Solution of Transportation Problem With South-East
Solution of Transportation Problem With South-East
Solution of Transportation Problem With South-East
1. Introduction
Transportation problem is famous in operation research for its wide application
in real life. The transportation problem is one of the sub-classes of linear pro-
gramming problems. The objective of Transportation Problem is to transport
Subject to ∑ xij ≤ Si , i =
1, 2, , m
j =1
∑ xij ≥ D j , j =
1, 2, , n
i =1
problem is balanced.
Step 2: The method starts at the south east corner cell of the table (variable
Step 3: Allocate as much as possible to the selected cell and adjust the asso-
ciated amounts of supply and demand by subtracting the allocated amount.
Step 4: Cross out the row or column with zero supply or demand to indicate
that no further assignments can be made in that row or column. If both a row
and column net to zero simultaneously, cross out one only and leave a zero
supply (demand in the uncrossed out row-column).
Step 5: If exactly one row or column is left uncrossed out, stop. Otherwise,
move to the cell to the right if a column has just been crossed out. Go to step 3.
Step 5: Continue the procedure until the total available quantity if fully allo-
cated to the cells as required.
with plus signs and subtract it from those cells marked with minus signs. In this
way an unoccupied cell becomes an occupied cell.
Step 9: Repeat the whole procedure until an optimum solution is obtained.
From\To W1 W2 W3 Availability
S1 10 4 11 14
S2 12 5 8 10
S3 9 6 7 6
Requirement 8 10 12
From\To W1 W2 W3 Availability ai
S1 10 4 11 a1 = 14
S2 12 5 8 a2 = 10
S3 9 6 7 a3 = 6
3 3
Requirement bj b1 = 8 b2 = 10 b3 = 12 ∑
= a ∑
= b
=j 1 =i 1
n m
It is a balanced transportation problem as ∑
= ai ∑=
bj 30.
=j 1 =i 1
1) At the beginning we have a matrix of order 3X3, firstly we choose the south
east corner cell of the table (x33), i.e., from (3, 3) cell. Here min (S3, W3) = min (6,
12) = 6 units. Therefore the maximum possible units that can be allocated to this
cell is 6 and it as 6 (7) in the cell (3, 3). This completes the allocation in the 3rd
row and cross the other cells, i.e., (3, 1) and (3, 2) in the row.
From\To W1 W2 W3 Availability ai
S1 14
S2 10
S3 6−6=0
Requirement bj 8 10 12 − 6 =6 24
From\To W1 W2 W3 Availability ai
S1 X 14
S2 10 − 6 = 4
S3 X X 0
Requirement bj 8 10 6 − 6 =0 18
3) Now come to second column, here the cell (2, 2) is min (10 − 6 = 4, 10) = 4
units can be allocated to this cell and write it as 4 (5). This completes the alloca-
tions in second row so cross the other cells in that row.
From\To W1 W2 W3 Availability ai
S1 X 14
5 8
S2 X 4−4=0
(4) (6)
S3 X X 0
Requirement bj 8 10 − 4 = 6 0 14
4) Again consider the position (1, 2). Here min (14, 10 − 4 = 6) = 6 units can
be allocated to this cell and write it as 6 (4). This completes the allocations in
second column.
From\To W1 W2 W3 Availability ai
S1 X 14 – 6 = 8
5 8
S2 X 0
(4) (6)
S3 X X 0
Requirement bj 8 0 0 8
5) Finally, allocate the remaining units to the cell (1, 1), i.e., 8 units to this cell
and write it as 8 (10).
6) All allocations done in the above tables and complete the table as follows:
From\To W1 W2 W3 Availability
10 4
S1 11 14
(8) (6)
12 5 8
S2 10
(4) (6)
9 6 7 (At first)
S3 6
Requirement 8 10 12
From the above table the initial basic feasible solution is given by X11 = 8, X12
= 6, X22 = 4, X23 = 6, X33 = 6.
The total cost associated with these allocations = 10 × 8 + 4 × 6 + 5 × 4 + 8 × 6
+ 7 × 6 = 214.
From\To W1 W2 W3 Availability
10 4 11 (At first)
S1 14
(2) (12)
12 5 8
S2 10
(2) (8)
9 6 7
S3 6
Requirement 8 10 12
The initial basic feasible solution is given by X12 = 2, X13 = 12, X21 = 2, X22 = 8,
X31 = 6.
The total cost associated with these allocations = 4 × 2 + 11 × 12 + 12 × 2 + 5
× 8 + 9 × 6 = 258.
The initial basic feasible solution is given by X11 = 4, X12 =10, X23 = 10, X31 = 4,
X33 = 2.
From\To W1 W2 W3 Availability Ui
10 4 11 8
S1 14 U1 = 0
(4) (10) 3
12 10 5 4 8
S2 10 U2 = 0
2 1 (10)
9 6 3 7
S3 6 U3 = −1
(4) 3 (2)
Requirement 8 10 12
Vj V1 = 10 V2 = 4 V3 = 8
4.2. Example
Consider the transportation problem given by the following table of supply, de-
mand and unit costs.
A B C Supply
1 10 12 9 40
2 4 5 7 50
3 11 8 6 60
Demand 70 50 30
A B C Supply
1 40
4 5
2 50
(30) (20)
8 6 (At First)
3 60
(30) (30)
Demand 70 50 30
The initial basic feasible solution is given by X11 = 40, X21 = 30, X22 = 20, X32 =
30, X33 = 30.
The total cost associated with these allocations = 10 × 40 + 4 × 30 + 5 × 20 + 8
× 30 + 6 × 30 = 1040.
A B C Supply
12 9 (At first)
1 40
(10) (30)
4 5
2 50
(10) (40)
3 60
Demand 70 50 30
The initial basic feasible solution is given by X12 = 10, X13 = 30, X21 = 10, X22 =
40, X31 = 60.
The total cost associated with these allocations = 12 × 10 + 9 × 30 + 4 × 10 + 5
× 40 + 11 × 60 = 1290.
A B C Supply
10 9
1 40
(20) (20)
2 50
8 6
3 60
(50) (10)
Demand 70 50 30
A B C Supply Ui
10 12 11 9
1 40 U1 =0
(20) 1 (20)
4 5 5 7 3
2 50 U2 = -6
(50) 0 4
11 7 8 6
3 60 U3 = −3
4 (50) (10)
Demand 70 50 30
Vj V1 =10 V2 = 11 V3 = 9
5. Result Analysis
Methods Total Transportation Cost
Example 1 Example 2
South-East Corner Method 214 1040
North-East Corner Method 258 1290
Vogel’s Approximation Method 210 1040
MODI Method (optimal solution) 210 1040
6. Conclusion
In this paper, we gave the SECM and NECM which are new methods used to
obtain initial basic feasible solutions in transportation problem and compared
with Vogel’s approximation and Modified Distribution Method (existing) for
optimal solution. Thus, it can be concluded that South-East Corner Method
provides an optimal solution directly or in fewer iterations and North-East Cor-
ner Method gives an optimal solution for more iterations, for the transportation
problems. So South-East Corner Method takes less time and easy to apply for the
decision makers who are dealing with logistic and supply chain problems.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.
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