Energy Conservation Methods in Pumps

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J. C. Cone
Senior Specialist Engineer
E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company
Engineering Department
Wilmington, Delaware

]. Cary Cone is a rotating equipment

specialist with E .I. du Pont de Nemours' CHARACTERISTICS
Engineering Department, Design Divi­
sion . He is responsible for the specifica­ Before proceeding with a detailed discussion of pump
tion, design, installation, and startup of energy saving techniques, let us review the general operating
pumps, compressors, and turbines. Pre­ characteristics of a pump and see where energy can be saved.
viously, he has worked in the Engineer­ This discussion is aimed specifically at centrifugal pumps since
ing Department's Service Division as a they form the vast majority of petrochemical pumping applica­
consultant specializing in vibration tions. However, some of the energy conservation principles
analysis, fwld troubleshooting, over­ apply equally well to other types of pumps.
haul, and upgrading of rotating equip­ Figure 1 represents a general performance curve for a
ment. Mr . Cone's eight years experience with du Pont also centrifugal pump as a plot of head (pressure) as a function of
includes assignments in plant R&D groups in Martinsburg, flow. Centrifugal pumps are variable capacity and variable
West Virginia and Nashville, Tennessee. He received his head devices as represented by the curves D1 and D2. Curves
B .S .M .E . degree in 1971 and a M .S .M.E . degree in 1972 from D1 and D2 can represent two different pumps, the same pump
Virginia Polytechnic Institute, is a registered professional at two different speeds, or the same pump with two different
engineer in Delaware and Tennessee, and is a member of diameter impellers. Pump output is determined by the point
ASME . where the system resistance (pressure or head) equals the
pump head as shown by the points 1 and 2 .

Thousands of dollars are wasted annually in a typical
petrochemical plant through inefficient operation of pumps.
Excess capacity, changing operating conditions, inefficient
control, and inadequate maintenance are some of the more
common sources of wasted energy. In many cases, significant
energy savings can be made by systematically applying existing
technology to reduce pump energy consumption. This paper
reviews available pump energy saving methods and presents
application guidelines for both new pumping designs and
retrofit into existing installations. Detailed examples are given
for each of the twenty pump energy savings techniques that are


INTRODUCTION Figure 1 . Characteristic C urve of a Typical C entrifugal

Pump .
The typical petrochemicals plant has hundreds of pumps
in operation, many of which run inefficiently and waste energy.
While the loss per pump is relatively small, this wasted energy
Pump energy losses are expressed in units of energy
can often cost a plant several hundred thousand dollars
(horsepower, Btu's, or watts). In most cases, the pump energy
annually. If energy costs continue to escalate at the present
losses cannot be measured directly and must be determined by
rate, equipment designed and installed today will operate at
analyzing the pump system power requirements, inspecting
energy costs exceeding $1,000/hp-yr before the end of its
the pump curves, and making indirect measurements such as
useful life. Today we must take steps we would not have even
flow, pressure, fluid, or pump geometry. The most basic
considered five years ago to reduce pump energy consump­
equation for evaluating pump performance is:
tion. This paper reviews proven pump energy saving tech­
niques that are applicable for both new pumping designs and
for retrofit into existing applications. By systematically apply­
Flow x Head X Specific Gravity
ing these techniques, significant energy savings can be Pump Horsepower = -- ::--
---;::- -;::�-:- ---___.!..
achieved. Pump Efficiency


From this equation, one can see that there are three funda­ of pump, general application charts such as Figure 2 or
mental causes of wasted pump energy: Figure 3 are helpful.
1 . excess flow. Proper sizing of the pump is the third step in selecting an
2. higher than necessary head. efficient pump. Probably more energy is wasted by
oversizing pumps than by any other design factor. Even
3. lower pump efficiency. the most efficient pump can be grossly inefficient if
oversized for the actual application. For pump installa­
PUM P ENERGY SAVINGS tions, considerable effort should be made to use an
efficient pump. A pump with 1% to 2% higher efficiency
TECHNIQUES can save thousands of dollars in power costs over its useful
One need consider only three fundamentals t o avoid life and can justify an initially higher cost pump. Coating
wasting pump energy: avoiding excess flow, excess head, and or polishing "as cast" impeller surfaces and smoothing
low efficiency. However, these fundamentals can be expanded impeller contours can often increase pump efficiency
into many proven pump energy saving techniques. These about 1 % . In existing installations , inefficiently operated
techniques are summarized in Table I and are discussed in pumps can be replaced with more efficient pumps.
detail in the following pages. The discussion of each method
includes advantages and disadvantages, when the method can
be used, potential for energy savings, cost to apply, and a
detailed example. These twenty energy savings methods are
presented in three groups : primary design methods, secondary
design methods, and field methods. The primary design
methods are the techniques which have the broadest applica­
tion and greatest potential savings in general pumping installa­
tions. The secondary design methods include techniques for SINGLE STAGE
use in more specialized, infrequently encountered applications
and techniques with potentially smaller energy savings. The
field methods are simple, low-cost techniques most readily
applied to existing installations . To allow a limited comparison
of one method with another and to simplify the examples, a SINGLE STAGE- MIXED FLOW

power cost of $. 045/kWh, a utility of 91% (8, 000 hr/yr), and a

motor efficiency of 89. 5% are used throughout the paper. This
100 1000 10,1100 100,1100
gives a power cost of $300/hp-yr. CAPAC tTY - GP M

Figure 2. General Head and Capacity Limits for Centrifugal

1. Use More Effwient Pump
Selecting a more efficient pump requires careful consider- 100.000 .-----.----.---,.---.

ation of three factors: 1) system design, 2) type of pump for

the job, and 3) proper sizing of the pump.
System design is the most important aspect of selecting a
more efficient pump. Good system design starts with a �

complete understanding of how the system operates, the
range of heads and flows required, and the fluid to be � 1,1100
handled. For existing pumping systems, the pump re­ �

quirements should be confirmed by actual pressure and VANE & LOBE

flow measurements. Next, the system should be analyzed � INTERNAL GEAR & CIRCUMFERENTIAL PISTON
to determine what modifications will reduce the total 0

pumping requirements. Such modifications can be as

fundamental as allowing a larger temperature rise through
heat exchangers to reduce cooling water flow or as simple
1.0 10 100 11100 10,000 100,000
as trimming an impeller to reduce excess head and flow.

Once the requirements of the pump are defined, the

second step is to choose the best type of pump for the job Figure 3. General Pressure and C apacity Limits for Positive
[ 1 , 2, 3, 4]. This means selecting a pump from a multitude Displacement Pumps.
of positive displacement (reciprocating, screw, diaphragm,
etc . ) or centrifugal (single-stage, multistage, high-speed,
vertical, etc. ) pumps. Centrifugal pumps are the best
Example 1
choice for most applications . Positive displacement pumps
are generally more efficient than centrifugal pumps and As an example of an inefficient pump, let us assume that a
should be considered whenever possible in low flow, high pump system has been properly sized and designed for
head applications and when handling viscous fluids. Of minimum energy consumption and that the system re­
course, other factors such as maintenance cost, first cost, quires 200 ft head and 800 gpm flow. Figure 4 shows two
or materials of construction greatly affect the type of pump centrifugal pumps that are properly sized for this applica­
selected. To assist in narrowing the choice to the best type tion. Pump A has a 7% higher efficiency than Pump B (74%



Use more efficient pump Generally in design stage Generally small High, requires new equip­ Efficient pumps cost little May increase spare parts
ment extra inventory

Reduce system require­ Used in design stage Variable savings; can be Variable; can justif)t Greatest flexibility to Requires early analysis
ments in design large changes that cannot be make changes in design when design uncertainties
made later are greatest

Avoid pump selection Used in design stage Moderate savings l.ow; often no cost penalty Ea'>ily applied in design Not generally applicable
limitations in design stage for retrofit

Use variable speed drives For variable flow rates Large energy savings; best Moderate to high invest­ Matches pump to system More complex control
and extended operation at in frtctional loss pumping ment requirements, increases
low flow systems operating flexibility

Pump control by throttling For variable flow from Moderate savings Moderate cost Simple, reliable, and Not effective for control-
20-100% of max. v.idely used ling low flows

Select low pressure drop Consider for any pump Variable savings: can be �o cost penalty in design; Reduces valve noise and Requires well-defined
control valves control valve large fer high-pressure mcxlerate costs to replace maintenance pump system to minimize
drop existing valves valve pressure drops
Eliminate fixed orifice by­ Pumps with a continually Modefate, l0-259t of flo\\ Moderate; requires auto­ Reduces valve noise and Increased maintenance for c
pass open bypa.'iS line is bypassed matic bypass control maintenance bypass control loop ::::
Replace oversized pumps Constant operation helow Large-, 50% or greater High; requires new pumps Saves energy at all opera- Not applicable to widely t'j
50% pump capacity power savings ting conditions varying flows z
Use multiple small pumps For large variations in Large savings High; requires additional Increase operating flexibil- Requires careful pump \:0
pumping demand pumps and control system ity and reliability control to achieve savings C'l
Use small booster pump A low flow, high pressure Large savings High investment eost for Large reduction in total Retrofit in existing instal- z
flow path in a low pres­ booster pumps system pumping power lations costly and difficult "'
sure system t'j
Power rec'Overv using a Use where high pressure Large savings, recovery of High investment eost; best Recovers energy otherv,'iSf' Requir£>s relatively con-
pump as a turbine
fluid is let down to a 40-60% total energy applied in design lost stant head and flow >-3
lower pressure
Limit the use of lower Generally used in design 5-40% energy savings -with Frequently lower capital Large energy savings Special pumping condi- z
efficiency specialty pumps stage efficient standard pump cost using standard pumps tions sometimes require >-3
less efficient pumps t'j
Avoid gas entrainment \Vhere entrainment causes Variable; can he large Moderate; generally to Increases capacity and Very limited application ::I:
head or capacity losses modify suction piping head; improves efficiency z..
Use more efficient motor Avoid oversizing motors; Small Lower for smaller stan­ Saves energy continually Cannot justify replacing
use high efficiency motors dard motors; prt>mium for
existing motors t'j
high efficiency motors "'
Eliminate pump seal Pumps handling hot liquid Variable; reduces process Low; requires hi�h tem­ Saves process energy Does not reduce pump
cooling heating & coolin!!: water perature seal such as met­ needed to reheat cooled power requirements
use a] hellows seal pumpage

Minimize losses from Use in design, seals use Very small Low eost Standard seals consume Factors other than energy
mechanical seals and less energy than packing little power are more important in
packing selecting seals

Shutdown unneeded Consider in multiple Large Low: improved operating Little or no capital invest- Increased operations atten-
pumps pump system pradiees and controls ment tion

Proper maintenance of ex­ Best in abrasive, corrosive Small. typically 4-6% pow­ Low; can be a part of Uses normal spare parts More extensive or fre-
isting pumps or low Oow and high head er savings routine shutdowns quent maintenance

Trim impeUers to reduce Centrifugal pumps with Variable; typically !0-15%­ Low Matches pump to actual Does not work with rapid-
excess head excess flow or pressure power savings operating conditions ly varying flows

Select impellers to reduce Same as trimming impel­ Moderate; up to 20% Low; requires a new im­ Matches pump to actual Does not work with rapid-
excess capacity lers power savings peller operating conditions ly varying flows


PUMP A low and sometimes requires special low NPSH pumps.

NPSHA can be increased in system design by raising
the feed tank, raising the liquid level in the feed tank,
t:u pressurizing the feed tank, inserting the pump in the
u.J 50%
u. EFFICIENT PUMP tank, or minimizing inlet pipe friction losses.
250 54.6 Bhp
c. Allow a higher cooling water temperature rise across
heat exchangers to reduce cooling water pumping
200 requirements. The temperature rise across existing
u.J heat exchangers should be checked in the field to see if
__, 150 excess cooling water is being pumped.
d. Heat a viscous process fluid prior to pumping to reduce
1- 100 viscosity. This reduces friction losses and lowers re­
quired horsepower. The cost of heating the fluid must
not outweigh the savings in pumping energy.
e. Minimize pressure drops in piping, heat exchangers,
valves, columns, and other process equipment.
400 800 1200 1600 GPM f. Separate high pressure flow loops from low pressure
t:u PUMP B flow loops. Use booster pumps where appropriate.
Example 2
The elevation above grade of feed tanks and other process
equipment is often fixed before pumps are selected. To
Cl minimize first costs, the tank heights are kept low. As
� shown in Figure 5, if the feed tank is set too low, the
: 300 savings in lower tank elevation can be offset by higher costs
required to pump 100 gpm of a .9 sg liquid at 1400 ft head.
g With the tank set at height A, only 2 ft of NPSH is available
1- 200
at minimum operating level. Limited overhead space
INEFFICIENT PUMP precludes the use of a vertical turbine pump. This
100 60.3 Bhp· application requires the use of a special low NPSH
multistage regenerative turbine pump (Pump A) which is
more expensive and less efficient than other pumps. If the
400 800 1200 tank height were increased 3 ft, NPSH available would be
CAPACITY - GPM increased to allow use of the lower cost, more efficient
horizontal multistage centrifugal pump (Pump B). This
Figure 4 . Comparison of Efficient and Inefficient Pump - results in a $15, 000 reduction in pump first costs and a
Saves 5.7 Bhp. $7, 350/yr reduction in operating costs. These savings in
pump first costs and pump operating costs easily justify the
$20, 000 additional cost to raise the tank 3 ft. However,
vs 67%), which results in a power savings of 5.7 Bhp. With once the tank height is set, it becomes increasingly costly
electricity costing $.045/kWh, this yields over $1, 700/yr
savings in power costs.
2. Reduce System Pumping Requirements in TANK

the Design Stage 1400 FT.

100 GPM
Substantial reduction. in pumping requirements can be
made in the design stage by making basic process changes
that could not be economically justified at a later stage.
While good pump selection techniques will lead to an
efficient pump and control system, this does not maximize
energy savings. Even results from sophisticated pump and
piping evaluation computer programs are only as good as
the basic input data. Some common ways to reduce
pumping system requirements in the design stage are:
a. Question the basic data. Are the maximum flow and
pressure limits realistic? Will the maximum flow occur 2. PUMP & MOTOR COST $26,000. $9,000.
with the maximum pressure? Are large turndowns 3. NPSH REQUIRED 1 FT. 4 FT.
really necessary? Answers to these and other questions 4. NPSH AVAILABLE 2 FT. 5 FT.

can reduce the oversizing of pumps and increase 5. PUMP EFFICIENCY 42% 62%
6. POWER REQUIRED 75.8 Bhp 51.3 Bhp
operating efficiency.
7. POWER COSTS (300 $ · HRIYR) $22,740 I YR. $15,390/YR.
b. Increase NPSH available to the pump - Low NPSHA
(net positive suction head available) can lead to the
selection of an oversized, less efficient pump. NPSHA Figure 5. Reduce System Pumping Requirements by Increas­
below 10 ft is considered low; NPSHA below 5 ft is very ing NPSH and Using More Efficient Pump- Saves 24.5 Bhp.

to change the tank and piping elevations . If the tank height cy pumps. No vendor's line of pumps covers a wide
is fixed too low in the early design stage, the energy range of pressure and flow with equal efficiency.
savings would not justify raising the tank at a later date. 4) "No 3500 rpm pumps". Fear of higher maintenance
Even in later design stages , it may be too costly to raise the costs with 3500 rpm pumps can limit selection to low
tank. speed pumps and can lead to larger efficiency losses,
especially in lower flow and higher head applica­
3. Avoid Pump Selection Limitations tions . These fears are no longer justified based on
Application of some pump selection procedures and rules­ the current state of the art.
of-thumb results in many oversized, inefficient pumps. c. Excess factors of safety - Two widely used pump
The common pump selection limitations fall into three selection rules which lead to oversized pumps are [5]:
general categories: 1) oversizing pumps, 2) limitations on 1) "Pumps with constant speed drives shall be capable
pump efficiency and 3) excess factors of safety. They are of at least a 5% head increase at rated conditions by
often applied with little regard to the energy costs installing a new impeller". This statement is part of
involved. Of course, other engineering factors can prevail API 610. It adds an additional 5% safety factor to a
over the energy savings involved; however, one should specification which usually already include s a large
give full consideration to the potential energy costs. The design margin. This rule leads to increase d energy
most common pump selection limitations are: consumption when a pump casing with the max­
a. Oversizing pumps - First, let's consider some of the imum sized impeller would just fit the rated specifi­
underlying reasons for oversized pumps. Many of these cations . To allow a 5% head increase, the n ext larger
reasons were once sound, conservative engineering pump casing would have to be used with a severely
practices used to "guarantee" performance. In view of trimmed impeller. In addition to purchasing a
present energy costs, many of these reasons must be larger, more expensive pump, the pump generally
reevaluated in terms of their true energy cost penalty. operates at lower efficiency. The head margin rule
1) Poorly defined basic data - S ince a pump must be should be applied with caution, especially when
sized for the worst case, increased attention should large sizing factors are already included in the
be used in selecting the extremes in head and flow. specifications .
Unrealistic combinations of head and flow often 2 ) " Don't select a pump t o operate t o the right o f the
result in pumps greatly oversized for normal condi­ best efficiency point". This is an unwritten but
tions. frequently followed rule-of-thumb which ensures
2) Multiple effect of adding "fat" - Large capacity or that a pump will not run out on the curve and also
head allowances applied by everyone from basic data provides a margin of excess capacity. This rule
preparation to vendor quotes lead to an oversized eliminates almost half of the possible pumps from
pump "guaranteed" to meet required heads and consideration (the lower capacity pumps) and results
flows. For instance, if the plant basic data, basic in the selection of larger capacity pumps. The losses
design specifications, and vendor quotations each are multiplied since the maximum capacity is usually
contained a 10% factor of safety, the resulting pump larger than the normal operating point. With the
would have 33% excess capacity. Often the factors of maximum capacity point at or slightly to the left of
safety are included in less obvious ways. Uncertain­ the best efficiency point, the pump must be throt­
ties in scaling basic data from other plants or flow tled back to a lower efficiency portion of the pump
sheets leads to some "fat". Other fat is applied as curve for normal operation. By allowing pumps to be
high control valve pressure drops to allow for selected to the limit of the pump curve, the max­
control. imum operating point can fall to the right of the best
efficiency point. When throttled back to normal
3) Allowances for future capacity - Oversized pumps flow, the pump would operate closer to the best
installed so plant capacity can be increased by efficiency point.
opening a valve is an expensive operating flexibility.
The energy wasted in the months or years before the
expansion is needed can often pay for new pumps Example 3
several times over, and sometimes the planned To illustrate two common pump selection limitations ,
expansion never materializes . consider the selection o f a pump for a maximum flow of
4 ) Plant operating conditions change from design con­ 1300 gpm at 140 ft head and a normal flow of 1 000 gpm at
ditions . 120 ft head. From Figure 6 we can see that Pump A will
operate at the maximum flow condition at 78% efficiency
b. Subtle limitations on pump efficiency - Everyone says
and will use 58. 9 Bhp. Pump A must be throttled to
they selected the most efficient pump, but how often
operate normally at 1 000 gpm, 162 ft head, 79% efficiency,
was it selected under one of these restrictions?
and 51 . 8 Bhp. While this pump meets the flow require­
1) "The pump must be a centrifugal". Many applica­ ments, it violates two common pump selection limitations .
tions could be more efficiently handled by other The maximum rated flow of P u m p A is t o the right o f the
types of pumps. best efficiency point and a larger impeller cannot be used
2) "Only an ANSI pump will be used". Using ANSI to increase the head an additional 5%. If either of these
pumps can simplify installation and design and rules are applied, then the next larger pump casing size
minimize spare parts; however, other pumps may be would be selected (Pump B with a 12 " impeller). At
better choices in some cases. maximum flow, Pump B would operate at 1300 gpm , 140 ft
3) "Use one vendor for all the pumps". While one head, 74% efficiency, and 62. 1 Bhp. Pump B must be
vendor's selection may be a good choice for most of throttled well back on the curve to operate normally at
the pumps, he may have quoted some lower efficien- 1000 gpm , 150 ft head, 65% efficiency, and 58. 3 Bhp.

PUMP A: 4 x 6 - 13 When should variable speed pump operation be used?

Since variable speed drives generally have a higher
investment cost than bypass or throttle control systems,
they should be used only where the total energy, process,
and maintenance savings will pay for the increased invest­
140 ment. Pump systems where the head and/or flow require­
� SYSTEM ments vary and are frequently operated below 75% of
= 100 maximum design conditions are likely candidates for
� 60
variable speed operation. Pumping systems with mostly
frictional resistance (losses proportional to flow) offer
greater potential energy saving than mostly static systems
20 (losses independent of flow), and are thus easier to justify
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 GPM the use of variable speed control. Use of variable speed
drives must be evaluated on a case by case basis after the
pump system operation is fully analyzed at all flow rates.
PUMP B: 6 x 8 - 13
There are many different ways to vary pump speed; the
NORMAL 58.3 Bhp
more common methods are listed below. It is beyond the
scope of this paper to discuss in detail each type of variable
speed drive:
140 • S team turbines
MAX IMPELLER • Gas turbines
• Internal combustion engines
• Variable frequency drives
• DC drives
• Wound rotor motors
400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 GPM
CAPACITY • Traction drives
• Fluid drive coupling
Figure 6. A void Pump Selection Limitation by Using Pump
with Maximum Size ImpeUer and Operation to Right of Best • Magnetic clutch
Effwiency Point- Saves 6 .5 Bhp at Normal Operation. • Variable pitch sheave belt drives
• V-belt drive
Compared to Pump A, the larger Pump B would require • Two-speed motors
5% more power (3.2 Bhp) at maximum flow and 13% more
power (6. 5 Bhp) at normal operation. If the pump operated Example 4
at normal rates 75% of the time and at maximum flow 25%
of the time , it would cost $ 1 , 700/yr (based on $. 045/kWh) Variable speed control can match the system resistance
in increased power costs to follow either design selection curve and can save energy at reduced flow rates (see
limitation. Figure 7). At the 100% capacity point, the pump performs
equally well with variable speed, throttle, or no control.
4. Use Variable Speed Drives
Variable speed operation is the most efficient means of
matching pump output to varying system requirements in B - 34.6 Bhp, 73% EFF.
many pumping applications . Variable speed operation of
centrifugal pumps can match the output of the pump to the 180 r---�---
system and save the energy that is normally lost as
pressure drop across a control valve or as excess flow in a
bypass system. Additional energy savings are obtained
with variable speed operation due to increased pump
efficiency. The pump's best efficiency point maintains its
relative position on the pump curve as speed is reduced 1780 RPM
and this results in a higher pump efficiency at low flows
than can be obtained through throttling. Further savings
60 1375 RPM
from variable speed operation result from reduced pump
maintenance cost. Also, control valve maintenance costs 40

can be eliminated by using variable speed control to 20

replace control valves. Lower speed operation of pumps
reduces vibration and wear and reduces seal and bearing O L----400�-�800���1200�--716�0�2000�--�240-�280
problems. In some cases, process savings can result from CAPACITY- GPM
variable speed pump operation. For instance, heat build­
up and high turbulence from throttled high speed pumps Figure 7. Variable Speed C ontrol Matches Pump to System­
can cause product degradation and/or breakup of crystals Saves 57.7 B hp vs No C ontrol, Saves 36.7 Bhp vs Throttle
in some process applications . Control.

The pump runs at 2000 gpm flow, 148 ft head, 81% due to thrust bearing failure or heating and seizing of the
efficiency, and 92. 3 Bhp. However, at 50% capacity, the pump rotor.
pump speed is reduced to 1375 rpm and operates at point
B (1000 gpm , 100 ft head, 73% efficiency, and 34. 6 Bhp). From an energy conservation viewpoint, throttle control
This is a savings of 57. 7 Bhp compared to no control (point should generally be used in preference to no control or
A) and 36. 7 Bhp compared to throttle control (Figure 8 , bypass control. With no pump control, the pump will run
point B). With $. 045/k:Wh power and half time operation at out on the pump curve (Figure 8, point A). Any excess flow
50% capacity, the power savings are $8, 600/yr and represents wasted energy. By throttling the pump dis­
$5, 500/yr, respectively. charge, the pump will operate further back on the system

curve and will use less energy (Figure 8, point B). A
bypass control system consumes energy like a pump
B - 71.3 Bhp, 62% EFF. system with no control; the pump always operates out on
the pump curve at maximum flow. As a control system,
bypass control generally does not save energy. Two
A- 92.3 Bhp, 81% EFF. exceptions are the use of bypass control for high specific
speed pumps (mixed flow and axial flow) and for regenera­
tive turbine pumps. These pumps require more power at
140 low flow than at design flow, and throttle control would
ol20 require more power than bypass control. Bypass control
does offer a reliable way to control very low flow rates , a
;5 low cost way to maintain constant header supply pressure,
1'2 80
and a means of controlling positive displacement pumps.
In addition to replacing bypass control or no control, there
are additional considerations in using throttle control.
Throttle control should be considered where rapidly
400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 variable flows are required . Good control can be main­
CAPACITY- GPM tained from 20% to 100% of the m aximum flow. Throttling
should be avoided at flows below 20% of the pump best
Figure 8. Pump Control by Throttling- Saves 21 Bhp vs No efficiency flow on most single stage pumps. Some high
Control. horsepower or multistage pumps can be damaged if
throttled below 75% of the design flow.
Example 5

5. Pump Control by Throttling Throttle control of a centrifugal pump can save energy over
Controlling a centrifugal pump by throttling the pump an uncontrolled system. The pump shown in F igure 8
discharge is an energy wasteful practice. However, throt­ recirculates a process solution (sg = 1 . 0) at a design rate of
tle control of a centrifugal pump is generally less energy 2000 gpm. The system resistance curve is made up of 84 ft
wasteful than two other widely used pump control alterna­ static head and friction head and friction head that varies
tives: no control and bypass control. As such, throttle with the flow. The process runs on hourly cycles and
control can represent a means to save pump energy. Also, operates for half the time at 50% capacity. The energy
throttle control is the most widely used and is often the savings from using throttle control to reduce recycle flow
lowest investment cost method to control the output of a during the 50% capacity cycle needs to be determined.
With no control, the pump operates constantly at the 100%
centrifugal pump.
design point A (2000 gpm, 148 ft head, 81% efficiency, and
Throttling the discharge is a simple, effective method of 92. 3 Bhp). H throttled to 50% capacity, the pump will
controlling the output of a centrifugal pump. S ince a operate at point B (1000 gpm , 175 ft head, 62% efficiency,
centrifugal pump is a variable capacity device, it will and 71 . 3 Bhp) for a savings of 2 1 Bhp. With $ . 045/k:Wh
operate at the intersection of the pump curve and the power and 50% operation at half capacity, this saves
system curve. H the pump discharge is throttled by closing $3, 150/yr in power costs .
a valve , the pressure drop across the valve increases and
causes the pump to operate back on the pump curve, While throttling saves horsepower compared to n o control,
considerable horsepower is still lost across the control
thereby reducing the pump output. The throttling can be
valve . The control valve loss is over 30. 5 Bhp at point B.
controlled manually or by an automatically actuated con­
Variable speed control, as previously discussed, is a more
trol valve.
energy-efficient control alternative.
There can be problems in using throttling control. First,
the pressure drop across a control valve represents a loss of
energy. S econd, as a single volute pump is throttled back, 6. Select Valves for
hydraulic radial forces on the impeller increase and result Lower Pressure Drop
in increased shaft deflection and vibration. This often leads Pressure drop across a control valve represents a waste of
to rapid wear and failure of seals, bearings, wear rings, energy. Valve pressure drop can be reduced by m atching
impellers, and shafts. Third, a severely throttled pump the pump to the system requirements. S till further energy
operates with much internal recirculation which can lead savings can be accomplished by minimizing the pressure
to cavitation, increased vibration, high wear, and erosion. drop selected to control the valve. Generally, 5 psi or less
Fourth, pumps throttled back near shutoff rapidly gener­ is an adequate pressure drop to maintain good control at
ate heat which can boil the liquid and cause it to run dry. the maximum design point in a single flow path system.
On multistage pumps, this can destroy a pump in minutes When a control valve is selected with a higher pressure

drop, the total cost penalty often involves more than the a. Valves smaller than line size. Many flows could be
energy lost across the valve. The higher pressure drop controlled with line sized valves instead of smaller,
requires a higher head pump which often results in a higher pressure drop valves.
larger, more expensive pump and motor and reduced b. Valve positioners that show a heavily throttled valve.
pump efficiency. Also, valve noise and maintenance are The system may be oversized and may operate between
increased as the valve pressure drop is increased. 25-50% instead of 50-95% capacity.
There are many reasons why pump control valves are c. Noisy valves frequently indicate excessive throttling.
frequently found with 5 to 50 psi pressure drops. The
valves are undersized or oversized for the actual flows. d. Valves requiring excessive maintenance.
High pressure drop valves such as globe valves were used e. Globe valves.
where low pressure drop valves like butterfly valves could f. Single valves used for high turndowns. B eyond a 5: 1
have been used. Rules of thumb (such as taking 50% of turndown, two valves in parallel may be a better
system pressure drop across the control valve or adding an choice.
extra pressure drop margin) were used in selecting control
valves to avoid detailed system analysis. Oversized pumps The second step is to accurately measure the valve
and excessive basic data flow rates resulted in oversized pressure drop and flow over the actual operating range.
systems. Wider than necessary flow control ranges result­ With this data in hand, one can work with a valve specialist
ed in high valve pressure drops. In defense of the to reduce pressure drop at maximum flow to 5 psi or less.
designer, some extra control margin afforded by taking This ml!y be as simple as selecting a different valve trim.If
higher valve losses is necessary to allow for constantly the pressure drops are high enough, the energy savings
changing basic data, for the uncertainties of scaling up may justifY replacing the valve. After the valve has been
process flow sheets, and to meet normal design timing. selected for a lower pressure drop, the pump head must
also be reduced in order to realize the energy savings.
By concentrating on energy losses at the design stage,
control valves that combine low pressure drop and good Example 6
control can be selected. The most useful parameter in To illustrate the use of lower pressure drop control valves,
sizing a control valve is the valve flow coefficient which consider the typical application of a 1 % X 3-13 centrifugal
relates the maximum flow through a valve, valve pressure pump as shown in Figure 9. For a 200 gpm flow, the
drop, and liquid specific gravity: system consists of a 60 ft static head, 30 ft of friction head,
and the control valve pressure drop. The system was
/ P -P2
Q = Cv� 1
initially selected with a low Cv (high pressure drop) control
'V ·sg valve which required a pump to operate at point A (200
where Cv valve flow coefficient from vendor gpm, 145 ft, 53% efficiency, and 13.8 Bhp). The 13 in.
catalog, impeller and 15 Bhp motor were selected to meet these
Q flow in gpm, conditions.
P1-P2 = pressure drop across valve in psi,
sg liquid specific gravity.

The valve Cv depends on the type valve. For a given flow, VALVE 53% EFF, 13.8 Bhp
gate valves have higher Cv's (lower pressure drop) than ball 180
valves, and ball valves have higher Cv's than globe valves.

160 VALVE 53% EFF, 9. 5 Bhp

The Cv also increases with valve size. Within a given size,
140 11"
valve Cv (and flow characteristics) can be changed by C>

changing the valve trim. The key to selecting a low � 120r-----

pressure drop valve is maximizing the valve Cv. Of course, � 100
there are many factors involved in selecting a control valve; 80
therefore, valve selection should be left to a specialist.The SYSTEM
60 1------
following points in selecting low pressure drop valves
should receive special emphasis: 40
a. Control valves must be equipped with good
positioners. 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
b. Upstream pressure and temperature as functions of
flow rate and downstream pressure as a function of flow Figure 9. Use Low Pressure Drop Control Valve- Saves 4.3
rate should be specified for valve selection. Bhp.
c. System turndown must be specified before control
valves are selected. This includes maximum and
minimum flow rates. Field m easurement has found 23.8 psi pressure drop
d. With large turndowns and small valve pressure drops, across valve A. How much savings could be achieved if this
two parallel valves may be required to achieve control. valve drop were reduced? Good control could be achieved
with as little as a 10 ft (4.3 psi) valve pressure drop. The
Pump energy savings can be achieved in existing installa­ lower pressure drop valve would allow the pump to
tions by reducing excessive valve pressure drops.The first operate at point B (200 gpm , 100 ft, 53% efficiency, and 9.5
step is to identifY potentially wasteful valves by looking for Bhp).This reduces the pump requirements by 4.3 Bhp and
any of several factors: saves $ 1 , 290/yr in power costs with $.0 45/kWh electrical

B 250 Bhp
costs. This savings could be achieved by changing the valve •

trim from a Cv = 41 to a Cv = 96 and then reducing the

impeller diameter from 13 in to 11 in. Replacement valves
could also be justified if the energy savings were great 1600
8 1-

-- ----- ------ ---

enough. If this were a new design instead of a retrofit, a 1400 1

smaller, cheaper 10 Bhp motor could have been selected I

;:5 1200

instead of a 15 Bhp motor for additional investment :I:

savings. � 1000
7. Eliminate the Use of Fixed Orifice --'
;:; 600 I
Bypass Flow for Pump Dead Head Protection g AUTO BYPASS CONTROL1
A fixed orifice wastes energy when in continually bypasses
flow from pump discharge to return. It is found on most lOll 200 300 400 500 600
boiler feed pumps and on many multistage process pumps CAPACITY - GPM

handling volatile liquids near their boiling point. Typi­

cally, 10% to 25% of the process flow is bypassed. In Figure 1 0 . A utomatic Control Closes Continuously Open
addition to wasting energy, the continuous bypass in­ Bypass Orifwe- Saves 37 Bhp.
creases capital costs by oversizing pumps and motors .
A bypass is essential to protect multistage pumps at low line, the pump would operate at point B (450 gp m , 1650 ft
flows. For instance, boiler feed pumps are normally head, 72% efficiency, and 250 Bhp). This saves 37 Bhp or
handling water near the boiling point. As the pump is $11, 000/yr with $ . 045/kWh power. The savings will easily
throttled back near shutoff, the power taken by the pump justify the cost of a bypass control loop. Note that the
goes into heating the water. At shutoff, only a few minutes savings are large even though the pump is throttled back
operation will flash the water in the first stage to steam and slightly so it runs at a higher head and lower efficiency. If
cause the first stage to run dry. In a close tolerance the pump had been sized initially with automatic bypass
multistage pump, this will destroy the pump by overheat­ protection, additional power savings would have been
ing and seizing. To prevent this damage, a minimum flow gained by selecting a pump for more efficient operation.
through the pump is used to prevent the temperature rise
through the pump from exceeding 10° to 15° F. At low 8. Replace Oversized Pumps
flows, a bypass is necessary to maintain the required
minimum flow (typically 10% to 25% of the design flow). Oversized pumps represent the largest single source of
However, at process flow rates above the pump minimum wasted pump energy. An oversized pump operates at a
flow, the bypass becomes unnecessary. higher head or flow than required and if throttled, it
operates at a lower efficiency. E ach of these conditions
If the bypass is necessary only at low flows, why is a waste energy. Under certain circumstances, an oversized
continously open bypass orifice used? The reasons usually pump can be replaced with a smaller more efficient pump.
offered are: 1) the orifice is low cost, 2) it's reliable, and 3) First, consider pumps that operate at a fixed speed and
it's failsafe (always open). Although an orifice has a low have a relatively fixed capacity. Highly variable flow rates
initial cost, its energy cost is very high. are better handled by variable speed control, throttle
control, or multiple pump operation. Next, look for pumps
There is no question that an orifice is reliable and failsafe;
suspected of pumping more flow than required . These
but, automatic bypass control can be designed failsafe also.
pumps are often throttled back by either a manual or an
An instrumented flow control loop can be designed to
automatic valve. A quick check of the vendor's pump curve
bypass liquid at low flows and to close the bypass once the
will show the range of impeller sizes for the particular
process demand exceeds minimum flow. This system
pump. In most cases, limited reductions in exces s flow or
bypasses only the flow necessary to assure the total flow
head (typically 10% to 50% ) can be achieved by trimming
exceeds the pump minimum flow requirements. A typical
impellers . Capacity corrections greater than impeller
system consists of a check valve, recirculation valve,
modifications may justify a replacement pump. This must
orifice, controller, and flow sensor. While complex, the
be determined case-by-case.
flow control loop can be made both reliable and failsafe. An
attractive alternative to an instrumented, flow control loop Large energy losses from greatly oversized pumps are
is an automatic recirculation control valve. These valves often not the only problem . Excessive throttling from
function as a complete, self-contained bypass system. The oversized pumps can result in high vibration and noise and
valve body actually contains a check valve, flow sensor, lead to increased pump and valve maintenance costs.
and bypass controller. The energy savings from eliminat­
ing a continuous bypass will often justify either system of Example 8
automatic bypass control.
Oversized pumps can be replaced with smaller pumps. For
example, a process pump was specified for 800 gp m flow at
Example 7 300 ft head. This included a 2X flow allowance (based on
A four-stage boiler feed pump is supplying 450 gpm of original design maximum flow) for a future capacity
210°F water (sg = . 96) to make 216, 000 pph of 600 psig increase. A standard ANS I 3 X 4 ductile iron pump with 9
steam. The pump is bypassing 25% of the total flow in impeller was originally chosen (Figure 11, Pump A).
through a fixed orifice (Figure 10, point A). Presently, the When the actual process operating conditions were
pump is operating at 600 gpm , 1500 ft head, 76% measured, they were found to be only 200 gpm at 150 ft
efficiency, and 287 Bhp. If the fixed orifice were replaced head (one-fourth the original design flow). Pump A was
by an automatic bypass control system to close the bypass throttled and operated at 200 gpm , 360 ft head, 44%

t;:; PUMP A = 3 x 4 - 13 ANSI demands. Of all the methods of pump energy conserva­
tion, this method leads to some of the largest savings.
500 Multiple pumps can be used: 1) in parallel to provide a
41.3 Bhp widely ranging flow at relatively constant head, or 2) in
series to provide a range of pressure at relatively contant
400 9"
Control of a m ultiple pump system is vital to realizing
energy savings. M aximum energy savings are only ob­
0 7"
tained when the minimum number of pumps are operated.
200 Manual pump control can be used where capacity varia­
tions are slow. Production line or shift demands and
100 23.0 Bhp
seasonal cooling or heating loads are slow demand
changes . Automatic start-up/shutdown and control of
pumps are needed for more rapid demand variations . Also,
automatic control can simplify pump operation and elimi­
nate power losses from improper system operation.
PUMP B = 2 x 3 - 8 ANSI Proper control is not the only potential problem for
multiple pumps systems. Check valves and block valves
can leak a large percentage of the flow back through a

shutdown parallel pump. A second potential problem is

250 the selection of centrifugal pumps to operate in parallel. If
13.9 Bhp nonidentical pumps having different head characteristics
:r: 6-1/2""
200 are used, one pump could assume the entire load or even
pump in reverse through the pump with the lower head.
0 These potential problems point out that using multiple
pumps requires more careful consideration than using a
single pump. However, if carefully applied, multiple
100 pump systems can pay off with large energy savings.
Example 9
50 100 150 200 250 300 GPM Multiple small pumps can be used to reduce pump energy
CAPACITY requirements. Figure 12 shows a pumping system de­
signed to provide 1 , 000 to 10, 000 gpm of cooling water.
Figure 1 1 . Replace Oversized Pump - Saves 27.4 Bhp vs Bypass control is used to m aintain a constant 120 ft header
Original Impeller, Saves 9 .1 Bhp vs Minimum Impeller. pressure . The system was originally designed with two
identical pumps rated for 5200 gpm at 120 ft head. After a
year's operation, the system flow rates were found to vary
efficiency, and 41.3 Bhp . A look at pump curve A shows

the actual operating point cannot be met even with the
minimum size impeller and a replacement pump should be
considered. By limiting the replacement pump selection to ·� ,.�,�

standard ANSI pumps, installation costs can be minimized.

Note that Pump B (2 X 3 - 8) will fit in the same 23Y2 in space
as Pump A, thus minimizing installation costs . Pump B has BYPASS EXCESS

been sized with some extra head and flow capllcity and will
operate slightly throttled at 200 gpm, 165 ft head, 60% 220

efficiency, and 13. 9 Bhp. Power consumption is reduced

27. 4 Bhp compared to the original impeller and 9. 1 Bhp H
(FT )
compared to the minimum impeller. With $ . 045/kWh 140

power, the respective savings are $8, 220/yr and $2, 730/yr. 100

These savings justify a replacement pump.

8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104 112
(1) (2) (3) (4)

9. Use Multiple Small Pumps in FLOW (GPM x 100)

Place of a Single Large Pump

Substantial energy savings can be realized where there are SYSTEM
large variations in pumping demand by using multiple POINT (GPM ) MONTHS RUN � COST* � � COST*

small pumps in place of a single large pump. M ultiple 1,600 6M O A 197 29,550 68 10,200
4,500 3MO A 197 14,775 A 197 14,775
pumps offer an alternative to variable speed, bypass, or 6,500 2M O A+B 394 19,700 A+C 265 13,250
throttle control. The savings results from shutdown of one 10,000 1M O A+B 394 9,850 A+B 394 9,850

or more pumps at low system flow while the remaining TOTAL $73,875 $48,076

pumps operate at high efficiency. M ultiple small pumps

should be considered when the minimum pumping load is *POWER COST = 300$/HP ·VA = 25$/HP · MO
less than half the single large pump maximum capacity.
Multiple pumps are commonly used in chilled water Figure 1 2. Use Small Pump in Multiple Pump System- Saves
systems, for boiler feed, and to meet cyclic production $25,800/yr.

as shown in Figure 12. Even with two pumps, considerable I . SYSTEM POWER REQUIREMENTS WITHOUT BOOSTER PUMPS ( 886Bhp)

water was being bypassed and the power costs totaled

240 FT.
$73, 875/yr. By adding the smaller capacity Pump C in PRESSURE REDUC I N G
parallel with the existing pumps, much smaller control 240 FT.
120 FT.
increments could be obtained. This led to the $25, 800/yr 12,000 GPM
886 Bhp 8,000 GPM

reduction in power costs shown. 240 FT.

4,000 GPM


10. Use Small Booster Pumps to
Reduce System Power Requirements
Overall system energy requirements can be reduced by A' "" 242Bhp , 75% E F F.

the use of a booster pump if two conditions are met. First, B = 148Bh p , 8 2% E F F.
A= 443 Bhp , 82% E F F.
the pumping system must have more than one user or flow
path. Second, one of the flow paths must be at a lower flow
and substantially higher pressure than the remainder of
the system. The energy savings are obtained by using a
small booster pump to provide the high pressure flow and
:: �

to allow the remainder of the system to operate at lower 2000 4000 6000 8000 GPM 2000 4000 6000 GPM

pressure and reduced power. Plant water systems are the I I . SYSTEM POWER REQUIREMENTS W I TH BOOSTER PUMPS

most common multiple path pumping system . A single { 484Bhp + 148Bhp = 63 2Bhp)

low-flow, high pressure user might force the entire plant

water system to run at a higher pressure than otherwise 120 FT.
12, 000 GPM
required. For examples, a tall building might require a 100 484Bhp

ft higher head pressure than the rest of the plant, or one

process might require higher pressure water than the rest
of the system, e. g. , a process using high pressure water
Substantial reductions in energy costs can be achieved in
systems meeting the above conditions . The multiple user
flow systems are generally the plant's larger pumping Figure 1 3 . Small Booster Pump Reduces Total System Power
- Saves 254 Bhp .
systems where even small head reductions result in large
horsepower savings . The best time to apply this method is
in the design stage. Often, high pressure users can be
grouped on the same flow path to reduce total system have been achieved by selecting a more efficient pump to
pumping requirements. Field installation of a booster operate at point A ' .
pump is less common, but can result in large energy
savings. 1 1 . Recover Power Using a
Pump as a Turbine
High pressure water or process fluid let down to a lower
Example 10
pressure through an orifice or control valve is a source of
Booster pumps reduce total system power requirements as frequently wasted energy. If this high pressure liquid were
illustrated in Figure 13. Two identical pumps supply 8000 passed through a hydraulic turbine, much of the wasted
gpm of 50 psi water to the powerhouse and 4000 gpm of energy could be converted to shaft horsepower. M any
100 psi water to the plant. These two pumps operate at standard centrifugal pumps will operate efficiently in
point A (6000 gpm , 240 ft head, 82% efficiency, and 443 reverse as hydraulic turbines. This allows low cost stan­
Bhp) and use 886 Bhp. Because the pumps must operate at dard centrifugal pumps to be used as power recovery
the maximum system pressure to supply the plant, the turbines. The turbine output can be used to directly drive
powerhouse water is pressure reduced to 50 psi. This pumps, other process equipm ent, or an electrical
pressure reduction represents a 296 Bph energy loss. To generator. Since the pump has no speed regulating
reduce the power loss across the reducing valve, booster mechanism when used as a turbine, speed will vary with
pump B is used to increase the plant water pressure from the head and flow. However, by slightly undersizing the
120 ft head to 240 ft head. Pump B operates at 120 ft head, pump/turbine and by using an auxiliary power source such
4000 gpm, 82% efficiency, and 148 Bhp . This allows the as an electric motor to drive the hydraulic turbine through
primary pumps A to operate at the lower pressure point A ' a double-ended shaft, a constant output speed can be
b y reducing the impeller diameter and by removing the obtained for variable inlet head and flows. Hydraulic
pressure reducing valve. Each Pump A' will operate at power recovery turbines are best applied for capacities
6000 gpm, 120 ft head, 75% efficiency, and will draw 242 greater than 100 gpm and pressure greater than 1 00 psi.
Bhp . Total power for the system with the booster pump For smaller horsepower applications, the reduced efficien­
will be 632 Bhp compared with 886 Bhp for the original cy of the hydraulic turbine makes power recovery difficult
system. This 254 Bhp reduction represents $76, 200/yr to justify economically. Since turbine efficiency and output
power saving with $. 045/kWh power. The savings will fall off the head or flow are reduced, this technique is best
justify a field retrofit of a booster pump and new smaller applied to relatively constant head and flow situations .
impellers for Pump A. If the system had been designed Turbine power output typically falls to zero a s flow is
originally with a booster pump, additional savings would reduced to 35% to 40% of best efficiency capacity. A s a first

approximation in selecting a pump to operate as a turbine, 12. Limit the Use of Lower
one may assume the pump will operate with the same EffiCiency Specialty Pumps
efficiency as either a pump or turbine for a given head and Pump energy consumption can be reduced in the design
flow. However, the pump vendor should be consulted stage by limiting the use of specialty pumps. Many special
before making a final selection. Potential energy savings purpose pumps have lower efficiencies than standard
are large for this method. Because of the large equipment centrifugal pumps. Occasionally, unusual pumping system
investment required for a turbine/pump, motor/generator, requirements lead to the use of a nonstandard pump.
and controls, this energy saving technique is best applied However, each use should be carefully evaluated to
in the design stage. determine if the special pump is necessary and worth the
loss in efficiency. The more common types of special
Example 11 pumps are discussed below.
Standard centrifugal pumps can be used as hydraulic a. Self-priming pumps are 10% to 20% less efficient than
turbines to recover power typically lost as pressure drop comparable horizontal or vertical centrifugal pumps.
across a valve. Figure 14 shows such a power recovery The self-priming pump has built-in chambers in front of
technique applied to a high pressure scrubbing system in a the impeller which trap sufficient liquid to allow the
chemical process. The chemistry requires that 2250 gpm pump to start repeatedly. Friction loss and recircula­
process fluid be supplied to a scrubber at 400 psi. The fluid tion in these chambers lead to the high loss in
exits the scrubber at 365 psi, where it can be pressure efficiency. Standard horizontal pumps with primiJ:lg
reduced through either a turbine or a control valve. The systems or vertical pumps should be considered in
process is a constant pressure and flow operation which can place of self-priming pumps.
be met by a pump operating at 2250 gpm, 900 ft head, 82%
b. Solids handling pumps for use with slurries, paper
efficiency, and 624 Bhp. A 700 hp electric motor was
selected to drive the pump. By using a pump with a stock, sewage, etc. , are typically 2% to 10% less
efficient than standard centrifugals. S lower running
double-ended shaft as a power recovery turbine, 57% of
speeds, larger clearances, and nonclog impellers ac­
the total pumping power can be recovered from the
count for the efficiency loss. S tandard centrifugal
recycled process fluid. The electric motor provides full
start-up power, and as the turbine picks up the load, the pumps will handle some solids, and it may be more
motor load is reduced. The motor also controls the speed of economical to unclog an efficient pump occasionally
the turbine and pump. In this case, the pump running as a instead of using a less efficient solids-handling pump.
turbine will supply 354 Bhp from 820 ft head and 2250 gpm c. Canned motor pumps are typically 5% to 15% less
flow. At $. 045/kWh power .cost, the power recovered efficient than standard centrifugal pumps. They are
represents savings of over $106, 000/yr. used where zero leakage is demanded, where a pump

H Y D R A U L I C T U R B I N E 6 x 10 (SI N G L E STAG E ) PUMP 8 x 10 x 12 (2 STAG E )

1 000 1 40 0

900 1 30 0
820 FT. 624 Bhp
... 800 1 200
... 82% E F F •
... ...
!l 700 !l 1 1 00
Cl Cl
... 600 1 000
= =
u u 900 F T .
:i :i
900 - - - -
c c
z z
> 400 > 800
Cl Cl
_, _,
c 300 c 700
.... ....
Cl Cl
.... 200 .... 600

1 00

0 400 800 1 200 1 600 2400 0 500 1 00 0 1 50 0 2000 2500 3000 3500

Figure 1 4. Recover Power Using Pump as a Hydraulic Turbine - Saves 354 B hp.

seal failure could cause disaster, or for high suction 13. Avoid Gas Entrainment
pressure appications . Gas entrainment in a pump can lead to large capacity,
d. Air operated pumps, e ither air operated diaphragm or head, and efficiency losses . E ntrainment can occur from
air motor driven, tend to have higher operating costs air or gas being introduced into the p\lmp at the s uction in
because plant air is more costly per horsepower than a number of ways: vortexing, insufficient submergence
electricity. depth, improper location of a bypass line, poor sump
design, gas released from the process, or air leaks in the
Limiting the use of specialty pumps is not a widely
piping system. For whatever the reason, the results are
applicable energy conservation method and is best applied
the same. As little as 1% to 2% gas entrained in a
at the design stage. However, sizeable energy savings can
centrifugal pump can lead to a 3% to 15% reduction in
be made under the proper conditions. Occasionally, even a
head and a large efficiency loss .
retrofit of existing equipment may be justified.
Measuring the amount o f entrained gas i s very difficult;
however, the problem is usually readily apparent from a
Example 12 large reduction in head. If analysis of a problem pump
Compare the preformance of two specialty pumps (self system shows that the pump is not developing the rated
prime and slurry) with two standard centrifugal pumps head and inspection of the pump reveals no mechanical
(horizontal and vertical) in identical service. Figure 15 problem, suspect gas entrainment. Correction of the
shows these four pumps sized for 500 gpm and 120 ft head. problem usually involves modification of the pump inlet
The standard ANSI horizontal and vertical pumps operate piping and inlet tank by increasing submergence, chang­
equally at 73% efficiency and 20. 8 Bhp. The self-prime ing sump design, using vortex breakers, and other means.
pump operates at 53% efficiency and draws 28. 6 Bhp. This
represents a 38% increase in power consumption and Example 13
would cost $2, 340/yr (power at $ . 045/kWh) more to To illustrate the effect of entrained gas on pump perform­
operate than a vertical pump. The slurry pump operates at ance, consider a pump designed for handling 1 6 , 000 gpm
63% efficiency and requires 16% more power to operate of 1 . 3 specific gravity liquid at 40 ft head. The liquid will
than a similar horizontal pump. This extra 3 . 3 Bhp contain 10% gas released from a chemical reaction. From
represents an additional $ 1 , 000/yr to operate the slurry actual performance tests, the pump was found to operate at
pump. 16,000 gpm, 1 17 ft head, 82% efficiency, and 750 Bhp

2 8 .6 Bhp
1 60 53% E F F .
2 00

1 80 20.8 B h p 1 40
73% E F F .
1 60 1 20
Cl 1 40 Cl
< ::5 1 00
� 1 20 :c
;i 1 00 <
80 1- 60
0 1 DO 200 300 400 500 600 G PM 200 300 400 500 600 G PM

2 4 . 1 Bhp
1 60 63% E F F .
1 80
2 0 .8 Bhp
73% E F F . 1 40
1 60

1 40 1 20
Cl Cl
� 1 20
::5 1 00


1 00
1- 1-
80 60

60 40


0 0
1 00 200 300 400 500 600 G PM 1 00

Figure 1 5. Limit the Use of Lower EffiCiency Specialty Pumps.


when there is no entrained gas. When running on 10% Many recent publications point out the potential savings
entrained gas, the pump performance was reduced to 40 ft that could result from using "high efficiency" motors. In
head, 16, 000 gpm, 35% efficiency, and 540 Bhp. With a reality, only modest energy savings can be realized from
smaller impeller and no entrained gas, the pump could using the higher efficiency motors manufactured today.
operate at 16,000 gpm flow, 40 ft head, 80% efficiency, and Figure 16 represents the typical efficiencies of NEMA B
263 Bhp. The effect of the entrained gas increased the motors suitable for chemical industry service. The greatest
power required by 277 hp (263 hp to 540 hp) and increased potential for improving these efficiencies by using "high
power costs by over $83, 000/yr. efficiency" motors is in the 1 hp to 20 hp size range. Above
20 hp, the anticipated efficiency gains grow smaller;
14. Use More Efficient Motors existing motors over 200 hp are already relatively efficient.
Since most pumps are motor-driven, energy savings can A high efficiency motor does not substantially differ from a
be made by avoiding inefficient operation of pump drive conventional electric motor. Efficiency improvements re­
motors and by using more efficient motors. Motor efficien­ sult from reducing motor losses by: 1) adding more copper
cy can be improved by avoiding part load operation. First, in the windings to reduce I 2R losses, 2) using higher
variable flow rates may lead to extended operation at quality steel and thinner laminations to reduce core losses,
reduced flow rates and reduced motor loads. Second, 3) using higher quality components to reduce windage and
oversized pumps that are throttled back or pumps with friction losses, and 4) using optimal slot and air gap design
smaller impellers may have been sized for a motor to be to reduce stray load losses. In addition to improving
nonoverloading at the maximum possible pump power efficiency, these improvements can increase manufactur­
requirement. Both cases can result in an oversized motor ing costs, decrease reliability and decrease other motor
operating at part load. For part load operation between performance characteristics.
half and full power, no motor efficiency penalty is suffered
by using the oversized motor instead of a smaller motor.
Example 14
The increase in motor efficiency as motor size increases
offsets the decrease in motor efficiency at half load (see To illustrate the savings available from using a more
Figure 16). Thus a 20 hp motor can operate as efficiently at efficient motor, let us look at a fully loaded, 1800 rpm, 20
10 hp as a 10 hp motor. However, motor efficiency falls off hp motor. An existing 20 hp motor has a 90% efficiency and
rapidly below half load so that oversized motors running at a high efficiency motor has a 92% efficiency. Using
less than half load are much less efficient than properly $ . 045/kWh power and 8 , 000 hr/yr operation, the existing
sized motors (note the decreased efficiency of the 40 Bhp motor has an annual power cost of $5, 968/yr and the high
motor operating at 10 Bhp in Figure 16). Although efficiency motor has an annual operating cost of $5, 8.38/yr.
reduced motor efficiency becomes a factor below half load In this case, the high efficiency motor can save $ 130/yr
operation, the energy savings ean rarely justify replace­ which can justify a premium price for the high efficiency
ment of existing motors. motor, but it will not justify replacing the existing motor.

F U L L L O A D E F F I C I E N C Y F O R 1 800 RPM M O T O R S
O U A R T E R L OA O E F F I C I E N C Y F O R 1 800 R PM M O T O R S

E F F I C I E N C Y (%)

- -
- -

3 5 10 20 50 1 00 250 1 000


Figure 1 6. Motor Efficiency vs Size of NEMA B Induction Motors .


15. Eliminate Pump Seal SEAL F L US H H E AT EXCHAN G E R

COO L I N G WAT E R (20 G P M , 1 0 F R IS E )
Cooling to Save Energy 800 x 1 0 6 BTU/ Y R . R EM O V E D F ROM P R OC ESS

Energy savings can be achieved under certain conditions

by eliminating pump seal cooling and/or flushing. Energy
costs associated with pump seal cooling and flushing
generally fall in these two categories: 1) cost of reheating .__ S E A L F L USH U S I N G COO L E D P UM PA G E (2 G P M )
the process fluid cooled by seal cooling or flushing, and 2)
cost of providing the water for pump jacket and seal
cooling. When a cool seal flush (either water or cooled
S E A L JAC K E T COO L I N G (3 G PM , 1 5 F RISE)
pumpage) flows into the process, heat must be added to 1 80 x 1 0 6 B T U /Y R . R E M O V E D F R O M P R OC ESS
maintain constant process temperature. Additional heat
must also be added to the process to make up for the
energy removed by the pump jacket cooling water temper­
ature rise .
Where pump seal cooling or flushing is not essential, such
as in pumping clean, high-boiling liquids, it can be shut off
and the pump run hot [6]. With proper materials,
conventional mechanical seals can run to 500°F , and metal
bellows seals can operate to 800°F without cooling. H
several of the following conditions pertain, further analysis
should be made to determine if seal cooling and/or flushing
can be eliminated: Figure 1 7. Eliminate Pump Seal C ooling - Saves 980 X l(j'
Btu/yr in Process Heating, Saves 1 1 X l OS GPM in Cooling
a. Pump handles hot liquids above 300°F.
b. Process pumpage is m aintained at an equal or greater
temperature downstream of the pump.
c. The liquid pumped is not near its boiling point. Cp = specific heat of pumpage
T 1 - T2 = temperature drop of pumpage
d. Pump, seals, or bearings are water cooled.
sg = specific gravity of pumpage
e. The pump seal is cooled and flushed with pumpage
cooled by an external heat exchanger. gal lb min hr lb
f. The pump seal is flushed with an external flush. m = 2 - X 6. 67 - X 60 - X 8000 - = 6. 4 X 106 -
min gal hr yr yr
g. Seal flush liquid must be removed from the process
Flushing and/or cooling is necessary in many cases and
should not be eliminated without a detailed analysis.
Btu $
Flushing with clean pumpage or with an external source of Cost = 800 X 106 X 5 __ X _!_ heat eff. = $5, 000/yr
clean liquid is used to keep dirty, abrasive process liquid yr 106 Btu . 8
away from the seal faces to extend seal life . Cooling is
usually required when handling liquids near the boiling 2 . Cost to reheat process fluid cooled by seal jacket cooling
point to keep the temperature at the seal face below water.
boiling. If the liquid boils in the pump seal cavity, the seals Note the quantity of heat removed from the pumpage
would run dry and rapidly fail. equals the heat added to the cooling water. Cooling
Example 15 water temperature rise = l5°F.
Figure 17 shows a pump handling Dowtherm (sg = . 8,
gal lb min hr lb
Cp = . 625) at 600°F. 2 gpm of pumpage is cooled to 400°F m = 3 - X 8 . 33 - X 60 - X 8000 - = 12 X 106 -
and used to flush a conventional mechanical seal. 20 gpm of min gal hr yr yr
cooling water is used with a 10°F temperature rise in the
seal flush heat exchanger. An additional 4 gpm of jacket
cooling water increases 15°F as it cools the seal chamber. It
is desired to determine the potential savings resulting
from : 1) the replacement of the conventional cooled seal by Btu $ 1
a metal bellows seal, 2) flushing with hot pumpage, and 3) Cost = 180 X 10 6 - X5 X - heat eff. = $ 1 , 125/yr

yr 106 Btu . 8
turning off the seal chamber cooling water. Assume 8,000
hr/yr operation, $5. 00/106 Btu fuel cost, 80% heater
efficiency, and cooling water cost at $ . 05/1 ,000 gal. 3 . Cost of cooling water for seal j acket (3 gpm) and heat
exchanger (20 gpm).
1 . Cost to reheat process fluid cooled for seal flush. a. Use filtered raw water which is reused.
b. Use . 05 cost of pumping water.
1000 gal
where E energy, Btu $ gal hr $
c. Annual cost = . 05 x 60 - X 8000 - = 24 ---

m mass of seal flush pumpage 1000 gal hr yr gpm - yr


d. Annual water cost 23 gal X 24

gpm - yr
In this example, the total energy savings (sum 1 , 2, and 17. Shut Down Unneeded Pumps
3) by eliminating seal cooling and flushing comes to This energy-saving technique seems obvious, but it is
over $6, 600/yr. often overlooked. For instance, consider a process fed by
parallel pumps that were run throttled back so far that one
16. Minimize Losses from pump alone could handle the flow; or four multiple cooling
Mechanical Seals and Packing tower pumps being run where three pumps would meet
the demand; or running a single pump to maintain header
Mechanical seals and packing represent minor power pressure when the process is down for a shift or the
losses in a pump; therefore, there is little potential to weekend . This method often costs nothing to apply except
reduce pumping energy. Except for specialty pumps such a conscious effort on the part of the operations to know
as diaphragm pumps, canned motor pumps, or sealless what their actual process demands are . It can be applied
magnetic drive pumps, all pumps are sealed with either wherever multiple pumps are found and can result in
mechanical seals or packing. Figure 18 shows the typical potentially large savings.
horsepower losses from single unbalanced mechanical
seals [7]. These losses are generally small in comparison to Example 17
total pump power and can usually be neglected in a pump In a process requiring 500 gpm at a constant 200 ft head,
energy saving analysis . Note that seal losses increase with two identical pumps in parallel were originally supplied,
increasing size, speed, and stuffing box pressure. Using one operating and one installed as a spare. In actual
balanced seals reduces the horsepower required at higher practice, both pumps were run throttled back to 250 gpm
pressures. Using double seals increases the power losses . at 235 ft head so that if one pump failed, the other pump
The power losses from packing are extremely variable and could instantly take up the load. However, the plant was
depend on many factors such as material, number of rings, paying a very high price for the flexibility of not even a
size, tightness, lubrication and temperature. With very momentary interruption in flow. As shown at point A,
tight packing, the sealing power losses can be up to six Figure 19, a single pump delivering 500 gpm at 200 ft head
times greater with packing than with a balanced seal. would operate at 70% efficiency and require 36 Bhp. With
Because of the extreme variability of packing power losses, both pumps throttled to half capacity (point B), each pump
energy saving alone cannot justify changing from packing operates at 250 gpm, 235 ft head, 57% efficiency, and 26. 0
to mechanical seals. However, the other advantages of Bhp for a total of 52 Bhp. Thus , 16 Bhp could be saved by
mechanical seals over packing (less leakage, longer life, shutting down one pump whenever possible . With electric
increased reliability) have led to their use in almost all power costing $ . 045/kWh, this represents a potential
pumping applications . savings of $4, 800/yr. Additional savings would result from
improved pump life since a pump throttled at reduced
capacity will generally have a shorter life than one
Seal Cavity Pressure P.S.I.G.
operating near best efficiency.
1 00 18. Properly Maintain
70 Existing Pumps
Substantial energy savings can be obtained by replacing
worn pump parts to minimize internal leakage and to
maintain pump efficiency. Pump capacity, head, and
30 efficiency are reduced as pump internal leakage increases
from excessive backplate and impeller clearances and worn
20 impeller wear rings and impellers .
1. Locate seal s i ze on Y-axis
2 . Move horizontally across to the expected seal Efficiency loss from wear depends on impeller type and
! specific speed. For equal wear clearances, open impeller
cavity pressure
3. Drop vertica l l y down to the shaft speed ( r ,p .m.)

"' 4. Move horizontally across and read th e power l os s pumps show a larger loss in efficiency than closed impeller
,. j
per seal
Data i s for single unbalanced seal
pumps. Open impeller pumps typically have initial clear­
For double seal s , multiply this value by two ( 2 ) ances of . 015- . 020 in. However, as these clearances
For 20/80 balanced seal , m u l t i p l y th is v a l u e
by O.S
increase from wear over the initial clearance, pump
Values are for seals operating in water, multiply efficiency is reduced. Head and capacity are also reduced
by 2.0 for oil
as more and more of the pump's capacity is recirculated
through the clearance . Figure 20, from Karassik [8], shows
.063 that as specific speed decreases, leakage losses increase .
This is not surprising since low specific speeds indicate

high head and low flow. B ecause pump clearances are
nearly the same on big pumps as on small pumps, internal
I leakage is a much greater percentage of the small pump
output and this leads to a corresponding reduction in
pump efficiency.

5.0 Although the savings are not the same for every case,
pumps with the following characteristics will benefit the
most from special attention to m aintenance:
Figure 18. Power Losses from Pump Seals. • Pumps with open impellers.


B - 2 P U M P S TH R OTT LED @ 26 B h p EA C H
3 20
A - 1 P U M P @ 36 B h p


Cl 200
_J 160
I- 1 20



Figure 1 9 . Shut Down Unneeded Pumps- Saves 1 6 Bhp.

10 -
... ..- -...--
- --r---.----.
lers, wear rings, bushings, and bearings) should be adjust­
ed or replaced before the clearances become excessive.
z The maintenance interval should be determined by experi­
ence on each particular installation.
8S 8
5 Example 18
0-. To show the cost of excessive pump internal clearances ,
consider the single stage, open impeller ANSI pump
6 6
supplying a process requirement of 300 ft head and 300
gpm flow (see Figure 21). With an initial . 015 in impeller
� 4
(f) WOR N . 030" IMPELLER END C LEARANCE - 39. 2 Bhp ----,



� 360 1"""'"1"-
""' "!"":l'!�-
:!"" "'�==;:;r:::::-r
:: ---r--rhf-,..--r-
--- -,-
-- --,
� 0 - -

500 1, 000 000 3, 000

S P EC I F I C S PEED Ns R PM v FLOW I N G PM 270 .. - 70

(HEAD I N FEET) . 7 5 240 60
5o c
Figure 20. Energy Losses from Internal Clearances Vary with 40 �
Specific Speed. 30 �

G Pumps which operate at high heads (over 100 ft) and

low flows (below 500 gpm) .
G Pumps o n abrasive o r corrosive service. 50 100 150 200 250 300 3 50 400
By concentrating on pumps with these factors and limiting
impeller and wear ring clearance, power reductions of 4% Figure 21 . Maintain Pumps b y Restoring Impeller Clearances
to 6% per pump can be expected . Wearing parts (impel- - Saves 2.0 Bhp.

end clearance, the pump operates slightly throttled at 325

ft head, 300 gpm flow, 66% efficiency, and 37. 2 Bhp. As
impeller clearances wear, the head, capacity, and efficien­
cy are reduced as shown. With . 030 in impeller clearance, 200 13 - 3 / 4 "
the pump operates at 305 ft head, 300 gpm , 59% efficiency, 180 13 "
and 39. 2 Bhp. Restoring the impeller clearance to . 015 in
would reduce power consumption by 5% and save 2 . 0 Bhp.
With $ . 045/k:Wh power, this would save $600/yr in power � 140

costs. --' 120

� 1oo C-�������
19. Reduce Excess Head by S Y STEM R E S I S TA N C E LE S S THROTTLE VALVE
Trimming Impellers 80

Trimming centrifugal pump impellers is the lowest cost 60

method for correcting oversized pumps. Oversizing of 40
pumps occurs for many reasons : 1) a wide range of
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3 000 3 500
pressure and flow requires a pump sized for the worst C APAC IT Y - G PM
case, 2) allowances are made for future capacity, 3) large
factors of safety are applied to "guarantee" a pump will
Figure 22. Trim Impeller to Reduce Excess Head- Saves 20
provide required pressure and flow, and 4) operating
conditions are different than design conditions. Whatever
the reason for oversizing, the results are the same. The
pump puts out more flow at a higher head than is required
and this wastes energy. When a pump impeller diameter is without the valve. Since even the fully open valve has a 6 ft
trimmed, the flow is reduced proportional to the impeller pressure drop, the minimum head required is 133 ft. To
diameter, the pump head is reduced as the square of the this head, a 5% allowance should be added as a tolerance
impeller diameter, and the power is reduced as the cube of for the accuracy of the field measurements and impeller
the impeller diameter. trimming operation. This brings the minimum total head
required to 140 ft . Applying the pump affinity laws gives
When can trimming be applied? Trimming pump impel­ the trimmed impeller diameter to be 13 in. Note that both
lers should be considered for any centrifugal pump. Look the head and flow are reduced as the impeller is trimmed.
first for pumps suspected of pumping more flow or are
operating at a higher pressure than is required . S econd, With a trimmed 13 in impeller, the pump will operate
look for pumps with excess capacity that are throttled back slightly throttled at 140 ft head, 2750 gpm , 83% efficiency,
by a valve (either a manual or an automatic control valve). and 1 1 7 Bhp (Figure 22, point B). With $ . 045/k:Wh power,
A quick look at the vendor's pump curve will show the the trimmed impeller reduces power consumption 20. 0
range of impeller diameters available for the particular Bhp and saves $6, 000/yr. With trimming and balancing an
pump. impeller, typically costing less than $ 1 , 000, the corrective
action will pay for itself in less than two months.
Typically, a 10% to 50% reduction in head can be achieved
by changing pump impeller diameter within the vendor's 20. Reduce Excess Flow With
recommended size limits for the pump casing. Either the Proper Impeller Selection
existing impeller can be trimmed to a smaller diameter or a Often different pump impellers can be obtained which will
new smaller diameter impeller can be ordered and the change the pump operating characteristics. These impel­
original impeller stored for future use should the system lers can extend or reduce a given pump's head or flow
resistance increase. Since the cost of trimming and balanc­ range as much as 10% to 50% . The different impellers are
ing an impeller is small (generally under $1000), payback is generally designated high head or low head impellers or
generally measured in months instead of years. Where high flow or low flow impellers. These impellers are used
demand is seasonal, like a cooling water pump, it often to match system pumping requirements using existing
pays to use a small diameter impeller in the winter and a pumps. The use of special impellers is much more limitd
larger diameter impeller in the high demand summer than changing impeller diameters . Presently, special im­
months. One can apply the same principle of reducing pellers are available for only a limited number of pumps
excess head to multistage centrifugal pumps (horizontal or such as vertical turbine pumps and very large centrifugal
vertical) by removing excess pump stages. pumps. However, on pumps where different impellers are
Example 19 available, their use can extend the pump operating range
and better utilize existing equipment. In addition to
Let us see how energy can be saved by simply trimming an improved efficiency, a different type impeller may offer
impeller. A double suction centrifugal pump with a 13. 75 lower NPSH or a steeper head-flow slope for improved
in diameter impeller is used to pump process water. control. Use of high or low capacity impellers should be
Demand is a constant 2750 gpm , and the pump is considered on a case-by-case basis as a means of matching
controlled by a manual throttle valve. A total head of 164 ft the pump to the system.
is measured and the pump is found to operate at 164 ft
head, 2750 gpm , 83% efficiency, and 137 Bhp (Figure 22,
Example 20
point A). Pressure measurements show a 37 ft (16 psig)
pressure drop across the partially closed throttle valve at To demonstrate the effect of proper impeller selection,
2750 gpm flow and only a 6 ft drop across the fully open consider the large cooling wate r pump in Figure 23 which
valve. If the pump were exactly matched to the system was initially designed to deliver 30, 000 gpm at 140 ft head
requirements, only 127 ft of head would be required (point A). A high and low flow impeller are offered for this

in this report are not applicable in every case, but each


200 13% EFF, Bhp

technique has been used successfully in numerous applica­
180 716 Bhp
13% EFF, tions. Collectively, these techniques provide a comprehensive
160 t:-:::::::=-----.t:._., package that can be successfully applied to pump energy
1<10 r=-=-==-=-::::���= conservation problems.
Many of the energy conservation methods are applicable
� 120 31"

at the design stage, and energy savings principles are most
� 100
19" HIGH
appropriately considered as a part of the design proce s s . Often,
80 31" LOW FLOW
energy savings measures which are expensive as field retrofits
can be justified in the initial design at little or no extra cost.
<10 Other corrective measures are simple, low cost tech­
10 niques that can be readily applied to existing installations.
Since the potential energy savings are distributed over a large
10 15 10 15 30 35 <10 45
CAPACITY - GPM x 1000 number of pumps, a systematic plantwide survey is s uggested
as the best way to apply these techniques to existing installa­
Figure 23. Reduce Excess C apacity with Proper Impeller tions .
Selection- Saves 1 99 Bhp vs Throttled High Flow Impeller,
Saves 95 Bhp vs Trimmed High Flow Impeller .

pump. The operating conditions have changed, and now

the pump must operate at 15, 000 gpm and 140 ft head.
Continued operation at point A (30,000 gpm , 140 ft head,
88% efficiency, and 1205 Bhp) while bypassing the excess
flow would be too energy wasteful to consider. Some REFERENCES
energy could be saved by throttling the pump back to point
1 . Doolin, John H . , " Select Pumps t o C u t E nergy Cost, "
B (15, 000 gpm , 150 ft head, 73% efficiency, and 830 Bhp).
Chemical Engineering, Jan. 1977, p . 137.
Additional energy could be saved by trimming the high
flow impeller diameter to operate at point C ( 15, 000 gpm, 2. Karassik, I. J. and Krutzsch, W. C . , Pump Handbook, (New
140 ft head). However, the trimmed high flow impeller York: McGraw-Hill, 1976).
would operate at only 73% efficiency and use 726 Bhp. 3. Sutton, G. P . , "Save Energy With Pumps, " Hydrocarbon
Maximum energy savings can be achieved by using the low Processing, June 1978, p. 103.
flow impeller operating at point C. The low flow impeller
would operate with 84% efficiency and 631 Bhp. The low 4. Neerken, R. F . , "Selecting the Right Pump" Chemical
flow impeller saves 95 Bhp over a properly trimmed high Engineering, April 1978, p. 87.
flow impeller and hundreds of horsepower over throttling 5. Panesar, K . S . , " Select Pumps to S ave Energy , " Hydrocar­
or bypassing with the original impeller. At $ . 045/kWh, the bon Processing, October 1978.
95 Bhp reduction represents $28,500/yr power savings.
6. Griffit h, J . M . , "Eliminating Pump Seal Cooling Pays Off
Fast, " Oil and Gas journal, December 1978, p . 95.
7. Handout, Durametallic Corporation.
Significant energy savings can be made by systematically
applying existing technology to reduce pump energy consump­ 8. Karassik, I . J . , "Where To Look For Pump S avings , "
tion. All the pump energy conservation techniques described Power, March 1978, p . 86.

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