Leadership Development Plan

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Multnomah County Oregon

Workforce & Succession Planning Initiative

This Work Matters!

Leadership Development Action Plan

Employee Name:



Instructions: How to Use This Template

A Leadership Development Action Plan is a way to build key leadership qualities and competencies in
current leaders and potential future leaders.

The Leadership Development Action Plan focuses on building and following up on employee
competencies specifically related to leadership. The Leadership Development Action Plan is used to map
specific activities and time frames toward employee skills and performance development, with the goal of
moving into a leadership or new leadership role. The creation of the plan is both a collaborative effort and
two-way commitment between employee and supervisor. Both should retain an up-to-date copy of the
document, which should be revisited quarterly or semi-annually.

Employees should consider:

 How to perform existing responsibilities more effectively.

 Aligning their career goals with their leadership development objectives.

 Gaps identified in their leadership assessment.

 Competencies required at different levels in the leadership spectrums.

Supervisors should consider:

 Performance evaluations offered by employees, their mentors, and direct supervisors.

 Pinpointing competency gaps within the employee’s skill set as identified by the leadership

 The employee’s career aspirations.

 Leveraging the employee’s strengths for development towards the most suitable leadership

Multnomah County Oregon
Workforce & Succession Planning Initiative
This Work Matters!

Leadership Target
List the current and target roles below. Promotion to the target role named is in no way guaranteed, but
helps to set a goal for development.

Current Role: [Describe the current role held by the employee.]

Time in Role: [Name start date of current role and/or number of years in role.]

Target Role: [Name the target role and the responsibilities of that role. A written job
description will suffice. Ideally, the target role is one identified by
management as requiring the development of a successor.]

Time Frame to Reach [Indicate the time frame for achievement of the target role.]

Skill Gaps to Develop

To be completed by the employee and supervisor.
Use the table below to document the target leadership qualities, competencies, and skills the employee
would like to develop. Assign a “Size of Gap” that reflects the estimated amount of time it will take to fill
the gap.

Size of Gap is NOT based on the amount of effort required to fill the gap – instead, it is based on the
amount of time it will take for the employee and supervisor, depending on overall organizational
capabilities, to access and engage in appropriate training. For example, a fairly minor positive shift in
skills development may take a long time if the resources required to develop the skill are not readily

 A large gap requires a minimum of six months to complete training/development.

 A medium gap requires three to six months to complete training/development.

 A small gap requires less than three months to complete training/development.

Leadership Qualities, Size of Gap

Current Competency Level
Competencies, & Skills (Lg/Med/Sm)

Example: Department strategic Project planning Large


[Insert quality] [Insert competency] [Insert size]

[Insert quality] [Insert competency] [Insert size]

[Insert quality] [Insert competency] [Insert size]

[Insert quality] [Insert competency] [Insert size]

Multnomah County Oregon
Workforce & Succession Planning Initiative
This Work Matters!

Action Plan
To be completed by the employee and supervisor.
The table below helps identify methods to fill the skill gaps and achieve the leadership development goals
listed above by building a concrete action plan. Think about training sessions, coaching, mentorship,
project resourcing, external opportunities, etc. as different ways a quality or competency can be

Leadership Qualities, Competencies, & Skills

Target Quality, Timeline for Measurement

Quality Development Method
Competency, or Skill Completion of Achievement

MBA enrollment.
Attend strategic planning
Example: Departmental meetings. Demonstrated
Dec 30, 2011
strategic planning participation in
Start MBA course

[Insert quality] [Describe method] [Date] [Measure]

[Insert quality] [Describe method] [Date] [Measure]

[Insert quality] [Describe method] [Date] [Measure]

[Insert quality] [Describe method] [Date] [Measure]

Leadership Development Action Plan Agreement

The employee and supervisor named below agree to the leadership development activities and time
frames named above in pursuit of the employee’s target development capabilities. Completion of the
activities named above within the specific time frames will be tracked on at least a quarterly or bi-annual
basis in the Leadership Development Quarterly Progress Report, and be reflected in both the employee’s
and supervisor’s performance evaluations.

_________________________________________ ________________________________
Employee Signature Date

_________________________________________ ________________________________
Supervisor Signature Date

_________________________________________ ________________________________
Departmental HR Representative Signature Date

Multnomah County Oregon
Workforce & Succession Planning Initiative
This Work Matters!

Leadership Development Quarterly Progress Report

The supervisor is to monitor the employee’s progress and record it on a quarterly or bi-annual basis.

Quarter One Review (Date:______________)

Quality/Competency/Skill Progress

Quarter Two Review (Date:______________)

Quality/Competency/Skill Progress

Quarter Three Review (Date:______________)

Quality/Competency/Skill Progress

Quarter Four Review (Date:______________)

Quality/Competency/Skill Progress


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