AAP Guia Practica Liquidos IV
AAP Guia Practica Liquidos IV
AAP Guia Practica Liquidos IV
Maintenance intravenous fluids (IVFs) are used to provide critical supportive abstract
care for children who are acutely ill. IVFs are required if sufficient fluids
cannot be provided by using enteral administration for reasons such as
gastrointestinal illness, respiratory compromise, neurologic impairment,
a perioperative state, or being moribund from an acute or chronic illness.
aRetired, Nicklaus Children's Health System, Miami, Florida; bRetired,
Despite the common use of maintenance IVFs, there is high variability in
Levine Children’s Hospital, Charlotte, North Carolina; cOregon
fluid prescribing practices and a lack of guidelines for fluid composition Health and Science University, Portland, Oregon; lDepartment of
Pediatric Emergency Medicine, dSchool of Medicine, University of
administration and electrolyte monitoring. The administration of hypotonic Washington and Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, Washington;
eDepartment of Pediatrics, College of Medicine – Jacksonville,
IVFs has been the standard in pediatrics. Concerns have been raised
University of Florida, Jacksonville, Florida; Departments of fSurgery
that this approach results in a high incidence of hyponatremia and that and oPediatrics, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Children's
Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; gDivision of Critical
isotonic IVFs could prevent the development of hyponatremia. Our goal in Care Medicine, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia;
this guideline is to provide an evidence-based approach for choosing the hDepartment of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, Emory University,
The Key Action Statement of the subcommittee is as follows: The guidance in this report does not indicate an exclusive course of
treatment or serve as a standard of medical care. Variations, taking
1A: The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that patients 28 into account individual circumstances, may be appropriate.
days to 18 years of age requiring maintenance IVFs should receive isotonic
solutions with appropriate potassium chloride and dextrose because they To cite: Feld LG, Neuspiel DR, Foster BA, et al. Clinical Practice
significantly decrease the risk of developing hyponatremia (evidence quality: Guideline: Maintenance Intravenous Fluids in Children.
A; recommendation strength: strong) Pediatrics. 2018;142(6):e20183083
PEDIATRICS Volume 142, number 6, December 2018:e20183083 FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS
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INTRODUCTION cardiac disease, hepatic disease, The buffer in plasma is bicarbonate,
cancer, renal dysfunction, diabetes but buffers in commercially
Maintenance intravenous fluids
insipidus, voluminous watery available solutions include various
(IVFs) are used to provide critical
diarrhea, or severe burns; neonates concentrations of lactate, acetate,
supportive care for children who
who are younger than 28 days old and gluconate. Multiple balanced
are acutely ill. IVFs are required if
or in the NICU; or adolescents older salt solutions can be compared with
sufficient fluids cannot be provided
than 18 years old. normal saline (0.9% saline), which
by using enteral administration for
has the same sodium concentration
reasons such as gastrointestinal
as plasma but has a supraphysiologic
illness, respiratory compromise, BACKGROUND chloride concentration.
neurologic impairment, a
perioperative state, or being Phases of Fluid Therapy
Effect of Dextrose on Tonicity
moribund from an acute or chronic Recent literature has emerged in
illness. For the purposes of this Tonicity is used to describe the net
which researchers describe the
document, specifying appropriate vector of force on cells relative to
context-dependent use of IVFs, which
maintenance IVFs includes the a semipermeable membrane when
should be prescribed, ordered, dosed,
composition of IVF needed to in solution. Physiologic relevance
and delivered like any other drug.5– 7
preserve a child’s extracellular occurs with tonicity studied in vivo
Four distinct physiology-driven time
volume while simultaneously (eg, as IVF is infused intravascularly).
periods exist for children requiring
minimizing the risk of developing Infused isotonic fluids do not result in
IVFs. The resuscitative phase is the
volume depletion, fluid overload, osmotic shifts; the cells stay the same
acute presentation window, when
or electrolyte disturbances, such as size. Cellular expansion occurs during
IVFs are needed to restore adequate
hyponatremia or hypernatremia. immersion in hypotonic fluids as free
tissue perfusion and prevent or
Because maintenance IVFs may have water, in higher relative abundance
mitigate end-organ injury. The
both potential benefits and harms, in the extracellular environment,
titration phase is the time when IVFs
they should only be administered and crosses the semipermeable
are transitioned from boluses to
when clinically indicated. The membrane. The converse happens
maintenance; this is a critical window
administration of hypotonic IVF in hypertonic fluid immersion: free
to determine what intravascular
has been the standard in pediatrics. water shifts out of the cells, leading
repletion has been achieved and
Concerns have been raised that this to cellular contraction. A distinct
the trajectory of fluid gains versus
approach results in a high incidence but related concept is the concept of
losses in children who are acutely
of hyponatremia and that isotonic osmolality. Osmolality is measured
ill. The maintenance phase accounts
IVF could prevent the development as osmoles of solute per kilogram
for fluids administered during the
of hyponatremia. Guidelines for of solvent. Serum osmolality can be
previous 2 stabilization phases and is
maintenance IVF therapy in children estimated by the following formula:
a time when fluids should be supplied
have primarily been opinion based, to achieve a precise homeostatic
2 × Na(mEq / L)
and evidence-based consensus balance between needs and losses. + BUN (mg / dL)/2.8+glucose (mg/dL)/18
guidelines are lacking. Finally, the convalescent phase
reflects the period when exogenous Osmolality is distinct from tonicity
fluid administration is stopped, and (effective osmolality) in that tonicity
OBJECTIVE the patient returns to intrinsic fluid relates to both the effect on a cell of
regulation. The dose of fluid during a fluid (dependent on the selective
Despite the common use of
these 4 phases of fluid therapy needs permeability of the membrane) and
maintenance IVFs, there is high
to be adjusted on the basis of the the osmolality of the fluid. In the
variability in fluid prescribing
unique physiologic needs of each plasma, urea affects osmolality but
practices and a lack of guidelines for
patient, and a specific protocoled not tonicity because urea moves
fluid composition and electrolyte
dose is not able to be applied to all freely across cell membranes with no
monitoring.1– 4 Our goal in this
patients.8,9 effect on tonicity. The tonicity of IVF
guideline is to provide an evidence-
is primarily affected by the sodium
based approach for choosing the A variety of IVFs are commercially
and potassium concentration.
tonicity of maintenance IVFs in most available for use in infants and
patients from 28 days to 18 years of children. These solutions principally Dextrose (D-glucose) can be added
age who require maintenance IVFs. vary by their specific electrolyte to IVFs (Table 1). Although dextrose
These recommendations do not composition, the addition of a buffer, affects the osmolarity of IVFs, it is
apply to patients with neurosurgical and whether they contain glucose not a significant contributor to the
disorders, congenital or acquired (Table 1).10 plasma osmotic pressure or tonicity
in the absence of uncontrolled states, which lead to water retention relationship with the administration
diabetes because it is rapidly followed by a physiologic natriuresis of hypotonic IVFs.11,19,
20 The
metabolized after entering the blood in which fluid balance is maintained most serious complication of
stream. Thus, although dextrose will at the expense of plasma sodium. hospital-acquired hyponatremia is
affect the osmolarity of solutions, for hyponatremic encephalopathy, which
patients in whom maintenance IVFs Children have historically been is a medical emergency that can be
are needed, the dextrose component administered hypotonic maintenance fatal or lead to irreversible brain
generally is not believed to affect the IVFs.3,4 This practice is based on injury if inadequately treated.21– 24
tonicity of solutions. theoretical calculations from the The reports of hospital‐acquired
1950s.16 The water requirement was
hyponatremic encephalopathy have
Historical Maintenance IVF Practice based on the energy expenditure of
occurred primarily in otherwise
and Hyponatremia healthy children, with 1 mL of fluid
healthy children who were receiving
provided for each kilocalorie (kcal)
Hyponatremia (serum sodium hypotonic IVFs, in many cases after
expended, or 1500 mL/m2 per day.
concentration <135 mEq/L) is minor surgical procedures.21,23
The resting energy expenditure in
the most common electrolyte Patients with hospital‐acquired
healthy children is vastly different
abnormality in patients who are hyponatremia are at particular risk
in those with an acute disease and/
hospitalized, affecting approximately for hyponatremic encephalopathy,
or illness or after surgery. When
15% to 30% of children and which usually develops acutely in
using calorimetric methods, energy
Patients who are acutely less than 48 hours, leaving little time
expenditure in these patients is
ill frequently have disease states for the brain to adapt. Children are at
closer to the basal metabolic rate
associated with arginine vasopressin particularly high risk of developing
proposed by Talbot,17 which averages
(AVP) excess that can impair symptomatic hyponatremia because
50 to 60 kcal/kg per day.18 The
free-water excretion and place of their larger brain/skull size ratio.24
electrolyte concentration of IVFs was
the patient at risk for developing Symptoms of hyponatremia can be
estimated to reflect the composition
hyponatremia when a source of nonspecific, including fussiness,
of human and cow milk. The final
electrolyte-free water is supplied, headache, nausea, vomiting,
composition consisted of 3 mEq of
as in hypotonic fluids.10 Nonosmotic confusion, lethargy, and muscle
sodium and 2 mEq of potassium per
stimuli of AVP release include pain, cramps, making prompt diagnosis
100 kcal metabolized.16
nausea, stress, a postoperative difficult.
state, hypovolemia, medications, Most hyponatremia in patients who
and pulmonary and central nervous are hospitalized is hospital acquired After reports of severe hyponatremia
system (CNS) disorders, including and related to the administration and associated neurologic injury
common childhood conditions such of hypotonic IVFs in the setting of were reported in 1992, a significant
as pneumonia and meningitis.13–15 elevated AVP concentrations.10,11
debate emerged regarding the
These conditions can lead to Studies in which researchers appropriateness of administering
the syndrome of inappropriate evaluated hospital‐acquired hypotonic maintenance IVFs
antidiuresis (SIAD) or SIAD-like hyponatremia have revealed a to children.21 In 2003, it was
teams through a series of questions of each recommendation per the On the basis of the reviewed
that are intended to create clear, guidance in Fig 1. literature, this guideline applies
transparent, and actionable Key to children 28 days to 18 years of
Action Statements.47 The committee Before formal approval by the age in surgical (postoperative) and
was actively involved while the AAP, this guideline underwent medical acute-care settings, including
software was used and solicited a comprehensive review by critical care and the general inpatient
the inputs of this program, which stakeholders, including AAP councils, ward. This guideline DOES NOT
included strength of evidence and committees, and sections; selected apply to children with neurosurgical
balance of benefits versus harms, and outside stakeholder organizations; disorders, congenital or acquired
chose which sentences recommended and individuals who were identified cardiac disease, hepatic disease,
by the program to use as part of the by the subcommittee as experts cancer, renal dysfunction, diabetes
guideline. Bridge-Wiz also integrates in the field. All comments were insipidus, voluminous watery
the quality of available evidence and reviewed by the subcommittee and diarrhea, or severe burns; neonates
a benefit-harm assessment into the incorporated into the final guideline who are younger than 28 days
final determination of the strength when appropriate. old or in the NICU; or adolescents
older than 18 years old because
the majority of the researchers in
the prospective studies reviewed
in this guideline excluded these
subsets of patients or did not include
patients with these specific high-risk
All clinical practice guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics automatically expire 5 years after publication unless reaffirmed, revised, or retired at or before that time.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2018-3083
Address correspondence to Leonard G. Feld, MD, PhD, MMM, FAAP. E-mail: [email protected]
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.
POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The authors have indicated they have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.
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