Solution of Transportation Problem With South-East

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Open Access Library Journal

2019, Volume 6, e5377

ISSN Online: 2333-9721
ISSN Print: 2333-9705

Solution of Transportation Problem with

South-East Corner Method, North-East Corner
Method and Comparison with Existing Method

Sasikala1, Sridhar Akiri2, Pavankumar Subbara3

Department of Mathematics, GIT, GITAM Deemed to Be University, Bangalore Campus, Karnataka, India
Department of Mathematics, GIT, GITAM Deemed to Be University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India
Department of Humanities & Basic Sciences, SBIT Engineering College, Khammam, Telangana, India

How to cite this paper: Sasikala, Akiri, S. and Abstract

Subbara, P. (2019) Solution of Transportation
Problem with South-East Corner Method, Finding an initial basic feasible solution is the prime requirement to obtain an
North-East Corner Method and Comparison optimal solution for the transportation problems. In this paper, two methods
with Existing Method. Open Access Library are proposed to find an initial basic feasible solution for the transportation
Journal, 6: e5377.
problems. The South-East Corner Method (SECM) and the North-East Cor-
ner Method (NECM) are adopted to compute the Initial Basic Feasible Solu-
Received: April 8, 2019 tion (IBFS) of the transportation problem. A comparative study is carried out
Accepted: April 27, 2019 with existing methods like Vogel’s approximation method (VAM) which is to
Published: April 30, 2019 find an initial basic feasible solution and Modified Distribution (MODI) Me-
Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and Open
thod which is to find the optimal solution and the methods are also illustrated
Access Library Inc. with numerical examples.
This work is licensed under the Creative
Commons Attribution International Subject Areas
License (CC BY 4.0). Operational Research
Open Access
Transportation Problem, Initial Basic Feasible Solution (IBFS), Optimal
Solution, Transportation Cost, South-East Corner Method (SECM),
North-East Corner Method (NECM), Vogel’s Approximation Method
(VAM), Modified Distribution Method (MODI)

1. Introduction
Transportation problem is famous in operation research for its wide application
in real life. The transportation problem is one of the sub-classes of linear pro-
gramming problems. The objective of Transportation Problem is to transport

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1105377 Apr. 30, 2019 1 Open Access Library Journal

Sasikala et al.

various amounts of a single homogeneous commodity that are initially stored in

various origins and from there to different destinations in such a way that the
total transportation cost is a minimum. The transportation problem received
this name because many of its applications involved in determining how to op-
timally transport goods. Transportation problem is a logistical problem for or-
ganizations especially for manufacturing and transport companies.
The basic transportation problem was originally developed by Hitchcock in
1941 [1]. Efficient methods for finding solution were developed, primarily by
Dantzig in 1951 [2] and then by Charnes, Cooper and Henderson in 1953 [3].
Basically, the solution procedure for the transportation problem consists of the
following phases:
Phase 1: Mathematical formulation of the transportation problem.
Phase 2: Finding an initial basic feasible solution.
Phase 3: Optimizing the initial basic feasible solution which is obtained in
Phase 2.
In this paper, Phase 2 has been focused in order to obtain a better initial basic
feasible solution for the transportation problems. Again, some of the well re-
puted methods for finding an initial basic feasible solution of transportation
problems developed and discussed by them are North West Corner Method
(NWCM) [4], Least Cost Method (LCM) [4], Vogel’s Approximation Method
(VAM) [4] [5], Balakrishnan [6] etc. Then in the next and last stage MODI
(Modified Distribution) method was adopted to get an optimal solution. Charnes
and Cooper [3] also developed a method for finding an optimal solution from
IBFS named as “Stepping Stone Method”.
Recently, R. A. Lakshmi and P. L. Pallavi [7], Vinoba and Palaniyappa [8], Al-
fred Asase [9], Francois Ndayiragije [10] proposed different methods to obtain
initial basic feasible solutions.
In this paper, we introduce the South East Corner Method and North East
Corner Methods used to obtain an initial basic feasible solution for the trans-
portation problems. A comparative study is also carried out by solving a good
number of transportation problems which show that the proposed methods give
better result in comparison to the other existing methods available in the litera-

2. Network Representation and Mathematical Formulation

of the Transportation Problem
Generally the transportation model is represented by the network in Figure 1.
There are m sources and n destinations, each represented by a node. The arcs
represent the routes linking the sources and destinations. Arc (i, j) joining
source I to destination j carries two pieces of information. The transportation
cost per unit, Cij and the amount shipped, Xij. The amount of supply at source i
is Si, and the amount of demand at destination j is Dj. The objective of the model
is to determine the unknowns Xij that will minimize the total transportation cost
while satisfying the supply and demand restrictions.

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Sasikala et al.

Figure 1. Network representation of transportation problem.

In developing the Linear Programming model of a transportation problem the

following notations are used
Transportation problem
m n
Min Z = ∑∑ Cij X ij
=i 1 =j 1

Subject to ∑ xij ≤ Si , i =
1, 2, , m
j =1

∑ xij ≥ D j , j =
1, 2, , n
i =1

and xij ≥ 0, for all i and j.

The objective function minimizes the total cost of transportation Z between
various sources and destinations. The constraint i in the first set of constraints
ensures that the total units transported from the source I is less than or equal to
its supply. The constraint j in the second set of constraints ensures that the total
units transported to the destination j is greater than or equal to its demand.
Feasible solution: A set of non negative values xij, i = 1, 2, …, n and j = 1,
2, …, m that satisfies the constraints is called a feasible solution to the transpor-
tation problem.
Optimal solution: A feasible solution is said to be optimal if it minimizes the
total transportation cost.
Non degenerate basic feasible solution: A basic feasible solution to a (m ×
n) transportation problem that contains exactly m + n – 1 allocations in inde-
pendent positions.

3. Proposed Methods to Obtain Initial Basic Feasible

3.1. South East Corner Method
The steps involved in solving the transportation problem using south east corner
method is given below.
Step 1: Draw the general transportation problem table and verify that the

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Sasikala et al.

problem is balanced.
Step 2: The method starts at the south east corner cell of the table (variable
Step 3: Allocate as much as possible to the selected cell and adjust the asso-
ciated amounts of supply and demand by subtracting the allocated amount.
Step 4: Cross out the row or column with zero supply or demand to indicate
that no further assignments can be made in that row or column. If both a row
and column net to zero simultaneously, cross out one only and leave a zero
supply (demand in the uncrossed out row-column).
Step 5: If exactly one row or column is left uncrossed out, stop. Otherwise,
move to the cell to the right if a column has just been crossed out. Go to step 3.

3.2. North East Corner Method Procedure

The steps involved in solving the transportation problem using north east corner
method are given below.
Step 1: The method starts at the North east corner cell of the tableau (variable
Step 2: Allocate as much as possible to the selected cell and adjust the asso-
ciated amounts of supply and demand by subtracting the allocated amount.
Step 3: Cross out the row or column with zero demand to indicate that no
further assignments can be made in the row or column. If both row and column
net to zero simultaneously cross out one only and leave a zero supply (demand
in the uncrossed out row or column).
Step 4: If exactly one row or column is left uncrossed out or below if exactly
one row or column is left uncrossed out, stop. Otherwise, move to the cell to the
right if a column has just been crossed out or below if a row has been crossed
out. Go to step 1.
Step 5: Start with X1n and end at Xm1.

3.3. Vogel’s Approximation Method (VAM)

The Vogel approximation method is an iterative procedure for computing a ba-
sic feasible solution of the transportation problem.
Step 1: Identify the boxes having minimum and next to minimum transporta-
tion cost in each row and write the difference (penalty) along the side of the ta-
ble against the corresponding row.
Step 2: Identify the boxes having minimum and next to minimum transporta-
tion cost in each column and write the difference (penalty) against the corres-
ponding column.
Step 3: Identify the maximum penalty. If it is along the side of the table, make
maximum allotment to the box having minimum cost of transportation in that
row. If it is below the table, make maximum allotment to the box having mini-
mum cost of transportation in that column.
Step 4: If the penalties corresponding to two or more rows or columns are
equal, select the top most row and the extreme left column.

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Sasikala et al.

Step 5: Continue the procedure until the total available quantity if fully allo-
cated to the cells as required.

3.4. Test for Optimality

Once an initial solution is obtained, the next step is to check its optimality. An
optimal solution is one where there is no other set of transportation routes (al-
locations) that will further reduce the total transportation cost. Thus, we have to
evaluate each unoccupied cell (represents unused route) in the transportation
table in terms of an opportunity of reducing total transportation cost. An unoc-
cupied cell with the largest negative opportunity cost is selected to include in the
new set of transportation routes (allocations). This is also known as an incoming
variable. The outgoing variable in the current solution is the occupied cell (basic
variable) in the unique closed path (loop) whose allocation will become zero first
as more units are allocated to the unoccupied cell with largest negative opportu-
nity cost. Such an exchange reduces total transportation cost. The process is
continued until there is no negative opportunity cost. That is, the current solu-
tion cannot be improved further. This is the optimal solution. An efficient tech-
nique called the modified distribution (MODI) method (also called U-V Me-
thod). Now we discuss MODI method which gives optimal solution and is
shown in below.

Modified Distribution (MODI) Method

Step 1: Determine an initial basic feasible solution using any one of the methods
which are namely, North West Corner Method, Least Cost Method and Vogel’s
Approximation Method.
Step 2: Determine the values of dual variables, Ui and Vj using Ui + Vj = Cij.
Step 3: Compute the opportunity cost using dij = Cij – (Ui + Vj) from unoccu-
pied cell.
Step 4: Check the sign of each opportunity cost (dij). If the opportunity costs
of all the unoccupied cells are either positive or zero, the given solution is the
optimum solution. On the other hand, if one or more unoccupied cell has nega-
tive opportunity cost, the given solution is not an optimum solution and further
savings in transportation cost are possible.
Step 5: Select the unoccupied cell with the smallest negative opportunity cost
as the cell to be included in the next solution.
Step 6: Draw a closed path or loop for the unoccupied cell selected in the pre-
vious step. Please note that the right angle turn in this path is permitted only at
occupied cells and the original unoccupied cell.
Step 7: Assign alternate plus and minus signs at the unoccupied cells on the
corner points of the closed path with a plus sign at the cell being evaluated.
Step 8: Determine the maximum number of units that should be shipped to
this unoccupied cell. The smallest value with a negative position on the closed
path indicates the number of units that can be shipped to the entering cell. Now,
add this quantity to all the cells on the corner points of the closed path marked

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with plus signs and subtract it from those cells marked with minus signs. In this
way an unoccupied cell becomes an occupied cell.
Step 9: Repeat the whole procedure until an optimum solution is obtained.

4. Numerical Examples with Illustration

4.1. Example
A company has three warehouses, W1, W2 and W3, which are supplied by three
suppliers, S1, S2 and S3. The table shows the cost Cij of sending one case of goods
from supplier Si to warehouse Wj, in appropriate units. Also shown in the table
are the number of cases available at each supplier and the number of cases re-
quired at each warehouse.
Consider the following balanced transportation problem.

From\To W1 W2 W3 Availability
S1 10 4 11 14
S2 12 5 8 10
S3 9 6 7 6
Requirement 8 10 12

4.1.1. South East Corner Method

By applying South East Corner Method the allocations are obtained as follows:

From\To W1 W2 W3 Availability ai

S1 10 4 11 a1 = 14

S2 12 5 8 a2 = 10
S3 9 6 7 a3 = 6
3 3

Requirement bj b1 = 8 b2 = 10 b3 = 12 ∑
= a ∑
= b
=j 1 =i 1

n m
It is a balanced transportation problem as ∑
= ai ∑=
bj 30.
=j 1 =i 1

1) At the beginning we have a matrix of order 3X3, firstly we choose the south
east corner cell of the table (x33), i.e., from (3, 3) cell. Here min (S3, W3) = min (6,
12) = 6 units. Therefore the maximum possible units that can be allocated to this
cell is 6 and it as 6 (7) in the cell (3, 3). This completes the allocation in the 3rd
row and cross the other cells, i.e., (3, 1) and (3, 2) in the row.

From\To W1 W2 W3 Availability ai

S1 14

S2 10
S3 6−6=0
Requirement bj 8 10 12 − 6 =6 24

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2) After completion of step.1 come to cell (2, 3) here min (10, 12 − 6 = 6) = 6

units can be allocated to the cell and write it as 6 (8). This completes the alloca-
tion in the 3rd column and cross the other cells in that column.

From\To W1 W2 W3 Availability ai
S1 X 14
S2 10 − 6 = 4
S3 X X 0
Requirement bj 8 10 6 − 6 =0 18

3) Now come to second column, here the cell (2, 2) is min (10 − 6 = 4, 10) = 4
units can be allocated to this cell and write it as 4 (5). This completes the alloca-
tions in second row so cross the other cells in that row.

From\To W1 W2 W3 Availability ai
S1 X 14
5 8
S2 X 4−4=0
(4) (6)
S3 X X 0
Requirement bj 8 10 − 4 = 6 0 14

4) Again consider the position (1, 2). Here min (14, 10 − 4 = 6) = 6 units can
be allocated to this cell and write it as 6 (4). This completes the allocations in
second column.

From\To W1 W2 W3 Availability ai
S1 X 14 – 6 = 8
5 8
S2 X 0
(4) (6)
S3 X X 0
Requirement bj 8 0 0 8

5) Finally, allocate the remaining units to the cell (1, 1), i.e., 8 units to this cell
and write it as 8 (10).
6) All allocations done in the above tables and complete the table as follows:

From\To W1 W2 W3 Availability
10 4
S1 11 14
(8) (6)
12 5 8
S2 10
(4) (6)

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9 6 7 (At first)
S3 6
Requirement 8 10 12

From the above table the initial basic feasible solution is given by X11 = 8, X12
= 6, X22 = 4, X23 = 6, X33 = 6.
The total cost associated with these allocations = 10 × 8 + 4 × 6 + 5 × 4 + 8 × 6
+ 7 × 6 = 214.

4.1.2. North East Corner Method

By applying North East Corner Method the allocations are obtained as follows:

From\To W1 W2 W3 Availability
10 4 11 (At first)
S1 14
(2) (12)
12 5 8
S2 10
(2) (8)
9 6 7
S3 6
Requirement 8 10 12

The initial basic feasible solution is given by X12 = 2, X13 = 12, X21 = 2, X22 = 8,
X31 = 6.
The total cost associated with these allocations = 4 × 2 + 11 × 12 + 12 × 2 + 5
× 8 + 9 × 6 = 258.

4.1.3. Vogel’s Approximation Method (VAM Method) (Existing Method)

To find the initial basic feasible solution for the above example Vogel’s approx-
imation method is used and allocations are obtained as follows:
By applying VAM process allocations are obtained as follows:

From\To W1 W2 W3 Availability Penalty (1) Penalty (2) Penalty (3)

10 4 11
S1 \14 4 6 1 1
(4) (10)
S2 12 5 \10 3 4 -
9 7
S3 6 \6 4 1 2 2
(4) (2)
Requirement \8 4 \10 \12 \2 30\30
Penalty (1) 1 1 1
Penalty (2) 1 - 1
Penalty (3) 1 - 1

The initial basic feasible solution is given by X11 = 4, X12 =10, X23 = 10, X31 = 4,
X33 = 2.

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The total cost associated with these allocations = 10 × 4 + 4 × 10 + 8 × 10 + 9

× 4 + 7 × 2 = 210.

4.1.4. Optimal Solution Using MODI Method

From\To W1 W2 W3 Availability Ui
10 4 11 8
S1 14 U1 = 0
(4) (10) 3
12 10 5 4 8
S2 10 U2 = 0
2 1 (10)
9 6 3 7
S3 6 U3 = −1
(4) 3 (2)
Requirement 8 10 12
Vj V1 = 10 V2 = 4 V3 = 8

Finding Ui and Vj values from occupied cells

Here we find Ui and Vj values by assuming U1 = 0 then we will find remaining
Ui and Vj values.
From the occupied cells (Ui + Vj = Cij).
U1 = 0;
U1 + V1 = 10 U1 + V2 = 4 U3 + V1 = 9 U3 + V3 = 7 U2 + V3 = 8.
0 + V1 = 10 0 + V2 = 4 U3 + 10 = 9 −1 + V3 = 7 U2 + 8 = 8.
V1 = 10 V2 = 4 U3 = 9 − 10 = −1 V3 =7 + 1 = 8 U2 = 0.
U1 = 0; U2 = 0; U3 = −1; V1 = 10; V2 = 4; V3 = 8.
Finding dij = Cij − (Ui + Vj) for unoccupied cells
d13 = C13 − (U1 + V3) = 11 − (0 + 8) = 3.
d21 = C21 − (U2 + V1) = 12 − (0 + 10) = 2.
d22 = C22 − (U2 + V2) = 5 − (0 + 4) = 1.
d32 = C32 − (U3 + V2) = 6 − (−1 + 4) = 3.
Here Ui + Vj values of each unoccupied cell are showing in the cell of top right
corner value and dij values are in down right corner of each cell. All dij values are
positive we get optimal solution.
So, the total cost associated with these allocations = 10 × 4 + 4 × 10 + 8 × 10 +
9 × 4 + 7 × 2 = 210.
To get optimal solution MODI (Modified Distribution) method is adopted
and by applying MODI method the optimal solution is obtained as 210.

4.2. Example
Consider the transportation problem given by the following table of supply, de-
mand and unit costs.

A B C Supply
1 10 12 9 40
2 4 5 7 50
3 11 8 6 60
Demand 70 50 30

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4.2.1. South East Corner Method

By applying south east corner rule process allocations are obtained as follows:

A B C Supply

1 40
4 5
2 50
(30) (20)
8 6 (At First)
3 60
(30) (30)

Demand 70 50 30

The initial basic feasible solution is given by X11 = 40, X21 = 30, X22 = 20, X32 =
30, X33 = 30.
The total cost associated with these allocations = 10 × 40 + 4 × 30 + 5 × 20 + 8
× 30 + 6 × 30 = 1040.

4.2.2. North East Corner Method

By applying North East Corner Method the allocations are obtained as follows:

A B C Supply

12 9 (At first)
1 40
(10) (30)
4 5
2 50
(10) (40)
3 60

Demand 70 50 30

The initial basic feasible solution is given by X12 = 10, X13 = 30, X21 = 10, X22 =
40, X31 = 60.
The total cost associated with these allocations = 12 × 10 + 9 × 30 + 4 × 10 + 5
× 40 + 11 × 60 = 1290.

4.2.3. VAM Method

To find the initial basic feasible solution for the above example Vogel’s approx-
imation method is used and allocations are obtained as follows:

A B C Supply

10 9
1 40
(20) (20)
2 50
8 6
3 60
(50) (10)

Demand 70 50 30

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The total cost associated with these allocations = 10 × 20 + 9 × 20 + 4 × 50 + 8

× 50 + 6 × 10 = 1040.

4.2.4. Optimal Solution Using MODI Method

A B C Supply Ui
10 12 11 9
1 40 U1 =0
(20) 1 (20)
4 5 5 7 3
2 50 U2 = -6
(50) 0 4
11 7 8 6
3 60 U3 = −3
4 (50) (10)
Demand 70 50 30

Vj V1 =10 V2 = 11 V3 = 9

Here all dij’s are positive, we get optimal solution.

The total cost associated with these allocations = 10 × 20 + 9 × 20 + 4 × 50 + 8
× 50 + 6 × 10 = 1040.

5. Result Analysis
Methods Total Transportation Cost
Example 1 Example 2
South-East Corner Method 214 1040
North-East Corner Method 258 1290
Vogel’s Approximation Method 210 1040
MODI Method (optimal solution) 210 1040

It can be shown that the value obtained by South-East Corner Method,

North-East Corner Method is near to the optimal solution and also by the
North-East Corner Method is not nearer to the optimal solution which obtained
by MODI method(optimal solution). Since the South-East Corner Method is
better initial solution than the North-East Corner Method.

6. Conclusion
In this paper, we gave the SECM and NECM which are new methods used to
obtain initial basic feasible solutions in transportation problem and compared
with Vogel’s approximation and Modified Distribution Method (existing) for
optimal solution. Thus, it can be concluded that South-East Corner Method
provides an optimal solution directly or in fewer iterations and North-East Cor-
ner Method gives an optimal solution for more iterations, for the transportation
problems. So South-East Corner Method takes less time and easy to apply for the
decision makers who are dealing with logistic and supply chain problems.

Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1105377 11 Open Access Library Journal

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