Acctg 322
Acctg 322
Acctg 322
2013-002 dated
January 30, 2013 was created.
The Commission on Audit as member of the International Organization of Supreme
Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) is encouraged (1)to adopt relevant International
Accounting Standards and (2)to provide new accounts for the adoption of the
Philippine Public Sector Accounting Standards(PPSAS) which were harmonized with
the IPSAS to enhance the accountability and transparency of the financial reports,
and ensure compatibility of financial information, the COA recognizes the need to
revise the existing NGAS Chart of Accounts prescribed in COA Cir. No. 2004-008
dated September 20, 2004.(3)The Commission also recognizes the need for uniform
accounts to be used in the national government accounting and budget systems to
facilitate the preparation of harmonized financial and budget accountability
reports .Accordingly, the COA revokes COA Cir. No. 2004-008 and the Revised Chart
of Accounts in Circular No.2013-002 dated January 30, 2013 is adopted.
2. What are the five (5) of expenses in the Revised Chart of Accounts in COA
CIrcular No. 2013? Give the sub-major account group classifications.
3. Enumerate the five (5) account code structure for the Revised Chart of Accounts
consisting of eight (8) mandatory digits. Explain Briefly.
4. Enumerate and explain briefly the elements of financial statements per COA
Circular No. 2013 -002
The elements directly related to the measurement of performance are shown in the
Statements of Income and Expenses as revenue/income and expenses.The codes,
per COA Circular No. 2013-002 dated Jan. 20,2013 are as follows: Assets, Liabilities,
Equity, Income and Expenses.
* Assets- economic resources of an agency that are recognized and measured in
conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. An asset is any owned
physical object (tangible) or right (intangible) with economic value that is expressed,
for accounting purposes, in terms of its cost or some other value. These other values
include revalued amounts, current cost, net realizable value, fair value and
recoverable amounts.
* Liabilities- economic obligations of an agency that are recognized and measured in
conformity with accounting principles. Liabilities also include certain deferred credits
that are not obligations, but which are nonetheless recognized and measured
according to accounting principles as outlined in Philippine Public Sector Accounting
* Equity – residual interest of the government in an agency which is the excess of
the agency’s assets over its liabilities.
* Income – the gross inflow of economic benefits or service potential during the
reporting period, when those inflow result in increase in net assets/equity, other
than increases relating to contributions from owners. The term “income” is broader
that revenue and includes gains in addition to revenue.
* Expenses – refer to decrease in economic benefits or service potential during the
reporting period in the form of outflows or consumption of assets or incurrence of
liabilities that result in decrease in net assets/equity, other than those relating to
distributions to owners, (PPSAS 1 – Presentation of Financial Statements).