School Library

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and

Science (IJAERS)
Peer-Reviewed Journal
ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)
Vol-10, Issue-7; Jul, 2023
Journal Home Page Available:
Article DOI:

School Library
Ataisa Vieria de Souza, Angelo Ricardo Balduino

Department of Pedagogy, St. Mark's College, Brazil

Received: 16 Jun 2023, Abstract— This work addresses the development of the school library
Receive in revised form: 14 Jul 2023, within the school environment, the relevance of this research approach
lies in its ability to provide a solid foundation for the development of
Accepted: 22 Jul 2023,
scientific and academic studies. bibliographical research plays a
Available online: 31 Jul 2023 fundamental role in the theoretical foundation of a study. This study aimed
©2023 The Author(s). Published by AI to understand the role of the school library in the teaching and learning
Publication. This is an open access article process as a support for education professionals and students, to identify
under the CC BY license the role of the school library; know the importance of the school library as
( a support to the educational process, address educational actions that can
be developed with education professionals and students. This is a study of
Keywords— School library, Reading,
the bibliographic review type, this article aims to emphasize the
teaching process.
importance of the library in the child's school life, thus with the help of the
authors allowing to praise the idea that the library has a fundamental role
in their educational formation. It is concluded that the school library
plays a fundamental role in supporting education professionals, offering
resources and services that enrich the teaching-learning process within
the school environment.

I. INTRODUCTION The library plays a fundamental role in the learning of

This article deals with the school library, an students at the primary level, providing a series of
environment that can benefit children who need it for their educational benefits essential for their academic and
cognitive growth. The importance of the library in early personal development. This multifunctional space goes
childhood education and provide the scope of the use of beyond just storing books, playing an active role in
information within the space provided, show the students' education.
importance of the library to the development of children's Students have the opportunity to see themselves
reading, assist in literacy and enhance their learning. represented in stories and to learn about different realities
Through a diverse and updated collection, students and points of view, developing empathy and understanding
have the opportunity to explore different literary genres, of the world around them.
discover new authors and expand their cultural horizons. With access to computers, internet and other sources of
Pimentel (2007, p.24) states that the school library is information, students can conduct academic research,
"libraries are allies in the pedagogical doing, making it an explore different topics and build skills in searching and
extension of the classroom"[...]. selecting information relevant to the research done, it is in
From this reflection, understands that the library and of this environment that researchers and students find
great value to the mediator teacher who will develop bibliographic references relevant to their investigations.
actions for your advancement and learning of the child. These spaces provide a quiet and stimulating
Another important aspect of the library is its ability to environment, ideal for the absorption of knowledge, many
promote research and the search for knowledge. libraries promote activities to encourage reading, such as
reading clubs and literary events, stimulating the taste for
reading and enriching the cultural repertoire of the Page | 61
Souza and Balduino International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 10(7)-2023

community, it is in this space that researchers and students (National Library Foundation)
find relevant bibliographic references for their In addition, the library also provides an environment
investigations. conducive to the development of writing skills. Students
The library can be an environment for curriculum can find models of various texts, from short stories and
integration, connecting different disciplines and promoting poetry to reports and articles. They have the opportunity to
an interdisciplinary approach. Teachers can use the library observe different writing styles, text structures and
as a space to develop educational projects, stimulating composition techniques, which helps them improve their
collaboration among students and interaction with different own written expression. The library can also promote
sectors of knowledge. creative writing activities, literary challenges and contests,
In this way, the library becomes a favorable place for encouraging students to explore their creativity and
the construction of knowledge in a contextualized and improve their writing skills (FREITAS; SILVA, 2014).
meaningful way, the library contributes to the formation of In view of this, the school library plays an important
critical and active citizens in society. role in promoting reading as a pleasurable habit.It provides
According to Berenblum (2006, p.25) "through various cozy and inviting spaces for reading, with comfortable and
initiatives around reading, they can work to instigate attractive reading areas. Students are encouraged to spend
curiosity, stimulate research". In this respect the actions time in the library, explore different literary genres,
around reading and essential for learning and makes it discover new authors and get involved in book clubs or
necessary for those who need to develop, these initiatives collective reading projects.These practices contribute to
around reading instigate curiosity, stimulates to achieve a creating an environment of immersion in reading,
qualified learning. stimulating interest, motivation and the formation of avid
readers (VERGUEIRO, 1997a, p. 4).
In reason when the child begins to read, and need to
understand why she needs to know, why and why read, The library can also play an active role in promoting
this will motivate her to read for pleasure, taking into information literacy. Students learn to use the library
account the didactic that will be developed in the catalog, to search for information in reliable sources and to
classroom, the teacher will address the problems develop research skills.Librarians play an important role in
encountered before all student teaching process. guiding students in the proper use of search tools and in
the critical evaluation of the information found.These
Teachers can use the library as a space to develop
skills are fundamental for the development of critical
educational projects, stimulating collaboration among
students, able to find, analyze and use information
students and interaction with different sectors of
effectively Returning to Freitas and Silva (2014, p. 128).
In Brazil, public libraries have been acting as school
Therefore, this work aimed to understand the library
libraries, since most public schools do not have libraries.
space in the knowledge process as a support to education
professionals and students, as specific objectives; identify Some schools have reading rooms or workshops, but
the role of the library; know the importance of the library they do not meet the essential requirements of what is
as a support to the educational process, address considered a school library.Thus, public libraries are
educational actions that allows to be developed. requested by elementary and high school students who, in
turn, by meeting this demand of society, do not fully
develop the function for which they actually exist
The library plays a key role in the context of literacy The school library plays a crucial role in child
and primary education, contributing significantly to the development, offering an enriching environment that
development of students' reading and writing skills. It promotes learning, interest in reading and personal
offers an environment rich in resources, stimulates the love growth.It provides a welcoming and stimulating space, full
for books and promotes the development of fundamental of resources that contribute to the integral formation of
skills for students' education (Freitas and Silva 2014, p. children (BERNARDINO, SUAIDEN, 2011, p. 138).
First of all, the school library is a place that stimulates
"The public library is the privileged space for the a love of books and reading.
development of reading practices and, through the reader's
By providing a wide range of children's books, fairy
encounter with the book, the critical reader is formed and
tales, fables, exciting stories and fantastic adventures, the
contributes to the flourishing of citizenship. "
library sparks children's imagination and curiosity. Page | 62
Souza and Balduino International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 10(7)-2023

Through reading, children have the opportunity to explore By providing a wide selection of children's books, fairy
different worlds, meet captivating characters and get tales, adventure stories, poetry and other literary genres,
involved in engaging narratives. This contact with the library arouses children's interest and curiosity in
literature helps to develop language skills, expand reading. They have the opportunity to choose books
vocabulary, improve comprehension and stimulate according to their interests and reading levels, which
creativity (BERNARDINO; SUAIDEN, 2011, p. 138). promotes the development of textual comprehension,
To this end, the school library also contributes to vocabulary and imagination (FERNANDEZ; MACHADO,
children's cognitive development.It offers educational 2015, p. 168).
resources, such as textbooks, encyclopedias, atlases and In addition, the library also contributes to the teaching
research materials, which support learning in various areas of writing. By offering books that feature different writing
of knowledge. Children can explore these resources, styles, text structures and literary genres, children can
search for information, learn about specific topics and broaden their language repertoire and develop their
develop research skills.This stimulates critical thinking, creative writing skills. Reading literary works also
analytical skills and the search for knowledge Freitas and inspires children to explore their own written expression,
Silva (2014, p. 128). encouraging creativity and the development of authentic
The school library also plays an important role in writing (FERNANDEZ; MACHADO, 2015, p. 168).
children's social and emotional development. Another important aspect is the library as a space for
It is a space where they can interact with their peers, research and discovery.
share reading experiences, participate in book clubs and It offers resources such as encyclopedias, reference
group activities. These interactions promote socialization, books, magazines and digital materials that help children
respect for others' opinions, expression of ideas and search for information on different subjects. By conducting
building friendships. In addition, the library can address research in the library, children learn to select reliable
themes relevant to emotional development, offering books sources, interpret and analyze information, and develop
that address issues such as self-esteem, diversity, resilience critical thinking skills. This process strengthens children's
and emotions, helping children to understand and manage ability to solve problems, form informed opinions and
their feelings Freitas and Silva (2014, p. 128). expand their knowledge (FERNANDEZ; MACHADO,
"Libraries should be aware of cultural, social and 2015, p. 168).
economic changes in the community and develop services The library also plays an important role in developing
that are flexible enough to adjust to these changes." information literacy. It teaches children how to use
(GILL25, 2001 apud SILVA; SABBAG, 2019, p. 5) the library catalog, how to locate and use search resources,
Another key aspect is the stimulation of autonomy and and how to evaluate the reliability of the information they
the ability to make decisions. find. Children learn to become conscious and ethical users
of information, acquiring skills that will be valuable
The school library allows children to choose the books
throughout their lives (VERGUEIRO, 1997a, p. 4).
they want to read, according to their interests and
preferences. This autonomy in choosing reading materials In addition, the library can be a space for meetings and
develops a taste for reading and encourages children to activities related to reading, such as storytelling, book
explore different literary genres. In addition, children can clubs, literary events and creative workshops.
engage in activities such as storytelling, role-playing and These activities promote interaction between children,
creative projects, stimulating their imagination and the sharing of reading experiences and the expression of
expression skills Weitzel (2002). ideas. The library can also receive visits from authors,
The library plays a key role in children's education by illustrators and literary professionals, further enriching
providing an environment conducive to the development children's experience with books (FREITAS; SILVA,
of reading, writing, research and critical thinking skills. It 2014).
provides access to a variety of educational and literary The library plays an essential role in teaching children,
materials, stimulates the love for books and promotes the providing a stimulating environment for reading, writing,
formation of competent readers from childhood Freitas and research and critical thinking. It promotes the formation of
Silva (2014, p. 128). competent readers, develops research skills and
One of the main contributions of the library in teaching information literacy (SILVA; SABBAG, 2019).
children is to encourage reading. Page | 63
Souza and Balduino International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 10(7)-2023

III. RESEARCH METHOLOGY the school library for education professionals is access to a
The present article was a study of bibliographic review wide range of educational materials.
of exploratory character. Addressing (The school library as This includes textbooks, encyclopedias, magazines,
a space of pedagogical actions). To constrict this material, journals, digital and multimedia resources. These materials
some steps were taken into account such as: Choice of are carefully selected to meet curricular needs and
bibliographies; analysis of each bibliography; study of the different areas of knowledge. Educators can rely on the
selected material; elaboration of the basic writing of the library to find up-to-date information, bibliographic
article and conclusion of the study. references and relevant resources for planning their lessons
This is a bibliographic review study, the data were (FREITAS; SILVA, 2014).
collected in the SCIELO, VHL and LILACS bases, articles In addition, the school library supports pedagogical
published in the period from 2018 to June 2023 related practice. Education professionals can use the library space
were included in the study. One of the main characteristics to conduct research, seek new methodologies, explore
of the library is its potential to encourage reading and a innovative approaches and deepen their knowledge in
taste for books. specific areas. Librarians, in turn, play a key role in
Bibliographic research is an essential component in the assisting educators in the search for appropriate materials,
development of knowledge in various academic areas, it providing research guidance and offering support in the
consists of the process of screening, selecting, analyzing use of technological resources (FERNANDEZ;
and interpreting bibliographic sources, such as books, MACHADO, 2015, p. 168).
scientific articles, theses, reports and other documents. The school library also promotes the training and
professional development of educators. Through lectures,
workshops and training, professionals have the opportunity
to improve their skills, learn new teaching strategies and
In view of the results obtained from this research, update themselves on educational trends. These activities
PIMENTEL (2007, P.25) presents a field, but mature on contribute to the continuous improvement of pedagogical
bibliographic research, states that "In this sense, the school practice, encouraging reflection and sharing of experiences
library should not only be a space for pedagogical action, among education professionals (SILVA; SABBAG, 2019).
serving as support for the construction of knowledge and
According to Milanesi (1989, p. 15), another relevant
support for research. " From this reflection, he understands
aspect is the role of the school library in promoting
that the library also plays an important role in promoting
diversity and inclusion. Through the careful selection of
inclusion and diversity, it offers materials that represent
materials that represent different cultures, identities and
different cultures, perspectives and experiences,
perspectives, the library contributes to the formation of
contributing to the formation of tolerant, empathetic and
critical awareness and respect for diversity. Education
aware students of differences.
professionals can use these resources to address sensitive
In short, the school library plays an essential role in topics in the classroom, promoting dialogue and mutual
students' learning and development. It promotes reading, understanding among students.
provides access to information, develops research skills,
In addition, the school library also encourages
stimulates creativity and promotes inclusion and diversity.
collaboration and teamwork. It becomes a meeting place
The presence of a well-structured and up-to-date school
where educators can share ideas, experiences, resources
library is fundamental to provide quality education and to
and good practices. Through informal discussions, study
train critical, creative and well-informed students.
groups and collaborative projects, education professionals
The library is a welcoming environment where all strengthen each other, developing a learning community
students can feel represented and valued. It is of great that benefits both educators and students. The school
importance to emphasize that the school library plays an library plays an essential role in supporting education
essential role as a valuable support resource for education professionals. It offers educational materials, research
professionals (FREITAS; SILVA, 2014). It offers a variety support, training, promotion of diversity and inclusion, as
of services and resources that complement and enrich the well as encouraging collaboration and teamwork (SILVA;
work done in the classroom. SABBAG, 2019).
By becoming a place of reference and collaboration, The function of the public library is precisely to
the library contributes to improving the quality of promote free access to information, seeking an integration
education in a significant way. One of the main benefits of between society and this information made available by it.
Its role is not only to make information available, but to Page | 64
Souza and Balduino International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 10(7)-2023

promote services that encourage the use of this information providing relevant materials, expert guidance and
and that awaken in each one the pleasure of reading. professional development opportunities.
Given this, the need to work with children within the By collaborating with librarians and sharing
school library involves several strategies to stimulate the experiences with other educators, they can enhance their
love of reading and promote active interaction with books. skills, update themselves on the latest educational trends
Some ways to work with children in the library include: and find innovative solutions to the challenges they face in
Encouraging a love of reading through read-aloud sessions the classroom. The library is more than just a physical
and book discussions, creating an attractive and space, it is a living, dynamic environment that fosters
welcoming environment with organized books and creativity and imagination.
comfortable reading areas. It provides students with the opportunity to explore
Developing interactive activities such as games, different forms of expression, whether through reading,
creative challenges and artwork exhibitions, stimulating writing, art or role-playing. These enriching experiences
curiosity and research by teaching children to use the contribute to the holistic development of students by
library catalog and explore different sources of strengthening their ability to communicate, problem solve
information. and self-direct, the library's primary educational role is
Promote creative expression through writing, teaching.
illustrating and dramatizing stories, involve the community The library complements the work done in the
by inviting authors, illustrators and community members classroom, but also awakens interest in reading, stimulates
for visits and lectures. These strategies aim to create a research, promotes diversity, empowers professionals and
stimulating and engaging environment where children can provides enriching experiences for students, the library is
actively explore books, develop research skills, express an environment of discovery, inspiration and growth,
their creativity and strengthen their connection with which contributes to the formation of critical, creative and
reading. passionate individuals for knowledge.
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