Demand Side Sales

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TÍTULO (pts): “Demand side sales” (3pt)

RESUMEN: Explicar brevemente el libro objetivamente sin entrar en detalles. 

When we decide to set up a new company and create a new product, we do it without
thinking first in our customers. We create the product and then we start searching for
customers, instead of thinking about what our customers need and then create that
product, focusing on them directly. In this book the “technique” that uses (demand-side
selling) tries to sell our product by helping people make progress in the journey they are
on. We need to solve a problem that our customer has, without pushing our products. In
the moment we know the struggling moment of the customer we would be able to start
selling them our product.

APLICACIÓN DE IDEAS (APRENDIZAJE): Explicar en qué aspecto nos ha

ayudado el libro (personalmente, profesionalmente..) y como hemos aplicado las
ideas principales en nuestro día a día o en proyectos.

● Demand is about a fundamental struggle. When something is not working

the struggling moment occurs.

● Eliminating the struggle is not progress: Customers overcoming the struggle

is progress. This means not to remove the problem, but to overcome it.
● There are three types of motivation for people to make progress:
○ Functional motivation
○ Emotional Motivation
○ Social Motivation
● The four forces of progress

● Force 1: The push of the situation: The struggling moment for a

preson to buy a mattress is the requirement for a good nights slepp.
Tossing and turning is affecting their productivity throughout the day
● Force 2: The magnetism of the new solution: The moment you
realise that something might bring you a better nights sleep and help
you make progress. The solution creates magnetism and you start to
imagine a better life with a good nights sleep
● Fore 3: Anxiety of the new solution: Despite the problem and the pull
of the new solution, there is anxiety
● Force 4: The habit of the present: You are used to the old mattress
even though it sucks. You have learned to live with it. There is an energy
in that incumbent solution that keeps you from making the progress and
stops you from switching.
● The purchasing timeline

I have found this sales book very interesting and has made me think about how do I
think about new projects. Thinking about the product or service that I want to do, or
thinking about what can I do for the problem that my customer have? I have always
worked with the first approach.

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