Rescusitation Room Policy 2021
Rescusitation Room Policy 2021
Rescusitation Room Policy 2021
The Intensive Care Nursery (ICN) staff are the first responders to the deliveries of all
neonates requiring resuscitative efforts at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital. The ICN
works together with the UCSF Birth Center to ensure that all babies receive appropriate
resuscitative care at birth.
In accordance with the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)/American Heart
Association (AH) Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP), all labor rooms are equipped
for the resuscitation of newborns. Additionally, there exists a pass-through window from
the Operating Room (OR) directly into a resuscitation room. The resuscitation room is a
fully stocked ICN directly off the operating room for the sole purpose of providing
complete intensive care level services immediately upon birth if necessary.
American Academy of Pediatrics and The American College of Obstetricians and
Gynecologists. (2016). Guidelines for Perinatal Care. Elk Grove Village, IL: American
Academy of Pediatrics; Washington DC: The American College of Obstetricians and
American Academy of Pediatrics. (2016). Textbook for Neonatal Resuscitation. Elk
Grove, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics.
Leone T. and Finer N. (2013). Resuscitation at Birth. In A. A. Klaus and J. M. Faranoff
(Eds). Care of the High-Risk Neonate. (pp 54-70). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders.
Nuntnarumit P. (2010). Oxygen saturation trends in preterm infants during the first
15mins after birth. Journal of Perinatology. 30(6). 399-402.
Vermont Oxford Network NICQ Neonatal nutrition initiative 2009-2010
This policy outlines the communication links between the Birth Center and the ICN staff.
It also defines which populations are delivered into the resuscitation room, procedure for
preparation of the resuscitation room, responsibilities of the staff during resuscitation in
the labor rooms and resuscitation room, transport of infants after resuscitation to the ICN,
and cleaning & stocking of the resuscitation room.
A. At least two people proficient in neonatal resuscitation will be present at
every high-risk delivery.
B. All standard resuscitations will occur with room air (21% oxygen) unless
otherwise specified by the neonatal fellow or attending. Specific situations
in which room air will not be used include pulmonary hypoplasia (CDH or
CCAM), severe hydrops fetalis, etc.
C. Respiratory therapists (RT) will attend high-risk deliveries at the discretion
of the Attending physician for infants.
D. Umbilical lines will be prepped and flushed using sterile technique for
imminent deliveries of neonates <28 weeks and any other patients at the
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Intensive Care Nursery POLICY
Resuscitation Policy Patient Care
Issued: March 2005
Last Approval: November 2021
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Intensive Care Nursery POLICY
Resuscitation Policy Patient Care
Issued: March 2005
Last Approval: November 2021
the neonatal attending or fellow for an emergency in the ICN. Only the
perinatal unit will initiate this pager system.
In cases of an extreme or unexpected emergency, (when a neonatal team
is needed in the Delivery Room immediately) and there was no previous
communication as stated above the perinatal (or neonatal) staff should
use the emergency code buttons located in all patient care ,triage rooms
and surgical suites. With the activation of the code system, the ICN will
send a resident and/or a neonatal nurse practitioner, triage nurse, and
neonatal fellow and Attending physician.
I. Infants to be Delivered into the Resuscitation Room Include:
Any infant less than 34 weeks gestation or any other infant with a
prenatal history indicating a need for the resuscitation team set-up.
2. All infants with the following conditions diagnosed in utero:
a. Hydrops fetalis
b. Neural tube defects (spina bifida, myelomeningocele)
c. Severe bladder outlet obstruction
d. Gastroschisis
e. Omphalocele
f. Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
g. Antenatally diagnosed congenital heart block
h. All other infants so designated jointly by the attending and fellow of
the ICN and the OB attending.
3. All infants so designated jointly by the attending and/or fellow of the ICN
and the OB attending.
4. The decision to resuscitate infants < 24 weeks will be made jointly by the
attending and fellow of the ICN and the OB attending. See Periviability
Resuscitation Checklist- See Appendix A
5. All infants delivered into the resuscitation room are admitted into the
ICN. The appropriate staff needs to be informed of the impending
admission once that decision is made.
6. Respiratory therapists should be at the resuscitation of any infant < 28
weeks gestational age (at the discretion of the Attending Physician) and
should be on call for all other set up deliveries or per attending/fellow
A. Preparation for Neonatal Resuscitation in the Resuscitation Room
1. Preparing resuscitation room “DRY” - Having the proper supplies and
equipment ready for use is paramount to a successful resuscitation.
To prepare resuscitation room "Dry" (no imminent deliveries) four areas
are to be set up:
a. Umbilical Line Insertion area
i. Umbilical Line Insertion Tray
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Intensive Care Nursery POLICY
Resuscitation Policy Patient Care
Issued: March 2005
Last Approval: November 2021
ii. (1) 3.5 single lumen & (1) 3.5 double lumen, (1) 5.0 single
lumen & (1) 5.0 double lumen umbilical catheter should be
easily accessible. Do not open until weight is known.
iii. 3- prefilled 10 mL 0.45 NS syringe
iv. 3-way stopcock
v. Blood gas syringe
vi. Umbilical tape (aka: Umbilical cord tie)
vii. 4.0 silk suture
b. Intubation area
i. Sterile drape
ii. Laryngoscope handle
iii. Laryngoscope blades: #0 blade, #1 blade #00 blade
iv. Endotracheal Tubes: 2.5 Fr., 3.0 Fr., 3.5 Fr.
v. Stylette
vi. Needle holder
vii. Scissors
viii. Measuring tape
ix. 8 Fr Orogastric Tube (OG) & 10 mL syringe
x. Meconium aspirator
xi. Endotracheal Tube (ETT) tape, Neo-fit, skin prep in
Respiratory Care Supply (RCS) cabinet door
xii. Capnograph CO2 detector (Pedi cap)
d. Documentation area
i. Flow sheet, blood gas slips, hematocrit (HCT) slips
ii. Accucheck strips, alcohol wipes, cotton ball, lancet, 2x2
iii. Capillary Blood Gas (CBG) tubes
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Resuscitation Policy Patient Care
Issued: March 2005
Last Approval: November 2021
2. Preparing set-up room “WET” – Once delivery is expected the following steps
need to be taken. All supplies that have been “wet” down have a 2-hour
a. Don mask and cap upon to entering resuscitation room
b. Make sure all areas from Section 1 are appropriately prepared
c. Alert RT to re-check respiratory equipment, set-up CPAP, manometer on bed,
tanks, etc., and to prepare surfactant if < 28 weeks or as necessary (surfactant
is located in the pyxis medication refrigerator in the set-up room)
d. Prepare for Intubation
i. Check laryngoscope light
ii. Choose appropriate size ETT and stylette
iii. Place stylette in E.T. tube when delivery is imminent
iv. Capnograph CO2 detector (pedi cap)
e. Prepare for Umbilical Vessel Catheterization for high risk deliveries
i. Obtain prefilled 10 mL O.45 NS syringes
ii. Open umbilical line insertion tray using sterile technique
iii. Using estimated size and age of infant, confirm size and lumen
(single or double) preference with Neonatal Fellow &/or Attending
and add to tray:
< 1500 gm = 3.5 Fr catheter
>1500 gm = 5.0 Fr catheter (Also usually used for UVC)
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Intensive Care Nursery POLICY
Resuscitation Policy Patient Care
Issued: March 2005
Last Approval: November 2021
iv. Add extra 3mL and blood gas syringes to tray using sterile technique
v. Using sterile technique place prefilled 10 mL 0.45 NS syringes on
vi. Add 6-inch connector (with sliding blue clamp) to catheter prior to
vii. Add luer lock stopcock to adaptor and flush catheter with 10 mL
prefilled syringe
viii. Turn stopcock off to the catheter
3. Imminent Delivery – Once delivery is imminent, make sure all steps above are
completed. Then follow the steps below. There are ideally two nurses for each
resuscitation room delivery, one for patient care and one for documentation.
a. Make sure all steps are completed in 1 & 2
b. Alert the fellow, attending, RT’s, blood gas lab, and house officers of
pending delivery
c. Don personal protective equipment including hat, gown, and mask if
d. Adjust room temperature to 80 degrees F
e. Remove drapes and open trays
f. Turn on radiant warmer
g. Turn on CR monitor
h. Turn flow on to flow inflating bag
i. Turn on suction, attach appropriate NeoSucker, open bulb syringe
j. Assure team responsibilities have been assigned by team leader, i.e. ICN
Fellow (See below)
k. Assist physicians/NNP’s with gowning and gloving
l. Prepare neonatal resuscitation record for documentation and blood gas slips
m. Open and activate thermal mattress and place polyethylene wrap on bed for
all premature infants of < 29 weeks, thermal hat for <29wks
1. Premature infants < 28 weeks gestational age
a. ICN Attending &/or ICN Fellow, RT, two resident physicians or NNP and two
ICN nurses will make up team automatically attending these set-up deliveries
b. Intubation and umbilical vessel catheterization equipment should be “wet”
c. Polyethylene wrap should be placed on all beds and used as soon as possible
after birth prior to applying monitors
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Intensive Care Nursery POLICY
Resuscitation Policy Patient Care
Issued: March 2005
Last Approval: November 2021
1. Bulb syringe, NeoSucker attached to suction
2. Surfactant preparation (RT)
3. Correct size mask attached to HV system
Glucose Homeostasis:
1. PIV ready to insert
2. D10W infusion prepared, placed in syringe pump, rate set, on standby
3. 3.5Fr single and double-lumen catheters wet-down
1. Chemical mattress on scale
2. NeoWrap open on mattress
3. Thermal hat
2. Twins/Triplets
a. The room is set up for 3 neonates with three radiant warmers or incubators
b. If possible, there should 2 nurses per infant and 2-3 physicians/NNP’s.
Resuscitation will follow standard procedure depending on gestational age.
The gestational age and condition of twins/triplets will determine the number
of RTs needed at the resuscitation. An RT will assess the need for more than 1
RT at the time of the resuscitation.
3. Hydrops Fetalis
a. Equipment needed:
i. Centesis (thoracentesis, pericentesis, etc.) set-ups (30mL syringe,
stopcock, 23g butterfly)
ii. Large bore angiocaths (16, 18 and 20 gauge)
iii. Chest Tube equipment available in supply area if requested
iv. Prefilled 10 mL 0.45 NS
b. Prepare an additional Umbilical Arterial Catheter (UAC)
c. Make sure there is fresh (less than 5 days old) emergency released blood
products available upon request by Neonatal attending (OB nurses will order
from mother's type and screen when ICN nurse notifies them). Send
messenger for pick-up when set-up is imminent.
4. Diaphragmatic Hernia Preparation
a. Notify ExtraCorporeal Membrane Qxygenation (ECMO) Team (ECMO
Director, Attending, Coordinator) and Pediatric Surgery team for pending
delivery; ECMO algorithm may be initiated by team.
b. Prepare bed space in a double room in Orange Zone (bed 3and 4 or 9 and 10)
for the admission; have 4 functional suction set-ups ready.
c. Assess with Attending the need to order blood "on call" in case baby needs
transfusion. (Type and cross from maternal blood.) The maternal antibody
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Intensive Care Nursery POLICY
Resuscitation Policy Patient Care
Issued: March 2005
Last Approval: November 2021
screen must be completed. 0 negative CMV negative blood may be given after
screening for maternal antibodies.
d. Obtain estimated fetal weight from L and D staff.
e. Have Birth Center HUSC “pend” the admission in electronic medical records
system so that medications can be ordered by the ICN Fellow or Attending
prior to delivery.
f. Prepare a radiant warmer bed in set-up room with pre and post O2 sat monitors
and probes.
g. Have the following available:
i. Surfactant (prepared by RT)
ii. Paralytic agent
iii. Morphine sulfate
(Paralytic agent and morphine signed out from Pyxis, drawn up and
labeled, at bedside)
h. Set up 2 suction regulators
i. 1 for ET/oral suction
ii. 1 for replogle at low continuous suction. Have #10 replogle set up with
bubble trap, ready to insert
i. Intubate and obtain access. Administer paralytic and pain medication as soon
as possible after delivery
j. Insert replogle and place to suction as soon after delivery as possible
k. Send Type & Cross for ECMO blood as soon as possible.
CBC Differential & Platelets, blood culture and other labs per Attending. If
blood is needed emergently, make sure maternal screen for antibodies is
complete. O negative CMV negative blood may be used after screening for
maternal antibodies.
5. Omphalocele and Gastroschisis
a. Equipment needed:
i. Sterile Isolation Bag (Turkey Bag) (for the gastroschisis)
ii. Warm Sterile normal saline
iii. Replogle for gastric decompression
b. Notify surgeons of impending delivery
c. Check with Fellow/Attending for additional equipment needed
d. See also, UC Fetal Consortium Gastroschisis Pathway
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Intensive Care Nursery POLICY
Resuscitation Policy Patient Care
Issued: March 2005
Last Approval: November 2021
2. Omphalocele
i. No bag
ii. Cover sac with warm saline-soaked gauze to keep moist
6. Myelomeningocele
7. Ductal-dependent CHD
b. On pump, to bifuse, D5W syringe for carrier
c. PIV supplies prepared
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Intensive Care Nursery POLICY
Resuscitation Policy Patient Care
Issued: March 2005
Last Approval: November 2021
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Intensive Care Nursery POLICY
Resuscitation Policy Patient Care
Issued: March 2005
Last Approval: November 2021
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Intensive Care Nursery POLICY
Resuscitation Policy Patient Care
Issued: March 2005
Last Approval: November 2021
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Intensive Care Nursery POLICY
Resuscitation Policy Patient Care
Issued: March 2005
Last Approval: November 2021
d. Assist with intubation and securing of Endotracheal Tube (ETT) after confirmation
of intubation
e. Prepare gas tanks for transport to ICN
These guidelines were established and reviewed by the Intensive Care Nursery Joint
Practice Committee.
Author: Intensive Care Nursery Joint Practice Committee
Issue Date: March 2015
Reviewed and Revised: March 2012, L. Nathan, RNC, Y. Sun, MD; S. Sehring, MD
T. Shimotake, MD; M. Thompson, RN, M.K. Stratigos RN-NIC. October 2014 M.K. Stratigos, RN-
NIC; K. Johnston, RN-NIC; Y. Sun, MD, PhD; R. Keller, MD;4/2016 S. Mazely RNC-NIC; 6/2017
S. Mazely RNC-NIC and A. Estrada-Yost RN.
Last Revision/Review: 112021 M. Merino, RN; L. Bellingham, RN; T. Shimotake MD
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Intensive Care Nursery POLICY
Resuscitation Policy Patient Care
Issued: March 2005
Last Approval: November 2021
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Intensive Care Nursery POLICY
Resuscitation Policy Patient Care
Issued: March 2005
Last Approval: November 2021
This guideline is intended for use by UCSF Medical Center staff and personnel and no representations or
warranties are made for outside use. Not for outside production or publication without permission. Direct
inquiries to the Office of Origin or Medical Center Administration at (415) 353-2733
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