Account Code
Account Code
Account Code
Punching Medium
It serves the purpose of Journal
It forms the basis for various compilations and preparation of ledgers
It has two credit columns i.e. (+) Rt. & (-) Ch and two debit columns (+) Ch & (-)
All the Receipts and Expenditure are codified in the form of heads of accounts
We record the Receipts items on Left side and Charges items on the Right side
Important Definitions
Accounts Officer – Head of Accounts Office
Accredited Bank – Appointed to transact G. business
Appropriation – Assignment to meet specified exp.
Bank – RBI/SBI and four private sector banks
DDO – Drawing and Disbursing Officer
Defence Accounting Circles – Code No. by RBI
Revenue Heads
Debt Heads
Remittance heads
Consolidated Fund/Contingency Fund/Public Account of India
General points
MOD (Fin) is responsible to ensure that suitable accounts are maintained by
Defence Services
Forms in which accounts are maintained are prescribed by CGDA with approval
of Defence Secretary and FADS
If any change effects Form of Finance and Revenue accounts, prior sanction of
CGA, C&AG required
All returns, accounts and statements required by the CGA and C&AG should
invariably be prepared in the forms prescribed by them.
Departmentalisation of Accounts
Revenue Division – Sectors A and B
Capital Division – Sectors A, B and C
Loans and Advances – Sector F
Small Saving Provident Funds – Sector I
Reserve Funds – Sector J
Deposits – Sector K
Suspense and Miscellaneous – Sector L
Remittances – Sector M
Sector –Group of services –Represented by Alphabet
Six Tier Classification
Major Head- 4 digits (Function)
2 or 3 : Revenue Expenditure
4 or 5 : Capital Expenditure
6 or 7 : Loans
Principles of classification
Voted Expenditure - Charged Expenditure
Expenditure incurred for Army Ordnance and Clothing Factories and the
expenditure incurred by the Army for Air Force and Navy and vice versa are
debitable to the Heads pertaining to the Factories or the Arm of Service for
which expenditure is incurred
Principles of classification
Expenditure on Engineer Services required for the Army is charged as Military
Engineer Services Expenditure under the Army Head.
Similar expenditure incurred for Ordnance Factories, the Air Force or the Navy
is classified under the respective heads relating to the Ordnance Factories, the
Air Force or the Navy
Capital/Revenue Expenditure
Significant expenditure incurred with the object of acquiring tangible assets of
a permanent nature (for use in the organization and not for sale in the ordinary
course of business) or enhancing the utility of existing assets, shall broadly be
defined as Capital expenditure
Capital/Revenue Expenditure
Capital account should bear all charges for the first construction and
equipment of a project as well as charges for intermediate maintenance of the
work while not yet opened for service
Revenue account should bear all subsequent charges for maintenance, all
working expenses., upkeep of the project, renewals and replacements and
additions, improvements/extensions prescribed by Government
Capital cost of works which are non productive in nature is met from ordinary
Expenditure on vehicles irrespective of cost and life shall be treated as Capital
Transit Pay and Allowances
The transit pay and allowances of a Government servant proceeding to join an
office on first appointment or on transfer either permanently or as a
temporary measure or on reversion from one department to another should,
in the absence of special orders to the contrary, be debited to the office to
which he is proceeding
The transit Pay and Allowances both ways, of Officers of the Defence Services
lent to Civil Department (including Post and Railways) or, vice versa, are
debitable to the borrowing Department
The transit pay and allowances both in respect of the forward and the return
journeys of Government servants transferred to or from Missions and Offices
abroad will be borne by the Ministry which plans the transfer of the official
The recoveries thereof will be finally adjusted to the respective heads by the
office which effects recoveries and there will be no passing of debits/credits to
other departments, through settlement Accounts.
Travelling Expenses
Cost of TA/DA of officers of one Department in connection with committee or
other meetings etc. of other Department should be debited to those
The Travelling Allowance of a Government servant transferred from one
department to another is debited to the department to which he is transferred
The Travelling Allowance of a Government servant proceeding to join an
appointment in any department, should in the absence of special orders to the
contrary, whether in respect of a particular case or class of cases, be charged to
the department to which he is proceeding
Travelling Expenses
The advance of TA/DA paid in respect of DAD personnel while proceeding on or
reverting from deputation to other Ministries of the Central Government will
be finally adjusted to the respective heads by the Department which makes the
The Travelling Allowance of Military students under training with survey parties
is debitable to the civil department
Travelling Expenses
If a Government servant works for more than one Government, his Travelling
Allowance may be distributed between the different Governments as mutually
Suspense Account
Items of receipts and payments which cannot at once be taken to a final head
of receipt or charge owing to lack of information as to their nature or for any
other reasons may be held temporarily under the Major head 8659-'Suspense
Account(Defence)‘ in the Sector 'L-Suspense and Miscellaneous' of the
A service receipt for which full particulars are not given must not be taken to
the head 'Suspense Account' but should be credited to Other Receipts under
the Revenue Head pending eventual transfer to proper head on receipt of
detailed particulars
On general mobilization whole cost is born by DSE under special orders, except
initial supply of all technical equipment, material and stores
Similarly any amount due by Government remaining unclaimed for such time
as may be prescribed by Government may be credited as Revenue of the
Government concerned by Debit to the Debt or Deposit Head concerned
Amounts written off have thoroughly been examined by the Internal Audit
Personally satisfied that the items have been outstanding for over 5 years, and
that a dead end has been reached in all cases and that a write off is
The Dy. CGDA/Addl. CDA/Jt. CDA may also write off the outstanding amount up
to Rs. 100/- in each case under the head 'Provident Fund Suspense' subject to
his having satisfied himself about the conditions. Items written off shall be
submitted to the next higher authority for review.
These writes off are shown in a separate entry under the head "Government"
in the annual Review of Balances
Correction of Accounts
If an item, which properly belongs to a Revenue or Expenditure Head, is
wrongly classified under another Revenue or Expenditure Head, the error may
be corrected any time before the accounts of the year are closed
No formal transfer is, however necessary when the amount involved does not
exceed Rs. 10/- or if accounts of the year have been closed – Suitable not is
sufficient against the original entry
After the accounts of the year are closed, corrections or transfers affecting
Capital Major Heads, unless they affect the accounts of different Governments,
should usually be effected without financial adjustment by alteration of
progressive figures, without passing the debit or credit entries through the
account of the year's financial transactions
Transfer Entries
Entries intended to transfer an item from one head of account to another
All particulars explaining both the nature of the adjustment and grounds of the
correction must be clearly stated
Powers of signing TE
Officer Normal Rectification
AAO 25 Lakh -
Film Division of the Government of India may charge any other department for
the cost of production of films and other services on such terms as may be
settled in each case
Defence Services shall not be required to pay rent for building of the Central
Civil Departments other than Commercial Departments and undertakings,
occupied by the Defence Services for non-residential purposes, nor shall rent
be charged for buildings of the Defence Services occupied for non-residential
purposes by the Civil Departments of the Central Government other than
Commercial Departments or Undertakings.
The Defence Services shall also not be required to pay for the use of the
Government Civil aerodromes and for other incidental services rendered by
the Civil Aviation Department to Indian Air Force planes nor shall the Civil
Aviation Department be charged, as a reciprocal arrangement, for the use of
the aerodromes of the Indian Air Force by Civil Aircrafts
Recovery of Expenditure
Recoveries of expenditure for services or supplies made to non-Government
parties or other Governments (including local funds and Governments outside
India) shall in all cases be classified as receipts of the Government rendering
such services or supplies. Exceptions are the following-
Above recoveries, if not effected within the accounts of the year in which the
expenditure was incurred, should be treated as revenue
Form part of the balances of the Central Government for regulating ways and
means arrangements
There is one Central Account in the books of RBI for Defence Service as a
whole, but in the details working up to this single account, the total figures for
each Controller will be available separately in the books of the Reserve Bank
This is guided under Section 17(5) of RBI Act, 1934 and are repayable in each
case not later than three months from the date of making that advance
Dealing branches of State Bank of India are linked for the purpose of reporting
Defence transactions
Dealing branches maintain the account of the DDO /PCsDA/CsDA and prepare
daily Payment & Receipt Scrolls separately for each account holder daily
Each day's scroll is given a running serial number for the accounting year from
1st April to 31st March
Payment and Receipt Scrolls are identified distinctly by prefix DEF (P) and DEF
(R) for payment and receipts separately
Credit scrolls will show receipt number/MIN given by the Bank to each MRO,
the name of Depositor and its amount
Debit scrolls will show the cheque No., date and amount of each cheque
Each dealing branch of SBI/Associate bank will furnish daily scrolls duly
supported by MRO and paid cheques in respect of Defence transactions
occurring in their books to the FPB
In cases where, the Associate bank concerned has less than ten of its branches
handling the transaction of a PCDA/CDA/Defence Accounting Circle, they will
directly report such transactions to the Focal Point Branch of the SBI accredited
to the PCDA/CDA concerned
Procedure of sending scrolls through the focal point branches however is not
applicable to payments of Defence Pension made by Public Sector Banks
Based on the daily scrolls received from the dealing branches, the FPBs
prepare Main Scrolls and allot consecutive serial numbers to them
Main Scrolls duly supported with the daily scrolls of branches and MROs / Paid
cheques sent to PCsDA /CsDA daily for their verification and certification
Simultaneously, the aggregate of receipts and payments in the Main Scrolls are
incorporated in a daily memo and the same is reported to SBI, GAD, SBI,
Mumbai/Link Cell of Associate Banks
Two copies of the Main Scroll along with its original copy and the relative
instruments received from various dealing branches will be forwarded to the
PCDA/CDA/Accounting Circle on day-to-day basis
Wherever FPBs of SBI act as FPBs for the Associate Banks also, Main Scrolls will
be prepared separately for SBI and each of the Associates Bank concerned such
as SBH, SBM etc.
Error Scrolls in respect of discrepancies either by the FPB or pointed out by the
Defence Accounts Circle will be prepared by FPBs at the time of certification of
Main Scrolls or the Date Wise Monthly Statements and included in the next
day’s transactions
A/cs Section maintains a Register for the date-wise recording of the receipt of
Bank scrolls (with their No. and amounts-debit and credits separately) and
disposal of accompanying vouchers. Separate pages in the Register will be
allotted for each FPB.
Verification of DMS/MSS
FPB will prepare Date wise Monthly Statement (DMS), a summary of all the
transactions undertaken during the month and submit the same to the
concerned DAC
DAC will verify and reconcile the transactions noted in the Main Scroll Register
and return the same after due verification to FPB
FPB will forward verified copy of DMS to SBI, Govt. Accounts Department,
Mumbai /Link Cell of the Associate Banks
Adjustments on account of discrepancies/errors pointed out by DAC will be
incorporated in a separate Error Scroll and reported to that office in the next
day’s transactions
DAC will verify and return a copy of the same to FPB/SBI, GAD Mumbai duly
pointed out discrepancies, if any
RBI, CAS, will forward monthly statements of closing balances in the Defence
Proforma Account, for reconciliation with the Main Scrolls /DMS/MSS
A confirmation of the closing balances is sent to the RBI CAS by the DAC
Encrypted and digitally signed payment files are uploaded to CMP which are
credited to the beneficiary accounts in RTGS/NEFT within T+1 day
Till 100% stabilization, both the e-ticketing and Railway Warrants will continue
Tickets booked by any unit are debited against this revolving account
Advice of Clearance
Total amount due to/from Department of Posts, Railways etc. should be
advised monthly to RBI, Nagpur by PCsDA/CsDA
These advices should be sent to CAS RBI, Nagpur at periodical intervals, viz. on
10th, 20th and at end of the month, the last one being always marked "Final“
Liability for pension including gratuity will be borne in full by the Central/State
to which Government servant permanently belongs at the time of retirement
Except in respect of All India Service Officers (retired as well as retiring, both
from the State and Central), in whose case GOI has taken over the entire
liability of Pension including gratuity from 01.04.2008
Indemnity body
AT sections prepare P.M. – Adj. to service head by contra adj. to RBI Suspense
Classified head
Duplicate copy of schedules received back in A/cs Section
After receipt of clearance memo from RBI, P.M. is prepared relieving RBI
Suspense Classified head contra adj. to RBI Deposit Defence
P & AO will hand over vouchers to Cell and Advise RBI for adjustment through
Proforma Account
DAD Cell will function as one of the sections of CDA with a separate Section
Code, scrutinize the vouchers received from P & AO and sort them out CDA
Value of vouchers will be entered in the Register CDA wise and the segregated
vouchers will be scheduled to the LAOs of the Consignee PCDA/CDA
immediately in batches under a top sheet and the acknowledgement of the
same watched
Forwarding memo in respect of each PCDA/CDA will be boldly enfaced with the
batch number for a particular month
Copy of advice received from the PAO and a PM will be put up by debiting
respective service heads with reference to the entries in the Register contra
credit to RBI Suspense classified head
Copy of advice along with the copy of the PM will be sent to Accounts Section
of the PCDA/CDA of Cell
The Section concerned will also verify the code head indicated therein and
carry out re-adjustment if required
Further action to schedule the vouchers for credit verification by the LAOs will
be taken in terms of codes and manual provisions
In net amount if debit – Call for the cheque – Adjust MRO and relieve suspense
Payment/Adjustment of MRO
Accounts Section will adjust the amounts of the original copies of the ECRs to
the head "Reserve Bank Suspense Unclassified" by contra credit to the head
"Reserve Bank Deposit-Defence“
Audit section adjusts to the relevant service head by contra adjustment to RBI
Suspense Un Classified
These figures should be reconciled with the total figures recorded in the
Outward and Inward Settlement Account Registers and Main scrolls received
from FPBs
RBI will also intimate the balances of each PCDA/CDA to the CGDA monthly,
who will reconcile and confirm the monthly figures for the Department as a
whole to the CGA for necessary reconciliation
But if the DMS is already certified, then the same should be adjusted in his
own books and passed on to the correct CDA through Defence Exchange
Account i.e. by raising DID Schedule
Debt, Small Savings Provident Funds, Loans and Advances, Deposits and
Advance, Suspense and Remittances head
Imprest Advance Payments to Naval /Air Force personnel from Army sources
and vice versa
In all other cases, the receipts and charges pertaining to Defence Services will
be finally compiled in the books of the Controllers by whom they are realized
or incurred
Expenditure under LCH incurred by one CDA for another need not be passed
on through DEA. Monthly statement is sufficient to enable later to reduce fund
Bulk issue of stores from one service to another service need not be passed on
through DEA. ISA voucher is operated
All issues from OF to Army, Navy and Air Force will be priced and straightaway
debited to Service heads of Army, Navy and Air Force by contra credit to
deduct head of O.F. Organization. No need of DEA
Transfers of unserviceable and salvaged stores between Army, Navy and Air
Force will be made without any financial adjustment. No DEA required
Services rendered by Army to the Air Force and the Navy and vice versa are
treated as free. No DEA
Advance of Pay, TA/DA advance etc. which are shown on LPC – No DEA.
Intimation through LPC is sufficient
All the PCsDA/CDA have respective originating and Responding code heads
While Responding the DIDS, responding code head of the Originating CDA is
Originating (+) should be responded with (+) and originating (-) should be
responded with (-)
Originating can be done through various classes of voucher but responding will
be through Class 8
One copy is office copy and second to EDP and third copy to Accounts Section
Taking up the matter with CDA (Army) Meerut in case required through change
Various Compilations
Sectional Compilations
Book Compilation of RDR heads
Consolidated Compilation of All India Defence Services Receipts & Charges
Consolidated Compilation of RDR heads
Analysis of All India Defence Services Receipts and Charges
Compilations for March (Supplementary) and March (Supplementary
Corrections) Accounts
Defence Ledger
Prepared in the form of statements showing Receipts, Charges and balances
under Revenue, Debts, Provident Funds, Reserve Funds, Loans and Advances,
Deposits, Suspense and Remittance heads
The heads which are closed to Government have been grouped and prepared
in different format showing monthly balances to facilitate control and
preparation of AROB
Certification of balances
Review of outstanding balances - Acknowledgements
Proforma dropping
All the Nominal Accounts i.e. balances under CHB heads are closed to
All the RDR Heads are closed to balances and carried forward to the next year
Report of CGDA represents the portion of the Combined Finance and Revenue
Accounts pertaining to Defence Services
CGA incorporates the data in the combined Finance and Revenue accounts of
the Central and State Governments in India
Budget Estimates
Total 6 Demands For Grants out of DSE
2 Demands for Grants for Pension & MOD (Civil)
Expenditure falls under the following categories
Pay and Allowances of Armed Forces
Payments to Industrial Employees
Transportation Charges
Miscellaneous Expenses
Payment for Stores
Works Expenditure
Budget Estimates
Estimates under CCH and LCH
Unit, Sub area, Area, Command, Army H.Qrs. MOD
Check by PCDA/CDA
MES - Schedule of Demands
Budget Estimates – DAD
Vote on Account
Voting by Parliament and signing by President
Charged Expenditure provision
Release of Budget through channel
Reserve/Sub Allotment
Cash Assgnment
Please refer to OM II D section Class
Sums which are clearly not due to Government but are held in trust, or as a
security will be credited to the appropriate "Deposit" head
When deposits are returned, the corresponding Deposit Head will be relieved
Items which can be credited to the specific head should not be compiled under
For ex: Un disbursed pay and allowances – credited to Pay head as originally
booked under that head
Lapsed Deposits
Please refer to FR I class on Security Deposits
All payments made which are subject to recovery or adjustment, other than
advances of pay, pension or traveling allowances or any other advances which
are compilable to Service Heads of Accounts.
1 crore for Chief of Army, 50 Lakhs to Navy, AF. Non Recurring payments by
Advance drawing 1/6th – PF Account - Audit by PCDA New Delhi, PCDA (AF),
PCDA (P) acts as Overseas Paying Agent for pensioners of UK, Myanmar and
Pakistan residing in India and claims reimbursement from concerned