XI. Setting Goals For Success

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Instructor I:
Keithlyn M. Bay, RPm
What is your goal in life?

GOAL – According to Coon

(2001), a goal is a target or
objective of a motivated and
directed chain of behaviors.

-Goals come in all forms and

sizes; some can be reached
quite easily while others entail
more effort, careful planning, and
a longer time to achieve.
The anatomy of a goal-directed behavior all begins within
the individual’s need, which is a lack or a deficit

The presence of this need creates tension.

This tension is the drive that builds up and directs the

individual towards the goal.

When the goal is reached, the need is satisfied and the

tension or drive is reduced

As defined by Albert Bandura,

self-efficacy refers to the
person’s beliefs about his
capacity to exercise some
measure of control over his
behavior and over events that
take place around him (Feist &
Feist, 2009)
Self-efficacy is a concept that is neither biological nor
hereditary. Rather, it is an attribute that can be learned
and enhanced through the following (Feist & Feist, 2009):

1.Mastery of Learning and Skills

-Practice is necessary for the individual to have mastery. Pitfalls
may happen along the way, but for each one that the person
overcomes, he becomes better.
2.A Good Social Model
-Learning through observation is best achieved when the
model is credible and trustworthy. Models inspire the person to
do well and be the best that he can be.
3. A Persuasive Environment
-A social environment that is supportive elevates the morale of
the individual and encourages him to perform at his best every
time thereby achieving his goals.

4. Physical Fitness
-Competence for a physical skill initially requires that the
person is in good health. Any sign of fatigue or physical
weakness, disease or disability limits the activities/areas to be
competent in.
5. Emotional Maturity
-This prepares the individual for the challenges and failures
encounters on the way to his goal.
-Emotional stability helps the person endure and persevere
until the desired goal is reached. It gives him the hope and the
strength to try and try again.

Carol Dweck is a Stanford

psychologist who wrote the
book, Mindset: The New
Psychology of Success (2006).
In her research, Dweck
discussed that a person may
be classified as belonging to
one of two types of mindsets
which is a manifestation of his
A person’s mindset influences how he behaves, how he
handles success and failures and his capacity for finding love
and happiness. These mindsets impact strongly on the
person’s goals whether it be wanting to be somebody famous
or acquiring things of value.

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