Effects of Fluid Rehydration
Effects of Fluid Rehydration
Effects of Fluid Rehydration
Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of
Pediatrics, Colorado Children’s Hospital, University
of Colorado–Denver School of Medicine, Aurora, CO
OBJECTIVE Department of Emergency Medicine, University of
California Davis Health, University of California,
Fluid replacement to correct dehydration, acidosis, and electrolyte abnormalities Davis, School of Medicine, Sacramento, CA
is the cornerstone of treatment for diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), but little is known Department of Pediatrics, University of
about optimal fluid infusion rates and electrolyte content. The objective of this California Davis Health, University of California,
Davis, School of Medicine, Sacramento, CA
study was to evaluate whether different fluid protocols affect the rate of normali- 4
Department of Pediatrics, Nationwide Children’s
zation of biochemical derangements during DKA treatment. Hospital, Ohio State University College of Medicine,
Columbus, OH
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS Departments of Emergency Medicine and
Pediatrics, Rhode Island Hospital, Warren Alpert
The current analysis involved moderate or severe DKA episodes (n = 714) in chil-
Medical School of Brown University, Providence, RI
dren age <18 years enrolled in the Fluid Therapies Under Investigation in DKA 6
Division of Emergency Medicine, Nemours/
(FLUID) Trial. Children were assigned to one of four treatment groups using a 2 Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children, Sidney
2 factorial design (0.90% or 0.45% saline and fast or slow rate of administration). Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson
University, Philadelphia, PA
RESULTS Division of Emergency Medicine, Department
of Pediatrics, St. Louis Children’s Hospital,
The rate of change of pH did not differ by treatment arm, but PCO2 increased Washington University School of Medicine in
more rapidly in the fast versus slow fluid infusion arms during the initial 4 h of St. Louis, St. Louis, MO
treatment. The anion gap also decreased more rapidly in the fast versus slow infu- Department of Pediatrics, University of Utah
School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT
sion arms during the initial 4 and 8 h. Glucose-corrected sodium levels remained 9
Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of
stable in patients assigned to 0.90% saline but decreased in those assigned to Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia,
0.45% saline at 4 and 8 h. Potassium levels decreased, while chloride levels Perelman School of Medicine at the University of
increased more rapidly with 0.90% versus 0.45% saline. Hyperchloremic acidosis Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Division of Emergency Medicine, Department
occurred more frequently in patients in the fast arms (46.1%) versus the slow of Pediatrics, Texas Children’s Hospital, Baylor
arms (35.2%). College of Medicine, Houston, TX
Division of Emergency Medicine, Department
CONCLUSIONS of Pediatrics, Boston Children’s Hospital,
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
In children treated for DKA, faster fluid administration rates led to a more rapid 12
Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of
normalization of anion gap and PCO2 than slower fluid infusion rates but were Pediatrics, Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s
associated with an increased frequency of hyperchloremic acidosis. Hospital of Chicago, Northwestern University
Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL
Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of
Pediatrics, New York Presbyterian Morgan Stanley
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a life-threatening complication of type 1 diabetes. In Children’s Hospital, Columbia University College of
the U.S., DKA affects 30–60% of children and youth at diagnosis of type 1 diabe- Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY
Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of
tes (1–3) and occurs at a rate of 7–10% per year among those with established
Pediatrics, Children’s National Medical Center,
type 1 diabetes (4–6). Brain injuries associated with DKA increase acute morbidity, George Washington School of Medicine and Health
mortality, and costs (7–9) and result in adverse long-term neurological outcomes Sciences, Washington, DC
2062 Rehydration and Correction of DKA in Children Diabetes Care Volume 44, September 2021
(10–14). Children who present with DKA was to investigate the effect of IV fluid concentration. Children whose treatment
at the time of diagnosis of type 1 diabe- administration rate and NaCl content on was changed for clinical reasons (adverse
tes also have worse long-term glycemic the rate of change in pH, PCO2, glucose, events or other clinical conditions that
control (15,16), increasing the risk of anion gap, glucose-corrected sodium, required changes in treatment) were not
microvascular complications. chloride, and potassium levels as well as excluded from the current analyses. Finally,
Fluid replacement to correct dehydra- time to metabolic normalization in chil- we included only moderate or severe DKA
tion, acidosis, and electrolyte abnormali- dren randomized to one of four DKA fluid episodes defined as serum glucose >300
ties is the cornerstone of treatment of treatment protocols in the PECARN FLUID mg/dL and venous pH <7.20 or serum
DKA. However, the optimal volume, rate Trial. bicarbonate <10 mEq/L. Mild DKA epi-
of infusion, and sodium content of intra- sodes (522 of 1,389, 38%) were excluded
venous (IV) fluid replacement have been RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS because DKA often resolved rapidly, fre-
controversial (17–19). A recent large ran- Study Design quently ending before the 4- or 8-h time
domized controlled trial, the Pediatric The PECARN FLUID Trial evaluated the points, making analyses of biochemical
Emergency Care Applied Research Net- effects of fluid rehydration rate and NaCl trends difficult and irrelevant. The current
work (PECARN) Fluid Therapies Under content on neurocognitive outcomes in analyses, therefore, included 714 (51%)
Investigation in DKA (FLUID) Trial, found 1,255 children <18 years old with 1,389 moderate to severe DKA episodes.
that neither the rate of administration episodes of DKA between February 2011
nor the NaCl content of IV fluids signifi- and September 2016 (20). This random- Procedures
cantly influenced neurological outcomes ized controlled trial was conducted in 13 The PECARN FLUID Trial compared four
in children with DKA (20). Recommenda- children’s hospitals within PECARN. Writ- fluid rehydration protocols frequently
tions from the FLUID Trial are part of the ten informed consent was obtained from used in the U.S. to treat children with
current Clinical Practice Consensus Guide- the parents or guardians of all enrolled DKA (24) (Supplementary Table 1). In
lines of the International Society for Pedi- patients. This study was approved by the the current analysis, we compared bio-
atric and Adolescent Diabetes (21). The local institutional review board at each chemical trends among children ran-
guidelines suggest that fluid management study site. Assent was obtained from domized to each treatment arm. Fluid
should be based on the patient’s hydra- patients whose age met the minimum infusion rate was classified as either
tion status and may be administered at age for assent according to their local fast or slow, and NaCl content was
rates as high as those used in the FLUID institutional review board. Exclusion crite- classified as either 0.90% or 0.45%
Trial. ria were previously described (24) and NaCl according to randomization arm.
Liberalization of fluid treatment proto- consisted of conditions unrelated to DKA Patients received a fluid bolus of 0.90%
cols may have occurred as a result of the that may affect mental status or cognitive saline, with the amount of bolus fluid
FLUID Trial data; however, little is known abilities or receipt of substantial treatment dictated by the randomization group.
about the effects of IV fluid administration for DKA prior to transfer to the study cen- Fluid boluses could be repeated at the
rate and NaCl content on the rates of ter. DKA was defined as a blood glucose discretion of the clinician if additional
change in glucose and electrolytes and level of >300 mg/dL [16.7 mmol/L] and boluses were felt to be clinically neces-
metabolic normalization during treatment either a venous pH of <7.25 or a serum sary. For all enrolled children, insulin
of DKA in children. A small randomized bicarbonate level of <15 mEq/L. was administered as an IV infusion at
controlled trial in adults with DKA and In the current post hoc analysis of data 0.1 units/kg/h. Potassium replacement
modest fluid deficits suggested that from the PECARN FLUID Trial, we excluded was included in IV fluids after the initial
smaller volumes of IV fluid administration DKA episodes in which the child withdrew fluid boluses. Combinations of potas-
lead to faster normalization of bicarbon- (n = 43, 3%), was later found to be ineligi- sium salts used for replacement varied
ate concentrations and shorter hospitaliza- ble (n = 8, 1%), or did not receive treat- somewhat among sites as a result of a
tions (22). In contrast, a small randomized ment according to protocol for nonclinical shortage of potassium phosphate during
controlled trial in children with DKA (23) reasons (n = 102, 7%). Patients in this last the study period; however, analyses
showed faster metabolic normalization in group either 1) received <80% or >125% were stratified by site to account for
those receiving larger volumes of IV fluids. of the expected amount of total protocol- this variability. Dextrose was added to
The FLUID Trial was designed, in part, to prescribed fluid or 2) received a majority the IV fluids when the serum glucose
provide definitive answers in this area of (>50%) of nonbolus fluid that did not concentration was 200–300 mg/dL to
controversy. The goal of the current study match the protocol-prescribed sodium maintain the serum glucose concentra-
Department of Psychology and the Center for Clinical trial reg. no. NCT00629707, clinicaltrials.gov © 2021 by the American Diabetes Association.
Mind and Brain, University of California, Davis, This article contains supplementary material Readers may use this article as long as the
Davis, CA online at https://doi.org/10.2337/figshare.14664 work is properly cited, the use is educational
Corresponding author: Arleta Rewers, arleta. 576. and not for profit, and the work is not altered.
[email protected] More information is available at https://www.
*A complete list of the PECARN FLUID Study
Received 22 December 2020 and accepted 20 Group members can be found in the supplementary
May 2021 material online.
care.diabetesjournals.org Rewers and Associates 2063
dL prior to initiation of subcutaneous insu- arms (P = 0.002). There was a smaller infusion rate on changes in potassium
lin. This analysis found similar results, with effect of NaCl concentration, with hyper- and glucose-corrected sodium concentra-
continued significant differences between chloremic acidosis developing in 157 of tions; however, these small differences
treatment groups in glucose normalization. 362 (43.4%) children in the 0.90% NaCl were unlikely to be clinically relevant.
Glucose-corrected sodium concentra- arms vs. 133 of 352 (37.8%) in the Our results demonstrate that ketoaci-
tions decreased gradually during the ini- 0.45% NaCl arms (P = 0.06). Rates of dosis resolves more quickly with more
tial 4 and 8 h of treatment in children hypernatremia did not differ by treat- rapid fluid infusion; however, hyper-
randomized to 0.45% NaCl infusion but ment arm. chloremic acidosis is also more frequent.
did not change appreciably in those ran- Our findings are similar to results of an
domized to the 0.90% NaCl infusion CONCLUSIONS earlier very small trial in children with
arms. The rate of rehydration had a smaller DKA (23) but contradict another report
In this large randomized controlled trial
effect on glucose-corrected sodium concen- (22) that showed more rapid correction
of fluid treatment in pediatric DKA, we
trations, but this effect was significant at of bicarbonate levels and shorter hospi-
analyzed differences in the rates of cor-
the 8-h time point. Chloride concentra- tal stay after receiving smaller amounts
rection of acidosis and normalization of of IV fluids in adults treated for DKA.
tions increased and potassium concen-
trations decreased more rapidly in the electrolytes with variable fluid infusion We found, rather unexpectedly, that
0.90% NaCl vs. 0.45% NaCl arms during rates and fluid NaCl concentrations. faster fluid administration led to a
both 4 and 8 h of treatment. Changes in More rapid fluid administration led to slower decline in glucose concentra-
concentrations of electrolytes and glu- more rapid increases in PCO2 during the tions, after adjusting for potential con-
cose during DKA treatment are pre- first 4 h of treatment and more rapid founders. The difference was small (3
sented in Fig. 2. normalization of the anion gap, which mg/dL/h on average), with children in
occurred 2–3 h earlier in the fast fluid the slower infusion arms reaching a
Secondary Outcome Measures infusion arms. In contrast, pH did not blood glucose concentration of #200
(Adverse Effects) normalize more rapidly with faster fluid mg/dL on average 1 h earlier than those
Hyperchloremic acidosis developed in infusion rates, possibly as a result of fre- in the fast infusion arms. This minor
164 of 356 (46.1%) children in the fast quent development of hyperchloremic effect may have been related to lower
fluid infusion arms compared with 126 acidosis in the fast fluid infusion arms. glucose load per hour in patients receiv-
of 358 (35.2%) in the slow fluid infusion We also observed modest effects of fluid ing dextrose-containing fluids at slower
care.diabetesjournals.org Rewers and Associates 2065
infusion rates while continuing to treated with 0.45% NaCl had declines in increased less in the 0.45% NaCl arms
receive insulin at the same dosage as glucose-corrected sodium concentra- compared with the 0.90% NaCl arms,
those receiving higher fluid infusion tions in contrast to those receiving resulting in lower rates of hyperchlore-
rates. 0.90% NaCl, whose average glucose-cor- mic acidosis. Finally, potassium levels
The choice of 0.45% vs. 0.90% NaCl rected sodium concentrations did not decreased less rapidly in the 0.45%
solution as the rehydration fluid had a decrease during the 8-h observation NaCl arms. This effect was more sub-
substantial effect on the rate of change period. These findings are similar to stantial in children receiving fast fluid
in glucose-corrected sodium, chloride, those reported in a previous small ret- replacement rates, where a significant
and potassium concentrations. Children rospective study (25). Chloride levels interaction between treatment effects
2066 Rehydration and Correction of DKA in Children Diabetes Care Volume 44, September 2021
Figure 2—Changes in electrolyte and glucose concentrations during DKA treatment. Means and 95% CIs are shown by treatment group assigned.
was noted. These differences likely Although hyperchloremic acidosis resolves administration resolved DKA more quickly
result from increased sodium delivery spontaneously, this metabolic derange- (normalization of anion gap) but with
to the renal tubules, with more rapid ment may mask recognition of resolution an increased risk of hyperchloremia, espe-
infusion or higher sodium content fluids of ketoacidosis when total base deficit or cially if 0.90% NaCl was used. Potassium
causing increased aldosterone-stimu- bicarbonate levels are used to monitor replacement in our study was given as an
lated sodium reabsorption and potas- biochemical improvement (28,29). To avoid equal mixture of potassium chloride and
sium secretion. this misinterpretation, the International potassium phosphate, which further
Preferential renal excretion of ketones Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabe- increased the chloride load. The develop-
over chloride ions in DKA, in addition to tes guidelines recommend measurement ment of hyperchloremic acidosis could be
infusion of large amounts of NaCl, may of bedside β-hydroxybutyrate concentra- mitigated by using 0.45% NaCl rather than
lead to hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis tions to monitor DKA resolution (21). In 0.9% NaCl and by using potassium salts
during treatment for DKA (25–27). the current study, more rapid fluid other than potassium chloride.
care.diabetesjournals.org Rewers and Associates 2067
The current study was a post hoc Andrew Bremer [Eunice Kennedy Shriver the study and take responsibility for the integrity
analysis, and the results should there- National Institute of Child and Human Devel- of the data and the accuracy of the data
opment, Bethesda, MD], Thomas Cook analysis.
fore be interpreted with several limita- [Department of Biostatistics and Medical Prior Presentation. Parts of this study were
tions in mind. The generalizability of our Informatics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, presented in abstract form at the 79th Scien-
results may be somewhat limited for WI], and Beth Slomine [Department of Psychi- tific Sessions of the American Diabetes Associ-
patients at the extremes of the spec- atry, Johns Hopkins University School of Medi- ation, San Francisco, CA, 7–11 June 2019.
trum of pediatric DKA. We excluded a cine, Baltimore, MD]), and the members of
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