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In the today world, two devices are in network computers that use the services provided by things.

things. Also it is a set of equipment,

if a process in one device is able to Exchange the server. For example, a user that uses a web transmission media, and procedures that
information with a process in another device. page is a client because this web page is ensures that a specific sequence of events
Networks are known as aMedium of supplied by the web server. Clients can use occurs in a network in the proper order to
connections between nodes (set of devices) or client operating system like Windows 10, produce the required results.
computers. A network is Consist of group of Fedora etc. Media: - Media is anything that
computer systems, servers, networking devices transmits the data from one computer to Network Protocol Network protocols are sets
are linked together To share resources, another computer. For example a cable or wire of established rules that dictate how to format,
including a printer or a file server. The is a medium Resources :- Files, printers or transmit and receive data so computer. Also
connections is established other items that are used by the network users network protocol is a set of rules that must be
are called as the resources of the network. performed to ensure data communication
Goal of Network: In simple words we can say Communication Devices: - These devices are between the devices. Networking protocols
that the computers connected in the network used as intermediary to receive the suites describe processes such as: The format
can share:1.Data2.Messages3.Printers4.Hard information from one computer and then or structure of the message The process by
disks5.CD ROMs6.Modems7.Other hardware forward it to another computer. Examples are: which networking devices share information
and software resources Switch, Router etc. about pathways with other networks dolicec.
How and when error and system messages are
Advantages of network:Efficient Management Types of Network According to Media Used:- passed between devices – The setup and
of Resources – Networks allow efficient There are two types of network according to termination of data transfer sessions.
management of the resources. For example, the media used for the transmission of data
multiple users can share a single high-quality from one device to another in the given Network Topology Network topology refers to
printer rather than having multiple, possibly network. These are wired network and the the way in which a network is laid out
lower quality printers on the individual wireless network, A. Wired Network B. physically. In other words, the way or method
computers. Centralized Management – Wireless Network .Wired Network A network through which a network is established is
Network keeps the information reliable and up in which computers and other devices are called is topology. Physical Topology The
to date. AWell-managed centralized data connected to the network via physical cables. physical topology of a network is the actual
storage system allows multiple users to access It is found in homes, schools, businesses and geometric layout of workstations. The physical
the date government facilities. Wireless Network A layout of devices on a network. Every LAN
network in which computers and other devices has a topology, or the way that the devices on
From different locations. Speedy Data Sharing are connected to the network without physical a network are arranged and how they
– Networks help speed up data sharing. cables; data is typically sent via radio waves. communicate with each other. The way that
Transferring files across network is always Wi-Fi hotspots found in coffeehouses, the workstations are connected to the network
faster than other non-network means of businesses, airports, hotels, and libraries. through the actual cables that transmit data the
sharing the files. E-Mail Service – Computer physical structure of the network is called the
Types of Network According to Functionality physical topology. Logical Topology Also
network also provides e-mail facility and
a.Client/server network (Domain Based called signal topology. Every LAN has a
through e-mail the individuals or users can
Network) b. Peer to Peer Network or topology, or the way that the devices on a
communicate with each other more efficiently
Workgroups. network are arranged and how they
Data Preservation – A network also can be
communicate with each other. The logical
used to preserve the information. It means that Types of Network According to Geographical topology, in contrast, is the way that the
we can take back up of the data to a central AreaThe Network allows computers to signals act on the network media, or the way
location so that it is away from the loss. User connect and communicate with that the data passes through the network from
Authentication – A network provides more differentcomputers via any medium. LAN, one device to the next without regard to the
secure environment for the important MAN and WAN are the three major types of physical interconnection of the devices. Star
information. On the network each user has his thenetwork designed to operate over the area Topology Star networks are one of the most
username and password and unauthorized user they cover. There are some similarities and common computer network topologies. In its
cannot access the data.Resource Authorization dissimilarities between them. One of the major simplest form, a star network consists of one
– The user can have the authority to utilize the differences is the geographical area they cover, central switch, hub or computer, which acts as
resources. The users are given specific i.e. LAN covers the smallest area; MAN a conduit to transmit messages. This consists
permissions to access a resource. covers an area larger than LAN and WAN of a central node, to which all other nodes are
comprises the largess of all. Local Area connected this central node provides a
Network application-defined networking Network (LAN) It is a small network that common connection point for all nodes
(ADN) is a networking scenario in which covers a short distance such as: A room, a through a hub. In star topology, every node
applications have the ability to adapt network floor, a building Limited by no. Of computers (computer workstation or any other peripheral)
environments to meet their needs, rather than and distance covered Usually one kind of is connected to a central node called a hub or
having resources allocated by the network. technology throughout the LAN Serve a switch.Ring Topology A ring network is a
The ADN model relies upon software- defined department within an organization network topology in which each node connects
networking (SDN), which removes network
to exactly two other nodes, forming a single
control from hardware and implements it in Examples: Network inside a college or
continuous pathway for signals through each
software. There are several networking institute. Network inside your home Wide
Area Network (WAN) A network that uses node – a ring Data travel from node to node,
applications which are explained as follow.
long-range telecommunication links to connect with each node along the way handling every
1.Monitoring System. 2.Multimedia
2 or more LANs/computers housed in different packet. Bus Topology Bus Topology is the
Networking. 3.Video conferences.
places far apart. Towns, states, countries simplest of network topologies. In this type of
4.Telemedicine. 5.Tele surgery.
Examples: An important example of WAN is topology, all the nodes (computers as well as
6.Collebarative Computing. 7.Telecumuting.
Internet Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) A servers) are connected to the single cable
network that connects LANs of an (called bus), by the help help of interface
organization inside a city or between cities. connectors. This central cable is the backbone
For example LAN of NIMA in Kabul and of the network and is known as Bus S the
The following are the components and features LAN of NIMA in Nangarhar are connected name). Every workstation communicates with
that all the networks have in common Server together to form MAN. the other through this Bus.Mesh Topology A
Computer Servers are computers that provide mesh network is a network topology in which
the shared resources to the networked users. Network ArchitectureNetwork architecture each node relays data for the network All mesh
Server often uses the server operating system refers to the way network devices and services nodes cooperate in the distribution of data in
(Windows) like Windows 2012 server, RHEL are structured to serve the connectivity needs the network Mesh networks can relay
7 etc. The most important servers include mail of client devices. Network devices typically messages using either a flooding technique or
server, web server and application server or include switches and routers. Client devices routing technique. With routing, the message
file server etc. Client Computer:- Clients are comprise end-user devices, servers, and smart is propagated along a Path a by hopping from
node to node until it reaches its destination. To span a limited distance before the quality of cannot communicate with each other. An IP
ensure all its paths’. the signal degrades. Repeaters attempt to address is also called as logical address, An IP
preserve signal integrity and extend the address has two versions such as IPv4 and
Transmission Medium The transmission distance over which data can safely travel. IPy6. Currently the mostly widely used IP
medium is the physical path by which a Active Hubs, for example, are repeaters. addresses are IPv4 address.
message travels from sender to receiver Active hubs are sometimes also called
Computers and telecommunication devices use “multiport repeaters,”” but more commonly Subnet Mask: A subnet mask is used to
signals to represent data These signals are separate the network portion and the host
they are just “hubs.” In Wi-Fi, access points
transmitted from a device to another in the portion. Let us consider an example: IP
function as repeaters only when operating in
form of electromagnetic energy. Examples of Address is and Subnet mask is
so- called “repeater mode.” Whereas analog In this example the IP address
Electromagnetic energy include power, radio
signal amplifiers are spaced at 18,000 meter is 192.168.1 1.21. Here in this IP the first three
waves, infrared light visible light, ultraviolet
intervals, digital signal repeaters are typically octets represent the network portion and the
light, and X and gamma rays.
placed at 2,000 to 6,000 meter intervals. The last octet represents the host portion. ◦ In the
Microwave It is used for high transmission of installation of repeaters is critical in those subnet mask, any octet above 255 will
data and use high frequency signals through domains, where attenuation and signal loss are represent the network portion and an octet
space. Microwave signal allows the data very crucial. Repeaters are generally above 0 in subnet mask will represent the host
transmission at a high speed of 1 Giga baud considered to be non-logical devices because portion.
through air as coded signals or via radio waves they propagate every signal regardless of its
size, type, etc. Repeaters support both analog
The stations must be in “line of sight in a
and digital signals and can repeat electrical
direct line. It means that the two stations must
and light-based signals. All repeaters are
not have any obstacle between them In other
technically OSI physical layer devices.
words, if there is any large solid object
between the two points the microwave Network HubA Hub is a device that connects
transmission will not work. These are place on PCs together. In general, what is called a hub
the top of mountains because of the curvature
in today’s market is a “dumb” device. In a hub,
of the earth. Satellite – Satellites are launched when one PC sends data onto the wire, the hub
by rockets in space and revolve in fixed size simply forwards the packets to all the other
orbits with uniform speed to overcome the devices connected to it. Each device is
problem of line of sight. Data is transmitted responsible for determining which packets are
between distinct locations by high frequency destined for it and ignoring the others. A hub
transmissions broadcasts by roof top antennas. is typically the least expensive, least
These high high frequency transmissions intelligent, and least complicated of the three.
would be beamed to a satellite in orbit above Its job is very simple anything that comes in
earth and then beamed down to earth to an
one port is sent out to the others. That’s it.
antenna at the receiving computer system.
Network Switch A switch is a little smarter
than a hub, in that it records the IP and MAC
addresses in a table of all the devices
Types of Network Cables Cross Cable – A
connected to it. Thus, when a packet is put
cross cable is used to connect two similar
onto the wire by one device, the switch reads
devices. For example, with the help of this
the destination address information to
cable we can connect a PC to another PC
determine if the destination device is
directly, a hub to hub and switch to switch. Let
connected to it.
us see the color combination at the two ends of
a cross cable. Straight Cable – A straight Wired Router: A router is the “smartest” device
cable is used to connect two different devices. of them all. A router records the address
For example, straight cable can be used to information of everything connected to it like
connect a computer to a hub and switch etc. a switch. But it also records the address of the
Let us we have a cable then the color next closest router in the network. (You can
combination at the two ends of the cable is
program this as the “default gateway.”) A
given as: Roll over cable or Console Cable – router reads even more of the information in
Console cable or roll over cable is used for the the address of a packet and makes an
configuration of routers and switches etc. Let intelligent decision about what to do with the
us see the color combination. data based on the address. For example, if a
router receives an outbound packet that has a
Network Interface Card (NIC) ◦ A network
destination address that is not in its table, it
interface card (NIC) is a circuit board or card
forwards the packet to the default gateway,
that is installed in a computer so that it can be
rather than every device attached like a switch
connected to a network. It is also called as
Ethernet Card and Network Adapter.
Addresses and their Types MAC Address
Network Bridge: It is a device that connects
MAC stands for Media Access Control. MAC
two local-area networks (LANs), or two
address is a type of address that is assigned to
segments of the same LAN that use the same
an NIC or LAN card It is 48-bit address
protocol, such as Ethernet or Token-Ring. A
written on the LAN card. This address is in
network bridge is software or hardware that
hexadecimal form. This address is divided into
connects two or more networks so that they
two parts. Out of 48 bits 24 bits are used by
can communicate. People with home or small
the manufacturer and the remaining 24 bits are
office networks generally use a bridge when
used for the unique identification of the LAN
they have different types of networks, but they
card.MAC address is also called as physical
want to exchange information or share files
address. A typical MAC address looks like
among all of the computers on those networks.
this: 00-1C-C0-3E-4A-13. Internet Protocol
Network Repeater: Network repeaters Address (IP Address) IP stands for Internet
regenerate incoming electrical, wireless or Protocol. It is a type of address that is used for
optical signals. With physical media like the identification of the devices (computers)
Ethernet or Wi-Fi, data transmissions can only on the network. Without IP address computers

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