Research Paper On Vegetation Health Monitoring Using Agricultural IOT
Research Paper On Vegetation Health Monitoring Using Agricultural IOT
Research Paper On Vegetation Health Monitoring Using Agricultural IOT
Pooja Kharat[1], Ameya Salvi[2], Omkar Sawant[3] , Nilesh Rathod (Supervisor) [4]
Student, MCTs Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Mumbai-53
Assistant Professor,MCTs Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Mumbai-53
[email protected], [2][email protected], [3][email protected]
Abstract:- Vegetation health monitoring project aims to measure and record data about crops in real time using the reflectance of light shined or
water provided on the growing plants. Sensors can be installed across the application boom to collect information while the different span of
time of the plant growth. The data is logged and mapped to be used in further analysis or for real-time variable rate applications. This kind of
data is the key to precision farming. Collect information in the fields, analyze and then make decisions based on the data..A Sensor Network
(SN) is a group of sensor nodes work collaboratively to perform a common task. SensorNetworks plays a major role in the development of
monitoring air, soil and water, habitat monitoring, agriculturalmonitoring, military surveillance, inventory tracking etc.Sensors are used in
agriculture to monitor Temperature, Humidity, Soil moisture, Wind (speed and direction), Pressure. In the existing systemarduino,and the
sensors are used to track the needs of the canopy growth. External server is used to collect the data.In proposed system, a plant growth will be
monitored in terms of sunlight, temperature and soil moisture, and read values will be fed into the applicationon the users mobile phone.With
this Project, plant breeders can evaluate the performance of different plant varieties using measurements taken from remote sensors. These
sensors monitor things like soil moisture, atmospherictemperature, and soil moisture and are often used for crop variety trials. The system has a
great advantage, that is expandable and so new type of sensors and controllers can be added without affecting the existing infrastructure; power
and communication are made using a single cable This allows planning appropriate necessities for the vegetation, and monitoring the
vegetations health.
IJRITCC | November 2016, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 11 200 202
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IJRITCC | November 2016, Available @