SMS Journal
SMS Journal
SMS Journal
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 180 – No.16, February 2018
The World Meteorological Organization, classified weather model base consists of the analytical capabilities of qualitative
forecasting into different groups, identifying that, when the models. The functionality of the knowledge engine is designed
range is shorter, then the predictability becomes higher and to manage the problem-solving process, the problem
more suitable for an agricultural forecast. The group recognition and the generation of a final solution. The user
classification ranges from Now-casting (between 0-2 hours), interface component is designed to facilitate users’ interaction
Very short-range forecast (up to 12 hours), Short range forecast with the System [3].
(12 to 72 hours) and Long range forecast (12-30 days- 2 years)
[9]. Basically, there are three types of problems for decision
making, namely structured, unstructured and semi-structured.
From another side, the elements of agricultural weather Structured problems can be solved by standard solution
forecasts vary from place to place and from season to season, techniques with clearly specified procedures to make a
but they should refer to all weather elements, which affect farm decision. Whereas the procedures of unstructured problems are
planning and operations. The elements are Sky coverage by unspecified in advance, and most of the decisions procedures
clouds, Precipitation, Temperature (maximum, minimum and are followed only once. In semi-structured problems,
dew point), Relative humidity, Wind Speed and direction, procedures for decision making can be specified but the
Extreme events (heat and cold waves fog, frost, hail, optimal decision making cannot be verified [10].
thunderstorms, wind squalls and gales, low pressure areas,
different intensities of depressions, cyclones, tornados among In general, DSS is project-oriented and the functionality is
others), Bright hours of sunshine, Solar radiation, Dew, Leaf always determined by system architecture. A typical DSS
wetness, Pan evaporation, Soil moisture stress conditions and architecture should have an optimization toolbox, an on-line
supplementary irrigation for rain fed crops, Advice for analytical processing toolbox, a data mining toolbox, a
irrigation timing and quantity in terms of pan evaporation, transaction processing system and a database as illustrated in
Specific information about the evolution of meteorological Fig. 1.0. Users can generate problems to the DSS and obtain
variables into the canopy layer in some specific cases, Micro- the analyzed answers from the user interface and a data mining
climate inside crops in specific cases [9]. toolbox can find the required data in large a database where
data related to the problem are located.
2.2 Decision Support System
Productivity of agriculture is dependent on a number of factors
2.3 SMS Technology as eWarning
such as changing climate, harsh environmental conditions and Short Message Service is a store and forward way of
changing commodity markets. Strategic decisions are required transmitting short messages to and from mobiles [7]. The
by farmers for seasonal response to such factors in order to message from the source mobile is kept in a central short
maintain profitability. The decisions, including the crop variety message center (SMS) which then forwards to the destination
to grow, the rate of sowing, fertilizer need and herbicide mobile. This implies that when the recipient mobile is not
spraying with other agronomy practices, will contribute in a available; the short message is stored and can be sent later. The
huge manner to the economical sustainability of individual length of each short message cannot exceed 160 characters,
farmer [3]. while these characters can be text (alphanumeric) or binary
Non-Text Short messages.
Hence, there is a need for the development of a Decision Unlike paging, SMS messages do not require the mobile phone
Support System assist farmers to make timely decisions. to be active and within range, since they can be held for many
According to [8], Decision Support System is described as the days until the phone is active and within range. SMS messages
collection of integrated software applications and hardware that are transmitted with the same cell or to anyone with roaming
form the backbone of an organization’s decision making capability. They can also be sent from a computer to an
process. Also [6], defines decision support system as a system ordinary mobile device such as the cellular phone and vice-
that assists management decision making by combining data, versa.
sophisticated analytical tools and user-friendly software into a
single powerful system that can support structured, eWarning System is a communication strategy that provides
unstructured and semi structured decision making. However, people (in this case, smallholder farmers) early warning of all
[5] concluded that the main objective of DSS is to support and hazards, natural disasters, to create effective response actions
improve decision making. to disasters before impact, thus dramatically reducing their
effects on the lives of people, properties and in the case of
DSS may be composed of four main components which are farmers, crops and farm products. SMS Technology can be a
Database, Model Base, Knowledge Base and Graphics User great tool to give people the information they required when it
Interfaces [5]. The functionality of data base is to store, retrieve comes to disaster preparedness because aside from being
and organize the raw data that will be used as information to cheap, many smallholder farmers own at least one unit of
make decisions in the knowledge engine component. The cellular phone
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 180 – No.16, February 2018
Systems are decomposed into smaller components where each up, users can interact with different platform on the web
component interrelates with other smaller system using defined application to get desired information. For example, when
interfaces with boundaries, specific purpose and constraints [2]. administrators update the application, registered farmers and
Figure 2 shows the decomposition of the web application to extension agents get such information through SMS. Similarly,
independent modules that interact with one another. Two main when farmers and other users register themselves on the web
components of the web application are the weather forecast platform, the administrators can view all registered farmers
provider system and SMS gateway provider system. In this set through the web interface on the admin page.
Fig 2: Proposed Web-based Agricultural Information System with SMS-based Technology Integration
Figure 3 shows unified model language (UML) diagram for system that extracts information directly from meteorological
modeling data of the application. The model was then used to service.
implement a database using MySQL database management
system (DBMS). The model design describes the interaction of Furthermore, the system is designed to supply information to its
the system with other sub-systems (environments). The system sub-systems. Hence, users get connected to the web application
encompasses the database where the agricultural information through an internet connection from a network provider using a
resides, the eWarning System where the user set up a threshold computer system or mobile phone to assess the information on
to receiving weather information and the climate information the web platform.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 180 – No.16, February 2018
The web application enables users to access agricultural Users can also get the current climate information on the web
information; sets up eWarning to get climate information and at interface according to the user’s input (city search). The web
the appropriate time to receive the climate information as a Short application is connected to open weather map; a meteorological
Message Service (SMS) from the application through SMS service that provides daily weather forecast and other daily
Gateway Provider. climate information
Figure 3: UML Diagram for Web-based Agricultural and Climate Information System
The system designed was implemented to create the functions In addition to the web platform, SMS-based technology was also
and operation of gathered requirements in detail, including used for implementation. The motivation of implementing SMS
screen layouts, process diagram and other documentations. The technology was driven by the needs of farmers in the rural area
result of this stage describes the web application which is where the access to agricultural information for informed
defined as a collection of modules and subsystems. For each decision making was not encouraging.
requirement, there is a set of one or more design elements that
are produced using the different models. All these design Figure 4 shows the web interface with information about daily
elements describe the desired software features, in detail, climate forecast for Ilaro areas, Nigeria of 2017 as updated by
including functional hierarchy diagrams, screen layouts open weather map. The daily climate forecast showed the
diagrams. temperature, climate description, Humidity, Wind Speed,
Sunrise and Sunset of the particular day.
A web platform was suggested during the implementation phase
because it provides online interaction among agricultural sectors.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 180 – No.16, February 2018
Figure 5 shows part of web interface that displays platform computer system or mobile phone. Registered users can ask
for communicating alerts to registered users. Registered for daily climate forecast of the current season, and the
users who set up eWarning receives daily weather forecast system can find out if such information was updated and
when updated by open weather map through SMS by the display forecast information to the user without human
systems administrator. The system allows farmers and other intervention.
agricultural actors to register on the web interface using a
The climate information requested by the user through eWarning climate information to users automatically. Hence, the system
setup is sent manually by the systems administrator and this is administrator gets the daily weather information as required by
one of the limitations of the web application; the ability to send
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 180 – No.16, February 2018
the user and manually types it into the web platform for web interface. The SMS is delivered directly to the registered
communicating alerts and user phone upon the action carried out by the system
then send it to the contact provided by the registered user. Figure administrator who sent the climate information based on the
6 shows the corresponding SMS as requested by the user on the user’s request.