Supplement F - Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping: American Welding Society
Supplement F - Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping: American Welding Society
Supplement F - Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping: American Welding Society
Supplement F—
Chemical Plant
and Petroleum
Refinery Piping
AWS QC7-93
Standard for
AWS Certified Welders
Prepared by
AWS Qualification and Certification Committee
Approved by
AWS Board of Directors
This Supplement F to AWS standard QC7-93 describes testing administrated by Accredited Test Facilities to the
requirements of AWS QC4. The welder performance testing for this Supplement was developed using ANSI/ASME
B31.3, Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping, and ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX,
Welding and Brazing Qualifications as reference.
All standards (codes, specifications, recommended practices, methods, classifications, and guides) of the American
Welding Society are voluntary consensus standards that have been developed in accordance with the rules of the
American National Standards Institute. When AWS standards are either incorporated in or made a part of, documents
that are included in federal, or state laws and regulations or the regulations of other government bodies, their provisions
carry the full legal authority of the statute. In such cases, any changes in those AWS standards must be approved by the
governmental body having statutory jurisdiction before they can become a part of those laws and regulations. In all
cases, these standards carry the full legal authority of the contract or other document that invokes the AWS standards.
Where this contractual relationship exists, changes in or deviations from requirement of an AWS standard must be by
agreement between the contracting parties.
American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, P.O. Box 351040, Miami, Florida 33135
Note: The primary purpose of the American Welding Society (AWS) is to serve and benefit its members. To this end,
AWS provides a forum for the exchange, consideration and discussion of ideas and proposals that are relevant to the
welding industry and the consensus of which forms the basis for these standards, By providing such a forum, AWS does
not assume any duties to which a user of these standards may be required to adhere. By publishing this standard, the
AWS does not ensure anyone using the information it contains against any liability arising from that use. Publication of
a standard by the AWS does not carry with it any right to make, use, or sell any patented items. Users of the information
in this standard should make an independent investigation of the validity of that information for their particular use and
the patent status of any item referred to herein.
With regard to technical inquiries made concerning AWS standards, oral opinions on AWS standards may be rendered.
However, such opinions represent only the personal opinions of the particular individuals giving them. These
individuals do not speak on behalf of AWS, nor do these opinions constitute official or unofficial opinions or
interpretation of AWS. In addition, oral opinions are informal and should not be used as a substitute for an official
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the AWS Qualification and Certification Committee. It must be
reviewed every five years and if not revised, it must be either reapproved or withdrawn. Comments (recommendations,
additions, or deletions) and any pertinent data that may be of use in improving this standard are requested and should be
addressed to: Director, Qualification and Certification Department, American Welding Society Headquarters. Such
comments will receive careful consideration by the AWS Qualification and Certification Committee and the author of
the comments will be informed of the committee's response to the comments. Guests are invited to attend all meetings
of the AWS Qualification and Certification Committee to express their comments verbally. Procedures for appeal of an
adverse decision concerning all such comments are provided in the Rules of Operation of the Qualification and
Certification Committee. A copy of these Rules can be obtained from the American Welding Society, 550 N.W.
LeJeune Road, P.O. Box 351040, Miami, Florida 33135.
• Advisor
AWS Certification of Welders/Welding Operators Subcommittee (QCE)
(This Foreword is not a part of the Supplement F to AWS QC7-93, Standard for AWS Certified Welders, but is
included only for information.)
This standard contains the criteria for AWS Certified Welder Program and the AWS National Registry of Welders.
Listing on the AWS National Registry of Welders is at the option of the individual welder.
This Supplement F should be used in conjunction with AWS QC7-93, Standard for AWS Certification of Welders.
This Supplement is not a standard unto itself and shall be considered only as a supplementary part of AWS QC7-93.
This Supplement F to AWS QC7-93, specifies requirements intended to provide an option for employers to certify
Comments and suggestions for the improvement of this standard are welcome. They should be sent to the Secretary,
Qualification and Certification Committee, American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, P.O. Box 351040,
Miami, Florida 33135.
Official interpretations of any of the technical requirements of this standard may be obtained by sending a request, in
writing, to the Director of Qualification and Certification Department, American Welding Society. A formal reply will
be issued after it has been reviewed by the appropriate personnel following established procedures.
Table of Contents
Page No.
Personnel iii
Foreword v
Fl. Scope F-l
Fl.l Program F-l
F1.2 Exclusion F-l
F1.3 Limitation F-l
F1.4 Safety Precautions F-l
F2. Definitions F-l
F3. Responsibilities Regarding AWS Certified Welders F-l
F3.1 Employer Responsibility F-l
F3.2 Employer Obligation F-l
F3.3 AWS Q&C Department Responsibility F-2
F4. Provisions for Testing F-2
F4.1 Welding Procedure Specifications F-2
F4.2 Test Facilities F-2
F5. Certification Requisites F-2
F5.1 Test Control F-2
F5.2 Test Responsibilities F-2
F6. Performance Tests F-2
F6.1 Identification F-2
F6.2 Verification F-2
F6.3 Safety Equipment F-2
F6.4 Eye Correction F-2
F6.5 Machine Adjustment F-2
F6.6 Material Check F-2
F6.7 Preparation of Pipe Coupons F-2
F6.8 Fit-Up F-2
F6.9 Position Control F-2
F6.10 Positioning of Test Pipe F-3
F6.ll Power Tools F-3
F7. Examination Methods and Acceptance Standards F-3
F7.1 Visual Examination F-3
F7.2 Mechanical Testing F-3
F7.3 Radiographic Examination F-3
F8. Retests F-3
F8.1 Immediate Retest F-3
F8.2 Retest After Further Training F-3
F9. Documentation of Welder Performance Qualifications F-3
F10. Period of Effectiveness F-3
Fll. Welder Certification Card F-3
Page No.
QC-WF1A — Welder Qualification Test Record
QC-WF3A — Maintenance of Certification
Supplement F
Chemical Plant and
Petroleum Refinery Piping
F1.4 Safety Precautions. Safety precautions shall con- F3.2.4 The employer shall maintain a record of
form to the latest edition of ANSI/ASC Z49.1, Safety in performance for each welder during their period(s) of
Welding and Cutting, published by the American Welding employment.
Society. F3.2.5 The employer is responsible for all work per-
formed by their employees and therefore should verify
that the welders' qualifications) apply to the employer's
F2. Definitions work.
The terms used in this Supplement are as defined in F3.2.6 The use of previous qualifications require the
ANSI/AWS A3.0-89, Standard Welding Terms and Defi- approval of the Inspector (see paragraph 32S.S of ASME
B31.3). The employer is responsible for obtaining such F5.2.4 The Test Supervisor may allow a welder to
approval. retest immediately or may require additional training or
practice prior to retesting in accordance with F8. Retests.
F3.2.7 The employer or a company representative
shall witness as co-supervisor of the qualification test. F5.2.5 The Test Supervisor shall be responsible for
the enforcement of the test shop safety rules, procedures,
F3.3 Q&C Department Responsibilities. The Q&C
and housekeeping as required by the Test Facility QA
Department shall complete the responsibilities defined
in AWS QC7-93, 3.3. Manual.
F5.2.6 The employer, or a company representative,
shall witness as co-supervisor of the qualification test.
F4. Provisions for Testing
F4.1 Welding Procedure Specification (WPS). The F6. Performance Test
WPS's referenced in this Supplement were qualified F6.1 Identification. The applicant shall be assigned an
using ASME Section IX as a reference. The welding of identifying letter, symbol or number coded to the appli-
the test pipe(s) for the AWS Welder Certification pro- cant and this identifier shall be marked on test materials
gram shall be performed in accordance with WPS's and records to identify the applicant.
referenced in the Performance Test Description con-
tained in this Supplement. Providing written WPS's for Fti.2 Verification. Prior to the initiation of welding,
production welding applications is the employer's re- the applicant's photographic identification shall be
sponsibility, as defined in ASME B31.3, paragraph 328.2. checked and verified by the Test Supervisor.
F4.2 Test Facilities. The test facilities for the AWS F6.3 Safety Equipment The applicant shall use per-
Welder Certification program shall comply with the cri- sonal safety equipment applicable for the welding proc-
teria of AWS QC7-93,4, Provisions for Testing. ess. The safety requirements of the Accredited Test
Facility shall conform to the requirements of ANSI/ASC
Z49.1 and shall be followed by the welder.
F5. Certification Requisites F6.4 Eye Correction. The Test Supervisor shall note
the use of and type of eye correction on the Welder
F5.1 Test Control Qualification Test Record. The welder's certification
F5.1.1 Welder qualification tests shall be performed card shall also reflect eye correction use.
in accordance with the written WPS's and the Perform- F6.5 Machine Adjustment. Before starting the quali-
ance Test Description. fication test, the welder shall adjust the machine settings
F5.1.2 Performance Test Descriptions shall include to meet those of the WPS.
the welding variables for each test. F6.6 Material Check. The base material and filler metal
F5.1.3 Each Performance Test Description shall de- identifications shall be verified by the Test Supervisor
fine the limits of qualification of each test based on the prior to tack welding.
requirements of ASME Section IX. F6.7 Preparation of Pipe Coupons. All applicants tak-
F5.2 Test Responsibility ing the Performance Test (F2) for unlimited qualification
shall be required to prepare (by manual thermal cutting)
F5.2.1 Qualification testing shall be performed under their own coupons in the horizontal fixed (5G) and
the direction of a person designated as the Test Supervi- vertical fixed (2G) positions. Smoothness of cut surface
sor, who shall be a current AWS Certified Welding shall be evaluated without grinding. The AWS C4.1-77,
Inspector (CWI) in accordance with AWS QC1, Stan- Surface Roughness Guide for Oxygen Cutting, Sample
dard for Qualification and Certification of Welding #3, shall be the acceptance criteria. Maximum allowable
Inspectors. tolerance (squareness) across the pipe shall be no greater
than 1/8 in. as verified by the Test Supervisor.
F5.2.2 The Test Supervisor shall be responsible for
the performance qualification in accordance with this F6.8 Fit-up. The applicant shall assemble the specified
Supplement. test assembly(ies) for welding in accordance with the
F5.2.3 At any time during qualification testing, if the WPS. The test assembly shall be verified by the Test
Test Supervisor determines that the welder does not Supervisor.
exhibit the skill necessary to perform the test satisfacto- F6.9 Position Control. The Test Supervisor shall wit-
rily, the test may be terminated. ness the placement of each test assembly in the specified
welding position and shall mark the test assembly or plete retest of the types and positions failed, shall be
secure it in such a manner that it remains in the specified made.
position until welding has been completed.
F6.10 Repositioning of the Test Pipe. The test pipe
shall not be repositioned prior to completion of the test.
F9. Documentation of Welder
All cleaning, grinding, chipping of slag or other in- Performance Qualifications
process operations shall be performed with the test as- The welder performance qualification data and the
sembly in the specified welding position. Evidence of results of the examination and testing shall be recorded
removal of the test assembly, or movement from the on Form QC-WF1A, contained herein. Records of appli-
original location, except by accidental means (subject to cants that meet the requirements shall be processed in
concurrence by the Test Supervisor) shall be cause for accordance with AWS QC7-93.
test termination.
F6.ll Power Tools. Any use, or lack of use, of power
tools shall be noted on the Welding Qualification Test F10. Period of Effectiveness
Record by the Test Supervisor. The initial certification is valid for six months from
the date of completion of the examination results and
signature by the Test Supervisor. Thereafter, the certifi-
F7. Examination Methods and cation may be considered as remaining in effect indefi-
Acceptance Standards nitely (see F12) unless (1) the welder is not engaged in
the given welding process for which the welder is certi-
F7.1 Visual Examination. The test pipe(s) shall meet fied for a period exceeding six months, or (2) there is
the visual acceptance criteria defined in ASME B31.3 some specific reason to question the welder's ability.
Table K 341.3.2A, Acceptance Criteria For Welds, nor-
mal fluid service, girth groove. The visual examination
shall be performed by a Test Supervisor. FU. Welder Certification Card
F7.2 Mechanical Testing. The mechanical testing and The Welder Certification Card is issued by AWS in
acceptance criteria shall comply with ASME Section IX accordance with AWS QC7-93.
(QW302.1). The Test Supervisor shall interpret the test
F7.3 Radiographic Examination. Radiographic exam-
F12. Maintenance of Certification
ination (when allowed and used as an alternate to me- Welders may maintain their certification indefinitely
chanical testing) shall meet the acceptance criteria as by the use of documented verification of performance in
defined in ASME Section IX (QW302.2). The personnel qualified welding process(es). The welder must submit
performing the radiographic examination shall be quali- completed form QC-WF3 as a minimum, covering each
fied to a written practice prepared in accordance with process for which qualified, and covering each six month
ASNT SNT-TC-1A, Level I or Level II. The personnel period. The date of certification expiration is extended
interpreting the film shall be qualified to Level II. for six months from the date of the last use of the
process(es), as verified on the form received, and accept-
ed by the AWS Q&C Department. Form submittals must
F8. Retests be in accordance with QC7-93, 11, Maintenance of
In case the welder performance test fails to meet the
requirements of one or more test welds, a retest may be
allowed under the following conditions: F13. Renewal of Certification
F8.1 Immediate Retest. An immediate retest may be Renewal of certifications shall be in accordance with
made consisting of two welds of each type and position AWS QC7-93,12, Renewal of Certification.
that the welder failed. All retest specimens shall meet all
of the specified requirements when examined by the
same method(s) used in examination of the failed part(s). F14. Revocation
F8.2 Retest After Further Training. An additional The AWS Certification of a welder may be revoked in
retest may be made, provided there is documented evi- accordance with the administrative procedures defined
dence that the welder has had further training. A com- in AWS QC7-93,13, Revocation.
Positions: ALL
Access Restrictions: Greater than 5 in. clearance required from the pipe joint in all directions
Pipe/tube Dla.: 2-7/8 in. outside diameter and larger
1/30/93 REV
Thermal Cut Test Acceptance Criteria: In the manual "as-cut" condition, the end of the bevel shall not be more than
1/8 in. out of square with the pipe wall, the minimum acceptable surface will be per sample #3 of the AWS C4.1 -G Oxygen
Cutting Surface Roughness Gauge, and the bevel must be smooth and uniform without grinding or touch up.
Welding Positions: Restricted Access: One horizontal axis, fixed-pipe (5GR) and one vertical axis, fixed-pipe (2GR), —
See "Restricted" Test Assemblies.
Vertical Welding Progression: Upward
Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) No: F100
Test Required: Visual (Table K341.24 of ASME B31.3), plus guided bends for each pipe (2G positions: 2 sidebend; 5Q
position: 4 sidebends). Radiography may be used in lieu of bends (ASME Sect IX, QW 302.2 and QW 304).
Positions: ALL
1/30/93 REV
Name Identification #
Visual test results - cut quality NA a Pass a Fail D Bend test results NA a Pass O Fail a
Visual test results-weld quality Pass a Fail a Radiographic test results NA o Pass a Fail O
The above named person is qualified for the welding process(es) used in this test within the limits of essential variables
shown above. I hereby certify that I was not involved in the training of the above named individual as a welder:
Date Tested Signed by.
Test Supervisor
Test Facility AWS CWI No.
Signed by
Corporate Representative Title
P-No.** 1 Group Nos. 1 or 2 to P-Nos. 1 Group Nos. 1 or 2
Thickness Range:
Base Metal: Groove 1/16 TO 3/4 in. Fillet ALL THICKNESS
PassrfM: E6010
Balance: E7018
Page 2
Preheat Temp. Min.: 50°F Shielding Gas: NONE
Interpass Temp. Max: 650°F
Preheat Maintenance: NONE
Current AC or DC: DC Polarity EP
Amps (Range): 50-130 Volts (Range): 20-30 FOR F3 Filler
Amps (Range): 80-145 Volts (Range): 20-30 FOR F4 Filler
String or Weave Bead: STRING OR WEAVE
Orifice or Gas Cup Size: NONE
Initial & Interpass cleaning (Brush, Grind, etc): POWER BRUSHING OR GRINDING
Method of Back Gouging: NONE ALLOWED
Multi or Single Pass (per side): MULTIPLE
Multi or Single Electrodes: SINGLE
Travel Speed (Range): 1-12IPM
Peening: NONE
Maximum Weld Bead Thickness: 1/2 in.
5 in, 5 in.
4 In. NPS
2-1/2 in,
1 ft.—0 in. II
2 fl.-O in. u
5 in. 5 in.
I o
Name I.D.#
Employer/Test Supervisor/Customer (circle one) Verification: We certify that the above named welder used the
processes on the dates indicated.
Signature Date _
1/30/93 REV