FIFA Session Plan Grassroots 046
FIFA Session Plan Grassroots 046
FIFA Session Plan Grassroots 046
• Organise the players into teams and create a slalom course with cones and an
end cone
• The players take turns to race in pairs, moving the ball through the slalom cones,
and one player returns to the start to collect the next player
• Ask the players to think of ways of carrying/moving the ball together
• If teams have uneven numbers, then they can also move in a group of three, or
you could make a rule that one player has to go again in teams with fewer
Safety tips
• Create a safe space to play
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• Organise the players into groups of four or five
• Challenge the players to work as a team to throw and catch ten times in a small
circle, without dropping the ball. They should pretend the ball is very HOT and
can only touch it for one second before moving it to the next player
• The first team to ten passes or more without dropping the ball wins
• Then create a course for each team to move through, repeating the above but
now also moving as a team. Make it a race between teams
• You can move on to having the ball on the ground and the players having to pass
it one-touch between them
Safety tips
• Create a safe space to play
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• Organise the players into even teams and create mini-pitches for games of no
more than 4v4 (have three teams per pitch and rotate or two teams per pitch
and rotate teams between pitches, so winners play against losers each time you
• If a team is waiting, it can also play 2v2 or complete a mini skills challenge to
stay active
• Just let your players play
• Give the players the chance to learn through playing and the different
challenges posed by new opposition
• Let the players referee their own games
Safety tips
• Create a safe space to play