Research Paper On Vegetation Health Monitoring Using Agricultural IOT

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International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169

Volume: 4 Issue: 11 200 202

Research paper on Vegetation Health Monitoring Using Agricultural IOT

Pooja Kharat[1], Ameya Salvi[2], Omkar Sawant[3] , Nilesh Rathod (Supervisor) [4]
Student, MCTs Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Mumbai-53
Assistant Professor,MCTs Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Mumbai-53
[email protected], [2][email protected], [3][email protected]

Abstract:- Vegetation health monitoring project aims to measure and record data about crops in real time using the reflectance of light shined or
water provided on the growing plants. Sensors can be installed across the application boom to collect information while the different span of
time of the plant growth. The data is logged and mapped to be used in further analysis or for real-time variable rate applications. This kind of
data is the key to precision farming. Collect information in the fields, analyze and then make decisions based on the data..A Sensor Network
(SN) is a group of sensor nodes work collaboratively to perform a common task. SensorNetworks plays a major role in the development of
monitoring air, soil and water, habitat monitoring, agriculturalmonitoring, military surveillance, inventory tracking etc.Sensors are used in
agriculture to monitor Temperature, Humidity, Soil moisture, Wind (speed and direction), Pressure. In the existing systemarduino,and the
sensors are used to track the needs of the canopy growth. External server is used to collect the data.In proposed system, a plant growth will be
monitored in terms of sunlight, temperature and soil moisture, and read values will be fed into the applicationon the users mobile phone.With
this Project, plant breeders can evaluate the performance of different plant varieties using measurements taken from remote sensors. These
sensors monitor things like soil moisture, atmospherictemperature, and soil moisture and are often used for crop variety trials. The system has a
great advantage, that is expandable and so new type of sensors and controllers can be added without affecting the existing infrastructure; power
and communication are made using a single cable This allows planning appropriate necessities for the vegetation, and monitoring the
vegetations health.

increasingthe production and simultaneously the efforts

I. INTRODUCTION forminimizing the environmental impact and for saving
According to the development trend of modern vegetation costsmake the sensor systems the best.Wireless Sensor
growth and the requirements for science and technology. The Network is
traditional methods mainly rely on natural resources and low widely used in electronics. The design to implement
labor costs. It's difficult and inefficient, and the workload is formonitoring the growth of canopy using sensor
heavy.So it cannot meet the requirements of modern vegetation networkwhich manages information.
growth which is high-yield, high quality, efficient, safe and The use of crop sensing technology in grains, cereals and other
ecological. Because the IOT (Internet of Things) technology production this is one technique to increase plant health and
was applied to agriculture, the modernization and the yield potential. Sensors measure the needs of your crop and
information technology of agriculture have been greatly provide application rate recommendations for their needs in
improved. The paper introduces the concept of IOT and real time to maximize your profit.
summarizes applications in the modern breeding, crop growth,
quality and safety of products monitoring with using IOT.
Nowadays, with the rapid development of wireless network
technology, control technology and Internet of Things, the
concept of smart home has become increasingly more
common. As an element of smart home, smart pot has become
more popular than ever among a growing number of young
people.. This project puts forward a remote smart pot based on
wireless signal transmission.The productivity of plant growth
is heavilyinfluenced by the change in environmental.
Whenwater in the soil, solar radiation, humidity and all factors
affecting the production.The crop management can be carried
outby gathering the present status of these parameters of the
field and user can take necessary action to improve thegrowth.
A group of sensor nodeswork collaboratively to perform a
common task. Recentlysensor make revolution into many
segments of oureconomy and life, from environmental II. LITERATURE REVIEW
monitoring, toautomation in the transportation, to IOT remains a key to unlocking the potential for a
manufacturing andbusiness asset management and health care sustainable ubicomp reality, particularly for devices. While
industries. Inenvironmental monitoring agriculture need for power harvesting from natural and renewable sources has been
IJRITCC | November 2016, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 11 200 202
a longstanding research area, there is surprisingly little in the IV. FEASIBILITY STUDY
published literature that demonstrates the long-term, practical Technical feasibility: The hardware and software components
capabilities of garnering IOT from daily monitoring. Range needed in this project are as follows: 1) Sensors: The various
greatly over the course of a typical day, including periods of sensors in collaboration are Soil moisture sensor, Temperature
growth, quiet intervals for reading vegetation growth, and &humidity sensor, Sunlight sensor. 2) Connecting sensors and
highly active periods of sensor notation. Most prior research receiving data:The sensors will be collaborated and working in
into this performance using subjects has been performed for sync with the help of an Arduino, Routers and wifi.The
short time intervals in IOT simulations of selected vegetation transportation layer:The internet of things ( IOT) in agriculture
activities. In this work we report the first all-day, continuous consisted three layers, including perceive, transportation and
all-activity study of health of the vegetation performance. application. The perceive layer were used to acquire the
Becoming mature enough to be used for improving the quality information of crops, soil and environment. The transportation
of life, wireless sensor network technologies are considered as layer was used to establish the transportation network of IOT
one of the key research areas in computer science and in by combing the techniques like GPRS,, WIFI, sensor
healthcare application industries. The pervasive vegetation detectors and the intelligent networking methods. The process
systems provide rich contextual information and alerting layer focused on the intelligent management, including
mechanisms against odd conditions with continuous multidimensional information fusion intelligent decision and
monitoring. This minimizes the need for continuous automatic control.
monitoring and helps the chronically develop any vegetation, Data collection and Analytics:To fulfil the objectives of
besides provides quality care for those. Although having System, providers must decide the amount of data that is good
significant benefits, the area has still major challenges which enough for vegetation care. With strong requirement research,
are investigated in this paper. We provide several state of the providers must decide the data required for their processes
art examples together with the design considerations like and also assess how the device will transmit data, either on a
unobtrusiveness, scalability, energy efficiency, security and continuous basis or at regular intervals.
also provide a comprehensive analysis of the benefits and Economic feasibility:Project or product life: The aim of the
challenges of these systems. product is complete monitoring of the vegetation growth. With
the use of IOT and the application on the users mobile or
III. MODIFICATION OVER EXISTING SYSTEM computer, constant monitoring of a particular sapling is
Present State: There is a working model in the market which possible. Not only the monitoring, the application would have
has come up. The plant is usually over flooded with water or complete database of the ideal requirement of the sapling,
has soaked in too much sunlight making it dry. No specific which helps the user to provide necessary measures for the
timeline is mentioned of the plants. We are not able to appropriate care of the vegetation.Cost of the product: The
understand the resources which the plant needs. Plants will be various components needed for this project are the sensors,
given specific resources needed for its growth avoiding any arduino kit, routers, SDK. The cost of the sensors and the
harm caused by excess/less amount of resources given to the arduino is quite economically feasible.
plant. Specific elements of the plant can be monitored. (Eg :
Atmospheric Temperature, Soil Moisture & Sunlight). The V. CONCLUSION
growth of the plant can be monitored via app. Needs of the What this paper introduces is a remote smart pot system
plant can sometimes be known through analysis of the data combining network technology, control technology and
acquired. Our system can access the plant health by a simple Internet of Things, which, compared with the foreign and
application through the phone. Comparison of various domestic similar technologies or products, is innovative to
vegetation can be developed in our project, while the plant some degrees: 1. Different from existing foreign and domestic
health monitor just monitors the plants. systems or products of the same kind, it is a real remote
wireless smart one with all operations completed through
mobile APP. 2. The paper points out that user is required to log
in mobile APP to verify identity information and the web
camera can work only if it is associated with user ID, but it
hasnt proposed a more proper solutions regarding users
personal information security, therefore, users personal
information security may bbe violated during the transmission
process, which will be the emphasis in further study.

IJRITCC | November 2016, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 11 200 202
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