Boq 339856

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Validate Print Help Item Rate BoQ

Tender Inviting Authority: Indore Municipal corporation

Name of Work: Selection of EPC contractor for (I) Design and build sewage treatment plants of installed capacity 120, 40 & 35 MLD and all appurtenant str
designs, re-design where necessary, and build new diversion works with interception sewer of required length, including survey, design, construction of
structures and allied works; and (III) Operation &Maintenance of the complete works of sewage treatment plants, interception & diversion works, pumping
years on DBOT basis for Indore city, district Indore, state of MP, under National Mission for Clean Ganga.

Contract No:

Name of the
Bidder/ Bidding
Firm /
Company :

(This BOQ template must not be modified/replaced by the bidder and the same should be uploaded after filling the relevent columns, else the bidder is
allowed to enter the Bidder Name and Values only)


Sl. Item Description Quantity Units BASIC RATE In
No. Figures To be
entered by the
Rs. P

1 2 4 5 13
1.001 Component for Price Evalution and comparision of
1.002 Part A Cost of DESIGN AND BUILD SEWAGE 1.000 Job #VALUE!
1.003 Ab-2 Survey & investigation, designing , supplying, 1.000 Job #VALUE!
construction, testing & commissioning of ht electric
line as suggested by including electrical
substation, transformer (1w+1 stand by) i/c all other
electrical appurtenances, instruments, cables, wires,
pannels,fire extingushiers, tools, and surrounding
lights etc.complete for sewage treatment plants &
mps of installed capacity 120,40 & 35 mld and all
appurtenant structures and allied works.

1.004 Part D Survey & investigation, designing , supplying, 1.000 Job #VALUE!
construction, testing & commissioning for Sewerage
Network, I&D works, Reuse network Work at all
three number STP's 120 ,40 & 35 MLD.

1.005 Ab-3- Cost of land requirement for STP including , 1.000 Job 0
MPS indicated by the bidder and as determined in
accordance with ITB Section 3.3( c)

1.006 Part B & C NPV of the yearly payments due on 1.000 Job 0
account of O & M charges over 15 years of O & M in
case of STP including MPS assuming “Indicative
Sewage Flow Rate for STP” reaching the STP during
respective years of the Operation Period as indicated
in the Appendix to Bid (Indicative Flow)
1.007 AB-5 NPV of the yearly payments due on account of 1.000 Job 0
O & M charges over 15 years of O & M in case of
Sewerage Network and/or Interception & Diversion
Works, and reuse infrastructure

Total in Figures

Quoted Rate in Words #VALUE!

pacity 120, 40 & 35 MLD and all appurtenant structures and allied works, (II) survey, review the
gth, including survey, design, construction of 03 no. pumping station and all appurtenant
lants, interception & diversion works, pumping stations and all allied works for a period of 15

filling the relevent columns, else the bidder is liable to be rejected for this tender. Bidders are
me and Values only)

taxes, cess,levies,duties etc as In Words
applicable except GST)

54 55






Validate Print Help Item Rate BoQ
Tender Inviting Authority: Indore Municipal corporation


Contract No:

Name of the
Bidder/ Bidding
Firm /
Company :

(This BOQ template must not be modified/replaced by the bidder and the same should be uploaded after filling the relevent columns, else the bidder is
enter the Bidder Name and Values only)


Sl. Item Description Quantity Units BASIC RATE In
No. Figures To be
entered by the
Rs. P

1 2 4 5 13
Design, development, supply of equipment, erection of equipment, civil,
electro mechanical and instrumentation works, including testing,
commissioning of 120 MLD STP, wet well & MPS of 120 MLD at Existing 78
MLD STP Premises, Indore on open technology with disinfection & tertiary
treatment, and allied works. The scope of work also includes providing all
material, labour T&P etc. and construction of electrical sub station, D.G. Sets,
substation building, meter room, panel rooms with DG sets, transformers and
switch gears, Construction of transformer yard, Platform for D.G., shed over
the generators, fully furnished administrative building having fully functional
testing laboratory, PLC/SCADA Rooms, Power Generation building, Blower
building, sludge handling system & other building required for technology
proposed. OCEMS system at inlet & outlet of STP and master control station
(MCS) at STP. Conference room suitable for 15 people, 4 rooms with a
attached toilet for supervisory staff and a toilet block, drinking water cooler, all
office rooms and conference room (Air Conditioned). The scope also
including ancillary works like R.C.C. approch road of required quantity length
approximate 3.75 m width with 1.5 m wide inter locking shoulder each side
from, road to proposed STP entry gate, boundary wall of campus with gate,
staff quarter type II (06 Nos), internal C.C. roads 3.75 m wide and 2.0 m wide
1 C.C. path ways, water supply arrangement, fire fighting Outfall Sewer:
Designing, providing and constructing appropriate outfall sewer of RCC NP3
pipe, to discharge treated effluent, untreated effluent from outlet chamber to
the local Nallah/reuse tank at the point shown on the drawing including
necessary chambers for inspection and cleaning including necessary
excavation, dewatering, refilling, concrete encasing/bedding concrete steps to
reach the nallah bed level,arrangement, land scaping, site development &
require furniture,etc. and other works as defined in bid documents.

Break-up of price of item 1 above.

Civil and Structural Works (including that required for disposal, gas 1 Job
generation and reuse of treated effluent)
Supply, installation, Testing and Commissioning of Electro- 1 Job
mechanical, pipe, valves, and instrumentation equipment and
accessories including equipment for electricity gerenration using the
1.03 bio-gas/by-products (including that required for disposal and reuse
of treated effluent).

Ancillary works like approach roads, internal road, boundary wall of 1 Job
campus with gate, staff quarter type II (6 Nos),office for IMC
1.04 officers , internal C.C. roads 3.75 m wide and 2.0 m wide C.C. path
ways, water supply arrangement, fire fighting arrangement, land
scaping, site development & require furniture etc.
Design, development, supply of equipment, erection of equipment, civil,
electro mechanical and instrumentation works, including testing,
commissioning of 40 MLD STP, wet well & MPS of 40 MLD at baegaium
khedhi village, Indore on open technology with disinfection & tertiary
treatment, and allied works. The scope of work also includes providing all
material, labour T&P etc. and construction of electrical sub station, D.G. Sets,
substation building, meter room, panel rooms with DG sets, transformers and
switch gears, Construction of transformer yard, Platform for D.G., shed over
the generators, fully furnished administrative building having fully functional
testing laboratory, PLC/SCADA Rooms, Power Generation building, Blower
building, sludge handling system & other building required for technology
proposed. OCEMS system at inlet & outlet of STP and master control station
(MCS) at STP. Conference room suitable for 15 people, 4 rooms with a
attached toilet for supervisory staff and a toilet block, drinking water cooler, all
office rooms and conference room (Air Conditioned). The scope also
including ancillary works like R.C.C. approch road of required length
approximate 3.75 m width with 1.5 m wide inter locking shoulder each side
from, road to proposed STP entry gate, boundary wall of campus with gate,
staff quarter type II (06 Nos), internal C.C. roads 3.75 m wide and 2.0 m wide
2 C.C. path ways, water supply arrangement, fire fighting Outfall Sewer:
Designing, providing and constructing appropriate outfall sewer of RCC NP3
pipe, to discharge treated effluent, untreated effluent from outlet chamber to
the local Nallah/reuse tank at the point shown on the drawing including
necessary chambers for inspection and cleaning including necessary
excavation, dewatering, refilling, concrete encasing/bedding concrete steps to
reach the nallah bed level,arrangement, land scaping, site development &
require furniture,etc. and other works as defined in bid documents.

Break-up of price of item 2 above.


Civil and Structural Works (including that required for disposal and 1 Job
reuse of treated effluent)
Supply, installation, Testing and Commissioning of Electro- 1 Job
mechanical, pipe, valves, and instrumentation equipment and
accessories including (including that required for disposal and reuse
2.03 of treated effluent).

Ancillary works like approach roads, internal road, boundary wall of 1 Job
campus with gate, staff quarter type II (6 Nos),office for IMC
officers , internal C.C. roads 3.75 m wide and 2.0 m wide C.C. path
ways, water supply arrangement, fire fighting arrangement, land
2.04 scaping, site development & require furniture etc.

relevent columns, else the bidder is liable to be rejected for this tender. Bidders are allowed to
alues only)

In Words

54 55


Validate Print Help Item Rate BoQ
Tender Inviting Authority:

Name of Work:A. 120 MLD STP at Existing 78 MLD STP +MPS Premises

Contract No:

Name of the
Bidder/ Bidding
Firm /
Company :

(This BOQ template must not be modified/replaced by the bidder and the same should be uploaded after
filling the relevent columns, else the bidder is liable to be rejected for this tender. Bidders are allowed to
enter the Bidder Name and Values only)
Year of
operations PART B
Annual O & M Price for treatment of Threshold NPV Factor (Based on
Sewage Flow of 120MLD*365 days including energy discount factor of 10% NPV of O&M Price
consumption p.a.) e=a*d
(Amount) (d)

1 2 53 54
1.01 0.909 0
1.02 0.826 0
1.03 0.751 0
1.04 0.683 0
1.05 0.621 0
1.06 0.564 0
1.07 0.513 0
1.08 0.467 0
1.09 0.424 0
1.10 0.386 0
1.11 0.35 0
1.12 0.319 0
1.13 0.29 0
1.14 0.263 0
1.15 0.239 0
Total in Figures 0.000

Quoted Rate in Words #VALUE!

Validate Print Help

Tender Inviting Authority:

Name of Work:B. 40 MLD STP at baegaium khedhi village

Contract No:

Name of the
Bidder/ Bidding
Firm /
Company :

(This BOQ template must not be modified/replaced by the bidder and the same should be uploaded after filling the relevent columns, else the bidd


Year of PART C
operations PART B Additional O&M Price for treatment of additional sewage
Annual O & M Price for treatment of Threshold in excess of the Threshold on a per MLD basis including
Sewage Flow of 40MLD*365 days including energy energy consumption
consumption (Amount Per MLD)
(Amount) (b)
1 2 4
Total in Figures

Quoted Rate in Words

Item Rate BoQ

ling the relevent columns, else the bidder is liable to be rejected for this tender. Bidders are allowed to enter the Bidder Name and Values only)


Total O&M Price -
Value of x assuming Indicative
Sewage Flow reaching NPV Factor (Based on
( Actual
the STP discount factor of 10% NPV of O&M Price
STP-40 MLD @Kanadiya indicative sewage flow flow/Indicative flow-
c = a + b* x p.a.) e=c*d
threoshold flow)*365
(c) (d)

5 13 53 54
20.00 0.00 0 0.909 0
20.000 0.00 0 0.826 0
20.000 0.00 0 0.751 0
24.000 1460.00 0 0.683 0
26.000 2190.00 0 0.621 0
28.00 2920.00 0 0.564 0
30.000 3650.00 0 0.513 0
32.000 4380.00 0 0.467 0
34.000 5110.00 0 0.424 0
36.000 5840.00 0 0.386 0
38.000 6570.00 0 0.35 0
40.000 7300.00 0 0.319 0
40.000 7300.00 0 0.29 0
40.000 7300.00 0 0.263 0
40.000 7300.00 0 0.239 0

Validate Print Help Item Rate BoQ
Tender Inviting Authority:

Name of Work: 35 MLD STP at laxmi bai statue behind mandi board office.

Contract No:

Name of the
Bidder/ Bidding
Firm /
Company :

(This BOQ template must not be modified/replaced by the bidder and the same should be uploaded after filling the
relevent columns, else the bidder is liable to be rejected for this tender. Bidders are allowed to enter the Bidder Name
and Values only)
Year of
operations PART B
Annual O & M Price for treatment of Threshold NPV Factor (Based on
Sewage Flow of 35MLD*365 days including energy discount factor of 10% NPV of O&M Price
consumption p.a.) e=c*d
(Amount) (d)

1 2 53 54
1.01 0.909 0
1.02 0.826 0
1.03 0.751 0
1.04 0.683 0
1.05 0.621 0
1.06 0.564 0
1.07 0.513 0
1.08 0.467 0
1.09 0.424 0
1.10 0.386 0
1.11 0.35 0
1.12 0.319 0
1.13 0.29 0
1.14 0.263 0
1.15 0.239 0
Total in Figures 0.000
Total O&M cost for Three STPs 0.000

Quoted Rate in Words #VALUE!

Validate Print Help Item Rate BoQ
Tender Inviting Authority: Indore Municipal corporation

Name of Work: Table Ab2 - Survey & investigation, designing , supplying, construction, testing & commissioning of ht electric line as suggested by mppk
transformer (1w+1 stand by) i/c all other electrical appurtenances, instruments, cables, wires, pannels,fire extingushiers, tools, and surrounding lights
installed capacity 120,40 & 35 mld and all appurtenant structures and allied works.

Contract No:

Name of the
Bidder/ Bidding
Firm /
Company :

(This BOQ template must not be modified/replaced by the bidder and the same should be uploaded after filling the relevent columns, else the bidder is
allowed to enter the Bidder Name and Values only)


Sl. Item Description Quantity Units NET UNIT RATE In
No. Figures To be
entered by the
Rs. P

1 2 4 5 13
1 Survey & Investigation, Designing , supplying,
Construction, testing & commissioning of HT electric line
as suggested by MPPKVVCo.Ltd, Electrical substation,
Transformer (2500KVA - 2 nos. (1w+1 stand by) i/c all
other electrical appurtenances, instruments, pole, cables,
wires, pannels,fire extingushiers, tools, and surrounding
lights etc.complete including all the work in all respect to
start the electricity supply for STP 120 MLD at Existing 78
MLD STP Premises .
1.01 Survey & Investigation, Designing , supplying, 1 km
Construction, testing & commissioning of HT electric line
as suggested by MPPKVVCo.Ltd including all mentione
dabove in item no.1

1.02 Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of 33/0.4 2 Nos.

KV 3 Phase 50 cycle oil immersed, naturally cooled,
outdoor type transformer connected delta on H.T. side
and star on L.T. side, hand operated off load Tap changer
switch, rating and diagram plate, two earthing terminal,
lifting lugs, oil level gauge, drain valve with plug,
temperature not exceeding 50ºC on load, temperature
dial gauge, Bucholz relay, oil conservator with drain plug,
oil filling hole with plug, dehydrating silica gel breather on
eye level, four unidirectional roller, arcing horns,
explosion vent, terminal arrangement bushing on H.V.
side and cable box on LV side, first filling of oil upto
desired level and transformer installing on existing
structure with all required materials arrangement as
2 Survey
required & Investigation,
ISI marked Designing
& as per , supplying,
IS specification.(Energy
Efficiency leveltesting & commissioning
-03) Transformer (2500KVAof HT
- 2electric line
nos. (1w+1
by) by MPPKVVCo.Ltd, Electrical substation,
Transformer (1250 KVA - 2 nos. (1w+1 stand by) i/c all
other electrical appurtenances, instruments, pole, cables,
wires, pannels,fire extingushiers, tools, and surrounding
lights etc.complete including all the work in all respect to
start the electricity supply for STP 40 MLD at baegaium
khedhi village Premises .

2.01 Survey & Investigation, Designing , supplying, 32 km

Construction, testing & commissioning of HT electric line
as suggested by MPPKVVCo.Ltd including all mentioned
above in item no.2
2.02 Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of 33/0.4 2 Nos.
KV 3 Phase 50 cycle oil immersed, naturally cooled,
outdoor type transformer connected delta on H.T. side
and star on L.T. side, hand operated off load Tap changer
switch, rating and diagram plate, two earthing terminal,
lifting lugs, oil level gauge, drain valve with plug,
temperature not exceeding 50ºC on load, temperature
dial gauge, Bucholz relay, oil conservator with drain plug,
oil filling hole with plug, dehydrating silica gel breather on
eye level, four unidirectional roller, arcing horns,
explosion vent, terminal arrangement bushing on H.V.
side and cable box on LV side, first filling of oil upto
desired level and transformer installing on existing
structure with all required materials arrangement as
required ISI marked & as per IS specification.(Energy
Efficiency level -03) Transformer ( 630KVA - 2 nos. (1w+1
stand by)

3 Survey & Investigation, Designing , supplying,

Construction, testing & commissioning of HT electric line
as suggested by MPPKVVCo.Ltd, Electrical substation,
Transformer (1250KVA - 2 nos. (1w+1 stand by) i/c all
other electrical appurtenances, instruments, pole, cables,
wires, pannels,fire extingushiers, tools, and surrounding
lights etc.complete including all the work in all respect to
3.01 start the electricity
Survey supply for Designing
& Investigation, STP 35 MLD, at supplying,
Laxmi bai 8 km
statue ,behindtesting
Construction, Mandi & Board office.
commissioning of HT electric line
as suggested by MPPKVVCo.Ltd including all mentioned
above in item no.3.
Total in Figures
oning of ht electric line as suggested by including electrical substation,
extingushiers, tools, and surrounding lights etc.complete for sewage treatment plants & mps of

filling the relevent columns, else the bidder is liable to be rejected for this tender. Bidders are
me and Values only)

Taxes, duties, cess etc as In Words
applicable, excluding G.S.T.
Rs. P

54 55



Validate Print Help Item Rate BoQ
Tender Inviting Authority:

Name of Work:PART D Survey & investigation, designing , supplying, construction, testing & commissioning BOQ items and quantities, for Sewerage Network, I&D works, Reuse network Work at all
three number STP's 120 ,40 & 35 MLD

Contract No:

Name of the
Bidder/ Bidding
Firm /
Company :

(This BOQ template must not be modified/replaced by the bidder and the same should be uploaded after filling the relevent columns, else the bidder is liable to be rejected for this tender. Bidders are
allowed to enter the Bidder Name and Values only)


Sl. Item Description Item Quantity Units BASIC RATE (including all TOTAL AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT
No. Code / taxes, cess, levies, duties etc (including all taxes, In Words
as applicable except GST) In cess,levies,duties etc as
Make Figures To be entered by the applicable except GST)
Bidder in INR

1 2 3 4 5 13 53 55
Part C
1 For 120 MLD at Existing 78 MLD STP Premises
1.1 Connecting Existing Primary Sewer main to
Proposed STP (120 MLD) wet well by laying new
pipeline, for diversion of sewer to proposed STP

1.1.1 Earth work in excavation for foundation, trenches for

pipes / cables or drains etc. by mechanical means / manual
means (exceeding 30cm in depth.) including ramming of
bottom, dressing of sides, disposal of excavated earth
including of all lift and lead upto 50m. Disposed earth to
be levelled and neatly dressed. Extra for every additional
lift of 1.5m or part thereof over item 18.2 (Note: Only for
depth of trench exceeding 1.5m for laying of sewer line &
water line and manhole/ chambers including all site
clearances, adequate barricades, construction signs, red
lanterns and guards as required, dewatering, scaffolding,
timbering, machinery, tools implements and generally of
all means used for the fullfillment of these items.) 20%
extra of the rate of excavation

1.1.2 All Kinds of soil

1.1.3 0 to 1.5 m lift 5508.00 cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
1.1.4 1.5 to 3.0 m lift 5508.00 cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
1.1.5 3.0 to 4.5 m lift 4896.00 cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
1.1.6 4.5 to 6 m lift 4284.00 cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
1.1.7 6 to 7.5 m lift 3672.00 cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
1.1.8 7.5 to 9 m lift 3060.00 cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
1.1.9 9.0 to 10.5 m lift 1468.80 cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
Earth work in excavation for foundation, trenches for
pipes / cables or drains etc. by mechanical means / manual
means (exceeding 30cm in depth.) including ramming of
bottom, dressing of sides, disposal of excavated earth
including of all lift and lead upto 50m. Disposed earth to
be levelled and neatly dressed. Extra for every additional
lift of 1.5m or part thereof over item 18.2 (Note: Only for
depth of trench exceeding 1.5m for laying of sewer line &
water line and manhole/ chambers including all site
clearances, adequate barricades, construction signs, red
lanterns and guards as required, dewatering, scaffolding,
timbering, machinery, tools implements and generally of
all means used for the fullfillment of these items.) 20%
extra of the rate of excavation

Soft rock with or without blasting or bituminous

1.2.1 0 to 1.5 m lift 550.80 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
1.2.2 1.5 to 3.0 m lift 1101.60 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
1.2.3 3.0 to 4.5 m lift 1468.80 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
1.2.4 4.5 to 6 m lift 1713.60 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
1.2.5 6 to 7.5 m lift 1836.00 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
1.2.6 7.5 to 9 m lift 1836.00 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
1.3 Filling with moorum for pipe bedding or over the pipe #VALUE! #VALUE!
900.00 cum
including supply of moorum/sand
1.4 Filling by available excavated earth (excluding rock) in #VALUE! #VALUE!
trenches, plinth, sides of foundations etc. in layers not
exceeding 20cm in depth, consolidating each deposited 31368.06 cum
layer by ramming and watering, lead up to 50 m and lift
upto 1.5 m.
1.5 Providing, Laying and jointing non- pressure (NP-III) #VALUE! #VALUE!
RCC socket & spigot Pipes with rubber gaket joint
including testing of joints ( Conforming to IS 458-1988 600.00 M
ISI marked laying as per IS 783-1985) RCC Pipes NP 3
Class 1800mm dia
Manufacturing, providing and supplying & jointing
spirally welded/ERW/SAW/ fabricated M.S. Pipes
(Commercial Quality) including procurements of plates,
gas cutting to required size rolling, tack welding
assembling in suitable
lengths to form pipes, welding on automatic welding
machine and forming "V" edge on both ends of pipes 22400.00 Kg
railway freight, insurance unloading from railway wagon,
loading into truck, transport to stores /site unloading,
stacking etc, complete as per IS 3589 and IS 5504 as
applicable as per specifications (No negative tolerance in
thickness is permissible). including inner linning & outer
coating of pipe
1.7 Providing, fixing and constructing of pre-cast RCC M-40 #VALUE! #VALUE!
grade circular manholes with internal dia.1800mm and
1055mm depth, conical piece, wall thickness 125mm, and
jointing of circular rings of required height as per depth of
manhole below conical piece and having steel
reinforcement in all pieces of manhole including cast-in-
situ PCC M-10 grade (1:3:6) foundation, PCC M-10 grade
benching and channel portion complete with curing,
compaction and form work, supplying and fixing of plastic
encapsulated CI/MS foot steps, supply & fixing of heavy
duty (HD-20) SFRC cover and frame as per IS 12592
fixed in Cement concrete 1:2:4 (nominal mix) with stone 10.00 nos
aggregate 20mm nominal size including centering and
shuttering , steel reinforcement etc. complete in all respect
including testing for water tightness, as per specification
and the direction of the Engineer, Depth of manhole shall
be considered as the vertical distance from top of the
manhole cover to the outgoing invert of main drain
channel (as per Drawing No. - 15A,B,C,D) {Note:- Only
Excavation as per actual shall be paid separately}.

1.8 Extra for increasing depth of manhole beyond 1055mm #VALUE! #VALUE!
and upto 1254mm with extension piece of internal dia
1000mm as per drawing and direction of Engineer. 85.00 mtrs
(Excavation as per actual shall be paid separately)
1.9 Providing and fixing M.S. sluice gates of reuired size as #VALUE! #VALUE!
per approved drawing & design PN 1.0 in position as per
detailed drawing and specification including cost of all
materials, labour, operating pedestal, connecting rod,
painting with three coats of anti-corrosive paint etc. 2.00 job
including the cost of fixing same in Existing manhole or
proposed manhole complete as directed by Engineer-in-

1.10 Constructing & jointing the proposed 1800 mm dia. pipe #VALUE! #VALUE!
to existing 1800 mm dia. pipeline chamber all excvation,
breaking, refilling, dewatering , bypass , stoppage of flow 1.00 Job
etc. including all material, labour required to complete the
job in all respect
1.11 Demolishing R.C.C. work manually/ by mechanical means #VALUE! #VALUE!
including stacking of steel bars and disposal of
189.00 cum
unserviceable material within 50 meters lead as per
direction of Engineer-in- charge.
1.12 Constructionof granular sub-base by providing Coarse #VALUE! #VALUE!
graded material (CBR>30), spreading in uniform layers
with motor grader on prepared surface, mixing by mix in
place method at OMC and compacting with vibratory 302.40 cum
roller of 80-100KNS tatic weight toach ieve the desired
density, complete in all respect as per relevant clauses of
1.13 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Construction of Dry lean cement concrete Sub-base over a
prepared sub- grade with coarse and fine aggregate
conforming to IS:383, the size of coarse aggregate not
exceeding 26.5mm, aggregate cement ratio not to exceed
15:1, aggrega tegradation after blending to be as per
MORTH SpecificationsTable600-1,cement cont ent not to
be less than150 kg/cum, optimum moisture content to bed 48.00 cum
eter mine dduring trial length construction, concrete
strength not to be less than 10Mpa at 7days, mixed in a
batching plant, transported to site, laid with paver with
electronic sensor/ mechanical paver, compacting with 8-10
tonnes vibratory roller, finishing and curing and as perrel
evant clauses of section-601.

1.14 #VALUE! #VALUE!

Construction of dowel jointed, plain cement concrete
pavement in M-40 grade concrete over a prepared sub base
with 43 or higher grade cement, coarse and fine agreegate
conforming to IS:383 maximum size of coarse aggregate
not exceeding 25mm, mixed in a batching and mixing
plant as per approved mixde sign, transport edtosite, laid
with a fixed formor slip form paver withe lectronic sensor,
spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation
144.00 Cum
including provision of contraction, expansion, construction
and longitudinal joints, joint filler, separation membrane,
seal antprimer, joints ealant, debonding strip, placing of
dowel barandtie rod, ad mixtures as approved, curing
compound, finishing toline sand grades as per approved
drawings as perIRC-152011 and as per relevant clauses of
section-602 of MORTH specific ations complete but
excluding cost of steel in dowel bar & tie rod etc..

1.15 Loading and unloading of stone boulder/stone #VALUE! #VALUE!

aggregates/sand/kankar/moorum & earth (placing tipper at
loading point , loading with front end loader, dumping 5535.54 cum
turning for return trip, excluding time for haulage and
return trip.For a lead upto 1 Km
2 Connecting Existing Primary Sewer main to Proposed
STP (35 MLD) wet well by laying new pipeline,
including installation of sluice gates on Existing line for
diversion of sewer to proposed STP
2.1 Earth work in excavation for foundation, trenches for pipes
/cables or drains etc. by mechanical means / manual
means(exceeding 30cm in depth.) including ramming of
bottom,dressing of sides, disposal of excavated earth including
of all lift and lead upto 50m. Disposed earth to be levelled and
neatly dressed. Extra for every additional lift of 1.5m or part
thereof over item 18.2 (Note: Only for depth of trench exceeding
1.5m for laying of sewer line & water line and manhole/
chambers including all site clearances, adequate barricades,
construction signs, red lanterns and guards as required,
dewatering, scaffolding, timbering, machinery, tools implements
and generally of all means used for the fullfillment of these
items.) 20% extra of the rate of excavation

All Kinds of soil

2.1.1 0 to 1.5 m lift 5250.00 cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
2.1.2 1.5 to 3.0 m lift 3120.00 cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
2.1.3 3.0 to 4.5 m lift 2205.00 cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
2.1.4 4.5 to 6 m lift 1620.00 cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
2.1.5 6 to 7.5 m lift 1296.00 cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
2.1.6 7.5 to 9 m lift 1134.00 cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
2.1.7 9.0 to 10.5 m lift 972.00 cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
2.2 Earth work in excavation for foundation, trenches for pipes /
cables or drains etc. by mechanical means / manual means
(exceeding 30cm in depth.) including ramming of bottom,
dressing of sides, disposal of excavated earth including of all lift
and lead upto 50m. Disposed earth to be levelled and neatly
dressed. Extra for every additional lift of 1.5m or part thereof
over item 18.2 (Note: Only for depth of trench exceeding 1.5m
for laying of sewer line & water line and manhole/ chambers
including all site clearances, adequate barricades, construction
signs, red lanterns and guards as required, dewatering,
scaffolding, timbering, machinery, tools implements and
generally of all means used for the fullfillment of these items.)
20% extra of the rate of excavation

Soft rock with or without blasting or bituminous

2.2.1 0 to 1.5 m lift 525.00 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
2.2.2 1.5 to 3.0 m lift 840.00 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
2.2.3 3.0 to 4.5 m lift 1102.50 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
2.2.4 4.5 to 6 m lift 1260.00 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
2.2.5 6 to 7.5 m lift 1260.00 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
2.2.6 7.5 to 9 m lift 1323.00 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
2.3 Filling by available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, #VALUE! #VALUE!
plinth, sides of foundations etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm in
depth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and 18621.38 cum
watering, lead up to 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m.

2.3 Providing, Laying and jointing non- pressure (NP-III) RCC #VALUE! #VALUE!
socket & spigot Pipes with rubber gaket joint including testing of
joints ( Conforming to IS 458-1988 ISI marked laying as per IS 1000.00 M
783-1985) RCC Pipes NP 3 Class 1200mm dia

2.4 Providing, Laying non-pressure (NP4) RCC socket & spigot #VALUE! #VALUE!
pipes with rubber gasket joint including testing of joints to IS
458-1988 ISI marked laying as per IS 783-1985)(for trenchless) 50.00 M
1200mm dia

2.5 Manufacturing, providing and supplying spirally #VALUE! #VALUE!

welded/ERW/SAW/ fabricated M.S. Pipes (Commercial Quality)
including procurements of plates, gas cutting to required size
rolling, tack welding assembling in suitable lengths to form
pipes, welding on automatic welding machine and forming "V"
edge on both ends of pipes railway freight, insurance unloading
from railway wagon, loading into truck, transport to stores /site 22400.00 Kg
unloading, stacking etc, complete as per IS 3589 and IS 5504 as
applicable as per specifications (No negative tolerance in
thickness is permissible).
2.6 Trenchless Pipe pushing method of suitable dia hole #VALUE! #VALUE!
below natural ground level and pushing MS casing pipe
and insertion of carrier pipe and anti corrosive treatment,
epoxy painting, PU coating and insulation sheet / spacer
including excavation, shoring/ strutting, preparation and
maintaining the entry and exit pit, excluding cost of
Supply, laying and jointing of MS casing Pipe and carrier 50.00 RMT
Pipe (For Railway and Highway crossings, Nallah crossings)
In all type of soil , Moorum 1200 mm dia. RCC pipe

2.7 Providing, fixing and constructing of pre-cast RCC M-40 #VALUE! #VALUE!
grade circular manholes with internal dia.1800mm and
1055mm depth, conical piece, wall thickness 125mm, and
jointing of circular rings of required height as per depth of
manhole below conical piece and having steel
reinforcement in all pieces of manhole including cast-in-
situ PCC M-10 grade (1:3:6) foundation, PCC M-10 grade
benching and channel portion complete with curing,
compaction and form work, supplying and fixing of plastic
encapsulated CI/MS foot steps, supply & fixing of heavy
duty (HD-20) SFRC cover and frame as per IS 12592
fixed in Cement concrete 1:2:4 (nominal mix) with stone 17.00 nos
aggregate 20mm nominal size including centering and
shuttering , steel reinforcement etc. complete in all respect
including testing for water tightness, as per specification
and the direction of the Engineer, Depth of manhole shall
be considered as the vertical distance from top of the
manhole cover to the outgoing invert of main drain
channel (as per Drawing No. - 15A,B,C,D) {Note:- Only
Excavation as per actual shall be paid separately}.

2.8 Extra for increasing depth of manhole beyond 1055mm #VALUE! #VALUE!
and upto 1254mm with extension piece of internal dia
1000mm as per drawing and direction of Engineer. 105.00 mtrs
(Excavation as per actual shall be paid separately)
2.9 Providing and fixing M.S. sluice gates of reuired size as #VALUE! #VALUE!
per approved drawing & design PN 1.0 in position as per
detailed drawing and specification including cost of all
materials, labour, operating pedestal, connecting rod,
painting with three coats of anti-corrosive paint etc. 2.00 job
including the cost of fixing same in Existing manhole or
proposed manhole complete as directed by Engineer-in-

2.10 Loading and unloading of stone boulder/stone

aggregates/sand/kankar/moorum & earth (placing tipper
at loading point , loading with front end loader, dumping
turning for return trip, excluding time for haulage and
return trip.

For a lead upto 15 Km 3286.13 cum #VALUE! #VALUE!

3 Survey, Design & Construction of a I&D on kanadiya
village Nallah & connecting to Propsed STP of 40 MLD
Wier and Nala training work: Survey, design and
construction of suitable size R.C.C. (M-30) Nala tapping
structure(weir) at kanadia U/S Drain & adjoining with
RCC M-30 Nala Training works at upstream and
downstream of tapping point upto suitable length and 2.00 jobs
installation of sluice gates of suitable size and numbers to
regulate the flow . (Structure shall be designed for 40
MLD ( Average Flow ) discharge)

3.2 Approach Drain: Survey, design and construction of #VALUE! #VALUE!

suitable size R.C.C. (M-30) Drain to cater 40.00 MLD
( Average Flow ) Discharge with construction of one no. 350.00 m
RCC Bridge for approach road 3.75 m width comlete in all
respect as per direction of Engineer in charge.


Collection Chamber Cum Coarse Screen : Survey, design
and construction of suitable size R.C.C. (M-30) Collection
Chamber with arrangement of coarse screen comlete in
all respect as per direction of Engineer in charge. 2.00 Job
(Structure shall be designed for 40 MLD ( Average Flow )
discharge) with chain pulley arrangment , on interception
in such way that can be easily take out for cleaning .

3.4 Approach Sewer: #VALUE! #VALUE!

Survey,design ,Supply & laying of 1000 mm dia of R.C.C.
Hume pipe NP3/NP4 Class Socket spigot pipes, rubber
rings jointing materials and specials from store to the
work lowering the same in to the trenches up to required
depth below G.L. true to alignment and gradient
including barricading of site, traffic diversion
arrangement, dismantling of roads, mechanical/ manual
excavation, dewatering (as per requirement), shoring &
timbering with mild steel/ wooden planks, construction of
required class beddings, construction of brick masonry
circular/ rectangular in accordance with the provisions
laid down in latest version of IS 4111 (Part 1), refilling of 800.00 m
trenches with proper compaction including disposal of
surplus earth with in 8 km radius, Permanent
reinstatement of dismantled roads, cost of all jointing
material, testing & commissioning etc. complete including
supply of all material, labour, T&P etc. required for proper
completion of work.

3.5 Providing and fixing M.S. sluice gates (4 nos , 3 nos of nallah #VALUE! #VALUE!
weir +1 nos on diversion side of chamber) PN 1.0 in position as
per detailed drawing and specification including cost of all
materials, labour, operating pedestal, connecting rod, painting 2.00 Job
with three coats of anti-corrosive paint etc. complete as directed
by Engineer-in-charge.

3.6 Construction coffer Dam, Approch road, diversion of water & #VALUE! #VALUE!
other Related work to construction of weir
2.00 Job
4 Reuse infrastructure for 120 MLD
4.1 GSR - Designing (aesthetically), providing, construction, testing
& commissioning of R C C ground storage reservoirs (sump) of
following capacity , including excavation in all types of strata,
foundation concrete, max. 6 mm cement plaster with water
proofing compound to the inside face of the container to make
even surface, refilling of the surplus stuff as per requirement &
suitability, plinth protection (apron) all around as per
specification, ISI mark CI double flanged pipes (horizontally
casted) as per IS 7181 i/c puddle collar & duck foot bends and
other specials & S& S CI pipes with special of class LA as per
requirement beyond sluice valves .i/c lowering, laying, erecting,
hoisting and jointing (vertical as well as horizontal position), of
inlet, outlet, washout (scour), overflow as per design, Laying,
jointing testing & commissioning of ductile iron / spheroidal
graphite (S.G.) iron D/F double eccentric resilient seated short
body sluice valve with gear box & hand wheel, without bypass
arrangement. Valves in accordance with. BS EN 593 of PN 10
rated, with body'& disc of ductile iron confirming to EN 1563/IS
1865 Gr.500/7 or Gr.400/15, Body seat of intergral SG Iron/S.S.
AlSI 316, seal retaining ring of steel C45/S.S. 1.4436, Shaft of
8.S. 1.4021,Periferial disc seal and "O" rings of WRAS approved
EPDM rubber),
Internal fasteners of stainless steel A2. Body & disc coated
inside & outside with electro statically applied epoxy powder
coated blue colour. (suitable for drinking water.) as per DIN
30677- 2 & GSK guidelines with a coating thickness of min. 250
microns. Valves should be 100% tight shut-off, Flange drilling
as per IS 1538 raised face & pressure, etc. complete, i/c
supplying, ercection of dewatering pump to dewater /scour the
sump & to connect it to nearby drain of OHT through chamber,
other accessories such as RCC staircase from out side & inside
the container, C.I./MS manhole frame and covers, manual water
level indicators, Aluminium lightening conductor with 600
x600mm copper earthing plate as per standard, G.I. pipe railing
on stair case outside,, Stainless steel railing on inside stair case
of tank,
Water proofing RCC chambers chambers for all valves,
ventilating shafts, providing and applying three coats of cement
base paint to the structure including roof slab/dome & white
cement inside the container, epoxy painting to internal surface &
anti termite treatment for underground parts of the structure and
giving satisfactory water tightness test before inside plaster as
per I.S. code. The job to include painting the name and other
details on the reservoir as per the directions of Engineer-in-, Laying, jointing testing & commissioning of
ductile iron / spheroidal graphite (S.G.) iron D/F double
eccentric resilient seated short body butterfly valves with gear
box & hand wheel, without bypass arrangement. Valves in
accordance with. BS EN 593 of PN 10 rated, with body'& disc of
ductile iron confirming to EN 1563/IS 1865 Gr.500/7 or
Gr.400/15, Body seat of integral SG Iron/S.S. AlSI 316, seal
retaining ring of steel C45/S.S. 1.4436, Shaft of 8.S.
1.4021,Periferial disc seal and "O" rings of WRAS approved
EPDM rubber), Internal fasteners of stainless steel A2. Body &
disc coated inside & outside with electro statically applied epoxy
powder coated blue colour. (suitable for drinking water.) as per
DIN 30677- 2 & GSK guidelines with a coating thickness of
min. 250 microns. Valves should be 100% tight shut-off. Face to
face is per IS 13095 short body. Flange drilling as per IS 1538
raised face & pressure testing at manufactures works shall be
done as per IS 13095. etc. complete, laying, jointing testing &
commissioning of non pressure (NP-3) RCC socket & spigot
pipes with rubber gasket joint including testing of joints
(conforming to IS: 458-1988, ISI marked, laying as per IS
783:1985) beyond scour chamber to make the disposal of scour
water to near by drain, fixing/ construction of accessories such as
RCC ladder from out side & inside the container, including
pump house over it for Reuse network.

4.1.1 Construction of Proposed GSR of 0.1 ML capacity at 120 MLD #VALUE! #VALUE!
1.00 Job
4.1.2 Construction of Proposed GSR of 0.1 ML capacity at 35 MLD #VALUE! #VALUE!
1.00 Job
4.2 Designing (aesthetically), providing, construction, testing &
commissioning of R C C elevated service reservoirs of following
capacity and staging consisting of columns, internal and external
bracings spaced vertically not more than 4.5 meters centre to
centre for ESR having capacity upto 500 cum. & not more than 6
m c/c for ESR's having capacity above 500 cum, including
excavation in all types of strata, foundation concrete, max. 6 mm
cement plaster with water proofing compound to the inside face
of the container to make even surface, refilling of the surplus
stuff as per requirement & suitability, fixing paver blocks inside
the OHT area upto bracing, plinth protection (apron) all around
as per specification, ISI mark DI double flanged pipes
(horizontally casted) as per IS 7181 i/c puddle collar & duck foot
bends and other specials & S&S DI pipes with special as per
requirement beyond sluice valves .i/c lowering, laying, erecting,
hoisting and jointing (vertical as well as horizontal position), of
inlet, outlet, washout (scour), overflow and bypass arrangements
as per design, supply Laying, jointing testing & commissioning
of ductile iron / spheroidal graphite (S.G.) iron D/F double
eccentric resilient seated short body sluice valve with gear box &
hand wheel, without bypass arrangement. Valves in accordance
with. BS EN 593 of PN 10 rated, with body'& disc of ductile
iron confirming to EN 1563/IS 1865 Gr.500/7 or Gr.400/15,
Body seat of intergral SG Iron/S.S. AlSI 316, seal retaining ring
of steel C45/S.S. 1.4436, Shaft of 8.S. 1.4021,Periferial disc seal
and "O" rings of WRAS approved EPDM rubber), Internal
fasteners of stainless steel A2. Body & disc coated inside &
outside with electro statically applied epoxy powder coated blue
colour. (suitable for drinking water.) as per DIN 30677- 2 &
GSK guidelines with a coating thickness of min. 250 microns.
Valves should be 100% tight shut-off, Flange drilling as per IS
1538 raised face & pressure, etc. complete, laying, jointing
testing & commissioning of non pressure (NP-3) RCC socket &
spigot pipes with rubber gasket joint including testing of joints
(conforming to IS: 458-1988, ISI marked, laying as per IS
783:1985) beyond scour chamber to make the disposal of scour
water to near by drain, fixing/ construction of accessories such as
indicators, Aluminium lightening conductor with 600 x600mm
copper earthing plate as per standard, G.I. pipe railing around
walk way , Stainless steel railing on inside stair case of tank,
providing R.C.C. staircase from ground level to roof level, RCC
office cum Pump house cum store room with slab & W.C and
Bathroom in 30 sqm area with sewerage system & connection
from nearby sewer or septic tank with soak pit, external &
internal electrification with standard level of illumination & M.S.
grill gate of 2 m height if required as per planning, Construction
of compound wall of overall length 160m i/c main & wicket
gate, as per detailed Specification & campus lighting with min. 5
nos sweged type poles as per standard code in practice & LED
light with standard level of illumination, Water proofing RCC
chambers for all valves, ventilating shafts, providing and
applying three coats of cement base paint to the structure
including roof slab & white cement inside the container, epoxy
painting to internal surface & anti termite treatment for
underground parts of the structure and giving satisfactory water
tightness test before inside plaster as per I.S. code. Supply,
delivery, installation, testing, training and commissioning of
Designing, of Ultrasonic level transmitter CE marked with
following technical parameters and Interfacing with PLC panel
including Mounting accessories.,

4.2.1 Construction of Proposed ESR of 0.5 ML capacity at 120 MLD #VALUE! #VALUE!
1.00 Job
4.2.2 Construction of Proposed ESR of 0.5 ML capacity at 35 MLD #VALUE! #VALUE!
1.00 Job
5 Pumping machinery for reuse
5.1 Reuse treated Water Pumps (120 MLD GSR Sump) #VALUE! #VALUE!
Supply , Installation , erection , testing , commissioning and trail
run of SUBMERSIBLE pumping sets (pumps and motors) of
the following capacity with allied electrical/ mechanical
accessories like starters control panel , pipe valves, surge
protection, fire extingushiers, tools including all etc. complete
job with necessary civil mechanical and electrical works for
3.00 job
reuse treated water pumping at 120 MLD STP. Reuse treated
water Pumps (50 % Stand by)
3no. (Discharge 250 m3/h. Head 30 meter) (submersible type
squirrel cage motor rated 60 kW (80 hp), 415V, 50Hz) ( 2
working + 1 stand by at STP location)

5.2 Reuse treated Water Pumps (35 MLD GSR Sump) #VALUE! #VALUE!
Supply , Installation , erection , testing , commissioning and trail
run of SUBMERSIBLE pumping sets (pumps and motors) of
the following capacity with allied electrical/ mechanical
accessories like starters control panel , pipe valves, surge
protection, fire extingushiers, tools including all etc. complete
job with necessary civil mechanical and electrical works for
3.00 job
reuse treated pumping at 35 MLD STP. Reuse treated water
Pumps (50 % Stand by)
3no. (Discharge 250 m3/h. Head 30 meter) (submersible type
squirrel cage motor rated 60 kW (80 hp), 415V, 50Hz) ( 2
working + 1 stand by at STP location)

6 Reuse nework (120 MLD & 35 MLD STP)

6.1 Earth work in Excavation for pipe trench in all kinds of #VALUE! #VALUE!
soil and WBM in areas including dressing, watering and
ramming and disposal of Excavated earth lead upto 50 7893.00 Cum
meters and disposal earth to be leveled, neatly dressed.
Lift 0 to 1.5 m
6.2 Earth work in excavation for pipe trench in all kinds of #VALUE! #VALUE!
rocks in areas including dressing, stacking of useful
material and disposal of unserviceable one upto 50 m lead
Soft rock with or without blasting or bituminous 880.00 Cum
pavement / cement concrete road.
Lift 0 to 1.5 m

6.3 Installation of HDPE/ DWC PE/ PVC-O pipe by Horizontal #VALUE! #VALUE!
Direction Drilling Method including preparing and setting
up the plant and equipment, making string of new pipe
material, installing new pipe string and making the system
ready for commissioning by HDD operation including
drilling, stringing, reaming and pulling back the new pipe
on the designed bore path alignment, proper disposal of
drilling fluid, as per code of practice for horizontal direction 1012.00 meters
drilling technique suiting indian conditions. Required pipes/
specials and other civil work shall be paid separately-in all
types of soil HDPE Ducts above 110 mm
6.4 Horizontal directional drilliing (by trenchless technology) #VALUE! #VALUE!
of more than 150 mm and upto 200mm dia (outer to outer)
HDPE/ DWC PE/ PVC- O pipe below natural ground level
including carrying out survey work at the job site for
determining underground cable trenches like telephone,
cable, water & sanitary lines and resistivity test for finding
the soil strata using necessary equipments for completion 200.00 meters
of works, mobilizing of machineries and specialized crew
at the job site complete in all respect excluding cost of
entry and exit pits and Supply, laying and jointing of all
types of pipes more than 150 mm and upto 200mm dia
(outer to outer)

6.5 Horizontal directional drilliing (by trenchless technology) #VALUE! #VALUE!

of more than 250 mm and upto 300mm dia (outer to outer)
HDPE/ DWC PE / PVC-O pipe below natural ground level
including carrying out survey work at the job site for
determining underground cable trenches like telephone,
cable, water & sanitary lines and resistivity test for finding
90.00 meters
the soil strata using necessary equipments for completion
of works, mobilizing of machineries and specialized crew
at the job site complete in all respect excluding cost of
entry and exit pits and Supply, laying and jointing of all
types of pipes.

6.6 Providing, laying, Jointing & field testing of High Density

Polyethylene pipes, (HDPE) confirming to IS 4984/ 14151/
12786/ 13488 with necessary jointing material like
mechanical connector or jointing pipes by heating to the
ends of pipes with the help of Teflon coated electric mirror/
heater to the required temperature and then pressing the
ends together against each other, to form a monolithic &
leak proof joint by thermosetting process. It may be
required to be done with Jacks/Hydraulic Jacks/ But fusion
machine. (50mm & above fusion jointed & below 50mm
mechanical jointed) including all electrofusion specials
required tee, bends coupler, end cap, slip on falnge , long
neck etc. (no payment will be paid extra for specials.)

Pn-6 - 6.Kg/cm2
6.6.1 110mm dia (OD) PE Pipe 8600.00 RMT #VALUE! #VALUE!
6.6.2 160 mm dia (OD) PE Pipe 2260.00 RMT #VALUE! #VALUE!
6.6.3 200 mm dia (OD) PE Pipe 1200.00 RMT #VALUE! #VALUE!
6.6.4 250 mm dia (OD) PE Pipe 1150.00 RMT #VALUE! #VALUE!
6.6.5 315 mm dia (OD) PE Pipe 560.00 RMT #VALUE! #VALUE!
Pn-10 - 10 Kg/cm2 For HDD Method
6.6.6 110mm dia (OD) PE Pipe 1012.00 RMT #VALUE! #VALUE!
6.6.7 160 mm dia (OD) PE Pipe 137.50 RMT #VALUE! #VALUE!
6.6.8 200 mm dia (OD) PE Pipe 32.50 RMT #VALUE! #VALUE!
6.6.9 250 mm dia (OD) PE Pipe 62.50 RMT #VALUE! #VALUE!
6.6.10 315 mm dia (OD) PE Pipe 30.00 RMT #VALUE! #VALUE!
6.7 Supply,laying,jointing, Field Testing and Commissioning #VALUE! #VALUE!
complete at site as per specifications of centrifugally
cast(spun) Ductile Iron K-7 pressure pipes 400 mm
diameter (S & S) ISI marked for water conforming to IS
8329/2000 with push on type EPDM 'ISI marked'rubber
gasket jointing as per IS 5382 specifications.Pipe shall be
outside Zinc coated with finishing layer of Bitumen and
have factory cement mortar lining as per IS 8329/2000. 450.00 RMT
The rates includes all cost of material, labour required,
transportation, loading, unloading and stacking
etc.complete and alos includes the cost of EPDM 'ISI
marked' rubber gasket. including all specials, , etc. (no
payment will be paid extra for specials.)

6.8 Filling with moorum for pipe bedding or over the pipe 920.00 cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
including supply of moorum
6.9 Filling by available excavated earth (excluding rock) in 3330.00 cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
trenches, plinth, sides of foundations etc. in layers not
exceeding 20cm in depth, consolidating each deposited
layer by ramming and watering, lead up to 50 m and lift
upto 1.5 m.

6.10 Providing ,supplying lowering , laying & jointing at site of

ductile iron / spheroidal graphite (S.G.) iron D/F double
non -rising spindle resilient seated glandless sluice valves
with handwheel, without bypass arrangement. Valves in
accordance with. BS EN 5163 of PN 10/16 rated, with
body'& disc of ductile iron confirming to EN 1563/IS 1865
Gr.500/7 or Gr.400/15, wedge fully encapsulated WRAS
approved EPDM rubber (suitable for drinking water),
Wedge Nut of brass, shaft of stainless steel
11.4021/1.4101 stem seals min. 3 nos. of NBR. internal
fastners of stainless steel A2. Body & bonnetc coated
inside & outside with electrostactically applied epoxy
powder coated blue colour. ( suitable for drinking water.)
as per DIN 30677- 2 & GSK guidelines with a coating
thickness.of min. 250 microns. Valves should be full bore
& tight shutoff. flange drilling as per IS 1538 raised face &

6.10.1 100 mm Diameter with pressure rating PN 1.0 25.00 nos #VALUE! #VALUE!
6.10.2 150 mm Diameter with pressure rating PN 1.0 5.00 nos #VALUE! #VALUE!
6.10.3 200 mm Diameter with pressure rating PN 1.0 5.00 nos #VALUE! #VALUE!
6.10.4 250 mm Diameter with pressure rating PN 1.0 3.00 nos #VALUE! #VALUE!
6.10.5 300 mm Diameter with pressure rating PN 1.0 5.00 nos #VALUE! #VALUE!
6.10.6 400 mm Diameter with pressure rating PN 1.0 2.00 nos #VALUE! #VALUE!
6.11 Providing, laying, jointing & fixing & testing Ductile iron
Dismantling jointsincluding all required nut bolts , labour &
mahcinery etc.
6.11.1 100 mm Diameter with pressure rating PN 1.0 25.00 nos #VALUE! #VALUE!
6.11.2 150 mm Diameter with pressure rating PN 1.0 5.00 nos #VALUE! #VALUE!
6.11.3 200 mm Diameter with pressure rating PN 1.0 5.00 nos #VALUE! #VALUE!
6.11.4 250 mm Diameter with pressure rating PN 1.0 3.00 nos #VALUE! #VALUE!
6.11.5 300 mm Diameter with pressure rating PN 1.0 5.00 nos #VALUE! #VALUE!
6.11.6 400 mm Diameter with pressure rating PN 1.0 2.00 nos #VALUE! #VALUE!
6.12 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping 108.00 sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
stretching etc. complete for and removal of form work by
sheet plate or ply wood shuttering for :
6.13 Providing and laying in position Plain cement concrete 6.28 cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
(PCC) of specified grade excluding the cost of centering
and shuttering
6.14 Brick work with modular fly ash lime bricks (FALG Bricks) 36.72 cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
conforming to IS:12894-2002, class designation 50
average compressive strength in superstructure level up to
level including the cost of scaffolding : Cement Mortar 1:4

6.15 18 mm cement plaster in two coats under layer 12 mm 14.04 sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
cement plaster 1:5 (1 cement: 5 coarse sand) finished with
a top layer 6mm thick cement plaster 1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine

6.16 Providing and laying in position M-20 (Nominal Mix) with 28.80 cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
mm maximum size of stone aggregate of reinforced
concrete excluding the cost of centering,
shuttering,finishing and reinforcement.

6.17 Reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, 2260.80 kg #VALUE! #VALUE!
cutting,bending, placing in position and binding upto floor
level including cost of binding wire, wastage and over laps
upto 12mm horizontal/ inclined position of reinforcement
bars in slab and beams, plinth, chajjas, lintels, upto 4.5m
vertical length of reinforcement in wall columns (over laps
shall be provided as per requirement of IS :13920; IS 456
& SP : 34) etc. complete.

6.18 Supplying transporting, the S.P. fire hydrants including 30.00 nos #VALUE! #VALUE!
duck foot bend, S.V. and S.V. road box, painting the
hydrant,fixing the saddle piece, supplying, and laying
required length of C.I. pipeline and jointing the same spun
yarn, molten lead including caulking, fixing the S.V. road
box in one brick masonary chamber in 1:5 C.M. with 12
mm thick 1:3 cement plaster both inside and outside on
1:3:6: C.C.150 mm thick etc, complete specified and
directed. [As per I.S.900/1965

6.19 Dismantling of flexible pavements and disposal of 247.00 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
dismantled materials upto a lead of 1000 meter,stacking
serviceable and unserviceable materials separately and as
per relevant clauses of section-200.

6.20 Demolishing cement concrete manually/by mechanical 49.00 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
means including disposal of material within 50 meters lead
as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
1:3:6 or richer mix
6.21 Construction of embankments / subgrade / earthen 1979.00 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
shoulders, as per clause 305 & its sub-clauses where
required, but with approved materials/ soil like moorum
CBR value not less than 7% i/c all lead & lifts i/c
excavation, cost of watering, compaction and maintenance
of surface during construction to ensure shedding &
preventing ponding of water -clause 305.3.6, shaping &
dressing -clause 305.3.7, finishing etc. complete but
excluding scarifying existing granular / bituminous road
surface vide clause 305.6 of MORTH specification i/c all
lead, lift, material, transportation, water etc. complete.
6.22 Construction of granular sub-base by providing Coarse 247.00 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
graded material (CBR>30), spreading in uniform layers
with motor grader on prepared surface,mixing by mix in
place method at OMC and compacting with vibratory roller
of 80-100 KN Static weight to achieve the desired
density,complete in all respect as per relevant clauses of

6.23 Providing and applying primer coat with cationic bitumen 247.00 sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
emulsion(SS1 grade) on prepared surface of granular
Base including clearing of road surface and spraying
primer at the rate of 0.75 kg/sqm using mechanical/
Manual means and as per relevant clauses of section-502.

6.24 Constuction of dry lean cement concrete sub-base (DLC) 856.00 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
over a prepared subgrade with coarse & fine aggregate
conforming to IS 383, the size of coarse aggregate not
exceeding 26.5mm,aggregate cement ratio not to
exceed15:1,aggregate gradation after blending to be as
per MORTH Specifications Table 600-1, cement content
not to be less than 150 kg/cum, OMC to be determined
during trial length construction, concrete strength not to be
less than10 Mpa at 7 days mixed in a batching plant,
transported to site,laid with paver with electronic sensor/
mechanical paver,compacting with 8-10 tonnes vibratory
roller,finishing and curing and as per relevant clauses of
section- 601.

6.25 Deduct from Item No.6.1 above if paver with Electronic 856.00 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
sensor/ mechanical paver, is not used and laying is done
by any other method. (Note:-The acceptance criteria
regarding level, thickness,surface regularity, texture
finish,strength of concrete and all other quality control
measures shall be the same as in case of machine laid
work.) This item is to be executed with Prior written
permission of Engineer-in-charge

6.26 Construction of dowel jointed, plain cement concrete 696.00 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
pavement in M-40 grade concrete over a prepared sub
base with 43 or higher grade cement, coarse and fine
agreegate conforming to IS:383 maximum size of coarse
aggregate not exceeding 25mm, mixed in a batching and
mixing plant as per approved mixde sign, transport
edtosite, laid with a fixed formor slip form paver withe
lectronic sensor, spread, compacted and finished in a
continuous operation including provision of contraction,
expansion, construction and longitudinal joints, joint filler,
separation membrane, seal antprimer, joints ealant,
debonding strip, placing of dowel barandtie rod, ad
mixtures as approved, curing compound, finishing toline
sand grades as per approved drawings as perIRC-152011
and as per relevant clauses of section-602 of MORTH
specific ations complete but excluding cost of steel in
dowel bar & tie rod etc..

6.27 Supplying and filling in trenches crusher stone dust 1855.00 cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
including watering, ramming consolidating and dressing
complete(Crusher Stone Dust)
6.28 Providing and laying 100 mm thick factory made cement 1237.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
concrete interlocking paver block of M -40 grade made by
block making machine with strong vibratory compaction
and of approved size and design/ shape laid in required
colour and pattern over and including 50mm thick
compacted bed of Stone dust sand, filling the joints with
coarse sand etc.
all complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge

6.29 Loading and unloading of stone boulder/stone

aggregates/sand/kankar/moorum & earth (placing tipper at
loading point , loading with front end loader, dumping
turning for return trip, excluding time for haulage and
return trip.

6.30 For a lead upto 10 km 648.00 cum #VALUE! #VALUE!

6.31 For a lead upto 15 km 651.00 cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
Total in Figures #VALUE! #VALUE!

Quoted Rate in Words #VALUE!

Validate Print Help Item Rate BoQ
Tender Inviting Authority:

Name of Work: Table Ab3 -Cost of Land required for setting up STP

Contract No:

Name of the
Bidder/ Bidding
Firm /
Company :

(This BOQ template must not be modified/replaced by the bidder and the same should be uploaded after filling the relevent columns, else the bidder is lia
this tender. Bidders are allowed to enter the Bidder Name and Values only)


No. Taxes

Component Area/Price

1 2 5 13 54
1 STP Area
Area of Land required for STP 120 MLD at Existing
78 MLD STP Premises including MPS, gas
generation, and all appurtenant structures and allied
works as per ITB Section 3.3 (c) - in Sq M
Area of Land required for STP 40 MLD at baegaium
khedhi village Premises including MPS and all
appurtenant structures and allied works as per ITB
Section 3.3 (c) - in Sq M
Area of Land required for STP 35 MLD at laxmi bai
statue behind mandi board office Premises including
MPS and all appurtenant structures and allied works
as per ITB Section 3.3 (c) - in Sq M

A Price of Land as per BDS - ITB 3.3 (c) – in INR

per square meter

INR 0.000
STP 120 MLD at Existing 78 MLD STP Premises - in
2.A 8800
INR per Sq M

INR 0.000
STP 40 MLD at baegaium khedhi village Premises -
2.B 1000
in INR per Sq M

INR 0.000
STP 35 MLD at at laxmi bai statue behind mandi
2.C 6400
board office. in INR per Sq M

Total in Figures 0.000

Quoted Rate in Words #VALUE!

nt columns, else the bidder is liable to be rejected for

In Words





Validate Print Help Item Rate BoQ
Tender Inviting Authority:

Name of Work:Table Ab4 - Part G (STP including gs generation, MPS and Reuse) Guaranteed Electricity Consumption for 120 MLD STP, 40 MLD

Contract No:

Name of the
Bidder/ Bidding
Firm /
Company :

(This BOQ template must not be modified/replaced by the bidder and the same should be uploaded after filling the relevent columns, else the
bidder is liable to be rejected for this tender. Bidders are allowed to enter the Bidder Name and Values only)


Total Guaranteed
Guaranteed Electricity Consumption of all
Guaranteed Electricity
Consumption (KWh / MLD)for three STP's
Year of Guaranteed Electricity Consumption (KWh / MLD) for Consumption (KWh / MLD) for
STP+MPS 35 MLD at laxmi +MPS's (KWh /
Operations STP 120 MLD at Existing 78 MLD STP +MPS Premises STP +MPS 40 MLD at baegaium
bai statue behind mandi board MLD)
khedhi village Premises

1 2 4 5 54
1.01 0.0000
1.02 0.0000
1.03 0.0000
1.04 0.0000
1.05 0.0000
1.06 0.0000
1.07 0.0000
1.08 0.0000
1.09 0.0000
1.10 0.0000
1.11 0.0000
1.12 0.0000
1.13 0.0000
1.14 0.0000
1.15 0.0000
Validate Print Help Item Rate BoQ
Tender Inviting Authority:

Name of Work:Table Ab-5 O&M Price for Operation and Maintenance of the Sewerage Network, and/or I&D works, Rising Mains, Sewage Pumping Stations

Contract No:

Name of the
Bidder/ Bidding
Firm /
Company :

(This BOQ template must not be modified/replaced by the bidder and the same should be uploaded after filling the relevent columns, else the bidder is lia


Quoted Bid Price for 15 Years Operation and Maintenance

Year of
Total Price for O&M of 120 MLD of sewer network Total Price for O&M of 40 MLD of Total Price for O&M of 35 MLD of sewer
and/or I&D works and rising main & reuse network sewer network and/or I&D works and network and/or I&D works and rising main
Year of infrastrcture for the 1st to 15th year including T& P rising main infrastrcture for the 1st to & reuse network infrastrcture for the 1st to
Operations charged & spares, Manpower, Cost of civil works, repair 15th year including T& P charged & 15th year including T& P charged & spares,
& maintenance including preventive maintenance, Cost of spares, Manpower, Cost of civil works, Manpower, Cost of civil works, repair &
operating jetting cum suction machine including silt repair & maintenance including maintenance including preventive
disposal and any other cost. preventive maintenance, Cost of maintenance, Cost of operating jetting cum
operating jetting cum suction machine suction machine including silt disposal and
including silt disposal and any other cost. any other cost.

1 2 3 4
1.01 0 0 0
1.02 0 0 0
1.03 0 0 0
1.04 0 0 0
1.05 0 0 0
1.06 0 0 0
1.07 0 0 0
1.08 0 0 0
1.09 0 0 0
1.10 0 0 0
1.11 0 0 0
1.12 0 0 0
1.13 0 0 0
1.14 0 0 0
1.15 0 0 0
Total in Figures
Quoted Rate in Words
e Pumping Stations etc. for each of the 15 years of the Operations Period as provided in the table below.

lse the bidder is liable to be rejected for this tender. Bidders are allowed to enter the Bidder Name and Values only)


In Words

NPV of O & M Price

Factors for working out

of NPV of O & M Price
to Date of
Commencement of
Total Price (2+3+4)
Factors for working out
of NPV of O & M Price
to Date of
Commencement of

(5) x (6)

5 6 7 8
0 0.909 0.00 #VALUE!
0 0.826 0.00 #VALUE!
0 0.751 0.00 #VALUE!
0 0.683 0.00 #VALUE!
0 0.621 0.00 #VALUE!
0 0.564 0.00 #VALUE!
0 0.513 0.00 #VALUE!
0 0.467 0.00 #VALUE!
0 0.424 0.00 #VALUE!
0 0.386 0.00 #VALUE!
0 0.35 0.00 #VALUE!
0 0.319 0.00 #VALUE!
0 0.29 0.00
0 0.263 0.00 #VALUE!
0 0.239 0.00 #VALUE!
7.605 0.000 #VALUE!
Validate Print Help Item Rate BoQ
Tender Inviting Authority:

Name of Work:Table Ab6 - Price for Operation & Maintenance of sewerage network and/or I&D works for 15 years

Contract No:

Name of the
Bidder/ Bidding
Firm /
Company :

(This BOQ template must not be modified/replaced by the bidder and the same should be uploaded after filling the relevent columns, else the bidder is li
be rejected for this tender. Bidders are allowed to enter the Bidder Name and Values only)


Sl. Item Description

1ST 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

1 2 Year Year Year Year Year


Total Price for O&M of 120 MLD of sewer network and/or I&D
works and rising main & reuse network infrastrcture for the 1st
to 15th year including T& P charged & spares, Manpower, Cost
of civil works, repair & maintenance including preventive
maintenance, Cost of operating jetting cum suction machine
including silt disposal and any other cost.

0 Total O&M Price for 15 years


Total Price for O&M of 40 MLD of sewer network and/or I&D

works and rising main infrastrcture for the 1st to 15th year
including T& P charged & spares, Manpower, Cost of civil
works, repair & maintenance including preventive maintenance,
Cost of operating jetting cum suction machine including silt
disposal and any other cost.

0 Total O&M Price for 15 years


Total Price for O&M of 35 MLD of sewer network and/or I&D

works and rising main & reuse network infrastrcture for the 1st
to 15th year including T& P charged & spares, Manpower, Cost
of civil works, repair & maintenance including preventive
maintenance, Cost of operating jetting cum suction machine
including silt disposal and any other cost.
lse the bidder is liable to





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