Pump Control Instructions MINK MV 0040-0080 C-D - EN - en
Pump Control Instructions MINK MV 0040-0080 C-D - EN - en
Pump Control Instructions MINK MV 0040-0080 C-D - EN - en
with Variable-frequency Drive
MV 0040 C, MV 0060 C, MV 0080 C
MV 0040 D, MV 0060 D, MV 0080 D
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Table of Contents
1 Safety .......................................................................................................................................4
2 Product Description "Keypad" ...................................................................................................5
2.1 Scope of Delivery ............................................................................................................. 5
2.2 Application....................................................................................................................... 5
3 Installation "Keypad".................................................................................................................6
3.1 Wall Mounting ................................................................................................................. 6
3.2 Connecting to the Vacuum Pump .................................................................................... 6
4 Commissioning "Keypad"..........................................................................................................8
4.1 Key Overview .................................................................................................................. 8
4.2 Display Overview ............................................................................................................. 8
4.3 Menu Structure ................................................................................................................ 9
4.4 Changing Values .............................................................................................................. 9
4.5 Remote and Local Control Place ....................................................................................... 9
4.6 Fault................................................................................................................................. 9
4.7 Controlling the Vacuum Pump with Keypad ..................................................................... 10
5 Product Description "Parametrisation-Kit" ................................................................................11
5.1 Scope of Delivery ............................................................................................................. 11
5.2 Application....................................................................................................................... 11
6 Installation "Parametrisation-Kit"..............................................................................................12
6.1 Connecting to the Vacuum Pump .................................................................................... 12
7 Parameter Overview .................................................................................................................13
7.1 Overview I/O Connections .............................................................................................. 13
7.2 Monitoring Group: Menu MON ....................................................................................... 13
7.3 Basic Parameters: Menu PAR G1 ...................................................................................... 14
7.4 Advanced Settings: Menu PAR G2 ................................................................................... 15
7.5 Analogue Inputs: Menu PAR G3 ...................................................................................... 17
7.6 Digital Inputs: Menu PAR G4 ........................................................................................... 17
7.7 Digital Outputs: Menu PAR G5 ........................................................................................ 19
7.8 Analogue Outputs: Menu PAR G6 ................................................................................... 19
7.9 Group Supervisions: Menu PAR G7 .................................................................................. 20
7.10 Motor Control: Menu PAR G8 ......................................................................................... 20
7.11 Protections: Menu PAR G9............................................................................................... 21
7.12 Autoreset: Menu PAR G10 ............................................................................................... 23
7.13 Fieldbus: Menu PAR G11 ................................................................................................. 23
7.14 PID-Controller: Menu PAR G12 ....................................................................................... 24
7.15 System Parameters, Fault and History Faults: Menu FLT ................................................... 25
8 Parameter Description ..............................................................................................................27
8.1 Basic Parameter ................................................................................................................ 27
8.2 Advanced Settings............................................................................................................ 28
8.3 Analogue Inputs............................................................................................................... 30
8.4 Digital Inputs.................................................................................................................... 34
8.5 Digital Outputs ................................................................................................................ 36
8.6 Analogue Outputs............................................................................................................ 37
8.7 Supervisions ..................................................................................................................... 37
1 Safety
Prior to handling the machine, this instruction manual should be read and understood. If
anything needs to be clarified, please contact your Busch representative.
Read this manual carefully before use and keep for future reference.
This instruction manual remains valid as long as the customer does not change anything
on the product.
The machine is intended for industrial use. It must be handled only by technically trained
Always wear appropriate personal protective equipment in accordance with the local
The machine has been designed and manufactured according to state-of-the-art meth-
ods. Nevertheless, residual risks may remain. This instruction manual highlights potential
hazards where appropriate. Safety notes and warning messages are tagged with one of
the keywords DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION, NOTICE and NOTE as follows:
... indicates an imminent dangerous situation that will result in death or serious injuries if
not prevented.
... indicates a potentially dangerous situation that could result in death or serious injuries.
... indicates a potentially dangerous situation that could result in minor injuries.
... indicates a potentially dangerous situation that could result in damage to property.
... indicates helpful tips and recommendations, as well as information for efficient and
trouble-free operation.
2.2 Application
The Keypad is intended for:
– Parametrisation of the variable-frequency drive
– Control (e.g. locking and releasing)
– Display of various process values
of the following machines:
– MINK MV 0040 C/D
– MINK MV 0060 C/D
– MINK MV 0080 C/D
3 Installation "Keypad"
The back side of the keypad is equipped with magnets to fix magnetically the manual
control unit either on the vacuum pump or on another part.
• Remove the bracket for wall mounting
• Magnetically fix the keypad on desired place
4 Commissioning "Keypad"
4.1 Key Overview
Move backward in menu;
Exit edit mode;
Reset faults Scroll menu up; increase value Change control place
Before removing the keypad from the vacuum pump, the control place must be reset to
remote control to avoid a fault message of the vacuum pump (error code 52 keypad
communication fault).
The fault massage is only resettable by using the keypad again to change the control
4.6 Fault
When a fault appears, the display with the name of the fault starts to blink.
Active faults are indicated in the submenus F5.0 to F5.9. The memory of active faults can
store the maximum of 10 faults in the order of appearance.
The 10 latest faults are stored in the order of appearance in the fault history F6.0 to
Pressing the OK key on the selected fault shows the following details of the fault:
The fault remains active unless the fault will be reset by BACK/RESET key, by a reset sig-
nal on terminal 10 of the control unit or disconnecting the pump from main power sup-
ply for more than 10 seconds.
5.2 Application
The Parametrisation-Kit is intended for:
• Parametrisation of the frequency inverter
• Controlling
• Indication of values
• Saving of set of parameter
of the following machines:
– MINK MV 0040 C/D
– MINK MV 0060 C/D
– MINK MV 0080 C/D
6 Installation "Parametrisation-Kit"
• Install the PC software on a Computer or a Notebook.
• Connect the connection cable to the USB interface of the Computer or Notebook.
7 Parameter Overview
7.1 Overview I/O Connections
Terminal Signal
5 Ground
7 Digital Ground
6 24 V Out
3 Ground
1 10 V Out
A RS485 reference
B RS485
1 ... 10 k
8 Parameter Description
In this chapter, you will find additional information on certain changeable most advanced
P1.3, P1.4
P2.13 [t]
These parameters are used to reduce mechanical erosion and current spikes when the
reference is changed.
unfiltered signal
100 %
filtered signal
63 %
Max. Freq.
Frequency Reference
Min. Freq.
-100 0 50 100 200
Max. Freq.
Frequency Reference
Min. Freq.
-100 0 50 100 200
Max. Freq.
Frequency Reference
Min. Freq.
-100 0 50 100 200
P5.7 and P5.8 RO2 Relay Output 2 ON Delay and OFF Delay
Adjustable delays for ON/OFF transitions.
8.7 Supervisions
P7.1 Frequency supervision
0: Not used
1: Low limit
2: High limit
P7.7 and P7.8 External Brake Open Frequency and Current Limit
Thresholds that must be reached for external brake open at start.
If a digital output has been programmed for brake control, the frequency reference is in-
ternally limited to P7.7 + 0.1Hz until the brake is opened.
8.8 Autoreset
P10.1 Automatic Fault Reset
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
The automatic reset function deletes fault state when the fault cause has been eliminated
and the wait time P10.2 has elapsed. Parameter P10.4 determines the maximum number
of automatic resets that can be effected during the trial time set by parameter P10.3.
The time count starts from the first automatic reset. If the number of faults detected dur-
ing the trial time exceeds the values of trials, the fault status becomes permanent and a
reset command is needed.
8.9 Fieldbus
P11.1 to P11.8 ProcessDataOut 1-8 Selection
Parameter couples read only variables to output process data 1 to 8.
0: Output frequency
1: Motor speed
2: Motor current
3: Motor voltage
4: Motor torque
5: Motor power
6: DC link voltage
7: Active fault code
8: Analogue AI1
9: Analogue AI2
10: Digital inputs state
11: PID actual value
12: PID set point
P12.15 to P12.18
These parameters manage a more complex sleep sequence. After the time in P12.13, the
set point is increased of the term in P12.15, for the time in P12.16. This will cause a
higher output frequency. Frequency reference is then forced at minimum frequency and
the feedback value is sampled.
If the variation on actual value stays then lower than P12.17 for the time in P12.18, the
drive will enter sleep condition.
If this sequence is not needed, program P12.15=0%, P12.16=0s, P12.17=50%,
9 Troubleshooting
Live wires.
Risk of electrical shock.
• Electrical installation work must only be executed by qualified personnel.
Hot surface.
Risk of burns!
• Prior to any action requiring touching the machine, let the machine cool down first.
For the solution of problems not mentioned in the troubleshooting chart contact your
Busch representative.
` DI2 used in the standard parameterization for switching to PID-control. 3 additional pre-set reference values are available with 2 digital inputs.
` ` DI4 used in the standard parameterization for rese tting the service counter to 0. 7 additional pre-set reference values are available with 3 digital inputs (not llustrated here).
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Basic Connection Examples | 10
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no. Operating Speed pre- Signals Configuration Required Components / Example
mode setting
2 Operating via Speed constant DI1 Remove bridge from terminal 6-8,
digital input (max.) Digital signal on terminal 8
10 | Basic Connection Examples
Terminal 6 - 8
Speed via DI1 Remove bridge from terminal 1-2 and 6-8,
analog signal AI1(0-10 V)` Analog signal 0-10V on terminal 2,
Digital signal on terminal 8 Switch
Terminal 6 - 8
Potentiometer 1...10 kOhm
Terminal 1-2-3
Speed via digital DI5 Digital signal on terminal 15
signals (preset DI2` Change parameter P4.8 from 0 to 5 Switch
references) (DI4` ` ) Set desired frequency in parameter P2.2 Terminal 6 - 15
Digital signal on terminal 9` Switch
Change parameter P4.9 from 0 to 2 Terminal 6 - 9
Change parameter P4.15 from 2 to 0 Switch
Set desired frequency in parameter P2.2, P2.3 and P2.4 Terminal 6 - 8
PID control DI1 Remove Bridge from terminal 1-2, Pressure transmitter
(external sensor DI2 Digital signal on terminal 8, p Terminal 6-4-5
required) Set point: Digital signal on terminal 9, A
AI1 (0-10 V)` Analog signal 0-10V on terminal 2, Bridge Termial 6 - 9
Actual value: Analogsignal 4-20mA on terminal 4 Switch Terminal 6 - 8
AI2 (4-20 mA) Potentiometer 1...10 kOhm
Terminal 1-2-3
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Preparation for pressure control
Switchover to PID-control
Activate digital input 2
(digital input 1 (Terminals 6-8) stay activated to
10 | Basic Connection Examples
Programmed actual value p
-> Change parameter P12.1 from 1 to 0 A
programmed setpoint 1/2)
(setpoint source AI1
Change parameter P12.2 (programmed setpoint 1) to desired
percentage (10% ~ 100 mbar)
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Optimization of pressure control
Increasing the dynamics of the pressure control:
Alteration: Increase of the proportional amplification
10 | Basic Connection Examples
Example: MV 0040 C, 80 liter vessel, pressure set point 200 mbar: Parameter P12.13=2s and P12.14=1%
-> reduced fall below pressure set point since the pump switch off more quickly
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Cascade and Alternating operation (“duplex” system) - Successfully tested procedure:
Both pumps are pressure controlled with the same actual value signal (realizable by: 1 pressure transmitter 4-
20 mA and 1 signal splitter or 2 pressure transmitter 4-20 mA or 1 pressure transmitter 0(2)-10 V connected to
10 | Basic Connection Examples
both pumps)
- setpoint setting 1 and 2 parameterized with slightly different pre-set values
e.g. pressure setting on 140 mbar, second pump will join if pressure exceeds 200 mbar:
pump 1: P12.1 --> 0 (setpoint setting with fixed setpoint 1/2); P12.2 --> approx. 14 (approx. 140 mbar;)
P12.3 --> approx. 20 (approx. 200 mbar)
pump 2: P12.1 --> 0 (setpoint setting with fixed setpoint 1/2); P12.2 --> approx. 20 (approx. 200 mbar;)
P12.3 --> approx. 14 (approx. 140 mbar)
-> Both pumps will start, pump 2 will switch off after pressure drops below 200 mbar and after the
sleep-time, pump 1 will control down to 140 mbar
If the value of 200 mbar is achieved due to exeeding vacuum demand (and wake up level is passed),
pump 2 will start/run as well
- switching to fixed setpoint 2 on both pumps will be defined by parameter P4.16 (P4.16 --> 5 (digital input 5
(terminal 15) as a switch))
-> If the digital input 5 will be set (by switch (see also available wiring diagram for triplex system) or
PLC) to HIGH the values on both pumps of P12.3 (pump 1: 20; pump 2: 14) will be activated which
means that pump 2 will control down to 140 mbar and will do the main part of the work
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