2021 Construction Engineering Self Study Report (6!25!21)
2021 Construction Engineering Self Study Report (6!25!21)
2021 Construction Engineering Self Study Report (6!25!21)
Self-Study Report
for the
Construction Engineering Program
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
July 1, 2021
The information supplied in this Self-Study Report is for the confidential use of ABET and its
authorized agents and will not be disclosed without authorization of the institution concerned,
except for summary data not identifiable to a specific institution.
BACKGROUND INFORMATION ............................................................................................... 1
A. Contact Information ............................................................................................................. 1
B. Program History.................................................................................................................... 1
C. Options ................................................................................................................................. 2
D. Program Delivery Modes ...................................................................................................... 4
E. Program Locations ................................................................................................................ 5
F. Public Disclosure................................................................................................................... 5
G. Deficiencies, Weaknesses or Concerns from Previous Evaluation(s) and the Actions Taken
to Address Them ......................................................................................................................... 5
GENERAL CRITERIA .................................................................................................................. 6
CRITERION 1. STUDENTS ......................................................................................................... 6
A. Student Admissions .............................................................................................................. 6
Admissions to the University .................................................................................................. 6
Admission to the Civil and Environmental Engineering Major ............................................... 7
Direct Admission of Incoming Freshman ................................................................................ 7
Major Status ............................................................................................................................ 8
B. Evaluating Student Performance ......................................................................................... 9
How student performance is evaluated and progress is monitored ...................................... 9
Continuing Performance ......................................................................................................... 9
Probation ................................................................................................................................ 9
Repeat and Withdrawal Policies ........................................................................................... 10
How the Program ensures and documents that students are meeting prerequisites ......... 10
C. Transfer Students and Transfer Courses ............................................................................ 11
Procedure for Processing Non-Articulated Credit ................................................................ 11
D. Advising and Career Guidance ........................................................................................... 11
Student Orientation .............................................................................................................. 12
Freshman Advising and Priority Registration ....................................................................... 12
Introduction to Civil & Environmental Engineering and Sophomore Seminar Classes ........ 12
Advising Tools Available to Students .................................................................................... 13
E. Work in Lieu of Courses...................................................................................................... 22
Advanced Placement Credit (AP Credit) ............................................................................... 22
iii ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
General Chemistry and Calculus-Based Physics ................................................................. 107
Design construction processes and systems in a construction engineering ...................... 107
Basic legal and ethical concepts ......................................................................................... 108
Importance of professional engineering licensure ............................................................. 108
Management Topics ........................................................................................................... 108
Management Topics (Additional Technical Elective Courses) ............................................ 109
2. Faculty .............................................................................................................................. 109
Accreditation Policies and Procedures Manual .......................................................................... 111
University Directive on Safety Practices ................................................................................. 111
Current Practices..................................................................................................................... 111
Appendix A – Course Syllabi ..................................................................................................... 115
Appendix B – Faculty Vitae ....................................................................................................... 206
Appendix C – Equipment............................................................................................................ 276
Appendix D – Institutional Summary ......................................................................................... 278
1. The Institution .................................................................................................................. 278
2. Type of Control ................................................................................................................. 278
3. Educational Unit ............................................................................................................... 278
4. Academic Support Units ................................................................................................... 278
5. Non-academic Support Units ........................................................................................... 279
6. Credit Unit ........................................................................................................................ 281
7. Tables................................................................................................................................ 281
Table D-1. Program Enrollment and Degree Data ................................................................. 282
Table D-2. Personnel .............................................................................................................. 283
SUBMISSION ATTESTING TO COMPLIANCE ............................................................................ 284
Attachment 1 – Student Outcome Assessments.......................................................................... 285
Assessment Summary – Student Outcome 1 ......................................................................... 286
Assessment Summary – Student Outcome 1 (continued) ...................................................... 288
Assessment Summary – Student Outcome 2 ......................................................................... 293
Assessment Summary – Student Outcome 2 (continued) ...................................................... 296
Assessment Summary – Student Outcome 3 ......................................................................... 298
Assessment Summary – Student Outcome 3 (continued) ...................................................... 303
Assessment Summary – Student Outcome 3 (continued) ...................................................... 305
Assessment Summary – Student Outcome 4 ......................................................................... 306
A. Contact Information
Dr. Michael E. Barber
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, MCE. Bldg.
110 Central Campus Dr.
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
phone: 801-585-7710,
fax: (801)585-5477
e mail: [email protected]
B. Program History
The Construction Engineering Program (CEP) at the University of Utah was approved by the
Utah State Board of Regents and the Northwest Commission on Colleges
and Universities (NWCCU) in 2016. The inaugural semester was fall 2016. The CEP is one of
two BS programs offered by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CVEEN)
at the University
From 2016 until the present, Dr. Michael E. Barber has served as the department chair.
Currently, the CEP is undergoing continued and moderate growth with the hiring of a new CEP
faculty. During this ABET review cycle, two new full-time faculty have joined the CEP. These
are Dr. Abbas Rashidi (https://faculty.utah.edu/u6013686-Abbas_Rashidi/research/index.hml)
and Dr. Jianli Chen (https://faculty.utah.edu/u6031298-JIANLI_CHEN/teaching/index.hml). In
addition to these, other CvEEN faculty offer courses that support the CEP and are primarily: Dr.
Steven F. Bartlett, Dr. Pedro Romero, Dr. Chris Pantelides, and Dr. Xiaoyue Liu. Advising for
the CEP is performed by Wendy McKenney (https://www.civil.utah.edu/staff/). Dr.Bartlett acts
as the CEP ABET coordinator. Dr. Rashidi is the chair of the CEP curriculum committee.
During this ABET review cycle, several new full-time faculty have joined CVEEN Department.
These include: Dr. Roshina Babu (UAC/ General CVEEN), Dr. Edward Cazalas (Nuclear), Dr.
Jianli Chen (Construction Faculty), Dr. Nickolas Jovanovic (UAC/ General CVEEN), Dr.
Nickola Markovic (Transportation), Dr. Tara Mastren (Nuclear), Dr. Carlos Oroza, (Water/
Cyberinfrastructure), Dr. Ge (Gaby) Ou (Structures), Dr. Abbas Rashidi (Construction), Dr.
Jennifer Weidhaas (Environmental), Dr. Xianfeng (Terry) Wang (Transportation), Dr. Xuan
(Peter) Zhu (Structures/ Cyberinfrastructure).
The following staff members have left CVEEN during this review cycle: Ashley Arpero
(Administrative Program Manager), Alexi Crabb (Undergraduate Advisor), Colleen Gilman
(Undergraduate Advisor), Bonnie Ogden (Graduate Advisor), Andrea Gallegos (Administrative
Program Manager), Ryan Schow (Reactor Supervisor).
The following administrative staff have joined CVEEN or have changed administrative positions
during this cycle: Cathy Merkel (Accountant), Olivia Calvillo (Undergraduate Advisor), Wendy
McKenney (Undergraduate Advisor), Courtney Phillips (Graduate Advisor), Kelsey Arnold
(Marketing & Communications Specialist), Steven Pappas (Reactor Supervisor).
C. Options
Students in either Program (civil or construction) have the opportunity to obtain a double major.
Also, the Department offers a minor in Nuclear Engineering. The following describes these
options and other program options
3. FASTRAX Program
The FASTRAX Program is an undergraduate option that allows undergraduate students with an
Engineering GPA of 3.2 or higher to start working on their MS degree during their senior year of
their BS degree. Through the FASTRAX program, students can complete the MS degree within
three additional semesters of full-time study (9 graduate credit hours) following completion of
the BS degree. Students who have an Engineering GPA of 3.2 or higher apply to the FASTRAX
program during the second semester of their Junior. FASTRAX students are required to take five
technical electives, instead of 6 at the undergraduate level, and complete a graduate-level course
(i.e., 6000-level or higher) to apply toward their MS degree (https://www.civil.utah.edu/fastrax/).
Students must maintain continuous enrollment with no gap semester or break between degrees.
The COE math sequence provides a streamlined calculus presentation by deemphasizing proofs
and to connect the mathematics to practical applications. The COE math sequence is 12 units, the
traditional is 15. The two sequences share one course, MATH 2250: Linear Algebra and
Differential Equations. Most transfer students follow the traditional track because the
engineering path is not available at two- and four-year colleges in Utah. Most U of U
engineering students pursue the engineering track. The traditional math sequence is typically
completed in four semesters, the engineering math sequence may be completed in three
6. Honors in Engineering
The Honors in Engineering Program in the COE is designed to provide a challenging,
individualized educational experience to high-achieving students and promote lifelong learning
7. University Honors
The University Honors Program is sponsored by the Honors College and has a long and
distinguished history of excellence in undergraduate education. The centerpiece of Utah's Honors
College is Engaged Learning Opportunities — a signature experience that brings together
students and community partners to collaborate on research that results in real-world
applications. For more information, see http://honors.utah.edu/.
The Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering offered courses in two modes: (1) day
and (2) evening. Day courses are offered in the standard University format with three 50-minute
classes or two 50-minute classes, depending on the semester hours associated with the class.
There are also offerings given in twice-a-week format with two 75-minutes sessions per week.
Evening courses begin at 4:35 pm, or later. Four required laboratory courses are offered during a
3-hour period during the week in the afternoon. These laboratory sessions are typically offered 3
to 4 times a week.
Typically, the Department offers an average of five evening courses each fall and spring
semester. Many of these evening courses are advanced technical courses (i.e., 5000-level) and
include topics desired by working professionals or part-time students. Additional classes are
offered in the late afternoon, and a few classes are taught at 7:30 am to accommodate working
professionals and part-time students.
Before the COVID pandemic, all department courses were offered in person. However, since the
outbreak, the mode of program delivery has changed significantly.
For the second half of spring semester 2020, 100% of courses were offered virtually, with
approximately 50% of them provided live through interactive video conferencing and 50% of
them taught asynchronously. During the fall semester of 2020, 34% of courses were taught in
person, 38% were taught through interactive video conferencing (IVC), 11% were conducted in a
hybrid format consisting of in-person and IVC, and 8% were taught online with no specific
meeting time. During the spring semester of 2021, 25% of courses were taught in person, 54%
were taught through interactive video conferencing (IVC), 3% were taught as hybrid courses, 1%
were conducted in a hybrid format consisting of in-person and IVC, and 15% were taught online
with no specific meeting time.
For fall semester 2021, the University has set the goal to have 75 percent of the courses taught
in-person. No social distancing in the classrooms or laboratories will be required. However,
E. Program Locations
The CEP of the CVEEN Department is delivered at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City
campus located at the Meldrum Civil Engineering Bldg., 110 Central Campus Dr., Salt Lake
City, UT 84112.
F. Public Disclosure
The Program Education Objectives (PEOs), Student Outcomes (SOs), annual student enrollment,
and graduation data specific to the Program is posted and made accessible to the public at the
following: https://www.civil.utah.edu/abet-accreditation/.
For the sections below, attach any written policies that apply.
A. Student Admissions
Admissions to the University
Beginning with summer of 2013 admissions, the University of Utah (U of U) began using a holistic
review process to admit all incoming freshman students regardless of major. The University's
holistic review process helps ensure that all students are given the best opportunity to present a
complete picture of their qualifications. Beginning with fall 2021 admissions, the U of U is test-
optional for freshman applications. ACT/SAT scores are not required for admission, merit
scholarships (including department scholarships), or direct admission programs (including
Engineering). The holistic review includes consideration of the standards summarized in Table 1.1
(https://admissions.utah.edu/admission-standards/). Some applicants not meeting the admission
standards may be considered for admission on a case-by-case basis if their special talents or
diversity enhances the institution's life and character.
To be admitted to the U of U on a transfer basis, the following requirements must be met (these
requirements are published on the University's website at
• Applicants are expected to have a transferable GPA of 2.6 or higher with 30 completed
semester hours
Transfer students are also reviewed holistically based on the criteria summarized below.
Those students who meet one of these criteria are then given "Engineering" status at orientation.
Incoming Civil Engineering students that have been offered direct admission into the College of
Engineering are also directly admitted to the Civil and Environmental Engineering program. This
process occurs within the first two weeks of the new semester.
Major Status
Admission to major status is granted to a student after completion of at least three classes from
which the technical GPA for admission is calculated (see table below). The classes must be
completed with satisfactory grades (a C grade or better in each class and at least a 2.50 weighted
average GPA in the classes). In addition, the overall university GPA must be above 2.00.
Table 1.3. Courses required for CVEEN major status. Students must complete 3.
MATH 1210 or MATH 1310 Calculus I
Math 1220 or MATH 1320 Calculus II
CHEM 1210 General Chemistry I
PHYS 2210 Physics for Scientists and Engineers I
While there are four major milestones, we also examine student grades, GPAs, and course repeats
each year to determine if there are any violations of departmental policies as described in the
excerpt below taken from the undergraduate handbook (located at https://www.civil.utah.edu/wp-
An undergraduate advisor reviews semester grades and overall GPA of all major status students to
determine which students, if any, need to be notified of an academic issue. Students found to be
out of compliance are sent written instruction on how to return to good standing.
Continuing Performance
The University requires all students to maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher. Students
must also have a minimum of a 2.00 cumulative GPA to graduate. A student admitted to major
status must maintain an engineering GPA (EGPA) of 2.50 or higher. Engineering GPA is defined
as courses counted towards the major with the exception of all general education courses (e.g.,
LEAP 1500/1501) and CVEEN 1000 and 2000. For repeated EGPA courses, the second letter
grade received will be counted as the official grade for the EGPA calculation.
For all other CVEEN courses, a grade of “C-“ or higher is required. Generally, a student may
repeat these technical courses only once, and the second grade received will be counted for the
A student who fails to maintain an engineering grade point average (EGPA) of 2.50 or higher
will be removed from major status and will be placed on academic probation. While on
probation, students will not be allowed to take any new CVEEN classes and will have three
consecutive semesters to retake courses or take additional non-CVEEN courses to bring their
Attempts of courses taken at transfer institutions count as one attempt. This means a student may
take the course only one time at the University of Utah.
When retaking an EGPA course, if the course was taken at the University of Utah, it must be
retaken at the University of Utah. For example, students cannot count a grade obtained in a class
taken at another institution to replace a low grade obtained in a class previously taken at the
University of Utah.
This repeat policy does not apply to courses taken to satisfy Intellectual Exploration and lower
division Writing requirements.
How the Program ensures and documents that students are meeting
The College of Engineering participates in the University of Utah's prerequisite check system
that is part of the registration system software. This system enforces the necessity of students to
progress through their classes in an orderly fashion. All classes in our major have a published set
of prerequisite and corequisite requirements that must be met in order to enroll in the class. The
system checks for successful completion of any listed prerequisite class taught at the University
of Utah and most of the state schools that we articulate with. The system allows each department
to set the minimum passing grade, which for Civil and Environmental Engineering is the
Besides the College of Engineering, a number of different departments also use the system.
Currently, in the College of Science, the Math and Chemistry departments are using this system
to make sure students do not take a class without the appropriate prerequisite work. In the case
that the system doesn't automatically accept the prerequisite work (typical for transfer students
coming from outside of the state articulation system), the system does allow the use of
permission codes to bypass the prerequisites. Departments are free to determine for their classes
how these permission codes are distributed to students. For CVEEN, we have an online tool
where a student requests the permission code for a specific class. The site asks for documentation
that allows the department advisors to decide concerning the preparation of the student.
Students planning to transfer into the Civil and Environmental Engineering program are
encouraged to meet with a department advisor early in their college experience to make a smooth
transition to the University of Utah.
Starting in fall semester 2007, The University of Utah created four purposeful and essential
advising points for students. During that time, students must meet with an advisor to continue
enrolling in classes at the University of Utah. These points are Student Orientation and Advising
(before first semester), Freshman Advising (1st semester), Second Year Advising (4th semester),
and Undeclared Advising (undeclared undergraduates over 90 credit hours).). These advising
Student Orientation
The first contact most students who attend the University of Utah have with their pre-major
advisor is during orientation. All students attending the University of Utah must participate in
orientation before they are able to register for classes. One part of student orientation is to meet
with an advisor from their choice of major. In this meeting, the advisor describes:
• Degree requirements and course flowchart
• How to declare the major and requirements to declare
• Engineering GPA and how it is calculated
• Review of the Degree Audit Report
• Overview of Department policies
• Development of a semester schedule and registration in courses
An incentive for new students to meet early in the first semester is the priority registration
program. This Program allows students in their first semester at the University to have
registration dates for 1000 and 2000 level classes at the same time as seniors do. To qualify, the
students have to meet with their advisor before the enrollment cycle begins. This helps further
ensure that students are getting to an advisor early enough in the first semester to get additional
help if needed.
The Registrar's Office of the University of Utah uses a system called the Degree Audit Report
System (DARS) as its primary tool for tracking students' progress toward graduation. Students
can access DARS through their personal registration panel on the University of Utah website at
any time. The DARS report is customized to every program of study, allowing students to track
their progress in a Civil and Environmental Engineering degree or any other major or minor of
their choosing. The Degree Audit system is the primary tool used to determine if a student will
be ready to graduate at the end of the following semester of study. To help students understand
their DARS reports, they are first introduced to DARS in the student orientation and advising
session that they have to complete before being able to enroll at the University. The training
includes how to generate a DARS report and how to determine progress towards graduation.
Students are encouraged to generate a DARS report for their own records after the completion of
each academic semester and at any point when taking a leave of absence.
Olivia Calvillo
Academic Advisor
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 801.581.6932
Office: 2012 MCE
Wendy McKenney
Academic Advisor
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 801.581.8517
Office: 2016 MCE
Pedro Romero
Associate Professor
Director of Undergraduate Advising
Tel: 801-587-7225
Email: [email protected]
Office: 2131 MCE
Engineering Advising for Undecided Engineering Majors
Students who have not yet decided upon a specific engineering program meet with a college
advisor to review college-wide options. The advisors for the College of Engineering are:
Emily Howsley
Academic Advisor
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 801-581-8575
Office: 1706 WEB
Sierra Whipple-Padgen
Academic Advisor
Email: [email protected]
Office: 1818 WEB
To apply for graduation, a student completes the Application for Graduation online tool. Final
graduation approval is fully automated using the Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS). The
student must fulfill the listed requirements fully to be awarded a Bachelor of Science in Civil and
Environmental Engineering. Provided that the student has met all of the University course
requirements and completed the CEP program requirements in mathematics, chemistry, physics,
biology, CEP core, and CEP electives with a C or C- grade or better and has achieved an overall
GPA that is 2.00 or higher, and an engineering GPA of 2.50 or higher, the system will
automatically clear the student to graduate with the B.S. degree in the CEP. In cases where the
student doesn't clear, we receive a notification back from the registrar to determine what issues
The program name and degree awarded must be shown in English exactly as they appear on the
Request for Evaluation accepted by ABET. (See 2021-22 APPM, Section 1.C.2.b)
The team chair will specify which transcripts to provide. New programs requesting
retroactive accreditation for two academic years prior to the onsite review must provide
transcripts from graduates for both academic years. Transcripts should be accompanied by
copies of degree audits and/or other explanations for interpreting the transcripts. (See 2021-2022
APPM, Section I.E.3.a.)
A. Mission Statement
Mission Statement University of Utah
The University of Utah fosters student success by preparing students from diverse backgrounds
for lives of impact as leaders and citizens. We generate and share new knowledge, discoveries,
and innovations, and we engage local and global communities to promote education, health, and
quality of life. These contributions, in addition to responsible stewardship of our intellectual,
physical, and financial resources, ensure the long‐term success and viability of the institution.
The mission of the University includes "preparing students from diverse backgrounds for lives of
impact as leaders and citizens," emphasizes engagement of "local and global communities to
promote education, health, and quality of life." The mission of the College of Engineering
includes the preparation for leadership in professional, industry, and government. The CEP
educational objectives refine these goals by emphasizing preparing students to be on the path for
entering professional and ultimately obtaining professional licensure.
D. Program Constituencies
The primary requirement-generating constituencies of the CVEEN Department are:
• CVEEN faculty
• CEP faculty
• CEP Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) (https://www.civil.utah.edu/industrial-advisory-
These stakeholders provide feedback regarding the Program Education Objectives, academic
requirements, and curriculum; however, they do so in an advisory role.
CEP Program Education Objective 1 meets the mission of the COE to provide engineers
prepared to enter the workforce of the State of Utah. As a state-funded school, the COE,
CVEEN, and CEP have an obligation to provide an educated workforce to assist in the economic
and social development of the State. In addition, because the University of Utah is a Research 1
institution, CEP also has an obligation to provide a select handful of undergraduate students that
are prepared to enter graduate school and fulfill the Department's research mission. CEP
Program Education Objective addresses the need to provide qualified engineers active in
professional organizations (e.g., ASCE) and that continue in seeking professional development
throughout their careers. The achieving of this objective is important to all constituencies of
CEP. The obtainment of professional licensure is important to CEP graduates in terms of
employment opportunity and career progression, to the Department and University in terms of
reputation and stature, and to the engineering profession in terms of maintaining a professional
and uniform standard of care. Professional licensure provides this uniformity of engineering in
the public arena by enforcing standards and restricting by unqualified individuals. In addition, it
is vital to professional societies and industry that CEP graduates seek membership in such
organizations and continue their education. This membership improves the influence of these
organizations and enhances the state of engineering practice by providing a venue for networking
and sharing of knowledge and by providing a venue for life-long learning by courses, seminars,
and conferences organized or sponsored by these organizations. Such continuing education is
also a requirement for continued professional licensure. CEP provides to its graduates the
The CEP has strong participation from its Industrial Advisory Board, composed of consulting,
industry, and public-sector engineers. The CEP and CVEEN seek comments from the IAB
regarding the CEP program objectives. The current board members are:
The PEOs are reviewed and revised on a 6-year cycle—the next scheduled review will be in Fall
2026. However, because the CEP IAB meets quarterly, recommendations to change that PEOs
could originate earlier if there is a compelling reason to amend the PEOs
The CEP IAB also advises the CVEEN Chair and faculty regarding the state of practice
regarding private and public infrastructure. This review is done so that CVEEN can better meet
the needs of the State and its citizens. The IAB also helps in curriculum review and development
and strategic plan. IAB meeting minutes and recommendations are routinely discussed in
subsequent faculty meetings and acted upon as appropriate when faculty concurrence is reached.
The IAB also assists CVEEN in fundraising and public relations and disseminates CVEEN
related information to the State legislature, agencies, counties, and cities.
A. Student Outcomes
The CEP was initiated in Fall 2016. The assessment of Student Outcomes a-k was done by the
CVEEN civil engineering program because the curriculum for both the construction and civil
engineering programs is essentially identical for the first 2.5 years. The CEP adopted Student
Outcomes 1-7 and started its own assessment of these outcomes during Fall 2020.
The student outcomes for the CEP are listed below. They are also found at:
https://www.civil.utah.edu/abet-accreditation/. The CEP has decided not to add to or modify
these criteria.
The relationship between program educational objects and CVEEN student outcomes is shown
and discussed in the following table.
Student Comments
CVEEN Construction Engineering 1. an ability to identify, formulate, These student
graduates will be engaged in the of and solve complex engineering outcomes
construction engineering or a related problems by applying principles of support the
field or will be pursuing advanced engineering, science, and preparation of
knowledge through post-graduate mathematics the CEP
study and research. 2. an ability to apply engineering graduate to apply
design to produce solutions that the knowledge of
meet specified needs with civil
consideration of public health, engineering.
safety, and welfare, as well as This is done by
global, cultural, social, preparation in
environmental, and economic mathematics,
factors science,
3. an ability to communicate experimentation,
effectively with a range of design, teaming,
audiences problem solving
4. an ability to recognize ethical and
and professional responsibilities in communication.
engineering situations and make
informed judgments, which must
consider the impact of engineering
solutions in global, economic,
environmental, and societal
5. an ability to function effectively
on a team whose members together
provide leadership, create a
collaborative and inclusive
environment, establish goals, plan
tasks, and meet objectives
6. an ability to develop and conduct
appropriate experimentation,
analyze and interpret data, and use
engineering judgment to draw
A. Student Outcomes
The program regularly uses a documented processes for assessing and evaluating the extent to
which the student outcomes are being attained, as explained in this section. The student outcome
evaluations are used as input for the program's continuous improvement actions, as described in
Section 4B – Continuous Improvement.
The CEP is one of two BS programs offered by the Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering (CVEEN) at the University. The other program is in civil engineering (CvEP). The
CvEP has been accredited for many years. The CvEP received its Civil Engineering ECPD
accreditation in 1936, the first year for this accreditation was offered.
The inaugural semester of the construction engineering program (CEP) began in Fall 2016 in the
CVEEN Department. Most of the students that started the CEP are now reaching their senior
year. One student has completed graduation during the Spring 2021 semester. More students will
be applying for graduation during the Fall 2021 semester.
The first 2.5 years of course study in the CEP or CvEP are essentially the same. The only
significant difference is that CEP students take microeconomics instead of engineering
dynamics. Therefore, from a student outcome assessment standpoint, the CEP chose to rely on
the CvEP student outcome 1-7 assessment for these formative courses. However, informal
reviewers have informed that CEP and CvEP student scores or achievements should be
disaggregated in making these evaluations. The CEP will ensure that the instructors do this as we
go into the next ABET review cycle.
Nonetheless, for the 2020-2021 academic year, CEP has performed student outcome assessments
on junior and senior-level courses for courses primarily taken by CEP students. These
assessments are included in this self-study report. The assessment assignments are shown in
Table 4-1. Examples of the assessment method used are found in Attachment 1. The following
sections further describe the implementation of assessment, evaluation, and continuous
improvement adopted by the CEP.
Student Outcomes – Student outcomes describe what students are expected to know and do by
graduation. These relate to students' knowledge, skills, and behaviors as they progress through
the program.
Assessment – Assessment is one or more processes identifying, collecting, and preparing data to
evaluate student outcomes. A practical assessment uses relevant direct, indirect, quantitative, and
qualitative measures to measure the outcome. Appropriate sampling methods may be used as part
of an assessment process.
Evaluation – Evaluation is one or more processes for interpreting the data and evidence
accumulated through assessment processes. Evaluation determines the extent to which student
outcomes are being attained. These processes result in decisions and actions regarding program
The student outcomes are listed in Criterion 3A. These outcomes describe what items students are
expected to know or be able to perform by the time of graduation. These relate to the knowledge,
skills, and aptitudes (KSAs) students should acquire as they progress through the program. The
CEP is responsible for gathering assessment data regarding students’ performance regularly,
evaluating these data, and making recommendations for curriculum and instructional
improvements when required.
Table 4-1 shows the curriculum map developed specifically for the CEP program. This map
identifies the curriculum that contributes to the development or achievement of the student
outcomes. Each student outcome has been aligned with one or more required courses or academic
activities (e.g., laboratory, project, etc.). Also, the map conveys Bloom’s Taxonomy (i.e.,
cognitive level desired at graduation. For more information, see
The CEP summative courses address the student outcome at the cognitive level desired at
graduation. Most of these courses are at the junior, senior, or senior technical elective level (i.e.,
3000 to 5000-course level). CEP faculty members selected these courses as representative
candidates for evaluating student outcome performance.
The program assessment and evaluation of student outcomes require faculty participation to be
valuable as a tool for continuous improvement. To this end, each student outcome is evaluated by
the instructor (i.e., evaluator), CEP Undergraduate Committee (i.e., reviewer), and the CEP ABET
advisor (Table 4-2). These individuals and committees are to work with course instructors to
develop assessment methods for the student outcomes and take the lead in producing evaluation
reports for each outcome. The critical elements of this are:
ABET student outcomes must be evaluated at the program level. Nonetheless, assessment
information and student work products from CEP courses are generally be required to complete
program-level assessments and evaluations. In this regard, individual course instructors are
requested to assist the CEP Reviewers in implementing the assessment and evaluation plan
according to the CEP Curriculum Map. The CEP Undergraduate Committee takes the lead in
developing this plan with the respective course instructor(s) and the CEP Advisor. Such
coordination is especially required when students’ work products from specific courses (e.g., exam
problems, homework assignments, projects, etc.) are used for continuous improvement.
The CEP Advisor assists the evaluators and reviewers in developing assessment activities, their
implementation, subsequent evaluation, and reporting. From these evaluations, potential action
items are considered by the CEP undergraduate committee regarding curriculum improvement as
part of the ABET continuous improvement process. The Advisor oversees these activities to
provide uniformity of process throughout the Department. The advisor is also responsible for
preparing the ABET self-study report, which is required as part of the accreditation process. This
report includes a summary of the evaluations of student outcomes and the continuous improvement
Student outcomes describe what students are expected to know and can do at the time of
graduation. These relate to the knowledge, skills, or aptitudes that students should be able to
perform. Performance indicators consist of measurable statements identifying the performance
required to meet the student outcome and are confirmable through evidence (i.e., data). The
primary difference between student outcomes and performance indicators is that student outcomes
are intended to provide general information about the focus of student learning and are broad
statements of the expected learning or knowledge.
Performance indicators consist of two main elements: (1) action verb (mapped to Bloom’s
Taxonomy) to describe the depth or level of learning and (2) content (i.e., the focus of instruction).
For example, a generic performance indicator associated with ABET student outcome (b) might
When writing performance indicators, the following action verbs are useful for the levels of
Bloom’s Taxonomy (bolded): (1) Knowledge – list, recite, define, (2) Comprehension – explain,
describe, characterize, (3) Application – apply, solve, (4) Analysis – analyze, formulate, (5)
Synthesis – design, create, (6) Evaluation – assess, evaluate. More about these cognitive levels
can be found at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloom%27s_taxonomy.
A performance goal must be established for each performance indicator. CEP faculty have agreed
that initially, the program should strive to have 80 percent, or higher, of the CEP students, achieve
the performance indicator at a satisfactory level.
For example, a reasonable performance goal might state that it is desired that at least 80 to 85
percent of the assessed students meet the performance indicator at a satisfactory level or higher.
For example, a performance goal might be stated as: “It is desired that 80 percent, or higher, of
CVEEN 3315 students be able to analyze and compare experimental data to theoretical or
empirical models and create input parameters required for settlement calculations for foundation
The outcome assessment activity or method may consist of exams, quizzes, homework, project
work, questionnaires, etc., or other direct measures of students’ performance. It should not consist
of grades for a course. Further, each student is to be assessed as an individual and not as a group.
The assessment activity/method should be standardized as much as possible so that it can be used
to track trends over multiple semesters and years. The CEP reviewers and advisor should
coordinate with the various course instructors to develop the assessment activity/method for their
assigned outcomes.
Assessment of Outcomes
The instructor completes the assessment of the students’ work associated with a performance
indicator for summative courses corresponding to solid red circles in Table 4-1. Quantitative,
evidence-based assessment of students’ work is vital, including the supporting data. Also,
instructors and subcommittees should strive to achieve standardization in the assessment tool and
its scoring. In addition, it is recommended that the subcommittees develop a rubric for qualitative
assessment activities to help quantify students’ performance. These rubrics should be
Evaluation of Outcomes
The evaluation consists of interpreting and making judgments about the assessment data and its
scorings in terms of meeting performance goals for the respective performance indicator. As
experience grows with the performance indicator, benchmarks or thresholds should be adjusted
for the program that defines satisfactory performance. Evaluations should be regular, systematic,
and documented according to the schedule given in Table 4-3. If performance is unsatisfactory,
then recommendations should be made about ways or methods of improving the program. Example
evaluations are found in Attachment 1.
The assessment results, evaluation, and recommendations for improvement should be given to the
CEP ABET advisor for future potential action by the CEP undergraduate committee. Reporting
requirements are made on the form below. These are done on an annual basis. Results of student
outcome assessments and evaluations are stored in UBOX for faculty review.
(3) Communications
Instructions: This form will be completed by the course instructor at the conclusion of each semester and submitted
to the appropriate student outcome evaluation committee for inclusion in their program-level assessment. Provide a
minimum of 5 examples of student work.
Brief statement describing the specifics of the assignment, quiz, exam, problem, etc. used to assess this performance
Use the table below to determine if the student was successful in achieving the performance indicator. For example,
the CvEEN Department generally sets a performance goal that 80 percent, or higher, of the students achieve
satisfactory performance on the performance indicator.
Tabulate the distribution of student grades on the problem/assignment. Include the total number of students who
were assessed and the total number of students who met the performance objective.
Description of how the students didn’t successfully meet the performance indicator.
The primary individuals, groups, and committees of CVEEN involved in the continuous
improvement process of the CEP curriculum and program are: (1) course instructors, (2)
discipline groups (i.e., Construction Engineering), (3) Undergraduate Committee (UG), (4)
CVEEN Chair and the CVEEN EXCOM committee, (5) CEP students and (6) CEP IAB.
Motions to make changes to the CEP can come from these various individuals, groups, and
committees. These are documented using the form included in this section. For example, an
individual course instructor, based on a course-level assessment and evaluation, may recommend
potential changes to course content by discussing the motion within their discipline group. If
favorable, the recommendation, or motion, is brought by the discipline group representative to
the CEP committee for further deliberations and potential action. If approved, the CEP brings
the motion to the faculty body for additional discussion and potential approval.
Course syllabi are reviewed and integrated with the expectations of prerequisite knowledge and
with the expected outcomes necessary to serve more advanced courses in the Program. A course
coordinator/instructor is assigned to each course to select textbooks and course activities (e.g.,
lectures, lab, field experiences, etc.). At the end of each semester, student outcomes are evaluated
using course data, student evaluations, peer evaluations, exit interviews, etc. When
improvements in quality are identified, efforts are made to improve the course, and structural
changes are considered using the processes described in the previous paragraphs.
The CEP and UG Committees meet monthly and serve as the primary vehicle for evaluating the
CEP and CVEEN undergraduate program regarding developing or modifying degree
requirements. Activities of this committee often include: offering improvements to the
curriculum, reviewing academic requirements, assisting in the accreditation process, and
reviewing petitions submitted to the Department by undergraduate students.
The discipline groups with CVEEN meet monthly to discuss various issues brought forth by
group members, or by CVEEN IAB, or by the department chair. These groups also review
graduate student applications for admissions into the University
The CVEEN Executive Committee (EXCOM) is responsible for identifying and advancing
opportunities to improve departmental operations, including, but not limited to, developing new
and modifying existing departmental policies and procedures concerning faculty and students
consistent with College and University guidelines.
The faculty meet as a body once a month to discuss and approve or deny motions brought forth
by other groups or committees. In the case of curriculum modifications, these are approved by a
majority vote of the faculty. All faculty body actions are documented in monthly faculty meeting
minutes, which are available to the review team upon request.
The following form is used to document continuous improvement recommendations and actions.
Group/Committee/Person(s) making recommendation:
Course(s) affected (as applicable):
Brief discussion of action or improvement as approved by the UG committee and CEP Faculty:
The table below summarizes the assessment results and any changes (whether or not effective) in
those cases where the evaluations has been completed. Also, any significant future program
improvement plans are discussed based upon recent evaluations. This information supporting this
table is found in this report in Attachment 1 – Student Outcome Assessment.
1 Spring 2021 All the students completed Continue to solve as many Action pending
CVEEN 3510 the problem. Part of the problems in class as CEP committee
reason for a great success rate possible. Another possible review
that the problem was very solution would be to issue
similar to those covered in a problem that uses the
class. concepts required, but is
not very similar to that
given in class.
1 Fall 2020 The average for the exercise, Most of the student were Action pending
CVEEN 3210 including the student who did able to connect the dots, CEP committee
not solve it, was 7.9. The and understand that they review.
standard deviation was 3.1. should include load
Therefore, the problem was combinations that had The instructor
considered a success in terms reduced gravity load. recommends to
of students’ This led to an average of provide more
understanding. However, almost 80% for the exercises of this
some students could not exercise. type in HW and
connect the fact that an midterm
overturning moment failure assignments.
mode may be more critical
when the gravitational loads
are smaller, not larger.
C. Additional Information
Copies of any of the assessment instruments or materials referenced in 4.A and 4.B will be
available electronically at the time of the visit. Other information, such as minutes from
meetings from the CVEEN committees where the assessment results were evaluated and where
recommendations for action were made, will also be included.
A. Program Curriculum
The University operates on a semester basis. It has two fourteen-week semesters (i.e.,
fall and spring) and one eleven-week summer term.
Table 5-1 describes the curriculum plan for the CEP students. Flowcharts showing this
same information and the recommended schedule are also presented. These are used in
advising CEP students to help them optimize their program completion date. Table 5-1
also shows the maximum section enrollments for courses in the Program for the last two
terms taught.
The CEP has only one path or track through the Program. However, most students
complete the College of Engineering "Engineering Math Sequence," whereas transfer
students may have completed a "Traditional Math Sequence." The former requires 12
semester hours of coursework, where the latter requires 15 semester hours. We have
provided flow charts for both math sequences. Also, Table 5-1 has been completed and
the total Math & Basic Sciences credit summed using the "Engineering Math Sequence"
because it gave the least amount of Math & Basic Sciences credits that a student could
1. Describe how the curriculum aligns with the program educational objectives (PEOs).
Table 5-2 describes the relationship between the PEOs and the CEP curriculum. The
primary courses that address each PEO are presented in this table.
The CEP curriculum and its sequencing for the freshman and sophomore years are highly
structured, emphasizing engineering science, mechanics, and other fundamentals (e.g.,
economics, computing tools, and communication). These foundational courses prepare
the students for core CEP courses that occur in the junior and senior years. Courses
shared by the CEP with civil engineer graduates are CVEEN 3210 (Structural Loads &
Analysis), CVEEN 3310 and CVEEN 3315 (Geotechnical Engineering and Lab),
CVEEN 3510 and 3515 (Civil Engineering Materials and Lab), CVEEN 3520
(Transporation Engineering), and CVEEN 4221 (Concrete Design I). The faculty deemed
these civil courses to be most beneficial to practicing construction engineers. The
remaining 3000, 4000, and 5000-level courses all focus on topics important to
construction engineers. These are CVEEN 3700 (Principles of Construction
Engineering), CVEEN 3710 (Contract Specifications), CVEEN 5720 (Project
Scheduling), CVEEN 5740 (Horizontal Construction), CVEEN 5780 (Façade
Engineering), CVEEN 5790 (Vertical Construction); CVEEN 4920 (Capstone Design).
In addition, other technical electives can be taken in topics such as cost estimation,
proposal writing, project and contract management, engineering law and contracts, and
other civil design courses,
See Table 5-3. See also Table 5-1 for specific requirements and the required number of
semester hours.
3. Attach a flowchart or worksheet that illustrates the prerequisite structure of the Program's
required courses.
The flowcharts included in this section show the prerequisite structure of the CEP. Table
5-4 also gives more details about this structure.
4. Describe how the Program meets the requirements in terms of hours and depth of study
for each subject area (Math and Basic Sciences, Engineering Topics) specifically
addressed by either the general criteria or the program criteria.
See Table 5-1 for the general criteria. The program criteria requirements are discussed in
the PROGRAM CRITERIA section of this report.
5. Describe the broad education component and how it complements the technical content
of the curriculum and how it is consistent with the program educational objectives.
The CEP curriculum for the freshman and sophomore year is similar to that of a civil
engineering curriculum which emphasis engineering mechanics, economics, computing
tools, and communication. These are foundational courses for the training of future
graduates in the practice of construction engineering or a related field or for pursuing
advanced knowledge through post-graduate study and research.
The CEP curriculum incorporates the science and practice of engineering through an
integrated curriculum that mixes theory with practice. Engineering students need to plan,
analyze, design, construct, and operate engineered systems. These activities require
creative thinking, theoretical and practical knowledge, problem-solving, self-confidence,
teamwork, professional ethics, and social responsibility.
Theoretical knowledge is the science of engineering and permits one to explore the
reasonableness of assumptions and to generalize or extrapolate ideas to new situations
with greater confidence. This knowledge is obtained from the principles of mathematics,
physics, mechanics, dynamics, chemistry, geology, etc., and is used to explain the
fundamental behavior of engineered systems. However, theoretical knowledge is not
sufficient to practice engineering. Applied learning, or engineering judgment, is also
needed. A skilled engineer must develop a sense of proportion and reasonableness of his
or her design based on precedent and available construction techniques. Thus, a
contemporary engineer must know modern materials, equipment, and construction
practices to be successful.
The major design experience is CVEEN 4920 Capstone Design and is described below.
Course Description
Culminating open-ended design project involving writing, project scheduling, cost
estimating, preparation of construction-related documents, and review of as-built
engineering plans.
CVEEN 3100, CVEEN 3700, CVEEN 4221, CVEEN 5720 AND one additional Design
Technical Elective course completed AND Full Major Status in Construction Engineering
AND Senior Standing within the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department.
Students need to learn to tackle complex, real-world problems, which have more than one
possible solution. This capstone course is designed to give students this experience.
Instructor's Credentials
The instructor, Steven Peterson, has been a licensed Professional Engineer (174368-
2202) in Utah since August 1995.
The instructor's credentials meet the requirement that "the majority of faculty teaching
courses that are primarily design in content are qualified to teach the subject matter by
virtue of professional licensure…).
Instructor's Role
For most of the project, the instructor will assume the role of the contractor's manager
responsible for responding to RFQs, with the teams reporting to the manager. For the
technical proposal, proposal presentation, and price proposal, the instructor will assume
the role of the owner's personnel responsible for scoring the proposals.
Capstone Project
The students will be divided into teams of three to four students. The teams will respond
to a two-phase, best-value, design-build proposal to design and construct a hypothetical
precast concrete parking structure at a park-and-ride. In the first phase, the teams will
respond to a Request for Qualifications (RFQ). In the second phase, the teams will
respond to a Request for Proposals (RFP). Finally, the teams will prepare the construction
documents needed for the garage's construction.
At this point, the owner selects three to five contractors to submit proposals. All teams
will move on to the proposal phase.
Code Review
Each team will identify the 2018 International Building Code sections that need to be
incorporated into the project's design.
This deliverable measures the students' engineering design abilities. "Engineering design
is a process of devising a system, component, or process to meet desired needs and
specifications within constraints. … For illustrative purposes only, examples of possible
constraints include … codes …". Engineering standards and realistic constraints are
critical in construction engineering design. … In construction engineering, the most
common types of standards are codes and regulations.". Given that students have not
taken a course in codes, this deliverable will measure the students' "ability to acquire and
apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies" (Student Outcome
Preliminary Design
Each team will prepare several preliminary designs that explore alternative designs for
the project. The teams will evaluate the designs based on average travel time and cost.
Each team will select one of their preliminary design to pursue.
Proposed Design
Each team will prepare a design for the parking garage that is 30 to 50 percent complete,
including floor plans, footing plan, sections, exterior elevations, site plan, and outline
This deliverable measures the students' "ability to apply engineering design to produce
solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and
welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors" (see
Student Outcome 2). "Engineering design is a process of devising a system, component,
or process to meet desired needs and specifications within constraints. … For illustrative
purposes only, examples of possible constraints include accessibility, aesthetics, codes
This deliverable also gives students experience with "Engineering design problems are
generally open-ended. They have no single correct answer, but rather a range of possible
Each team will prepare an estimate for its proposed design.
This deliverable measures the students' understanding of construction project
management. "Basic concepts in construction project management include … estimating
construction costs …".
Each team will prepare a schedule for the proposed design.
"The program must prepare graduates to … analyze and design construction processes
and systems in a construction engineering specialty field applying knowledge of …
planning, scheduling …". This deliverable measures the students' understanding of
construction project management. "Basic concepts in construction project management
include … planning, scheduling …".
Technical proposal
Each team will submit a technical proposal to the owners in response to the RFP. The
technical proposal is written to the non-construction professional. The technical proposal
addresses the design, sustainability, schedule, construction risk, and quality control.
This deliverable measures the students' "ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex
engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics"
(see Student Outcome 1).
This deliverable measures the students' ability "to communicate effectively with a range
of audiences" (see Student Outcome 3).
This deliverable's inclusion of quaintly control measures the students' "ability to develop
and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering
judgment to draw conclusions" (see Student Outcome 6). "In a construction engineering
context, this level of achievement can be demonstrated through laboratory experiences
that are consistent with the standards-based testing used in the construction engineering
profession. For example, a program might require students to develop a quality control
testing program for some aspect of a construction project, through the selection and
application of appropriate published standards. Thus, for example, the program might
involve determining the type and frequency of ASTM tests to be performed on fresh and
hardened concrete during the construction of a building or highway").
Proposal Presentation
The teams will present their proposals to the project's owner (the instructor) via Zoom.
This deliverable measures the students' ability "to communicate effectively with a range
of audiences" (Student Outcome 3).
Price Proposal
Each team will submit a separate price proposal.
Project Buyout
The project buyout includes issuing purchase orders and subcontracts for a portion of the
"The program must prepare graduates to … explain basic legal and ethical concepts … in
the construction industry…"). This deliverable measures the students' ability to apply the
basic legal concepts to a construction project.
Shop drawings
Each team should review and make corrections to the rebar or precast concrete shop
8. Describe the materials that will be available for review during and/or prior to the visit to
demonstrate achievement related to this criterion. (See 2021-2022 APPM Section
B. Course Syllabi
Appendix A contains syllabi for each course required in the CVEEN program, as well as those
used for to fulfil the technical electives in our program.
Indicate Engineeri
whether course ng Last Two Maximum
is Required, Topics; Terms the Section
Elective or a Check if Course was Enrollment
Course (Department, Number, Title) Selected Contains Offered: for the Last Two
List all courses in the Program by term starting with the Elective by an Math & Significan Year and, Terms the
first term of the first year and ending with the last term R, an E or an Basic t Design Semester, orCourse was
of the final year. SE. Sciences (√) Other Quarter Offered2
CVEEN 1000, Intro to Civil and Environmental Fall 2020 Lecture: 92
R 2
Engineering Fall 2019 Lecture: 96
CHEM 1210, General Chemistry I R 4 Spring 2021 Lecture: n/a
Fall 2020 Discussion: 300
Lecture: 1042
Discussion: 69
CHEM 1215, General Chemistry I Lab R 1 Spring 2021 Lecture: 460
Fall 2020 Lab: 20
Lecture: 360
Lab: 20
Engineering Math Sequence
MATH 1310, Engineering Calculus I R 4 Spring 2021 Lecture: 70
Fall 2020 Discussion: 35
Lecture: 143
Discussion: 40
MATH 1320, Engineering Calculus II R 4 Spring 2021 Lecture: 110
Fall 2020 Lab: 30
Lecture: 60
*** Other Technical Electives (take 1 of following or SE 3 See Below See Below
complete additional Design or Primary Technical
***CVEEN 4222, Steel I SE Spring 2021, 40, 40
spring 2020
***CVEEN 5240, Masonry/Timber Design SE Fall 2020, 28, 35
fall 2019
***CVEEN 5500, Sustainable Materials SE Spring 2021, 30, 25
spring 2020
*** ARCH 6371, Innovative Materials and SE N/A N/A
*** Any 3000+ Level from ABET Program SE N/A N/A
General Education
General Ed Requirement SE 3 N/A N/A
General Ed Requirement SE 3 N/A N/A
Intellectual Exploration/DV SE 3 N/A N/A
Intellectual Exploration/IR SE 3 N/A N/A
American Institutions SE 3 N/A N/A
1. Required courses are required of all students in the Program, Elective courses (often referred to as open or free electives) are
optional for students, and Selected Elective courses are those for which students must take one or more courses from a specified
2. For courses that include multiple elements (lecture, laboratory, recitation, etc.), indicate the maximum enrollment in each element.
For Selected Elective courses, indicate the maximum enrollment for each option.
CEP Courses Supporting Program Educational Objectives
1) CVEEN Construction Every course in the CEP curriculum (Table 5.1, Figure 5-1) is
Engineering graduates designed to prepare our students to engage in construction
will be engaged in the engineering or a related field or pursue post-graduate research.
practice of construction Therefore, all CVEEN designated courses focus on knowledge
engineering or a related or skills required to become practicing engineering. Also,
field or will be because general education mathematics, science, and
pursuing advanced communications courses are required, students are prepared to
knowledge through pursue related fields or post-graduate study, if desired, because
post-graduate study and of their general academic preparation.
The CEP curriculum for the freshman and sophomore year is
similar to that of a civil engineering curriculum which
emphasis engineering mechanics, economics, computing tools,
and communication. In the junior and senior year, CEP students
are required to take CVEEN 3210 (Structural Loads &
Analysis), CVEEN 3310 (Geotechnical Engineering), CVEEN
3510 (Civil Engineering Materials), CVEEN 3520
(Transporation Engineering), and CVEEN 4221 (Concrete
Design I). The faculty deemed these civil courses to be most
beneficial to practicing construction engineers. The remaining
3000, 4000, and 5000-level courses all focus on topics
important to construction engineers. These are CVEEN 3700
(Principles of Construction Engineering), CVEEN 3710
(Contract Specifications), CVEEN 5720 (Project Scheduling),
CVEEN 5740 (Horizontal Construction), CVEEN 5780
(Façade Engineering), CVEEN 5790 (Vertical Construction);
CVEEN 4920 (Capstone Design). In addition, other technical
electives can be taken in topics such as cost estimation,
proposal writing, project and contract management,
engineering law and contracts, and other civil design courses.
2) CVEEN Construction The curriculum that most directly supports this PEO is:
Engineering graduates
will be entering Professional Practice: (see description for PEO 1 above)
professional practice
and on a path towards Professional Licensure: CVEEN 1000 (Intro.), CVEEN 2000
professional licensure (Seminar), CVEEN 4920 (Capstone Design)
when appropriate. They
will be collaborating on Teams and Leadership: all CVEEN lab courses require
diverse project teams working in teams and taking turns assuming leadership roles,
Major Status
The Department utilizes the Degree Audit Report (DARS) system to ensure that students have
cleared all Bachelor of Science in Construction Engineering requirements. This procedure is also
used for the Dual Degree Program. Upon applying for graduation, the system runs a report on
each student's DARS to confirm they have met every requirement in their degree program.
Other pre-engineering students can apply for major status for those students who did not qualify
for direction admission (https://www.civil.utah.edu/major-status-form/). Successful completion
(C or higher) of three of the following four courses:
A. Faculty Qualifications
Describe the qualifications of the faculty and how they are adequate to cover all the curricular
areas of the Program and also meet any applicable program criteria. This description should
include the composition, size, credentials, and experience of the faculty. Complete Table 6-1.
Include faculty resumes in Appendix B.
The qualifications, workload, and professional development activities of the faculty are included
in Tables 6-1, 6-2, and 6-3. Finally, 15 of the 29 CVEEN full-time faculty (1 UAC faculty) and
one CVEEN part-time faculty have professional registrations (e.g., S.E. or P.E.). These faculty
members have various levels of professional experience with consulting engineering firms,
construction companies, public agencies, and industry. Only faculty with professional
registrations teach courses that are designated to contain significant design content. Furthermore,
lead instruction of the professional practice and design classes (4900/4910, 4920) is always
conducted by a licensed professional engineer.
The competency and expertise of the entire CVEEN Departmental faculty constitute the core to
the success of the Program (http://www.civil.utah.edu/faculty). CVEEN faculty are
accomplished, dedicated instructors that teach and mentor undergraduate students. Their
expertise encompasses a broad spectrum of civil engineering in structural engineering and
mechanics, transportation, water resources and hydrology, environmental engineering,
geotechnics, construction materials, methods and technologies, and engineering management.
Table 6-1 summarizes CVEEN faculty qualifications.
In structural engineering and mechanics, the department has 7 core faculty: Drs. Babu, Ibarra,
Jovanovic, Ou, Pantelides, Schmucker, and Zhou. These faculty provide expertise in structural
analysis and design about steel and concrete structures, seismic design concerning critical
facilities such as nuclear reactors, systems, and interim waste storage facilities, biomimetic
structures, parallel supercomputing, and sensor networks. Adjunct Assistant Professor Dr.
Johnson, S.E., provides expertise in masonry and timber design and is a principal engineer with
Reaveley and Associates in Salt Lake City, Utah.
In water resource and environmental engineering, CVEEN has eigh core faculty: Drs. Barber,
McPherson, Oroza, Pomeroy, Hong, Goel, Marron, and Weidhaas. The water resource faculty
provide expertise in fluid mechanics, hydraulics, surface and groundwater hydrology, water
management, sustainability, sensor networks, remote sensing, robotics, and machine learning.
The environmental faculty provide expertise in wastewater treatment, bioremediation, tertiary
treatment, soil and brownfield remediation, and environmental assessment.
In geotechnical engineering and construction materials, CVEEN has four core faculty and 1
faculty emeritus (who was teaching active during the 2020-2021 academic year): Drs. Bartlett,
Lawton, Mohamadi, Romero, and Roshankhah. The geotechnical faculty have expertise in soil
mechanics, geotechnical investigations, design, and construction of foundation systems, soil
improvement, and seismic design. The materials faculty have expertise in material
characterization (i.e., concrete and asphalt), evaluations, sustainable infrastructure, and design.
Dr. Lawton was granted emeritus standing in spring semester 2021 and will not be teaching after
that semester.
The department also houses a Construction Engineering program (Drs. Chen and Rashidi) and a
Nuclear Engineering Program (Drs. Cazalas, Mastren, McDonald, and Sjoden ).
B. Faculty Workload
Complete Table 6-2, Faculty Workload Summary, and describe this information in terms of
workload expectations or requirements.
CVEEN full-time faculty members are expected to teach at least three 3-semester hour courses
during an academic year (Table 6-2). In addition to teaching (45% of assignment), tenured and
tenure-track faculty members conduct extramural funded research (45% of assignment) and
provide service to the profession and community (10% of assignment). However, junior faculty
members are typically assigned a lower teaching workload in the first two years of their career,
and tenure or tenure track faculty may substitute additional research for one course per year.
Full-time lecturing faculty are expected to teach six 3-semester hour courses per academic year.
The part-time and adjunct faculty contracts vary, but the teaching load is seldom above 2 courses
per academic year.
C. Faculty Size
The CVEEN departmental faculty consists of 21 full-time equivalents (FTE) on the Salt Lake
City Campus, two full-time FTE associated with the UAC one part-time faculty, two positions
associated with the construction program, and four FTE positions associated with the NEUP
(Table 6-1). In addition to these, CVEEN 3100 (Technical Communication) is currently taught
by Dr. Joshua Lenart, who is an instructor in the COE CLEAR program. Also, there are other
adjunct lecturers, professors, and instructors who instruct CVEEN undergraduate technical
D. Professional Development
All faculty members are engaged in state, national and international professional service through
technical committees, training of licensed engineers, and professional leadership roles. Many of
the younger faculty members have participated in the ASCE ExCEEd program
(http://www.asce.org/exceed/), which focuses on helping young faculty to become better
teachers. Table 6-3 shows a tally of the professional development activities completed by the
faculty during this review cycle. Additional discussion of CVEEN support for faculty
development activities is provided in Section 8E.
Where course modification, creation, or deletion is desired, the faculty members submit a request
to the Department’s Undergraduate Committee. Upon approval of the Undergraduate Committee,
the potential changes are considered and approved or denied by faculty vote. When a new
course is being created, or significant changes to the course are being considered, in that case,
the CVEEN approval is forwarded by the chair with these endorsements to the College
curriculum committee. This body considers the merits of the new listing or modifications and
votes to approve/disapprove the new course or add changes. These actions are then forwarded to
the faculty senate for final approval.
Professional Registration/
H, M, or L
Type of Academic
Govt./Ind. Practice
work in industry
FT or PT3
This Institution
Highest Degree
Rank 1
Faculty Name Earned- Field and
Instructions: Complete table for each member of the faculty in the program. Add additional rows or use additional sheets if
necessary. Updated information is to be provided at the time of the visit.
1. Code: P = Professor ASC = Associate Professor AST = Assistant Professor I = Instructor A = Adjunct O = Other
2. Code: T = Tenured TT = Tenure Track NTT = Non-Tenure Track
3. FT = Full-Time Faculty or PT = Part-Time Faculty
4. The level of activity (high, medium or low) should reflect an average over the three years prior to the visit.
Lenart, Joshua FT CVEEN 3100 (3) Fall 2020 & Spring 2021 100 0 0 50
Shea, Michael Scott PT CVEEN 5510 (3) Spring 2021 100 0 0 100
The Department of CVEEN is housed in the Meldrum Civil Engineering (MCE) Building
(Figure 7-1, 7-2) within the COE campus at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. CVEEN
also has laboratories in the adjacent HEDCO Building (Figure 7-3) and the Merrill Engineering
Building (MEB, Figure 7-4) and instructional classrooms in the Warnock Engineering Building
(WEB, Figure 7-5).
The MCE Building has two floors, part of which house CVEEN. Facilities and offices within
MCE consist of department offices, faculty offices, undergraduate student study areas. CVEEN
administrative offices are located on the 2nd floor of MCE in room 2000B. Individual offices for
faculty are also located on the 2nd floor of this building. In addition to these, there are conference
rooms for faculty and student meetings (Lund Faculty Conference Room and Tikalsky
Department Chair Conference), also located on the 2nd floor.
The first floor of the MCE Building is primarily undergraduate study and meeting areas
consisting of the: Geneva Rock Study Room (undergraduate study area, Figure 7-6), CRS Design
Center (capstone design, Figure 7-7), Kiewit Mentoring Room (graduate TA desks and
undergraduate advising rooms, Figure 7-8), Dunn Commons Lounge (student lounge area, Figure
7-9), and Layton Conference Room (capstone design, Figure 7-10).
The Construction Engineering Program is not offered at the University of Utah Asia Campus.
B. Computing Resources
The majority of the College of Engineering undergraduate classes are held in classrooms located
in the Warnock Engineering Building (WEB) or the Merrill Engineering Building (MEB). The
two buildings are adjacent to one another and connected via an underground tunnel. The capacity
of the classrooms varies between 20 students, for more intimate classroom settings, to 262
students for large lectures. The Warnock Building is a premier teaching facility that has enabled
our faculty to advance pedagogy and deliver high-quality education.
In general, the classrooms broadly fall into three separate categories shown in Table 7-1. The
majority of engineering classes are held in the lower level of the WEB. This lower level was part
of the old Engineering and Mines Classroom Building (EMCB) structure, which was designed
solely for use as a classroom building. When WEB was constructed, the two buildings were
integrated into a single building. The WEB classrooms all have air conditioning, carpeting, data
projectors, disabled access, video projection, chalkboards and/or whiteboards. Many of the
rooms include TV and VCR projection and tiered seating. Lecture halls are provided with a
network computer connection, a public address system, a projection booth, an overhead
projector, a videotape player, and a ceiling-mounted LCD projector.
There were concerns in the past about scheduling conflicts for classrooms that required some
classes to be held in other buildings on campus. Such issues were largely mitigated after WEB
was constructed and became available years ago. Renovation of MEB and other buildings on
campus has also added classrooms. The ongoing construction of new buildings on campus will
further increase classroom availability as non-engineering classes move into these new buildings
and out of the engineering classrooms.
The CEP laboratories are located in the HEDCO Building, which houses the undergraduate
laboratory for Construction Materials (CVEEN 3515, Figure 7-11) and Geotechnical
Engineering (CVEEN 3315, Figure 7-12). These areas are extensively used and contribute
greatly to the quality of education at the undergraduate level. The equipment used in these
laboratories is listed in Appendix C.
For CVEEN students using the computer laboratories offered by the College of Engineering
(e.g., CADE and Engman Labs), IT Support is available during most business hours
Attachment 2 is an example safety plan used by CVEEN to promote a culture of safety and
appropriate use of equipment in the environmental laboratory.
CVEEN students are instructed in the use, operation and handling of tools and equipment by the
course instructors, teaching assistants and CVEEN safety and laboratory manager (Mark Bryant).
Laboratory procedures have been developed for each major laboratory exercise. These are
assigned reading for the students and the instructor or laboratory T.A. reviews these procedures
with the students prior to conducting the exercise. An example laboratory procedure is attached
in Attachment 3.
F. Library Services
The University library system is adequate to support undergraduate teaching and the research
needs of faculty and graduate students. The University of Utah has three libraries on its campus:
Faust Law Library, Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, and J. Willard Marriott Library.
The Marriott Library is the library used most by engineering faculty and students.
The Marriott Library currently has more than 3.6 million books and over 10,500 serials
subscriptions with access to nearly 70,000 titles including access to collections in engineering,
computing, technology, and science societies/organizations such as ACM, ACS, AMS, ASCE,
ASM, ASME, ASTM, IEEE, IOP, and many more. Through the regional Utah Academic Library
Consortium students, faculty, and staff have reciprocal borrowing privileges at other colleges and
universities throughout the state of Utah. The library is 10 to 15 minutes walking distance from
the various buildings that house the College of Engineering (Merrill, Warnock, Rio Tinto
Kennecott, Meldrum, and Sorenson). Normally, the library is open 104 hours per week as
follows: Monday-Thursday 7am-12am, Friday 7am-8pm, Saturday 9am-8pm, and Sunday noon-
The Marriott Library provides access to numerous online resources. These resources include
article and physical-property databases, digital full-text journals, and a collection of e-materials
to support campus and distance education. The library’s ebook collection is extensive.
Databases and resources that are purchased by University Libraries to support the College of
Engineering include IEEE Xplore (IEEE Electronic Library), Inspec, Scopus (Compendex and
the Compendex Archive), ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global, ProQuest Materials
Science and Engineering Collections, Scifinder, etc. Engineering related materials are found in
all of these collections.
Since the last review, the University Libraries have purchased access to new resources to support
the College of Engineering including subscriptions to Web of Science, ASTM Compass, Science
of Synthesis, Materials ConneXion, Anatomy.TV (especially useful for biomedical, engineering
students needing knowledge of human anatomy and physiology), GDC Vault, Embase, electronic
backfiles to journals, and Patsnap. Further, the Marriott Library has repurposed spaces to support
the College of Engineering and our nationally ranked Entertainment Arts & Engineering program
by creating VR classrooms and ProtoSpace™. ProtoSpace™ includes spaces for VR
development (the library has over 60 VR headsets for use), gaming spaces, and 3D printing (with
The library’s Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery (ILL)Department will borrow almost
anything the user might need upon request to support their academic program and research. The
ILL department provides electronic delivery of requested articles and book chapters to the patron
usually within 24-48 hours. It also has a policy of quickly obtaining copies of almost any
engineering standard needed by faculty or graduate students (ANSI, ASME, ISO, etc.).
Engineering standards are purchased as needed via TechStreet.
In addition to borrowing materials via Interlibrary Loan, students, staff, and faculty can order
materials (books, ebooks, media, etc.) in a variety of ways. The libraries will automatically
purchase any monograph or print item up to $250.00, no questions asked via a “Suggest a
Purchase” form or contacting their library liaison. For items over $250.00, we order materials if
three or more librarians concur. A second option we offer is the ability for students, staff, and
faculty to request the purchase of books via our library catalog and have them available in less
than two weeks (demand driven acquisition). For rush orders, we have the ability to purchase
materials and make them available in less than a week; for some of our vendors, materials can be
made available in two or less business days. We have access to several catalogs to find materials
including our own library catalog, WorldCat, HathiTrust, and the Library of Congress. Also, we
can purchase media in a variety of formats and offer access in a variety of ways—including
online streaming. Due to the pandemic, engineering librarians have proactively bought electronic
access to textbooks and other materials to support remote learning and research.
The University Libraries have a team of librarians that support the College of Engineering called
the Science, Health, Engineering, and Mines (SHEM) team. The SHEM team works together on
collection development and outreach. For example, we did a self-study of our collection and
when we noticed gaps in the collection and prioritized the purchase of expensive engineering
volumes and sets over the past three years.
These and other librarians promote information literacy, critical thinking, and digital fluency. We
offer in-depth research consultations for faculty, staff and students. Several librarians are actively
engaged in supporting our nationally recognized LEAP program for first-year students.
Librarians are actively engaged in supporting undergraduate engineering students in their
capstone courses. Further, library liaisons work closely with graduate students, faculty, staff,
research associates, post-docs, to support their teaching and research needs. Librarians provide
in-class, hybrid, hyflex, and online instruction for library research and writing assignments, and
have created many dozens of online guides to assist students with all aspects of library research
and the use of information technology, including the Marriott Library One-Stop Resource, an
online course for library research support for faculty and their graduate and undergraduate
Autodesk 3ds Max - 3D modeling & animation Mendeley Desktop - Organize & share research
Autodesk AutoCAD - Computer-aided design Microsoft Project - Project management
& drafting Minitab - Statistical analysis
Autodesk Inventor - 3d mechanical CAD
Mplus - Statistical analysis
Autodesk Maya - 3D modeling & animation
Autodesk Mudbox - Digital sculpting tool NVivo - Qualitative analysis
Blender - 3D modeling OmniGraffle Professional - Diagramming, charting,
Bricksmith - Virtual Lego modeling & visualization
Cantor - Statistical analysis OmniPlan - Project management
ChemBioDraw - Chemical structure modeling Paraview - Scientific data visualization
Dia Diagram Editor - Diagramming, charting, Phase Equilibria Diagrams Database - Ceramic &
& visualization inorganic phase diagrams
FlatRedBall - Game development platform POWERPREP II - GRE test preparation
GameMaker: Studio - Game development platform Prezi Desktop - Presentation creation
IBM SPSS - Statistical analysis PSPP - Statistical analysis
IBM SPSS Amos - Structural equation modeling ReadCube - Reference manager, Nature Group
Integrated Data Viewer (IDV) - Geoscience SAS - Statistical analysis
data analysis & visualization SketchUp - 3D modeling
KaleidaGraph - Graphing & statistical analysis Slic3r - G-code generator for 3D printing
KAlgebra - Graph calculator SolidWorks - 3D mechanical CAD
Kalzium - Periodic table of elements Stata - Statistical analysis
Keynote - Presentation creation StatPlus - Statistical analysis
LabVIEW - Graphical development environment STELLA - Modeling & simulation
MakerBot Desktop - G-code generator for Unreal Engine - Game development platform
3D printing Vectorworks - CAD & Building
Maple - Computer algebra system Information Modeling
Mathematica - Automated computation system Wings3D - 3D modelling
A. Leadership
The department has established different tiers of leadership within the program. The top level of
leadership consists of the Executive Committee. The committee is compiled of the chair of the
three teaching/research groups, Undergraduate and Graduate Directors, Associate Chair, and
Chair of the Department. This committee is where new ideas are brought forth, discussed and
determined what can be done with it. The answer is typically one of three responses: take to
faculty for a vote, send to a committee for more discussion, or no further action.
The next level of leadership comes through in the form of the Undergraduate and Graduate
Studies Committees. These groups consist of members of all the teaching/research groups and
have a chair of the committee. The committee evaluates curriculum, student petitions,
determines best practices for the program, and work toward any directive that the Chair or larger
committee has requested assistance.
The base tier of leadership comes the Teaching/Research Group. The groups (Environmental and
Water Resources, Pavement Materials and Transportation, and Infrastructure (which
encompasses Structures and Geotechnical)) meet to discuss topics affecting their areas. This
includes, but is not limited to, recommending course offerings and instructors to the Chair,
review ABET outcomes and course criteria’s, course curriculum evaluation, and work toward
any directive that the Chair or larger committee has ask for assistance.
Teaching research groups, and all department committees can bring ideas up to the faculty in
Executive Committee meetings as well as faculty meetings. Faculty meetings are held monthly
during the academic year and allow for dissemination of University changes or events. This is
also used to help discuss items that the committees need to be voted on by the faculty.
Having the tiered structure of leadership enables all faculty to contribute to the progress of the
department. Faculty will be able to give input at the group level, and depending on the topic at
their committee meeting and finally at faculty meeting, when a vote or additional discussion
occurs. The tiers of leadership have allowed the faculty to go into very detailed discussions for
the issues that affect the program.
The departmental budget for any new fiscal year typically consists of the base budget from the
previous year plus cost-of-living and/or merit increases approved by the Legislature. In recent
years, these increases have typically ranged from 1% to 2% of ongoing budget lines (e.g. “filled”
positions). Unfortunately for the 2021 fiscal year, the university was assessed a 2.5% budget cut
(based on the FY 2020 budget) instead of an increase by the Legislature, in anticipation of
decreased tax revenues due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The university absorbed 0.5% centrally
and passed on a 2.0% budget cut to colleges and departments. The budget for the 2022 fiscal
year has recently been appropriated and will be a 3.0% increase.
As shown in the budget transfer summaries in Figure 8-1, the majority of the budget is reflected
in the Base Budget and Benefit Pool transfers, augmented by both ongoing and one-time support
provided by (a) the SVPAA’s office (diversity increments, Presidential Teaching award
increments, promotion increments, etc.), (b) College supplemental funding (retention increments,
service awards, and other program support transfers from college-held funds), (c) Differential
Tuition transfers (based on assessments of all students who take upper division or graduate
engineering courses), (d) Incentive Fund transfers (based on a general pool that is allocated
based on relative SCH taught (40%), program enrollments (40%) and degrees awarded (20%),
determined by taking a two-year moving average overall the totals for each category, over the
entire University.
One of the most successful programs to grow the annual number of engineering graduates is the
Engineering Initiative Program. Since the 2015 Initiative, the College of Engineering has
received two additional initiatives (2017: $3,080,000; 2019: $5,200,000), which include a 50%
match by the central administration.
In the 2019 Engineering Initiative request the College requested funds to hire tutors for the
introductory courses for the program. In spring 2020 we implemented the tutoring program with
the hiring of the first two tutors. Tutors hosted their open drop-in tutoring hours in our
100 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
designated tutoring space within our building. This occurred for the first few weeks of the Spring
2020 semester before COVID-19 closed campus. For the first three semesters of the program,
tutors scheduled and hosted virtual tutoring appointments through Zoom. Our tutors were
available to students on a by-appointment bases with hours offered throughout the week and
limited hours available on weekend mornings.
Tutoring sessions typically run one hour and students can make as many appointments as
needed with the tutors each week. When campus opens in the fall the Tutoring Center will be
open 12-5 Monday through Thursday for walk-in assistance.
The College also maintains, separately, several large computing labs. In addition to on-going
base funding (over $800K in salaries and benefits) and one-time allocations of both student
computing fee income ($150-$250K per year) and other available funding (from open lines, etc.),
state-of-the art computing facilities have provided critically-needed computing resources
available to all programs within the college.
A $4 million-dollar renovation effort has been planned for the HEDCO Building. This
renovation will create new teaching spaces and modernize the undergraduate construction
materials laboratory and the undergraduate water/hydrology laboratory. The south-east part
HEDCO, which is currently a storage and concrete mixing laboratory will be converted into two
levels. The bottom level will house the water/hydrology laboratory as well as a modern concrete
mixing space. The top level will house two new spaces, one termed “The Makers Lab” where
undergraduate students will design and construct models that better illustrates the concepts they
are learning through a hands-on approach and a small “Cyber Infrastructure” space expected to
be used for research in sensor and cyber infrastructure technology. To the west, on the first floor,
the Construction Materials Laboratory will be fully renovated to allow a separate entrance and
101 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
greater space for students to mix and test different construction materials using $80,000 worth of
new equipment that was acquired prior to the pandemic. The new spaces will allow for greater
flexibility in providing students with emerging technologies in support of advances in the
profession. The renovation will also address issues such as lack of modern restroom, seismic
upgrades, and appropriate egress routes to comply with the latest safety codes. The College has
approved initial funding and the final design is being finalized. It is expected that construction
will start late in the Fall 2021.
As discussed in Section 6.C, the number of faculty has increased since the last review, from 17 to
21 including three new faculty starting Fall 2021. This number is adequate to cover all of the
classes while maintaining a reasonable teaching load. Junior level (3000-level) classes are taught
both Fall and Spring semesters and primary technical electives are taught once a year with the
rest scheduled by the groups based on needs. This arrangement ensures a reasonable flow of
students and maintains a classroom size that encourages the learning process. Table 6-1 also
shows that the faculty are experts in their field and have the required qualifications to ensure
quality instruction to meet program objectives. Thanks to the Engineering Initiative, there is an
opportunity for faculty size to increase through new hires; however, such growth needs to be
balanced against the resources available in terms of office space and cost of start-up package.
As discussed in Section 7.A, the classroom and equipment available allow for proper instruction.
There are 4 laboratories dedicated to undergraduate instruction: Materials and Geotechnica.
These facilities allow the program meet the requirements of having the students conduct
laboratory experiments or tests in at least two technical areas. As discussed in the budget section,
there is available funding to periodically improve the equipment. There are spaces dedicated to
the capstone design where students can meet in teams and work on their project. Additional
spaces are also dedicated for mentoring and tutoring. Ancillary support facilities are further
discussed in Section 7.B and 7.E, computers and library, respectively.
As discuss in Sections 7.D and shown in section 8.B.1, there is available funding for
maintenance and upgrading of laboratory and facilities. It is understood that all equipment and
facilities are subjected to wear-and-tear and obsolescence. Furthermore, the faculty leading the
labs is aware of the most up to date equipment that is being used in the field. Thus, in as much as
the laboratories and equipment serve in meeting the student’s outcomes, they are upgraded on a
regular basis. Nonetheless, the program recognizes that new spaces are still needed to better
attain the student outcomes, all part of the continues improvement discussed in Section 4.
Overall, the resources are adequate to meet current demands to attain student outcomes and the
institutional support allows for future expansion.
102 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
C. Staffing
The faculty and staff in CVEEN are primarily located on the second floor of the MCE Building.
The offices house the Department Chair (Michael Barber), Graduate Academic Advisor
(Courtney Phillips), Undergraduate Academic Advisors (Olivia Calvillo and Wendy McKenney),
Accountant (Cathy Merkel), Marketing and Communications Specialist (Kelsey Arnold), and
Departmental Administrative Manager (Tiffany Horton). The laboratory technician (Mark
Bryant) is housed in HEDCO. Funds in the 2019 Engineering Initative also provided suport to
hire one additional technician to assist with adding technology into the classes. This hire had to
be put on hold due to the University’s hiring freeze but the plan is to start the search for this
position in early fall 2021.
The administrative staff provides logistical support along with services related to budgets,
payroll, contract management, proposal generation, and purchasing. As the faculty size and
student body have increased in the last decade so have the demands on the front office staff. The
department has been able to restructure the office staff to better accommodate the needs of the
faculty since the last review to the growing needs of the faculty and students within the
Administrative staff members are provided training opportunities for continuing education
through University Administration. Several types of classes are offered throughout the year for
staff to maintain existing knowledge and to be introduced to new University practices and
policies. The administrative staff receives on-line training on the Family Educational Rights and
Privacy Act (FERPA) and they are required to pass an associated test. The staff also attends
Research Administrative Support Training (RATS) on Export Controls (once a year) to get
updates on all policies and to stay compliant with federal guidelines. The administrative staff
also meets with the Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP) to discuss best practices and to
streamline proposal/grant procedures. The academic advisors are able to attend University
inservises on current practices of the profesion. The department has provided them funding to
attend the state-wide advising conference to continue their knowledge of best practices within
the profession. For both groups, the Human Resources Department has various trainings that are
offered and staff are encourage to attend classes and trainings to stay engaged and broaden their
skillsets for possible advancement.
103 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
The search committees are instructed on permitted and prohibited pre-employment questions,
strategies on application assessment, strategies for conducting a Skype interview, and the
expectations for on-campus interviews. The application process is managed using a University
on-line Application Tracking System. All applicants submit the required documents through the
on-line system. Application review begins in early December and a short list of 10 – 15
candidates is selected for Skype interviews, which typically take place in January. Letters of
recommendation are requested for each person on the short list; those letters are also directly
uploaded to the on-line system. Using all available data, three candidates are selected for on-
campus interviews.
On campus interviews for each candidate take two days. Activities planned for each candidate
include: 1) breakfast with the Chair on day one, 2) present a research seminar, 3) meet with
students and present a short lecture to demonstrate teaching competency, 4) meet with all
Department faculty members one-on-one or in small groups, 5) meet with the Dean, 6) meet with
possible collaborators outside the department, 7) have an exit interview with the Chair. On-
campus interviews for all three candidates in a specific search are scheduled to take place within
a two-week period.
Feedback from all individuals that have met a candidate is solicited. The search committee
prepares a report that summarizes the pros and cons of each candidate, the feedback they
received, and their ranking of the candidates. This report is presented at a faculty meeting and a
vote of the full faculty is taken. By policy, the faculty must vote on the “acceptability” of each
candidate, the rank order of the acceptable candidates, and the rank (assistant, associate, or full
professor) of the position that can be offered to each candidate. The ranking of the acceptable
candidates is a recommendation to the Chair. Following the faculty meeting, the Chair begins
the process of negotiating terms with a candidate for a formal offer.
Retention of Faculty
Strategies used to retain current qualified faculty members include creating an environment that
is open, collegial, supportive, and inclusive and by providing resources to facilitate their success.
• Teaching load – the typical teaching load is three courses per year. Research active faculty
members typically have their teaching load reduced to two courses per year.
• Raises - High achieving faculty members are rewarded with raises well above the percentage
provided in the raise pool.
• Junior faculty workload – non-tenured faculty members have a reduced teaching and service
load, as determined by the Department Chair.
• Resources – start-up packages are at the national average. Lab space is not shared and is
viewed by the chair as adequate for all research active faculty members.
• Collegial atmosphere – considerable effort has gone into creating and maintaining a collegial
atmosphere. Collaboration is encouraged. A supportive and collegial positive workplace is a
major factor in faculty members having a positive attitude toward the department.
o Shared governance – a shared governance administration has been cultivated.
Faculty, either individually or through committees, are involved in all major
104 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
o Administrative transparency – the Chair has operated with as much transparency as is
possible. Budgets, including income sources and expenditures, are presented to the
faculty each year and in an as-need basis at other times.
o Achievement recognition – major accomplishments, such as honors, awards, and new
grants, are recognized through announcements, publications, and on-line articles. The
intent is to create a positive atmosphere within the faculty awards – The chair selects
and recognizes awards given to outstanding teacher and researchers of the year.
Each faculty member annually submits a plan for developing their expertise as a faculty member,
professional career and expectations for the coming year. This is submitted with Faculty Activity
Report (FAR). The faculty members are provided a written evaluation from the chair annually
which evaluates their teaching, mentoring, and research and other service activities. The
evaluation and developmental plan is discussed in a 30 to 45-minute meeting with the chair and
resources are allocated for professional development in this meeting. Other requests are granted
throughout the year.
In addition, the University Retention, Promotion and Tenure (RPT) Standards Committee has
adopted guidelines for departments in determining their criteria and indicators of good teaching
for use in RPT decisions. “Evaluation of teaching effectiveness should not consist solely of
student evaluations, though student satisfaction with teaching methods and course administration
is one component of effective teaching.
The College of Engineering periodically invites Richard Felder and Rebecca Brent to present
their two-day workshop on effective teaching, with the most recent workshops held in 2018 and
2020. The participants of this workshop learn to (i) use a wide variety of effective teaching
strategies, and (ii) find resources for continuing to improve their teaching. These meetings are
well-attended by faculty from CVEEN. While new faculty are specifically encouraged to attend,
many senior faculty have also participated in, and benefitted from, these workshops
The Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence (http://ctle.utah.edu/) at the University offers
resources on all aspects of teaching, including assessment. Faculty members are also eligible to
apply for teaching grants from the Teaching Committee at the University of Utah.
A comprehensive sabbatical leave program allows faculty to pursue teaching and research
interests in locations outside of the University.
105 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
The program criteria have been prepared by the ASCE Committee on Curriculum and
Accreditation (CC&A) with the assistance of the ASCE-CI Construction Engineering Education
Committee and updated and maintained by ASCE’s Committee on Accreditation Operations.
These criteria are given as guidance to construction engineering program evaluators by clarifying
and amplifying the Construction Engineering Program Criteria to be utilized in
association with the ABET/EAC Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs.
1. Curriculum
The program must prepare graduates to apply knowledge of mathematics through differential and
integral calculus, probability and statistics, general chemistry, and calculus-based physics;
analyze and design construction processes and systems in a construction engineering specialty
field applying knowledge of methods, materials, equipment, planning, scheduling, safety, and
cost analysis; explain basic legal and ethical concepts and the importance of professional
engineering licensure in the construction industry; and explain basic concepts of management
topics such as economics, business, accounting, communications, leadership, decision and
optimization methods, engineering economics, engineering management, and cost control.
2. Faculty
The program must demonstrate that the majority of faculty teaching courses that
are primarily design in content are qualified to teach the subject matter by virtue of
professional licensure, or by education and design experience. The faculty must
include at least one member who has had full-time experience and decision-making
responsibilities in the construction industry.
The following describes how the Program satisfies any applicable program criteria.
1. Curriculum
Apply Knowledge of Mathematics through differential and integral calculus
This is met by CEP curriculum which includes the following mathematics sequence:
Engineering Calculus I (MATH 1310, or MATH 1210 or MATH 1311, as alternatives),
Engineering Calculus II (MATH 1320, or MATH 1220, or MATH 1321, as alternatives), and
Differential Equations & Linear Algebra (MATH 2250).
106 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
of central tendency and dispersion, common discrete and continuous probability functions, data
compression, frequency distributions, point estimation, and confidence intervals.
This criterion includes the following subtopics: methods, materials, equipment, planning,
scheduling, safety and cost analysis
Ultimately, the students are evaluated on the application of these topics in CVEEN 4920 (Design
Capstone) as briefly summarized below. For more details regarding this course, see Criterion
5A. In CVEEN 4920, the students are divided into teams of three to four students. The teams will
respond to a two-phase, best-value, design-build proposal to design and construct a hypothetical
precast concrete parking structure at a park-and-ride. In the first phase, the teams will respond
to a Request for Qualifications (RFQ). In the second phase, the teams will respond to a Request
for Proposals (RFP). Finally, the teams will prepare the construction documents needed for the
garage's construction.
107 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Project Staging Plan
• Technical Proposal
• Proposal Presentation
• Price Proposal
• Project Buyout
• Shop Drawings
• Concrete Placement Plan
In addition to CVEEN 4920, the following courses also address safety in design and construction
practices. The specifics of how safety is addressed is found in the course syllabi).
• CVEEN 3210, CVEEN 4222, CVEEN 5305, CVEEN 5510, CVEEN 5570, CVEEN 5740.
The importance of legal and ethical behavior is introduced in CVEEN 2000 (Seminar) using the
ASCE Code of Ethics. These concepts further address in CVEEN 3700 (Principles of
Construction Engineering), CVEEN 4920 (Design Capstone) and CVEEN 5750 (Engineering
Law and Contracts) (Primary Technical Elective).
Management Topics
The forms of business and accounting relevant to construction engineering are construction
project management and asset management.
This topic is covered in CVEEN 2300 (Engineering Economics) and ECON 2010
108 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Business and Accounting
These topics are addressed in CVEEN 5730 (Project Management and Contract Administration)
and CVEEN 4920 (Design Capstone).
This topic is covered in WRTG 2010 (Intermediate Writing), CVEEN 3100 (Technical
Communications) and CVEEN 4920 (Design Capstone)
All CVEEN lab courses require working in teams and taking turns assuming leadership roles,
CVEEN 3100 (Technical Communication) and CVEEN 4920 (Capstone Design) also focus on
leadership, teamwork and developing team deliverables.
These topics are included in CVEEN 2300 (Engineering Economics), CVEEN 4920 (Design
Capstone) and CVEEN 5730 (Project Management and Contract Administration).
Engineering economics
This topic is covered in CVEEN 2300 (Engineering Economics) and ECON 2010
Cost control
This topic is covered in CVEEN 4920 (Design Capstone) and CVEEN 5730 (Project
Management and Contract Administration).
2. Faculty
The program must demonstrate that the majority of faculty teaching courses that are primarily
design in content are qualified to teach the subject matter by virtue of professional licensure, or
by education and design experience.
The CVEEN Department has the policy that instruction of design technical elective courses must
be conducted by licensed professional (P.E.) or structural engineers (S.E.). Instruction of Design
109 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Capstone (CVEEN 4920) is conducted by a licensed professional engineer (i.e., instructor Steven
Peterson). Faculty professional qualifications are shown in Table 6-1.
The faculty must include at least one member who has had full-time experience and decision-
making responsibilities in the construction industry.
This requirement is met by the management and construction experience of Steven J. Peterson,
MBA, MS, PE. His non-academic experience includes:
Mr. Peterson is also a registered Professional Engineer, Utah, No. 174368-2202. His complete
vitae is included in Appendix B.
110 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Although the committees were originally established by the VPR with a focus on research
laboratories, campus “safety” crosses boundaries between academics, research, hospital/clinics,
and facility operations both on and off campus, and impacts students, faculty, staff, and the
surrounding community – it therefore requires a collaborative, holistic approach to be effective.
A joint memo was issued from the VPR and the Office of the Chief Safety Officer (available at
/4-Other Program Attributes/Safety Culture/) to direct colleges and institutes to empower their
safety committees to be the local advocates of safety in all its forms to support an overall culture
of safety across the University.
Active and empowered local safety committees are a way for the University to move from a
reactive safety posture to a proactive one. As an organization, the University of Utah is
transitioning from responding and reacting to past incidents, to focusing on anticipating and
preventing future ones. Working safely, being safe, is not a “thing” to be accomplished or a box
to be checked – it’s a process, a way of thinking, a culture. It is an expectation that the local
college safety committees will be the primary “boots on the ground” in this endeavor, helping
translate words and policies into actions and behaviors at the college and institute level.
To further this goal, EHS will be joined by several campus partners in actively supporting the
safety committees. University Public Safety, composed of Police, Security, and Emergency
Management, as well as UHealth Emergency Management, will routinely participate in the
quarterly meetings of the safety committee chairs and provide guidance, resources, coordination,
and training focused on creating and nurturing an overall culture of safety. On the
college/institute side, the composition and scope of the safety committees should consider and
reflect the wide range of safety concerns and diversity of stakeholders.
Current Practices
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, the College of Engineering, and the
University of Utah take the safety and health of our students, faculty, and staff seriously and
acknowledge that it is a prerequisite for teaching and learning. Especially in the past few years,
we have embraced the APLU’s initiative to build and maintain a culture of safety in teaching and
research laboratories and have worked with the University Environment, Health, and Safety
(EHS) Department to upgrade our procedures for establishing, maintaining, and verifying safe
environments and activities in our teaching and learning environments.
111 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
In the case of normal classrooms, few novel or enhanced risks are present compared to home or
office spaces. Typical hazards such as tripping, fire code, and electrical equipment are monitored
by facilities, the campus fire marshal, and Department faculty and staff and corrective actions
taken whenever issues are identified.
We recognize that, if not planned and managed correctly, hands-on laboratory classes and spaces
may present enhanced risks including but not limited to electrical, machinery and tools, high
speeds and forces, high temperatures / flames, dust/particulates, and exposure to harmful
chemicals or materials. Therefore, the instructors of courses and Department staff have carefully
planned learning activities and set up and maintained safe teaching laboratories to eliminate or
mitigate risks to all persons and the environment. We also provide training as part of the learning
experience on how to conduct the work in safe manners.
At the University of Utah, the instructor of a course, the Department, College, and EHS share
responsibility for assuring safety in all learning and research environments. Our safety
framework (including EHS record keeping) uses the term “principle investigator” or PI in the
context of research facilities; in the context of dedicated teaching labs or facilities, the instructor
and/or responsible Department staff play the role of the front-line manager who is primarily
responsible for assuring safety during all hands-on activities. To avoid diffusion of
responsibility, each teaching space (lab or facility) has been assigned one faculty or staff member
as primarily responsible for the space. This individual is responsible for ensuring the space and
equipment in it are safe. In the case where an instructor specifies equipment or activities as part
of a course, the instructor is responsible for ensuring those are selected and conducted safely.
This includes specifying and providing any needed training, information/procedures, equipment,
and procedures for students or others involved (e.g. TAs). Such training and procedures must be
documented and provided to learners – verbal training is insufficient. Examples may include
instructions and standard operating procedures for equipment, training documents and videos,
laboratory handouts and procedures, and assigned, provided, and documented trainings on
general laboratory safety or specific hazard classes. The instructor may delegate authority for
carrying out training and teaching to staff or TAs but safety must be ensured by the instructor
(who holds the position of front line manager in the University organizational structure). In
general, activities with unnecessary or more than minimal risks are not assigned to students;
112 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
choices of activities and how to carry them out are made considering both pedagogical utility and
safety risks and alternatives are found whenever an undue risk may occur.
At the University of Utah, our first choice is to conduct activities with no risk, then those with
low risk, then to mitigate any remaining risk using procedures and engineering controls
(instructions and warnings to prevent risk, shields, ventilation, etc). Finally, and only as a last
line of defense, personal protective equipment (PPE) may be required. Any required items of
PPE are specified according to risk assessment for specific activities by the instructor or PI/lab
manager and verified by EHS. Default University policy states that any space designated as a
laboratory or where laboratory-like activities are occurring (whether research or teaching)
requires the following PPE: lab coat, disposable gloves, and safety glasses; individual spaces
including sub-spaces within laboratories and or activities occurring in one space may be assigned
enhanced or reduced PPE by the PI/lab manager after a documented risk assessment is submitted
to EHS as part of the overall safety plan for the space. EHS and the Department assist the
instructor in making such decisions.
The Department has responsibility for ensuring that all spaces and activities under its jurisdiction
are carried out safely, and each department has established a safety committee consisting of
faculty and staff to provide assistance and assurance of health and safety at the department level.
The Dean of the College of Engineering holds responsibility for oversight over all Departments
and facilities, and both assists and assures safe teaching environments through their designees
such as Associate Deans for Space/Budget, Research, and Academic Affairs. A College Safety
Committee has been established to assist with assuring learning activities and environments are
safe. The University EHS Department serves dual purposes in working with instructors, staff,
faculty, Departments, and College to set up and maintain safe learning environments, but also to
periodically inspect and enforce any needed corrective actions. The PI / manager of each
learning space is responsible for carrying out self-inspections according to EHS’s checklist at
least yearly, and EHS inspects each space on a schedule according to ongoing risk assessment.
EHS maintains the Safety Administrative Management (SAM) electronic database system to
track documents and inspections for all physical spaces used for research and teaching. The
PI/manager of the space is responsible for keeping updated records of procedures related to
safety in that space; of course, instructors must thus keep the PI/manager up to date on any new
or changed equipment, procedures, controls, and PPE present or required in that space and help
to complete and submit documentation.
The graphic below illustrates the roles and responsibilities within the University with regards to
both teaching and research facilities (“lab” at bottom left in this context). In the context of
learning environments, the instructor for the course and/or the PI/manager of the space take the
role of “PI” depicted on this chart.
113 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
114 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
115 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 1000: Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering
116 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Introduction to Transportation
• Guest lecture-Salt Lake City Engineers
• Introduction to Geotech
• Economic considerations
• Professional development-writing/presenting
• Professional development-resumes/jobs/internships
• Introduction to water resources
• Guest lecture-Construction
• Introduction to Structures
• Energy Infrastructure
• Introduction to Environmental Engineering
• Construction principles
• Guest lecture-Nuclear Engineering
117 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CHEM 1210, General Chemistry I
3. Textbooks and/or other required material: Zumdahl and Zumdahl, Survival Guide for
General Chemistry with Math Review and Proficiency Questions, 2nd edition
Zumdahl and Zumdahl, Chemistry an Atoms First Approach
Cengage Learning OWL access
118 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CHEM 1215, General Chemistry Laboratory I
1. 1 credit, Class/laboratory schedule: One 50-minute lecture per week; one 3-hour lab per
week, Math & Basic Science
3. Textbooks and/or other required material: Chemistry 1215 lab manual, Experiments in
General Chemistry Featuring MeasureNet®, 2nd edition
4. General Catalog Course Description: One lecture and one 3-hour lab per week. Must be
taken concurrently with CHEM 1210.
a. Corequisites: CHEM 1210
b. Designation: Required
6. Topics Covered:
• Density
• Stoichiometry
• Titrations
• Gas Laws
• Emission Spectroscopy
• Absorption Spectroscopy
• Chromatography
• Reactions in Aqueous Solutions
• Calorimetry/Specific Heat
119 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
MATH 1310, Engineering Calculus I
1. 4 credits, class/laboratory schedule: Four 50-minute lectures per week, one 50-minute lab
per week, Math & Basic Science
120 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
will be able to utilize the derivative to find maximum, minimum, or otherwise
"optimal" input values for equations important in science, business, and engineering.
• Students will understand the definition of the integral of a function as the limiting
value of an increasingly large average of function values. They will be able to relate
the integral to anti-differentiation, when appropriate, through the fundamental
theorem of calculus. Students will also be able to relate the integral to the area under
the function's curve, know how to approximate the integral by a finite sum, and how
to integrate over infinite-length domains. Specific integration techniques will also be
mastered, including substitution, integration-by-parts, and partial fractions. Finally,
students will understand the key concept underlying integration, that it computes the
net accumulation of a quantity through summation of the change in the quantity
amount per unit of time or space, over an specified interval of time or space.
• Students will also improve problem solving fluency, to read and interpret problem
objectives, be able to select and execute appropriate methods to achieve the
aforementioned objectives, and be able to interpret and communicate result.
121 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
MATH 1311: Accelerated Engineering Calculus I
1. 4 credits, Class/laboratory schedule: Four 50-minute lectures and one 50-minute problem
session per week, Designation: Math & Basic Science
4. Course Description: Math 1311 and 1321 together are equivalent to the three semester
sequence Math 1210, Math 1220, and Math 2210. This sequence is intended for
engineering majors. Review of introductory calculus, applications of differential and
integral calculus, introduction to differential equations, conic sections and polar
coordinates, numerical approximation, sequences and series, power series.
a. Prerequisite: AP Calculus AB score of 4 or better OR AP Calc BC score of 3 or
b. Designation: Required
122 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Students will understand the definition of the integral of a function as the limiting
value of an increasingly large average of function values. They will be able to relate
the integral to anti-differentiation, when appropriate, through the fundamental
theorem of calculus. Students will also be able to relate the integral to the area under
the function's curve, know how to approximate the integral by a finite sum, and how
to integrate over infinite-length domains. Specific integration techniques will also be
mastered, including substitution, integration-by-parts, and partial fractions. Finally,
students will understand the key concept underlying integration, that it computes the
net accumulation of a quantity through summation of the change in the quantity
amount per unit of time or space, over an specified interval of time or space.
• Students will be skilled in using integration to compute problems important in physics
and engineering. Students will know how to compute of an average value of a
function using the mean value theorem for integrals, the center of mass for objects,
and the computation of energy as a force integrated over a distance.
• Students will be able to utilize physical laws to formulate differential equations that
solve for the motion of masses by forces of gravitation, friction, and electrostatics.
• Students will also improve problem solving fluency, to read and interpret problem
objectives, be able to select and execute appropriate methods to achieve the
aforementioned objectives, and be able to interpret and communicate result.
123 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
MATH 1320: Engineering Calculus II
1. 4 credits, Class/laboratory schedule: Four 50-minute lectures and one 50-minute problem
session per week, Math & Basic Science
4. Course Description: Differential and Integral Calculus II, with a focus on applications
and projects for engineers: integral expressions for moments, centers of mass, and work;
infinite series and sequences; power series and Taylor series; vectors, dot and cross
products, and the geometry of space; the calculus of vector functions and particle motion
in space; differential calculus for functions of several variables, including linear
approximation, partial and directional derivatives, chain rule, and
a. Prerequisite: C or better in (MATH 1310 OR MATH 1311) OR AP Calc BC
score of 3 or better OR Department Consent
b. Designation: Required
124 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Students will also improve problem solving fluency, to read and interpret problem
objectives, be able to select and execute appropriate methods to achieve the
aforementioned objectives, and be able to interpret and communicate result.
6. Topics
• Volumes, Arc length, Average Values,
• Applications of Integration in Physics and Engineering, Modeling with Differential
• Sequences, Series, Convergence Tests for Series
• Sums, Power Series, Representing Functions with Power Series
• Taylor and Maclaurin Series, Applications of Taylor Polynomials
• Three Dimensional Coordinates, Vectors, Dot Product
• Cross Product, Equations of Lines and Planes
• Functions and Surfaces, Vector Functions, Space Curves
• Derivatives and Integrals of Vector Functions, Arc Length, Curvature
• Velocity, Acceleration, Parametric Surfaces
• Functions of Several Variables, Limits, Partial Derivatives
• Tangent Planes, Linear Approximation, Chain Rule
• Directional Derivative, Gradient Vector, Maximum and Minimum Values, Lagrange
• Integration of multivariable functions with double integrals in Cartesian and polar
coordinates, and double integral center of mass and probability applications.
125 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
MATH 1321: Accelerated Engineering CALC II
1. 4 credits, Class/laboratory schedule: Four 50-minute lectures and one 50-minute problem
session per week, Math & Basic Science
126 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Students will learn how to compute area of and the flux of a vector field through a
surface using parameterization function of a surface and double integration. Students
will also learn the fundamental vector calculus theorems that relate work- and flux-
integrals—the divergence, Green’s and Stokes’ theorems.
• Students will also improve problem solving fluency, to read and interpret problem
objectives, be able to select and execute appropriate methods to achieve the
aforementioned objectives, and be able to interpret and communicate result.
127 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Math 2250: Differential Equations and Linear Algebra
1. 4 credits, Class/laboratory schedule: Four 50-minute lectures and one 50-minute problem
session per week, Math & Basic Science
3. Textbook: Differential Equations and Linear Algebra 4th edition 2018 by Edwards
4. Course Description: This is a hybrid course which teaches the allied subjects of linear
algebra and differential equations. These topics underpin the mathematics required for
most students in the Colleges of Science, Engineering, Mines & Earth Science.
a. Prerequisite: "C" or better in (MATH 2210 OR MATH 1260 OR MATH 1280
OR MATH 1321 OR MATH 1320 OR ((MATH 1220 OR MATH 1250 OR
MATH 1270 OR MATH 1311 OR AP Calculus BC score of 5) AND PHYS 2210
OR PHYS 3210))
b. Designation: Required
128 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
coefficient homogeneous linear systems of differential equations, especially those
arising from compartmental analysis and mechanical systems.
• Understand and be able to use linearization as a technique to understand the behavior
of nonlinear autonomous dynamical systems near equilibrium solutions. Apply these
techniques to non-linear mechanical oscillation problems and other systems of two
first order differential equations, including interacting populations. Relate the phase
portraits of non-linear systems near equilibria to the linearized data, in particular to
understand stability.
• Students will also improve problem solving fluency, to read and interpret problem
objectives, be able to select and execute appropriate methods to achieve the
aforementioned objectives, and be able to interpret and communicate result.
129 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
MATH 1210: Calculus I
130 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Functions and their graphs, limits of functions
• Differentiation of polynomial, rational and trigonometric functions
• Velocity and acceleration
• Geometric applications of the derivative, minimization, and maximization problems.
• The indefinite integral, definite integral and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
Applications of integration.
131 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
MATH 1220: Calculus II
2. 4 credits, Class/ Laboratory Schedule: Four 50-minute lectures, Math & Basic Science
132 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Math 2210: Calculus III
1. 3 credits, Class/ Laboratory Schedule: Three 50-minute lectures, Math & Basic Science
4. Course Description: Vectors in the plane and in 3-space, differential calculus in several
variables, integration and its applications in several variables, vector fields and line,
surface, and volume integrals. Green's and Stokes' theorems.
a. Prerequisite: C or better in (MATH 1220 OR MATH 1250 OR MATH 1320) OR
AP Calculus BC score of at least 4
b. Designation: Required
5. Course Learning Outcomes:
• Perform basic vector computations, as well as dot and cross products of two vectors
and projection of one vector onto another vector.
• Convert between cylindrical, rectangular and spherical coordinates. Understand when
it's prudent to switch to one coordinate system over another in computing an integral.
• Determine the equation of a plane in 3-d, including a tangent plane to a surface in 3-d.
• Find the parametric equations of a line in 3-d.
• Perform calculus operations on functions of several variables, including limits, partial
derivatives, directional derivatives, and gradients; understand what the gradient
means geometrically.
• Find maxima and minima of a function of two variables; use Lagrange Multipliers for
constrained optimization problems.
• Understand divergence and curl of a vector field.
• Compute double and triple integrals in rectangular, spherical and cylindrical
coordinates; proper use of double or triple integrals for finding surface area or volume
of a 3-d region.
• Compute line and surface integrals.
• Determine if a vector field is conservative and if so, find the corresponding potential
• Use and understand when to apply Green's Theorem, Gauss' Divergence Theorem and
Stokes Theorem.
133 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Chain Rule, Tangent Plane, Approximations, Maxima and Minima
• Lagrange Multipliers
• Double Integrals, Iterated Integrals, Integration over General Regions
• Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates, Surface Area, Triple Integrals
• Integrals in Cylindrical/Spherical Coordinates, Change of Variables, Jacobian
• Line Integrals
• Independence of Path, Green’s Theorem, Surface Integrals
• Gauss’s Divergence Theorem, Stokes’ Theorem
134 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
WRTG 2010: Intermediate Writing: Academic Writing and Research
2. Instructor: Varies
3. Barnett and Bedau, Current Issues and Enduring Questions, 9th edition
Jordan, Open2010
135 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Collaborate with peers to research a problem or topic
• Write collaboratively to create persuasive and informative messages
6. Brief list of topics to be covered:
a. Emphasis on writing for learning
b. textual analysis
c. writing from research
d. collaborative writing
136 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
PHYS 2210, Physics for Scientists and Engineers I
1. 4 credit lecture, Class/laboratory schedule: 3 hours lecture, 2 hours discussion, Math &
Basic Science
3. Textbooks and/or other required material: Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A
Strategic Approach with Modern Physics, 4th Edition by Randall D. Knight
4. General Catalog Course Description: Three lectures and two recitations weekly.
Designed to give science and engineering students a thorough understanding of the basic
physical laws and their consequences. Classic mechanics will be introduced, including
methods of energy, momentum, angular momentum, and Newtonian gravity.
Applications will include mechanical oscillations, sound, and wave motion. Those
engineering students who have not had calculus before (high school or college-level
course), need to see an engineering advisor.
• Prerequisites: "C-" or better in (MATH 1210 OR MATH 1250 OR MATH 1310
OR MATH 1311 OR MATH 1220 OR MATH 1320) OR AP Calc AB score of 4+
OR AP Calc BC score of 3+.
• Designation: Required
137 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CHEM 1220, General Chemistry II
3. Textbooks and/or other required material: Zumdahl and Zumdahl, Chemistry an Atom’s
First Approach, 1st edition
4. General Catalog Course Description: Three lectures and two discussions weekly. A
continuation of CHEM 1210, exploring further problem-solving within an applications-
oriented framework, although significantly more in-depth. Topics covered include
colligative properties, chemical kinetics, general equilibrium, acid-base equilibrium,
thermodynamics and electrochemistry. It is very beneficial to take CHEM 1220 in
expedient succession following CHEM 1210.
a. Prerequisites: C- or better in (CHEM 1210 OR CHEM 1211) OR AP Chem score of
at least 4.
b. Designation: Selected Elective
138 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
PHYS 2220, 2225 Physics for Scientists and Engineers II, Physics for Scientists and Engineers II
1. 4 credits, Class/laboratory schedule: Three 50-minute lectures per week; two discussion
sections, Basic Math & Science
3. Textbooks and/or other required material: Serway & Jewett, Jr., Physics for Scientists
and Engineerins (with Modern Physics), 9th edition
4. General Catalog Course Description: Three lectures and two recitations weekly. The
continuation of PHYS 2210. Electrostatics, electric fields, and potential. Magnetic fields
and Faraday's law. Current flow, resistance, capacitance and inductance. Electric circuits
and electromagnetic oscillations. Electromagnetic waves, geometric and physical optics.
a. Prerequisites: "C-" or better in (((MATH 1220 OR MATH 1250 OR MATH 1311
OR MATH 1320 OR MATH 2210) OR AP Calculus BC score of 4+) AND
((PHYS 2210 OR PHYS 3210) OR AP Physics C Mech score of 4+)).
b. Designation: Selected Elective
139 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
PHYS 2215, Physics Laboratory for Scientists and Engineers I
1. 1 credit, Class/laboratory schedule: 3 hours of lab weekly, Math & Basic Science
4. General Catalog Course Description: Teaches laboratory skills needed by scientists and
engineers. Measurement, data analysis, computer graphics display, experimental design
and report writing, experimental procedures and results. Experiments in mechanics and
waves. Laboratory designed to accompany PHYS 2210.
a. Pre/Coquisites: PHYS 2210
b. Designation: Selected Elective
140 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CHEM 1225, General Chemistry Laboratory II
1. 1 credit, Class/laboratory schedule: One 50-minute lecture per week; one 3-hour lab per
week, Math & Basic Science
3. Textbooks and/or other required material: Chemistry 1225 lab manual Experiments in
General Chemistry Featuring MeasureNet, 2nd edition
4. General Catalog Course Description: One lecture per week, one three-hour
laboratory/discussion per week.
a. Co-requisites: CHEM 1220
b. Designation: Selected Elective
6. Topics covered:
• Colligative Properties: FP Depression
• Changes in Thermal Energy
• Kinetics
• Rxn Equilibrium
• Le Chatlier’s
• Determining Ka
141 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 1400: Computer-Aided Design Spring 2021
1. 3 credit hours, two 50-minute lectures per week; one 50-minute lab, Engineering Topics
142 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• 7a: An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using
appropriate learning strategies. a) Able to find information relevant to
problem solution without guidance.
143 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 2010: Statics
3. Textbook: Engineering Mechanics: Statics, Meriam, Kraige, Bolton, Wiley. 8th Ed, one of
the formats: Bundle of hard bound Text, e-text, or WileyPLUS 9th Ed, one of the formats:
Bundle of hard bound Text, e-text, or WileyPLUS
a. Materials:
i. Engineering computation paper
ii. NCEES FE Exam Approved Calculator
144 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
c. Statically equivalent force systems, center of gravity and center of pressure;
d. Free body method of analysis
e. Trusses and frames
f. Internal forces (shearing forces and bending moments)
g. Tensile and compressive axial forces
h. Applications to simple engineering problems.
145 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 2000: Seminar (formerly CVEEN 3000 and CVEEN 4000)
3. No textbook
a. Outside Speakers
146 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
ECON 2010 Principles of Microeconomics
147 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Taxes and tax policy
Externalities and the environment
Public goods
Production costs
Perfect competition
Monopoly markets
Monopolistic competition and oligopoly
148 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 2300: Engineering Economics
4. Textbook: Newnan, D.G., Eschenbach, T.G., Lavelle, J.P., and Lewis, N.A. (2020).
Engineering Economic Analysis, 14th Ed. Oxford University Press.
149 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
ECON 2010: Principles of Microeconomics
150 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Taxes and tax policy
Externalities and the environment
Public goods
Production costs
Perfect competition
Monopoly markets
Monopolistic competition and oligopoly
151 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 2310: Probability and Statistics
152 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
MGEN 2400: Surveying
Contributes to Outcome: 3
153 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
4. Textbook: Ghilani, Charles D. and Wolf, Paul R., 2014. Elementary Surveying: An
Introduction to Geomatics. Pearson Higher Ed.
154 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 2140: Strength of Materials
4. Textbook: Hibbeler, R.C., 2017, Mechanics of Materials, 10th Edition, Pearson, ISBN-
13: 978-0-13-432118-9
a. Materials:
i. Straight Edge and French curve
ii. Engineering computation paper
iii. Access to structural analysis software of your choice, e.g. Visual analysis
Educational (https://www.iesweb.com/edu/) (Free software)
iv. NCEES FE Exam Approved Calculator (See
155 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Transformation of stress and strain
• Engineering design
• Deflection of beams and columns
156 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 2750: Computer Tools
4. No textbook required
157 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 3100: Technical Communication for Engineers
158 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• 5a: Contributes to teamwork, constructively interacts with teammates,
assists in keeping the team on track, expects quality work, and exhibits
relevant knowledge, skills, and aptitudes.
159 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 3210: Structural Loads and Analysis
3. Textbook: Structural Analysis: Skills for Practice, 1/e, Jim Hanson, Pearson, 2019
a. Materials:
• Access to structural analysis software of student’s choice, e.g., Visual
Analysis Educational (http://www.edu.iesweb.com/index.htm) (free
160 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Models, Estimation, and Structural Intuition
o Trusses
o Beams and Frames
o Computer-based
• Deformation Models
• Approximate Methods
161 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 3310: Geotechnical Engineering
162 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
7. Brief list of topics to be covered
• Geologic soil processes
• Phase relations
• Grain-size distribution
• Clay mineralogy, clay-water interaction
• Consistency limits, fabric and structure
• Classification
• Compaction, swelling, shrinkage
• Slaking, collapse, permeability
• One- and two-dimensional flow
• Liquefaction, consolidation and settlement
• Shearing strength of cohesionless soils.
163 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 3315: Geotechnical Engineering Lab
164 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
6. Brief list of topics to be covered:
• Geologic soil processes
• Phase relations
• Grain-size distribution
• Clay mineralogy, clay-water interaction
• Consistency limits, fabric and structure
• Classification
• Compaction, swelling, shrinkage
• Slaking, collapse, permeability
• One- and two-dimensional flow
• Liquefaction, consolidation and settlement
• Shearing strength of cohesionless soils.
165 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 3510: Civil Engineering Materials
166 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Asphalt
• Metals
167 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 3515: Civil Engineering Materials
3. Textbook: Materials for Civil and Construction Engineers, fourth edition, Mamlouk and
Zaniewski (2017)
168 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 3520: Transportation Engineering
169 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Trip Distribution
• Mode Choice
• Traffic Flow Theory
• Queuing Theory
• Shockwave Theory
• Vertical Alignment
• Combined Vertical Curves
• Horizontal Alignment
• Supperelevation
• Road Vehicle Performance
• Traffic Signal Control
• Traffic Signal Timing
• Signal Coordination
• Software Applications
• Level of Service
• Smart Mobility Systems
170 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 3610: Introduction to Environmental Engineering I
171 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Drinking water treatment
• Wastewater treatment
• Air pollution
• Solid waste management
• Hazardous waste management
172 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 3615: Introduction to Environmental Engineering Laboratory
173 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 4221: Concrete Design I
1. 3 Credits, two 80-minute lectures per week, Engineering Topics – Significant Design
174 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• 4b: Evaluates conflicting/competing global, economic, environmental, and
societal issues in order to make informed decisions about an engineering
solution & incorporates that sensitivity into the design process.
175 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 4900: Professional Practice and Design I
1. Time: 3 credits, two 2-hour seminars per week, Engineering Topics, Significant Design
3. Text: Hansen, K.L. and Zenobia, K.E., Civil Engineer’s Handbook of Professional
Practice, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. and ASCE Press, 2011
a. Software and tools pertinent to the project, e.g., AUTO-CAD, Civil3D, etc.
176 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• 2a: Produces a clear and unambiguous design project needs statement that
identifies relevant public health, safety, and welfare, global, cultural,
social, environmental, and economic factors.
• 2b: Identifies constraints on the design problem, and establishes criteria
for acceptability and desirability of solutions accounting for identified
• 3a: (Non-Technical): Writing conforms to appropriate technical style
format appropriate to the audience, appropriate use of graphics, mechanics
& grammar
• 3b: (Non-Technical): Oral content is appropriate for audience, body
language and clarity of speech enhances communication.
• 5a: Contributes to teamwork, constructively interacts with teammates,
assists in keeping the team on track, expects quality work, and exhibits
relevant knowledge, skills, and aptitudes.
177 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 4910: Professional Practice and Design II
1. Time: 3 credits, two 2-hour seminars per week, Engineering Topics, Significant Design
3. Text: Choi, Principles of Applied Civil Engineering Design, ASCE Press, 2004
a. Software and tools pertinent to the project, e.g., AUTO-CAD, Civil3D, etc.
178 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
b. Team organizational structure and functioning
c. Development of reports
d. Consulting practice
e. Sustainability, equity, access, and safety
f. Project execution
g. Design communication
h. Professional, Ethical, and Legal responsibilities of professional engineers.
179 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 4222: Steel Design 1
1. 3 credit hours, two 80-minute lectures per week, Engineering Topics, Significant Design
180 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Connections with structural bolts
• Wielded connections
• Steep components under compression loading
• Steel components under bending loading
• Steel components under combined loads
• Moment resisting frames
181 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 5210: Structural Analysis II
3. Textbook: Structural Analysis: Skills for Practice, 1/e, Jim Hanson, Pearson, 2019, ISBN
a. Hibbeler R.C. "Structural Analysis," 10th Edition. Editorial prentice Hall. 2017.
b. Leet, K.M., and Uang, C.M. “Fundamentals of Structural Analysis.” Ed. McGraw
c. Materials:
• Engineering computation paper for hand calculations
• NCEES FE Exam Approved Calculator (see
182 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 5220: Concrete Design II
3. Textbook: Wight, J.K., Reinforced Concrete Mechanics and Design, Pearson Education,
7th Edition, 2016.
a. ACI, ACI 318-14 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete
b. Materials:
• Engineering computation paper
• Access to structural analysis software of your choice, e.g. Visual analysis
Educational (https://www.iesweb.com/edu/) (Free software)
• NCEES FE Exam Approved Calculator (See
183 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Slender columns;
• Seismic design considerations using the American concrete institute 318 code.
184 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 5240/6240: Reinforced Mason/Timber Design
4. Textbook: 2016 Masonry Standards Joint Committee, Building Code Requirements and
Specifications for Masonry Structures. A.K.A. TMS 402/602-16, ACI 530 (older
versions available online).
a. 2018 NDS National Design Specification, American Forest and Paper Association
b. Reinforced Masonry Engineering Handbook: Clay and Concrete Masonry – 7th
edition (Howchwalt, Amrhein, MIA, ICC).
c. Design of Wood Structures ASD/LRFD FYI , 7 th Edition (Breyer, Fridley,
Cobeen, Polluck)
185 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 5305: Introduction to Foundation Engineering
1. 3 credit hours, two 80-minute lectures per week, Engineering Topics, Significant Design
186 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• 2b: Identifies constraints on the design problem, and establishes criteria
for acceptability and desirability of solutions accounting for identified
• 2c: Applies engineering design and evaluates the ability of the design to
meet the identified project needs.
• 4b: Evaluates conflicting/competing global, economic, environmental, and
societal issues in order to make informed decisions about an engineering
solution & incorporates that sensitivity into the design process.
187 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 5500: Sustainable Materials
188 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 5510/6510: Highway Design
1. 3 credits, two 80-minute lectures per week, Engineering Topics, Significant Design
189 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Outcomes:
• 2a: Produces a clear and unambiguous design project needs statement that
identifies relevant public health, safety, and welfare, global, cultural,
social, environmental, and economic factors.
• 2b: Identifies constraints on the design problem, and establishes criteria
for acceptability and desirability of solutions accounting for identified
• 2c: Applies engineering design and evaluates the ability of the design to
meet the identified project needs.
• 4b: Evaluates conflicting/competing global, economic, environmental, and
societal issues in order to make informed decisions about an engineering
solution & incorporates that sensitivity into the design process.
190 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 5560/6560: Transportation Planning
4. Textbook: Juan de Dios Ortúzar and Luis Willumsen, Modelling Transport, New York: John
Wiley & Sons.
a. NCHRP Report 716: Travel Demand Forecasting: Parameters and
Techniques http://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/nchrp/nchrp_rpt_716.pdf
b. Fred L. Mannering, Walter P. Kilareski, and Scott Washburn. Principles of Highway
Engineering and Traffic Analysis. Chapter 8: Travel Demand and Traffic Forecasting.
191 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Analysis of the environmental and socioeconomic impacts of transportation
• Investigation of the transportation-land use relationship and associated models.
• Estimation of transportation costs, prioritization of projects, programming and
• Study of transportation data collection methods and performance measurement.
• Introduction to transportation demand forecasting, including trip generation, trip
distribution, mode choice, traffic assignment, and agent-based modeling.
• Study the statistical modeling techniques on the basis of the theories introduced
for conducting demand forecasting.
192 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 5570 Pavement Design
1. 3 credits, two 80-minute lectures per week, Engineering Topic, Significant Design
3. Textbook: Pavement Engineering: Principles and Practice. R.B. Mallick and T. El-
Korchi, 2013
• Materials:
• AASHTOWare Pavement ME® software.
193 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Pavement Maintenance
194 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 5740: Horizontal Construction
195 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Volumetric calculations, topographic surveying and mapping using advanced
• Excavations
• Safety and Stability of excavations
• Loading and hauling, part 1
• Loading and hauling, part 2
• Compacting and finishing
• Cranes and lifting operations
• Rock excavation
• Production of aggregate and concrete, paving
• Equipment Economics
• Compressed air and water systems
196 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 5780: Façade Engineering
3. Textbook: Eric F. P. Burnett; Building Science for Building Enclosures, Building Science
Press, 2005, ISBN 978-0975512746.
197 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 5790: Vertical Construction
198 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 5810: Cost Estimating and Proposal Writing
2. Credits and contact hours: Credits: 3; Contact Hours: 1 150 minute classe per week
4. Text book: Marketing Handbook for the Design & Construction Professional – SMPS
Building Estimator’s Reference Book - Walker - 28th Edition
c. Elective – none
7. Topics:
Marketing professional services to include ethical issues
Contemporary marketing for the design and construction professional
Sales and business development
Marketing strategies
Proposal writing
199 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Marketing image and communications
Marketing management
Introduction to estimating
Measuring quantities, site work, utilities, landscaping and such
Construction materials and configurations
Internal climate, mechanical and electrical functioning, and other considerations.
Other aspects of general building – pricing the estimate
200 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 5820: Project Scheduling
2. Credits and contact hours: Credits: 3; Contact Hours: 1 150-minute classe per week
4. Text book: Text: Mubarek, Saleh, Construction Project Scheduling and Control
Software: Microsoft Project 2007 Standard Edition
c. Elective – none
7. Topics:
Activity sequencing and basic networks
Resource allocation and activity duration estimating
Critical path method
Bar charts
Float and resource leveling
Schedule control
Schedule updating
Schedule compression
Earned Value Analysis
Project presentations
201 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 5830: Project Management and Contract Administration
2. Credits and contact hours: Credits: 3; Contact Hours: 1 150-minute classe per week
4. Text book: Project Management for Engineering and Construction, 2nd Ed., Garold D.
c. Elective – none
7. Topics:
Introduction to project management/definitions
Working with project teams
Developing project plans
Defining scope and work breakdown structures
Schedule management
Cost management
Quality management
Risk management
Communications management
202 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Procurement management and contracting methods
Engineering and Design management
Construction management
Monitoring progress
Closing projects
203 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 5850 –Engineering Law and Contracts
2. Credits and contact hours: Credits: 3; Contact Hours: 1 150-minute class per week
c. Elective – none
7. Topics:
Risk management fundamentals
Theories of design professional liability (contract, tort, and agency law)
Business organization.
Client/project selection
Procurement of design professional services
Owner-engineer agreements
Engineer-subconsultant agreements
204 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Construction project organization and delivery
Procurement of construction labor and materials
Contract documents
Changed conditions
Contract/project time: delay, disruption, suspension, and acceleration
Contract price and payment
Default; termination
Construction defects, warranties
Construction bonding
Project administration, communication, and documentation
Dispute resolution
205 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
2. Education
• Ph.D., Civil Engineering, Dong-A University, Republic of Korea, 2019
• Master of Technology, Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology,
Calicut, India, 2008
• Bachelor of Technology, Civil Engineering, RIT Kottayam, India 2006
3. Academic Experience
• University of Utah Asia Campus, Assistant Professor (Lecturer), 2020-present,
• Dong-A University, Republic of Korea, Graduate Assistant, 2016-2019
• Department of Technical Education, Kerala, India, Assistant Professor, 2014-
2016, Full-time
• Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, India, Reader, 2009-2014,
• Toc H Institute of Science and Technology, India, Lecturer, 2008-2009, Full-time
8. Service activities
• Significantly modified the courses for online conversion:
CVEEN 2750-301: Computer Tools (Spring 2020)
CVEEN 2010-301: Statics (Spring 2020)
CVEEN 2140-301: Strength of Materials (Fall 2020)
CVEEN 2310-301: Probability and Statistics (Fall 2020)
• The Kingdom of Tonga, Pacific Island: Developed and tested the groundwater
modeling component of ToGWIS (Tonga Groundwater Information System), a
smart water monitoring system for groundwater management in the face of
climate change and increasing water demands.
9. Selected publications
• Roshina Babu, Namsik Park and Byunghee Nam, Regional and well-scale
indicators for assessing the sustainability of small island fresh groundwater lenses
under future climate conditions, Environmental Earth Sciences, 2020, 79(1), 47.
206 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Roshina Babu, Namsik Park, Sunkwon Yoon and Taaniela Kula, Sustainability of
freshwater lens in small islands under anthropogenic and climate change stresses:
Tongatapu Island, 8th International Association for Hydro-Environment
Engineering and Research (IAHR) Groundwater Symposium, Nanjing, China, 17-
20 October 2018.
• Roshina Babu, Namsik Park, Sunkwon Yoon and Taaniela Kula, Numerical
modeling of groundwater resources for drought preparedness in small Pacific
Island of Tongatapu, 45th International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH)
Congress, Daejeon, Republic of Korea, 9-14 September 2018.
• Roshina Babu, Namsik Park, Sunkwon Yoon and Taaniela Kula, Optimal
management of freshwater lens for extreme droughts in Tongatapu Island, 25th
Salt Water Intrusion Meeting (SWIM), Gdansk, Poland, 17-22 June 2018.
• Roshina Babu, Namsik Park, Sunkwon Yoon and Taaniela Kula, Sharp interface
approach for regional and well scale modeling of small island freshwater lens:
Tongatapu Island, Water, 2018, 10, 1636.
• Namsik Park, Chi Woong Jang and Roshina Babu, Development of minimum-
salinity feedwater for reduction of unit production cost of reverse-osmosis
desalination plants, Journal of Korea Water Resources Association, 2016, 49(5),
207 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
1. Name: Michael E. Barber, Ph.D., P.E.
2. Education
• Ph. D., Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, 1991.
• M. S., Civil Engineering, Purdue University, 1983.
• B. S., Civil Engineering, University of New Hampshire, 1981.
3. Academic experience
• University of Utah, Professor, Chair, 2013-Present, full time.
• Washington State University, Professor, 2008 – 2013, full time.
• Washington State University, Associate Professor, 1999 – 2008, full time.
• Washington State University, Assistant Professor, 1994 – 1999, full time.
• Tulane University, Assistant Professor, 1991-1994, full time.
4. Non-academic experience
KKBNA Consulting Engineers, 1983-1988, full time.
9. Selected publications
• M.M. Hasan, C. Strong, A.K. Kochanski, S.J. Burian and M.E. Barber, (2020).
“Validating Dynamically Downscaled Climate Projections for Mountainous
Watersheds Using Historical Runoff Data Coupled with the Distributed
Hydrologic Soil Vegetation Model (DHSVM).” Water, 12(5), 1389;
• Hasan, M., Burian, S., Barber, M. (2020). Determining the Impacts of Wildfires
on Peak Flood Flows in High Mountain Watersheds. Int. J. Environ. Impacts,
3(4), 339-351.
208 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• H. Li, A. Alsanea, M. Barber, and R. Goel, (2019). “High-throughput DNA
Sequencing Reveals the Dominance of Pico- and other Filamentous
Cyanobacteria in an Urban Freshwater Lake.” Science of the Total Environment,
661:465-480, doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.01.141.
• H.E. Tavakol-Davani, H. Tavakol-Davani, S.J. Burian, B.J. McPherson, and M.E.
Barber, (2019). “Green Infrastructure Optimization to Achieve Pre-Development
Conditions of a Semiarid Urban Catchment.” Environmental Science: Water
Research & Technology, 5:1157-1171, doi:10.1039/c8ew00789f.
• S. Dhungel and M.E. Barber, (2018). “Estimating Calibration Variability in
Evapotranspiration Derived from a Satellite-based Energy Balance Model.”
Remote Sensing, 10, 1695, doi:10.3390/rs10111695.
• K. Rajagopalan, K. Chinnayakanahalli, C. Stockle, R. Nelson, C. Kruger, M.
Brady, K. Malek, S. Dinesh, M.E. Barber, G. Yorgey and J. Adam, (2018).
“Impacts of near-term Regional Climate Change on Agriculture in the Columbia
River Basin.” Water Resources Research, 54,
• H. Li, C. Hansen, N. Von Stackelberg, R. Goel, S. Burian, and M. Barber, (2018).
“Assessing and Modeling Climate Change Impacts on Cyanobacteria in Utah
Lake.” 2018 UCOWR/NIWR Annual Water Resources Conference, Oral
Presentation, Pittsburgh, PA, June 2018.
• Z. Rakib, M. Barber, and R. Mahler, (2017). “Climate Change Impacts on Urban
Stormwater Best Management Practices,” International Journal of Sustainable
Development and Planning, 12(1):155-164.
• M.G. Barik, J.C. Adam, M.E. Barber, and B. Muhunthan, (2017). Improved
Landslide Susceptibility Prediction for Sustainable Forest Management in an
Altered Climate. Engineering Geology, 230:104-117.
• R. Mahler and M. Barber, (2017). “Using Benthic Macro Invertebrates to Assess
Water Quality in 15 Watersheds in the Pacific Northwest, USA,” International
Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 12(1):51-60.
• G.K. Gould, M. Liu, M. Barber, K.A. Cherkauer, P. Robichaud, and J. Adam,
(2016). “The Effects of Climate Change and Extreme Wildfire Events on Runoff
Erosion over a Mountain Watershed,” Journal of Hydrology, 536:74-91.
209 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
1. Name: Steven F. Bartlett, Ph.D., P.E.
2. Education
• Ph.D., Civil Engineering, Brigham Young University, 1992
• BS, Geology, Brigham Young University, 1993
3. Academic experience
• The University of Utah, Associate Chair Civil and Envn. Eng. Asia Campus,
• The University of Utah, Assoc. Professor, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, 2007-Present
• The University of Utah, Assist. Professor, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, 2000-2006
4. Non-academic experience
Oracle Group Inc., 2010-present, part-time
9. Selected publications
210 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Sharifi-Mood, M., Gillins, D. T., Olsen, M. J., Franke, K. W. and Bartlett, S. F.,
“A Geotechnical Database for Utah (GeoDU) Enabling Quantification of
Geotechnical Properties of Surficial Geologic Units for Geohazards Assessments”
Earthquake Spectra, 2020.
• Dangol, S. Ibarra L. F., Bartlett S. F., Pantelides, C. P., 2018, ‘Soil Effects on the
Response of Free-Standing Dry Storage Casks,” 16th European Conference on
Earthquake Engineering, June 18th -21st, 2018.
• Sharifi-Mood, M., Gillins, D. T., Franke, K. W., Harpert, J. N., Bartlett, S.F.
and Olsen, M. J., 2018, “Probabilistic Liquefaction-Induced Lateral Spread
Hazard Mapping and its Applications to Utah County, Utah,” Engineering
Geology, 237(2018)76-91.
• Aabøe, R, Bartlett, S. F., Duškov, M., Frydenlund, T. E., Mandal, J. N.,
Negussey, D., Özer, T. A., Hideki, T., Vaslestad, J., 2018, “Geofoam Blocks in
Civil Engineering Applications,” 5th International Conference on the Use of
Geofoam Blocks in Construction Applications, Kyrenia, Northern Cyprus, May
9th – 11th, 2018.
• Bartlett, S. F., Amini, Z., 2018, “Design and evaluation of seismic stability of
free-standing EPS embankment for transportation systems,” 2018,
5th International Conference on the Use of Geofoam Blocks in Construction
Applications, Kyrenia, Northern Cyprus, May 9th – 11th, 2018.
• Vaslestad, J., Bartlett, S. F., Aabøe, R, Burkart, H., Ahmed, T., Arellano, D. A.,
2018, “Bridge Foundations Supported by EPS Geofoam Embankments on Soft
Soil”, 5th International Conference on the Use of Geofoam Blocks in
Construction Applications, Kyrenia, Northern Cyprus, May 9th – 11th, 2018.
• Haghighi, N., Fayyaz S. K., Liu, X. C. and Bartlett, S. F., 2017, “Identifying
Network-Wide Critical Transportation Links Under Disaster Disruptions: A
Multi-Scenario and Probability-Based Simulation Approach, 96th Transportation
Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2017, 21 p.
• Farnsworth, C. B., Bartlett, S. F., and Lawton E. C., 2016 “Development of
a Multiflow In Situ Permeameter,” ASCE Geo-Chicago 2016, August 14th-18th,
2016, Chicago, Illinois, ASCE GSP 272, pp. 487-496.
211 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
1. Name: Steve Burian, Ph.D., P.E.
2. Education
• PhD, Civil Engineering, University of Alabama, 1999
• MS, Environmental Engineering, University of Alabama, 1995
• BS, Civil Engineering, University of Notre Dame, 1993
3. Academic experience
• The University of Utah, Director, Water Center, 2017-Present
• The University of Utah, Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2016-
• The University of Utah, Assoc. Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering,
• The University of Utah, Assist. Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering,
• The University of Arkansas, Assist. Professor, Civil and Env. Engineering, 2000-
4. Non-academic experience
• Harit Solutions Consultants, 2010-present, part time
• Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1998-1999, full time
212 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
University/College/Department Level
• 2012-present, Assoc. Director, Global Change and Sustainability Center,
University of Utah
• 2007-present, Member, Department Executive Committee
• 2011-2014, Co-Director, Sustainability Curriculum Development, University of
• 2005-present, Faculty Advisor, American Water Resources Association Student
• 2015-present, Faculty Advisor, Engineers Without Borders Student Chapter
• International/National/State Level
• 2020-present, Chair, Civil Engineering Division, ASEE
• 2016-present, Associate Editor, Journal of Water Resources Planning and
• 2016-2020, Associate Editor, Smart Water Journal
• 2007-present, AWRA Utah Section Executive Board
• 2019-2020, Conference Program Chair, Civil Engineering Division, ASEE
• 2005-2012, Mentor and Assistant Mentor, ASCE ExCEEd Teaching Workshop
9. Selected publications
• Shin, S., Lee, S., Burian, S.J., Judi, D., and McPherson, T. (2020). “Evaluating
resilience of water distribution networks to operational failures from cyber-
physical attacks.” Journal of Environmental Engineering, 146(3),
• Lee, S. and Burian, S.J. (2020). "Triple top line-based identification of sustainable
water distribution system conservation targets and pipe replacement timing."
Urban Water Journal, 16(9), 642-652, DOI: 10.1080/1573062X.2020.1713383.
• Hansen, C.H., Burian, S.J., Dennison, P.E., and Williams, G.P. (2019).
“Evaluating historical trends and influences of meteorological and seasonal
climate conditions on lake chlorophyll a using remote sensing.” Lake and
Reservoir Management, DOI: 10.1080/10402381.2019.1632397.
• Tavakol-Davani, He., Tavakol-Davani, Ha., Burian, S.J., McPherson, B.J.,
Barber, M.E. (2019). “Green infrastructure optimization to achieve pre-
development conditions of a semiarid urban catchment.” Environmental Science:
Water Research & Technology, 5, 1157 – 1171, DOI: 10.1039/c8ew00789f.
• Shin, S., Lee, S., Burian, S.J., Judi, D., McPherson, T., Parvania, M., and
Goharian, E. (2018). “Comprehensive review and needs assessment for resilience
measures of water infrastructure systems.” Water, 10, 262,
• Goharian, E. and Burian, S.J. (2018). “Developing an integrated framework to
build a decision support tool for urban water management.” Journal of
Hydroinformatics, available online 8 February 2018, jh2018088; DOI:
• Sowby, R.B. and Burian, S.J. (2017). “A survey of energy requirements for public
water supply in the United States.” Journal of the American Water Works
Association, 109(7), E320-E330, DOI: 10.5942/jawwa.2017.109.0080.
213 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Hansen, C.H., Burian, S.J., Dennison, P., Williams, G. (2017). “Spatiotemporal
variability of lake water quality in the context of remote sensing models.” Remote
Sensing, 9 (5), 409, doi:10.3390/rs9050409.
2. Education
• Ph.D., Nuclear Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, 2015
• M.S., Nuclear Engineering, Oregon State University, 2009
• B.S., Astrophysics, Pennsylvania State University, 2007
• B.A., Philosophy, Pennsylvania State University, 2007
3. Academic experience
• University of Utah, Assistant Professor, 2018-present, Full-time
• Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT), Post-Doctoral Researcher, 2016-2018,
• RAND Corporation, Stanton Nuclear Security Post-Doctoral Fellow, 2015-2016,
8. Service activities
• Committee membership: Graduate Committee (2019-present), Cyber
Infrastructure Committee (2018-present), Faculty Awards Committee (2018-
• University of Utah TRIGA Reactor Peer Review (2020)
• ANS University of Utah Chapter Faculty Advisor (2020-present).
• Chair of Radiation Effects Technical Committee of ANS (2020-present).
• Reviewer to Journals: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A;
Materials Chemistry and Physics; Solid State Electronics; Nanoscale; Nature
Scientific Reports; IEEE Electron Device Letters; Springer Nature: Applied
214 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Reviewer to Conferences: University of Utah Virtual Undergraduate Research
Symposium Poster Evaluator (2020); IEEE Symposium of Radiation
Measurement and Applications Conference (SORMA, Berkley, CA, 2020).
• Reviewer to Proposals: NNSA MSIPP (2020); DOE SBIR (2019); University of
Utah Seed Grant (2019).
9. Selected publications
• T. Quist, E. Cazalas, “MCNP modeling of a multi-volume neutron spectrometer,”
American Nuclear Society Winter Conference, online presentation, Nov. 16-19,
• K. Powell, M. Lund, M.-J. Wang, Y. Qian, D. Magginetti, M. Reese, E. Cazalas,
G. Sjoden, H. Yoon, “Photovoltaic Response of Thin-Film CdTe Solar Cells
under Accelerated Neutron Radiation in a TRIGA Reactor,” Electronic Materials
Symposium, National Science Foundation (Jun. 2020).
• E. Cazalas, M.R. Hogsed, S. Vangala, M.R. Snure, J.W. McClory, “Gamma-ray
radiation effects in graphene field effect transistors with h-BN nanometer film
substrates,” Applied Physics Letters, 115, 223504 (Nov. 2019).
• M. Recker, E. Cazalas, J.W. McClory, J.E. Bevins, “Comparison of SiPM and
PMT performance using Cs2LiYCl6:Ce3+ (CLYC) scintillator with two optical
windows”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 66, 8, 1959-1965 (Jul. 2019).
• W. Erwin, E. Cazalas, A. Cahill, J.A. Clinton, J.W. McClory, “The gamma
emission spectrum from the Fast Burst Reactor,” Journal of Radiation Effects and
Engineering, 37 (1), 50-56 (2019).
• E. Cazalas, “Defending cities against nuclear terrorism: Analysis of a radiation
detector network for ground based traffic”, Homeland Security Affairs Journal
• M.C. Recker, E. Cazalas, J.W. McClory, “Pulse shape discrimination with a low-
cost digitizer using commercial off-the-shelf components,” Nuclear Instruments
and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 954, 161479 (Feb. 2020, originally
online Oct. 2018).
• W. Erwin, E. Cazalas, J.W. McClory, A.W. Decker, “Development of radiation
protection factors with gamma and neutron spectroscopy using a plutonium-
beryllium source,” Journal of Radiation Effects and Engineering, 36 (1), 81-86
• B.K. Sarker, E. Cazalas, T.F. Chung, I. Childres, I. Jovanovic, Y.P. Chen,
“Position-dependent and millimeter-range photodetection in phototransistors with
micrometer-scale graphene on SiC,” Nature Nanotechnology, 12 (7), 668 (2017).
• E. Cazalas, B.K. Sarker, I. Childres, Y.P. Chen, I. Jovanovic, “Modulation of
graphene field effect by heavy charged particle irradiation,” Applied Physics
Letters, 109 (25), 253501 (2016).
• E. Cazalas, B.K. Sarker, M.E. Moore, I. Childres, Y.P. Chen, I. Jovanovic,
“Position sensitivity of graphene field effect transistors to X-rays,” Applied
Physics Letters, 106 (22), 223503 (2015).
215 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
1. Name: Jianli Chen, Ph.D.
2. Education
• 08/2014-08/2018 - Georgia Institute of Technology
Ph.D. in Building Construction
Minor on Statistics and High-Performance Building
• 05/2016-12/2017 - Georgia Institute of Technology
MS in Computational Science and Engineering
• 08/2012-05/2014 - Virginia Polytech Institute and State University
MS in Civil Engineering (Construction Engineering and Management)
Thesis: Utilization of Dynamic BIM and Wearable Technology for Infrastructure
• 09/2007-07/2012 - Dalian Jiaotong University
Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering and Computer Engineering
3. Academic experience
• 08/2020- Assistant Professor (Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering) - the University of Utah
• 11/2018-08/2020 Post Doc at US National Renewable Energy Lab
8. Professional service
Reviewer for Applied Energy, Building and Environment, Energy and Buildings, Energy
Conservation and Management, Sustainable Cities and Society, Journal of Building
Engineering, Building Simulation, Energies, Journal of Construction Engineering and
9. Selected publications
• Jianli Chen, Godfried Augenbroe, Zhaoyun Zeng, Xinyi Song. "Regional
Difference and Related Cooling Electricity Savings of Air Pollutant Affected
Natural Ventilation Across the US", Building and Environment (Jan 2020).
216 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Yanan Liu, Yimin Xiao*, Jianli Chen. "Nonlinear dynamic analysis of solution
multiplicity of buoyancy ventilation in a typical underground structure", Building
and Environment (Jan 2020).
• Jianli Chen, Xinghua Gao, Yuqing Hu*, Zhaoyun Zeng, and Yanan Liu. "A meta-
model-based optimization approach for fast and reliable calibration of building
energy models." Energy (Sep, 2019).
• Yanan Liu, Yimin Xiao*, Jianli Chen, Tiecheng Zhou, Godfried Augenbroe,
Dong Yang, “A Network Model for Natural Ventilation Simulation in Deep-
Buried Underground Structures”, Building and Environment (Feb, 2019).
• Jianli Chen*, Gail Brager, Godfried Augenbroe and Xinyi Song. "Impact of
Outdoor Air Quality on the Natural Ventilation Usage of Commercial Buildings
in the US", Applied Energy (Nov, 2018).
• Jianli Chen*, Godfried Augenbroe, and Xinyi Song. "Light-weighted Model
Predictive Control for Hybrid Ventilation Operation Based on Clusters of Neural
Network Models". Automation in Construction (May, 2018).
• Jianli Chen*, Godfried Augenbroe, and Xinyi Song. "Evaluating the Potential of
Hybrid Ventilation for Small to Medium sized Office Buildings with Different
Intelligent Controls and Uncertainties in US Climates". Energy and Buildings
(Jan, 2018).
• Jianli Chen*, Godfried Augenbroe, Qinpeng Wang, and Xinyi Song. "Uncertainty
Analysis of Thermal Comfort in a Prototypical Naturally Ventilated Office
Building and Its Implications Compared to Deterministic Simulation". Energy and
Buildings (July, 2017).
217 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
1. Name: Ramesh K. Goel, Ph.D.
2. Education
• 2005 - Post Doc, Environmental Engineering
University of Wisconsin, Madison (With Dr. Daniel Noguera)
• 2003 - Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering
University of South Carolina, Columbia (With Dr. Joe Flora)
• 1996 - Master of Science in Civil Engineering
Jadavpur University, Kolkatta, India.
• 1994 - Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Jadavpur University, Kolkatta, India
3. Academic experience
• 2017- present: Professor- Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Utah,
Salt Lake City
• July 2017 - present: Professor and Graduate Director, Civil & Environmental
Engineering, U of Utah, Salt Lake)
• July 2011 - present: Associate professor and Graduate Director, Civil &
Environmental Engineering, U of Utah, Salt Lake)
• January 2006 - June 2011: Assistant professor, Civil & Environmental
Engineering, U of Utah, Salt Lake)
• August 03 - December 05: Post Doc - Environmental Engineering, UW, Madison
(With Dr. Daniel Noguera). Research Topics: (1) Enhanced biological phosphorus
removal in Cannibal activated sludge process, (2) ecology of heterotrophic
bacteria that colonize drinking water distribution systems.
218 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Outstanding Mentor- Civil & Environmental Engineering Department, University
of Utah- 2014-2015, 2017
• Outstanding Researcher award- Civil & Environmental Engineering Department,
University of Utah- 2008-2009
• Best Environmental Engineering Education paper award - American Society for
Engineering Education conference, Atlanta-2013.
• Indo-US Professorship to India by American Society for Microbiology.
• Best teaching award for tenure track faculty - Civil & Environmental Engineering
Department - 2007-2008.
• Faculty creative research grant- April 2007
• Best student advisor - Civil & Environmental Engineering Department, University
of Utah-2009-2010
• Best poster award in WEFTEC 2008 conference in Chicago.
• Outstanding Graduate Student Award for 2002-2003 in the Department of Civil &
Environmental Engineering, University of South Carolina
9. Selected publications
• Li, H., Barber, M., Lu, J. and Goel, R. (2020). Microbial community successions
and their dynamic functions during harm ful cyanobacterial blooms in a
freshwater lake. Water Research; 185: 116292.
• Li, H., Hollstein, M., Podder, A., Gupta, V., Barber, M. and Goel, R. (2020).
Cyanotoxin impact on microbial mediated nitrogen transformations at the
interface of sediment-water column in surface water bodies. Environmental
Pollution; 266: 115283.
• Li, H., Barber, M., Jingrang, L. and Goel, R. (2020). Microbial community
successions and their dynamic functions during harmful cyanobacterial blooms in
a freshwater lake. Water research; 185: 116292.
• Gilcrease, E., William, R. and Goel, R. (2020). Evaluating the effect of silver
nanoparticles on bacteriophage lytic infection cycle-a mechanistic understanding.
Water Research; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2020.115900.
• Podder, A., Reinhart, D. and Goel, R. (2020). Nitrogen management in landfill
leachate using single-stage anammox process-illustrating key nitrogen pathways
under an ecogenomics framework. Journal of Bioresource Technology;
• Su, J.-Y., Goel, R., Burian, S.J. and Barber, M.E. (2020). Assessing climate
change linkages related to water quality trading effectiveness for incorporating
ancillary benefits. International Journal of Environmental Impacts. Accepted, in
• Jamal, R., Mubark, S., Sahulka, S.Q., Kori, J.A., Tajammul, A., Ahmed, J.,
Mahar, R.B., Olsen, M.S., Goel, R. and Weidhaas, J. (2020). Informing water
distribution line rehabilitation through quantitative microbial risk assessment
Science of the Total Environment Research Paper. In print in Science of the Total
219 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Podder, A., Reinhart, D. and Goel, R. (2020). Integrated leachate management
approach incorporating nutrient recovery and removal. Waste Management; 102:
2. Education
• Stanford University, Stanford, CA, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ph.D.
• National Autonomous University of Mexico, Structural Engineering, M.E.1999
• University of Sonora, Mexico, Civil Engineering, B.S. 1992
3. Academic experience
• Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah; July 2016 – Present.
• Visiting Professor, Technical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria; October
2017 – June 2018.
• Visiting Researcher, Nagoya University, Japan; May 2017 – June 2017.
• Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah; August 2010 – June 2016.
4. Non-academic experience
• Senior Research Engineer, Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses
(CNWRA) in Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), San Antonio, TX, January
2004 – July 2010
Evaluation of seismic design and performance methodologies for nuclear
Nonlinear mechanical interaction of alloy materials under static and
dynamic loading.
Structural and seismic analyses of nuclear engineered barrier systems.
Study of coupled mechanisms in nuclear-waste containers.
Structural evaluation of independent spent fuel storage installation.
Effect of aging of concrete on seismic performance of reinforced concrete
Stanford University (research assistant):
Global collapse evaluation of frame structures subjected to extreme
seismic demands
Development of deteriorating hysteretic models for nonlinear time history
Development of a wood loading protocol for wood frames
National Autonomous University of Mexico (research assistant):
System identification studies of buildings
Study of reinforced concrete buildings with flat slabs under earthquake
• Structural Design Engineer, Grupo Puebla, Mexico, March 1993 – July 1996
220 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
5. Certifications or professional memberships
• Member of the ASCE, AISC, EERI, ASEE, and ACI associations
• Reviewer of technical papers for the following journals: ASCE J. of Structural
Engineering, Engineering Structures, Earthquake Engineering and Structural
Dynamics, Engineering Structures, Earthquake Spectra, ASCE Journal of Bridge
Engineering, The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings J. (Technical
Board Member), Nuclear Engineering and Design, Engineering Structures,
Revista de Ingenieria Sismica, and Structures and Buildings J.
9. Selected Publications
• Uribe R., S. Sattar, M.S. Speicher, L. Ibarra (2019) “Effect of Common U.S.
Ground Motion Selection Methods on the Structural Response of Steel Moment
Frame Buildings.” Earthquake Spectra Journal. Volume 35, No. 4, pages 1611–
1635, November 2019.
• Upadhyay A, CP Pantelides, L Ibarra (2019) “Residual drift mitigation for bridges
retrofitted with buckling restrained braces or self-centering energy dissipation
devices.” Engineering Structures,
• Wang Y, L Ibarra, C. Pantelides (2019) “Collapse capacity of reinforced concrete
skewed bridges retrofitted with buckling-restrained braces.” Journal of
Engineering Structures. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2019.01.033.
• Wang Y, L Ibarra, and C Pantelides (2016) “Seismic Retrofit of a Three Span
Bridge with Buckling Restrained Braces.” ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering,
04016073. May 2016.
• Parks JE, CP. Pantelides, L Ibarra, DH Sanders (2020) “Cyclic Tests and
Modeling of Stretch Length Anchor Bolt Assemblies for Dry Storage Casks.”
ACI. Accepted for Publication, June 2020.
• Tsantaki, S., Adam, C. & Ibarra, L.F. (2017) “Intensity measures that reduce
collapse capacity dispersion of P-delta vulnerable simple systems”. Bulletin of
Earthquake Engineering, 2017, 15: 1085. doi:10.1007/s10518-016-9994-4
• Tsantaki S, L Ibarra, C Adam (2015) “Effect of Aleatory and Epistemic
Uncertainties on Collapse Capacity Spectra.” Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering.
Vol. 13, Issue 4 (2015), Page1205-1225.
221 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
1. Name: Jerod G. Johnson, Ph.D., S.E., S.E.C.B.
2. Education
• Ph.D. Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Utah, 2012
• M.S. Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Utah, 1999
• B.S. Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Utah, 1996
3. Academic experience
• May 2014 – Present, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Civil &
Environmental Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah.
• January 2012 – May 2014, Associate Instructor, Department of Civil &
Environmental Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah.
• January 2000 – May 2007 – Associate Instructor, Department of Civil &
Environmental Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
• Courses: Introduction to Concrete Design, Concrete Design I, Masonry Design,
Timber Design, Guest Lecturer. Professional Experience
4. Non-Academic experience
• March 1996 – Present, Principal, Reaveley Engineers
• June 1994 – March 1996, Assistant Project Engineer, Layton Construction
• March 1993 – March 1994, Surveyor, Hall Engineering & Construction
222 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• 2014-2016, Board Member – Earthquake Engineering Research Institute – Utah
• 2020-Present, Chair – ACEC Utah Chapter DFCM Committee Training ATC 20
– Current as of May, 2015
8. Service activities
• Utah State Capitol Seismic Isolation and Renovation City County Building
Seismic Isolation System Upgrade, Salt Lake City, UT
• Lord Strathcona Seismic Isolation Peer Review, Vancouver, BC
• Salt Palace Expansion, Phase II, Salt Lake City, UT Southtowne Exposition
Center, Sandy, UT
• Novell Building H, Provo, UT
• Mexico City Temple Renovation, LDS Church City and County Building
Isolation Study, Salt Lake City, UT
• Daybreak Corporate Center, South Jordan, UT
• Thatcher Building for Biological and Biophysical Chemistry, University of Utah
• Salt Lake Public Library, Salt Lake City, UT
• Provo Recreation Center, Provo, UT
• Park City History Museum, Park City, UT
• Marriott Library Renovation, University of Utah
• Marriott Center Renovation, Brigham Young University
• Huntsman Arena Renovation Phase I, University of Utah
• Huntsman Cancer Institute, Salt Lake City, UT
• Tooele High School, Tooele, UT
• Salem High School, Salem, UT
• Spencer and Cleone Eccles Football Center, University of Utah
• Second District Juvenile Court Ogden, UT Provo
• Power, Administration & Warehouse Crocker Science Center Seismic Upgrade
and Expansion, University of Utah
• Fourth District Court, Provo, UT
• Central Campus Parking Garage, University of Utah
• Health Science Campus Parking Garage, University of Utah
• Clyde Building Evaluation, Brigham Young University Provo
• City Hall & Public Safety Building, Provo Utah (under construction)
• Primary Childrens Medical Center Lehi, UT (under construction)
9. Selected Publications
• “Modern Solutions to Historic Problems,” Volume 9, p. 52-56, Utah Preservation
• Featured Technical Author – NCSEA – Structure Magazine
223 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
1. Name: Nickolas S. Jovanovic, Ph.D., P.E.
2. Education
• Ph.D., Engineering and Applied Science, Yale University, 1998.
• M.Phil., Engineering and Applied Science, Yale University, 1993.
• M.S., Engineering and Applied Science, Yale University, 1992.
• M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., 1988.
• B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University, 1982.
3. Academic experience
• University of Utah Asia Campus (UAC), Incheon, South Korea.
• Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2020-present.
• Professor Lecturer, University of Arkansas at Little Rock (UALR), Little Rock,
• Donaghey College of Engineering and Information Technology DCEIT
Assessment and Accreditation Coordinator, 2015-2019.
• Dept. of Construction Mgmt. & Civil and Construction Engineering, 2010-2020.
• Dept. of Systems Engineering, 1999-2010.
• Dept. of Engineering Technology, 1996-1999.
• Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering.
• Part-Time Acting Instructor, 1994-1996.
• Teaching Fellow, 1990-1994.
4. Non-academic experience
• U.S. Naval Submarine School, Groton, Connecticut, Leadership and Management
Education and Training Division, Full-Time Instructor, 1987-1990.
• U.S.S. Providence (SSN 719), Nuclear Submarine, Groton, CT. Division Officer,
• U.S. Navy Submarine Officer School, New London, CT, 1983-1984.
• U.S. Navy Nuclear Prototype, West Milton, New York, 1983-1983.
• U.S. Navy Nuclear Power School, Orlando, Florida, 1982-1983.
8. Service activities
224 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Faculty Senate, senator from EIT, meets monthly, 2005-present.
• Undergraduate Council, member from EIT, meets weekly, 2010-2018.
• Council of Core Curriculum and Policies, member from EIT, meets weekly, 2013-
• Honors and Awards Committee, chairperson, 2010-2017.
• Planning and Finance Committee, member, 2010-2017.
• DCEIT Assessment and Accreditation Coordinator, 2015-2019.
• DCISSE and DCEIT Dean Search Committees, member (1999 and 2014).
• DCISSE Assembly, vice president (multiple years).
• Policy and Personnel Committee, member (multiple years).
• Program Coordinator
Civil and construction engineering program coordinator, 2010-2019.
Architectural and construction engineering program coordinator, 2012-
Advise all students (approximately 120 students), 2010-2017, approve all
degree plans for graduating students.
Coordinate significant aspects of the ABET review process.
Develop and implement program and curriculum changes, develop and
coordinate program assessment.
Recruit professional engineers from industry to sponsor senior design
9. Selected publications
• H. C. Patangia, P. Warrick, N. S. Jovanovic, and J. Urbina, Exploring Engineering
Through Project-Based Experiential Learning for Pre-College Educators,
Proceedings of the 2004 ASEE Annual Conference, June 2004.
• B. A. Kucera, D. Morton, R. Edberg, N. Jovanovic, Expanding the AG
Community in a Closed Universe, Proceedings of AG Technical Retreat 2001,
Argonne, Illinois, January 30-31, 2001.
• Selected Scholarly Presentations
• N. S. Jovanovic, The Virtual Classroom and Laboratory for Thermodynamics
Education, presented at the 2000 ASEE Annual Conference, St. Louis, Missouri,
June 18-21, 2000.
• N. S. Jovanovic, Using World Wide Web Course Tools (WebCT) for Close
Learning, presented at the 2000 ASEE Annual Conference, St. Louis, Missouri,
June 18-21, 2000.
• Z. R. Kaufmann, N. S. Jovanovic, and L. W. Laettner, Undergraduate Research
Participation: Designing and Building a New Generation Beowulf-Class PC
Cluster, presented at the 2000 ASEE Annual Conference, St. Louis, Missouri,
June 18-21, 2000.
225 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
1. Name: Evert C. Lawton, Ph.D., P.E.
2. Education
• 1986: Graduated in December from Washington State University with a Doctor of
Philosophy in Civil Engineering. Emphasis: Geotechnical.
• 1983: Graduated in May from San Diego State University with a Master of
Science in Civil Engineering. Emphasis: Geotechnical.
• 1980: Graduated in January from the University of Virginia with a Master of
Engineering in Civil Engineering. Emphasis: Structural.
• 1977: Graduated with honors in May from the University of Virginia with a
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. Emphasis: Structural.
3. Academic experience
• Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake
City, Utah
• July 2002 – Present: Professor;
• December 1994 – August 2002 and May 2012 – June 2013: Associate Chair;
• July 1994 – June 2002: Associate Professor;
• August 1991 - June 1994 Assistant Professor
• January 1987 - August 1991; Assistant Professor - Department of Civil &
Architectural Engineering, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida
• June 1984 – December 1986; Teaching and Research Assistant - Washington
State University, Pullman, Washington
• May 1985 - August 1985 Construction Manager - Schnabel Foundation Company,
Dallas, Texas
• June 1982 - May 1984 Geotechnical Engineer - Bridge Division, Virginia
Department of Highways and Transportation, Richmond, Virginia
• June 1977 - August 1981 Structural Engineer - Bridge Division, Virginia
Department of Highways and Transportation, Richmond, Virginia
226 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• 2017 Nominated by ASCE for Utah Engineering Educator of the Year Award
• 2012 University Distinguished Teaching Award, University of Utah 2007-08
Outstanding Teacher Award for Tenured Professors, students of Department of
Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Utah.
• 2005 Utah Engineering Educator of the Year, Utah Engineers Council
• 2005 Engineering Educator of the Year, American Council of Engineering
Companies of Utah
• 1999-2000 Educator of the Year, Student Chapter of ASCE, University of Utah
• 1999-2000 Engineering Educator of the Year, Utah Section of the American
Society of Civil Engineers
9. Selected publications
• Farnsworth, C.B., Bartlett, S.F., and Lawton, E.C. (2016). “Development of a
Multiflow In Situ Permeameter.” ASCE Geo-Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, ASCE
Geotechnical Special Publication 272, August, pp. 487-496.
• Bartlett, S.F., Lawton, E.C., and Gibbs, Z.M. (2016). “Evaluation of Secondary
Consolidation Settlement Associated with Embankment Construction for Fast-
Paced Transportation Projects.” Prepared for Utah Department of Transportation
Research Division, Salt Lake City, August, 472 pp.
• Burns, H., Lawton, E., and Romero, P. (2020), “Forensic Evaluation of Geogrid-
Reinforced Flexible Pavement Sections on SR-10 Near Emery, Utah.” Report No.
UT-20/05, Utah Department of Transportation, March, 346 pp.
• Platt, M. R., Lawton, E.C., and Bartlett S.F. (2020). “Instrumentation and
Settlement Analysis of Approach Embankment for SR-77/1500 West Bridge in
Springville, Utah.” Report No. UT-20.??, February, in publication.
10. Briefly list the most recent professional development activities - (none)
227 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
1. Name: Joshua Lenart, Ph.D.
2. Education
• Ph.D., University of Utah, 2013
• MA, Montana State University, 2005
• BA, The Ohio State University, 2001
3. Academic experience
• University of Utah, CLEAR Program, Associate Instructor, 2014-Present
• Westminster College, Professional Communication Program, Adjunct Faculty,
• University of Utah, Department of Rhetoric and Writing Studies, Graduate
Teaching Fellow, 2007-2013
• Hawai‘i Pacific University, Department of English, Adjunct Instructor, 2006-
• Montana State University, Department of English, Graduate Teaching Assistant,
4. Non-academic experience
Utah DWR Central Region Advisory Council, Councilmember, 2017-Present
8. Service activities
• 2015-present, Center for Infrastructure Transformation & Education, Contributor/
Peer Reviewer
• 2019 Environmental Rhetoric and Advocacy Special Interest Group, Conference
on College Composition & Communication, Organizer
• 2017-2019, IEEE Professional Communication Society, Contributor/ Peer
• 2020-present Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, Policy Advisor
• 2016-2020, Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, Utah Chapter Chair
228 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• 2017-present, Utah DWR Central Region Advisory Council, Councilmember
• 2019-2020, Utah DWR Mule Deer Management Plan, Committee Member
9. Selected publications
• Berdanier, C.G. and Lenart, J. (October 2020). So, You Have to Write a Literature
Review: A Guided Workbook for Engineers. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-IEEE Press
• Richards, J.L., Lenart, J., Sumner, D., and Christensen, D. (November 2018).
“From Big Ag to Campus Cafeterias: Intersections of Food-Supply Networks as
Technical Communication Pedagogy.” Open Library of Humanities, 4(2), DOI:
• Lenart, J. and Berdanier, C. G. (July 2017). “Development of a Genre Analysis
Framework to Investigate Engineering Literature Reviews.” IEEE Professional
Communication Society, Madison, WI,
• Lenart, J. (October 2016). “An Examination of a Federal Land Transfer from a
Civil and Environmental Engineering Perspective: Evaluating the Triple Bottom
Line.” IEEE Professional Communication Society, Austin, TX.
• Schmucker, D., Lenart, J., Burian, S., and Motlagh, A. M. (June 2016). “A Civil
Infrastructure System Perspective –Not Just the Built Environment.” American
Society for Engineering Education, New Orleans, LA.
• Burian, S., Schmucker, D., Lenart, J., Tavakoldavani, H., Romero, P., and Barber,
M. (June 2016). “Developing Global Learning Outcomes in a Civil Engineering
Program.” American Society for Engineering Education, New Orleans, LA.
229 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
1. Name: Xiaoyue Cathy Liu, Ph.D., P.E.
2. Education
• Ph.D. Transportation Engineering, June 2013 - Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle
• M.S. Transportation Planning and Management, May 2009 - Department of
Transportation Studies, Texas Southern University, Houston, Texas
• B.S. Electronics and Electrical Engineering (with honors), July 2006 -
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong
University, Beijing, China
3. Academic experience
• University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, (06/2019-Present)
Associate Professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
• University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, (07/2013-06/2019)
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
• Smart Transportation Applications and Research (STAR) Laboratory, University
of Washington, Seattle, WA, (06/2013-08/2013), Research Associate
• Washington State Department of Transportation, (03/2013-06/2013)
Traffic Engineering at Urban Planning Office
• Smart Transportation Applications and Research (STAR) Laboratory, University
of Washington, Seattle, WA, (04/2009-06/2013), Graduate Research Assistant
• Texas Southern University, Houston, TX, (08/2006-12/2008)
Graduate Research Assistant
8. Service activities
230 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• 2019 ─ Now: Chair, Transportation Research Board ACP40 Highway Capacity
Quality of Service Committee Technology Transfer Subcommittee
• 2019 ─ Now: Transportation Research Record Handling Editor
• 2019: Guest Editor for IEEE Transactions on ITS – Special Issue on Public
Transit Planning and Operation in the Era of Automation, Electrification and
• 2019 ─ Now : Affiliated faculty member for Data Science Center, School of
Computing, University of Utah
• 2018 ─ Now: Editorial Board, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems
• 2016 ─ 2019: Committee Member, Transit Capacity and Quality of Service,
Transportation Research Board
• 2016 ─ 2019: Member and Paper Review Coordinator Highway Capacity Quality
of Service (HCQS), Transportation Research Board
• 2010 ─ 2019: Committee Member, Transportation Research Board (TRB)
Committee on Managed Lanes (AHB35)
9. Selected publications
• Yirong Zhou, Xiaoyue Liu, Ran Wei and Aaron Golub, Bi-Objective
Optimization for Battery Electric Bus Deployment Considering Cost and
Environmental Equity. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,
doi: 10.1109/TITS.2020.3043687, 2020.
• Zhiyan Yi, Xiaoyue Liu, Jeff Phillips, and Nikola Markovic. Inferencing Hourly
Traffic Volume Using Data-Driven Machine Learning and Graph Theory.
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. Vol 85, 2020.
• Zhuang Dai, Xiaoyue Liu, Xi Chen, and Xiaolei Ma. Joint optimization of
scheduling and capacity for mixed traffic with autonomous and human-driven
buses: A dynamic programming approach. Transportation Research Part C:
Emerging Technologies. Volume 114, pp 598-619, 2020.
• Yongping Zhang, Diao Lin, and Xiaoyue Liu. Biking Islands in Cities: An
Analysis Combining Bike Trajectory and Percolation Theory. Journal of
Transport Geography. Vol 80, 2019.
• Zhuang Dai, Xiaoyue Liu, Zhuo Chen, Ren-yong Guo, and Xiaolei Ma. A
Predictive Headway-based Bus-holding Strategy with Dynamic Control Point
Selection: A Cooperative Game Theory Approach. Transportation Research Part
B: Methodological. Vol 125, pp 29-51, 2019.
• Zhuo Chen, Xiaoyue Liu, and Ran Wei. Agent-based Approach to Analyzing the
Effects of Dynamic Ridesharing in a Multimodal Network. Computers,
Environment and Urban Systems. Vol 74, pp 126-135, 2018.
• Zhuo Chen and Xiaoyue Liu. Roadway Asset Inspection Sampling using High-
Dimensional Clustering and Locality-Sensitivity Hashing. Computer-Aided Civil
and Infrastructure Engineering. Vol 34, Issue 2 pp. 116-129, 2018.
231 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
1. Name: Nikola Markovic, Ph.D.
2. Education
• Doctor of Philosophy, Civil Engineering, University of Maryland, 2013
• Master of Science, Civil Engineering, University of Maryland, 2010
• Bachelor of Science, Transportation Engineering, University of Belgrade, 2009
3. Academic experience
• University of Utah, Assistant Professor, 2018-present
• University of Maryland, Faculty Assistant, 2015-2018
• University of Maryland, Postdoctoral Fellow, 2013-2015
8. Service activities
• Member of numerous University of Utah committees
• Reviewer for numerous journals
9. Selected publications
• Data-drive robust resource allocation with isotonic cost functions. Operations
Research. 2021.
• Scaling GPS trajectories to match point traffic counts: A convex programming
approach and Utah case study. Transportation Research Part E.
• A deep convolutional neural network based approach for vehicle classification using
large-scale GPS trajectory data. Transportation Research Part C.
• Estimating historical hourly traffic volumes via machine learning and vehicle probe
data: A Maryland case study. Transportation Research Part C.
• Applications of Trajectory Data from the Perspective of a Road Transportation
Agency: Literature Review and Maryland Case Study. IEEE Transactions on ITS.
• Evasive flow capture: A multi-period stochastic facility location problem with
independent demand. European Journal of Operational Research.
232 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
1. Name: Emily Marron, Ph.D.
2. Education
• Ph.D., Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of California Berkeley,
• MS, Environmental Chemistry, ETH Zürich, 2014
• BS, Civil & Environmental Engineering, The Ohio State University, 2012
3. Academic experience
• University of Utah CvEEN Department: Asst. Professor, 2021-present
• Stanford University Woods Institute for the Environment, Postdoctoral Scholar,
4. Non-academic experience
• Malcolm Pirnie (now Arcadis), Wastewater Treatment Team, Technical Intern,
• Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Air Pollution Control,
College Intern, 2010
8. Service activities
• Reviewer, Water Research, Environmental Science and Technology
• Reviewer, National Science Foundation, Environmental Chemical Sciences
• Volunteer, Bay Area Scientists in Schools (BASIS), 2018-2020
233 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Outreach Committee member, Student Diversity & Inclusion Initiative,
ReNUWIt, 2019
• Co-chair, Gordon Research Seminar, Environmental Sciences: Water, 2018
• UC Berkeley Student Representative, Student Leadership Council, ReNUWIt,
• Volunteer, ReNUWit Ingenuity Lab at Lawrence Hall of Science, 2016-2018
9. Selected publications
• Marron, E. L.; Van Buren, J.; Cuthbertson, A. A.; Darby, E.; von Gunten, U.;
Sedlak, D. L. Reactions of α,β-Unsaturated Carbonyls by Free Chlorine, Free
Bromine, and Combined Chlorine. Environmental Science & Technology. 2021,
55(5), 3305-3312.
• Marron, E. L.; Van Buren, J.; Prasse, C.; Sedlak, D. L. Formation and Fate of
Carbonyl Compounds in Potable Water Reuse. Environmental Science &
Technology. 2020, 54 (17), 10895-10903.
• Van Buren, J.; Prasse, C.; Marron, E. L., Skeel, B.; Sedlak, D. L. Ring-Cleavage
Products Produced During the Initial Phase of Oxidative Treatment of Alkyl-
Substituted Aromatic Compounds. Environmental Science & Technology. 2020,
54 (13), 8352-8361.
• Marron, E. L.; Mitch, W. A.; von Gunten, U.; Sedlak, D. L. A Tale of Two
Treatments: the Multiple Barrier Approach to Removing Chemical Contaminants
during Potable Water Reuse. Accounts of Chemical Research. 2019, 52 (3), 615-
• Janssen, E. M.; Marron, E. L.; McNeill, K. Aquatic photochemical kinetics of
benzotriazole and structurally related compounds. Environmental Science:
Processes & Impacts. 2015.17 (5), 939-946.
• Marron, E. L., Van Buren, J., Cuthbertson, A. A., Darby, E., von Gunten, U.,
Sedlak, D. L. Formation and fate of carbonyl compounds during potable water
reuse. American Chemical Society. August 2020. Oral Pres.
• Marron, E. L., Van Buren, J., Darby, E., Sedlak, D. L. Transformation of α,β-
unsaturated carbonyl compounds by free and combined chlorine: a mechanistic
study. GRC: Disinfection, Byproducts, and Health. July 2019. Oral Pres.
• Marron, E. L., Van Buren, J., Prasse, C., Sedlak, D. L. Formation and fate of
aldehydes during potable water reuse systems. American Association of Env.
Engineering and Science Professors. Phoenix, AZ. May 2019. Poster.
• Marron, E. L., Van Buren, J., Prasse, C., Sedlak, D. L. Aldehydes in advanced
wastewater treatment for potable reuse. Gordon Research Conference,
Environmental Sciences: Water. Holderness, NH. June 2018. Poster.
• Marron, E. L., Prasse, C., Sedlak D. L. Aldehydes in closing the TOC mass
balance in RO permeate. IWA Water Reuse. Long Beach, CA. July 2017. Oral
• Marron, E. L., Bonvin, F., Sedlak D. L. Low molecular weight compounds in
potable water reuse. Gordon Research Conference, Environmental Sciences:
Water. Holderness, NH. June 2016. Poster.
234 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Bonvin, F., Marron, E. L., Sedlak, D. L., Odorous compounds: A barrier to DPR?
Oral presentation at 19th Annual Water Reuse and Desalination Research
Conference, Huntington Beach, CA. May 2015. Oral Pres.
235 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
1. Name: Luther McDonald IV, Ph.D.
2. Education
• Post-Doctoral Fellow, Environmental Chemistry, Pacific Northwest National
Laboratory, 2013
• Ph.D., Radiochemistry Washington State University, 2013
• B.S., Chemistry University of West Florida, 2009
3. Academic experience
• University of Utah, Associate Professor, 2020-present, Full-time
• University of Utah, Assistant Professor, 2014-2020, Full-time
• Washington State University - TriCities, Adjunct Professor, 2013, Part-time
8. Service Activities
• Panel Review Expert for the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Defense
Nuclear Nonproliferation R&D project: "Molecular and Microstructural
Provenance of Uranium and Plutonium Oxides," 2020
236 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Technical Reviewer for Department of Energy – Nuclear Energy University
Proposals, 2020.
• Panel Review Expert for U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Defense Nuclear
Nonproliferation R&D on Project: "Morphological Provenance Signatures," 2019.
• Symposia Chair of the Session "Crosscutting Research in Environmental
Radiochemistry and Nuclear Forensics" at the Spring American Chemical Society
National Meeting 2019.
• Technical Reviewer for Department of Energy – Nuclear Energy University
Proposals, 2019.
• Technical reviewer for Department of Energy – Basic Energy Sciences Proposals,
• Panel Review Expert for Los Alamos National Laboratory Directed Research and
Development on the project "The Fundamental Physical Interpretation and
Exploitation of Stable Isotope Fractionation," 2019.
9. Selected publications
• Nizinski1, C. A., Hanson1, A. B., Fullmer2, B. C., Mecham2, N. J., Tasdizen, T.,
& McDonald IV, L. W. 2020. Effects of process history on the surface
morphology of uranium ore concentrates extracted from ore. Minerals
Engineering, 156, 106457.
• Ly1, C., Vachet, C., Schwerdt, I., Abbott1, E., Brenkmann2, A., McDonald, L.
W., & Tasdizen, T. 2020. Determining uranium ore concentrates and their
calcination products via image classification of multiple magnifications. Journal
of Nuclear Materials, 152082.
• Hanson1, A.B.., Nichols3, R., Schwerdt1, I.J., Vachet, C., Tasdizen, T., and
McDonald IV, L.W., 2019. Quantifying the Impacts of Impurities on
Morphological Features, Analytical Chemistry.
• Heffernan2, S.T., Ly1, N.C., Mower3, B.J., Vachet, C., Schwerdt1, I.J., Tasdizen,
T. and McDonald IV, L.W., 2019. Identifying Surface Morphological
Characteristics to Differentiate Between Mixtures of U3O8 synthesized from
Ammonium Diuranate and Uranyl Peroxide. Radiochimica Acta.
• Abbott1, E.C., Brenkmann3, A., Galbraith3, C., Ong3, J., Schwerdt1, I.J.,
Albrecht, B.D., Tasdizen, T. and McDonald IV, L.W., 2019. Dependence of UO2
surface morphology on processing history within a single synthetic
route. Radiochimica Acta.
237 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
1. Name: Kami Mohammadi, Ph.D., P.E.
2. Education
• Ph.D., Civil and Environmental Engineering (Geotechnical Engineering), Georgia
Institute of Technology, 2015.
• M.Sc., Civil and Environmental Engineering (Geotechnical Engineering),
University of Tehran, 2006.
• B.Sc., Civil Engineering, Chamran University of Ahvaz, 2003.
3. Academic experience
• University of Utah, Assistant Professor, Jul. 2021 – on, Full time.
• California Institute of Technology, Postdoctoral Scholar, Jan. 2016 – Jun. 2021,
Full time.
• Georgia Institute of Technology, Graduate Research Assistant, Aug. 2010 – Dec.
2015, Full time.
4. Non-academic experience
• Gamanehkav Consultant Engineers, Associate geotechnical earthquake engineer,
Principal investigator for preparation of a national technical standard (guidelines
of liquefaction assessment) project led a team of geotechnical earthquake experts
from academia and industry, 2008-2010
• Saahel Consultant Engineers, Senior geotechnical earthquake engineer,
Responsible for geotechnical/earthquake analyses and designs of land-based and
near-shore infrastructures, 2006-2008
• Darya Khak Pay Consultants, Staff Geotechnical Engineer, Responsible for
geotechnical analysis and design of structures, preparation of national seismic
hazard zonation maps.
238 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
8. Service activities
• Mentoring graduate and undergraduate research assistants (Georgia Tech &
Caltech), 2012–2020.
• GaTech GeoSoeciety (Association of Geosystems Graduate Students),
Participated in all technical seminars and networking activities.
• Reviewer for the following technical journals and conferences since 2015:
Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, Geophysical Journal International,
Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Gotechnique Letters, Seismological Research
Letters, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Journal of Geotechnical and
Geoenvironmental Engineering, Numerical and Analytical Methods in
9. Selected publications
• Ayoubi, P., Mohammadi, K., and Asimaki, D. (2021). "Basin Effects:
Investigating the Effects of Different Parameters on Surface Ground Motion."
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 141, 106490.
• Asimaki, D., Mohammadi, K., Ayoubi, P., Mayoral, M. J., and Montalva, G.
(2020). "Investigating the Spatial Variability of Ground Motions During the 2017
MW 7.1 Puebla-Mexico City Earthquake via Idealized Simulations of Basin
Effects." Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 132, 106073.
• Roshankhah, S., Mohammadi, K., and K-Nejad, A. (2020) "Characteristics of
Hydraulic Fractures in Terms of the Matrix Permeability and the Natural Fracture
Density." Proceedings of the ARMA/DGS/SEG International Geomechanics
Symposium, Nov. 3-5.
• Roshankhah, S. and Mohammadi, K. (2020) "Fabric-dependent Hydro-
Mechanical Behavior of Pre-fractured Rocks." Geocongress 2020, Feb. 25-28,
Minneapolis, MN.
• Asimaki, D., Mohammadi, K. (2018). "On the Complexity of Seismic Waves
Trapped in Two-Dimensional Topographies." Invited paper: Soil Dynamics and
Earthquake Engineering, 114, 424-437.
• "Interaction of Seismic Waves with Geomaterial Heterogeneity: From Multi-
Scale Scattering Mechanisms to Dynamic Response of Geostructures"
Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, California Institute of
Technology, Apr. 30, 2020.
• "Seismic Wave Interaction with Geostructures: To Understand the Involved
Mechanisms at Various Scales and to Determine the Dynamic Response "
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Utah, Mar. 19,
239 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
1. Name: Brian McPherson, Ph.D.
2. Education
Ph.D. in Geophysics, 1996, University of Utah, Salt Lake City.
3. Academic experience
USTAR Professor, July, 2013 - Present, Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, University of Utah
8. Service activities
• Geothermics Editorial Board Member
• National Risk Assessment Partnership (US Dept of Energy) – Stakeholder
Advisory Board Chair
• American Geophysical Union – Hydrology Program Committee Member
240 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• *Moodie, Nathan; Ampomah, William; Jia, Wei; Heath, Jason; McPherson,
Brian; (2019) Assignment and calibration of relative permeability by
hydrostratigraphic units for multiphase flow analysis, case study: CO2-EOR
operations at the Farnsworth Unit, Texas; International Journal of Greenhouse
Gas Control 81:103-114
• *Xiao, Ting; McPherson, Brian; Esser, Richard; Jia, Wei; Moodie, Nathan; Chu,
Shaoping; Lee, Si-Yong; (2019) Forecasting commercial-scale CO2 storage
capacity in deep saline reservoirs: Case study of Buzzard's bench, Central Utah;
Computers & geosciences 126:41-51
• Tavakol-Davani, Hessam E; Tavakol-Davani, Hassan; Burian, Steven J;
McPherson, Brian J; Barber, Michael E; (2019) Green infrastructure
optimization to achieve pre-development conditions of a semiarid urban
catchment; Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 5(6): 1157-
• Lei, Gang; Cao, Nai; McPherson, Brian J; Liao, Qinzhuo; Chen, Weiqing; (2019)
A novel Analytical Model for pore Volume compressibility of fractal
porous Scientific Reports Volume 9: Article number: 14472 (2019)
• Tavakol-Davani, Hassan; Rahimi, Reyhaneh; Burian, Steven J; Pomeroy,
Christine A; McPherson, Brian J; Apul, Defne; (2019) Combining
Hydrologic Analysis and Life Cycle Assessment Approaches to Evaluate
Sustainability of Water Infrastructure: Uncertainty Analysis, Water 11(12):
241 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
1. Name: Carlos A. Oroza, Ph.D.
2. Education
• University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, California, Mechanical Engineering,
BS 2010
• University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, California, Civil Engineering, MS
• University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, California, Civil Engineering, Ph.D.
• University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, California, Civil Engineering,
Postdoctoral 2018
3. Academic experience
• August 2018 Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering
University of Utah
• 2017-2018 Postdoctoral Researcher UC
• 2013-2017 Graduate Student Researcher UC
4. Non-academic experience
• Assisted with PCARI Wireless Sensor Network Workshop: 2-day hands-on
tutorial teaching students from the University of the Philippines, Los Banos how
to use wireless-sensor networks to acquire and manage data. August 22-23, 2017
at the University of California, Berkeley.
• Contributor to the open-source Sensor Object Library software, a system
developed by the REALMS team at INRIA for the acquisition of sensor data and
network statistics from wireless-sensor networks. Source code available at:
• Received Signal Strength (RSSI) from wireless-sensor networks in complex
terrain: a publicly accessible database of RSSI measurements from the American
River Hydrologic Observatory. Annotated with path properties and used to train
the machine-learning-based path-loss model in the journal article: “A machine-
learning based connectivity model for complex terrain large-scale low-power
wireless deployments.” Data are accessible at: github.com/realms-
8. Service Activities
Department Service
242 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Chair, Cyber & Technology Coordinator Search Committee
• Member, Digital Engineering Search Committee
• Member, Geotechnical/Geoinformations Search Committee
• Chair, Cyber & Technology Integration Committee. 08/15/2019 - present.
• Member, Cyber & Technology Integration Committee. 08/15/2018 - 08/15/2019.
• Member, Graduate Committee. 08/01/2018 - present
External Service
• Editorial Roles: Associate Editor, Journal of Hydrology
• Journal Peer Reviewer: Journal of Hydrology, Water Resources Research, ASCE
Journal of Infrastructure Systems, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,
IEEE Access, Smart Water
9. Selected publications
• Ahmed, W., Rahimoon, Z. A., Oroza, C. A., Sarwar, S., Qureshi, A. L.,
Punthakey, J. F., & Arfan, M. (2020). Modelling Groundwater Hydraulics to
Design a Groundwater Level Monitoring Network for Sustainable Management of
Fresh Groundwater Lens in Lower Indus Basin, Pakistan. Applied Sciences.
• Haruko Wainwright, Dajie Sun, Carlos A. Oroza, Akiyuki Seki, Satoshi Mikami,
Hiroshi Takemiya, Kimiaki Saito. Optimizing Long-term Monitoring of Radiation
Air-Dose Rates after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Journal of
Environmental Radioactivity. (2020)
• F. Avanzi, R. Johnson, C. A. Oroza, H. Hirashima, S. Yamaguchi, “Predicting
daily preferential-flow discharge from seasonal snow with Random Forest,”
Water Resources Research, 2019, doi: 10.1029/2019WR024828
• C.A. Oroza, R.C. Bales, E.M. Stacy, Z. Zheng, and S. D. Glaser, “Long-term
variability of soil moisture in the Southern Sierra: Measurement and prediction,”
Vadose Zone Jornal, 2018, doi:10.2136/vzj2017.10.0178.
• Zeshi Zheng, Noah P. Molotch, Carlos A. Oroza, Martha H. Conklin, Roger C.
Bales, “Spatial snow water equivalent estimation for mountainous areas using
wireless-sensor networks and remote-sensing products,” Remote Sensing of
Environment, 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2018.05.029.
• Bales, R., Stacy, E., Safeeq, M., Meng, X., Meadows, M., Oroza, C., Conklin, M.,
Glaser, S., and Wagenbrenner, J.: Spatially distributed water-balance and
meteorological data from the rain-snow transition, southern Sierra Nevada,
California, Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss., https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-2018-69,
• C. A. Oroza, Z. Zhang, T. Watteyne, and S. D. Glaser, “A machine-learning based
connectivity model for complex terrain large-scale low-power wireless
deployments,” IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and
Networking, 2017, doi: 10.1109/TCCN.2017.2741468
• S. Malek, F. Avanzi, K. Brun-Laguna, T. Maurer, C. A. Oroza, P. Hartsough, T.
Watteyne, and S. D. Glaser, “Real-time alpine measurement system using
wireless sensor networks,” Sensors, 2017, doi: 10.3390/s17112583
243 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• C. A. Oroza, Z. Zheng, S. D. Glaser, D. Tuia, and R. C. Bales, “Optimizing
embedded sensor network design for catchment-scale snow-depth estimation
using LIDAR and machine learning,” Water Resources Research, 2016, doi:
• D. E. Rheinheimer, R. C. Bales, C. A. Oroza, J. R. Lund, and J. H. Viers,
“Valuing year-to-go hydrologic forecast improvements for a peaking hydropower
system in the Sierra Nevada,” Water Resources Research, 2016, doi:
244 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
1. Name: Ge (Gaby) Ou, Ph.D.
2. Education
• Ph.D. Purdue University, U.S., Lyles School of Civil Engineering, Aug. 2016
Dissertation: Robust Real Time Hybrid Simulation Techniques Incorporating
Model Updating, Advisor: Professor Shirley J. Dyke
• B.E. The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, Civil Engineering, Jul. 2010
• B.S. Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China. Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics, Jun. 2010
3. Academic experience
• Assistant Professor, University of Utah, US, Aug.2016 – Present
• Research Assistant, Purdue University, US, Aug. 2010 – Aug. 2016
• Visiting Scholar, University of Western Sydney, AU, May. 2010 – Aug. 2010
• Visiting Scholar, University of Western Australia, AU, Nov. 2008 – Feb. 2009
8. Services
• Member of Editorial Board Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration & Active
Control 2020-Present.
• Guest Editor for Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration & Active Control,
Special Issue, Towards smart buildings and structures: condition monitoring,
assessment and control, 2017-2018.
• Reviewer for Smart Structures and Systems; Journal of Performance of
Constructed Facilities; Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance; Journal of
Reliability Engineering & System Safety; Journal of Low Frequency Noise,
Vibration & Active Control; Journal of Earthquake Engineering; Journal of
Structural Control and Monitoring; Journal of Earthquake Engineering and
Structural Dynamics; Journal of Engineering Mechanics; Journal of Bridge
245 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Engineering; Journal of Structural Health and Monitoring; Frontiers in Built
• ASCE - Structural Health Monitoring and Control (SHMC) committee, 2017-
• NSF-Multi-hazard Engineering Hybrid Simulation (MECHS) committee, 2017-
• Co-director of WeatherG Initiative (http://weatherg.utah.edu/), University of
Utah, 2018-present.
• Faculty Senate Advisory Committee on Student Course Feedback, University of
Utah, 2019-present.
• College of Engineering Scholarship Committee, University of Utah, 2017-present.
• Scholarship Committee chair, Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, 2017-present.
246 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Ge (Gaby) Ou, MECHS Webinar | Anatomy of a Hybrid Simulation/Real-time
Hybrid Simulation, June 8, 2018,
247 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
1. Chris P. Pantelides, Ph.D., P.E., S.E., FACI
2. Education
• Ph. D. Civil Engineering, Missouri S&T, Dec. 1987
• M. Sc. Civil Engineering, Missouri S&T, Jul. 1983
• B. E. Civil Engineering, American University of Beirut, Jun. 1980
3. Academic experience
• University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
8/2013-present: Professor, Dept. of Civil and Env. Eng.
7/2012-7/2013: Interim Chair, Dept. of Civil and Env. Eng.
8/2002-6/2012: Associate Chair, Dept. of Civil and Env. Eng.
7/1999-7/2002: Professor, Dept. of Civil and Env. Eng.
7/1995-6/1999: Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil and Env. Eng.
9/1991-6/1995: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil and Env. Eng.
• 1/1988-8/1991: Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Missouri
S&T, Rolla, Missouri.
4. Non-academic experience
• 1/1981-7/1982: Construction Bridge Engineer, Odon & Odostromaton, S.A.,
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
• 6-12/1980: Design Structural Bridge Engineer: Dar-Al-Handasah Consultants,
Beirut, Lebanon.
8. Service activities
• Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering: RPT Committee, Chair 2021-
2022; Graduate Recruitment Committee, Member 2018-present; Graduate
Committee, Member 2016-present; Infrastructure Group Co-coordinator, 2013-
2018; Structures/Geotechnical Group Co-coordinator, 2006-2012. 2013-present.
• TRB Committee AFF50, Seismic Design and Performance of Bridges, 2012-
248 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• ACI Committees: Performance Based Seismic Design of Concrete Buildings, ACI
374, Member, 1999-present; Joints and Connections in Monolithic Concrete
Structures, ACI 352, Joint ACI-ASCE, Member, 2016-present; Nuclear
Structures-Anchorage, ACI 349-0C, Member, 2014-present; ACI 440F Co-Leader
Subcommittee Task Group on FRP composite retrofit of joints, 2002-present
• National Science Foundation: Reviewer for Career, Small Business Innovative
Research, Civil and Mechanical Systems, 1999-present.
• Editor: Journal of Architectural Engineering, ASCE, 2019-present; Construction
and Building Materials, 2018-present.
• National Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure/National Research Institute
for Earth Science and Disaster E-Defense Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 31 – Nov.
1, 2017.
9. Selected publications
• Aghababaei, M., Okamoto, C., Koliou, M., Nagae, T., Pantelides, C.P., Ryan,
K.L., Barbosa, A.R., Pei, S., van de Lindt, J.W., and Dashti, S. (2021). “Full-scale
shake table test damage data collection using terrestrial laser-scanning
techniques.” J. Structural Engineering, ASCE, 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-
541X.0002905, 04020356.
• Parks, J.E., Pantelides, C.P., Ibarra, L., and Sanders, D.H. (2020). “Cyclic tests
and modeling of stretch length anchor bolt assemblies for dry storage casks.” ACI
Structural J., Nov., 117(6), 225-236.
• Wang, Y., Ibarra, L., and Pantelides, C.P. (2020). “Effect of incidence angle on
the seismic performance of skewed bridges retrofitted with buckling-restrained
braces.” Engineering Structures, 211, 110411.
• Upadhyay, A., Pantelides, C.P., and Ibarra, L. (2019). “Residual drift mitigation
for bridges retrofitted with buckling restrained braces or self-centering energy
dissipation devices.” Engineering Structures, 199, 109663.
• Wu, R.Y., and Pantelides, C.P. (2019). “Seismic evaluation of repaired multi-
column bridge bent using static and dynamic analysis.” Construction and Building
Materials, 208, 792-807.
• Wang, Y., Ibarra, L., and Pantelides, C.P. (2019). “Collapse capacity of
reinforced concrete skewed bridges retrofitted with buckling-restrained braces.”
Engineering Structures, 184, 99-114.
• Moran, D.A., Pantelides, C.P., and Reaveley, L.D. (2019). “Mohr-Coulomb
model for rectangular and square FRP-confined concrete.” Composite Structures,
209, 889-904.
• Murphy, C., Pantelides, C.P., Blomgren, H.-E., and Rammer, D. (2020).
“Development of Timber Buckling-Restrained Brace.” Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, August
2020, 67 pages.
• Pantelides, C.P. (2020). NSF Award 1829412: “RAPID/Collaborative Research:
Japan-U.S. Collaboration on the Seismic Resilience of Wood-frame Building
249 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
1. Steven J. Peterson, MBA, MS, PE
2. Education
M.S. Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Utah, 2018
MBA, University of Utah, 1988
B.S. Mining Engineering, University of Utah, 1986
3. Academic experience
Weber State University, Professor, 2009-Present
Weber State University, Chair of Dept. of Construction Management Technology, 2011-14
Weber State University, Chair of General Education Improvement and Assessment, 2012-13
Weber State University, Associate Professor, 2004-09
Weber State University, Assistant Professor, 2000-04
4. Non-academic experience
2008-2020, Principle, Peterson Construction Consulting Services, LLC
1999-2000, Senior Project Manager, Aspen Construction
1995-99, Project Manager, Pentalon Construction
1991-95, Site Engineer, Envirocare of Utah
1989-91, Engineer, Utah Department of Environmental Quality
1985-89, Estimator, Thiede Construction Corporation
250 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
6. Peterson, Steven J., 2018, ‘Reducing Project Delays Due To Utility Relocations,’ master’s
thesis, University of Utah, Salt Lake City.
251 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
1. Name: Christine A. Pomeroy, Ph.D., P.E.
2. Education
• 2007, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, Ph.D. Civil Engineering
• 2004 Colorado State UniversityFort Collins, Colorado, M.S. Civil Engineering –
• 1995, Michigan State UniversityEast Lansing, Michigan, B.S. Civil Engineering –
Environmental Emphasis
3. Academic experience
• Associate Professor, Lecturer (7/2020 – present), Associate Professor (7/2013 –
6/2020), Assistant (8/2007 – 6/2013), Department of Civil & Environmental
Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT.
• Consulting Engineer (8/2001 – 9/2007), CDM, Fort Collins, CO.
• Research Associate (2/2007 – 9/2007), Department of Civil & Environmental
Engineering, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.
• Graduate Research Assistant (8/2001 – 1/2007), Department of Civil &
Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.
• Graduate Teaching Assistant (1/2006 – 5/2006, 1/2005-5/2005, 1/2004-5/2004),
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University,
Fort Collins, CO.
4. Non-academic experience
• Project Manager (11/1998 – 7/2001), Project Engineer (05/1995 – 10/1998),
CDM, Detroit, MI.
• Environmental, Health, and Safety Co-op (8/1992 – 8/1994), General Electric
Motors, Fort Wayne, IN
252 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
8. Service activities
• Professional Service: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Environmental Water Resources Institute (EWRI), Urban Water Resources
Research Council, Various Subcommittee Roles (2007-present), National Science
Foundation, Panelist (2016 (3), 2011 (1)), State of Utah Nutrient Advisory
Committee, Member (2011-present).
• University of Utah Service: Rio Mesa Center Advisory Committee, Member
(2011 – 2016), Global Change and Ecosystem Center, Department Representative
(2010 – 2016), College of Engineering Alternate Representative (2011-2014).
• University of Utah College of Engineering Service: Women in Engineering
Program, Faculty Coordinator, (2015-2016); Teaching in Excellence Committee,
Member (2017-present).
• University of Utah Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering Service:
Scholarship Committee, Chair (2009-2011), Member (2012-present);
Undergraduate & ABET Committee, Member (2012-2018), Co-Chair (2018-
present), ASCE Student Chapter, Co-Advisor (2013-2017), Advisor (2017-
present), ASCE Rocky Mountain Region Student Conference, Advisor (2015-
2017), Outreach Committee, Member (2007-2008, 2017-present)
9. Selected publications
• Lee, S., Burian, S.J. Pomeroy, C.A. 2021. Setting Future Water Rates for
Sustainability of a Water Distribution System. Journal of Water Resources
Planning and Management. 147(2).
• Tavakol-Davani, H., Rahimi, R., Burian, S.J., Pomeroy, C.A., McPherson, B.J.,
Apul, D. 2019. Combining Hydrologic Analysis and Life Cycle Assessment
Approaches to Evaluate Sustainability of Water Infrastructure: Uncertainty
Analysis. Water, 11(12), 2592.
• Lee, S., Pomeroy, C.A., Burian, S.J. 2020. Introducing a Hybrid-System
Dynamics Model for Sustainability based Financial Planning of Water
Distribution System. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress.
Henderson, NV, May 17-21, 2020. (oral presentation)
• Pomeroy, C. 2020. Community-enabled Lifecycle Analysis of Stormwater
Infrastructure Costs (CLASIC). World Environmental and Water Resources
Congress. Henderson, NV, May 17-21, 2020. (oral presentation)
• Zhang, H., Dell, T., Pomeroy, C., Eagan, J. 2019. Community-enabled Lifecycle
Analysis of Stormwater Infrastructure Costs (CLASIC). WEFTEC 2019. Chicago,
IL, September 22-25, 2019. (oral presentation)
• Pomeroy, C. 2019. Community-enabled Lifecycle Analysis of Stormwater
Infrastructure Costs (CLASIC). Enabling Future Generations to Solve our
Planet’s Grand Challenges, The 19th Annual Meeting of the American Ecological
Engineering Society. Asheville, North Carolina, June 3-6, 2019. (oral
253 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
1. Name: Abbas Rashidi, Ph.D., CPC, P.E.
2. Education
• PhD, Civil Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2014
• MS, in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology,
• MS, Civil Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, 2004
• BS, Civil Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, 2001
3. Academic experience
• The University of Utah, Associate Chair Civil and Envn. Eng. Asia Campus,
• The University of Utah, Assoc. Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering,
• The University of Utah, Assist. Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering,
4. Non-academic experience
President, Rashidi Consulting Group, LLC, 2014-present, part-time
254 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• 2015-present, Associate Editor and Member of Editorial Board, ASCE Journal of
Performance of Constructed Facilities
9. Selected publications
• Hassandokht, A., Farhadmanesh, M., Rashidi, A. and Markovic, N. “State-of-the-
Art Methods in Estimating Freeway Workzones Capacity: A Literature Review”
Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board,
Volume 2215, 2021
• Farhadmanesh, M., Cross, C., Hassandokht, A., Rashidi, A. and Wempen, J.
“Use of Mobile Photogrammetry Method for Highway Asset Management”
Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board,
Volume 2215, 2021
• Xiang, Z., Ou, G. and Rashidi, A. “Robust Cascaded Frequency Filters to
Recognize Rebar in GPR Data with Complex Signal Interference” Journal of
Automation in Construction, Volume 124, 2021
• Xiang, Z., Ou, G. and Rashidi, A. “Integrated Approach to Simultaneously
Determine 3D Location and Size of Rebar in GPR Data” ASCE Journal of
Performance of Constructed Facilities, Volume 34, Issue 5, 2020
• Lee, Y., Shariatfar, M., Rashidi, A., and Lee, H. W. “Evidence-Driven Sound
Event Detection Frameworks for the Prenotification and Rapid Identification of
Construction Safety Hazard and Accidents” Journal of Automation in
Construction, Volume 113, 2020
• Sherafat, B., Ahn, C., Akhavian, R., Behzadan, A.H., Golparvar-Fard, M., Kim,
H., Lee, Y., Rashidi, A., and Rezazadeh Azar, E. “Automated Methods for
Activity Recognition of Construction Workers and Equipment: A State-of-the-Art
Review” ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Volume
146, Issue 6, 2020
• Sabillon, C., Rashidi, A., Samanta, B., Davenport, M. and Anderson, D. “Audio-
Based Bayesian Model for Productivity Estimation of Cyclic Construction
Activities” ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, Volume 34, Issue
1, 2020
• Sherafat, B., Rashidi, A., Lee, Y. and Ahn, C. “A Hybrid Acoustic-Kinematic
System for Activity Detection of Construction Equipment.” Sensors, Volume 19,
Issue 19, 2019
• Xiang, Z., Rashidi, A., and Ou, G. “States of Practice and Research on Applying
GPR Technology for Labeling and Scanning Constructed Facilities” ASCE
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, Volume 33, Issue 5, 2019
• Cheng, C., F., Rashidi, A., Davenport, M. and Anderson, D. “Evaluation of
Software and Hardware Settings for Audio-Based Analysis of Construction
Operations.” International Journal of Civil Engineering, Volume 17, Issue 9, 2019
• Adhikari, A., Mitra, A., Rashidi, A., Ekpo I., Schwartz, J., and Doehling, J. “Field
evaluation of N95 filtering facepiece respirators on construction jobsites for
protection against airborne nanoparticles and ultrafine particles” International
Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Volume 15, Issue 9, 2018
255 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Rashidi, A., and Karan, E., “Video to BrIM: Automated Generation of As-Built
Documents for Bridges.” ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities,
Volume 32, Issue 3, 2018
2. Education
• Doctor of Philosophy, Civil Engineering, Penn State University, 1995
• Master of Science, Civil Engineering, Penn State University, 1991
• Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, US Coast Guard Academy, 1989
3. Academic experience
• The University of Utah, Associate Professor, Associate Chair, (2007 – Present)
• The University of Utah, Assistant Professor, (2000-2007)
4. Non-academic experience
• Soil and Land Use Technology, On-site Contract Manager, (1999 – 2000)
• FHWA Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center, COTR Laboratory Technical
Manager (1995 – 2000)
• EBA Engineering, Inc. Laboratory Technical Manager (1995 – 1997)
• The Pennsylvania Transportation Institute, Research Assistant (1990 – 1995)
256 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Member, University Parking Appeals Committee (2012 – Present)
• Member, University Academic Appeals and Misconduct Committee (2008 –
• Member, University Diversity Committee (2005 – 2007, 2010 – 2012, 2014 -
• Member, College of Engineering Council (2010 – 2013)
• Member, Department Graduate Committee (2012 – 2016)
• Member, Department Scholarship Committee (2004 – 2006 and 2010 - 2012)
• Member, Education Committee, Utah Asphalt Pavement Association (2010 –
• Member, Transportation Research Board Committee on Asphalt Materials
(AFK20) (2008 – 2017)
• Member, Transportation Research Board Committee on Characteristics of
Bituminous Materials to Meet Structural Requirements (AFK50) (1997 – 2006)
• Member, Transportation Research Board Subcommittee on Latin American
Activities (under Committee on International Activities, A0010) (2000 – 2012)
• Paper Reviewer: Transportation Research Board committees A0010, AFK20,
AFK50, AFK50(1), AFK50(2), and AFH60
• Paper Reviewer: ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering ASCE Journal
of Transportation
9. Selected publications
• Han, D., Kim, W., Lee, S., Kim, H., and Romero.P.: “Assessment of Gamma
Radiation Shielding Properties of Concrete Containers Containing Recycled
Coarse Aggregates.” Journal of Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier
Volume 163 Pp 122-138 (February 2018)
• Mora, E., Gonzalez, G., Romero, P., and Castellon, E.: “Control of Water
Absorption in Concrete Materials with Hybrid Hydrophoic Silica Particles.”
Journal of Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier Volume 221 Pp 210-218
• Asib, ASM., Romero, P., and Safdazadeh, F: “An equivalence between methods
of aging for determining the low-temperature performance of hot-mix asphalt
concrete mixtures containing reclaimed asphalt pavement.” Journal of
Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier Volume 223 Pp 198-209 (2019)
• Gao, Y., Romero, P. Zhang, H., Huang, M., and Lai, F.: “Unsaturated polyester
resin concrete: A review.” Journal of Construction and Building Materials,
Elsevier Volume 228 Article 116709 (2019)
• Mogawer, W., Austerman, A., Stuart, K., Zhou, F., and Romero, P.: “Balanced
Mix Design Sensitivity to Production Tolerance Limits and Binder Source.”
Walter J. Emmons Award for the best paper presented at the 2019 Annual
Meeting of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologist.
• Kim, H., Han, D., Kim, K., and Romero, P. “Performance Assessment of Repair
Material for Deteriorated Concrete Slabs Using Chemically Bonded Cement”.
Article 117468 Journal of Construction and Building Materials Volume 237,
Elsevier (March 2020)
257 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
10. Most recent professional development activities
American Society of Civil Engineers: Civil Engineering Educational Summit: Mapping
the Future of Civil Engineering Education Dallas, TX (May 2019)
258 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
1. Name: Shahrzad Roshankhah, Ph.D., P.E.
2. Education
• Ph.D., Civil and Environmental Engineering (Geotechnical Engineering), Georgia
Institute of Technology, 2015.
• MSc, Civil and Environmental Engineering (Geotechnical Engineering),
Amirkabir University of Technology, 2007.
• BSc, Civil Engineering, Semnan University, 2003.
3. Academic experience
• University of Utah, Assistant Professor, Jul. 2021 – on
• California State University Long Beach, Lecturer, Aug. 2019 – May 2021
• California State Polytechnic University Pomona, Lecturer, Aug. – Dec. 2019
• California Institute of Technology, Research Scientist, Aug. 2019 – Dec. 2020
• California Institute of Technology, Postdoctoral Scholar, Feb. 2016 – Jul. 2019
• Georgia Institute of Technology, Graduate Research Assistant, Aug. 2011 – Dec.
4. Non-academic experience
• Imen Saazeh Fadak Consultants, Senior Engineer, 2006-2010
• Prozheh Saaz Consultants, Staff Engineer, 2003-2005
259 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
8. Service activities
• Mentoring undergrad research assistants (Georgia Tech & Caltech), 2013–2019.
• Technical session developer, chair, and reviewer for the 55th US Rock Mechanics
and Geomechanics Symposium, to be held in June 2021.
• Technical session developer, chair, and reviewer for the 2nd International
Conference on Energy Geotechnics, to be held in September 2022.
• Technical session chair for 2017 Engineering Mechanics Symposium, June 2017.
• Reviewer for the following technical journals and conferences since 2015: JGR,
Solid Earth; GRL; JGGE; Int. JSDEE; Geotechnique Letters; Computers &
Geotechnics; The Geocongress; Int. Conf. Energy Geotech; US Rock Mechanics
& Geomechanics Symp.; Int. Geomechanics Symp.; Int. Foundations Congress &
Equipment Expo.
• K-5 outreach: organizing chair of SMART Night, Hamilton Elementary School,
Apr. 2019.
9. Selected publications
• Roshankhah, S., Garcia, A. V., and Santamarina, J. C. (2021) "Thermal
Conductivity of Sand-Silt Mixtures." Journal of Geotechnical and
Geoenvironmental Engineering, 147(2).
• Roshankhah, S., Mohammadi, K., and K-Nejad, A. (2020) "Characteristics of
Hydraulic Fractures in Terms of the Matrix Permeability and the Natural Fracture
Density." Proceedings of the ARMA/DGS/SEG International Geomechanics
Symposium, Nov. 3-5.
• Roshankhah, S. and Mohammadi, K. (2020) "Fabric-dependent Hydro-
Mechanical Behavior of Pre-fractured Rocks." Geocongress 2020, Feb. 25-28,
Minneapolis, MN.
• "Geo-engineering for Modern Energy Geo-systems" CEE, Univ. Utah, Mar. 30,
• "Geo-engineering for Energy Geo-structures" CEE, Univ. Houston, Jan. 12, 2021.
• "Characteristics of Hydraulic Fractures in Terms of the Matrix Permeability and
the Natural Fracture Density." The 1st ARMA/DGS/SEG International
Geomechanics Symposium, Nov. 4, 2020, Online.
• "Fabric-dependent Hydro-Mechanical Behavior of Pre-fractured Rocks."
Geocongress 2020, Feb. 27, 2020, Minneapolis, MN.
• "Tailoring the Behavior of Geomaterials to Design Sustainable Geo-Energy
Infrastructure." CEE, Rutgers University, Feb. 05, 2020.
260 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
1. Name: Douglas G. Schmucker, Ph.D., P.E.
2. Education
• Ph.D. Stanford University 1996
• M.S. Stanford University 1991
• B.S. Valparaiso University (High Distinction and Christ College Associate)
3. Academic experience
• University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, Professor – Lecturer, 2020 – present
• University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, Associate Professor – Lecturer, 2013 –
• Northeastern University, Boston, MA, On-line, Part-time Lecturer, 2012 – present
• Private Structural Consultant, 2000 – present
• Olivet University, Dover Plains, NY, On-line, Part-time Lecturer, 2016 – 2017
• Zahl-Ford, Inc., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Senior Engineer & Project Manager,
2009 –2011
• Trine University, Angola, Indiana, Associate Professor, 2006 – 2009
• Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, Kentucky, Assistant Professor,
2003 – 2006
• Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Indiana, Assistant Professor, 1998 – 2003
• Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, Assistant
Professor, 1995 – 1998
4. Non-academic experience
• Structural models that appropriately capture large deformation, buckling and/or
other non-linear behavior in the dynamic or static domains
• Evaluation of existing structures including failure investigation, historic
preservation, and structural performance assessment
• Field investigation with a focus on cause and extent of damage related to property
investigation (residential, commercial, and industrial)
• Client management including initial interactions, development of proposed scope
of work, and execution of contracts
• Expert witness testimony and support of litigation and subrogation.
261 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Premier Award for Excellence in Engineering Education Courseware Winner,
CATME/Team-maker (member of multi-university collaborative team), 2009
• Tri-State University’s McKetta-Smith Excellence in Teaching Award, 2008
8. Service Activities
• SEAU, Technical Committee, Member, 2019 – present
• SEAU, Organizing Committee, 2021 Special Session, 2019 – 2021
• ASCE, YMF, PE Exam Preparation Course, Structures Review, Presenter, 2016 –
• ASCE, WFB, Monthly Meetings, Presenter, 2014 – 2019
• ASCE, Journal of Pro. Issues in Engineering Ed. and Practice, Reviewer, 2015 -
• Center for Infrastructure Transformation and Education, Bridge Group, 2015 –
• ASEE, CE Division, Annual Conference Paper Reviewer, 1999 – 2018
• American Concrete Institute-Oklahoma (ACI-OK), Chapter President 2011 –
• FIRST Lego Robotics Utah State Competition (volunteer) 2019
• ASCE Wasatch Front Branch (Presenter multiple times) 2016 - 2018
• ASEE Rocky Mountain Section Annual Conference (Presenter multiple times)
9. Selected publications
• Schmucker, D.G., Lenart, J., and Burian, S.J., “A Civil Infrastructure System
Perspective – Not just the Built Environment” Proceedings of the 2016 ASEE
Annual Conference and Exposition
• Burian, S.J, Schmucker, D.G., and Lenart, J., “Developing Global Learning
Outcomes in a Civil Engineering Program,” Proceedings of the 2016 ASEE
Annual Conference and Exposition
• Ohland, M.W., M.L. Loughry, D.J. Woehr, C.J. Finelli, L.G. Bullard, R.M.
Felder, R.A. Layton, H.R. Pomeranz, and D.G. Schmucker, “The Comprehensive
Assessment of Team Member Effectiveness: Development of a Behaviorally
Anchored Rating Scale for Self and Peer Evaluation.” Academy of Management:
Learning & Education, Manuscript ID: AMLE-RR-2010-0056.
• Ohland, Matthew W., Lisa G. Bullard, Richard M. Felder, Cynthia J. Finelli,
Richard A. Layton, Misty L. Loughry, Hal R. Pomeranz, Douglas G. Schmucker,
David J. Woehr, “The Comprehensive Assessment of Team Member
Effectiveness: Development of a Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale for Self and
Peer Evaluation,” Academy of Management 2010 Annual Meeting, paper #13912
• Bullard, L.F., R.L. Carter, R.M. Felder, C.J. Finelli, R.A. Layton, M.L. Loughry,
M.W. Ohland, and D.G. Schmucker “The Comprehensive Assessment of Team
Member Effectiveness: A New Peer Evaluation Instrument,” Proc. Amer. Soc.
Eng. Ed., Chicago, IL, June 2006.
262 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
1. Name: Michael Scott Shea, P.E.
2. Education
• Doctor of Philosophy Candidate, Civil Engineering, Anticipated 2021, University of
Utah, Salt Lake City, UT. Dissertation working title: Statistical Road Safety
Modeling Approaches for Estimating Road, Vehicle, and Driver Effects on Crash
Type and Severity Outcomes at Intersections. Co-Advisors: Juan Medina (currently
Research Asst. Professor, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT); Richard Jon (RJ)
Porter (currently Highway Safety Engineer at VHB, Raleigh, NC).
• Master of Engineering, Civil Engineering, 2011, Brigham Young University, Provo,
UT. Thesis: Hydraulic Conductivity of Cement-Treated Soils and Aggregates After
Freezing. Advisor: W. Spencer Guthrie (currently Professor of Civil Engineering,
Brigham Young University, Provo, UT).
• Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, Minors in Math, Business, and Asian Studies,
2008, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT.
3. Academic experience
• Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of
Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, (Spring 2017, Fall 2017, Spring 2018, Spring 2020, Spring
• Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Brigham
Young University, Provo, UT, (Winter 2021)
• Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, (August 2013-present)
• Research Assistant, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, (May 2008-January
4. Non-academic experience
• Senior Traffic Engineer, AECOM, Salt Lake City, UT, (January 2021-present)
• Transportation Manager, CRS Engineers, Salt Lake City, UT, (April 2018-January
• Traffic Engineer, Avenue Consultants, Inc. Taylorsville, UT, (February 2013-
September 2013)
• Assistant Quality Assurance Manager, Raba-Kistner Infrastructure, Orem, UT, (May
2010-December 2012)
• Project Engineer, LEI Engineers, Spanish Fork, UT (June 2006 – May 2008)
263 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Member, American Society of Civil Engineers, (2004-2018)
• Member, American Concrete Institute, (2010-2015)
• Lifetime Member, Tau Beta Pi National Engineering Society, (November 2016)
8. Service activities
• Committee Member, Performance Effects of Geometric Design [AKD10], 2018-
• Peer Reviewer, Geometric Design Committee [AFB10/AKD10], (2014-2021)
• Peer Reviewer, Operational Effects of Geometrics [AHB65], (2014-2018)
• Peer Reviewer, Bicycle Transportation [ANF20], (2016-2018)
264 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
10. Most recent professional development activities - (none)
265 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
1. Name: Glenn E. Sjoden, Ph.D., P.E.
2. Education
• Ph.D., Nuclear Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, University Park,
Pennsylvania, 1997
• M.S., Nuclear Engineering, Air Force Institute of Technology, WPAFB Ohio,
• B.S., Nuclear Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, 1984
3. Academic experience
• Professor and Energy Solutions Presidential Endowed Chair, Nuclear Engineering
Program, August 2019 to Present, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah.
• Professor and Director, Radiation Science and Engineering Laboratory, Nuclear
and Radiological Eng. Program (NRE), November 2010 to 2014, Georgia
Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia.
• Associate Professor and Florida Power and Light Endowed Term Chair (2007-
2010), Department of Nuclear and Radiological Engineering (NRE), March 2004
to October 2010, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
• Associate Professor of Mathematical Sciences, USAF Academy, Colorado
Spring, CO, US Air Force Officer (1997- 2000), also USAF Academy Instructor
and Assistant Professor, USAF Officer, (1992-1994);
4. Non-academic experience
• Chief Scientist, Air Force Technical Applications Center (AFTAC), Rank: Senior
Executive Service (SES), DISL IP-00, June 2014 to July 2019, Patrick AFB,
• Research Consultant to various Government Agencies and Corporations, 1997 to
2014, and 2019-Present; Licensed consultant to US Gov’t (DOE, NNSA, DHS,
Lines, Zel-Tech.
• Deputy Director of Materials Technology, Deputy Director for Technology and
Research, April 2001 to March 2004, Air Force Technical Applications Center,
US Air Force, Patrick AFB, Florida.
• Chief, Molecular Sciences Division, US Air Force, February 2000 to April 2001,
Directorate of Materials Technology, Air Force Technical Applications Center,
Patrick AFB, Florida.
• Other Assignments Spanning 1984-2000, Active Duty, US Air Force; Lt Col
USAF (retired).
266 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
7. Honors and awards
• 2019: Air Force Meritorious Civilian Service Award, AFTAC, Patrick AFB,
• 2018: Presidential Rank Award, USAF (IP-00 DISL) Senior Leader Award for
Exceptional Public Service, awarded by Pres. Trump, The Pentagon, Washington
D.C. (presented June 14, 2019).
• 2018: Air Combat Command (ACC) winner, ACC nominee: USAF Harold
Brown Award for Innovative R&D, Patrick AFB, Florida
8. Service activities
• Director of the Nuclear Engineering Program, and Interim Level II
Supervisor/Reactor Director, Utah TRIGA Facility (2020-Present)
• Member, University of Utah Radiation Safety Committee, (2020 – Present)
• Chair, Civil and Environmental Engineering Safety Committee (2019-Present)
• Hiring committee chair, Nuclear Reactor Supervisor and Nuclear Research
Scientist positions, (Fall 2020)
• Evaluator, Peer Teaching/RPT Evaluations: Chemical & Nuclear Engineering,
(Fall 2020).
• Factory Acceptance Testing reviewer and installation supervisor, new Thermo-
Fisher Reactor Control System, University of Utah TRIGA Reactor (2020-2021).
• INMM University of Utah Chapter Faculty Advisor (2020-Present)
9. Selected publications
• L. Albright, N. Andrews, L. Humphries, M. Piro, G. Sjoden, D. Luxat, T.
Jevremovic, “Material Interactions in Severe Accidents – Benchmarking the
MELCOR V2.2 Eutectics Model for a BWR-3 Mark-I Station Blackout: Part I –
Single Case Analysis,” submitted, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Jan. 2021
• M. Wang, G. Sjoden, et. al., “Assessment of an HPGe Detector using SN and
Monte Carlo Transport with Experiments”, RPSD 2020, accepted, January 2021.
• V. Wang, G. Sjoden, A. Foley, and S. Mohanty, “3D SN and Monte Carlo
Calculations of the Utah TRIGA Reactor Core using PENTRAN and MCNP6,”
submitted, Annals of Nuclear Energy, September, 2020.
267 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Laboratory, “Hyperspectral X-Ray Imaging” (August 2020); “Integrated Nuclear
Detonation Detection”, (March 2020).
2. Education
• University of California-Davis, Civil and Environmental Engineering
• Designated Emphasis in Biotechnology, PhD, 2006
• University of California-Davis, Civil and Environmental Engineering, MS, 2002
• Montana State University. Civil Engineering
• Emphasis in Bio-Resources Engineering, BS, 1999
3. Academic experience
• 2016-current - Associate Professor, University of Utah, Civil and Environmental
• 2010–2016 - Assistant Professor, West Virginia University, Civil and
Environmental Engineering
4. Non-academic experience
• 2005–2010 - Environmental Engineer, North Wind, Inc., Idaho Falls, ID
• 2000 - Environmental Engineer, Idaho National Lab, Idaho Falls, ID
8. Service activities
268 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• 2019-2020 - Elementary school Dream Big outreach—Presentation of hands on
STEM activity in 35 fifth grade elementary classrooms reaching ~1000 students
• June 2017 - Presenter “Exploring Engineering Day”—University of Utah, College
of Engineering (47 students)
• March 2017 - Presenter “Pi Day”—Central Valley Junior High, Salt Lake City,
UT (300 students)
• 2016, 17, 19 - Trainer—US-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Water at
Mehran University of Engineering and Technology (MUET), Jamshoro, Pakistan
9. Selected publications
• Pecson, BM, et al, in press, Environmental Science: Water Research &
• Jamal *, R, X. Li, J. Weidhaas, 2021, Journal of Microbiological Methods,
• Jamal, R*, et al., 2020, Science of the Total Environment,
• Mehmood, R, U Iran, A Ullah, J.L. Ullman, J. Weidhaas, 2020, Environmental
Science and Pollution Research, doi: 10.1007/s11356-020-08705-4
• Imran, U, J Weidhaas, A. Ullah, K Shaikh, 2020, Human and Ecological Risk
Assessment: An International Journal, doi.org/10.1080/10807039.2020.1729090
• Imran, U, M Khan, R Jamal, S Sahulka, R Goel, R Mahar, J. Weidhaas, 2020,
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 191:
• Acharya, SP *, J. Johnson *%, J. Weidhaas, 2020, Journal of Environmental
Sciences, 89:23-34, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jes.2019.09.022
• Deng, D, O. Lin, A. Rubenstein, J. Weidhaas, L-S Lin, 2019, Chemical
Engineering Journal, 358: 1208-1217, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2018.10.030
• Clark, GG #, R. Jamal *, J. Weidhaas, 2019, Science of the Total Environment,
651(1), 1011-1019, doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.09.277
• Boney, J, J. Jaczynski, JL Weidhaas, A Bergeron, J Moritz, 2018, Journal of
Applied Poultry Research, pfy052, 1-11, http://dx.doi.org/10.3382/japr/pfy052
• Acharya, SP*, J Weidhaas, 2018, Chemosphere, 211:1018-1024,
• Weidhaas, JL, A. Anderson*, R. Jamal*, 2018, Appl. Enviro. Microbiol, 84(6):
DOI: 10.1128/AEM.02510-17
• Weidhaas, JL, A. Panaccione#, A. Bhattacharjee, R. Goel, A. Anderson*, S.
Poudel Acharya*, 2018, Biodegradation, 29(1):71-88, DOI: 10.1007/s10532-017-
• S. Mantha *, A. Anderson #, S.P. Acharya *, V.J. Harwood, J. Weidhaas, 2017,
Science of the Total Environment, 598:204-212,
• Li, KW, J. Weidhaas, L. Lemonakis, H. Khouryieh, M. Stone, L. Jones, C. Shen,
2017, Food Control, 79:101-108,
269 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Weidhaas, J.L., L-S. Lin, K. Buzby, 2017, Science of the Total Environment, 574:
1396-1404, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.08.063
270 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
1. Name: Xianfeng (Terry) Yang, Ph.D.
2. Education
• University of Maryland, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ph.D., 2015
• University of Maryland, Civil and Environmental Engineering, MS, 2012
• Tsinghua University, Civil Engineering, BS, 2009
3. Academic experience
• 2017-current - Assistant Professor, University of Utah, Civil and Environmental
• 2015–2017 - Assistant Professor, San Diego State University, Civil, Construction
and Environmental Engineering
271 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• 2017 – present: Member, Traffic Signal System Committee (AHB 25), TRB
9. Selected publications
• Qinzheng Wang, Xianfeng Yang*, (2021),” Adaptive and Multi-path Progression
Signal Control under Connected Vehicle Environment”, Transportation Research
Part C, Vol 124, 102965.
• Chenfeng Xiong, Xianfeng Yang, Minha Lee, Lei Zhang (2020),” An integrated
modeling framework for active traffic management and its applications in the
Washington D.C. area”, Journal of Intelligent Transportation System. Accepted.
• Zhao Zhang and Xianfeng Yang, (2020),” Analysis of highway performance
under mixed connected and regular vehicle environment”, Journal of Intelligent
and Connected Vehicle. Accepted.
• Wei Hao*, Li Liu, & Xianfeng Yang, (2020), "Reducing CACC Platoon
Disturbances Caused by State Jitters by Combining Two Stages Driving State
Recognition with Multiple Platoons’ Strategies and Risk Prediction’ Strategies
and Trajectory Prediction”, IEEE Transactions on ITS. Accepted.
• Zhao Zhang, Runan Yang, Glenn Blackwelder, & Xianfeng Yang*, (2020)
“Examining Driver Injury Severity in Left-turn Crashes using Hierarchical
Ordered Probit Models”, Traffic Injury Prevention, accepted.
• Zhao Zhang & Xianfeng Yang*, (2020) “Freeway Traffic Speed Estimation by
Regression Machine Learning Techniques Using Probe Vehicle and Traffic
Sensor Data”, Journal of Transportation Engineering. Vol. 146(12).
• Xianfeng Yang, Ke Huang*, Zhehao Zhang, & Zhao Zhang, (2020), “Eco-
Driving System for Connected Automated Vehicles: Multi-Objective Trajectory
Optimization”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation System. In press.
• Zhao Zhang, &Xianfeng Yang*, (2020) “Freeway Traffic Speed Estimation in
Traffic Monitoring Systems using a Hybrid Machine Learning Approach”,
Journal of Transportation Research Board: Transportation Research Record, Vol.
2674(10), pp. 68-78
• Qinzheng Wang, Xianfeng Yang*, Blaine D. Leonard, & Jamie Mackey, (2020),
“Field Evaluation of Connected Vehicle-based Transit Signal Priority System
under Two Different Signal Base Plans”, Journal of Transportation Research
Board: Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2674:(7), pp. 172-180
• Yongjie Lin, Xianfeng Yang*, & Qinzheng Wang (2020), “New transit signal
priority scheme for intersections with nearby bus rapid transit median stations”,
IET Intelligent Transport Systems, Vol. 14(12), pp. 1606-1614.
• Qinzheng Wang, Xianfeng Yang*, Zhitong Huang, & Yun Yuan, (2020), “Multi-
vehicle Trajectory Optimization for Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control
(CACC) Platoon Formation”, Journal of Transportation Research Board:
Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2674(4), pp. 30-41.
272 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
1. Name: Xuan ‘Peter’ Zhu, Ph.D
2. Education
• Ph.D., Structural Engineering, University of California, San Diego, U.S., 2016
• M.S., Civil Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, U.S., 2010
• B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Beihang University, China, 2008
3. Academic experience
• Assistant Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Utah,
• Visiting scholar, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Los Alamos National
Laboratory, 07/2018
• Post-doctoral research associate, Civil & Environmental Engineering, University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2017-2018
• Post-doctoral Researcher, Structural Engineering, University of California, San
Diego, 2016-2017
8. Services activities
• URS Poster evaluator, Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of Utah,
• Event host, Engineering Day Research Symposium, COE, 2020
• Committee member: UAC instructor search committee, CVEEN department,
2020; Technology coordinator search committee, CVEEN department, 2020;
Graduate student recruitment committee, CVEEN department, 2019-present;
ABET & Undergraduate committee, CVEEN department, 2018-present; Cyber
technology integration committee, CVEEN department, 2018-present; Strategic
hiring & planning committee, CVEEN department, 2018-present; Joint committee
of Structural Health Monitoring, AHD30(3), Transportation Research Board,
273 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• National Science Foundation Reviewer, 2021
• Review editor on the Editorial Board of Frontiers in Built Environment, 2020-
• Grant reviewer: DOE-NE Consolidated Innovative Nuclear Research, 2020-
present; DOE Small Business Innovation Research, 2020
• Organizing member, 7th International Conference on Experimental Vibration
Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures, University of California San Diego, La
Jolla, CA, July 12-14, 2017
• Chairing Sessions: “Smart Sensing and Signal Processing for Diagnostics”, SPIE
Smart Structures/NDE, Portland, OR, March 2017; “Guided Waves I: Civil
Infrastructures Monitoring”, SPIE Smart Structures/NDE, Portland, OR, March
• Reviewer for several journals including: Journal of Performance of Constructed
Facilities, Applied Sciences, Sensors, Functional composites and structures,
Experimental Mechanics, Ultrasonics, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and
Structure, Smart Materials and Structures
274 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
used for Lamb wave based damage detection," Smart Materials and Structures,
Vol. 24, 6, 0605005. DOI: 10.1088/0964-1726/24/6/065005.
• Tippmann, J. D., Zhu, X., Lanza di Scalea, F. (2015) “Application of damage
detection methods using passive reconstruction of impulse response functions,”
Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci. , 373, 2035. DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2014.0070.
275 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Materials/Concrete Lab
Instron 400 Compression Machine
20’ Drop Hammer
Troxler asphalt Gyratory Compactor
Concrete Mixers (4) 3.6cuFt
Water curing tanks
Concrete air meters
Concrete slump and unit weight devices
Mortar cube molds
Concrete shrinkage measuring device
Digital balances (multiple)
Asphalt concrete portable mixers
Water tank specific gravity setup
Ignition oven
Large capacity ovens
Rotating viscometer
Bending beam rheometer
Freezer/warm bath unit
Semi-circular bend compression machine
Asphalt Mixture Performance Tester triaxial machine
Charpy v-notch testing machine
Creep testing machine
Electromechanics compression machine
276 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
radar gun
video camera
Elmo - document camera
picture tel
smart board
277 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
1. The Institution
a. University of Utah
a. 201 Presidents Circle, Room 201
b. Salt Lake City, UT 84112
b. Michael L. Good
a. Interim President
b. Office of the President
c. Park Building
d. 201 S. President’s Circle, Room 203
e. Salt Lake City, UT 84112
2. Type of Control
The University of Utah is a state institution under the jurisdiction of the Utah State Board of
Regents, whose members are appointed by the Governor of the State of Utah and confirmed
by the Legislature. The Regents appoint a Commissioner of Higher Education who, with his
staff, has the responsibility of coordinating policy, programs and budgets for higher
education state-wide. The President of the university reports to the Board of Trustees, which
reviews and approves the policies, programs, budgets and personnel actions of the
3. Educational Unit
From an organizational standpoint, the college consists of a college level administration and
seven academic units including the Departments of Biomedical Engineering, Chemical
Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and the School of Computing.
The Construction Engineering Program is part of the Civil and Environmental Engineering.
278 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Chemistry: Matthew S. Sigman, Chair; Vahe Bandarian, Associate Chair
Computer Facilities (Steven Dean, Director): The College of Engineering maintains four general
usage computer labs that provide access to academic software and file storage for instructional
usage. The college computing facility also provides a comprehensive collection of software that
is available for instructional use.
The College of Engineering Living & Learning Community opened Fall 2005 in the University
of Utah Residence Halls. Located in Kahlert Village, this community offers residents the
opportunity to live with other students in the College of Engineering who share their academic
and career goals. This community is open to first year students who appreciate the benefit of
living in a community, which fosters academic excellence within the rigorous engineering
curriculum. Mentoring: There are two Resident Advisors (RA) who live on the floor. These
RA’s are upper division engineering students selected by the College. The RA’s help with any
problems or concerns while providing leadership and mentoring, as well as a connection to the
College of Engineering Dean’s Office. Study sessions and tutoring help ensure academic
success, while interaction with engineering faculty, staff, and alumni help further professional
development. The Floor: A total of 76 engineering students are selected to live in the
community in single, single-deluxe, double and double-deluxe suites. A large and well-equipped
study room is available on the floor, providing an ideal setting for group study, teamwork, and
279 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
collaboration. To view floor plans, please visit the Housing and Residential Education website at
The Kennecott House in Officers’ Circle houses 12 students. The RA for this community is an
upper-division engineering student and residents have the opportunity to participate in
programming offered in conjunction with the Dean’s Office. The students living in this
community participate in faculty presentations, field trips and alumni dinners. Students are
selected to live in the community by the College of Engineering Dean’s Office. Priority is given
to Kennecott Scholars and students from the College of Engineering. To view information about
the Kennecott House, please visit the Housing and Residential Education website at
The CLEAR Program (Communication Leadership, Ethics, And Research) (Sneha Kasera,
Associate Dean): The CLEAR program was designed to ensure that engineering graduates can
communicate clearly in both oral and written form, participate on teams productively, recognize
ramifications of decisions they will make in the global marketplace, and develop a sophisticated
understanding of ethical dilemmas which regularly follow engineering industry trends. The
CLEAR Program is unique and innovative due to its: (1) emphasis on speaking, writing,
teamwork, and ethics, (2) integrated professional skills instruction, and (3) situated,
developmental approach to teaching and learning. In short, engineering undergraduates at the
University of Utah are continually exposed to communication and ethics throughout their
engineering training. As a result, students are better prepared for the transition from the
university to the workplace.
Academic Advising Center (Beth Howard, Associate Dean): At the Academic Advising Center
undeclared and pre-major students learn about academic programs, University policies and
procedures, selecting classes, exploring majors, and other education- related concerns.
Career Services (Stan Inman, Director): Career Services has an office in the Warnock
Engineering Building (within the Dean’s Office), where career counselors meet with
undergraduate and graduate students five days a week. This arrangement allows them to interact
with a larger number of students, since the Warnock Building is also where a large fraction of
engineering classes are held. Career Services also hosts an official database, Handshake, that
helps students and employers find one another. It also allows Career Services to communicate
with students about events such as career fairs, job postings, and interview schedules. Career
Coaches also attend the College of Engineering’s First-Year Orientations where they do a 25-
minute presentation on how students can utilize the Career & Professional Center early on in
their academic careers.
Counseling Center (Lauren Weitzman, Director): The University has a Counseling Center to
assist students, staff, and faculty with a variety of personal, academic and career concerns. Its
approach is collaborative, goal-oriented, and multi-culturally sensitive. The center attempts to
help individuals develop more personal awareness and to learn skills necessary for success at the
University of Utah.
280 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
In 2020, the College of Engineering partnered with the Counseling Center to hire their first
Embedded Engineering Counselor. This counselor works with College of Engineering and its
student 3 days a week. This counselor not only meets with students, but hosts a drop-in hour
every week to support faculty and staff who have questions or concerns regarding working with
students. Additionally, this counselor works with departments to create programming focused on
supporting College of Engineering students, faculty and staff.
Disability Center (Scott McAward, Director): The Center for Disability Services provides
accommodations and support for the educational development of students with disabilities. It
strives to improve understanding and acceptance of students with disabilities throughout the
University community. The center gives direct assistance to students to encourage and enhance
their independence, works continually to develop and maintain an accessible physical
environment, and endeavors to create a supportive psychological environment so that students
can achieve their educational objectives.
6. Credit Unit
One semester credit normally represents one class hour or three laboratory hours per week. One
academic year represents two 14-week semesters (i.e., fall and spring) and one 10-week summer
term, exclusive of final examinations.
7. Tables
(See below.)
281 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Table D-1. Program Enrollment and Degree Data
Enrollment Year Degrees Awarded
Year 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Associates Bachelors Masters Doctorates
Current FT 31 44 32 81 4 192 64 n/a
Year PT 0 3 8 41 1 53 26 33
1 year prior n/a 3
FT 37 28 32 86 4 187 62 48 23
to current 19-20
year PT 0 2 9 30 2 43 36
2 years prior n/a 9
FT 26 23 28 88 5 170 65 52 23
to current 18-19
year PT 0 4 9 32 2 47 31
3 years prior n/a 8
FT 19 24 37 103 4 187 65 61 20
to current 17-18
year PT 0 4 11 31 5 51 30
4 years prior n/a 10
FT 21 20 34 108 10 193 72 64 31
to current 16-17
year PT 4 6 12 46 5 73 31
Give official fall term enrollment figures (head count) for the current and preceding four academic years and undergraduate and
graduate degrees conferred during each of those years. The "current" year means the academic year preceding the on-site visit.
282 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Table D-2. Personnel
2. Persons holding joint administrative/faculty positions or other combined assignments should be allocated to each category
according to the fraction of the appointment assigned to that category.
3. For faculty members, 1 FTE equals what your institution defines as a full-time load
4. For student teaching assistants, 1 FTE equals 20 hours per week of work (or service).
283 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Only the Dean or the Dean's Delegate can electronically submit the Self-Study Report.
285 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Assessment Summary – Student Outcome 1
1. Brief statement describing the specifics of the assignment, quiz, exam, problem, etc. used to
assess this performance indicator.
3. Describe the criteria used to determine if the student was successful in achieving the
performance indicator (i.e., achieving a score of > 70% on the assignment, quiz, exam,
problem, etc. or some other metric)
4. Tabulate the distribution of student grades on the problem/assignment. Include the total
number of students who were assessed and the total number of students who met the
performance objective.
286 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Total students Pass Fail
34 34 0
All the students completed the problem. Part of the reason for a great success rate that the
problem was very similar to those covered in class.
6. Description of how the students didn’t successfully meet the performance indicator.
In this case, all the students met the objective because the homework problem was similar to
the material covered in class.
All students were able to meet the requirement because very similar problems were covered
in class.
287 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Assessment Summary – Student Outcome 1 (continued)
This form will be completed by the course instructor at the conclusion of each semester and submitted to
the appropriate student outcome evaluation committee for inclusion in their program-level
assessment. Provide a minimum of 5 examples of student work.
1. Brief statement describing the specifics of the assignment, quiz, exam, problem, etc. used to
assess this performance indicator.
Several exercises in HW and exam assignments address the indicator of students understanding the
posed problem. The example selected here is the following problem of the first midterm:
Overturning moment is a building’s global failure mode in which the moment caused by a lateral load
around point 0 in the lower corner, exceeds the moment resistance created by the gravitational weight
force also around point 0. In the figure below, overturning occurs when
is larger than
. Where
represent the lateral load (wind or earthquake force),
the gravitational force,
is the building’s height, and
is the building’s width.
What load combination(s) would you use to analyze/design for this failure mode?
Explain why your selected load combination(s) are conservative. You can use a mathematical
justification or present an objective, rationale justification [10 points].
288 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
2. Statement of how the problem addresses the performance indicator.
The topic is load combinations. The list of combinations was provided in a HO, and there was a brief
discussion. However, no specific examples were provided. This exercise is trying to determine whether
student can link a specific set of loads to the appropriate load combination cases of ASCE 7-16.
3. Describe the criteria used to determine if the student was successful in achieving the
performance indicator (i.e., achieving a score of > 70% on the assignment, quiz, exam, problem, etc. or
some other metric)
The exercise was one of four problems in the first midterms, which needed a score of 70% to be
considered passed. This problem only was worth 10 out of 100 points.
4. Tabulate the distribution of student grades on the problem/assignment. Include the total
number of students who were assessed and the total number of students who met the performance
There were 35 students in the class, but three of them took a different test in a subsequent days.
One of the 32 evaluted students did not attempt to solve the exercise. Also, five of them provided
additional insights and I gave them a couple of extra-points. I typically do not give extra-points for
regular exercises.
289 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
5. Description of how the students successfully met the performance indicator.
The average for the exercise, including the student who did not solve it, was 7.9. The standard
deviation was 3.1. Therefore, the problem was considered a success in terms of students’
6. Description of how the students didn’t successfully meet the performance indicator.
Some student could not connect the fact that an overturning moment failure mode may be more
critical when the gravitational loads are smaller, not larger.
290 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
291 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
292 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Assessment Summary – Student Outcome 2
This form will be completed by the course instructor at the conclusion of each semester and submitted to
the appropriate student outcome evaluation committee for inclusion in their program-level
assessment. Provide a minimum of 5 examples of student work.
Outcome: Design – 2
Performance Indicator: Produces a clear and unambiguous design project needs statement that
identifies relevant public health, safety, and welfare, global, cultural, social, environmental, and
economic factors.
1. Brief statement describing the specifics of the assignment, quiz, exam, problem, etc. used to
assess this performance indicator.
During the first lectures, students learn the overall objectives of a building design, which is expected
to achieve:
- Safety
- Functionality
- Economy
As part of the first HW, students:
• Defined the three basic goals of a consulting team, when designing a building.
• Provide a simple definition of structural design.
• Describe the difference between a strength limit state of a structure and a serviceability limit
• Give a description of both the LRFD and ASD design approaches. What is the fundamental
difference between the methods?
3. Describe the criteria used to determine if the student was successful in achieving the
performance indicator (i.e., achieving a score of > 70% on the assignment, quiz, exam, problem, etc. or
some other metric).
This performance indicator was part of HW-1, and it was not independently graded. The mean grade
for HW 1 was 90 for the class.
A similar question was included in the first exam, where the class average grade was 84 for the
entire exam.
293 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
4. Tabulate the distribution of student grades on the problem/assignment. Include the total
number of students who were assessed and the total number of students who met the performance
The results from the specific exam question (1a) about Outcome: Design – 2a are:
Student 1 4
Student 2 4
Student 3 4
Student 4 4
Student 5 4
Student 6 4
Student 7 0
Student 8 3
Student 9 4
Student 10 4
Student 11 4
Student 12 4
Student 13 4
Student 14 4
Student 15 4
Student 16 4
Student 17 4
Student 18 4
Student 19 4
Student 20 4
Student 21 4
Student 22 4
Student 23 4
Student 24 4
Student 25 4
Student 26 4
Student 27 4
Student 28 4
Student 29 3
Only one of the 29 students who answer this question did not reach the performance objectives.
6. Description of how the students didn’t successfully meet the performance indicator.
294 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Only one student did not meet the expectations, but it is not clear whether he did not have time to
complete his examination, or had not understood the corresponding discussions.
295 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Assessment Summary – Student Outcome 2 (continued)
296 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
297 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Assessment Summary – Student Outcome 3
This form will be completed by the course instructor at the conclusion of each semester and submitted to
the appropriate student outcome evaluation committee for inclusion in their program-level
assessment. Provide a minimum of 5 examples of student work.
1. Brief statement describing the specifics of the assignment, quiz, exam, problem, etc. used to
assess this performance indicator.
The Job Document assignment offers students the opportunity to create or improve on a cover
letter, resume, and/or curriculum vitae (CV). Each of these job documents are unique forms of
communication that reflect a student’s professional identity while conforming to particular genre
conventions. This assignment is designed to help students construct professional-quality, reader-
friendly documents by targeting specific employment criteria as well nontechnical audiences, such
as human resource (HR) personnel. After a student identifies a position (job, internship, co-op, or
graduate program) for which to apply, they will then complete the following five steps:
298 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
3. Describe the criteria used to determine if the student was successful in achieving the
performance indicator (i.e., achieving a score of > 70% on the assignment, quiz, exam, problem, etc. or
some other metric)
This assignment is scored out of 100 points, with the following breakdown:
• Cover Memo (____ / 5)
• Cover Letter (____ / 42)
• Resume (____ / 42)
• Rough Drafts of each document (2x) (____ / 6)
• Job or Position Posting (____ / 5)
• Final (____ / 100)
299 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Additionally, the following two rubrics are used to evaluate the cover letter and resume:
300 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
301 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
4. Tabulate the distribution of student grades on the problem/assignment. Include the total
number of students who were assessed and the total number of students who met the performance
6 total students were enrolled in this course; 6 students (or 100% of the total) achieved
> 70% on this assignment.
Students typically have four weeks from when the assignment is assigned until it is due to complete
all required components. Because of the multiple types of feedback, they receive throughout the
process (e.g. one-on-one instructor consultation, instructor comments on rough drafts, and 1-2
rounds of peer review), students typically have no problem achieving the performance indicator.
6. Description of how the students didn’t successfully meet the performance indicator.
None. This assignment works well as the first major assignment of the semester.
302 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Assessment Summary – Student Outcome 3 (continued)
This form will be completed by the course instructor at the conclusion of each semester and submitted to
the appropriate student outcome evaluation committee for inclusion in their program-level
assessment. Provide a minimum of 5 examples of student work.
1. Brief statement describing the specifics of the assignment, quiz, exam, problem, etc. used to
assess this performance indicator.
Write a technical memo from the perspective of a civil and environmental engineering student. This
assignment is designed to help students stay current and up-to-date with local, contemporary
engineering issues involving the field writ large while addressing a technical-oriented audience.
Engineering firms across the region are responsible for an array of projects that span the
Intermountain West; as such, this assignment is designed to help students familiarize with changing
practices within the field as well as within higher education to address systemic changes occurring
across the country. For this assignment, students are asked to read and respond to a recent,
engineering-centric article(s) as it relates to the various fields of civil and environmental
engineering, e.g.: structural, geotechnical, construction materials, transportation, and/or water
resource engineering.
This memo demonstrates a student’s familiarity, beyond a cursory level, with the technical topic and
related issues as well as incorporates correct IEEE citation format. Additionally, the memo requires
students to include the following components:
• One direct quote from the assigned article and one direct quote from another
(related) engineering article
• Proper IEEE in-text references to all authors, article titles, and news sources
• A bibliographic reference included either as an end note or works cited
• An analysis of the pros and cons of the local engineering issue
• A well-developed discussion/conclusion section
• Grammatical correctness
3. Describe the criteria used to determine if the student was successful in achieving the
performance indicator (i.e., achieving a score of > 70% on the assignment, quiz, exam, problem, etc. or
some other metric)
303 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Short summary of both/either article (1-2 sentences) (1pt)
• Analysis of the local engineering issue:
Pros (1.5 pts)
Cons (1.5 pts)
• Direct quote from either article as well as another appropriate source (2 pts)
• Well-developed Discussion/Conclusion section (2 pts)
• IEEE Reference style/Works Cited (1 pt.)
• Word count (.5 pts)
• Grammatical correctness (.5 pt.)
4. Tabulate the distribution of student grades on the problem/assignment. Include the total
number of students who were assessed and the total number of students who met the performance
6 total students were enrolled in this course; 5 students (or 83% of the total) achieved
> 70% on this assignment.
The majority of students enrolled in this class have no problem completing this assignment and
achieving the minimum performance indicator. It is not a difficult assignment so long as the students
follow the rubric closely (which is provided to them when the technical memo is assigned). This
assignment is used as in introduction to expectations of the class and some of the parameters
required of written technical communication.
6. Description of how the students didn’t successfully meet the performance indicator.
1 of the 6 students did not achieve the minimum performance indicator; the majority students who
do not achieve the minimum performance level simply because they did not follow the parameters
outline in the rubric, e.g.: not using the proper citation style, including too much summary
information instead of analysis, and not proofreading closely enough for grammatical errors.
This is the first technical writing assignment students are asked to submit during the semester. Most
students respond well to the assignment; as such, this assignment continues to prove to be a good
foray into technical communication writing, either as a refresher for some of the class and an
introduction for the remainder of this class.
304 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Assessment Summary – Student Outcome 3 (continued)
This form will be completed by the course instructor at the conclusion of each semester and submitted to
the appropriate student outcome evaluation committee for inclusion in their program-level
assessment. Provide a minimum of 5 examples of student work.
305 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Assessment Summary – Student Outcome 4
This form will be completed by the course instructor at the conclusion of each semester and submitted to
the appropriate student outcome evaluation committee for inclusion in their program-level
assessment. Provide a minimum of 5 examples of student work.
Outcome: Ethics – 4
Performance Indicator: Evaluates conflicting/competing global, economic, environmental, and societal
issues in order to make informed decisions about an engineering solution & incorporates that sensitivity
into the design process.
1. Brief statement describing the specifics of the assignment, quiz, exam, problem, etc. used to
assess this performance indicator.
This performance indicator is better covered in design courses, where students have the
opportunity of optimizing the design of a structure based not only on technical considerations, but
also economic, environmental, labor availability.
Still, ethical decisions are discussed in Loads and Structural Analysis I because the student has to
understand the balance between a safe, economic, and functional design.
The students have several HW and quizzes during lectures (16 in Fall 2020), addressing several
questions that are related to ethical decisions in structural engineering. I’m showing the results for
the HW on gravitational loads.
3. Describe the criteria used to determine if the student was successful in achieving the
performance indicator (i.e., achieving a score of > 70% on the assignment, quiz, exam, problem, etc. or
some other metric)
Students need a minimum of 70% to have a passing grade.
4. Tabulate the distribution of student grades on the problem/assignment. Include the total
number of students who were assessed and the total number of students who met the performance
306 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
The average of the students who solved the HW (two students did not submit it), was 116 points out
of 130, for an average of 90%.
All students obtained a passing grade, except the two students who did not attempt to solve the
6. Description of how the students didn’t successfully meet the performance indicator.
Students missed classes, or were unattentive.
307 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Students understood the need to provide gravitational loads that are in accordance with current
codes and standards.
Students are understanding the reasons for having a systematic approach to analysis and design of
structures. For subsequent courses, I wil linclude exercises that more directly address these ethical
308 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Assessment Summary – Student Outcome 5
This form will be completed by the course instructor at the conclusion of each semester and submitted to
the appropriate student outcome evaluation committee for inclusion in their program-level
assessment. Provide a minimum of 5 examples of student work.
Outcome: Teams – 5a
Performance Indicator: Contributes to team work, constructively interacts with teammates, assists in
keeping the team on track, expects quality work, and exhibits relevant knowledge, skills, and
1. Brief statement describing the specifics of the assignment, quiz, exam, problem, etc. used to
assess this performance indicator.
The following rubric is used to determine the assessment criteria for students successfully achieving
the performance indicator:
• Explains beyond a cursory-level individual issue(s) pertinent to your chapter (____ / 20)
• Develops research question that explores multiple dimensions of your topic (____ / 10)
309 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
• Accounts for validity/invalidity of varying sides within broader contexts (____ / 20)
• Incorporates concrete civil and/or environmental engineering examples (____ / 20)
• Poses a concrete solution/conclusion/recommendation for your chapter (____ / 20)
• Correct formatting/grammatical correctness/citations/ tables and figures (____ / 10)
Feasibility Report (____ / total 100)
4. Tabulate the distribution of student grades on the problem/assignment. Include the total
number of students who were assessed and the total number of students who met the performance
6 total construction students were enrolled in this course; 6 students (or 100% of the total)
> 70% on this assignment.
Greatly exceeded expectations; no to minor mistakes; and significant additional quality above the
minimal standard as describe just above.
6. Description of how the students didn’t successfully meet the performance indicator.
All construction students enrolled this semester successfully met the performance indicator. Note:
SP 2021 was the third semester affected by the COVID-19 pandemic; this course occurred online in
an online format.
None. Students respond well to this assignment and produce high quality work.
310 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Assessment Summary – Student Outcome 5 (continued)
311 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
312 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Assessment Summary – Student Outcome 6
Outcome #6: An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and
interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
Performance Indicator 6a: Perform the experiment by collecting data using appropriate
measurement equipment based on the given procedures and following experimental designs
learned in Chemistry/Physics lab
1. Brief statement describing the specifics of the assignment, quiz, exam, problem, etc. used to
assess this performance indicator.
Prior to attending lab #2, students were required to watch a video that explained the
procedures based on ASTM C29. Then the students formed groups of 3 where they
performed the experiment and then wrote a report.
An ASTM standard is followed as part of this lab and students must demonstrate that they are
capable of performing the lab.
3. Describe the criteria used to determine if the student was successful in achieving the
performance indicator (i.e., achieving a score of > 70% on the assignment, quiz, exam,
problem, etc. or some other metric)
A score greater than 60% was considered as ‘meeting expectations’ while a score greater
than 80% was considered as ‘exceeding expectations’
4. Tabulate the distribution of student grades on the problem/assignment. Include the total
number of students who were assessed and the total number of students who met the
performance objective.
313 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Students met the performance indicator by writing a laboratory report.
6. Description of how the students didn’t successfully meet the performance indicator.
All the students met expectations for this particular lab report.
All the students met expectation for this particular lab report.
The instructor will further evaluate contributions of individual team members to ensure that
each student has made a substantial contribution.
314 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Assessment Summary – Student Outcome 7
This form will be completed by the course instructor at the conclusion of each semester and
submitted to the appropriate student outcome evaluation committee for inclusion in their
program-level assessment. Provide a minimum of 5 examples of student work.
ABET Student Outcome:
Performance Indicator:
(i.e., specific course activity or outcome that address the Student Outcome:
1. Brief statement describing the specifics of the assignment, quiz, exam, problem, etc. used to
assess this performance indicator.
CVEEN Construction Engineering students will show the ability to engage in life-long
learning by developing a personal, professional development plan for the early part of their
career. This plan will include the following sections: (1) interests (curiosity), (2) career
objectives (initiative), (3) short-term and long-term goals with timeline (independence), (3)
continuing education plan (independence), (4) time management and prioritization system
(transfer), (5) peer/support group (reflection), and (6) annual review, reflection and renewal
3. Describe the criteria used to determine if the student was successful in achieving the
performance indicator
Each section listed above (in problem 2) will be assessed using the criteria listed below. The
total score is 30.
315 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
4. Tabulate the distribution of student grades on the problem/assignment. Include the total
number of students who were assessed and the total number of students who met the
performance objective.
Exemplary Mature Satisfactory Developing Beginning
Greatly Exceeded Met expectations Partially met Significant
exceeded expectations expectations but improvement
expectations deficient in needed to meet
important aspects expectations
No to minor Some minor Some mistakes, Demonstrated some No response or
mistakes. mistakes, no including minor general knowledge participation, or
Significant significant conceptual of the topic. Work completely
additional conceptual mistakes; however, included many incorrect in
quality above mistakes. able to use mistakes, including response or
the minimal Additional generally accepted conceptual mistakes. participation.
standard quality above methods. Quality Quality was
minimal met the minimal substandard.
standard standard.
score = 5 score = 4 score = 3 score = 2 score = 1
grade = A grade = B grade = C grade = D grade = E
Percentage > 80 to 89% 70 to 79% 60 to 69% < 60%
Exemplary Mature Satisfactory Developing Beginning
These scores are for student either only in construction or double majors (civil engineering +
construction). The score 28, 26, 25, 28, 26, 27, 23, 24, 24, 25, 27.
Total Average = 25.72
10/11 students achieved >=80% score, which shows most of students have successfully met
the performance indicator. The short-term and long-term goal of students are clear. All
students show strong interest as a civil engineer.
6. Description of how the students didn’t successfully meet the performance indicator.
Few students are not reflecting enough to continuing education, peer groups and the review
The students have presented clear thinking, plans and interest of being a civil engineer in the
316 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
317 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
The University of Utah and the Civil and Environmental Department encourages and
supports all programs which promote safety, good health, and well being of University faculty,
staff, students, participants in University sponsored programs, and visitors. It is the policy of the
University of Utah and the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department to provide safe and
healthful conditions and to reduce injuries and illnesses to the lowest possible level. No task is so
important and no service so urgent that it cannot be done safely. In keeping with this
commitment, this Laboratory Safety Plan has been developed.
The Laboratory Safety Plan is designed to protect laboratory personnel from potential hazards
associated with the use of geotechnical laboratory. The University requires that general
standard operating procedures are outlined for all laboratories. Specific standard operating
procedures developed by each lab for operations posing a special hazard must be developed by
each department.
You are located at HEDCO Room 108. The nearest telephone is in the hallway of the CME
building 1st Floor by the elevators.
Stay on the telephone line if possible with the dispatcher. If you cannot stay on the line, tell
the dispatcher the exact location of the emergency and the type of help needed.
The nearest fire alarm is located in the annex between the HEDCO and CME buildings. An
emergency egress door is located next to the fire alarm.
318 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Maintaining a safe and healthy environment in the laboratory is ultimately the responsibility of
the Supervisor of the Laboratory or Principal Investigator using the laboratory. However, each
individual is expected to conduct all operations and procedures in a safe and prudent manner.
The laboratory supervisor has responsibility for implementation of the Safety Plan in
his/her laboratory. The laboratory supervisor shall:
ensure that workers are trained and follow the plan outlined in this document;
ensure that the necessary protective and emergency equipment is available, in working order, and
that appropriate training has been provided;
ensure that periodic laboratory inspections are performed;
know current legal requirements concerning regulated substances;
review and evaluate the effectiveness of the laboratory specific Standard Operating Procedures
(SOP) at least annually and update as necessary.
planning and conducting each operation in accordance with practices and procedures established
in this Safety Plan.
using equipment only for its designed purpose;
being familiar with emergency procedures, including knowledge of the location and use of
emergency equipment for the laboratory, as well as how to obtain additional help in an emergency;
knowing the types of protective equipment available and using the proper type for each
being alert to unsafe conditions and actions and calling attention to them so corrections can be
made as soon as possible.
319 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
The laboratory supervisor shall ensure that information and training are provided at the
time of an employee's or student’s initial assignment to a hazardous work area. Refresher
information and training shall be conducted at least annually and documented.
Employees and students must obtain prior approval to proceed with a laboratory task from the
laboratory supervisor or his/her designee when:
General Rules
320 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Employees and students are required to follow laboratory procedures as outlined in
ASTM (American Society of Testing and Materials) or other procedures given to them by
the Laboratory Supervisor or his or her designee.
B. Incident Reporting
All injuries shall be reported to the Lab Supervisor or Teaching Assistant using the
University Incident Report. The form is available on Environmental Health and Safety
Web site (http://ehs.utah.edu/hazard-report-form).
All “near misses” shall be reported to the Lab Supervisor and shall be analyzed by the
affected personnel to determine the cause of the event and what controls, equipment or
procedures should be implemented to prevent future occurrences.
Carefully inspect all protective equipment prior to use. Do not use defective equipment.
Eye protection (safety glasses) shall be worn at all times when operating laboratory
equipment or when standing near operating equipment This includes visitors. Ordinary
prescription glasses are not considered effective eye protection since they lack necessary
Low-heeled shoes with fully covered uppers shall be worn at all times in the laboratory.
Shoes or sandals with open toes shall not be worn.
Long pants and long sleeves should be worn when working with or around chemicals.
Loose clothing, especially loose trouser legs and sleeves, should not be worn in the
A full-body-length rubber, plastic, or neoprene apron appropriate for the material being
handled should be worn if there is risk of chemical splash or spill.
Employees and students are required to wear safety glasses while operating equipment in
the laboratory. Gloves shall be worn when working with items stored in the drying
321 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Jewelry and loose clothing shall not be worn while operating equipment with moving
Shoes, shirts, pants and/or shorts shall be worn at all times in the laboratory
Safety glasses, protective gowns, overalls and gloves will be made available upon request
by the laboratory supervisor
D. Personal Conduct
Horseplay or practical jokes will not be tolerated in the laboratory. Such actions are
grounds from dismissal from the laboratory or termination.
Know the procedure and methods for correct use of all tools that you will be using in the
laboratory. Do not operate tools and equipment that you are not familiar, or for which
you have had no training.
Know the pinch points and crush hazards for laboratory equipment that you will be
operating. Establish a safety zone around such equipment, as appropriate. Do not locate
such equipment in aisles, or other points of egress.
Establish a safety zone around equipment with a pinch or crush hazard. Do not allow
others to infringe the safety zone while the equipment is operating. Do not locate such
equipment in aisles, or other points of egress.
F. Cuts
Cuts from broken glass objects or cutting instruments are among the most
common injury in laboratories. Cuts can be minimized by the use of correct
procedures, appropriate use of personal protective equipment, and by paying
careful attention to handling and manipulations.
G. Electrical Safety
Do not operate electrical equipment that has frayed or damaged power cords or
322 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
All electrically operated equipment should be grounded.
All strip outlets and surge protectors shall be UL listed and electrical equipment shall not
exceed the amperage rating.
Extension cords are only permissible for hand tools and cannot be placed near water or
where they create a trip hazard.
Except when running an experiment, computers and data acquisition systems should be
turned off.
Know all emergency egress doors for the laboratory. This consist of in order of
preference and safety: (1) new door on south side of building (Figure 1), (2) door into
Structures/Materials Research Laboratory, (3) door into Lawton/Bartlett Research
Know the location of the nearest fire alarm. The nearest fire alarm is located in the ramp
hallway between the HEDCO building and the EMRO building
If an alarm occurs, evacuate immediately. Close the doors to the lab as you leave. Ask
visitors and guest to leave also.
Know the location of the nearest fire extinguisher. The nearest fire extinguishers are
located in the structural laboratory, just outside the geotechnical laboratory. You must be
trained in the proper use before using a fire extinguisher. Do not attempt to extinguish a
chemical fire. Evacuate the laboratory, pull the fire alarm and call 5COPS (52677).
If you have determined that you are capable of fighting the fire (no chemicals and the fire
is not larger than trash can size), activate the fire alarm before attempting to fight the fire.
Handle reactive chemicals with all proper safety precautions. This includes designating a
separate storage area, monitoring periodically for degradation, and using appropriate
personal protection.
323 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
For chemicals they are working with, all employees and students should know: (1) the
chemical's hazards, as determined from a MSDS and other appropriate references; (2)
appropriate safeguards for using that chemical, including personal protective equipment;
(3) how to properly store the chemical when it is not in use; (4) proper chemical waste
disposal procedures, (5) proper personal hygiene practices; (6) Appropriate procedures
for emergencies, including first aid, evacuation routes, and spill cleanup procedures.
Chemical containers should be regularly monitored for proper labeling and container
integrity. Labels which are fading, falling off, or deteriorating must be promptly replaced.
If abbreviations are used, they should be kept to a minimum and clearly identify the
contents of the container as well as hazards associated with use. Improperly labeled or
unlabeled chemicals make hazard identification and disposal difficult, and may create a
Soil and chemicals shall not be washed down the sink, but shall be disposed of in
approved containers
All equipment and chemicals should be placed in their proper storage areas at the end of
each workday. Equipment and chemicals shall not be stored on desks, laboratory bench
tops, floors, fume hoods or in aisles.
E. Spills
If the spilled material is flammable, turn off all ignition and heat sources; this includes
magnetic stirrers.
Evacuate and contact EHS at x1-6590 or call University Police at 5-COPS (5-2677) after
324 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Ensure protective apparel is resistant to the spill material.
Geotechnical Laboratory operating hours are 8:00 to 5:00 p.m., unless prior approval has
been obtained from the laboratory supervisor.
Laboratory ingress and egress is solely through the new door / entrance located on the
south side of the building (Figure 1). This door can be opened using your student U-card.
Only in the case of fire should egress be made through any other exit or door. No routine
ingress or egress is allowed through the Structural/Materials Laboratory.
Employees and students should avoid working alone. Arrangements should be made
between individuals working in separate laboratories outside of regular working hours to
cross check each other periodically. Experiments known to be hazardous should not be
undertaken by an employee who is alone in the laboratory.
G. Personal Hygiene
Wash promptly whenever a chemical has contacted your skin. Flush for at least 15
minutes prior to seeking medical attention.
Do not use mouth suction to pipette anything. Pipetting aids must be used at all times.
Do not bring food (including gum and candy), beverages, tobacco, or cosmetic products
into chemical storage or use areas.
Eating, drinking, and applying cosmetics is allowed in desk or study areas only.
Wash well with soap and water before leaving the laboratory. Avoid the use of solvents
for washing skin. Solvents remove the natural protective oils from skin and can cause
irritation and inflammation. In some cases, washing with solvent may facilitate
absorption of toxic chemicals.
H. Housekeeping
325 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Housekeeping is directly related to safety and must be given importance of equal
value to other procedures. Lack of good housekeeping reduces work efficiency
and may result in accidents. Laboratory personnel must adhere to the following:
Access to emergency equipment, showers, eyewashes, fire extinguishers, exits and circuit
breakers shall never be blocked or obstructed.
Laboratory glass where (hydrometers and thermometers) must have a puncture resistant
(e.g., cardboard) container specifically designated for glassware disposal.
At the end of each workday, the contents of all unlabeled containers are to be considered
waste and disposed of appropriately.
Collection containers for wastes must be clearly labeled including hazard identification.
All work areas, especially laboratory bench tops, should be kept clear of clutter.
All doorways, aisles, corridors, stairs, and stairwells shall be kept clear of chemicals,
equipment, supplies, boxes, and debris. No pinch, crush or trip hazards should be
introduced in these places.
Food and drink for human consumption shall not be kept in the same refrigerator used to
store chemicals and laboratory samples. Eating and office areas must be clearly separated
from laboratory and chemical storage areas.
Use of compressed gases in the laboratory requires anticipating chemical, physical, and
health hazards. Cylinders that are knocked over or dropped can be very dangerous. If a
valve is knocked off, the cylinder can become a lethal projectile. Accidental releases may
result in an oxygen depleted atmosphere or adverse health effects. In short, improper
handling and use can cause structural damage, severe injury, and possibly death. The
following guidelines will help ensure safe handling, use, and storage of compressed gas
1. Receiving and Storage
Be sure to arrange a return agreement with suppliers prior to purchase since disposal of
compressed gas cylinders is difficult and very expensive.
Cylinders should not be accepted unless the cylinder contents are clearly labeled. Color code only
should not be accepted, since it does not constitute adequate labeling.
Do not accept cylinders which are damaged or do not have a valve protection cap.
326 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
All gas cylinders in use shall be secured in an upright position in racks, holders, or clamping
devices. When cylinders are grouped together, they should be individually secured and
conspicuously labeled on the neck area.
Oxygen cylinders shall never be placed near highly combustible materials, especially oil and
grease, or near stocks of carbide and acetylene or other fuel gas cylinders, nor near any other
substance likely to cause or accelerate a fire. Systems and components used for other gases and
purposes must never be used for oxygen or interconnected with oxygen.
Cylinders should have current hydrostatic test date (normally less than 5 years old for steel and 3
years old for aluminum) engraved on the cylinder. Cylinders should be returned to the supplier for
servicing prior to the expiration date.
Do not place cylinders near heat, sparks, or flames or where they might become part of an
electrical circuit.
Only Compressed Gas Association fittings and components are permitted for use with gas
cylinders. Only use regulators approved for the type of gas in the cylinder. Do not use adapters to
interchange regulators.
Open cylinder valves slowly and away from the direction of people (including yourself). Never
force a gas cylinder valve. If the valve cannot be opened by the wheel or small wrench provided,
the cylinder should be returned.
No attempt shall be made to transfer gases from one cylinder to another, to refill cylinders, or to
mix gases in a cylinder in the laboratory.
All cylinders are to be considered full unless properly identified as empty by the user. Empty
cylinders must be returned to the supplier and not accumulated.
327 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
Figure 1 HEDCO Floor Plan with location of laboratories
328 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
CVEEN 3310 Geotechnical Laboratory Training Form (completed each semester by each
The course instructor or laboratory teaching assistant has given me a safety briefing regarding
safe conduct and my responsibilities to promote and ensure safety within the laboratory.
safe egress and ingress into the building using only approved door
planning and conducting operations in accordance with practices and procedures established in the Safety
being familiar with emergency procedures, including how to egress safely from the laboratory, knowledge
and location of emergency equipment for the laboratory, and how to obtain additional help in an emergency
knowing the type of protective equipment available and using the proper type for each procedure
being alert to unsafe conditions and actions and calling attention to them so corrections can be made a soon
as possible
_______________________________ ______________________________
329 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
330 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
1-D Consolidation Test
Geotechnical Engineering I, Laboratory #8
1. General Notes
This test will take two weeks to complete all the readings. You will be required to
come to the Geotechnical laboratory at odd times for the next two weeks. Coordination
within each group and among the various groups is paramount to obtaining all the
readings needed for this test.
No readings should be taken after 5:30pm or on weekends. TA will take readings over
the weekend.
When coming back to the laboratory to take readings, DO NOT leave food, drinks, or
other garbage in the lab. Litter will be cause for reduction in grade.
While waiting between readings, DO NOT play with tools, equipment, or other tests
running in the lab. Several classes and research for graduate students are occurring
simultaneously. Messing with tools, equipment, etc. in the lab because you are bored
may be cause for a reduction in your grade.
All stations, benches, and tables must be cleaned before your group leaves the laboratory.
2.2. You will perform three system compliance tests for the consolidometer and loads
you are using. These tests are conducted using the same loads, same
consolidometer, and same setup as for the test on the soil specimen with one
exception: A metal specimen, called a dummy specimen, is used in place of a soil
specimen. This dummy specimen is usually made of steel or aluminum, has the
same dimensions as those of the soil specimen, and will not undergo any
measurable deformation under the loads that are typically applied to a soil
specimen in a one-dimensional compression test. The readings from these three
tests will be averaged and subtracted from the readings taken on the soil specimen
to obtain the correct readings associated with deformation of the soil specimen.
331 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
2.3. The equipment, setup, and procedures for the system compliance tests will be
exactly the same as for the test on the soil specimen; only the specimen will be
different. The same porous stones and filter paper (if used) will be used. Water
will be added to the chamber after the dummy specimen has been set up. The
same loads are applied in the same sequence as in the test on the soil specimen.
However, the system compliance deformations occur very quickly (usually within
30 seconds or less) and no time-rate readings are needed. Record final dial gage
readings at each load level on the appropriate data sheet.
2.4. Once the first system compliance test is finished, all loading plates are removed
from the loading platform, all water is removed from the chamber, and the setup
of the dummy specimen is completely disassembled, including removal of filter
papers (if any) and porous stones. The entire system compliance test then needs
to be re-done starting from scratch. After disassembly upon completion of the
second test, a third test is performed starting from scratch.
2.5. Refer to Section 3 for details on how to set up and load the dummy specimen.
Ask the TA for clarification of any doubts or questions you have.
3.2 Set Up
3.2.1 The TA will step you through the set up process. Please do not talk so
everyone can hear the instructions.
3.2.2 Find the consolidation ring. Measure its inner diameter and height at three
locations 120° apart, and record the values on the data sheet. Spray the entire
inside of the ring with silicone or vegetable oil and wipe off excess liquid with
a paper towel until it appears dry visually. Weigh the ring and record this
value on the data sheet.
3.2.4 Take ring and push gently into the clay so that there is clay above and below
the ring.
3.2.5 Use a wire cutter to trim the specimen flush with the ring. Carefully use a
spatula to “butter” the surface on both sides to create a surface that is as flat
and flush as possible.
332 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
3.2.6 Cut a piece of aluminum foil that is somewhat larger than the outer
dimensions of the ring. Weigh this piece of foil and record the value on the
data sheet. Carefully place the ring plus specimen on the foil, making sure
that the specimen does not slide out of the ring.
3.2.7 Carefully pick up the piece of foil with the ring and specimen on it and,
making sure that the ring does not fall off, carry it to the scale, gently place it
on the scale, and weigh the foil + ring + moist specimen.
3.2.8 Weigh a moisture cup and use the cuttings as a moisture sample. Record the
values on the data sheet.
3.2.9 Place a porous stone on the base of the containment chamber. Set a piece of
filter paper on top of the porous stone. (Note: The filter paper at the bottom
and top of the specimen may be eliminated from the process at the discretion
of the TA.) Place the confining ring plus specimen on the base along with the
rubber O-ring.
3.2.10 Assemble the rest of the containment chamber including another piece of filter
paper and another porous stone on top of the specimen. Put a load cap on the porous stone and place load screw in female
connection. Make sure load arm is level and supported by the pin.
3.4 Start stop watch and release support rod simultaneously. Take readings of the dial
gauge at the elapsed time intervals shown on the data sheet.
3.5 Loads
333 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
3.5.2 Load plates are found on the floor by your odeometer.
3.5.3 After the last dial gage reading is taken for each loading increment, raise the
support rod so that it just touches the loading arm. Watch the dial gage to
make sure that the rod is not raised too far. (If the dial gage starts moving,
immediately stop raising the support rod. Movement of the dial gage
indicates that the support rod is pushing the loading arm upward.) When
applying loads, do not remove previous plates, add the appropriate additional
plates. Make sure to slide new plates on gently. Start stop watch and release
support rod simultaneously. Take readings as before.
3.6.2 1/12, ¼ tsf loads: Take readings for at least ½ hr before adding next plate.
3.6.3 ½ , 1 tsf: Take readings for at least 4 hr before adding new plates.
3.6.5 8 tsf: Take readings for a minimum of 48 hr (no more than 72 hr is necessary
3.6.6 Unloading 2, ½ , and 1/12 tsf: Keep load constant for 8 to 16 hr. For
unloading, no time-rate calculations are necessary. However, final dial gage
reading should be taken for each unloading increment.
3.6.7 All these times are guidelines only. TA will provide instructions on how to
know when it is appropriate to change loads. You may need to keep the
smaller loads applied longer. Longer is better, so please be patient.
3.7.1 After the final dial reading has been taken for the last load (1/12 tsf), the
specimen needs to be carefully removed from the chamber without changing
its water content.
3.7.2 Using a squeeze bottle, extract the water from the chamber before removing
the load. Remove the specimen ring from the chamber, and using a paper
towel, lightly dab the top and bottom surfaces of the specimen to remove any
excess moisture. (If the surfaces of the specimen are glossy, this indicates that
there is excess moisture on the surfaces. When the surfaces are no longer
glossy, all excess moisture has been removed.)
334 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
3.7.3 Weigh a piece of aluminum foil or a ceramic dish, which will be used to
support the specimen during drying. Record this value on the data sheet.
Carefully remove the entire specimen from the ring and place it on the foil or
in the dish you just weighed. If any of the specimen sticks to the ring,
carefully remove it using a metal spatula and place this soil on the foil or in
the dish. Weigh the foil (or dish) plus wet specimen and record this value on
the data sheet.
3.7.4 Place foil (or dish) plus specimen in the oven for at least 24 hr and preferably
48 hr, as directed by the TA. At the end of the drying period, weigh the foil
(or dish) plus dry specimen and record this value on the data sheet.
3.7.5 Wash the ring and dry it using a paper towel. Allow the ring to air-dry for
about 5 min, then weigh it and record the value on the data sheet.
3.7.6 Carefully wash and clean the porous stones. Dry all metal rings and
equipment with paper towels. Return stones, rings, and equipment to staging
4. Calculations
4.1 Calculate the following index properties of the specimen at the beginning of the
test: Void ratio, water content, degree of saturation, dry unit weight, and total unit
weight. (Ask your TA for the value of specific gravity of soil solids to use).
Note: Water content can be calculated two ways: (a) From the water content
sample obtained from the cuttings, and
(b) from the total mass of the specimen at the beginning of the test and the mass
of solids after oven drying (assuming that no soil was lost during the test or
during the transfer to the foil or dish at the end of the test).
4.2 Calculate the following index properties of the specimen at the end of the test:
Void ratio, water content, degree of saturation, dry unit weight, and total unit
4.3 For each loading and unloading increment, plot void ratio vs. the logarithm of
elapsed time and vertical strain vs. the logarithm of elapsed time. From each plot
determine the time at which primary consolidation ended (tp ) and the
corresponding magnitudes of the changes in equilibrium void ratio and
equilibrium vertical strain for that loading increment.
4.4 From the values of changes in equilibrium void ratio and equilibrium vertical
strain for each loading increment determined in part 4.3, construct laboratory
consolidation curves of equilibrium vertical strain vs. logarithm of effective
vertical stress, and equilibrium void ratio versus logarithm of effective vertical
stress (2 separate plots, see Fig. 8.5 on p. 293 of the textbook).
335 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
4.5 Calculate the values of laboratory virgin compression index (Cc and Ccε ) for this
specimen from the plots drawn in part 4.4.
4.6 Calculate the values of laboratory rebound/recompression index (Cr and Crε )for
this specimen from the plots drawn in part 4.4.
4.7 Calculate separate values for effective preconsolidation pressure (σ′p ) using
Casagrande’s procedure and both plots you drew in part 4.4.
4.8 If the soil from which your specimen was obtained was located 36 feet below
ground surface (or a depth specified by the TA) and the average unit weight of the
soil is the same as your specimen, calculate the vertical effective overburden
stress acting on your specimen in the field. The GWT was at a depth of 6.0 feet
below ground surface at the time the specimen was obtained. Assume the total
unit weight of the soil in the field was the same above and below the GWT .
4.9 Calculate the OCR of the soil with your calculated values of effective
preconsolidation pressure (part 4.7) and effective overburden stress (part 4.8).
4.10 Determine the field values of virgin compression index (Cc and Ccε ) using
Schmertmann’s procedure (see Fig. 8.13 on p. 329 of the textbook).
4.11 For each loading and unloading increment, determine the coefficient of
consolidation (cv ) using both Casagrande’s logarithm of time method and
Taylor’s square root of time method. Plot cv vs. logarithm of effective vertical
stress for each method on one graph. Put separate curves through the data for the
loading increments and the unloading increments.
4.12 Estimate the coefficient of permeability of the soil for each loading and unloading
increment. Plot k vs. logarithm of effective vertical stress. Put separate curves
through the data for the loading increments and the unloading increments.
4.13 Calculate the coefficient of secondary compression (Cα and Cαε ) for each loading
increment (not unloading increments) for which there is sufficient data to
determine the values. Plot Cα and Cαε vs. logarithm of effective vertical stress on
one graph.
4.14 If we are to add a very wide, 25-ft thick embankment with a total unit weight of
135 pcf over the 36 ft (or other depth specified by the TA) of soil from above,
estimate the ultimate primary consolidation settlement (Sc at t = ∞) and settlement
from secondary compression (Ss ) for this soil if the compressible soil layer
extends from ground surface to the sample location. Assume the soil is
homogeneous and isotropic.
5. Questions
336 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
5.1 Were the values of water content calculated for the specimen at the beginning of
the test the same using both methods described in part 4.1? If not, provide
possible reasons why they were different.
5.2 Are the relative values of void ratio, water content, degree of saturation, dry unit
weight, and total unit weight at the beginning and end of the tests reasonable?
Explain why or why not.
5.3 Are the calculated values of degree of saturation at the beginning and end of the
test both 100%? If not, why not?
5.4 Compare values of σ′p obtained from the two plots in part 4.7. Are they the same
or nearly the same? If not, why not?
5.5 Compare the field values of Cc and Ccε calculated in part 4.10 with the laboratory
values calculated in part 4.5. Which values are larger, field or laboratory values?
If you used the laboratory values rather than the field values to estimate the
primary consolidation settlement of a NC soil, would you overestimate or
underestimate the settlement? Explain.
5.6 Based on your answer to the questions in part 5.5, do you think it is important to
correct the laboratory consolidation curves to obtain the field values of Cc and Ccε
are would it be acceptable to use the laboratory values? Explain.
5.7 How do the values of cv for the loading increments compare to the values for the
unloading increments for the same values of effective vertical stress? Based on
these relative values, would primary consolidation settlement or primary
consolidation heave occur faster?
5.8 How do the values of k for the loading increments compare to the values for the
unloading increments for the same values of effective vertical stress?
5.9 Would the ultimate primary consolidation settlement underneath the toe of the
embankment be the same as the ultimate primary consolidation settlement
underneath the centerline of the embankment? Explain.
5.10 How is the soil specimen constrained so that the strains occur only in one
dimension? In which direction do the strains occur?
5.11 Do the horizontal stresses in the specimen stay the same or change during the
test? If they change, how do they change as the load is increased?
5.12 What compressed during the test - voids or soil particles? Explain.
5.13 What controls primary consolidation settlement - total or effective stress? Why?
5.14 Is the value of settlement you calculated for the embankment acceptable? Why?
337 ABET Self-Study Report Construction Engineering Program at the University of Utah
1-D Consolidation Test Data Sheet
R ing and Specim en W eights,System C om pliance Tests
Group Member
Ring Dimensions
No. Height Inner Diameter
Weights Calculations
Cup + Moist Cup + Oven Dry
Cup Cuttings Cuttings Moist Cuttings Oven Dry Cuttings Water Content
Soil Description :