DS1353 SV Series Marine FM-200

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For Marine Application

USCG FM-200® Fire Suppression System

The Janus Fire Systems® Sv Series Clean Agent Fire Suppression System for Marine Application uti-
lizes FM-200® as the extinguishing medium. FM-200® is a colorless, non-toxic gas perfectly suited
to protect high value assets in areas that may be normally occupied, in locations where clean-up of
other agents is problematic, when storage space for a fire suppression agent is restricted, or when
an electrically non-conductive agent is required. Each system consists of the following components
and their associated accessories:

1. Agent Storage Components - These components consist of the cylinder assembly(s), which
contains the FM-200® agent, and the agent cylinder bracket(s), which holds the cylinder assembly
securely in place. These components are utilized in both arrangements.
2. Nitrogen Driver Components - These components consist of the large nitrogen driver cylinder
assembly and the nitrogen cylinder bracket(s), which holds the cylinder assembly securely in place.
These components are utilized in both arrangements.
3. Agent Distribution Components - These components consist of the discharge nozzles used to
atomize the liquid FM-200® and introduce it into a protected hazard along with the associated
piping system used to connect the nozzles to the cylinder assembly. These components are utilized
in both arrangements.
4. Trim Components - These components complete the installation of the agent cylinder and nitrogen
driver cylinder and consist of connection fittings, pressure gauge, and optional supervisory low-
pressure switch. These components are utilized in both arrangements, but the specific components
used will vary slightly according to the series valve installed.
5. Slave Arrangement Components - These components consist of the pneumatic valve actuator(s),
pilot actuation check valve, vent check, actuation hoses, and fittings required for a multiple cylinder
(slave) arrangement. These components are utilized in both arrangements where multiple cylinders
are installed on a single discharge manifold.
6. Supplemental Components - These components
include the discharge pressure switch and may
be utilized in a variety of locations within an
arrangement or for multiple purposes.
These components are utilized in both
arrangements as necessary.
7. Cable Pull Equipment - Cable-pull
equipment is installed to allow the
remote manual actuation of the system
cylinders. The equipment includes
the remote pull station, cable, pulley
elbows, and cable-actuated stop
valve. These components are utilized
in the Cable Pull arrangements.
8. Remote Nitrogen Actuation
Equipment - Nitrogen actuation
equipment is installed to allow the
remote pneumatic actuation of the system
cylinders. The equipment includes the
remote actuation cylinder and pneumatic
stop valve. These components are utilized in the
Pneumatic Actuation arrangements.
9. Control Panel - This device may be used to monitor
auxiliary devices (low-pressure supervisory switch, discharge
pressure switch, etc.) as well as any fire detector, warning devices, or alarm/notification devices
10. Early Warning and Alarm Devices - Early warning devices maximize system efficiency while
audible and visual alarm devices alert staff of alarm conditions.

DS1353 Revised: 24-May-2019 © 2018 Janus Fire Systems. All rights reserved (8/2018) Janus Design Suite® and Janus Fire Systems® are registered trademarks of Janus Fire Systems.
FM-200 is a trademark of Chemours.
The FM-200® agent is stored as a liquid in cylinder assemblies designed specifically for the ap-
plication and charged to a fill density of between 35 lb/ft3 (561 kg/m3) and 70 lb/ft3 (1121 kg/m3). To
ensure optimal performance, each cylinder is superpressurized with dry nitrogen to 360 psi (24.8
bar) at 70°F (21°C). An identification label is affixed to the cylinder body indicating the fill quantity
of FM-200®, charging pressure, date of fill, and fill station. The Sv Series supports three cylinder

FM-200® fire extinguishing systems are designed to be discharged within 10 seconds into a room,
area, or enclosure with the structural integrity to retain the agent. The FM-200® uniformly mixes
throughout the protected area, achieving a minimum concentration level in accordance with NFPA
2001 and/or agency listings.

Nominal Fill Capacity Empty

P/N Weight
Cylinder P/N Minimum Maximum
Size lb kg lb kg lb kg
40 lb 18583* 18586* 22 10.0 43 19.5 36 16.3
80 lb 18584* 18587* 41 18.6 81 36.7 65 29.5
130 lb 18585* 18588* 66 29.9 131 59.4 77 35.0
Specify the Cylinder Assembly P/N followed by a dash and the fill weight in pounds expressed in three digits.
For the marine version of Sv Series cylinders, you must also add an X after the weight, such as 18583-022X
for 22 lb fill.

The cylinder assembly is composed of a cylinder, dip tube, and cylinder valve.

Cylinder Valve: The automatic release of FM-200®

is controlled by a forged brass, differential pressure
Cylinder Valve
operated cylinder valve connected to the neck of the
cylinder. The valve assembly is shipped with an anti-
recoil safety plug installed in the discharge outlet and
Dip Tube chained to the cylinder valve.

Dip Tube: A threaded, rigid dip tube extends from the

cylinder neck down to its bottom.

Cylinder Bracket
Cylinder: The light walled, welded seam cylinder is
manufactured according to the requirements of the
U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) and
Transport Canada (TC) for compressed gas. Internal
neck threads allow connection of the cylinder valve.
The cylinder is designed for mounting in a vertical po-
sition only.


DS1353 Revised: 24-May-2019 Page 2 of 20

Valve Actuation The cylinder valve has four key features:
Valve Actuation Connection: A threaded connection
located on top of the cylinder valve serves as the at-
tachment point for the electric (primary) or pneumatic
(slave) valve actuator.
Actuation Pressure Gauge: A pressure gauge is affixed to the
Port cylinder valve exterior as shown on the cylinder valve
assembly diagram.
Low-Pressure Supervisory Switch Connection: A
Discharge female connection serves as the attachment point for
the low-pressure supervisory switch. An internal check
valve allows for removal of the pressure switch while
Low-Pressure the cylinder is pressurized.
Supervisory Switch
Rupture Disc: A frangible rupture disc is fitted to the
cylinder valve body. It functions as an emergency re-
Pressure Gauge
Discharge Outlet lief device in the event of excessive pressure within
Anti-Recoil the cylinder. Its rupture point is between 850 psi (58.6
Safety Plug
Pilot Actuation bar) and 1000 psi (68.9 bar).
Pipe Plug
The cylinder valve has two outlets:

Discharge Outlet: A 1 1/4 in (32 mm) FNPT connec-

tion serves as the connection point for discharge pip-
Safety Cap
Pilot Actuation Port: A 3/8 in (10 mm) FNPT connec-
Rupture Disc tion (shipped with a removable plug) provides a means
Low-Pressure of applying actuation pressure to the slave cylinder(s)
Supervisory Switch or, in a single cylinder system, the discharge pressure
switch. The port is pressurized only during the 10 sec-
ond discharge period.


Wall Mount Cylinder Bracket Assembly

(P/N 97773)
Cylinder stability is ensured by the cylinder bracket as-
sembly, consisting of one strap and rail with accompany-
ing bolts, nuts, and washers. The rail is slotted for ease of
mounting with fasteners provided by the installer.

Cylinder Dimensions
40 lb 80 lb 130 lb
D2 in mm in mm in mm
H1 23.83 605 36.56 929 53.0 1346
H2 19.93 506 32.67 830 49.10 1247
H3 13.0 330 16.0 406 32.0 813
H4 3.0 76 6.0 152 12.0 305
H4 D1 10.0 254 10.0 254 10.0 254
D2 11.9 302 11.9 302 11.9 302


DS1353 Revised: 24-May-2019 Page 3 of 20

The Janus Fire Systems® Fire Suppression System for Marine Application may be designed for pneumatic
operation or cable pull operation.
Safety Relief Device
Bottle Stop Valve


Actuation Stop Valve
Bottle Bypass

Time Delay

Driver Cylinder


Pneumatic Arrangement
The pneumatic system arrangement utilizes stored nitrogen to actuate the nitrogen driver cylinder that opens
the cylinders containing the FM-200®. System actuation is initiated at the small nitrogen actuation bottles. Both
bottles must be manually operated before the system can actuate. One bottle will send actuation pressure to
open the pilot stop valve while the other will send actuation pressure to open the large nitrogen driver cylinder.

Remote Siren
Manual Pull
Stop Valve


Stop Valve

Time Delay

Driver Cylinder


Cable Pull Arrangement
The cable pull arrangement utilizes stored manual pull stations connect to cables that actuate the nitrogen driver
cylinder. Two separate manual pull stations must be manually operated before the system can actuate. One
station is connected by cable to the pilot stop valve while the other is connect by cable to the emergency actua-
tion lever of open the large nitrogen driver cylinder.
DS1353 Revised: 24-May-2019 Page 4 of 20
In both system arrangements, once the large nitrogen driver is opened, actuation nitrogen pressure
travels from the nitrogen driver cylinder into the timer and siren mechanism after being regulated down
to 100 psi (6.89 bar). Once the predischarge period has passed, the pneumatic timer will open sending
nitrogen to the nitrogen actuation connection port of the marine cylinder valve actuator via the pilot stop
valve. This causes the primary cylinder to open. Any additional cylinders will be actuated by pneumatic
pressure passing through the pilot actuation port of the primary cylinder valve.


Trim components are required to operate the clean agent cylinder(s).



Manual Valve Actuator

1 1/4” Elbow (P/N 19589)
(32 mm)
(Provided by Installer)

Valve Actuator
(P/N 98533)
Male NPT x JIC 16" Flex Hose
Adapter (P/N 18648)
(P/N 18625) Male NPT x
Flared Elbow
NPT Style Check Valve (P/N 99353)
(P/N 10262)

1 1/4” Nipple Low-Pressure Supervisory Switch

(32 mm) Assembly
Recommended OPTIONAL
Male NPT Nipple
(Provided by Installer) (P/N 18775)
(P/N 19192)
1 1/4” Union Adapter Bushing
(32 mm) (P/N 18642)
(Provided by 1 1/4” Nipple
Installer) (32 mm)
(Provided by Installer)
NPT Style
Anti-Recoil Check Valve
Safety Device Female NPT (P/N 10262)
Shipped with Coupling
Cylinder Valve (P/N 99686)
Pilot Actuation Mid Line Tee
(P/N 18622)
Affixed to
Cylinder Valve TO SECOND
16" Flex Hose PILOT
(P/N 18648) CYLINDER

Discharge Outlet / Connections

The discharge outlet of the cylinder valve is a 1 1/4 in (32
mm) female NPT connection that is used to attach the
cylinder to the discharge piping system. The suggested
pipe configuration is shown to the left. Pipe and fittings
are to be supplied by the installer.

Pressure Gauge (P/N 17556)

NFPA 2001 mandates a pressure gauge for each cylinder

as a method of visually monitoring the internal pressure
condition of the cylinder assembly. The pressure gauge
is mounted to the cylinder valve and cannot be replaced
while under pressure.

DS1353 Revised: 24-May-2019 Page 5 of 20

Low-Pressure Supervisory Switch Assembly
(P/N 18775)
(914 mm)
An optional low-pressure supervisory switch continuously
Leads monitors the pressure of the cylinder. The contact configura-
tion is single pole, single throw (SPST) with contacts rated
1.5 Amps at 24 VDC. Should the cylinder pressure drop to
approximately 280 psi (19.3 bar), the switch contacts will
close transmitting an abnormal signal to a control panel. An
optional conduit adapter (P/N 99408) is available for the low-
pressure supervisory switch to facilitate the attachment of
rigid or flexible conduit over the switch leads. An explosion-
proof switch assembly is also available (P/N 98660).
Marine Cylinder Valve Actuator (P/N 98533)
Manual Valve The manual-pneumatic valve actuator attaches to the valve
Connection Port
actuation connection of each primary clean agent cylinder.
The manual valve actuator is installed into the top of the man-
Pressure ual-pneumatic valve actuator. On the first primary valve in a
Port system requiring two primary valves, one pressure port of
the manual-pneumatic actuator is connected to the nitrogen
driver actuation network while the other port is attached to
the pilot actuation network for the additional cylinders. Nitro-
gen pressure from the driver actuation network, actuation of
the manual valve actuator, or pilot pressure from a secondary
primary cylinder that has been manually actuated will cause
the pin inside the manual-pneumatic actuator to open the
clean agent cylinder valve.
Port On the second primary cylinder, one port of the manual-
pneumatic is connected to the manual-pneumatic valve ac-
tuator of the first primary cylinder and the other to the pilot
actuation network of the remaining cylinders.
If there is are no slave cylinders at all, one port of the manual-
pneumatic valve actuator is connected to the nitrogen actua-
tion network and the other has a vent check installed in it.
Manual Valve Actuator (P/N 19589)
A manual valve actuator attaches to the manual actuation
port on top of the nitrogen driver cylinder valve as well as
Emergency the manual/pneumatic actuator on the clean agent cylinder
Release Lever
valve. It provides a means for emergency manual actuation
of the cylinder valve. The manual valve actuator consists of
a brass body, emergency release lever, pressure port, and
steel safety ring pin.
In the pneumatic arrangement, pressure from a remote nitro-
gen actuation bottle enters the pressure port of the manual
valve actuator on the nitrogen driver, causing the actuation
pin inside the valve actuator to depress the Schrader valve
inside the manual actuation port of the nitrogen drive cylinder
valve, causing pressure above the drive cylinder valve pis-
Ring Pin
ton to be vented. Cylinder pressure then raises the piston to
open the cylinder valve.
1/8” (6 mm) FNPT
Pressure Port In the cable-pull arrangement, the emergency release lever
Threaded Valve of the manual valve actuator installed on the nitrogen driver is
Connection Port
connected by cable to a remote cable-pull station. Operating
the cable-pull station causes the emergency release lever
to be tripped, resulting in the actuation pin being depressed
and the cylinder valve opening as described in the preceding
DS1353 Revised: 24-May-2019 Page 6 of 20
Manual Release Remote Nitrogen Actuation Bottle
In pneumatic arrangements, two small nitrogen actuation
bottles are installed at the remote end of the system. One is
Ring Pin used to initiate the pneumatic timer sequence via the large
nitrogen driver cylinder. The other opens the pneumatic stop
Discharge Outlet
valve to allow nitrogen actuation pressure to reach the clean
(Shown with safety agent cylinder once the pre-discharge delay has passed.
Both must be operated to cause the system to discharge.
Nitrogen is stored in the actuation bottle at a pressure of
1,800 psi (124 bar) at 70°F (21°C). To actuate the nitrogen
bottle, the ring pin is removed and the manual release lever
is pulled.
The nitrogen actuation bottles can be provided in individual
enclosure cabinets, in a single enclosure cabinet containing
both required bottles, or individually without any enclosure
at all.

P/N Mounting Style

Single Bottle - No Enclosure
(Requires Bracket Kit P/N 97769 and CGA 580 Connection P/N 97987 ordered separately)
97985 Single Bottle - Single Cabinet NEMA 4 & 12 Enclosure (Order bottle separately)
97984 Two Bottles - Single Cabinet NEMA 4 & 12 Enclosure (Order bottles separately)

1/4” (8 mm)
FNPT Pneumatic Stop Valve (P/N 99766)
Actuation Inlet
A three-way pilot valve acts as the pneumatic stop valve for
the Pneumatic Actuation arrangement. It has a standalone
ambient temperature range of -40° to 300°F (-40° to 149°C)
and is rated for an operating pressure of 3000 psi (207 bar).
The valve body is aluminum with a stainless steel piston.
1/4” (8 mm)
FNPT 1/4” (8 mm)
Outlet FNPT Supply Inlet

Header Safety Device (P/N 19598)

This pressure relief device is installed in sections of closed
piping under high pressures such as between nitrogen ac-
tuation bottle and pneumatic stop valve. It is a frangible
disc assembly designed to rupture if trapped N2 expands
and the line pressure exceeds 2,650 to 3,000 psi (182.7 to
206.8 bar). The body is made of brass and the pipe connec-
tion is 1/2 inch (15 mm) MNPT.

Manual Stop Valve Bypass (P/N 19173)

In all arrangements, a manual stop valve bypass is installed
in the nitrogen actuation network downstream of the pneu-
matic time delay cabinet so that when opened, the nitrogen
driver pressure would actuate the clean agent system im-
mediately following the completion of the time delay without
1/4” (8 mm) the pneumatic or cable pull stop valve being actuated. The
FNPT Inlet
manual stop valve bypass is a manually actuated full port
ball valve made of forged brass with reinforced PTFE seats
and seals and have 1/4 in (8 mm) FNPT connections. The
standalone ambient temperature range for the valve is -20°
1/4” (8 mm) to 130°F (-29° to 54°C).
FNPT Outlet

DS1353 Revised: 24-May-2019 Page 7 of 20

Remote Manual Pull Station, Watertight (P/N 97722)
In Cable Pull arrangements, one remote manual pull station
is connected by a system of cables and pulleys to the emer-
gency release lever installed on the nitrogen driver cylinder
while a second connected to a manual release on the pilot
stop valve. Both must be operated to actuate the system.
Both stations must be pulled to actuate the system.
The pull station has a 3/8 in (10 mm) FNPT connection and
is used with 3/8 in (10 mm) Schedule 40 pipe. Removing the
safety pin and pulling the handle of the remote manual pull
station will mechanically actuate the connected apparatus.
The remote manual pull station requires a travel distance of 2
in (51 mm) to actuate the system. Manual pull stations should
be located in a path of egress and mounted at a height con-
forming with the local authority having jurisdiction.
NOTE: When a manual pull station is to be implemented in
a system, any ring pins on the connected apparatus MUST
Removing the ring pin from the manual
be removed prior to arming the fire extinguishing system.
valve actuator will create the potential
Failure to remove the ring pin will prevent the remote manu-
for accidental manual discharge.
al (cable) pull station from actuating the system.

Cable Pull Stop Valve (P/N 97711)

A 1/4 in (8 mm) manually actuated ball valve with spe-
cially designed handle acts as the stop valve in cable pull
arrangement. Cable is affixed to the handle so that the
valve is opened when the connected remote cable pull
station is actuated.
Conduit to Cable Exit Fitting (P/N 97751)
The cable exit fitting is install at the end of the cable pipe run
nearest the manual valve actuator. It is used to minimize
the friction on the cable when the system is actuated via
the cable pull system. A cable clamp is used to secure the
cable when it is affixed to the emergency release lever of
the manual valve actuator. The cable exit fitting has one 3/8
Pipe Exit
Clamp Hub in (10 mm) FNPT connection.

Dual Pull Cable Operator (P/N 97758)

The dual pull cable operator is used to allow two manual
pull stations to actuate a single device. The operator has
three 3/8 in (10 mm) FNPT connections and is used with 3/8
in (10 mm) Schedule 40 pipe.

Corner Pulley (P/N 97765)

Corner pulleys are used to change direction of cable by 90
degrees. Corner pulleys have two 3/8 in (10 mm) FNPT
connections and are used with 3/8 inch (10 mm) Schedule
40 pipe.

Cable (P/N 12553)

Cable is used to run from the manual valve actuator, through
pipe and corner pulleys to manual pull stations. The cable
is 1/16 inch diameter stainless steel (7x7 - 480# tensile
strength) and is shipped in 500 foot (152 m) spools.

DS1353 Revised: 24-May-2019 Page 8 of 20

Nitrogen Driver Cylinder Assembly
The large nitrogen driver cylinder assembly is installed
upstream of the pneumatic time delay cabinet and pilot
stop valve. Upon being actuated via the remote nitrogen
actuation bottle or remote cable pull station, it opens
sending nitrogen to the pneumatic timer cabinet.
The nitrogen driver cylinder is pressurized to 1,800 psi
(124.1 bar) at 70°F (21°C). It is composed of a cylinder
and cylinder valve.
Cylinder Valve: The automatic release of nitrogen is
Hmm controlled by a forged brass, force differential oper-
55.24” ated cylinder valve connected to the neck of the cyl-
1403 mm
inder. Each valve assembly is shipped with an anti-
recoil safety plug installed in the discharge outlet and
a manual actuation safety plug installed in the manual
actuation connection. Both safety plugs are chained to
the cylinder valve.

Cylinder: The seamless cylinder is manufactured ac-

cording to the requirements of the U.S. Department of
Transportation (USDOT) and/or Transport Canada for
compressed gas. The cylinder is designed for mount-
260 ing in a vertical position only.
211 mm

Height (H) Width (W) Cylinder
Cylinder Size1 P/N
Bracket P/N
L in³ in mm in mm
39.1 2,386 26093 55.6 1412 8.5 216 97768
50.0 3,051 26094 61.1 1552 9.2 234 97767
66.7 4,070 26095 62.6 1590 10.4 264 97766

Manual Actuation Port

Shown w/ Safety Plug)
The driver cylinder valve has the following key features:
Discharge Outlet
(Shown w/
Pressure Gauge Anti-Recoil
Manual Actuation Port: A threaded female connec-
Connection Safety Plug) tion on the top of the primary valve serves as the
attachment point for the manual valve actuator. It is
shipped with a manual actuation safety plug installed.
Supervisory Connection Port: A threaded male con-
nection serves as the attachment point for the supervi-
sory pressure switch/pressure gauge assembly.

Discharge Outlet: A 1-1/16” threaded female

connection serves as the attachment point for the
Manual Actuation Port Rupture Disc discharge outlet adapter or discharge check valve. It
(Shown w/ Safety Plug) is shipped with an anti-recoil safety plug installed.
Rupture Disc: A rupture disc is affixed to the cylin-
der valve as an emergency relief device in the event
of excessive pressure within the cylinder. Its rupture
point is in the range of 2,650 to 3,000 psi (182.7 to
Discharge Outlet
(Shown w/ Anti-Recoil
206.8 bar).
Safety Plug)
Pressure Gauge Connection

DS1353 Revised: 24-May-2019 Page 9 of 20

Discharge Flex Hose w/ Discharge Outlet Adapter
1/2” (15 mm) (P/N 99707)
A 22 in (559 mm) discharge flex hose is used to connect
the nitrogen driver cylinder valve outlet to the system
manifold and discharge piping. The flexible hose allows
1-1/16” Threaded
Male Connection
for temporary misalignment of the cylinders to ease in-
Discharge Outlet
stallation or removal for maintenance. It has a minimum
bend radius of 9.5 inches (241 mm). It is shipped with a
discharge outlet adapter to facilitate the attachment of
the discharge flex hose to the cylinder valve.

N2 Pressure Gauge Assembly (P/N 26096)

A pressure gauge is field installed on the nitrogen driver
cylinder to provide a reliable means of monitoring the
internal pressure within the cylinder. It is fitted with an
adapter that allows the gauge to be connected to the ni-
trogen driver cylinder valve at the pressure gauge con-
nection port. An optional combination pressure gauge/
low-pressure supervisory switch (P/N 26098) is available
that may be installed in place of the standard pressure
gauge. The gauge/switch combination has 35 in (889
mm) leads.


Pneumatic Siren (P/N 19224)

A pneumatic siren is installed downstream of the siren
outlet of the time delay cabinet so that it is sounded dur-
ing the pre-discharge period as required by NFPA 12.
Each siren has a solid cast bronze bell with a stainless
steel diaphragm and reaches a sound level of 119 ±
1DBA @ 100 psi at 10 ft (3.05 m). Each siren uses 1.3
lbs/minute (0.49 kg/minute) and has a Cv of .25. The si-
Two rens have an operating pressure of 50 to 150 psi (3 to 10
11/32” (11 mm) bar) and a standalone ambient temperature range of -4°
Holes 3/8” (10 mm)
FNPT Air Inlet to 400°F (-20° to 204°C).
(8 mm)
3/8” (10 mm) Tap
FNPT Pneumatic Siren Bracket (P/N 19225)
A pneumatic siren bracket affixes to the base of each
(8 mm) pneumatic siren to allow the siren to be fastened to an
(10 mm) outside surface.

Pressure Relief Valve (P/N 19316)

1/2” (15 mm) A pressure relief valve must be installed in the nitrogen
FNPT Outlet
(w Pipe-Away actuation piping at any point downstream of the regu-
Adapter) lator where pipe may be closed off. Each relief valve
has a 0.062 in² (40 mm²) orifice area and is set to open
should line pressure exceed 125 psi (8.62 bar). Each re-
lief valve has a brass body with a stainless steel spring
1/2” (15 mm) and a standalone ambient temperature range of -320°F
MNPT Inlet
to 165°F (-196°C to 74°C). A pipe-away adapter (P/N
19318) is available to convert the outlet to a 1/2” (15 mm)
FNPT connection.
DS1353 Revised: 24-May-2019 Page 10 of 20
1/2” (15 mm) High Pressure Regulator (P/N 99772)
Inlet Port
A 316L stainless steel self-relieving pressure regulator
with Teflon seat is utilized to regulate nitrogen pressure
1/2” (15 mm)
into the pneumatic time delay cabinet. It has a 1/2 in (15
FNPT mm) FNPT inlet and outlet with a maximum operating in-
Outlet Port let pressure of 3600 psig (248 bar) and an outlet range of
0 to 250 psig (0 to 17.2 bar). The regulator has a stand-
alone ambient temperature range of -4° to 176°F (-20° to
1/4” (8 mm)
FNPT 80°C) and a Cv of 1.0. A pressure gauge (0-160 psig P/N
Gauge Port 19171) may be fastened to the regulator to allow visual
monitoring of outlet pressure.

High Pressure Y Strainer (P/N 98656)

A 1/2” (15 mm) strainer is used to eliminate damaging
contaminants from entering the high pressure regulator
or time delay cabinet. The “Y” pattern design and gener-
ous screen area function to minimize initial pressure drop
while maximizing time between cleaning. The strainer is
stainless steel and is provided with a 40 mesh lining. The
connections are FNPT. Strainer rating is ASME class
1500. Drain/blow off connection is furnished with plug.

Siren Line Strainer (P/N 19370)

A 1/2 in (15 mm) strainer is installed upstream of the si-
ren pressure regulator to prevent debris from entering
the regulator or pneumatic siren. The body and screen
are stainless steel. The internal filter has a size of 40
mesh. The strainer is rated ASME class 300.

Siren Shuttle Valve (P/N 99767)

The siren shuttle valve is installed upstream of the pneu-
matic siren. It either receives pressure from the nitrogen
actuation line during a standard system actuation or dis-
1/4” (8 mm) 1/4” (8 mm) charge pressure during an emergency manual cylinder
FNPT FNPT actuation and directs this pressure to the pneumatic si-
Inlet Port
Inlet Port ren. The siren shuttle valve has a standalone ambient
1/4” (8 mm) FNPT Outlet Port
temperature range of -300° to 450°F (-184° to 232°C)
and is rated for an operating pressure of 3000 psi (207

DS1353 Revised: 24-May-2019 Page 11 of 20

Siren Pressure Regulator (P/N 19599)

A 316L stainless steel self-relieving pressure regulator

with Teflon seat is utilized to regulate pressure coming off
1/4” (8 mm)
FNPT the discharge manifold or discharge piping to the pneu-
Inlet Port matic siren It has a 1/4 in (8 mm) FNPT inlet and outlet
with a maximum operating inlet pressure of 3600 psig
1/4” (8 mm) (248 bar) and an outlet range of 0 to 250 psig (0 to 17.2
Outlet Port
bar). The regulator has a standalone ambient tempera-
ture range of -40° to 500°F (-40° to 260°C) and a Cv of
0.5. A pressure gauge (0-160 psig P/N 19171) may be
fastened to the regulator to allow visual monitoring of
outlet pressure. The high pressure regulator (P/N 99772)
1/4” (8 mm) FNPT
Gauge Port is to be used for applications that require a higher Cv
(e.g. where more than two sirens are being implemented
from the same pilot cabinet or line.)


NEMA 4 & 12 (IP66)
Heater Included
Dimensions: 20” x 20” x 6”
(508 mm x 508 mm x 152 mm)
Standalone Ambient Temp: -20° to 130°F (4° to 54°C)
(NOTE: 40°F to 130°F without Heater)


1/2” (15 mm) FNPT 1/2” (15 mm) FNPT 1/2” (15 mm) FNPT

Pre-Discharge Timer
(Factory set to 30
1/4” (8 mm)
Timer Bypass

Pilot Valve

1/2” (15 mm) FNPT 1/4” (8 mm) FNPT

Standard Marine Time Delay Cabinet (P/N 97691)

DS1353 Revised: 24-May-2019 Page 12 of 20
Up to 16 cylinders (1 primary and 15 slave) may be installed in a single arrangement, with a maximum
length of 100 ft (30.48 m) of pilot actuation hose or tubing extending from the primary cylinder in either
direction. A typical arrangement is shown below.
Variable Size
Discharge Manifold Flex Hose
Pressure Switch
(Provided By Installer) (P/N Variable)
(P/N 18773)
16” Flex Hose
Male NPT Adapter (406 mm)
(P/N 18625) (P/N 18648) Pilot
Pilot Actuation Pneumatic Pilot Actuation Male NPT Actuation
Mid Line Tee Valve Actuator Mid Line Tee Adapter End Line Tee
(P/N 18622) (P/N 17019) (P/N 18622) (P/N 18625) (P/N 18611)

1 1/4” (32 mm)

Check Valve
(P/N 18547)
Vent Check
(P/N 10173)

Primary Primary Slave Slave Slave

Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder

Typical Primary and Slave Cylinder Arrangement

1/4” (8 mm) FNPT Pneumatic Valve Actuator (P/N 17019)

On multiple cylinder systems, nitrogen actuation pressure
from the driver cylinder enters the manual marine actuator
causing the primary cylinder(s) to open and then, in a rap-
idly occurring sequence, the pneumatic valve actuator(s)
will open all other cylinders using pressure from the primary
A pneumatic valve actuator attaches to the valve actuation
connection of each slave cylinder. It receives pressure from
the pilot actuation port of the primary cylinder through the
pilot actuation check valve. It is brass with a brass piston
and pin.
Knurled Nut

Vent Check (P/N 10173)

The vent check is a safety device with 1/4 in (8 mm)
MNPT threads that is to be installed in the pilot actuation
line downstream of the pilot actuation check valve. It is
used to bleed off pressure that may accumulate in the
pilot actuation hose or piping minimizing the chance of
1/4” (8 mm) inadvertent pressurization of the pneumatic actuators or
MNPT discharge pressure switch.

DS1353 Revised: 24-May-2019 Page 13 of 20

NPT Style Pilot Actuation Check Valve (P/N 10262)
The NPT Style Check Valve is a 1/4 in (8 mm) FNPT by
1/4” (8 mm) 1/4” (8 mm) MNPT check valve. It is installed at the immediate end of
the nitrogen actuation network with direction of flow IN to
the manual-pneumatic actuator of the first primary cylinder
to ensure the manual-pneumatic actuator remains pres-
surized through the entire discharge period. One check
valve is installed in the pilot pressure port of each primary
cylinder with direction of flow OUT of the cylinder to ensure
pressurization of the pilot actuation line. Adapters will be
required depending on the location of use

Pilot Actuation Mid Line Tee (P/N 18622)

A 1/4 in (8 mm) 37° male JIC by MNPT brass branch tee
is utilized to attach the pilot actuation line to the pneu-
matic valve actuator on all but the final slave cylinder. On
1/4” (8 mm)
systems requiring two primary cylinders, one tee is also
1/4” (8 mm)
37° Male JIC MNPT installed downstream of the pilot actuation port immedi-
ately after the pilot actuation check valves.

Pilot Actuation End Line Tee (P/N 18611)

A 1/4 in (8 mm) FNPT by MNPT brass branch tee mounts
to the final pneumatic valve actuator to facilitate attach-
ment of the vent check to the pilot actuation line.
1/4” (8 mm)
FNPT 1/4” (8 mm)

Various adapter fittings are required to accommodate the attachment of the pilot actuation check
valves, tees, flex hose, and actuators. The list below includes part numbers and descriptions for all
the commonly supplied fittings. All fittings are brass.

P/N Type Fitting

18625 Nipple 1/4" (8 mm) 37° JIC male x 1/4" (8 mm) MNPT
19192 Nipple 1/4" (8 mm) MNPT x 1/4" (8 mm) MNPT
99686 Coupling 1/4" (8 mm) FNPT x 1/4" (8 mm) FNPT
99353 Elbow 1/4" (8 mm) 37° JIC male x 1/4" (8 mm) MNPT
18624 Bushing 3/8" (10 mm) MNPT x 1/4" (8 mm) FNPT

Flex Hose (P/N See Chart)

Flex hoses are 3/16 in (7 mm) Teflon® lined stainless
steel wire braided hoses of varying lengths with 1/4 in
(8 mm) 37° female JIC flare fittings. They are utilized to
interconnect cylinders when a slave arrangement is re-
L quired. A 1/4 in (8 mm) 37° male JIC flare x male JIC
flare adapter (P/N 18777) is available to connect lengths
of flex hose together.

P/N Hose Length (L)

18648 16 in (406 mm)
18649 24 in (610 mm)
18650 34 in (864 mm)
18651 40 in (1016 mm)

DS1353 Revised: 24-May-2019 Page 14 of 20

Supplemental components complete various system arrangements.

Discharge Pressure Switch (P/N 18773)

The discharge pressure switch is used in the system to

provide positive indication of agent discharge and to initi-
1/2” (15 mm)
ate the shut down of equipment that may deplete agent
Conduit concentration. The pressure switch is a single pole, dou-
Hub ble throw (SPDT) switch with contacts rated 10 Amps re-
sistive at 30 VDC.

1/4” (8 mm)

Manifold Check Valve (P/N 18547)

In a multiple cylinder arrangement where the slave and

primary cylinders share a common manifold or in a main
5.2” / reserve arrangement, a 1 1/4 in (32 mm) FNPT mani-
(133 mm)
fold check valve must be placed between the discharge
outlet of each cylinder and the discharge manifold to pre-
vent back flow from the manifold should the system be
inadvertently discharged when one or more cylinders are
disconnected for maintenance. The take-out for the valve
is 1.375 in (35 mm).
1 1/4” (32 mm)

Warning Signs
Warning signs are place all entrances to and inside the
protected area. Optional Spanish or combination Arabic/
English versions of each sign are available.

Clean Agent Clean Agent

Warning Sign - Warning Sign -
Exit (P/N 18489) Entrance (P/N 18770)

DS1353 Revised: 24-May-2019 Page 15 of 20

Discharge nozzles (2 or 4 ports) are used to uniformly distribute the FM-200® agent. They
are performance tested to ensure that the agent is discharged within 10 seconds and properly
dispersed throughout the protected area. Maximum nozzle height for a protected space is 16 ft
(4877 mm) per tier of nozzles. Additional tiers are required for heights greater than 16 ft.

Discharge Nozzle
Cut View

Discharge Nozzle 360° Radial Nozzle (4 Port)

Top View Arrangement

360° Radial Nozzle (4 Port)

180° Sidewall Nozzle (2 Port)

180° Sidewall Nozzle (2 Port)


Note: The spacing limitations for Janus Fire Systems nozzles shown above are those for a marine environment.
The limitations are different when used in a standard industrial environment.

DS1353 Revised: 24-May-2019 Page 16 of 20

Nozzle Orientation
Part Number Nozzle
Nominal Pipe Size Height (A)
Brass Stainless Steel
360° 180° 360° 180° in mm
18507 18500 18796 18789 3/8 in (10mm) 1.436 36.5
18508 18501 18797 18790 1/2 in (15 mm) 1.722 43.7
18509 18502 18798 18791 3/4 in (20 mm) 1.926 48.9
18510 18503 18799 18792 1 in (25 mm) 2.176 55.3
18511 18504 18800 18793 1 1/4 in (32 mm) 2.500 63.5
18512 18505 18801 18794 1 1/2 in (40 mm) 2.689 68.3
18513 18506 18802 18795 2 in (50 mm) 3.100 78.7
Ordering Instructions: Specify the Nozzle P/N followed by a dash and the three digits representative
of the drill code as provided by the Janus Design Suite® software.
Example: 18507-XXX = Nozzle: 360°, 3/8” (10 mm), Brass (with drill code as specified)


FM-200® (HFC-227ea) is formed from the elements carbon, fluorine and hydrogen (CF3CHFCF3 -
heptafluoropropane). The primary extinguishing mechanism of FM-200® is heat absorption, with a
secondary chemical contribution from the thermal decomposition of FM-200® in the flame.
FM-200® leaves no residue and is safe for use in occupied spaces.

Most common metals, such as aluminum, brass, steel, cast iron, lead, stainless steel, and copper,
as well as rubber, plastic, and electronic components, are unaffected when exposed to FM-200®.

Although the EPA Significant New Alternative Program (SNAP) lists FM-200® as acceptable for oc-
cupied spaces, NFPA Standard 2001 and SNAP list the following guidelines for human exposure:

The discharge of FM-200® into a hazard may Time for Safe Human
reduce visibility for a brief period. FM-200® Exposure at Stated Concentrations
may cause frostbite if liquid discharge or es- for FM-200® (HFC-221ea)
caping vapor contacts the skin. FM-200® Maximum Human
Concentration Exposure Time
When FM-200® is exposed to temperatures % v/v ppm (Minutes)
greater than 1300°F (700°C), the by-product
9.0 90,000 5.00
Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) will be formed. FM-
200® systems are designed to discharge in 9.5 95,000 5.00
10 seconds or less in order to minimize the 10.0 100,000 5.00
amount of HF formed. 10.5 105,000 5.00
The FM-200® Material Safety Data Sheet 11.0 110,000 1.13
(MSDS) should be read and understood prior to 11.5 115,000 0.60
working with the agent. 12.0 120,000 0.49
A cylinder containing FM-200® should be han-
1. Data derived from the EPA-approved
dled carefully. The anti-recoil safety device
and peer-reviewed PBPK model or its
must be in place at all times when the cylin-
der is not connected to the discharge pip-
2. Based on LOAEL of 10.5% in dogs.
ing and restrained.

DS1353 Revised: 24-May-2019 Page 17 of 20

Equipment List - Clean Agent Storage and Distribution
Nominal Ship
P/N Description
Wt. lb (kg)
Cylinder Assembly, FM-200, 40 lb
185831 36 (16.3)
(22 to 43 lb / 10.0 to 19.5 kg capacity)
Cylinder Assembly, FM-200, 80 lb
185841 65 (29.5)
(41 to 81 lb / 18.6 to 36.7 kg capacity)
Cylinder Assembly, FM-200, 130 lb
185851 77 (35.0)
(66 to 131 lb / 29.9 to 59.4 kg capacity)
FM200AGENT FM-200® Bulk Variable
97773 Bracket Assembly, Cylinder, Marine (40 lb / 80 lb / 130 lb) 12.0 (5.4)
98533 Manual-Pneumatic Valve Actuator (primary cylinders) 1.7 (0.8)
19589 Manual Valve Actuator (primary cylinders) 1.1 (0.5)
Switch Assembly, Low-Pressure Supervisory, 360 psi
18775 0.5 (0.2)
(optional - all clean agent cylinders)
Switch Assembly, Low-Pressure Supervisory, 360 psi, XP
98660 0.5 (0.2)
(optional - all clean agent cylinders)
17019 Pneumatic Valve Actuator (slave cylinder) 1.2 (0.5)
10262 Valve, Check, 1/4” MNPT x 1/4” FNPT NPT Style Actuation Check Valve 0.3 (0.1)
18622 Tee, 1/4” JIC Male x 1/4” MNPT, Brass Pilot Actuation Mid Line Tee 0.2 (0.1)
10173 Vent Check 0.2 (0.1)
18625 Adapter, 1/4” MNPT x 1/4” JIC Male, Brass 0.2 (0.1)
18611 Tee, 1/4” FNPT x 1/4” MNPT, Brass Pilot Actuation End Line Tee 0.3 (0.1)
18624 Bushing, 3/8” MNPT x 1/4” FNPT, Brass Pilot Actuation Adapter 0.2 (0.1)
19192 Nipple, Hex, 1/4 Inch (8 mm) MNPT, Brass 0.2 (0.1)
99686 Coupling, Hex, 1/4 inch FNPT, 7/8 inch LG., Brass 0.2 (0.1)
99353 Elbow, 1/4 in MNPT x 1/4 in 45° Flared, Brass 0.2 (0.1)
18773 Switch, Discharge Pressure, Standard 1.4 (0.6)
18547 Valve, Check, FNPT, 1-1/4” (32 mm) Manifold Check Valve 6.0 (2.7)
Hose, Flex, 3/16”, 1/4” JIC Female, 16” long
18648 0.6 (0.3)
(recommended for 40 / 80 / 130 lb cylinder arrangements)
18777 Adapter, 1/4” JIC Male x 1/4” JIC Male, Brass Flex Hose Adapter 0.2 (0.1)
18489 Sign, Warning, Clean Agent, Exit 0.2 (0.1)
18770 Sign, Warning, Clean Agent, Entrance 0.2 (0.1)
Variable Nozzle, 3/8”, FM-200 0.5 (0.2)
Variable Nozzle, 1/2”, FM-200 0.6 (0.3)
Variable Nozzle, 3/4”, FM-200 0.8 (0.4)
Variable Nozzle, 1”, FM-200 1.2 (0.5)
Variable Nozzle, 1-1/4”, FM-200 1.6 (0.7)
Variable Nozzle, 1-1/2”, FM-200 1.7 (0.8)
Variable Nozzle, 2”, FM-200 3.6 (1.6)
Specify the Cylinder Assembly P/N followed by a dash and the fill weight in pounds expressed in three digits. For the
marine version of Sv Series cylinders, you must also add an X after the weight, such as 18583-022X for 22 lb fill
Example: 18583-039X - Cylinder Assembly, FM-200, Sv Series, 40 lb (39 lb fill), for Marine

DS1353 Revised: 24-May-2019 Page 18 of 20

Equipment List - Pneumatic Actuation Components
Nominal Ship
P/N Description
Wt. lb (kg)
26101 Cylinder Assembly, Remote Nitrogen Actuation 15.0 (6.8)
Bracket, Cylinder, 5.263 Inch (Remote Nitrogen Actuation Cylinder, 3.61
97769 10.0 (4.5)
Marine Application Enclosure, w/ Remote Nitrogen Actuation Cylinder As-
97985 45.0 (20.4)
sembly, One Cylinder
Marine Application Enclosure, w/ Remote Nitrogen Actuation Cylinder As-
97984 60.0 (27.2)
sembly, Two Cylinders
97987 Cylinder Connection, CGA 580 x 1/4 inch MNPT 0.4 (0.2)
Valve, Pilot, 3-Way, 1/4 Inch, Aluminum, 3000PSI, No Exhaust
99766 1.0 (0.5)
Pneumatic Stop Valve
19598 Device, Header Safety, 1/2 Inch (15 mm) MNPT, HPCO2 0.5 (0.2)
19173 Valve, Ball, 1/4 Inch (8mm) FNPT, Brass 0.6 (0.3)

Equipment List - Cable-Pull Actuation Components

Nominal Ship
P/N Description
Wt. lb (kg)
97722 Manual Cable Pull Station, Watertight, 3/8 in FNPT 2.5 (1.1)
97711 Cable Pull Stop Valve 1.9 (0.9)
97765 Corner Pulley, Cable Pull, for Marine, Brass, 3/8 in FNPT 0.5 (0.2)
97751 Cable Exit Guide, w/ Bracket, For Marine 3/8 in FNPT 1.0 (0.5)
12553 Cable, Remote Actuation, 1/16 in (1.59 mm), (Spool of 500 ft) 5.0 (2.7)
97758 Cable Operator, Dual-Pull, for Marine, 3/8 in FNPT 4.0 (1.8)

Equipment List - Nitrogen Driver Components

Nominal Ship
P/N Description
Wt. lb (kg)
26093 Cylinder Assembly, Nitrogen Driver, 39.1 L 106.0 (48.1)
26094 Cylinder Assembly, Nitrogen Driver, 50.0 L 170.0 (77.1)
26095 Cylinder Assembly, Nitrogen Driver, 66.7 L 220.0 (99.8)
97768 Bracket, Cylinder, 8.495 Inch (Nitrogen Driver Cylinder, 39.1 Liter) 10.0 (4.5)
97767 Bracket, Cylinder, 9.165 Inch (Nitrogen Driver Cylinder, 50 Liter) 10.0 (4.5)
97766 Bracket, Cylinder, 10.56 Inch (Nitrogen Driver Cylinder, 66.7 Liter) 10.0 (4.5)
19589 Manual Valve Actuator (primary cylinders) 1.1 (0.5)
99707 Hose, Flex, Discharge, w/ Discharge Adapter, HPCO2 3.4 (1.5)
26096 Gauge Assembly, Nitrogen, 1800 PSI 0.4 (0.2)
26098 Gauge and Switch Assembly, Nitrogen, 1800 PSI 0.6 (0.3)

DS1353 Revised: 24-May-2019 Page 19 of 20

Equipment List - Time Delay and Siren Components
Nominal Ship
P/N Description
Wt. lb (kg)
97691 Cabinet, Pilot, NEMA 4, w/Timer, w/o Solenoid Valve, w/o Supervision 42.0 (19.1)
19224 Siren, CO2, 3/8 Inch (10mm) FNPT 3.1 (1.4)
19225 Bracket, T, CO2, Siren 0.9 (0.4)
19316 Valve, Relief, 1/2 Inch (15 mm) MNPT, 125 PSI 1.2 (0.5)
99772 Regulator, 1/2 inch FNPT, Cv= 1.0, Max Inlet=3600PSI, Outlet 0-250PSI, SST 4.4 (2.0)
98656 Strainer, 1/2 Inch (15 mm) FNPT, Y, 40 Mesh, SST, Class 1500# 2.4 (1.1)
Strainer, 1/2 Inch (15 mm) FNPT, Y, 40 Mesh, SST
19370 2.4 (1.1)
Valve, Shuttle, 1/4 Inch, Brass, 3000PSI
99767 1.0 (0.5)
Regulator, 1/4 Inch (8 mm) FNPT, Max Inlet=3600PSI, Outlet 0-250psi, Cv=0.5
19599 4.5 (2.0)

Equipment List - Time Delay Cabinet Spares

Nominal Ship
P/N Description
Wt. lb (kg)
19172 Timer, Pneumatic, 1/8 Inch (6 mm) FNPT 0.9 (0.4)
19173 Valve, Ball, 1/4 Inch (8mm) FNPT, Brass 0.6 (0.3)
19174 Valve, Pilot, 3-Way, 1/4 Inch (8mm) FNPT 1.9 (0.4)
99109 Filter, Inline, 1/4 Inch (8 mm) FNPT x MNPT, 20 Micron, Brass 0.1 (0.05)

The seller makes no warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and
fitness for a particular purpose, except as expressly stated in the seller’s sales contract or sales acknowledgment form. Every
attempt is made to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. All specific applications cannot be covered, nor can
all requirements be anticipated. All specifications are subject to change without notice.

1102 Rupcich Drive

Millennium Park
Crown Point, IN 46307
TEL: (219) 663-1600 FAX: (219) 663-4562
e-mail: [email protected]
DS1353 Revised: 24-May-2019 Page 20 of 20

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