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NCP For LEC Act. 5

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Subjective Data: Ineffective Short term: Independent: Independent: Short term:

“Inuubo siya airway After 1 day of  Educate the patient to  To improve lung function After 1 day of
tuwing gabi dahil clearance nursing intervention the practice deep breathing and help with mucus nursing intervention the
sa lamig” as related to patient will be able to exercise. clearance. patient was able to
verbalized by the cough as maintain clear, open maintain clear, open
SO of patient evidenced by airways as evidenced by  Auscultate breath sounds  To ascertain current status airways as evidenced by
dyspnea the absence of abnormal and assess air movement. and note effects of treatment the absence of abnormal
Objective Data: breath sounds. in clearing airways. breath sounds.
(+) presence of
dyspnea Long term:  Encourage the patient to  Maintaining adequate “GOAL MET”
(+) ineffective After 2 weeks of maintain adequate hydration helps in thinning
cough nursing intervention the hydration. respiratory secretions, Long term Goal
patient will be able to making them easier to After 2 weeks of
Vital Signs: identify and avoid mobilize and clear from the nursing intervention the
T: 36.5 ̊C specific factors that airways. patient was able to
HR: 76 bpm inhibit effective airway identify and avoid
RR: 24 bpm clearance. Dependent: specific factors that
BP: 90/60 mmHg Dependent:  Suctioning is needed when inhibit effective airway
 Perform nasotracheal clients are unable to cough clearance.
suctioning as necessary, out secretions properly due
especially if the cough is to weakness, thick mucus
ineffective. plugs, or excessive or “GOAL MET”
tenacious mucus production.

 To help the patient improve

 Administer medications as airway patency and promote
prescribed by the physician. effective secretion

Collaborative: Collaborative:
 Collaborate with  To allow a
pulmonologists. comprehensive
assessment of the
patient’s respiratory

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