Lesson 1 Activity (Moral & Non-Moral Standards)

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What Will You Learn? 

After completing the lesson, you will be able to: 
1. Explain the meaning of ethics and its general subject areas. 
2. Explain what are moral dilemmas and differentiate moral standards from
non-moral  standards. 
3. Recognize differences in the moral behavior of different cultures and
4. Reflect on the fundamental qualities of the Filipino moral identity in their
own moral  experiences.

Let’s Try This! (A.1.1) 

Before you read on, try and answer the question below. Write your answer on the
space provided.

1. Should there be a proper study of morality? Why or why not? 

 Yes, there should be a proper study of morality and it is really important that we take enough time
to think critically in a certain situation. Because through this, we can easily justify our actions
whether it is right or wrong, so that we can be able to become a better people, especially to our
future generation. Also, we can have the essential ways of knowing and justifying one’s actions
whether it was acceptable or not. Additionally, we can have better judgments for complicated
situations that need quick and best response of what to do, either we do things the ethical way, or
be just out run by our own emotions. It can help us in various ways especially in decision making
where we need to decide for what’s the better option even under complicated situations.
2. Are all acts be subjected to ethical analysis? Why? 

 Yes, it shall also vary to the person doing the act and the situation in which it is done. All actions
of a certain person is subjected to ethical analysis depending on the person, what circumstance it
is and what did the person do. But I also think that not only the actions but this world in general
are subjected to ethical analysis as it determines who we are personally and as a society, we need
to be ethical. There are codes of conduct that should be observed by everyone. Through ethical
analysis, we can justify one’s actions whether it is right or wrong, and proper or improper. But,
just like what I’ve said, it should vary to the person doing it, the situation where the act is done,
and the purpose of doing so. I believe there’s a reason for every words we said and every actions
that we did, however still under normal circumstances and rational thinking. Once we do
something over emotions, sometimes we lost track of our rational thinking and do actions out of
impulse. But, my point is whatever the circumstances are, we and our own actions are all subject
for ethical analysis, for better understanding and also for awareness if we did the right thing or

3. Have you already encountered a situation where you need to decide or choose
between  to equal options? 

 Yes, as far as I can remember, I already encountered a situation where I need to decide or choose
between to equal option, this is the time, when I am about to enter a college or just look for a job
that suits my ability to be able to help my family and cover our daily expenses. It is hard for me to
choose that time, because if I choose to study I still have a lot to think, about the other expenses
that I needed in school, but if I don’t study and if I just prioritize to find a job or find a work
there’s a possibility that I might not be accepted right away. Let’s say that if I would have been
given the opportunity to work at that time, yes I could have a large income of money to support my
family in our daily needs, but the year that I should have spent on my studies would have been
wasted. There are times when decision-making is needed and sometimes its hard to choose
between to equal options especially if these two are equally important. That’s why I decided to
study instead of working because this is the only thing that I can be proud of. But before I decide I
think critically and I consider the factors that might affect the result of my decision. I might not
know if the decision that I made is the best one, but I can certainly say that I chose the right one
based on how i analyzed between the two options.
4. Are all moral behavior the same among all cultures? How about among different

 In my perspective, my answer is no. Because each morals of individuals defend on what kind of
cultures, traditions, values and norms they practice in a certain/particular place.

Let’s Think About This (LT1) 

What if there is no systematic study of morality? Can all acts be justified? Write your
answer on  the space provided. Post also your answer in the course site. 

 If there is no systematic study of morality, I think all acts can not be justified because I believe that
through ethics we can have the systematic philosopical study of morality. Without such rules, people
would not be able to live happily and peacefully. That’s why, not all acts can be justified, unless there
are some such ultimate moral principles can be shown to be justifiable, because if the person do a
bad thing to the other person, even if this harm was not meant but good came from the action, then
the act was moral. This gives us the “ends justify the means”. Always remember that, no other moral
judgements can be shown to be justifiable.

Let’s Think About This (LT2) 

Have you already encountered a moral dilemma? How did you respond to it? Write your 
answer in the box provided.
 Yes, I already encountered a moral dilemma. When I was only 7years old, I have a bestfriends whose
name Pamela and Jasmine. I remember when we are walking to the store with my friends. Pamela tell
me that, our friend Jasmine stole money from the store and she blamed pamela for it. As a result, her
mother got angry and she tell Pamela that she was suspended for two weeks and she can’t be able to
go outside. Also, she need to pay the money back. After 1 month from what happened. Me and Pamela
walk again into the store, and I see Jasmine that buying something inside the store. Pamela pushes
Jasmine slightly and drops a pair of earrings into Jasmine purse. When you stole something inside the
store definitely the alarm will sounds loud until the person got caught from what he/she stole. Going
back from the story, the alarm in the store sounds loud when Jasmine tries to walk out of the store.
But she is pulled aside by security for shoplifting, and they call the police. Jasmine tells them that she
is innocent and Pamela is the one that dropped the earrings in her purse. Pamela calls Jasmine a liar
and she asks me to back her up.
 It is hard for to decide that time because If I tell the truth, Pamela will get in trouble again and will
face consequences from the law and her parents. On the other hand, Jasmine will go unpunished for
originally stealing money from the store. But If I do not tell the truth, Jasmine will finally be punished
for stealing, and Pamela will have her revenge. However, I still think that time that I may be
committing a crime by lying to the police officers, and Jasmine punishment will be more severe than it
would have been for stealing money in the store. Since there are moral reasons for me to choose each
action, and I cannot choose them all, it follows that no matter what choice I make, I will be failing to
follow my morals. In other words, Pamela and Jasmine will suffer no matter what choice I make.
Pamela will suffer if I tell the truth, and if I choose one of them I will likely lose our friendship
because these two people are really important to me, and I cannot choose between the two of them.
But if I don't tell the truth, I will be a liar and possibly a law breaker, and Jasmine will get arrested
for a crime that she did not commit. So I end up choosing the the right option between the two, that is
to tell the police about what happened and I said to them that Jasmine is really innocent, this are just
misunderstanding between Pamela and Jasmine. Pamela was just taking revenge since she was the
one who was accused of stealing from a store because of Jasmine’s action. So what happened is that,
they are just both do something in a wrong way just to get revenge and do bad things to each other.

Let’s Think About This! (LT2) 

Write a short reflection on Ima’s position on cultural relativism. Are we in a position to
morally  judge a particular cultural practice? Write your answer in the space provided.

 In Ima’s position on cultural relativism we are not in the positon to morally judge a cultural practices as
she said that their practices are not wrong compared to the cultural practices that we used to know, they are
just different and nothing to judge for. We all have different cultural practices and weren’t saying that we
should adapt and do it as well respect and understand it will do. We just simply need to appreciate the
others' culture no matter how weird, how complicated, and how gross the belief that they have. Thou shall
not judge and compare our culture to others. Rather, we should treat them as one of us and equally
important in our society We should try to understand cultural practices of other groups in its own cultural
context. That’s how cultural relativism takes place.
Let’s Think About This (LT3) 
How would respond to the generational differences in terms of both social and moral 
behavior? Cite an example to further substantiate your answer. Write your answers in 
the space provided.

 Well it is rapidly changing from generation to generation and it is quite normal because as time pass by, the
knowledge also increased and there are so many changes that are inevitable to happen. For example, the
way we communicate to each other, as the way the communication improve the more the persons lost
formality and it is common now a day. Decades ago the way we talk are full of formality, we use deep word
but nowadays some millennials usually used conyo word. And another example is the way the boy court the
girl, they will come to the girls’ house fetch water cut firewood and they ask first permission to the
parents. But now they will add us in Facebook and started a conversation within several days and they will
start to court us through chat, meet up in a place where both of us agreed and the rest is history. Not only
the social behavior but also the perspective of each individual changes about to the other things that some
might say it is only natural, and some might say it is not.

How Much Have You Learned? (A.1.2) 

To find out more how much you have learned from this lesson, try and answer the
question below.  Write your answer on the space provided. 

1. What do we mean by the term ethics? Is it different from the term morality?  

 Ethics, it is also derived from a Greek word “Ethikos” which means character. It is related to right and wrong
conduct of an individual in a particular situation. While morals are concerned with principles of right and
wrong. Every single individual has some principles which help him throughout his life to cope up with any
adverse situation which we are known as ethics. On the other hand, Morals are not the hard and fast rules or
very rigid, but they are the rules which a majority of people considered as right. That is why the people widely
accept them. That’s why, ethics is really different from the term morality, but these two are really connected to
each other. Both morality and ethics loosely have to do with distinguishing the difference between “good and
bad” or “right and wrong.”
2. Are all acts be subjected to ethical analysis? Why?  

 Not all acts can be subjected to ethical analysis, because we have different culture and norms that we follow
like for example raising our child, they say hitting our child as a punishment is wrong but how can we show
them that they are wrong in means of talking? Well no because some other believe that giving them pain makes
the child think that they should not do it again because they will receive a punishment. That’s why the child
will have a fear to do it again and there are belief or it just a saying that if our parents hit us whenever we did
a mistake, it means that they love us.

3. What are moral dilemmas? 

 Moral dilemmas is also called an ethical dilemma, it refers to a situation in which the decisison maker must
consider two or more moral values but can only choose one of them, because it will violate the other one
regardless of the decision that this person made. In simple words, it is where an individual needs to make a
choice but faces a conflicting situation between one or more alternatives. Ideally, the choice they make
presents a dilemma because every available option may be wrong or incorrect. This creates a situation where
there is a conflict of morals or ethics. Moral dilemmas are important as they help individuals interrogate their
moral standing and who they are in terms of the choices they make when presented with conflicting options or

4. Are all moral behavior the same among all cultures? How about per generation?

 No, because we have different culture and we based our behavior on it. Also in per generation because it
changes generation to generation and some beliefs that we share is now different from the other generation.
Well, it is not appropriate to compare the social values and behavior of our generation to the other
generations, because first of all, we live in different era, and as a millenials now or generation z, I know that
some of our behavior is not appropriate to be seen in the perspective of the old generations. But we don’t want
them to accept what belief or behavior that we have, just respect is all that we need. Always remember that,
being well mannered or being respectful is the only thing that each individual can be proud of. So that we can
have a peaceful and better society.
(O1) Essay Paper. 
1. Look for a news article from a newspaper, online or tv/radio broadcast that tackles an 
ethical issue and write an essay of at least 150 words. Use the questions below as
your  guide in writing your essay. 

a. What is the case about? 

b. What makes it a matter of ethics? 

c. Is it considered a moral dilemma? 

d. What is your ethical analysis of the case?  

“War on drugs’ is a denial of the right to life”

The extra judicial killing and the Philippines morality battle. This article shows the way on how the administration of
President Duterte suppress the illegal drugs of this country. This movement was opposed by other citizen. There's a lot
of lives has been put on waste because of their assumption that this said person is using or selling illegal drugs.

This article is considered a moral dilemma because as it says that they only want to suppress the illegal drugs to avoid
increasing the crime rate in the Philippines for it shows that the rate of crimes rapidly increasing because of the effect
of the drugs taken by the person. it has the effect of hallucination that pushes the one person to commit crime for
example raping the 5 years old child. They also killed people easily without conscience.
Their reasoning is might be reasonable but killing people like they are just like some wild animals it is injustice they
even killed people who they believe that are using drugs without a concrete evidences. It is un ethical to killed someone
because of it. They didn't consider the value of once life.

(O2) Reflection Paper. 

1. Write a reflective essay with at least 150 words regarding your personal experiences of 
Filipino Culture. Use the questions below as your guide in writing your essay.

a. What are your personal experiences of Filipino Culture? 

b. What are its strengths and weaknesses? 
c. Cite at least 2 problems rooted in Filipino qualities you’ve encountered, and
recommend how you would address the problem.

My personal experience in Filipino culture is when I visited my friend house and they show me hospitality. I did enjoy
that experience and also the courtesy and hiya. Well it is inevitable to feel "hiya" when someone is around, but we didn't
even know and it is understandable. Courtesy and respect is also shown and it is naturally to us to be like that and
treated like that.

In Filipino culture there are also some strength and weaknesses in it. The famous strength and the most known is being
hospitable. The hospitality that we show to the others will undeniably remarked to their heart and remind them that
Filipinos are really nice person. The courtesy, modest, warmth, respect and hiya are the common traits that the Filipino
used to know by the other country. The "Utang-na- Loob" is very natural to the Filipinos, but at the same time it gives
negative effect and known us the one of the weakness point of each Filipino. Also the "Lakas-ng-Loob/Bahala na", this
show that it is okay whether the outcome or result will be good or bad.
Future must not depend on the undesirable outcome, those traits must be change and that utang-na-loob because it has
negative effect if that utang-na-loob was possessed that even that person did horrible things you didn't report it because
of you utang-na- loob to that person.

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