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Dantec Ltd are recognised as world leaders in composite Dantec meet all major international standards for their

or their composite

hose technology and innovation At our purpose built factory hose products and have IMO approvals for hazardous chemicals

we manufacture hose from the highest specification materials and liquefied gases. All marine hoses conform with the

to the most stringent procedures, to produce the highest requirements of the United States Coastguard. Dantec were the

quality and most comprehensive range of composite hose first composite hose manufacturer to achieve IS09002

status and have been registered with the British Standards

Institute since 1988 ( Reg, No. Q5773).

Dantec have been manufacturing composit

twenty years and in that time have amassed a wealth of

knowledge which is always at the disposal of our customers

Our patented “Firesafe” hose used for refuelling Formula One

racing cars has been independently tested by the United

Kingdom Fire Research Station and the Swedish Fire Service

Dantec composite hose provides unrivalled quality backed by

excellent technical support In t o d a y ’ s s a f e t y c o n s c i o u s

environment why settle for less insist on Dantec.


Composite hose, like other hose, provides the vital flexible The inner wire is permanently in contact with the coupling. The

connection to compensate for vibration, movement or misalignment outer wire is normally in electrical contact but should either of

in a fluid transfer system. the wires be broken Dantec use SURE-LEC electrically

Composite hose has a spiral internal metal supporting wire which conductive seals to guarantee continuity. In order to provide

can be galvanized steel, stainless steel, aluminum or polypropylene the widest range of chemical resistance Dantec swage seals are

coated steel with a spiral external wire which is generally galvanized available in nitrile, butyl or Viton ® elastomers.

or stainless steel. In between the wires there are layers of

thermoplastic fabrics and film.

The functions of the various components are basically as follows

Internal wire spiral supports the hose wall and provides resistance

to vacuum for suction applications

External wire spiral armours the hose against abrasion and impact

damage and binds the layers of fabrics and films tightly together

Fabric layers act as strength members against internal pressure It

IS also a common feature of many composite hoses to have as the

external layer PVC coated fabric This provides an easily cleanable

color coded surface and gives additional abrasion resistance -SPIRAL GROOVE TO
Film layers act as a sealing medium to ensure that no product

escapes from the hose Films and fabrics can be polypropylene, All the hoses in this brochure are available as complete

polyamide, PTFE, polyester polyaramid or glass By combining assemblies with a wide variety of end fittings such as flanges,

these alternative components in various ways it is possible to quick couplers, NPT nipples and dry break couplings.

produce hoses with a tremendous range of chemical resistance, Common end fitting materials are carbon steel, stainless steel,

working temperatures and pressures bronze, aluminum and polypropylene, although many other

End fittings, As with all types of hose a composite hose assembly materials are also available

depends on the strength and reliability of its coupling system

N.B. Unless otherwise specified all Dantec hose assemblies
Dantec have developed therr own unique fitting configuration and are swaged with carbon steel ferrules and nitrile rubber

swaging system which uses high quality rubber seals, steel or seals. Stainless steel ferrules and Viton ® or butyl seals can
be supplied if required.
aluminum ferrules and couplings to ensure that when prototype

tests are conducted, the hose will burst before the end fitting is Temperature versus pressure. Working pressures are calculated on

expelled This ensures the maximum strength of the hose is fully a minimum safety factor of 4 : 1 burst pressure to working pressure as
specified in BS5 173 This specifies testing at 72 F ±4 F Composite hose
achieved Dantec’s swaging system gives superior results to wire
is manufactured from thermoplastics and accordingly its working pressure
whipping or clamping methods of attachment, and guarantees will be reduced at elevated temperatures (Consult your authorised

electrical continuity to ensure static is fully discharged distributor or Dantec for advice on use at high temperatures).
Chemical suction discharge hose: BS5842: 1980

General purpose chemical hose BORE IAX WORKING BEND WEIGHTT

suitable for suction discharge and
vacuum applications for a wide INS MM BARS PSI INS MM KG/M LB/FT
variety of acids, alkalis, solvents
1 25 4.0 100 0.8 0.5
and petroleum products from -20°C
Danchem PS 1.5 38 1.2
to + 60°C. Commonly used for road 5.5 140 0.8
and rail tankers and in plant, this 2 50 7.0 180 1.9 1.3
group of hoses is the standard for
2.5 65 8.0 205 2.5 1.7
Danchem SG many leading chemical
manufacturers and hauliers. 3 75 11.0 280 3.0 2.0
Safety Factor 4 : 1.
4 100 15.5 395 4.8 3.2
Danchem SS

Heavy duty chemical suction discharge hose: BS5842: 1980

& the requirements of the United States Coastguard & IMO Code

- ;
7 1
For marine and the most arduous BORE MAX WORKING BEND
DANCHElt4 ~ plant duties, these substantially
W” s constructed hoses have greater

mechanical strength than Danchem 100 14 16.0 405 6.4 4.3

Danchem PS general purpose chemical hoses
~ANCHEM _ 150 14 20.0 510 10.7 7.2
*L+ Minimum of 4.1 safety factor on
riil PI
working pressure. 200 14 30.0 760 15.0 10.0

250 10.5 36.0 915 20. 5 13.7

Vapour Recovery Hose

Danoil VR is a composite hose purpose-built for vapour return of hydrocarbon BORE MAX WORKIN G BEND WEIGHT T
products in marine, road and rail tanker operations. With Dantec SURE-LEC DIAMETER PRESSURE RADIUS

guaranteed electrical continuity. MM BARS PSI INS MM KG/M LB/FT

75 100 4.0 100 2.4 1.6

Danchem VR is of similar construction to Danoil VR but is suitable for more
100 100 5.5 140 3.4 2.3
aggressive chemical applications.
150 100 7.0 180 8.3 5.6
Dantec Vapour Recovery hoses are robust but light-weight, extremely flexible with 200 100 12.5
8.0 205 8.4
the same specially formulated high strength cover as used on all Dantec composite
250 100 11. 0 280 16.0 10.7
Oil suction discharge hose: BS3492: 1987 BX

Danoil 3 is commonly MAX WORKING BEND

Danoil 3 used for road tanker and
in-plant transfer of petrol, INS MM BARS PSI INS
fuel oils and lubricating
1 25 10.5 150 4.0 100 0.8 0.5
oils in the temperature
range -20°C to +60°C. It is 1.5 38 10.5 150 5.0 125 1.1 0.7
a well proven hose which 2 50 150 150 1.6 1.1
10.5 6.0
is used by tanker fleets
2.5 65 10.5 150 7.0 180 2.1 1.4
3 75 10.5 150 8.0 205 2.5 1.7

4 100 10.5 150 10.5 265 3.6 2.4

Maximum Leng 20m (6

Danoil 3 AL is of similar BORE MAX WORKING BEND WEIGHT

construction to Danoil 3, DIAMETER PRESSURE RADIUS

but having an aluminium INS MM BARS PSI INS MM KG/M LB/FT

inner wire is significantly 2.5 65 7.0 180 1.6 1.1
lighter, making it particularly
3 75 10.5 8.0 205 1.7 1.1
suitable for large bore
sizes as are commonly 4 100 10.5 10.5 265 2.4 1.6
used for petrol forecourt Rail 11.5 290 3.5 2.3
deliveries. Operating Car 4
temperature -20°C to +60°C.

Meets BS 3492: 1987 BX

Class 1 for aviation fuels

Danoil 7 is designed for BORE MAX WORKING BEND WEIGHT

suction/discharge of all oil DIAMETER PRESSURE RADIUS
Danoil 7 and petroleum products INS MM BARS PSI INS MM KG/M LB/FT
at temperatures from 1 25 14 200 4.0 100 0.8 0.5
-20°C to +60°C. This is
Danoil 9 the most robust member
1.5 38 14 200 5.5 140 1.2 0.8

of the Danoil family, making 2 50 14 200 7.0 180 1.9 1.3

it particularly suitable for 2.5 65 14 200 8.0 205 2.5 1.7
the most demanding
3 75 14 200 11.0 280 3.0 2.0
4 100 14 200 15.5 395 5.2 3.5
Danoil 9 has similar
properties to Danoil 7, but 4 100 14 200 16.0 405 6.4 4.3
has a polyamide 6 150 14 200 20.0 510 10.7 7.2
lining, especially
8 200 14 200 30.0 760 15.0 10.0
suitable for MTBE
and unleaded petrol. 10 250 10.5 150 36.0 915 20.5 13.7

BS5842: 1980 & U SCG &

Danoil 3, 3AL and 7 all have polypropylene reinforcements. Danoil 9 has polyamide reinforcements. All wires are galvanised mild steel except
Danoil 3 AL which has an aluminium inner wire.
Heavy Duty PTFE Lined Hose:
meets the requirements of the United States Coastguard, IMO Code
This family of PTFE lined hoses is designed for suction and discharge of the most aggressive
chemicals and searching solvents and is generally used where the chemical resistance of
Danflon SG
p o l y p r o p y l e n e is Inadequate Operating temperature up to +140° F.




1 25 200 4.0 100 0.8 0.5

1.5 38 200 5.5 140 I.2 0.8

2 50 200 7.0 180 1.9 1.3

Danflon GG
2.5 65 200 8.0 205 2.5 I.7

3 75 200 11.0 280 3.0 2.0

4 100 200 15.5 395 5.2 3.5

4’ 100 200 16.0 405 6.4 4.3

6’ 150 200 20.0 510 1O.7 7.2

Danflon SGA
8’ 200 200 30.0 760 15.0 10.0

1O’ 250 200 36.0 915 20.5 13.7

USCG. I980

Danflon SSA

For elevated temperatures Danflon SSA, SGA and CGA combine the excellent chemical properties
of PTFE with considerable resistance to heat. Common applications are for molten sulphur and
bitumen. However, they can also be used for many applications where heat renders standard
Danflon GGA Danffon or Danchem hoses unsuitable. Upper limit depends on conveyant and pressure. Please
consult your distributor or Dantec’s Technical Dept.

All Danflon Chemical Hoses have PTFE linings The wires used in construction are indicated by the suffix G= galvanized steel wire S= 316 stainless steel wire For
example Danflon SC has a 316 stainless steel inner wire and a galvanized steel outer wire. The letter A at the end of the suffix indicates a high temperature hose

Heavy Duty Cryogenic Hose: IMO Gas Carrier Code & BS4089: I989

- Danchem PA
Danchem PA is constructed from multiple
layers of low temperature thermoplastic fabrics
and films supported internally and externally INS

with high tensile 316 stainless steel armouring
1 25 25 370 4.0 100 1.0 0.7
wires Galvanized steel may be substituted for
certain applications. All hoses are waged using I .5 38 25 370 5.5 140 1.5 1.0
Dantec’s SURE-LEC system which guarantees 180 2.5
2 50 25 370 7.0 1.7
electrical continuity throughout the life of the
2.5 65 25 370 8.0 205 3.3 2.2
hose. Hoses assemblies are tested to a
minimum of I 5 times their maximum working 3 75 25 370 11.0 280 4.5 3.0
pressure before despatch and issued with test
4 100 21 300 15.5 390 7.5 5.0
certificates (AII hoses have a safety factor of 5. I
on working pressure). Danchem PA heavy duty 6 150 21 300 20.0 510 13.5 9.0

for marine applications has been independently 18.5 12.4

8 200 15 225 30.0 760
tested by Lloyds as conforming to BS 4O89: 1989
and to IMO Gas Carrier Code Requirements 1” to 8” Dia Maximum Length 60ft (20m)

Please note it is important to advise Dantec of the product being conveyed when ordering Danchem PA
cryogenic hoses Temperature range -60° F to + 14O°F For lower temperatures consult our technical

N.B. Hoses for ammonia service are identified with a yellow stripe.
Selection Testing
When selecting a hose for extreme conditions, it is not advisable to select a hose At periods not exceeding six months most composite hoses should be tested for
which would. at any time during use. be subjected simultaneously to pressure, electrical continuity using the following procedure:
temperature and bending radius at the upper limits of its specification. Our 1. Lay the hose flat on the ground.
Technical Department will be pleased to give advice on such applications 2.Check that the hose is electrically continuous from end to end. This can be done

using a battery and bell test, but ideally with an ohm meter. The electrical resistance

Installation & Usage should not exceed 10 ohms from end to end. Hoses which are not electrically

continuous from end to end should be retired from service pending inspection.
Incorrect installation can unduly stress hose assemblies leading to a shortened
We recommend the following test procedure should be applied to chemical and
working life or premature failure.
general purpose hose every six months, and to oil and spirit hose every twelve

I Flanged hose assemblies should ideally have one end secured with a floating

Drain and thoroughly clean the hose.
2 Hose assemblies must not be twisted either on installation or in use.
Visually inspect the hose. Hoses showing any significant damage should not be
3 Hose assemblies subject to movement whilst operating should be installed
in such a way that flexing occurs in the same plane.
Lay the hose out straight, allowing space for elongation under pressure.
4 When installing hose assemblies note must be taken of m i n i m u m bend radius
Blank off one end and fill with water, taking particular care to release all the air
from the hose.

For the test duration appropriately pressurise the hose. While this pressure is
Cleaning being maintained, examine the hose for any leaks and test for

electrical continuity between the end connections.

Hoses should be cleaned after use and before testing. The method used will
Release pressure and drain. Indelibly mark the hose with test details.
depend upon service location and hose type. Flushing out is adequate in most

situations using a variety of fluids, e g clean water, hot water. sea water, detergents
N.B. A feature of composite hose i s elongation under pressure which i s relatively high
and solvents at ambient temperature.
compared with rubber hose. This characteristic of thermoplastic composite hose cannot
be used as an assessment of the condition of the hose or an indication of failure.

Before each operation hoses should be visually
examined, paying attention to the following points

1 Displacement of reinforcing wires from

their normal pitch.
2 Abrasion or corrosion of the hose outer wire
3. Abrasion of the reinforcing fabrics below
the outer cover
4 Dents or kinks
5. Damage or displacement of end fittings
6. Evidence of leakage from end fittings

Hoses with any of the above significant defects or

any other abnormal feature should be withdrawn
from service immediately.

If seawater is used, the hose m u s t be well drained after c l e a n i n g , t o m i n i m i s e

corrosion. Care must be taken that the maximum working temperature of the hose

is not exceeded. steam lances should not be used. Compressed air may be used Repairs
on open ended polypropylene lined hose but is not recommended for PTFE lined

hoses. Mechanical methods of cleaning must not be used, e.g. pigging. It is It may be possible to repair hoses which
important that the hose i s electrically earthed during cleaning operations. have been damaged in service. This, however,

should only be undertaken by Dantec

authorised distributors who have specialist

Storage knowledge of composite hose.

After service, hoses should be flushed out and drained. Ideally, stored hoses

should be kept off the ground in a straight line in a cool, shaded area.
Approvals... F IRESAFE H OSE
Fire... its discovery ensured our survival yet we constantly strive to control
its power. If you handle flammable or hazardous cargo, you are no doubt

already operating stringent safety procedures and practices. In most cases

these are enough to contain a minor incident and prevent it from becoming

a major one. Unfortunately, any process or piece of equipment is only as

strong as its weakest link. Flexible hoses form an integral part of the

petrochemical industry, yet in all but the most critical of applications the

fire retardant ability of a flexible hose is never questioned. Standard

composite hose has great advantages by way of flexibility, weight, chemical

resistance and price over other forms of flexible hose, but just like other

hose it has the problem of safety in a fire situation.

FIRESAFE composite hose utilises a series of non-asbestos barriers to

conductive and radiant heat to achieve outstanding fire retardant ability.

With FIRESAFE hose, after thirty minutes of severe fire attack, the hose
carcass is still intact and capable of holding product. From a fire-fighting

and personnel point of view, this is a critical factor.

A severe situation is where hot, vaporising fuel is violently deposited onto

Under test for 30 minutes
a running or spillage fire, a situation made worse when water is involved, at 1450 F.

often resulting in catastrophic effects. Even after loss of integrity, FIRESAFE

hose will not fail catastrophically. Instead, it will gradually burn off the
product as it presents itself to atmosphere.

In addition to testing by Dantec at our U K factory, the FIRESAFE hose has

been independently tested by the British Government Department of the

Environment, Fire Research Station and the Swedish Fire Service.

All Dantec hoses are available with FIRESAFE protection.


DANTEC LTD, Tarran Way, Moreton,
Wirral, CH46 4TL. United Kingdom
Tel: 0151 678 2222 Fax: 0151 606 0188
DANTEC LTD, Unit 4, Wattville Road, Smethwick,
Warley, West Midlands, B66 2NT. United Kingdom
Tel: 0121 565 5717 Fax: 0121 555 5313

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