Book 2

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time circular debt(million Rs) transmission losses receivable(million Rs)

2006-07 111.26
2007-08 144.99
2008-09 161.21
2009-10 251 billion
2010-11 382 billion
2011-12 537.53 385.619billion
2012-13 872.41 411.013billion
2013-14 18.72 512.909 billion
2014-15 18.7 633.12billion
2015-16 688665 17.95 684.06billion
2016-17 817985 17.94 729.89billion
2017-18 1,126,761 18.32 896.15billion
2018-19 1,618,189 17.7 1145billion
2019-20 2,150,425 1,201,918
2020-21 2,280,149 17.95 1,265,665
2021-22 2,252,750 17.13 1498067.47
Gross Value Added (GVA) and Subsidy of Electricity Generation Unit: Million Rs

GVA Subsidy
GVA Growth rate
Year (at current price)
2006-07 85,896 42,617
2007-08 125,756 133,254 46.4
2008-09 127,515 111,640 1.4
2009-10 186,540 179,526 46.3
20010-11 394,396 343,144 111.4
2011-12 412,215 464,256 4.5
2012-13 459,680 346,287 11.5
2013-14 382,078 309,417 -16.9
2014-15 434,822 221,000 13.8
2015-16 474,120 171,205 9
2016-17 452,570 118,000 -4.5
2017-18 345,434 114,976 -23.7
2018-19 529,167 230,400 55.3
2019-20 675,752 236,500 26
2020-21 577,759 366,350 -14.5
Category-wise Sale (GWh) of Electricity - DISCOs
Year Domestic Commercial Industrial Agricultural Public Lighting Bulk SupplyOthers
2000-01 20,019 2120 11,744 4,896 146 2,634 14
2001-02 20,549 2,285 12,637 5,582 149 2,662 12
2002-03 20,855 2,516 13,462 5,986 166 2,626 10
2003-04 22668 2,884 14,476 6,624 192 2,796 9
2004-05 24049 3,192 15,568 6,921 227 2,892 12
2005-06 27009 3768 16,596 7,873 279 3,031 13
2006-07 28990 4209 17,603 8,097 316 3,252 27
2007-08 28711 4,359 17,299 8380 340 3,318 50
2008-09 27753 4204 16,035 8,694 348 3,189 39
2009-10 29,477 4466 16,372 9,584 371 3,357 32
2010-11 30971 4684 17,696 8,847 375 3,608 30
2011-12 30364 4563 18,401 8132 361 3,509 27
2012-13 30329 4434 18,635 7,548 351 3,660 28
2013-14 33342 4796 20,548 8,132 351 3,854 31
2014-15 34567 4854 21,085 7,867 330 3,909 33
2015-16 37125 5,416 21,150 8,363 296 4,239 35
2016-17 41413 6,115 20,066 9,064 298 4,565 30
2017-18 46112 6,753 23,275 5,015 9,979 318 451
2018-19 45590 6,629 24,285 5,082 9,676 291 2,335
2019-20 47,643 6,260 21,488 4,887 9,642 271 2,596
2020-21 49814 6,689 21,662 4,974 10,116 315 2,802
2021-22 52406 7,387 28,115 5,383 10,922 348 3,306
Category-wise Number of Consumers – DISCOs
Year Domestic Commercial Industrial Bulk SuAgriculturPublic Li Others Total
2000-01 10045035 1737199 195511 3195 180411 4993 12166344
2001 -02 10482804 1803132 199839 3361 184032 4854 12678022
2002-03 11043530 1867226 206336 3739 191961 5441 13318233
2003-04 11737078 1935462 210296 3873 198829 5800 14091338
2004-05 12490189 1983216 212233 3677 200756 6171 14896242
2005-06 13389762 2068312 222283 3753 220501 6,550 15911161
2006-07 14354365 2151971 233162 3811 236255 6,990 16986554
2007-08 15226139 2229403 242401 3849 245,640 7337 597 17955366
2008-09 15858823 2291628 253089 3907 258368 7,680 619 18674114
2009-10 16672413 2362312 263507 3986 271268 8112 626 19582224
2010-11 17321535 2421221 273067 4044 280603 8386 627 20309483
2011-12 17977782 2482702 286401 4107 286287 8698 634 21046611
2012-13 18712912 2550808 296849 4163 301115 9107 646 21875600
2013-14 19322664 2635086 305294 4215 310578 9369 664 2,258,870
2014-15 20147821 2723708 315116 4272 318081 9554 695 23519247
2015-16 21040707 2814234 325816 4318 321055 9857 712 24516699
2016-17 21991479 2905517 336045 4389 323524 10124 725 25571803
2017-18 23173856 3028054 339853 4,450 315021 10426 144885 27016545
2018-19 24465300 3144247 342949 4383 326656 10567 178967 28473069
2019-20 25803759 3245488 348087 4497 344689 10932 199,970 29957422
2020-21 27227283 3359777 357366 4417 359124 11284 210353 31529604
2021-22 28743039 3475468 367736 4452 369356 11807 217938 33189796
Category-wise Sale (GWh) of Electricity
Year Domestic Commercial Industrial agricultural public lightining
2000-01 20,019 2,120 11,744 4,896 146
2001-02 20,549 2,285 12,637 5,582 149
2002-03 20,855 2,516 13,462 5,986 166
2003-04 22,668 2,884 14,476 6,624 192
2004-05 24,049 3,192 15,568 6,921 227
2005-06 27,009 3,768 16,596 7,873 279
2006-07 28,990 4,290 17,603 8,097 316
2007-08 28,711 4,359 17,299 8,380 340
2008-09 27,753 4,204 16,035 8,694 348
2009-10 29,477 4,466 16,372 9,584 371
2010-11 30,971 4,684 17,696 8,847 375
2011-12 30,364 4,563 18,401 8,414 361
2012-13 30,329 4,434 18,635 7,548 351
2013-14 33,342 4,796 20,548 8,132 351
2014-15 34,567 4,854 21,085 7,867 330
20W16 37,125 5,416 21,150 8,363 296
2016-17 41,413 6,115 20,066 9,064 298
2017-18 46,112 6,753 23,275 5,015 9,979
2018-19 45,590 6,629 24,285 5,082 9.676
2019-20 47,643 6,260 21,488 4,887 9,642
2020-21 49,814 6,689 24,662 4,974 10,116
2021-22 52,406 7,387 28,1 15 5,383 10,922
f Electricity
bulk supply others total
2,634 14 41,573
2,662 12 43,875
2,626 10 45,620
2,796 9 49,649
2,892 12 52,862
3,031 13 58,569
3,252 27 62,575
3,318 50 62,456
3,189 39 60,263
3,357 32 63,659
3,608 30 66,211
3,509 27 65,639
3,660 28 64,986
3,854 31 71,054
3,909 33 72,645
4,239 35 76,625
4,565 30 81,551
318 451 91,902
291 2,335 93,888
271 2,596 92,791
315 2,802 99,371
348 3,306 107,866
Electricity Consumption per Consumer (kWh)
Year Domestic Commercial Industrial Agricultural Total
2001-02 1,960 1,267 63,235 30,329 3,566
2002-03 1,888 1,347 65,244 31,181 3,561
2003-04 1,931 1,490 68,837 33,317 3,654
2004-05 1,925 1,609 73,354 34,476 3,711
2005-06 2,017 1,822 74,663 35,705 3,922
2006-07 2,020 1,993 75,498 34,274 3,973
2007-08 1,886 1,955 71,365 34,114 3,705
2008-09 1,750 1,835 63,358 33,649 3,496
2009-10 1,768 1,890 62,130 35,332 3,251
2010-11 1,788 1,934 64,804 31,529 3,260
2011-12 1,689 1,838 64,250 29,391 3,119
2012-13 1,621 1,738 62,775 25,067 2,971
2013-14 1,726 1,820 67305 26,182 3,146
2014-15 1,716 1,782 66,913 24,731 3,089
2015-16 1,764 1,925 64,913 26,050 3,125
2016-17 1883 2,105 59,712 28,016 3,189
2017-18 1,990 2,230 68,485 31,677 3,402
2018-19 1,863 2,108 70,813 29,621 3,297
2019-20 1,846 1,929 61,733 27,974 3,097
2020-21 1,830 1,991 69,009 28,167 3,152
2021-22 1,823 2,125 76,454 29,569 3,250
Annual Growth Rate of E

2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Domestic GWH 35,404.35 38,811.30 40,327.90 43,537.29 48,061.48 53,333.18
% 1.83 9.62 3.91 7.96 10.39 10.97
Comercoal GWH 5,940.71 6,299.50 6,437.89 7,096.43 7,769.63 8,511.35
% 4.40 6.04 2.2 10.23 9.49 9.55
INDUSTRIAL GWH 22,086.44 24,118.80 24,917.32 24,977.75 23,951.30 27,398.02
% 1.59 9.2 3.31 0.24 -4.11 14.39
agricultural GWH 7,699.34 8,289.49 8,015.97 8,525.27 9,221.16 10,135.17
% -9.88 7.66 -3.3 6.35 8.17 9.9
Public Lighting GWH 498.09 495.9 501.31 457.64 485.3 475.49
% 3.58 -0.44 1.09 -8.71 6.04 -2.02
Bulk Supply GWH 4,095.95 4,263.55 4,256.07 3,550.90 3,878.82 5,485.24
% 20.32 4.09 0.18 -16.57 9.23 41.42
Otters GWH 201.18 228.4 46.02 1,149.49 1,169.71 423.56
% -82.1 13.53 -79.85 2398.02 1.76 -63.79
Supplied to K.E by GWH 5,463.00 5,441.00 5,427.00 5,059.00 5,077 5,128.20
CPPA-G % -3.88 -0.4 -0.26 -6.78 0.36 1.01
Total 81,389.04 87,947.93 89,929.48 94,353.76 99,615.70 110,890,71
change -0.06 8.06 2.25 4.92 5.58 11.32
Annual Growth Rate of Electricity Consumption

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22

52,889.17 55,132.61 57,855.86 60,409.41
-0.83 4.24 4.94 4.41
8,382.08 7,874.68 8,396.55 9,233.45
-1.52 -6.05 6.63 9.97
28,686.69 25,647.33 29,885.94 33,958.00
4.7 -10.6 16.53 13.63
909.81 9,758.28 10,237.02 11,032.62
-3.21 -0.53 4.91 7.77
449.86 384.61 589.89 408.58
-5.39 -14.5 53.37 -30.74
4,188.97 3,757.57 3,613.08 4,078.90
-23.63 -10.3 -3.85 12.39
3,798.88 4,512.65 4,863.06 5,507.97
796.89 18.79 7.76 13.26
4,956.71 5,426.14 6,118.04 9,036.84
-3.34 9.47 12.75 47.7
113,162,17 112,493,85 121559.44 133,665,46
2.05 -0.59 8.06 9.96
Energy Generation, Sold & Per Capita Consum

Population of Number of
DISCOs Customers Energy Purchased Energy Sale
year (Excluding KE) (millions) by CPPA-G (GWh) (Consumption)
2000-01 131,58 12,166,344 57282 43,384
2001-02 134,65 12,678,022 59545 45,204
2002-03 137,75 13,318,233 62694 47,421
2003-04 140,89 14091338 67697 51492
2004-05 144,07 14896242 71670 55278
2005-06 147,29 15911161 80404 62405
2006-07 150,53 16986554 85987 67480
2007-08 153,82 17955366 84584 66539
2008-09 157,14 18674114 82702 65286
2009-10 160,39 19582224 87115 68878
2010-11 163,61 20309483 89775 71672
2011-12 166,83 21046611 88987 71368
2012-13 170,07 21875600 87080 70508
2013-14 173,33 22587870 93777 76543
2014-15 176,59 23519247 96463 78113
2015-16 184,64 24516699 100871 76625
2016-17 189,17 25571803 106796 81551
2017-18 193,29 27016545 120082 91902
2018-19 197,02 28473069 122302 93888
2019-20 200,82 29957422 122541 92791
2020-21 204,67 31529604 130060 99371
2021-22 208,56 33189796 143031 107866
Energy Generation, Sold & Per Capita Consumption
Units Per Consumer

Per Capita System Input Energy
Energy (kWh) Per Capita Consumption (kwh) (kWh) Sale (kWh)
435 330 4,708 3,566
442 336 4697 3,566
455 344 4,707 3,561
480 365 4804 3654
497 384 4811 3711
546 424 5053 3922
571 448 5062 3973
550 433 4711 3706
526 415 4429 3496
543 429 4449 3517
549 438 4420 3529
533 428 4228 3391
512 415 3981 3223
541 442 4152 3389
546 442 4101 3321
546 415 4114 3125
565 431 4176 3189
621 475 4445 3402
621 477 4295 3297
610 462 4091 3097
635 486 4125 3152
686 517 4309 3250
System Energy Purchased, So

Units Units
EnergY Purchased by Purchased
Purchased by DISCOS at Directly byDistribution Losses below 132
Year CPPA NTDC Transmion Losses 132 kv DISCOS W
Total percentage Total
(GWh) (GWh) (%) (GWh) (GWh) (GWh)
2011-12 88,987 2,508 2.8 86,479 736 15,847
2012-13 87,080 2,656 3.1 84,424 1,190 15,106
2013-14 93,777 2,587 2.8 91,190 1,367 16,326
2014-15 96,463 2,620 2.7 93,843 1,498 16,744
2015-16 100,871 2,623 2.6 93,385 265 16,762
2016-17 106,796 2,466 2.3 99,390 272 17,833
2017-18 120,082 2,923 2.4 112,508 665 20,606
2018-19 122,302 3,464 2.8 114,086 407 20,199
2019-20 122,541 3,364 2.7 112,911 171 20,120
2020-21 130,060 3,673 2.8 120,192 217 20,822
2021-22 143,031 4,055 2.8 129,725 161 21,859
tem Energy Purchased, Sold and Losses

ibution Losses below 132

W Units Sold by Discos to Consumers Transmission Distribution Losses
Percentage Total Percentage
% (GWh) (GWh) %
18.32 71,368 18,355 21.1
17.89 70,508 17,762 20.9
17.9 76,543 18,913 20.7
17.84 78,113 19,364 20.6
17.1 76,623 19,385 19.2
17.1 81.557 20,299 19
18.3 91,902 23,529 19.5
17.7 93,888 23,663 19.3
17.8 92,791 23,484 19.3
17.3 99,371 24,495 18.8
16.9 107,866 25,914 18.1
Fuel Consumption for Thermal Power Generation (TO
source unit 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
gas TOE 6,732,876 71,084,177 6,602,422 6847894 8577146
% shar 47.45 48.28 42.69 43.57 52.78
furnace oil TOE 7,206,839 7,342,755 8,486,744 8234479 7289400
% shar 50.79 50.04 54.87 52.4 44.85
diesel oil TOE 203,072 218,584 304,994 565,953 294755
% share 1.43 1.49 1.97 3.6 1.81
coal TOE 46,800 28,204 71,902 67639 91463
% 0.33 0.19 0.46 0.43 0.56
total TOE 14,189,587 14,673,720 ι 5,466,062 15715964 16251764
% share 100 100 100 100 100
Annual Growth Rate (%) -1.94 3.41 5.4 1.62 3.41
Thermal Power Generation (TOE)
2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
8643403 10831662 10050.101 8426767 8648124
49.8 56.89 65.35 56.98 57.34
8037139 6029947 2661528 1474895 2310032
46.3 31.67 17.31 9.97 15.32
291841 194033 27383 12683 п.р
1.68 1.02 0.18 0.09 -
384585 1984722 2640347 4875302 4123008
2.22 10.42 17.17 32.96 27.34
17,356,9б8 19040364 15379359 14789647 15081364
100 100 100 100 100
6.8 9.7 19.23 3.83 1.97
Source: IEA. Licence: CC BY 4.0
This data is subject to the IEA's terms and conditions:
Units: USD / MWh

year Energy price Capacity price

2019-2020; 39.4 37.27
2020-2021 40.8 34.6
2021-2022; 40.87 30.2
2022-2023 49.33 28
2023-2024 52.67 27.73
2024-2025 55.27 25.4
T&D Losses Commercial Losses

Billing Combined
units Units (Computed) Collection Technical &
Purchased Billed Losses (Rs. In (Rs in Commercial
(MWh) (MWh) (%) Million) Million) losses %) Losses (%
FY 2021-22 129839.37 107845.72 16.94 2291485.078 2154912 5.96 21.89
FY 2020-21 120224.6 99370.2 17.35 1760449.43 1738700.33 1.24 18.37
FY2019-20 11290.91 92791.48 17.81 1594813 ·29 139920.33 12.27
Fiscal Year ending 30th June Cost of Fuel (Rs. in Million)
2000 26,457
2001 29,895
2002 37,971
2003 42,314
2004 40,695
2005 47,726
2006 66,202
2007 79,186
2008 95,717
2009 116,937
2010 146,916
2011 151,260
2012 139,584
2013 163,274
2014 202,999
2015 135,375
2016 132,464
GENCOs Thermal Energy Generation (GWh) Cost of Fuel (Rs/kWh)
19,157 1.38
16,858 1.77
18,684 2.03
19,646 2.15
21,054 1.93
22,212 2.15
22,519 2.94
21,617 3.66
20,509 4.67
19,569 5.98
19,632 7.48
13,044 11.6
12,652 11.03
12,871 12.69
13,016 15.6
13,303 10.18
16,113 8.22
Generation on Gas (GWh) 7,857.00
Quantity of Gas Used (000 MCF) 103,294.00
Consumption/kWh (Cft) 13.17
Cost/kWh (Paisa) 494.88
Generation on Furnace O/ (GWh) 5,639.00
Quantity of Furnace Oil Used (000 M.Tons) 1,542.00
Consumption/kWh (Kg) 0.27
Cost/kWh (Paisa) 1,854
Generation HSD (GWh) 13
Quantity of HSD Used (000 Ltrs,) 3,460.00
Consumption/kWh (Ltr.) 0.32
Cost/kWh (Paisa) 2,447.40
Generation on Coal (GWh) 66
Quantity of Coal Used (000 M.Tons) 105
Consumption/kWh (Kg) 1.09
Cost/kWh (Paisa) 339.29
Overall Fuel Cost and Cost of Fuel per kWh
Overall Fuel Cost used in GENCOs for Generation of Electricity (Rs. Million) 144,251.00
Overall Cost of Fuel (Paisa/kWh) 1,060.00
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

7,410.60 5,099.22 4542.77 7,697.60

102,912.00 55,788.00
13.89 10.94 11.48 10.55
597 588 570.42 703.35

6,676.30 8,971.30 7,445.58 7,018.85

1,741.99 2,325.20
0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26
1,806.00 1,814.00 1,445.03 861.38

420.12 368.38 4,101.22 36631183
0.33 3.514.06 30440566
2,443.00 2,523.98 21678499
2,313.21 20013290
40 112 144.86 148.17
63.04 160.71
1.04 1.03 1.04 1.38
348 374 409.71 409.11
l per kWh
165,065.00 193,334.00 134,154.57 115,645.09
1,167.00 1,283.38 1,025.69 777.88
Surplus/Deficit in Demand and Supply during NTDC’s System Peak Hours

Financial Year ending Demand During NTDCs

30th June Generation Capability (MW) System Peak Hours (MW)
2007 13292 15138
2008 12,442 16,838
2009 13,637 17,852
2010 12,751 18,467
2011 13,193 18,521
2012 12,320 18,940
2015 16,500 21,701
2016 17,261 22,559
2017 19,020 25,117
2018 23.766 26.741
2019 24,565 25,627
2020 27,780 26,252
2021 27,819 28,253
2022 27,748 30,231
g NTDC’s System Peak Hours

Surplus/ (Deficit) (MW)

Units Billed and Amount Realized in DISCOs
Unit Domestic
2011-2012 Units Billed GWh 29793
Amount of Units Billed Rs. Mln. 255316
Rs. Mln. 216489
Amount Realized and %age Recovery to Billed Amount % 84.7925708
2012-2013 Units Billed GWh 30329
Amount of Units Billed Rs. Mln. 267656
Rs. Mln. 243224
Amount Realized and %age Recovery to Billed Amount % 90.8718654
2013-2014 Units Billed GWh 33247
Amount of Units Billed Rs. Mln. 314653
Rs. Mln. 271989
Amount Realized and %age Recovery to Billed Amount % 86.4409365
2014-2015 Units Billed GWh 34566
Amount of Units Billed Rs. Mln. 354199
Rs. Mln. 316320
Amount Realized and %age Recovery to Billed Amount % 89.31
2015-2016 Units Billed GWh 36941.29
Amount of Units Billed RS. Mln. 388782.51
RS. Mln. 368166.95
Amount Realized and %age Recovery to Billed Amount % 94.7
2016-2017 Units Billed GWh 41412.07
Amount of Units Billed RS. Mln. 432185.16
RS. Mln. 400213.11
Amount Realized and %age Recovery to Billed Amount % 92.6
Units Billed GWh 46113.72
Amount of Units Billed Rs. Min. 513661.14
Rs. Min. 464941.61
2017-2018 Amount Realized and %age Recovery to Billed Amount % 90.52
Units Billed GWh 61449.09
Amount of Units Billed Rs. Mln. 586322.49
Rs. Mln. 539880.7
2018-2019 Amount Realized and %age Recovery to Billed Amount % 92.08
Units Billed GWh 47643.43
Amount of Units Billed Rs. Mln. 648866.59
Rs. Mln. 552597.56
2019-2020 Amount Realized and %age Recovery to Billed Amount % 85.16
Units Billed GWh 49814.54
Amount of Units Billed Rs. Mln. 712052.09
Rs. Mln. 696192.12
2020-2021 Amount Realized and %age Recovery to Billed Amount % 97.77
Units Billed GWh 52404.73
Amount of Units Billed Rs. Min. 937893.65
Rs. Min. 842286.86
2021-2022 Amount Realized and %age Recovery to Billed Amount
2021-2022 Amount Realized and %age Recovery to Billed Amount % 89.81
mount Realized in DISCOs
Commercial Industrial Agricultural Public LightBulk Supply Others Total
4559 16541 8399 353 2600 933 65032
75867 200574 78684 5782 29896 6509 652624
74682 192753 48644 3634 27416 3958 567574
98.4380561 96.100691 61.8219714 62.850225 91.7045759 60.8081118 86.96799382
4434 18636 7548 395 2639 1006 64985
76140 226909 73235 4914 32250 8071 704981
63731 219399 50334 4709 30027 4145 631512
83.7023903 96.6903032 68.7294326 95.828246 93.1069767 51.3567092 89.57858439
4792 20545 8125 390 3836 31 70965
101997 325159 97617 6705 54863 528 901526
99384 322870 63687 6558 38744 1242 804476
97.4381599 99.2960367 65.2417099 97.807606 70.6195432 235.227273 89.23491946
4853 21085 7866 393 3846 33 72643
107994 324194 110103 6305 58990 532 962317
106368 314254 70488 5054 43373 1394 857251
98.49 96.93 64.02 80.15 73.53 262.08 89.08
5411.43 21147.75 8362.27 294.63 3138.9 1134.49 76430.75
109407.61 290649.29 105632.36 3636.87 41833.62 15349.38 955291.62
108549.9 294583.77 83303.69 3992.43 39308.23 4651.77 902556.7
99.22 101.35 78.86 109.78 93.96 30.31 94.48
6114.64 20066.58 9063.15 298.29 3445.81 1150.7 81551.24
12041410 288350.57 10.4240.13 3662.76 4869536 1383261 1011380.69
118575.77 292582.93 68878.42 8338.04 4432192 416964 937079.83
98.47 101.47 66.08 227.64 91.02 30.14 92.65
6753.33 23274.17 9977.62 318.95 5014.16 450.18 91902.13
142108.17 347228.57 1 12225.78 5510.27 72206.26 7075.66 1200015.85
140458.02 326903.69 56151.76 4871.03 52057.17 7108.58 1052491.86
98.84 94.15 50.03 88.4 72.1 100.47 87.71
6767.76 30392.14 10256.75 289.06 5292.69 2616.36 93887.24
173121.04 393911.53 106680,07 6607.7 95932.87 49074.23 1411649.93
170135.74 358965.16 51123.12 6246.5 60666.54 43650.87 1230668.63
98.28 91.13 47.92 94.53 63.24 88.95 87.18
6259.48 21489.04 9642.17 272.58 3289.83 4194.24 92790.75
186331.2 480751.58 99778.37 7494.88 80690.53 99672.89 1603586.04
186514.52 468620.51 64662.85 4734.04 75023 02 71355.27 1423507.77
100.1 97.48 64.81 63.16 92.98 71.59 88.77
6687.97 24664.95 10115.32 491.85 3158.77 4439.15 99372.55
208013.2 539227.48 135558.55 12617.85 87679.01 104219.35 1799367.53
201558.17 524889.71 77481.26 10017.59 94372.53 146303.34 1750814.72
96.9 97.34 57.16 79.39 107.63 140.38 97.3
7386.99 28115.2 10921.9 344.76 3611.05 5081.06 107865.7
270870.62 770284.05 180875.65 10311.86 108285.62 144770.73 2423292.17
265492.2 740460.75 109119.46 9588.91 102498.16 123929.21 2193375.57
98.01 96.13 60.33 92.99 94.66 85.6 90.51

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