Communication System
Communication System
Communication System
❖ What is Communication?
Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place,
person or group to another.
❖ Types of Communication:
Mainly in general communication are Two Types.
1. Communication within line of sight.
2. Communication beyond line of sight between point to point.
• What is Modulation?
Low frequency signal add to the high frequency signal for go to the far away
is called modulation.
• Types of Modulation:
There are Four types of Modulation.
1. Phase Modulation.
2. Frequency Modulation.
3. Amplitude Modulation.
4. Angle Modulation.
For communication, We pass analog signal through analog modulation and pass digital
signal through digital modulation.
➢ Types of Communication Based on The Medium:
There are two types communication based on the medium.
1. Line Communication.
2. Radio Communication.
• Merits:
1. Reliable.
2. Relatively secure.
3. More capacity.
• Demerits:
1. Vulnerable to physical interference.
2. Take time to construct.
3. Inflexible.
4. Expensive.
1. Processing:
a. Data collection.
b. Data process.
c. And store the information.
2. Modulation: Send information through medium or carrier. Modulation is
which a very high-frequency carrier wave is used to transmit the low-
frequency message signal or baseband signal so that the transmitted signal
continues to have all the information contained in the original message signal.
Then the signal is called modulating signal.
3. Demodulation: Demodulation refers to the process of extracting
information from a transmitted signal. To establish communication over a
considerable distance, the message carrying signal requires a high-
frequency signal or transmitted signal, whose properties should be different
with baseband signal. But receiver need low frequency signal. That’s why,
High or modulated signal convert to low or basement signal by the process of
demodulation. Although, the process of separating the original information or
signal from the modulated signal is called Demodulation.
4. Interception: Receive the signal which one is sent from the point or sender.
Noise: During the process of transmission and reception, the signals get distorted due
to noise introduced in the system. Try check the signal get do not damage by noise.
❖ Block Diagram of Communication System: