NITSL SQA 2005 02r1
NITSL SQA 2005 02r1
NITSL SQA 2005 02r1
Team Members
Cynthia Broadwell, Team Lead, Progress Energy
Rich Buell, Entergy
Daniel Bierbrauer, Constellation Energy
James Jones, Duke Energy
Alan Lord, AmerenUE
Independent Reviewers
Steve DeGange, Duke Energy
Tom Duke, Duke Energy
Bob Quay, Energy Northwest
Bill Higgins, Southern California Edison
John Prehn, AEP
Keith Morrell, Westinghouse Savannah River Site
Dave Valley, STP
Rick Hackett, Arizona Public Service Company
Revision 1 Reviewers
Cynthia Broadwell, Progress Energy
Garry Brown, Entergy Nuclear
Pete Grondin, First Energy Corporation
John Hansen, Exelon, Inc.
Nolan Henrich, Jr., Tennessee Valley Authority
Bill Higgins, Southern California Edison
Eric Jurotich, Southern Company
Keith Morrell, Savanah River Solutions
Mary McKenna, Electric Power Research Institute
Donald Nowicki, Florida Power and Light
P. Lynne Valdez, Arizona Public Service Company
ATTACHMENT 1........................................................................................................................... 23
ATTACHMENT 2........................................................................................................................... 26
ATTACHMENT 3........................................................................................................................... 27
2.0 Scope
2.1 This document applies to software used in safety systems covered by 10CFR50
Appendix B.
2.3 Certain exclusions to the SQA program and procedures may be identified by
management if the exclusions are identified and under the control of another
quality process.
3.0 Definitions
Terminology in this document is consistent with IEEE 610.12-1990, “IEEE Standard
Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology” and IEEE 610.5-1990, “IEEE Standard
Glossary of Data Management Terminology” with the following exceptions:
3.1 Dedication
3.2 Development
3.3 Software
The selective assignment of the quality assurance elements that the software must
comply with based on its assigned quality classification. This is determined by the
evaluation of the functional process(es) the software supports.
The period of time that begins when a software product is conceived and ends
when the software is no longer available for use. Although typical life cycle phases
are identified below, many types of software life cycles may be defined. The
specific program should identify the software life cycle and accompanying life cycle
phases to be used. Phases associated with software management may include the
The program that establishes quality controls for the development, procurement,
operation, use, maintenance, and retirement of software commensurate with its
importance to nuclear safety.
4.2.2 Define the extent of program interface with plant QA program elements (for
example: procurement, records and document control)
4.3.1 Comply with program requirements to address software life cycle phases
4.3.3 Assure that the actual use of the software is consistent with the
4.3.16 Ensure cyber security protections are defined, as appropriate, for software
critical to plant safety and operation.
4.6.4 Assure vendor is qualified to provide the requested products and services.
1. Vendors may be qualified to provide 10CFR50 Appendix B services
and products. Generally a vendor with this qualification is included
on plant vendor supplier lists.
2. Vendors may also be qualified to provide “Commercial” products
a. If used in 10CFR50 Appendix B processes, dedication is
b. Many commercial-off-the-shelf products are being used
when deploying digital upgrades for non-safety related
1. High Impact
Software used for the design of SSC that assures the SSC meets its
intended design basis safety function as defined in the nuclear
license documents without using alternate methods to verify the
2. Medium Impact
3. Low Impact
4. Other
4. Training should be provided for those who procure, develop and use
software that is safety related or important to nuclear safety to assure
qualification, as appropriate.
5.3 Design, Development, Modification and Testing (Software Life Cycle) (criteria
5.3.1 Apply controls to software, according to its quality classification, from the
time specifications are approved until the system is retired.
Important to Plant Operation
SRS Regulatory Related
Business Important
Small Change
Complete Fewer Sections
c. Mock-up testing may be carried out at the vendor facility and/or the
2. These programs are audited by one or more utilities for adequacy. Most
often information regarding the adequacy of the vendor or consultant
QA program, to implicitly include software, is maintained on a list of
approved vendors to provide 10CFR50 products.
5.4.3 Specify any special shipping, storage, and handling requirements for media
or firmware in procurement documents.
9. SQA procedures should identify roles and responsibilities for those who
develop and/or procure, own, maintain, and use quality software.
1. Acceptance tests should be carried out at the vendor’s facility and the
customer’s facility to demonstrate software performs as expected.
5.6.2 Establish controls to assure reviews, testing and inspection of software and
documentation are performed prior to use.
e. Qualification documents
a. At a minimum the FRD, SRS, RTM, SDD, SDS, SVVP, and SVVR
should be generated for software supporting 10CFR50 Appendix B
5.10.1 The audit checklist, Section III – Software, suggested by the Nuclear
Procurement Issues Committee (NUPIC) forms an acceptable method to
audit software suppliers. This checklist addresses the following items in
greater detail.
5.10.3 The SQA program owner should perform periodic self-assessment of the
adequacy of the SQA program as well as the level of compliance by the
6.0 References
6.1 10CFR50, Appendix B - Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants and
Fuel Reprocessing Plants
6.2 NUREG 0800, Section 7, BTP HICB-14, Guidance on Software Reviews for Digital
Computer-Based Instrumentation and Control Systems
6.5 Regulatory Guide 1.168, Verification, Validation, Reviews, and Audits for Digital
Computer Software Used in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants
6.6 Regulatory Guide 1.169, Configuration Management Plans for Digital Computer
Software Used in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants
6.7 Regulatory Guide 1.170, Software Test Documentation for Digital Computer
Software Used in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants
6.8 Regulatory Guide 1.171, Software Unit Testing for Digital Computer Software Used
in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants
6.9 Regulatory Guide 1.172, Software Requirements Specification for Digital Computer
Software Used in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants
6.10 Regulatory Guide 1.173, Developing Software Life Cycle Processes for Digital
Computer Software Used in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants
7.3 Guidance Document for the Dedication of Commercial Grade Computer Software
Vendor Qualifications
Vendor on Approved Supplier’s List for Appendix B software
Add Vendor to Approved Supplier’s List for Appendix B software
Purchase CGI and Dedicate Internally
Other ______________________________________________________
Software Information
Software name: _______________________________ Version: __________
Software Quality Level: _______________
Shipping, Handling, and Storage requirements ___________________________
Deliverables Required Delivered Version #
Software Version Upgrade ______________________
Source Code ______________________
Software ______________________
Software Life Cycle Documents
Test Instructions
Test Cases
Electronic Test Files
10CFR50 Appendix B Support Agreement
Maintenance Agreement
Technical Support Agreement
Error Notification
Error Correction Updates
Other ___________________________________________________________
Receipt Inspection
Receipt Tag Requirements: _________________________________________
Dedication Method: _______________________________________________
Post Issuance Test Requirements: _____________________________________
1. All electronic files, inputs, and results shall be delivered in a format consistent with
standard software products, unless non-standard deliverable is approved
2. Specify in the procurement documentation that the supplier shall notify the
purchaser of non-conformances identified in the product for Safety Related
3. Specify in the procurement documentation that updates to correct software errors
shall be provided to the purchaser for vendor maintained software.
Acceptance Criteria:
High: Critical requirement that is mandatory and must be met
Medium: Non-critical element that will be included if possible
Low: Deferred for later development
Acceptance Criteria:
High Critical requirement that is mandatory and must be met
Medium: Non-critical element that will be included if possible
Low: Deferred for later development