Ebte-2010ws-Best Practice of Youtube Marketing

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Term Paper

E Business Technologies

Best Practices of

Master in Business Consulting
Winter Semester 2010

Submitted to
Prof.Dr. Eduard Heindl

Prepared by
Venkata Ramesh Kumar Gadhamsetty
Matriculation number-235196

Fakultät Wirtschaftsinformatik
Hochschule Furtwangen University


This is to claim that all the content in this article are from the author Gadhamsetty

Venkata Ramesh Kumar. The resources can found in the reference list at the end of

each page. All the ideas and state in the article are from the author himself with

none plagiary and the author owns the copyright of this article.

Gadhamsetty Venkata Ramesh Kumar


Index ....................................................................................................................... 3

1. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 4

1.1 About YouTube............................................................................................... 4

1.2 Foundation ..................................................................................................... 4

1.3 YouTube Statistics ......................................................................................... 5

2 Online Video Marketing ....................................................................................... 8

2.1 About Online Video Marketing ....................................................................... 8

2.2 Online Video Marketing tips ........................................................................... 8

3. YouTube Marketing ............................................................................................ 9

3.1 Types of Videos .............................................................................................. 9

3.2 YouTube as Online Marketing Tools ............................................................. 10

4. Best Practices of YouTube Marketing ............................................................... 11

5. Benefits of YouTube Marketing ........................................................................ 14

6. Comparison YouTube with Google Videos ....................................................... 15

7. YouTube Insight ............................................................................................... 16

Features.............................................................................................................. 16

YouTube Insight in Action ................................................................................. 16

8. Search Engine Optimization .............................................................................. 18

9. References ......................................................................................................... 19

1. Introduction
1.1 About YouTube
YouTube is a video-sharing service where the users are allowed to post or upload different types
of videos. The videos are like entertaining, animation, personal, public, persuasive, etc. The first
video (Me at Zoo) launched by Jawed karim (one of the founder) had around 3.24 Million hits
(http://www.onlineschools.org/blog/youtube/). The YouTube video has the facility for the users that
they can post or tag videos and can watch, comment on videos posted by other users. For every
video posted in YouTube provides a link for blogging to the users. Users have the facility to view
the profiles that have posted and commented on videos, can add the videos to their favorites and
can contact them.

1.2 Foundation
YouTube was founded in February 2005 by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim. It was
launched in May 2005. These three founders are former PayPal employees. Chad Hurley had
studied design at Indiana Univerity, Steven Chen and Jawed karim were students of computer
science at the univerisity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ( http://www.bighistory.net/history-of-

Chad Hurley Steve Chen Jawed Karim

1.3 YouTube Statistics

The Facts & Figures are taken in the timeline of Five Years of YouTube.

Year Facts & Figures

2005 February : Founders register domain name and begin work on
April 23 : First video uploaded to the site
May : Beta launch of YouTube
June : YouTube embeds enabled
December : Official launch (8 million videos watched a day)
2006 March : Content verification program launched
March : Filtering technology launches
May : Video responses launched
July : 100 million video views per day;
65,000 videos uploads per day
August : First advertising formats launched:
Participatory Video Ads (PVA) and Brand Channels
October : Google acquisition of YouTube for $1.65 billion
2007 May : First known instance of a Rick Roll
June : YouTube launches in nine countris
June : YouTube mobile site launched
July &
November : CNNYouTube Debates
August : InVideo Ads launched
September : Non-Profit channels launched
October : Queen of England launches YouTube channel
October : Content management system “Content ID” with
video identification launched
December : YouTube Partner Program launched
2008 January : 10 hours of video uploaded every minute
January : YouTube Insight analytics tool Launched

March : YouTube Insight analytics tool launched
April : YouTube screening room launched
May : 13 hours of video uploaded every minute
June : Interactive YouTube feature Annotations launched
June : YouTube integration into Sony Bravia TV
August : : YouTube captions launched
October : 15 hours of video uploaded every minute
November : Promoted Videos launched
December : 720p HD launched
2009 January : US congress and President channels launched
March : Disney deal signed
April : Peabody Award
May : 20 hours of video uploaded every minute
June : YouTube auto-share launched connecting YouTube
to social networks and Webmail accounts
July : 3D launched
October : YouTube announced more than 1 billion views per day
November : 1080p full-HD launched
2010 March : 24 hours of video uploaded every minute
April : Indian Premier League cricket season live-streamed to the world
on YouTube
May : YouTube exceeds 2 billion views a day

Interesting Facts
• The length of the first video uploaded to YouTube was for 19Seconds
• The first videos has been played for 1.96 million times
• The most popular video on YouTube Lady Gagas’s “Bad romance” has been
watched for 185.39 million times
• Google paid $1.65 billion to acquire YouTube in November 2006
• Google’s automatic speech recognition technology can translate YouTube videos into
51 Languages

Partner and Advertising Stats
• The revenue was tripled in 2009 with Partner Ad
• More than 7000 hours of full length movies are shown on YouTube
• Around billion videos are watched per weekly globally
• The number of advertisers using daily ads on YouTube increased 10-fold in the past year

Video consumption across social networks

• Facebook : 46.2 years of videos watched a day
• MySpace : 5.6 years of videos watched a day
• Orkut : 12.7 years of videos watched a day
• Hi5 : 1.2 years of videos watched a day
Key YouTube statistics
• More than 2 billion views a day
• 24 hours of video uploaded every minute
• Average person spends 15 minutes a day on YouTube
• 70% of YouTube’s traffic comes from outside the U.S
Content ID
• Content ID scans over 100 years of video every day
• 1000 + partners are using content ID, including every major US network broadcaster,
movie studio and record
• Over a third of YouTube’s total monetized views come from content ID.

2 Online Video Marketing
2.1 About Online Video Marketing

Online Video Marketing is marketing a product or service using videos. Using videos for
marketing is one of the best strategies in marketing where videos communicate about the product,
how it is used and their benefits to the audience in a very short span of time. With online video
marketing the ads can be promoted with minimal cost and posted on their own organizations
website or using other video websites like Google video or YouTube video.
YouTube is one of the most popular on internet. So, it is better to use YouTube as a channel for
online video marketing. Where the companies can do marketing about their products and other
videos related to the company. This gives the user to have a clear idea about the company and
their products. Video marketing is better than other marketing tools like Google Adwords or
Article marketing.

2.2 Online Video Marketing tips

Once video is ready the next question how and where to promote.

How to promote videos

1 Provide the title and description of the video

2 Keep the video as short as possible i.e. between 2 to 5 minutes
3 Provide brief description
4 Provide search engines
5 Video should be clear, concise and straight to the point

Where to promote videos

Promote videos using video websites like YouTube, Google, Veoh, Yahoo videos, etc.

3. YouTube Marketing

YouTube is one of the best & more popular website used for marketing. One of the reasons of
using YouTube for marketing is the increasing number of video website users and other reason is
YouTube is free for posting videos and not an expensive equipment. Anyone can post their
videos to Market their site or Products they are offering. The main basic is make the video like
people watch them and go to the website to get more details.

3.1 Types of Videos

There are four different types of videos to promote your business on YouTube.

1 The commercial:

This type of videos is basically used by the people who want to talk about Why their business
and their products are popular.

2 The company videos:

These types of videos are produced by companies. This videos consists of their products,
Services, offers, etc.

3 The vacation videos:

These videos are brought by the families or personals of their vacations by fixing them in
their camcorder about the beaches, places, mountains, etc. so this home based business videos
can be watched on their boring desk.

4 The tutorials:

These type videos provide information on anything. If the information is useful and helpful
the users can repeatedly watch these videos.

3.2 YouTube as Online Marketing Tools

In today’s world the video website user are continuously increasing. The viewers are uploading
and watching different videos. Small and mid-size businesses are using this YouTube as one of
the marketing tool.

To grow business by using YouTube, here are few rules to follow:

1. Make attractive videos

The videos should be informative and entertaining to attract the viewers. Put relative
information on videos that you are the best of all others.

2. Sharing Business details

Every video which is produced should contain the business details where the viewers can
contact immediately. Display your company logo at any corner on whole video. Use tags and
keyword rich description, it helps in search engine so that when anyone tries to search they
find your video first when it is related.

3. Viral Marketing

After video is created and uploaded it should be circulated. Provide the video URL on your
company website. Email the URL to the person who may know and on to the other social
networking site like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and etc. This way of marketing is called as
“Viral Marketing”.

4. Best Practices of YouTube Marketing
YouTube has developed many tools for marketing the videos. Here are some tips used to do
marketing with YouTube,

Customizing Channel

Channel on YouTube is the page which contains personal information, videos, favorites, etc. and
this page can be viewed by the public. In customizing channel the user can design, Add banners
and URLs, adding the top videos. In designing the channel the user can change the background
color, text color and size this helps profile in good looking. In Add banners and URLs the users
can upload icons and banners. The user can also select the top video which is to be played when
the other user visit the page.

Account type

There are different types of Account available in YouTube for different range of users like
Comedian, Guru, Musicians, Director, Reporter and YouTuber. All accounts have the facility to
share, uploading, commenting, etc. For every different account types have different customizing
options. The users who are creating the account in YouTube should be very clear which type of
account should be created this helps other users easy to search your videos.

Tag and Categorize videos

Tags are keywords used to help people in finding your videos. To do tagging some keywords are
required, for picking up the keyword the audience should be targeted before like who, how and
what type of videos are going to be searched. Categorize all the videos which also help people
easy to find you videos.

Creating playlists

Playlist in YouTube is a list videos grouped together to play videos one after the other. When one
video finishes the consecutive video plays automatically. These playlist are usually grouped by
subject such as “Instructional Marketing Videos“, this group contains all the videos related to

SEO marketing. So, if you have number of videos to be posted group them by creating playlist
this helps the viewers to find the videos easily.

Sharing videos

YouTube also provides an option of sharing videos. For every video on YouTube has a URL link,
option of sharing directly on social networks like Facebook, Orkut, Twitter, etc. So, the videos
can be shared by sending email from YouTube inbox directly or by sending the URL link or
directly sharing them on social networks.

Posting bulletins

YouTube has the bulletin feature where the video publishers can communicate with other
subscribers by posting bulletins to their YouTube homepages. These bulletins can be sent directly
‘Post Bulletin’ field which is available on ‘My Channel’ page. Whenever a bulletin is posted it
will be available on the homepage of all your subscribers. With bulletins the user has the ability
to promote their own videos to all the subscribers right away and at the same time he can also
attach a message by asking them to watch and share with others. The user can also check out the
statistics of the video that how many clicks are there for your bulletins on YouTubes’ insight

Comments or response

YouTube provides the users to check the comments, questions, or ideas on YouTube channel and
can see which video is top on the list. The user can discuss on any topic with others and can have
the votes on the best video and also can also comment on videos. The comments or response can
be done on individual or with group of people.

Joining communities and groups

YouTube community is basically making few groups. For instance, if the user wants to share a
particular video he can request to share on particular YouTube community group. It not just the
use can only join in community he can also join on discussion with other YouTube members.
Becoming a member in YouTube community group is very benefit because you can increase the
contacts with other internet users who are on same interests as like you.
Active sharing

With this feature the user has the ability to see who’s watching your video and also the videos
currently watched by other users. The last six videos which are watched are displayed on your
channel page and also when other users watch any one of this video they can see your name on
“whos watching” box.

Good videos

This is one of the most important tips of all. When creating videos, think twice how it is useful
and in what way it is help full to the viewers. Analyze before creating and uploading videos. The
videos should be message transferable, good picture quality, clear voice, etc. this helps to attract
the viewers.

5. Benefits of YouTube Marketing

For any user opening an account and uploading a video on YouTube is very easy and there is no
need to pay a single pie for using this marketing campaign. It requires a little time, effort and
creative on making the video.
There are many benefits using YouTube for marketing:

1 Free of cost

Unlike to other means of advertising, YouTube videos are shown for free. There is no budget
required to promote and view the videos

2 Global Audience

As there is increase in online video website users, your video is watched all over the world.

3 Viral Effect

As there are many viewers watching and adding videos on YouTube. Get attraction to your
videos and asking them to refer their friends to watch it. This is way how the “viral” effects.

4 Customized channel or customized based

Whenever a video is added to your account, it creates profile channel by itself. The viewers
of this channel subscribe the video. Anyone can promote their websites further by sending
newsletters by e-mails to these subscribers.

5 Googel SERPs

Basically SERPs stands for Search Engine Result Pages. The videos which are added on your
YouTube account has own URL stating on you website. Many viewers visit the site to know
more about the products and services that are on offer. So, the hits on your site

6. Comparison YouTube with Google Videos

Reasons why YouTube is better than Google Video,

1. YouTube was constructed with a Community in mind.

2. YouTube’s user interface is vastly better.
3. YouTube’s viral functions – “Share this video” and “tell a friend” – are ridiculosly easy.
4. YouTube videos always load and play faster than Google videos.
5. YouTube displays the number of times each video has been played.
6. YouTube’s user account system is more robust.
7. YouTube’s search functionality is vastly better than Google’s.
8. YouTube displays three random images from each video for search returns.
9. YouTube displays trackbacks to each video.
10. YouTube helps users find the obvious: related videos.

7. YouTube Insight
YouTube Insight is YouTube’s analytics and reporting tool that enables the users to have a clear
picture of their account about the hits or viewers to the uploaded videos

The main 5 features of the YouTube Insight are:
1. Number of views/relative popularity over an interactive timeline
2. Information on how people came to discover your video
3. Demographic information of those watching your videos
4. How the community is engaging with your video
5. Relative audience attention as they watch your video

YouTube Insight in Action

1. Views & Popularity
How often the video is viewed?
In which Location (all over the
world) people are watching?
In which region the video is popular?
YouTube Insight provides interactive
timeline and interactive map about
2. Discovery
This tab provides the users to check their videos how it is being searched and on which
date and no. of views.

3. Demographics
This option provides information to the users which age people and what genders are
watching your video.

4. Community
The user can track their videos by number of ratings, comments or favorites within a
period per views had and from which country the viewers are.

Fig taken from http://searchenginewatch.com/3640113

8. Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization is a process to divert viewers to your website. The main objective
with SEO is to achieve high search engine rankings with a given keyword and phrases.

YouTube SEO – Tips for Video Optimization

1. Keyword
Using YouTube’s keyword suggestion tool is the better way for developing YouTube
SEO. This tool determines how users are searching videos which are related to your topic.
By giving main keywords this tools suggest you which keywords frequently used and
their combination.
2. Optimize Video File Uploads
Name the video files by providing relevant keywords. Use audio and video compression
prior to uploading. To optimize the files the videos should be in QuickTime.Mov,
Windows.AVI or .MPG file format. Video should be in a 16:9 aspect ratio. Videos should
be uploaded in HD.
3. Video Description
After upload, edit the title, description and provide tags for videos. Use relevant
Keywords in finding the video.
4. Captions
Use audio transcription option provided by YouTube in creating the caption file for the
videos where the video can be accessible to the hearing impaired. This speech recognition
technology will automatically generate a caption file to the videos. External services like
captiontube.com or dotsub.com can be used to created caption file.
5. Channel Interaction
The account history and channel are the two factors in ranking the videos. So, the user
should interact, respond to comments. Subscribe to the relevant channels. Comment on
and share other videos.

9. References









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