Guide 16997
Guide 16997
Guide 16997
1. Review the functional test requirements and add or change requirements, as necessary, for
the current project. Delete requirements for equipment not existing in the current project.
2. Make sure that every piece of mechanical equipment or system has a unique test requirement
or is listed as a component of a system with testing requirements given. Use the format of
this section for new test requirements.
3. Include intersystem test requirements where significant interactions or interlocks exist
between systems.
A. The following is a list of the equipment and system test requirements included in this section:
1. Lighting sweep controls
2. Daylight dimming controls
3. Emergency power and UPS system
A. This section specifies the functional testing requirements for Division 15 systems and equipment.
From these requirements, the Commissioning Agent (CA) shall develop step-by-step procedures
to be executed by the Subs. The general functional testing process, requirements and testing
methods definitions are described in Section 17100. The test requirements for each piece of
equipment or system contain the following:
1. The contractors responsible to execute the tests, under the direction of the CA.
2. A list of the integral components being tested.
3. Prefunctional checklists associated with the components.
4. Functions and modes to be tested.
5. Required conditions of the test for each mode.
6. Special procedures.
7. Required methods of testing.
8. Required monitoring.
File: 682764356.doc Commissioning Guide Specification—PECI / OREGON OFFICE OF
ENERGY: 8/3/2023
— Large Buildings
SECTION 16997 2
9. Acceptance criteria.
10. Sampling strategies allowed.
The following applicable generic prerequisite checklist items are required to be listed on each written
functional test form and be completed and checked off by CA prior to functional testing.
__ All related equipment has been started up and start-up reports and prefunctional checklists submitted and
approved ready for functional testing:
__ All control system functions for this and all interlocking systems are programmed and operable per
contract documents, including final setpoints and schedules with debugging, loop tuning and sensor
calibrations completed.
_________________________________ _________________________
Controls Contractor Signature or Verbal Date
__ All A/E punchlist items for this equipment corrected.
__ These functional test procedures reviewed and approved by installing contractor.
__ Safeties and operating ranges reviewed by the CA.
__ Test requirements and sequences of operation attached.
__ Schedules and setpoints attached.
__ Sufficient clearance around equipment for servicing.
__ Record of all values for pre-test setpoints changed to accommodate testing has been made and a check box
provided to verify return to original values (control parameters, limits, delays, lockouts, schedules, etc.).
__ Other miscellaneous checks of the prefunctional checklist and start-up reports completed successfully.
a. Monitoring is a method of testing as a stand-alone method or to augment manual testing.
b. All points listed in the required monitoring section of the test requirements which are control
system monitored points shall be trended by the controls contractor. Other points shall be
monitored by the CA using dataloggers. At the option of the CA, some control system monitoring
may be replaced with datalogger monitoring. At the CA’s request, the controls contractor shall
trend up to 20% more points than listed at no extra charge.
c. Hard copies of monitored data must be in columnar format with time down the left column and at
least 4 columns of point values on the same page. Graphical output is a desirable option, if the
system can produce it.
C. Prerequisites The applicable prerequisite checklist items listed in the beginning of Section
16997 shall be listed on each functional test form and checked off prior to functional testing.
Test Method
Manual (demonstration),
Monitoring, Either or
Function / Mode Both
1. All specified functions and features are set up, debugged and fully Verbal discussion of
operable. features
2. Power failure and battery backup and power-up restart functions. Demonstration
3. Security and access codes. Demonstration
4. Verify override duration setting. Demonstration
5. Scheduling features fully functional and setup, including holidays. Observation in terminal
screens or printouts
6. Date and time setting in central computer and verify that field panels Demonstration
read the same time.
7. 50% of the zones with a minimum of 2 zones per controller or relay must Either
be verified by turning on at least 25% of the lights in the zone and
witnessing an actual sweep.
8. Manual occupant overrides: 25% of the local override switches, with a Either
minimum of 4 switches must be verified by turning the override switches
ON after a sweep and seeing the lights turn back on. 100% of the
remainder of the switches should be sight verified to be in place.
9. Telephone and keypad overrides: Test the telephone overrides by Either
calling in for 50% of the zones. Test 50% of the keypad overrides.
E. Special Procedures (other equipment to test with, etc.; reference to function ID)
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ENERGY: 8/3/2023
— Large Buildings
SECTION 16997 4
F. Required Monitoring
1. None required, though monitoring can substitute for manual testing for all functions. See
section 1.4 above.
H. Sampling Strategy for Identical Units (xx% Sampling—yy% Failure Rule is defined in Section
17100, Part 3.6)
1. Sampling is as listed in the table above with a 10% Failure Rule applying.
C. Prerequisites The applicable prerequisite checklist items listed in the beginning of Section
16997 shall be listed on each functional test form and checked off prior to functional testing.
Test Method
Manual (demonstration),
Function / Mode Monitoring, Either or
1. All specified functions and features are set up, debugged and fully Verbal discussion of
operable. features
2. Power failure and battery backup and power-up restart functions. Demonstration
3. Occupant over-ride functions and duration setting. Demonstration
4. Scheduling features fully functional and setup, including holidays. Observation in terminal
screens or printouts
5. Date and time setting in central computer. Demonstration
6. Test the sequence of operation for all features and modes. Manual
7. Test the dimming controls during “live” conditions verifying that Either
amperage changes in light fixtures are proportional to external light
changes, and that the light levels at the specified datum points remain
within specified limits. Verify this over a broad area for all areas
affected. Verify that all, and only, specified light fixtures are dimming.
8. Verify that delays and ramp times are set and functioning so that the Manual
speed of change of light fixture output is slow enough to be judged non-
bothersome to occupants.
9. Verify that dimming does not cause lower than specified light levels in Manual
adjacent “non-dimmed” spaces.
10. Verify that the controls and sensors are not easily overridden or disabled Visual inspection
by occupants.
11. Verify that the photo sensor is in an adequate location and is not being Visual inspection
affected by direct sunlight or obstructions.
E. Special Procedures (other equipment to test with, etc.; reference to function ID)
F. Required Monitoring
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ENERGY: 8/3/2023
— Large Buildings
SECTION 16997 6
1. None required, though monitoring can substitute for manual testing for most functions.
See section 1.4 above.
H. Sampling Strategy for Identical Units (xx% Sampling—yy% Failure Rule is defined in Section
17100, Part 3.6)
1. Each photosensor and its controlled zone must be tested (no sampling).
Spec Writer:
There is a wide variation in the industry as to what is sufficient testing for emergency power
systems. More critical emergency power loads and generators feeding UPS systems and
critical UPS loads warrant the more rigorous tests. Less critical applications will frequently
omit the infrared metering and the powerline load profiler, detailed frequency and voltage
stabilization tests mentioned below.
C. Prerequisites The applicable prerequisite checklist items listed in the beginning of Section
16997 shall be listed on each functional test form and checked off prior to functional testing.
Test Method
Manual (demonstration),
Function / Mode Monitoring, Either or
Generator and ATS
1. Document and witness startup, checkout and testing by factory Demonstration
representative as specified and including the following:
2. Safeties and alarms (including high and low oil pressure, high Manual
temperature, over-speed, derangements, etc.)
3. Sequences of operation with load bank: From a cold start, verify starting Either
functions by recording times for engine start, ATS transfer ON, delay to
OFF, engine cool down, etc.
4. Load bank generator to 100% for 1 hour. Record every 5 min.: volts & Combination
amps (each phase), frequency, using load profiler, engineer coolant temp.
and oil pressure.
5. Voltage and frequency regulation over various loads. Verify that
File: 682764356.doc Commissioning Guide Specification—PECI / OREGON OFFICE OF
ENERGY: 8/3/2023
— Large Buildings
SECTION 16997 8
Test Method
Manual (demonstration),
Function / Mode Monitoring, Either or
frequency and voltage is within specified ranges at steady state and step Combination
loads of 0%-50%, 0%-100%, 100%-50% and 50%-100% in that order
using a power line load profiler. Verify that frequency stability (rate of
change) is adequate.
6. Using actual building emergency loads, tune the generator output Combination
frequency and voltage for use by the UPS, using a load profiler or
oscilloscope. (This could be done during the Integrated Building Test).
7. Verify annunciations to BAS and remote monitoring sites. Monitoring
8. During the above tests use an infrared meter on the ATS contacts and Manual
look for hot spots and significant variations between contracts.
9. Monitor and instrument as required to make positive observations of test Either
10. Operation during Integrated Test. Manual
11 By actual power outage, verify sequence of operation of UPS. Use actual Manual
UPS loads if possible, else use load bank: at what voltage UPS starts,
time to transfer back to E-power, etc. Verify proper frequency window
and slew rate with powerline analyzer. Tune UPS and generator
governor as necessary. Partially drain batteries and verify charging
12. Simulate all alarms critical malfunctions and verify annunciations and Manual
protective device functioning.
13. Verify annunciations to BAS and remote monitoring sites. Monitoring
14. During the above tests use an infrared meter on the UPS contacts and Manual
look for hot spots and significant variations between contracts.
15. Monitor and instrument as required to make positive observations of test Either
16. Operation during Integrated Test. Manual
E. Special Procedures (other equipment to test with, etc.; reference to function ID)
None, except as noted.
F. Required Monitoring
1. See Requirements 4, 5, 8. See Section 1.4 above.
1-17 For the conditions, sequences and modes tested, the emergency power and UPS system,
(All) integral components and related equipment respond to changing conditions and
parameters appropriately as expected, as specified and according to acceptable operating
H. Sampling Strategy for Identical Units (xx% Sampling—yy% Failure Rule is defined in Section
17100, Part 3.6)
1. None. Test all.