NITSL SQA 2005 02r1

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Revision 1

January 15, 2009

NITSL-SQA 2005-02 1 of 27 Rev. 1

Nuclear Information Technology Strategic Leadership (NITSL) is a NEI Community
of Practice (COP) that provides a forum for information technology decision-
makers and professionals to sponsor, empower, and promote overall coherence of
activities, which support the Nuclear Information Technology community. NITSL
sponsored the working group to develop the policy and implementing guidance
document to coordinate a consistent direction for Software Quality Assurance.


Stephen A Deskevich, Duke Energy Steve Baleno, South Carolina Electric & Gas
Brooks M. Boylston, Progress Energy Keith Cooke, Energy Northwest
Robert Haverkamp, Southern California Edison Glen Frix, Duke Energy
Mark Draxton, Constellation Energy Bill Higgins, Southern California Edison
Randall Tate, Exelon Corp Gregory Przyjemski, Total Resource Mgt
Greg Przyjemski, NITSL Program Manager Ruth Todd, INPO
Bradley Yeates, Southern Company
NITSL Steering Committee Sponsor, 2005 NITSL Steering Committee Sponsor, 2009
Mark Draxton, Constellation Energy Bill Higgins, Southern California Edison

Team Members
Cynthia Broadwell, Team Lead, Progress Energy
Rich Buell, Entergy
Daniel Bierbrauer, Constellation Energy
James Jones, Duke Energy
Alan Lord, AmerenUE

Independent Reviewers
Steve DeGange, Duke Energy
Tom Duke, Duke Energy
Bob Quay, Energy Northwest
Bill Higgins, Southern California Edison
John Prehn, AEP
Keith Morrell, Westinghouse Savannah River Site
Dave Valley, STP
Rick Hackett, Arizona Public Service Company

Revision 1 Reviewers
Cynthia Broadwell, Progress Energy
Garry Brown, Entergy Nuclear
Pete Grondin, First Energy Corporation
John Hansen, Exelon, Inc.
Nolan Henrich, Jr., Tennessee Valley Authority
Bill Higgins, Southern California Edison
Eric Jurotich, Southern Company
Keith Morrell, Savanah River Solutions
Mary McKenna, Electric Power Research Institute
Donald Nowicki, Florida Power and Light
P. Lynne Valdez, Arizona Public Service Company

NITSL-SQA 2005-02 2 of 27 Rev. 1


1.0 Purpose .................................................................................................................................. 4

2.0 Scope ..................................................................................................................................... 4
3.0 Definitions ............................................................................................................................. 4
4.0 Software Quality Assurance Responsibilities........................................................................ 6
5.0 SQA Program Elements......................................................................................................... 9
6.0 References ........................................................................................................................... 21
7.0 Superseded NUSMG Documents ........................................................................................ 21

ATTACHMENT 1........................................................................................................................... 23
ATTACHMENT 2........................................................................................................................... 26
ATTACHMENT 3........................................................................................................................... 27

NITSL-SQA 2005-02 3 of 27 Rev. 1

1.0 Purpose
This guidance document provides suggestions for implementing NITSL-SQA-2005-01,
GENERATION INDUSTRY and it replaces the former Nuclear Utility Software
Management Group (NUSMG) Guidance Documents. Guidance contained herein
recommends acceptable processes and controls to develop, implement, and manage
Software Quality Assurance Programs. Individual utilities may implement these
recommendations as written, or may customize them to be compatible with their existing
programs in meeting the intent of NITSL-SQA-2005-02.

2.0 Scope
2.1 This document applies to software used in safety systems covered by 10CFR50
Appendix B.

2.2 Additional management policies may exist to control other processes.

2.3 Certain exclusions to the SQA program and procedures may be identified by
management if the exclusions are identified and under the control of another
quality process.

3.0 Definitions
Terminology in this document is consistent with IEEE 610.12-1990, “IEEE Standard
Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology” and IEEE 610.5-1990, “IEEE Standard
Glossary of Data Management Terminology” with the following exceptions:

3.1 Dedication

The process of confirming that a commercial grade item is acceptable for

performing a nuclear safety-related function. Dedication occurs after receipt and
after completion of verification and/or validation activities, but before the item is
made available for use as a basic component.

3.2 Development

Process by which computer programs (including source code) are written or


3.3 Software

Software includes computer programs, procedures, operating system, applications,

rules, and documentation.

3.4 Software Quality Assurance

The program that establishes controls for the development, procurement,

operation, use, maintenance, and retirement of software commensurate with its
importance to nuclear safety.

NITSL-SQA 2005-02 4 of 27 Rev. 1

3.5 Graded Approach

The selective assignment of the quality assurance elements that the software must
comply with based on its assigned quality classification. This is determined by the
evaluation of the functional process(es) the software supports.

3.6 Software Life Cycle

The period of time that begins when a software product is conceived and ends
when the software is no longer available for use. Although typical life cycle phases
are identified below, many types of software life cycles may be defined. The
specific program should identify the software life cycle and accompanying life cycle
phases to be used. Phases associated with software management may include the

• Planning – evaluation of options and coordination of activities to assure

successful deployment of software
• Requirements – specific and measurable characteristics that describe the
intended use and performance of software
• Design – the collection of information (requirements, architecture, etc.) that
define software Implementation
• Implementation – the process of translating the Design into software
• Integration – the process of combining software components with other
software and/or systems and to reduce the introduction of undesirable
characteristics (errors, anomalies, hazards, security threats)
• Validation – specific and measurable tests to demonstrate the software meets
its Requirements
• Installation – placing software into the operational computing environment,
documenting its baseline configuration, and performing final acceptance testing
• Operation and Maintenance – on-going use of software and control of
• Retirement – activities associated with the permanent removal of software
from its operational computing environment

3.7 Software Quality Assurance (SQA)

The program that establishes quality controls for the development, procurement,
operation, use, maintenance, and retirement of software commensurate with its
importance to nuclear safety.

NITSL-SQA 2005-02 5 of 27 Rev. 1

4.0 Software Quality Assurance Responsibilities
4.1 Senior Management should establish the policy for software quality

4.2 SQA Program Owner

4.2.1 Develop, administer, and monitor the program

4.2.2 Define the extent of program interface with plant QA program elements (for
example: procurement, records and document control)

4.2.3 Develop procedures and guidance documents that implement

programmatic requirements

4.2.4 Provide consultant services and guidance on the program to developers,

end users and management

4.2.5 Develop program training

4.2.6 Address error management

4.2.7 Develop and maintain Software QA process including:

1. Software quality level classifications

2. Software life cycle controls

4.2.8 Develop self-assessment activities to assure the program is consistently

implemented and identify issues for improvement

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4.3 Software Owner

4.3.1 Comply with program requirements to address software life cycle phases

4.3.2 Evaluate, determine, and document software classification

4.3.3 Assure that the actual use of the software is consistent with the

4.3.4 Ensure the software is included in plant configuration management when


4.3.5 Assure the software meets its functional requirements

4.3.6 Assure QA elements and activities applied to the development and

maintenance of software are commensurate with the intended use

4.3.7 Evaluate, approve, and control software change requests

4.3.8 Support procurement activities by:

1. Including software classification and requirements in applicable

procurement documents

2. Assure that the software is procured from or modified by a qualified

contractor or vendor, as applicable.

3. Require software error notification in procurement documents, when


4. Assure license and maintenance agreements are maintained and


5. Control contracts for software development

6. Establish and participate in commercial grade dedication of software, as


4.3.9 Assure that software documentation is developed and maintained

4.3.10 Approve software documentation

4.3.11 Develop software training, as appropriate

4.3.12 Assure completion of acceptance testing

4.3.13 Disposition software error notices and corrective actions

4.3.14 Maintain software records as directed by records management processes

NITSL-SQA 2005-02 7 of 27 Rev. 1

4.3.15 Ensure a disaster recovery plan is defined, as appropriate, for software
critical to plant safety and operation.

4.3.16 Ensure cyber security protections are defined, as appropriate, for software
critical to plant safety and operation.

4.3.17 Determine whether encryption and authentication measures are required, if


4.3.18 Other responsibilities to consider for Digital Upgrades:

1. Document owner of the software

2. Identify support responsibilities required for the project

3. Perform Owner review(s) of vendor activities and products

4. Specify Mock-ups, test lab, simulator needs

5. Provide input to Training for qualification for operation and maintenance

4.4 End User

4.4.1 Obtain training to use software

4.4.2 Maintain qualification to use software, if required by plant training program

4.4.3 Use software in accordance with its classification

4.4.4 Report software errors and problems

4.4.5 Comply with computing environment security practices and procedures

4.4.6 Participate in assigned user acceptance testing

4.5 Information Technology Support

4.5.1 Maintain and control the operational computing environment

4.5.2 Coordinate changes to the operational computing environment

4.5.3 Implement security measures for the operational computing environment

4.5.4 Communicate schedule for operational computing environment changes to

end users when software is affected

4.5.5 Establish control of license and maintenance agreements

4.5.6 Provide software development support, as requested

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4.5.7 Support and/or implement disaster prevention and recovery

4.5.8 Provide routine backup services on mainframe and network servers

4.5.9 Provide software problem resolution or resolution support

4.6 Purchasing and Procurement

4.6.1 Assure that SQA procurement requirements are included in purchasing


4.6.2 Include vendor and contractor error notification requirements in purchasing

and/or procurement documents, as appropriate

4.6.3 Assure appropriate handling, storage and shipment of media and

computing hardware and software products

4.6.4 Assure vendor is qualified to provide the requested products and services.
1. Vendors may be qualified to provide 10CFR50 Appendix B services
and products. Generally a vendor with this qualification is included
on plant vendor supplier lists.
2. Vendors may also be qualified to provide “Commercial” products
a. If used in 10CFR50 Appendix B processes, dedication is
b. Many commercial-off-the-shelf products are being used
when deploying digital upgrades for non-safety related

5.0 SQA Program Elements

Software quality assurance procedures should define requirements and controls to be
applied to software consistent with its importance to safety (the graded approach to
quality). Attachment 1 provides a recommended approach for the application of SQA
Program Element controls to the various levels of software classification. Each program
element is linked to the 10CFR50 Appendix B criteria supported. These should include:

5.1 Organization Responsibility (criterion I)

Add responsibilities reflecting those outlined in section 4.0 to implementing


5.1.1 Define the software quality assurance program.

1. Scope and applicability of the software quality assurance program.

2. Authority and responsibility for implementing and governing software

quality assurance.

3. Oversight of the Software Quality Assurance Program to ensure

regulatory compliance.

NITSL-SQA 2005-02 9 of 27 Rev. 1

5.1.2 Define accountability for ownership of the software quality assurance

1. Establish ownership of the software quality assurance program in

applicable policies and procedures.

2. Establish roles and responsibilities for users, information technology

personnel, software owners, supervisors, managers, etc.

5.1.3 Define accountability for ownership of the software.

1. Establish ownership of the software in applicable procedures.

2. Establish roles and responsibilities for users, information technology

personnel, software owners, supervisors, managers, etc.

5.2 SQA Program (criterion II)

5.2.1 Software Quality Classification

Criteria to classify software important to nuclear safety should be

established and reflected in quality levels using a graded approach.
Optional sub-categories may be included in SQA programs similar to those
levels suggested below.

1. High Impact

Software that has a direct active effect on the ability of a Safety-

Related structure, system or component (SSC) to perform its
intended safety functions.

Software used for the design of SSC that assures the SSC meets its
intended design basis safety function as defined in the nuclear
license documents without using alternate methods to verify the

2. Medium Impact

Software used to assess the ability of SSC to meet its intended

safety function.

Software used to monitor operation and control functions of plant


3. Low Impact

Software used to support activities that have no direct impact on

nuclear operations, design or license commitments but may be
used to monitor compliance or optimize performance.

4. Other

Software not included in the above classifications.

NITSL-SQA 2005-02 10 of 27 Rev. 1

5.2.2 Define SQA program interfaces within the overall Quality Assurance

1. Software Quality Assurance and control of software is an integral

part of activities that affect quality. SQA activities interface with
procurement, engineering, configuration control, document control,
records management, corrective action programs, and others.

2. SQA interfaces to consider when developing software may include

existing design control and configuration control process. The
development of software could also be a stand-alone process
governed exclusively by the SQA life cycle documentation process.
See Section 5.3.

3. SQA interfaces to consider when procuring software are described

in section 5.4 and 5.6.

4. SQA interfaces to document management (See Section 5.7) are

important to ensure proper control of software life cycle
documentation. Consideration should be given to require revision
control and distribution for the following documents for software
installed in plant systems and safety related software:

a. Software Requirements Specification (SRS)

b. Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM)

c. Software Design Description (SDD)

d. Software Design Specification (SDS)

e. Software Verification and Validation Plan (SVVP)

5. The SQA interfaces with the QA Records program. Software life

cycle documentation should be a QA Record for software that is
installed in plant digital systems, software that is safety related or
important to nuclear safety, and software that supports regulatory
requirements or technical specifications. See Section 5.7.

6. SQA interfaces to the plant configuration control process should be

carried out for software installed in plant digital systems. See
Section 5.8.

7. SQA interfaces with the Corrective Action program for error

management. See Section 5.9.

8. SQA interfaces with plant and corporate audit organizations. The

SQA program should be included on plans for periodic review. See
Section 5.10.

NITSL-SQA 2005-02 11 of 27 Rev. 1

5.2.3 Define SQA program indoctrination and training requirements for
software governed by the SQA policy.

1. Personnel who procure, develop and use software that is installed in

plant digital systems should receive training in accordance with the
licensee’s training program.

2. Formal documented qualifications of individuals who receive SQA

training should be considered.

3. Training of these individuals should be monitored and provided at such

intervals deemed appropriate to support qualification.

4. Training should be provided for those who procure, develop and use
software that is safety related or important to nuclear safety to assure
qualification, as appropriate.

5. SQA Training for software programmers should be provided.

6. Lower tier “awareness” type training should be considered for others.

5.3 Design, Development, Modification and Testing (Software Life Cycle) (criteria

5.3.1 Apply controls to software, according to its quality classification, from the
time specifications are approved until the system is retired.

1. Develop documentation in accordance with applicable Design


2. Software used to support business processes, installed on

computers/servers that are not considered a plant structure, system or
component, should be designed, developed, modified and tested in
accordance with software quality assurance procedures.

a. These procedures should provide instruction for the development of

software life cycle documentation for software that is custom
designed. This includes in-house development, or development by
vendors or consultants.

b. The procedures should include instruction for establishing

configuration control at installation and when software is modified.

3. Software installed in digital plant computing systems that are classified

as a plant structure, system or component should be designed,
developed, modified and tested in accordance with engineering design
procedures and software quality assurance procedures.

4. Testing of plant digital computing systems should include simulator

testing and the creation of a mock-up identical to target implementation
to ensure intended safety function is accomplished.

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5. When developing software, either in-house or software that is custom
developed by a supplier, software life cycle documentation and testing
must be carried out.

a. Life cycle documents generated during the development phase

include one or more of the following based on the software quality

• Functional Requirements Document (FRD)

• Software Requirements Specification (SRS)

• Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM)

• Software Design Description (SDD)

• Software Design Specification (SDS)

• Software Verification and Validation Plan (SVVP)

• Software Verification and Validation Report (SVVR)

b. NRC Regulatory Guides 1.168 – 1.173 endorse several IEEE

standards that provide guidance on a content and format of
software life cycle documents that is acceptable to the staff.

c. Develop software life cycle documentation to match the software

quality level and degree of change. The graph below represents an
example from one facility and is provided for information only.

NITSL-SQA 2005-02 13 of 27 Rev. 1

New Software or Major Changes
Complete Most Sections

Safety Systems or Safety Related

Important to Plant Operation

SRS Regulatory Related
Business Important

Small Change
Complete Fewer Sections

d. One of the most effective methods to document software is by using a

matrix that identifies software requirements and links the individual
requirement to one or more tests. These tests should be specific and
measurable to a sufficient degree to demonstrate that the requirement
was met. Refer to Attachment 3 for an example RTM. The RTM may be
modified to implement only the sections required for a given software
quality classification.

NITSL-SQA 2005-02 14 of 27 Rev. 1

5.4 Procurement (criterion IV, VII, XIII)

5.4.1 Develop procurement documents that specify the software Requirements to

assure the vendor meets the design intent.

1. Software that is purchased commercial off the shelf (COTS) or “shrink

wrap” should have adequate test to assure it meets the expectations of
the requesting organization. Many times this requires the organization
to develop a functional requirements document and acceptance tests to
demonstrate their expectations are met.

2. During the proposal stage, especially for customized software, it is

important to ensure the vendor or consultant understands and commits
to the expected software life cycle deliverables. Organizations should
develop a functional requirements document to assist with vendor and
customer understanding of expectations.

3. Vendor life cycle deliverables should be similar to those generated by

in-house staff (refer to Section 5.3) although some may be considered
proprietary and may not be included in the deliverable. At a minimum,
the vendor should supply test cases that demonstrate the software
meets the expected requirements.

4. The vendor or consultant should understand and have experience

producing life cycle documents so that a proposal adequately covers
the effort required to generate these documents.

5. If planning to dedicate software, the purchasing organization should:

a. Identify and document, in the functional requirements, those critical

design characteristics the software must possess to accomplish the
intended safety functions

b. For plant digital computing systems this may include simulator

testing and the creation of a mock-up identical to target
implementation to ensure intended safety function is accomplished

c. Mock-up testing may be carried out at the vendor facility and/or the

d. Establish critical acceptance characteristics and, in test

documentation, demonstrate the safety functions the software must
perform are acceptably implemented

6. Refer to Attachment 2 which lists items to consider when purchasing


NITSL-SQA 2005-02 15 of 27 Rev. 1

5.4.2 Establish conditions in procurement documents to assure the control of
quality by vendor or consultant when providing software and/or services.

1. Vendors or consultants who provide software that is included in safety

related plant systems or that support other 10 CFR 50 Appendix B
activities are required to maintain an SQA program equivalent to that
maintained by the utility.

2. These programs are audited by one or more utilities for adequacy. Most
often information regarding the adequacy of the vendor or consultant
QA program, to implicitly include software, is maintained on a list of
approved vendors to provide 10CFR50 products.

3. Vendors or consultants may also be commercially qualified for non-

safety related software products.

5.4.3 Specify any special shipping, storage, and handling requirements for media
or firmware in procurement documents.

1. Consider temperature, humidity, electromagnetic interference, etc.

5.5 Procedures and Instructions (criterion V)

5.5.1 Procedures governing software should be reviewed, approved, and


1. SQA procedures should:

a. Identify how requests for quality software are processed and

establish required approvals for various software activities

b. Identify the software quality level categories that implement the

graded approach to quality for software

c. Define life cycle requirements based on the software quality level


d. Contain templates, based on software quality level, for development

phase life cycle documentation format and content

e. Provide guidance for managing software errors

f. Contain QA Record storage requirements for software life cycle


2. Procedures and instructions governing software should be included in

the nuclear document control program.

3. SQA Procedures should be included in plant operation or administrative


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4. Activities directed by SQA may be contained in one or more

5. In order to support SQA interfaces to other programs, references to

software activities should be included in interfacing procedures
including but not limited to procurement, engineering, corrective action,
and document management, and non-SQA information technology
procedures, such as disaster recovery procedures.

6. Evaluate existing procedures and corporate policies to leverage

requirements and prevent duplication.

7. SQA procedures should be limited to governing activities that address

software control requirements.

8. Procedures or processes that govern associated topics including but

not limited to computing hardware, electronic data management,
disaster recovery, computer security, etc. should be referenced by SQA

9. SQA procedures should identify roles and responsibilities for those who
develop and/or procure, own, maintain, and use quality software.

10. Roles and responsibilities for SQA Program ownership, maintenance

and oversight should also be established (refer to 5.1).

5.6 Reviews and Inspections (criteria III, X, XIV)

5.6.1 Define measures to assure that the software meets procurement

specification requirements before the software is accepted.

1. Acceptance tests should be carried out at the vendor’s facility and the
customer’s facility to demonstrate software performs as expected.

2. For complex plant computing software, periodic vendor surveillance

should be considered.

5.6.2 Establish controls to assure reviews, testing and inspection of software and
documentation are performed prior to use.

1. Receipt inspection criteria should be established to assure software

acceptability prior to final acceptance.

NITSL-SQA 2005-02 17 of 27 Rev. 1

2. When software is dedicated, additional steps may be required to carry
out receipt inspection. For example, conditional release may be
necessary for testing to demonstrate acceptance of critical
characteristics on target computer environments prior to final

5.7 Documentation and Records (criteria VI and XVII)

5.7.1 Define document control and records management requirements for

software life cycle documentation.

1. Software life cycle documentation that should be considered life time

records at a minimum, includes but is not limited to the following:

a. If software is internally developed, development phase life cycle

documents (refer to 5.7.2) should be stored as a QA record.

b. If software is externally provided, life cycle documents should be

stored as a QA record to the extent possible.

c. Procurement documents such as purchase orders and contracts

d. Installation and Acceptance Test

e. Qualification documents

f. Independent reviews and other approvals should be included, as


5.7.2 Develop documentation sufficient to prove the quality of the software

during its life cycle.

1. Development phase life cycle documents should be generated based

on the software quality level

2. Internally developed software should include:

a. At a minimum the FRD, SRS, RTM, SDD, SDS, SVVP, and SVVR
should be generated for software supporting 10CFR50 Appendix B

b. The RTM is highly recommended and should be a requirement for

internally developed software.

3. Externally provided software should include:

a. At a minimum the SRS, SVVP and SVVR should be provided for

High and Medium Impact software.

NITSL-SQA 2005-02 18 of 27 Rev. 1

b. The RTM is highly recommended and should be implemented to the
extent possible for vendor or contractually supplied software

5.8 Configuration Management (criterion VIII)

5.8.1 Describe software to assure unique identification necessary to maintain

configuration. (name, version, platform).

1. Establish baselines for software to define the basis for further

development, allow control of configuration items, and permit
traceability between configuration items.

a. Formal control of life cycle activities including development of

upgrades for existing software, installation of new versions of
software, or other activities that affect software version increments
essential to establishing baselines for software that defines the
basis for further development, allows control of configuration items,
and permits traceability between configuration items

2. Use configuration activities to control and document changes to


a. Formal control can be achieved through existing design control

processes for software installed in plant digital systems.

b. Formal control of software installed in business computing systems

generally rely on paper forms like checklists, accepted commercial
life cycle control methodology, or database processes established
in enterprise management systems or homegrown databases.

c. Essential attributes of these controlling processes include review

and approval activities, life cycle and/or procurement
documentation, documented installation and testing activities, and
storage of documentation in QA Records.

3. To assure unique identification necessary to maintain configuration.

(name, version, platform) plant configuration control process should be
used for software installed in plant digital systems.

4. Configuration control of this classification of software should be

managed just as it is with other plant equipment.

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5. While there is no regulatory requirement to maintain configuration
control of software that is operational in the business computing
environment, some SQA programs may maintain configuration of name,
version, platform, ownership, etc. in master databases or catalogs.
Most often this classification of software supports regulatory
requirements, is business important, or supports plant availability.

6. Configuration of this category of software may also be tracked through

controlled “scripts” used for pushing software to workstations. This
method is most effective when workstations are designed and the
image is controlled.

5.9 Provisions for Error Management (criteria XV, XVI)

5.9.1 Upon notification or discovery of a software defect, determine whether the

defect meets the threshold of the corrective action program.

1. The evaluation to determine whether the software problem is a user or

operational problem or a software defect may include the initiation of a
Helpdesk case.

2. Validated software errors are required to be included in the corrective

action program.

3. Provisions should be included in the SQA program to notify the

software users of errors, and document any error avoidance and/or
remedial action as applicable.

5.9.2 If the identified condition is a result of user or operational error, include in

the corrective action program for trending and OE purposes.

5.9.3 If the identified condition is an enhancement, it should be handled through

the business planning process and may include the initiation of a software
change request, or modification request.

5.10 Audits (criterion XVIII)

5.10.1 The audit checklist, Section III – Software, suggested by the Nuclear
Procurement Issues Committee (NUPIC) forms an acceptable method to
audit software suppliers. This checklist addresses the following items in
greater detail.

1. Measures are established to control software throughout the life cycle.

2. Life cycle activities are adequately and effectively reviewed.

3. Acceptance testing is adequate.

4. Changes are controlled commensurate with the original software


NITSL-SQA 2005-02 20 of 27 Rev. 1

5. Measures are established and implemented for the procurement of
software either safety-related or commercial grade.

6. Measures are established and implemented to assure that software

errors and failures from both internal and external sources are
identified, documented, resolved, evaluated, assessed for impact on
past and present applications, and resolved.

7. Measures are established and implemented to assure that software is

adequately packaged, marked, stored and shipped.

5.10.2 Internal oversight organizations including plant assessment organizations

and corporate oversight organizations should also carry out audit of SQA

5.10.3 The SQA program owner should perform periodic self-assessment of the
adequacy of the SQA program as well as the level of compliance by the
6.0 References
6.1 10CFR50, Appendix B - Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants and
Fuel Reprocessing Plants

6.2 NUREG 0800, Section 7, BTP HICB-14, Guidance on Software Reviews for Digital
Computer-Based Instrumentation and Control Systems

6.3 IEEE 610.12-1990, Software Engineering Terminology

6.4 IEEE 610.5-1990, “IEEE Standard Glossary of Data Management Terminology”

6.5 Regulatory Guide 1.168, Verification, Validation, Reviews, and Audits for Digital
Computer Software Used in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants

6.6 Regulatory Guide 1.169, Configuration Management Plans for Digital Computer
Software Used in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants

6.7 Regulatory Guide 1.170, Software Test Documentation for Digital Computer
Software Used in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants

6.8 Regulatory Guide 1.171, Software Unit Testing for Digital Computer Software Used
in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants

6.9 Regulatory Guide 1.172, Software Requirements Specification for Digital Computer
Software Used in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants

6.10 Regulatory Guide 1.173, Developing Software Life Cycle Processes for Digital
Computer Software Used in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants

7.0 Superseded NUSMG Documents

7.1 Guidance Document for Nuclear software Quality Assurance Programs for Nuclear
Power Generation Facilities (1999)

NITSL-SQA 2005-02 21 of 27 Rev. 1

7.2 Guidance Document for a Graded approach to Software Quality Assurance (1995)

7.3 Guidance Document for the Dedication of Commercial Grade Computer Software

7.4 Quality Software Procurement Guideline (1994)

NITSL-SQA 2005-02 22 of 27 Rev. 1

Page 1 of 4
Suggested Minimum Requirements for Software Based Upon Classification
NOTE: Individual utilities may implement these recommendations as written, or may customize to
be compatible with their existing programs in meeting the intent of Policy Document NITSL-SQA-
Legend: R – Required S - Suggested
SQA Program Elements HIGH MED LOW OTHER Appendix B
Criteria I - Organization
Maintain Organization to Maintain SQA R I
Require Owner for Software R S S S I
Audit and Inspect the Program R I
Criteria II – Quality Assurance Program
Graded Approach - control activities (software) R S S S II
affecting SSCs consistent with importance to
nuclear safety
Classify Software R S S S II
Training R S S II
Control Environment R S S S II
• For Testing XI
• Controlling Quality
• Controlled Infrastructure
Self-Assessment Program R S S II
Criteria III – Design Control
Design standards are specified and deviations R S S III
Verify and check adequacy of design R S III
• Verification Testing
Independent Design Reviews and Testing R III
• Independent Design Verification X
Design Reviews and testing R III
Design changes subject to same controls as R S III
original design
Qualification Testing R S III
Acceptance Functional Test R S S S III
Benchmark Testing R III
Computer Environment Qualification R III
Surveillance Testing R S III
Regression Test R S III
Criteria IV – Procurement Document Control
Control Procurement Document R R S IV
Vendor Provide Evidence of Quality R R S IV
Specify Quality Requirements R R S IV
• Error Notifications
Criteria V – Instructions, Procedures and
Manuals/Instructions/Procedures R R S V

NITSL-SQA 2005-02 23 of 27 Rev. 1

Legend: R – Required S - Suggested
SQA Program Elements HIGH MED LOW OTHER Appendix B
Description of Functions
Requirement Specification R R S V
Design Specification R S V
V&V Test Plan R R S V
Acceptance Criteria R R S V
V&V Test Results R R S S V
Installation Instructions/Plan R R S S V
Criteria VI - Document Control
Change Control Process R R S S VI
Source Code–(Can escrow if purchased) R S S VI
Life Cycle Document Control R R S VI
Version Control R R S VI
Criteria VII – Control of Purchased Material,
Equipment and Services
Receipt Inspection R R S VII
• Software Testing X
• Validation Testing XV
Vendor Qualification R R VII
Vendor Audit R R VII
Criteria VIII – Identification of Materials, Parts,
and Components
Inventory R S S S VIII
Executable Programs R S S VIII
Criteria IX – Control of Special Processes
Embed Software on Devices R R S IX
Criteria X – Inspection
Define Inspection/Test points R R X
Installation Checkout Test R R S S X
Hardware/Software Integration testing R R S X
Validation Testing R R S S X
Criteria XI – Test Control
Qualified Personnel R S S XI
Documented Test R R S S XI
Acceptance Criteria R R S S XI
Criteria XII – Control of Measuring and Test
Calibration Testing R R S XII

NITSL-SQA 2005-02 24 of 27 Rev. 1

Legend: R – Required S - Suggested
SQA Program Elements HIGH MED LOW OTHER Appendix B
Criteria XIII – Handling, Storage and Shipping
Magnetic Medium and Digital Information R S S
• Define storage controls
• Govern by Procedure
Criteria XIV – Inspection, Test, and Operating
Computer System Security R R S S III
Classify Product R S S S XIV
Identify Production/Release Status R S S S XIV
Identify Approved Use R S S S XIV
Criteria XV – Nonconforming Materials, Parts,
or Components
Identify non-conformance during R R S S XV
• Installation Checkout Test
• Hardware/Software Integration testing
• Validation Test
Tag non-conforming items R R S S XV
Criteria XVI – Corrective Action
Corrective Action Program R R S S XVI
Software or Digital System Error
• Identify
• Notify
• Track
• Disposition
Criteria XVII – Quality Assurance Records
Retain Records R R S S XVII
Criteria XVIII - Audits
• Independent
• Trained and Qualified Assessors

NITSL-SQA 2005-02 25 of 27 Rev. 1

Vendor Information
Name: _____________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________
Telephone: _____________________________________________________
Contact: _____________________________________________________

Vendor Qualifications
Vendor on Approved Supplier’s List for Appendix B software
Add Vendor to Approved Supplier’s List for Appendix B software
Purchase CGI and Dedicate Internally
Other ______________________________________________________

Software Information
Software name: _______________________________ Version: __________
Software Quality Level: _______________
Shipping, Handling, and Storage requirements ___________________________

Deliverables Required Delivered Version #
Software Version Upgrade ______________________
Source Code ______________________
Software ______________________
Software Life Cycle Documents
Test Instructions
Test Cases
Electronic Test Files
10CFR50 Appendix B Support Agreement
Maintenance Agreement
Technical Support Agreement
Error Notification
Error Correction Updates
Other ___________________________________________________________

Receipt Inspection
Receipt Tag Requirements: _________________________________________
Dedication Method: _______________________________________________
Post Issuance Test Requirements: _____________________________________

1. All electronic files, inputs, and results shall be delivered in a format consistent with
standard software products, unless non-standard deliverable is approved
2. Specify in the procurement documentation that the supplier shall notify the
purchaser of non-conformances identified in the product for Safety Related
3. Specify in the procurement documentation that updates to correct software errors
shall be provided to the purchaser for vendor maintained software.

NITSL-SQA 2005-02 26 of 27 Rev. 1

Requirements Traceability Matrix Examples

Requirements Traceability Matrix – High Impact Software


Requirement Design Test Activity Expected Result Acceptance Pass Fail Comments
Entity Criteria

Acceptance Criteria:
High: Critical requirement that is mandatory and must be met
Medium: Non-critical element that will be included if possible
Low: Deferred for later development

Requirements Traceability Matrix – Medium Impact Software


Requirement Test Activity Expected Result Acceptance Criteria Pass Fail Comments

Acceptance Criteria:
High Critical requirement that is mandatory and must be met
Medium: Non-critical element that will be included if possible
Low: Deferred for later development

Requirements Traceability Matrix – Low Impact Software


Requirement Pass Fail Comments

NITSL-SQA 2005-02 27 of 27 Rev. 1

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