell area. He promised to make it back to the 72 Reunion in June and will pay for everyones dinner if we join Bergy again on Friday. ... News from others coming back. tom Perchan, for Phi Alpha Theta member, is an area manager for Millcraft Paper Company in Dayton. He and Jeannette have two grown boys. ... ralph Chippas is the supervisor of cost accounting at AM General LLC in the Akron area. Jim Casserly and wife Kathy also have two. Jim is now a national account manager at Wal-Mart and lives, of course, in Bentonville, AK. Jim promised to bring a Wal-Mart semi packed with reunion favors. Others who have promised to make it back are russert (hes never missed), anne Conway, neil Conway, Mark Mulcahy, Bob Duffy, Jim Boland, tom (Roto) Murray, roger leComte, and Captain Kahns, the ROTC guy. Jerome swiantek also is making it back. Hes living in Mentor, OH, and is an industrial technician at PCC Airfoils LLC. ... Also heard from al Brickel, who opened the Cleveland Art Glass Center on Cedar Road. Al has promised Waterford Glass mementos to each of the returning alums. ... Mike Gambatese is coming back. He and his wife, Charlyne, and college-age son and daughter, live in Solon, where Mike is senior principal consultant at Oracle Inc. ... Also heard from Bobby Patterson who lives in Cleveland Heights and is a professor at Cuyahoga Community College. Bob and wife


In November, in Kulas Auditorium, Actors from the London Stage performed Shakespeares Hamlet before a packed house, including a few of us from the Class of 73, who had gathered at an exclusive English majors reception preceding the performance. In addition to myself, there was robert Rock larocca and his wife, Deb (Wright 81G), who even though hes a psych major, we let in. ... Willoughby resident Bob terlizzi, was there with his wife, Patricia. Bob is 18 years into managing his own executive recruitment firm, Terlizzi & Associates. Something Ill bet most of us never knew about Bob, who has two boys (to go with Patricias two boys), is that he was married and had a child during his junior year as a Carroll day-hop, yet still managed to graduate ontime. ... Also there was night student Joan Mackell Perry, another Willoughby resident, who happened to graduate in our class. A one-time grandmother with two children, Joan brought along her husband, John. ... Don Dossa believes that ...every alumnus should send a message to our class rep at least every 20 years. Its been more than 30 for me, which I consider to be within my margin of error. Don and his wife, Carol Opaskar 74, have four children: Laura, a former deputy press secretary who was working on Capitol Hill on September 11; Tom, an IT professional, who plays guitar professionally in the San Jose area; Bob, a screenplay writer/producer; and Paul, who will attend Johns Hopkins for his Ph.D. in chemical biology. Don, who has his Ph.D.
John Carroll university Winter 2007



Dr. Martin Schreiber 72 Kidney Foundations Man of Year
Dr. Martin Schreiber, Jr., a member of the Class of 1972, is this years Kidney Foundations Man of the Year. Schreiber is the chairman of the Cleveland Clinic Foundations Department of Nephrology and Hypertension. Dr. Schreiber was honored for his outstanding leadership and commitment to serving the renal healthcare community. The honor was also based on his support and dedication to the mission and programming of the foundation. Every year, the Kidney Foundation of Ohio honors someone who embraces our mission of serving individuals and families suffering from kidney failure. Marty was an obvious choice because his dedication and selfless commitment to the community are evident every time you speak to him, said Alexis Fuerst, chairperson of the foundations board. The benefit honoring Schreiber raised over $180,000 for the foundation.

in theoretical physics, works at the Lawrence Livermore National Lab near San Francisco and was R&D manager on the design team that developed BlueGene/L, the worlds fastest computer, which reclaimed the superconducting lead for the United States. Hes now working on a team developing one of the worlds largest telescopes, located in Chile. Don, who roomed with my brother Bob Patno freshman year and, by the way, picked Bobs brain extensively to obtain the vast majority of his knowledge received Carrolls Physics Department Alumnus of the Year award last April. ... steve Marshall checks in from Cary, NC, where he moved five years ago with his wife, Melanie, and daughters Stephanie and Kate. Steve is in his fourth year of running his own business psychology practice, which assists clients with leadership assessment and development. Daughter Stephanie is in college and daughter Kate soon will be. ... robert suazo has just completed his sixth year of running his own business of rehabbin and resellin run-down homes, having turned 46 of 48 at last count. Bob also manages mortgage loans for real estate investors and small commercial loans via Main Street Financial. His son, Christopher, is a junior psych major at University of Akron, and younger son, Ben, is on sabbatical from Rochester Institute of Technology due to his entrepreneurial spirit. Along with some high school buddies from St. Ignatius, he installs high-end home automation systems, home theatre systems and remote lighting in homes. ... In the coolest bit of news Ive received in a while, it would appear that Dave hammel learned more than accounting during his formative years at John Carroll. A principal in the St. Claire Shores, MI, accounting firm Godfrey, 52
John Carroll university Winter 2007

Hammel, Garvey & Sciotti, Dave is the front man of the bar band VanHammel, which plays rock covers from the 1960s and 70s. So all you Detroit-area alumni get out and see VanHammel play at Marges Bar in Grosse Pointe and Tonys Sports Bar in Ferndale because, as Dave says, ... its all about the music! gop Send your notes to: dave robinson 3963 Oakland Hills Dr. Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301 248-642-9615 (h) 800-240-3866 (fax) [email protected]

with ron Deneweth. Roger is the major gifts officer for Sacred Heart Major Seminary here in Detroit. Daughter Anne graduated from Georgetown in the spring and decided to stay in the Washington area in the retail business. Ron shared an update on his kids. Ben began working on his MBA at Michigan State, while Tina is a junior at St. Louis. ... ed staunton reported a great year for his family. Ed and Joanne are living the college application process with their oldest daughter, Sarah. Son Chris is taking drivers ed at school, much to Eddys relief. ... Chuck schultz is now with The Osborne Company in Cleveland after many years at Alcoa. Chuck, wife Mary, and their three daughters now live in Medina, OH. ... Joe virosteks oldest daughter, Margaret, will graduate from JCU this May with a degree in psychology and his son AJ is considering attending Carroll in the fall. ... larry Meathe has been adding to his frequent flier miles with trips for work to Singapore, England, Germany, and Ireland. Daughter Libby is attending Ohio University, and is scheduled to graduate this spring, and while Jackie is in her sophomore year at Pittsburgh. His wife, Marie, is a substitute teacher and occasionally sees Mary Beth hayes. (HINT HINT, Come on MB drop us a line!!) ... van Conway - [email protected] - is president of Conway, Mackenzie & Dunleavy in Birmingham, MI. In 2006 the firm opened its first international office in Shanghai, China, to assist companies with sourcing needs. His firm also offers interim executive management and due diligence for private equity and hedge fund firms. The firm won several awards including being named one of the nations Outstanding Turn Around Firms, and 101 Best and Brightest Companies to Work For in Michigan. Van has been recognized by Ernst & Young as Entrepreneur of the Year. And who says its a tough go here in Michigan! ... Our sympathy goes out to val street whose dad recently passed away. Our prayers and thoughts are with you. ... Our oldest daughter, Kate 98, is planning a June 07 wedding here in the Motor City. She met her fianc, Jim, at their 10-year high school reunion. Never knew each other while in high school. Hows that fate? ... Thats it for now folks. Keep the e-mails coming. Robby Send your notes to: rick rea 7450 Grant Village Dr., Apt. A St. Louis, MO 63123 314.843.4703 [email protected]


To begin with, I have a request for an MIA from Bernie Conway 75. Does anyone know where WA Baker 75 may be? Bernie has lost track of one of Carrolls more illustrious graduates and would like to hear how he is doing. Bernie last saw Walter on a trip to Ireland a couple of years ago, but Mr. Baker hasnt been seen or heard of since. Any Pittsburgh boys who know of Ws whereabouts, please let Bernie know - BJCchgo@ ... Jim Weitzel and his wife, Sheila, had a great 2006, including trips to Vienna, Rockport and Port Aransas on the Gulf of Mexico, experiencing the empty nest syndrome in the summer when their children Erin and Drew were off to camp for a month. Jim accepted a position with British Telecom in August as a global account manager for the continental account. ... On December 6, Molly and I joined about 40 other Detroit alumni for a reception at the Detroit Athletic Club featuring Dr. Linda Eisenmann, the dean of Arts and Sciences. Those in attendance included roger hull Jr. and his wife, Jean, along


It is fun to live in (or near) a town that has won a World Championship. In 2006 Melissa and I lived within an hours drive of Pittsburgh when the Steelers won the Super Bowl. We moved to St. Louis late in 2006 and the Cardinals win the World Series! See a pattern here? Many of our friends in Chicago and Cleveland have asked us to move there next so the Cubs and Indians will benefit from our presence! I just started a new career with AT&T here in St. Louis. I am an Internet sales consultant for AT&T Melissa is working in her old neighborhood as an associate dentist with South St. Louis Dental Group. ... Speaking of moving to Chicago that is exactly what

rob ondrus - [email protected] - has done! Rob, his wife Beth and kids are back in Naperville after five years down in Dixieland (Fayetteville, GA.) He is director of procurement for Monarch Foods and I bet he has some good recipes for barbeque right Rob? ... I received an e-mail from a long, lost fraternity brother and classmate just before Christmas. Mike Toes riley - michael.t.riley@ - is living in Portland, ME, with his fianc, Erin. Mike and Erin welcomed a daughter, Delia Ruth, into their lives this past September. Mike is in his last semester at the University of Maine School of Law to constructively channel my ever-growing outrage over the general state of America. Erin is in her second year of law school at Maine. See what happens when you date a coed! ... Hey ed Donnelly and Charlie Beringer how about some Cleveland news? I would appreciate some news from classmates in Pittsburgh, Detroit, Buffalo, Chicago or anywhere! Have you moved, started a new career, retired, received an award, have new grandkids, traveled somewhere cool or started a new hobby? Contact me and I will post your news in the next issue of the Journal. ... Happy St. Patricks Day and dont drink too much green beer! Pray for peace, RR sent word that her son Justin, having finished a year of Army duty in Afghanistan, will be reporting to General Hams 1st Infantry Division in Kansas later this year. Justin has received the Bronze Star. Congratulations, Justin, and we all thank you for serving! Barb also says that son Eric married last spring and daughter Rebecca has been doing kidney research and by the time this comes out will have moved to Costa Rica to live on a selfsustained ranch, where she will be fundraising for local schools and learn to speak fluent Spanish. Barb still has her real estate company and husband Dave continues his contracting business, which is particularly great because Beaufort County has been the fastest growing area in the state of South Carolina over the past five years. With all that going on, Barb still makes time to enjoy her real passion, gardening. A Master Gardener herself, she opened her gardens for a Master Gardener seminar in September and will open them again in April for the Southeast Palm Society to tour. Sounds as though these times are really terrific for the Farrior family. ... This just in, Marty McGarry has a new e-mail address: [email protected]. ... Now we have really done some classmate catch-up! That means that all of you reading this should be sending me your news to print. Hop to it all, see you next issue. Cools Texan who checked in is alan Barth. Al lives in The Woodlands, TX, and he is the chief financial officer for Beusa Energy, Inc. ... We also heard from richard stevens Jr., who is living in Osprey, FL, with his wife Jennifer. Rick is the vice president and chief financial officer of Power Source Industries in Sarasota. ... And then there are those who didnt fall far from the JCU nest, the Ohioans. Jeffrey Kasper sent in words from Auburn Township where he lives with his wife, Jana. Jeff is the owner of Auburn Stables, which I assume means he has something to do with horses. ... From Mentor comes a note from thomas Mauerer. Tom is living in Mentor with his wife, Julieann, and working in Twinsburg as the manager of international logistics for Rockwell International. ... Former Rat Bar manger (the Upper Crust Crew), John Fickes is living in Copely, OH, with his wife, Mary Kate. John lists his current occupation as shareholder for Brouse McDowell, L.P.A. ... Michael Mulhern 81 sent a very short note saying that he is now living in Columbus. ... leslie ann (smith) Cade is working for the Cleveland Museum of Art as an archivist and records manager. She and her husband, Edward are living in South Euclid. ... tim Myers is living in Pepper Pike with his wife, Wendy. Tim is the president of TIMCO Sales, Inc. in Wickliffe. ... Finally, from Parma, the former class columnist (a position I aspire to), Kim Petrovich, dropped a note to tell us that she is working for the Cleveland Board of Education as a high school guidance counselor. ... And before I get on to some more reunion business, I need to mention that we received a note too late for the last column from James Pojman, Margaret (Pojman) Glenns father. Marj was honored as the Teacher of The Year in the Nordonia School System for her innovative work with autistic children. ... And finally, the record for attendance at a JCU 30th reunion is 70. It was set by the Class of 1972 in 2002. We had 110 that year (our 25th) so lets try and set a new record this year. Keep those cards and letters coming and Ill see you on the chapel steps in June! Dennis Send your notes to: Tim Freeman 334 N. Catherine Ave. LaGrange Park, IL 60526 773-975-6909 (w) 708-579-9075 (h) [email protected]


terry Fergus gives a detailed report about his carton of kids: Nates in his last year of med school and is searching for residencies; Caitie is at Lake Forest College; Kris is attending the University of Denver; Meredith is in her first year of law school; Jon was a starting varsity fullback at Ignatius, and Jillian is captain of Magnificats field hockey team. If that doesnt leave you breathless just think of Ferg coaching 105 freshman football players. Terry further reports that he and Mary are really enjoying being grandparents. Seems that I have mentioned enough names to make another cast for Guys and Dolls! ... Mary Jo Casserly hogan sends word that she and husband Pat are enjoying life as empty nesters after their daughter married last year and their youngest son decided to strike out on his own. She also is enjoying her new job as program manager of national security programs at the Department of Labor in Washington, D.C. Her previous work had been with Northrop Grumman after her retirement from the Army. ... Mary ann ahern, who most of us know as Bergy, is officially the political reporter for NBC 5 in Chicago. Shes the first woman ever to hold that position. Right now she is keeping her eye on the 2008 presidential elections, which, especially since Barack Obama is running, will keep her moving around all over the country. ... We have an updated e-mail address for Barbara rudnick ebert - Barbara704@ She now resides in Manakin-Sabot, VA. ... Some sad news to report, our classmate, nick homoky, passed away this past fall. This information arrived after the journal went to press but was included in the In Memoriam portion of the magazine. Our condolences, thoughts and prayers go out to his family. ... Barb eddy Farrior caught the news about Carter ham in the last column and


Send your notes to: diane Coolican Gaggin 118 Elm St. Fayetteville, NY 13066 [email protected]

reUnIon Year
Send your notes to: dennis J. lane 8144 Winding Ross Way Ellicott City, MD 21043 [email protected]

Our 30th reunion is set for June 22 through 24 and your classmates on the reunion committee, Bill Gagliano, Don May, Kathleen Berry, Marianne Kerr, virginia ivec, al Baldarelli, Dave De angelis, Dave south, terry sullivan and Jane Paunicka have been busy planning a weekend of fun and frivolity. Our 30th reunion has sparked a veritable flurry of news from the Class of 77. ... Jim Koerner checked in from Vienna, Austria, where he is living with his wife, Noreen. Jim is the vice president of the IBM Software Group for Central & Eastern Europe, Middle East, Austria and Switzerland. ... Senior Rabbi harry rosenfeld dropped a note from Getzville, NY, where he is living with his wife, Michelle Hope. Harry is teaching Jewish Studies at Canisius College in Buffalo. ... Cheryl (Wachtfeitl) Franz sent in a note from Hartsdale, NY, where she lives with her husband, Bruce. Cheryl is a senior manager with Pfizer. ... David De angelis is living in Tulsa, OK, with his wife, Tami. Dave is the owner of Architectural Paving Systems, LLC. ... noel (Boylan) tyler and her husband, Michael, are also in Oklahoma. They are living in Okalahoma City, where Noel is the administrator of the Disability Determination Division. Sounds like we need an alumni chapter in Oklahoma! ... And speaking of Texas ... Reverend richard Matty is the rector of Saint Patrick Cathedral in El Paso, TX. ... Over in Houston, James Disiena is working on the nations energy problems as a team leader X-RPFS (whatever that is) for Chevron Energy Technology Company. Jim resides in Houston with his wife, Patricia. His note said that he would like to get a blog going for the reunion - [email protected]. ... Another JCU


Greetings! Heres the latest from our classmates: sandy anderson and husband Tim Polgar will celebrate 24 years of marriage this June. They reside in Westlake, OH. Sandy has been in the insurance and investment industry for 25 years and now also teaches at a local college. Daughter Alex is a freshman at the University of Kentucky and daughter Aimee is a 16 year-old golf and baseball standout. Sandy was unable to make a girls reunion in Colorado last year, but she and laura Fasano did get to London for another reunion. Sandy is active in several local organizations and always has places at her dinner table for others. ... Dan Weitzel and spouse Georgia keep active with sons Marty and Pat, students at Gonzaga College High School, and son Tim in elementary school. Weitz is an attorney with the Enterprise Business Law Group in McLean, VA. Dan keeps in touch with Jack Blackburn and other classmates. ...
John Carroll university Winter 2007


Mary anthony Milcinovic lives in Brecksville, OH, with spouse Scott. They are parents of three: Steven (sophomore at Hiram), Megan (freshman at Furman) and Pete (sophomore at BrecksvilleBroadview Heights High School). Mary keeps the home front coordinated and also with Nicks work as minority shareholder and CFO of Horsburgh & Scott (metal gear manufacturer in Cleveland). ... Peter ruffing and spouse, Jeannine, are semiempty nesters in Delaware, OH. Nate (23), graduate of OSU 2006, entered the Marine OCS January 21, 2007. Tim (22), OSU through junior year, entered the Army September 2006, and is now at Fort Bragg, NC, preparing for selections to Special Forces. Thad, (20) and Lucas (18) are at OSU as junior and freshman, respectively. Jeannine is a physical therapist and Pete is the city prosecutor for Delaware. ... Ginny happ Pierson and spouse, Mike 79, celebrated their 25 year wedding anniversary last September. They live in North Olmsted, OH, and have two kids in college: Steve, a junior at the University of Toledo and Cate, a freshman at Loyola University Chicago. Youngest daughter, Libby, is a senior in high school, and will probably be attending Wheeling Jesuit University in the fall. The Piersons enjoy travel on their Harley Low Rider. Classmate tom oGrady taught high school history to one of the Pierson girls before he became mayor of North Olmsted. Ginny would love to hear from Patty Carson and Robin Gallese. ... In November, terry oBrien was elected to a fourth consecutive six-year term as commissioner of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago. He has also been elected president of the MWRDGC five times. Congratulations! This past September, Terry and several classmates celebrated turning 50 at JCUs Homecoming weekend. Bob rees, Jon Manilla, Dave De Angelis 77, Bob Burak, Jim Messer and Mark Fasano and others played golf, had a cookout at the Buraks, tailgated, attended the football game and caught up with Fr. Casey Bukala. ... Thanks for writing! Tim Send your notes to: nancy agacinski 4009 Washington Blvd., #3 University Heights, OH 44118-3865 216-932-2824 [email protected] we saw real animals. We decided to stop at the Church of the Redeemer to enjoy their live Nativity scene. The church had a program in which we talked to King Herrod, the Wise Men and others. We also shared Christmas greetings with Donna and ron Zajaczkowskis family, who were also in attendance. ... Congratulations are in order to Carol and Don McGuire on the birth of their second son, Daniel, on December 1. Daniel joins big brother Kieran who is now 21/2. The McGuire family is doing fine in Greenwich, CT. ... Cathy Melfi - cmelfi@ - sends greetings from Indianapolis, where she and her husband have lived for the past 17 years. Cathy has a daughter Sarah (15) and is employed at Eli Lilly. Cathy also holds an adjunct faculty position at Indiana University. Cathy would enjoy hearing from her JCU classmates, especially from her old roommate, Beth Koenig Kasper 81, who just happens to be married to my old freshman year roommate, Bob Kasper. ... John Ettorre was in receipt of a photo from tom Cua of the OSU marching band spelling out a variation of script Ohio which was a precursor to a disaster on January 8 against the University of Florida. At least for Kevin tighes sake, Michigan was smashed by Southern Cal. John visited Jeanne ann Wall Cannon on a recent Chicago visit. He hung out on Jeanne Anns front porch like some rogue reporter till the Wall family returned from a family bike ride. John bumped into tony oMalley at a local theater. Tony is the managing partner at the Cleveland office for the law firm of Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease. His trial practice focuses on business and health care litigation. sam Bonsignore has been in the recruiting business for 25 years focusing on sales/management professionals - [email protected]. ... Meg towey rabals husband, Brad, finished a tour of duty in Iraq. He is a dentist and in the Reserves. The Rabals son, also Brad, is a sophomore at St. Ignatius and plays basketball. ... Chris Clauson rosinkis son Matt also plays basketball at St. Ignatius. Just as a side note: I attended St. Ignatius, did not play basketball (to the surprise of many), but was a tanker on the swim team. ... In the JCU enews, I noticed the passing of two notable faculty members this November. Father Paul Woelfl, SJ, who founded the Department of Political Science and Dr. William (Bill) F. OHearn, the father of Dr. Margaret (Peggy) o. Finucane of the Department of Communication and Theatre Arts. Dr. OHearn worked and taught at JCU from 1956 to 1996. He served as assistant dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and as director of Information Services. A scholarship has been established in his memory and donations can be sent to JCU in care of the Dr. William F. OHearn Memorial Scholarship. ... Keep in touch. MFH Send your notes to: Julie sanner hepfer 406 Hunt Club Dr. St. Charles, IL 60174 630-586-3367 [email protected] tions, I really appreciate Chicago. ... I heard from Michelle Keresman Connors. She is very busy with her job, her kids and all her charitable work. But one sure way to slow down a frantic schedule is to have a sick child. Michelles daughter has mono. Our best wishes to her for a speedy recovery! ... Gary Wells sent a note to let us know he is living in Cleveland. If you get a chance, drop him an e-mail - [email protected]. ... The snow may be falling, but it wont stop Bob and me from attending the Dance Marathon at the University of Iowa in February. The marathon is a fundraiser for the Childrens Miracle Network. Our oldest son, Bradford, a graduate student in accounting at U of I, is truly committed to this cause and has worked at their summer camp, Heart Connection. Brad spends his weekends with the children at the hospital or canning (fundraising) on the streets of Iowa City. He is also a morale coach for a team of dancers during the marathon. Brad has faced this illness head-on himself, with a wonderful outcome. We look forward to volunteering at the dance to support the cause and our son. ... This a busy time in our lives, but if you get a chance to send me an email, Id really appreciate it! God bless, Julie

reUnIon Year
Send your notes to: Paul hulseman 120 Evergreen Ln. Winnetka, IL 60093 847-867-9322 (c) [email protected] [email protected]


Nancy regrets that she hasnt received any news from the class of 79 at this time. Please forward information to her to prevent an empty column next issue! Send your notes to: Matt holtz 22487 Laramie Dr. Rocky River, OH 44116 440-331-1759 [email protected]


Santa was good to the Holtz family as he dropped off the Nintendo Wii game. This is my first foray into gaming so right now I am clueless as to what to do. Rest assured that this is the kids present not mine, although the Tony Hawk game is pretty cool. John ettorre asked who is Tony Hawk. I told him to Google it. ... As my wife and I were driving past a church with a Nativity scene during Christmas time, one of my twins, Adam or Patrick, noticed that Joseph moved, then Mary and then 54
John Carroll university Winter 2007


Hi everyone! Its finally looking like winter in the Chicago area. Up until now, I thought we were suffering from some major global warming. The snow is great as long as it just covers the lawn, but there is not enough to shovel. Growing up in Erie, PA, and dealing with lake effect accumula-


Greetings from Chicago! George antoon dropped a note to JCU. He is living in Melbourne, FL, and running Global Cellular, Cellaris Franchising. He and his wife, Janet, have three girls Stephanie (17), Kristin (15), and Jennifer (14). Who would have guessed George would be surrounded by beautiful women?! ... Cindie Carroll-Pankhurst is an investigator with the Cuyahoga County Coroners Office. Cindie has advanced degrees from both Cleveland State and Case Western Reserve University. Cindie and her husband, Mark Salling, live in Cleveland Heights. ... virginia noonan hahne is teaching school at Sr. Petronille in Glen Ellyn, IL. Virginia completed her masters at the University of St. Francis last year. In addition to the demands of grade school, Virginia and her husband, David, have three children Anneliese (16), Ellen (15), and David Jr. (13). ... Legal eagle Patrick harrington is a partner at Harrington, Thompson, Acker & Harrington in Chicago. He and Marigayle have five kids Patrick (17), Kevin (16), Peggy (14), Kathleen (12), and Jimmy (9). I spotted the Harringtons at the John CarrollLoyola University basketball game in Chicago last November. Other notable 82ers and their families cheering on the Blue Streaks included Katie Grace Brandt and lisa Brown lizzo. ... Speaking of lawyers, Deirdre Donnelly is an attorney in the Office of Chief Counsel at the IRS in Washington. Deirdre and her husband, Thomas Sawyer (Im not making that name up!) have three boys and one girl from 11 to 3 years of age. ... J. William aragones is an anesthesiologist at Ambulatory Anesthesia Care in Lapeer, MI. He and his wife, Erica, have two children, Casey and Lauren. ... Jeb Bush, governor

of the State of Florida, has reappointed our very own rulx Ganthier to the Diabetes Advisory Council. He was also elected vice chairman of that organization by his peers. Rulxs daily responsibilities find him at the Highlands Eye Institute in Sebring, FL. He is a Diplomate with the American Board of Ophthalmology and a Fellow at the American College of Surgeons. One of our most likely to succeed, Rulx seems to be doing just that! ... John Michael Curry is now VP and academic dean at Goucher College in Towson, MD. I hope John and Mike hermann, AD at Towson State University are able to renew JCU connections there. Goucher College is an independent liberal arts school with about 1,300 undergraduate students located outside of Baltimore. ... Its great to know that the Don Squeak MacMillan, tim OC oCallahan, Mark Mac McDonnell and Kevin Doc Dougherty phone tree is still in order. Has anybody else noticed how much OC and Senator McCain sound alike? I noticed this watching Tim Russert 72 interview Senator McCain on Meet the Press after talking with our classmate and JCU Hall of Famer, OC, earlier in the week. Maybe a run for University Heights mayor, OC? ... Make plans to attend our 25th reunion this summer. The committee (Joe Basar, Katie Grace Brandt, Frank Cicco, Corinne Welty Dupuis, robbie Beni Fazio, Dan hilson, Jim hopkinson, Mary alice oBrien Mecke, and Jean nester turcu) has been hard at work on all the details to make it the most memorable ever for you and your entire family. ... Onward on! Paul Send your notes to: Tony Pallotta 31507 Drake Dr. Bay Village, OH 44140 440-892-4766 [email protected] Lincoln Square to visit with sheila nelson, along with another out-of-town visitor, Carrie Nelson. What fun that was! At the party, I got to visit with Kristine and Danny Reynolds, Joe and Marie lynch-Julius, Billy Donnelly and Sue Divane Donnelly 84, Colleen hyland-robertson, Mike and sheila Bauschelt, Eileen Meyer 82, and many more. I stayed with Sheila and had fun dancing and doing knee slides at the Lambesis house into the wee hours of the morning. They had a great sound system set up and Peter was quite the DJ. ... I ran into Mark schroeder who now lives on my street and he wanted me to pass along that he is a licensed auctioneer raising millions for non-profit organizations; in addition to other auctions hes done at his new business. His web site is coming soon, but contact him now - auction_it_now@ Mark also said he received a surprise phone call from Chris Coughlin and they reflected on their football days at Loyola Academy and the semi-final game they played at Soldier Field in 1978. ... Thanks to all of you who sent along Christmas cards this past season. Joyce McChesney-Kaye sent along a letter to let me know what was happening in her life. She too, experienced a couple of losses with the death of her father-in-law in November and her mother the year before. On a bright note, she just celebrated her 21st wedding anniversary and her kids and husband are doing well. ... Michael and Mary Margaret Gleason had a wonderful Christmas party in Pittsburgh this past December and I had fun laughing with Carolyn and tim hutchison, Paula and Jim Brown, and Beth ann and Chris Coughlin, among others. ... And with that, I bid all of you a happy spring and warm wishes for a fabulous 2007. Thanks for letting me fill in for a couple columns Tony, and hope to see you all soon! Deb Send your notes to: don damore 29570 Dorchester Dr. North Olmsted, OH 44070 440-235-1323 [email protected] they sent me to business school. After having experienced the dot com craze working in the San Francisco Bay area, I am now working in Sacramento for a German company in the field of renewable energy. In 2008 I will complete a J.D. degree at the University of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law. I live in Vacaville, not far from Napa Valley, with my wife and three girls. ... terri (youse) anthony and husband, Terry, live in NC. Their children are: Tyler - a sixth grade Cub Scout; Christin - a fifth grade Girl Scout, and Scott who is in third grade and a Scout as well of course. Terri has completed the first phase of a masters at UNC Charlotte and earned an elementary teaching license. She has her dream job, which is teaching computers at Union Academy, grades K-4. She also enjoys training school staff in technology. Terri is back in choir and is a Girl Scout leader. Husband Terry has been recommended for an elite worldwide management development program in his company and travels to Austria for training. Keeping with the family pattern, he has taken over as Cub master for the local Pack. ... If the events in your life hit a milestone, e-mail me the details so that the class of 1989 can read about what they will be facing in five years! Don Send your notes to: diane (nerem) Wendel 629 Quaker Road Rte 120 Chappaqua, NY 10514-1507 914-238-2227 [email protected]


Greetings classmates. Im writing one more column for tony while he concentrates his energies on his new company. So, the first bit of news comes from Tony: Thanks to all of you who were praying for Connie and Joe Czekaj as Connie battled cancer. Connie lost her battle in October. Instead of praying for her recovery, please instead pray for Joe, Jenny (18), Joey (16), and Jimmy (13) to carry on without her. Ive been a pallbearer before and Ive been an usher at a wedding before. But until now, Ive never been a pallbearer for someone who I was an usher for. steve Bunecke, Keith hadley and John Mockler were all similarly honored. It makes you think! So, on your to do list today, make sure that one or two of them deal with keeping in touch with someone you love. Lifes too short; heres to a healthy 2007! Another bit of sad news to pass along was the death of Danny reynolds mom in early January. Today, I got an unexpected call from Marie lynch and it was great chatting with her. She said that Mrs. Reynolds funeral was very sad, but she did enjoy seeing some old JCU friends. Im sure the list of JCUers stopping to pay their respects could fill this column. I also talked with sandra ryan before the memorial Mass. She was instrumental in keeping us all informed of the visiting hours, etc. ... Speaking of Sandra, I came to Chicago the day after Thanksgiving this past year to take part in Jane lambesis after-Thanksgiving bash. Sandra picked me up from the airport and we proceeded to


Did you ever want to peer into the future and see what lies ahead in your life? The opportunity to do just that (at least in a general sense) lies in each issue of this JCU magazine! Just skip on over and read the class columns from the classes in the late 70s! You will see that in about five years lots of our children will be graduating from college and (yipes) even getting married! Go a few more years deep, and you discover that many of us will have grandchildren on the way in less than 10 years! Fifteen more years brings talk of retirement among our fellow alumni! This crystal ball goes on, but lets stop right there. As they say, Today is a gift, that is why it is called the present ... Donald Miller makes his home near Sacramento, CA, where he is a business development manager for SunTechnics. He and wife Andrea Hoffman Miller have three children: Gioanina (7), Helen (4) and Emma (1). Donalds news: After graduating from JCU, I served in the U.S. Army, Military Intelligence, first as a Russian linguist and then as an intelligence officer. That took me to California, where I earned an M.A. in linguistics and met my wife. I spent seven years working for AT&T, during which time


Two words ELEGANT HOG. I hope that brought a smile to your face as this issue comes out near or after St. Patricks Day. Flashes of green bagels, green beer, green shamrocks drawn on faces with a long RTA ride home to campus are a few memories of St. Pattys Day in Cleveland. With that said, an Irish toast to you, Wherever you go and whatever you do, May the luck of the Irish be there with you. ... Jeannie Berg Muldowney responded graciously to my e-mail inquiry. Her son Tommy, a junior at JCU, is going to Rome next semester. Felicitazioni! Buona fortuana y viaggio. Arrivederci, Tomas! Tommy is currently a business major and Spanish minor. Jeannie and her husband, Tom, are doing well in Chicago. Their sons, Danny, a senior applying to JCU, and Kevin (16), a sophomore, attend Fenwick High School. Their daughter Colleen (12) is in the 7th grade at St. John of the Cross and is a classmate of Maureen McDonough Curleys daughter, Mary Kate, along with Frankie Murinos 87 child. ... Last Thanksgiving, Brad Cantwell, his wife, Jenny, along with their kids Braden and Veronica came by to visit Brian Boose. They were in town from Delaware where Brad still works for Dole been there since graduating from JCU. They are doing great and they have their hands full with two little ones. Brians son Stephen is a high school senior and has been busy making college plans for next fall. Both agree that college applications certainly have changed in the last 25 years! ... Dolores Beiswenger Kimberly is jumping for joy this month as her son, Tommy, has his drivers permit by now. One down, two to go, Dolores! ... Chris and Kim Labadie 86 Miller welcomed their fifth child, Caroline, this past September. They really have a full house with three boys and two girls in their Pittsburgh home Andrew (3) Katherine (7), Patrick (10), Ryan (12). ...
John Carroll university Winter 2007


I did hear back from our beloved Carl Fillichio, who claims he has gotten shy and modest in his old age and would not comment on his exciting life in D.C. He did note that he keeps in contact with letitia linker and Diane schaffstein so please let us know how you are both doing and I would love to have an update on the JCU friends you stay in touch with. Carl, whenever you are ready, drop me a line or two! ... Our condolences go out to Jim and Mary Zigmond Petit, as Marys mother passed away last November. ... Continue to keep Peggy Bertsch Currier in your thoughts and prayers as she courageously continues her chemotherapy treatments. ... Also, keep Maureen Flaherty Mentons 86 father, Jim Flaherty, in your prayers as he bravely battles his treatments. ... As for next time, I look forward to reporting on a wonderful turnout for the third Annual Bob and Tony steele Scholarship Fund Reverse Raffle held February 9 at Brennans Party Center in Cleveland. The monies raised benefit an established educational scholarship fund at St. Ignatius High School. ... God bless. To health, happiness and friendships, Diane Send your notes to: Gigi Togliatti-rice 931 Sheirer Rd. Mansfield, OH 44093 419.529.5530 [email protected] Beth (Bonanno) hausoul 179 S. Kenilworth Ave. Elmhurst, IL 60126 [email protected] In case you did not get the last edition, we are the new reps for our graduating class. The two of us caught up at reunion, where we decided to leave our families behind and partake in an entire weekend of friendship, laughs, good food, and fun. We were able to catch up with so many people and we would like to start off by thanking Bob sferra for his contribution. He volunteered his time and talent to provide a special lunch for our class and a grilling demonstration for a multitude of graduates. Everything was delicious, hats off, Bob. Some of the other people representing the class of 1986: Cathy Coyne Walsh, luann Mayle Gabel, eileen Gerity, Mary hoenig Ward, Jenny labuda Prangle, Karen Judy, Maria amelio Magee, Drue Carney, howie Collins, Jim Dowdle, Dan Dreiling, susan Menner stojanovski, Paula Zerbi reape, Bill oDonnell, Kathy larson Conway, andy logan, Peggy oleary Grisley, Mary Metzger-Croft, annie sutphin nock, Cathy Maher Fichtner, Maureen lennon-Zeeb, Karin van egmond lennon, Caroline hoffmann Malloy, Carole Donnelly, Dave Wechter, Cynthia valena Bellian, John scanlon, Debbie oDonnell scanlon, George Blaha, Bill Kahl, Chris oBrien Kramer, rich Kramer, Colleen liederbach-Guest, Julie Gulden, Paul volpe, Carol rowand-volpe, DeeDee DeGidio, shannon Madigan Cain, Grace volpe Barber, Cheryl Zuppan neylon, Karen Pontoriero simpson, Margie Bredemann richmond, amy McDonough Weber. ... Paula Zerbi Reape enjoyed her years at John Carroll so much that she and her family, husband David, and children Marisa (9), Zachary (6) and Josh (3) live right up the road. ... We caught up with Susan 56
John Carroll university Winter 2007

reUnIon Year
Send your notes to: sue Farinacci Grazia 10338 Loreto Ridge Dr. Willoughby, OH 44094-9547 440-256-0338 [email protected]


1988 1989

Menner Stojanouski, who lives on the West Side with husband Krume and two children Zivon (6) and Elena (4). ... We heard that Dan Dreiling successfully completed the Chicago Marathon in October congratulations Dan! ... If any of you are interested in a little nip or tuck, ray seballos writes that he is now in his 10th year of private practice as a plastic surgeon. He works out of the Docere Medical Center located in Strongsville, OH. Ray is married to lynn Downey seballos. They have three children: Ryan (12), Jason (9), and Kristen (6). ... terri Dy sivik is currently living in Broadview Heights with her husband, Matthew, and kids, Amanda (13) and Steven (10). She is a dermatologist practicing at North Coast Dermatology Associates in Independence, OH. ... annie sutphin nock is living in Bay Village, OH, with her husband, Mike, and two beautiful children: Michael (3) and Madeline (1). ... Bill ODonnell and his wife, Amy, live in Barrington, IL, with their three sons: Billy (8), Patrick (6) and Jake (2). They are expecting a girl in March 2007! ... Riverside, IL, seems to be a small hub for JCU alumni. Karen Judy lives in Riverside with her husband, Michael Foley, and two children, Thomas (5) and Kate (3). Karen is a pediatrician at Loyola University Medical Center. Karens smiling face was shown across America in an American Medical Association commercial during 2006. Karen lives within walking distance of classmate Jenny Labuda Prangle, her husband, Mike, and their three children, Grace (4), Jack (3) and Sophie (1). Also residing in Riverside is Howie Collins with his wife, Mary Margaret, and their son Riley. Margaret Guira Friend lives near Wrigley Field in a beautiful home with her husband, Kevin, and three lovely daughters. ... Congratulations to Kim labadie Miller and Chris Miller 85. Baby Caroline joins siblings Ryan, Patrick, Catherine and Andrew. ... I caught Mike anderson on the early morning show. He is working as a pediatric critical care specialist, congrats Mike. ... ann Bridgman, Marilyn Myles, Joe saadi, P.J. Kissane, Jaime Foley ... what are you up to? Gigi and Beth

they just welcomed their first child, Michael, to their family. They are getting into the routine of diapering, feeding and sleeping very little. But, its a lot of fun. He and his wife, Karen, live in Cary, NC, near Raleigh. He has many relocated Clevelanders in the area, so it is like he never left. Vince is commercial business/real estate broker specializing in the restaurant and food service industry. Karen is originally from Shaker Hts., and is a graduate of Georgetown. She is a nurse anesthetist with Duke University Hospital, which is where their son was born. Thank you, Vince and hope to see you at Reunion. ... I received a note from John Mitchell 89, who informed me that this past October both he and Dave Gravelle completed the Milwaukee Marathon. John finished just under four hours and Im not sure about Dave. ... Mary Claire (Doyle) straub is living in Roanoke, VA, with her husband, Chuck, and their children: Shannon (7) and Ryan (4). Mary Claire is a first grade teacher at Grandin Court Elementary School. Mary Claire will not be able to join us at Reunion this year due to her parents 50th wedding anniversary celebration. We will miss you. ... vince Granito noted that he is living in Garfield Hts., OH, with wife Laura and children Andrew (11) and Alyssa (8). He received his Ph.D. at Saybrook College and is an assistant professor of psychology at Lorain County Community College. Vince serves on the National Board of Psychology Teachers at Community Colleges throughout the APA. He is also secretary for the Ohio Assoc. of Two-Year Colleges and head girls basketball coach at Wickliffe High School. ... A thank you to Pat healy with his update on life. He resides in Canton, MA, with his wife, Karen, and three children: Sydnie (8), Conor (7) and Braedon (5). He is a regional sales manager for Procell Decking Systems. ... Well Im going to close for now. God bless, Sue Send your notes to: Jamie Jamison 7072 Kildeer Rd. Canfield, OH 44406 330-702-1965 [email protected] Kathy reali Matthews 28012 W Oviatt Rd. Cleveland, OH 44140-2145 440-871-7283 [email protected] Hope everyone enjoyed their holidays! Unfortunately, we did not get any updates for this edition. So for next time, we hope to hear from many of you! Jamie and Kathy Send your notes to: david Gassman 3996 Astoria Way Avon, OH 44011 440-934-0366 [email protected]


Hi class of 87 - This summer will be our 20th Class Reunion. Can you believe 20 years have passed since we graduated? I cant. I know many are married, have children, have major careers etc. but I can still remember way back when ... the Thursday nights at Our Gang after watching Cheers, dancing to the music at The Rat, late night subs at Grums on Coventry, Aurora Pizza, the Thanksgiving meal (before break) at Saga, and of course Carroll Eve on the Quad. What amazing and awesome memories. I cant imagine a more wonderful experience than being at JCU. So, lets all make a note on our calendars to be at Reunion this June 22-24. Dennis Casey has offered to put together a slide show of our four years at JCU. So please forward any pictures you may have dcasey87@ - and he will be certain to include them. ... vince rattini e-mailed me to say

Greetings fellow 89ers and I am in great spirits as my Colts are going to the Super Bowl as of last night, defeating the Pats 38-34 in a game for the ages. Well, snow has been minimal here so far this year and we are looking at nine weeks until spring. HA. ... Spoke via e mail with terry nagle and he is still in Detroit working with his brothers at M & N Plastics, a Nagle owned business. Terry

has recently purchased some property in Northern Michigan and hopes to build a getaway cottage in the fall of 2007; sounds great Terry, especially for an alumni meeting. ... Brad Gosser and his father, Jim, 55, were walking the streets of Manhattan Beach and ran into Tim and Patty (Svetlak) Mahota from the class of 88 with their two children; small world it seems. Brad continues to do well at George P Johnson and travels the world for the Lexus account. ... Dan Weaver and Julie Kahl Weaver 92 welcomed child number five, Sarah Colleen, into their family on December 18. Mom and baby are well and dad is happy to be changing diapers again and is excited about his recent addition to his pool area; as am I. ... sue (Zachary) Maher and her husband, rob, welcomed Jamison Mae to their family on November 10, 2006 joining, Remi and Jack at home. Sue and Rob recently moved to Tiburon, CA, not far from their previous location on the West Coast. Thanks for the picture Sue! ... That is all I have for now folks but keep those e-mails, letters and phone calls coming and remember opening day for us Tribe fans is right around the corner ... Peace, David Send your notes to: Melissa Wenzler 4021 Wandsworth Road South Euclid, OH 44121 216-691-3759 [email protected] Send your notes to: Molly Coughlin Fanta 25107 Wildwood Dr. Westlake, OH 44145 440-716-1749 [email protected] over the holiday and had dinner with my husband and children at the CN Tower. What a highlight of 2006 and nice way to begin the New Year! ... ed Kelley is living in Indiana and teaching at Culver Academies. He and his wife recently welcomed twins to their family making it three children. Ed also coaches football and basketball. Thanks for writing in Ed. ... tony Georges and wife Rosanna reside in Westlake with their two adorable boys. We just had them over to dinner and I promised Tony I would wish him a happy birthday in the column so, Happy Birthday Tony from all of us! ... Well, may the luck of the Irish be with you always. Please drop me a line and let me know how you are doing. I look forward to hearing from you about the good things happening in your life. Fondly, Molly football. He has two daughters, who are five and two years old. Brian runs into scott niedzwiecki, nick Ciulli, tom Gibbons, and Lou Cozza 93 at coaching clinics. All are successful high school and college football coaches. Brian would like to reunite with Brian hardy, tony DiMaria, and Mike Bonavita to get the band back together at Reunion Weekend. ... sam Khalil is a senior principal in the Value Realization Practice for SAP Americas, Inc. In this position, he is the South regional leader responsible for driving customer focused strategies for his clients. Sam received his MBA from Baldwin-Wallace College in 1997 and is also a Six Sigma Green Belt. Sam and his wife of 11 years, Heather DeBenedictis, have two wonderful sons Sammy (9) and Charlie (5). They live in Parkland, FL, a suburb of Ft. Lauderdale. Since graduation, they have moved several times, from JCU to Saudi Arabia to Cleveland to Chicago and now Ft. Lauderdale. The Khalils love to travel; a couple of their favorite spots internationally are Capri, Italy; Madrid, Spain and Hong Kong. In Sams free time he enjoys community activities, including church ministries and coaching his boys in soccer and lacrosse. ... leslie Barrett and her husband, Walt, live in Brighton, MI. After the birth of her first daughter, Stefanie, in December 2005, Leslie decided to become a stay-at-home mom. Prior to that, she worked in the dementia field for many years. Leslie holds a masters degree in social work from Case. ... Matt Zappitelli has been with Classic Automotive Group since graduation. In the past nine years, Matt successfully rose to the rank of general manager at Classic Buick Pontiac GMC in Painesville. Matt and his wife, Liz (Murphy) 93, have two daughters: McKenna (9) and Kate (6). The happy couple lives in Mentor, OH. I have the good fortune of having several mutual friends of theirs and get to see the Zappitellis often. Matt is looking forward to our 15th Reunion. ... rich renz and his wife, Jacqueline, recently moved back to Cleveland from the Toledo area and currently reside in Brecksville. Rich took a job with the Huntington Investment Company, where he is a senior vice president, regional sales manager for the Northern Ohio region. Work keeps Rich very busy and any free time is spent on renovating their home or taking trips to visit his wifes family in Lafayette, LA. Rich and Jacqueline will be heading back in early February for Mardi Gras. ... See you Reunion Weekend! Jim Send your notes to: Julie reardon 12361 Woodridge Dr. North Royalton, OH 44133 440-877-0939 [email protected]

reUnIon Year
Send your notes to: Jim sislo 203 Marilyn Ln. Eastlake, OH 44095-1561 440-269-1245 [email protected]



Congratulations to classmate Betsy Benander traben as she and her husband traveled to China this Christmas to adopt their daughter, Luana. Luana is Betsy and Kens fifth child joining her sister and three brothers to love her. Best wishes to you Betsy and family! ... I recently traveled to Toronto

Tim DeGeeter 91 re-elected to Ohio House
In November, Timothy DeGeeter, a member of the Class of 1991, was re-elected to the Ohio House of Representatives as the voice of the 15th Ohio District, comprising several of Clevelands western suburbs. DeGeeter, formerly a member of the Parma City Council, was appointed to the House in 2003 and elected to a full term in 2004. He is a lawyer and former prosecutor. DeGeeter told John Carroll: It is a privilege and an honor to serve in the Ohio House of Representatives and to work with other dedicated public servants to make Ohio a great place.


Happy New Year! Happy 15th Reunion! Now that 2007 is here please make plans to attend our 15th Class Reunion this June 22-24. I know that a lot of our classmates are planning to attend so dont miss this great opportunity to reunite with old friends and visit campus. ... Cathy Corrigan is living in Chicago, working for ACNielsen, and pursuing a masters degree in human-computer interaction at DePaul. Hopefully well see her at our Reunion! ... Upon receiving the latest edition of John Carroll magazine Brett schwelgin decide to drop me a line and were glad he did! Brett lives in Columbus, OH, working as an FBI agent with the Columbus Office. He and his wife, Julie, have two children, Zachary (4) and Lily (2). Brett keeps in contact with fellow 92 alums, Marc and Karin (McMahon) Mcnulty and scott Walston. ... Brian Delallo lives in Bethel Park, PA, and teaches economics at Bethel Park High School, as well as coaching


Not much new with the Reardons; we had scott Webber and his wife, Erin, over for dinner recently and I pulled out our 1993 yearbook and we reminisced a little bit. Scott and Erin have two children: Shane (3) and Bridget (6 mos.) and live in Rocky River. In looking through our yearbook, I realized how many of you I havent heard from in a long time (if ever), so get going and send me an update please. ... terence Brennan received his JD from Temple Law School in 2003 and is living in Cincinnati. ... John eppich and wife Jennifer live in Willoughby Hills, OH, and have three children: John (9), Shannon (6) and Abigail (5). John is pension
John Carroll university Winter 2007


administrator for the Cleveland Clinic in Lyndhurst. ... sarah (rossate) Mallon lives in Naperville, IL, with her husband, Jim, and Jack Clarence (5 mos.). ... todd Clark is also in Cincinnati and works for the U.S. Postal Service as a mail processing clerk. ... Brian Bringman and wife Erin welcomed their third child, Matthew on October 20. He joins older brother Sean (4), and older sister Emma (2). They live in Amherst, OH. ... timothy hanlon, Jr. is a teacher and head baseball coach at Brooklyn High School in the Greater Cleveland area. He and wife Shannyn have three children: Delaney (6), Teagan (4) and Aidan (2). ... lew DiChairo and wife Emily live in Bay Village, OH. ... laura Boustani is married to David Carney; they have twins: James and Samantha (5). Laura is owner/president of Boustani Consulting, LLC. ... Doug 88 and Maggie (andros) stumpfl moved to Greenville, SC, last year by way of California and Arizona. Doug accepted a transfer within his company, Hoke, a manufacturer of industrial valves. They love it there and continued their motto of one baby for every state. Dean Edward (Edward after Maggies father, Edward Andros 69) was born in July. They also have Kylie (5) and Leo (2). Maggie is treasurer of The Moms Club of Greenville. It is a very active group consisting of talented and interesting women. I suggest any moms, working in or out of the home, who live out here join. ... Jackie (Mulroony) rayment would like us to know that she and her husband, Roland, reside in Wilmette, IL, and have two sons: Roland III (2) and Henry (1). Before her first son was born, she worked as an events and catering manager for the Union League Club of Chicago. Now she is doing a little volunteering, and keeping up with two children in diapers. ... Effective January 8, Dom lavigne has joined the American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore (AmCham) as its new executive director. ... Frank Musil III, wife Debbie and children Ashley (9) and Brittany (7) reside in Creston, OH. Frank is a project manager for EDGE Services, Inc. ... Thanks to all that did send in updates and I look forward to hearing from more of you really soon. Take care, Julie Send your notes to: Maureen McGuinness Clouse 1609 Marble Cove Ln. Denton, TX 76210 940-566-1361 940-369-8764 (fax) [email protected] Send your notes to: annie (hummer) dePerro 4161 Glenmoor Rd. N.W. Canton, OH 44718 330-966-8845 [email protected] highlights, she reports, but they will have to wait until BABY #3 arrives in March. Apparently growing fetuses and hair chemicals dont mix well. ... In other baby news, Michelle (Mcnamara) vis gave birth to Holly Nicole, this Christmas. Holly joins her two older sisters, Alyssa (3) and Kara (1). ... Kenneth Konut - [email protected] - wrote that he is working for STERIS Corp as an instructional designer. He lives in Painesville. ... Joe salem - [email protected] - lives in Brooklyn and is an assistant vice president, relationship manager, for JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. He handles the Greater Cleveland market. Joe has two children, Lauren (5) and Danny (3). ... Kirk Paille lives in Oswego, IL, with his spouse, Amy (Jobin) Paille. He works as the assistant director of admissions for DeVry University Online in Naperville. ... Just outside of Cleveland in Castalia, OH, is Jay lehrer - [email protected] - and his wife, Julie, and daughter Maleia. Recently Jay became owner and president of the Cleveland Fusion, Clevelands professional womens tackle football team, which plays in the National Womens Football League. Jay was kind enough to send Fusion gear to the daughter of a friend of mine who plays middle school football in Chardon. Thanks again, Jay! ... Dennis Kasper - dmkasper@gmail. com - sent me a note about his family life. Dennis and his wife of 10 years, Charise (Brigee), live in Medina, OH, with their three children: Hannah (8), Alexander (5), and Elizabeth (3). In 2006 the couple became licensed foster parents in Medina County. They have been caring for a baby girl since her birth in April 2006. Charise, a stay-at-home mom manages to home school Hannah and Alex on weekdays as well as taking care of the other children and a niece. Meanwhile, Jay earned his masters degree in information systems from Case in 2002 and now holds the position of director of IT at Hartland & Co., a small investment consulting firm in Cleveland. ... As for me, I finished up my running season with the Columbus marathon in October. It was a fun thing to do once, but Ive taken up a new sport for the winter months: indoor tennis. In November my family and I joined another marathoner, nathalie lacouture, and her three children: Joey, Julia and Bella on the Polar Express. For those of you in Cleveland with young children, this is one of the highlights of the Christmas season. The train ride starts on Rockside Road at the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railway and takes families on a journey to the North Pole. While on board, children listen to the Polar Express book and feast on cookies and hot cocoa. Then Santa visits! ... Thanks everyone for your notes, e-mails, Christmas cards and photos of your children. Take care until next time, Annie in North Ridgeville with their little one Carson (2). ... Mary Bertoni thomas has been teaching for the last 10 years but has decided to take a break to raise her children Grace (3) and Troy (1). She is now tutoring in her home. She has been married to husband, Gary, a federal police officer, for five years. ... Jeff orzolek is working in Virginia at Radford University as assistant dean of students. ... Thats all for now. Until next time, may the Lord bless you and keep you, Amy

reUnIon Year
Send your notes to: Brian sparks 5011 Oakes Rd. Brecksville, OH 44141 Phone: 440-746-0309 [email protected]



Big news ... Kathy (apple) Francis and Carole (Chandler) sullivan have gone to the dark side. Yes, they are now beautiful brunettes. Those fun bubbly blonde days are over for this dynamic duo, best friends since freshman year at JC. Now that Carole has given birth to Patrick John Sullivan (October 26, 2006) and Kath is busy being mom to sons Sam (2) and Will (1) I guess they thought they would give brown a try. Hey, its fun. Ive been this way since I was six. annie (shane) Bayne reports that she once tried to go brown, but it was disastrous. Currently she is in desperate need of 58
John Carroll university Winter 2007


Send your notes to: amy spisich Kogovsek [email protected]

steve niehoff is working in Chantilly, VA, for Fidelity Investments as SVP, market manager. ... Kristen hagan-iezzi obtained her masters in education from JCU in 2003 and is now working as a social studies teacher at Garfield Heights High School. She and her husband, Chris 97, live


stacy Bongini sepelak married Tim Sepelak on July 1, 2006. JCU grads that were in attendance were Tims dad, Richard Sepelak 67, Katy (Perrone) McGrath, liz (Black) ryan, Bridget (Jordan) Connolly, Amy (Happ) Choe 98, Amy Bakos 99, Christy Krauss 01, and Andrew 96 and Anne-Marie (Wolanin 93) Connors. ... anthony Mahfood lives in Greenville, SC, and is an investment manager for BB&T. He is getting married to Tracy Evans in July 2007. ... Fellow Rush fan sarah lundeen is a program supervisor with Cleveland Christian Home. ... Bridget (smith) Wendt lives in Fairport, NY, and has a daughter named Louisa. ... Joy Malek oldfield is a principal attorney with Hill/Company, LLC in Akron. ... lynn e. (Giovenco) rochon is a marketing manager with Salix Pharmaceuticals in Morrisville, NC. ... Bridget (Maloney) Chamberas is a lecturer at Boston Colleges IREPM. ... Christina (leMay) Greig is a registered nurse with University Hospitals in Cleveland. ... annie (Klekamp) Mulvany is an intramural director with the University of Colorado-Boulder. Paul a. Keating is a senior tax accountant with Swenson Advisors, LLP in Temecula, CA. ... stacy Dyrlund Gilbert lives in Lakewood, OH, and has a daughter named Elizabeth Grace. ... Denise haynik recently finished her residency in anatomic and clinical pathology at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, where she served as chief resident. She is living in Pittsburgh, where she is doing a two-year fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center specializing in breast and gynecologic pathology. ... theresa (Koncal) laheta lives in Brunswick, OH, with her husband, Beck fan Jeff 98. ... Pamela (Coyne) neckar is director of finance and human resources with Collins Gordon Bostwick Architects in Cleveland. Pamela and her husband richard neckar have two children: Kyle (4) and Derek (1). ... susan (okuley) Paz is living in Durham, NC. ... Colleen (Kermode) Kiernan is living in Clio, MI. ... Kelly (Carroll) Zurawski is teaching science at McDowell High School in Erie, PA, but is taking the rest of this year off for maternity leave. Her son Alex was born on October 18. Her husband, Bryan 96, is the head golf professional at Lake Shore Country Club. He still plays competitively quite a bit and qualified (and played) in the Nationwide Tour event at Peekn Peak this summer. ... suzanne lynch head is a three-six grade literacy teacher in the Cleveland Municipal

School District. She has a daughter, Celia (2 /2), with another on the way. ... Kimberly (ross) renz has a daughter named Madilyn (2). ... lori Mankowski Gettle has enrolled in the Penn State College of Medicine. ... amy hill armbruster and her husband, Ed, welcomed their third daughter, Lauren Nicole, on November 24. Lauren joins sisters Marie Noelle (4) and Natalie Ann (2). Amy is employed by Wood and Lamping in downtown Cincinnati. ... Dont forget that this summer is our 10-year Reunion! Reunion 2007 takes place June 22-24. You can keep up to date on the weekends festivities by going to reunion07/index.htm. Hope to see you there! Brian

be filled with many more happy baby announcements because at press time (January), many of our classmates are expecting. Please e-mail me with your good news, including baby news, weddings and job changes. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Until then, take care Cherie


Send your notes to: Mark J. annichine 216.595.4905 [email protected] Class of 200 members -- left to right top row: Gina DiDonato-Kubec, Jessie McCullough, Courteney Malon, Bridget (Houlihan) Kennedy, Bridget Lynch, Moira Conway. Left to right bottom row: Dave Youngers, Jack DiCello


Send your notes to: Cherie skoczen 216-741-1823 [email protected]

Zachary Annichine, age 3 mos. There was an e-mail mix-up on Marks column. It will be in next time.


Congratulations to my dear friends Dave and Carolyn (sprague) Kucharski, who welcomed their son, Aiden David, to their lives on December 29. The little guy is adorable, and I am so happy to be his aunt. This fall Carolyn and Dave moved into a beautiful home in Broadview Hts., OH. Carolyn is an audit senior manager for PricewaterhouseCoopers, and Dave is a personal financial consultant. ... alan and Jill (Gosky) Panteck welcomed their second son, Evan Christopher, on November 13 to join Sean Alan (2). Alan earned his medical degree at the OSU College of Medicine and will complete his residency in orthopedic surgery at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, MI, in June. In August, he will pursue another year of training in hand surgery at SUNY Buffalo. The family now lives in Troy, MI. ... Jay and sandra (lobritz) Gaston have a son, John, who was born on October 18. The family lives in Atlanta, GA. ... Melissa and Dale russell were married in Oakland, FL, on June 3. Dale teaches American literature at East Ridge High School in Clermont, FL, and also is an adjunct professor at Valencia Community College, where he teaches English to non-native speakers. ... Megan and ryan Campbell have an 8-month-old baby boy. Ryan works as the controller for an automobile dealership group in Fort Wayne, IN. ... After eight years as a captain in the Army, angie rak spent last year near Milan, Italy, working as a management consultant. She recently received an offer to work for Abbott Labs, so she will be moving back to the United States this spring. ... Christine and artie taylor live in Columbus, OH, with AJ (2). Artie is the assistant mens basketball coach at Wittenberg University; his team was the NCAA national runner up in 2006. Artie said his good friend Delmar Walters also is a college basketball coach; Delmar is at the College of Mount Saint Joseph. ... In January I ran into lisa Zone at The Cleveland Professional 20/30 Clubs presentation of the Top 25 Under 35 Movers and Shakers awards, for which Lisa was a finalist. Lisa is a vice president at Dix & Eaton, a public relations firm in Cleveland, OH. She also sits on the boards of the Cleveland Advertising Association (CAA) and Dress for Success Cleveland. She recently chaired the CAAs Communications Career Day event, which many JCU students attended. ... And thats our class news for now. I know the next issue will

Send your notes to: Maureen deMers Fariello 257 Ironbark Court Bolingbrook, IL 60440 [email protected]


Send your notes to: lisa Foster 3795 Lowell Rd. Cleveland Heights, OH 44121 440-339-6572 Clare Taft 2171 Middlefield Rd. Cleveland Heights, OH 44106 [email protected]

Happy New Year! Spring is just around the corner and with it we welcome news from our classmates ... New mom Beth (Kulow) Wilson has a new position with Novastar Mortgage as an account executive. ... Bridget (houlihan) and Mike Kennedy were married in October at the United States Military Academy at West Point. liz Donnelly was a bridesmaid and Jessie McCullough read at the wedding Mass. Gina DiDonato-Kubec, Courteney Malon, Bridget lynch, Moira Conway, Dave youngers and Jack DiCello also attended the wedding. Bridget and Mike live in Chicagos West Loop. ... Courteney Malon lives in Chicago and works for Avanade. ... We received a letter from classmate Jim Flocks father, who brought us up to speed on what Jim was doing. After graduation, Jim worked in Chicago and Park City, UT. In the summer of 2005, he joined the Peace Corps. He was sent to Kenya in January 2006 and has been helping the Kenyans in the Village of Chebunyo to learn how to grow, harvest and sell their crops and farm products more effectively. Another important task Jim undertakes is educating the people in his village about AIDS and what to do to prevent infection. Contact Jim - [email protected] - it may take him a while to get back to you, but his father assures us he will be thankful for the messages. ... Thank you to everyone for passing along your good news to us. Keep us in mind and pass along news of the newest additions to your family, new jobs, relocations and promotions. ... Have fun and keep us informed, Clare and Lisa

A short summary of classmates celebrations: theresa (George) Patrick married Paul Patrick on July 14 at the Church of the Gesu and then spent time on JCUs campus for some photos. Theresa teaches first grade in the Kenston Local School District and is studying for a Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction. Courteney Malon 00, William George 06, and Maria Percic were all in the wedding party. Maria lives in Chicago and teaches gifted students in Chicago Public Schools. ... Jason Knight and his wife, Kathryn, live in Houston, TX, and Matt Mallin and his wife, Jill, live in Janesville, WI. ... allison Fearnley lives in Hoboken, NJ, and works as an assistant vice president for Merrill Lynch in New York City. ... September 2006 was a month full of celebration for a few classmates: Danielle (Foley) Miles and her husband, Cory, welcomed daughter Victoria Grace on September 6. Michelle (Bompiedi) McFarland married Chris McFarland 00 on September 23; lisa Cheraso and Kim ahlegian were Michelles bridesmaids. Michelle earned her J.D. from Cleveland-Marshall College of Law and works as an attorney with Margolius & Associates in Cleveland. ... indu velayudhan Braum and Ray Braum 99 welcomed daughter Meena Jasmine on September 24. Congratulations to all! Remember to update your alumni profiles and send me news on you and your friends. Blessings to you and those you love, Maureen


Theresa George Patrick 01 and Paul Patrick.

John Carroll university Winter 2007




reUnIon Year

Send your notes to: Gina Ferrara 4974 Bonita Ave. St. Louis, MO 63109 314.753.3816 (c) [email protected]

Happy New Year! Our class has so much to celebrate ... victor alexander received his MBA from Harvard Business School in June 2006. He is an investment banker for KeyBank and lives in Cleveland Heights. ... Bill Barmann and his wife, Kara (Clark) 96, had a little girl, Margaret Louise, on December 1. Bill is a manager at the Bank of America. regina (Galati) Colombi and her husband, Carl, have a son, Leonardo, and are expecting their second child in January. ... luke Diorio received his masters in social and public policy from Georgetown University; he works as the director of operations for 360JMG. ... sarah english received her JD from Cleveland-Marshall College of Law and now works for John J. Ready & Associates. ... sarah Kalina excitedly took a new position as the project manager for the Pan Ohio Hope Ride at the American Cancer Society. Interested riders can get more information at www. ... Bryan lapine is a communications specialist for Franciscan Health Systems in Tacoma, WA. Lauren (Hill) Lesagonicz 01 lives in San Diego, where she recently took a job as the vice president of sales and marketing of San Diego and Imperial Counties. ... amy Marcelis is a teacher in the wellness department at Naperville Community Unit School District. tina Marchiano is a coding specialist for Lincoln Financial Group in Greensboro, NC. ... Gretchen Grubb sabin and her husband, Gerald 01, reside in Miamisburg, OH. ... Michael sabula lives in Loveland, OH, and is a field examiner for the Division of Financial Institutions. ... ryan scott received a masters of science in management from the University of Alabama in Huntsville in 2005. He is an ops and program coordinator for Mercury Computer Systems, Inc. in Huntsville. ... James Whiteside married Christy Morgan in November and received his MBA from Cleveland State in December. The couple is living in Westlake. ... Jaclyn (Desouza) yoder reports that she works for Leverage Marketing, Inc. She lives in Broadview Heights with her husband, Kyle, and their two children, Magdalena (3) and John (1). ... Michelle (Price) young received her teaching license from Notre Dame College of Ohio. ... Jenny Zador received her JD from Case Western Reserve University in 2005 and recently took a position at the law firm of DLA Piper U.S. LLP in Washington, DC. ... And finally, a special tribute to a friend that we lost in 2002, Gregory Weimer His parents report that Gregs posthumous novel, Pass the Thyme, Please, has been published and is available at, from the Weimer family, and at All royalties from book sales will be deposited into the Gregory E. Weimer Memorial Scholarship Fund. If you would like to purchase the book from the Weimers for a $50 donation payable to the abovementioned scholarship fund, you may contact them at Stewart Weimer, 139 Heathercroft Drive, Cranberry Township, PA 16066. ... amy (harker) George 60
John Carroll university Winter 2007

married Michael George 00 on Hilton Head in June 2005; several JCU friends participated in and attended the celebration. Amy teaches English at St. Ignatius High School in Cleveland, having earned her M.Ed. from JCU in 2003. ... As always, it is wonderful to hear from everyone and report your news. After four years, however, I would be ready to resign my post. If you are interested in taking over the column, please contact me. Best wishes! Gina


Send your notes to: Paul Clapp 11850 Edgewater Dr. Lakewood, Ohio 44107 216.214.3085 [email protected]

Send your notes to: Theresa Polachek 4844 Westbourne Rd. Lyndhurst, Ohio 44124 [email protected]

I have a new philosophy. Im only going to dread one day at a time. Charles Schultz, Charlie Brown in Peanuts. As the days get longer, I hope that they find you out having fun. I have to start off by apologizing about my e-mail address, I forgot to check it during the holidays and apparently Hotmail turned it off. Ive got it back up and running and a reminder to check it at least once a week. So keep sending your stuff! Dont forget pictures too, if you have them. A couple of people still e-mailed and I received some postal mail too thank you! Heres what people are up to: Gregory Mabe started a travel agency that specializes in Disney Vacations. Magic Castle Travel - is a free service Disney travel planner. The company helps people book packages, make dining reservations and more. All trips booked with Magic Castle Travel are booked through the Walt Disney Travel Company. ... amy Koehler works as the marketing manager for Supply Side, a local distributor in Euclid. She recently completed her MBA at Cleveland State and is engaged to Joe Lombardo. They plan an October wedding. ... Jessica Dillon, Esq. graduated from Duquesne University Law School in June and passed the Pennsylvania bar in August. Shes now living in NYC and working as an attorney recruiter for Marina Sirras & Associates LLP. ... thomas Corall is living on Coventry. ... Mark Gilbertson 02 is a payroll program manager at the Department of Homeland Security-TSA in Miliani, Hawaii! Mark, do you miss the change of seasons? ... Katie skorski is in Summerville, SC, working as a senior admissions representative at Miller-Motte Technical College. She earned her MBA from Charleston Southern University. ... Dawn Farmer and her husband, Christopher, welcomed their second child, Christopher II, in 2006. She and her family live in Stafford, VA. ... Margaret Kowalski 02 is on the West Side in North Olmsted and working at National City Bank. ... sarah navratil wrote to say that she started a new job as a financial recruiter in Chicago with Access Search Inc - [email protected]. Good luck, Sarah! ... Jamie Wacker is a senior associate at PricewaterhouseCoopers in Cleveland. ... Jennifer Gardner is an associate attorney at Climaco, Lefkowitz, Peca, & Wilcox. ... stacy (Bane) Cleveland and her husband, Shawn, are living in Maple Heights, and Stacy works at National City as a fulfillment specialist. ... Thats it for this column, and I look forward to hearing from all of you in the coming months! Take care, Theresa

Hello to all ... Time keeps flying by; it feels like I just wrote the last issue days ago. A few people have been talking about organizing a small get together for those of us who are in the Cleveland area. If you are interested, send me a note and Ill be more than happy to plan something for our class. ... As for the updates, a lot of our classmates have finished up their masters degrees. Megan Deleon completed the masters program at FSU in Panama City in psychology with focus on applied behavior analysis. She is working with autistic children, and will be presenting at the national ABA conference in May in San Diego. ... Celeste Cappotto graduated in May 06 with her masters degree in communication from Cleveland State University and just started work as the development administrator for the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Foundation. ... erin Gregory just finished her masters in educational leadership through the University of Dayton and completed her two year service program (serving inner-city Catholic schools) and moved back to Cincinnati where she is teaching 6th grade. She is also engaged to Adam Eiser and will be married in April. ... nathan hawley graduated with a masters in accounting from Duquesne University this past July and is living in Denver, CO, working for a CPA firm. ... After earning his masters in applied politics, Tony Baker 05 was able to turn his internship with Congresswoman Betty Sutton into a full-time job in Washington, D.C. ... audra Welch will earn her masters from Ohio State this June. ... tim seeberg has just started a new job as an account executive at Albion Interactive in Boston, MA. If youre ever near Boston, drop Tim a line. ... Jason Cox sent his update all the way from Mosul, Iraq, where he is stationed with the 3rd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division based out of Ft. Lewis, WA. They are slated to return in June. Our prayers go out to Jason and his men and women alongside him. ... After Kate sullivan finishes up her masters in speech/language pathology at Case Western


04 classmates get together for a night out recenly in Lakewood. (top R-L) Megan Macala, Paul Clapp, Sara Neville, Jim Dawso (bottom R-L) Kelly Ryan, Kate Savolskis, Kate Rodewald, Jessica Fonow.

Reserve University, shell be marrying Paul Murphy, who is currently a partner at Gibson Bagpipes in Willoughby, OH. ... Joe Petro recently got engaged to Katie harcher. Joe is working for Penske Logistics in Beachwood and Katie is working for Athersys, Inc. (a biotech company) in downtown Cleveland. ... Thanks again to those who sent in updates. Keep them coming. Paul


Send your notes to: Jennifer Tolhurst [email protected]

Thanks, everyone, for responding to my plea for news. ... Jenna Zone and Gary Tucci 02 were married this October. Jenna is working as the communications associate for the American Red Cross, Greater Cleveland chapter. ... arianne anderson got engaged to Jamison Hendricks in July while visiting her family in Colorado. They will be married in October 2007. Arianne is also enjoying her new position as managing editor with Babcox Publishing for Counterman magazine. ... anne talabisco now lives in Baltimore, MD. She moved there in March, after leaving Malone Advertising in Akron. She works as a TV buyer for Mentzer Media Services, a media buying company that places broadcast advertising for political, issue/advocacy, and independent expenditure media campaigns. In the recent elections she aided in the buying for various U.S. Senate, governor, and House of Representatives candidates. ... Matt orlousky is working for North Central Mental Health Services in Columbus. ... Julie Kiser lerner is an assistant manager for Sherwin-Williams and was married to Jeff Lerner 03 this August. Jeff is working at MasterBolt, a family business. They just bought

Top row, from left: Adam Fischer 05, Tom Ianni 03, Joe Indriolo 04, Adam Therrien 03, Tracy and Pat Ianni 04, Meg Sweeny 04, Kevin Harrison 03, Tim Franzinger 05, Kristin Lonergan 05, Tom Arth 03 Bottom row, from left: Pete Bernini 05, Hallie DiVincenzo 05, Bri Reardon 04, Lisa Demko, Brian Shellito 03, Julie Lerner 05, Jeff Lerner 03, Beth Kovach 05, Natalie Smith 05, Erin Lea 05, Becky Story 04, Kim Liscoe 05. their first home in North Ridgeville, where they live with their two dogs. ... erica Gilson is a quality control chemist at Anatrace Inc./USB Corporation. ... Kristen robinson is a graduate student at Vanderbilt University, working on a doctorate in clinical psychology. Shes currently doing research on family adjustment to childhood cancer. ... rosena Jackson is working as a check processor at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. ... Kyle hazen and Michelle scabilloni are getting married on June 1 in Pittsburgh. ... Finally, an update of my own: I just started a new job, as an assistant editor at PR Newswire, working downtown. Ill be editing business press releases - its all very glamorous. Hopefully this will be my last job switch for awhile. Thanks for all of the updates keep them coming! Jennifer


Send your notes to: Meghan Campbell 2500 North Ashland Ave Apt 2F Chicago, IL 60614 [email protected]

Campus Cancer Society

Relay For Life

he American Cancer Societys Relay For Life will be held on campus on April 21-22. The relay involves teams of 10-15 participants. At least one member of each team must be active on the track during the 18-hour relay period. While that is taking place, the other teammates will enjoy the food, fun, entertainment and emotion that characterizes the event. Ceremonies will honor our survivors, memorialize those weve lost, and celebrate our strides. All members of the extended community are invited. Rev. Robert L. Niehoff, SJ, the university president, will celebrate Mass at Saint Francis Chapel after the Sunday morning conclusion of the relay.
John Carroll university Winter 2007


In MeMorIaM

Rev. Paul Woelfl, SJ, political science

Rev. Paul Woelfl, SJ, was a very important member of John Carrolls faculty for a quarter of a century. The Toledo native, for whom the universitys ongoing Woelfl Seminar in Public Policy was named, died at the age of 93 at the Jesuits Colombiere Center in Michigan, where he had lived for approximately a year. Services were held at Colombiere on November 29. Father Woelfl entered the Society of Jesus in 1931 and began his teaching career at the Chicago areas Loyola Academy in 1939. He was subsequently granted St. Louis Universitys first Ph.D. in political science in 1950, and the next year he joined the faculty of Loyola University Chicago. Father Woelfl founded that institutions political science department. He left Loyola for John Carrolls faculty in 1959, and he repeated the act of creating a political science department at Clevelands Jesuit university in 1962. Shortly after, he left to serve a two-year stint as the political editor at the Jesuits national America magazine. He returned to John Carroll in 1963 and served with distinction until his retirement in 1983. He was chair of the universitys Department of Political Science until 1972, but he continued to serve on the faculty for an additional 11 years. In 1972, Fr. Woelfl, ran for congress in the Democratic primary against present congressman Dennis Kucinich. Local media figure Dick Feagler wrote at that time: A Catholic priest and Dennis Kucinich on the same card makes for a pretty wild card. Father Woelfl makes it plain he is in this race to win. Dennis makes it plain he already has. Fr. Woelfl loved teaching and he remained active politically long after his retirement at the age of 70. At that point, he became the assistant pastor at Gesu Parish in Toledo. He celebrated Mass daily and served as the chaplain at Toledo Hospital. He also visited the elderly of the parish. One of his former parishioners, Margaret McCready, was quoted in the Toledo Blade as saying, He was erudite, kind, compassionate. He was extremely pastoral. He loved people and wanted to serve. He was very political. I loved to talk politics and world affairs with him. He was the epitome of the Jesuit model, to be a man for others. We called him a Democrat for others. Another parishioner noted that he was like a grandfather, and that the Jesuits homilies at the parish, which began as rather cerebral, evolved into being a compelling testament of Fr. Woelfls heart. Fr. Woelfl, who had a profound impact on countless John Carroll students, also published Politics and Jurisprudence in 1966. That year he was the Man of the Year of the universitys Alpha Sigma Nu honor society.

Dr. Lawrence Svec 69, school principal

Dr. Lawrence Svec was, by all accounts, a notably dedicated and beloved educator of the Shaker Heights Schools. For nearly 20 years he was the principal of Lomond School. He was known for his leadership in reforming mathematics education and for his tireless efforts to assist his students in achieving high levels of academic achievement. After Mr. Svecs death from cancer on December 1, the news release from his school system said, in part: Programs initiated under his leadership at Lomond have been studied by education researchers and emulated in many school across the country. The superintendent of the Shaker Schools said: Larry was everything you could want in a school leader. He built a loyal and committed team of educators and parents who shared his vision of excellence for all. It is impossible to measure the impact he has had on the children of the community. Mr. Svec began teaching in the Shaker Schools after his graduation from John Carroll in 1969. He earned a masters at Cleveland State and a Ph.D. from the University of Tennessee, where his dissertation was on Desegregation and Social Integration in the Shaker Heights School District. He became an administrator in 1980. Mr. Svecs survivors include his wife, Patricia; his sons Christopher, Scott and Todd; two grandchildren, and his mother.


John Carroll university Winter 2007

William OHearn, professor, administrator

William OHearn was a multi-dimensional academic and an important part of the university for almost 40 years. He began as an associate professor of physics in 1956 and concluded as the director of Information Services before his retirement in 1996. For 13 years, he was a dean in the College of Arts and Sciences. Throughout, he was one of the embodiments of the universitys values and of its commitment to educating young men and women to lead and serve. Mr. OHearn, a Cleveland native, died at the age of 77 on November 29. Mr. OHearn earned undergraduate and masters degrees in electrical engineering at the University of Notre Dame. He returned to Cleveland and spent several years working in industry and another as a research assistant before joining the faculty in 1956. He took a brief leave in the middle 1960s to complete his Ph.D. at Purdue University. He also earned a masters from John Carroll in 1959. Mr. OHearn taught solid state physics and remained an engaged and popular teacher after he became an administrator in 1970. In his capacity as the Information Services director, he was the one who led John Carroll into the computer age. Richard Valente, who succeeded him in 1996 said: To succeed someone like Bill OHearn is always difficult. Through him I came to understand the ideals of Jesuit education. By working with his fine staff, I came to a fairly clear understanding of his legacy and his excellence. Mr. OHearn was, with Frances, his wife of 51 years, the father of Mary Schuster and Peggy Finucane80, who followed her father on the John Carroll faculty. He is also survived by his two sons-in-law, and he was preceded in death by his daughter Kathleen. Contributions can be made to the Dr. William F. OHearn Memorial Scholarship fund, c/o Advancement, 20700 North Park Blvd., University Heights, OH 44118.

Benefit for the children of Marci Gorospe

Marcis Girls Benefit for the children of Marci Gorospe 96 will be held on May 12, 2007 at the Streetsboro Fraternal Order of Eagles #4300, 9052 State Route 14, Streetsboro, OH, (330) 626-9362. The benefit is sponsored by the Brush High School Social Studies Department and Marcis friends and fellow teachers. All proceeds will go directly to Marcis aughters, Allie, 3, and Caitlin, 18 months. Allies need is particularly great because she is an autistic child. The benefit will include food, music, a silent auction, and a reverse raffle. For more information, please contact Bob Lash (330) 322-2725 or Debbie Cassidy (216) 691-2118.

In MeMorIaM
John J. Smith Leonard A. Stefanski Robert A. Marchand Harry J. Svec Joseph A. Allen Rev. Matthew M. Herttna Robert C. Gorman Thomas J. Conry Carroll J. LaVielle William A. Samartini Ronald L. Erhart Russell E. Hubbard Thomas C. Glaspy Fray C. Johns Vincent C. McGervey Robert E. Prendergast John M. Reardon Arthur B. Studer Cornelius J. Sullivan, Jr. Edward J. Coyne W. Joseph Dolan John F. English 37 37 39 40 41 42 43 47 47 47 48 48 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 50 50 50 5/17/06 12/01/05 10/31/06 11/28/06 9/06/03 12/13/06 2/04/06 1/5/07 10/22/06 1/08/07 2/25/04 10/27/06 8/21/06 1/19/07 12/03/06 1/1/07 11/24/03 12/11/06 11/19/06 1/01/07 2/7/07 11/15/06 Joseph J. Heil Joseph J. Lawrence Robert J. Nook John L Porter Joseph G. Seifert Jasper M. Williford James J. ONeill Stephen J. Pincombe Charles J. Stack Edward R. Fitzgerald Marvin A. Heiser William F. Flynn Thomas E. Meldon Richard J. Reese Enos J. Fouratt Thomas B.deHaas Paul T. Davis William F. OHearn and retired faculty James A. Biaglow Joseph Walker Robert R. Schminky Jr.

50 50 50 50 50 50 51 51 51 52 52 53 54 55 57 59G 59 59G

1/28/07 1/30/07 1/29/07 12/11/06 2/17/06 2/06/06 2/04/07 12/22/06 1/13/07 8/01/04 10/03/06 1/07/07 6/20/06 11/18/06 12/29/06 11/02/06 12/24/06 11/29/06

61 2/04/07 61 9/14/06 62G 11/03/06

Charles J. Montrose 63 Carmen M. Santorelli 65 Henry C. Tellers 65 Thomas P. Gill 66 Raymond P. Kocaja 67 Lawrence V. Svec, Jr. 69 John K. Donnelly 70 Leonard G. Martien, Jr. 71 John S. Kleshinski 73 Mark J. Sutherland 73 Victoria M. Boros 77G Daniel L. Watkins 77 Bernice F. Kibble 80G Larry L. Lamm 82G Jeffrey M. Beacham 99 Shawn E. McAdams 99 Joseph A. Tatalick certificate Rev. Paul A. Woelfl, SJ retired faculty Dorothy F. Allen retired staff Donald J. Manning, Sr. retired staff

12/28/06 2/04/07 12/03/06 11/15/06 9/05/05 12/01/06 4/10/06 11/28/06 11/29/06 12/24/06 4/18/05 11/01/06 11/11/06 12/14/06 1/21/07 12/18/06 11/07/06 11/24/06 1/04/07 1/02/07

This is the deceased list as we know it. We apologize for any omission and ask that you please notify Joan Brosius 216.397.4332.
John Carroll university Winter 2007



A Carroll crew helps grow a Catholic school

professor of management, marketing and logistics, and Lucy Kulbago, an instructor in the Physics department. Lucy is forming our Science Olympiad program, part of a national program designed to make science fun. She is working toward our kids participating in the state and national competitions. My own family is another interesting tie between Seton and JCU. Genes brother, Vince 84 and Vinces wife, Sue Walsh 85 and 87G, are very deeply involved at Seton. Vince serves on the board as capital campaign chair. He was instrumental in securing the donations for the schools new main building. Sue teaches middle school math and is an eighth grade homeroom teacher. Their two children also attend Seton. Five years ago they discovered this different type of school and threw themselves 100% into growing it into what it is today. Five years ago Gene and I would never have foreseen ourselves as being a part of this greater community. However, we both sit on the Advancement Advisory Board, Gene has become involved in SAA, and I have cochaired several events and have served on many committees. We are part of something bigger than Seton, as we know that Catholic education is available to our children throughout their high school years as well as college. This idea is also not lost on Sarah Farrell MBA 86, Steve Volcansek 97, nor on Mary Joyce 83. We talk and we agree that our JCU experiences helped us believe in the Catholic experience and have strengthened our resolve to pass it on to our children. We feel blessed that weve found a place in which to focus our efforts Through helping grow this school its still growing I have found more satisfaction than if I were chasing scud missiles reporting for Time Magazine. Well, theres always time for that!

Elizabeth Ann Seton

By Marie Pompili 91

From left, Marie, Gene, sue and vince Pompili.

Fifteen years ago if you had told me that I would be married with children, living in the suburbs, and volunteering at my kids Catholic school I would have laughed. I was going to be an editor and see the world. Well, my husband, Gene 91, and I have two little girls; we live in Hudson, OH, and we send our children to Catholic school. It seems so basic, but our school is a little different. More than 10 years ago a group of parents approached St. Marys Church in Hudson about building a school. St. Marys was unable, so then-Bishop Anthony Pilla was approached about establishing an independent Catholic school to serve the area. The vision was blessed from the beginning. In November, 1996, Pilla made it official and in the next few months an independent governing board comprised of parents and business people (and now clergy) was established, desks and other materials donated, and a building was purchased. Sister Marie Damicone, O.P., was tapped as principal. Painting parties and donations of time and talent helped the school open in August of 1997. This
John Carroll university Winter 2007

school that started with 83 students is called Seton Catholic School, after the patron Saint of Catholic education, Elizabeth Ann Seton. Today, Seton boasts 270 students, high test scores and Power of the Pen winners. It wouldnt be possible without the parents, faculty and business leaders who support Seton. Many of these are John Carroll alumni and they enhanced their love of Catholic education and service while at the university. Kara (Kachelein) Dombrowski 86 says that her years at JCU taught her the importance of service and reinforced the principles of Catholic education. It was a given that she and her husband, Ken, an MBA candidate at JCU, would send their kids to Seton. Sean Smith (masters in education 98 tells a similar story. He took a break from teaching at Padua Franciscan but hopes to resume teaching at a Catholic school very soon. Other alumni include Dan and Sheila McBride MBAs 97, who have lent great support. Another integral member of the community is Al McDonough 86. Al helped establish the Seton Athletic Association (SAA), whose teams play for the Akron CYO; served on Setons board and has coached just about every sport offered by SAA. Seton boasts two JCU professors/Seton-parents. Dr. Rick Grenci,

Jesuit education is

worth your support.

John Carroll University continues to offer something different, something beyond a diploma. Our students volunteer a combined average of 15,000 hours each year from Cleveland to Kentucky to Kenya and beyond. Students are transformed by experiences such as serving the people of Ecuador along with faculty and staff on a summer immersion trip. Many are inspired by the dozens of student activities and organizations they find on campus. And, still others are

strong jesuit tradition. solid education. sound future.

changed by the financial aid that makes it possible for them to come to Carroll.

To our students, their education is worth your support. For more information about the Carroll Fund, call 1.800.736.2586. To make a gift online, visit Your gift to the Carroll Fund makes a difference.


The Jesuit University in Cleveland 20700 North Park Boulevard University Heights, Ohio 44118

If you receive duplicate copies of John Carroll, or a copy for your son or daughter who has established a separate permanent address, please notify us at 216.397.4332 or [email protected]

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