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ScienceDirect Structural Biology

Data science techniques in biomolecular force field

Ye Ding1,2, Kuang Yu3 and Jing Huang1,2

Abstract also making a profound impact on how scientific

Recent advances in data science are impacting the develop- research is conducted [2]. People advocated that data
ment of classical force fields. Here we review some ideas and science is the fourth paradigm in scientific discovery [3].
techniques from data science that have been used in force
field development, including database construction, atom Molecular mechanics force fields (FFs) are physics-
typing, and machine learning potentials. We highlight how new based computational models that connect the force
tools such as active learning and automatic differentiation are exerted on each atom with the coordinates of all atoms
facilitating the generation of target data and the direct fitting in a given bsimulation system. Due to their central roles
with macroscopic observables. Philosophical changes on how in the molecular modeling and simulations of bio-
force field models should be built and used are also discussed. molecules, efforts are continuously made to increase
It’s inspiring that more accurate biomolecular force fields can their accuracy, such as introducing more sophisticated
be developed with the aid of data science techniques. function forms and adopting better parametrization
strategies [4]. One of the key issues in biomolecular FF
Addresses development is transferability, or the ability of FF
Westlake AI Therapeutics Lab, Westlake Laboratory of Life Sciences
models to generalize across different simulation envi-
and Biomedicine, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310024, China
Key Laboratory of Structural Biology of Zhejiang Province, School of ronments [5,6]. This is a non-trivial task due to the
Life Sciences, Westlake University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310024, significant difference between typical fitting data
China (quantum mechanics (QM) calculations of small organic
Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School, Tsinghua Uni- molecules in vacuum) and the application scenarios
versity, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518055, China
(biological macromolecules in the condensed phase).
Corresponding author: Huang Jing ([email protected]) Traditional biomolecular FFs are thus often considered
empirical, and their development and refinement is
largely a matter of trial and error. Many works are
Current Opinion in Structural Biology 2023, 78:102502 dedicated to the systematic development of the bio-
This review comes from a themed issue on Theory and Simulation/ molecular FFs with different algorithms [7].
Computational Methods (2023)
Edited by Turkan Haliloglu and Gregory A. Voth With the ideas and techniques introduced by data science,
For complete overview of the section, please refer the article collection - it might be possible to make FF development less
Theory and Simulation/Computational Methods (2023) empirical and more data-driven. Established computa-
Available online 30 November 2022 tional tools on data labeling, feature extraction, and model
fitting could be directly utilized (Figure 1). Furthermore,
new philosophies on how data should be treated and how
0959-440X/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
models should be constructed and evaluated might help.
In this manuscript, we will review the emerging efforts to
Keywords bring data science into biomolecular FF development.
Data Science, Machine Learning, Force Field, Molecular Modeling,
These range from new fitting algorithms, new molecular
Molecular Dynamics Simulation.
representation methods, to automatic differentiation
techniques. An important viewpoint in data science is that
data play the central role and should be made publicly
available, so we start by reviewing works on the con-
Data science, a popular term in recent years, represents
struction and sharing of FF-relevant datasets.
the study of extracting knowledge and making inference
from data [1]. A variety of data science techniques have
been developed to curate, handle, and make use of From providing FF parameters to making
large-scale, heterogeneous data. The most successful data sets open access
technique is probably machine learning (ML), in Databases are the fundamental infrastructures in the era
particular deep learning (DL) that employs neural of data science. Modern computational models require
networks (NNs). The development of data science is larger and larger data sets for training and validation, and

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2 Theory and Simulation/Computational Methods (2023)

Figure 1

How data science techniques are transforming the development of empirical FFs. The importance of databases is emphasized, and new techniques such
as active learning are replacing rigid scan in the generation of fitting data. New optimization methods such as Bayesian inference and stochastic gradient
descent are introduced. Classical FF models (left panels) are released as text files containing parameters for different atom types, while in data science
trained models (right panels) are often provided as a whole and atom types can be replaced by continuous representations based on topological

high-quality databases facilitate the development of Research that contains the interaction energies on dimer
computational models. A good example is AlphaFold [8], complexes of organic molecules at the CCSD(T)/CBS
whose success relies on the high-quality experimentally level [13]. Off-equilibrated conformations of the dimer
resolved protein structures curated by the Protein Data complexes were generated by rigid scans along radial
Bank (PDB) database [9]. FF development typically intermolecular axis with initial structures extracted from
requires large amounts of quantum mechanics-based QM optimization and molecular dynamics (MD) trajec-
calculations using high-level correlation methods such tory frames. A central dataset DES370K contains about
as the coupled cluster or at least the MP2 methods. 370,000 geometries evaluated with CCSD(T), and an
Traditional FF development works only publish the final additional dataset DES5M contains about 5 million ge-
FF models but does not make the data used to fit the ometries evaluated with SNS-MP2, a ML approach
models publicly accessible. With the general emphasis whose accuracy is equivalent to the coupled cluster level
on reproducibility and data availability, high-quality QM [14]. Smith et al. created the ANI-1x and ANI-1ccx
databases for FF development have been established in datasets of small organic molecules with conformational
recent years [10]. sampling along low-frequency normal modes [15].
Relevant off-equilibrated conformations are selected by
We note that most existing QM databases at the active learning and subjected to QM calculations. The
CCSD(T)/CBS level are intended for benchmarking ANI-1x dataset contains 4.5 million conformations eval-
other QM methods such that only the geometries and uated with the uB97x functional. Via an active learning
interactions of equilibrated structures are included. FF procedure using machine learning potentials trained
development requires instead information on off- with ANI-1x, a smaller ANI-1ccx dataset was generated
equilibrated structures, or at least potential energy with 0.5 million conformations evaluated with the
scans along key degrees of freedom (DOFs). How to DLPNO-CCSD(T) method. In these two datasets only
generate representative off-equilibrated conformations C, H, O, and N elements are covered, while broader
is a key challenge. Some QM databases start to provide coverage is also attempted [16]. Open access databases
such information, for example, in the NCIAtlas database, accumulating high-quality QM calculation results would
10-point scans along hydrogen bonding or dispersion greatly promote the application of various data science
interaction distances are provided [11,12]. Specific data techniques in FF parametrization. On the other hand,
sets for FF development have been released, most the standardization of these emergent databases is
notably a much larger database released by DEShaw desired for the easy access of them [7].

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Data science for force field development Ding et al. 3

The validation and refinement of biomolecular FFs also Chodera and co-workers proposed Espaloma, a FF
rely on condensed phase experimental data, such as model that discards atom typing and assigns parameters
NMR scalar and dipolar couplings as well as molecular with message-passing neural networks (MPNNs) [31].
liquid properties [17e20]. For example, the helical Instead of mapping discrete atom types into FF pa-
content of (AAQAA)3 derived from NMR measurements rameters with tabulated functions, Espaloma uses
and its temperature dependence have systematically trained continuous functions to directly map the topo-
driven protein FFs towards more accurate backbone logical connectivity to bonded and non-bonded param-
conformational sampling [17,21,22]. The Protein eters. Determination of atomic partial charges is
Ensemble Database (PED) stored the structural complicated by the additional constraint that the total
ensemble information of intrinsically disordered pro- charge should be an integer. To avoid the manual
teins (IDPs), with about 212 protein entries annotated redistribution of predicted charges, Espaloma predicts
with experimentally measured NMR, SAXS, or FRET atomic electronegativity and hardness and uses them to
data [23]. More efforts to construct databases contain- compute the atomic charges analytically with Lagrange
ing relevant experimental data would benefit the multipliers to satisfy the constraint. This approach leads
development of biomolecular FFs. to more accurate small molecule parameters as demon-
strated in the significant improvement in the binding-
Atom typing: from discrete types to free energy calculations of the Tyk2 ligand-protein
continuous embedding system [31].
Force field parameters can be generally divided into two
sets. One set includes per-atom parameters such as Setting aside the function forms in FFs
partial charges and Van der Waals (VdW) parameters, Classical FFs model molecular interactions with
which describe the non-bonded interactions. The other parametrized mathematical functions. The function
includes parameters to model bonded interaction terms forms were empirically designed, which is extremely
based on the topological connectivity of atoms in mo- successful as these function forms remain basically the
lecular fragments. The first step to employ an FF model same for more than 50 years [32]. More sophisticated
for a particular simulation system is atom typing, and the function forms are introduced to account for polarization
assignment of both sets of parameters depends on the effects through different formulas of polarizable FF
atom types pre-defined in the FF. Atom typing is in models [33,34]. In classical FFs, the curse of dimen-
general difficult for small molecule ligands [24], while sionality is avoided by a “divide-and-conquer” strategy
for biomolecular FFs it also remains a question whether that decomposes the total energy to different interac-
it is necessary to introduce new atom types during the tion terms, which effectively approximates the high-
FF development. dimensional potential energy surface to a series of 1-
or 2-dimensional subspaces. Theoretical advances in
As the atom type is encoded by an atom’s topological data science point out that neural network-based ma-
environment, mapping from the atom’s substructure to chine learning can overcome the curse of dimensionality
FF parameters is feasible with a text-rich format for when approximating high-dimensional functions
chemical environment definition as illustrated by [35,36]. Recently, a variety of machine learning poten-
Mobley et al. [25]. More generally, graph neural tials (MLPs) have been developed that discard the
network naturally provides the architecture for the empirical function forms in FFs and directly map the
mimic of the topology environment, laying the foun- atomic coordinates onto the potential energy and
dation of machine learning for atom types. Zhang pro- forces [37].
posed to use topology adaptive graph convolutional
network (TAGCN) [26] for automatic atom typing MLPs can be generally classified into kernel-based or
[27]. For each atom, the output of TAGCN is a prob- neural network-based methods according to the ML
ability density against all pre-defined atom types in a techniques employed (Figure 2). A determining factor
certain FF. The network was trained to reproduce the of their accuracy is how well the ML architecture can
atom types assigned using the rule-based CGENFF preserve the physical symmetries of the simulation
program [24,28], and achieved over 90% fidelity for system such as the rotational, translational, and per-
atomic typing problem in validation. To some extent, mutation invariance [38]. MLPs should also be size-
atom typing in empirical FFs represents an abstraction extensive, which means being transferable across sys-
layer to reduce the dimensionality of the parameter tems with various sizes. The pioneering work by Behler
space [25]. We note that once atom types are deter- and Parrinello in 2007 proposed to construct the total
mined, parameter assignment can also be aided by potential energy of a simulation system as the summa-
machine learning [29,30]. While atom typing reduces tion of atomic energies of individual particles [39]. Each
the searching space and enhances the model trans- atomic energy is predicted by a NN that takes envi-
ferability, accuracy is inevitably compromised by the ronmental descriptors of the corresponding atom as
finite discrete parameter space during optimization. inputs. In Behler’s work, these input features are

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4 Theory and Simulation/Computational Methods (2023)

Figure 2

Illustrations on how the potential energy is determined by atom coordinates in (a) classical FFs, (b) kernel-based MLPs, (c) NN-based MLPs that utilize
atom-centered symmetry functions as environment descriptors, (d) the DP model with descriptors learned from embedding networks, and (e) MLPs with
descriptors learned by MPNN.

manually crafted to guarantee the translational and predictions over a certain molecular conformation serves
rotational invariance. Smith et al. extended the defini- as the criterion on whether this conformation should be
tion of environment descriptors by including 3-body added to the training set. Using MD simulation for
interaction features, yielding the ANI series of models conformational searching in active learning eventually
that are widely used to model drug-like organic mole- leads to simultaneous model training and application,
cules [40,16]. It’s also possible to replace the manually similar to the “on-the-fly” MD approach [46,47].
designed environment descriptors with atomic features Moreover, active learning can be - and should be -
learned by another embedding network. The embed- combined with more radical techniques to sample
ding NN and the fitting NN are trained together, and conformational spaces as well as the chemical space.
different embedding strategies lead to different MLPs
such as the Deep Potential (DP) model [41] and the While MLPs can achieve QM accuracy with the same
SchNet model [42]. Following the popular philosophy of scaling of classical FFs, they are still computationally
data science, developers of the DP method provide full- much more expensive. Difficulties in the proper
stack training and development tools to expand the handling of long-range interactions also limit their ap-
application scenarios for different users [43,44]. plications to highly heterogeneous systems [48,49]. To
explicitly include the non-local effects that are crucial
One consequence of setting aside the functional forms for the accurate modeling of long-range interactions,
is that separation of physically meaningful interaction improvement in current MLPs architectures is needed.
terms is not straightforward anymore. “Divide-and- Unke et al. recently reported their efforts to construct a
conquer” strategies for parametrize classical FFs are MLP model for protein simulations by training on
thus no longer valid. Machine learning models are also “bottom-up” and “top-down” fragments of varying sizes
notorious for the extremely large number of parameters [50]. In general, accurate MLPs to simulate proteins
to be determined, which implies that high-quality solvated in water or embedded in lipid bilayers are not
MLPs require vast number of training data. To this yet available. A more practical approach to use MLP for
end, active learning is widely used in the construction of biomolecular systems is via hybrid models. Compared
MLPs [44,45]. In active learning, multiple MLP models with the well-established QM/MM method, one
are trained at the same time and the variance of their advantage of MLP/MM is that the electronic degrees of

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Data science for force field development Ding et al. 5

freedom in MLPs are implicitly integrated out. This What if there are multiple equally good FF
would simplify MD integration as there are consistent models?
DOFs between the MLP part and the classical MM part During the development of biomolecular FFs, some-
in the model. times it’s possible to generate several parameter sets
when fitting to the QM calculations of model com-
Both the ANI and the DP models have been used to pounds. These sets were usually subjected to MD
construct hybrid MLP/MM models for MD simulations simulations of a few biomolecular systems, and one set
of biomolecules [51]. The whole simulation system is was selected empirically as the published final model.
described by a classical MM model, with a subset of With more sophisticated optimizers and the direct
atoms modeled by an additional MLP model. The MLP fitting to condensed phase experimental data, it would
model can be trained to reproduce the difference in be common that several equally good FF models are
atomic forces between QM calculations and the MM derived. For example, Lindorff and co-workers gener-
model for the subset, or a subtraction of MM forces can ated three different parameter sets when optimizing a
be performed during the simulation. We also note that coarse-grained protein hydrophobicity scale (HPS)
MLPs can be utilized to improve QM/MM calculations, model with Bayesian parameter-learning [63] and they
either as a correction to bridge low-level and high-level found that there was no significant difference between
QM methods [52,53] or as leverage to model the QM these three models in describing the relevant IDP
influence on the QM/MM boundary [54]. properties. This would be even more common with
MLPs due to their much larger parameter spaces.
Turbocharging FF development with Interestingly, an understanding of the non-deterministic
automatic differentiation nature of FF models would provide additional insights
Development of biomolecular FFs typically involves on how these models should be used.
running MD simulations, from which thermodynamic
properties can be computed and compared with exper- Data science provides a series of theoretical tools to
imental measurements. This requires analytical first handle the uncertainties in computational models, such
derivatives or even second derivatives (Hessians) of the as the Bayesian neural network and the committee
potential energy function. Furthermore, thermodynamic model. In the development of FFs, the uncertainties’
properties can be leveraged to directly optimize FF estimation is also important for its applications in
parameters through reweighting by taking the de- different scenarios [64e67]. Ceriotti and co-workers
rivatives with respect to particular FF parameters derived a theoretical framework for the error estimation
[55,22]. Implementation of these derivatives is however of thermodynamic properties calculated from MD sim-
cumbersome, which limits the advanced optimization of ulations considering the uncertainties of the FF models
FFs. Fortunately, this is a common task in data science. employed [68]. Essentially, uncertainty propagation can
ML architectures, in particular the JAX, now provide be performed for ensemble-averaged properties by
strong support to automatic differentiation and thus computing the uncertainty for each MD frame using the
remove the coding burden of derivative calculations. committee model. Their work also demonstrated the
advantage to construct MLPs as add-ons of classical FFs
Automatic differentiation allows agile FF construction such that accuracy and generalization can be achieved at
based on macroscopic observable values. Examples the same time. A similarity to the well-established
include FF fitting targeting radial distribution functions ensemble learning method in ML should be noted [69].
and specific folded conformations [56], and FF param-
etrization using hydration-free energies with automatic Conclusions
differentiation [57]. In another study, a coarse-grained Data science has changed the life of human beings in
protein FF is constructed using only RMSDs with the past decade, especially with the applications of deep
respect to targeted native folded conformational states learning. To this end, it develops a variety of techniques
[58]. Aided by automatic differentiation, there are a for the training and deployment of computational
series of efforts towards the construction of end-to-end models, which can help us develop better biomolecular
differentiable molecular dynamics [59,60]. We do note force fields. Scaling up these approaches to large, het-
that automatic differentiation in DL bears the possible erogeneous biomolecular systems is still a challenge due
issue of numerical instability, as the iterative utilization to the difficulties in efficiently sampling the chemical
of chain rules might induce gradient exploding or van- space and modeling long-range interactions. Attempts to
ishing [61,62]. Recurrent neural networks are usually tackle these problems are ongoing, such as active
included in ML architectures to confront the issue and learning and large-scale pre-trained models, but good
enhance the robustness of training models. Similar solutions are yet to come. We expect accurate and
considerations should be taken into account when transferable MLPs or hybrid models using NNs for
applying the automatic differentiation techniques in proteins and nucleic acids would be available in the very
MD simulations and FF development. near future. Other data science techniques than those

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6 Theory and Simulation/Computational Methods (2023)

reviewed here might also be useful. For example, 

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