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Tinnitus Guide

2023 Edition
Learn about the newest tinnitus
treatments and management tips.

New for 2023

By Ben Thompson, AuD

© Copyright 2023 Treble Health, LLC

Tinnitus Guide: 2023 Edition
New Report By Audiologists

© Copyright 2023 Treble Health, LLC

Table of Contents

Getting Proper Medical Evaluation


Tinnitus Recovery Timeline


Tinnitus Management Toolkit


COVID-19 & Tinnitus


Tinnitus Treatment Option 15

Treble Maskers Bundl

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT

Bimodal Stimulatio

Sound Machines

Tinnitus Researc 28

Bimodal Stimulatio



Bonus Recommendation 30
Getting Proper Medical Evaluation
Step 1 Get a hearing evaluation.
Your audiologist will complete a standard hearing test, also
known as an audiogram. The hearing test can identify
potential problems of the eardrum, hearing organ (cochlea),
or the hearing nerve. If you are presenting with tinnitus and
your hearing test comes back as "normal" then you may
consider asking your audiologist to test your hearing
sensitivity at higher frequencies than on a standard test, and/
or to run a test of otoacoustic emissions, or OAEs. These tests
are often available at most audiology clinics, and can provide
further information about the health of the function of cells in
the cochlea. While these tests don't necessarily always point
to causes of tinnitus, they can be helpful in understanding the
role of your auditory system on your tinnitus. Based on all the
audiological test results, your audiologist may recommend
additional test procedures or make medical referrals. The
most common referral is to an ear, nose and throat (ENT)
physician, also called an otolaryngologist.

Step 2 Rule out a medical cause.
An ENT physician is the best trained professional to
determine if tinnitus is medically treatable. An ENT will look at
your symptoms, your history, and available diagnostic tests
(such as a hearing test) to determine if there is a possible
underlying medical cause for the tinnitus. The physician may
decide to order further diagnostic tests, such as an MRI, to
evaluate or rule out conditions that may cause tinnitus.
Additionally, referrals to other professionals may be made for
concerns regarding temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
dysfunction, neck problems, or neurological conditions.
Unfortunately, few cases of tinnitus are 'curable' by
medication or surgery; however, proper diagnosis is
important, as there are some conditions that can cause
tinnitus that do require medical attention and treatment.
Proper diagnosis and management of underlying conditions
can also help lead to better management of tinnitus

Step 3 Find the cause of your tinnitus.
The three most common causes of tinnitus are cochlear,
somatosensory, and stress-induced. Cochlear tinnitus is
usually diagnosed when there are findings of hearing loss on a
hearing test; however, it can still be a cause of tinnitus in
people with normal hearing. Sometimes results from OAE
tests indicate this cell dysfunction in people with normal
hearing thresholds, but it may not always be apparent even on
this test.

Somatosensory tinnitus can be caused by TMJ dysfunction,

neck or shoulder issues, poor posture or postural
abnormalities, cardiovascular issues, or a number of other
medical conditions. If stress is a major cause of your tinnitus,
this will be determined by an experienced clinician and is a
diagnosis of exclusion, which means that other medical
causes have been ruled out through testing or your history.

Tinnitus Recovery Timeline

The term “habituation” refers to a natural brain process of

learning, in which your response to a stimulus, in this case,
tinnitus, is gradually reduced with repeated exposure. We
habituate to stimuli in our lives all the time, especially once we
learn that the stimulus is not dangerous. Tinnitus is not life-
threatening, and it is something your brain can habituate to. A
vast majority of individuals with tinnitus eventually habituate,
which means that you are rarely aware of tinnitus throughout
your day. The process of habituation is not all-or-nothing. It
occurs gradually and in stages, typically over a period of six to
eighteen months. For most people, this process occurs
naturally, without any prompting.

For some people, tinnitus is not easy to habituate to,

however, individuals should not be alarmed because there are

a large number of resources available to help in facilitating
the habituation process. This can often be achieved with
combinations of counseling, behavioral adjustments, and
targeted sound therapy.

Once you start a comprehensive treatment plan for your

tinnitus, you are likely to experience reductions in the
awareness and annoyance of tinnitus within the first three to
six months. During that time period, the volume level usually
stays the same. Between six to eighteen months after
beginning a tinnitus management plan, you will notice
continued improvement in the awareness and annoyance of
the sound.

Throughout the course of treatment, the volume of tinnitus

typically gets softer too. By the end of your habituation
period, you are likely to still hear some tinnitus, but it will no
longer bother you.

Sometimes it may feel like habituation is taking a long time.

Habituation to tinnitus typically takes at least six months, and
often takes longer. Don’t give up if you haven’t reached your
goal yet. Keep following professional recommendations for
managing tinnitus and you are likely to experience further
benefits as time goes on.

Take our habituation quiz

There are three typical phases after a sudden onset of
tinnitus. At Treble Health, we call them the urgent care,
maintenance, and resolution phases. When appropriately
managed, the urgent care phase can last up to three months,
if at all. During the urgent care phase, you may be worried by
or bothered by your tinnitus as your brain and body have not
quite yet figured out if the tinnitus is something to be
concerned about. This can be a difficult time as your brain is
often focused on the tinnitus. For some people, this period
does not last long, and they learn to habituate to the tinnitus
during this time. For others, it may still be difficult to habituate
this early on and a treatment plan can help them manage this
phase and move on to the next. The maintenance phase
typically lasts for between six and eighteen months. During
the maintenance phase, you will learn to use coping
strategies to get relief from your tinnitus and related stress,
and learn how to promote the habituation process. The
resolution phase is your habituated state, what some may call
the “new normal” of living with non-bothersome tinnitus that
does not affect your daily life anymore.

Tinnitus Management Toolkit

Over time, your brain can stop perceiving your tinnitus as a

problem. Brain habituation is so powerful that it will be possible
to have periods of silence (total habituation) for hours to days
at a time. However, attaining silence is not the goal for tinnitus,
as it is expected that you will periodically perceive the tinnitus
rising to your awareness once in a while. And your tinnitus may
still provoke some negative emotions on occasion. Think about
how we habituate to clothes we are wearing: For most of the
day, you do not feel the clothes you are wearing on your body
and are able to ignore them, even if they are a little
uncomfortable. However, it is entirely possible for you to
occasionally be aware of your clothes and even annoyed by
them for brief periods. Nevertheless, you are generally able to
go on through your day without much concern about your
clothes. We are able to tolerate clothes and many other
stimulations that our bodies and brain continuously receive
during the day due to habituation, and this is the goal for how to
change your brain's response to tinnitus.

There are tools you can use and learn to help promote this
habituation process, and we recommend seeking the help of a
professional to assist you in this goal.

During your tinnitus recovery process, you can do things to

allow habituation to happen as quickly and easily as possible.
Natural habituation is slow and scattered, while induced
habituation with professional help is faster, safer, and directed.

In our opinion, the first and most important tool to

effectively manage tinnitus is sound therapy. This means
that you always have low-level sounds entering your ears.

The most effective way to use sound therapy is through

devices called tinnitus maskers. At Treble Health, we’ve found
that 85% of patients reported reduced tinnitus after
treatment with tinnitus maskers. Once you habituate, you do
not need to use consistent sound therapy anymore.

Instead, you can use it occasionally as needed. Here is a list

of our favorite types of sound therapy. If you have questions
about which of these are right for you, please schedule an
appointment with a Treble Health audiologist.

Different Types of Sound Therapy

Tinnitus Masker
Hearing Aid
Sound Machine
Bone Conduction Headphone
Music & Natural Sound Enrichmen
Sleep Headbands, Sleepbuds, or Sound Pillows

Try Treble Maskers - the leading tinnitus treatment

The second most important tool for tinnitus management is

professional counseling. This helps reclassify tinnitus into the
category of a neutral stimulus. Audiologists at Treble Health
have undergone advanced training in tinnitus counseling.
Expert audiologists are equipped to counsel a majority of
individuals with tinnitus. Additionally, psychologists and
psychiatrists can provide help with severe anxiety, stress, or

The third most important tip to help you manage tinnitus is
to follow a holistic approach. Modern psychological
researchers have shown a strong connection between the
mind and body. In general, eating healthily, exercising, and
practicing good sleep habits can help improve your overall
well-being, and put you in a better position to deal with
stressors, including tinnitus. Practices like mindfulness and
yoga have also been shown to help improve well-being and
even manage some chronic health conditions. They can also
help you learn to calm down stress responses with practice
over time. This can be a great tool to use during the
maintenance phase, when you learn how to adjust your
behaviors and responses to tinnitus. To further help reduce
negative responses to tinnitus, we recommend to stop
looking at Facebook groups or online forums, and to stop
searching the internet for information about tinnitus.

You may think that you're getting closer to solving your
tinnitus, but often the opposite effect occurs, as this can lead
you to ruminate about your tinnitus and reinforce negative
thoughts and reactions to it.

Common Holistic Techniques For Tinnitus

Yin Yog
Tai Ch
Guided Sleep Audi
Walking daily for at least 30 minutes

Schedule a free tinnitus consultation

COVID-19 and Tinnitus
COVID-19, commonly referred to simply as “Covid,” is a
virus that primarily causes respiratory issues, such as cough,
shortness of breath, sore throat, and taste or smell changes.
However, it can also impact other areas of the body, as
neurological symptoms, central and peripheral nervous
system manifestations, and skeletal muscle manifestations
have all been reported.

Symptoms involving the auditory system such as hearing

loss, tinnitus, dizziness, and ear pain have also been linked to
Covid infection. It should be noted that these kinds of
associated symptoms are not necessarily unique to Covid –
as they may occur as sequelae to many different viral
infections, of which Covid falls under the umbrella. What has
demanded further investigation is whether there are any
specific patterns of these symptoms, including tinnitus, that
are unique or distinguishing to Covid. Research from a recent
study shows that most of the individuals who experienced
tinnitus after having Covid reported that the symptom began
within 1 month of testing positive. However, limited data was
available to make conclusions about how the individuals with
tinnitus following Covid recovered.

Changes In Pre-Existing Tinnitus After Covid

Another question that has come about is how Covid can

impact individuals who already have tinnitus. Anecdotally,

there have been reports of worsening tinnitus following
infection in some cases. Given that we know that Covid can
impact the inner ear, it is not surprising that those who already
experience tinnitus may notice a change following infection.

Other factors of the Covid pandemic have also been

discussed as possible reasons why individuals may
experience a change in their pre-existing tinnitus – not
necessarily related directly to a Covid infection. For some,
tinnitus severity was significantly increased for those who had
lifestyle and mental stresses during Covid. Risk factors were
loneliness, poor sleep, reduced exercise levels, and self-

Covid And The Impact On The Inner Ear

A study showed that Covid can actually infect cells in the

inner ear – specifically hair cells that are responsible for
hearing and balance. While it is well known that viral infections
can impact the middle ear and cause conductive hearing loss,
results support the notion that COVID-19 can actually infect
the inner ear causing audiovestibular symptoms including
sensorineural hearing loss and tinnitus. Data is continuously
emerging and the link between Covid and tinnitus will be
better understood as our understanding of how Covid affects
the body grows.

Because tinnitus can be impacted by many different

internal and external factors, it is challenging to pinpoint
exactly what is driving the mechanism causing the tinnitus.

“Long Covid” or “long haul Covid” is when some people
have symptoms of Covid that last for months or even years
after becoming infected, and tinnitus is emerging as a
possible symptom of long Covid. The most frequent
symptoms lasting past six months included fatigue, post
exertional malaise and cognitive dysfunction, however, a
number of other symptoms were also reported, including
tinnitus. Fortunately, tinnitus treatment has responded well
for individuals who developed tinnitus related to Covid.

Tinnitus Treatment Options
#1 The Treble Masker Bundle

The best treatment we have for tinnitus is what the team at

Treble Health currently offers to patients in the United States.
This bundle combines sound therapy treatment, personalized
coaching, and a comprehensive habituation protocol.
Tinnitus maskers are the gold standard when it comes to
tinnitus treatment, and are the closest thing that we have to a
cure as of right now.

A research study conducted by Treble Health in 2022

followed 141 patients before treatment and then three
months after treatment. We used something called the
Tinnitus Functional Index (TFI), a questionnaire to measure the
impact of chronic tinnitus in people. A clinically significant
reduction in the TFI would be 13 points. The Treble Health
study showed an average reduction of 22 points - two times
higher than the amount needed to be a significant change. In
the Treble Health study, 80% of total
patients who have completed two TFI questionnaires had a
clinically significant reduction in tinnitus within three months
of starting treatment.

Clinically proven results

85% 76% 98%

of patients of patients report of patients can have
report reduced improvement in their their initial video visit
tinnitus tinnitus within three within 3 days of
months signing up

Sound therapy treatment is done using tinnitus maskers

and sound machines. You’re able to listen to sounds such as
white noise (different frequencies of sound played at once),
pink noise (a milder version of white noise), natural water
sounds, crickets, and other soothing sounds. You generally
will listen to these for most hours of the day for the best help.

As part of the Tinnitus Masker Bundle, you receive tinnitus

coaching sessions that are done every one to two weeks. You
will often be given daily or weekly practice to do on your own
at home. The tinnitus coaching at Treble Health includes
cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques. We have
found the best results for our patients when we include
personalized coaching, education, and counseling. This
includes masking options (sound therapy, music, fan noise,
etc.), strategies for distraction, and information about
therapeutic options.
It may also encourage people to avoid catastrophizing
thoughts about tinnitus. This includes the idea that tinnitus is
not dangerous and that most people become used to
tinnitus. Tinnitus is not the problem, but our reactions to
tinnitus may be.

Tinnitus maskers are discreet and comfortable.

How does sound-based therapy work? Damage to the

hearing system, even minimal damage from normal changes
that happen to our ears over time, creates a lack of auditory
input. When these sounds are not fully processed in the ear
and through to our auditory system, the brain hears the
phantom sound of tinnitus. The main goal of sound therapy is
to reduce the strength of the tinnitus signal in your brain.

Sound therapy can accomplish this in a few ways. First, the

sounds reduce the contrast between your tinnitus and
background noise. Your brain perceives loudness based on a
signal's relative strength to the background. The use of low-
level background noise can reduce the loudness of tinnitus
for some time.
The second way in which sound therapy helps reduce
tinnitus perception is by providing input for auditory nerve
fibers. Lastly, sound therapy can help reduce tinnitus
perception by evoking a calming feeling, which helps reduce
the negative feelings that tend to rev up when living with
intrusive tinnitus.

You should still be able to hear your tinnitus when using

sound therapy, because your brain can only habituate to
something it can perceive. Remember, habituation is a
learning process that occurs in response to repeated
stimulation. Research has shown that 85% of Treble Health
patients see significant improvement within three months of
using sound therapy, in combination with coaching sessions.

The Treble Masker Bundle



Here is everything included in the Treble Maskers Bundle:

Pair of Treble Maskers, with free shippin
11 video visits with the best tinnitus team on the
Five 1-on-1 appts (two FREE
Six group sessions (bi-monthly for 3 months
Priority email and text for 3 month
Meditation challenge exclusive recording
Sleep headphones for day+night relief

That’s everything you need to reduce tinnitus fast.

Unlock $500 Off - Learn More

# 2 Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT)

Over the past three decades, Tinnitus Retraining Therapy

(TRT) has been the leading program for managing tinnitus.
Created in the late 1990s by Dr. Pawel Jastreboff, TRT is now
taught every year to a handful of audiologists and is
considered the ultimate neuroplasticity program for tinnitus.
It has continued to be improved and tweaked over time using
modern technology and research.

A vast majority of patients succeed with TRT, and it can be
effective in helping patients habituate to their tinnitus in
about 80% of cases. TRT consists of an 'active' behavioral
adjustment through counseling and exercises, and a 'passive'
facilitation of habituation through sound therapy. Sessions
with your audiologist will provide you with a new frame of
reference on tinnitus. Your audiologist will educate you on the
mechanisms allowing tinnitus to take control of your
emotions and attention, and demystify tinnitus over multiple
sessions so it becomes 'boring' and elicits a neutral reaction
from your brain. Your audiologist will also help you create a
plan to maintain a sound-rich environment in a way that
works best for your lifestyle, as part of the passive facilitation
of habituation.

During the treatment process, patients learn one thing very

well: the key to habituation is to reduce your negative
reactions towards tinnitus. While you don't have direct
control over your tinnitus, you do have some control over your
negative emotions and behaviors around the tinnitus. Sound
therapy in this treatment is also used to help reduce the
negative responses to tinnitus. When you are able to control
these negative reactions to tinnitus, the perception of the
loudness, quality, and annoyance of tinnitus can often
improve over time.

Take our tinnitus quiz

#3 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

A commonly used approach to help facilitate habituation is

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). This psychological
approach helps to improve negative reactions to tinnitus.
Cognitive behavioral techniques work well to improve anxiety
related to tinnitus. CBT has been studied and validated to
improve tinnitus and associated psychological distress.

The psychology of negative thinking can bring you into a

dark place. Cognitive behavioral therapy shows you how to
approach what’s happening from a more neutral, pragmatic
place. When you do that, tinnitus can become more subdued.
Typically, CBT is performed by a psychologist. If you work with
a psychologist for tinnitus, try to find a provider with some
knowledge of tinnitus.

#4 Bimodal Stimulation

Another new treatment for tinnitus is bimodal stimulation.

There are a few research groups that are in the process of
submitting for FDA-approval of bimodal tinnitus treatment
devices. Typically, sound therapy is played through the ears,
and would be considered one mode of auditory stimulation.
Sound stimulation comes in multiple forms, such as listening
to music or sounds through an app, speaker, or simply
listening to your surroundings. Pairing sound with a second
mode of stimulation somewhere else in the nervous system—
like in the skin, tongue, or neck—would create what is called
bimodal stimulation, as it involves two modes. Recent
neuroscience research suggests that pairing two modes of
stimulation together with certain protocols can make positive
changes to tinnitus.

Lenire Device

A group called Neuromod based in Ireland has developed

the Lenire device, which pairs stimulation on the tongue with
stimulation in the ears. The research has shown positive
results, and while it’s not a complete breakthrough, it may
complement treatments like the Treble Maskers Bundle or
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).

Lenire uses what looks like the original iPod and over-ear
headphones. The tongue-tip provides a light electrical shock,
similar to the candy that gently crackles when placed on your
tongue. The tongue part of the device stimulates the
trigeminal nerve. This is a nerve that provides numerous
sensations for the face and mouth.

The Lenire device is recommended to be used for 30-60

minutes each day for at least 12 weeks, and can be done from
the comfort of your own home.

Find out if you are a candidate for Lenire

A recent study showed that 70% of participants stated
they benefited from using the Lenire, 87% of them would
recommend the device to people they knew who suffered
from tinnitus, and 50% had a clinically significant change. This
device is not a tinnitus cure, but will likely be used in
combination with other treatments for tinnitus.

Michigan Tinnitus Device

Another research group led by Dr. Susan Shore out of the

University of Michigan has shown positive results for bimodal
stimulation as a tinnitus treatment. They created a system that
delivers light electric pulses to the neck or cheek. It pairs this
neural input with sound stimulation delivered with headphones.
Thus, you’re getting two inputs, sound and electric pulses
traveling through the somatosensory system. However, this
device is not available commercially yet, and is still only an
investigational device.

So far, the research behind the Michigan Tinnitus Device

suggests that it may help in reducing tinnitus perception by
stimulating changes in the way the central nervous system
inhibits signals of tinnitus, or the way in which the central
nervous system modulates tinnitus signals. Results from a
research study showed that the loudness of tinnitus decreased
after the actual treatment. There is a good scientific basis for
these treatment methods, but further independent clinical
studies will likely be needed to truly understand how effective
these treatments are. The device will likely be submitted for
FDA consideration under the company name Auricle.
#5 Sound Machines
Sound-based therapy refers to the use of neutral or positive
sounds to help reduce the annoyance and awareness of
tinnitus. It takes many forms, and can be something used on its
own, but it is generally more effective when paired with
counseling in a treatment program. Tinnitus Retraining Therapy
(TRT), as described earlier in this guide, is a treatment plan that
combines sound therapy with education and counseling.
Sound plays an important role in TRT, and affordable sound
machines can be a good start to getting help with tinnitus

Simple noise generators are a must-have around your home.

We recommend starting with the BST-100 model from Sound
Oasis. You can use this machine to feel relief from tinnitus
during the day and at night. If you're having trouble falling or
staying asleep due to tinnitus, even with use of a simple
table-top noise generator, then you should keep testing out
different methods for providing sound therapy until you find
what works best for you. We often recommend a combination
of sleep headbands, sleepbuds, and sound pillows, as these
devices allow sound to be heard while lying down with one of
your ears on a pillow.

While sound machines can be helpful, they do not compare

to the effectiveness of ear-level devices like tinnitus maskers
or hearing aids for tinnitus. Ear-level technology is
recommended for most patients. They provide a consistent
level of sound that you can take with you everywhere you go,
and they provide a safety-net so you don't have to worry about
creating a sound-rich environment during the day.

Our new bundle includes everything needed to start the

path to habituation.

Click here to review the Treble Maskers Bundle

Tinnitus Research Worth Knowing About
Bimodal Stimulation

As mentioned earlier in this article, research on bimodal

stimulation as a method for reducing tinnitus perception is
probably the most promising area of tinnitus treatment
development so far this decade. Research suggests that when
the brain gets simultaneous stimulation of sound and another
nerve, the brain can make changes to recognize that the
phantom sound of tinnitus is a false alarm. This enables tinnitus
to be recategorized and restructured in your brain.

There are many different approaches to managing tinnitus,

and we see bimodal stimulation as a potential supplemental
therapy. We don’t recommend it to our patients in isolation as
the only method of treatment. Treatments focusing on
education, cognitive restructuring, and positive framing still
have the most evidence behind them as methods for
managing tinnitus. Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) and
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) have been shown over
and over again to be successful in reducing the impact of
tinnitus. Bimodal stimulation, like any other treatment for
chronic tinnitus, is unlikely to completely silence your tinnitus,
and it may be another tool that can be used to reduce
awareness of it in conjunction with counseling. Still, bimodal
stimulation methods may help some people, and we are
hopeful that further research can provide more evidence for
successful tinnitus management.

The two research groups to follow are Dr. Susan Shore with
the University of Michigan and Dr. Hubert Lim with Neuromod


A company called Otonomy developed a drug called

OTO-313, which it had hoped would treat tinnitus. The OTO-313
drug was injected to the ear through the eardrum. Early results
from an initial clinical trial were promising, but the second
phase of clinical trials completed in 2022 showed that the drug
failed to improve tinnitus. Therefore, Otonomy has decided to
stop development of this drug. The company is still developing
other drugs in attempts to target cellular function in the inner
ear, with their primary focus on hearing loss outcomes. While
they are no longer focusing specifically on tinnitus, their
continued research and development may be interesting to
follow, due to the relationship between inner ear health and
tinnitus. It is not likely that we’ll see a tinnitus-specific
treatment from this company any time soon.


Another research technique that the tinnitus community has

been following is regeneration of cells in the cochlea, the main
hearing organ in the ear. One company to follow for cochlear
hair-cell regeneration research is Frequency Therapeutics.

Frequency Therapeutics developed a drug called FX-322 to

target regeneration of cochlear cells; this drug is also delivered
to the inner ear by injection through the eardrum.
Unfortunately, a clinical trial of the FX-322 drug completed in
early 2022 did not show a benefit for patients. The company
suspects that the design of the trial may play a role in these
disappointing results, and they are planning another clinical
trial to evaluate effectiveness of the drug. The planned clinical
trial is in progress now, with more rigorous methods, and with
results planned to be released in the spring of 2023. At this
time, however, there is no clear data on outcomes of this drug
on tinnitus, and it seems unlikely to help people with tinnitus in
the immediate future. We will continue to monitor its success in
future trials.
Research developments aimed at alleviating tinnitus are

welcome and encouraged. We’re thankful for the researchers

who are trying to fix a very hard problem. While these

treatments have been cited as some of the most promising in

the last few years, they do not appear to be breakthroughs at

this point. It is likely that it will take a much larger body of

research over years to demonstrate whether there are any true

breakthroughs in tinnitus treatments.

The Leading Treatment for Tinnitus

Treble Health

The best treatment we have for

tinnitus is what the team at Treble

Health currently offers to patients

in the United States.

We combine sound therapy treatment and tinnitus

coaching, using techniques from cognitive behavioral

therapy (CBT).

Our leading offer is the Treble Maskers Bundle.

Here is everything included in the Treble Maskers

Pair of Treble Maskers, with free shippin

11 video visits with the best tinnitus team on the interne

Five 1-on-1 appts (two FREE

Six group sessions (bi-monthly for 3 months

Priority email and text for 3 month

Meditation challenge exclusive recording

Sleep headphones for day+night relief

That’s everything you need to get relief.

Unlock $500 Off - Get Started Today

Phone: 1 (800) 865-3142

Email: [email protected]

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