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org © 2020 IJCRT | Volume 8, Issue 7 July 2020 | ISSN: 2320-2882

Comparison of Two Stage Folded Cascode Operational

Amplifier with Conventional CMOS Operational
amplifier in 90nm Technology
Karan Chandel1, Dr. Mandeep Sandhu2

P.G. Scholar, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Rayat and Bahra University Mohali
Assistant Professor, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Rayat and Bahra University Mohali

Keyword - CMOS, folded cascode,Opamp,90nm

Basic Conventional two stage Operational Amplifier is a
Abstract—Folded cascade configuration is basically a development in combination of three subsections
the cascade configuration in order to maximize the advantages. Now a a) Differntial stage
days this has become predominating due to its some inherent
advantages. b) Additional Gain stage
This paper describe all about the behavior of folded cascade amplifier at c) Biasing Arrangment
particular supply voltage, input signal and with 90nm technology. also
comparison (in terms of result obtained) has been drawn between
conventional operational amplifier and folded cascode amplifier with
OpAmp is such a versatile device that it has so many
same set of specifications and technology. applications such as amplifier, oscillator, filter, precision
rectifier,comparator etc.
Key words:- CMOS, folded cascode,Opamp,90nm Particular application requires specific type of feedback like
technology,comparision listed below.
Positive feedback results it in to an Oscillators.
Neagative Feedback results it into a amplifier.
1. INTRODUCTION No feedback result it into an excellent comparator.
Operational amplifier are the directly coupled high gain
amplifier usually consist of one or more differential stage Figure 1 shows two stage opamp
followed by a level transistor. Ideal characteristic OPAmp
is very much fascinating in terms of its use and popularity.
Folded cascode is a way to improve the characteristics of a
normal operational amplifier to drive it toward the ideal
OpAmp. This Paper is segmented in to five parts. Namely
Conventional Operational Amplifier,Folded Cascode
configuration and comparison with normal cascode
difference, result obtained after simulation,comparision of
result with conventional operational amplifier and finally at
last the conclusion.

A. Conventional Operational Amplifier

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Fig. 1. Block Diagram of two stage opamp

B. Folded Cascode Configuration

Cascode configuration is basically a combination of
common emitter followed by Common base stage or
Common Source followed by common Gate stage. This
type of configuration I,e, cascode has input characteristics
of as the common emitter amplifier and output
characteristics of Common Base amplifier. Following
advantages can be achieved using cascode configurations.
1) High Voltage Gain
2) No Miller Effect hence suitable for high frequency
3) High Bandwidth
a) Conventional Cascode
b) Folded Cascode

a. Conventional Cascode: Conventional

Cascode consist of Common Source
followed by Common Gate FET.
The only binding condition is that both
transistor must be either p channel or n-

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Diagram as shown in figure 2 below. 2) W/L Ratio: W/L ratio is the most important parameter in the
. analog design. in 90nm technology, W/L for NMOS for PMOS
is 1.20.
3) Input Signal: The input signal should be given between 1 to
1.20 V.

Fig. 3. Folded cascode operational amplifier

Fig. 2. Conventional Cascode D. Analysis:-
Advantages of Normal Cascode :- 1) Output Offset: Output offset voltage is the dc
The biggest advantage of voltage between two output terminals (or the output
conventional cascode is that it terminal and ground for circuits with one output) when
provides very high current gain the input terminal(s) are grounded. It result due to the
mismatch in the transistors used.
Another advantage includes its suitability at high
The simulated result is shown below in fig4.
frequency due to absence of Miller effect.
The observed value of output offset voltage is 2 Volts.
In fig 2 , only one pair of transistor is shown, but it have
many number of pairs present. More the pairs more will
be the gain. Hence number of pair are in proportion to the
gain desired.
Disadvantages of Normal Cascode :-
1. Cascode Configuration requires two transistors with
high voltage supply. These two transistors should be
biased through sufficient VDS in process ,striking a
lesser limit on the voltage supply.
2. The cascode amplifier requires a large number of
resistors and capacitors to provide bias and prevent
undesirable feedback.
b. Folded Cascode Configuration: Folded cascode
configuration is further development in the convention
Cascode as it removes the condition that both transistor
must be same I,e, both either n-channel or both p-channel. Fig. 4. Output offset voltage
shown in figure 3. It can be nullified by allowing 2 Volt power supply
Advantages of Folded Cascode 1. It removes the biggest between both the input terminals.
disadvantage of conventional cascode as it requires low Bandwidth: Bandwidth is defined as range of frequencies
power supply. for which response of the system is normal and proper..
Speed of the response of circuit is defined by the
2. The Gain Bandwidth Product becomes Constant. bandwidth, as rise time varies inversely with bandwidth.
The BW of folded cascode is 96.96 MHz.
C. Design Methodology Folded Cascode opamp

1) Power Supply: The power supply is 1.80 V

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Fig. 5. Band width Fig. 7. Slew Rate of folded cascode

operational amplifier

The slew rate of two stage opamp

in 90nm technology is shown in figure 8 below
2) Gain Phase Margin: Gain and Phase margin are
most important parameters for the freequnecy analysis of
an amplifier. They speaks about the stability of an
amplifier. Folded cascode amplifier provides very high
gain so if its phase margin is more than 55(in degrees),it
will be acceptable for practical applications.
shown in figure 6 below:

Fig. 8. Slew Rate of conventional operational amplifier


Parameters conventional Folded

opamp cascode
Power Supply 1.8 V 1.8 V
Fig. 6. Gain Margin and Phase
Margin of folded cascode Output Offset 83.451mV 2V
Frequency 1 MHz 1MHz
gain found to be 80dB and phase margin = 77(in degrees). Phase Margin 125(degree) 77 (in
3) Slew Rate: Slew rate is defined as the Bandwidth 90.42 KHz 96.94 MHz
maximum rate of change of an op amp's output voltage Capacitance 30pF 2pF
and is given units of volts per microsecond. Slew rate is Gain 22.14 dB 80 dB
measured by applying a large signal step, such as 1V, to slew rate 21.26V/us 22.48V/us
the input of the op amp, and measuring the rate of change
CMRR approx 80 dB 160 dB
from 10% to 90% of the output signal's amplitude.
Slew rate is shown in figure 7 below:-
Input signal 1V 1V
Power 277.21uW 274.26uW

4) Power Dissipation : it is defined as the power

dissipated in the form of heat by a given circuit during its
operation. Low value of power dissipation is desired. The
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power dissipation of folded cascode is shown in E. DC Analysis of Folded Cascode opamp

figure 9. DC analysis of a device means to know about its
quiescent point. If Q-point remains stable output will be
more towards as desired but if they varies than it may lead
to distortion of signal or in other words out will deviate
from as desired. So DC Analysis is very much crucial
during the system design.

Fig. 9. Power dissipation of folded cascode


The power dissipation of conventional two stage

opamp is shown in figure 10 below

Fig. 10. Power dissipation of conventional opamp

Fig. 11. DC analysis of folded

cascode opamp.

On the basis of result following conclusion can be drawn
regarding the advantages of folded cascode opamp over con-
ventional opamp in 90nm ,
1. Power dissipation has decreased from 277.21uW to 274.26uW.
2. Gain has increased from 22 dB to 80dB
3. Slew rate has also increased.
4. CMRR has also increased.
5. Bandwidth has increased.


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First and foremost, praises and thanks to the God, the

Almighty, for His showers of blessings, throughout our
research work, to complete the research successfully.
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