3-20 GHZ GaN MMIC Power Amplifier Design Through A
3-20 GHZ GaN MMIC Power Amplifier Design Through A
3-20 GHZ GaN MMIC Power Amplifier Design Through A
fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/LMWC.2021.3066282, IEEE
Microwave and Wireless Components Letters
Abstract—This paper presents the design approach for a com- II. D ESIGN
pact, single-stage, wideband MMIC power amplifier. A method
is proposed to compensate the output capacitance of the active
A. Optimal load identification
device over a frequency range as wide as possible, with minimum The optimal intrinsic load of a FET can be considered real
impact on the achievable output power, that leads to a 2- element and frequency-independent. However, the dispersion effects,
compensating network. A 3- section transformer is then adopted which can be modelled with an equivalent output capacitance,
for a real-to-real transformation. The CW characterization shows
output power higher than 32 dBm and drain efficiency between make the extrinsic load strongly dependent on frequency.
35% and 45%, over a fractional bandwidth of 148%, from 3 GHz The PA design method proposed shows a specific, simple
to 20 GHz. way of compensating COUT , and then relies on a real-to-
Index Terms—Broadband matching networks, FETs, GaN,
real transformation from the system impedance to the intrinsic
Microwave amplifiers, Wideband. optimum load.
In the estimation of the optimal extrinsic load, the device
output capacitance COUT can be considered constant for the
I. I NTRODUCTION sake of simplicity [7], and it is estimated using Cold-FET
simulations [8]. For the adopted device, a GaN-on-Si 100
Future high performance broadband systems, such as RF nm gate-length 8 × 100 µm device supplied by OMMIC, the
and microwave front-end systems, radar and software recon- obtained value for COUT is 0.37 pF.
figurable communication links, require wideband Microwave As a reference, an idealized output network is shown in
Monolithic Integrated Circuit (MMIC) power amplifiers (PAs). Fig. 1(b). The negative capacitance would compensate the
Gallium Nitride (GaN) High Electron Mobility Transistors effect of COUT at each frequency, and the resistor Ropt
(HEMTs) are becoming the technology of choice for the PA represents the optimal intrinsic load of the device. For this
thanks their high power density at microwaves frequencies. device, Ropt ≈ 20 Ω, taking into account a drain-to-source
To achieve decade-bandwidth performance distributed PAs are bias voltage: VDD = 12 V, knee voltage: Vk = 2 V, Maximum
typically used, normally in a non-uniform topology to improve current: IM = 1 A.
output power and efficiency [1]–[4]. Other wideband GaN PAs
have been proposed, relying for example on reactive matching
[5] or on a reconfigurable dual-band operation [6], covering ΓL,opt -COUT Ropt
25 GHz
smaller bandwidths (6–18 GHz). (b)
In this work, we propose a novel design strategy to com-
pensate the output capacitance COUT of the HEMT for any θ, Z0
device size, as long as COUT is an accurate representation
ΓL jB Ropt
of the output reactive effects of the device. A 3 – 20 GHz (a)
single-ended MMIC amplifier fabricated on a 100 nm GaN- ( c)
on-Si process is presented to demonstrate the validity of the
approach. The results compare well with the state of the art, Fig. 1. Optimal load on the admittance Smith Chart (a), ideal OMN (b) and
alternative OMN (c).
see Table I, while relying on a simpler design approach, and
using a single transistor and small MMIC area. From Fig. 1(b), the optimal reflection coefficient Γopt is
found to describe a constant conductance circle as a function
J. Moreno Rubio, R. Quaglia, P. J. Tasker and S. Cripps are with the Centre of frequency, with centre in −gopt / (1 + gopt ) and radius
for High Frequency Engineering, Cardiff University, Queen’s Buildings, The
Parade, Cardiff CF24 3AA Wales, UK. e-mail: [email protected]
1/ (1 + gopt ), given by
J. Moreno Rubio is also a member of the research group GINTEL,
Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Calle 4 Sur No. 15-134, gopt 1
2πf COUT Z0
j2 arctan
Sogamoso, Colombia. e-mail: [email protected] Γopt =− + e 1+gopt
A. Piacibello and V. Camarchia are with with the Department of Electronics, 1 + gopt 1 + gopt
Politecnico di Torino, 10129 Torino, Italy. e-mail: [email protected]
A. Piacibello is also with the Microwave Engineering Center for Space where Z0 is the reference impedance (50 Ω in this case), f
Applications (MECSA), 00133 Rome, Italy. is the frequency and gopt = Z0 /Ropt . Fig. 1(a) illustrates the
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/LMWC.2021.3066282, IEEE
Microwave and Wireless Components Letters
arc that represents Γopt over a set of frequencies from DC to C. OMN design
25 GHz, which is obtained using (1). Thus, assuming that Ropt is realized using a multi-section
The resistance Ropt = 20 Ω, in Fig. 1(b), can be synthesized transformer, the proposed OMN is shown in Fig. 3(a). The
from the reference system impedance Z0 = 50 Ω, and with reflection coefficient ΓL,p , obtained at the reference plane right
an arbitrary bandwidth, using a multi-section transformer. In after the stub, can then be expressed as
other words, the required bandwidth can be guaranteed for this
transformation by using enough sections for the transformer.
Z0 tan θ1
In practice, the arc shown in Fig. 1(a) can not be synthesized
ΓL = e−j2 θ2 ΓL,p .
by a single passive element. However, using a two-element 0.4
network, an approximated solution can be found. In order to 0.3
θ2, Z02
phase-delay 20 GHz
solution, which follows perfectly Γopt in (1), is studied. As 0.1 1
B and a series transmission line of electrical length θ and ΓL ΓL,p Z01, l1
-0.2 -5.0
(a) -0.3
(b) -4.0
Fig. 3. Proposed OMN (a), and ΓL obtained with open stub (red), Γopt
and (black) and ΓL,p (pink) (b).
−2 BY0
θ = arctan (3) Using (5), a solution for θ2 and θ1 can be found, aiming to
Y0 − G2opt − B 2
keep ΓL close to Γopt . In general, the value of Z01 can be used
with ω = 2πf , Y0 = 1/Z0 and Gopt = 1/Ropt . as an optimization parameter to be selected before solving (5).
Equation (2) suggests that the most trivial implementation In this case, for simplicity Z01 = Z02 = Z0 = 50 Ω.
of the shunt susceptance is adopting a capacitor (COUT ). Since the condition ΓL (0 GHz) = Γopt (0 GHz) is guar-
However, if B is linearly dependent on frequency, from (3) it anteed according to our assumptions, and the susceptance
follows that the electrical length θ is not linear with frequency. is expected to decrease with frequency in both cases, a
This is a significant practical limitation, given the linear convenient solution for θ2 and θ1 can be obtained solving
frequency dependence of the electrical length of transmission ΓL (fh ) = Γopt (fh ), where fh is a design parameter.
lines. In order to select the value of fh , the magnitude of the
However, as a trade-off, an open stub can be used to syn- intrinsic load impedance Zint = 1/(YL + j ωCOUT ) can be
thesized B instead of a capacitor. Thus, B has a tangent-like observed over frequency. Thus, based on the bandwidth es-
dependence on frequency, which makes θ almost linear with timation method proposed in [9], the output power can be
frequency, as shown in the example of Fig. 2, and therefore estimated, as follows
better approximated by a common transmission line. Fig. 2 (
shows the frequency dependence of θ obtained using (3) for 1 2
POUT = 8 IM <{Zint }, if f ≤ fh
two cases, namely using the ideal capacitor solution for B (2), 1 2
2 (VDD − Vk ) <{ Z1int }, if f > fh
and using an open stub.
The difference between the estimated saturated power POUT
25 and the maximum expected power from the device assumed as
with B = ωCOUT
𝜃 (deg)
20 2
15 PMAX = 0.125 IM Ropt = 2.5 W, for different choices of fh ,
B = Y01 tan βl1
is shown in Fig 4. In this case, targeting for a maximum power
0 reduction over the band lower than 0.7 dB, fh is selected to
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 be 20 GHz, obtaining θ2 = 23.6o and θ1 = 66.8o at 20 GHz.
Frequency, GHz
Fig. 3(b) shows how the series transmission line produces
Fig. 2. Solution for (3) in two cases: B synthesized by a capacitor (gray) different phase delays for different frequencies, and how in
and by an open stub (black). this way the synthesized reflection coefficient ΓL can follow
Γopt closely.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/LMWC.2021.3066282, IEEE
Microwave and Wireless Components Letters
1. 4
0. 7
1 .8
0 .4
0.0 20 GHz
POUT − PMAX -0.2 0.2 5.0
(dB) 4 GHz
-0.6 0.1 10
-0.8 20 GHz 20
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 4 GHz
Frequency, GHz -20
-0.1 -10
-4 .0
20 -0.3 60
sim meas |S11|, dB -3.0
|S22-|,0. dB 50
-1 .8
-0 .6
Fig. 5(a) illustrates the final schematic of the designed PA
0 30
Sat Pout, dBm Sat Gain, dB
and its picture is shown in Fig. 5(b). The 20 Ω resistance -10
20 Sat Eff., %
sim meas
SS Gain, dB
sim meas
tered at 15.5 GHz. The open-circuited stub is finely tuned 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Frequency, GHz Frequency, GHz
to compensate for the reactive effect of the high impedance
bias-tee included in parallel. The series transmission line (a) (b)
is implemented including a taper that fits with the device Fig. 7. Comparison of simulated (solid) and measured (symbols): (a)
drain pin width. The load ΓL,syn synthesized by the OMN S1,1 (red), S2,1 (blue) and S2,2 (black), and (b) saturated output power (red),
is compared to the theoretical one in Fig. 6, highlighting the small signal gain (black), saturated gain (green) and saturated efficiency (blue).
good agreement between 5 GHz to 20 GHz. As expected the
differences at the lowest frequencies are due to the inclusion 32 dBm over the band, and the power gain is between 9 dB
of the bias-tee and DC blocking capacitors. and 16 dB. Table I shows that the results are comparable to
The IMN has been designed to optimize the transducer gain the state of the art, while using a simple design approach and
over the band. A resistor has also been included for out- and a small size MMIC. The measured results are in rather good
in-band stabilization.
The scattering and CW characterization results over the TABLE I
band of interest are shown in Fig.7. On-wafer calibration at S TATE OF THE ART OF MICROWAVE G A N WIDEBAND POWER AMPLIFIERS .
the probe tips has been used, while an extended coaxial port
calibration has been adopted to enable the power calibration Ref. Year
(mm2 ) (GHz) (%) (dB) (dBm) (%)
using a power meter. The achieved bandwidth is in line with [1] 2009 15 1.5–17 167 10–14 >39.6 20–38
the expected one, apart from a slight shift which affects the [2] 2011 38 2–20 165 9–15 >40 15–36
upper band edge. A saturated drain efficiency between 35% [3] 2019 7.5 2–20 163 16–17.5 >33.8 18–37
[4] 2019 7 2–18 160 28–30 >39.6 18–38
and 45% has been obtained over 17 GHz of bandwidth, from [5] 2013 12 6–18 100 20–26 >40 10–25
3 GHz to 20 GHz. The corresponding PAE ranges from 27% to [6] 2018 5.1 6–18 100 15–27 >34 15–34
38%, while the obtained saturated output power is higher than This
2020 6 3–20 148 9–16 >32 27–38
agreement with the simulations, except for the discrepancy in
DELAY 80/990 TRANSFORMER the saturated efficiency, which can be justified both by the CW
80/190 80/50 80/340 80/50 measurements being carried out on wafer directly on a room
3.5 pF 80/100 100/225 149/75
Fig. 5. Schematic (line dimensions are given as width/length in µm), device This work was partially supported by the European Union’s
size: 8×100 µm, with 100 nm gate-length (a), and picture of the realized Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme through
wideband PA (b). Chip size is 3 mm×2 . mm the Marie Sklodowska-Curie agreement under grant 793529.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/LMWC.2021.3066282, IEEE
Microwave and Wireless Components Letters
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/