Coffee Election Issues Official Statement 20202

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COFFEE COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS AND REGISTRATION Ernestine Thomas-Clark, Chairman 224 West Ashley Street Erie Chaney, Member Wendell Stone, Vice-chairman Douglas, GA 31533 Matthew MeCullogh, Member CT Peavy, Member (912) 384-7018 Misty Martin, Election Supervisor FAX (912) 384-1343, Jl Ridlehoover Elections Asistant E-Mail: misty hamplon(@offeccounty-20.g0v December 10, 2020 House Governmental Affairs Committee Elections Investigative Hearing ‘Shaw Blackmon — Chairman 401 State Capitol Atlanta, Ga. 30334 We want to thank the Governmental Affairs Committee for allowing the Coffee County Board of Election's to express its dilemma regarding certifying the electronic recount performed in the November 3, 2020 General Election. As you know, the certification process requires the Election Supervisor to swear under oath and under penalty of perjury that the certified votes are a true and accurate reflection of the count, or recount. In the instant case, the Election Supervisor of Coffee County could not honestly make such an attestation given the inherent inconsistencies existing within the electronic summary report generated by the Dominion voting system. ‘The basis for the dilemma is simple the election summary report for the electronic recount tabulated votes in a manner that resulted in more collective votes being cast for the Presidential candidates than the total number of votes reflected within the report. The inconsistent count could not be reconciled. This fact (inherent inconsistency) alone was grounds not to certify the election based on the Dominion data set and report. However, the reluctance to certify the electronic recount was ‘compounded where those results were considered in context with the two prior vote count results. As this committee knows, a hand count of the original General Election balloting occurred on November 16 — November 17. Coffee County's hand count yielded one more ballot than was reflected on the ballot count on election night. At the direction of the Secretary of State, if the hand count yields a net vote difference of less than five votes, the board was instructed to certify the original vote tally. Coffee County certified on the original elections results on November 9, 2020. The election report used to certify the original election results was internally consistent, meaning that the sum of the votes for each presidential candidate equaled the total votes reflected on the report. The hand count also yielded the same internal consistency within the report. See Exhibit 5. It is worth noting that we believe Dominion election reports generated in prior elections were likewise internally consistent. ‘The internal inconsistency of the election summary report stands in stark contrast to all other prior elections. To this application we have attached the following exhibits: Exhibit 1: Election Night Summary Report Exhibit: Recount Data Exhibit 3: Electronic Electron Summary Report Exhibit 4: Letter to Secretary of State Exhibit 5: Spreadsheet with results (corrected) Exhibit 6: Certification Form Exhibit 5 is a spreadsheet that summarizes the discrepancies thus far described, A review of Exhibit 5 illustrates the two glaring problems presented to the Coffee County Board of Elections. ‘The report relating to the recount is patently inaccurate on its face. Moreover, if one is to consider the electronic recount in light of the two prior vote counts, there is no way the vote tally reflected in that report could be accurate. It is not credible to accept that the original count and the hand count, under counted the total ballots by material number of ballots. Considering the inherent inconsistency of the electronic recount data, and its u Coffee ‘The decision not to certify the electronic recount was the result of a unanimous vote by Coflee County Board of Elections. However, this decision was not made until the Board could first have the data reviewed and explained by its Dominion representative. ‘The data reflected in this statement was presented to the representative, He had NO explanation for the inaccuracies. He could not reconcile the electronic recount report data or explain how it so dramatically differed from the two prior counts. Knowing this decision would certainly be scrutinized, the Board sent a letter explaining its dilemma, its decision and the supporting spreadsheet to the Secretary of State. This letter was sent to Brad Raffensperger, on Friday, December 4, 2020. ‘That same day, the Election Supervisor also communicated directly with Chris Harvey, Director of Elections about the findings and the decision, No one could explain what was wrong or what to do. No one from the Secretary of State's office came to help the Board determine if it made an error or if the inaccuracies are Dominion software related. This committee must understand, in this same election cycle, we identified other problems with the Dominion System and reported the same to the Secretary of State. On November 13, 2020 a letter was written to the Secretary of State identifying other serious concerns. A copy of that letter and other relevant documents are attached as Exhibit 7. Our Board members and Election Supervisor have called the Secretary of State’s office to both report these issues as well as ask for help to address those problems. All our concerns and requests for help have fallen on deaf ears. One can understand why today, December 10, 2020, our Board is dismayed to lear that the Secretary of State has opened an "investigation" into our handling of the recount. We learned this not from the Secretary of State but through WALB News where Chris Harvey provided a statement for the media. Mr. Harvey did not show us the courtesy of a phone call, The same is true as relates to a video created at a Coffee County Board of Elections meeting which is now widely distributed via the internet. This video demonstrates how the Dominion system can be manipulated to alter existing ballot results or create voter ballots out of thin air. This security issue was first discovered by the Coffee County Board of Elections supervisor in June, 2020. It was made known to some but not all of the Board members. Importantly however, the findings were reported to our State Representative Dominic LaRiecia on or about June 10, 2020, with the hope that someone unassociated with Dominion would scrutinize this problem. The board never heard a word from Mr. LaRiccia or anyone from the Secretary of State's office or state government. After the Presidential election was over, national attention focused on whether Dominion software could be manipulated to impact election results. Having previously demonstrated this fact, the full Board wanted to have this process documented during an open meeting. The video that captured this demonstration, along with other documents were requested to be produced via an Open Records Request. The content became public knowledge through this third-party request. ‘The Coffee County Board of Elections has for many months reported various aspects of these problems to the Secretary of State receiving no assistance in correcting these problems. As for the investigation, the Secretary of State chose not to assist us or help evaluate the root cause of the refusal to certify the election recount but certified the statewide election results despite our findings. The Coffee County Board of Elections took action which it believed accurately reflected the accurate vote of its citizens and certified that vote. If it has done so erroneously, it has been done, not nefariously or belligerently but honestly, humbly and with but one goal: to certify the true vote of the citizens of Coffee County. This is particularly disappointing given that Eric Chaney personally called Chris Harvey and Dennis Carbone on November 13, 2020 to express his concerns over the Dominion System. Mr. Harvey nor Mr. Carbone returned this phone call. But the deafening silence from people in authority regarding our concerns go back to June 2020; their indifference is unfortunate. As Exhibit 8 we have attached a list of individuals who, prior to Monday December 7, 2020, were made aware of some or all of the problems reflected in this statement, Not one person has offered any solution or explanation for these issues. The Secretary of State has been AWOL. We look forward to our “investigation” which begins Friday. We stand ready to take any necessary action to correct any problems which are supported by the law and facts, even if we mistakenly erred in our decisions. Respectfully, Eric Chaney Coffee County Board Member EXHIBIT LIST Election night summary report Hand recount election summary Electronic recount ESR Letter to Secretary State (Dec. 4"", 2020) Spread sheet summary election results (correction) Certification form Letter to Secretary of State (Nov 11", 2020) People aware of problems prior to Monday Dec 7, 2020 EXHIBIT 1 Election Summary Report November 03, 2020 General Election COFFEE 12/7/2020 1190351 AM Summary for: All Contests, All Districts, All Tabulators, All Counting Groups OFFICIAL AND COMPLETE Precincts Reported: 6 of 6 (100.005) Registered Voters: 15,277 of 25,114 60.83%) Bollots Cast: 15277 President of the United States (Vote for 1) NP Precincts Reported: 6 of (10.00%) ection Day Times Cast 384 Candidate any Becton Day Donal rum () (Rep) 2.987 Joseph F. Bien (Dem) 100 10 Jorgensen (ib) a Total votes 3,728 Becton Day Loren Coline ° Gloria La Riva ° Unvesolved Write-n 10 US Senate (Perdue) (Vote for 1) NP Precincts Reported: 6 af 6 (100.005) Election Day Times Cast, 3754 candidate Party Election Day David A. Perdue () (Rep) 2535 Jon Ossotf (Oem) os? Shane Hazel (Lb) 85 Total Votes 3587 Election Day Uniesolved Write-In 5 Advanced Vot_ Absentee by 9574 1936 ‘Advanced Absentee by Voting Mai 71066 a7 2ant 995 a 7 94 1929 ‘Advanced Absentee by Voting Mal o ° ° ° rr 1 Advanced Vot_ Absentee by 9574 1936 ‘Advanced Absentee by Voting Mail 6981 099 2298 38 155 46 9436 1858 Advanced Absentee by Voting Mail a 1 Provisional 3 Provisional Provisional B Provisional Provisional Total 15277 25,114 Total 10578 ast es 19214 Total a Toul 15277 25,114 Total 10424 4281 286 14991 Total 1“ 50.83% 50.03% Page: 3 of Public Service Commission District 4 (Vote for 1) NP Precincts Reported: 6 of 6 (100.00%) Times Cast Condidate Lauren Bubba McDonald (0 ep) Daniel Blackman (Dem) Nathan Wilson (ib) Total Votes Unvesolved Wrte-n US House District 12 (Vote for 1) NP Precnets Reported: 6 of 6 (100005) Times Cast Condidate Rick W- Allen () (Rep) Liz Johason (em) Total Votes Unresolved Wite-n Panty Panty Election Day Advanced Vot 3784 Election Day 2ars 1.008 a 3470 Election Day 2 9373 Advanced Voting 6.662 2156 3.962 Advanced Voting 4 Election Day Advanced Vot 3754 Election Day 283 sos 3537 lection Day 9sra ‘Advanced Voting 608 2207 9.186 Advanced Voting a State Senate District 7 (Vote for 1) NP Procnets Reported: 6 of 6 (100008) Times Cost Candidate Tyler Harper ( (Rep) Total Votes Unresolved Wrte-n Party Election Day Advanced Vat 3734 ection Day 2948 2948 Election Day 4 9873 ‘Advanced Voting 7790 7,790 Advanced Voting 166, Absentee by 1933, Absentee by Mail ant 10 37 raw Absentee by ‘Mail 2 Absentze by 1936 Absentee by ai 6 938 1854 Absentee by Mail 0 Abscntae by 1933 Absentee by Mail 1216 1216 Absentee by Mall 51 Provisional 3 Provisional Provisional Provisional 3 Provisional n Provisional, Provisional 2 Provisional 7 7 Provisional 1277/2020 11.0351 AM Total 15273/25,114 60.1% Total gas 4or7 269 14261 Total Total 15277 /25,14 60.83% Total 10315 4243 14558 Total Total 15273/25,174 60.81% Total 11961 361 Total an Page: Sof Sheriff (Vote for 1) NP Precincts Reported: 6 of 6 (100.00%) Times Cast Candidate Party Doyle T. Wooten (Rep) Total Votes Unresolved Write-n Election Day Advanced Vot 3758 Election Day 3,058 3058 lection Day 43 Tax Commissioner (Vote for 1) NP Precincts Reported: 6 of 6 (100008) Times Cast Candidate Party Shanda Henderson () (Rep) Total Votes LUnvesolved Write-In Surveyor (Vote for 1) NP Precincts Reported: 6 of 6 (100.00%) Times Cast candidate Party Adam Hs Evan Rep) Total Votes Unresolved Write-n 973 Advanced Voting 8018. 8018 Advanced Voting 124 Election Day Advanced Vot 3754 lection Day 332 ae Election Day 15 9573 Advanced Voting ars ans Advanced Voting 51 Election Day Advanced Vor 3154 Election Day 3004 3004 Election Day 8 gsr ‘Advanced Voting 7933 7933 avanced Voting 66 Absentee by 1933 Absentee by Mail 1296 1396 Absentee by Mai Absentee by 1933 Absentee by Mai var var Absentee by Mai 3 Absentee by 198 Absentee by Mail 1350 1350 ‘Absentee by Mail 25 Provisional 3 Provisional Provional Provisional 2B Provisional 9 9 Provisional, Provisional 8 Provisional Provisional 1277/2020 11.0351 AM Total 152732514 608% Total 12481 12481 Total 27 Total 15273/25,114 60.81% Total 1728 rare Total 109 Total 15273/25,1148 60.81% Total 12296 12296 Total 110 Page 7 of County Commission District 5 (Vote for NP Precincts Reported: 5 ofS (100.00%) Times Cast Condidate Ted Osteen () (Rep) Total Votes Unresolved Wrte-n Pay Election Day Advanced Vot 1134 Becton Day 946 946 Election Day o 1916 Advanced Voting 1.604 1604 Advanced Voting 7 Soil and Water - Altamaha (Vote for 1) NP Precincts Reported: 6 of 6 (100.005) Times Cast Candidate Total votes Unresolved Write-In Party lection Day Advanced Vot 3756 Election Day o Election Day a 9573 Advances Voting ° Advanced Voting 938 Constitutional Amendment #1 (Vote for NP Precincts Reported: 6 of 6 (100.005) Times Cast Candidate ves No Total Votes Unresolved Write-n Party lection Day Advanced Vot 354 Election Day 2.520 ear 3367 Election Day ° 913 ‘Advanced Vating 6513 2133 8646 Advanced Voting ° 1) Absentee by 345, Absentee by ail 255, 255, Absentee by ‘Mall 9 Absentee by 1933 Absentee by Mail o Absentee by Mai 178 y Absentee by 1933 Absentee by ‘Mall 1342 399 wat Absentee by Mail ° Provisional 6 Provisional 1 Provisional Provisional 3 Provisional ° Provisional Provisional, 3 Provisional 5 3 8 Provisional 72020 11.0351 AM Total 3401/5148 66.12% Totat 2806 2805 Total 16 Total 18.273 /25,114 60.81% Total Total 1528 Total 15273 25,114 081% Total 10380 3362 13,742 Total EXHIBIT 2 'S8I0A [IO] SE07 SererpesTe OLEATE FUP pep owes’ sag vo pry (SECS) req SOIO/ [EOL zOzeT oO Ze vonsara 7eq vonsai3| qB Aeq wonsaial Keg vonsaia| Aeq wonseia Req uonaia S[s}efeyetoya eq wonsa|3} iv o a Keg uonsa3| ZT Req uonsaia oT Keg wonsa3 st Keg wonsai3| Keg uonsei3 €T 787 Feq wonsay3 eT S&T Keq wonsaial TT S95, eq wonsai3| OT vey ew Ag aaiuasqy ie 22s ew Ag ea1asqy iz 0 10 lo 0 10 10 lo 10 O 0 0 0 0 0 10 lo S/S] Slelsl[sleysfefefefefeteyejete o[slsle]sfefefefeto LT T Tey eW Ag aa1Uasqy| iT ‘BJOAIBAQ lspun/juela urswm) uasuadior] uapia| dwnay| pureaul adh waieg BWEN yIeg| HHH SLINSAU HOLE HBBHEHHE desay junosay pueH EXHIBIT 3 Page: 1 of 8 Election Summary Report November 03, 2020 General Election COFFEE 2/2/2020 5:24:08 PM Summary for: All Contests, All Districts, All Tabulators, All Counting Groups Precincts Reported: 6 of 6 (100005) Registered Voters 15,327 of 25,114 (61.03%) Ballots Cas: 15,327 President of the United States (Vote for NP Precincts Reported 6 of 6 (100.00%) Tames Cast Candiaate Paty DDonalel Turn () (Rep) Joseph 8, Bien (Dem) 4 Jorgensen (ib) Total Votes Loren Coline WRITEIN Glove La Riva wRITEIN Unresolved Write-In x) Election Day Advanced Vot Absentoe by 13379 Election Day gent 3519 9 3.309 lection Day o o 5 US Senate (Perdue) (Vote for 1) NP Precincts Reported: 6 of 6 (100.00%) Times Cast Candidate Party Davi A, Perdue ( Rep) Jon Ossot (Oem) Shane Hazel (Lb) Total Votes Unresolved Wirte-n ° Advanced Voting o a a o Advanced Voting 1948 Absentee by ‘Mall 25 1.001 7 1948 Absentee by Mai Election Day Advanced Vot Absentee by 13379 Election Day 9525 3375 248 13.148 Election Day 3 o Advanced Voting ° ° ° ° ‘Advanced Voting ° 1948 Absentee by Mail 506 ow 45 ‘ass. Absentee by ‘Mail OFFICIAL AND COMPLETE RECOUNT Provisions ° Provisional Provisional Provisional ° Provisional Total 15327 125,114 61.03% Total 19597 4520 136 15253, Total Total 15327/25,114 61.03% Total 0431 4292 28 15016 Total “ Page: 3 of & Public Service Commission District 4 (Vote for 1) NP Precincts Reporte 6 of 6 (100.00%) Times Cast Candidate Lauren Bubba McDonald. (Rep) Dani! Blackman (Der) Nathan Wilson (Lib) Total Votes Unresolved Write-In US House District 12 (Vote for 1) NP Precincts Reported: 6 of 6 (10000%) Times Cast Ccondicate ick W. Allen ( (Rep) Ls Johnson (Dem) Total Votes Unresolved Write-In Party Pasty Election Day Advanced Vot 13356 lection Day 9037 3167 237 raat tection Day ‘ ° Advanced Voting ‘Advanced Voting ° Election Day Advanced Vot 13379 Election Day 9398 3308 12,706 Election Day 4 a Advanced Voting ° ° ° Advanced Voting State Senate District 7 (Vote for 1) NP Precincts Reported: 6 of 6 (100.00%) Times Cast candidate “Tyler Harper () (Rep) Total Votes Unresolved Write-In Party Election Day Advanced Vot 13386 Election Day 10.73 10783 Election Day 219 ° ‘Advances Voting ‘Advanced Ving Absentee by 194s Absentee by ail on 912 Fy 183 Absentee by Mal 2 ‘Absentee by 1988 Absentee by Mal sz 939 1.860 Absentee by Mal a Abuentoe by 1945 Absentee by Mai 129 1219 Absentee by Mail By Provisional a Provisional 0 Provisional Provisional ° Provisional 0 ° ° Provisional Provisional ° Provisional Provisional 12/2/2020 52408 PM Total 15,301 /25,114 60.93% Total 9910 4079 275 14264 Total Total 15,327 /25,114 61.03% Total woarg 4287 14566 Total Total 15301725114 60.83% Total nae 11362 Total 2. Page: 5 of 8 Sheriff (Vote for 1) NP Precincts Reported: 6 of 6 (100.003) Ties Cast Candidate ary Dole T. Wooten () ep) Total Votes Unresolved Write-n Election Day 13356 Election Day 981 1081 lection Day 173 Tax Commissioner (Vote for 1) NP Precincts Reported: 6 of 6 (100.00%) Times Cast candidate Party Shanda Henderson () (Rep) Total Votes Unresolved Write-In Surveyor (Vote for 1) NP Precincts Reported: 6 of 6 (10000%) Tienes Cast, candidate Party Adam H vans Rep) Total Votes Unresolved Write-n Election Day 13356 lection Day 11314 nai Election Day 1% Election Day 13356 Election Day 10986 10986 lection Day 84 Advanced Vot o ‘Advanced Voting o o Advanced Voting ° ‘Advanced Vat ° ‘Advanced ating ° ° ‘Advanced Voting ‘Advanced Vot ° Advanced Voting Aavanced Voting Absentee by 1945, Absentee by Mall 1396 1396 Absentee by Mai 46 Absentee by 194s. Absentee by ail vata vata Absentee by Mail 35 Absentee by 1945, Absontee by ‘Mail 382 1382 Absentee by Mail 26 Provisional ° Provisional Provisional Provisional o Provisional Provisional, Provisional ° Provisional Provisional Total 15,301 /25,114 Total wart wart Total 219 Total 15301 /25,114 Total Total 15301 /25,118 Total 12236 12296 Total 12 60.93% 60.93% 60.3% Page:7 of County Commission District 5 (Vote for NP Precincts Reported: Sof 5 (100.00%) Times Cast Condidate Ted Osteen () (Rep) Total Votes Unresolved Write-n Party Hection Day Advanced Vat 3,066 Election Day 2383 2553 lection Day 7 a Advanced Voting a ° Advanced Voting ° Soil and Water - Altamaha (Vote for 1) NP Precincts Reported: 6 of 6 (100.00%) Times Cast candidate Total Votes UUneesolved Wirite-n Paty Election Day Advanced Vot 132356 lection Day ° ection Day aso ° ‘Advanced Voting 0 Advanced voting ° Constitutional Amendment #1 (Vote for NP Precincts Reported: 6 of 6 (100.00%) Times Cast, candidate ves No Total Votes Unresolved Write-n Party Election Day Advanced Vot 13,356 Election Day 9001 2961 12002 ection Day ° ° Advanced ating Advanced Voting 4) Absentee by 350 ‘Absentee by Mail 255 255 Absentee by Mail 9 Absentee by 1.945 Absentee by Mail ° Absentee by Mail 178 1) Absentee by 1945 Absentee by ai 1342 399 vat ‘Absentee by Mail ° Provisional ° Provisional ° 0 Provisional Provisional ° Provisional ° Provisional Provisional ° Provisional ° ° ° Provisional 1272/2020 52408 Pet Total 3416/5,144 66.41% Total 2008 2808 Total 16 Total 15301/25114 6093% Tol Total 15,301/25,114 60.93% Total 10383, 3.360 13748 Total EXHIBIT 4 COFFEE COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS AND REGISTRATION Erneine Thomas Clark, Chairman 224 West Ashley Street Ec Chaney Member Wendel Stone, Viecairman Douglas, GA 31533 Matthew MeCallogh, Member CT. Peay. Member (912) 386-7018, Misty Martin, Election Supervisor FAX 013) 384-1383 Sil Ridlehoover Eetons Assistant E-Mail: misty-hampton@eoffeecounty-ga,gov 12/04/2020 Brad Raffensperger 214 State Capitol Atlanta, GA. 30334 Dear Mr. Raffensperger, The Coffee County Board of Elections and Registration cannot certify the electronic recount numbers given its inability to repeatably duplicate creditable election results, Any system, financial, voting, or otherwise, that is not repeatable nor dependable should not be used. To demand certification of patently inaccurate results neither serves the objective of the electoral system nor satisfies the legal obligation to certify the electronic recount. Iam enclosing a spread sheet which illuminates that the electronic recount lacks credibility. NO local election board has the ability to reconcile the anomalies reflected in the attached. Accordingly, the Coffee County Board of Elections and Registration have voted to certify the votes cast in the election night report. The election night numbers are reflected in the official certification of results submitted by our office. Respecttillly, Coffge County Board of Elections and Rggistration Emestine Thomas-Clark Chairperson Signed by Chairperson by expressed permission and consent of 100% of the board. cc Dominic LaRiccia Tyler Harper DISCREPENCIES IN THE NOVEMBER 3, 2020 GENERAL ELECTION AND RECOUNTS Internal ‘Net Discripency Between Total Date Activity Action # Jorgensen | write-IN* | No Vote* Delta and Internal 11/3/2020 | _ Election Day 1 1 25 2B 40 11/17/2020| Hand Recount 126 NA NA ‘Compare 2 to 1 +1 11/30/2020] Electronic Recount 2B Compare 3 to 1 7. Compare 3 to2 7 2nd uploaded 185 No NO No No 11/30/2020 BALLOTS, CHANGE | CHANGE] CHANGE CHANGE [The tabluated Electonic Recount revealed the above discrepencies investigation revealed we negelected to run 185 balltos: we then ran these ballots lwe reviewed the resultsbut there was No Change in Vote Count Despite 185 Ballots Added [The on Site Dominion Rep could not explain why system would not update votes [The Dominion Rep directed the Board of Elections to make a decision about what to do. FOR SOME REASON NO WRITE-IN COLUMN PRINTED ON THE RECOUNT SUMMARY THERE WAS NO EXPLANATION OR SOLUTION TO THIS PROBLEM 12/2/2020 | Prepare to Certify 10597 [4520 [136 Compare 5 to1 “g_] +9 | it 77] 6 Compare 5 to 2 “19 + [an 438 +16 [There is a discrepency between Electronic Recount and total votes for both 1&2 [Stated Differently after 3 counts a clear inconsistency exists as one compares the orgional election counts, the hand recount, and the electronic recount. [Anomilies in software recounts create irreconciable difference in vote count which leaves the Board with no clear guidance as to which count to certify. /* Write-IN and NO Votes are NOT included in the Total Votes EXHIBIT 5 0z0z/Or/zt pasinay 580A TeIOL 84s UI PAPA! LON 928 SOVOA ON PUE NI-OINM w) ‘Aja 0} UND Y>IyM 07 SE SOUEPINE Jeay OU IM PILOG SIN SOACA| DAM TunOD SOA UI ATUaIaHIp a|qeIDuoIaI ayea!D SyuNoIas aIeMIOS UI SOIIIOUY) "unOD—1 s|uORDa|e aif pue TuNoIe. pueY ay ‘SIUNdD UORDA|a [euO|H10 aul SasedusOD aud se sisIxe AauDIsIsUODUT Jea/D e SIUNOD € Joye ANUDIaYIG POres| ZB TMOG 10) SBIOA [eIO} pue juNdDay DIuONIa|y UsSMIag AouadaIDsIp eS] aI5UL| wr a Ga 703s aredwioy Tr e or Tor aveduioy oer oese | cesar [ Ayia or aiedarg_| Ozoz/e/et W31GOUd SIH OL NOLLNTIOS UO NOLLWNVIAX3 ON SVM SUSHI TRIVIWINS INNOOIY SHE NO G3INIUd NIVN7109 NF3LTEM ON NOSW3Y OS WS “Sp Oy Jey node UOISTBAp e aeU! 6} SUOADAI, JO peo ALA paIDaup day UOUNUOG uL| SayOn ayepGN JOU pnom waysks Aye wle|dxa you pjnoo day uoIUIWOG aus UO SUL PAPPV StO|Ie SBT atidsaq 1UNOD a10A UJ SBueyD ON Sem asay NqsyNsod oy} PaMainal om| HoWjeq aFau) Ue! VOI dm "SO4Teq SET UNI o3 pardajadou dm paresnol vONeaASON SapuadasDsIp enoge ayy Pa|eaned juNdIey IU0}DaI payeniger 2u1| 3ONVHD ON 3ONVHO [3ONVHO|SONVHO] > SLOTIVE lozoz/oe/tr| ON oN on S8T papeojdn puz er Zorg areduioy oF Tore a1eduioy yunoday a1uonD=/3 _[Oz0z/0e/ TT is Tong areduioy BecsT WN ser z yunooey pue — [ozoz/Zi/tr| Zest & Str T Thequonsaia | ozoz/e/tt eayeq euseRUy ‘SOIOA [EOL {Naim | ussuadior wuonsy Anny aed SLNNOJ3Y GNV NOILI313 WYANID 0202 “€ YASINZAON JHL NI SAIDNAdauoSIC EXHIBIT 6 CERTIFICATION OF RETURNS FOR: NOVEMBER 3, 2020 GENERAL ELECTION RECOUNT (County) Instructions: Prepare and print 4 copies of fhe Election Summary for the General Election (county consolidated vote iotals report that is generated by EMS). Attach copies of this consolidated certification report as follows: White sheet is attached to Election Summary and returned to Secretary of State. . Yellow sheet is attached to Election Summary and maintained by Superintendent. . Pink sheet is attached to Election Summary and sent to Clerk of Superior Court. . Goldenrod sheet is attached to Election Summary and immediately posted at the Courthouse. ELECTION SUMMARY MUST BE ATTACHED TO THIS FORM ‘We, the undersigned Superintendent/Supervisor of Elections and his/her Assistants, do jointly and severally certify that the attached Election Summary is a true and correct count of the votes cast in this County for the candidates in the General Election, In TESTIMONY WHEREOR, We have hereunto set our hands and seals this__ day of 20 . SIGNED IN QUADRUPLICATE. Assistant Assistant Supetintendent/Supervisor Of Elections Assistant Assistant Assistant CR-GE-20 EXHIBIT 7 COFFEE COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS AND REGISTRATION Ernestine Thomas-Clark, Chairman 224 West Ashley Street Erie Chaney, Member ‘Wendel Stone, Vie-chairman Douglas, GA 31533 CXV Peavy, Member (912) 384-7018 FAX (912) 384-1343, SI Ridlehoover Eletons Assistant E-Mail: [email protected] Brad Raffensperger 2 MLK Jr. Dr. S.E. Ste. 814 Floyd W Tower Atlanta, Ga, 30334 November 11, 2020 Dear Mr. Raffensperger, During the election conducted on 11/3/2020 the Coffee County Board of Elections and Registration discovered deficiencies in the current Dominion election system. We are writing to ensure you are aware of these and that they may be immediately rectified. The adjudication process allows the ICC operator to choose hows. . adjudication occurs, i.e, ambiguous marks, over vote, under vote, blank ballots, or ALL ballots. With the setting on “all ballots” we could adjudicate and change votes on all ballots, even if the ballot was correctly and cleanly voted. We believe a statewide standard would be appropriate. Using the old Diebold system, absentee ballots by mail that have errors would duplicate the voter’s intent on a new ballot on all races possible. A representative from the Democratic and Republican Party plus a board member, would all agree on the marking or duplicating the ballot. We, also, all 3 sign the top tab of the ballot that we attach to the void ballot'so that we may recreate the process and see who was making the changes. We have proof it was agreed by all. During the adjudication process with the Dominion system, no such trail can be created. This allows ANYONE to make a change to the vote so there is no accountability. We also believe that the adjudication process may not be observed from any distance beyond that of the operator of the ICC. Given the computer screen it is not possible to observe the change being completed from any further distance. In a Mockup election we were able to count ballot multiple times. It was during this mockup election we have verified and recreated the above deficiencies Respectfully, a ea \ Ernestine Thomas-Clark Wrarrdif Stns Wendell Stone (tiliylh Matthew McCullough Eric Chaney Se Diino Ate estes Coffee Co Commission Friday, 2020-11-13 16:28 9123840291 Date 2020-11-13 Time Type Job # Length Speed Fax Name/Number Pgs Status 814046560513 1 OK 16:27 SCAN 09289 0:32 COFFEE COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS AND REGISTRATION ein Tams hy Chan 224 West Aly Street, eC Mar erat Sie Yoesnnare Douglas Ga 31500 Clete ower (613) seco eat oryaseisn (Mo menuitem Brad Raflensperger 2MLK Jr. Dr. S.E, Ste, 814 Floyd W Tower Atlanta, Ga, 30334 November 11, 2020 Dear Mr, Raffensperger, During the election conducted on 11/3/2020 the Coffee County Board of Elections and Registration discovered deficiencies in the current Dominion clection system. We are writing to ensure you are aware of these and that they may be immediately rectified ‘The adjudication process allows the ICC operator to ch adjudication occurs, ic. ambiguous marks, over vote, under vo ballots, or ALL ballots. With the setting on “all ballots” we could adjudicate and change votes on all ballots, even if the ballot was correctly and cleanly voted. We believe a statewide standard would be appropriate. Using the old Diebold system, absentee ballots by mail that have errors would duplicate the voter’s intent on a new ballot on all races possible. A representative from the Democratic and Republican Party plus a board member, would all agree on the marking or duplicating the ballot. We, also, all 3 sign the top tab of the ballot that we attach to the void ballot so that we ‘nay recreate the process and see who was making the changes, We have proof it was agreed by all. During the adjudication process with the Dominion system, no such trail can be ercated. This allows ANYONE to make a change to the vote so there ‘® - USPS Tracking® Results USPS Tracking’ ‘Track Another Package ++ ‘Tracking Number: £.J475214345US ‘Scheduled Delivery by MONDAY by 16 22" Soopmo Delivery Attempt November 14,2020 at 10:09 am Delivery Attempted - No Access to Delivery Location 30334 Get Updates ‘Text & Email Updates ‘Select what types of updates you'd lke to receive and haw. Send me a notification for: Text Email C1 teow Updates 1 Expected Detvary Updates © bay of Detivary Updates O TD Package Delivered D DD Avattabio tor Pickup © ooad.uaruvwcdo ho 1 delivery exception Updates © o 1 Package in-Transit Updates © Faas > Remove X boeqpaas Proof of Delivery hps:/tools.usps.comigorTrackConfirmActon?ate_tLabels"EJ475214345US we EXHIBIT 8 ‘The following 15 people have received calls or letters identifying the following cartologi with the Dominion software and other issues. I problems 1, The adjudication processes and the ability to manipulate votes The absence of audit trail to identify who changed data in adjudication process and who witnessed to the adjudication of any given ballot. 3. Change by the SOS in the adjudication process changing the old system which required a rep from each party, plus a board member, to determine the voter's intent. Under the Dominion adjudication process anyone can adjudicate change a vote with out any oversite or accountability from any neutral 3 party. A single ballot can be scanned and counted multiple times. 4. Multiple complaints and concerns have been logged over training, equipment failure and inexplicable software anomalies. Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Gary Gainous _ Dominion Tech Dominic LaRiccia — State House Representatives for Dist 169 6/10 Butch Miller ~ Senator 12/3 Mike Dugan ~ Senator 12/3 Steve Gooch - Senator 12/3 John Kennedy ~ Senator 12/3 Larry Walker ~ Senator 12/3 Dean Burke — Senator 12/3 Tyler Harper ~ Senator 12/3 Blake Tillery 12/3 & 12/4 Cardan Summers 12/3 & 12/8 Cathy Latham 12/7 & 12/8 Whitney Argenbright — Albany News - 12/7 Robert Preston 12/7 & 12/8 Brad Schrade with AJC 12/8

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