V02N10 Oct1980
V02N10 Oct1980
V02N10 Oct1980
If you have a problem that can be solved by a computer-we have a systems solution.
• Two central processors with maximum RAM capacities of 56K and 384 K bytes
• Three types of disk drives with capacities of 175K, 1.2M and 16M bytes
Match these to your exact need, add one or more of our intelligent terminals and put together
a system from one source with guaranteed compatibility in both software and hardware.
Southwest Technical Products systems give you unmatched power, speed and versatility. They
are packaged in custom designed woodgrain finished cabinets. Factory service and support on
the entire system and local service is available in many cities.
OMAF-1/0MAF-2 ON 6800 ••••• 31 Gess single letters and/or numbers will be considered one (1)
word. No Commercial or Business Type Classified
SOFTWARE �S TO SWTBUG•..32 He I I advertising, Classified ads will be published in our
standard format. Classified ads $7.50 one time run. paid
BIT BUCKET•••••••••••••••• 34 Al l of us In advance.
INTERFACING THE BITPA0, ••• 38 Teeffe Commercial and/or Business advertisers please write
or phone for current rate sheet and publication lag time.
2 ----'--- 68' Micro Journal
on the FIFTY BUS
Designed for usa with:
* Existing SS50 Systems * SS50C Extended Address Systems
• Assembled
• Burned In
• Tested • 25 amp (SV) lerro·resonant constant voltage
power supply,
24K...$438.14 •
6800/6809 Mother Board, Ill teen 50 pin and
32K 6809 PLUS SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,994.79 * Can De reconlfgured to allow use of other
system monitors (DS·9 and SBUG·E)
Includes Chassis, 32K RAM BOARD, 110 Card, and features our 6809 PLUS CPU Card with the Time of Day
Clock option with llattery back·up Installed, as well as the 6840 Timer Package that provides 31ndependent
• Include 1 K of Scratchpad RAM on the CPU
16 bit counters
Thts system also allows the tollowlng options to be added at additional cost * Allow optional software switching of system
• Battery back·up ot the IK RAM by substituting CMOS pans
• A 9511 or 95 t 2 Arithmetic Processor 2MHz 6809's at slight additional cost when they
• GtMtX or SWTP Dynamic Address Translators become available.
EXPORT MOTU: Phone, write, or see your dealer for details and
F01 50Hz 230V C V POWER SUPPLV 4ddS30 00 prices on our broad range of Boards and
80 x 24 VtOEO BOARDS - Specily folmal (No Added Charge)
On Ordetsuncior S250 00 tcw • Sl1191t Boord, or c..,.. p- Add 130 00 lllncllitiQ lliG we Wll lhlpNl Mllll 1'111>'10 Systems for the SS50/SS50C bus and our AC
On 111 oll>e< O<Citfl wo '""ship VII E.-yAl< friiQht Co41tct and wo Wllt 'bolOt no t��nahng All O<dtfs mutl bt
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rue muiUtask;ng, muiUuser OS for • Search, change and extend operaUons.
' ·time control
Pe mul ·
management perm1ts use
of over one megabyte.
ti � � puVoutput OS-9'"
� �� r=��
• UNIX .. -like file structure including
hierarchical directories, pipes, filters, Compact Motorol� compatible
assembler for machme language
and byte-addressable random access files.
. . program development.
• Prov1des log-on password protection
and user filie secunty.
• 0perates m "batc h" mode or
0 $495 00•
· e syntax and
• Formatted 1.1stm� me1ud ·
ingle-user. single-memory map floating-point. string and boolean. 0 ROM set (2716) $90.00
compatible subset of Level 'IWo • Extremely fast program execution.
for software development or • Available on ROM. disk or cassette OS-9'"
stand-alone control applications. tape. Runs under OS-9'. Level One or INTERACTIVE
• Versatile inpuVoutput system can Level'JWo. DEBUGGER
support multiple devices using 0 Disk or tape $195.00•
interrupt-driven, DMA. or program acilitates testing and debugging of
controlled data transfer. Users can easily machine- language programs.
add additional VO devices.
• Includes common ··monitor"
• Tape or disk-based versions available. MICROSOFT functions: memory examinelchange.
6809 BASIC
• Disk versions support UNIX'•.Jike breakpoints, display/change registers,
hierarchical directory structure and hexadecimal arithmetic, etc.
tandard Microsoft BASIC optimized
for the 6809 and OS-9'•.
byte-addressable random-access files. • Access to system command
• Memory management for single interpreter.
• Four data types: integer, string,
address-space (up to 64K). • Available on HOM. disk or
single precision and double precision
0 Disk version $150.00" floating point.
cassette tape.
0 Tape version $95.00
• Program trace and edit capabilities. 0 Disk or tape $35.00
0 R0�1 (2716) $50.00
• Automatic line numbering and
renumbering. BASIC Ill IS a trademark of Motorola. OS-9 is a
tra�mark of �lotorola and fo1icroware•. UNIX IS a
trademark o( Bell Telephone Laboratories.
• Supports random and sequential
file UO. Full PRINT USING for
LANGUAGE SYSTElt1 formatted output. ft1ost software s
i available on ROM,
0 Disk or tape $250.00 diskette and tape in versions for many
xtended BASIC language
popular 6809 computers. Source listin�
compiler/interpreter with
and yearly maintenancelupdate service
integrated text editor and debug OS-9'v TEXT are sold separately for most programs.
•specify manufacturer and type of CPU
package. Runs standard BASIC programs
and UO controllers. Contact Microware •
or minimally-modified PASCAL programs.
• Permits multiple named program inimum-keystroke macro text
for specific availability.
modules having local variables and editor useful for text
identifiers. Modules are reentrant. preparation or interactive
position independent and ROMable. word processing.
• Additional control statements for • User-defined macros with MICROWARE,
Mkrowut )'Stems CorporaUon
5835 Crtnd A\"mUe, Box 4865
structured programming: IF ... THEN parameters permit virtually
Des Moines. 10\\'a 50304
.. . ELSE. f'OR ... NEXT. REPEAT ... unlimited command expansion.
UNTIL. WHILE ... DO. LOOP ... Macros can be saved, loaded 1515) 279-88<\4
T 6800
hiS BASIC compil�:r j.li:IWri.ltes
t-111\RUG - tompdllbl�: flU,\I th<�t combm��
pure. fast. tdfic 1 ent 6800 mad1me
an 1mproved mon1tor deburutcr w1th a
lanJluage from c.1S\' to wnt� l.li\!:!ll
po,,erful mult1taskmg real-time oj)l'ratm�
source programs. Us11s ·
system. Supports up to 16
ultra-fa�t integ er
concurrent tasl-.s at 'prion
extended strinJl
level� plus real tim� duel-.
functions. buoli:an
and mterrupt contrul.
operators and real- t 1 me
Thousands in use smce 1976 hand lin � all
operations. Output is IWJI<Iable and rwt:.
types of applications. Availabl� on 6�0
without any run-time package. Disk
lt>III<UUG:typc) 01' _27US (�:PHO�l-typd flO�I.
versions have disk 1'0 stateme nts and
�1ilnudl 1s a cJ,ISSIC on 6800 real·lime
require 121< memory and host oos
Cassette vesrion runs in �I{ and
applie<rtio�s �nd contams a full �uurce
pro�ram llst mg.
requires HT/6 uperatmg system.
0 IH'61:l�IX (6 "101 $55.00
0 Disk Extended Version 2.1
SSB or t:LI�X· Diskette $150.00 0 RT6l!�IXP t270SI $55.00
0 Cassette Version 1.0. $65.00
6800 CIIES
A/BASIC SOUHCE vers1on is J)crfect for M ot orola 02 kits. challe ngmg ch�ss program for
CENERATOH the 6800. iwo sel�ctable di(ficulty
0 Cassette, s 1:1 or Fu:x· fliskelt(;' $95.00
lc\-els. Displays formatted chess
n "add-un" ufltiun fur A BASil bo<tred on �t andard t�rminals. RclJUirl.'s
Compiler llisk wr sions that ttdus 81< memory. �lachme lan�u<r�c with
an extr<� third pass which �encr Ll P INTEHPI�ETEH AlBA'IC SOUICe listing.
ates a full assembly-languag� liUtput 0 Cassette. ·su or FLEX' Disket te $50.00
lislmg and assembly language sourc<- til•• he programming t..anguage LISt•
Uses original BASIC names and in�ert::. offers cxcilmg new possibil ities fur
microcomputer 11pplications. i\ Our software IS available for most 6800
BASIC source lines as comments.
h 1ghly lllleractive inlerpreter that use� systems on cass et t e or diskette unless
0 S..'itl or FLEX• Diskett e $75.00
list·tYtll.' d<rta structure:. wh1c h arc simul· otherwise noted. Phone orders welcomed.
Laneously data and executable 111structtons. We accept �lA TERCIIAI�C�: and VISA.
LISP features an unusual structured. We try to ship orders within 24 hours uf
A/BASIC INTERPRETER recursive iunct1on urie nted �)·ntax. \\'1di!l}' receipt. Please call or write if )'OU require
used for prucessmg. artificial intl.'lllgl.'nce. additional information or our free
l.'re it b a SUfler-fast A Bt\!:.1{ cataloj.l. �ticroware' software is available
l!duciltlon. :.1mulatiun symoolu.: and
compiler! Now you can inkr for 01��1 and custom aplllkallons.
computer·atdcd d�si�n. t�OI! LISP re4lmes
artivdy ctlil. execult' ami th:bu�
a minimum of 12K IWl
/VBJ\SIC pro�rams with the �a.w ot an in
0 Cn.�sclle. S!'IB or FLF.X•
terpreter then compile to s uper t:ffim·nt
icrosoft Basic is b)• far tt�e world's most populat lhl.\h.: • l))�1amic string spacl.' allocation
language - and a vast hbrat-y uf ar)phcatunt� sotlwart: • llandom and sequential file I 0 w1th variabll.' lcn�th rcwrds.
written for it can he u�ed on your sy::.ll:m: hu�illC!o..'\
• Ptott�ted files can be s.awti in coded b111ary forn1al .
pack;�es. scientilic. t!nginl'crin� and cdu�.:aliunal pru�l<•n�. �tanlt!:..
etc. The OS-9 • wrsion oi �tinosoll Ba.'1c IS a full mlpl�:mcnt.tl iun
• Clli\IN and t:O�lf.ION statl!mcnts proAmms may he lmkcd
togelher and share common vanahll'S.
of Helease 5.0 \\1ilh the followm�t tl.'aturc�:
• Four variabl� types: Integer. Strmg. 'm�tlc Prcdsmn Floatmg Thb version u( �licrosoft Basic ��not just" 1cas.-.emblcd liMO
Point (7 Di�it). Uuuhlc Precision Floalin�t l'oinl ( IH U1�itl. Basic- it has be�:n enhanced to Lake full a<.h <mtaSll.' or the t�OY
and 0$-!1 supe rior capabilities. It is aiS(t a r�!hahle Basic that vuu
• r'ull PIU!\'T l'SING fur forn1<1ttdi output llndudl.'� astcn�h Iii I.
Available in vers1ons for mini FLEX1, FLEX 2 01 and only $599.95. complete w•th: (1) the drive, drive
Smoke Signal Broadcasting Company's DOS, electron1cs and Percom's rugged PS-401 power
SOFTRANTM cop1es soft-sectored mtnidlsk supply all rn a f1n1shed enclosure, (2) a demon
ettes track-for-track onto hard-sectored mtnl strably supenor controller PC card featunng an
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'Smoke' DOS, SOFTRAN™ IS used to modify the markable 2K DOS, and prov1s1on for 1 K extra
operatmg system to function w1th the Percom PROM, (3)an mterconnectmg cable and (4)a 70-
LFD-400™ page users manual.
SOFTRANTM is supplied on a mmidiskette along Also available Upgrade kits for SWTP or 'Smoke'
With utilities for only $24.95. mini-disk drive systems Kit includes LFD-400™
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SOFTRAN™ is to be used
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matton call £2141272-3421. Orders may be patd by
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4 ?1 l4 I 5% sales tax
Percom 'peripherals lor personal computing'
A Few Extraordinary Products for Your 6800/6809 Computer
From Percom
Low Cost
M ini-Di sk Storage
In the S1ze You Want
Percom mtnl-dlsk systems start as cuit, buffered control hnes and other
low as $599 95. ready to plug In and mature design concepts ROM •
r un You can't get beller qu a lity or a DOS tncluded with SS-50 bus ver
broader selectton of dtsk soflware sion - optional DOSs for EXOR·
from any other mtcrocomputer dtsk ctser• bus extra PROM sockets
character g
• Etgllt·bl, non-latched bldlroctJOnal paralle
l poft is multl·eddress EPROM for user
extenSJOn or system bus Spans a »address f• eld accommoda1es symbols
art exceptional variety ol peophefol deVICes Com8Ctor 111 ophonal
Com p reh en si ve
• Includes 1-K byte ol statlc RAM
m anual Includ es
•All FLEX'¥ Programs from TSC are now available for MSI Computer Systems
'MULTI-OISK FLEX'¥ from MSI allows the use of any combination of MSI disk devices to be used
simultaneously, including the HD-8/R 10 megabyte dnve.
'SORT/MERGE Program can be used manually or wrthin other BASIC or assembler programs
to perform high speed sorts of data files
'Hemenway Assocrates Software Products for use under FLEX"' are available on the
MSI System
'SOFTWARE LIBRARY Programs keep track of all diskette and hard disk
directories. giving alphabetical listmgs of available programs.
'All MSI software is supported on four (4) disk systems: quad density minifloppy,
single and double density 8" floppy. as well hard disk systems
'PLOTTING PACKAGE gives darsy-wheel printers the capacrty to perform qraphics operations.
'LETTERWRITER Word Processing Software allows the use of darsy-wheel pnnters to generate
documents and to handle correspondence automaticAlly
TWX 910 749 6403 (MSI O LAT) Telex 42525 (MSI A OLAT)
All ooftwore b cvrrently ovooloble on FlEX
.. 2.0 ,. dills Ot MSI FlEX.. 1.0 a• hord � doll1. The pod!ooe
indudes o .,..n mon.,ol, the disk wtth ob1ec1 code 4NO FUllY COMMENTED SOURCE USTING, o progromming
monvol with infOtmotion obo..t the progrom ond hinh for chonges, ond where opplicoble eaomple progrom>.
VIM ond MC occ.epted. SOURCE TCF339.
We ore lool<ing for q"olity sohwore to morket. Contoct Fronk Hooo
•6809 oohwore t.ho..ld be reody by the time this od Is ovt.
Coli for o•oilobiGty.
I have found further nice features of the In this column previously have been redone and Just
Pescar In mv attempt to apply It to programs for those functions ere given here. The coefficients
balanc1 ng mach i nes. One In partlculer Ts worth are given to 9 digits slnce thet Is the limit of
writing about here. The Pescal as supplied has the Lucldeta PASCAL. The 9 digit coefficients produce
capability of supporting 8 output devices Including results that have a worst case error of less then 4
the terminal as two (one for Input, end one tor parts In the 8th digit. It was of some Interest to
output). This means th11t you can overlay the device note that the error curve Is symmetrical, end that
tables with the addresses of your 1/0 routines for the number of peaks or maxima In the error curve
some special device, and then READ and WRITE to It corresponds to the order of the epproxlmatfon
just es though It were your printer or termini!!. I polynomial. It was of Interest to note that the
used this devlce table to Jump to en Input and values for the odd power coefficients of the
output routine to do something that rs at first approximation are near the values of the
glance downright "silly". I wrote e routine to coefficients of the Infinite series. They are
write to and reed from memory. There Is In addition somewhat "distorted" and the even power coefficients
a procedure thet allows you to poke a location thet ere very smell for the first few terms. The reason
defInes the 11rea of � to whIch you want to that we cen get such Improved accuracy Is th11t the
write. Why on earth would anyone went to do thet, Infinite series In theory works for 1111 values of
as I afweys seyl Simple, my system will have some angle, but the epproxfmatfon only works for angles
batter backed up fWol (CMO:> l, end I went to S!lve between 0 end 90 degrees.
severe y sets of machine set-up parameters for
verlous parts. Pascal being stack oriented does I also found e much better approxlm��tlon for
not heve Vf!f'Y well defined locations tor variables, the Arctengent function than I had previously used.
so this device lets me write to 11nd read from ffx&a That these !lpproxfmetfons get better end better as
lll8l!l9f"Y I ocatIons. The date Is kept a II ve by the the Order of the approxImet Ion Is Incre11sed 1 s
batteries, end next time the pr99ram Is run, the logical. This fact wes somewhet obscured when I ran
machine operator C!ln retrieve his m��chfne set-up by the Regression prQRrem with 6 or 9 dlolt BASIC. The
' ' MICI'o Joumal ----1
-- 1
pr99ram computes -�� "standerd error of estImete",
which reached a minimum and then Increased with the The routInes IndIcated ebove wIll be Inc I uded
order of the approximation equation. With the more In next months Issue. Also some additional
precise arithmeti c, I have seen no degredatlon f routines, furnished by Ron Anderson, end not
the error for equations of order as high as 18 published yet, will also be Included.
though the approximations heve been adequate wit�
less terms. I find that the Arctan g ent requires an As you can te II !rf thIs Issue, we heve
order 9 approximation to be about twlce as bed as Increased the size of 68 Micro Journal. This will
the order 7 approximation for the SINE. Also allow me to Include more listing s and other
Included here are the listings for the mater IaI • ThIs Is a I I due to the f T ne resJ>OOse our
epproxlmatlons for LOG and EXP done In this way, advertisers have received from YOU OUR READERS.
having reduced their range first In a manner similar
to tnat of reducing the angle for the Trigonometric Also will use this space to note thet we ere
functIons. running 1sloooow1 on the 1G1ANT SOFTWARE CONTEST'
wrap-up. We hope to have It finished soon but when
we got to the final part of Judging the enTries, we
One more note regerdlng the Polynomlel found that some of the dis�, especially those from
Regression program. In order to try verlous orders overseas were 1 bombed 1• We hope we have them aII In
of polynomials for the approximation, It Is by now and can get It completed soon. Thanks ageln
necessery to run the program severe! times. I don't to each and every one of you who entered. Needless
like typlng In 12 dlglt velues for the 17 points of to say It was a much bIgger Job than we had thought.
Input deta, so I changed the Input statement to e
read stetement, and Included the values as DATA
statements at the end of the pr99rarn. AIso, In
order to try the approximations of higher order, It
Is nece.ssary to Increase the dimensions for some of
the arrey verlebles as explained In the program A BATTERY BACKUP CLK BOARD
IIstIng In Borchers and PooIe. I Ieter got t I rea of
typlng In the date polnts even once, end modIf I ed
the program to reed e date fIIe, and then wrote very For those users who have need of a battery
short pr99rems to generate the date points. It was backed up, clock for the S50 bus, the ROBERTSON
Interesting to note that the TSC extended BASIC Is ELECTRONICS CLK 68-1 clock-Interrupt board Is now
accurate enough to ellow celculetlon of the error evalleble from Robertson Electronics, 1003 Warm
curve for errors In the 8th digit. TSC must be Sands Drive SE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87123.
eccurete to et least 12 digits tor these functions.
I don't have tables accurate to that many places to
find out and my celculetor Is only good to 9 places. The CLK 68-1 Is lnstelled on the 30 pin bus end
obtains elI volteges from this bus, both operetlon
SO BASIC and battery cherge. This meens that If ell power Is
lost the clock remelns active. Not Just for a day
I tInaII y broke down end bought the Softwere or week or so, but for up to four C4> months. Thet
Dynemlcs BASIC complier. As a result of the column
for July "soepbox s ech" thet I mede regarding should Just about survive elI power felluresl
compliers In generer from a user's point of vlew T
received a letter from Ron Whites of SO, lnform1ng PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION
me of their version 1.4 that allows long verleble
nemes end labels. Now they tell me II Anyway, there The clock Is a combination celendar end clock
were IncI uded a few programs that they had done to
demonstrate the new complier. Sorry Ron, but I board. Also aval table Is a Interrupt generetor, with
think long labels can be wey overdone. They produce Intervals from 488 microseconds to 256 seconds. No
elmost as unreadeble a program as do the varalble Jumpers are required as dip switches are used for
names AI through Z9 In Basic. Further, It really setting all features. The Nl-c8d batteries
gets frustratIng when you have to tvpe a very Iong furnished are In a ch8rglng st8te when the computer
verlable neme or label more than 11 Jew times.
Is running. This should Insure dependable battery
In his sample program Ron used some of these back up under norm8l useage. Provision are for day
for verlable namesi THEREEXISTSAWAYOUT, of week, month, day of month and time (12/24 hour
RANOOK>IRECTIONSAVE, end KANOOML.ENGTHSAVE. Maybe formet> the year Is set In software. Gold pin
wlffl lots of care end lots of white space around connectors and 2 MHz operation are avalleble as an
stetements these work tor you but I wouId . prefer
abbrevleted versions such es �AYOUT, RDIRECTION, and option. The board Is solder mesked end silk
RLENGTH. I really don't think the longer versions screened. and also h8s 8vellable an extra p8rel lei
convey eny more Information except perhaps on the 1/0 port. It comes with all p8rts Including the
fIrst reedIng of the program. These varIabIes ere batterIes and I C sockets. The advert I sed prIce 1 s
Incidentally from a program to generate a maze. It $89.95 kit and $119.95 assembled and tested.
was modified by SO from the program by Paul Wennberg
In Kilobaud Mlcrocomputlng, Nov. 1979. Version 1.�
also has provision for passing peremeters to Also es options alI software on SSB disk $14.95
subroutines end functions, whlcfi make It look like - cassette (Kenses City) $12.95. The 36 page manual
Fortran or Pascal. c8n be ordered for $10.00 -refundable with order of
Aside from these observations, SO BASIC Is CLK 68-1.
fast, and I wIll soon have a serIes of Benchmark
tests of most alI of the compliers and Interpreters The control crystel h8s 8 trimmer for tight
currentIy avel I abIe for FLEX. These wIll compare caI I brat Ion. The board has no 'after-thought'
not only run time but memory efficiency. My current Jumpers and the boerd used for the review worked
lmpresslon Is that the SO complier uses abOut half without 8 hitch.
egaln as much memory as Lucldeta Pascal when
runnIng the equIvalent pr99rarn. SO does have fu I I
sclentlflc functions Included In the runtime DOCUMENTATION
package, and Lucldeta Pascal does not. These
estimates Include the Scientific Functions as I have The manual Is well done. It consist of 36
prepered them to run with Pascal. There will be pages of assembelY 1ns tructlons, app 11 catlons notes
more here about the subJect when I have had a chance
to do the compar 1 sons accuretel Y• end exampIes, checkout, caII bratIon, theory of
operation, software description, software listings
Please excuse my previous reference to ucso• and component ldendlflcatlon cherts. For en Item of
Pesce! as USCD. It was not a typogrephlcal error, this type the documentation Is above average, and
but a genuine mistake on my part. T hadn't realized the computer user with little construction
thet tl\e ecronym stands for University of California
at San 0I ego. experience, should not experience much dlfflcullty.
The only part that might give trouble Is tight
Editor's Note: calibration of the crystel circuit. The standard
All references to the symbol rot should be accuracy of the crystal Is .0003 percent. For those
changed to 1 t '• This Is a fault of our daisy wheel without adequate lab equipment to do a close crystal
In the 15 character oonflguratlon. alignment or those who desire the tightest ratio
12 ------- '68' Micro Journal
possible, the factory wll I do a final alignment for INTROOUCTION
the modest sum of S5.95.
When you type "U" or "D" for the fIrst tIme to
As stated earlier the manual Is wei I put bootstrap the system, you wll I find yourself I n a
together and Is laid out In such a manner that It I s new wor Id. UCSO PASCAL• Is un II ke anythIng
easy and logical to follow, even for a beginner. available to 6800/6809 users before. Its forte Is
The software listings furnished In the manual are Its transportability and machine-Independence. The
written assuming the computer Is a Smoke Signal same system, except for the machine unique
system running DOS 5.XXC or later. However, It Is Interpreter and BIOS, has been Instal led on the
easy enough for the user to convert to any other 8080, Z-80, 6502, Tl 9900, 8086, NOVA, POP-I I ,
system or monitor 1/0 running on a S50 bus machine. wo-11, Z-8000 and 68000 microprocessors. More than
For those who heavily use BASIC, sample routines are 15,000 cop les ere In exIstence and users have
given also. written software ranging from FORTRAN compliers end
text-proc.essors to accounting and small business
OPERATION packages. The Idea here Is that you can run theIr
programs on your 6809 system wIthout the straIn of
Interfacing and addressing the board Is translating from one dialect to another, etc.
straight forward for both calendar/clock and
parallel port. Access Is fast, on the order of a ThIs transportablllty Is made possible by a
milllsecond or so. A sample of the printout Is: Pseudo-Machine architecture. The complier generates
p-code which looks like machIne code to the
FRI AUG 8 1980 (DATE) pseudo-machine. This p-code Is the same for all
21:45:22 (TIME 24 HR> machines. The lnterpeter translates I t to machine
7:35:12 A.M. (TIME 12 HR) code for the system In use.
We find that program listing that have the date and OPERATING SYSTEM
time printed on each one are easier to use, from the
standpoint of knowing when each was written or The operating system Is on a file called
modified. A system calendar and clock Is a SYSTEM.PASCAL and Is the first thing you see after
worthwhile addition to any computer syst� booting. After a nice welcome message, a prompt line
Is prInted a I ong the top of the screen. If your
CONCLUSION screen Is 80 characters wIde, you see the entIre
word, for example, F(ller. If I t Is smaller you
As detailed earlier the Robertson
w I II onIy see the f I rst letter of the c011111and
calendar/clock board Is a product of excel lent because terminals with shorter lines receive
quality, both In desIgn and construct I on. one-letter prompts.
Additional Information may be secured from:
Robertson Electronlcs
All commands ere one-letter. For example to
1003 Warms Sands Or SE
run a pro ram, you type R. To c0111plie a program,
Albuquerque, NM 87123 g
you type C.
(505) 294-Q025
Most of the disk work Is done by a program
called the Flier. Its one-letter commands allow you
to move fl les, remove them, and list their
directories, etc. It also keeps track of the date
UCSO PASCAL• and keeps a record of the names of your various
peripherals end their flies.
Oale Puckett
14753 Endsley CX>MMUNI CATION
Woodbridge, VA 22193
Every peripheral on your system Is Identified
This review deals with one of the most powerful by e number and e name. You may use either. For
example If you want to print a file, you transfer I t
and least understood software products available to
t o the printer. When the fl ler prompts you with "To
6809 users.
where?", you may answer 11PRINTER:11 or 1117:"., The
colon tel I s the system that the word Is e volume
UCSO PASCAL• for the 6809 Is sold by the
des lgnator.
Mlcrosystems Division of Control Systems, Inc.
(CSil, 1317 Central Ave., Kansas City, Kansas 66102.
SWTPC OMAF drives are assigned to volumes 4 end
CSI 's free telephone number Is 800-255-4411.
5. The MF-68 mini-floppy system appears es volumes
9 end 10. If you had a three (three mini 5" disk
UCSO PASCAL• I s supplied to SWTPC system owners
are maximum) drive mlnldlsk system It would appear
on three disks I n either the 8-lnch or 5 1/4 Inch
es 9, 10 and 11. Volumn 112 I s used tor the SWTPC
format. The disks end a manual written by SofTech,
COS-I Marksmen winchester hard-disk drive.
Inc., sell for $419. The first disk contains the
operating systeM, e complier, a screen editor, a
The PRINTER 11180t loned earlier Is assumed to be
f I I er, e IInker, and a I I brary f lie. A 6809 unIque
a serial Interface on port 7. The drivers supplied
Interpreter end Basic Input Output System (BIOS>
In B I O S are dumb drivers and assume a standard ASC I I
round out the dIsk. •
'88'��oJouma1 ------- 13
plens to supply an lnltlel lzatlon utiIlty written In Typing X wll I generate a prompt for a filename.
PASCAL In the future, however. If the flleneme you provide Is on line, It will be
executed. If not, an error message Is generated.
You must heve 56 K of memory In your system to From this level you cen also call In the
run UCSO PASCAL·. The operatIng system checks to Linker, Assembler, or Debugger. Typing en F In the
see thet 56 K Is available end will return to outer level wlI I eelI In the Fl fer wh lch wlI I
S-BUG-E If It Is not. Immediately print Its own prompt line.
Flier: GCet, S(eve, W(het, N(ew, L(dlr, RCem,
The peckege comes reedy to run on a SWTPC T<rans, OCate, and QCult (A).
CT-82. If you have this terminal you have It made,
If not, don't worry. CSI supplies two utilities, If you type e "1" you wII I be shown t�ore
SETUP end BINDER, which allow you to describe your commands. The second group allows you to check for
terminal to the PASCAL system. Bad blocks, Krunch the disk, Make e new disk, Set
the name of the volume Prefix, or Zero e new disk.
SETUP hendles detells such es the screen width,
number of lines on the screen, beckspece character, An overview of fl fer commands Is provided here.
delete cheracter, etc., much I Ike the TTYSET utility G, for Get, will l�ad the named file Into the
which comes with FLEX. SETUP Is completely workfl le. <>ne fl lename here will load both the .text
self-promptIng end Is e dream to use. You can and code fI I es If they are on I Ine.
enswer the prompts with a decimal number, e
hexldeclmel number, an octal number, or you can type An S wllI allow you to Save the file you have
the actuel cheracter you ere defining. It even been workIng on. It prompts you for a f II enema.
confirms the chenge and prompts ageln, just In case
you went to chenge your mind. When you are Typing N clears the workfl le and creates e
finished, you mey updete the parameters In memory or blank, unnemed workflle. If there Is a workflle
on e disk file. If you pick the disk option, SETUP already present you wll I be asked If you want to
creates e flle called NEW.MISCINFO which you later throw It away.
ere Invited to convert to SYSTEM.MISCINFO.
A W will Identify the neme and present state of
BINOER allows you to Insert your own GOTOXY the workflle. A V will give you a list of the
routines Into the SYSTEM.PASCAL fl le. These Volumes you have on-line. L wllI produce a List of
rout 1 nes tell termIne Is II ke the CT -82 where the a dIsk dIrectory and the system wIll prompt you for
cursor should be on the screen at ell times. the volume you wish to list. C wllI allow you to
Chenge the neme of e vol� or a pertlculer file. R
Believe It or not, I used the example GOTOXY wlII remove e file from the directory and T will
routine for extremely dumb terminals In the syste� allow you to copy one file to enother. It should be
manual, and It made Iff( ancient CT-1024 appear to be noted here that you can transfer a file To the
smart. Unbelleveble. CONSOLE: or PRINTER:. It took me a long time to
f lgure out thet thIs wes the easy way to IIst e
A CLOSER LOOK flle. At first I loaded the file Into the editor and
listed lt.
lrrmedlately efter booting you are offered a
choice of all the commends et the outermost level. 0 will allow you to chenge the current Dete, or
The prompt IIne I ooks IIke thIs. check It and P will allow you to change the volume
Commend: ECdlt, R(un, FCIIe, CComp, L(lnk, X(ecute,
A<ssem, D(ebug, ? CII.O). Typing an E will load X, for eXamine ellows you to physlcely attempt
the editor Into memory end automatlcel ly load In the to recover suspected bed blocks on e disk. K wllI
current workfl le. The workflle Is a concept centre! Krunch a disk. This meens that alI flies present
to the structure of UCSD PASCAL•. It Is e are moved so that the empty spece Ieft on the dIsk
scratch-ped area whIch cen be used for the Is contiguous.
development of programs. <>nly one workflle Is
allowed at a time elthough eny workflle may be saved One good point about the operating system Is
elsewhere with a different filename. thet system codef I I es do not have to be on the
system disk. The system scans e II voI umes that are
The workflles are called SYSTEM.WRK.TEXT and on-I lne for the System fIles and r-bers where
SYSTEM.WRK.COOE. If you type C, the system compl ler they ere.
wIll be reed Into memory end the workfIle wIII be
complied If It Is present. If It Is not present, This Is extremely Important to persons using
the compII er wIll prompt for a f I I ename. the 5 1/4 Inch disks. Especially, those with only
35 tracks.
If It detects en error In the syntax of your
prognm, the complier will stop and display an error The reason Is that PASCAL system flies are very
number. It also points to the offending text. long. For example, SYSTEM.co.f>ILER Is 68 blocks
long . The editor Is 45 blocks long. A block Is the
At this point you can type escape To abort and eq uivalent of two FLEX sectors. In other words, It
return to the COimllln d level, or you ma y type an E
takes over heIf e dIsk for Just the complier.
and go straIght to the Ed I tor. When you do thIs,
you will find that the Editor wllI place the cursor Since the operating systeM scans, I am eble to
near the mistake. If the error Is unimportant
place the compller, editor, linker and library all
however, you may hIt the spacebar end go on wIth the
on one d 1 sk ready for use. I can then use the dIsk
which wes boot ed In to hold quite large yorkflles.
The only system flies I Include on It are BIOS, the
Typing an R will cause the current workfl le to
be executed. If the progrem has not been compI Ied
yet, R will load In the complier and compile lt. It
will also automatically cell the linker If
necessary. If the codeflle Is already existent The SYSTEM.EOITOR Is the prlnclpel tool for
however, It will execute It l rrrnedlately.
14·���-------- �---- ----------------------------------'S8'MicroJournal
creating, reading, and changing text flies. When J· Z, for Zap, remembers the location of the Jest
fIrst comes up It prInts a prompt IIne on the top o· thing found, replaced, or Inserted; and deletes
the screen and begins printing the file on th• everything between there and the current cursor
second II ne. A.s much of the tI I e that wII I fI t I: position.
p 1 eced on the screen. The rest con be cal Ied In a·
will by moving the cursor. The SYSTEM.EDITOR supplied with the UCSD
PASCAL• package from CSI allows you to work only
The pro.pt line almost explains Itself. with fl Jes thet will fit In available memory. This
appears to be Just over 14,000 characters and could
Edit: A(djust C(py D<Jete F(lnd l(nsrt J(mp R(plac• be a disadvantage If you are working with extremely
Q<ult X(chng and Z<ep. long source flies. I understand, however, that UCSO
D, for Delete, el lows you to delete cherecters The complier makes one pass through the source
words or eny combInetIon of the two. When you co I file thus allowing It to run relatively quickly.
the function, the locetlon of the cursor becomes th The cost Is a relatively large amount of memory
enchor. You then move the cursor at wIll ��� space. However, the 561< SWTPC system con handle
cherecters between the two posItIons ere removE quite large Pascal programs.
when you type en ASCII ETX.
If you do have extremely large source flies,
F, for Find, of lows you to find e string In tt this package has the answer. It allows you to
workflle. It hes two modes, Literal and Token. 1 operate the complier as It It were two separate
expleln, e Llterel search for IF-STOP/ would fir programs. Only one part Is brought Into memory at a
only that exact character combination. A. Toke time. This expands the compl lers working memory by
search on the other hand wou Id aI so fInd /F - STOF over 5 K but It does slow the process down a bit.
or /F- STOP/. It would even find the token If tl
two parts were on d Itferent IInes. Another feature of the compl fer which should be
mentioned here Is the Include directive. This
I, for Insert, Inserts text stertIng et tl feature allows you to keep small parts of a Pascal
location of tiM! cursor. It ellows the use of tl program on separately edited text fl les.
backspace and delete characters to reject select•
parts of tiM! Insertion. ThIs comes In handy when you want to use one
section of program statements In several different
J, for Jump, gives you a way to move the curse programs. The Include directive tel Is the compl fer
fran one part of the flie to another. You can Jut to regard the entire text contained In a named text
to the Beginning or to the End of the file as we file as If It were part of the source program text.
as to Markers you are allowed to establish. It looks like this.
M, for Mergln, will edjust anything locat•
between two bIank IInes to the margIns you set. This statment would cause the text file
EXAMPLE.TEXT to be read In and comp I Ied as If It
P, for Page, wll I move the cursor one page at were part of the source file being complied. You
tIme. A Page here Is defIned as the amount of te can even Insert an IncI ude flie whIch contalns
thot cen be held by the screen. CONST, TYPE, VAR, PROCEDURE end FUNCTION
declarations. To do this you must use the Include
Q, for Quit, will let you leave the editor. directive between the lest variable declared In the
the process you may, Update the workf lie; E x VAR list and the first PROCEDURE or FUNCTION heading
without changing t he workt lie; Write t o a nom declered In the main program. This placement tel Is
file; or Return to the editor. the complier to relax the strict Pascal syntax
requirement that OONST declarations occur before
R, for Replace, lets you change one string TYPE declarations.
another. It will operate In the Literal or Tok
modes. And, will allow you to Verify the chan DISK FILES
before It hap,.ns If desired.
Another Important area that should be covered
S, for Set, gives you a chance to set Morke In this review Is the use of disk flies. UCSD
by assigning a nam to them. It also allows you tc PASCAL has been extended to aIlow the handling of
v, for Verity, wll I redisplay the screen witt The UCSO system regards all disk files as If
the cursor centered. they were composed of blocks 512 bytes long. This
Is made possible because of the low level routines
X, for eXchange, wll I exchange the current tex1 In the BIOS package. This allows the physical
In the file with the text typed. It only works lr characteristics of the users particular disk system
one IIne. A backspace wIll cause tiM! orIgInal to remain transparent. These details ore of no
cheroct.- to re-appear. concern to most programmers.
ea Micro Journal
· ·
Packing of the records Into the correct number Because of the larger 512 byte file blocks, and
of 512-byte blocks Is done automatically by the because of the sequent I eI eccess whIch puts
Pascal operating system. This means the progrenwner everything In logical order, disk access seems to be
need only request access to a specl f lc logleal very fest and oompl letlon Is amazingly fast.
record In his file by using Its number. Executing or Running a pro gram that has already been
complied appears to be en Instantaneous operation.
A type definition for a typical Pascal date
file might look like this. I personally complied nearly a dozen Pascal
programs of varying length from several magazines
TYPE INFOREC•CPERSON); and text books. They all ran without a hitch.
RECORD My onI y oompIaInt Is about the document atIon
NAME:SlRINGI321; supplied by Softech, the company that holds the
ADORESS:SlRINGI201; license from UCSD. The manual Is a graphic disaster
TOWN:STRINGI301; and the style Is befitting a typical government
PHOt£:PACKED AAAAYI0 •• 9J OF CHAR; bureaucrat.
END; On the other hand, the 6809 unIque
documentation which you racelve from CSI Is well
written end attractively printed. It Is easy to
Fl le handling reserved words Include: GET, PUT, understand and makes life much simpler.
EOF. There are two things I would like to see with
the system. A pre-packaged set of drivers for a
LONG INTEGERS pare I lei printer end a warm start address for the
main system. The drivers would seve me the work of
One of the comp IeI nts you see In some of the writing my own. The warm start would allow
trade publications about UCSD Pascal Is the leek of re-lnltlellzlng the system without reboot ing when a
the precision of Its REAL number types. But, again disk hardware problem occurs. It would save the 30
the designers have planned ahead. Users who need plus seconds required to re-boot the system.
extended number lengths with complete accuracy for
business and scientific applications may use the UCSD Pascal will be a welcome addition to your
LOt.G INTEGER type. LONG INTEGERS ere dec Iared by 6809 system. In the long run your Initial
using the standard INTEGER Identifier followed by a Investment will hold your software costs down. This
length enclosed In square brackets. savings will result because of the portability of
the system end the larg e number of users who are
VAA X: INTEGERI1211 already using lt. Their programs will make your
life much simpler.
The largest number Inside the square brackets
Is limited to 36. Editor's Notes: The L2 Editor above mentioned Is now
a standard part of the CSI-2 package. For those who
And "long" constants can be defined In e normal have purchased this package; a 1FREE1 update Is
manner. available merely by returning the orig inal disk.
The update will be returned with the L2 Editor and
CONST LOTOFNUMBERS • 12345678987654321; any other updates since you purchased your original
The example above would default to a LONG
INTEGER type. It shouI d be noted that the current poIIcy of
CSI Is to furnish 1FREE' updates on return of the
CONCLUSION original disk. Few software vendors go to this
degree of customer support!
The CSI 6809 Implementation of UCSD PASCAL•
works end It works weir. The support from the Additionally It should be noted that there ere
company Is very good. several 'USER GROUP' programs that WILL NOT execute
In 56K. They use too much memory for variable
This review only touches the surface of the storage; also the stack being at the top and the
features eva I fable In the package. There Is Just heap at the bottom also require memory, therefore,
too lft.ICh system end not enough writer or space In In sane Instances 56K Is Just not enough.
the Journal to do It Just Ice.
The ergurment for a 'Warm Start' entry point Is
The only problem I faced was the feet that my valid; however, UCSD did not 1111k
1 e any provision for
PTA disk driver board Is not totally compatible with this feature. Due to the structure of PASCAL very
the SWTPC DC-2 board. Because of this the system little time would be saved with a warm start entry
locks up on booting when It goes over to look for a point (actually less that 10 seconds) so no support
disk on voll.m8 110. Deve Allen gave me the location at this time Is available for any other entry point
of some of the dIsk drIvers end I got the nerve to then 'Cold Start '•
experIment. WIthout hIs he I p I probeb I y wou Id have
thrown up my hands end quit. As It was I found that The necessity for paraI lei printer routines Is
I could unplug the cable running to my drives and another need that Is being filled (so I am told by
trick the system Into continuing. After this Dave Allen>. Deve reports that several users are
everything seemed to work perfect. working on this end It will be published In the
users Qroup newsletter <and 68 Micro Journal) as
This personal support from the nw�n behind the soon as It becomes available.
llllpl--.tetlon Is a very Important plus for the CSI
package. Dave reelIzes that the system Is so Any bed memory that your IIIIh
IC lne might have
complex that, unless you are another Einstein, you that has been hard to fInd or unable to flnd by
can't help but have questions. And, he Is happy to normal testing routines, will certainly show up
answer them for you. using PASCAL. PASCAL, by vlrture of the 'stack' and
'heap' utilization Is an effective 'memory test'l
Another plus for the system Is Its speed.
Which accomplishes the same thing as the previous
example. Using this In a s ubr o uti n e can save a few Thera ere actually three aodea of operation while
u a 1 ng STYLOGRAPH: tha •eSCAPE", " I N SERT", and
bytes of code.
"SUPERVISOR" modes. In the ESCAPE mode, you can
TAPE-BASED BUSINESS PROGRAMS ac roll up end down through the text end per-form ell
of the editing functions. In the INSERT mode, you
In spite of my negative discussion of tape can type in the text as you would on e typawr1tar.
based business systems In the last article, I did The SUPERVISOR mode is for interacting with the diak
get some enquiries about buying cassette programs. operating system and for outputing to the printer.
I do not have any to sel I or to e ve n give away!
Yes, I did use tape at one time, and I stll I have All of the ESCAPE commends r-aquira only a single
the programs, but I d o nat consider them useablelll keystroke and the keys involved era arranged logi
Ta pe users shou Id refer to a serIes of art Ic Ies by celly on the keyboerd to make them easy to rae&��b ar.
Ron Harvey In Kl lob&ud, In For axempla, all of the cursor end scrolling keye
Oct '77, Nov 177, and Dec 177. In addition to are located under the right hand, ea so:
providing a useable payroll program, he also .
explains U I 0
the techniques to use to get data on and
o f f of the tape.
That Is alI for this Issue. The next sequel
will be several months from now. If you either need
Information about some particular a.spect, or have a The five cursor control keys (IJKL,l are arranged 1n
favorite algoryt hym or routine that you would like a erose. Typing en "l" •oves the cursor up, an "L"
to share with 681 readers, please write. We wll I m o v e s it one space to the right, and so on. The
probably discuss the use of TSC1s Extended teslc c a n t e r "K" k�y 1& en express key thet move& the
random flles, as I have already received one request cursor al tametely to the fer lett end right or the
for help. screen. The sorolllng keys (UOM.] ceuee the sor-een
to scroll up and down, with the "UH" keye scrolling
STYLOGRAPH WORD PROCEBSING SYSTEM one line and the "0." keye scrolling a full page.
The cursor atays 1 n 1 ta post ti on while scrolling.
If you try to ecroll off the screen the cursor will
Dr. J..,, Pmnerentz autoaatically •ova to the next Una. SiaHarly, if
Oepert.ent or Peychology you try to move the cursor off the ecrean, STYLD
SUNY/Burrelo GRAPH will scroll to keep the cureor on the eoraan.
Buffalo, N .. York 14226
The ueuel oompl111ent of search, replace, copy, block
The STYLOGRAPH word proceeeing eyet.. f1lla a wall •ova and delete co••ends era eva1leble and fully
recognized need for s&-50 bue ayet.. s. (STYLOGRAPH iapli111ntad. They are ell quite si111pla to uee but I
••• neaed STYLUS but beceu11 or 1 trademark conflict will exp lei n the uee of the replace co111•nd 10 you
the neae hll been c h an g ed.) It 1a available fr0111 can eea the cere with which STYLOGRAPH well dae1gnad.
Sonex Syet•a, Box 238, W1ll1eaav1lle, NY 14221. After you hit the "R" kay, an area 1a claersd out on
STYLOGRAPH 11 preee ntly the only fully interactive t h e top of the screen end the rut or the text
text proceeeing package ava1leble for s&-60 ueera. appears below th1s area, In the top of the soreen
It 11 eva1leble only for the 8809. For thoM SfllO two mas88gee will BPPIBr nking you for the etring
uure who heve bean conaider1ng upgrading to the you want raplacsd and the string you want to rapleca
8B09, STYLOGRAPH aey w a l l be t h e product to it w1 th. After you have entered thaea, the cureor
c o n v ince thea thet the tiae hee finally coae to will then •ova to the next occurr-ence of this etring
convert, Th11 111 certeinly the cue with 111; once and aek you 1f you went the etring replaced or not.
I eaw STYLOGIW'H working, I ord.ered 1 8lll9 proceaeor SiiDply answer "Y" or "N", The sorean will i-d1-
board etraight away and aada the rather e1apla herd ately reflect the chenga and eek you If you went to
ware end eoftwera chengea thlt were required. Thia g o o n t o t h e next string. You 1111y, if you are
text prooeeeing peokega ie the aatch or any text breve, answer "A", indicating that you want all the
prooaeeing packege I have 1110, including tho11 for o c o u r a n c a s of the atring changed without being
the 8-100 bue and a nuaber of caa..rc1el eyat•• proapted on aech one. The iaportance of all of th1a
(aany o r which it quickly puta to eh..e.J 1e that you always s e a auctly whet 1e going on.
Alao, t h e r e are clear-ly underatandebla Engl1ah
Much of today'• word prooaaeing aortwere hea been ••seegee Which appear during the editing procaee,
aodeled after progr.. a developed on large acele
ooaputera. On theae eyet••• tarainela ere inter- Ae you a r- e typing in a line in the IHSERT
hoed with the aein coaputer at low baud rltee end •ode, there ie no need to wetch for the and of the
teat rHea ere handled in a batch aoda eo that text l ina ei nee STYLOGRAPH will take 11 word that over-
editing e n d word procaeeing were actually eaparete flow& off the end of the line, ineart it on the next
operetione. Suoh h the ceu, tor ax .. ple, with line and bu•p ell of the following text to the right
TBC'e uellent EDIT end PR coabinetion. (and, if nacaseery, down to the next Una.) STYLO
GRAPH automat! celly scrolls the text up or down i r
One of the firet people to realize the extra conven the cursor tries to move off the acraan.
ienoee e n d cepebilitiee that could b1 achieved with
end unlike with the Eleotrtc PancH, for ex11ple, 1t Ct. 2'4)f9, WH(Iill( 25 II fMC II:•IICM IMJtiU(ttOM 4•0 Qf9 II HI[
converted ••v•r•l text filii prepered w1th TBC'• 1\IT TM( &CfU.t.l.. A001liJ 1$ (A\.(U'-AflO t• 400ttiC (AS •• UIIIIG-11(0
Since I heve been etngtng STYLDGRAPH'• pr1i111, you lM( 6&lf'l tll0(& I(I,JTU II 16 lltl 11110( SO Till ( IHSULfPIO AOOI(SI
auet be wondering i r 1t h11 eny reulte. There ere (&. It Afil'fVIHIC I ll lll (tO
� af. lMt SUIQI,.( Iff( OII''-A((111[1111 Ali..OIIIS
Sonex 11y1 thet thil reetr1ct1on w11 necee11ry to 1.0CATI0" 1111 M(MOIIII'f.
t•ISt IUT V( (Alii Vltlf( & I•OIT IUTIQif O r (001 VNI(M A(f1 Lilt
rOR nor� '"' Jhtc. A qsA: (8•••< .. SutRou'"'c) ••su ur ffo• vtu •vsto� ''" '
rv••t•t PC o••o "'' •'"'"· 8• us ..o • � o•s•L•tt"'"'' o• '""
• StM<t XTE:MP "Ol.OS '" ' •••• OIIII O CI t•TC or '"' tAU •oo•css,
OlMC• COOC. You OON t •••C TO VAll TO IC •II.( TO US&:
, ..,, uc••ttuc, rou '"" usc '' •ov ,,.,,. '"' 6eefQJ.
'Wl CAlli tt iC ICwt •t fM( I•S( •00"-CSS U Stf•t Ot 2')6 lff(S t•
TO ••••••"' a•o T•r o•L" CPU or ITI •r•c••"D"' ""' ' .. cu• usr
68ef AI IT WILL U roe T•C 6&f9, lt.tT f•( �II •••tL•ai.C HOY.
YOU CAlli UIC 6&zk3 �UCMIIfll(l TO L(AI• 1 ..( UTILITT Of T�IS TU'( Ot
IOMC iii'OIMT Ill flllt PIIIIOtiA•. 'WM(II fMC •IIIIOt14• II L0A0(0 11110 PIA. A OCT �C lOW ORotR IIYTC
IIIOCIICMOC,.t lltllOGit.u. f Ul l VC MA\'( 1M(' COO( li"' t(• lOAOI TMC If, ro111 CH&HICS UP to II( tYTCI If f&ICI Lfll COOt tO UIC
IMOll ICGIJ1'(11 VlfM tH( IAil •DOlUS. fMtS IIII UIT I( tM( I 111111 I"CI(IIII(IIIfiNI 0111 Ol<lthUMttllt.P,ut Or Ill( COOl ro111 .& .,IUMIIt Uti.C
ro•v••• Co• , , ,. ,... ACA) vr •ust rust '"""'' '"' I•U ..oo•csa i e:;:,.,, ,,,..,. tJ
,,.,., ,.,�., ............,
STOlfO 1• X.
1.0CA110N IN TM( ,IIII OGttAIII. lr fOU AIUMit..( 1M( ••OC&it (WIT• 'tWJ
f• �tJ rtl11 UIC IL' .. IMOUI.O IC JUIT TO Oct T•CU &00111(11(1. Atlfl
ro1 A ,_IIOIIItAN t.ONGU TM• III 256 It HS, lM( IAU &OOtt(JI
Xl(MP A "D lM(It LOAOIMO tH( 11110[1 I(GfiUI '"'" fMC tiiOOtri(O h.l(
IHO(fi(M0(JI1 JUMII' hi\.C• CO ..hiMt &\.1.. TN( S Y C P \IMI(M 1400trY f�(
lAIC ADOIItCII. lr fMII .tU•fl f&l\.( IS CCP1 tO L(U ' """ llf ltfllt
... Fr
tOI ftt( COllfJIOl. IOUtltc(, fMC .IUMfl TAILl, &110 & I.At4fl\,( SUIIOUtiM[.
l11t CO,.w.aNO \OOfl thlll VllH • IO UfiN( TO (tiiO Till( tAU
OYt Ot a.to•tC rol t•OCICO •ODIC I I tftl VITN fMC CVIICIIT IAt(
&IOV•D 1M( JVIf" lr •ot CIVo\\ ( tWO lffCI )t till .lUMP tO tMI T tott ,•o•••• c..... er \Oaoco ut••• '"'' PVWCM "'"'"• ••n•
auatovtt we ( two a•tcs ). T1111 •c••• '" '' "' to N co••••• c.oort TO lUll &t *3'� o•• I• UltMG tM( COOt 11\'(1111 lO IVIIf Aliff VH(I( Ill
COULD I( u•\CifUtiO Ill A "'"'' t&ILI t.lll Tlf&W 125 l'ffll LOll. W(MOI,., (IC(Pf rOI �)� TO ..35 VMI(H II UI(O fOI ftNPDIAI•
lr "''' utr ••••rat wvat u l•carwcnco. rout aootllown '""' ttoa.ua or v•••att.ts. 8crotr tou tv• ,,, -"Ou •uat t..oao *311 •••
()M(( Tlfl PIOII&M 1tU II&CMIO fMC IUIIOUTIWl llt..lCTIO If 8RS. PUL A, '"· You t•• cowenu twts ••o••• .. "''" '"' talt
t•ttt• Vtt..\ I'IOUit.• II 111010. Wtt• t.tiKaJO 01 IIMILAI TM( OtJP\.ACCM(Mt roll fMC ••OMPtl tO IUf(M TNI UV 1&1( aOOIUI.
Ftt.m II
2'56 11'fll PI((CCOtWI tM( tUIT or TN( IUIIOUftwl, WUIT ll 9935 A()t • XT£14'•1 &00 IT TO AAS( AOOII[SS
cuwtto ttro•r POATA •• utro. 21103 oct RA2 CHECK rOR tARRY
lr Twl OUTII•UT 1111111 I I WIT \OCatlO VITWU 2456 lfTfl Ot X, 7t�)k INC XTEMP INCREMENT HIOM ORDER 8YTt
VC WUIT 00 .t. TVO IYTl &001tt0. TO XTo- UO XT[..+I. W..tlt TNt 9735 RA2 STA A XTEMP•I SAV( LOJ ORDER BYTE
........ L.CII , ••• 2'56 t•TCI rao• X, ..... XTEMJ+1 Willi " '' OE3� LOX X TEMP I OAO rROM AOOIICSS INTO X
AMOU•f VtUCW M U t t IC aOetO C a M I I Ca\CU\.aTCO IT IUiti&CTtltl fMC or3b STX XTCMP SAV[ AOOIItSS Of TO
CUIIC•t t.OC&tiOW or X flOW TMI &001111 Or fMC tlltt Iff( o r UC 80tl'lb7 JSR 8AOOII GET rtRSl •OOIItSS
Ut.CUt.atC IC\&ft'f'C DUPt.&Ct•r•tt II IJ•C• ll\OW. It Atoll BO!I'l7D JSR "VT IT OJT
tOVti•Ct a•r •ottfiOM tWOCPCMOCWf, t VAl Alt.l TO COIIIIWC TMIW If
,,.,.,, "'"'•• o•C arua t•C OfiUI. TMt Ollt.f CMaMtC ICtuuro �(HT APPliCATIONS AI() FUME POSSIIIILITitS
VAl 1• fMC 0 I II\a< rwc•t TO f"( PIOa•tt • T ttt I Olltii \ . & CtlllllfT Vat
•••to o w • •••v• aoo• ''' •• '"' co••••• "''' or , ,., '"''" ,.,..,.
t CMa•ttO If fO A •wov• I'OIIfiOII IM fMC rtltf IOUTIWt. IN Tltl
MOWITOI tUP.\.IWCitt, TWI rlltt IOUTt•C, RA,HQ[t llfl TMt \IMifl te f'IOIIA•t VMICM ICA.t.\1' I(W,rlf riOW tM( riCCOOM tO II •1111
UIIO t• a IIUWICI or OTMU IOUtt•Ct IMCL. VOIWI II'ANCH. fMII •"'"""'•' •• •t•ou. Tvo ''"''or •••••••• ''' '"'' C&tceo••l
�·���rnal --------�
PIOIIAMI VMICM aU 1 0 011UIIU1(0 10 A•\.AIIl IIU•Itl or CONPUtlll Sottvo.ro Dooorl pUo n
tllo pro11ru oont1guro1 tho 1/0 and then vauo for the epoao
10 '"'"·t•c•t a• llllftlllt MOMitOI (tt MIK8UO) COU\.0 ttactt
••need \ht cqeputtr turna on the ald t t.one oacillt�t�tor •r�d llt�:urta
"NIIC fMC VIII N&O &UU,&I\.1 •tNOU. Ottl tOOt Jti&P 1111011&..1
tho uo�mt of \lao that tbo koy 11 dow. llbon kit-up it oenred
&II &lllfMII 1000 II&IOL t Ot THC tlMCr 111 or Pit. Win IMOU\.0 YOU
0. fMC 0111(1 llf&IID, A \.&Ill, (OMP\. 1(&110, 1111011&• \.ta( & Milill
\lao anraco of a daoh hn&th and up<latu thil avon&• vlth a
t•oi•c•ot•t .
hDCtll to bo ooioo and 1poroo H. Tbil roat"re of ••oR�RI
CA• MIA( COMIII\.1(&110 ICIIWllftc 01 IUIIII(II PIOIIANNt•t WUCH ataoopborio no1oo. A 4otoctod plllao loncor than 1/2 tho
IAII(Io lw(l( P IOeiAMI CA. It CA\.\,10 Ill 10 W(MOI\' 4NO lUll WM(Ii a""ftCo dub lon1th 11 labolo4 a dub vllllo pulu vidtho
'""' ru•ctto•• "'' •rr:oro IT • ..... . o• co•1•oL ''''''"• PIC �tv•• thea t tvo 11•1\a art cou.nt1d •• dote. KeJ-\IP '1ct 11
AU.OWI MUCH IIN,Lll IM,LftlllllfTA11011f or \.IIIAIY rUM(1tONI llllfCI a....-...r ..S next. Vbtu ke1-dovn occur• �ain �he eoaput1r
UU IOUfUCI U• It IIUIII (ft 1M(1' VIL\ rtt ) Ill WMAt('f(l .,C•OIT 4•o14•• vbether a vorcl or a chaNcter baa Jvat been co•plet..ed
•�tf'I'IWI TO II CU*IIIIf1\.T AUUI\.Co It A\.10 A\.\.OWI L&IOCII IOUfiiUI or whetbor i t Ia ln tho a1d41o of a •ellaraotor. Wov tho
TO II IUILl UP fAO't A 111 111 or \.IIIIAIIY IOUTIMII AllfO tUM ON noraco dub lOfiCth 1e eoaporo<l vitb the lcey-up time in or<lor
I IIIIPLCI IYIJCMI VMICH 00 lfOf M&WI fMI: fAI1 •All ITOaatr tltutato w ll&ko th1o docleton. The appropriate O\ltput act1ono oro
1 0 haC &0¥&1ffAOl Or A AUIIf fiM( LIIIIAI'J. th011 tallon •• ln41oo.tod In tho tlov ch art. It tho lnc011lnl
W.. c• '"'' •en •r•r:••t•o• or CPUt ncowu IIADtLT AYAILAILr, codo 1o too ole• ao that tho lntornallJ lnltlallud t111er
TMU WILL MA¥1 ADOIICIII"I MOOCJ II'UIA\.Lt DUIIIII( O TO ,.,., PI( byte at loolltlonls.!!I/J 2�ould be ln<r•u•d to • rllcblly
TMII AlfiCLt, It TOU llf&'U A &a• IYITCll TOU 00IIf1t M4WC TO WAif t-roubleoome. u
. .. preaent Lhe pJ"ooe,;�u will h"Ml1 1\n 11'11ttal
fOI TMOIC MCV CPIIt. WMt MOT Caf'L.OII fMC POll IlL 1t 1Ct or PIC •ow, •s>••d ra.nee fro• about 5 '.fP): to about }() �P>'. &-vcr1t1ae !l.n
11 out.,ut 1! t.he eh:u-e.ct.ttr tr Uleeal lh eo.uce or 1 te ltntth
or H 1t Ju•� cannot bo found 1n tho proeru look-up table.
� ----·--- ··�«0��
ettectlve AOC aoUon le ncctti&J"1 tor proper op�'"'tton of a
naoh, tho 4otoctlon thruho14 •hould bo lovoro<l b1 o4JuUIII&
non-..tun.tlnc \One deooder,. the deetan P""'"')•t•-r• ot t.h1e
hl9. lf a4Juoto4 too low, tho lo<l vlll r..Un o n ecatiJiuoualy,
loop voro dt\traJ.nod Al\tr conotdo.-..blt otvdy of tho offtcte
01\ce thle ooar1e adJvltaent 11 aade. gre11 \lit 1paee bAr an.4
of ataoepher1o ud adj&oe�t C))M ntl l�ter!"eronce on the
adju,at. the \one ,_n4 volu.at ltYtll on. the etdeto:ne ocm1 tor \.o
oporottoo of I.OR!IIl. 4 Cut 1\tteoll tl•• (100 aoec Uat conot&nt)
c�t or\Ablt levele. The r·ecetYer aho\114 nov be tl.l'le tuned
1.1 oat by lt29..CII vtlllt tllo dtc"y Uae conot.Ant .., by 1U7..CII
for tho boot rocoptiOI\ •• heard th�h tho ICOR&RI o14otono
lo hnathonod to 22 ,,.,. by <llodt D,. '!'he hill! �ln of tho
aonltor. 1119 ahoul<l now bo tlnoll,y a4Juetod Cor beat cop7
\OC error lUopllflor provu .. tho roqutre<l loop C"in for
Yl\Uo 1Uhnlnc to tho aonltor ond ohoul<l not reqvlra turthtr
,r·tcleloo \OC control IU'Id the rerer·ence currett throu.«b RlS
o4Juataont, Rt..t tho c
..putor <1114 roatart I'ORBRI to boall>
dohJWinoa tho lnol of tho atablllle4 output. �� aetton 1o
rooo!VIn£ co4o. Copy vlll not bo lt\tor ptrfoot rith lo..
etfec\lve over e. 40 dl cSJn�lo "'"4* end the clrcutt la
ctatlona duo to a to t lo croahoo and hll!t> level o4Jocent channel
deetcned to optr"-t• over "" lnp\lt. ,.na• froa .1 to lO volta
1nter1er•nce. A11o, 11Dct IOIIt rt1\1 are colored vt th Joo•nonal
,..k. 'I'll• flll l wave rocUflt4 o"tput of IC2 11 al�o fUtoro<l
dialtote, alaplaced epacea Md err01 eoua ch�r,cter• tJ1;1 .,_ut
by hl'-()10 an<l 1o appllo<l to tho other t.•lf of lC' vt lch II
coMectedi •• a co•p•rator 'tilth � aV ot h,atereAta. 'ttle l.S
ProJtot Checkout
prooo<llna. 'I'll• .\ o14o ot tilt �..-TP Y.PL.\ (or I'PL) para llel
card chould bt pl8co4 111 t1ot #2. Tho I.:l! of tho .\ aido
:.O.r tn4, .aln' tho tol..,._ph h7, oorA coG• 111to tho eoa;utor1
liCII• ton" t.- tllo recol""r apoakor. It U.o lo4 4ou aot
'M'Mao�� --------��---25
II HM "0R81tX
21 tt-.tt't-ettttttltttfttUtttltttflttiUIUIUtttt·e-et•tU-111111-t•t
31 • •
41 I IIOitiiiX •••A -8£ CODf: R£CEIUIHO I'ROORM FOR THE: 6800 "ICIIO 1
•• • •
'II ttttttttttttttllllttnttltltt't-IUiflii..Pte-•ttta:t-111:811:11CIIU
0903 24 1 DBHTI" 11101 2 AU NNI HO TIM AUO OF A DAIH
0907 OJ � 1 IIHEOI F CI
Ot09 271 PI'AI! "" ' I I'ARITY R£018TER FOR I'Ait£NTH1:8TI •I
�· 00
��· HDf11TII ,.CI IlOt tl4rt00t tOOt tOO• tO..
OtOD 00 00
OfOF 04
·•Ill I
0910 C£ 0910 301 ""' " LOX IS TART 8 ,;
0913 F·F A049 311 ITX PROOCO
OU6 8( A042 J::!l LDI IBfACI(
0917 7C 0900 1121 INC UPTJIOE
OtiA 16 0900 1131 LOA A UI'TIII£
• ----'88'
---_;�- Micro Journal
Rugged 1/8 inch alloy aluminum
base plate combined with a solid 1/8
MEMORY- You can purchase the computer with either 8K bytes of RAM memory (expandable to 56K). or with the full
56K. The efficient, cool running dynamic memory used in this system is designed and manufactured for us by "Motorola
Memory Systems Inc."
PER IPH ERA LS- The wide range of peripheral hardware that is supported by the 6809 includes: dot matrix printers (both
80 and 132 column), IBM Electronic 50 typewriter, daisy wheel printers, 5-inch floppy disk system, 8-inch floppy disk
systems and a 16 megabyte hard disk.
SOFTWARE- The amount of software support available for the 6809 is incredible when you consider that it was first
introduced in June, 1979. In addition to the FLEX9 operating system, we have a Text Editor, Mnemonic Assembler, Debug,
Sort-Merge, BASIC, Extended BASIC, MultiUser BASIC, FORTRAN, PASCAL and PILOT.
Our disk systems offer you mass storage at low cost. The cost per thou
DMF·2 2,400,000 bytes $1.04 per/K
sand bytes of storage for our various systems is shown in the chart.
Other 6809 disk systems have costs up to three times greater for the
CDS-1 16,000,000 bytes $ .27 per/K
same general type drive.
0-5 Two double sided, double density, 5" disk drives with a total on
line capacity of 720,000 bytes of data. Includes cabinet, power supply,
connecting cable and controller. Controller will operate up to four
drives. This is an ideal disk system for small stand alone word proces·
sing systems, or for businesses that do not work with large inventories.
OT-6 Double track density version of the D-5. The DT-5 uses two 96
track per inch drives to provide an on line capacity of 1.400,000 bytes. O.&or OT�
Includes cabinet, power supply, connecting cable and controller. C'on
troller will operate up to four drives.This is a disk system with enough
capacity to include small Inventories of up to 1,000 items, plus the
usual business package of general ledger payroll, etc.
OMF·2 Double sided, double density, dual eight-inch disk system with
an on line capacity of 2,400,000 bytes. Our "top of the line" disk
system features a OMA type controller for fastest possible data trans·
fers. This drive was designed for larger businesses and multi user in·
stallations. The DMF·2 will provide the fast operation necessary for
systems running multiterminals under the UniFLEX operating system.
Complete with a heavy duty 1/8-lnch metal cabinet, power supply,
connecting cable and controller. The controller will operate up to four
COS·1 This "Winchester" type hard disk provides both large storage
capacity and high speed operation.The COS-1 Is the answer for systems
that must handle large inventories or systems with more than tour ter·
minals. The controller has Its own processor and uses DMA data trans·
NEWDISK formatting (now compatible with ,._.. 11-. A-. N...l, 01201
llprp.., ...
leoti 117-4210
the requir... nts of the 1791 floppy-disk - COIIINT IM
Diagnostic Ultrasound Unit,
Queen Mother's Hospital, Glasgow G3 8SH
0758 C6 03 LDABfX'03'
To use a teletype with the
software mentioned above it is easiest 075A E7 00 STAB O,X
� ----'88'
-- Micro Journal
(C) CHARACTER OUTPUT - To output a OOE3 CE 801C OUT.PTR LDX + X'801C'
character the "PRINT" routine
ooEe c8 02 LDAB'ItX'02'
starting at 07BE is modified to
drive an ACIA and to provide a line OOE8 E� 00 WAIT BIT B O'X
feed ($0A) on detecting a carriage
return code ($0D). The new listing
h u below OOEC 18 TAB
for re� the ro -100
or with lntarn!>l •1Mnc nimulMlnr,
$27E9 tl>* hJ'boarll.
31noorol,y ,youro,
27CD 39 RTS.
Riohtu"d 8. Dell
SWTP CORES Assembler (V2.0)
printer output routine given in the syste• and tho IC6411.X(ta) 64·lbyte MM end.
Where all that 'good stuff' falls. control raaiatera a.ncl provide for Ch&1'&Ct-er ltora aeaory. fte
Somethinq for everyone.
on•cnd MM aay bt strap11ed for raddtncy 111 tither of t"" -ry
3o4 ----'88'
-- Micro Journal
to acco-.oclete an ancoda4 or unenc.oded keyboard. a panel W. ftnt tMie... IM•r•UH lft "·'·"• "• MHwer• JfOhCU wllt'l t.Mlf
lMtoclllCtiOfl of aA.Jit' Mid IM"r/WIJIC& tor ••• '-"'· .u ....,. or • un
I:&O.It•t• .,, thet h•' ••• to eoftftrt rtn. t.l to r•• Oft ttw nnNh\.
1ft HI,. No H w a s •t�r.. tMt •• ..rei lf••tra•h •tlttUH -·•
etU••r ,...., •••th•h ot .,., . Mt �'•"'- vhb ..,, •h• ._..,..., '"""•·
A.e e n..h. w.- tiN Mtt•h•e wlttl e •r(PVIJII4 UIIHerr Of nUHIH aed
' Provhloa for oa optloaol 2716 lPRON for uo• lA a•aerotlna OtiMr ,...., ... vtllt�" we ...... IU-• \0 •"••••
lft\11 •lf'IOt e"•"•••• IAM'VP ebO\II d t1110 run for ttl., • tntdt•' ••ntoe
of Ult riA•· we ·�••u ttl• fotlowtfltt ctl•n•••• At ltut 4l tfld \1
e"'•"lf• U•• • u• h the uputtlon to LJ\e 1\IHibtt or t.ctM• pet t r.e t.
111 cha�.. ,,. ·n· to lh" ""' •'-_ '
':T:r!,�! Utu•t uo •ftd
!1' t�::.:·�� .
OOIU ,.&.1!.1 ••• ...,...,.. '"''-r-Y
..... "''"'1"Tb liT
..... JIO'AKD r. l':r:ttCl'
00101 Nlrt�IQT
fl"l ltll IY
OOIIt ,.A-"PP.IIWA�'II,... �.
OOflt Ul WU"f' l'lf'D eootIVAitf'
00111 •rN1'DM•JAU"t. ,.,,. • nut
• Oet«y·An.driven OOfiJ • A "IG!4 lf"t:U. Df.lt&•"'l'(t.biJI IN"'t"UP tr-"1t..tn DDr�
toolf • fO I& CW"tC)IIf.AtJ..Y t'AlliO ,,..... A V't• ,�,AJII. 11-_...f
., •
�nlrefrelh 1011\ • 11-41» AM VJITU AJI!I l"aoctYm .,...,. -tU.? ,..,,....._����; •
_.. •f1MI I f lfAJ'ftD fiUC Tf) OtU ""'A'flONA L M LAYI.
• Patlly check opClon tooll • ftlf t'YttL ift ftfttl AU. AVIIoiC.Aas.& �lilT JPN"'r "- a
00111 • Dftt: t\A'fA MW'P'!11. al,.l _.fiM'CNI:S AQ "'f'tto.
• Fully compelible wllh "'''
1t1e EXORdMf', Acc:lcwell _,.
System 65 and Olhet 5-86 bus aystems
tooU •• Dn'IC PYA t.l IYUT JOt..-. _,., VUtAII� ••
• �memory ellocalicn
IOOU t"Olt A "'""'' r:O't ....,.. �,....... ...,� .
toon t'&l\ .. �.1:01 ....,. . �l"'tA.-rW'I!III�r.
IOOU ("')r A '"TI' 1!00 ....,,. -..-.
MofltOVII, lhe low COSI ol lho$ M&IEX,. eoon OUI flOC' tf\f'll �· ·�.
Ard \IOU 0111 • 101 ,..,.. -tor t'l.lndl- oC dolara
IMJI RIJ A W9tft bOlt ·�ll "-l""l A JJ'It"'t''"''t.
11M INti the CQmC)Iteble Mc*Wo1e &IK RAM Mo· -...EX.. eatO resU!s 11om a desql biSICI on aoon ... ,. •not f'OII tt'" UJl'P"n" 1tT.A,O ..,... ....,.,..,. ••
�· sta�e-ol·l!'le·•tt memory conttOIIe< ewe..uy •no tOO>O ectr A M¥tln. 10t · ltr.ut"""�IYI';.
...,. C"'NJ A Dftl � ...... , n.r-a ""' " ·
llddreasmullc>lexe<l -edVIflCI!<l ICal tlll P8""''
IOOU ('IU A OC.rt"' COt tt"lfO ,-LfJ;'I II"ILI-T,.,... UU.
Ot�l*l in b1oc1csoC 161<. en- DIP 0001-ellec:l...,. mplomentallon ol vensoarenl ••· fOOU t'(")I a tft"MNO f'Ott ....... ADIDIIIY��.
IWilch penniiJ IJI"f -ion oC •K·biOeks 01 kesl> encl Olhet foatiiOI
RAM, Wllhin the uwe< 32-Kbylu ol memo<y Thr"-swe outt.rs ""� thO M&lex• 10 1101\ACllt - V111 ..,...,.,'J'Qilr.
opiiCI, 10 bl � 01 CloSIOiecl INUA CUI U Ot t"IOI �fiP IN. •••n ,.•.
, vA•tAal.&"'.
tne s)'lilem bus. and •• RAM and complex ICs •• IHUA CIU 01 aw Pf"'' I �·""·
......., "' DIP ooc�s An Ullf'SIVI c:apaciiOI IMJIA ClU Olt'O A P"N l¥t!f'•" GI"PSt:t '"'0 aN"1U!ft ..-•••
Thlt 4K tnlbleldlllbie c:epebollly, IOQ8f!'ler llfltA(II\ •
Oyl)lsa griclmMwn•Lese•c�-oonerated noose ltoUA Clll
a nu� rn
A JIUMntl,.. •
MA'IN ft&r. ·� nur,......
.,., en llddren treniiiiOI 11'181 ec:commooatltl
D . rN 0 ... ..
.. .,.,,. At!Nt.
ooftw111·oonu- .,..,...,y ellocahon, mey bl OICOUJ$Ot!'le PCboard ana printed w•noa•o OIIUA Cltt 0000 a ,,...v ,.. 0 ITN"C flAVf_ AnA.
UlldiO�progt....-Milc:ledWTIIIPfOIOC:• heavy diJiy onduslr.al Qfede QUII"Y as noled., 11'18
....... till f'( ('(')� 4 fTA" UIO � •r-.o•• nro AnNt•
liOn enc1 Ol!'ler _.,. menegernent �1o0n1
IPIICffCII<Oftl on 11'18 Dec� IC' ,,
0114U ClOI lr cu •'ttnl::,ft"" lfi.1Jf1'1'1: MffL �,..A,...,_ .a,.,,.,
....... (Ill C) tooa A A� tI I" 1'() 1 It� J(D()Il'f f!WI•
OOU,A ('&If I) tlroo A '""''-' eu•o f()\,·\�t lt!'ltnN"'t 'niAI"'k '""·
OllilA CIU n U C"t1E te't MllTIIC M'C't t r KAYI IC1tW..
OOIIt.A CUt tc f(" u t..r "'-"""'"'•k'"J ll""tP .._� "'OVM"'•
OOUOA CllC: JO rl C'IH IM ,..,.,.f!f:
oont" cue cJ CI?'IO A MIC"'IUI Anoft tU\t.•Ut lt r:'!M'Oitr ?0 "IJ"'RJ' l'lft',.flrti'W.
OOOU.A CUI IP II A ..,. ...
OOOUA CIJ) tn tt",. "' """"""'''·"''
OOOUA CU6 U tO ("UI WM'ft 0U"" 0- IF � M' "" L"A.CT I ..-.!l.
totally "Jllteh• fru" dhplaya . 000\U C111 ll oou ,.,., t.ln ,..., PfiN'f f"Oc.to(Nflil(l "*"'' �.
OOOtfA f"lJI' ,, .. rt"C /.. I*UPPI'"Iflrf'f � - AT Lt'A!IT I
000'\lA ,.141'1 II A f't"f" /l OU IY•'lJII lrtO"t•I!:C't ..,
• rro.-Jat oa for ..valtd •••ory addraas" control b y any of 000\IA C"ltl 0 1tl " ,.,. .. ,..
...,.. .......
.,.. ,.,., A •xror ,,,.
three t)'ltft bua lln••• 11 at aht be raqulred l f the bua la OllilA tiU If\ �' ('tlr Ol•r••• ,,.. . ..
OIOI)A C"IU OnfA a f'N .......
OIUIA "16C" .:1 ... ,.,.,.. "IIAI"f::IP r..,. DfJV'£ I l'O I t'ti'Ml) •
ahara.! by aore than one syate•. or lf aore than one O IUU. C"lV 00 .., •
f"l"' '"lU\ ,., rtr"f'MMI• CJ'"9 •t!l'l"CtfCC.
01 IllA itO II
C \t t"fi!PA ·� .. .,...
VC·!l(ta) card II la1talled II\ tho ayatu l>u.a. ...,
ao•o OIU,A ("It) I" ,., ,.,r
oeuu c-a•• u ,.., .-u\ I'C9" ,...,. .....,.. ... �.
""" ,.,,, .. n .-ur ,.,.• ...,.
AA optloul VC·IX(ta) driver proJr&a, In olthor 6100 or 6100 "'"" C'l•t ltiOa. A f'N .....
HIHA f"UA U A P'N' lA_, yl)n ��I
IOeUA C'IAI tl A ,. I
,,..., h ovollabh In RON aad oa •lat·dllhtto. A ROM drh•r uy IOOJ)A C'tA• 110 '•1\ A J�t ......
HOU.AC"lA(' ta "' A ,...,A . ., .,
. ..�. "' .,...
1007\.A <'I.U � .,. rtr
l>o lAatallod Ill o aockot provldod OD the Percoa NPU ModulU(ta) 10076-A ('Ill 1"4 I) .-ll'\ �· I'll• ••1 • IF ,.....,
IIOUA CIU to .. ,. ,.,. ... ....
IOOttA riU ... . ,... .......A.O
card. Til• ICPU oporo tiiiJ lyatoa, PS�(ta), al\d tho vldoo IM)•A ('lll AI If\ rr•a u- �---.�� ..... ,.,.��.,...
IIIIIA <'Ill to ', ,..,. .... .....
....u. ('1.. Jl .. ,..6'\ ,._,. ,......
4rtvar auto·llU 1.a 1 way la W!ltch t.h• driver sarveJ to extaad
... . ,
U.o P..,_(ta) oporotiDJ IYIUD, oad in which PSYMOH(ta) 1/0 h OHI\A t'IW U '' a,.... ,..... ...
00016.A ('1('1 AI U A t,Nt: . ..
OOOIJA ('lf•J AI It A P�) Ll\4 ....
'lect4r•4 t-o th• Yl4ao 4rlver. IMI:lA f'l,.\ :tJ " ('1,..,. � , .,. , "" rr trrt..L ,..-._..
""'" ,.,,., Ia ,.Dll ...... . ('41'..-.v"t ,....,.,.
t. JJf
IIOSOA C"I"A JO rJ I"''('J •• .....
OTdou for tho VC·!X(ta) uy bo placod or oddhton.al lltora· .... u. ('1('1" ., u 4 ,.,.,. , kn ... ""' ..... Mftl.
IIMIA C"lt'C 1\ ... A rvu fl....... .,...,.. C'tolt �···
ltUU CUI 10 " C'UI 1111!:.0 ... ......... ....t'IOfrt"'• \0 prov1.41ot • -an 11'•'- Cor pooplo ...,. bod.rll riM or -.,be AlxUJ.t;r
uuu cno '' 01 • ... 1,1 IIIJI!M' ftiUYI 0,
OOUtl CJU ID .... • ... fl.kll�· ,..,. o•
11«1: 70
\0 Ufti.Op - for tllo.ol- 1n '"If a..,.rl_o 1> ..._ -..- '07 d6"'c
IOUOA CU\ 26 tO etn IOOZ ••••
o M 1r �•ao•.
IOU lA CJU ID II f"lll ... fGL
DIIV " " C.I'!
r • NttVft I,
OOU2A C Ut IO .... • ... uttoa IIIIa fft 'tll!l 0. no,.thln& olapl.)t 01111 � oboopl.)t, no td.ol< oUwih cor wl-1
IOIUA C'UC: 21 ,. rtn .... l'l«U' on " ,. ,.,••
IOIUA C UI Jt ... th ,.., ol.loo4ftl>••• or OOIU'oo, no 1850, ...s 625kl!• cnoot. ICY �·•• -
lOUt • JIAn 01 Wfll"'l IPD'"frU:n ,..,..,, 01' 'f'MnA, tiOf
IOIU • llU"IlOIIIO """' tlt.V'&, IIUMIU 0' .,.,.,...18 '1'0 ltUnMJ1'P 361 oC 11/.11, llll<Wu fOOII&UIIla llon.114l' � o -1'7 .-pp..t fliD, """ N11o0
. . ... • IH ��� � �� . lfAITitld •�Vtet ffl _.. fta t'lt •
U , tuff�ll
lOUt • A fAJI't AOOM. I Il tilt 61WAD•. ,_ nt•. ,.. . C I'PriA• IJ'I • TIC ,.,n,.,.. lllldor orw. 'ISO 111.810 oo� -·.., tbr � ..... .,-.
'"" • A(r1l ("fW'f'AI•lll OlltfCU•AL ,..A.,..tiiCI � .,..lt•.
IUUA CUP U eo trD4 •ow" ..,. IQPADA,Pt'' t••I8CI fir�. 'tbl .,.
u . .... , •.., ., J•• au tbt t\&DOu-. .f'IN tl0\ll.4- ...... ....-. ..
11\S).AC'U)U .. '" t..6o\ JIOWt'U •fW""a tolaJ':I tJr -aN'Q 'f'O CO,.'t,
ltlttA C'Ul 11 ID PIC.\ &.N ,..•,., �,.,.. TMI"'J• 6809 CPU - - o nOpP7 000\UoUor on o�lo 1a kU co.._
lllUA CUI J4 tt HU 4,1 IIAvt:.
I IUU CUD U l c: ,, �2 W.AO •�.fell .... I ler"'J''U PfWt MJ 8PEID.
ttlUA CUI AI 10 riC'l ltl*"' t..OA n•.,.• cnT'IN"'IIIIIMII.I.
IIUU. C'lU II Ct A W. o. u• 1� a lt'f'OIIl ..-n.
lllU.\ CUI Ia lA C)\2 .., IIIGWJ'f e Dell& .,,,.. 1'MCI: ,-, lf'IIC. 1'btrt .,. Jut • o�a ot thiap thin -.. ..,..:-r 1M:n ._, 'ea. �
llliM Cltl A.O A4 A Jt• o. 'f DO J:U.D oa e ns.
HUlA C2U. to lt CJit at• C'lll a.-•• eM": rot� ruou.
OllilA c.uc )I It lliO A t.&U ,"• • ..._, wrnJt "". 14 4o Cor ,. - tq tn.-.., Lil<o oa¥"- - 1o .....W.C o *> eo.
oous.. cno 2t u cut '"' IIIDW"J'fl oo _...c.. DID or TUn.
touucnttc •• ,..,., ..,.,.,.. t.:" 1'11:111f!C'II IUtO.,.,.,.. ....-o. lA,.ri'Mo at 4800 .,... , .,., � U1ot \0 - • -l• ot ..... ,. I -
tou» en• •• •• ru.a � ..........
t OliM C:n.. IS tD A ....... "' A• IWD 0# tHO)
tOitU cue u •• f2tJ ... � "ft�IPAO, '" .., '"If m � to """' "" ""''' -· u.. 7768 ,_- '-'- '25
..,,.,. cna tA u • Del: .. . I&.UioJVI-t"""Df CJinlft"'t«ln
""""cut tt N MJD eiiM -· 00 ...,.,.
... f'IN"t 1, ..,.• IIIIa 1M,... or o .- lOCIO u -. "' co• -u.r loopo, - -
HUOA t'JU H 16 A�\ NC.I o.... lO•t4111AL. ,.._ r• ..,...._.t
OOUJ • Cla'lt'l ra. •••• &..,., rr 110 n.,a • ..,...••, UHlo 11\l..ool U£ Ulot lO t1.od 1o o nopp;r ...,.,U& .,..,,_ (Or 5 1nM
..., • ..... . (Of¥'IJr'r .,_,. ..,.,. IITft It • �) ....,.,. 0
...,. • J1 OI H ....... tO .... «'00! � 10 Pta .
'"'' • AIIO OUPI.l't I?MOO\M PLD ltiJOI fCU.&IIOa. ..... _..,_ Otppiu thAI I -cu-..., or- ,_ .... I -
"'""cue n II CJU CDIU .... ..... o:.,. '' .u. 1-cJO. .Ot� MOM�' willa & Mft MO\Or OOft.\I"'Uer,
IIlli.\ (JU )t
ttnt• can u IC IO DOni ..., •DJCO,KI DICit C'OifVI:MlCW eoDK:a.
Ill1M CUA II .. • ... .. oo rca • LOOn MU .
ttUlA cue ll .. • c.nu ac.t . .,.. MA'I'Oi nc a... ccen
11112.\ CUI 2l If un - ......, 00 ., ...fCII. .. 1- toi9....S to bo� troe ,.,... ovw •hero ..,. ..h ol_. pi- w
tiUJA CUI tA ....
IIUUCJll U ,. .... - ...., &.GOt''"""·
tillS.. CUJ U , • .... un ,,. ..,. P"'UMM. un auo• nn. •..., hu.,.., l4Me .,._ eot\-.an with AIQ'ODI,
tiUIACUSJt n cut ... ......
ttlllA CUl AI ,. A OlllU C.DA •loY Gn C'OWVU'riO DJWla 0001:.
"'"'" cnt "' II • ecn•• llfA . .. au C'lJIOI; coec rw PC:t.
ttllt.\ ent N ..., • ... ........ Lnna�a.,•.
tlltiA cna 1A II '"' '"" ••.,. t!OIIDf1'tCit.
tlltU. C UI 1M& ID r&tt ... IPUY o Pt' l MI"PP U era.c. � .
ttlttA CJU lt .. • -· ot,o.a.Y.o.JC U'ftJ"" wtftl nMtt eoif'D.
ttlU C ltl .\
"'lr"" .... . ...... ... ....
1'0'1'A&. IIrUII IIIUO.... •·IOMO
Thlo IM.'-- l o In ,..._ \o IMftiQF1' � NEl..£RSf; I.e. I '
�&\4d • l • t. \.ef'" ,.,..._ ,.,.. , J� \. � � 1. � -.c al• .-.:I ht .,..le i f'll<t
NCIIV. Cltl """' (lot .... .. ClU IMI'PMJI ,.•., C-WUU C2U c.TM eaa. VW clll lw l n ....... , ,... w le \. ...,.. \.0 Mit •K t•f et"t.ian . * a l e.o of' f..-..d
o.... CJtl KUJJ euc •nucnl wnat C Jlt ... ..., DOIJ'Q ., ....o ta... f dr \l'w clll l .v . .... . J �\. .,... be«\ � a rw on � w
..... C JU
.. ·-= DIO ClU 081'C»t cos1 -CX'210 _,.. elo• "�·· - -·d-- � ·-·..· ,..,. ....
,,.. . ... ..... CIC) ....I CICC """" • nat QOUil'f CUI - ...,
QIIIIWY J ct• !Dift ) C UI .,.., . CUJ _.,.tCJIJ ...... -· --"
lftD_. C.)r tnOalll c2t , ·-· CUI ·-· tiH n ... .... Rft'M C'lU ,.,... Joa\. � kind � \0 Mf'ld - v. anf"�aon U\e\. 1 �
f"CCLD"" CUI ... Cllt ... C: IIJ ...... ..
.. \.o � �..eel \.o ,.,.,n\. on PORT �. '" well '" t\r-Uwr tnf�ion on
..,.,,.. u. �'�•l f""lClCIlA-i""'· I � et.o wt� \.0 ....... Jo.\. b'W t.el.....,..._.
- I f\JIIv .- o.n.oon. \o- ..,.,,. � ,..,._..,
Don 111111-o St.
•61 • Micro Joun\al Thi• �-.eel ....., no\. t» • t\.tl l •tz.c:t dltok Pe.cal. but. J r..l U\e!\.
POl 849 u. t• ...or"-\h U. ""'N· 1\. t• eho • � -.ad 1.....-nin. P..cal f'or
JOlt H.-JII Rood � •t.-wt. "'' -"' \.o --... " \.o • f'-..11 Pe.cet n. • t'\.lt.A.re datA.
Miat•on • TenMIIH J7)4)
� vou for"' Uw �t\.v \.o -..t. uw � •..,..,��
21 April 1980
O.ec Doni
� r· .
we would deeply appreciat• y ouc a.nnounctn9 the foraa.tion of
P', S\.r Mkl
a 6tXX utec • • qroup in the S • n Oi�o area. Anyone 1ntereatect
a1'\oul4 contact• ..,,_, Wll-
,..1 Zeddi..
1854 Poeitic hoch Drive
1111 Dleqo, CA 92109
----·-- �'MI�o�rMI
"A doc\INnt proceeetna proar••· TYP£, h•• been r•l••••d by so.
eT'&�&H a_ c:.AA"1'1EJJt nPl i1 1\llUble for ae ntr atl.n & lettera o r lerae docUIMiltl .
'• Don wuu... , po.;a.blhl'ter TYPl a llovo COIIplato control Uno vldtha, paao da�th, ..ralno,
U •tcro Jowaal
poaa n""""'r lna, tltloo, oncl footllotu. lltaht and loft uraln
,_ ... '-
r �:O .. .
1 car.t• l ly pvlled out: 1!1 l'ta h . ev.. pecc.d �(\tl t.hln.- about ., drhe e , &eel and ,..lltr/faater COIIIPU•d coda.
&ao•t paMd.ed """'- • I lool M a t tl'le IA.IP dl a , &nd d JK"OYerad that tM
bO ll h t!Mut v•· aho rur t.haa Oft the vc.-. u. dlat•ttAa z · .... M-en u 1nt .
the � •r •rlla a h o vera d l aturblftflr elM • to � ho le. "SDOS/Kr, • ...ltl·torwinal vorolon of SDOS lo nov avallobla (lnl-
ot the
AO lUIOIU IAJP 41hkl WO A "t WOA: vtt.h 4 0 trad. l ualua yo u VaAt tO
auUlat• t.be d
atA I\Ole. �����.:.�������l::����.���d'd!Z�� ;?�To:�> .::'J'�t,�ncl
rlntera. ln a t ot ally devtee lnde andant fa�1 . A apecial
10 t.-r• ., oonoluton haa proven trM, a1tl'lo"h lNt l.,orunt e r on
dau ._.,... before � dhoovar.d h. o�r��! �;":!;!�,��� =·�t:�:/��s·m�aH0�� ;:.�������IOr
ve .a-t
pooltl onlna. ate. aASIC Vl.4 hao lana�>•a• c onatrueu to ..... thlo
facUlty oaoy to uoo •
au r *"•'
r wul't ••t•n••• �•ru•1• n••••· yow " ••• the ••uu, to coarzaoa t'-•
p.o. ... •no2 Dhk J/0 s t a t e m tftt e onto a iltUUen al Uf'lee. OIT, POT, 11&01
f re e
,.,' 1Ucr• Jo..,...l
JOU-Ul IAilC avtolll'laUcallr att alt Uefte t H tl'te e y ateM tlrho It tlntlo or
-·,. d ou•l• d o n e t t y af'ld aalocatet file cofttrol •toc.k opaco
&ccor dln tty. Tho•• ttl coM�t&UUo wit h aft, "'''''"'of Ill 001
OMr 0.., from V5o0 to tne now v•.o C4100) &fttl 9&.0 thrv 92.0 C.tOfl,
1 ....u u.._ c.e ta'- 011 .,.nuu, u Ufo... �r ,...,, cMc JCf . Automatic Z..oatl I O o . Nhon ,au call lAIIt frolt\ ttto dltk1 yew May
U MW ...... eu,U .. wttll - .."tt...l JtOII'.. tMt will all.ow JC
OC. IJTe aCid tf'lt f'llfftt o f a ptoeram to'' toad etl an411 eaocute411.
eelh h• • -.tallM ..-�uro.
Oe•••t• 11\t fact tl'tat Cll •••oox IAilC n o w"*' ttl c••••n•••
l.liJICP a.,..... • nar .-... wtc'-J• • ''"., ...
' to
JoM _. f u nc tton• and t1&1tMonte, tt .. ettll v•o•• 1,1: (10010 -->
_...... ......r ,net4-•· .,._ OOM1•1" af tiM ulle4 pC'Ke4\lh, t:tl.l) 1ft the • lnclu,Une aU Ita work &reae.
CJMtrol wUl "l1•n to t.._ MJ•ll-M ,-KMvwo aa4 .....,.. rill ,..._. at
1M liM felll'rill tM UIJCP t--'• Ntt a t IIIOfl CAft WI e & y 't Nt*¥1 COftCOf'ltrate411 Oft Yl&tltllty,
f1eUtll1tty, ••• porfor•ance, ••••" ral ll ae tl\e ••xx ttftware
'Itt• t"- .UlUM ot UL1Cf1 � ..., ... ..._. -atMf t.e•ol e:f CINtNl Tov noeil ftlt acct't a.n ytMftl lett th&. n th.e 81.1TU
1 . ht' --.1a. o ,_..._..,.. co ..., 'M u4M to
at U.t (W Ml') 41&,...
Cit«COl tiM 4&M"'-l" ot .....-at fi'OCAIIWOO • OE.t.� DOH,
'M'M«o�m•' --------� 7
1 envy the peoote wit h printers ru nnln& at 250,000 baud;
vldtO terminals thlt odn t from too, side, and bott011 It the sante BIT 7 6 s 4 3 2 1 0
time (I sure like my Soroe IQ•120 at 1200 baud)' and 6k bit
proces•lnl syste�ns th•t can outout the E'ncv . clooedll Br'l tannlco. -------------------------------------
[01[ """'' uu 1. Jf u ad46eu .,. oc.h.r ,.,_. • ftlM .-..ur u..an UUl u CD M ,._..,_. ..
t(flt PIA DATA Altlrrtt
lllf PIAtT\. tOU tl:tlf
M u..--.ftlt \0 a ut• tfotft«.&.Of., Ul OfOitl. eM � tD pl.e.o. U. •al• e1.
tM \ocaU .oa et u u.c...._.. .._,.la.ltl• ,.,_u.bout. ooonnto..
0000 lO 1D 00 2 0 lODPI lW lll•I'Ot UT I, POl liT TO TIUU
0011 lit II IIR ctTITT M ITT[ INTO TAilt
oou n 10 IITA 1110 II[{ IJ IYit I (If 5
0015 71 " 11[0 LOOP! LOOP TIU. - IT
0017 .. Ot IDA ClTIYT
OO i f ID Of Hit ClTJTT
001 1 lit 07 Ill ClTIYI
OO if JO 1D 000[ lW ra.Pat POUTTOTIUU
0021 Jf Ul
I l:lll I IYTt 111011 lll?U VIA PIA
002• .. [OIJ CliiYI L)A Plltll
0021 n 10 lilA .... tnt Altlt\10
002f 71 n IU ctTITT U11P liU. - n
OO:tt N [tit L)A PIAMT CC )AlA
002l AI 10 I TA 0•11 PUT lilt TMU
- Jf •n
00.11 Ill N
•nro n -. rwn
' Alll*S IIPI'\.At II !P
All lUI: MIA
IJ - rlltll VII[ C01U1 IPiftll IIMlOII.OAft MOilll[
II LlVtl ,_... IIITO -� P10C4 1,
II DATA 14t lAtJ1,(0tlr ,,t(Otl£tl6rXtl1tltr lF rJ.Ot8tOO
If DATA 20 tl0t IIti'St iOr Vtf,,fO,Oit.tOft.r OitiOtOSt 30
2t NTA lttOOttltlttUt(O, Ifr i'Stl0t21tFftNt(O, l(rlt1 rlt
22 •
2J •
2S •lwn •tiiOUI\ 100 u"
P.Pt•c P�COI II\ 110 "'"
fGI 1•0 YO $lC\ · �o "'" lhh roul.a� u••• uc•• tHIIIIt r..,net.lon u •o\ 1
CJO Ol" coaaoM. than DH ooro h uud \a t.r•n•fn cont.rol \O
arao All\
. .. "'" \�1t. �o•"•"d'
PONt Pti•HliCAUC\ ISO "'"
NUT I "0 "'" rr-.n� Ho•l
26 170 "'" rro� Hall Poft\11 &.abora\orv
71 11011 Kl AD*II 01 Utll fUICTICIII 10 POINT 110 "'" lvracu••• New Yor.. u:uo
2t TO IITPIIII.IIJ NOV IN AUAT P10C4 1, It O "'" JHt•4'J4oo71�·
2f 200 OtN
JO ttl IIC!MlNO POINTO 210 "'"
Jl 2 �0 Ct • • ••I'UIIC1Hl,0Url 'l'HD' lkllt ftt. co•••M 11\P'l"'JJ "'"" 2 ho.-ln.•
ftoftlll Hllt'Wt' I lllS6tntltHllt'tt2C' 11
J2 2JO "'" bhM.••
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UTURtC ,,. "RINf ,..
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210 PftiHT &C'OHO-
n • - "JHT ,..... OH(•
J4 • lll?AI li(AIIIOUTIIIl :JOG ,.Uif OHC'
J1 IliUM -011\ JIO ,.un PltlH CHfC•
WflACoPl(ICP..t II\ l20 ....,
uo ,......,, "CONINflt' • Jt
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140 u"
_PUXC,n21 .... UIHPlDIPtUI A11D 4JIM4 J$0 "'" .-u-.w • ('
••• ..,.. ,. u ,.,_, ,. n,a ,, ��""' a.v • ••*
Jl ttnUial - lt£ft YW C'aft eveft �KJt \1'10 �ro•r .. '-"-h rc.r.ntf'\11 t I
Jf �70 UIO
4t t• - l' \._(pttflt•U • •t• tHift IXI:Ct l\lOtCUt21 I .,,0 240
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mAL -·• • •• UN
420 1r &.,["CIU < J IOtO SH
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. .. U N ...... II �otnt. t.o \.he .... auon '" Uw •t.rintt t.M\ t..rw
• to U : " ••tch occur••· Utllllt "'"'""• o 0 if no ut.c-h.
- UN D t V Ufo ltV \h f' OO O MI Oeld J \0 U YO 0 rM..te ltor 1-7
510 AIN for \M OH toTO t.o �Hr.. ,., ..,..,•..,.
520 UN
1'M _. .t W Ub Nao�&.oa 1A TIC ..00 � MIIC .., ltll _.. q\UU eu..te uo II • INIUUtCttiiiU I J t 1
� U. u• OC ...,.,� -..,.4ilftUo lU\e4 Mlowt 540 UN
550 «l" ,.. I ll Cll Ill • •• '" lliD
:160 UN
1. CHe \JM tunt.• \lllat' ,_.1tioa•la61,.U.at. t.M�.
. ,. OH II IDtO lfO "0 620 tJO t t40 t50 t ••o
2. 'tfu.Uura.. the -..ftiM �.. ••• lat.o DAB. au�••· oo41
.. t.ho SfO 111tUft •' 1 .... 0' h M \ • v•Ud CC*.Of\4' I OOTO UO
LIU¥1...1 lltt'W o u lleM .Viap.
'M'M��rM1 ------�
� "''"
6l0 "RINf
.20 Pf U N I '
• lhh l• Ul• rH•t. on•'
1 hl11 u lh• ••�or\d on•'
1 oor o
� 40
2 40
0 ,RUH
4ol •
1hu L • lit• \M rd oro•' oor o 2 40
040 ,R. IHJ • l hl s L• t.h.• tour\ h on•• OOJO 240
650 P AI N f • 1 hl• h \h• ' •"-"' on •• oo ro 2 40 SWTPC MP-16, 16K MEMORY BOARD, EXCELLENT
440 f'ft U U •
Hu• u U \• CHO '
-'," '*"n
702-453-4775 AFTER 5:00 PM.
:� �� .! s�� ! rrl!o :%�7,. :s ;trt� . H�!k vet"11M!J rf!(l"t,.. 8k AA't. h1
DO t h cue�. twtce lht' ft1nl- .moW'It h • good -wor\dng M'lnunt. llur U1nd1rd SWTPC 680D, 20K AC30-SIOOO. Tl725 "SILENT
pjtk•!Jf-� ll"'t stt VP to pluf h1t0 MOst SS..S? bus JJWC"fne�: RAI'\ frOI"' •ddrt:U t) uD,
llOH t t· tho top or ,..,.r. y (ot lust Zl • tilt othtr 2C ca• be any.d>orel. .,d 1/0 700"-$750. AJ SELECTRIC PRINTER &
I>Ort• It S£000. An ACIA·ty� lnt�rftc� I• '""""'d In nort •· ror tope SY't-.
• ll: uand•rd UP<' t ntorhco u>ln<J '" AtiA �d•l lntorrace at S£�10 h n>UO!W><I. TRACTOR-$1000. CALL ROB AT 303-237-2518.
Dist sy \leM t).l)eU to see thC!
torurotler •t •n addre.u Utal dePt"ftd\ on thl! type
of bOard (You need to >pe<try which brarwl •nd ,.,I wl!(on you or�r). In so.,. ***
uses we'll lnclvde \nfot"Wtto" Oft how to ctwrwM swltct\.es. o,. JUf"1ltr$ to ut
y01.1r 1/0 •ddrC!Ut\ tOt .O\t optt_. tocatlat\ fOI" lttf!tf!IOry e•['oe"'lton. Our R()ft HELP
••u •� � lgnt d ,.,.. plug·c-1\lbl• oporuton on SIIIPC tnd Ctttll CPU cords •nd
0: �!��-: ;�}Th�!�r::J·st•nd•NI tddroues.110S!tu!�.nt. or 1 \I'"Pbp
A: 0�·9h
tnli i
ront • very tdfpto�te oporftfng >y>U•. Aho. If you chonge OS·9
should not htvf t o chtn9e 11\1 other PI"'tr•.s tn the comuter. there h •
Uble tn ROM c:allld • •conflturttlon uble• tMt co�tUin1 • nUIIIbor or 'tart-up N.Y. 14701, RUSS PINSBURY 716-484-0859.
tddreued, devlct fti.I!IIIU, Pf'otr•• ntii!DS, etc. It h possib1t to rec.onrigunt tny
et.trt of tho conft9Ur1tlon b y tftstt111ng an tHerntte conrtgurttiOf' ttble tn A()1
$24.95 $69.95
Manual only $14.9� Complett source hSI1n9 $,JgJI�
Sn•PP•II9>nd nandlif19e•tra on orders�>r>dlr$100 fXWI Aes•G..,tsll<ld4.,S•te• Tu.UPS COD. VISA. MASTERCHARGE. Pf!rsonalc,neekullacceptecJgrocou..sly
MICRO PROCEDURES & SSB SA·1 Assembler $65.00
Popufatod In 4K •ogmonta uwlng t;hO jndu•cry •candord
4K�., momorv chip. 14044. !52!57 ot;c.J MICRO WRITER��- a report utility enabeling users
to catalog report formats and specs. Turns your printer into
Oocodoe "1 S or ao addro•• llnoa. m•v occupy any 1 SK
a sophisticatedp rinting facilit y keeping track and perform
ing headings, fo oti ng� . and accumulations according to
eogmonc within • ono mogabyto r•nga
l'ulllclt;. 2!58 •
Aaaomblod • 3.,8
your specifications. Includes translator, run time, and over
60 pages or documation. $249.00
S 89
a tag sort and reformalling
Somllclt; 1•11 p•rta buc momorvl
utility that allows catalogmg sort formats and specs.,
Board end documantation S 29
wnllen 1n 6800 assembler for betler performance. E n han ce
sorting Random data files using multi-level, multi·field,
ascending!descend1ng sort operations and rerormalled
Amencan Computer Works
mformallon IntO a new file for later use. $129.00
PO BOX 32874
Great Plains Computer Company, Inc.
10690 Shadow Wood . Suite 105 Houston. Texas 77043 (713) 464-0150
• •
ALL IN ONE tor onty $3s.oo 1-Year $18.50 2-Year $32.50 3-Year $48.50
Editor- Text Processor- Mailing Labels-
Mailing Lists For Any Terminal -----------------------
Supports Editing commands such as bouorn. change. deiete. OK, PLEASE ENTER MY SUBSCRIPTION
fllld, insen (srngle hne), rnpul (multrple lrnes), hs1, next, overlay (With
cursor edrtmg, character dele1ron and rnsertron). overstrrke (for
Bill My: Master Charge 0- VISA 0
selected darker 1ext), prrnt. reslart, set,top,underlme, up. and venfy
Card r ,
Exp. Date
_ _____
Most Powerful File Handling found rn any edilor. Append one file Stree''------
to the end of another, or rnsert (merge) one file into another as
desi3nated by the line pointer. Prin t specihed lines to your printer or1o a
disk file. Edit riles larger than the text buffer. Does rro1 produce outpul
______ state ----'-Z ip, ___
Illes when not desired. Delete drsk fries from the Editor.
Printer commands. Control characters can be sent to the pnnler My Computer I s : ______ ______
and lower case and can be used to create assembler source code and
Basic programs as well as teltt.
----'--- 68'Mi�oJournal
� \ INTEL 2108 8K X 1 RAMS
NEW! \.. 0 0 8 FOR $9.95 32 FOR $35
f. O 0 I( 1
Huge specoal purchase of INTEL Dynam1c RAM's These
are 2108·4. 300NS. 8K. Ceram1c DIP The 2108 IS the
USES 2716's
INTEL 2116 ( 16K) tested for either upper or lower 8K only
Blank PC Board • $34 These are factory prime Full Spec See INTEL 1978 Cat
I Ad<tr....M u 'flU �-'• •Ut 8toc •s
: ��R�A���l'i%":8�i�b�580AAD BLANK PC
USES 2708's!
: �l=��;<:,TA�:;��g �=��WAR[ ARE INCLLJO£D $31
• I'C 8
0AA0 IS SOLOCA!.'A �KfD �IlK $CR££1'1ED WI T " GOlD C�TAC t!l
(A$V OUICK AND ru N 1 0 DLJILD Will< F UU "STRUC l tO ThO� ot Pf'tiOf\1 :t"d ...,••,...,. •vtt.-ms tt "• rtO ,,. wotlCS II'••n.s bOlitO� th
CC)m(l.C'I"I•h�fllton 1-"ult tf.K ot aofhtrrat• c�n lit! � AlL T ES K•t fNh;tfl. • top
&..tn ••IC IW'd AIN>mt'IV \1f19"'-0't Pt�8:1"'Wt"""'Q •• ....... at�� tJt.l"• ty �ditf'"'"""d aNt 1 ,., ICtHI'�fJrd PC oo.wo end,.,,,'"'"' ""''• •"""(_.c_,et& A ny
IOI'TWAAE fl'vmtwof ol (PRO� �' -m ,..•., bf" d •bl..cJ '' �#'ltd .no; �NY OW'\hit:I fuly
SO.-•ncow ... .-''lllt'oM10ut5QurldCftllfloMIII'(Il•"�Q•
.,.""'�""'"h"'QSouncl[t!«rtP"OQ'Mtl l)uH11tf 4NJ I N J,..WAIT STATE I
1£NAI'iSC\ ... i'•·•JMrout"'""•'lf19 tflf f•• ,...,. MOtJ-', ,.,_""tftt'Ktf•.-n.,..V 1"r
anoPt_., M.,.-..c•rr �L •• ,.I.UbieoonCP U COI"ra-tl'led4"f"flfoOI?'1010t'17t6 O�t••tte
·�. 1101 111 M ,,,, Utts 0...-ftf•• ,,. Ill. (PA()U: ... OAG,.,
± 0.7% ACCURACY Price: manual only
tty printer
STOP writing dinky linle programs tor all the
one-time changes 10 one item on a data file.
STAAT bringing up new systems without long
weeks of programming.
The General Data File Maintenance Program
can add. delete, fnser1, and modify data on any (Available 1n KC �ope or Perc.. dhk)
file you have'l The powerful security allows you
to restrict modfficallon of data already entered.
MOW • RWI 8o8o progroaa on JOW' Moo or 1>1109
This software tool will save you days of pro 171t.ew vl tbo\Jt. ch&nglft8 proceaaora. SIM-80
gramming effort with commands thai can llst.
rWia 8o8o obJeo� cocle DliUICTI.Y.
print or show your data. Some of the many things
you might use rl for ar e: Inventory files, Customer
Illes. Real Estate Ustrngs, plus many more. Let
SlM-80 Ia aulloble ror either Moo or M09
your Imagination run WILD! and otartllll! •• ad.Uuau .)000, e?ooo and
Pl•••• ap•clt'J proc•••or and acl4r•••
You can formal the items In many ways Wlth this
( dp Sajstems J
PO loa 1227
llooclh&Yan, lev York 11421
VISA and a..ater Cbarge ocoaptad
46 --------�--
pobox 567 collegedale tn 37315
Produce tonanctal roporiS. p11n1 chocks s�ctal conlloltener Repons
byvendO< number tnvO<ce number aged and htsloryltle Aulosorhng
ol v en dor anel o nvo• co Illes Plus check and pre chock JOur
nals 5600.00
Produces ltnanctal ropolls prtnls s1a1emen1s. produces reports by
customer accoun1 number, tnvo•ce by customer account number and
tnvo•ce by nvo•ce number P11n1 aged report and lroal balance Keeps
hiStory lllo and auto sort.ng ol ltiOS $600.00
P rog ram updates 10 lodger ltlos and also generales reports on
payroll satos. accounts payable, cash an d exponse stausltcs
Balance sheet and proltl & loss ropoll s lnlormauon can be gene r ated
IO< yea r end laxos 941 and W2 Jorms $595.00
Proouco 11Wen1ory repO<IS by descnpt•on or vendot pto nt achvtty
repO<ts IO< one day one montn or one year Ou•ck search by pan
number prOOuce total tnventory ano l nancoal reporl (Fot ono •
$10<0) $200.00
P11n1 maohng labels lrom your complet e ltte IO< a pall•Culat ctty 01
state Uso one part ma tltng laoots S so.oo High Performance Caaette Interface
Same as •100 but atso prtn ts laoels oy name s Use mulltple · pall
• FAST • 4800 Baud loads 4K tn 8 Seconds'
• fliUA8LE • Err0< Rate Less Than I tn 10' Bytes
labels St2S.OO
• CONVINIINT • Plugs 011ectly I nto Th e SWTPC .
For lhOSO wtlh apphcaltons tn SWTP 3 5 B SIC Runs on 6809 and A • lt\.US • A Fully Butfered 8 B t l Outoul PO<t Pro11tded
6809S 30'1. la ster ane can be usod wtlh extSitng 6800 B SI C A • lOW COST · $59.95 F0< Complete Ktl
programs No manual commands an:! stat em t s same as SW P en T C
BASIC 3 s leleal lo keep you gotng wh•le Changtng 10 new BA S C s s• • I • O�NAl • CFMIJ Ftle Manager
0< 8 tnch 09 Dosk wtlh renumber rouhne S 59.95 Manual & Ltsltng $19 95
tFor Cassone Addl $ 6.95
Ava•lable from Compu1er Stores or oroer dttOCI from
Omni·Tronlce I nc. Rt. 130 N. ot H•ll Acre Rd.
Cr•nbury, NJ 08512
Phone: 60!1·855·1100
• • C ullo ml ed progreme tor your buelne.. requirements• •
Charge your order 10 your Vln or Muter C hltge
copying 2708s In EPROM. $29.95
PSB� PROM SYSTEM BOARD features1 K of high UIO UNIVERSAL 110 BOARD helps you with your
speed, low-power RAM and space for up to 8 2708 custom Interfaces. It has space for a 40-pln wire
EPROMs, both DIP-switch addressable to start on wrap socket Into which you may plug any of
any 8K boundary In memory. The exclusive 110 Motorola's 40 or 24-pln Interface chips. All data and
select feature allows you to move 110 locations up to control lines are connected to the appropriate edge
any unused 1 K block In the EPROM memory space. connector pins. All other bus connections are
This permits memory expansion to a full 56K of brought out to a 16-pln socket pad. + 5 volt regulator
contiguous user RAM. $119.95 and all Molex connectors are provided; regulated
+5 and ground are bused among the locations for
to 3514-pin ICs. $24.95
W@� P.O. BOX 1110, DEL MAR, CA 92014 714-942-2400
EPROM Programmer
- -�
.. --·
_.. 66
e.•-2."'" \.�� �-- ....
.. -·
In A ustralla, twO rabbits can r
e over 13 million offspring in
3 ye_ars . at 105 seconds per 271 6. t he EP-2A..SS can reproduce • DISK-to-DISK or DISK-to-CONSOLE operation
1,892,160 EPROMS In 3 years Single push button cont rol the Includes 5 or 8" FLEX 9 diskette with relocatable
EP-2A-88 checks If EPROMS are erased. programs and verifies. object code. Full operating instructions (you'll learn in
It also checks for defective EPROMS.
Two basic models are available. The EP·2A·88 1 will a ccept Copy
(CM) modules for t he 2758. and 2716 EPROMS The EP·2A·88·2 Order your DYNAMITE'� today
will accep t copy modules for the 2716. 2732 and TMS 2532 Only $60.00 postpaid in U.S. MC & VISA accepted
EPROMS Power requirements are 115 VAC 50/60 Hertt 111 15 6809. FLEX 9, and 24K total RAM required
PonNo Pri«P order from:
EP2AAAt EPROM I'IO'J<•m""" Sotr,tl On
EP2AAA2 I.;PR0'1 Pro<T•m""" <1!.0 ()(\ COMPUTER SYSTEMS CENTER
CM'Ill ('<>PI' M<xN!<t I<>< 2758 EPROMS
2..� eXt
13461 Olive Blvd.
CM211 ('<>py Modul<o IN 2732 tPROMS 25 CXI Chesterfield, MO 63017
CM411 C'npy Modulo l<lr TM::. :lr.J2 FPROMS 2�lXI (314) 576-5020
Non S.•ndnrdV<JIIogoO,.im(22Hv 24Hv,l00v) t�m
we also stock SWTPC, TSC. JPC products
Ootimal Technology, Inc. hours 12-9 daily, 10-5 Saturday
"Blue Wood 127, Earlymlle, VIrginia 22936
Phone (804) 973-5482 Dealer inquiries welcome
FLEX is a trademark of TSC (Bless their hearts)
The Data Base Management System a l lows the
u s e r to quickly m o d i f y and update the standard
The cassel te version with manual is priced at
systems programs to fit Custom appt !cations.
$35 plus $3 for postage and handling. Please
specify 6800 or 6809. Introductory Price: $350.00 NY residents
add sa Ies tax
---_.4 9
'68' Micro Journal --
RECORD FORMAT the 6809 computer. It runs under Flex, and supports the
•SCREEN ORIENTED, FORM FILL OUT TYPE OF ACCESS CT-82, or other CRT terminal. RMS is a set of five machine
•OPTIONAL TWO LEVEL RECORD HIERARCHY language programs that make up the most powerful
•ALL FILES IN ASCII TEXT FORMAT, BASIC COMPATIBLE business programming tool available for the 6809. It can be
•DIRECT ACCESS BY KEY FIELD, MULTIPLE INDEX FILES used by the relative novice, to implement an incredible varie
•EXTENSIVE DOCUMENTATION, SAMPLE APPLICATION ty of information storage and retrieval applications, without
INCLUDED any programming. However, the programmer can use RMS
•VERSATILE. PROFESSIONAL QUALITY REPORT WRITER as part of the solution to a larger problem, saving many
•BUlL T·IN SORT I MERGE •EASY TO USE hours of unnecessary program development time. RMS can
be used to handle data input, editing, validation, on-line
retrieval, sorting and printed reports. Custom data manipula
tion can be filled in by the user's BASIC programs.
SPECIAL and 4 mise: utllllies. Call or write for detailed catalog Dealer
Inquiries lnlllwd
COMPUTERWARE Three blo<ks South of the Son Diego Freeway In rhe LosAltos
Box 668 Mon Thurs
• 8.30AM·5:30PM
Encinitas, CA 92024 (714} 436-3512 Houre: Friday 8 30AM·9.00 PM
Sa1urday , � �·
..._ 10:00AM·5 30 PM
50 --
---'68' Micro Journal
Brings it all Together!
Price: · Quantity 1 (one) end user pnce $2,995 • Attractive OEM/Dealer Discounts Available
on 2716's $ 50.00
on 27085 $ 50.00
on tape $ 35.00
on disk $ 35.00 $60
Manual & Source only $ 50.00
on 27165 $180.00
on 27085 $180.00
on tape $150.00
on disk $150.00
Manual & Source only $150.00
�· · ·
Above items available after aprox. June 1.
Q �p
1980. * CT-64 * CT-1024
fi -
- •'.
See GIMIX ad
Pages 3 & 56 I 0 �)
DMA (ability to update anyplace on the screen
When ordering. you must specify; type of • HIGH SPEED DISPLAY (fast as any video board)
CPU card, type of disk controller, size of • KEYBOARD CONTROL (of baud rate and pagmg
media and starting address for your 1/0 /scrolling)
ports. • DOCUMENTATION (1ncludes source listing that
replaces Outee)
Your 6800 Ia up and running with HEMENWAY ASSOCIATES' complete software system. Software
Source Books provide a powerful yet extensible programming package for business, scientific, or
personal uaea.
Combining detailed descriptions with COMPLETE SOURCE CODE LISTINGS, these books explain
the internal operations and algorithms used in HEMENWAY ASSOCIATES' popular systems soft·
Imagine getting a complete 6800 software library, and at these suprisingly low prices.
Remember, these are not just books; they are Software Source BooksTM complete software re·
sources! Order them today; VISA and MASTERCHARGE accepted.
u.s. $7.95
Int. $11.95
M68CX • . • . . . . . • • . . . . . $200.00
assembler with real macro capabilities. Reta1ns all features ol I We have the boards you need to custom assemble a
6800 vers1on.
!. 6800 or 6809 system to run FLEX 2.0• or FLEX 9* with
M69RR $150.00
!. 5 and/or 8 inch drives. Prices are for bare board and
. • . . . . . . . • . • . . .
!. Ideal for Shugart, Wangco, Siemens, MPI, and other
ADO 5% FOR POSTAGE/HANDLING (15% FOREIGN) !. Add $2.50 a/h to each order.
1454 LATTA LANE, N.W.-CONYERS, GEORGIA, 30207 !. Trademarks of rsc **Motorola, swrPC
· . ···
TELEPHONE 404-413-1717 or 483-4570
M ----'68'
--- MI�oJ�r�l
* * * * *
NEW 16K (4-4K) MEMORY * * * * *
• A set of our bare cards to build a small system • NEW RCA sealed Keyboards
• Consists of 8-Siot Backplane/Motherboard. • Model 611 s 85.00
• Super CPU, Video Ram, 16K Memory, 10 Port • Model 601 s 65.00
• Parallel 1/0. Wire Wrap Prototype Card. and • CPU Cable s 10.00
• Documentation for each of the above • Leedex Monitor $139.00
• All Thomas Instrumentation's assembled cards are • The following cards are extra thick (3/32)
burned In at 150°F and fully tested • 16 Position SS-50 $80.00
• All cards come with full documentation Including • 12 Position SS-50 $60.00
168 EIGHTH STREET AVALON, N.J. 08202 (609) 967-4280
0£\IIC U
+ 1K of scratchpad RAM
+ A Time of Day Clock option with battery back· up. With this option you can also substitute 1K of CMOS
RAM that will also be battery backed up.
+ User selectable processor speeds without having to change the crystal.
32K of PROM, ROM or RAM. Both versions have 4 sockets that can each hold from 1K to 8K parts. Single or multi·
pie voltage parts can be used on the PLUS version. The standard version only allows the use of single voltage
All on board devices and options can use extended addressing so that they will only respond to that page to
which they are set.
The card is double buffered and allows versatility in the use of software an_d memory address control disciplines.
Please note that this card does not have an on board baud rate generator, and must be used In systems where
baud rates (If needed) are provided elsewhere In the system.
1337 WEST 37th PLACE • CHICAGO, IL 60609 • (312) 927-5510 • TWX 910·221·4055
OIMIX" anCI GHOSr· are regtstere<JifoCiemarks ol GIMIX Inc. 1980 GIMIX Inc.
I'>WTPl••qulpmcnt mmp.•l•blc)
CST announces a new opt1on for their UDS 470 microcom
puter: the micro-winchester hard dis!... drive. Available 4Q
1980 the micro-winchester drive will re p lace one of the two
mini-floppy drives now standard with the UDS 470, thereby
bringing a dramatic increase in on-line storage capacity.
This increased storage - 6.38 Megabytes - makes the UDS 470 viable for business
applications requiring more on-line storage than previously available with floppy
d1sk drives.
The micro-winchester drive will fit directly into the existing UDS 470 cabinet. Thus
customers will realize the benefit of increased storag e capacity without the disadvan
tage of finding space for a larger cabinet or an additional disk drive enclosure.
13I7 Central, Knnsos City, KS 66102 (913) 371·6136 • 5200 West 73rd St., Minneapolis, MN 55435 (612) 831·0214 software
Draw er EE, Williamsburg, VA 23185 (804) 564·9350
S ... t. -i A:J
W rr-- 1 2 o
Plug the SBC/9n" 1nto your SS-50 Percom SYstem MONitor 1n memory Th1s allows you to leave
system bus, and JUSI that easily PSYMONTM provides the usual the details of 1/0 software to the
you've upgraded to the new super ROM momtor functions in 1 Kbyte 11 separate 1/0 devtce drivers
fast super-powerful 6809 MPU with is easily extended and customized . A PSYMONH• ROM IS 1ncluded
such programming amenities as 10 because its un1que "look-ahead" f r e e w1lh t h e p u r c h a s e ol an
addresstng modes, 16-blt Instruc program structure hrst searches ap SBC/91M The Users M anual tn·
tions, auto-lncremenl/auto-decre alternate command table. The ta- eludes a source llsung
ment and position-independent ble, 11 present, may be used to rede-
code. Pius, you now have extended fine or extend PSYMON's1M com- The 1 Kbyte ROM monttor lor the
address1ng capabtltty, and opera mand set SBC/9'M 6802 oplton Includes a
tion under control of PSYMON™, And with PSYMON™, 1/0 lseastly p r i m a r y s e t ol typical 6800-
the most powerful and llexlblle 1K dlrected to any peripheral device- compatible momtor commands. As
ROM 6809 operattng system yet even a dtsk system - through a lor PSYMON1M, the commands are
-..ritte.n Device Control Block table located easily extended or mod1hed