John Carroll University Magazine Winter 2006
John Carroll University Magazine Winter 2006
John Carroll University Magazine Winter 2006
Vol. 10, Issue 1 WINTeR 2006
A Collaborative Path
ast week I walked down a concourse at the Philadelphia Airport. I looked in a shop window and saw hundreds of miniature bells. I said to myself, Why do they have all those bells in the window? It took maybe a count of three, but finally the thought occurred; This is Philadelphia! Those must be little Liberty Bells! I realized then that Ive been pretty preoccupied for the past six months, so busy that there have been a few moments when I did not fully grasp whether I was coming or going, as my mother might say. My encounter with the bells allowed me to have some comprehension of the preoccupying busyness of this wonderful job with which I have been blessed. John Carroll is not a huge university, but there are many meetings, phone calls, e-mails, snail-mail letters. There are so many interesting individuals, meetings, events with whom and on which I would like to spend a little more time, if only there were not other interesting individuals waiting in the wings. I love the job and truly would not want to be anywhere else, but there are some adjustment issues. I was touched recently by the earnestness with which a faculty member asked if there wasnt something more she could do to help? That has been the strongest message Ive heard: isnt there more that I can do to help? I too am driven to do more. I devote so much of my days to thinking about how we can do all we want to do, and gauging our readiness to do more in particular ways. We shall, but there is also a need for patience and for accepting that meeting challenges and making choices takes time.
Its 1997; a woman student comes through the cashiers line at the Inn- Between snack bar in the Lombardo Center. Caucasian student, although that information is surely not of importance to the 64-year-old African-American woman who for 30 years has been a university food service worker and the surrogate mother of any John Carroll student within range. On the occasion in question, a native of Lower Peachtree, Alabama, takes note of the girls demeanor and says, Whats wrong, honey? Girl says, Nothing. Clarissa Kimbrough rejoins, Okay, one more time: Whats wrong? Girl tears and spills: She doesnt have many friends, no boyfriend. Shes thinking of suicide. Clarissa says, No, youre not going to do that; youre a beautiful person. Girl turns to retreat. Clarissa grabs, spins her and pulls her onto a nearby chair and into Clarissas lap. Clarissa says, Who do you want to talk to? Girl mentions a Jesuit whose name now eludes Ms. Kimbrough. Clarissa grabs a phone within reach; summons Campus Security and asks them to fetch the priest. Minutes later the Jesuit comes upon the student being tenderly held in Clarissas lap. Days later, the girl returns, thanks Clarissa and says things are so much better. Atypically dramatic but indicative of what goes on between Clarissa Kimbrough and her kids. Check it out any day from around noon to 2 p.m. or so when school is in session: Students come through Clarissas line carrying cash or a plastic meal ticket. Clarissa greets them with sweetie, honey, or a similar endearment. Some pay and go their way. A significant number confer, and, I give them a hug, give them a little kiss. Where is my hug? she will ask the embrace is invariably forthcoming. It is a manifestly heartfelt performance of warm-blooded mothering, and to watch it is one of the treats of being at John Carroll. Rev. Robert L. Niehoff, SJ, talks of building community. If you want to witness the accomplished mission go no further than Clarissas proximity and pay attention. Ms. Kimbrough says, I treat the students here like they are my own, like I would
do my own at home. No one who watches her in action would dispute that she does, and the sight is a marvel to behold. Clarissa was raised by the village of Lower Peachtree, Alabama, and she nods affirmatively when Hillary Clintons book, It Takes a Village, is cited. Kimbrough said: My mom didnt raise me. I was raised by my great aunt, but we all lived as far from my mother as maybe the Schell House, but she didnt raise me. Why didnt she? You know she never said and I never asked. I could visit her anytime and I could see her from my house. Whatever the complexities of her relationship with her own mother, Kimbough obviously learned love well in Lower Peachtree and in Pensacola, Florida, where her father lived. This was the Jim Crow South of the 1940s, where everything was separate, but Clarissa said she wasnt scarred by racism and that everyone got along. She was the valedictorian of her all-black high school, and after graduating worked as a telephone operator in Pensacola. She came to these parts in 1963 to visit with and care for a cousin, Evelyn Dotson, who still lives not far from JCU. Clarissa then took a job as a housekeeper on Milton Rd. near the campus, and in 1968 moved into food service here. By that time she was married to Robert Battle and had given birth to her biological child, Rodney. Robert and Clarissa live in half of a double house in the Collinwood neighborhood; Rodney, his wife, Elaine, and their son, Alexis, live in the other half. Clarissa, a wiry and remarkably youthful looking person in the middle of her seventh decade, observed that she is the same model of mother love at home as she is at John Carroll. She said that at a recent gathering at her home, someone asked her, Clarissa, dont you have one child; how come all these young people are calling you Ma? Ms. Kimbrough also said that if she should be out-of-sorts at home, she most definitely does not bring it to John Carroll: If I get mad at my husband, Im fine until I get home. You cannot bring you problems to your job. Clarissa Kimbrough, who has not had a racial moment in 30 years at JCU, agrees that the cashiering is the least of what she does. She is, in truth, a relationship artist, one of great heart, who makes a powerful human impact on this university. j.p.
John Carroll University President Robert Niehoff, SJ vice President for Development and alumni relations Timothy T. Shannon, SJ Director of Public affairs Jerry Sheehan editor Jerry Pockar alumni Journal Michele McFarland advisory Board Howard Gray, SJ Barbara Schubert 62 John Marcus 72 Dr. George Bilgere Kimyette Finley 95 It is the mission of the magazine to provide an engaging and accurate reflection of the university and its extended community for its alumni and the other members of the John Carroll family. John Carroll University magazine is published quarterly by John Carroll University, 20700 North Park Blvd., University Heights, Ohio 44118. Periodical postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio, 44118 and additional mailing offices. ISSN 1542-0418 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: John Carroll University magazine Department of Public Affairs 20700 North Park Blvd. University Hts., OH 44118 (216) 397-1886 or 1-800-736-2586 fax: (216) 397-3085 E-mail: [email protected] Please send your letters to the editor at the above address.
Vol. 10 Issue 1
Winter 2006
14 31
A Collaborative Path
14 18 24 27 31 Collaborative Path Events That Engage The World Q&A with Dr. Linda Eisenmann Raising Kids with Good Hearts First 100 Years of Music
2 Letters 3 University News 10 Athletics 35 Alumni Journal 36 Class Notes 54 In Memoriam 55 The Late News 56 Our Turn Inside Back Cover Profile: Clarissa Kimbrough
John Carroll is a Catholic and Jesuit University dedicated to developing women and men with the knowledge and character to lead and to serve.
in the last issue of John Carroll university, vol. 9, issue 4, there was an excellent article on the late Fr. William J. Murphy, sJ. those of us who came to know him during the 30s, 40s, and 50s certainly appreciated the fact that in our day he was Fr. John Carroll. i recall Fr. Murphy with great delight. i had a number of one-on-one meetings with him in his office as president of little theater society and as editor of the Carroll Quarterly. his bark was louder than his bite. he was always fair, but when he made a decision that was it. he was one of the first in a long line of men and women that contributed to making JCu what it is today; unfortunately, many of the JCu legends of the past are about to be forever forgotten. if you would like to see more historical articles, please contact the editor. John Clifford 58 Jack hearns story on the legendary Murph brought back memories of those days of in loco parentis and especially of Dean William J. Murphy, sJ. i had almost forgotten that he was what used to be called prefect of discipline. thats because i dont remember even those on whom he lowered the boom ever getting mad at him. in particular, the mention of the st. Patricks Day Parade evoked a memory. in March 1954, the university suddenly announced that any student missing classes on st. Patricks Day would be charged with three cuts. that meant he would use up half of his six allowed absences for the semester and put himself in danger of having to retake the course. the reason, obviously, was that recent parades had produced an excess of students who were, as hearns delicately puts it, in a condition to embarrass JCu. it was Father Murphy who reluctantly, we assumed announced the policy and prepared to enforce it. the murmur of grumbling on campus must have been audible in nearby houses. the incident was memorialized by
John Carroll university Winter 2006
thank you for the article of the sellers family of Canton, ohio, in the fall edition. in our culture that is saturated with superficial image, sham, and materialism, it was uplifting to read of a family that has values of more substance. and congratulations to the personnel in the office of financial aid for their sensitivity and encouragement of the sellers students as they work their way through John Carroll. this focus on the human dimension is a tribute to the staff and the leadership that office has had. Carl A. Englert, JCU Retiree of 1996 i always enjoy reading about the success of the fellow JCu graduates. i take great pride in the education i received, even though at the time, i did not understand the significance of or the use of the liberal arts classes. two of the letters to the editor in the fall 2005 publication were upsetting. those letters were in response to an article on tim Cavanaugh. since when is it against the law to be a trial lawyer? Please note, i am not an attorney, a doctor, or a friend of Mr. Cavanaugh. i understand that members of the medical profession are very upset with the rising cost of liability (medical malpractice) insurance and they blame the increasing cost on trial lawyers. as i see it, there are three components to rising costs for the medical profession. they are the medical profession, insurance companies and trial lawyers. all serve a purpose and are needed to protect the public. Pointing out the greed of one profession without addressing the greed of the other professions seems silly. i know many successful doctors and insurance executives who have second homes in warmer states and who can afford to play a lot of golf. as long as they have not done anything illegal, so what? John Volpi 73 Letters have been edited for length.
a song in the seniors stunt night skit. Father Murphy, played by Gil Cave 54 in an outfit borrowed from a Jesuit, sang: Oh, when the seventeenth of March comes round again each year, Each Irish heart beats faster then, for Paddys Day is here. They march down Euclid Avenue, the likes youve never seen. But Carroll men get triple cuts for Wearin o the Green. The piper pipes, the fluter flutes, the drummer beats the drum, But Carroll ears are far away and Carroll lips are dumb. And marching there behind the band goes each lad and colleen. But Carroll men get triple cuts for Wearin o the Green. And as they march up every Irish spine there runs a thrill, For what made Ireland great in years go by is with her still. But there is no thrill at Carroll, by orders of the dean. For Carroll men get triple cuts for Wearin o the Green. i was delighted to learn that in 1961, as the hearse carrying Father Murphys body pulled away from Gesu Church, the JCu band stood at attention and played The Wearin O the Green. Fred McGunagle 54
Members of the John Carroll community gathered for ignatian Day, an annual occasion to collectively assess what it means to be a Catholic and Jesuit university. Keynoting the day was Dr. Paul v. Murphy, who came to John Carroll
Dr. Margaret Peggy Finucane 80 was the recipient of the 2005-2006 Miles Award. This award honors Finucanes work on the community garden program through her course that focused on that project, her classroom incorporation of service learning, her organizing the study friend program for international students, and her service on the board of the Light of Hearts Villa retirement community.
Dr. Margaret Finucane Dr. sharon Kaye
The names of the recipients of this award are engraved on a plaque in the hallway next to the office of the university president.
Dr. Steven Hayward, assistant professor of English, has won the Grinzane Cavour Prize 2006 for Emerging Novelists for his novel The Secret Mitzvah of Lucio Burke. The Grinzane Cavour Prize was established in 1982 and is one of the most prestigious Italian prizes for fiction. The Secret Mitzvah of Lucio Burke is, said one review, a wonderful novel, funny and touching and full of more sheer invention that most novelists stretch over a career. The Prize consists of 5000 euros ($6,100). The award ceremony will be held at the Grinzane Cavour Castle near Turin, Italy, in June. The Siena Heights University Alumni Association is honoring Mary Ann Flannery of the Sisters of Charity with the 2006 Sister Ann Joachim Award in recognition of her accomplishments as an educator, a leader in your congregation and a socially concerned citizen of our world, one whose career reflects an unwavering concern for the needs of others. Sr. Flannery chairs the Department of Communication and Theatre Arts at John Carroll. She is a former member of the John Carroll magazine advisory board. She has been a member of the faculty since 1989.
the Graduate school sends out first math & science partners
The Graduate School and the Cleveland Municipal School District (CMSD) celebrated the graduation of the first class of teachers from the Mathematics-Science Partnership masters program in August 2005. Twenty-eight CMSD teachers were among the first to complete the degree requirements for John Carrolls new masters degree in either middle school mathematics or middle school integrated science. Weve been lucky to have the opportunity to build a program under grant funding from the National Science Foundation and to work out the kinks. Now that we know that we have a viable program, all we have to do is promote it to area teachers, said Michael Kimmel, science educator and co-director of the partnership at John Carroll. This spring, the partnership is adding a new dimension by creating a mentorship program. An outstanding graduate of the program is asked to come back as a mentor in the lab setting. The first mentor is Nancy Morris, a 7th and 8th grade science teacher in the Cleveland schools. In her role, Ms. Morris is assisting Dr. Nick Baumgartner as his lab/teaching assistant in physical science.
last fall, 19 John Carroll students stood on the summit of the largest peak of the apennines and beheld the beauty of the italian countryside below. their ascent, overseen by a mountain guide and Dr. santa Casciani, could well serve as a metaphor for the universitys first study-abroad semester in italy. the fall program gave participating students an overview of the wonders of italy and its great culture, a view the students worked vigorously to achieve. Casciani and the students embarked for italy on september 12, but their romebased program did not begin until october 1. Casciani took them to her hometown, Castelnuovo, in the province of abruzzo, for a nearly two-week immersion experience exploring italian culture. they shopped and cooked together, learned about wine and generally got a healthy taste of moving in the world as italians do. after Castelnuovo, they climbed two mountains. Casciani said they appeared visibly daunted at the prospect of the first but rose to the occasion and the summit. at the conclusion of the second ascent, Casciani observed that they collectively, effectively, said, is that all there is to climb? she related that the group bonded during the climbing and that the excursion was excellent preparation for the rigors of living and studying in challenging rome. in the eternal City, they were housed in apartments just outside the vatican walls. they were schooled in philosophy, art history, religious studies, literature and italian by Casciani and professors of the Pontificia universit urbaniana, one of the vaticans centers of higher education. Casciani, whose scholarship embraces italian literature and art, taught the group of Michelangelo and, subsequently,
John Carroll university Winter 2006
escorted the students to the sites of the masters great works in rome, Florence and Milan. they also went as a group to many other pilgrimage destinations of italian art and culture. Casciani said the students were a delight and caused her no distress, though she did keep track of them with a shepherdess new age tool: cell phones handed out at the beginning of the trip. the semester abroad in italy is expected to be a yearly fall semester option. the cost last fall was the price of a John Carroll semester with room and board, plus an administration fee of $1,000 and a program fee of $2,500 to cover airfare and other costs. Giuseppina Mileti, the logistical genius behind John Carrolls annual spring break trips to italy, did not accompany Casciani and the students last fall, but she was a critical asset in helping with the planning for the semester-abroad, and she will be along when Casciani, Mary Beth Brooks, the programs secretary, and a large number of students and other John Carroll extended community members embark for italia in March. Mileti, who emigrated from Calabria in 1978, organizes and co-leads the
universitys spring-break expeditions. last year, 86 members of the John Carroll community 22 of them students traveled to, studied in and played together throughout the italian heartland. actually, the students did a lot of their studying before they left, assembling every Monday for a two-and-a-half hour course in the relationship between Dante and the artistic representations that were crucial to Dante in the writing of his Comedy. after their return from Casciani and Miletis native land, they regrouped for additional class work. the academic format is similiar this year. one of many moving moments on last years spring-break tour was the groups collective presence at easter Mass, the final one of John Paul ii. Mileti, whose office is down the hall from Cascianis in the oMalley Center, said, these trips have given us a crescendo of excitement that continues to grow. We had to turn people away last year. the students get along wonderfully well with the older people and the other community members invariably commend the students courtesy and general behavior. it gives me joy to work for the program. i love to present my country to John Carroll.
journals and professional associations. he also wrote the first internationally distributed textbook on asian business strategy, Strategic Management in the Asian Context (John Wiley & sons, 1997). his expertise in strategic planning and total quality management has been recognized nationally through his appointment, since 1997, to the Board of examiners for the Malcolm Baldrige national Quality award, the highest honor for performance excellence achieved by u.s. organizations.
who enroll will bring their talents to our campus and enhance the quality of the educational experience for other John Carroll students. in instituting these scholarships, John Carroll also hopes to extend its commitment to the Greater Cleveland community by playing a part in keeping talented students from the area in the area. these 30 full-tuition scholarships are available to eligible students applying for enrollment at John Carroll for the 2006-2007 academic year. the dollar amount of the actual scholarship will be amended to allow the inclusion of federal, state or other aid. thus, while the dollar
amount may vary, the scholarships will meet full tuition. that amount will increase to meet any tuition increases. each scholarship will be among the most generous offered by an institution of higher education in northeast ohio. When a student demonstrates that his or her need exceeds the tuition amount, funds able to be used for educational expense may be added to contribute to room and board charges. after a students freshman year, the full-tuition scholarship will be renewed for an additional three years (six semesters) if the student continues as a full-time student, making adequate progress towards a degree. there is no separate application for the Cleveland opportunity scholarship. the student must apply for admission to John Carroll and be enrolled by May 1. students will be considered from all Catholic high schools in Cuyahoga county and any public high schools in Cleveland.
Perhaps you have already spoken with one of them. If not, chances are you will sometime in the near future. John Carroll has once again turned to its talented students to help enhance our lines of connection with our alumni and solicit money for the Carroll Fund. The Student Calling Center began operating in the middle of January and the feedback has been positive. Under the direction of Developments Tricia Callahan, our callers have done a fantastic job raising money for John Carroll, said Robert P. Kirschner, director of annual giving. Students play three roles in making their calls: ambassador, researcher, and fundraiser, These roles translate into increased donor participation and a better understanding of what is happening on campus for the alumni. This semester the Calling Center has a monetary goal of $100,000. Next year the expectation is $250,000 raised over two semesters. These will involve four to six callers working one of six, three-hour shifts each week, with 12 weeks scheduled each semester. Kirschner asks that the next time you receive a call from a John Carroll student, you take time to talk to them and learn what is happening on campus. Due to limited time this semester, they wont reach everyone, but they hope to contact all alumni next year. Of course, laughed Kirschner, alumni can always stay one step ahead of us by mailing in their Carroll Fund gift with the envelope provided in the magazine.
hector Marinaro, a perennial professional soccer all-star, has become the coach of the John Carrolls mens soccer team. Following a national search, Marinaro was chosen to take over the reigns of one of the universitys most successful varsity
occasions, he was the Misl scoring champion. the Canadian native is such a legend in the Misl that the league MvP trophy is known as the hector Marinaro MvP award. Marinaro will inherit a team that finished 13-7-1 last season, captured the ohio athletic Conference regular season and tournament titles, and qualified for the nCaa Division iii national championship tournament reaching the round of 32. ive been looking at coaching at a high level since i retired in 2004, but not at the price of having to move my family around, said Marinaro. this job gives me the opportunity to have the best of both worlds. ali Kazemaini put together a great program at John Carroli ... i know theyve been pretty strong the past few years and i dont like losing. id like to keep taking it to the next level for the ultimate achievement of a national championship.
outscored Baldwin-Wallace, 26-11, to erase a double-digit deficit. Freshman Patrick hulseman, who also won the one-meter diving event, was one of the heroes of the streak aquanauts late drive. hulseman was honored as the oaC Mens Diver of the year. Jackie nowak was as dominant as hulseman in her mastery of both of the diving events. heather Gilmour was a three-event winner in leading the women to the oaC crown. John Carroll picked up four major conference awards at the end of the championships: oaC Womens swimmer of the year heather Gilmour; oaC Diving Coach of the year - lewis Fellinger; oaC Womens Diver of the year Jackie nowak; and oaC Mens Diver of the year Patrick hulseman. hulseman won two conference
championships as a freshman, as did his father, John Carroll alumni association President, Paul hulseman 82.
At 12-10 overall and 8-7 in the OAC, Coach Mike Morans Blue Streak mens cagers will not win the OAC regular season title, nor be a top seed in the playoffs. This is a team with a remarkable playoff tradition, though, so stay tuned. Morans son Pete has been stellar during this season and the coach notched his 250th win. He also lost both parents in the past few months. Bright spots at the Case Invitational indoor track and field event included senior Cyril Pinchak, who won the 1-mile and the 3,000-meters; Greg Adams, who took the 800-meter run; Ellie Fernandez, a senior and the winner of the 1-mile and the 3,000-meter; and junior Gen Kahn, who had first-place in the long jump. On the verge of the OAC championships, Kerry Volkmans injury-ravaged grapplers were moving along at 5-5 overall and 3-3 in the OAC. Sophomore Adam Pizzurro, at 15-9 record just prior to the OAC tourney, and senior Dan Brown, with a pretournament mark of 20-9, were two of the Steaks surviving and reliable wrestlers.
shayla Bell
Senior gridders Doug Phillips, Adam Dunn, and John van der Oord and junior Matt Lemke were all elected to the OACs All-Academic team. Dunn and van der Oord were in the Honorable Mention category. Cagers Caitlin Hubach, Shayla Bell and Pete Moran; runners Cyril Pinchak and Elie Fernandez; and diver Patrick Hulseman were all elected All-OAC athletes of the week in their various sports at different points of this winters competitive events. Elie Fernandez was also named All-OAC Cross Country Runner of the Year.
John Carroll university Winter 2006 John Carroll university Winter 2006
Maravalli said: Coming into this season, our players made a commitment to turn this program into a successful one. the key in reaching the next level is consistently being competitive and winning games against the top teams in our conference, who ironically are also the top teams in the country. our seniors, shayla Bell and Caitlin hubach, have done a great job in just playing to their individual strengths, and our younger players have followed their lead. this current team is making hard work and aggressive play a standard for John Carroll womens basketball.
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this whole pile is someones life, said amy howley, 22, a senior at John Carroll University in Cleveland, ohio. i just cant imagine what it would be like if all my belongings were on the curb.
and applied themselves to the sweaty, smelly, disgusting work of methodically gutting two homes to which they had been directed by the new orleans branch of Catholic Charities. these homes had been deemed salvageable, but before that could happen, the water-destroyed contents from hot water heaters to wedding photo albums, everything down to and including the drywall had to be methodically peeled away and taken out to the lawn. the students escorted Ferdinand Maestri, a World War ii veteran and the father of a priest, through the labyrinth of debris as he searched for personal treasure. When you go down there, adair continued, you can quickly become overwhelmed by the devastation. its street after street of ruined homes and debris. Mr. Maestri said he saw a lot in WWii, but this is worse than anything hes ever seen. at night, they ate, rested, participated in a group reflection and occasionally saw a slice of new orleans that wasnt appalling. they enjoyed the Cajun hospitality of
students and two chaperones used their holiday break gutting the home of new orleans native Patricia Johnson (center) on Paris avenue. the group served in new orleans as a part of a new volunteer program, Operation Helping Hands. the pullquote above is from a new orleans times-Picayune story on Operation Helping 12
John Carroll university Winter 2006
This grant supports the work of the Center for Mathematics and Science Education, Teaching and Technology (CMSETT) not only financially but also provides us the opportunity to continue to develop programs that support the work of mathematics and science teachers in Northeastern Ohio. We are very pleased to be working with members of the higher education and local school districts on this project.
Grant awardees for Fiscal year June 1, 2005- May 31, 2006
Judith aungst, Center for Career services awarded $77,819 from the Cleveland Foundation for year three of the project internship: research, tracking, and opportunities; June 2005. Drs. Daniel Palmer and Marc Kirschenbaum, Mathematics & Computer science awarded $38,874.40 from the navel Postgraduate school for emergent Behavior teaching tools; september 2005. Dr. Catherine rosemary, education & allied studies awarded $1,291,539 from the ohio Department of education for the third year continuation of the reading First-ohio Center program; september 2005. awarded $47,000 from the ohio Department of education for the third-year supplement to the reading First-ohio Center program for an additional Field Faculty member; september 2005. awarded $2,382,063 from the ohio Department of education for the third year continuation of the literacy specialist Project; august 2005. Dr. William ryan, humanities awarded $4,000 from the McGinty Family Foundation in partial support of topics on the Catholic Past; June 2005. linda Gojak, CMsett awarded $2,000,000 (over five years) from the national science Foundation through the Cleveland Municipal school District for the continuation of the Mathematics and science Partnership Program; october 2005. awarded $50,000 from the Martha holden Jennings Foundation for the project P.o.W.e.r: Professional opportunities with electronic resources; January 2006. Dr. Miles Coburn, Biology awarded $2,460 from the ohio arts Council for an alaskan storyteller and native alaskan dancers as part of educating ourselves about Global Change; november 2005. Dr. susan long, east asian studies Program awarded $2,000 from Mitsui & Co., usa for the 13th annual Mitsui Distinguished lecture; november 2005. awarded $3,000 from Mitsui & Co., usa for partial funding of the 2006 Japan seminar; november 2005.
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a collaborative
his article is about rev. robert l. niehoffs collaborative process. organizational process, the way things are done, doesnt easily grab the attention. this is a story that will try to avoid running off the tracks into the wasteland of abstraction. the essential message, though, is: John Carroll has a new president who is very serious about listening and communicating remarkably so. you ask him if empowerment is the watchword? he says its probably respect, but that respect entails empowerment. you talk a little more and it becomes clear that r-e-s-P-e-C-t has at least as much charge and complexity for Bob niehoff as it does for aretha Franklin, although they surely pack the word with (some) different connotations. it becomes clear that, for niehoff, respect means honoring the personhood, perspective, sensitivities and appropriate empowerment of everyone in the John Carroll community students, faculty, staff, administrators, contract
you ask him if empowerment is the watchword? he says its probably respect, but that respect entails empowerment.
John Carroll university Winter 2006
he has been candid that in the near future he intends to engage the entire university community in an extended conversation about John Carrolls Catholic identity.
workers, alumni, friends. it also becomes crystalline that respect, for Bob niehoff, has a distinct pastoral/spiritual dimension. he has been candid that in the near future he intends to engage the entire university community in an extended conversation about John Carrolls Catholic identity, and that his own conception of that identify is one that requires a profound commitment to the integration of transcendental values, irrespective of denomination, into the life of the university. there is a lot of abstraction in the previous sentence. What that probably means is: a strong focus on core Catholic values. What that probably does not mean is any forms of parochialism that would work to exclude those who are not Catholic. that is a future conversation. What is happening at present is the continuation of the getting to know you and it process, conversations both simple and complex about every aspect of the university, as well as ongoing dialogue that captures the hopes, fears and visions of the women and men invested in the thriving of John Carroll. the new presidents process requires listening to a range of voices before decisions are made. that commitment to listening does not imply governing by consensus, and it certainly does not mean that a careful hearing will necessarily lead to a course of action advocated by one who gains access to the presidents ear. Fr. niehoff is being revealed as a decisive person who has strong convictions and is given to his own rigorous analyses, which generally lead him to unambiguous decisions.
however, to a notable degree he is asking for collaborative help in analyzing the evidence, and is turning an attentive ear to the recommendations of a wide range of co-leaders. there is no question as to who is driving this bus, but what is striking is that many people have been invited on board to advise, consult and help the new president find the universitys way. the John Carroll university Board of Directors, chaired by Cleveland banker Charles Bud Koch, is the Jesuit presidents governing partner and the possessor of a critical role in the stewardship of the university. niehoff can frequently be heard saying things such as: the board wonders if...the board is concerned about our efficiencies in that aspect of our operation. Commenting on the presidents approach to partnership, Koch recently said: What impresses me about Fr. niehoffs style is that he is really trying to learn about every facet of the university and he is doing that by being very consultative and collaborative. in addition to working in close concert with the board, Fr. niehoff has been busy creating structures of co-leaders to whom he is delegating important pieces of the management of the university: the administrative leadership team; the Budget Committee; revitalized existing bodies like the Board of regents and the Womens advisory Committee; a still emerging coalition of staff and administrative employees charged to advocate for those employees. lisa Mencini is John Carrolls director of human resources and a member of the new administrative leadership
team. after working in a collaborative relationship with the new Jesuit president for six months, Mencini said: When he was still a candidate for president, i was impressed by how directly and naturally he spoke about delicate topics like trust, collaboration and transparency. he seemed to want the entire community to know how and why decisions would be made. this first impression has been substantiated in many ways. it has become sharply evident that communication and community, intimately related words, have a particular importance within niehoffs vision of the John Carrolls future. Conversation is a charged word in any Jesuit context. it generally stands as a synonym for communication and collaboration. it is what the words on this page attempt to foster; as do e-mails sent to the entire campus and the alumni; the talks presented to alumni in cities across the country; as well as spontaneous one-on-one chats in the halls of the administration Building or on the Quadrangle. an important species of conversation on campus this year is the series of town hall Meetings that began in november and will conclude in May. on september 22, the then very new president sent an e-mail to the campus announcing he was initiating these events to discuss various aspects of the university. he said the five scheduled meetings would review the information which is critical to the choices JCu has ahead of us[and] set the stage for making future strategic choices. the memo stipulated that the meetings would follow a format: context-setting introduction, presentation of the facts,
John Carroll university Winter 2006
an important species of conversation on campus this year is the series of town hall Meetings that began in november and will conclude in May.
challenges and opportunities; tentative recommendations (e.g. cut spending) and questions. and so, on november 10 in the Conference room of the lombardo Center, Jonathan ivec 77, vice president of finance and administrative services, led the first presentation on the Status of the Universitys Fiscal Performance. one of the surprises of that first meeting was how good it seemed to feel to informally surveyed participants. the feeling dimension is important because these efforts to insure that everyone possesses the same information are also instruments of President niehoffs determination to build community. on november 10, ivec and niehoff worked hard to translate complex information into a body of graspable facts. While the information offered was impressively comprehensive, much of it had been published in recent annual reports. What was different was the manifest intention to seek thorough transparency together. the assumption articulated by the president in a variety of formulations in recent months is that if there is shared knowledge of available information, the university community, working together, will rise effectively to whatever challenges John Carroll faces. a similar forum to review student life occurred on December 6, led by Dr. Patrick rombalski, vice president for student affairs, and on valentines Day, Dr. David la Guardia, the academic vice president, led a presentation on Academic and Faculty Resources. the fourth town hall Meeting, March 16, will treat the Enrollment and Retention Environment, and the fifth, april 27, will take a careful look at Fund Raising and Facilities Resources. at the university Christmas party on December 14, niehoff emphatically reminded those in attendance that the purpose of the town hall Meetings is to get the pertinent information on the table, not to present solutions to problems. he affirmed there would soon be problemsolving proposals. la Guardias presentation was representative. utilizing a Power Point presentation, the academic vice president charted some of the many challenges affecting John Carroll and higher education in general. Given that in the past decade costs for universities have risen 50% while governmental support has only increased by 12%; that there are evident limits as to how much tuition can be raised; that the higher educational environment has become intensely competitive, and that the economy and demographics of ohio are not presently favorable for the university, la Guardia made a strong case that the time is at hand for all good universities in these parts to re-imagine the way they do what they do. it was a message complementary to those offered at the previous town halls. the picture that emerged is by no means dire. By most measures, the university continues to be stable, productive, sound. nonetheless, it is unarguable that there are longer-term and more daunting challenges than the task of cutting $2.7 million from the budget for the next fiscal year. niehoff has repeatedly stated his conviction that these challenges
From left, Dr. Mary Beadle, dean of the Graduate school; Dr. linda eisenmann, dean of the College of arts and sciences and Dr. Patrick rombalski, vice president for student affairs.
the new presidents process requires listening to a range of voices before decisions are made.
are entirely manageable. he has also been strong in asserting that meeting them will call for the energized effort of all the members of the university community. there was an exchange in the question and answer part of the February 14 event that was illustrative of both niehoffs call for a collaborative path of change and the possible negativity he will encounter as he leads the university in what he believes is the best direction. a woman faculty member lamented how much there is to be done and how daunting the prospect is for higher education in general and John Carroll in particular. the president responded: Were in a time of challenge and the purpose of these town halls is to clarify what the challenges are. i shared with the Faculty Forum what shared governance might mean in light of these challenges. it seems to me that the critical role of our faculty is to drive the curricular changes that need to happen. unless you lead it, it cannot happen at all. For all the negative things, the chance to help define educational reality at John Carroll is a huge piece. these are critical conversations and you need to lead them. it was apparent that by the chance to help define educational reality is a huge piece, niehoff was saying that he believes the challenges of change presents a compelling opportunity, which, if embraced with diligence, will lead to new life and growth. the exchange was a small window on the still new conversation in process between the president and the faculty through individuals and the facultys organizational association, the Faculty Forum. the relationship between a university president and his or her faculty is subject to the natural tensions of those who share power. John Carrolls Faculty Forum has historically had periods when it did not enjoy an altogether harmonious relation with the university administration,. doing is having Fr. niehoff reach out to a degree of contentiousness was evident alumni and ask them to share in the work recently when members of the Faculty of building the university. the Board of Forum reacted to a preliminary report of the regents meeting photographed on page Budget Committees recommended budget {which page} was another opportunity to cuts. Members of the forum argued that the committees process was not sufficiently transparent. sociologys Dr. ernest Dezolt, forum chair, observed later that ideas of what constitute transparency do vary. he also said, i look in his eyes and i hear his voice and i know that this man is not playing a game. there is no doubt in my mind about that. there is at the meeting of the Board of regents on Febuary 20. no doubt in my mind that he can be a success. vice chair of the faculty body, Dr. Paul lauritzen of religious studies, said: our history is such that everything he (niehoff) does will be scrutinized, and it will be a short honeymoon. he also echoed Dezolts perception that there is a clear collaborative intent on the part of Fr. niehoff that elicits widespread respect. niehoffs vision involves a big tent where everyone in the John Carroll seek help through collaboration. community talks together in order to help President niehoff said not long him and his co-leaders arrive at the best ago: Were going to be better because decisions. those 20 receptions for alumni were going to look at all the parts of the around the country were opportunities for university and how they affect each other. the new Jesuit leader to introduce himself We are going to be better because we are and ask for help, advice, collaboration. all going to be able to hold each other rev. timothy t. shannon, sJ, the vice accountable. Communication is central. president for development and alumni after the town halls, it will be easier to relations has been attending the alumni have that conversation. it takes time, but i receptions with Fr. niehoff. shannon believe the conversation must be informed. said: the major part of what weve been the town halls are just the beginning.
We are going to be better because we are all going to be able to hold each other accountable. Communication is central.
CliMate ChanGe
symposium March 16-18 Photo exhibit February 17 - april
By Dr. Miles Coburn, Professor of Biology americans are uneasy about the future and global climate change is contributing to that unease. its dawning on us that more powerful hurricanes, persistent drought, and coastal erosion due to rising sea levels may be manifestations of long-term climate change. respected scientific sources predict that, in the lifetimes of todays students, rising sea levels will cause immense dislocations of populations in low-lying areas worldwide. Many of us believe that, because of climate change, we are facing the probability of greater poverty, more disease, and greater instability. Katrina may be a glimpse of that future. how are we to prepare students for a world so different than todays? how do we get them to come to grips with the reality that an average american household produces 20 tons of Co2 annually and 20 lbs. of Co2 for every gallon of gas consumed, or that americans, 6% of the worlds population, account for 25% of greenhouse gas emissions? last spring a group of John Carroll faculty and scientific staff of the Cleveland Museum of natural history met to share our concerns about this issue. We agreed that we should be better preparing our students, our community and ourselves to understand climate change. From that dialogue emerged a three-day event, March 16-18, at John Carroll and the Museum: Educating Ourselves About Global Climate Change, a symposium on recent scientific research, signals of climate change in Northeast Ohio, and actions we can take. the science portion of the symposium includes talks at the museum by national and regional speakers on the effects, politics and economics of climate change;
John Carroll university Winter 2006
the evidence of climate change in bird migration patterns; and possible alternative energy strategies that would have a positive impact. a workshop at JCu for middle and high school teachers will provide hands-on labs and climate change materials for classroom use. Cultural and artistic components of the three-day event include a timely photography exhibit, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Seasons of Life and Land, by acclaimed photographer subhankar Banerjee and performances by native alaskan storytellers and dancers. the photography show has toured nationwide and is running from February 17-april 30 in the Dolan Center. Dean Birch of the Department of Political science developed a course last year on the politics of global climate change, and this spring i am offering a new course on the science of climate change. students in both courses have prepared posters that will be displayed during the symposium. My desk is piled high with recent articles from Science, Nature, Climatic Change, and other journals that convey bad news. this past year tied 1998 as the warmest year since instrumental record keeping began in the 1880s. two recent climate models have demonstrated, with scientific confidence levels assessed at greater than 95%, that recent warming is due to human causes. late summer arctic sea ice had reached the lowest level ever recorded and scientists predict the ice will be gone by mid-century, triggering a massive ecosystem collapse. Nature published a study which concluded that mountain glaciers and snow packs upon which one-sixth of the worlds population relies for water will be gone by mid-century.
in the same issue of Nature, the World health organization estimated that over 150,000 deaths already occur each year because of climate change effects on human and crop diseases. Katrina and rita had the effect of corroborating a study published in august showing hurricanes have become 70% more powerful over the past 30 years. Katrina and rita were not the only lessons provided by the 2005 hurricane season. Dennis, in early July, was the earliest category four hurricane recorded in the Gulf of Mexico; Wilma jumped from a tropical storm to the most intense hurricane ever recorded in the atlantic basin, and Zeta became a tropical storm, a month after the hurricane season ended. the greenhouse gases we produce today will remain in the earths atmosphere and oceans for thousands of years. each ton of coal or barrel of oil we leave in the ground will reduce, however slightly, the building effects of climate change. our only hope is to reduce our use of fossil fuels and hasten the change to alternative fuels. each of us in our own way, using our talents and skills, must, i believe, commit ourselves to that goal. it will be a mission that gives meaning. Please join us for a free public performance by the alaskan dancers and storyteller at the Dolan Center, 7:30 p.m. Mar. 16; a talk by Jeff Price of the national Bird Conservancy at the Cleveland Museum of natural history, 8 p.m. Mar. 17; or a workshop at the museum, saturday, Mar. 18, on a variety of climate issues and the steps we can take to respond to them.
the court of elizabeth i of england was a center of culture and learning during a period of remarkable achievement in commerce, humanistic learning, literature, art, and music. elizabeths era was also marked by male domination and deadly controversies over religion and politics. For six weeks this spring, Grasselli library & Breen learning Center will host a traveling exhibit that encourages audiences to explore the life and reign of the virgin Queen and to become familiar with the historical and cultural forces that shaped her personality and her era. the exhibit, Elizabeth I: Ruler and Legend, originally mounted in 2003 by the newberry library to commemorate the 400th anniversary of elizabeths death, features photo reproductions of more than 100 books, manuscripts, maps, letters, paintings, and artifacts. highlights include an imprint of elizabeths Great seal, a 40-foot drawing of elizabeths funeral procession, letters and speeches in elizabeths own hand, and a 1587 drawing of the execution of Mary Queen of scots. the exhibit also includes numerous portraits, dating from early in elizabeths reign to her last days on the throne. the library is planning a series of lectures intended to stimulate discussion of the central questions posed by the exhibit: Can a woman rule? What is the place of religion in the state? What is the price of peace, and what are the true causes of war? how does a political leader control her image? Presenters
John Carroll university Winter 2006
include Carole levin, Willa Cather Professor of history at the university of nebraska, lincoln, and senior historical consultant to the newberry librarys original elizabeth i exhibit. Professor levin will address the implications of gender on governance. vincent P. Carey, professor of european history at the state university of new york at stony Brook and author of a number of significant books and journal articles on the early modern history of ireland, will offer remarks on elizabeth, the state, and religious Persecution. John Carroll faculty members will also be involved in programming surrounding the exhibit. anne Kugler, chair of the Department of history, will speak on the spanish armada and Maryclaire Moroney, associate professor of english, on renaissance self-fashioning. howard Gray, sJ, rector of the Jesuit Community at John Carroll university and assistant to the president for mission and identity, will share insights on Jesuits in the 16th century: the Mission Behind the Myth. in addition to the lecture series, the library is collaborating with John Carrolls Department of Communication and theater arts on a Great lakes theatre Festival performance of George Bernard shaws Dark Lady of the Sonnets. two concerts featuring period music are also planned. For details on all of the above programs see
from the newberry librarys collection of 16th century manuscripts, maps, letters, paintings, clothing, furniture, and artifacts, John Carroll librarians believe it will provide a striking visual lesson for todays Web-based students on the enduring importance of preserving and exploring primary source material. the exhibit also provides a unique means of fulfilling Grasselli librarys goal of working in partnership with the teaching faculty on initiatives that stimulate scholarly inquiry and the development of critical thinking skills Grasselli library is proud to be one of only 12 academic libraries nationwide selected to host Elizabeth I: Ruler and Legend. this exhibition, organized by the newberry librarys Center for renaissance studies in collaboration with the american library association Public Programs office, is made possible by major grants from the national endowment for the humanities, with additional support from the vance Family Fund, the university of illinois at Chicago, and the ohio humanities Council. Project Director, ruth Connell has provided leadership in planning the array of surrounding programs which, i believe, will significantly enrich the teaching and learning environment. i welcome John Carroll alumni to join us in celebrating elizabeths legacy and look forward to greeting many of you on campus during Glorianas spring 2006 reign over Grasselli library!
iGnatian voCation
By Dr. Doris Donnelly
of teaching
ignatius knew. We will open the conference with a eucharistic liturgy at the Church of st. Pierre at Montmartre, where the early followers of ignatius prayed before taking their vows down the hill at the Martyrium. Jesus escobar, an art historian from Fairfield university, will be our guide at the Church of st. louis and Paul in the Marais district the first Jesuit church in Paris. our conference will take place at the Centre svres, the home of the Jesuit faculty in Paris, in the heart of the city. the speakers include Parker Palmer, whose work on vocation is well known. he will help us identify the call we felt to become teachers in the first place and the need many of us have to reconnect with our original inspiration. Jesuit historian John oMalley, whose work on the early Jesuits has won international recognition, will explore the context for and the role of the teacher in early ignatian history. Jane Mcauliffe, islamic scholar at Georgetown, will address the crucial question of how to appropriate the ignatian tradition within the parameters of pluralism, and William McDonough, alumnus of holy Cross and Georgetown law and now special counsel to the president of Merrill lynch, will address leadership for justice. Michael himes, sJ, of Boston College will serve as our moderator and facilitator. the conference closes June 15th, the eve of the Feast of the Jesuit st. John Francis regis, with rev. robert
all of us know that a good celebration has three ingredients: a reason to, a plan for, and an exceptional guest list. all of those ingredients are in place for the conference John Carroll university will host for Jesuit educators in Paris from June 11-15, 2006 in honor of the 450th anniversary of the death of st. ignatius loyola and the 500th year of the births of st. Francis Xavier and Blessed Peter Favre. For more than a year, university staff howard Gray, sJ, Paul lauritzen, edward Peck, Patrick rombalski, and Jerry sheehan focused on the pedagogical legacy of ignatius and the vocation of teachers in Jesuit colleges and universities. We soon saw the need to share our dialogue, and so we invited the presidents of Boston College, Fordham, Georgetown, Marquette and santa Clara to join us. their response was enthusiastic. they sent representatives to a planning meeting in Cleveland in early 2005. last october, fifteen more u.s. schools joined us as we fine-tuned plans for a conference on The Vocation of the Teacher in the Ignatian Tradition. together, after arduous soul searching, we decided to host the gathering in Paris since it was there that ignatius, Francis Xavier and Peter Favre did their advanced studies. ignatius so valued the methodology of the university of Paris the modus parisiensis that he incorporated it into the Ratio Studiorum, the initial blueprint for education in Jesuit schools. iigo, as he was then known, arrived
John Carroll university Winter 2006
in Paris in 1528. he was 36 years-old and financially strapped after an acquaintance frittered away money entrusted for safe-keeping. in Paris iigo dealt with inconvenient accommodations, suspicious people, and academic complications. But he found time to guide the much younger Francis Xavier, Peter Favre and several others through the Spiritual Exercises. they became a band of brothers with links stronger than steel. their basic sphere of activity was the latin Quarter on the left bank of the seine, with occasional trips to find funds to help continue their education. travels and studies behind him, six years after his arrival in Paris, on august 15, 1534, ignatius and six companions took their vows in a chapel presumed to be the location where saint Denis was martyred hence, the Martyrium and the companions promised to go to Jerusalem in service of Christ and to place themselves at the disposition of the vicar of Christ in rome. in 1535 and 1536, they renewed their vows with three new companions. some of the latin Quarter, as the early Jesuits knew it, has disappeared or been remodeled into fashionable residences and offices, but enough remains for us to trace the footsteps of history. under the guidance of Jesuit Father Bernard Gillibert, we will walk through, noting the Porte saint-Jacques where ignatius first disembarked, and see the sorbonne, the College of Montaigu, the College of ste Barbe, and the churches and chapels
Q&a with Dr. linda eisenmann, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences
Dr. Linda Eisenmann, dean of John Carrolls College of Arts and Sciences, is a distinguished historian of education. She is the editor of the historical Dictionary of Womens education in the United States and her groundbreaking study, higher education for Women in Postwar america, 1945-65, will be published this month by Johns Hopkins University Press. The Cleveland native assumed the College of Arts and Science deanship a little more than a year ago. She came to John Carroll from the University of Massachusetts, Boston, where she was a professor of education and former director of the higher education doctoral program. Earlier, she served as the associate director of the Bunting Institute at Harvard-Radcliffe. The Bunting Institute was a pioneer in supporting womens careers in higher education, and Eisenmanns role there sparked the research that culminated in her new book. Eisenmann and her husband, Judge Stephen Ostrach, are the parents of Daniel, an 03 graduate of Connecticut College, and Matthew, a junior at Connecticut. Judge Ostrach, a justice in the Massachusetts Trial Court, lives in Boston and the family celebrated the holidays there. While Eisenmann and Ostrach will continue to live in separate cities for the foreseeable future, they manage to spend a great deal of time together. The judge is an adjunct member of John Carrolls faculty and in a pro bono capacity is again teaching the undergraduate course he developed for the Political Science department: Litigation in American Society. During the semester break, John Carroll visited with Eisenmann for a question and answer session.
tell us about Higher Education for Women in Postwar America, 1945-65? in the early-1990s, l worked at the Bunting institute at harvard-radcliffe, a center that was founded in 1960 for advanced studies for women. the only requirement for Bunting fellows is that they work on a research project and present it in a public forum. the institute endeavors to take women whose careers have stalled, usually because of family responsibilities, and bring them back into creative activity. i began to look at Buntings 35-year history, as well as at similar programs that had supported women. What i wound up doing was a study of higher education for women in postwar america. i became aware that during World War ii, more than 50% of college students were women, but that in postwar america the number of women dropped precipitously, to the 30% range. the book is an overview of womens situation in higher education during and after the war, as well as an
exploration of people and programs that sustained interest in womens higher education in that era. it is really the first comprehensive historical study of postwar womens higher education. the first two chapters take a big picture look at postwar women and their collegiate situation, including how the large federal investment in higher education research had the unanticipated effect of excluding women from the growth areas. i also explore specific programs and national organizations, such as the presidential commission on the status of women that John Kennedy created in 1961. one of the things that became apparent as i looked at these efforts is that there was much more going on for women in postwar america than most of us have understood. For example, one of the interesting issues for women was the way patriotic, cultural, psychological and economic ideologies interacted with the contemporary perspectives on womens higher education. in the book, i look at the way those ideologies created certain expectations that were often very different than the way women actually behaved. there was an overall desire to serve women in higher education, but there was such ambiguity about womens roles that sometimes educators just said, in effect, lets train women for everything because we really dont know what they are going to do with their futures. We can also see that there was activism for women in postwar america, but it looked very different than the type of activism during and after the 1960s Womens Movement. this earlier activism was quieter. it was more a matter of allowing each woman to make decisions about her education and her life, without intending to create real structural changes. this was a different approach than the 60s, where the intent was to make a difference for all women. i see the book as a start on better understanding this time period, and im pleased to make this first effort to pull these ideas together.
how does the subject matter of the book relate to your work here? My work allows me to bring to John Carroll an understanding of how higher education functions across our society. i think it also helps me put the universitys history into perspective. When i was first chosen as dean, i received a letter from someone asking how i perceived the situation for women here. this person was concerned that there may be residual effects from the university having been a single-sex institution for so long. i wrote back that: from a historians point of view, 1969 to 2005 isnt very long, and that its normal for an institution that was all male to have growing pains when it admits women. Being a historian of higher education helps me understand John Carrolls evolution and the way it correlates with the recent history of higher education in general and Catholic higher educational institutions more specifically. similarly, i can bring a historians perspective on how teaching-oriented institutions like ours have been working toward a newer balance of teaching and research.
should look like. i feel the deans role is to foster the conversation. so, im pleased to have 20 volunteer faculty members from the two colleges and the library looking at the seminar. the second group is studying what we call academic program review. this is a systematic way for departments and programs to step back and say, Where do we hope to be going in the next several years? What do we have in place that is helping us accomplish our goals or that is creating an obstacle? its a way of allowing people involved in particular programs to reflect on where they are, but it also helps them argue for additional resources or new directions, and lets the dean know how to assess their needs and help them. What has surprised you about the culture here? one of the things that surprised me about the John Carroll culture is the extent to which it is hands-on, by which i mean peoples personal, detailed involvement in decisions and relationships. this makes for a terrific university culture where you see, for instance, faculty working so closely and caring so much about students. that type of mentoring is central to what we offer. on the other hand, the hands-on side of the culture can be negative if it always expects a quick, deeply-involved response to situations. For me, this can create problems if people expect me to do a lot of the hands-on work myself because then there are other, big-picture things i cant get to. Maybe its a matter of being comfortable with delegating to others, or of pulling back a little on our expectations of how day-to-day interactions are handled. in recent years, the university has had some notable success with undergraduate scientific research. are you pleased with that aspect of the college? as i have been reading faculty members annual evaluations, i found it exciting to see the range of work faculty is doing. they are co-authoring journal articles with students, taking students to academic conferences, crafting research that draws students in as
John Carroll university Winter 2006
What are your thoughts about your first year as dean? having now gone through two semesters, having seen how the tenure and promotion process and the faculty evaluation process work here, and having watched the students lives unfold over the course of a year, i feel i have a more informed sense of the culture. ive begun working on two important campus issues, creating faculty study groups to look at them. the first group is examining the First-year seminar, now 10 years old. this group is asking how the seminar is meeting its goals. its looking at what weve learned over time, and is asking whether there might be other helpful seminar models. the collective goal is to present a report saying, this is what weve found about our program and about some other approaches. By emphasizing the study group aspect, im inviting faculty input on this important issue. it isnt the deans job to say, this is what the seminar
John Carroll university Winter 2006
We have semester-abroad programs in london and italy, the northern ireland summer institute in peace-building, the summer institute in Ghana that Dr. Komla aggor is putting together, and there is new interest in taking programs to both Costa rica and Madrid. there are many long- and shortterm opportunities for travel abroad under faculty guidance. My sons school, Connecticut College, has been very focused on study abroad for about the past 15 years, so much so that from the time you talk to us about fine arts at walk in as a freshman, youre John Carroll? hearing about opportunities. Fine arts is an ongoing Frequently at Connecticut challenge and opportunity. a professor takes a group of We now have some fine arts students abroad for a couple of components for which we weeks as part of a course. are trying to provide a higher Dr. eisenmann with her husband, Judge stephen ostrach. We are working on more of profile. Dr. leslie Curtis of the state, the sorbonne, and humboldt that here. one example is the Japanese Department of art history has created university. i collect them on my academic pop culture course that Drs. susan long, popular courses in painting, photography travels, whenever i attend a conference roger Purdy, and yemi akande organize. and graphic design. Cynthia Caporella or present a paper abroad. By displaying the students study Japanese culture here does fabulous work with a wide range of them, im trying to express my support for and choose a research project. First, they music, from choruses to liturgy to theatre international education. work with professors here during the term, performances. i was delighted to see that, at Many John Carroll students have not and then head to Japan in the summer. this years Christmas Concert, we had dance had the opportunity to do much traveling. the itinerary of the group is organized performances by a new student group. i know their situation because i was like around the students respective research in terms of writing, we have faculty that growing up in Cleveland. in fact, projects. this is a great way to engage members like Drs. George Bilgere, steven i didnt travel outside north america the world and bring knowledge and hayward, and Phil Metres, who are superb until i was close to age 40. But now both enthusiasm back to this campus. practitioners and teachers of fiction and of my sons are east asian studies majors poetry. they bring an interest in expanding who have traveled to various parts of the how have you adjusted to being here our creative writing program, and i hope we world. i have seen what a difference it has while your husband is in Boston? can move in that direction, progressively made in them, and how travel encourages im feeling more at home as i get integrating these opportunities into the students to think about the world globally re-acquainted with Cleveland. since my curriculum. exactly how to do that in a great way to respond to Fr. niehoffs husband teaches his course on litigation in a moment of budgetary difficulty is the encouragement to engage the world. the spring term, he is on our campus every challenge Fr. niehoff has put before us. not every student is able to do a week. its nice that, when he and i walk semester abroad. When i was in college, across campus together, there are students What other changes are you eager i wanted to do a semester overseas, but who dont know who i am, but will greet to help implement? couldnt manage it because of scholarship their teacher, Judge ostrach. By spending i would like to see us expand requirements. i hope to see us create time here, steve has discovered what ive international education. When i came study-abroad opportunities with as much known for some time: that John Carroll is as dean, two aspects i saw lacking in flexibility around financial aid as possible. a terrific place with enormous energy and our programs were fine arts and global our faculty has already been creative great dedication to its students. We are both education. Behind you on the wall of my with international possibilities, such as really happy to be a part of this community. office are nine t-shirts from universities summer institutes and spring break trips. around the world, including Moscow apprentices. the science faculty have done a particularly good job of integrating students work into their own research projects. this is what makes a teaching-oriented institution excel: when we figure out how to bring students into high-level research projects. For instance, Dr. Jim lissemore of the Department of Biology runs a national group that helps faculty at institutions like ours think about sustaining ones research, especially by integrating students into the research endeavor.
illiam langford opened the door and ushered the writer into the red brick house on ohio st. in central Detroit. the father of the family introduced the visitor to Dante Conover, an upperclassman at Detroits Davenport university and William (Billy) langford, a junior at lewis Cass technical high school. JCu sophomore randy Conover, previously met, offered a warm greeting. effervescent sandra langford descended the stairs as coffee was being served. randy didnt really say a lot to us about what was going on, began Mrs. langford in response to the visitors opening comments about recent racial episodes on campus. then we came up on Parents Weekend and we read about the racial incidents in the Carroll News and we were in shock. i did my masters on the lack of communication between races, and i believe we have to have more than tolerance. We cannot simply tolerate people. We didnt raise our children to be tolerated. God has placed us here, and i think God expects us to do more than tolerate each other; i think we need to accept each other. right off the bat... Given a new focus on race at John Carroll, a focus driven by a new president, a recognized lack of diversity and several unpleasant incidents, talking about
when Martin luther King walked among us, race makes sense it was a large part there is a wealth of evidence substantiating of why the writer drove to Detroit. that a colorblind society remains a distant nonetheless, filling up page space with goal. there is a similar weight of evidence talk of race is also a shame because a conversation with the langford-Conovers attesting that poverty generally has a devastating effect on someones chances of (our hyphen) illuminates that race is becoming educated and thriving. Finally, not central to their sense of themselves. notwithstanding success stories, the there was a strong intuitive message percentage of our african-american citizens that translated as: sandra and William langford and their sons need to be seen as who are poor remains very high. sandra langfords mother, who simply another family who belong to the became a teacher, graduated from John Carroll community. langston university in oklahoma irrepressible sandra langford said on before her family migrated to Detroit in this night, a guy asked me, When you get up in the morning, is being black the first thing you think about? i said, are you crazy? nonetheless, at this moment, race and its attendant anxieties and tensions are inescapable in our society and discussing how that plays out at John Carroll is consistent with that new presidents belief that it will be constructive for the members of our community to engage in honest talk about the complexity of who and where we are. randy Conover is the child of a middle school teacher and a supervisor of engineers and custodians for the Detroit schools. randy is the graduate of a Jesuit high school (loyola) that was founded a dozen years ago to nurture students who face the challenges of an urban environment, and who are serious about their future. randys graduation from loyola high school 2004. randys conversation about his experience at John Carroll reveals 1940. Mrs. langfords mother was born that, while he is generally content and in the Cajun country of louisiana and intent on graduating, he knows that as an only spoke French until she went to african-american he faces a somewhat school. sandra l. is a product of Jesuit different set of challenges. he is also aware education, having earned a B.a. from that the university has a way to go before the Jesuits university of Detroit-Mercy, it achieves comfortable diversity. overall, randy and his family members are amused, as well as a masters from Wayne state university. William doesnt have a befuddled, philosophical, wearied and college degree, but he attended Wayne sometimes amazed by the complexities of state and has walked a rewarding career racial relations in this society. path as a union carpenter and, recently, Despite success stories and evidence a city and school district supervisor. any that almost all doors in america are open bruises and suspicions related to race the wider for people of color than they were
John Carroll university Winter 2006
langford-Conovers carry are even more unsettling to the observer because they are manifestly thoughtful, resourceful people who possess faith and strong values. their values and humanity were the most powerful impression the writer took away from a Friday night on ohio st. this family was so clearly pleased to have someone talk to them about their lives and serious matters race, children, faith that the writer found himself wishing that he had done this before. sandra langford was raised Baptist; William is a Methodist. at one point, sandra said: When we were growing up, William and i each used to sing a song that goes, the Baptists travel by water, the Methodists travel by land, but if we want to get to heaven, we have to do it hand in hand. she went on to say that while the family today sometimes worships at a Baptist church and on other occasions a Methodist, We go up to st. Francis more than we go to our own church. Detroits Catholic parish of st. Francis de sales recently merged with Precious Blood to form st. Peter Claver. the parish has been essentially an adjunct of loyola high school. the heart of the matter is that this family found community at loyola. in their minds, loyola stands for much that is good, and they were drawn to st. Francis because of the bond they felt with the loyola community. the matriarch said: loyola is a place where everyone fits in. i love to see Fr. o (James oreilly, s.J.) smile. i love to hear Brother B. (Br. Michael Baranek) laugh. Fr. Dave (President Dave Mastrangelo, s.J.)? i love to see him serious. his eyebrows go up and you know youre in trouble. We consider them our family; they consider us their family. every single day, randy would go to Fr. os office to talk with him. i think randy went out into the world thinking that everyone was
some staff of the office of admission the universitys director of financial going to be like the people at loyola. and Financial aid at the university find aid, scrambled for several days to create loyola, where the students, according questionable for brand-new freshmen. a package to replace some of the lost to the Cristo rey Jesuit model, work at Pertinent university staff say they are assistance. Bill Bichl, sJ, the assistant outside jobs one day a week, worked for presently reviewing academic advising for dean of the College of arts and sciences, randy. twice on this night, this tall (64), freshmen. obtained additional aid from the Jesuit shy and sleepy-seeming young man, who is Mastrangelo said he and his loyola community and helped shepherd randy actually far less shy and more vibrant than grads here (the loyola staff and their and his parents through a registration he appears, articulated the Jesuit mantra: grads stay in close touch) were jolted by process made more complex by surprise the motto of the school (loyola) is Men the racial incidents last fall, and that for for others. it didnt matter where we came and uncertainty. some of our kids it was the first of that sandra and William were disconcerted from. We all tried to help each other. by the second semester registration process, kind of thing that they had experienced. there is little question that the ideals of he also said most of the current and they also question randys academic Jesuit education are blossoming in randy loyola graduates are happy at Carroll and advising, which played a significant role in Conover. feel pretty accepted. he observed that his being placed in a demanding biology he said that on a scale of 1-100 he it is a challenge for some would give loyola of the loyola students to and its staff a grade come from the experience of maybe 100%. he of loyolas intimate related: We were kind communal embrace to a of immature but as different reality at John the years progressed Carroll, where they are we matured. We went very much a minority and on retreats; we let inevitably receive less each other know what individual looking after was going on with than they do at the small each other outside of (175 student), relatively school. senior year homogeneous loyola. we went on a Kairos Mastrangelo, a retreat in Canada. Cleveland native, said We opened up, shared he and his loyola staff and built bonds. that will continue the task of really made us grow. matching every loyola We grew so close that From left, William langford, Dante Conover, sandra langford, William langford senior with the school that we cared about each and randy Conover. is right for him. the Jesuit others feelings. said he is grateful JCu is randy says hes an available destination, and grateful also lab course as a freshman, a course his happy at JCu, has many friends of all races and finds the faculty and staff, really parents dont believe he should have taken that John Carroll is generous in providing financial assistance for loyolas graduates. at that point. dedicated, but they want you to put forth at ohio st. on January 6, William he should not have been in biology, a little effort, utilize their office hours langford was saying, you have to have a said sandra in Detroit. he thought he he is doing okay, but the transition from good heart. We raised our kids to have a had to take it, and i was telling him, no, loyola has been challenging. randy had good heart. People have to learn to accept thats not the way it goes. a heavy load as a freshman and his grades diversity. randys grades were far better in wound up being marginal. By all available evidence, the sons of the fall semester, which is what allowed his first year grades didnt really catch this family are thoughtful young people Prosser and Bichl to construct a new, up with his financial assistance package with good hearts who want to make workable financial package. until the end of the first semester of his their way in and help create a better Fr. Dave Mastrangelo, sJ, he of the sophomore year. When it did, his aid world. Dante has a music production raised eyebrows said that he has been package for the second semester was company, works at a rent-a-car operation concerned that JCu freshman advisers compromised and his second semester and nears the end of his Davenport have approved problematically heavy enrollment was, after the writers Detroit university studies in criminal justice. hes course loads for some loyola grads, an visit, temporarily uncertain. Pat Prosser, academic challenge Mastrangelo and
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and everyone, including randy, seems african-american students sit down a trainee in the Wayne County sheriffs to comprehend that his mother is once a month and talk about campus Department, and the decision he faces is commending her second youngest for his life. We talk so much that it is time to whether it will be music or law and order. sweet nature. make things happen. the problem is he leans toward the latter. sandra says, i never thought of miscommunication on both sides. he also declares, america is a randy as shy, as some people suggest, i tell the freshmen from Detroit, market. if youre a citizen, youre a randy declared, you have to start talking because even as a small boy he would walk consumer. We dont realize what we up to any kid and say, Want to play? to people and you have to get involved. consume and how were influenced by thats some of how it went on ohio hes involved in the latin american the environment. hes speaking of racial st. on Friday, January 6. there was much students association, the africanstereotypes and the way were influenced more: the magic of black family reunions; american alliance, the Gospel Choir, by the media. how it came about William is a wellthat sandra langfords spoken 17- year-old, louisiana grandmother who hopes to go to the spoke only French until university of Michigan she went to school; the and become a professor paradox of black people of literature. his favorite seeming invisible, as books are Lord of the the great novel Invisible Flies and the novels of Man has it, yet you s.e. hinton. he said, i cant ignore me because like to see books about of the color of my intelligent black people skin; sandras struggle doing something useful to educate her middle with their lives. school students who sandra picked up the come to us with a lot of raising children with social problems; as well good hearts thread: We as that, We probably have a wonderful support wouldnt think about system, and we have put being black if people everything we have into didnt remind us of it. these children. how do the shrimp were you think it would be not nibbled and the coffee to have them accepted? From left, back row, randy, Dante, brother Gerald; front row, grandson Dominyck, daughter Crystal, sandra and William. was drunk, but the shortly after, both writer did not do justice sandra and William to the refreshments, nor does he now and a heavy program of intramural sports. articulated that, while their concerns are do justice to the exceptional quality of he is on the varsity track team as a high ongoing, they do believe randy is being jumper this spring. he did well in multiple the hospitality. toward the end, family accepted. its the world, said sandra pictures were pulled out and William track events at loyola. in reference to the racial incidents. he langford did a bit of stand-up comedy on When it is observed on the Detroit rarely calls home, so something positive how he was captured by sandra. you had visit that young William, who seems self must be going on. Weve been in his to be there, but if you were, it was good. contained and confident, is the baby of residence hall room on a saturday night, it was the kind of conversation that can the family, sandra corrects the visitor, so we know that at 11 p.m. there are a lot melt the tip of the iceberg, but can also saying, no, William is the youngest; of people who appear in his room. randy is the baby. she goes on to explain illuminate the promise of cracking open some students limit themselves and liquefying the whole deal. that randy is a particularly sensitive, in relating to others, randy offered. Well give sandra the last words: and open-hearted young man, one who they say black people like to sit in the i think its our duty to look out for each magnetically attracts little kids because of underground and segregate themselves. i other. We all have our gifts, and we would his playful, ingenuous nature. like to talk to my black friends, but i like all be better off if we would share those randy seems less than enchanted to talk to all different kinds of kids. there things, because life goes by fast. by the baby/youngest distinction, is a communication problem between but it does appear to be a useful point, black and white students though. the
John Carroll university Winter 2006
the orchestra
in the early years, it was the orchestra that gained the most attention performing at academic awards, holidays, visitations of the provincial, and concerts in the auditorium of st. Marys school across from the college. its first director in 1892 was Godfrey schulte, sJ, who became the schools third president in 1897. Faculty members who performed in the orchestra included George Pickel, sJ on cornet the only one ever named president of the college/university twice: 1906 and again in 1937. When schulte became president, he not surprisingly placed special emphasis on the music program and brought in local musicians and friends, Professor Johannes Wolfram and Dr. M. Francisci to further the orchestras progress. the ensemble was discontinued in
1915 but revived under the direction of victor Winter, sJ in 1916. he developed a magnificent musical organization over the next 13 years that eventually included 90 musicians. the group was in constant demand and virtually every Carroll News during the 20s devoted an article to a review of a recent concert or a preview of an upcoming performance. in 1922, the Sunday News Leader noted the st. ignatius orchestra has reached a degree of musicianship rarely attained by amateur organizations. Known as the John Carroll university orchestra after 1923, the organizations typical program included works by the likes of tchaikovsky, Weber, Mendelssohn, and sibelius. Most concerts
also included a guest artist and student soloists for instance, in 1926, the Croatian violinist Zlako Balokovic and students Gilbert Gahan 28 on piano and richard Diederich 27 on violin. in 1927, the student soloist was James avellone 28 on trumpet and guest artist Carlos salzedo an internationally known harpist. Much to the dismay of the JCu community, Fr. Winter was reassigned to rockhurst College in Kansas in 1929 and the orchestra program collapsed. the Carroll News ran an editorial that november declaring, the orchestra Must not Die. two Jesuits, one a master violinist, were assigned to rescue the program over the next twelve months but the orchestra was seeing its last days.
the Band
in 1927, the well known Parmadale orphanage band was invited to represent John Carroll at athletic and academic events and they continued to do so for several years. they gained national prominence when John Phillip sousa came to Cleveland and invited the orphans band to join his 124-member concert band on stage for two marches at the dedication of Cleveland Music hall in november of 1928. sousa presented band director Jack hearns and the children the sousa Cup given to only several bands in america. two years later, John Carroll appointed William Murphy, sJ as athletic director. Fr. Murphy, a musician, saw the need for a college band and in 1931 hired hearns to start the JCu band. Murphy took on the additional duties of band moderator until his death in 1959 hearns remained at Carroll for 41 years, and the band has continued uninterrupted to the present time. the first band numbered 30 and appeared on the football field in new uniforms in the fall of 31. in 1933, the band traveled with the football team to Dayton and toledo and was declared to be the best college band in Cleveland by the Plain Dealer sports department. By 1934, the band numbered 45 and began to perform in concerts at the little theater
of the Public auditorium. in 1935, the Carroll musicians took part in the Eucharistic Congress as over 100,000 worshipers Mens Glee Club 1920s crowded Cleveland Municipal stadium; captured first place in band competition at the st. Patricks Day parade; and played for 10,000 visitors who came to the new campus in university heights on JCu Day. it was also in the late 30s that the band performed for hockey games as well as football and basketball contests on one occasion they came out on the rink at the Cleveland arena, becoming americas first college marching band to skate on ice. two of the leading soloists in the early days of the band were Mike Dwyer 37 on trumpet and Paul vincent 41 on trombone. During the v-12 days of World War ii, a band continued under the Murphy/ hearns leadership but it was composed entirely of navy men from all over the country. Concert programs included the playing of Onward, On, John Carroll and Anchors Aweigh. Drum major richard robertson led the band during saturday inspections on the drill field and the musical organization took part in civic activities like the Carroll bands of old. the late 40s and early 50s saw the band playing at football and basketball games and civic parades. new activities included concerts throughout ohio and spring pop concerts in the auditorium, (the floor was flat then) which was decked out like a garden setting with refreshments being served. in 51, the band joined with the united states Marine Drum and Bugle Corps at the JCu-Quantico
Marines football game at Cleveland stadium and wore rotC uniforms with white accessories gloves, leggings, pistol belt, and helmet liners. in the next several years, the JCu band was often seen wearing either the traditional blue and gold or the rotC uniforms at public performances. some of the leading soloists then were Bill Weaver 53 (future JCu professor) who performed on piano with band accompaniment and the trumpet trio of Joe Botsko 53, Joe Wasserbauer 54, and Dick shalvoy 54 three of the best JCu trumpeters ever. a second trio of outstanding musicians, hailing from Butler, Pa., were the Chiprean brothers Bob 57 on piano and percussion; Jim 56 on clarinet, saxophone and trumpet; and trombone and trumpet soloist Jack 56. the social event of the year for the musicians was the Military Ball for the band members of JCu, Western reserve, Case tech, and Baldwin-Wallace. During the 60s, the band performed with the glee club for two concerts on campus each year; twice marched in the Cherry Blossom Parade in Washington, D.C.; took part in the st. Patricks Day Parades in both new york and Chicago, and gave a concert at the Worlds Fair in new york City. in the spring of 1969, hearns retired as band director after 38 years, but he remained with the vocal program into the 70s. Dr. harvey sisler directed the band until 1974 during his tenure majorettes were added to the marching band and a swing band was developed. in 1974, Francis hammond, retired band director from shaker heights high, came to JCu but passed away that December. he was
succeeded by John Farinacci, the former music director at Cleveland heights high. sisler returned to the podium from 1976 to 1986 and continued the marching and concert bands as well as the swing band. under his direction, the concert band performed in toronto, Chicago, and orlando, Fl.
the first records of a Glee Club date to the late 1910s, when the chorus numbered 75-voices and produced three operettas. Fr. Winter also directed the Glee Club and combined them with his instrumental organization in the 20s, performing parts of verdis Il Trovatore and an adaptation for voices of Griegs
Peer Gynt Suite. in 1929, Joseph Kiefer, sJ, composer of the schools alma mater, became director and the following year he announced plans for enlarging the chorus for select performances in which they would combine with young women from notre Dame, ursuline, and the school of nursing. the new groups first appearance was at Public hall for the lecture of english journalist Gilbert K. Chesterton. in February of 1931, the glee club gave their first radio performance
on station WtaM, singing four numbers and joining with the combined womens chorus for a rendition of The Heavens Are Telling by Beethoven. By the mid- 30s, the club began to present its concerts in the very formal setting the JCU Band 1934 of severance hall, home of band for two campus concerts each year. the Cleveland orchestra. in the spring it was in 1955 that the club began of 1938, Kiefer became moderator of the cutting records and going on tours. During Glee Club and turned over the directors the 50s and 60s, the choristers visited baton to Dr. louis Balogh, who had been indiana, illinois, new york, Pennsylvania, music director at toronto university. and Wisconsin, as well as Washington, in 1940, the club honored Kiefer by D.C. Most of the trips included combined augmenting the chorus with members of concerts with womens glee clubs. it was the alumni and performing Palestrinas O also at this time that it became quite Bona Jesu. soloists included Frank Caine socially acceptable to be a member of the 41, Bill Cavanaugh 42, and Joe Klausner Glee Club by the late 50s, the musical 47. student leadership for the December, organization was also known as Beta tau 1942 concert was provided by president sigma (Brotherhood through song) and Bruce thompson 43 and business blazers with bright insignia were worn manager richard Moriarty 43. Balogh with pride. continued as director when the v-12 in november of 1956, the club sang program arrived on campus during World on the Dave Garroway national radio War ii. Balogh conducted the singers show from new york. in 1959, the singers for the last time in april of 1951 when received a thunderous ovation at the they performed thackerays poem, Vantas Catholic university Choral Festival in Vanitatum, which their conductor set to Washington, D.C. where they stole the music and arranged. the Glee Club was show from eleven other eastern choirs. in supported by the notre Dame College both 1960 and 1963, JCu performed at Chorus and the Cleveland heights high the national Catholic Music educators school little symphony that evening Convention. in 1964, the Betas a and featured Cleveland soprano Maureen small ensemble formed within the Glee Mcnalley. Club made their debut and provided in september of 1951, hearns took an additional dimension to concert on the additional duties of Glee Club performances. director and was assisted by Fr. Murphy, During the twenty-one year hearns who was moderator. Within two years, the era, the Glee Club was large, impeccably organization became the largest chorus in attired, and it performed a large range of school history. the 90-voice choir gained music from memory. it was also during prominence in the Cleveland area and this time that the Glee Club was blessed gave many performances on radio and tv to have some magnificent piano players in addition to performing with the JCu as accompanists they included: Jim
John Carroll university Winter 2006
riccardi 55, Carmine Cimoroni 57, Bob Chiprean 57, Bob sterbank 60, David Korn 62, John Jarrett 63, Charles Zumbiel 63, Bill Daley 68, tim Burns 66, Bill lavezz 71, and Carmen iacobucci 72. in 1968, the Womens Glee Club was organized under the direction of hearns, who retired from JCu in 1972. he was succeeded by sisler and reynold ellis, the former coordinator of music for the shaker heights school system. the Mens Glee Club was combined with the Womens Glee Club for the December concert in 1977. During the 80s Bro. Daniel Kane, C.s.C., an accomplished pianist, directed both the university Chorale, which performed classical works as well as a capella compositions and the university singers, which specialized in popular music.
as an introduction to musical programs. it was written by Kiefer and Balogh and has not been sung for the last 30 years, nor has it been modified to reflect that sons and daughters of Carroll u hail the gold and blue. Onward, On, John Carroll and Hail! John Carroll U. were both written by albert Fox, sJ, dean of the College of liberal arts at JCu from 1928 until his death in 1934. Before coming to Carroll, Fr. Fox was president of Campion College and Marquette university. he was a poet and musician who also composed Our Alma Mater March seldom if ever heard on campus, the full score remains in the
the university officially has six songs and a motto the musical arrangements for each were published in the Songs of John Carroll University, copyrighted in 1946. Many other songs written by students and staff, particularly in the 20s, have not survived but are mentioned in old issues of the school paper. the composer of the Carroll Fight Song is unknown, but it is the oldest of the six official compositions. its words can be found in the Carroll News in october of 1927. the Rally Song was introduced to the public on november 7, 1929 at the loews state theater. the music was written by William hope 31 and Murphy. the J.C.U. Motto loyal and strong, singing our song, sons of Carroll u, we hail the gold and blue. takes twentyfour seconds to sing and was used by the Glee Club for over a quarter of a century
John Carroll university Winter 2006
JCu archives in the university library. Onward, On was premiered at Commencement in May of 1931. The Carroll News declared that its catchy rhythm fires one with that spirit of college and football that one experiences while waiting for the teams to take the field on a crisp autumn day. its words too, are peppy and rousing. it was well received at the premier and that is a good omen of its coming popularity. seventy-five years
later, it remains the most performed JCu musical composition. Hail John Carroll, the alma mater, was written by Kiefer. he additionally wrote Keep On Marching, a victory song that was first sung on nBC radio in December of 1933 but apparently never published. originally titled Sons of Carroll, the alma mater was first performed at a Glee Club concert in severance hall in March of 1937. the vaughn Monroe orchestra later recorded the song. the record was one of the most popular items sold in the JCu bookstore prior to World War ii. Possibly the only remaining copy of this record now resides in the school achives. the title of the alma mater was changed to Hail John Carroll in 1976 by henry Birkenhaurer, sJ president of the university at the time. it was he who substituted the words sons and daughters of Carroll where sons of Carroll had previously existed. as an indication of how difficult change can be, the student government adopted the new text acknowledging the existence of women at JCu by a 17 to 11 vote the school had been coeducational for almost a decade. on May 30,1976, the new alma mater was sung for the first time at the school commencement.
Jack Hearns, who wrote the much appreciated piece on Father William Murphy in the last issue, is the son of the man who was music at John Carroll for so long. The 61 graduate, the former superintendent of the Warrensville Schools, elicited more reader response with the Murphy piece than any article in the past decade.
Reunion Weekend is one of the years great parties. The Alumni Office and the class committees have been hard at work to make Reunion 2006 the best ever. We invite you to come back to campus to celebrate this great tradition. Ryan Daly
Director of Alumni Relations
Im so impressed by our reunion tradition. I hope the members of John Carroll classes ending in 1 and 6 will make a special effort to be part of Reunion Weekend from June 23-25. Please join us the biggest party of the summerIm sure youll be delighted if you do. Tim Shannon
Vice president for development and alumni relations
John Carroll university WINTER 2006
send your notes to: larry Kelley 16213 Marquis ave. Cleveland, oh 44111 216-941-1795
excellent article about Fr. Murphy. His sense of humor was often tested by the guys in the dorm the ringleaders being Bill Kelly and John Spallino. One day he returned to his room to see the barber chair in it. Among other burdens he dealt with were short sheeting his bed and lining his PJs with cold cream. Cheers! Carl
send your notes to: art Wincek 3867 Floral Court santa Cruz, Ca 95062 831-475-1210 E-mail: [email protected]
Wellington, FL, home in early January. ... Marian and Tom Corrigan sent mail to me from their Salt Lake City home, to Ohio; no luck! ... Charlie McCarthys reply to the inquiry about his years at JCU - simply, Wonderful. Charlie also received a law degree at Cleveland-Marshall Law School. ... Dr. Ed OMalley sends his thanks for news about our classmates. ... The final paragraph of Frank Honns December 29, 2004 letter follows: So much for my activities. Our family continues to be a real joy. Alyce and I have four children two girls, two boys and two of them have their own families. All told, there are now five grandchildren. Art
send your notes to: Carl Giblin 1100 Ponce deleon Blvd., 401 N Clearwater, Fl 33756 727-518-7961 E-mail: [email protected]
Christmas cards came from Al Musci, Marian and Tom Corrigan, Sue and Bob Trivison, Ruth and Bob Smith, Rev. Matt M. Herttna, Jean and Jack Miller and Charlie McCarthy. ... During our stay in the Encinitas area, Fran and I visited Jean and Jack Miller at their Lantana Dr. home in the Seacliff development in Carlsbad, CA, next town north. ... Nick Barille received a masters in education at CWRU and continuing education at Maine University, Ohio University, and Cleveland State. Among his favorite activities are cooking and travel. The late professor graded on a curve and in a 10 question exam, five frequently was an A. Nick and his late wife, Lucille, raised six children, who blessed the couple with17 grandchildren. ... Fr. Matt Herttna continues as director of the National Shrine of St. Dymphna in Massillon, OH. ... Ruth and Bob Smith went to their
send your notes to: Bruce e. Thompson 2207 south Belvoir Blvd. university hts., oh 44118 216-382-4408
Jim Carey will leave the snow and cold of Westlake to make his annual pilgrimage to California. He usually goes earlier but must first have cataract surgery. Jim spent his working years in California and goes back every winter, indicating he is of sound mind. ... The Cleveland Chapter, aka Lunch Bunch, convened in Willoughby, accommodating John Sweeney. John had major surgery and was unable to drive for three months. He had some brain damage for a period of two months, and made a complete recovery. The fact that he works so diligently collecting news for this column might indicate some residual damage. The winter lunch turned out the usual charter members: Carey, Ray McGorray, Sweeney, Bud Noetzel, and Lou Sulzer. Jim Schlecht, a regular, had to report to his M.D. Jack Brennan is still dealing with health problems. Joe Britton has a part time job keeping an eye on his grandson. This is a volunteer job and carries no further remuneration than bragging rights. Fr. Lloyd Boymer is leading the quiet life, and will join the lunch bunch at their April meeting. John Kenney sends greetings from Williamsburg. ...You are all invited to attend the spring lunch meeting, so contact John at 440-975-1403 [email protected]. ... The last edition of this magazine had an 36
JohN CaRRoll uNIvERsITy WINTER 2006
This mid-January writing recalls to mind Sunday, January 17, 1943, the accelerated commencement exercise, necessitated by graduates commitment to the military services. There were 35 degrees conferred to 34 men and one nun. Accordingly (*indicates deceased or no information available) Bachelor of Arts: John V. Corrigan*, Thomas J. Dunnigan, Edward J. Hyland*, Edward F. Kipfstuhl, Theodore R. Saker, Louis J. Sacriste*, John W. Whelan, and Joseph J. Wolff*. Bachelor of Philosophy: Salvatore R. Calandra, Thomas B. Daly, William J. Ducsay*, Daniel R. Lynch, Jr.*, Thomas V. Moore*, Albert W. Piccuta, John E. Quinn*, Leonard A. Reichelt*, Richard P. Schmidle, Edward J. Shubeck*, William J. Smith*, and Sr. Mary Evangeline Szymanski. Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Robert C. Gorman, Thomas J. Mazanec, Frank Sullivan, Bruce E. Thompson, Richard F. Weisbarth*, and Robert B. Wilson. Bachelor of Science: Alfred E. Balocca, Joseph H. Dempsey*, Paul G. Fetick*, Edward W. Kilrain*, Raymond J. Hodous*, Clayton C. Matowitz*, Anthony A. Nicolay, Eugene E. Sees*, and Joseph J. Sepkoski. A Mass in honor of our deceased classmates was offered in Saint Francis Chapel on January 17. If I recall correctly, all 34 of us were in uniform by February 1, ten at the U.S. Navy Midshipman School in South Bend, Indiana. The May 9, 1943 commencement ceremony will be highlighted in the next issue of John Carroll. Do any of you have a copy of the May 9, 1943 program? If so, may I borrow it to use as a memorial mailing piece commemorating that commencement. Please reply immediately to my request at 216.382.4408. ... Fast forwarding to the present: Tony and Jane Nicolay enjoyed a recent family gathering in Mesa, AZ, with daughter Joy from Kansas Jack City and sons Jeff and Jim from Honolulu. ... Over the Christmas
Wasmer 45 has written a memoir of his time in the Navy. Thats wife, Mary, in what looks like a 40s movie poster.
holidays, Dick and Rita Moriarty hosted 20 of their family at their home in Boynton Beach. ... The current St. Ignatius High year book has a feature on the schools distant past a very youthful John Whelan is prominently pictured therein. ... Joe Sepkoskis new residence, The Fountains of Cedar Parke, provides an indoor golf facility tailored for chipping and putting. It sure beats facing Atco, NJs, blustery winters. ... For two years, Joe Seiberts broken ankle has been a major mobility inconvenience. Hopefully a recent re-tightening of the medical screws remedies the problem. ... Dont forget my plea for a May 9, 1943 commencement program. Take care, Bruce
send your notes to: don Mcdonald 3440 south Green Rd. Beachwood, oh 44122 216-991-9140
This Januarys alumni lunch was held Wednesday, January 11 in the Faculty Dining Room on campus. There were approximately 50 in attendance! Pete Bernardo 67 would like to have this luncheon on campus more often but parking is a problem when school is in session. Jay Ansberry and I were the only ones representing our class. ... Jay and Coletta are planning a trip to Ireland in August there will be 39 people in their family group. Their 21st grandchild was born recently to their daughter, Clare Smith. They have five great-grandchildren. ... Dr. Bob Colopy is still in the frozen North due to Margarets recent broken hip. Hopefully she will be successfully finished with rehab so they can make it south before spring. ... Save the dates! The next event will be the Golf Outing same place as last year Sleepy Hollow Golf Course in Brecksville, on June 5. We should have at least one foursome at that event. Then the 06 Reunion is scheduled for the weekend of June 23-25. Lets try to get at least one table of 44s. ... As you probably already know, Carroll has lost some real good friends lately: Fran Calkins 50, Gene Thoma 52, and Frank X. Schaut. May they rest in peace. They had children and grandchildren attend John Carroll. ... Until next time, stay healthy and keep in touch. All the best, Don
sporting events, humor and the ridiculous. Amid clinking glasses, other diners chatter, and faulty hearing aids, the meeting begins. This has been going on for 25 years. Originally the group met on Friday at noon, but in retirement they now meet on Saturday at noon. Originally they were known as The Mystic Knights of the Sea. The astute membership now includes Jim Conway 50, John Buckon 50, Jack Reilly 50, Jim Cullen 50, Ed Hawkins 50, Myron Wettrich 45, Bill Coyne, Charlie Eder, Bill Sweeney, and Julius Sukys. Jim Mason 60 requested a leave of absence and it was granted. On occasion Charlie Byrne 50 and Jack McKenna 49 are permitted to attend on a probationary basis. Of the original group, Jack Aylward 49, Frank Roche 51, Skinny Dugan, George Knoblauch 48, Jim Sennett 50, Bill Kiernan 51 have passed into the blessedness of eternity. ... Here are interesting statistics furnished by the alumni office. Our original class numbered 173. There are 78 remaining. Of this number, there are 13 with no known address, 28 live outside of the state of Ohio, and 28 reside in Ohio. The ranks are dwindling. My advice keep breathing! ... Adios til next time. J.P.S.
send your notes to: Tom harrison 3980 West valley dr. Fairview Park, oh 44126 440-331-4343 216-881-5832 (fax) E-mail: [email protected]
ates a chain of ice cream shops in that area. ... Bill Feuerstein played Pinehurst #2 on December 2, as guest of his son. They werent able to get a time for Saturday on the famous #2, so they played #8 instead, which Bill tells me is just as challenging. Bill arrived in town for the game on Friday, and with the host son and his two brothers played a warm up game on a public course where Bill got a hole in one! His timing might have been better: wouldnt it be great to be able to boast that he had a hole in one at a course as well known as Pinehurst Course #2! ... Larry McGinley died in December. Larry joined Dun & Bradstreet soon after graduation, was promoted often and transferred occasionally and settled permanently in Omaha. He returned to JCU for a reunion a few years ago, where he was kidded about being the stealth advisor to Warren Buffett. ... Bob Logsdon and bride, Mary Jean, have decided that while the warm and sunny winters in Sarasota are delightful, the distance from home and extended family are too great to travel semi-annually so they have purchased a house in Louisville, KY. They are selling their Florida residence and hope to move north next month. The occasional trip to Cleveland from their new home will be easy. ... Send News! Good news preferred, all reported with reasonable accuracy, Tom
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send your notes to: ed Cunneen 22020 halburton Rd. Beachwood, oh 44122 216-561-1122 E-mail: [email protected] send your notes to: Julius sukys 440-449-8768 E-mail: [email protected]
In the posh surroundings of a famed eatery and saloon located in the Greater Cleveland area, between eight and 12 gentlemen, alumni of JCU for over 50 years, gather and discuss varied subjects running the range of politics, religion,
Jim Pojman brought back pleasant memories of our student days at Carroll. He led a barbershop quartet that performed and practiced between classes during our junior and senior years. Jim has a new quartet, The Great Bunch of Guys. On the weekends in December they harmonized nightly at the Kamms Corner Shopping Plaza in Cleveland, where their singing drew appreciative crowds and enthusiastic applause. Carol and I attended a reception for Fr. Niehoff held at St. Ignatius High School in mid November. We visited with many fellow alumni and partied later with Ray and Eileen Fox, Jack 51 and Kitty Webster and Ed 56 and Shirley Manning. ... All were impressed with the growth and character of the campus. ... I called Frank Lampe, who after retiring from the bus building business decided to remain in Columbus, OH. Frank is enjoying retirement with golf, the entertainment provided by Ohio State athletic teams, and the antics of the state legislators who generate local news. ... Frank Washko and wife, June, are planning to attend the Spoleto Festival, which is a month long musical event held in Charleston, SC. Frank continues to golf regularly with fellow retirees from Lear-Seigler and agrees that at our increasing age golf is more fun when we dont keep score. ... After Greg Higgins retired from Ohio Rubber, he was able to devote more time to sail boats. He has built wooden scale models of historic sailing ships, which decorate his office, family room, and the mantels of many of his friends. Greg, with his brother, built his own sail boat, which he is now repairing and painting for next years sailing out of the Mentor Harbor. Greg and wife Nancy hope to spend some time in Orlando, FL, visiting son Greg 82 who oper-
send your notes to: Charles Byrne 2412 Euclid heights Blvd., #302 Cleveland heights, oh 44106 216-791-7900 1-800-594-4629
On December 16, the Mystic Knights of the Sea met at a new spot for their Saturday lunch event, J. B. Milanos at the Cuyahoga County Airport. The new owners, of only three months, opened especially for the group not knowing just what they were in for of course! In the course of conversation, Jim Conway was prompted to elucidate on the great merits of planned giving for us as individuals as well as for JCU or a like charity we might choose. Pete Bernardo 67 would have loved to hear him! Conway will represent John and Rita Buckon in Heidelberg, Germany, in April when Fr. Neal Buckon 75 receives his latest promotion to Lt. Colonel. Conway likes that German beer! ... Jim Cullen and Julius Sukys 48 attend Tai Chi class at the Gathering Place and find it most relaxing. ... I recently saw Ed Schaefer at the Green Road University Hospitals facility where one can see countless Heights friends on any given day. He looks very well and as JCUs former VP for business seems to be enjoying his retirement of ten years. Though not too many of their seven children are married, they do have nine grandchildren. ... We lost classmate Fran Calkins in recent weeks and his 12 children and 36 grandchildren helped fill Gesu Church! ... The Knights enjoyed a January 7 lunch with wives eight of us brought the finer sex members wives and/or gal friends among the many widowers among us. Bill Sweeney 48 was alone, but Jim Conway 48 and Katie, John Buckon and Rita, Julius Sukys 48 and guest Marg Knoblauch, Charlie Eder 48 and Laverne Powell, Myron Wettrich 45 and Jane Keller,
JohN CaRRoll uNIvERsITy WINTER 2006
class pres. Jack Reilly and Stephanie, and my Jo and myself. We missed some regulars, Ed Hawkins, Bill Coyne 48 and Jim Cullen the latter I understand was ailing. We all had a jolly time and good food at J. B. Milanos (forgot Jack McKenna 49 and Babette Casey!) ... Jim Conway announced the death of J.V. Gallagher 43 in San Diego! A great old friend, and Jim and Katie were leaving for San Diego. ... The golden alumni lunch bunch met at JCU midJanuary because parking was available! We had a fine presentation by John Scarano, director of Campus Ministry, who described his function in depth. It was a great event and we do hope we can do more of these golden alumni lunches at JCU. ... Fred Korey has had a dull winter so far no trips to Hawaii. CAB
send your notes to: J. donald FitzGerald 2872 lander Rd. Pepper Pike, oh 44124 216-765-1165 E-mail: [email protected]
hands, at least as far as the students at JCU are concerned. They are doing some very good things. The next luncheon will be at Massimo Da Milano, on W 25th. If you are free at the time of the luncheon, you should try to come. ... Saw Gene 53 Wetzel at the luncheon and he said Sam is doing okay. ... As a member of the board of trustees for Reed Memorial Library, I invite you to come and take a look at our renovated library. We have expanded from just over 13,000 sq. ft. to over 34,000 sq. ft at a cost of over seven million dollars! So come one, come all we opened to the public January 21. If any of you are in the vicinity of Ravenna, stop in. ... Now if some of you would be so kind as to drop me a note, or an e-mail, I would be most appreciative. Till next time, when I hope to have some news, take care and stay safe. Dorothy
send your notes to: Jim Myers 315 Chesapeake Cove Painesville Twp., oh 44077 440-358-0197 E-mail: [email protected]
of whom live in various parts of the West Coast. John wants to say hello to his old roommate Elmo Miller. ... The last issue of John Carroll had a very nice article about Fr. Murphy. I believe it was Fr. Murphy who was responsible for my attending JCU as well as several other members of our high school class from Canton Central Catholic. He did a recruiting visit to our school to explain the merits of attending a Jesuit university in the Cleveland area, John Carroll University, which was at that time virtually unknown to me. Among the other guys who came from that Canton school that year were: Jack Ziegler, Marion DeStefano, Kevin and Dermot Coleman, Jim Poss, and Don Skip Williams. Unfortunately only Jack and I survive from that group. ... A little contest for the next issue Who of our class has the most grandchildren? Who has the most great-grandchildren? If you think you may be a winner let me know. Send in your news for the next issue! Gods blessing to you all. Jim
Gentlemen, hope you all had a great Christmas and a safe New Year. No one has written me for this column, but I was able to glean some information from various sources. The reception I attended in Akron for Father Niehoff was elegant. I saw Tom Dannemiller there. ... I attended the January golden alumni luncheon on January 11. This time it was held at JCU. There was quite a nice crowd, but there were only three of us from 52 Bob Tayek, George Englehart and I made up the contingent from our class. The food was very good and the program by John Scarano, director of Campus Ministry, gives hope for the future of our faith. It appears to be in good 38
JohN CaRRoll uNIvERsITy WINTER 2006
Gene Wetzel and his wife, Catherine, moved to a condo in Twinsburg, OH. They decided it was time to give up their five bedroom home in Bedford where their seven children had been raised, and where many of the 19 grandchildren enjoyed visiting. The Wetzels visited Rome last Easter with a group from John Carroll and were at the Vatican to receive the papal blessing at the last public appearance of Pope John Paul. Soon after returning home from Italy, Gene and Catherine celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. ... I was sorry to learn that Larry Davis died on October 21. Larry was among the last WWII vets who attended JCU, and helped start the ROTC program. ... Many of you will remember Anthony Alexander, who we had as instructor in religion during our freshman year. I recently read that he died on October 6. I remember his threat to give triple cuts to any of us who missed his class on the Indians home opener in 1950. I was among those who decided to take the risk but no longer remember who won the game. ... Doug McCay is the only classmate on our roster with a Louisiana address. Doug and his spouse, Mary, live in New Orleans. Although they were not affected as badly as many people by Hurricane Katrina, the McCays did spend 10 weeks in Washington, DC, before returning to their home. Doug says hello to all his classmates, especially to Joe Sullivan. ... Louis Denny has lived in Lakeport, CA, for about twenty years. Lakeport is on Clear Lake about 120 miles north of San Francisco. Louis says Clear Lake is the oldest lake in California and possibly the oldest in North America. Three of the children moved to that area so Louis and his wife followed so as to be near the kids and what are now 10 grandchildren. ... When I talked to John Church, who now lives in West Hills, CA, he had just come in from his daily two mile walk. He has made the walk a part of his daily routine ever since open heart surgery nearly three years ago. It was because of that surgery that he missed our 50th Reunion. John has lived in California for 45 years and has been retired for 14 years. He and his wife, Lois, have six children, 11 grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren all
send your notes to: Peter Mahoney 401 Bounty Way, #145 avon lake, oh 44012 440-933-2503 E-mail: [email protected]
Let me begin by explaining what happened to the photo of the Blakes, Schulers and Sutphins that we ran in the last issue ... we (the editor and I) had the caption for the photo set when a voice in the lounge said last call immediately the Sutphins shifted from the center of the picture to the outside (closer to the bar) ... well that is one explanation ... Jake Blake was in town recently visiting friends and helping out at the St. Malachi Center, a center for the homeless on W 25th St. He returned to NY and sent clothing to the center for those who might need help. If you are in the W 25th St. area and see Brooks Brothers pin stripes and button downs, it is the good works of JB who said Wall Street doesnt have heart. ... Speaking of heart, Austie Groden is almost completely recovered from his quintuple bypass. A rigorous rehab program at Lakewood Hospital has him in the best shape since basic training in the U.S. Army. With golf glory in mind, he has purchased a new driver with a head the size of a full grown watermelon should be an interesting year on the links. ... Dave Nilges is starting his engines for continued 06 real estate growth in the Denver region. He recalls the unbridled optimism of condo building on the Lakewood Gold Coast years ago hes been in the real estate business for nearly 50 years and has seen all the ups and downs. ... Bud McLeod is marching at quick step. Last year he resigned as president of the local Concerned Citizens, a group he founded, and accepted election to the board of the states largest (4000 member) taxpayer watch group. He founded a support group for the victims of fibromyalgia (if you dont know what that is, look it up); he is one of 20 senior leaders for AARP and is active in putting together a Candidates Day, March 11, for those running for elected office in RI ... does this man ever rest? ... Recently I started a novena to St. Hilary (yes there is a St. Hilary) asking that my dear brothers and sisters of 54 would send
more material for this column please dont disappoint her or me. Keep the faith, Pete
send your notes to: ray rhode 1543 laclede Road south Euclid, oh 44121 216-381-1996 E-mail: [email protected]
send your notes to: Tom oneil 1411 NE 30th Ct Fort lauderdale, Fl 33334 954-561-5253
After Katrina hit the New Orleans area, I thought I would try to contact classmates that we have living in the devastated area. Fortunately, there were none listed in the JCU Alumni Directory that I received from the Harris Company a few years ago. However I did hear from Dick OHeren, who has a brother and sister who were both forced to evacuate New Orleans in August. His brother, Dan, should be getting back into his home in January, while his sister, Anne, and her husband fared better with only a couple of inches of water and dampness. For you statistics majors, Dick reports that in his 49 years as an optometrist he has performed over 81,300 eye examinations and has played over 1,510 musical engagements in his 55+ years in the music business. ... Bob Ensign and Larry Faulhaber have become regulars at the John Carroll Golden Alumni luncheons hosted by Pete Bernardo 67. Another reason has been added for attending the John Carroll reunions sometime during our 50th last year, Larry Faulhaber and Tony Musca found that they had some mutual business interests. They were able to put together some type of business venture, which is reported to be profitable for both. ... Ed Schwallie hopes to meet up with Tony somewhere in the Caribbean and/or Florida this winter. ... Jerry Donatucci stopped in to see John Bennie Barranco in Atlanta on his way to Florida. He hopes to meet up with Bud Feely, Doggie Ziegler, Phil Buchanan and Jack Kinney sometime later this winter. I hope you snowbirds take notes on whale sightings, good beach locations, great restaurants, etc. and report back to me. Our classmates would like to hear of your adventures and discoveries. ... Mike Caplice is busy in Williamsburg, VA, helping with the planning for the celebration of the 400th anniversary of the founding of the Jamestown Colony. The Jamestown Colony is the oldest English settlement in the New World. He is most proud of his leadership role in the Christopher Wren Society at William and Mary College. This group has helped to enroll 1,579 senior citizens to take over 60 courses at the college. Mike is on the board of directors of the Wren Society. ... My son Christopher received a joint executive MBA from the London School of Business and Columbia University School of Business this January. We are very proud of him. He will take up residence in Moscow in February. Obviously location, location, location is not the mantra of todays business schools. He says I spend too much time in Florida and get all hung up on warm weather. Maybe, but Ill bet hes not living in Moscow forty years from now. ... Thats it for now! Remember to pray for our many classmates who are suffering physical and mental ailments and can not share in the joys reported here. Ray
Dave Kerwin while on a visit to Modesto, CA. Speaking from my own experience, Frank makes a very good tour guide, if you are in the Las Vegas area. ... Father Niehoffs alumni reception came through Naples in January and in attendance were John Boler, Jack Breen, Al DeGulis, and myself. His message was of an optimistic and challenging time for the university. ... Our next issue of this column will have the names of those signed up for the Reunion so, get those reservations in now! ... Tom
send your notes to: salvatore r. Felice 3141 W. Pleasant valley Rd. Parma, oh 44134 440-842-1553 E-mail: [email protected]
Dick and Maureen Huberty enjoy traveling to the Houston, TX, area to visit their son Dannys family. In late October, the Hubertys also had the opportunity to dine with Georgia and Jim Gasper at a popular restaurant ... Jim informed me that Peter Paulson died at his home in Sayner, WI, on November 17, 2005 from a heart attack. Jim received the sad news from Fr. Brian Paulson, son of Pete and Jane. Our heartfelt condolences are extended to the Paulson family. John Gormley and Pete were roommates at JCU. ... Frank Hovorka was treated to a surprise birthday party by his daughter, Kathy, in late September. Frank still works at least one day a week as an independent consultant in Albuquerque representing Texas Refinery Corp. products and supervises the supplying and application of materials to the New Mexico schools for re-roofing projects. Frank enjoys staying at his cabin in Red River, NM, among the Sangre de Cristo Mountains and gives a standing invitation for class members to give him a call when in the Albuquerque, NM, area. ... Word has it that Nancy and John Scanlan are selling their Williamsburg, VA, home to relocate closer to their new grandchild in the Maryland/ DC area. Nancy, who suffered some health challenges in 2005, is doing much better ... On May
Class of 1957 Scholarship crew: Seated (L to R) Richard Huberty, Diane Ward (JCU Bursar), Charles Novak. Standing (L to R) Peter Bernardo 67, James Clark, Salvatore Felice and William Comiskey.
JohN CaRRoll uNIvERsITy WINTER 2006
1, 2005, Fran and Bill Comiskey celebrated the birth of Ella Marie, born to their daughter, Megan, and son-in-law, Jay. Ella and her cousin, Annie (8), are the only girls surrounded by 11 lively boys ranging in age from two to 15. In September, Fran, who is a board member of Ursuline College, was honored by receiving the Crystal Award for dedication to the Alumnae Association. Daughter Ellen is expected to present their 14th grandchild in July. ... Susan and Jerry Cicero celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary at Hilton Head in June. ... Germaine and Dave Zenk will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary Reunion Weekend 2007 they regret that it will be their first miss in the last five reunions. ... On October 7, 2005, James J. Michenfelder, age 44, passed away. He was the son of Margaret and Alvin Michenfelder (deceased 12-31-2003). No details were available. Our deepest sympathy is extended to Margaret and daughters, Therese Geiger and Mary McGrew, and their families. ... In January 2000, Jim Gasper suggested to this reporter that consideration be given to setting-up an endowed scholarship fund in the name of the late James Esther. A committee was formed and, after much discussion, it was decided to establish this fund in the name of all our deceased class members (98 to date). This fund was established to aide any JCU senior who, because of a family crisis or other emergency, is experiencing financial difficulty and is in danger of not graduating. Tuition at JCU has been increasing about 7% each year. To date, our Class of 1957 Endowed Scholarship Fund, with earnings, is in excess of $171,000. This means we can award $8,000/per year to seniors facing the above crisis. Our fund has already helped seven seniors. Your committee is looking to increase this most worthwhile fund to $350,000 by June 2007. Kindly, support our scholarship with your generous gift now, or by Reunion 2007. With your continued support we are certain to make our goal and have a lasting memorial to our class that will benefit students for years to come and will reflect our class spirit and values. By the way, our 50th Reunion is FREE. There will be more details in future issues. God bless, Sal
nor do he and Sally live in their condo on the Gulf in Clearwater. After six years there, they just recently moved to The Plantation in Leesburg, an active retirement community of 3,000 population north of Orlando. John defines active as having billiards, bridge, lawn bowling, darts, and pickleball. Pickleball?! Thats played with a wiffleball and a table tennis racquet. I kid you not. When hes not working up a sweat on these activities, he watches Sally practice her watercolor artistry, at which she excels. The Phillips extended family includes three children and four grandchildren. ... Finally, a long distance move for Erik, son of John Hanson. Hes teaching English at an American school run by the Redemptorist Fathers in Bangkok, Thailand. John and Tarri are still in Oregon getting older sooner than we expected in his words. His good news is the ski shop continues to thrive. ... Thats it for now. The final Katrina relocation center closed here in San Antonio the end of December. Thousands of former Louisiana citizens are housed now in more stable, semipermanent homes and hotels here. I dont know how or why they are so resilient! Remember them in your prayers, please. On this day in 1952 you probably heard Two Boys and Their Dad on The Lone Ranger Show, or later that night on NBC Fatal Appointment on Barry Craig, Confidential Investigator ... Peace, JEC
59 60
send your notes to: Jerry Burke 1219 W. Grove st. arlington heights, Il 60005-2217 847-398-4620 E-mail: [email protected] send your notes to: Jerry schweickert 14285 Washington Blvd. university hts., oh 44118 216-381-0357 E-mail: [email protected]
areas of literature, linguistics, psychoanalysis, culinary history, and music. He also has a chefs degree and taught in a culinary arts program for 20 years specializing in wine and culinary history (well have to get Carl together with Jim Gauntners son who is a world renowned authority on sake). ... Additional interests drew him to be program director for a fine-arts broadcasting station for five years, chief fundraiser and general factotum for a regional ballet company and later an opera company for about eight years. In 2004 Carl received his MA in counseling and is currently setting up a practice in psychotherapy and counseling in Los Angeles specializing in families and couples. Carlo has certainly gone a long way from Wooster, OH. Thanks Carl for sending the interesting sketch of your past 45 years. ... Frank Dempsey, Dave Nichting, Doc Kopfinger 62 (my next door neighbor), Jerry Harrison (my ex-secretarys husband), and I recently finished building a rather large addition on our home. I have no doubt that the Tower of Babel was built in much the same way five chiefs, no Indians. The room is still standing after our initial party and Frank, Dave and I are establishing the Three Stooges Construction Co. Dry walling is our specialty. ... Jim and Melinda Mason and Bev and I are getting ready for our annual trip to Phoenix to visit Jerry Malizia and the Magnottos. We will be joined by Jim Shannon. Unfortunately, Denny and Judy McGrath are unable to join us this year. As you read this, we have already completed our trip. ... Im sure there are many of you out there who could share some interesting information with us. Please send a note or e-mail so I can let our classmates know how you have been. Also, I need good material to write this column I dont particularly care to write in every column about what four or five of us in Cleveland are doing. Im even more sure that you dont want to continually read about the same people. You are interesting to your classmates so lets hear from you. ... Till later, be well. Jerry
send your notes to: John e. Clifford 922 hedgestone dr. san antonio TX 78258-2335 210-497-3427 (w) 1-888-248-3679 E-mail: [email protected]
I write this on January 16. We look forward tonight to a 60% chance of rain. That could be the first measurable rain since October. In addition to being dry, its been hot in December and January 70s and 80s. We have escaped the brush fires the closest one was a few miles north of us. The New Orleans Saints have packed up and moved back to Louisiana, so we will have no NFL games here next year, unless the San Diego Chargers leave San Diego for the Alamo City. That was the headline in last weeks newspaper. And speaking of San Diego and moving, David L. Orosz has moved to Columbia Street in San Diego. Ill have to get some details for you in the next issue. Stay tuned. ... Speaking of moving, John Phillips no longer practices labor law nor lives in Des Moines; 40
JohN CaRRoll uNIvERsITy WINTER 2006
Again Ill begin with an incongruent statement in the winter issue of the Journal. Happy Easter! Word is that the McGraths are unscathed by the grass fires that threatened Oklahoma City. Bubba Schayer (go Sox) reports that the great New Orleans Flood spared Jack Duffy. The waters stopped four blocks from his home. Field Retterer is wintering in Florida as he recuperates from hip replacement surgery. (Probably making adjustments in the golf swing also.) ... Got the following information about Carlo (aka Carl) Coppola. As Carlo says, ... he once was lost (per alumni records) but now is found... and we are happy to have him back. Hope he will return to Ohio for our 50-year reunion in 2010. Carl was editor of the Carroll Quarterly while at JCU (I hope he isnt too tough on this column) and has certainly pursued his interest in the written word. Carl and his wife, Carol, have four children and live in Los Angeles. He recently retired after 42 years of university teaching. His Ph.D. is from the University of Chicago and he lived in India for a year in order to complete his dissertation on India and Middle East languages and cultures. True to his JCU experience, he edited a literary journal for 39 years and has published three books in the
send your notes to: Jack T. hearns 4186 silsby Rd. university heights, oh 44118 216-291-2319 216-291-1560 (fax) E-mail: [email protected]
faculty of the Northwestern University Medical School after 35 years as a clinical psychologist. After authoring three books and over 40 articles, he has moved to Reno, NV, where he enjoys the relaxing outdoor life of hiking the mountains and fishing the streams. ... John Dwyer has retired as human resource manager for Smurfit Stone Container, a paper products company located in New Philadelphia. He and his wife, Pressy, live in North Canton and have four children and five grandchildren. When the snow disappears, John will be out on the golf course. ... Deacon Richard Baum has recently retired from the position of director of Deaconate Formation for the Archdiocese of Chicago. Richard received his degree in physics from JCU, an MS degree from the University of Rochester in optics and an MA degree in pastoral theology from Saint Mary-ofthe Woods College. He was ordained a deacon in 1981 for the Diocese of Syracuse and in 1997 received the St. Philips Award from the Deaconate Community for his outstanding work in the field of evangelization. He and his wife, Geraldine, live in the Chicago area and have two children and one granddaughter. In retirement, Richard is a substitute teacher and golfer. ... Chuck Durbin and his wife, Madeline, are living in Denver, CO. He retired after working 30 years at Rocky Flats the nuclear plant in Golden, CO, where for the last 10 years he was involved in the manufacture of small parts for the laser fusion program. The Durbins have 10 children and nine grandchildren. ... Gerry Burns is living in Cary, NC, with his wife, Nancy. They have four children and three granddaughters. ... The Reunion Committee now numbers 13 members more volunteers are needed primarily to make calls to classmates to encourage attendance at Reunion 2006. If interested, contact the Alumni Office at 1-800736-2586. Also contact Rosalie Massey at the same number if you know the whereabouts of the following members of the Class of 61 William Brown, Douglas Carson, Vincent Conroy, Michael Cuccaro, Jacob Froelich, Roydon Fernandez, Mary Fevrier, Charles Foerstner, Frank Gibson, Thomas Heffernan, Robert Jablonski, Robert Lucas, George Marcelo, Ronald Martin, Edward McDonnell, Dennis McMullen, James Medve, Robert Moran, Mary ODonnell, Eleanor Roy, Lawrence Schneider, Robert Steele, and John Spisak. ... Hope to see all of you at our 45th reunion this summer, Jack
Fort Myers and have spent some of the winter there, but continue to maintain a Rochester, NY, residence. ... In our last class notes, we mentioned Chuck Hillig was retiring in February as a state licensed psychotherapist for the Navy. This March he begins a three month promotional tour in India to promote the English versions of his five books: Enlightenment for Beginners, The Way IT is, Seeds for the Soul, Looking for God (Seeing the Whole in One), and The Magic King, all of which are available on and have been published in English, Dutch, German, Hungarian, and Russian. Chuck will be conducting radio and TV interviews throughout his tour. ... Finally, we had received a health update from Terry Leahy, which was too late to be published in the fall 2005 class notes. Terry reports that it has been one year since his second bone marrow transplant, and results indicate that his cancer is in remission. Terry and his wife, Polly, were able to attend a wedding in September 2005, and later last year Terry traveled to Indiana and Kentucky on his own. Although recovery has been slow, Terry is finally getting his strength back after being on steroids for so long he thanks everyone for their prayers and help. ... Please take the time to drop me a few lines when you read this column. Did you turn here first to read what was happening to your classmates. The only way anyone can see your name here and find out about what you are doing is for you to e-mail me now. Wont you please take the time? My e-mail address is at the top. If you do not have any news, just send me your e-mail address so that we can stay in touch. Take care, Bob
now at Ft. Bragg. Annie is keeping busy at church and the hospice thrift. ... I also received a nice Christmas greeting from Al Thomas. ... And Jim Mertes sent a great picture of the entire family. Counting Jim and Donna, there appear to be 19 in all. The oldest grandson is as tall as Jim, and Donna continues as principal of their parish grade school. Jim said they made a nice trip to southern Italy last year. ... I keep thinking that Ive misplaced a note or two from 63ers, but I hope not. If I did, please let me hear from you and Ill do my best to get them in the next issue. ... Kathy and I finished our new home just in time for all of our children, two daughters-in-law, and three grandchildren to come for the holidays. It was a fabulous time that went way to quickly. One son and family are in Dallas, so its pretty easy to get there. Ditto for our daughter, who lives and works in Houston. Our oldest son and family, the ones who were in Okinawa for 3+ years, are relocated to Belgium, with the Air Force and NATO. ... Mike Mudler [email protected] sent information about himself. He and his wife, Carine, live in New York City. He received an MBA from Case Western Reserve University in 1981. ... Until next time, have a great spring. Please let me hear from you. And dont forget my new address which is at the top of the column. ... Pete
send your notes to: Frank Kelley 20 County knoll dr. Binghamton, Ny 13901-6109 607-648-5947 E-mail: [email protected]
send your notes to: Pete Mykytyn 3015 alveria drive Carbondale, Il 62901 618-549-1946 618-453-7885 (w) E-mail: [email protected]
send your notes to: Bob andolsen 36100 Maple dr. North Ridgeville, oh 44039-3756 440-327-1925 440-327-5629 (fax) E-mail: [email protected]
We have heard from Steve Kapelka, who retired in June 2005, and with his new wife, Deborah, moved into a new home in North Ridgeville, OH. Steve and Deborah have also arranged to escape the Cleveland winters by traveling to their second new home in St. Petersburg. Steve indicates that he plans to look up Pete Pucher 60 once they arrive in Florida. ... Also planning retiring as a manufacturers rep in March 2006 is Paul Dwyer. Paul and his wife, Sharon, purchased a condo in
John Dix [email protected] e-mailed me in December to say that his daughter, Megan, and her husband, Matt, had a daughter, Ella Frances, who was delivered on Thanksgiving Day. John and Polly are relaxing, this winter, in Fountain Hills, northeast of Phoenix a bit. ... John Zvolensky [email protected] contacted me in December. He was reading something by someone who was quoting Macbeth. John remembered that this was something that he, John, took in sophomore British Lit. John wanted to know the name of the prof who taught British Lit at that time. I told him I tried to forget British Lit right after the final in that class and could only remember Barnie Campbell and Mr. Cotter for English; John was looking for a Jesuit. Turns out John remembered a day or two later. He e-mailed me back and remembered it was Fr. Hughes. ... I received a very nice Christmas note from Annie Daleske, Bernie Daleskes widow. Annies gift for poetry is great, and I really enjoyed reading it. She has a granddaughter, Kailyn, who is into books and talking, talking, talking. Annie said Kailyn keeps Noelle and Steve very busy. Son Chris finished Clemson in December 2004 with a double major and an empty checkbook for Annie. Chris is a 2nd lieutenant in Artillery, having been stationed at Ft. Sill, Ft. Benning, and
In early December there was a great deal of e-mail traffic regarding a possible mini-reunion in 2006 during Homecoming Weekend, September 22-24. Those attending the annual Class of 64 Cleveland Christmas lunch Allyn Adams, Don Mihalko, John Baker, Pat Holland, Jim Williams, Jerry Grdina, Marty Parks, Gordy Priemer, and Tom Leahy reviewed all the input and Tom reported the consensus: Were a go! As of this writing there will be no formal functions; there will be a gathering at someones house on Friday night and perhaps a special section in the cafeteria for breakfast on Saturday. Carroll now closes South Belvoir before the football game; there will be refreshment stands, games, AND a beer garden. A general information mailing is planned for this spring. Watch your mailbox. ... If all this is news to you, you are not yet in the class e-mail network. To join, write John Breen [email protected] ... Regarding the closing of South Belvoir, this first happened in 1990 to honor the induction of Dick Koenig into the Hall of Fame. It was at that fatal first beer tent that we observed Gordy Priemers name mispronounced five different ways in five minutes, (Primer, Premiere, etc). Gordy was a little down, but felt better at halftime when Dick was introduced to the crowd as Koo-nig. ... John Breen and Dave McClenahan traveled south to play some September golf with Jim Joyce in Waynesville, NC. There is some dispute as to why Mac was the big winner. Unbelievable luck has been charged, but Dave maintains that his game is simply so short that its impossible for him to get in trouble. ... In November, Joanne and I traveled
JohN CaRRoll uNIvERsITy WINTER 2006
to Atlanta, where we were hosted graciously by Tom and Ellen Ungashick. Their saltwater pool, which was featured in Better Homes and Gardens, is actually more spectacular in person. 2-D photos cant do it justice. The Ungys had just returned from the Holy Land, where they celebrated their 40th anniversary visiting Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and a side trip to Amman, Jordan. At the five-star Amman Grand Hyatt, they joined a wedding celebration in the fabulous glass and marble lobby; the following day, as they were crossing back into Israel, the lobby was devastatingly bombed by Al Qaeda. Much too close for comfort. ... At Sea Island, GA, we met Al and Cathy Rutledge at a beautiful Thanksgiving week wedding. Meeting the Rutledge kids was a real highlight: Lucy is a grade school teacher in Chicago with an obviously excellent aptitude for the profession shes got some lucky pupils. Mike is a sailing instructor in San Francisco, whos also training for the 2008 U.S. Olympic sailing team. More proof that the class of 64 members have been darn good parents. ... Got a brief note from Charlie and Dierdre Englehart who enjoyed the Christmas holidays in Budapest. ... Lastly, Russ and Ginny Centanni flew 25,000 miles in 24 days on a journey to Africa. They visited South Africa including Cape Town and the Cape of Good Hope. Russ reports South African penguins; I suspect a surfeit of smuggled Idaho wine. Next was Nairobi, Kenya, and a six day safari, then on to Egypt tombs and pyramids. I cant do justice to their zoological and sociological report of the trip. For the full report he made to his travel club, contact Russ [email protected]. ... Make your plans now for the mini-reunion. Fr. Hughes would agree that participation is cathartic. Until next time, God bless all Streaks! Frank
with John and his sister, Janet, who as a child would watch John and me practice with the Pershing Rifles drill teams. Fugit irreparabile tempus ... My advice is travel now and avoid the rush! In the meantime, send your news for 2006, Dick
send your notes to: Fran nunney 12115 Waywood dr. Twinsburg, oh 44087 330-425-2750 E-mail: [email protected]
great job making the arrangements a good time was had by all. Although JCU lost, it was a great opportunity to meet alums from other classes and discuss old times! ... During April and May, the Cleveland Indians offer a 50% discount on tickets in the bleacher section. This might be an opportunity for us to meet as a group. May is probably a better month due to weather in our spring season. Contact [email protected]. ... Our classmate, John Gibbons recently received notice that he was to receive the Dr. Lee and Eloise Tressel Memorial Coachs Award. The award was given in February by the Cleveland Touchdown Club at the IX Center. John, coach of St. Edward High School, had a great season with a school record for wins 11-0, only to lose in the State semifinals. ... I recently had contact with William Ryan of New Orleans, about whom there was an article in the last issue of the magazine. This is what Bill had to say via e-mail: It has been very difficult here in New Orleans. 60% of the city is still uninhabitable and will be so for years to come. The future will be very challenging but many very exciting and unique opportunities will present themselves. To be involved in a city that has lost 75% of its citizens will create unparalleled opportunities. My three children Neal (wife, Mimi), Meghan, Andrew and my wife, Pam, are all in New Orleans and committed to rebuilding New Orleans. Many of the stories about our stay during the storm are now history and our focus is the present and our future. ... Well, time to sign off. Dont forget to let me know about the baseball game. See you later, Peter
send your notes to: dick Conoboy 165 south 46th st. Bellingham, Wa 98229 E-mail: [email protected]
send your notes to: ray Burchyns 336 Golf view Rd. #1106 North Palm Beach, Fl 33408 561-622-3314 E-mail: [email protected]
A recent column sparked another response from Chuck Friedman, who is starting full time employment this year as the environmental and compliance officer for a small (600 employees) company. He says that one of these days he will just retire like the rest us. I encourage Chuck and others to continue to work so that there is enough money in Social Security to continue to pay those of us who have already retired. Thanks, Chuck! ... As for me and my wife, Cecile, we just returned from several weeks in Vietnam and Cambodia. I wanted to see the changes in Vietnam since I served there in the late sixties. Believe me, they were many and astounding. Cecile wanted to do research on a French author who was born and lived her early life in French Indochina. The highlight of the trip was Angkor Wat and the large array of other temples near the town of Siem Reap. Luxury hotels were sprouting everywhere we went. Two weeks after our jaunt to Southeast Asia, Cecile and I returned to Honolulu, where we were married in January 1995. Taking advantage of Ceciles attendance at a conference, we spent a week on Oahu. We were able to attend the Sony Open golf tournament, where John Morris 66 was providing security for the players. We had dinner 42
JohN CaRRoll uNIvERsITy WINTER 2006
send your notes to: Peter French 27955 Forestwood Pkwy. North olmsted, oh 44070 216-881-7882 216-881-7896 (fax) E-mail: [email protected]
JCUs basketball team played Cleveland State for the first time in almost 20 years. Cleveland area alumni were e-mailed an invitation to meet downtown before the game. My brother, Richard 69, and I attended. Tony DeCarlo 66G did a
Heard from John Toppel hes engaged in his second career. After retiring from H-P, he took his international marketing and sales experience to the campus: John teaches at Santa Clara University and, in his free time, heads up the Russell Center at Menlo College. The center is a newly created operation, which seeks to create a learning atmosphere for American and Asian, especially Chinese, businessmen and women to exchange ideas, develop partnerships, and prepare to move into the richly emerging markets Asia has to offer. ... Heard from Phil Jacobs. He and his wife sold their Long Beach home and took on a new place. Im sure it was hard for Phil to give up that ocean view. ... For those of you in Florida, I invite you to join me for an afternoon of golf at the Atlantis Golf Club. The event is being hosted by Don Shula 51 and the proceeds support some very worthwhile charities. Come out on March 25th and enjoy a day of golf, refreshments, and dinner. If you want further details, please e-mail me at the above address or contact Vicki Rautbord [email protected]. ... We still havent reached the 75 threshold to qualify for the trip to Florida. So drop me some notes. Ray
send your notes to: Ted heutsche 2137 East howe Road dewitt, MI 48820 517-669-4005 E-mail: [email protected]
Three standing ovations, numerous speeches, a Lemieux jersey, a Roethlisberger jersey, a Jason Brey jersey and a Steelers jersey with the number one on the back highlighted the retirement dinner for The Boss, Ed Christy. After 27 years of helping Western Pennsylvania teachers negotiate contracts and settle disputes, the big guy stepped down. During the course of the evening, I realized a whole new line of work was opening for this class columnist. I am willing, for travel expenses and a free meal, to attend any classmates retirement dinner to give a review and a few kind words about the honoree in this great column. Just e-mail me [email protected] for details. ... Allan Toomeys note about his life after retirement was also alluring. Fulfilling a lifetime dream Allan went to Ireland to play golf at six great courses including Ballybunion, my favorite. He also played Carne, Belmullet; Enniscrone; Rosses Point, County Silgo; Doonbeg and Lahinch. He didnt ask me to follow along to take notes. All retirees of the Class of 1969 please keep this service of mine in mind as I will never ever to be able to retire myself because of a misspent youth. Alan also attended something called the New Braunfels wurstfest in San Antonio with Bill Kirk, another semi-retired class member. ... Last column it was a classmate off to work for the president of the United States. This month Joseph Hannigan shows off our class intellectual powers. Joe is not only the director of executive education at the Northwestern School of Law; he is also the associate director of executive education for the Kellogg School of Management. Two of the best schools in their respected fields. Joe also teaches executives in the FBI and U.S. Intelligence Community. I dont think Joe can retire he is helping too many important things. Joe is married and has four wonderful children. Joe, thanks for the note and any chance you can get me in Northwesterns Law School? ... My wonderful daughter is getting married in July to a wonderful young man but I am looking for suggestions. This wedding stuff is wearing me down: flowers, cake, music, programs, church music, slide shows, menu, photographers, wedding shows, dress for the wedding, dress for the receptions, etc. etc. If anyone reading this column has suggestions on how to survive all this craziness, please send me an e-mail. Please send information about weddings, grandchildren, etc. I will also attend weddings etc. for travel expenses. ... Take care. All my best to you and yours. Dont forget to support the JCU Carroll Fund. Every gift is important. Grimmer
Rich Harkey [email protected] e-mailed me on a sure sign of aging, his golf handicap is no longer in single digits. Stating that his driving and fairway wood accuracy and distance are good in the high altitude Utah Rocky Mountains, the dreaded three putt has reared its ugly head. Rich also sent his review of the DAT reunion held at Flannerys in downtown Cleveland in December. The event had the largest turnout ever. Among the attendees: Terry Wichmann, president of an advertising agency in Cleveland, received a platinum award for perfect attendance in all the years following graduation. Terry is busy in the grandfathering stage of his life, and proudly displayed pictures of Ben, Mary Kate, and Jake. Terry and wife, Mary, live in Westlake. Paul Antonin, retired English teacher and noted historian attended. Pat Murphy (a real estate magnate on Clevelands West Side) attended, also proudly displaying pictures of his four grandchildren. Rick Sabolik, retired Big 4 audit partner of Plano, TX, advised that he had every intention of attending, but scheduled hip surgery at the last minute. E-mail Rich Harkey if you need an invitation for the 2006 reunion. ... John ONeil [email protected] e-mailed that after 30 years or so in public accounting, hes retiring from the CPA firm of Plante & Moran. His retirement plans center around learning to think like a trout. He also sent some news about our Toledo classmates: Wayne Milewski is still doing his music gig, but after years of pushing 280 pounds, Wayne went on a massive shape-up program on his own. He is now just under 200, and looks very good but the resulting new wardrobe cut into his funding a bit. ... Marty Mohler continues as the successful lawyer. One of his partners is the father of Katie Holmes (not kidding), aka Tom Cruises fiance. Marty indicates that, for a minor fee, he will pass along the real gossip. John Moon Mullin has surfaced in St. Louis after a three-year disappearance (from Toledo folks anyway). For anyone who knew Moon, he has not changed (John said you will understand). ... Dick Ray [email protected] e-mailed that since school days, ROTC, and a short active duty stint, he has been in the flat rolled steel business in the Grosse Pointe, MI, area for the past 35 years. Dick and his wife, Clarinda, have raised four kids two graduated U Dayton and two still at DePaul in Chicago. ... Sue Eagan [email protected] e-mailed that she attended the alumni homecoming Mass and brunch at JCU on Sunday, October 2, and that on October 11 she was deeply honored to represent our class in the inaugural parade for the installation of Fr. Niehoff. ... News from the alumni office: Jack OConnell [email protected] is enjoying his first year of retirement by spending the winter in Florida ... Marcos Ionescu marcos. [email protected] has his Ph.D. from CUNY ... James L. Fay [email protected] is living in Norfolk, MA, with his wife, Sherrie, and is president of James L. Fay Associates ... Vytautas K. Dailide [email protected] is living in Canton, MI, with his wife, Nancy, working for Norfolk Southern Transportation in Dearborn, MI. He and Nancy have
five children ... Gerri Hura huragm@buffalostate. edu is an asst. professor at Buffalo State University. ... Reunion Tidbit: Greg Ganslen gganslen@ and his wife, Sharon, celebrated Mass at ND and had lunch with the celebrant, Father Ed Mehok, who just happened to concelebrate their wedding Mass on June 26, 1971. At Reunion, Greg discovered that he was the only one that entered the military after graduation who stayed on active duty and retired after 20 years. ... Keep the news coming, Ted
send your notes to: Tom and rosemary Costello 716 West vermont ave. urbana, Il 61801-4827 217-344-2076 E-mail: [email protected]
send your notes to: John M. Marcus 5707 Trafton Pl. Bethesda, Md 20817-3738 202-296-0901 E-mail: [email protected]
I was thrown by this one. The letter begins: You probably dont remember me, but Im the tall slender fellow that spoke at the 20th reunion. I
JohN CaRRoll uNIvERsITy WINTER 2006
had to think whether weve HAD our twentieth reunion. Yes ... wasnt Gregg get me the step stool cause I have something to say Gianpetro the MC that night? Hes been stationed in Minneapolis for, like, 20 years. Figure the colds getting to him, delusional, you know. Anyway, he complains that all I ever write is about people from Cleveland, Chicago, London, so he decided to write. Reported that Tim Franzinger and wife, Clare, came up to watch the Minnesota/OSU football game. Tims son plays fullback for OSU 62 and 245 pounds which is exactly like his father (with Gianpetro on his back) and runs the 40 in about 3.2, according to Peeps. Gregg writes that hes been ...happily married for 31 years 15 of the best years of his life and wonders if Ellen Wasmer 73 still thinks about him. (Note: Gregg, find shelter from the cold!) ... Now, for the news from Cleveland, Chicago and London. First, Sir Francis Palamara Googled Marty Lindstrom and found that he helped save a life. Seems there was a car accident, and a witness called 911. After five minutes there was no response, so they called Marty, who runs a pub next to the rescue squad. Marty, the bartender from the Balboa, ran down the street and told us there was an accident and to hurry, the rescue workers reported.... Another Marty, our Hall of Fame soccer star Marty Schreiber, has been named chairman of the Cleveland Clinics Department of Nephrology and Hypertension. Hes heading up a team of 70 that was ranked sixth in the world by U.S. News. In 2004 Marty was featured as one of the Top Doctors in Ohio by Cleveland magazine. ... Mike Mulkeen wrote me a 16 word e-mail mentioning Mike 71 and Nancy 73 Faems moving to Jackson Hole, WY. Ive heard Mulkeen call out more words at the line of scrimmage, but brief is better than none at all. Well Mike, I heard the same news from Mike and Nancy. As to Nancy and me, wrote Mike, we are out in Jackson Hole now. Were establishing residency here, though well keep a small place in Glenview for family and friend visits. My contract was up with my last agency in August of 04 and I didnt want 10 more years of advertising. I gave myself a year to figure out what to do next. When that was up, I gave myself another year. I have six months left. Until then, Ill continue being the worlds oldest ski bum, and amateur race car driver. Nancy is doing great, and loves doting on our two granddaughters. Whod a thunk wed be grandparents? We see Don 70 and Donna (Bowen) Brown, Howie Burgh 70, and the Wackeys (Jim 71 and Laura 73 Mackey) a lot; Harky (Pat Herald 69), Soph (Ken Sophie), Sandrick (Ed 70), Spike (Mike Mulkeen) and Hags (John Hagerty 71) fairly regularly; and (Bill) Sixsmith, (Rich) Cisek occasionally and Cavy (Tom Cavanagh) and Bergey (no real names needed) at Bergeys annual poker tournament. Thanks for the note, Mike and may it snow in the summer out there! Thats it for this time. Send gossip. Take care, JM
send your notes to: dave robinson 3963 oakland hills dr. Bloomfield hills, MI 48301 248-642-9615 (h) 800-240-3866 (fax) E-mail: [email protected]
Don Kuratko, has moved to Indiana University, and serves on its faculty as director of the Entrepreneurship Program in the Kelley School of Business fulfilling a personal goal to work at a Big Ten University. Prior to IU, Don created and led Ball State Universitys Entrepreneurship Program from scratch to #4 in the nation. Don has written 22 books and 150 journal articles on the subject, and one of his textbooks has become the leading book at universities across the globe on the topic. Don and his wife, Debbie, have two daughters, Christina (21) is in her 3rd year as a telecommunications major at Ball State University; and Kellie (17) is a junior at Bloomington South HS, where she stars in soccer and tennis. Don and Debbie celebrated their 26th anniversary in December. Don invited Terry Dwyer to speak to his MBA students at IU last fall, and reported TD was outstanding. Terry lives in Indianapolis with his wife, Gay, and their son, Michael (6). ... Phil and Chris Niedzielski-Eichner celebrated their 31st wedding anniversary in 2005. Phil is the director of the energy, science, and technology consulting practice for Serco, Inc. an international consulting firm. He is also an elected official and serves as the chairman of the Fairfax County Virginia School Board, the 12th largest public school system in the nation that serves 165,000 students. ... On the newswire, Dr. Jack Kleinhenz was recognized by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago in December for his forecast on the REAL GDP. Jack is the CEO of Kleinhenz & Associates, a business and economic consulting firm based in Cleveland. Jack is a member of the Governor of Ohio Council of Economic Advisors, board director of Notre Dame College and corporate director for Beverage Distributors, Inc. Jack is regularly called upon for his expertise by local and national media to offer insight on business and regional economic issues. He teaches economics as a faculty member of Case Western Reserve Universitys Weatherhead School of Management. ... James Vilt, MD, is the medical director for Harmony Healthcare, a multi-specialty outpatient mental health and addictions treatment clinic in Las Vegas. James and his wife, Claudia, have two children, James Jr. (34) and Damiano (14). ... E-mail is a wonderful and easy way to keep in touch. Send or call me with an update I can share. Robby
and her family are thriving in Richardson, TX. She also forwarded a picture with her husband and sons taken on a recent cruise. A good-looking bunch. No over boards reported. ... Rather than go overboard myself and, as I once did, invent some interesting news, Im throwing the ball in your courts. Its time to pass on this column. Its a good way to keep in touch with your classmates and attempt to relive those JCU days (and nights). The rewards are out of this world and compensation is from on high. So if you are interested in becoming our class columnist, jump right in and either contact the [email protected] or me. ... Nancy
send your notes to: diane Coolican Gaggin 118 Elm st. Fayetteville, Ny 13066 E-mail: [email protected]
send your notes to: nancy hudec 9101 Chippewa Rd. Brecksville, oh 44141-8297 440-526-8297 E-mail: [email protected]
send your notes to: Gerry o. Patno 13421 Merl ave. lakewood, oh 44107-2707 216-410-0129 E-mail: [email protected]
No news is good news; if you cant say something nice dont say anything at all; all is quiet on the Western (Eastern, Southern and Northern) front. Any way you slice it, Im short on news, views and interesting to-dos from our class. ... Molly (Spellman) Curl did report in with word that she
with rain/water/beside the white/ chickens. scholars write many words explaining those words, but it would not be far off to say they are an engaging way of saying God is in the details. schultz poetically harrumphs yes, but, and testifies that its essential to stand the barrow on end so it does not get glazed with rain because the wheelbarrow is crucial to chores and you dont want to get it rusted since, ...if his wheelbarrow is falling apart, his place is probably falling apart too. Which is to say, sort of, that poetry is all well and good, but dave and Mary live the life dave writes about and keeping rust off that life is a big deal.
caught in your hair. ... Rust-focused dave offers a treasure of poems, stories, anecdotes on the warm and cold facts of living in the woods. The books are worth a look. a scatter of excerpts are on the web site, but schultz offers a wealth of wonders (Geese, $20; Dreamer, $10; Ditties, $5 full list on Web) obtainable by sending a check and return address to Fred Press/Box 333/Creston oh 44217. Meanwhile, dave sums: I try to write books of joy; they are almost like meditations. ultimately, you do it out of love.
More information is available, see Schultz at
JohN CaRRoll uNIvERsITy WINTER 2006 JohN CaRRoll uNIvERsITy WINTER 2006
45 45
sulting firm. ... Thanks to Rick rbar@comcast. net and Kathy Baranski for keeping me up on the warmth of South Florida, especially in January when it was below zero here in NY! Save me a cabana. ... As press time arrived, I received news of the death of our classmate Nancy Olson. Nancy was a poli sci major at JCU, and then went on to get her JD from Cleveland-Marshall College of Law in 1980. Our condolences go out to her husband, Paul Wiencek, her family and friends. ... Until next time when I expect to have a long list of names attending the Reunion, I remain, as always, Cools
send your notes to: nancy agacinski 4009 Washington Blvd., #3 university heights, oh 44118-3865 216-932-2824 E-mail: [email protected]
send your notes to: dennis J. lane 8144 Winding Ross Way Ellicott City, Md 21043 E-mail: [email protected]
The first person I heard from after the last column was Mike Perry. Mike writes that he is living in Mentor, OH, with wife of 27 years, Lucille. They have four children, two of whom have already graduated college, one still in college and one in junior high school. Mike mentioned that he recently attended a Delta Alpha Theta reunion in Cleveland. No further details were provided on those festivities. ... Mike asked if I knew the whereabouts of Mike Duke McCarthy. The alumni office has him in Wilmette, IL, but not much else. I checked in with my back-up researcher on lost alums, John JR Rutherford to see if he could add any info. JR fired back an e-mail saying that he ran into him in an Italian restaurant on 56th Street in New York City last year. So there you go. I guess we need to hear from Mike McCarthy now. ... I also heard from Susan Bergquist. You may recall that I singled Sue out in last months column to see if I could generate a response from her. It worked. It seems that Susan is busy turning teenagers onto the classics in literature: Shakespeare and Poe, Cervantes and Twain. She writes that she is working with multicultural, multiethnic, inner-city kids. She thinks that next year she may end up in the principals office though. No surprise there. Sue invites all JCU friends to feel free to send her an e-mail at [email protected]. Susan asked if I could find out anything about Leslie Koczur. She was always a blast, funny and wonderful. I havent seen her in forever and, with my erratic reading of our Class Notes, may have missed what shes up to now. Well Sue, you picked a tough one. My handy little excel spreadsheet with all the class information has absolutely zero, zip, nothing on Leslie. If anyone reading this has anything to share please do so. ... And speaking of zero, zip, nothing, I didnt get any response from my rumor about Peter Gailey raising emus in Encinitas. Nothing yet from Peter Norton either. So the missing persons file now contains two Peters and a Leslie. Stay tuned. Dennis
John Ehrman wrote to say that he is getting married to Elizabeth Justen on April 15th in Houston. The children population in the Ehrmans home will be increasing from one to five! Wow! What a jump! Elizabeths four children: Angela (18), Audrey (14), Chris and Josh (12 year-old twin boys) will be joining Johns son. Johns son, John, has been accepted to the USMC Officer Corps training at Quantico for the summer. The Ehrmans plan to be in the Cleveland area for Homecoming this fall. We hope to see yall then! ... Went to a reception for Father Niehoff at JCU last fall. It was great to meet him hes such a wonderful speaker. Ran into Jim Dolak there. Jim is an anesthesiologist with the Cleveland Clinic in obstetrics and gynecology. He loves his work and enjoys seeing all those wonderful little babies. ... Norm and Mary Riley and their clan have moved to Bay Village. ... Chris and Nancy Coburns daughter, Carolyn, will be attending Georgetown this coming fall. ... Thats all the news for now. Please call or write and let us know what you and yours have been up to. Happy days, Nancy
send your notes to: Matt holtz 22487 laramie dr. Rocky River, oh 44116 440-331-1759 E-mail: [email protected]
Spring training is in full force and baseball is around the corner. Get ready to dust off your golf clubs. ... During the past holidays I had the opportunity to chat with Bruce Lockhart and his wife, Kathy. Our topics touched everything from former classmates, to the cost of education, to the great food that we had the opportunity to sample at Theresa Fortunatos 89 holiday gathering. ... I hear that Kevin Tighe has taken a position at a community college as an HR compliance manager in sunny North Carolina along with his normal duties as product tester for Golf Digest. ... Scott Heran reports that Rick Chelko surprised his wife with a gala 25th wedding celebration. Scott and his wife, Teresa Goodrich 81, will also celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary in July of this year. Others in attendance included John Moeschberger and his wife Mariann Nemeth Moeschberger 81 along with Bruce and Kathy Lockhart. ... Thanks for the notes. Talk to you soon, MFH
Hello class of 1981! Im going to repeat myself, but this a Reunion year. Not just any reunion but our 25th! We have 503 people in our class. If 113 are in attendance for our reunion, we will break the all time attendance record held by the class of 1977 at a 25th Reunion. We can do it! Just a few reminders about the weekend so you can begin planning Reunion will be June 23-25, the weekend AFTER Fathers Day. Please bring your spouse, special friend or significant other. And dont forget the kids. There are wonderful age-appropriate activities all weekend for them to enjoy. If you want to know more about Reunion, please check the web site at http://www. ... Without further delay, I heard from some classmates. John Capka and his wife, Christine 83, live in North Royalton, OH. John is the CFO of Business Banking for KeyBank N.A. Get in touch with him capka@yahoo. com to make plans to meet at Reunion. ... And I was so happy to hear from Beth Paolella Alves. She works for Regency Hospital Company as the director of human resources. Beth [email protected] lives in Cuyahoga Falls with her husband, Bruce, and daughter, Caitlin Rose. ... Oh, how I love reunion years because I get so many updates! I also heard from Peter and Amy Kocis Carroll. They live in Rocky River, OH, with their three children, Peter (13), Colleen (10) and Christopher (9). Amy works as a comptroller for Once Upon a Time and Peter is an account manager for Brush Wellman. If youd like to know if they are bringing their children for the family luncheon during Reunion Weekend, you can write to them at [email protected]. ... Debbie Tighe Branic and her husband, Greg 80, live in Strongsville, OH [email protected]. They have three daughters, Katie (16), Molly (13) and Emily (11). ... And last, but not least, I heard from a classmate in Texas. Richard Corcoran, Jr., the endowment director for the Circle Ten Council, for the Boy Scouts of America [email protected]. He is attempting to raise $70 million for an endowment initiative for his council in Plano. This has never been done before in the history of the BSA. Good Luck, Richard. ... Speaking about fundraising, lets make this a record breaking class gift year, too. First and foremost, we want you to come back to John Carroll University, to see old friends, explore the changes on campus and to have fun. But to continue the traditions at JCU as we know and love them, the university counts on our class gift. So, please, dig deep and be generous! Hal Hawk [email protected] has agreed to be our gift chairperson. If you have any questions, please e-mail him. ... God Bless and best wishes for a happy, healthy New Year. Julie
send your notes to: Tim Freeman 334 N. Catherine ave. laGrange Park, Il 60526 773-975-6909 (w) 708-579-9075 (h) E-mail: [email protected]
send your notes to: Julie sanner hepfer 406 hunt Club dr. st. Charles, Il 60174 630-586-3367 E-mail: [email protected]
send your notes to: Paul hulseman 120 Evergreen ln. Winnetka, Il 60093 847-867-9322 (c) E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]
Greetings from Chicago! One of the highlights of my Christmas season is looking at the beautiful Christmas cards especially the ones with family pictures. This season did not disappoint, with tremendous shots of the growing Petnuch, Donelan and Kusner clans. Ron and Sue Petnuchs card was from one of their daughters wedding last summer. Is it possible to be hitting
that stage already for the class of 1982? ... Every year I am amazed at how much our Beaudry Award recipients three boys look like their dad handsome! Mary Kay Merk-Kusner and her doctor hubby, Dave 80, are also blessed with one beautiful daughter, Anna you will never see a more contagious smile. Mary Kay always includes a holiday letter to update us on the happenings for the Kusner tribe in Iowa City. ... Speaking of holiday letters, Char Murawa Donelans note let us know that Char is in school again. While she says its a Mommy & Me class for her youngest, Michael, we all can read between the lines. Char and Bob 80, live in Newark, OH, and are managing to survive three boys and one girl. Char did not mention anything in her Christmas letter about her ex-roommate, Katie Carpenter Roses, 45th birthday on December 13. Must have been an oversight. ... Matt Keresman, Nick Burlij and Jim Holler seem to be getting together frequently to keep those Alpha Kappa Psi dreams alive. The last reunion in the fall included a five-mile run through Philadelphia Ive been thinking about the movie, Rocky, ever since. ... Nancy Pryatel Klingshirn dropped me an e-mail in January (hint, hint). She is back at JCU teaching legal environment part time. Nancy got her law degree from OSU and has an LLM (Tax) from Case Western. She and her husband live in Hudson, OH, and they are raising three kids Justin (17), Kevin (15), and Lauren (13). ... I was back on campus in December and the place was just beautiful. Cleveland had a lot of snow before Christmas and a quick walk around the quad one evening brought back wonderful memories of Christmas Carroll Evening. It was finals week when I was there and that brought back a completely different set of memories, too. Does anybody remember the big finals week snowball fight outside Murphy Hall? ... I need updates from classmates. Please take a minute and drop me a line. Onward on! Paul
83 84
send your notes to: Tony Pallotta 31507 drake dr. Bay village, oh 44140 440-892-4766 E-mail: [email protected] send your notes to: don damore 29570 dorchester dr. North olmsted, oh 44070 440-235-1323 E-mail: [email protected]
Perhaps everyone had enough of the over 40 jokes, so a classmate e-mailed in this new line of humor: You know you are living in the year 2006 when ... you have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of three ... you havent played solitaire with real cards in years ... you e-mail the person who works at the desk next to you ... you accidentally enter your password on the microwave ... your reason for not staying in touch with friends and family is that they dont have e-mail addresses. (Now that last one is one that no classmate could use for not writing in to this column!) You know what I noticed myself? The more recent classes from the 90s in this alumni magazine dont even include their postal address
or phone number at the head of the column! They just give their e-mail address! I sound like the old grandpa reminiscing about back in the day, but back in the day when I started doing this column 22 years ago, why I had to write the column with a pen and paper and put it in an envelope with a stamp on it. Then in the early nineties I got into the high tech thing and put a column typed out as a text document and saved it on a floppy disk that I mailed in an envelope to the magazine staff. (And they even mailed me back the disk each time, because a floppy had actual value back then!) Now days I receive almost all my news from e-mail and I am grateful I can submit it via e-mail at the last possible moment. ... Sue (Divane) Donnelly is living in Inverness, IL, with husband Bill 83 and four kids Connaught (18), Kevin (15), Grace (12), and Libby (12). ... Orlo Coots dropped a note about some class visitors to the Sugar Hill Inn that he owns and runs with wife Judy Sarnosky-Coots in Sugar Hill, Matt Koenig 85 and bride, Jessica Merry. NH. IPT Fraternity brothers Tim Tabar, Dr. John Christmas, Channel 2 news in Chicago did a segDudich, and Chris Rogers 86 all came to the Inn ment about the Gilleran twin phenomenon. It aired for a weekend visit recently. They had a great time that night. Deb and John have gone Hollywood on catching up on each others families, rememberus! ... Moving on, Aggie Nagy wed Tim Basler on ing good times at JCU and exploring the hiking August 27 at Notre Dame College Chapel. Aggie trails and scenic drives of the Franconia Notch looked beautiful as the petite bride standing next area. Tim is in Akron, Dr. John lives in Wheeling, to her new 6 7 husband! The reception was held WV, and Chris is in Long Island, NY. Orlo says: at Mayfield Country Club and the sun decided to Its been much too long between visits. I will make an appearance just as the reception began. hopefully make it to Cleveland in January to visit Some of the JCUers in attendance were: Kathy some other friends from the class of 84. Some and Bill Battistone 83, Kevin 82 and Ann (Joyce) big news from Orlo: on January 14, 2006 he was Durkin 84, Mary Pat (Bluemle) Maretz, Carol featured on Bostons NECN-TV Cooking with Buns (Brennan) Joseph, Nancy (Grimes) Couto Costa program. I watched the segment on the 84, Liz (Nau) Montgomery 84, Deb Solyan 84 web site and chef Orlo did a wonderand yours truly. Honestly, it was so much fun! Liz ful job preparing lamb with bread pudding. They had our table in stitches with some retro Liz also showed some shots of his Inn so if it is still stories and Deb Solyans laugh kept making me available on the web you might check that out laugh harder. We danced all night to an incredonline video. ... Did you have a mini reunion or apible band and no one had more fun than the bride pear on TV lately like Orlo? You know we all want herself. Aggie definitely went out with a bang! ... to hear about it! E it in. Don As far as the Chicago crowd, I see Flash, Egan and send your notes to: Deb fairly regularly. I also see Jim Donahue in diane (nerem) Wendel the neighborhood quite a bit. ... I had the pleasure 629 Quaker Road Rte 120 of tipping a few back with The Don, Matt The Chappaqua, Ny 10514-1507 Cat Collins 86, and Sean Men McAndrews 914-238-2227 in Chicago a few months ago. Men entertained E-mail: [email protected] the Irish Times pub crowd with his infamous Men Dance. Cat planned the Chicago road trip to make up for missing Reunion. He knows better Maureen McDonough Curley sent in an update next time! I, Maureen McDonough Curley, am still from Chi-Town reporting the following, John happily residing in Western Springs, IL, with my and Debbie (Gilleran) Frain are the proud parents hubbie, Dan, and three kids, Mary Kate (12), Jack of newborn twins! Stella and Teagan Frain joined (7) and Tim (5). ... Buddy OBrien reports that their three older siblings on November 16, 2005. wife Barb and boys, Buddy III (4) and Harrison (1) The Frain twins will be right at home with their are doing great in their new home in Wilmette, IL. cousins, as they make the fourth set of twins in He stays in touch with fellow IXYs John Wagner the Gilleran family! Patty Gilleran has two sets and John Joyce often. ... He recently spoke with of twins, Meg (Peggy) (Gilleran) Rademaker 88 Joe Cortina and life is treating him well in Colohas one and Debs new bundles complete the rado. ... Lastly, John Mullally is director of Sprint foursome. All of them are under the age of five, Nextel Corporation residing in Reston, VA, with his by the way. The Frains hosted a Christmas party wife, Molly, and three children Jack (9), Matt (8) three weeks after the twins were born and Kathy and Will (4). John wrote, I saw the great pics on (Egan) Ecklund and I made the trek to the North line from Reunion; particularly those from my old side to meet the newest members of the Frain roomies Jim Donahue, Vince Brennan, and The family. They are adorable! Kathy and I were put to Seans. Looked like a blast. Unfortunately, I could work feeding and burping the twins while Deb and not make it this year due to a family wedding here John worked the crowd. There must have been in D.C. I am looking forward to the big two-five 100 kids at this party (not to mention the four sets and seeing everyone again. xo Diane of twins). Kathy and I were glad to go home with our potty-trained brood. Anyway, the day after
JohN CaRRoll uNIvERsITy WINTER 2006
send your notes to: Belinda Glavic Grassi 6815 Edinboro Pl. Concord Township, oh 44077 440-352-2231 440-352-2232 (fax) E-mail: [email protected]
you all about Jon Mezzopera, Frank Uhlir, Jim Grazko, Maureen (McCoy) Spooner, and Silvia Grava. Geez, I have to confer with them first before I tell you all their news! ... Until next time ... Caio! Belinda
send your notes to: sue Farinacci Grazia 10338 loreto Ridge dr. Willoughby, oh 44094-9547 440-256-0338 E-mail: [email protected]
Hi Class of 87. I hope your new year is off to a great start! We had a wonderful Christmas with special friends and family and I am looking forward to more time spent with them. I did not receive many e-mails for this column, but will update you on who I heard from. ... Kathy Alcorn (Hromco) is living in Cleveland Hts., OH, with her husband, Justin, and their six children Jared (12), Bradford (11), Brendan (9), Gavin (7), Graeme (5) and Marin (2). She writes that she is busy raising her six children, working as a therapist in psychiatry at The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, volunteering for Heights Parent Center, and teaching PSR at St. Dominics. On top of all that, they are lovingly restoring their century home. ... Dennis Casey is now residing in Orland Park, IL, with his family. They made the move in October. ... I was so excited to see Tom Collins and wife, Catherine, (Meehan 88) last week at a get-together at the Powers residence. They have five beautiful children and are living in Chagrin Falls, OH. Tommy is a doctor in the emergency room at MetroGeneral Hospital. ... Also, my brother-in-law, Tom Powers, who hosted the evening with his wife, Fran (Farinacci 88), just joined V.O. Baker Co. in the area of sales and consulting. Tom and Fran continue to make Kirtland, OH, their home along with their four children Isabella (8), Grace (6.5), Tommy (5), and Liam (3). ... Please let me know how things are with you and your families. God Bless and Happy New Year, Sue
(specialists in packaging difficult to ship items) and opened a store in Eastlake, OH, on December 12. He and his wife will both work together and their business will service the entire Cleveland market. Best of luck and stop in and see Doug if youre in the Eastlake area. ... Congrats to Mary (Baugh) Martin and her husband, Tim, who welcomed a new addition to their family, daughter Megan! ... We asked for an update from Erie and thank you Erin (Doolin) Fessler for filling us in. Erin and her husband, Don, live in Erie and have two girls Emily (9) and Julia (5). She keeps in contact with Brian Brugger. She reports that Brian and his wife, Beth, welcomed Ethan Leo into their family this year. We would love to hear from Brian as well as the reported family expansion news from Chris (Menke) Mingus, Sue (Najjar) Cadwallader and Dave Williams? As Erin pointed out, we are almost 40 and still building up more potential JCU alumni! ... Don Moracz is a law partner at Reminger & Reminger, Co. He and his wife, Molly (Spisak) Moracz 90, live in Avon Lake and have two children, Brian (10) and Elizabeth (8). ... Cindy Sech also wrote about her adventures in Atlanta. Cindys career continues to soar and each new promotion takes her to different areas throughout the South. She recently got together with Michelle LoSchiavo and Peggy (Carlin) Sparrow for a girls weekend filled with laughs. Michelle renovated a home that Cindy reports should be in a magazine. Peggy and her husband, Vincent, live in Lake Bluff, IL, with their children. ... Thanks for the great updates and keep them coming! Kathy and Jamie
send your notes to: david Gassman 3996 astoria Way avon, oh 44011 440-934-0366 E-mail: [email protected]
send your notes to: Jamie Jamison 7072 kildeer Rd. Canfield, oh 44406 330-702-1965 E-mail: [email protected] Kathy reali Matthews 28012 W oviatt Rd. Cleveland, oh 44140-2145 440-871-7283 E-mail: [email protected]
Happy 2006! Many of us (some are already there) will hit the big 40 this year! A small milestone for some and a real turning point for others. Whether its completing a marathon, a change in your career, or a new addition, we would love to hear how you plan to embrace 40. One classmate who plans to embrace this year in a big way is Doug Dickason. Doug wrote that he and his wife, Kathy, have been married for 14 years, and they live in Lyndhurst with Steven (4). After 15 years with a Cleveland based industrial distributor, Doug got the bug to do something for himself. He recently acquired a Navis Pack & Ship franchise
Greetings Streaks and lets get right into the good stuff ... Kathleen Zuccaro Guzzi married her neighbor, David, in May of 2002 and now lives in Broadview Heights; Kathleen has a daughter, Makena, born April of 04 and another on the way in March of this year. She is the director of the annual and special giving fund for Hawken School and completes her eighth year at Hawken and 17th in the fundraising arena kguzz@hawken. edu. ... Laura Moreschi Asseff is living in Akron with her husband, Steve, and children Jonathan (8), Nicholas (5), Ben (3) and Patrick (6 mos.). She is a unit leader for Creative Memories working from home [email protected]. ... Susan Swyt [email protected] checks in from Dublin, OH, where she lives with her husband, William Marek, and children Chris (8) and Timothy (2). ... Michelle Conkle is in Atlanta and has been there since 1998 where her job in sales continues to go well with major growth in her department that only seems to keep getting larger. Michelle had surgery on knee #1 after Thanksgiving and if all goes well will have #2 done in early 2006 [email protected]. ... After months of me badgering, Brian Albenze has answered the bell. Hes been in Denver since February 05 with his wife, Lisa, and children Olivia (8) and Rachel (4). Brian spent 13 years in the D.C. area and now goes by the shooter title of president, Pin-
nacle Distribution [email protected]. Brian regularly hears from Phil Pruner who lives in Atlanta and has three boys (your turn Phil). Brian gets together for a golf outing every year with Dave Tolchin 88, Ted Arcand, Jeff King 88, John Reali 90, Tony DeCarlo 88, Mike Hogue 88, Mike Rozic 92 and Bill Bishop 92; now that is one golf outing I need to attend, only goldchain Sean Cain 88 is missing from that group. Brian also reports that Pat Connors is back from Kuwait and newly married; thanks for the news Brian and great hearing from you. ... Brian Donovan has released his childrens DVD to the public. I own a copy and my two and four year olds dig the MIGHTYME storyline and video. You can obtain your copy at Check it out and nice work, Brian. ... I received a short voice mail from Brian Sheridan who is still with GE but has moved to the Chicago area. drop me some more details when you get a chance Brian. ... Last but not least, Chris Pelinsky and wife, Jodie, welcomed child #2, Alex, who joined Sean at home in New Jersey. The Pelinskys recently bought a second home in Utah for skiing and lounging; sweet. ... I can only hope the holidays were as good to everyone as they were to my family; best to all in 2006 and keep the NEWS coming! Peace, David
send your notes to: Melissa Wenzler 4021 Wandsworth Road south Euclid, oh 44121 216-691-3759 E-mail: [email protected]
own dental practice. They have two children Jim (4) and Samantha (2). It turns out Jim is a pretty good golfer Frank played with him in a few two man tournaments and Jim won a Florida Golf Association Mid-Amateur event last year! Ah, one of the many benefits of living in Florida being able to hone your golf game! ... Mary Beth (Wolfe) Lindner mentioned that she runs into Barb (Muir) Radis occasionally. It turns out their children go to school together. Barb, drop me an e-mail would love to hear from you. ... Tim and Lynn (Flaherty 93) Kessel are living in Pittsburgh with their four children Jackson (7), Nolan (6), Garrett (4) and Anna (1). Tim works several days a week in Cleveland for Therm-All and Lynn is a stay at home mom. They keep in touch with Joe Palmesano, who is living in Florida; John Graham and Sean Nolan, who are in Chicago; Mel and Mary Lenhardt; who are in Detroit and Glenn Smith in Pittsburgh. ... Brian Adams is a physician in the ER at Robinson Memorial Hospital in Ravenna and at Lakewood Hospital. He is also serving in the Air Force Reserves. He and his wife, Eileen, are residing in Middleburg Heights with their five children Meghan (10), Joseph (9), Madeline (7), Brian (5), and Mary Margaret (3). ... Jay and Maria (LaPorte 89) Weidner are living in Downers Grove, IL. They have two girls Samantha (5) and Sara Jayne (2). ... Thanks everyone for the updates and until next time ... Cheers, Melissa
Hello class of 1990! Hope everyone had a wonderful and festive holiday season! Time to get ready for spring! Now that the doldrums of winter are melting ... dont forget to take a minute to e-mail me with any news. Your classmates want to hear what you are up to! ... Ran into Jean (Hetzer) Harsar at the annual JCU Breakfast with Santa! Her boys, Matthew and Michael, were helping wrap lots of cool presents! They are very cute little guys! ... Molly (Spisak) and Don 88 Moracz are living in Avon Lake. They have two children, Brian (10) and Elizabeth (8). ... Brigid (Reilly) Weiller is living in Zagreb, Croatia. She and her husband, Matthew, work for the U.S. Department of State. They have three children Maureen (12), John (10), and Terence (7). ... Frank Boensch gave me some updates. He and his wife, MJ, are living in Princeton with Sophia (2). He works as a Global Account director for Cable and Wireless. He travels frequently to the UK and Asia. Frank met up with Sean Marrie and his wife, Tammy, last fall while in D.C. They have two children, Kayla (14) and Tanner (12). He also often gets together with Michael Guenin either in NYC, Chicago or Dayton (when back at home). Michael and his wife, Nicole, are living in South Bend (Michael got his MBA from Notre Dame and stuck around he is running the South Bend branch of his familys business). They have two boys, Jack (4) and Grant (2) and are expecting baby number three this spring (I hear they are pulling for pink)! Frank also mentioned that he sees quite a bit of Jim and Monica (Bliss 89) Weick. They are living in Ft. Lauderdale Jim started his own law practice and Monica has her
send your notes to: Molly Coughlin Fanta 25107 Wildwood dr. Westlake, oh 44145 440-716-1749 E-mail: [email protected]
to Florida at Thanksgiving to visit my brother-inlaw, Mark Fanta 87. We had a great time and a wonderful visit. ... I ran into Mike and Bill Patterson at a game down at Iggy recently. ... Brett McNabb is residing in Medina. ... Michael Owen is in France, working for Magellan Ingenierie as the business development manager. ... D. Michael Heltzel is living in South Euclid with his wife, Barb, and two kids. He is the customer service manager for Plastic Safety Systems. ... Mark Rus is living in Mentor, OH, and is the asst. controller at UHHS-CSAHS Cuyahoga Inc. He has two children. ... Jeff Pawlowski is in Elgin, IL, in sales at Medtronic Sofamor Danek. ... Mary Thomas Leathley resides in Columbus, OH. She is the director of development at St. Stephens Community House. She is married to Scott. ... Mary Collins Szablowski resides in Virginia with husband, Paul 90, and three children. ... Sharon Niermann Berezne lives in Twinsburg, OH, and works at Jo-Ann Stores, Inc. as a team member relations representative. She was married in 2005 with many JCU grads in attendance at the wedding. She says Onward on John Carroll. Congratulations Sharon! ... Theresa Kepferle Wagerson lives in Florida but is planning a move to Michigan with her husband, Kevin, and two children. She is a regional portfolio manager for General Motors Corporation. ... Rori Marchini Hintze lives in Illinois. She is married and has two children. ... Brad Zediker lives in Pennsylvania with his wife and two children. He is a database analyst for AT&T as mentioned previously, check out his band called FUN MONEY in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Maryland. ... Christopher J. Schaeffer lives in Avon, OH, with his wife, Heather Ann (Wilson). They have two children. Chris works for the Cleveland Clinic as a radiology resident. ... Peter Siconolfi resides in Pennsylvania and is the vice president for Federated Investors. Peter has two children. ... Stan Rhodes resides in Medina, OH. He works for Jacobson Mfg. as a sales manager. He is married to Micha and has three children. ... Rob and Cathy (Herman 92) Powers are residing in Pittsburgh, PA, with their three children. They keep in touch with Bob Schaefer and his wife, Tammy. Bob is living in North Carolina and has three children. He works as a director of sales for Jacobsen Golf/Turf in Charlotte. If anyone from our class is living in the Charlotte area please contact me for his info.
GolF ouTING:
June 5, 2006, Sleepy Hollow Golf Course $125.00 Per Golfer Price includes continental breakfast, lunch, beer at the turn, one hour happy hour, dinner. there will be give-a-ways and prizes Dinner only: $50.00 For more information about the outing and information regarding hole sponsorships visit:
JohN CaRRoll uNIvERsITy WINTER 2006
... Thanks to all of you who write in. Keep talking up our Reunion and again, Onward on John Carroll. ... May God bless all of you with good health and much happiness in 2006. Fondly yours, Molly
send your notes to: Jim sislo 203 Marilyn ln. Eastlake, oh 44095-1561 440-269-1245 E-mail: [email protected]
They have two kids Conor (6) and Gavin (20 mos) and are expecting a third in May. Pat works for Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Rochester. Katie also told me that Jenn Frank Norris is home with Jack (3) and Joseph (1) and that Katie Fornes Drenik has Anthony (2) and is expecting in January. Katie works part time at Office Max Corporate Headquarters and is home part time. ... Mike Thomas and his wife, Sandy, welcomed another beautiful daughter, Audrey Katherine, born October 4. ... See you soon, Jim
I was fortunate to attend the inauguration of Father Robert Niehoff, SJ, in October. Our fellow classmate Joe Cimperman was one of a few distinguished speakers at the ceremony. Joe was also reelected to his seat on the Cleveland City Council in November. ... I was happy to hear that Chris McNulty and Jenna Soccorsi were married on September 17. Jenna graduated from Hillsdale in Michigan; she played soccer and ran track. She is a political fundraiser and works for the Ohio attorney general, Jim Petro. Jenna and Chris live in Columbus in German Village. Chris would also like to say hello to his old duplex mates: Dr. Brian McDermott, Dr. Pete Guzinski and of course Bill Stamp. Chris also wanted to say hello to Kess, Fitz, Gavin Geraci and Mike Thomas. We anxiously await their updates for the next class report! ... Ever wonder what our original class columnist is up to? Well wonder no more as I was delighted to hear that Megan Larkin Curry had a little girl, Molly Larkin Curry, on May 5. As Megan put it We are blessed to now have the perfect combination of a boy, Ryan (2.5), and girl, Molly (8 mos). The happy family still lives in Hudson and Megan is working for Eli Lilly in their Oncology Division. She has put her triathlons on hold for now ... however Megan often puts the children in the running stroller and manages to run some races from time to time. ... If you logged onto http:// a few months ago you would have discovered it was down. Well not to worry as Anton Zuiker, along with Tony DiMarias help, have secured and Please change your bookmarks, and help us update the site by adding your news. ... It was nice to receive an e-mail update from Mary Beth Fraser. Since graduating from our class she received a masters in U.S. womens history from Binghamton University (1994) and recently completed her Ph.D. in U.S. history from Catholic University of America (CUA). Mary Beth awaits the graduation ceremony in May 2006 where as she put it I get to don the fancy Ph.D. robes. Mary Beth got married in 2002 and goes by Mary Beth Fraser Connolly. She met husband, Michael, who is also a historian, at CUA. Since their wedding, they have lived in New Hampshire, where they taught at a local college. Now they live in Valparaiso, IN, and Michael is working full-time at Purdue University North Central. Mary Beth also teaches there as a lecturer. ... It seems that the JCU stork keeps delivering as Katie Clifford Kantz and her husband, Chris Kantz 91 have two kids, Danny (4) and Molly (2). Katie sees Karen Staropoli Crowe a lot. Karen lives in Rochester and has three girls Sarah (9), Grace (5), and Ellie (3). Karen stays in touch with Karen Donner Tehan, who also has three kids Patrick (7), Maire (5), and Rachel (2). Katie said that Pat Palleschi 91 and his wife, Katrina, moved five houses down. 50
JohN CaRRoll uNIvERsITy WINTER 2006
93 94
send your notes to: Julie reardon 12361 Woodridge dr. North Royalton, oh 44133 440-877-0939 E-mail: [email protected] send your notes to: Maureen McGuinness Clouse 1609 Marble Cove ln. denton, TX 76210 940-566-1361 940-369-8764 (fax) E-mail: [email protected]
Jason Craggs, Ph.D. lives in Gainesville, FL, with his wife, Christina. Jason earned his doctorate from the U. of Georgia in 2005. Congratulations! ... Jennifer Dietrick became engaged on New Years Eve 2005 to Dr. Ernest Marrone, II of Greenwich, CT. She lives in New York and works as a management supervisor for OgilvyOne Worldwide. Jennifer, please keep us up to date on the wedding plans! ... David and Lisa (Chrysler) Kocab welcomed their fourth child in December. That makes four boys. One more boy and you have a first string basketball team! David also started his own law practice. Sounds like the Kocabs are busy. ... Sarah (Kocian) Alzamora and her husband, Mike, welcomed their son, Robert Miller Alzamora, on July 1, 2005. The Alzamora family lives in Evanston, IL. ... Colleen Ward and her husband, Marc, also welcomed their fourth child this past year. Grace joins the crew of Jimmy (6), Mary-Kate (4), and Christian (2). ... As you can see the column this time is a little slim. As you read about the great things happening to Jason, Jennifer, Dave, Lisa, Sarah, and Colleen, know that we want to hear about you too! ... Luck to you always, Moe
send your notes to: annie (hummer) dePerro 4161 Glenmoor Rd. N.W. Canton, oh 44718 330-966-8845 E-mail: [email protected]
bike, 26.2 mile run). Lauren finished fourth in her 30-34 age group with a time of 10 hours, 22 minutes. Cheering her on were Laurens husband Kurt, daughter Bella (2), sister, mom, dad, aunt and uncle. I think future historians will be replacing pure, pious, passive and domestic with pure strength, agility and determination when it comes to our generation. ... We can be sure that these same qualities led former football captain of the 1994 OAC champs, John Browne, to his position as president and CEO of American Oil and Gas Coalition Inc. Living in Delray Beach, FL, with his two dogs, John is on the cutting edge of American business. JB credits God as the source of his success. His companys mission is to promote independence from foreign sources of oil and gas. JB says this is achieved by developing land that is mineral rich in North America and the Western Hemisphere, or by investigating and developing alternative sources. JBs highly profitable company helps support world charity efforts as well. Ten percent of company profits are dedicated to sponsoring needy children throughout the world through Compassion International. JCUs emphasis on community service motivated JB to make it a responsibility of his company to fight world injustices, in particular to defeat Joseph Kony and his guerrilla army in Southern Sudan and Northern Uganda that is responsible for slaughtering thousands of Christian men, women, and children. ... Someone else who is making the world her community is Victoria Insley, who lives in Hong Kong. As of this printing, Im not sure what she is doing there, but Im hoping shell tell us. ... Mary Beth Neel is living in Bay Village and working as the marketing director for Paran Management in Cleveland. ... Garett Brugger and his wife Jen (Sezon) 97 had twins on September 16. Graydon and Ellie were born healthy at 5.5 pounds each. They live in Erie, PA, where Garett works at his familys funeral business. ... Kelly Ann (Rochford) Daum and husband Scott Daum moved to Lake Forest, IL, with daughter Brielle (1.5). ... Ethan Lamb reports that he has two new loves in his life: fiance, Sarah, and his dog, Catie, whom he describes as a black and tan coon hound. Speaking of black and tan, for those of you who remember this infamous concoction of light and dark beers, how does one separate the beer? Perhaps I should be asking Anthony Hill, who is the district sales manager for Glazers Wine & Spirits in Houston, TX, ... Or maybe I should just head to the bar after I put my two kids to bed and ask my local friendly neighborhood bartender. After all, I wouldnt want to give the impression that Im living a Victorian-era lifestyle ... maybe next time Ill let you know what Im really up to. Until then, Annie
Ill never forget sitting through week after week of Dr. Mortons Women in U.S. History class and her lectures on the pure, pious, passive and domestic Victorian women of yesteryear. The phrase echoes unpleasantly in my head and somehow does not mesh with todays more enlightened not to mention strong women. Take Lauren (Colaizzi) Hebzler, for example. Her mom wrote in that the Pittsburgh native participated in the October 2005 Ironman World Triathlon Championship in Kona, Hawaii, (2.4 mile swim, 112 mile
Front row: Andy Titus and his wife, Tara; Gary Thompson and Karen Thompson Pascoe, Julie Kearney, Erik Chiprich and Jo Anna Maiorano Crago. In the back row are Dan Gindi 95. and Brian Crago (Jo Annas husband). mental health and substance abuse therapist. The photo from Karens wedding shows front row: Andy Titus and his wife, Tara; Gary and Karen, Julia Kearney, Erik Chiprich and Jo Anna Maiorano Crago. In the back row are Dan Gindi 95, and Brian Crago (Jo Annas husband). Karen writes that Julia Kearney, MD, is living in Manhattan and finishing her residency at Mt. Sinai. She recently took her pediatric boards and is now interviewing for jobs. She has a boyfriend she met while she was in Sri Lanka helping children recover from trauma after the tsunami. ... Erik Chiprich lives in Manhattan. He is working at Harris Nesbitt as a senior equity analyst. ... Andy Titus and his wife, Tara, live outside San Francisco. Andy is keeping himself busy working two jobs, one on the East Coast and one on the West. They are expecting their first child in June. ... Melissa Winberry Gleeson married Mat Gleeson in 99 and they have two children, Henry (2) and Pheobe (5 mos). Melissa is a social worker and lives in Chagrin Falls. ... Tracy Potts Winterich married Danny Winterich in 99 and they live in Toledo. Tracy is a physical therapist and Danny is a CSI. They are expecting their first child this spring. ... Jo Anna Maiorano Crago married Brian Crago in 02 and they are living in Mt. Lebanon, PA. Jo Anna is the director of recruiting at Resources Global Professionals. ... John Bartels married Kristen Savage Bartels 97 and they live in Cleveland Heights. They had their first child this past summer, Charles Charlie Christopher. John is expanding his business, Independent Advisors, Inc., into Naples, FL, and Kristen is enjoying being a mom and doing fitness training at home. ... Tara Clark Czamara is living in Amherst, NY, with her husband, Scott, and their two daughters Kaitlin (3.5) and Molly (1.5). Tara is working as a special education teacher in Buffalo. ... Chrissy Miller Bushnell lives in Fairport, NY, with her husband, Rob, and their two sons Andrew (3.5) and Jack (5 mos). Chrissy is a teacher. ... Stephanie May Potter and her husband, John, live in Chicago where both work for PricewaterhouseCoopers. Their son, Will, was born this past April. ... Debbie Roth Hawrylko and her husband, Greg, got married this past summer. They live in D.C., where Debbie works as an event planner at a private club. ... Bill Ridler is a sales manager with Castle Metals (a steel distributor he has been with for nine years). Earlier this year he and his wife, Melissa, relocated from Lyndhurst to the Cincinnati area. Together, they own a quaint dye-able shoe shop that specializes in bridal shoes and custom dyed footwear, check them out ... Tiffany Madar-Connelly and her husband welcomed their second child, Patrick Michael (6 lbs. 3oz., 18.5 inches) on July 5, 2005. He joins big sister Taitum who will be two in February. ... David Kelly and his wife welcomed their second child, Liam David, on June 8. Big sister, Emilia, turned two in September. The Kelly family has moved back to the Chicago area, living in the Naperville/Aurora area. David works for BBDO on the Dodge account. ... I received a lot more news but couldnt squeeze it all in, so look for more news next time! Amy
Hovorka and her husband recently had their first child, Logan, on August 13. She lives in Roswell, GA, and is doing a lot of volunteer work. ... Jen Sezon Brugger and her husband, Garett 95, had twins, Graydon and Ellie, in September. They live in Erie, PA. ... Robin (Spilka) Neorr moved to Columbus in May 2004 and married Patrick Neorr on August 27, 2005. Patrick does marketing and promotions in Ohio for Jack Daniels (Robin, I think you and Patrick just made several new friends). Those in the wedding from 97 were Jamie Barbour, Brian Eble, and Chad Fine, along with Christine (Krane) Balasko, 96, and Nicole Bourrillion, 94. Robin is fulfilling her dream of feeling like shes in college radio forever. Shes an account manager/marketing coordinator for CD101, an independently owned alternative station on the Web [email protected]. ... Our old pal Ernie Petti has been through some big changes since leaving JCU eight years ago. For one thing, hes now a liberal, goateed mountain climber who lives in California and works for Disney. You can even find his name in the credits for movies such as Reign of Fire, which came out a couple of years ago. Now we find out hes engaged to a girl named Aidess Domagas, whos from Los Angeles. ... Jeff Scoby lives in Newport Beach, CA, and is a sales manager for Sherwin-Williams. ... Bridget (Maloney) Chamberas [email protected] and her husband, Anthony, welcomed their first child, Thomas Francis, over the summer. ... Keep the news coming, and dont forget you can also send pictures if youd like ... Brian
send your notes to: Brian sparks 5011 oakes Rd. Brecksville, oh 44141 Phone: 440-746-0309 E-mail: [email protected]
Jeff Zukauckas is the promotions director for WTAM 1100, 96.5 Kiss FM, and 100.7 WWMS in Cleveland. He was recently nominated for a national Radio Music Award for Promotion/Marketing Director of the Year. If you live in Cleveland and listen to WTAM on the weekends, you can also hear Jeff on the air as one of the Prize Guys, along with fellow alum Pat Butler 01, on the Contest Show. Jeff says he catches up with former WJCU vets on occasion. ... Jamie (Bateman) Putinski lives in Mentor with her husband, Steve. She is teaching third grade at Center Elementary in Mayfield and had a baby girl, Alexa, last June. ... Gary Love returned November 4 from his second tour in Iraq, this time as a company commander out of Fort Bragg. He was able to bring all his soldiers home alive, despite operating throughout northern Iraq. Next, Gary will be in Columbus, where hell spend about two years working in the recruiting battalion. ... Tricia
Michael Lipinski, who received his law degree from Georgetown University Law Center in 2002 and then worked as a prosecuting attorney with the U.S. Office of Special Counsel in Washington, D.C., returned to Cleveland last summer and began working as an attorney with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. On July 16, he married Carrie Goglin; they live in Mentor, OH. ... Last fall I attended two beautiful weddings for a couple of good JCU friends. Kelly and Adam Mordock were married in Streetsboro, OH, on October 8. Carolyn (Sprague) Kucharski and I read at the wedding, and Dave Kucharski was a groomsman. Other JCU guests included Doug Coster and Jen Scherschel. Adam and Kelly honeymooned in Hawaii. They live in Beachwood, OH. Adam works for a small information technology consulting firm in the Cleveland area, and Kelly is a registered nurse at the Cleveland Clinic. ... Three weeks after Adam and Kellys Ohio wedding, Jen Scherschel and Mark Polston were married in Cary, IL, just west of Chicago. Carolyn (Sprague) Kucharski and Claudia Mooney were part of the wedding party. Other JCU guests at the October 29 wedding were Dave Kucharski, Jennifer (Westenberg) Jazynka and Adam Mordock. Jen and Mark honeymooned in Ireland and now live in Crystal Lake, IL. Last May Jen received her masters of library and information science degree from Dominican University, and she now works as a librarian
JohN CaRRoll uNIvERsITy WINTER 2006
in Chicagos Northwest suburbs. Mark is a manager for Chicago Indoor Racing. ... Congratulations to Karen and Doug Coster, who welcomed baby Madison Noel on December 2, 2005. Doug says he and Karen love having Madison in their lives. The Costers live in Cincinnati, OH, where Doug runs the operations of his family business and Karen teaches fourth grade in the Oak Hills School District. ... In December 2005, Ryan Cavanaugh was promoted to associate at the law firm of Kelley & Ferraro in Cleveland, OH. Ryan began with Kelley & Ferraro in 2002 as a law clerk. He graduated from the Cleveland-Marshall College of Law in 2005. ... I look forward to hearing from more of you in 2006. Please e-mail me so that I can share the many fun events happening in your lives with our classmates. And until next time, take care, Cherie
99 00
of Akin, Gump, Strauss. ... Susan (Marcellus) Ross and her husband, David, moved to Manhattan, KS, where Susan teaches reading in the Manhattan Public School District. Susan is working towards her M.Ed. in literacy and her husband is working towards his masters degree at Kansas State University. ... Patrick Heublein lives in Chicago and is a director for Thilman Filippini. ... Congrats to Nate and Shanna (Stonebrook) Botos who celebrated the birth of their first child, Isabelle Grace Botos, on April 20, 2005. Shanna is a pediatric nurse practitioner in University Heights and Nate sells defibrillators for Zoll Medical. They live in University Heights. ... Rich Stoddard married Erin Collins 99. Rich and Erin became the proud parents of Caitlin Erin in October. They live in Chicago. ... Erin (Fritz) Memo is due to have her first child in March of this year. Congratulations to all our classmates who are getting married, welcoming new children into the world or changing jobs! If you have photos, please e-mail them to us and we will do our best to get them in the next column. Take care and keep us informed ... Clare and Lisa
home and will be married in June. Laurie is an HR generalist for SS&G Financial Services, a CPA firm in Northeast Ohio. Laurie and Nick will miss the Reunion this summer because they will be celebrating their honeymoon. ... Speaking of the Reunion, if you havent marked your calendars yet, Reunion is June 23-25, 2006 plan to attend. If you want to participate in the planning, please contact me and I will provide you with the necessary information, if you have contact information for our lost classmates, please let me know Tamara Bivins, Deloris Davis, Oleg Kogan, Mary E. Maloney, Robert Matelski, Christopher G. Price, Andrew W. Rogers. You can update your mailing information on the alumni web site ... All the best to you, Maureen
send your notes to: lisa Foster 1808 Coventry Rd., #6 Cleveland heights, oh 44118 440-339-6572 Clare Taft 1808 Coventry Rd., #2 Cleveland heights, oh 44118 216-346-2209 E-mail: [email protected]
send your notes to: Gina Ferrara 5409 Finkman Blvd. st. louis, Mo 63109 314.753.3816 E-mail: [email protected]
send your notes to: Maureen deMers Fariello 2133 south Finley Rd., #515 lombard, Il 60148 E-mail: [email protected]
We have news about upcoming weddings, new babies and new jobs. Big congratulations are in order to Bridget Houlihan she is engaged to Mike Kennedy, a 2000 graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point. Bridget and Mike are planning an October wedding at West Point. ... Ross Munn married Jennifer Nonno on June 18, 2005 ... Lauren Genshock married TJ Pope on February 19, the couple will relocate to Germany, as TJ is in the Army ... Mary Flachbart married Mike Varone in July ... Chris Kerr and Jill DiPiero 01 were married in July ... Lee Nejak and Karen Rizzuto also exchanged vows in July ... Laura Frankl and Mike Dolan became engaged in July ... Clarisse Creary and Kevin Norsen 01 are engaged and planning a wedding for summer 2007. They live in Buffalo and the wedding will take place in Ohio ... Congratulations to Christina Bongiovanni, who will marry Craig Horner in Buffalo on August 26. Christina works as an admissions counselor for Villa Maria College in Buffalo and her fianc is a chiropractor in West Seneca; they will settle in West Seneca after the wedding. ... Emily Shurilla finished her Master of Social Work in May and works at Applewood Centers, Inc. in Cleveland. She does intensive in-home therapy with adolescents and their families. ... Martina Takac recently started working with Lisa at the Cleveland Zoological Society as a development assistant. Martina lives in Lakewood. ... Kate Meacham graduated from Notre Dame Law School in May 2003. She purchased a home in Washington, D.C., in September 2004, and is an associate in the litigation section at the law firm 52
JohN CaRRoll uNIvERsITy WINTER 2006
Hello class of 2002! As always, I have much to report ... Alex Bonilla is working for KeyBank Mortgage in Brooklyn, OH. ... Emily Dodge is living in Bay Village, OH. ... Ross Donadio received his masters in communication from Fordham. He is working in the Creative Department of Universal Music Publishing and pursuing acting opportunities. Ross lives in the Soho District of NYC. ... Siobhan Fink married Brian Santa Maria in September at her parish in Chesterfield, OH. They had a paradise honeymoon in Maui, and now live in Mayfield Hts., OH. ... Ian Hopkins has taken a new job as an account executive with
Making a difference
The fifth annual Making A Difference selection will be published in the spring 2006 issue of John Carroll magazine. If you know of an alumni (that includes yourself) who is making a difference in our lives, please submit the name of the nominee, class year, organization, and briefly tell us why your selection should be part of Making a difference 2006. you can e-mail this information to [email protected], or fill our the nomination form on the alumni page of the John Carroll Web site www.jcu. edu/alumni.
Marcus Thomas LLC. Ian is an associate board member of the Cleveland Advertising Association and he lives in Mayfield Hts., OH. ... Jimmy Kissee has been recently hired to the editorial staff at PR Newswires Chicago Bureau. ... Julie Maier is living in Murfreesboro, TN. ... Emily Pillitteri and Doug Clifton were engaged in August and are planning a fall 2007 wedding. Emily is a logistics coordinator for TNT Logistics in Jacksonville, FL. Doug is finishing his second year of law school at Florida Coastal School of Law, also in Jacksonville. ... Ben Stechschulte 01 graduated from Stetson University College of Law in St. Petersburg, FL. He passed the Florida Bar exam and is employed as a FL state prosecutor/district attorney in Tampa. ... Joe Sweeney was promoted to senior accountant at Ciuni & Panichi, Inc. He has also earned his MBA from JCU. ... Shannon Tarr works as a research coordinator for Fairview Hospital in Cleveland. ... Sara Zezzo lives in Chicago and is a sales planner for Oxygen Media. ... and finally, a member of our class has contacted me to ask for prayers for one of our own. Laura Crawley was diagnosed with a brain tumor in early September and is undergoing intense chemo/radiation. According to her web site,, Laura seems to be keeping her spirits high. Please keep our classmate in your thoughts. ... Thank you to everyone who shared their news. It is so great to share your journey since JCU. Keep me posted! Best wishes, Gina
... Jeremy Harrison was recently promoted to senior accountant, accounting & auditing department, at Ciuni & Panichi, Inc. Jeremy has worked with Ciuni & Panichi since interning in 2002 and during his tenure earned an MBA from JCU. ... Jeffrey DeChellis wrote to say that in May 2004 he started a real estate investment company with fellow alumni Brody Day and Pat Roach. Hes also been working with Colagiovanni & Greene, Inc. as an accountant since graduation, and for the past year, has coached high school basketball at NDCL in Chardon! ... That wraps it up for this issue of the magazine, and thanks to all of you who used our new e-mail address to send news. I look forward to hearing from more of you as 2006 unfolds. Take care, Theresa
send your notes to: Paul s. Clapp aol: ClapperJCu 440-812-3837 (c) E-mail: [email protected]
send your notes to: Theresa Polachek 4844 Westbourne Rd. lyndhurst, ohio 44124 E-mail: [email protected]
Chad Treboniak was featured as part of the Inside Business tribute to Young Guns, the next generation of Northeast Ohio entrepreneurs. Chad was featured as the owner of Steeltoe Sams restaurant in Lorain. The restaurant opened in June of last year and has received high marks from diners and The Morning Journal. If youre in or near Lorain, go check it out! ... In the same issue of Inside Business, Patrick Manfroni was featured One2Watch as a member of the Cleveland community dedicated to fighting brain drain through (i)Cleveland. ... Hes also one of five young professionals featured in the Believe in CLEVELAND campaign, along with Hannah Fritzman. ... The One2Watch feature was written by Sara Lepro, deputy managing editor of Inside Business. ... Outside of Cleveland, Emily Belz wrote to say that she received her masters degree in physician assistant studies from Chatham College in Pittsburgh, and is now working as an ear, nose and throat physician assistant at Mercy Hospital in Pitt. ... Amy (Teti) Sonnhalter is working as a logistic analyst at The Home Depots corporate office in Atlanta, GA. In August, she married Todd Sonnhalter (Ohio State 01) and bought a house. ... Anne-Marie Hetman is working as an account executive at IMG/USA Expositions in Cleveland. ... RaeLynn Wargo is working towards her J.D. and living in Lyndhurst. She recently became engaged to Josh Mandel and is planning a January 2007 wedding in Florida. ... Alice (Demyanick) Buchanan is living in Cuyahoga Falls and got married this fall to David Buchanan.
This issue is a little light on updates, so PLEASE send me any info you have so I can keep this space full with your updates and less of my rambling! You can always e-mail pclapp@yahoo. com or call my cell phone, 440.812.3837. ... And now the updates: Nikki Spiezio is walking in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer on June 24-25! If you would like to help reach her goal to raise $1800 you can e-mail her, nspiezio04@ ... Andrew Higl 03 is a grad student and instructor at Loyola University in Chicago, while Teresa Delagrange is an account executive at Gibbs-Soell Public Relations in Chicago. ... And Samantha Crish is working as an event planner/administrative assistant at Tenable Event Services in Cleveland. ... I look forward to many more updates, Clapp
send your notes to: Jennifer Tolhurst 1360 W. Clifton Blvd. lakewood, oh 44107 614.370.1565 (c) E-mail: [email protected]
School District. ... Carlene Simmons is working as a marketing specialist at Q-Panel Lab Products. She is involved in all aspects of the companys marketing effort, including the design and content of advertising brochures and literature, along with managing its Internet marketing campaign. ... Fabiola Galarraga [email protected] is living in South Euclid, OH. ... Adam Fischer was recently promoted to sales consultant for the Indiana Pacers from his previous position as account executive. He has been with the organization for seven months. His responsibilities include assisting the owners and upper-level executives with getting the accurate attendance numbers and revenue for each game. He is living in Broad Ripple, a suburb of Indianapolis. But its not all business for Adam. He recently went as a VIP to Jermaine ONeals club, Seven, on opening night and played a pickup game of basketball at Conseco Fieldhouse with former Pacer Reggie Miller. ... Any members of the class of 2005 who find themselves with a speeding ticket in Manassas, VA, may soon be able to throw some weight around. Steve Cieslinski recently started at the police academy for the Prince William County Police Department. He moved to Virginia in January and should be ready to join the force this summer. ... Some members of our class have gone even farther away from Cleveland to find their missions. Lauren Bost and Ellen Mathews are working in Immokalee, FL, for a year after graduation. They both teach in an after-school program at Pinecrest Elementary School. They also spend some mornings working on houses with Habitat for Humanity for those who lost their homes to Hurricane Wilma. Ellen also works at PACE, a school for middle school and high school girls who are unable to attend public school. Lauren teaches English in a program called School-on-Wheels, where she goes to homes of young mothers who have recently moved to this country. ... Finally, our longest-distance classmate is Tibor Bognr, who is working as an editor at Hr TV in Budapest, Hungary, where he lives with his wife, Szilvia Csandi. ... Wherever you find yourself, keep sending me those updates, and best of luck! Jennifer
Thanks, class of 2005, for sending me info. Its been really nice hearing from people, and great to hear all about the unique things youre doing. I have my own update to add, as I recently switched jobs and am now working as an editor at Thomson West, a legal publishing company in Independence. ... Other members of our class are finding success around the Cleveland area Chris Zeppenfeld is working as manager of client services for TeamWork Online LLC, an online sports job board/applicant tracking system that assists in recruiting and identifying the most appropriate candidate for an open sports position. Chris clients include teams hiring managers in the NFL, NBA, NHL and MLB. Chris manages much of the dayto-day activities on their recruiting systems as well as the TeamWork Online web site itself. He is also responsible for providing customer service to the applicants. ... Mike DeSapri is working toward his MBA at John Carroll. He is also working full-time at Ernst & Young in its audit practice. ... Justin Vorhies is teaching fifth and sixth grade physical education at Westfield Elementary School, in the Cloverleaf
dr. leonard J. Janchar 41, a man of science who had a long, distinguished career in medicine, died at the age of 86 on January 25 at a retirement community in a suburb of akron, ohio. dr. Janchar was the father of leonard 67, who followed his father into a life as a physician. he was the grandfather of Christine sinar 99, the holder of a luce
In Memoriam
Ronald P. Rejent Victor N. Tomc Leonard J. Janchar William A. Jacoby John M. Sacuto L. Donald Barrett Thomas Lyons George Danchak Lawrence T. McGinley Thomas G. Stampfl Joseph P. Warren John D. Boutton John Vincent Gallagher Edward L. Moran Roy J. Kropac Robert C. Hansen
37 40 41 42 43 46 46 49 49 49 49 50 50 51 51 52
11/11/05 1/23/06 1/25/06 1/25/06 5/20/01 1/22/06 9/26/05 1/27/06 12/12/05 10/2/05 12/28/05 12/20/05 1/6/06 12/15/05 11/3/05 1/12/06
Eugene A. Thoma 52 Lawrence A. Davis 53 James J. Tesar 54 William E. Kelly 55 Edward G. Lewis 55 Robert J. Bea 56 Peter J. Paulson 57 William A. Norkett 58 Natale F. Malizia 59 Patricia M. Noble 62 Michael A. DiSanto 63 Peter J. Henry 63 Richard T. Rohrer 63 Kenneth N. Greenwald 65 Robert B. Madden 65G Richard M. Fournier 67
12/22/05 10/21/05 1/7/05 11/12/05 11/26/05 1/12/06 11/17/05 10/7/05 11/10/05 1/24/06 12/15/05 11/11/05 11/20/05 11/13/05 1/1/06 1/28/06
Kenneth A. Schneider 70 12/18/05 Gregory J. Robida, Sr. 71 10/30/05 William J. Fife 72 12/4/05 Anthony J. Marjenin 75 10/6/05 Daniel M. Olenick 77 1/30/06 Jo Anne M. Ranallo 78 12/9/05 Ronald B. DArcy 82 1/08/05 Margaret Mary Mac Gillis83G 1/3/06 Tracy Fedirko 84 1/27/01 Paula Jean Kerecz-Savulak87G 1/4/06 Cheryl L. Hammond 97 1/04/04 Cindy Mulroy Kovacs 01 11/27/05
This is the deceased list as we know it. We apologize for any omission and ask that you please notify Joan Brosius at 216.397.4332. Thank you.
Carrie Huszczo, 04, one of the stalwarts in a university Mail Center that has a reputation for being a place where fun and great service happily co-exist, won enough power tools to keep a handywoman busy for a lifetime. seen here with her chain saw, Carrie and her husband were awarded the tools for their submission in a home improvement project contest. Carrie is the mother of John 97 and antoinette 98.
The English Departments spring series, Red, White & Read, got underway on Feb, 9 with Ann-Marie MacDonald reading selections from her new novel, The Way the Crow Flies, following an introduction by Steven Hayward, Ph.D., assistant professor of English, who noted MacDonalds accomplishments as playwright and actor as well as novelist.
Dr. George Bilgere, a member of the magazines advisory board, has received the May Swenson Award from Utah State Press for Haywire, his book of poetry to be published by the press this summer.
John Carroll registered the largest contingent of students (75) among Jesuit institutions for the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., Jan. 23, the event marking the 33rd anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion in America.
The Cleveland chapter of the American Jewish Congress honored Dr. Sally Wertheim with its Distinguished Leadership Award at an event held in Mayfield Hts., Ohio, on January 26. Dr. Wertheim, a longtime member of the universitys faculty and administration, has been active on many community boards.
to think that dr. Nosal had a pretty good idea which testing service he should use. around the end of my senior year, dr. Nosal offered to get me interviews at a few big companies like IBM, aT&T, Proctor and Gamble, etc. I could get a bit of discipline as he referred to it, and then go off to whatever company I desired, since I would be a little more marketable after some great training. only one little problem: none of those interviews worked out. Nobody wanted me. I could not find a job. disillusioned, I met a guy in my apartment building who worked for Xerox. he got me an interview and to my surprise they hired me. Now I said to myself, What I am going to do is take Nosals advice and work hard, so I can get out of there in one year and go work for a company to which I would be better suited. another problem cropped up: I did what John Carrolls educational psychologist said, focused and worked hard, and in my second year I was the #1 salesperson in the country at Xerox, out of a national sales force of 11,000 people. Now I had to stay for a while. This brings us to May 25, 2000. I was telling a friend how this man changed my life with his common sense, insight and caring. he suggested I contact dr. Nosal. I called and someone said, Would you like me to connect you. as soon as I said, dr. Nosal, I doubt you remember me, this spunky voice replied, hal, how are you? of course I remember you Then he verbally went through my entire career like there was a biography in front of him. he knows my whole life since college! Was I his only student? Is he that way with everybody? Is he really from this planet? I nearly fell off my chair at his
Hal Becker, left, and Dr. Walter Nosal, John Carroll retired educational psychologist.
genuine caring about his students. We had breakfast in May of 2005, and I proceeded to ask a few questions. here is what he said to me, and it is the most valuable message I have ever heard... period! #1. When did you have fun and play ... Work to recreate that combination. #2. Energy equals life. Find that little boy or girl inside of you and do not let go. #3. have daily surprises with your wife and always compromise. he told me he has a date with his wife every saturday night he was 82 when we met for breakfast. Walter Nosal, you are my hero! Thank you for putting me in the right direction as a youth and an adult! I gotta go now and have my saturday night date with my wife.
Hal Becker 76 is a nationally known speaker on sales and customer service. He is the author of two bestselling books, Can I have 5 minutes of your time? and lip service. Hals newest book on negotiating is titled Get What you Want! He can be reached at
The Jesuit University in Cleveland 20700 North Park Boulevard University Heights, Ohio 44118
If this issue of John Carroll is addressed to your daughter or son who has established a separate permanent address, please notify us of the new address: 216-397-4332 [email protected]