Observed Science Lesson 9 1
Observed Science Lesson 9 1
Observed Science Lesson 9 1
Instructional Procedures
“For the past couple days in science, we have been talking all about adaptations. Can everyone say ‘adaptations’?
Great! Can anyone tell me what an adaptation is? That’s right, an adaptation is a feature or characteristic that helps
an animal survive in its habitat. So far we have looked at a bunch of different types of animals and how their specific
adaptations help them survive either through structure, protection, and locomotive ways.”
“Today, we are going to learn about resource adaptations. Resource adaptations are adaptations that provide
animals with supplies or features that are helpful for survival. Today we are going to focus on sharks, people, and
giraffes! We are going to do the same thing we have done the past couple days so you should all be expert animal
adaptation scientists now! We are going to look at the first animal together and come up with a list of characteristics
that help it survive. Then, you will work with your groups to do the next two animals. When we are done talking with
our table groups, we will go over the adaptations. If we have time at the end, we will watch a fun animal adaptation
1. Go over previous knowledge
2. Go through the Powerpoint; addressing the standard, “I can” statement, and vocabulary
3. Thursday worksheet
4. Go over the worksheet as a class.
5. Watch the butterfly life cycle video if there is time
Students will work with their table groups to come up with a list of characteristics/adaptations of Sharks, People, and
Giraffes and write it on their worksheet.
To wrap up the lesson, I will re-explain what adaptations are and will ask if there are any questions.