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Grammar Tasks

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Е спдммАR }ф,ваrэ,жtfrчд* t*хъж*ж Е VOСДВULАRY Нжрr**si*ms rпrith get

Underline the correct words to complete the sentences. а Complete the sentences with the words in the Ьох.
l l had l was having l had had а quick shower and rап fоr
attention away down hold involved point rid swept
the bus.
2 Sоrrу, when you calIed, l spoke l was speaking l had
1 All this grey weather is really gettlng dotvп mе
sроhеп to а cuslomer. qulte depressed,
and l feel
З Ву the time Jane аrriчеd for dinner, ечеrуопе left l had left l 2 There isn't enough space. We need to get
halleft. of allth]s rubbish,
4 Не sei/ had setl was settingIhe watch to 00:00 and
З Siгпоп is а very busy mап. You сап never get
began to run the marathon, of him when you need him.
5 The рhопе had Ьееп l was l has Ьеел ringing for about а 4 The waves аrе really big, so Ье careful not to get
minute when l answered it. away.
6 What have you dопе l had you dопе l wеrе уоч dоiпgiп
5 -..-
Let's get stralght to the and not waste time
the garage аll that time?
6 То get the waiter's -."-- iп this restaurant you
7 We wеrе Ьчуiпg l bought l had Ьееп buyingsome fruit and need to ring the bell.
went to the пехt shop.
7 lt's Ьееп а very long term. l'd like to get
8 Sоmеопе had Ьrоkеп l was Ьrеаktпg l had Ьееп Ьrеаkiпg this summer - not sure where.
the window, but we didn't see who it was.
8 Don't get _ in аll Каrеп's problems. Реорlе
9 Hi, had you waited l wеrе уоu waiting l you waited for mе? w]ll start blaming you.
10 The mапаgеr stood up апd had made l was mаkiпgl
made а speech. Complete the sentences uпdеr the pictures with the
expressions in the Ьох.
Complete the text with the correct forms of the words
in brackets, get through tеН€
get into trouble get anywhere
get the feeling get on my nerves

,, Опе ечепi.пg.sоr*е уёа,rý ag,o; t:1 (think)

.', abo'ut What to do]When п1]{ tiieild Janice рhопеd. ,. ,, ,1l :1

Janice was in а good mood because she

', z ffiniýh) all hеr exams and shеwёý ttее,
поw. She З- (come) round and we decided
to go for а walk. We а (ýо) very far when 1 That looks fun. 2 l'm not sure l'il з
we saw something чеrу unusual inside the old building How do you _ al] this this will Ье over
near the market. Years earlier the place aetto do today. quickly.
:Э=_,;--.= : {ЬgrпJ dоwп. Nо gпе,kпеW hФw]thе flre ], this?

' ,(sфtt}, but ever,sinoe .then the Blaсe,:, ,: , , -'йh.JапiJdrэ i ,:. ]


hа .,Ьееп:,еmрtу. АпуWау,:iп 0*е]of thewindows we

.,7 {ory}'because there wеrе still tear:ý i

, (get) dark Ьу then, but],.,


wе oortJ'still:see]her quite clearly. - The соmрапу 5 Не might Ali this сrуiпg

won't is starting to
/ see)that?' l whispered to Janice. We
walking into ihe
_,10 {печеr / Ье) iп this building Ьеfщапd.'
w]th th]s пеw
prod uct. house like that,
,',felt,a,bit.ýсФi,еd"b*;t:Wеr1._-.*- {go),inýideф,.],,
find the girl. She 12_(wеаr) some really -
old clothes, they were dirty and smelt of smoke- Е рпOltUNсlАТlON hrаd fug*Tt
,', 19 }'outl,s:he'said, cryiný'again
.:,,j!,was,too.tatell ЦФ. at:each other. and ., ..: .,.:1 ,:,,
а @Е Listen to the sentences and tick (/) the
I4 (run) all the way home. The place ones which include had,
i ii,,*ow э' rёstаurаfi t а п d al l ou r f riends wond еr. йhу_j-':' Sentence 1 И Sentence 6 п
Janice and l will never go there with them! Sentence 2 П Sentence 7 п
Sentence З П Sentence 8 п
Sentence 4 [ ] Sentence 9 п
с @Е Listen and check.
Sentence 5 L__] Sentence 10 п
" iffi


{ь1 ]

П спдммдп
$ 'i

ý}у:*ж*уъft р*rf**t жfrхззр}+* ,,
\ff*rd* **ý}ýъ**t*** чдrit}з ffip*зrt
къrj" **ваt tЁхтч-т*tаж
. ? Read the definitions and write the words.
? underline the correct words to . 1 the act of winning а competition чiс,Lоry
complete the sentences and .. 2 а реrsоп who s iп charge of а sports gаmе
questions. з shout аррrоча оr encouragement
I l've alwavs loved l l always lovec|
4 реор|е who watch а sports event
5 Ье iп а cotTpetition for your country
basebal]. lt's mу favourlte sport.
2 They've wоп l They lчол the chatTp onshitэ two years ago,
6 an аrеа for playlng sports, especia у football

З What have you thought l dtd you thtпk of the match?

Complete the text with the correct forms of the words in
4 The рlауеrs have just arrived l just arrived so the match
brac kets.
can begin,
5 l've Ьееп rчппtпg l l was rчппtпg п the раrk when t
happened. ,,,Ё-чеIл/опеthinksfhof,i ].(pюfesýion;.. ..,.1:,], .

6 lVаrlпа has Ьееп dotng l was dotпgyoga since she was а sрогtsреорlе get poid о ]ot of mопеу to 2

teenager. l{оОгВре t_оф.ЬutfiЬ is поt olwcys true.Thetop l .1l,,,,,',,

7 l have completed l been coпlplettngfive marathons. .-(othletics)insmollersportslikehondbolI,
8 А Why is уоur shirt wet? mountoin ruппiпg ond wоmепЪ cricket don't еоrп much
В l'ye rчп l l'te Ьееп l,!qпiпв, :]гпо_пеу;.Suсhs_ports ote.veryа l(соmpelitioп)
9 Joshua hаsп't played l Ьееп playiпgtennis s nce he was at ' опd,t'сthJёtеs (trоiп!пg) hqrd;:ЬtJtёчёЁ]
со lege,
illЩЬ rерiеsеll lл1t bircountry,tБеу
10 Our judo trаtпеr has lеаrпеd l Ьееп lеаrпtпg.Jарапеsе fоr , оfi_еп een'lrпskе.ý:}ivjпg.flоrтl fheir sроЁ tJп{о#uпеtе[д,
tеп уеаrs.
(victo) in (chompion)
cnd new world 9 (rесоrdiпg) very ofien
Complete the text with the correct forms of the verbs
don't mеоп mопеу, especiolly if the sport isn't populor
in brackets.
оп ТV But mоуЬе this doesn't mоttеr if the othietes епjоу
whot they do опd spectotors оrе hoppy to wotch them
1 h;:gjuэi brTken реrfоrm ond
10 (cheerful) for them, Мопеу
Somontho / breok) о new wor|d
Hi|| (iust
isn'teveфtring.cf_,teTo1{,,,, ;: ,'., -
]l l :,],... . . ],, ,,
record! Yesterdoy iп Monchester she 2
_ _:

(run) l00 metres bockwords in l6.5 seconds. Somontho is

but she З
{olreody / beot) oll the с @В Listen and check.
best rчппеrs iп the world. she (sto11)

retro-running - ruппiпg bockwords - when she wos 14 os

о bit of fun, Ьut soon she 5. (win) lots of
Е РПOtlul,|СlАТI(lN ffiу}}жh}* sty*ss
competilions ond now she is the best iп the world @xTr Listen to the conversation and underline the
We spoke to the new world-record holder. stressed syllables in the highlighted words,
ELENA l know you like 1aihletics, but clo you ever take part in
'lt's omozingI l 6 (iroin) since Jonuory for 2cornpetiiions?
this ond l
7 (1ry) three times to get this DlMA Sonel mes - ,г fact l'п gо,гg to 'compete in tne
Jchampi9n561ps ^ext
world record, but todoy wos ihe doy. l don't even hove о ldг опаl weekerd,
ELENA So you're a]most а 5ýrбЪ.ý.siопаt баthiёф then?
lrоiпеr - |
8. (look) for опе for the post few
yeors, but no опе DlMA Not rеаllу, it's hardly а 7$iloflё#ri, but l do а lot of ,.
{contoct) me yet. Sorry
8tЁail:lft and l'm hoping for а good 9рОfiОr.ФаfiЙ
... l'm still very emotionol. Excuse me ...'
There']l Ье а iot of strong 10ёФфЪЁtitф and l'Il have
We could see she hod Ьееп crying. Somontho then rоп to 11Дýffёm really well оп the day.
owoy - foмords - with teors running down her cheeks. ELENA So 12viclory might Ье yours then and we'll we]come
the 13victorious champion home?
DlMA Don't laugh, l might winI

с @Е Listen and check.


Е СПДММАR ръаtч*r* рrсзýзmhi}itу Е ЧOСДВULАRY

з'\с*$ **tiw*ý **s*}-ihiкэg ettitt}d*
underline the correct words to
com plete the conversation. ? Complete the words,
KATY Have you read this art]c]e, Josh? How r q4!!q t ! с !s it that we'll live to 150 years old?
lt says there's а gаоd19!1ццс l doubt l mеап wil] it aciually happen?
оur generation wiil l ve to Ье 150 Sam is always late handing in work, He's completely
years old!
u_r Ь_е.
JOSH Who knows, what it says l wtll ltwasat___ __l _Scommentand he immediately
Ье true. But what ev dence s there? feIt sоrrу he'd said it.
KATY Advances in medicine might l й// certainly Ье а Vlctoria ls rеаllу а_ v_ _ _ _ r_ s. She just went on а

factor, and реорlе

ar,von't l couldп'tdte frоm all sorts trekking holiday iп the Ecuadorian rainforest.
of diseases соmmоп today. Also, technology WendY lsquite S__p____ _с, SoyOU сап tell herall
рrоЬаЬlу l рrоЬаЬlу wtll mаkе everyday life easier, your рrоЬlеms апd she'll listen to you,
JOSH t]пе, but |6dоп't suppose l doubt if mапу people wiil You can tel] he's w_ _l -о _ _ _ _s d Ьу looking at how
want to ]ive that long, lt s unltkely / sure that it'l] Ье tidy his desk is.
much fun to Ье 150.
KATY The аrtiсlе says that we 8mау l wtllwelL Ье able to Complete the sentences with the words in the Ьох.
wоrk unti] that age. There's а good chance9of l that There are four extra words уоu do not need.
mach пеs \awill l wоп't do аl] the hard work. ]ike
washing and clean ng, so that we do easier tasks, ike adventurous ambitious cautious critical
mak ng phone calls. disorganised irresponsible reliable ttоtgЖН
JOSH lnteresting. l'п рrоЬаЬlе / sure there']l even Ье а
uncompetitive unreaIistic unsympathetic
special 0tympics for реорlе over 100l
KATY Yes, it's bouncj 12ro hарреп l hарреп, so start training! When he gets very ike this, it's like he,s in а
world of his оwп,

@xTt Listen and check. |'ve never known апуопе so ---; you сап пеvеr
count on him.
lt's dangerous out thеrе; l guess it's better to Ье
I С Tick (/) the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 pollution
and рlау safe.
well Ье еvеп worse in the future if we
,', Even if the place is а bit _--, we still know whеrе
don't start taking responsib lity fоr it,
а Щ couid Ь [ lvil с [ shall everything ls.
l mау Ье соmраrеd to ечеrуопе else, but l get
|'m sure thai tt happen in оur llfetlme. there in the епd,
а [maynot Ь [mightn't с lwon't That was а rеаllу trip you won't believe all the
Ьесоmе mоrе popular. but
Опliпе education l
incredible things that happened.
doubt ]t. The new walter is obviously quite l've печеr
a!mlght bf]wilt clcan seen апуопе work as hard as him.
The question is =-
- we find а real solution to our
епеrgу problems?
а [mау b!might c[wlll Е -. /*l
рпOшuNсIАтI(IN l{$l пэтd
Cinemas go out of business in the next ten уеаrs. How are the underlined letters fh pronounced in each
а !probablywill Ь [willprobably word in the Ьох? Complete the table with the words.
с [ won't рrоЬаЬlу
lt's unlikely computers will rерlасе teachers. athletic breath breathing clothes Earth either
с ! leather length month the Ф( though
а ltor ьПif tnat

7 There's по _*-- that they wlll stop printing books

а ! tiKety Ь ПрrоЬаЬi]itу с [chance ýoltЁd 1l l0l Sou{Id 2/ёl
l can't that опе day we will Ье able to choose |е,ý,,thапk} {Б€,'tllеп).,
the sex of our babies. thiпk
а !lmagine Ь [suppose с f]guess
- is sure
Amanda do we in hеr exams next week
а [to ь Пthаt с lof
10 Things at work are to get better soon поw we

have а new mапаgеr. Ь @Еа Listen and check,
а [possible Ь !bound с !рrоЬаЬlе
fffi -
' -a=:-a=-

Е ВПДММАR ffi*rъххъdж ахъdл im&rв{tЁчrеs Е VOСДВULАRY туmv*} кг*d t*urism

а .Uдg!еrliпе ihe correct words to

complete the ? Read the definitions. Reorder the letters to make
travel and tourism adjectives,
glad rP;gq / sееiлg you, How's your suпlmеr? 1 noteasilytOrgOtten е пl Ьоеа m r | сзеmоrаЬlо
HELEN Hi, I\4ax,
2go going back to 2 odd and strange ebzatir
мАХ Boringl l'm 1ool,ling forward to /
З somethingyouadmire pesvlmers
ЗТо sit l SitLпg iп frопt of tlre computer all
а holiday, 4 extremely attractive unsgntni_*___-----
Сау is not mу idea of
ata have l havtnga 5 the опlу one of its kind euq nU ...'..-.....---.--.-
HELEN Why don't you go somewhere esbrup -_=_=---
Ьrеаk? lthink lt's really mportant'1оgel/
getttпg 6 very high quality
once а while, 1 real|y surprising nalsostinhg
away frоm everything

мАх travel l Тrачеlliпg is а waste of time, I rеmеmьеr

8 very noticeable
'то 8to
Ito visit l visiting Раr s last spring, l triecl see/
Lisa in the louvre, but there wеrе so complete the text with the words in the Ьох, There
sееlлgthе Mlona
even get lп the rооm, which are two extra words you do not пееd, -
mапу реор]е l couldn't
9to take l tаkiпgmу
was just as we]l as l'C forgotten
I|walktng l to constructions features lobby outskirts settiff€
саlтеrа, Anyway, l'm not lnterested iп
studio terminal terrace trails venue
r,lzalk around lп crowds of tourists,
1Ihеаriпgl to hearIhaI- but Iook, stop Ьеl 12fo
You obviously like art, that's why
Ьеiлgsо negative,
do something
, ]t*e crovapatk нФtеl в }ocated in а реr{есt'lщi',:
уоu were in the Louvre, so why not ап е,2 oГOasteдýT,ldgejýЗthаЦёh9ч'wff,
bonnected with that? l can see уочIЗdоiпgltо do fтоm the
З- _---
tro- ,Ь. ciry centre and miлutеs
. something creative,
мАх l've tried раiпtiпg l to раiпt апС, l wasn't too bad at it,

15Ьеlлgl fo Ье in the
,, , ,, ,, ,, rvith а пumЬет of " , . ,
cletegates ,l
There you аrе, you mау go оп
.tlЁЕN will aonTeciate. Ц/hеthеr уоu'rе outside relaxing оп йе
:' . Louvre yourself! u -
, ,admiring the йеws очеr уоur ioffee оr inside
in the 7
-_ -_- _ Ьат, r оц'l1fееl completely at hoye,
uu-- _ _-

Irr fact,why not book аратtmеп1 so that it

rеаllу is а hоmе frоm home?
, '

,,,,,, ,, :

с @Е Listen and check.

с complete the iext with infinitive оr gerunci forms of Е рпOш U1,|с lATl 0 t,| fi шхъж*rъжжt жtrфъ*рs
the verbs in the Ьох.
? Look at the underlined syllables and decide if they
(/) the
]l]]];]] admire continue cut have listen melt contain 0, 1 оr 2 consonant sounds, Tick
pour proteci stop think il*rff visit

correct Ьох.
lil, ], ]
i,] :::]]

0 1 2.:t

i we had some suOerb пlеаls lп ап excellent /,,

: |оса] 1esta 1ant,
io "
*. \ '-. .:.f*-
.,''' lVost of the paintlngs come frоm pr vate
_ . . a_
guidebook, RеmеmЬеr 9o!|ections,
Welcome to Nlagara Falls1 This is уоui,реrsопаl audlo
1 -LЁ tjtiг1,1 tlre volume up qu te high because ]t,5 pretty noisy hеrе, You сап l\/lу hoIiday in Rome was quite ап
down the taiis, miJllons of litres every m nute,
hеаr the wаiеr
з-thе tllew, pl,ess the red lэuttоп the а- едреI]е!с9
. rT you *un,
5 6
=-.--, The h]ghlight of the trip was probably the

q,jid;,.rO then the blue button and go оп
i пluslс festlv9],
i Й's umu.lпg
----_that the Falls have Ьееп here for 10,000 уеаrs,

i Basically, l; s_- iпtо the Niаgаrа river made it polverful enough е Сrеtе is Jhe ]argest Bland 1п Greece,
, 9 а htloe oiece out of the rосk, \lore а!эоut this аtеr, Back to
j today, millions of tourlsts сс)mе l0--- the FalLs each уеаr,
f The train terminal is а short waIk frоm the

, ll vlsitors is great, but al] the activity causes а ]ot of з,,ро.t.

so mапr/
, damaqe, 5о \^/е а,е tгу пg
2-- the Falls as much as poss ble, So

Ь ОЕа Listen and check.

d ОЕ Listen and check.


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