O Tarrast
O Tarrast
O Tarrast
International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
// © LuxAlgo
indicator(" "خلطة القط األسود الرقمي,"" خلطة القط األسود الرقمي
, overlay = true
, max_labels_count = 500
, max_lines_count = 500
, max_boxes_count = 500
, max_bars_back = 500)
color TRANSP_CSS = #ffffff00
string MODE_TOOLTIP = 'Allows to display historical Structure or only the
recent ones'
string STYLE_TOOLTIP = 'Indicator color theme'
string COLOR_CANDLES_TOOLTIP = 'Display additional candles with a color reflecting
the current trend detected by structure'
string SHOW_INTERNAL = 'Display internal market structure'
string CONFLUENCE_FILTER = 'Filter non significant internal structure
string SHOW_SWING = 'Display swing market Structure'
string SHOW_SWING_POINTS = 'Display swing point as labels on the chart'
string SHOW_SWHL_POINTS = 'Highlight most recent strong and weak high/low
points on the chart'
string INTERNAL_OB = 'Display internal order blocks on the chart\n\
nNumber of internal order blocks to display on the chart'
string SWING_OB = 'Display swing order blocks on the chart\n\nNumber
of internal swing blocks to display on the chart'
string FILTER_OB = 'Method used to filter out volatile order blocks \n\
nIt is recommended to use the cumulative mean range method when a low amount of
data is available'
string SHOW_EQHL = 'Display equal highs and equal lows on the chart'
string EQHL_BARS = 'Number of bars used to confirm equal highs and
equal lows'
string EQHL_THRESHOLD = 'Sensitivity threshold in a range (0, 1) used for
the detection of equal highs & lows\n\nLower values will return fewer but more
pertinent results'
string SHOW_FVG = 'Display fair values gaps on the chart'
string AUTO_FVG = 'Filter out non significant fair value gaps'
string FVG_TF = 'Fair value gaps timeframe'
string EXTEND_FVG = 'Determine how many bars to extend the Fair Value
Gap boxes on chart'
string PED_ZONES = 'Display premium, discount, and equilibrium zones on
mode = input.string('Historical'
, options = ['Historical', 'Present']
, group = ''مؤشر مفاهيم المال الذكي
, tooltip = MODE_TOOLTIP)
style = input.string('Colored'
, options = ['Colored', 'Monochrome']
, group = ''مؤشر مفاهيم المال الذكي
, tooltip = STYLE_TOOLTIP)
//Internal Structure
show_internals = input(true, 'Show Internal Structure'
, group = ''مؤشر مفاهيم المال الذكي
, tooltip = SHOW_INTERNAL)
//Bear Structure
show_ibear = input.string('All', 'Bearish Structure'
, options = ['All', 'BOS', 'CHoCH']
, inline = 'ibear'
, group = ')'مؤشر مفاهيم المال الذكي
//Swing Structure
show_Structure = input(true, 'Show Swing Structure'
, group = ''مؤشر مفاهيم المال الذكي
, tooltip = SHOW_SWING)
//Bull Structure
show_bull = input.string('All', 'Bullish Structure'
, options = ['All', ' ' إيجابي,']'إيجابي
, inline = 'bull'
, group = ')'مؤشر مفاهيم المال الذكي
//Bear Structure
show_bear = input.string('All', 'Bearish Structure'
, options = ['All', ' ' سلبي,'سلبي-']
, inline = 'bear'
, group = ')'مؤشر مفاهيم المال الذكي
show_swings = input(false, 'Show Swings Points'
, inline = 'swings'
, group = ''مؤشر مفاهيم المال الذكي
, tooltip = SHOW_SWING_POINTS)
//Order Blocks
show_iob = input(true, 'Internal Order Blocks'
, inline = 'iob'
, group = ''مؤشر مفاهيم المال الذكي
, tooltip = INTERNAL_OB)
show_eq = input(true, 'Equal High/Low'
, group = ''مؤشر مفاهيم المال الذكي
, tooltip = SHOW_EQHL)
//Fair Value Gaps
show_fvg = input(false, 'Fair Value Gaps'
, group = ''مؤشر مفاهيم المال الذكي
, tooltip = SHOW_FVG)
//Previous day/week high/low
show_pdhl = input(false, 'Daily'
, inline = 'daily'
, group = ')'مؤشر مفاهيم المال الذكي
show_pwhl = input(false, 'Weekly'
, inline = 'weekly'
, group = ')'مؤشر مفاهيم المال الذكي
show_pmhl = input(false, 'Monthly'
, inline = 'monthly'
, group = ')'مؤشر مفاهيم المال الذكي
//Premium/Discount zones
show_sd = input(false, 'Premium/Discount Zones'
, group = 'Premium & Discount Zones'
, tooltip = PED_ZONES)
n = bar_index
atr = ta.atr(200)
cmean_range = ta.cum(high - low) / n
//HL Output function
hl() => [high, low]
if mode == 'Present'
//Swings detection/measurements
var os = 0
upper = ta.highest(len)
lower = ta.lowest(len)
[top, btm]
//Search for highest/lowest high within the structure interval and get range
if use_max
for i = 1 to (n - loc)-1
if (high[i] - low[i]) < ob_threshold[i] * 2
max := math.max(high[i], max)
min := max == high[i] ? low[i] : min
idx := max == high[i] ? i : idx
for i = 1 to (n - loc)-1
if (high[i] - low[i]) < ob_threshold[i] * 2
min := math.min(low[i], min)
max := min == low[i] ? high[i] : max
idx := min == low[i] ? i : idx
array.unshift(target_top, max)
array.unshift(target_btm, min)
array.unshift(target_left, time[idx])
array.unshift(target_type, use_max ? -1 : 1)
color css = na
if swing
if style == 'Monochrome'
css := array.get(target_type, i) == 1 ? color.new(#b2b5be, 80) :
color.new(#5d606b, 80)
border_css = array.get(target_type, i) == 1 ? #b2b5be : #5d606b
box.set_border_color(get_box, border_css)
css := array.get(target_type, i) == 1 ? bull_ob_css : bear_ob_css
box.set_border_color(get_box, css)
box.set_bgcolor(get_box, css)
if style == 'Monochrome'
css := array.get(target_type, i) == 1 ? color.new(#b2b5be, 80) :
color.new(#5d606b, 80)
css := array.get(target_type, i) == 1 ? ibull_ob_css : ibear_ob_css
box.set_border_color(get_box, css)
box.set_bgcolor(get_box, css)
hy = ta.valuewhen(h != h[1], h, 1)
hx = ta.valuewhen(h == high, time, 1)
ly = ta.valuewhen(l != l[1], l, 1)
lx = ta.valuewhen(l == low, time, 1)
if barstate.islast
ext = time + (time - time[1])*20
line.set_xy1(high_line, hx, hy)
line.set_xy2(high_line, ext, hy)
line.set_xy1(low_line, lx, ly)
line.set_xy2(low_line, ext, ly)
//Global variables
var trend = 0, var itrend = 0
bull_choch_alert = false
bull_bos_alert = false
bear_choch_alert = false
bear_bos_alert = false
bull_ichoch_alert = false
bull_ibos_alert = false
bear_ichoch_alert = false
bear_ibos_alert = false
bull_iob_break = false
bear_iob_break = false
bull_ob_break = false
bear_ob_break = false
eqh_alert = false
eql_alert = false
//Structure colors
var bull_css = style == 'Monochrome' ? #b2b5be
: swing_bull_css
[top, btm] = swings(length)
//Pivot High
var line extend_top = na
if top
top_cross := true
txt_top := top > top_y ? 'HH' : 'LH'
if show_swings
top_lbl = label.new(n-length, top, txt_top
, color = TRANSP_CSS
, textcolor = bear_css
, style = label.style_label_down
, size = size.large)
if mode == 'Present'
top_y := top
top_x := n - length
trail_up := top
trail_up_x := n - length
if itop
itop_cross := true
itop_y := itop
itop_x := n - 5
//Trailing maximum
trail_up := math.max(high, trail_up)
trail_up_x := trail_up == high ? n : trail_up_x
label.set_x(extend_top_lbl, n + 20)
label.set_y(extend_top_lbl, trail_up)
label.set_text(extend_top_lbl, trend < 0 ? ' 'مقاومة قوية: ')'مقاومة ضعيفة
//Pivot Low
var line extend_btm = na
if btm
btm_cross := true
txt_btm := btm < btm_y ? 'LL' : 'HL'
if show_swings
btm_lbl = label.new(n - length, btm, txt_btm
, color = TRANSP_CSS
, textcolor = bull_css
, style = label.style_label_up
, size = size.large)
if mode == 'Present'
//Extend recent btm to last bar
extend_btm := line.new(n - length, btm, n, btm
, color = bull_css)
btm_y := btm
btm_x := n-length
trail_dn := btm
trail_dn_x := n-length
if ibtm
ibtm_cross := true
ibtm_y := ibtm
ibtm_x := n - 5
//Trailing minimum
trail_dn := math.min(low, trail_dn)
trail_dn_x := trail_dn == low ? n : trail_dn_x
label.set_x(extend_btm_lbl, n + 20)
label.set_y(extend_btm_lbl, trail_dn)
label.set_text(extend_btm_lbl, trend > 0 ? ' 'دعم ضعيف: ' )'دعم قوي
//Order Blocks Arrays
var iob_top = array.new_float(0)
var iob_btm = array.new_float(0)
var iob_left = array.new_int(0)
var iob_type = array.new_int(0)
//Pivot High BOS/CHoCH
var bull_concordant = true
if ifilter_confluence
bull_concordant := high - math.max(close, open) > math.min(close, open - low)
if itrend < 0
choch := true
bull_ichoch_alert := true
bull_ibos_alert := true
if show_internals
if show_ibull == 'All' or (show_ibull == ' 'إيجابيand not choch) or
(show_ibull == ' 'إيجابيand choch)
display_Structure(itop_x, itop_y, txt, ibull_css, true, true,
itop_cross := false
itrend := 1
if trend < 0
choch := true
bull_choch_alert := true
bull_bos_alert := true
if show_Structure
if show_bull == 'All' or (show_bull == ' 'إيجابيand not choch) or (show_bull
== ' 'إيجابيand choch)
display_Structure(top_x, top_y, txt, bull_css, false, true, size.large)
//Order Block
if show_ob
ob_coord(false, top_x, ob_top, ob_btm, ob_left, ob_type)
top_cross := false
trend := 1
//Pivot Low BOS/CHoCH
var bear_concordant = true
if ifilter_confluence
bear_concordant := high - math.max(close, open) < math.min(close, open - low)
if itrend > 0
choch := true
bear_ichoch_alert := true
bear_ibos_alert := true
if show_internals
if show_ibear == 'All' or (show_ibear == ' 'سلبيand not choch) or
(show_ibear == ' 'سلبيand choch)
display_Structure(ibtm_x, ibtm_y, txt, ibear_css, true, false,
ibtm_cross := false
itrend := -1
if trend > 0
choch := true
bear_choch_alert := true
bear_bos_alert := true
if show_Structure
if show_bear == 'All' or (show_bear == ' 'سلبيand not choch) or (show_bear
== ' 'سلبيand choch)
display_Structure(btm_x, btm_y, txt, bear_css, false, false,
//Order Block
if show_ob
ob_coord(true, btm_x, ob_top, ob_btm, ob_left, ob_type)
btm_cross := false
trend := -1
//Order Blocks
//Set order blocks
var iob_boxes = array.new_box(0)
var ob_boxes = array.new_box(0)
iob_size = array.size(iob_type)
ob_size = array.size(ob_type)
if barstate.isfirst
if show_iob
for i = 0 to iob_showlast-1
array.push(iob_boxes, box.new(na,na,na,na, xloc = xloc.bar_time))
if show_ob
for i = 0 to ob_showlast-1
array.push(ob_boxes, box.new(na,na,na,na, xloc = xloc.bar_time))
if iob_size > 0
if barstate.islast
display_ob(iob_boxes, iob_top, iob_btm, iob_left, iob_type, iob_showlast,
false, iob_size)
if ob_size > 0
if barstate.islast
display_ob(ob_boxes, ob_top, ob_btm, ob_left, ob_type, ob_showlast, true,
var eq_prev_top = 0.
var eq_top_x = 0
var eq_prev_btm = 0.
var eq_btm_x = 0
if show_eq
eq_top = ta.pivothigh(eq_len, eq_len)
eq_btm = ta.pivotlow(eq_len, eq_len)
if eq_top
max = math.max(eq_top, eq_prev_top)
min = math.min(eq_top, eq_prev_top)
if mode == 'Present'
eqh_alert := true
eq_prev_top := eq_top
eq_top_x := n-eq_len
if eq_btm
max = math.max(eq_btm, eq_prev_btm)
min = math.min(eq_btm, eq_prev_btm)
eql_alert := true
if mode == 'Present'
eq_prev_btm := eq_btm
eq_btm_x := n-eq_len
//Fair Value Gaps
var bullish_fvg_max = array.new_box(0)
var bullish_fvg_min = array.new_box(0)
bullish_fvg_cnd = false
bearish_fvg_cnd = false
if show_fvg
delta_per = (src_c1 - src_o1) / src_o1 * 100
change_tf = timeframe.change(fvg_tf)
//FVG conditions
bullish_fvg_cnd := src_l > src_h2
and src_c1 > src_h2
and delta_per > threshold
and change_tf
//FVG Areas
if bullish_fvg_cnd
array.unshift(bullish_fvg_max, box.new(n-1, src_l, n + fvg_extend,
math.avg(src_l, src_h2)
, border_color = bull_fvg_css
, bgcolor = bull_fvg_css))
if bearish_fvg_cnd
array.unshift(bearish_fvg_max, box.new(n-1, src_h, n + fvg_extend,
math.avg(src_h, src_l2)
, border_color = bear_fvg_css
, bgcolor = bear_fvg_css))
for bx in bullish_fvg_min
if low < box.get_bottom(bx)
box.delete(array.get(bullish_fvg_max, array.indexof(bullish_fvg_min,
for bx in bearish_fvg_max
if high > box.get_top(bx)
box.delete(array.get(bearish_fvg_min, array.indexof(bearish_fvg_max,
//Previous day/week high/lows
//Daily high/low
[pdh, pdl] = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, 'D', hl()
, lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)
//Weekly high/low
[pwh, pwl] = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, 'W', hl()
, lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)
//Monthly high/low
[pmh, pml] = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, 'M', hl()
, lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)
//Display Daily
if show_pdhl
phl(pdh, pdl, 'D', pdhl_css)
//Display Weekly
if show_pwhl
phl(pwh, pwl, 'W', pwhl_css)
//Display Monthly
if show_pmhl
phl(pmh, pml, 'M', pmhl_css)
//Premium/Discount/Equilibrium zones
var premium = box.new(na, na, na, na
, bgcolor = color.new(premium_css, 80)
, border_color = na)
label.set_xy(eq_lbl, n, avg)
var color trend_css = na
if show_trend
if style == 'Colored'
trend_css := itrend == 1 ? bull_css : bear_css
else if style == 'Monochrome'
trend_css := itrend == 1 ? #b2b5be : #5d606b
//Internal Structure
alertcondition(bull_ibos_alert, 'Internal Bullish BOS', 'Internal Bullish BOS
alertcondition(bull_ichoch_alert, 'Internal Bullish CHoCH', 'Internal Bullish CHoCH
//Swing Structure
alertcondition(bull_bos_alert, 'Bullish BOS', 'Internal Bullish BOS formed')
alertcondition(bull_choch_alert, 'Bullish CHoCH', 'Internal Bullish CHoCH formed')
//order Blocks
alertcondition(bull_iob_break, 'Bullish Internal OB Breakout', 'Price broke bullish
iternal OB')
alertcondition(bear_iob_break, 'Bearish Internal OB Breakout', 'Price broke bearish
iternal OB')
alertcondition(eqh_alert, 'Equal Highs', 'Equal highs detected')
alertcondition(eql_alert, 'Equal Lows', 'Equal lows detected')
alertcondition(bullish_fvg_cnd, 'Bullish FVG', 'Bullish FVG formed')
alertcondition(bearish_fvg_cnd, 'Bearish FVG', 'Bearish FVG formed')
ph = ta.pivothigh(length,length)
pl = ta.pivotlow(length,length)
slope = switch method
'Atr' => ta.atr(length)/length*k
'Stdev' => ta.stdev(src,length)/length*k
'Linreg' => math.abs(ta.sma(src*bar_index,length)-
var line up_l = na
var line dn_l = na
var label recent_up_break = na
var label recent_dn_break = na
if ph[1]
up_l := line.new(n-length-1,ph[1],n-length,upper,color=#f5f3f3,
if pl[1]
dn_l := line.new(n-length-1,pl[1],n-length,lower,color=#5789e6,
if ta.crossover(src,upper-slope_ph*length)
recent_up_break := label.new(n,low,''شراء,color=#22692c,
if ta.crossunder(src,lower+slope_pl*length)
recent_dn_break := label.new(n,high,''بيع,color=#d11212,
plot(upper,'Upper',color = ph ? na : #f5f3f3,offset=-length)
plot(lower,'Lower',color = pl ? na : #5789e6,offset=-length)
alertcondition(ta.crossover(src,upper-slope_ph*length),'Upper Breakout','Price
broke upper trendline')
alertcondition(ta.crossunder(src,lower+slope_pl*length),'Lower Breakout','Price
broke lower trendline')
bool plot_ma_1 = input.bool(false, 'MA 1',inline='ma1',group= " ---- مؤشر عشرة خطوط
لمعدل الحركة----")
string ma_1_type = input.string(defval='EMA', title='',inline='ma1',
options=['RMA', 'SMA', 'EMA', 'WMA','HMA','VWMA'])
int ma_1_val = input.int(8, '', minval=1,inline='ma1')
string ma1_res = input.string(title='', defval='Normal MA',inline='ma1',options =
MA","Chart","1 Minute","3 Minutes","5 Minutes","15 Minutes","30 Minutes","45
Minutes","1 Hour","2 Hours","3 Hours","4 Hours","Day","Week","Month"])
color ma_1_colour = input.color(color.rgb(212, 204, 204), '',inline='ma1')
if type == 'RMA'
ta.rma(source, length)
else if type == 'SMA'
ta.sma(source, length)
else if type == 'EMA'
ta.ema(source, length)
else if type == 'WMA'
ta.wma(source, length)
else if type == 'HMA'
ta.hma(source, length)
ta.vwma(source, length)
if (type == "Open") or (type == "High") or (type == "Low") or (type == "Close")
or (type == "Normal MA")
switch res
"Open" => open
"High" => high
"Low" => low
"Close" => close
"hlc3" => hlc3
"ohlc4" => ohlc4
"hlcc4" => hlcc4