Fattelo 02 DIY Instructions V1.4

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Estimated time Tools Ingredients

DIY - Instructions
30 min. Ruler 1x 1l. empty tetra pack
Pen 3x LED
Estimated cost Cutter 2x AA batteries
Compass 2x 3-legged pins
5~7€ Soldering iron 4x 5/2mm magnets
Tape Tracing paper

*Can be executed by
children under adult

Getting your materials ready

Start by cleaning your brik with water and

dishwasher soap. Using the cutter or the scissors,
cut the top and bottom of the brik and flatten the
middle section so you get a flat sheet of tetra pak about the
size of an A4. Wipe it with a cloth and make sure there’s no
residue on the surface. Let it dry.
Tip A big brick will give you more flat surface and a better end resutl!
1. Cut the shape 2. Carve the alu layer

Start by cutting the Mark the center of the upper 55

silhouette from the square, trace the bottom left
tetrapack sheet. diagonal until the corner. 37
pick the best spot
for the square, it will Point a compass in the centre,
become the front trace all the outer circle.

side of your lamp!
!! the two smaller cirles should
be traced leaving an empty area
on the bottom centre sector.

Across the tail, mark the split line.

Don’t cut through these marks!

Make sure the
Just mark them with the tip of your
thermosealed seam is
at the bottom! cutter without completely cutting
through the material.

02Noctambula - P2/8
3. Cut 4. Keep cutting



Cut 3 small V shapes

along the axis inside 27
the bigger circle, they
will hold the diffuser.




Mark and cut through remove the central square will help
according to the blue lines. the process of folding, two ‘ears’ will
become the batteries contacts.


AA Battery
Holders: ø15
No need to be uber

14 precise, just shape

this flap as a
5 8 pentagon, it will
help secure the



02Noctambula - P3/8
5. Peel 6. Open the contacts
Peel the area
between these circles

To open the contacts, use a low

Using the tip of the cutter, lift up the
temperature soldering iron to gently
aluminium foil contained between
scrape and melt the top plastic surface
the inner circles. It should reveal
on the marked areas following the
white or tan paper under the foil.
directions. This will uncover the
aluminium foil and allow electricity to
flow between components.

This will create 2 separate paths on

*Practice on a leftover bit of tetra pak
your circuit, one for each pole.
before marking your circuit.

! -This step needs adult supervision

02Noctambula - P4/8
7. Place the pins 8. Place the leds

Mind the LEDs polarity!

Your LEDs have two legs.
Longer one is +
Shorter is -

Make sure all + legs are Open four holes:

Two at the beginning
installed in the same
Place 2 three legged pins on the ‘ears’. of the open contacts
side, and then match it and two 10mm away
Make sure they pierce through the to insert the led bend
with the battery + end. the legs untill they
whole material. form a hook:

Make your leds come

in and out of the holes, insert the led from
the two conductive
spread their legs open
holes, and secur it
to fix them in place. by forcing the legs
in the second holes

place the
magnet here!

02Noctambula - P5/8
9. Place the back magnets 10. Make the diffusor

Cut a circle of ø85

out of the tracing paper.
Cut a straight line from center
to outer line
*In case you don’t have tracing
paper, oven paper would do!

You’re almost there.

Flip your circuit (turn it so you see the outer
side of the pack, where the graphics are).
Tape your magnets in the indicated areas.

02Noctambula - P6/8
11. Assemble

Congratulations! You’ve just made a circuit.

Now what’s left is giving it some volume,
so you can use it.

Fold carefully all along

Tip! the cricle to create
a neat inner cone.

02Noctambula - P7/8

02Noctambula - P8/8

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