Final Project Report Automatic Gear Box

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Utilizing the GEMMA guide, a design manual for start and stop modes, has gained
recognition as an effective strategy for addressing intricate automation challenges.
Despite its limited popularity, it presents a commendable methodological approach that
facilitates a seamless shift from theoretical exercises to real-world industrial
applications. This message aims to highlight an added benefit of the GEMMA guide,
serving as motivation for its adoption, while also emphasizing the significance of
considering the human operator as an indispensable component within the automation

The automation of a gearbox is an innovative and promising implementation in the

industry, aiming to significantly optimize and enhance the performance, efficiency, and
reliability of transmission systems used in various sectors. With the objective of
addressing current and future industry challenges, the automation of gearboxes
presents a series of advantages that will boost production and elevate competitiveness.

At the core of gearbox automation lies the integration of advanced technologies such as
artificial intelligence, mechatronics, and connectivity. These elements work in synergy to
create an intelligent and adaptable system capable of automatically adjusting gear
ratios based on operating conditions, vehicle load, and driver preferences.

One of the primary benefits of this automation is the improvement in performance and
energy efficiency. By eliminating manual intervention in gear shifting, energy losses are
avoided, and power delivery to the transmission system is optimized, resulting in lower
fuel consumption and reduced pollutant emissions.

Furthermore, gearbox automation increases the precision and speed of gear shifts while
reducing the wear and tear on the transmission system, extending its lifespan and
lowering maintenance costs.

Another key aspect is safety. With an automated system, the risk of human errors during
gear changes is minimized, which is especially relevant in industrial applications.


In order to develop the project with a great organization, the Gemma Guide is used, to
introduce this topic we take into account what PONSA (2007) says “The GEMMA guide
stems from the work carried out over two years by the French National Agency for the
Development of Production Applied to Industry (ADEPA, 1981).

The acronym GEMMA (Guide d'Étude des Modes de Marches et d'Arrêts) translates to
"Study Guide for Start and Stop Modes." During its development in the year 1993, it was
conceived to comply with European Union safety standards. It is complemented by the
representation of GRAFCET (Graph of States and Transitions) under the French
national standard UTE C 03-191 (AFCET-ADEPA, 1995). The guide aims to provide a
methodology that encompasses sequential control start and stop modes, correct
operation of the controlled process, handling of deteriorated operation in the presence
of anomalies, and even emergency situations to anticipate potential human or material
damage (Garcia, 2004).

The methodology outlined in the GEMMA guide (Ponsa and Vilanova, 2005) consists of
the following set of phases: Automation, Supervisory Control,Interaction,
Implementation, Testing”. With this paragraph we know a little more about the origin of
GEMMA and his purpose. Following the same line the author also says “In the
supervisory control phase, the emphasis is on the operator's role in monitoring the
controlled process (Català et al., 2000; Petersen, 2004; Ponsa and Català, 1999). In the
interaction phase, the operator intervenes using a control panel. It is essential to design
the control panel, considering the operator's physical actions on devices and the
reception of visual or acoustic informative signals (Oncins, 2007). During the
implementation phase, the GEMMA guide is programmed into the automation system
(logical controller or PLC). In the testing phase, the operator can verify proper
functioning and iteratively introduce improvements in each of the mentioned phases.
The GEMMA guide is presented as a graphical list of modes that allows the human
operator to define all the operations and their consequences on the machine from the
beginning (Kontogiannis, 1996). The GEMMA guide is based on various basic concepts:

- Preconditions for powering up the machine

- Start and stop procedures of the machine (manual and/or automatic control)
- Operating procedures of the machine (normal or anomalous operation)
- Failure and/or machine defect procedures (emergency situation handling, redirection
to safe operating conditions)


According to the Citcea (2023) “An automation consists of two fundamental parts: the
production system and the control of this system (computer, programmable controller,
etc.). The control can be powered or unpowered; From our point of view, the unfed state
does not interest us, but we do have to study the transition from this state to the other.

When the control is powered, the system can be in three situations: working, stopped
(or in the process of stopping) and faulty. There can be production in each of these
three situations; in operation without any doubt but it can also occur when the machine
is in the process of stopping and when the machine is in certain defect conditions
(despite the fact that production may not be usable).

The GEMMA represents each one of the four situations (no power, operation, stop and
defect) by means of two separate rectangles and the production by means of a fifth
rectangle that intersects with the three main rectangles.

Each of the situations mentioned can be subdivided into several such that, in the end,
there are 17 possible operating states that we will study below. It should be mentioned
that not all processes will require all these states, but we can affirm that the necessary
states in each process can easily be related to a part of those proposed by GEMMA.
The guide also proposes the main ways to go from one state to another.”
Figure 1.21 Modes of functioning

Based on these ideas, the GEMMA guide is created as a graphical representation of the
described concepts in the form of operating modes (associated in families of procedures
A, F, D) and transitions between modes.

1.2.1. Group F: Operating Procedures

This group contains all the operating modes necessary to obtain production; that is to
say those of normal operation (F1 to F3) and those of test and verification (F4 to F6).

F1 Normal production. It is the state in which the machine produces normally, that is, it
does the task for which it has been designed. Operation within this state can be
associated with a GRAFCET that we will call the base GRAFCET. This state does not
have to correspond to automatic operation.
F2 Preparation run. It corresponds to the preparation of the machine for operation
(preheating, preparation of components, etc.).
F3 Closing run. It corresponds to the emptying and/or cleaning phase that many
machines have to carry out before stopping or changing some characteristics of the
F4 Verification marches without order. In this case, the machine, normally by order of
the operator, can carry out any movement (or certain pre-established movements). It is
used for maintenance and verification tasks.
F5 Verification gears in order. In this case the machine performs the complete operating
cycle in order but at the rate set by the operator. It is used for maintenance and
verification tasks. In this state there is a possibility that the machine produces.
F6 Test runs. They allow adjustment and preventive maintenance operations to be
carried out.

1.2.2. Group A: Shutdown Procedures

This group contains all the modes in which the system is stopped (A1 and A4), those
that lead to the stoppage of the system (A2 and A3) and those that allow the system to
go from a fault state to a stopped state ( A5 to A7). They correspond to all stops due to
causes external to the process.

A1 Stop in the initial state. It is the normal idle state of the machine. It is represented by
a double rectangle. The machine is normally represented in this state (drawings,
electrical diagram, pneumatic diagram, etc.) which usually corresponds to the initial
stage of a GRAFCET.
A2 Stop requested at the end of the cycle. It is a transitory state in which the machine,
which until that moment was producing normally, must only produce until the end of the
current cycle and come to a standstill in the initial state.
A3 Stop requested in a certain state. It is a transitory state in which the machine, which
up to that moment was producing normally, must only produce until it reaches a point in
the cycle that is different from the initial state.
A4 Save obtained. It is a rest state of the machine different from the initial state.
A5 Preparation for commissioning after the defect. Corresponds to the phase of
emptying, cleaning or putting in order that in many cases has to be done after a defect.
A6 Putting the system in the initial state. The system is brought to the initial situation
(usually the rest situation); once done, the machine stops in the initial state.
A7 Putting the system in a certain state. The system is taken to a concrete situation
different from the initial one; once done, the machine stops.

1.2.3. Group D: Defect Procedures

This group contains all the modes in which the system is faulty, whether it is producing
(D3), stopped (D1) or is in the fault diagnosis or treatment phase (D2). They correspond
to all stops due to internal causes of the process.

D1 Emergency stop. It contains not only the simple emergency stop but also all those
actions necessary to bring the system to a safe stop situation.
D2 Diagnosis and/or treatment of defects. It allows, with or without the help of the
operator, to determine the causes of the defect and eliminate them.
D3 Production despite defects. Corresponds to those cases in which production must
continue despite the fact that the system does not work correctly. It includes cases in
which, for example, it is produced to run out of a non-storable reagent or those in which
the normal cycle is not followed since the operator replaces the machine in a certain
task due to a breakdown.
Figure 1.21 GEMMA guide visualization

1.2.4. The most relevant modes are described below:

PZ1: Power-off state. When the automation system loses power, this state deals with
the procedures required to ensure safety.
F1: Normal production. The machine operates normally, carrying out its intended task. It
contains the basic algorithm, usually expressed as a production GRAFCET or base
F4: Verification run without order. Allows certifying individual cycle movements without
following the usual sequence (usually, in an empty state). It is comparable to the
operator's intervention in manual control form.
A1: Initial stop. Initial resting state of the GEMMA guide. It typically corresponds to the
initial state of the GRAFCET.
A2: Stop at the end of the cycle. When this stop is requested, the machine completes
the cycle and then stops in the initial state. Otherwise, no interruption occurs, and the
cycle repeats automatically.
A5: Preparation for Restart after a Failure. In this state, operations necessary for a new
start after a failure/defect must be performed (emptying, cleaning, product replacement,
etc.). It involves reconfiguring the system and is usually associated with a reset button.
D1: Emergency stop (or stop to ensure safety). The state the system evolves into after
activating the emergency stop. It must provide for a rapid cessation of activities and
necessary actions to limit the consequences of the stop (both in production and for the
D2: Fault/defect diagnosis and/or treatment. Actions to be executed to determine the
origin of the fault or defect. They may be performed with the operator's assistance.”

Grafcet (Graph of States, Function, and Transitions) is a graphical method used to
model, design, and represent the behavior of sequential control systems. It provides a
visual way to describe the operation of a system or a process and is commonly used for
PLC programming in industrial automation.

Grafcet consists of four main elements:

Steps (or States): Steps represent specific actions or conditions in a control process.
Each step can be thought of as a state that the system or process can be in at any
given time. For example, a step could be "Motor ON," "Valve Open," or "Heating Mode."
Transitions: Transitions define the conditions that must be met to move from one step to
another. They represent the logical connections between steps and are usually
associated with specific events or conditions. Transitions determine the progression of
the control process. For example, a transition could be triggered by a sensor input, a
timer reaching a specific value, or the satisfaction of a certain condition.
Actions (or Functions): Actions are associated with steps and represent the activities or
operations to be performed when the system is in a particular state (step). Actions could
involve starting or stopping motors, turning on or off valves, or setting specific outputs.
Initial Step and Final Step: The Grafcet diagram starts from an initial step, representing
the starting point of the control process. The final step(s) represent the end or
termination of the control process.

Grafcet diagrams are typically represented graphically using symbols to depict the
steps, transitions, and actions, allowing engineers and technicians to visualize the
control process easily. The graphical nature of Grafcet makes it easier to understand
and design complex sequential control systems.

Grafcet is commonly used for designing control systems in various industrial

applications, including manufacturing, process control, and automation. It provides a
structured and intuitive approach to modeling sequential processes, making it easier to
program PLCs to execute the desired control logic.


In the words of Redacción autofichas (2023) "An automatic gearbox or automatic
transmission is a type of transmission that shifts gears automatically, without the need
for the driver to do so manually. Instead of having to depress the clutch pedal and
manipulate the gearshift, the driver only has to select the desired driving position. The
operation of the automatic gearbox is based on a series of mechanical, electronic and
hydraulic components that work together to change gears automatically. The heart of
the automatic gearbox is a set of planetary gears that combine to provide different gear


“Ladder is one of several programming languages for programmable logic controllers
(PLCs) standardized with IEC 61131-3. In Ladder, the energy moves from left to right
instead of up and down as in the electrical schematics. In a typical circuit, contacts
appear on the left side and a coil on the right side. The control logic that represents this
circuit can be seen as a logical inference that has as antecedent the logic of the
contacts and as conclusive the coil.” (from bookdown, sf).
“There are many different types of gears that can be used in different places. Therefore,
the application of gears is diverse, and we cannot give a concrete list. We can see that
the mechanical industry has rapid development. There is no doubt that the market
demand for gears that are used in industrial applications is increasing. Obviously, the
application of gears is quite wide. For example, they can be used in fertilizer industry,
railway industry, printing industry and earthmoving industry, etc. Except for these
industries, there are also many other industries where gears can play quite an important
role. Next, let's look at some of the applications of gears” (From Transmisión
Automática, 2020)

“Simulation software programming involves writing code to build and customize

simulation models using simulation software platforms. The programming languages
used for simulation software programming can vary based on the software being used.
For example, Arena Simulation Software utilizes a proprietary language called SIMAN
which is similar to Pascal syntax, while others such as AnyLogic offer the ability to write
code in Java, or Python. Additionally, some simulation software such as LINDO allow
input in a variety of different formats such as text files, spreadsheets, or even through
algebraic expressions. Regardless of the software, programming is necessary to create
models, customize parameters, and perform analysis on simulated data.” (,

"The ladder diagram is a very popular graphical programming language for

programmable logic controllers because it is based on classic electrical control
diagrams. Thus, with the knowledge that any electrical engineer or technician
possesses, it is very easy to adapt to programming in this type of language. In STEP7 it
is called "KOP". Ladder is one of several programming languages for programmable
logic controllers (PLCs) standardized with IEC 61131-3. In Ladder, power is moved from
left to right instead of top to bottom as in electrical schematics.

A typical circuit shows contacts on the left-hand side and a coil on the right-hand side.
The control logic represented by such a circuit can be seen as a logical inference with
the contact logic as the antecedent and the coil as the conclusive. To program a Ladder
controller, in addition to being familiar with the rules of switching circuits, it is necessary
to know each of the elements of this language". (Herrero, s. f.)
CODESYS is a powerful and versatile open-source software designed for programming
PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers) in the field of physical and industrial computing.
Its significance lies in its adherence to the widely recognized industrial standard, IEC
61131-3, which has made it a popular choice among hardware developers worldwide.
By providing a complete development environment for both PLCs and PCs, CODESYS
has garnered widespread adoption and support, with more than 500 manufacturers
producing over 1000 control devices and PLCs that are compatible with the software.

“CODESYS is an open-source PLC programming language software, used in physical

and industrial computing. Its compliance with industrial standard IEC 61131-3 allowed it
to be used by hundreds of hardware developers globally. It is a complete development
environment for PLCs and PCs that currently has over 500 manufacturers producing
over 1000 control devices and PLCs that are compatible with CODESYS.” Salama
The given quote explains the significance and scope of CODESYS as a software tool
for PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) programming in the context of physical.

As a result of its open-source nature, CODESYS empowers developers to collaborate,

innovate, and customize the software to suit their specific automation needs. This
flexibility has allowed CODESYS to become an integral part of the automation
ecosystem, playing a vital role in controlling and automating physical processes and
machinery across diverse industrial applications.

“Inside an automatic gearbox is a torque converter, which is responsible for transferring

engine power to the wheels. The torque converter contains a fluid that allows it to
multiply the engine's torque, making it possible for the transmission to function properly.
The torque converter is connected to a series of gears known as planetary gear sets.
These gears work together to provide different gear ratios, depending on the speed and
load of the vehicle.” webuyanycar (S.F)

“CODESYS (Controlled Development System) is a software platform used in industrial

automation technology. The platform is based on the CODESYS development system,
an IEC 61131-3 programming tool. It provides end users with integrated solutions for
project engineering in automation applications. This tool covers project engineering,
programming, operation on workstations, as well as running and debugging application
code on the controller. Illustration 1 shows the introduction to the CODESYS program.
“Garcia (2019).




The acrylic prototype of this automated gearbox represents a remarkable combination
of aesthetics and functionality. Its transparent body showcases the intricate inner
workings, allowing observers to appreciate the precision engineering at play.

At the heart of the acrylic prototype lies an advanced automation system controlled by
CODESYS, a powerful software platform for industrial automation and control. This
integration enables seamless communication and coordination between various
components, enhancing the overall performance and reliability of the gearbox.

The gearbox's automatic mode is designed to offer a user-friendly experience. A display

unit, linked to the CODESYS system, provides drivers with essential information,
including the selected gear, driving mode, and system status. Drivers can effortlessly
switch between manual and automatic modes through intuitive controls on the

In manual mode, the driver can enjoy the tactile experience of gear shifting using a
sleek and ergonomically designed gear lever. The CODESYS system monitors the
driver's input and assists in executing precise gear changes, avoiding any potential
clutch-related issues.

Figure 2.20 Representative image of a acrylic gearbox

Element Description
ON Gearbox process is ON
OFF Gearbox is process is OFF
PRIMERA Gearbox is in 1st position
SEGUNDA Gearbox is in 2nd position
TERCERA Gearbox is in 3rd position
CUARTA Gearbox is in 4th position
NEUTRAL Gearbox is in neutral position
REVERSA Gearbox is in reverse position
AUTOMA Automatic mode
MANU Manual mode
MAN Memory that allow activate manual mode
STOP Stop of all system
RESET Gearbox button to reset the system
RST Memory that allow reset the system
I1 Selection of mode reverse
I2 Goes Up in automatic
I3 Goes Down in automatic
I4 Selection of Neutral mode

Tabla 2.20 Table to identify system elements stated in Codesys


The development of the automatic gearbox system using CODESYS followed a

systematic methodology, primarily focusing on ladder programming to implement the
main control program and various subroutines. These subroutines were responsible for
managing specific functionalities, including automatic mode, manual mode, ABS brake
system, visualization, and a global variables list. For the project implementation we
develop the following contents.

2.3.1. Main Control Program

- Initialize the PLC and set up global variables, sensors, and actuators for the
automatic gearbox system.
- Create a user interface for mode selection, allowing the user to choose between
automatic and manual modes.
- Implement logic to call the appropriate subroutine based on the selected mode
(automatic or manual).
- Integrate the ABS brake system into the main control program to ensure safe
braking during gear shifts or emergencies.
- Implement safety mechanisms to prevent hazardous conditions, such as gear
shifts while the vehicle is in motion or handling emergency stops and fault
- Coordinate the gear shift control logic, ensuring smooth gear transitions in both
automatic and manual modes.

The development process began with the creation of the main control program, serving
as the core of the automatic gearbox system. The ladder logic within this program
coordinated the different subroutines and managed the overall functioning of the
gearbox. An initialization routine was implemented to handle the initialization of global
variables, sensors, and actuators, ensuring that the system started in a safe state with
default parameter values.

To provide user flexibility, the main control program offered a mode selection interface,
allowing the user to choose between automatic and manual modes. Based on the user's
input, the appropriate subroutine was called to handle the selected mode. Additionally,
the main control program integrated the ABS brake system functionality to ensure safe
and efficient braking during gear shifts or emergency situations. It monitored the brake
status and interacted with the ABS brake subroutine as needed.

Safety mechanisms were integrated into the ladder logic of the main control program to
prevent hazardous conditions. These mechanisms included preventing gear shifts while
the vehicle was in motion, handling emergency stops, and reacting to fault conditions to
ensure the safety of both the vehicle and its occupants.

2.3.2. Automatic Mode Subroutine

- Continuously monitor inputs to determine the optimal gear ratio for performance
and fuel efficiency.
- Utilize ladder logic to control gear shifting solenoids and manage smooth gear
transitions based on predefined shift points.
- Implement logic to prevent conflicting gear changes and ensure the selected
gear is engaged safely.
The automatic mode subroutine continuously monitored inputs. The ladder logic
controlled gear shifting solenoids and ensured smooth gear transitions based on
predefined shift points, preventing conflicting gear changes and ensuring safe gear
2.3.3. Manual Mode Subroutine

- Allow the user to take manual control of the gear shifting process.
- Receive input from the user for gear selection commands and execute the
corresponding gear shifts.
- Implement logic to prevent unsafe gear changes and handle user inputs

On the other hand, the manual mode subroutine allowed users to manually control the
gear shifting process. It received input from the user for gear selection commands and
executed the corresponding gear shifts accordingly, ensuring the selected gear was
engaged safely and avoiding unsafe gear changes.

2.3.4. ABS Brake System Subroutine

- Monitor the status of ABS sensors to detect braking conditions.

- Implement logic to prevent wheel lock-up and skidding during gear shifts or
emergency stops.
- Control the ABS valves and pumps through ladder logic to achieve safe and
controlled braking.

The ABS brake system subroutine monitored the status of ABS sensors to detect
braking conditions. It implemented logic to prevent wheel lock-up and skidding during
gear shifts or emergency stops, and through ladder logic, it controlled the ABS valves
and pumps to achieve safe and controlled braking.

2.3.5. Visualization

- Design a graphical user interface (GUI) for the visual simulation of the automatic
gearbox using CODESYS's graphical capabilities.
- Implement ladder logic to update the GUI in real-time, providing a dynamic and
interactive simulation experience for the user.

Additionally, the visualization subroutine was responsible for creating the graphical user
interface (GUI) for the visual simulation of the automatic gearbox. It utilized CODESYS's
graphical capabilities to design an interactive interface that represented the gear shift
lever, real-time gear ratios, vehicle speed, and other relevant information. The ladder
logic within this subroutine updated the GUI in real-time, providing users with a dynamic
and engaging simulation experience.

2.3.6. Global Variables List

- Define critical parameters and data as global variables to facilitate efficient

communication and data sharing among different subroutines and the main
control program.

Furthermore, a global variables list was defined, containing critical parameters and data
shared among different subroutines and the main control program. This facilitated
efficient communication and data sharing across different parts of the automatic
gearbox system, ensuring smooth coordination and reliable operation.


2.4.1 Grafcets
In the development of the system in CODESYS, GRAFCETs (Graphic Function Chart
Editor) played a central role in the design and implementation process. GRAFCETs
provided a powerful graphical representation of the control logic, enabling a clear and
intuitive visualization of the system's behavior. With its drag-and-drop functionality, the
development team could easily model the sequential steps and transitions of the
gearbox's automation process.

Using GRAFCETs in CODESYS, the team created a comprehensive flowchart of the

gearbox's operation, mapping out the different modes (manual and automatic) and the
corresponding actions and decision points. This approach significantly simplified the
design process, reducing the complexity of writing traditional code and minimizing the
potential for errors.
Figure 2.21 First level grafcet Figure 2.22 Second level grafcet

The flexibility of GRAFCETs allowed for the seamless integration of various

components, such as sensors, actuators, and control logic blocks. By representing the
control flow visually, the team could better understand the system's behavior, making it
easier to optimize performance and make adjustments as needed.
Figure 2.23 Third level grafcet

Figure 2.24 GRAFCET GEMMA in Codesys.

2.4.2 Visualization for the final user / Inputs and Outputs
Having a good visualization and clear identification of inputs and outputs are of utmost
importance for the final user's experience and system functionality. A well-designed
visualization provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface, enabling users to
understand the system's operation at a glance. It fosters ease of use, reduces the
learning curve, and minimizes the chances of user errors. By presenting information in a
visually appealing manner, users can quickly interpret data, make informed decisions,
and effectively interact with the system.

Figure 2.25 Board for the operator

Element type Input Output Comments

Indicator – M0 Indicates when Gearbox is ON
Indicator – PRIMERA Indicates when Gearbox is in 1st position
Indicator – SEGUNDA Indicates when Gearbox is in 2nd position
Indicator – TERCERA Indicates when Gearbox is in 3rd position
Indicator – CUARTA Indicates when Gearbox is in 4th position
Indicator – NEUTRAL Indicates when Gearbox is in Neutral position
Indicator – REVERSA Indicates when Gearbox is in Reverse position
Button MAN – Manual Mode
Button AUTOMA – Automatic Mode
Button ON – Gearbox process in ON
Button OFF – Gearbox process in OFF
Button STOP – Break
Button RESET – Reset
Button ARRIBA – Up for Manual
Button ABAJO – Down for Manual
Button I2 – Up for Automatic
Button I3 – Down for Automatic
Button I4 – Neutral
Button I1 – Reverse

Table 2.21 Input and output variables declared in SOFTWARE CODESYS

2.4.3 Automata
An automata is essential for this project to ensure efficient and precise gear shifts,
seamless mode transitions between manual and automatic modes, real-time adaptation
to driving conditions for optimal performance and fuel efficiency, integration of safety
features, consistent and reliable operation and seamless integration with the
visualization system for a cohesive user experience. Its implementation enhances the
functionality, safety, and convenience for the end-users, making it a crucial component
of the gearbox system.
Figure 2.26 Automata Finite Main Programm
The project focused on the development of an automatic gearbox using CODESYS,
which included the creation of a visual simulation and the implementation of ladder
programs. The project followed the methodology outlined in the GEMMA Guide, which
provided a systematic approach to sequential control start and stop modes, as well as
handling anomalous and emergency situations. The GEMMA Guide helped ensure the
proper organization and safety of the gearbox system.

3.1. Visual Simulation

The first milestone of our project was the successful creation of a comprehensive visual
simulation of the automatic gearbox. Leveraging the capabilities of CODESYS, we
designed an interactive graphical interface that accurately represented the gearbox's
operation. The visual simulation included the following key features:

- Visualization of Gear Shifts: Users could observe the gear shift lever moving
between different positions corresponding to various driving modes, such as
Reverse (R), Neutral (N), Drive (D), and Manual (M).

- Real-Time Gear Ratio Display: The simulation displayed real-time gear ratios
which are in use.

- Input Representation: Various input signals, vehicle speed and brake status,
were visually represented, enabling users to understand the gearbox's response
to different driving conditions.

- Safety Features: The simulation incorporated safety mechanisms to prevent gear

shifts while the vehicle was in motion and to handle emergency situations
effectively using the ABS brake system.

- System mode: The simulation allows to select two functional modes; manual
mode and automatic mode. Each mode corresponds to a control way for the user
depending on the situation or their liking.

The visual simulation served as a valuable tool for testing and validation, allowing us to
observe the gearbox's behavior under different scenarios and fine-tune its performance.
Figure 3.10 Visualization in codesys

Figure 3.11 Operator board in process

3.2. Ladder Programs

The second crucial aspect of our project involved developing ladder programs to control
the automatic gearbox's functionality. We utilized the GEMMA Guide's concepts to
design a comprehensive set of ladder logic programs that managed gear shifting, torque
conversion, and safety procedures.

The ladder programs encompassed the following key functionalities:

- Gear Shift Control: The ladder logic implemented precise gear shift routines
based on inputs such as vehicle speed selected by the driver. It ensured smooth
and efficient gear transitions for optimal driving performance.

- Safety Measures: The ladder programs included logic to handle emergency

situations and ensure the gearbox's safe operation, such as emergency stops
based on the most effective way to brake, which is the ABS brake system.

Figure 3.20

- Fault Diagnosis: We integrated ladder logic for diagnosing and addressing

gearbox faults, facilitating quick identification and resolution of issues just using a
simple reset command to get back to an initial state without errors.
- System mode: The program allows two functional modes; manual mode and
automatic mode. Each mode corresponds to a control way for the user
depending on the situation or their liking.

Figure 3.21 Ladder program of manual mode

Figure 3.22 Ladder program of automatic mode

3.3. Performance Evaluation

To evaluate the performance of our automatic gearbox system, we conducted extensive

testing using visual simulation and real-world scenarios. The gearbox was subjected to
various driving conditions, gear shifts, and stress tests to assess its robustness and

The results of the performance evaluation were highly encouraging:

- Smooth Gear Shifts: The automatic gearbox demonstrated smooth gear shifts,
seamlessly adapting to changes in vehicle speed and acceleration.

- Efficient Torque Conversion: The torque converter system optimizing fuel

consumption and enhancing overall vehicle performance using better transitions
between states of the program.

- Safety and Fault Handling: The gearbox system effectively responded to

emergency situations while breaking.

- User-Friendly Interface: The visual simulation provided an intuitive and

user-friendly interface for users to interact with the automatic gearbox system
and gain insights into its functioning.

Figure 3.30 Ladder program of general functioning

In general terms, our final project successfully achieved its objectives of developing an
automatic gearbox using CODESYS, along with a visual simulation and ladder
programs. The adherence to the GEMMA Guide methodology ensured a well-organized
and safe implementation. The gearbox's performance met our expectations, delivering
smooth gear shifts, efficient torque conversion, and reliable safety measures. This
project contributes to the advancement of automation technology in the automotive
industry and demonstrates the versatility and power of CODESYS as a PLC
programming tool.
In conclusion, through the simulated automation of a gearbox using CODESYS
software, we successfully applied the knowledge acquired throughout the course to
design and program complex control systems.

The implementation of subroutines allowed for code modularization, easing

maintenance and promoting function reusability, thereby optimizing project
development. The GEMMA guide proved to be an invaluable tool for adhering to
programming best practices and ensuring system efficiency and reliability.

The creation of a visualization environment for simulation played a pivotal role in

comprehending real-time system operations, providing valuable insights for parameter
adjustment and improvement.

In summary, the simulated automation of the gearbox, employing subroutines, the

GEMMA guide, and the visualization environment, has been an instructive experience
that expanded our knowledge in manufacturing process control and prepared us to
tackle future challenges in this field. The work accomplished represents a significant
step towards optimizing industrial processes, motivating us to continue exploring new
technologies and approaches to enhance efficiency and quality in the manufacturing

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