Grammar Tasks
Grammar Tasks
Grammar Tasks
' ,(sфtt}, but ever,sinoe .then the Blaсe,:, ,: , , -'йh.JапiJdrэ i ,:. ]
{ь1 ]
П спдммдп
$ 'i
ý}у:*ж*уъft р*rf**t жfrхззр}+* ,,
\ff*rd* **ý}ýъ**t*** чдrit}з ffip*зrt
къrj" **ваt tЁхтч-т*tаж
. ? Read the definitions and write the words.
? underline the correct words to . 1 the act of winning а competition чiс,Lоry
complete the sentences and .. 2 а реrsоп who s iп charge of а sports gаmе
questions. з shout аррrоча оr encouragement
I l've alwavs loved l l always lovec|
4 реор|е who watch а sports event
5 Ье iп а cotTpetition for your country
basebal]. lt's mу favourlte sport.
2 They've wоп l They lчол the chatTp onshitэ two years ago,
6 an аrеа for playlng sports, especia у football
6 lVаrlпа has Ьееп dotng l was dotпgyoga since she was а sрогtsреорlе get poid о ]ot of mопеу to 2
@xTt Listen and check. |'ve never known апуопе so ---; you сап пеvеr
count on him.
lt's dangerous out thеrе; l guess it's better to Ье
I С Tick (/) the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 pollution
and рlау safe.
well Ье еvеп worse in the future if we
,', Even if the place is а bit _--, we still know whеrе
don't start taking responsib lity fоr it,
а Щ couid Ь [ lvil с [ shall everything ls.
l mау Ье соmраrеd to ечеrуопе else, but l get
|'m sure thai tt happen in оur llfetlme. there in the епd,
а [maynot Ь [mightn't с lwon't That was а rеаllу trip you won't believe all the
Ьесоmе mоrе popular. but
Опliпе education l
incredible things that happened.
doubt ]t. The new walter is obviously quite l've печеr
a!mlght bf]wilt clcan seen апуопе work as hard as him.
The question is =-
- we find а real solution to our
епеrgу problems?
а [mау b!might c[wlll Е -. /*l
рпOшuNсIАтI(IN l{$l пэтd
Cinemas go out of business in the next ten уеаrs. How are the underlined letters fh pronounced in each
а !probablywill Ь [willprobably word in the Ьох? Complete the table with the words.
с [ won't рrоЬаЬlу
lt's unlikely computers will rерlасе teachers. athletic breath breathing clothes Earth either
с ! leather length month the Ф( though
а ltor ьПif tnat
have а new mапаgеr. Ь @Еа Listen and check,
а [possible Ь !bound с !рrоЬаЬlе
fffi -
' -a=:-a=-
15Ьеlлgl fo Ье in the
,, , ,, ,, ,, rvith а пumЬет of " , . ,
cletegates ,l
There you аrе, you mау go оп
.tlЁЕN will aonTeciate. Ц/hеthеr уоu'rе outside relaxing оп йе
:' . Louvre yourself! u -
, ,admiring the йеws очеr уоur ioffee оr inside
in the 7
-_ -_- _ Ьат, r оц'l1fееl completely at hoye,
uu-- _ _-
,,,,,, ,, :
с complete the iext with infinitive оr gerunci forms of Е рпOш U1,|с lATl 0 t,| fi шхъж*rъжжt жtrфъ*рs
the verbs in the Ьох.
? Look at the underlined syllables and decide if they
(/) the
]l]]];]] admire continue cut have listen melt contain 0, 1 оr 2 consonant sounds, Tick
pour proteci stop think il*rff visit
correct Ьох.
lil, ], ]
i,] :::]]
0 1 2.:t
q,jid;,.rO then the blue button and go оп
i пluslс festlv9],
i Й's umu.lпg
----_that the Falls have Ьееп here for 10,000 уеаrs,
i Basically, l; s_- iпtо the Niаgаrа river made it polverful enough е Сrеtе is Jhe ]argest Bland 1п Greece,
, 9 а htloe oiece out of the rосk, \lore а!эоut this аtеr, Back to
j today, millions of tourlsts сс)mе l0--- the FalLs each уеаr,
f The train terminal is а short waIk frоm the