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Guide Welding Iron Castings: 1. Scope and History

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2-89 (R2006)

Guide for
Welding Iron Castings

1. Scope and History base electrodes and rods were developed and are still in
use today.
1.1 Scope. The term cast iron encompasses a family of
New, more refined welding processes and procedures
ferrous alloys with a variety of metallurgical, mechani-
were developed to extend greatly the number of applica-
cal, and physical properties. The chemical composition
tions where welding is used. Shielded metal arc (SMAW),
and welding requirements of the metals vary within the
gas metal arc (GMAW), flux cored arc (FCAW) and
family. This document discusses the relative weldability
submerged arc (SAW) welding currently are popular arc
of various types of cast irons and the filler metals and
welding processes.
processes used to weld them. It recommends the steps for
Gas tungsten arc (GTAW) and proprietary processes
qualification of welding procedures, welding operators
are used in a variety of applications.
and welders, and requirements for the quality of welds.
2. Cast Iron - Its Metallurgy and
The terms welding procedure, welding operator, and
welder, are used as defined in the latest edition of ANSI/
AWS A3.0, Standard Welding Terms and Definitions. Weldability
1.2 History 2.1 Metallurgy
1.2.1 Types of Iron. Although iron has been used in 2.1.1 General. Cast iron may be described as an alloy
various forms for over two thousand years, iron castings of iron, carbon and silicon. All commercially produced
in the form used today evolved in Europe in the 15th and irons also contain manganese. They may be alloyed with
16th centuries. The microstructure of medieval castings nickel, chromium, copper, molybdenum, tin, antimony,
basically was gray iron with areas of white iron and vanadium, and other elements. The alloying elements
nonmetallic inclusions. Refinements in foundry practi- may be present individually or in combination.
ces and melt control resulted in a more uniform structure. The carbon content is in excess of the quantity that
Malleabilizing, a method of increasing the ductility of can be retained in solid solution by austenite. Thus,
white cast iron by heat treatment, was first developed in during solidification, a portion of the carbon separates
the early 1700’s. About a century later, black heart mal- from the melt as either iron carbide (Fe,C) or graphite. If
leable iron was developed. the cooling rate is rapid, the carbon rich phase will be
In the 19405, ductile (spheroidal graphite) iron was iron carbide. Elemental carbon (graphite) precipitates if
developed. The ductility is improved by spherodizing the the cooling rate is slow enough. The type of carbon
graphite by the addition of magnesium, rare earth ele- constituent and its shape (if graphite), in part, determines
ments, or both. the type and properties of cast iron. The phases present
The most recently developed form of cast iron is com- in the matrix also affect the properties; therefore, the
pacted graphite, a hybrid material with properties entire microstructure of the casting must be considered
between gray and ductile irons. when planning a suitable welding procedure.
1.2.2 Welding. Oxyfuel gas and arc welding of cast 2.1.2 Gray Iron. The most commonly used form of
iron did not gain wide acceptance until early in the 20th cast iron is gray iron. In this material, the excess carbon
century. The first filler metals were cast along with the precipitates as flakes of graphite in a matrix of ferrite,
iron castings so that the compositions were similar. pearlite, or a mixture of the two microconstituents (see
Later, both ferrous and nonferrous (copper or nickel) Figure 1). The resultant product has moderate strength,

ANSVAWS D11.2-89 (R2006)

Figure 1 - Gray Iron Microstructure Showing Random Flake Graphite Distribution

in a Matrix of Ferrite and Pearlite
Magnification 1OOx. Nital etch

excellent machinability and damping properties, but low ity and weldability, but increases hardness and abrasion
ductility. The material is low in cost and easily cast, and resistance. As a result, the presence of cementite in appli-
thus, is used extensively. Gray iron typically contains 2 cations subject to severe wear is often desirable. However,
to 4 percent carbon, 1 to 3 percent silicon and up to microstructures containing large amounts of cementite
1 percent manganese, and has tensile strength up to are quite prone to cracking and are essentially non-weld-
40 000 psi (276 MPa). able. These irons contain typically 2.5 to 3.8 percent
The microstructure and resulting properties of gray carbon, 0.2 to 2.8 percent silicon and, if designed for
iron may be altered by the addition of any of the fol- wear resistance, may contain up to 5.5 percent nickel, as
lowing elements: silicon (up to 6 percent), nickel (up much as 30 percent chromium, up to 6.5 percent molyb-
to 36 percent), copper (1.5 to 7.5 percent), chromium denum, and as much as 30 percent manganese. Tensile
(1 to 6 percent), molybdenum (up to I percent). Tensile strengths range from 23 000 to 90 OOO psi (160-620 MPa).
strength of these alloyed grades may be as high as
2.1.4 Malleable Iron. With heat treatment, white
80 000 psi (380 MPa). Microstructures may contain var-
iron may be transformed to a ductile form of cast iron
ious intermetallic compounds such as chromium or
known as malleable iron. During long-time heat treat-
molybdenum carbides, and the matrix may be austenitic
ment, up to 60 hours, at high temperatures, up to 1600"F
in nature. Because of the complexity of these alloy sys-
(87 I O C), the iron carbide dissociates, leaving a disper-
tems, special welding procedures are often required. Not
sion of graphite particles of approximately spherical
all grades of higher alloyed gray iron are weldable.
shape. If the furnace atmosphere is oxidizing in nature,
2.1.3 White Iron. If cooling is rapid (such as in a some of the carbon will be oxidized. This microstructure
water or oil quench or at times in the heat affected zone is called white heart malleable iron and is considered
of a weld), there is insufficient time for formation of quite weldable (see Figure 3). When the atmosphere is
graphite particles. The carbon remains in the metastable reducing, the full amount of carbon is retained. This
form of iron carbide (Fe,C, also called cementite) (see material, black heart malleable iron, is considered
Figure 2). This intermetallic compound is very brittle. Its unweldable. Malleable iron typically contains 2.0 to
abundance in the microstructure greatly reduces ductil- 2.8 percent carbon and 1.O to 1.7 percent silicon. Tensile

ANSVAWS D11.2-89 (R2006)

Figure 2 - White Iron Microstructure Showing Nearly Complete Carbon Solution

in a Matrix of Cementite (Iron Carbide)
Magnification 1OOx. Nital etch

Figure 3 -Malleable Iron Microstructure Showing Temper Carbon Nodule Distribution

in Ferrite and Pearlite
Magnification 1OOx. Nital etch

ANSVAWS D11.2-89 (R2006)

strengths range from 45000 to 90000 psi (310-620 weldments with acceptable properties. A few suggestions
MPa), with tensile elongations ranging from 2 to 20 per- are listed below:
cent. (1) Check the files for specifications, purchase
orders and other paperwork which might list the type.
2.1.5 Ductile Iron. By controlled addition of nodu- (2) Contact the manufacturer of the iron.
larizers, such as magnesium or rare earths, the excess (3) Study a small piece under the microscope.
carbon in the cast iron melt will form spherical particles (4) Run mechanical tests such as hardness, and
(see Figure 4). These materials possess the highest determine chemical composition.
strength and ductility of the cast iron family. Thus, close
control of welding practices is necessary to minimize 2.2 Difficulties in Welding Iron Castings. Because of
reduction of these optimum properties. Ductile iron the high carbon content and the various forms it can
(also called spheroidal or nodular iron) typically con- have in cast irons, as well as the wide range of micro-
tains 3 to 4 percent carbon, 1.8 to 2.8 percent silicon, and structures and chemical composition, cast irons are
0.7 percent manganese, maximum. Some manufacturers among the most difficult metals to weld. The following
of ductile iron restrict manganese content to a maximum paragraphs describe some of the sources of problems in
of 0.4 percent when impact properties are important. An >
welding cast irons and some recommended steps to alle-
increase of manganese in the heat affected zone during viate them.
welding can result in segregation at base metal grain
boundaries with a consequent reduction in impact resist- 2.2.1 The Weld Metal. The weld metal consists of the
ance of the weld. base metal which is melted during welding, plus any filler
Tensile strength range is 60 000 - 120 000 psi (410 - metal. When molten cast iron is cooled rapidly (as is the
830 MPa). case in an autogenous weld), the carbon is not rejected
As with gray irons, alloying additions are made to from the melt as graphite, but forms a hard, brittle iron
these types of iron to improve heat and corrosion resist- carbide which is susceptible to cracking and is difficult to
ance. These grades may contain 2 to 3 percent carbon, machine. The quantity of iron carbide formed can be
I to 6 percent silicon, 0.7 to 2.4 percent manganese, 18 to reduced by the addition of alloying elements, by use of
36 percent nickel, and up to 5.5 percent chromium. appropriate filler metal, or the use of a lowdilution
The matrix of the ductile iron may be varied by heat welding technique. Post weld heat treatment may reduce
treatment, alloying, and casting practices. The common or eliminate carbide in the weld metal.
“as cast” product is 65-45-12 [65 OOO psi (450 MPa) 2.2.2 Fusion Zone. There are three distinct regions in
tensile strength, 45 000 psi (3 10 MPa) yield strength, and the fusion zone. The first is the weld metal, which is a
12 percent elongation]. The matrix is ferrite with 10 to mixture of melted base metal and filler metal. The
20 percent pearlite. By annealing, the matrix becomes second is base metal which melts but does not mix with
ferritic, producing 6040-18 iron. the filler metal. The third is base metal which only par-
Several other higher strength grades are produced by tially melts. Carbide formation can be a problem in those
alloying or heat treatment: 80-5546,100-70-03, and 120- regions where mixing with the filler metal does not take
90-02. In general, as the strength of the iron increases, the place.
potential for welding problems also increases. Thus, the
lower strength grades should be easily welded, while 2.2.3 Heat Affected Zone. The heat affected zone is
satisfactory welding of higher strength grades will be that part of the base metal that reaches a temperature
more difficult. high enough to effect metallurgical changes, but not high
enough to cause any melting. In this zone, the graphite is
2.1.6 Compacted Graphite. The newest addition to not altered sufficiently to cause carbide problems. The
the cast iron family is compacted graphite iron. The matrix however, is transformed to a hard, martensitic
microstructure of this material may be described as structure upon rapid cooling. Brittleness associated with
intermediate between gray and ductile iron, giving it the martensite can be reduced by slow cooling or a
many of the features of both types (see Figure 5). Com- postweld heat treatment (PWHT).
pacted graphite iron has better machinability and damp-
ening characteristics than ductile iron and has improved 2.2.4 Welding Stresses. Expansion and contraction
ductility over gray iron. Since the material is new to the associated with the welding process may cause distortion
market at the time of this writing, little information is and residual stresses in any material. These stresses may
available regarding welding procedures. cause cracking in iron castings with low ductility and in
areas of reduced ductility such as the fusion zone. Resid-
2.1.7 Identification. Determination of the type of ual stresses can be reduced by proper control of preheat,
cast iron being welded is essential to producing sound welding procedures, peening, and by PWHT.

ANSI/AWS D11.2-89 (R2006)

Figure 4 -Ductile Iron Microstructure Showing Nodular Graphite Distribution

in a Matrix of Ferrite and Pearlite
Magnification 1OOx. Nital etch

Figure 5 Compacted Graphite Microstructure Showing Mixture of Flake and
Nodular Graphite Distribution in a Matrix of Ferrite and Pearlite
Magnification 1OOx. Nital etch

ANSVAWS D11.2-89 (R2006)

2.2.5 Porosity. Gases emitted during welding may 2.3.1 Development of Weldability Test. Initial tests
cause porosity in the weld deposit. Such gases may result consisted of making an autogenous arc spot weld on the
from volatile materials in the casting or from reactions cast base metal with the gas tungsten arc welding process
between filler metals and atmospheres. The graphite in and attempting to evaluate the extent of cracking in the
cast irons absorbs and retains lubricants and other weld (see Figure 6). The tests were then refined to include
liquids which permeate the entire section. When the travel of the torch and addition of preheating.
material is welded, these liquids escape in a gaseous form The test method finally developed consists of auto-
and are trapped in the weld metal as porosity. Most geneous bead-on-casting welds made by a standard weld
porosity problems attributable to contaminants in the technique at various test temperatures to determine the
base metal can be avoided by proper preparation of the minimum temperature (called no-crack temperature) at
casting before welding (see 3.1). which there was no cracking in the test weld (see Figure
7). The test method is described in detail in Appendix A.
2.3 AWS Weldability Test Program. Available litera- 2.3.2 Weldability Test Results. When all the speci-
ture on welding cast irons did not yield specific infor- mens had been welded and the no-crack temperature
mation on the weldability of cast iron base materials, established for each, efforts were made to relate these
especially on the relative weldability of the various types results to some other variable that could be used to
of cast irons. For this reason, the Committee on Welding establish the nocrack temperature independent of this
Iron Castings undertook an investigation into the rela- test. Variables evaluated were base metal type and
tive weldability of the various types of cast irons. strength as grouped by M number, weld and HAZ hard-
The committee considered the existing standard weld- ness, and chemical composition.
ability tests such as Varestraint, Cruciform, Lehigh, and Table I compares the no-crack temperatures to the
Houldcroft. It was found that these either required more base metal type, actual strength, and M number from
base metal ductility than is found in some cast irons, used ANSI/ AWS B2.1-84, Standard for Welding Procedure
a filler metal, or were expensive and time consuming to and Performance Qualijication. Since there is no appar-
prepare. It was decided, therefore, to develop a new test ent correlation of any of these items to the no-crack
which would be practical, simple, repeatable, and did not temperature, strength and “M” number are not suitable
require a filler metal. for establishing the weldability of iron castings.


Figure 6 - Grade 80-60-03 Ductile Iron GTAW Spot Weld Specimen (No Filler Metal).
Test Temperature as Indicated

ANSVAWS D11.2-89 (R2006)

Table 2 compares the no-crack temperatures to the especially for cast irons was found, and the results
hardness of weld and HAZ of the test specimens welded showed a definite correlation when plotted against the
at the no-crack test temperatures. The hardnesses were CE values calculated from this formula:
measured with Rockwell hardness testers on the A and B
CE #I = C +0.31Si +0.33P +0.45S -0.028Mn*
scales, and the values were converted to Brine11 for com-
parison purposes. For all the base metals tested, there There was still considerable scatter, so the committee
was considerable overlap of hardness data for the welds evaluated the chemical composition of the specimens
and heat affected zones, and no clear cut pattern or trend further and found significant amounts of copper, nickel,
can be seen when the hardness values are compared. chromium, and molybdenum were present. The formula
Based on this information, it was determined that hard- was then modified to take these elements into account as
ness is not a suitable criterion for determining the welda- follows:
bility of iron castings.
Table 3 gives the chemical composition of the cast CE #2 = C +0.31Si +0.33P +0.45S -0.028Mn + Mo + Cr
irons tested in this program, and Figure 8 is a plot of the -0.02Ni -0.OlCu
calculated carbon equivalent versus the measured no- The results plotted in Figure 8 are based on CE #2, and
crack temperature. From this graph it can be seen that are valid for castings with a total copper, nickel, chrom-
the chemical composition is directly related to the no- ium, and molybdenum content of 1.5 percent maximum.
crack temperature and that the type of material (gray, Weldability of higher alloy cast irons should be deter-
malleable or ductile iron) has no apparent influence. The mined by testing by the user.
tolerance band has a temperature width of
(33OC), and a carbon equivalent width of f0.20. A 2.3.4 Discussion of Results. These tests were not con-
complete listing of all test results (hardness, mechanical ducted to determine a preheat temperature for specific
properties, and weld tests) are given in Appendix A. base metals and should not be used for that purpose.

2.3.3 Carbon Equivalent Formula. In attempting to

plot the no-crack temperature values against the carbon
equivalent (CE), it was found that the conventional CE *Ductile Iron, f i e State ofthe Art. Chicago, IL: S.I., Karsay,
formula for steels was not applicable. A CE formula Miller & Co. (1980) p 47.


Figure 7 - Grade 80-60-03 Ductile Iron GTAW Weld Bead Specimen (No Filler Metal).
Test Temperature as Indicated

ANSI/AWS D11.2-89 (R2006)

Table 1
Comparison of No-Crack Temperature to Material
Type, Strength, and "My'Number
No-Crack Material Tensile Yield "M"
Temperature Type (Psi) (MPa) (psi) (MPa) Number
<70°F (20°C) Malleable 48 OOO 31 OOO 2c
<70°F (20°C) Malleable 78 OOO 50 OOO 2D
<70"F (20°C) Malleable 95 OOO 59 OOO 2E
<70°F (20°C) Malleable 106 OOO 66 OOO 2E
1 10°F (43°C) Gray 45 OOO ~
290'F (145°C) Gray 52 000 - 2B
450'F (230°C) Ductile 64 000 48 500 *
450" F (230°C) Ductile 109 OOO 55 000 *
460°F (240°C) Gray 46 000 - 2A
520°F (270°C) Ductile 132 OOO 111 OOO *
520" F (270°C) Gray 36 OOO - 2A
630°F (330°C) Ductile 97 OOO 69 OOO *
*Not classified in AWS B2.1-84.

Table 2
Comparison of No-Crack Temperature to
Weld and HA2 Hardness
Hardness (BHN) Material (REF)
No-Crack Strength
Temperature Weld HAZ Type ksi (MW
<70°F (20°C) 534-561 152-212 Malleable 50 (238)
<70°F (20°C) 546- 561 331-444 Malleable 70 (333)
I 10°F (43OC) 561 -575 421 -485 Gray 45 (2 14)
290°F (145OC) 564-587 432-519 Gray 50 (238)
450°F (230°C) 534- 591 223 - 255 Ductile 65 (309)
450" F (230°C) 566-61 1 241 -444 Ductile 80 (380)
460°F (240°C) 5 19- 587 27 1 - 353 Gray 40 (190)
520" F (270°C) 591 -61 1 321-444 Ductile I20 (570)
520°F (270°C) 546 - 587 286 - 326 Gray 34 (162)
630°F (330°C) 465-611 269 - 285 Ductile 100 (475)

Filler metal selection, weld heat input, and peening are It is therefore recommended that classification of iron
some variables which can compensate for lack of pre- castings for welding qualifications be based on a carbon
heat. The tests were run to determine if some measure of equivalent value rather than the existing material-
the relative weldability of iron castings could be found strength rating system of "M" numbers, especially when
apart from conducting an elaborate test. It is suggested applying existing qualified procedures to cast iron base
that the carbon equivalent is a good ranking process and metals other than those used in the specific qualification
is more realistic than the present "M" number classifi- tests.
cation system in ANSI/ AWS B2.1-84, which recognizes This information can be used in two ways:
only differences in casting types and mechanical prop- ( 1) When an existing qualified welding procedure is
erties. to be used on a new application, it should be successful if

ANSVAWS D11.2-89 (R2006)

Table 3
Chemical Composition
Specimen C Mn P S Si Ni Cr Mo Cu Mg CE#l CE#2

Gray Iron
G1 3.25 0.58 0.017 0.062 1.75 0.22 0.08 0.34 0.09 - 3.81 1 4.226
G2 2.53 0.99 0.019 0.064 1.61 0.03 0.11 0.35 0.74 - 3.036 3.488
G3 2.62 1.00 0.022 0.066 1.66 0.03 0.11 0.02 0.04 - 3.144 3.273
G4 3.48 1.00 0.043 0.093 1.78 0.49 0.17 0.03 0.17 - 4.060 4.248

Ductile Iron
D1 3.60 0.29 0.029 0.016 2.31 0.05 0.04 0.01 0.88 0.026 4.325 4.365
D2 3.67 0.29 0.028 0.006 2.20 0.06 0.04 0.20 1.32 0.022 4.356 4.582
D3 3.63 0.28 0.027 0.005 2.23 0.05 0.04 0.01 0.96 0.023 4.324 4.363
D4 3.51 0.43 0.030 0.014 2.37 0.88 0.10 0.03 0.10 0.025 4.248 4.359

Malleable Iron
M1 2.42 0.73 0.015 0.030 1.54 0.04 0.05 0.01 0.10 - 2.896 2.954
M2 2.38 0.59 0.015 0.031 1.54 0.04 0.05 0.01 0.08 - 2.859 2.917
M3 2.21 0.94 0.027 0.050 1.51 0.05 0.03 0.01 __ . . 2.684 2.723
M4 2.30 0.87 0.025 0.049 1.52 0.05 0.03 0.01 - - 2.777 2.816

the carbon equivalent of the metal to be welded is lower liquid penetrant quickly spreads to give the appearance
than the carbon equivalent of the base metal used in the of a continuous crack. Figure 15 shows a cross section
qualification test. The committee is recommending that through one of these indications in the HAZ. It appears
welding procedures be limited to 1.1 times the CE of the to be a microcrack connecting several graphite flakes,
base metal without requalification. caused by the high residual stress imposed during cool-
(2) When a new procedure needs to be qualified on ing of the weld. Test temperatures in excess of 1 100" F
a cast iron with a higher CE, a comparison of the CE's of (593OC) did not eliminate these cracks. The cracks occur
the qualified base metal to the new base metal in con- in the HAZ because this is the hardest area of the weld-
junction with Figure 8 can assist in establishing a new ment, and it has the least ductility and the most notch
preheat temperature for the new procedure. sensitivity.
2.3.6 Weldability. Since the test developed for weld-
2.3.5 Metallographic Examination. Figures 9 through
ability of cast iron is unique to these base metals, the
13 are representative photomicrographs of the weld,
weldability of a specific iron casting is relative only to
HAZ, and base metal of Grade 35 gray iron, Grade
50005 malleable iron, Grade 100-70-03 ductile iron, and other iron castings. It may be determined by either of two
Grade 120-9092 ductile iron, tested in this program. The methods:
(1) Establish the test temperature at which cracking
compacted graphite iron, Figure 13, is included for refer-
ence only, as it was received too late to be tested with the will not occur when welded according to the established
other iron castings. test method, and locate this temperature on the CE #2
The photographs show the nearly complete dissolu- versus Temperature graph. The lower this no-crack
tion of the graphite flakes or nodules in the weld metal, temperature, the more weldable the specific iron casting.
the effect of heat (HAZ) on the matrix but not the (2) Determine the carbon equivalent from the CE
graphite in the base materials. #2 formula (modified Karsay) and locate this value on
the CE #2 versus Temperature graph. The lower this CE,
Shallow cracks, shaped like a racetrack, occurred at
the toe in the HAZ of all weld beads on gray iron the more weldable the specific ironcasting.
specimens (see Figure 14). This is common even when 2.3.7 Future Research. While the Committee has
filler metal is added. During liquid penetrant examina- developed some basic data, subsequent evaluation of
tion, the crack is first visible as a series of minute indica- that data revealed that additional work needs to be
tions in very close proximity to each other, then the performed in several areas.

ANSVAWS D11.2-89 (R2006)

No. Type Grade
G1 GRAY 40
G2 GRAY 50
G3 GRAY 45
(370OC) D1 DUCTILE 80-55-06
D2 DUCTILE 100-70-03
03 DUCTILE 120-90-02
D4 DUCTILE 65-45-12
(315OC) M4 MALLEABLE M5003


u1 500°F
5 (26OOC

2 (205OC

300° F



- M4 M2

CE #2 (C f 0.31 Si f 0.33 P f 0.45 S - 0.028 M n f Mo f Cr - 0.02 Ni - 0.01 Cu)

Figure 8 -Relation of No-Crack Temperature to C.E. #2 for Several Grades of Iron Castings

ANSVAWS D11.2-89 (R2006)

First, the test data should be duplicated by others to 2.4.1 Effects of Contaminants. When heat is trans-
verify the repeatability of the test, and thereby its reliabil- mitted into the casting from a welding arc, the contami-
ity. Second, the validity of the Carbon Equivalent #2 nants volatilize and become gaseous. The pressure from
Formula when applied to highly alloyed cast iron, needs the escaping gases repel or force the molten weld metal
to be established. Third, the maximum HAZ hardness of away from the base metal, causing incomplete fusion and
welds made according to the weldability test conditions porosity at the base of the weld bead. These discontinui-
with the base metal at room temperature should be ties greatly reduce the strength of the weld, frequently
compared to the no-crack temperatures of the cast irons, causing failures.
to see if there is any correlation. The surface of most iron castings often contain exces-
sive concentrations of sulfur and phosphorus which
2.4 Preweld Testing for Weldability. The AWS welda-
should be removed by grinding prior to welding. Sand
bility test program established a correlation between the
inclusions are also frequently present near the surface
chemical composition of a cast iron and its tendency to
and into the casting itself. Due to the porous nature of
crack when welded according to the standard test
cast iron, castings which have been in service for a period
method described in 2.3 and Appendix A. These data
of time and have been exposed to grease, oil, chemicals,
should not be used to establish a preheat temperature for
etc. will absorb these contaminants into the pores of
a particular casting to be welded. There are many other
the iron casting. It is important to preweld test for the
factors which also affect the ability to make a good weld
presence of any of these contaminants prior to welding.
on iron castings, such as filler metal, peening, and heat
input. In addition, local contaminants such as phos- 2.4.2 Preweld Testing for Contaminants. In the area
phorous and sulfur in the skin of the casting, trapped where the welding will be done, with the electrode
sand, absorbed lubricants or other materials can be selected for the cast iron repair, weld a short stringer
sources of poor weldability. bead approximately two to three inches long, remove the

4 L+ 7 - h

Figure 9 Gray Iron ASTM A48, Grade 35, Typical Microstructure Showing As-quenched
Weld Metal, Partially Hardened Heat Affected Zone, and Unaffected Base Metal
(Note the Unaffected Graphite in HAZ and Base Metal) (50x Magnification)

ANSVAWS D11.2-89 (R2006)


r -

Figure 10 -Malleable Iron ASTM A220, Grade 50005, Typical Microstructure of

Temper Carbon Nodules, in Coarse Dendritic Matrix
(Note Isolated Graphite in Islands of Martensitic Matrix in HAZ) (50x Magnification)

r -

Figure 11 -Ductile Iron ASTM A536, Grade 100-70-03, Showing Nearly Uniform
Nodular Graphite Distribution, Including Isolated Nodules in Weld Metal
(50x Magnification)

ANSI/AWS D11.2-89 (R2006)



4 e 4 4<

Figure 13 - Compacted Graphite Showing a Typical Microstructure of the Weld and HA2
(50x Magnification)

ANSVAWS D11.2-89 (R2006)

will solidify before the gas formed can travel to the top of
the weld bead. The resyltant weld bead may appear
sound, but excessive amounts of gas may be trapped,
forming porosity and islands of incomplete fusion at the
base of the weld bead. This can be detected only by
Caution: If the preweld test bead is applied without
preheat, it should be in an area that does not require
subsequent machining.
2.4.3 In situations where high phosphorous content,
sand inclusions, severe oxidation, or extensive carburi-
zation exist, this test may also indicate to the experienced
user the suitability of the filler metal selected or whether
a fusion welding process is a viable choice. Danger sig-
nals are a collapsing base metal appearance resulting in
excessive undercut, and lack of wetting during the test.
2.4.4 The test can also be used to select filler metal.
Figure 14 Weld Toe Crack in Specimen of For example, it is known that welds made with high
nickel filler metals are severely embrittled by phosphor-
Gray Iron Welded Without
ous or sulphur. Thus, a cracked weld bead may indicate
Filler Metal Using GTAW the presence of too much of these elements.

The following items should be evaluated when weld-

ing cast iron, regardless of the type of iron being welded,
or the process, equipment, electrode, or filler metal being
3.1 Base Metal Preparation. If a sound weld is to be
produced, it must be made on a sound, clean, base metal.
Thus, when a crack or linear defect is to be repaired, it
should be completely removed before welding is begun.
The same is true when repairing casting tears, porosity,
shrinkage defects, inclusions, and other defects. The
defect must be completely removed.
Figure 15 Photomicrograph of HAZ Weld Casting skins, coatings, sand, rust, paint, oil, grease,
moisture, dirt, and other materials may cause weld dis-
Toe Crack Shown in Figure 14
continuities unless removed prior to welding. Castings
(Unetched, 15x Magnification) which have been exposed to high temperatures during
service may be oxidized or carburized. Before repair, all
affected metal in the weld area should be removed.
slag, and grind the weld bead back to the original surface Baking at a temperature in the range 700-900"F
of the cast iron. A dense, porosity free surface where the (370-480" C) will remove most absorbed oil and grease.
weld bead was applied should remain after grinding. Casting components, such as submersible pump parts,
However, if porosity is in evidence, some form of contam- may be impregnated with silt or sand which makes clean-
ination is present and must be removed before welding ing and subsequent welding difficult. Baking and preheat
(see 3.1). Cast irons containing agreat deal of contamina- do not alleviate this situation.
tion usually exhibit excessive porosity throughout the One method of repair is to apply a weld bead and
weld bead, and it is evident without grinding. However, grind, repeating until the casting surface is sealed and
where lesser amounts are present, the molten weld metal free of defects.


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