A Step-by-Step Workbook
Third edition
Development and publication of this book was supported by VA Rehabilitation
Research and Development (RR&D) Service, the NCRAR, and VA Employee
Education System. Numerous individuals have contributed in various and
significant ways toward this effort, including:
• Russell L. Bennett (Computer Specialist, Long Beach Employee
Education Resource Center, Long Beach, California)
• Daniel C. Garcia (Graphic Designer, Long Beach Employee Education
Resource Center, Long Beach, California)
• Katie J. Fick, MS (Research Assistant, James A. Haley Veterans’ Hospital,
Tampa, Florida)
• Jeff Hall (Production Sound Mixer, Salt Lake City Employee Education
Resource Center, Salt Lake City, Utah)
• Christine Kaelin, MBA (Clinical Research Coordinator, NCRAR,
Portland, Oregon)
• David Lehman (Executive Producer, Salt Lake City Employee Education
Resource Center, Salt Lake City, Utah)
• Marcia Legro, PhD (Research Psychologist, Seattle, Washington)
• Will Murphy (Audiovisual Production Specialist, Portland VA Medical
• Kimberly Owens, MPH (Clinical Research Coordinator, Saint Thomas
Research Institute, Nashville, Tennessee)
• Emily Thielman, MS (Research Assistant, NCRAR, Portland, Oregon)
• Dwayne Washington (Audiovisual Production Specialist, Portland VA
Medical Center)
• John C. Whatley, PhD (Project Manager, Birmingham Employee
Education Resource Center, Birmingham, Alabama)
Also, thanks to Stephen Fausti, PhD and Sara Ruth Oliver, AuD for their
continued support of tinnitus research and clinical activities at the PVAMC.
My Contact Information
Table of Contents
Part 1. Introduction 1
What is Tinnitus? 1
Should I See a Physician? 2
Tinnitus at a Glance 4
How Can This Workbook Help Me? 6
Goals of Tinnitus Management (All Methods) 7
• If you are a Veteran seeking a claim for service connected hearing loss or
tinnitus, you should contact your VA Regional Office or Veteran Service
Representative for information as to how to proceed.
It's Sound!
(no sound)
Should I See a Physician?
In most cases, having tinnitus does not mean that you need to see a physician.
However, in some cases it is very important to see a physician. If you
have tinnitus, you can use the guide below. It will help you decide if you need
to see a physician or other health professional.
4 If you have tinnitus, and all of the following are true:
• The tinnitus is a constant sound that does NOT pulse with your heartbeat
• You do NOT have ear pain, drainage from your ear, or foul odor coming from
your ear
• You do NOT have vertigo
• You do NOT have weakness or paralysis of any muscles in your face
• You do NOT have sudden unexplained hearing loss
See an audiologist sometime in the near future. (An audiologist is a
non-physician hearing healthcare provider.)
Tinnitus at a Glance
What Causes Tinnitus?
Anything that causes hearing loss also can cause tinnitus. The most common
cause of tinnitus is loud noise. Other causes include:
• Injury to the head or neck
• Various diseases
• Too much ear wax
• Stress
• Prescription drugs
In many cases, there is no known cause. To learn more about causes of tinnitus,
see Appendix B.
Progressive Tinnitus Management
The suggestions in this book are based on the method of Progressive Tinnitus
Management (PTM).7-9 PTM was developed at the National Center for
Rehabilitative Auditory Research. The method is “progressive” because not
everyone needs the same amount of help. Some people with tinnitus only need
basic questions answered. Other people need more than that. Still others need
a great deal of help. With PTM, sound is used to manage reactions to tinnitus.
However, PTM differs from the sound-based methods listed above. PTM
teaches many different ways to use sound to manage tinnitus. Also, PTM
teaches ways to change your thoughts and feelings to cope with tinnitus.
How Can This Workbook Help Me?
There are three basic ways to manage reactions to tinnitus: (1) education and
counseling; (2) using sound; and (3) changing thoughts and feelings. These are
things that you can do on your own if you know what to do. You can learn what
to do by reading this workbook.
1. Education
You may have been told in the past to “learn to live with it” and “nothing can be
done.” This is not true. Doing the activities in this workbook can help you learn
to manage your reactions to tinnitus and make it less of a problem.
2. Use of Sound
Most methods of tinnitus management involve using sound in some way. Part 2
of this workbook shows you how to use sound to manage reactions to tinnitus.
Goals of Tinnitus Management
(All Methods)
There are many methods for managing reactions to tinnitus. These methods are
not intended to make your tinnitus quieter. They are intended to help you feel
better - even if it’s just for a short time - without changing your tinnitus. The
more you practice feeling better, the easier it will become to feel OK with your
tinnitus just as it is. All of these methods have basically the same goals. They
are to:
Feel like tinnitus has little effect on daily activities (concentration, work,
sleep, etc.)
Feel like there is no need for further help learning to manage tinnitus
What is your number one goal for managing your reactions to tinnitus?
Part 2. Step-by-Step Guide:
Using Sound to Manage
Reactions to Tinnitus
Tinnitus & Hearing Survey
Later on in this workbook, we will be discussing “Bob’s” problems with tinnitus
and how he learned how to manage them. Bob first filled out the Tinnitus and
Hearing Survey. His completed Survey is shown below. Please take a look at
how Bob filled out the Survey. Then, answer these questions for yourself on the
next page.
Tinnitus and Hearing Survey
blem big
blem era
blem l
pro smal
pro very
pro mod
pro not a
pro ig
A. Tinnitus
Over the last week, tinnitus kept me from 0 1 2 3 4
Grand Total
Over the last week, tinnitus kept me from 0 1 2 3 4
Over the last week, I couldn’t get my mind 0 1 2 3 4
off of my tinnitus.
B. Hearing
Over the last week, I couldn’t understand what 0 1 2 3 4
others were saying in noisy or crowded places.
Over the last week, I couldn’t understand what 0 1 2 3 4
people were saying on TV or in movies.
Grand Total
C. Sound Tolerance
Over the last week, everyday sounds were too 0 1 2 3 4
loud for me.*
If you responded 1, 2, 3 or 4 to the statement
Being in a meeting with 5 to 10 people 0 1 2 3 4
would be too loud for me.*
*If sounds are too loud for you when wearing hearing aids, please tell your audiologist
Tinnitus and Hearing Survey
blem big
blem era
blem l
pro smal
pro very
pro mod
pro not a
pro big
A. Tinnitus
Over the last week, tinnitus kept me from 0 1 2 3 4
Over the last week, tinnitus kept me from 0 1 2 3 4
concentrating on reading.
Grand Total
Over the last week, tinnitus kept me from 0 1 2 3 4
Over the last week, I couldn’t get my mind 0 1 2 3 4
off of my tinnitus.
B. Hearing
Over the last week, I couldn’t understand what 0 1 2 3 4
others were saying in noisy or crowded places.
Over the last week, I couldn’t understand what 0 1 2 3 4
people were saying on TV or in movies.
Grand Total
Over the last week, I couldn’t understand 0 1 2 3 4
people with soft voices.
Over the last week, I couldn’t understand what 0 1 2 3 4
was being said in group conversations.
C. Sound Tolerance
Over the last week, everyday sounds were too 0 1 2 3 4
loud for me.*
I Completed the Tinnitus and Hearing Survey -
What Does it Tell Me?
Sections A and B. Tinnitus problems are managed in a different way than
hearing problems. The problems in Section A of the Survey are tinnitus
problems. You can use this workbook to learn how to manage tinnitus problems.
The problems in Section B are hearing problems. This workbook does not
explain how to handle hearing problems. Any hearing professional can help you
learn how to manage hearing problems.
Section C. The two questions in section C are about trouble tolerating sound. If
you circled any number greater than “0,” then read Appendix D. If you circled
“2” or greater on the second question, please talk to a hearing professional.
More Information. See Appendix E to learn more about the effects of tinnitus
and why it can be a problem. See Appendix F to learn more about the effects of
hearing loss.
Using Sound to Manage Reactions
to Tinnitus
In general, there are three types of sound that can be used to manage reactions to
1 Soothing Sound - makes you feel better as soon as you hear it. It helps
reduce stress or tension caused by tinnitus.
2 Background Sound - reduces contrast between tinnitus and a quiet
environment. It makes it easier to ignore tinnitus.
3 Interesting Sound - keeps your attention. It helps shift attention away from
Some types of sound can be used in more than one way at the same time. For
example, interesting sound can help to shift attention away from tinnitus. At the
same time it can help to reduce stress and tension from tinnitus. Some types of
sound can be used in all three ways at the same time. The circles in the figure
overlap as a reminder that the types of sound can overlap. Regardless of how
you use sound, the goal is to help you live with your tinnitus more comfortably.
We will now explain each of these three types of sound for managing tinnitus.
Environmental Sound, Music, and Speech
For each type of sound (soothing, background, interesting) you can use
environmental sound, music, or speech. Please see the Sound Grid below.
Note: Environmental sound is any sound that is not music or speech.
Environmental sounds can be nature sounds (like the sound of ocean waves or
insects), or manmade sounds (like fan noise and masking noise).
Sound Grid
The Sound Grid is shown below. It shows that each type of sound (soothing,
background, interesting) can be environmental sound, music, or speech. This
results in nine possible combinations. There is one checkmark on the Sound
Grid for each combination.
Sound Grid
Soothing Sound Soft breezes
What is Soothing Sound? Soothing voice
• Any sound that makes you feel better as soon as
Babbling brook
you hear it
• You can use environmental sound, music, or
Relaxing music
speech as soothing sound
Running water
How can Soothing Sound Help? Ocean waves
• By giving you a sense of relief from tension and
Soothing sound
stress caused by tinnitus
Photo of HoMedics sound machine shown with permission from HoMedics, Inc.
Photo of iPod shown with permission from Apple, Inc.
Examples of Soothing Sound
Environmental Sound as Soothing Sound
• Ocean waves Environmental Music Speech
• Wind chimes
• Insect sounds
• Masking noise
• Custom tinnitus-relief Interesting
• Any environmental sound that is soothing to you
See pages 88-89 in Appendix G for examples of people using soothing sound
to manage tinnitus.
*The DVD and the CD in the back of this workbook both have recordings of
relaxation exercises (Imagery and Deep Breathing).
Using the Relief Scale for Soothing Sound Soft breezes
Soothing voice
The Relief Scale is shown below. It is used to rate how much Babbling brook
relief from stress or tension you feel when you listen to a sound. Relaxing music
No relief means that there is no change in the stress or tension Running water
Ocean waves
caused by your tinnitus. Complete relief means that, with the
sound, the stress or tension caused by the tinnitus is completely gone. Soothing
sounds provide a sense of relief from stress or tension caused by tinnitus. You
can use the Relief Scale to help you learn which sounds are the most soothing to
you. It might take time and patience to find the soothing sounds that do the best
job of helping you to feel better.
1 Choose a sound that you think will be soothing. A soothing sound will
give you a sense of relief from stress or tension caused by tinnitus.
(Tracks 9-14 on the CD in the back of this workbook have sounds that are
soothing to many people.)
2 Adjust the volume of the sound until you find the level that is most
soothing to you.
3 Answer the question “When I listen to this sound, how much relief from
stress and tension do I feel?”
0 1 2 3 4 5
No Slight Mild Moderate Nearly Complete
relief relief relief relief complete relief
Write down the sound that you How much relief did the sound give you?
listened to
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5
Background Sound ound Othe
What is Background Sound? ther Sound Other
ther Sound Other Sou
• Any sound that is neutral (not soothing and not ther Sound Other Sound
interesting) Other Sound Other Sound
• You can use environmental sound, music, or
Other Sound Other Sound
Other Sound Other Soun
speech as background sound ther Sound Other Sou
Other Sound Other
How Can Background Sound Help? ound Other
• Our brains are “wired” to notice contrast.
Background sound
There is a lot of contrast between tinnitus and a
quiet room. Adding background sound to a quiet
room reduces the contrast. The reduced contrast makes it easier to ignore
• Go to pages 19-20 to learn more about why background sound makes it
easier to ignore tinnitus.
Janet keeps a tabletop fountain running on her Aynun is using fan noise as
desk. The background sound from the fountain background sound to help her
makes it easier for her to ignore her tinnitus. concentrate on paying bills.
How does Contrast Reduction Make it Easier to ound Othe
ther Sound Other
ther Sound Other Sou
Ignore Tinnitus? ther Sound Other Sound
Other Sound Other Sound
Other Sound Other Sound
Imagine a lit candle in a dark room. The candle is the only Other Sound Other Soun
ther Sound Other Sou
light in the room. There is sharp contrast between the bright Other Sound Other
ound Other
candle and the dark room. The candle naturally attracts a lot of
attention. Next, imagine the same lit candle, but now with the lights on in the
room. The contrast between the candle and the room has been reduced. The
candle is just as bright as before, but attracts less attention because now there is
other light in the room along with the candle.
Tinnitus and Background Sound ound Othe
ther Sound Other
ther Sound Other Sou
Contrast reduction also works with sound. The sharp contrast ther Sound Other Sound
Other Sound Other Sound
between tinnitus and a quiet room attracts attention. Adding TINNITUS
Other Sound Other Sound
Other Sound Other Soun
ther Sound Other Sou
sound to the room reduces the contrast between the tinnitus Other Sound Other
ound Other
and the background. The tinnitus might be just as loud as it
was before adding sound to the room. However, it is easier for the brain to
ignore the tinnitus because there is other sound in the room.
The figure shows how this works. On the left side of the figure “tinnitus” is the
only word. When tinnitus is the only word it attracts a lot of attention. On the
right side of the figure, there are many words. When there are many words
“tinnitus” is easier to ignore, even though it has not changed.
Note: Sometimes background sound helps right away. Sometimes it takes weeks
or months before you notice that it is helping.
Tinnitus Contrast Activity ound Othe
ther Sound Other
ther Sound Other Sou
ther Sound Other Sound
Instructions: Other Sound Other Sound
Other Sound Other Sound
Other Sound Other Soun
1 Spend a few moments listening to your tinnitus in quiet. ther Sound Other Sou
Other Sound Other
ound Other
2 Now turn on some background sound. The sound should be
pleasant or neutral. (Tracks 20-23 on the CD in the back of this workbook
have sounds that are neutral to many people.)
3 Adjust the volume to a comfortable level.
4 Notice the reduced contrast.
5 Reducing contrast makes it easier to ignore your tinnitus.
Write down the sound Write any comments you have about using
that you listened to this sound as background sound
Interesting Sound
What is Interesting Sound? Audio Books!
• Sound that keeps your attention Talk Radio!
• Sound that you actively listen to
• You can use environmental sound, music, or Interesting Music!
speech as interesting sound
How can Interesting Sound Help? Speech!
• By helping you shift your attention away from Interesting sound
your tinnitus
Examples of Interesting Sound
Environmental Sound as Interesting Sound
Active listening to:
Environmental Music Speech
• Whale sounds
• Bird calls
• Morse code Background
• Forest sounds at night Interesting
• Any environmental sound
that is interesting to you
See pages 91-92 in Appendix G for examples of people using interesting sound
to manage their reactions to tinnitus.
Using the Attention Scale for Interesting Sound
The Attention Scale is shown below. It is used to rate how well Audio Books!
Talk Radio!
a sound keeps your attention off of your tinnitus. You can use TINNITUS
the Attention Scale to figure out which sounds work best for Interesting Music!
keeping your attention. It may take time and patience to find Speech!
sounds that do the best job of shifting your thoughts away from
your tinnitus.
1 Choose a sound that you think will keep your attention. (Tracks 15-19 on
the CD in the back of this workbook have sounds that are interesting to
many people.)
2 Listen to the sound for at least 1 minute.
3 Choose the percent of attention focused on the sound while listening to it.
Write down the sound that you How much of your attention was focused
listened to on the “Other Sound”?
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Test Your Understanding
How is Martha Using Sound to Manage Tinnitus?
Challenging Situation: Martha reads a lot of books. She has always enjoyed
reading in a quiet area of her house. When her tinnitus started, she felt tense
whenever she tried to read there. This made concentration and reading difficult.
Sound Plan: Martha discovered that turning on soft classical music helped her
feel less tense and more relaxed. Once she was feeling more relaxed, it was
easier for her to concentrate on reading.
Is Martha using . . . Soothing sound? Background sound? Interesting sound?
• Soothing sound, because the sound is giving Martha a sense of relief from
stress and tension.
• It is also background sound because any use of sound reduces the contrast
between the tinnitus and the sound environment.
• It is not interesting sound because she is not paying attention to the sound;
also, she should not use interesting sound when reading a book, which
requires concentration.
Develop a Personal “Sound Plan”
The Sound Plan Worksheet provides step-by-step instructions to create your own
“sound plan” to manage your tinnitus. (An example of a completed Sound Plan
Worksheet is shown on page 30.) Use the Tinnitus Problem Checklist (p. 29) to
list up to three situations when your tinnitus is bothersome. For each
situation that you list, use a separate Sound Plan Worksheet. (Blank Worksheets
are provided at the end of this workbook.) Each Worksheet helps you to develop
a “plan of action” to use sound to manage your reactions to tinnitus. Try each
plan of action for 1 week. Then note on the Worksheet how helpful it was.
Tinnitus Problem Checklist
1. My most bothersome tinnitus situation is:
Falling asleep at night Relaxing in my recliner
Staying asleep at night Napping during the day
Waking up in the morning Planning activities
Reading Driving
Working at the computer Other
How do I fill out #1 on the Sound Plan Worksheet?
Write one bothersome situation from the Tinnitus Problem Checklist at the top
of the Worksheet (#1). (see below)
• If this is your first time filling out the Worksheet, use #1 from the Checklist.
• Fill out a separate Worksheet for each problem listed on the Tinnitus Problem
How do I fill out #2 on the Sound Plan Worksheet?
For #2 of the Worksheet, check one, two, or all three types of sound. Choose
types of sound that you think will help you with the problem listed in #1 of the
Worksheet. If the problem you listed requires concentration, then do not choose
interesting sound.
• A description of soothing sound is on page 14
• A description of background sound is on page 17
• A description of interesting sound is on page 22
• Sample recordings of soothing, background, and interesting sounds are on the
CD in the back of this workbook.
How do I fill out #3 on the Sound Plan Worksheet?
For each type of sound that you chose for #2, write the specific sounds that
you will try.
• Ideas for soothing sound are on pages 14-15 and 88-89
• Ideas for background sound are on pages 17-18 and 90-91
• Ideas for interesting sound are on pages 22-23 and 91-92
How do I fill out #4 on the Sound Plan Worksheet?
For each sound that you listed under #3, write in the device(s) you will use.
• If this is your first time filling out a Worksheet, write in devices that you
already have
• Once you have used the Worksheet at least once, you can start thinking about
using devices you do not yet own
• Appendix H gives ideas for devices to use as sources of sound
How do I fill out #5 on the Worksheet?
• Use your sound plan for at least one week
• Rate each sound after trying it for at least one week
• Use the ratings under #5 to help guide changes and improvements in your
Part 3. Step-by-Step Guide:
Changing Thoughts and
Feelings to Manage Reactions
to Tinnitus
Many people put a lot of time, effort, and money into trying to quiet their
tinnitus. This is normal because quieting the tinnitus would solve the problem.
However, there is no cure for tinnitus for most people. Usually the more people
try to quiet their tinnitus, the more frustrated they become. In spite of all of their
efforts they usually end up feeling worse.
There are many ways to feel better without quieting your tinnitus. You’ve
already learned about three types of sound you can use to manage your reactions
to tinnitus. Using sound is something you can do to help you feel better. Using
sound is a behavior.
In this chapter, you will now learn more behaviors to manage your reactions to
tinnitus, including:
1 Practicing relaxation exercises
2 Increasing pleasant activities
3 Learning how to change your thoughts about your tinnitus
These may be new behaviors for you. You can learn and practice these new
behaviors. Then you will have new skills to manage your reactions to tinnitus.
Note about sleep: Getting enough sleep can help you feel better and think more
clearly. Getting enough sleep can make it easier for you to manage your
tinnitus. Appendix I gives tips for getting better sleep.
Relaxation Exercises
Many people with tinnitus say stress makes their
tinnitus worse. Relaxation exercises can reduce
stress. These exercises can slow down your Relax
breathing and reduce your heart rate. This
workbook provides instructions for two relaxation
1 Deep Breathing
2 Imagery Relaxation exercises
What is Imagery?
• Imagining a calming and peaceful place
2 Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor or propped up. Place your
hands in your lap or on the arms of the chair. Make sure you are
3 Turn on a soothing sound. Avoid silence while you are practicing deep
breathing or imagery. You might have a soothing sound on your Sound
Plan (from Part 2 of this workbook) that you can use. If not, turn on music
or other sound that helps you feel calm. If you prefer, you can use
background sound while you are deep breathing.
3 Close your eyes (if you are comfortable doing so) or look at an object in the
room like a book on the bookshelf
4 Take a deep breath in through your nose - slowly for a count of three.
(Remember to use your stomach first and let your chest expand naturally
after that.)
5 Hold that breath for two seconds and then exhale for a count of three from
your mouth
6 Repeat steps 4 and 5 at least five times
7 When you are ready to stop the Deep Breathing exercise, count back from
3 to 1:
3 - Become aware of your surroundings
2 - Move your feet, legs, hands, arms, and rotate your head
1 - Open your eyes feeling relaxed
Practice Video: Deep Breathing and Imagery
There is a video on the DVD that came with this workbook (“Managing Your
Tinnitus, Deep Breathing Exercise”). It shows a man using deep breathing to
relax. Later, he uses imagery to relax when his tinnitus is bothering him at
work. You can watch the video to learn deep breathing and imagery. Try to
watch the video at least once. You can keep using the video while you practice,
or you can begin doing the exercises on your own. If you do not have a DVD
player, you can use the instructions in this workbook instead - or go to your
public library to view the video.
Relief Scale
The Relief Scale is shown below. Use it to rate how much relief from stress
or tension you feel after using deep breathing or imagery. No relief means that
there is no change in the stress or tension caused by your tinnitus. Complete
relief means that the stress or tension caused by the tinnitus is completely gone.
Learning to relax using deep breathing and imagery takes time and practice.
You can use the Relief Scale to track your progress.
• Get into a comfortable position
• Follow the instructions for deep breathing (p. 39) or imagery (p. 41)
• Fill out the chart below to track your progress
0 1 2 3 4 5
No Slight Mild Moderate Nearly Complete
relief relief relief relief complete relief
Minutes Practiced
Date Time of Day Deep Breathing Imagery Relief
June 5, 2009 10:00am 5 mins 0 3
June 5, 2009 10:05am 0 5 mins 4
Pleasant Activity Scheduling
What are pleasant activities?
• Activities you enjoy golf, write, walk
• Activities you like to do but do not have to do
How can pleasant activities help me activities
manage my reactions to tinnitus?
• By helping you have more positive feelings
dance, paint
• By distracting you from your tinnitus
Plan pleasant activities
• By helping you feel better overall
Activity Planning
What kinds of activities fill your day? Are they all tasks you feel you “have to
do?” Do you have any activities you enjoy during the day?
One way to increase pleasant activities is to plan ahead. This may sound
simple, but most of the time we wait until we feel better to do something we
enjoy. If you let how you feel guide what you do, then you may end up staying
home and not doing anything. If you schedule pleasant activities you will find it
easier to do something you enjoy. As a result, you may feel more pleasure!
We will ask you to keep track of your activities. This will help you be aware of
how you spend each day. Once you see what you are doing now, then you can
begin to change or increase your pleasant activities.
Consider these specific categories of activities during the upcoming week:
1 Activities you feel you have to do
2 Activities you like to do
Step 1: Track Your Activities. Directions: Write down your activities over the
next 6 days. Fill in the Day of the week, the Activity during each Time frame,
and the Category of the activity.
Activity Category
Day Time Activity Have to do = 1
Like to do = 2
Morning Example: Went to work 1
Day 1 Afternoon Example: Still at work, worked out at the gym 1, 1
Example: Made dinner, cleaned up the kitchen,
watched TV
1, 1, 2
Day 1 Afternoon
Day 2 Afternoon
Day 3 Afternoon
Day 4 Afternoon
Day 5 Afternoon
Day 6 Afternoon
Total #1’s = _____
Total #2’s = _____
Step 2: Make a List of Pleasant Activities. Before you can plan pleasant
activities, you first need to know what activities you would enjoy. Below are
some types of pleasant activities. List only activities you would enjoy.
Step 3: Plan Pleasant Activities. The last step is to plan your activities. On
your own calendar write down one pleasant activity you will do each day. After
you do this for 1 week, look back at days when you did not do a pleasant
activity. Ask yourself:
1 Did I do all of my scheduled pleasant activities each day?
2 Why didn’t I do some or all of my activities as planned?
3 Did I notice my tinnitus less when I did these activities?
4 Would more activities help me get my mind off of my tinnitus?
5 Do I need to have more or fewer pleasant activities?
Changing Thoughts
What does “Changing Thoughts”
• First you identify thoughts you had just before
feeling bad Feel
• Then you work on changing that thought to
something that is more helpful
Changing thoughts
How can “Changing Thoughts” help?
• Changing your thoughts about tinnitus can help you change the way you feel
about it
Positive Negative
feelings feelings
Thought Errors
Sometimes people get in the habit of having thoughts that are not helpful.
Thoughts that are not helpful or unhealthy are called “thought errors.” You may
feel bad or get upset out of habit and find out later that the reason you got upset
was your own “thought error.”11
All people make thought errors from time to time. Many people make thought
errors that cause them to feel sad or upset. If
you are aware of the most common thought
errors, you can catch yourself and correct
your thinking. Read the list of thought
errors below. Think about which ones “Thought
are familiar to you.11 Remember: Errors”
thought errors are very common.
Twelve Common Thought Errors:
1 All-or-nothing thinking: When you see things in only two categories such
as black or white.
Example: You see yourself as a failure if you are not perfect.
Example: “Nothing I ever do is right.”
Tinnitus example: “If my tinnitus is loud when I wake up in the morning I
know I will have a bad day.”
Corrected thought: “I’m learning ways to have a good day even when my
tinnitus is loud.”
My example: _________________________________________________
2 Over-simplifying: When you see one bad event as a pattern that never
Example: You get on the wrong train one time and think, “I’ll never learn
how to use the subway.”
Tinnitus example: “I was awake all night from my tinnitus. This will
happen every night.”
Corrected thought: “Last night my tinnitus kept me awake, but most nights
I eventually fall asleep.”
My example: _________________________________________________
3 Focusing on wrong details: When you pick out a single detail and focus on
it. You don’t think about other more positive details.
Example: “I got a 60% on my math homework. I’m a terrible student.”
Tinnitus example: “My tinnitus made it hard to enjoy dinner with a friend.”
Corrected thought: “My tinnitus was really loud at dinner. However, it
was great to see my friend again and to catch up.”
My example: _________________________________________________
4 Jumping to conclusions: When you think an event was unpleasant even
though there are no facts to support that. You might assume that you know
what someone else is thinking or assume things will turn out badly.
Example: “If I go to the party then I won’t know anyone and will not have
Tinnitus example: “My tinnitus kept me awake last night. The next day
I met a friend for coffee. I was really tired and didn’t talk much. I’ll bet he
thought I was boring.”
Corrected thought: “It was difficult to be so tired all day. I told my friend
about my tinnitus keeping me awake. He was very supportive.”
My example: _________________________________________________
5 Over-estimating: When you think things are more important than they
really are (such as your goof-up or someone else’s success).
Example: “She turned me down when I asked her to go on a date with me.
I don’t know how to talk to women. I’ll be alone forever.”
Tinnitus example: “My tinnitus makes me moody. No one wants to be
around me.”
Corrected thought: “Sometimes I’m moody and other times I am in a great
mood. I have friends who know me and understand me.”
My example: _________________________________________________
6 Under-estimating: When you think things are less important than they
really are (such as your success or someone else’s faults).
Example: “I know I got a 95% on the test but I could have done better.”
Tinnitus example: “I know I learned how to get to sleep even though my
tinnitus is loud. I also started using soothing sound for my tinnitus at work.
Even so, I’ll never learn to deal with my tinnitus.”
Corrected thought: “I can deal with my tinnitus by making small changes.
It may not be gone, but I don’t notice my tinnitus as often.”
My example: _________________________________________________
7 Assuming the worst: When you think something is much worse than it
really is.
Example: A woman who got a low grade on a quiz thinks it’s the end of her
college career.”
Tinnitus example: “I’m going to become deaf from my tinnitus.”
Corrected thought: “My doctor said tinnitus won’t make me deaf. It just
feels strange to hear this ringing in my ears all the time and not know why.”
My example: _________________________________________________
8 Emotional thoughts: When you think that your emotions show the way
things really are. You might think, “I feel it, so it must be true.”
Example: “I feel like I’m the only one who cleans up around here so you
must not be helping.”
Tinnitus example: “I feel like no one knows what I am going through with
my tinnitus. I feel all alone.”
Corrected thought: “People know what I am going through when I explain
tinnitus to them.
My example: _________________________________________________
9 “Should” statements: When you say “should” and “shouldn’t” to try to get
yourself to do hard tasks. These statements tend to make you feel guilty.
Also included are statements with the words “must” and “ought.”
Example: “I should eat healthier and stop eating food I like.”
Tinnitus example: “I should not have to deal with tinnitus during the best
years of my life.”
Corrected thought: “Tinnitus isn’t what I expected when I retired, but I can
deal with it.”
My example: _________________________________________________
10 Labeling: Attaching a bad label to yourself or others.
Example: “He lost his keys so he’s stupid.”
Tinnitus example: “I can’t deal with my tinnitus so I’m a weak person.”
Corrected thought: “Sometimes it’s hard to deal with my tinnitus. I do my
best to stay healthy and active. I practice methods for managing my
reactions to tinnitus from the workbook. However, sometimes the tinnitus
still bothers me. That is normal.”
My example: _________________________________________________
11 Making Things Personal: You see yourself as the cause of some negative
event when you are not responsible. You ignore other details.
Example: “My doctor was not nice to me because I was sick.”
Tinnitus example: “My tinnitus made it hard for me to enjoy the picnic. I
caused everyone else to have a bad time, too.”
Corrected thought: “My tinnitus made it hard for me to enjoy the picnic.
No one can have fun all of the time.”
My example: _________________________________________________
12 Blaming: You blame others for your problems. You may also blame
yourself for other people’s problems.
Example: “I didn’t get the job because you didn’t call to give me a pep-talk
before my meeting.”
Tinnitus example: “My tinnitus wouldn’t be a problem if my wife was more
Corrected thought: “It would be helpful if my wife was more supportive.
Either way I would have to work at dealing with my tinnitus.”
My example: _________________________________________________
Correcting Thought Errors
So how can you control negative feelings? Your thoughts determine the feelings
you experience. You may not be able to change events, or tinnitus. However,
the way you think about an event is under your control. Change your thoughts,
and your feelings will change too. Next you will learn a step-by-step approach
to changing thoughts.
Step 2: Thoughts. Now try to write down a thought you had just before you
started feeling bad or upset. What was the first thought that came into your
mind? You may have had many thoughts just before you started feeling bad. If
you had more than one thought, pick the one that made you feel the worst.
Step 3: Feelings. Write down any bad or upsetting feelings you are having. For
example, sad, angry, jealous, or disappointed.
Step 4: Evidence for. Examine the thought you described in Step 2. Write
down evidence that this statement is true where it says “Evidence For” below.
Our thoughts often have some truth to them, but some have many more errors.
Write down what is true about the thought in the “Evidence For” box.
Step 5: Evidence against. Again, examine the thought you described in Step 2.
Identify evidence that this statement is not true. In the next box where it says
“Evidence Against” write down reasons the thought may not be true. Can you
identify any of the 12 thought errors from the list? (You can have more than one
thought error in one thought.)
Step 6: New positive thought. Write down a new thought about the event that
is more helpful. This step requires a lot of practice. With practice it will
become more natural to create new positive thoughts. Sometimes it helps to say
statements that apply to many things. For example, “I am whole and complete,”
or “I love and accept myself.”
New positive thoughts should be:
• brief
• easy to remember
• thoughts you believe are true
• thoughts that apply to your life
• helpful
Step 7: Feelings when you think the new thought. As you practice, pay
attention to how you feel when you have positive thoughts instead of negative
thoughts. Do you notice your tinnitus as much? Are your muscles relaxed?
Step 8: Picture yourself in the future. Look at the negative thought from Step
1 again. Think of a time in the future when you might have that thought again.
Picture yourself thinking the positive thought from Step 6 instead.
The Changing Thoughts and Feelings
Next you will learn about the Changing Thoughts and Feelings Worksheet. You
will use this Worksheet to develop a “plan of action” to change your thoughts
and feelings about tinnitus. You learned three skills in this section (Part 3): (1)
relaxation exercises; (2) pleasant activity scheduling; and (3) changing thoughts.
You will be able to choose from these three skills when you make your “plan of
Blank Changing Thoughts and Feelings Worksheets are in the back of this
workbook. They are on the back side of the Sound Plan Worksheets. Steps for
completing the Changing Thoughts and Feelings Worksheet are listed
below. There is an example of a completed Worksheet on page 59. The
example Worksheet was completed for “Joe.” “Joe” is described on page 60.
Ongoing Use of the Worksheet
It takes trial and error to learn what works best in each situation. Use the
Worksheet on a regular basis to change and improve your action plans. Also,
use the Worksheet to create new plans for different situations. Learning to
change your thoughts and feelings takes time and practice. If the exercises don’t
help right away, keep practicing. They can become more useful over time.
Changing Thoughts and Feelings Example: “Joe”
Joe works in an office on a computer all day. Because of his tinnitus, it is hard
for him to concentrate on his work. Using the Sound Plan Worksheet, Joe found
that keeping his radio on helped him to notice his tinnitus less. The radio is all
he needs to help him concentrate during normal work days. However, when he
is really stressed he still has a hard time concentrating.
Joe now takes a break when he feels very stressed and cannot concentrate. He
practices imagery for 10 minutes and then goes back to working. Practicing
imagery helps Joe get his mind completely off of his tinnitus for a short time.
That helps him relax. Once he is relaxed it is much easier for him to concentrate
on his work.
When Joe is especially frustrated, he tries to identify an event that made him feel
that way. He then identifies thoughts he is having about the event. He writes
down more positive thoughts and keeps them on a post-it note on his computer.
This helps Joe have more realistic and helpful thoughts. As a result, he feels less
frustration and stress.
Joe enjoys walking. He now takes a walk during his lunch. This pleasant activity
helps Joe get his mind off of his tinnitus.
In this section (Part 3) you learned things you can do (skills) to change your
reactions to tinnitus and to feel better. They are Relaxation Exercises, Pleasant
Activity Scheduling, and Changing Thoughts. In Part 2 you learned about using
sound in different ways to manage your reactions to tinnitus. Experiment with
all of the ideas that you learned about in Parts 2 and 3. As you experiment you
will get better at managing your tinnitus. You also will learn which ideas work
best for you.
Some people may need more help dealing with their tinnitus and other problems.
Contact a mental health provider right away if you feel very sad or worried. A
mental health provider can talk to you about your tinnitus or any other problem.
This provider can help you find more ways to deal with your tinnitus and
problems in your life.
If you want to hurt yourself or are suicidal, go to your local emergency room
immediately or call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline toll free: 1-800-
273-TALK or 1-800-273-8255.
Part 4. Protect Your Ears!
In Part 1 we explained that we cannot change the tinnitus. But, we can change
our reactions to it. Parts 2 and 3 gave step-by-step instructions to learn how to
manage reactions to tinnitus. Part 4 focuses on protecting your ears from very
loud sound.
Loud noise can cause hearing loss and tinnitus. If you already have hearing
loss or tinnitus, loud noise can cause more damage and make the tinnitus worse.
The louder a sound is, the faster it can damage your hearing (see figure on next
page). Power tools, lawnmowers, and chain saws are very loud. You should
never use them without hearing protection (earplugs and/or earmuffs). Loud
music, whether live or recorded, can cause damage. (If you listen to music for
your tinnitus, you should always play the music at soft levels.) Even
traffic noise can cause damage if you are exposed to it for many hours in one
day. Driving with the window open for several hours at a time can cause noise
damage, especially in the ear by the window.
You should always wear hearing protection when you are around loud noise.
You need to find hearing protection that is handy and easy to use. There are
many different types of earplugs and earmuffs. You can get them from:
• hearing specialists
• sporting goods stores
• industrial supply sources
• home improvement stores
• websites on the internet (see Appendix J)
The Louder a Sound is,
the Faster it Can Damage Your Hearing
Firing a gun is so loud Less than
Extremely that it can damage your 1 second
Loud hearing immediately
Standard Earplugs
Standard (non-custom) earplugs are low cost
and “one size fits all.” Yellow foam earplugs
are the most common. All earplugs can
protect against loud noise but they must be used
properly. Foam earplugs need to be inserted
almost completely into the ear canal (with very
little of the plug left outside of the canal - see the photo below). If they are not
used properly, then they might not give you enough protection from sound. You
can try different earplugs to find what works best for you. Some dealers offer
“trial packs” with a variety of earplugs.
Custom Earplugs
Custom earplugs are custom
molded to the ears. An
audiologist can have them
made for you. Custom
earplugs usually are very
comfortable, easy to use, and
can be used for years.
Photo of custom earplugs courtesy of
E.A.R., Inc.
Hi-fi Earplugs
“Hi-fi” earplugs reduce
loudness equally for both
low and high pitches.
This avoids the muffled
effect that is caused by
most earplugs. Hi-fi
earplugs were designed
for musicians who need to
hear music clearly. These
earplugs also work well when you need to hear speech in a noisy environment.
Electronic Earplugs
Electronic earplugs allow you to
hear soft sounds, but very loud
sounds, like gunshots, are
reduced. These earplugs are
used mainly by hunters. Non-
electronic earplugs also are
available for this purpose.
Earmuffs can be used instead of earplugs
or along with earplugs. Earmuffs should
be worn along with earplugs when you
are around extremely loud noise like
gun fire or chainsaws. It is important
that earmuffs fit snugly around the ears
to get a good seal. Wearing glasses or
a hood under the earmuffs will cause
them to be less effective.
Description of Tinnitus
How is “Tinnitus” Pronounced?
What is the right way to say “tinnitus”? This question is often debated and not
even all dictionaries agree. It has been pronounced tin-EYE-tus and TIN-uh-tus.
Either way you say it is fine.
What is Tinnitus?
Sound vibrations in the air become coded signals that the brain interprets as
sound. With tinnitus, there are no sound wave vibrations causing nerve fibers
to fire. With most forms of tinnitus, some of the nerve fibers are firing on their
own. The brain interprets these signals as sound.
It's Sound!
It's Sound!
(no sound)
Does Everyone’s Tinnitus Sound the Same?
Just about every type of sound has been reported when patients have been asked
to describe the sound of their tinnitus. “Ringing” and “high pitched tone” are
reported most often. Other sounds commonly reported include “hissing,” “high
tension wire,” “buzzing,” “sizzling,” and “crickets.” Many people hear more
than one sound.
(This appendix adapted from Henry, Zaugg, & Schechter, Clinical guide for
audiologic tinnitus management II: Treatment. American Journal of Audiology,
14:49-70, 2005)
What Causes Tinnitus?
We don’t know what causes tinnitus, but we have insights based on what is
known about the hearing system. You will now learn how sound is detected by
the ear and processed by the brain. This will help you understand what might be
going on in the brain when tinnitus is present.
Adapted with permission from Henry JA, Trune DR, Robb MJA, Jastreboff PJ. Tinnitus Retraining Therapy:
Patient Counseling Guide. San Diego: Plural Publishing, Inc.; 2007.
Hair Cells
Inside the cochlea is a “ribbon” of tiny cells called “hair cells” that change
sound vibrations into nerve signals. They are called “hair cells” because each
cell has up to 150 “hairs” projecting from the top. The hair cells are laid out on
the “ribbon” like keys on a piano keyboard. These hair cells cannot be seen by
the human eye and need to magnified by a powerful electron microscope to be
seen. Hair cells are even “tuned” like keys on a keyboard, from low pitches at
one end to high pitches at the other. Sound vibrations travel to the hair cells
through the fluid in the cochlea. The vibrations in the fluid cause the hairs to
vibrate. Each pitch (or “frequency”) of sound triggers hair cells that are tuned to
that frequency. There are about 16,000 hair cells that are lined up - in three rows
of outer hair cells and one row of inner hair cells. The inner and outer hair cells
serve different purposes, and damage to each type causes different problems.
Auditory (Hearing) Nerve Sends Nerve Impulses Into
the Brain
The hearing nerve connects the hair cells in the cochlea to the brain. The
hearing nerve is like an electric cable. It is one and a half inches long. It
contains thousands of individual “wires” (nerve fibers). Our hearing
information enters the brain through the auditory nerve just like all of the
information from a microphone travels through a cable.
(conducting fibers)
Adapted with permission from Henry JA, Trune DR, Robb MJA, Jastreboff PJ. Tinnitus Retraining Therapy:
Patient Counseling Guide. San Diego: Plural Publishing, Inc.; 2007.
The fibers in the hearing nerve are like wires in a telephone cable. Each wire
can transmit information independent of the other wires. The brain is able to
“read” the information coming in from all of the fibers at the same time. A cross
section of the hearing nerve will, at any point in time, reveal a pattern of some
fibers firing and some not firing. The brain “takes a picture” of this patterned
activity thousands of times every second. Between each picture the pattern
changes. The brain is able to interpret these coded patterns as they stream in
from the hearing nerve. This results in the perception of sound.
Adapted with permission from Henry JA, Trune DR, Robb MJA, Jastreboff PJ. Tinnitus Retraining Therapy:
Patient Counseling Guide. San Diego: Plural Publishing, Inc.; 2007.
What Causes Tinnitus?
We don’t know what causes the pattern of nerve discharges that our brain
perceives as tinnitus. We know that certain events such as loud noises damage
hair cells in the inner ear. This can result in hearing loss and/or tinnitus. It can
be assumed that regions of damaged hair cells are involved in the making of
tinnitus. Removing “abnormal hair cell activity” from entering the brain should
logically “turn off” a person’s tinnitus. Some patients had one of their hearing
nerves severed to try and cut off the source of their tinnitus. All of these patients
became deaf on that side, and the tinnitus returned for most of them. This
suggests that the source of tinnitus can be anywhere within the hearing nervous
system of the brain.
(This appendix adapted from Henry, Zaugg, & Schechter, Clinical guide for
audiologic tinnitus management II: Treatment. American Journal of Audiology,
14:49-70, 2005)
Methods of Tinnitus Management
Two Approaches to Tinnitus Management
There are two overall approaches to tinnitus management:
1 Eliminate tinnitus or reduce its loudness
2 Reduce the person’s reactions to the tinnitus
Most tinnitus is the sensorineural (nerve) type for which surgery is not an
option.13 In rare cases, tinnitus can be caused by:
• muscular spasms,
• blood vessel constriction,
• metabolic conditions, or
• some other source of noise in the body.
These kinds of sounds have been referred to as “somatosounds” or “objective
tinnitus.” Some doctors are skilled in diagnosing this, and surgery can
sometimes help treat the cause.14 The hearing nerve was cut for some patients
totry and cut off the source of the tinnitus. This is not done anymore because
these patients became deaf in that ear, and the tinnitus often returned. Another
rare cause of tinnitus is a (often benign) tumor on the hearing nerve. When this
occurs, the tinnitus usually is in one ear. It appears slowly along with hearing
loss in the same ear. Such tumors can be removed with surgery.
Electrical Stimulation
Some studies have described the use of electrical stimulation to reduce the
loudness of tinnitus. This involves applying a small electric current to some area
around the ears. This has been known to help some patients. No one yet can
consistently achieve this effect.15 Some patients with cochlear implants report
that their tinnitus is reduced when the implant is activated. A cochlear implant
requires surgery that involves threading a wire through the cochlea. The wire
contains tiny electrodes that produce electrical signals that activate nerve
endings in the cochlea. This surgery usually is not an option for tinnitus patients
unless they have no usable hearing in both ears.
Use of Sound
In Part 2 of this workbook we describe how to use sound to manage reactions
to tinnitus. Sound cannot “eliminate tinnitus or reduce its loudness.” However,
sound can give the perception that the tinnitus is eliminated or reduced in
loudness. For example, patients treated with Tinnitus Masking usually are fitted
with masking devices that fit in or over the ears. The devices present wide-
band noise (sounds like “shhh”) to the ears. The noise can cover, or “mask,”
the tinnitus. Masking the tinnitus gives the perception that the tinnitus has been
eliminated. Even if the tinnitus is not completely masked, hearing the noise can
give the perception that the tinnitus is reduced in loudness.
Psychological Approaches
Many psychological approaches have been used to manage tinnitus. These
include, but are not limited to, the following.
• Relaxation training involves deep breathing, imagery, and other exercises
intended to reduce stress. The goal is to reduce overall reactions to stress
and/or provide a distraction from tinnitus. If tinnitus causes stress, relaxation
training can reduce the stress. Relaxation training requires concentration and
practice to be used effectively.
• Cognitive therapy (also called “cognitive restructuring”) involves helping
people change how they think about their tinnitus to help them feel better.
• Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) combines cognitive therapy with
everyday activity changes. CBT originally was used to treat people with
depression, anxiety, and chronic pain.20 CBT was adapted for use with
people who have tinnitus, and became the main psychological approach to
managing tinnitus.5 The method normally requires about eight sessions. It is
conducted weekly in either a group or one-on-one setting. The goal is to
reduce reactions to tinnitus and stress associated with tinnitus. A self-
management guide using principles of CBT has been published.6 Part 3 of
this workbook is based on the use of CBT for tinnitus.
Sound-based Methods
Some methods of tinnitus management rely on the use of sound. These are the
main methods used by audiologists. Each of these methods uses sound in
different ways.9
Hearing Aids
Before we talk about the different sound-based methods, we first need to
mention that hearing aids often are helpful for tinnitus. Many patients who have
hearing loss and tinnitus discover that hearing aids alone are all they need to
successfully manage their reactions to tinnitus.
Hearing aids can be helpful in managing reactions to tinnitus because they:
• Increase background sound (reduces contrast between tinnitus and quiet
• Make it easier to hear soothing sounds (to reduce stress caused by tinnitus)
• Make it easier to hear interesting sounds (to help shift attention away from
• Make difficult listening situations less stressful
Tinnitus Masking (TM)
As described above, using sound with TM can give the perception that tinnitus
is eliminated or reduced in loudness. However, the main goal of TM is to use
sound to provide a sense of relief.21,22 Patients normally are fitted with ear-level
devices that present wide-band noise (a “shhh” sound) to the ears. Patients
are instructed to adjust the noise to the level that provides the greatest sense of
relief. Patients also are advised to use all kinds of sound-producing devices to
achieve relief. These devices include CDs, tabletop fountains, sound machines,
sound pillows, etc.1 Counseling also is used with Masking, but the use of sound
is the primary mode of management.21
• The use of sound with TM is an example of using environmental sound as
soothing sound
Environmental Music Speech
• The use of sound during stage 1 of NTT is an example of using a
combination of music and environmental sound as soothing sound.
During the next 4 months (stage 2) the noise is removed. Patients are instructed
to gradually reduce the volume of the music to decrease the level of interaction
between the music and the tinnitus. The objective of stage 2 is essentially
the same as for TRT: less awareness of, and less reaction to, the tinnitus. The
company has conducted its own clinical studies. No independent, controlled
studies have been done to evaluate NTT.
• The use of sound during stage 2 of NTT is an example of using music as
soothing sound, transitioning to using music as background sound.
Environmental Music Speech
Different situations when tinnitus is a problem require different approaches.
PTM involves using the Sound Plan Worksheet (p. 30) to decide how to use
sound for each tinnitus-problem situation. For each type of sound (soothing,
background, interesting), you can use environmental sound, music, or speech.
Depending on the situation, a different combination is most appropriate. This all
has been described in Part 2 of this workbook. Additional details about PTM,
including assessment procedures, specific counseling information, and the use of
hearing aids, have been published.8, 9, 28
• The use of sound with PTM can involve all combinations of types of
sound (soothing, background, interesting) and environmental sound,
music, and speech.
Environmental Music Speech
Many people are convinced that the herb gingko biloba is useful. Large-scale
controlled studies have shown no helpful effect of gingko.29 There are
nutritional remedies that may include “tinnitus” in their name. These are
mixtures of herbs and vitamins. They often include zinc, ginkgo, and/or vitamin
B-12. Many claims have been made. There is no scientific proof that any of
these remedies are effective, other than for isolated cases.30
(Portions of this appendix adapted from Henry, Zaugg, & Schechter, Clinical
guide for audiologic tinnitus management II: Treatment. American Journal of
Audiology, 14:49-70, 2005)
What To Do When Everyday Sounds
Are Too Loud (not related to using
hearing aids)
Bill Smith is bothered by everyday sounds. (This problem is sometimes called
hyperacusis.) Kitchen sounds and the vacuum cleaner are too loud for him. He
is bothered by road noise when he drives. It seems like everything at church is
too loud. What should Bill do? Believe it or not, being around more sound can
make things better! And, staying away from sound can make his problem worse!
What??? He should add more sound??? Keep reading and we’ll explain . . .
There are three things you can do if everyday sounds are too loud for you.
1 Keep yourself surrounded with sound that is comfortable for you
2 Listen to sounds that you enjoy as often as you can
3 Only wear hearing protection when you really need to
*Formby, C., Sherlock, L.P., & Gold, S.L. (2002). Adaptive calibration of
chronic auditory gain: Interim findings. In R. Patuzzi (Ed.), Proceedings of the
VIIth International Tinnitus Seminar (pp. 165-69). Crawley: University of
Western Australia.
Effects of Tinnitus
Tinnitus can have many effects on a person’s life. Although there are seemingly
hundreds of different effects caused by tinnitus, each can be grouped into one or
more of three categories: (1) difficulty concentrating, (2) emotional reactions,
and (3) disrupted sleep. Usually, effects of tinnitus include emotional reactions.
For example, difficulty concentrating can lead to frustration and anger.
Tinnitus Can Disrupt Sleep
People with tinnitus often experience sleep problems. Recall the discussion of
contrast reduction on pages 19 and 20. “The sharp contrast between tinnitus and
a quiet room attracts attention.” When you go to bed at night, you usually are in
a quiet room. This situation can make it very difficult to ignore tinnitus. Being
aware of tinnitus can make it hard to fall asleep. It can also make it hard to
return to sleep if you wake up in the middle of the night. If tinnitus disrupts
sleep each night, you may become sleep deprived. This can make it harder to
function normally throughout the day.
If sleep is a problem for you because of tinnitus, please review pages 19 and 20.
It is especially important to note how using sound can help you sleep: “Adding
sound to the room reduces the contrast between the tinnitus and the background.
The tinnitus might be just as loud as it was before adding sound to the room.
However, it is easier for the brain to ignore the tinnitus because there is other
sound in the room.” Also, Appendix I offers “tips for getting better sleep.”
(Portions of this appendix adapted from Henry, Zaugg, & Schechter, Clinical
guide for audiologic tinnitus management II: Treatment. American Journal of
Audiology, 14:49-70, 2005)
Effects of Hearing Loss
The most common type of hearing loss is “high frequency” loss. This by and
large results from loud noise and/or aging. High-frequency hearing is more
prone to damage than hearing at lower pitches. A common symptom of high-
frequency hearing loss is trouble understanding speech in background noise. If
you have hearing loss, hearing aids can help you hear better and may provide
relief from stress and tension caused by tinnitus (see Appendix C). If you have
trouble hearing, please talk to an audiologist.
Carmen notices her tinnitus a lot in her quiet office. The tinnitus annoys her
and makes it hard to concentrate. Carmen feels soothed by the sound of ocean
waves. When she keeps the sound of ocean waves in her office (using a CD
player), she feels better and can concentrate on her work.
Using Music as Soothing Sound
Environmental Music Speech
Most mornings Julie woke up feeling irritated that tinnitus was the first sound of
the day. She did not like to start her day feeling that way. She started listening
to relaxing music every morning when she first woke up. The music gives her a
sense of relief and helps her start the day feeling more calm and relaxed.
• Deep breathing involves paying careful attention to breathing from the
• Deep breathing also involves keeping the breath regular and rhythmic
• The DVD and the CD in the back of this workbook have recordings of a deep
breathing exercise
William was having a hard time getting to sleep at night because of his tinnitus.
He started running a box fan near his bed. The fan does not give him a sense of
relief. He still can hear his tinnitus when the fan is running, but the tinnitus
doesn’t keep his attention like it did when the room was quiet.
Mary’s tinnitus made it difficult for her to concentrate on paperwork. She now
plays classical music when doing paperwork. The music doesn’t make her feel
better, and she doesn’t pay attention to it. But playing the music helps her to
Using Speech as Background Sound
Enrique needed to concentrate in his quiet office but was irritated by his tinnitus.
He tried different background sounds on CD, including “crowd noise” (many
people talking at once). The crowd noise didn’t relax him or make him feel
better. But, after a while, he realized that he wasn’t thinking about his tinnitus
nearly as often as he did when his office was silent.
Ben enjoys listening to bird calls. He can identify many local birds by their
calls. Sometimes, when his tinnitus is bothering him, he sits on his back porch
and listens to bird calls. Other times he goes on-line to learn new bird calls.
Actively listening to bird calls gets Ben’s mind off of the tinnitus.
Using Music as Interesting Sound
Environmental Music Speech
David had trouble relaxing in the evening because his tinnitus was annoying.
He started actively listening to the lyrics of songs on his favorite radio station.
Paying attention to music lyrics gets his mind off of the tinnitus, which helps
him to relax.
Jane doesn’t notice her tinnitus as often when she listens to a book on tape. The
book on tape is interesting to her, and listening to it makes it easier to ignore the
How to Choose Devices
(To Help with #4 on the Sound Plan
When filling out #4 on the Sound Plan Worksheet, you can choose from many
different devices for getting sound into your ears. We will now give you ideas to
help you make your choices. It can help to think of two different categories of
1 Wearable Listening Devices
2 Stationary (Tabletop) Devices
Some models of MP3 players offer Bluetooth wireless options. This can make
MP3 players more comfortable and convenient to use. Bluetooth is short-range
radio technology. It normally is used with cell phones. It allows cell phone
users to wear a hands-free earpiece
that has a wireless connection
with the phone. You can use a
wireless earpiece in one or both
ears to listen to a Bluetooth-
enabled MP3 player worn on a belt
or carried in a purse.
MP3 player
MP3 player
cell phone
Any recorded sound on the MP3 player can be sent directly to your hearing aids
with no wires. Signals from Bluetooth-enabled cell phones also can be
transmitted to the hearing aids without wires. This results in improved speech
understanding while using a cell phone.32
Satellite Radio
Satellite Radio offers many listening choices. About
160 channels are available. A special receiver is
needed (average price around $100) along with
monthly service (about $10/month). Each receiver
has different features. Some receivers can store hours
of programs for later listening. The main advantage of
Satellite Radio is the large number of listening choices.
Photo of satellite radio courtesy of Pioneeer Electronics (USA) Inc.
Also, there are special DVDs that show peaceful scenes with relaxing music in
the background.
Tips for Getting Better Sleep
Sleep is essential to good health. Sleep helps your body to repair itself, both
physically and emotionally. Your tinnitus may seem worse when you are tired.
When you get enough sleep, you are ready to handle problems and you won’t
get frustrated as easily. A good night’s sleep will give you energy to practice
skills from this workbook.20
Sleep Behavior:
• Go to bed only when sleepy
• Use the bed and bedroom only for sleep (do not read, eat, or watch TV in
• If unable to sleep - get out of bed
• Don’t lie in bed awake for more than 20 minutes - get up
• Engage in a quiet activity - return to bed when sleepy
• Repeat the above strategy for as many times as is necessary
• Teach your body to associate the bed with sleep, not frustration
• Only spend the amount of time in bed that you want to spend sleeping even
if you did not sleep as well or as much as you would have liked. For
example, if you want seven hours of sleep then only spend seven hours in
• Don’t sleep in or nap more than usual because you didn’t sleep well the night
Body Temperature:
• Increasing your body temperature during the day can help you sleep better at
• Don’t exercise or bathe too close to bedtime
• You can raise body temperature by exercising a few hours before bed
• You can raise body temperature by taking a warm bath for about 30 minutes
about two hours before bedtime
The Bedroom:
• Keep the same temperature in the bedroom throughout the night; make sure
that the temperature is not too warm.
• Overheating can disrupt deep sleep
• Brightly lit wall clocks can disrupt sleep
• Keep the room dark. (Note: A night light may be needed to safely get up in
the night to go to the restroom without falling.)
• Develop a “sound plan” to learn how to use sound to manage your tinnitus at
night (see p. 27).
- Also use constant low-level sound to keep other sounds from waking you
up. (See Appendix J for websites that offer tabletop sound machines.)
• Caffeine (a stimulant) should be discontinued at least 4-6 hours before
• Nicotine (a stimulant) should be avoided near bedtime and when you awaken
in the night*
• Alcohol (a depressant) causes awakenings later in the night even though it
might have helped you fall asleep*
• A light snack may be sleep-inducing but a heavy meal too close to bedtime
might interfere with sleep
*Check with your doctor before using any of these substances
“Knowledge is power.” Learning about tinnitus can help you manage it and
control your reactions to it. There are many good books and websites about
tinnitus. Be aware that some websites have wrong or misleading information.
Contact your audiologist if you have any questions.
Websites (Websites accessed January 16, 2010; this list does not comprise an
endorsement of any of these products or companies)
Websites for Information About Tinnitus
Tinnitus Video
We made a 13-minute video with basic information about tinnitus. You can
watch it on your computer via the NCRAR website (http://www.ncrar.research. If it does not work on your computer, contact
the NCRAR and request a copy.
Public Library
You can access the internet for free at a public library. If you don’t know how to
use the internet, a librarian will show you how. You can use the internet to
access the websites listed above. You can also borrow CDs and DVDs from
public libraries.
Any advice about tinnitus and hearing disorders given by this workbook is
general information. It is not a substitute for proper medical care. No
responsibility can be accepted for the outcome on any health problem on which
we may have commented in this way.
1. Schechter MA, Henry JA. Assessment and treatment of tinnitus patients
using a “masking approach.” Journal of the American Academy of
Audiology 2002;13:545-558.
2. Henry JA, Trune DR, Robb MJA, Jastreboff PJ. Tinnitus Retraining
Therapy: Clinical Guidelines. San Diego: Plural Publishing, Inc.; 2007.
3. Davis PB. Music and the acoustic desensitization protocol for tinnitus. In:
Tyler RS, editor. Tinnitus Treatment: Clinical Protocols. New York: Thieme
Medical Publishers, Inc.; 2006. p. 146-160.
4. Henry JA, Zaugg TL, Schechter MA. Clinical guide for audiologic tinnitus
management II: Treatment. American Journal of Audiology 2005;14:49-70.
5. Henry JL, Wilson PH. The Psychological Management of Chronic Tinnitus.
Needham Heights: Allyn & Bacon; 2001.
6. Henry JL, Wilson PH. Tinnitus: A Self-Management Guide for the Ringing
in Your Ears. Boston: Allyn & Bacon; 2002.
7. Henry JA, Zaugg TL, Myers PJ, Schechter MA. Progressive Audiologic
Tinnitus Management. The Asha Leader 2008;13(8):14-17.
8. Henry JA, Zaugg TL, Myers PJ, Schechter MA. The role of audiologic
evaluation in Progressive Audiologic Tinnitus Management. Trends in
Amplification 2008;12(3):169-184.
9. Henry JA, Zaugg TL, Myers PJ, Schechter MA. Using therapeutic sound
with Progressive Audiologic Tinnitus Management. Trends in Amplification
10. Henry JA, Dennis K, Schechter MA. General review of tinnitus: Prevalence,
mechanisms, effects, and management. Journal of Speech, Language, and
Hearing Research 2005;48(5):1204-1234.
11. Beck JS. Cognitive Therapy: Basics and Beyond. New York: Guilford; 1995.
12. DiSorga RM. Adverse drug reactions and audiology practice. Audiology
Today 2001;13(Special Issue: Drug Reactions):2-7.
13. Hazell J. Management of tinnitus. In: Ludman H, Wright T, editors. Diseases
of the Ear. London: Arnold; 1998. p. 202-215.
14. Perry BP, Gantz BJ. Medical and surgical evaluation and management of
tinnitus. In: Tyler RS, editor. Tinnitus Handbook. San Diego: Singular
Publishing Group; 2000. p. 221-241.
15. Dauman R. Electrical stimulation for tinnitus suppression. In: Tyler R,
editor. Tinnitus Handbook. San Diego: Singular Publishing Group; 2000.
p. 377-398.
16. Folmer RL, Carroll JR, Rahim A, Shi Y, Hal Martin W. Effects of repetitive
transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on chronic tinnitus. Acta Oto-
Laryngologica 2006;126(Supplement 556):96-101.
17. Langguth B, Hajak G, Kleinjung T, Pridmore S, Sand P, Eichhammer P.
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation and chronic tinnitus. Acta Oto-
Laryngologica 2006;126(Supplement 556):102-4.
18. Londero A, Langguth B, De Ridder D, Bonfils P, Lefaucheur JP. Repetitive
transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS): a new therapeutic approach in
subjective tinnitus? Neurophysiol Clin 2006;36(3):145-55.
19. Dobie RA. Clinical trials and drug therapy for tinnitus. In: Snow JB,
editor. Tinnitus: Theory and Management. Lewiston, NY: BC Decker Inc.;
2004. p. 266-277.
20. Kerns RD, Turk DC, Holzman AD, Rudy TE. Comparison of cognitive-
behavioral and behavioral approaches to the outpatient treatment of chronic
pain. Clinical Journal of Pain 1986;1:195-203.
21. Henry JA, Schechter MA, Nagler SM, Fausti SA. Comparison of Tinnitus
Masking and Tinnitus Retraining Therapy. Journal of the American
Academy of Audiology 2002;13:559-581.
22. Vernon JA, Meikle MB. Tinnitus masking. In: Tyler RS, editor. Tinnitus
Handbook. San Diego: Singular Publishing Group; 2000. p. 313-356.
23. Henry JA, Trune DR, Robb MJA, Jastreboff PJ. Tinnitus Retraining
Therapy: Patient Counseling Guide. San Diego: Plural Publishing, Inc.;
24. Jastreboff PJ. The neurophysiological model of tinnitus. In: Snow JB,
editor. Tinnitus: Theory and Management. Lewiston, NY: BC Decker Inc.;
2004. p. 96-107.
25. Jastreboff PJ. Tinnitus habituation therapy (THT) and tinnitus retraining
therapy (TRT). In: Tyler RS, editor. Tinnitus Handbook. San Diego:
Singular Publishing Group; 2000. p. 357-376.
26. Jastreboff PJ, Hazell JWP. Tinnitus Retraining Therapy: Implementing the
Neurophysiological Model. New York: Cambridge University Press; 2004.
27. Davis PB, Wilde RA, Steed LG. Trials of Tinnitus Desensitisation Music:
neurophysiology-influenced rehabilitation. In: Patuzzi R, editor.
Proceedings of the Seventh International Tinnitus Seminar. Crawley: The
University of Western Australia; 2002. p. 74-77.
28. Henry JA, Zaugg TL, Myers PJ, Kendall CJ, Turbin MB. Principles and
application of counseling used in Progressive Audiologic Tinnitus
Management. Noise and Health 2009;11(42):33-48.
29. Drew S, Davies E. Effectiveness of Ginkgo biloba in treating tinnitus:
double blind, placebo controlled trial. Bmj 2001;322(7278):73.
30. Dobie RA. A review of randomized clinical trials in tinnitus. The
Laryngoscope 1999;109:1202-1211.
31. Henry JA, Rheinsburg B, Zaugg T. Comparison of custom sounds for
achieving tinnitus relief. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology
32. Tchorz J. Utilizing Bluetooth for better speech understanding over the cell
phone. The Hearing Review 2005;12(1):50-51.
Changing Thoughts and Feelings Worksheet
1. From the Tinnitus Problem Checklist, write down one bothersome tinnitus situation
2. Check one 3. Write down the details for each skill you 4. Use your plan 5. Comments
or more of the will use over the next week. When you find
three skills to How helpful was something that works
manage the each exercise? well (or not so well)
situation please comment.
You do not need to
wait 1 week to write
Ve rate
your comments.
breathe Deep breathing
Relax Imagery
imagine Other
Plan pleasant
golf, write, walk Activity 1
activities Activity 2
dance, paint Activity 3
Old thought
Feel New thought
Changing Thoughts and Feelings Worksheet
1. From the Tinnitus Problem Checklist, write down one bothersome tinnitus situation
2. Check one 3. Write down the details for each skill you 4. Use your plan 5. Comments
or more of the will use over the next week. When you find
three skills to How helpful was something that works
manage the each exercise? well (or not so well)
situation please comment.
You do not need to
wait 1 week to write
Ve rate
your comments.
breathe Deep breathing
Relax Imagery
imagine Other
Plan pleasant
golf, write, walk Activity 1
activities Activity 2
dance, paint Activity 3
Old thought
Feel New thought
Changing Thoughts and Feelings Worksheet
1. From the Tinnitus Problem Checklist, write down one bothersome tinnitus situation
2. Check one 3. Write down the details for each skill you 4. Use your plan 5. Comments
or more of the will use over the next week. When you find
three skills to How helpful was something that works
manage the each exercise? well (or not so well)
situation please comment.
You do not need to
wait 1 week to write
Ve rate
your comments.
breathe Deep breathing
Relax Imagery
imagine Other
Plan pleasant
golf, write, walk Activity 1
activities Activity 2
dance, paint Activity 3
Old thought
Feel New thought
Changing Thoughts and Feelings Worksheet
1. From the Tinnitus Problem Checklist, write down one bothersome tinnitus situation
2. Check one 3. Write down the details for each skill you 4. Use your plan 5. Comments
or more of the will use over the next week. When you find
three skills to How helpful was something that works
manage the each exercise? well (or not so well)
situation please comment.
You do not need to
wait 1 week to write
Ve rate
your comments.
breathe Deep breathing
Relax Imagery
imagine Other
Plan pleasant
golf, write, walk Activity 1
activities Activity 2
dance, paint Activity 3
Old thought
Feel New thought
Changing Thoughts and Feelings Worksheet
1. From the Tinnitus Problem Checklist, write down one bothersome tinnitus situation
2. Check one 3. Write down the details for each skill you 4. Use your plan 5. Comments
or more of the will use over the next week. When you find
three skills to How helpful was something that works
manage the each exercise? well (or not so well)
situation please comment.
You do not need to
wait 1 week to write
Ve rate
your comments.
breathe Deep breathing
Relax Imagery
imagine Other
Plan pleasant
golf, write, walk Activity 1
activities Activity 2
dance, paint Activity 3
Old thought
Feel New thought
Descriptions of DVD and Audio CD
A DVD and a CD are attached to the back cover of this workbook. The DVD
contains four videos. The first two videos are about using sound to manage
reactions to tinnitus. The third and fourth videos are about two relaxation
techniques. The third video shows “deep breathing.” The fourth video shows
“imagery.” With the audio CD, a speaker explains how sound can be used to
manage reactions to tinnitus. The CD also includes sound tracks that
demonstrate many uses of sound for tinnitus.