Special All Labs
Special All Labs
Special All Labs
Introduce users to OpenSim by demonstrating the utility of graphics-based musculoskeletal
modeling and illustrating how muscle-tendon lengths and moment arms depend upon limb
1. Become familiar with OpenSim’s graphical user interface (GUI)
2. Discover musculoskeletal model planes, axes, translational and rotational motions
3. Discover the lower-limb joint versus associated muscles
4. Introduction to the OpenSim plotter
5. Use OpenSim for dynamic simulation and important clinical problem
Opensim GUI
OpenSim provides a graphical user interface (GUI) that provides access to many of the software
features. For example, you can import motion analysis data, scale a computer model of the
musculoskeletal system, perform inverse dynamics analysis, and plot results all from the graphical
"walk .
Task 2
Task 3
Illustrate the following muscles or group of muscles and identify the related joints and segments:
1.gluteus medius(right)
2.gluteus maximus (left)
3rectus femoris (right)
4.Soleus (left)
5.Tibial anterior (right)
(Task 3)
Joint: joint:
Hip joint Hip joint
Segments: Segments:
Joint: Joint:
Hip joint and Knee joint Ankle joint
Segments: Segments:
Pelvis and thigh Shank and foot
Ankle joint
Shank and foot
Assignment Questions
1. Degrees of Freedom
a. Use the Coordinates panel to view the degrees of freedom of the model. How many degrees
of freedom, in total, does the model have? List the degrees of freedom of the right leg.
There are total 17 DOFs of the model. The DOFs associated with right leg are 7.
b. All models are approximations. Compare the degrees of freedom in the model to the degrees
of freedom in your lower limbs. Give an example of a joint motion in the model that has been
simplified. Give an example of a motion that is not included in this model.
the model doesn’t take into account the variation of flexibility among people so all motions have
been simplified particularly the hip adduction and abduction. Rotations also are not shown as a
degree of freedom here.
2. Muscles
a. How many muscles are in the model? How does this compare to the number of degrees of
freedom in the model? What is the minimum number of muscles required to fully actuate the
model? Hint: Full actuation of the knee, for example, means both knee flexion and knee
There are 77 muscles in the model (not counting a muscle that was represented more than once
like GMAX 1, 2, & 3).
b. Name two muscles, other than the gluteus medias, in the model that are represented by
multiple lines of action. Why do you think these muscles are represented in this way? Hint:
Other muscles with multiple lines of action use the same naming convention as the gluteus
The GMAX and the LGMED are also shown this way They are shown this way because the
different lines of action impact different parts of the body. Representing the whole muscle as one
line of action would not be accurate.
c. Which knee extensor muscles have wrapping points? At what knee angles do the wrapping
points appear for each of those knee extensors? A muscle may have more than one wrapping
The Vastus Lateralis has wrapping points at -70 deg, 110 deg Vastus Medialis has wrapping
points at a knee angle of -70 deg, -102 deg, The Vastus Intermedius begins to wrap at a knee
angle of -82deg The Rectus Femoris begins to wrap at a knee angle of -84 deg.
3. Modeling Limitations
a. Zoom in on the right hip, and display only the glut_max3_r muscle (right hip extensors group).
Examine this muscle for the full range of hip flexion angles. What problems do you see with the
path of glut_max3_r through the range of motion? In what ways are point-topoint representations
of muscle paths a simplification of musculoskeletal geometry?
When the hip is fully flexed the Gluteus Maximus 3 muscle is shown going through the bone.
The pt-to-pt representation of muscle geometry fails because the muscles are much more flexible
than this simple model.
Introduction to the OpenSim plotter
OpenSim's Plotter allows you to plot muscle-tendon properties, such as length, moment arm,
force, and joint moment. To generate a plot of fiber-length vs. knee angle for the rectus
femora’s and vistas intermedia’s muscles.
Figure 1
Assignment Questions
Muscle Moment Arm vs. Joint Angle
a. What are the peak moment arms for each muscle and at what knee angle do they occur?
The RF curve peaks at a knee angle of -25degrees with a moment arm of .05 The VASINT
peaks at a knee angle of -5 degrees with a moment arm of .046
b. At what knee angle(s) are the moment arm curves not smooth (i.e. have points where the
derivative is not continuous)? What do you think causes this?
Discontinuity occurs at about a knee angle of -80 deg this is because the wrapping of the Rectus
Femoris and the Vastus Intermedius begins to wrap at a knee to occur at this angle.
Yes. When the right hip will flex, it will show different behavior.
b. In the Coordinates window, adjust the model’s right hip flexion to 45 degrees (save the pose
asr_hip_flex_45), add rectus femora’s and vast us intermedium fiber-length curves for 45º
hip flexion. Compare the muscle curves for the model with an inflexed hip you plotted
previously to the curves for the model that you just plotted. How have the curves changed?
Note: To select multiple curve names, hold down Ctrl (PC) or Command (Mac) while
selecting. To print or save a plot, right-click on the plot and select Print or Export Image.
Yes, the Vastus Intermedius remained the same, but the Rectus Femoris curve has a much
shorter fiber-length when the hip is flexed. This is because in order for the hip to flex and the leg
be raised this muscle must tighten thus shortening its fiber length. Bi-articular muscles
complicate analysis because they cross two joints. Their function is more complex because it
often depends on their anatomy and the activity of the surrounding muscles of the joint.
Hamstrings Length
An orthopedic surgeon believes that a patient may benefit from a hamstring lengthening surgery. You
are tasked to compare the hamstrings (semitendinosus) length over a patients crouch gait cycle to the
hamstrings length for a "normal" gait cycle.
a. Study the curves. Based on the plot, how do the peak hamstring lengths in normal and crouch
gait compare? For this patient, would you recommend a hamstrings lengthening surgery?
From examining the curve and the model, I would recommend the surgeon relax the hamstrings to
decrease the knee angle.
causing this. Also, this model is not tailored to a specific person, just a particular condition. It
would be better to analyze the actual person experiencing this crouch gait.
Task 4:
(a) Tba anterior muscles for peak ankle dorsiflexion
Gluteus muscles wth max hip abduction
Normal Vs Crouch3
Normal Vs Crouch4
The purpose of this tutorial is to demonstrate how OpenSim solves an inverse kinematics using
experimental data. To diagnose movement disorders and study human movement, bio mechanists
frequently ask human subjects to perform movements in a motion capture laboratory and use
computational tools to analyze these movements. A common step in analyzing movement is to
compute the joint angles and joint moments of the subject during movement. OpenSim has tools
for computing these quantities.
Inverse kinematics is used to compute joint angles
Inverse kinematicscomputes the joint angles for a musculoskeletal model that best reproduce the
motion of a subject.
Assignment Questions
1.Based on information in the Scale Tool dialog, what is the mass of the generic musculoskeletal
model? What was the mass of the subject?
generic model data = 75.1646 kg, subject data = 72.6 kg
2. What frequency was the experimental motion data captured? Hint: Look for the box titled
Marker Data.
60 Hz. The right and left tibia and femur are scaled manually.
Task 4
Task 3:
Frame 96 (t=1.6): total squared error = 0.0135749, marker error: RMS=0.0209261,
max=0.0792321 (R.Acromium)
Frame 94 (t=1.567): total squared error = 0.01367, marker error: RMS=0.0209993,
max=0.078686 (R. Acromium)
Frame 92 (t=1.533): total squared error = 0.0138179, marker error: RMS=0.0211125,
max=0.0778426 (R.Acromium)
Frame 90 (t=1.5): total squared error = 0.0138422, marker error: RMS=0.0211311,
max=0.0780396 (R.Acromium)
1) Knee, ankle and hip angles plot.
The purpose of this tutorial is to demonstrate how OpenSim solves an inverse dynamics problem
using inverse kinematics and experimental forces data.
Inverse dynamics is used to compute net joint reaction forces and net joint moments.
Inverse kinematics computes the joint angles for a musculoskeletal model that best reproduce the
motion of a subject.
Task 2:
1. Ankle, knee and hip angles for left and right leg.
a. Ankle angle
b. Knee angle
c. Hip flexion
d. Hip abduction
e. Hip rotation
a. Ankle
b. Knee
c. Hip flexion
When completed, examine the results of the inverse dynamics solution by plotting the
moments for ankle, knee and hip joint, one by one, at the left and right ankles.
In the Plotter window, click the Y Quantity button and select Load File.
In the file browser, go to the Results Inverse Dynamics folder, select the file inverse
dynamics. To, and click Open.
In the menu, select ankle angle r moment and ankle angle l moment by clicking the
corresponding checkboxes, then click OK. Click the X-Quantity button> time> OK.
3. Ankle, knee and hip moments for left and right leg.
a. Ankle moment
b. Knee moment
a. Ankle torque
b. Knee torque
c. Hip torque
• Become familiar with a wrist model and OpenSim's Property Editor
• Simulate a tendon transfer surgery
• Examine the effects of the surgery on joint moment, muscle force, and muscle moment arm
• Investigate the effect of tendon slack length on isometric muscle force
a. Export Images to illustrate clearly max flexion and deviation movements of the wrist
(+ve values for even roll numbers, -ve for odd)
b. Repeat the same steps to display the extensors, radial deviators, and ulnar deviators
muscle groups individually (one at a time), Export Images.
Before Surgery:
After Surgery
Flexion moment vs flexion:
1. (70, -0.755) (70,-1.244)
2. (70,325.594) (70,289.336)
3. (70,0.013) (70,0.005)
Assignment Questions
• In these plots, given how the model defines the wrist flexion degree of freedom, is wrist
extension moment denoted by positive or negative values?
Wrist extension moment denoted by negative values
• What is the peak value of the ECU extension moment before transfer? At what flexion angle
does it occur? Note: Remember, extension moments are negative on the plots.
the peak value is -0.39 and this occurs at 70deg flexion angle.
• What is the peak value of the ECU extension moment after transfer? At what flexion angle does
it occur
-0.879 and this also occurs at a flexion angle of 70de
• At what flexion angles do the fiber lengths of the ECRB and the edited ECRB reach the
optimal fiber length? Compare these angles with the peaks of the force vs. flexion plots.
The edited ECRB reaches its optimal fiber length at about -20deg and the original ECRB reaches
its optimal fiber length at -15deg. At the optimal fiber length, the max force is reached.
• Change the tendon slack length (0.215, 0.22, 0.235, 0.25) and make more curves to further
demonstrate the affects you have seen.
Increasing the slack length shifted the Fiber Length vs. Flexion so overall a larger Fiber Length
was achieved. Changing the tendon slack length did not change the Muscle-Tendon Length curve
a. What is the peak tendon slack length of the ECRB muscle?
Ansa: 0.2205
b. Plot the tendon force versus tendon length for ECRB muscle, show the
tendon slack length.
c. Edit tendon slack length text box to read0.2105in the Properties Window. To
add new curves for the edited ECRB muscle, click Add in each plotter
window. Plot tendon force vs. flexion, muscle-tendon length vs. flexion,
fiber length vs. flexion.
The purpose of this exercise is to use OpenSim to evaluate the risk of injuryduring landing and to
design assistive devices to prevent injuries. You will examine how a passive ankle–foot orthosis
(AFO)affect ankle inversion injury risk. In a short amount of time, you should be comfortable
running forward dynamic simulations with varying conditions (such as orthosis stiffness) and
plotting the results to compare their effects.
15 DOF
Task III
a: Export Graph
Task III(b):
Task 3(c):
Task 4:
Rehabilitation robotics are providing new active devices to help train and optimize movement.
Orthotics for ankle injury prevention have traditionally been passive devices, but what if you
could create an active mode for landing? We will add a torque motorat the ankle to model an
active orthotic. Your challenge will be to optimize the timing and activation level of the active
orthotic to prevent ankle inversion injury.
To compute and analyze the Residual error and Metabolic Cost during a normal gait
Task 1 (a):
Segments in total model is 8
Pelvis represent right and left pelvis and scrum and coccyx region
Femur (left and right)
Tibia represent tibia and fibula
Talus represent the joint b/w tibia and calcn
Calcn represents cencellous region
Toes represents the Fingers and tumb region.
Torso represents trunks arm and leg.
Task 1 (b):
The number of DOF’s for hip, knee and ankle is 3.
Task 1 (c)
10 muscles are in a model is used to move each of ankle, knee and hip joint.
3 muscles for ankle
4 muscles for knee
4 muscles for knee
Task 2:
Mass of (subject specific model ) = 73.0684545650479 kg
Mass of (generic model ) =72kg,
Task 3:
Note down the time for gait events.
Gait cycle = heel stike at 0 sec
then toe off at 0.66 secs
next heel strike at 1.25 secs
Task 4:
Determine the error between CMC and RRA results for peaks of ankle, knee and
hip joints angles.
Task 5
a. Export images with observation of tolerable ranges of residual errors.
b. Compare the residual errors with ones computed in task 4.
Task 6:
For which of the gait cycle is the total rate of metabolic energy consumption highest?
Label gait phases and export images.
The metabolic energy consumption is highest.
To Compute and Compare the effect of wearable devices (passive and active) on total and plantarflexion
muscles (gastroc_r and soleus_r) Metabolic Costs.
Task 1
Task 2
Lab# 10
Open ended lab
Objective: Design artificial neural networks (ANN) to recognise gait activities using
ankle-foot angles for various activities.
We are provided with training and target data (excel file) for three gait activities such
Gait Activities Target/Class
Ramp Ascend (RA) 1
Ramp Descend (RD) 2
Level Ground (LG) 3
Artificial neural networks (ANN) are used for modelling non-linear problems and to
predict the output values for given input parameters from their training values.
Task 1:
a) Images of methods
1). Declare variable in workspace and assign the name according to given data.
4). This interface appears and import input and target data in it
4). Our neural network is created. Just double click on Network1 it will show
neural network.
5). Train the neural network for couple of times until you achieve target value approximately equal to 1
We can say that our designated neural network is right because R value is
approximately equal to 1
a) Fill the table with exact values that is prediction by network (including
Task 2.
MP4 video with recording is uploaded on MS teams