Diccionario EspaÑol InglÉs

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añada = append

añadidura = affix

año = year

aún = yet

abadía = abbey

abadías = abbeys

abad = abbot

abajo = down

abandonado = abandoned

abandono = abandonment

abarque = encompass

abatir, envilecer = to abase

abdómen = abdomen

abdicación = abdication

abdicar = to abdicate

abdomen = abdomen

abedul = birch

abeja = bee

abejorro = bumblebee

aberración = aberration

aberrante = aberrant

aberrantemente = aberrantly

abertura = aperture

abeto = fir
abiertamente = aboveboard

abierto = open

abigarramiento = motley

abisal = abyssal

abismal = abysmal

abismo = abyss

abjura = abjures

abjuración = abjuration

abjurado = abjured

abjurar = to abjurer

ablandar = to soften

ablande = soften

ablativo = ablative

ablución = ablution

abluciones = ablutions

abnegación = abnegation

abogacía = advocacy

abogado = barrister

abolible = abolishable

abolición = abolition

abolir = to abolish

abombar = convex

abominable = abominable

abominablemente = abominably

abominación = abomination
abominador = abominator

abominar = to abominate

abomine = abominate

abono = compost

aborigen = aboriginal

aborigen = aborigine

aborrecedor = hater

aborrecer = to abhor

aborreció = abhorred

aborrecible = loathsome

aborrecimiento = abhorrence

aborrezca = loathe

abortado = aborted

abortante = aborter

abortar = to abort

aborte = abort

abortista = abortionist

abortivamente = abortively

abortivo = abortive

aborto = abortion

abra = open

abracadabra = abracadabra

abrace = encircle

abrasión = abrasion

abrasivamente = abrasively
abrasividad = abrasiveness

abrasivo = abrasive

abrazadera = brace

abrazar = to embrace

abrazo = embrace

abrelatas = can opener

abrevia = abbreviates

abreviación = abbreviation

abreviado = abbreviated

abreviar = to abbreviate

abreviatura = abbreviation

abrevie = abbreviate

abrigado = covert

abrigo = lee

abrigo = overcoat

abril = April

abrillantar = luster

abrir = to open

abroga [Verb] = abrogates

abrogación = abrogation

abrogado [Adjective] = abrogated

abrogar = to abrogate

abroge = abrogate

abrumado = laden

abrupto = abrupt
absceso = abscess

abscisa = abscissa

absentismo = absenteeism

absolución = absolution

absolutamente = absolutely

absolutismo = absolutism

absolutista = absolutist

absolutiza [Verb] = absolutizes

absolutización = absolutization

absolutizar [Verb] = absolutize

absoluto = absolute

absolver = to absolve

absorba = absorb

absorbente = absorbent

absorber = to absorb

absorción = absorption

absténgase = abstain

abstemio, -a [] = abstemious

abstención = abstention

abstener = to abstain

abstinencia = abstinence

abstinente = abstinent

abstraíble [Adjective] = abstractable

abstracción = abstraction

abstracto = abstract
abstracto [Noun] = abstracted

abstractor [Noun] = abstracter

abstruso = abstruse

absuelva = absolve

absurdo = absurd

abuela = grandmother

abuelo = grandfather

abundó = abounded

abunda = abounds

abundancia = abundance

abundante = abundant

abundar = to abound

aburrido = bored

abusador = abuser

abusar = to abuse

abusivamente = abusively

abusividad = abusiveness

abusivo = abusive

abuso = abuse

abyección = abjection

abyecto = abject

acá = hither

acéfalo = acephalous

acérrimo = stalwart

acético = acetic
acólito = acolyte

acústico = acoustic

acabar = to finish

acacia = acacia

académicamente = academically

académico = academic

academia = academy

acantilado = cliff

acaramelado = candied

acaramelar = caramel

acariciar = to caress

acceder = to accede

accesible = accessible

acceso = access

accesorio = accessory

acción = action

accidental = accidental

accidente = accident

accionista = shareholder

acebo = holly

aceite = oil

aceitoso = oily

aceituna = olive

acelerímetro = accelerometer

acelera = accelerates
aceleración = acceleration

acelerado = accelerated

acelerador = accelerator

aceleradores = accelerators

acelerar = to accelerate

acelerativo = accelerative

acelere = accelerate

acentúe = accent

acento = accent

acentuado = accentuated

acentuar = to accentuate

aceptable = acceptable

aceptación = acceptance

aceptado = accepted

aceptar = to accept

acequia = sluice

acería, fabricación de acero = steelwork

acerbar = to acerbate

acerca, sobre, a punto de = about

acercamiento = approach

acercar = to approach

acerero, fabricante de acero = steelmaker

acero = steel

acetato = acetate

acetileno = acetylene
acetona = acetone

achicoria = chicory

achispado = tipsy up

acidez = acidity

acimut = azimuth

aclamación = acclamation

aclamar = to acclaim

aclare = brighten

aclimatar = to acclimate

aclimate = acclimate

acné = acne

acobarde = daunt

acomodador = usher

acomodar = to accommodate

acomode = accommodate

acompañado = accompanied

acompañamiento = accompaniment

acompañante = accompanist

acompañar = to accompany

aconsejable = advisable

aconsejar = to advise

aconseje = advise

acoplar = to couple

acordar = to accord

acordeón = accordion
acorraló = corralled

acortamiento = abridgment

acorte = shorten

acosado [Adjective] = harassed

acosar [Verb] = harass

acostumbrar = to accustom

acostumbre = accustom

acrílico = acrylic

acróbata = acrobat

acre = acrid

acrecentamiento = increase

acredita = certifies

acreditación = accreditation

acreditar = to accredit

acreedor = creditor

acrobático = acrobatic

actúe = actuate

actinio = actinium

actitud = attitude

activación = activation

activar = to activate

active = activate

actividad = activity

activismo = activism

activo = active
acto = act

actor = actor

actriz = actress

actuar = to act

acuático = aquatic

acuñación = coinage

acuñar = coin

acuario = aquarium

acueducto = aqueduct

acuerde = arrange

acuerdo = agreement

acumulable [Noun] = accumulable

acumulación [Verb] = accumulation

acumulado = accumulated

acumulador/ra = accumulator

acumular = to accumulate

acumulativo = accumulative

acuoso = watery

acurrúquese = snuggle up

acusable = chargeable

acusación = accusation

acusaciones = accusations

acusado = accused

acusador/ra = accuser

acusar = to accuse
acusativo = accusative

acusatorio/a = accusatory

acuse = accuse

adúltero = adulterate

adúltero = adulterer

adagio = adagio

adamascar = damask

adaptable = adaptive

adaptación = adaptation up

adecuado = adequate

adelantar = to advance

adelfa = oleander

además = furthermore

adepto = adept

adherencia = adhesion

adherir = to adhere

adhesivo = adhesive

adhiera = adhere

adiós = goodbye

adicional = additional

adicto = addict

adinerado = wealthy

aditamento = addendum

aditivo = additive

adivinación = divination
adjetivo = adjective

adjudique = adjudge

administrar = to administer

admiración = admiration

admirar = to admire

admire = admire

admisión = admission

admita = admit

admitir = to admit

adobe = adobe

adoctrine = indoctrinate

adolescente = adolescent

adonde = wherever

adopción = adoption

adoptar = to adopt

adopte = adopt

adoptivo = adoptive

adorar = to adore

adormezca = drowse drowsy

adornado = ornate

adornar = to adorn

adorne = adorn

adquiera = acquire

adquirible = purchasable

adquirir = to acquire
adquisición = acquisition

adquisitivo = acquisitive

adrenalina = adrenaline

adsorción = adsorption

aduana = customhouse

adular = to flatter

adule = adulate

adulterar = to adulterate

adultere = corrupt

adulterio = adultery

adulto = adult

aduzca = adduce

advenimiento = advent

adventicio = adventitious

adverbial = adverbial

adverbio = adverb

adversario = adversary

adverso = adverse

advertencia = admonition

advertir = to warn

advierta = warn

adyacente = adjacent

aerobic = aerobic

aerodinámico = aerodynamic

aeromoza = stewardess
aeronáutico = aeronautic

aeroplano = aeroplane

aeropuerto = airport

aerosol = aerosol

aerospacial = aerospace

afectar = to affect

afecte = affect

afecto = affection

afectuoso = affectionate

afeitar = to shave

afeminado = effeminate

afiance = secure

afición = hobby

aficionado = fond

afilado = sharp

afilamiento = taper

afilar = to sharpen

afiliado = affiliate

afiliar = to affiliate

afinidad = affinity

afirmó = averred

afirmación = affirmation

afirmar = to assert

afirmativo = affirmative

afligido = sorrowful
afligir = to grieve

aflija = afflict

afluencia = affluence

afluente = tributary

aforismo = aphorism

afortunadamente = fortunately

afortunado = fortunate

afrenta = affront

aftershave = aftershave

afuera = outside

agáchese = crouch

agüero = omen

agalla = gill

agarrar = to grip

agencia = agency

agenda = agenda

agente = agent

agitó = shook

agita = shaken

aglomerado = agglomerate

aglomerar = to agglomerate

aglutinar = to agglutinate

aglutine = agglutinate

agnóstico = agnostic

agnosticismo = agnosticism
agorero = augur

agosto = August

agotado [Adjective] = exhausted

agotamiento = exhaustion

agotar = to exhaust

agrícola = agricultural

agradable = pleasant

agradecer = to thank

agradeció = thanked

agradecidamente = thankfully

agradecimiento = thankfulness

agrandar = to enlarge

agrande = enlarge

agrario = agrarian

agravar = to aggravate

agrave = aggravate

agravio = grievance

agregó = added

agregado = aggregate

agregar = to add

agresión = aggression

agresivo = aggressive

agresor = aggressor

agricultor = farmer

agricultura = agriculture
agridulce = bittersweet

agrimensor = surveyor

agrio = sour

agua = water

aguacate = avocado

aguacero = downpour

aguamar = jellyfish

aguardiente de manzanas = applejack

agudeza = repartee worse

agudo = acute

aguileña = columbine

aguja = needle

agujeree = pierce

agujero = hole

ahí, allá = yonder

ahí, allí = yon

ahijado = godson

ahogar = to choke

ahogo = choke

ahondar = to deepen

ahonde = deepen

ahora = now

ahorcar = noose

ahorrar = to save away

aire = air
airee = aerate

aislamiento = seclusion

aislar = to isolate

ajedrez = chess

ajenjo = absinth

ajo = garlic

ajuar = trousseau

ajustador = fitter

ajustar = to adjust

ajuste = adjustment

al = to the

al fin = finally

al lado = beside

ala flexible = flap

alabanza = praise

alambre = wire

alarde = splurge

alargado = elongate

alargar = to lengthen

alargue = lengthen

alarmar = to alarm

alazán = sorrel

albañil = mason

albañilería = masonry

alba = daybreak
albahaca = basil

albaricoque = apricot

albergar = to shelter

alborota = hubbub

alborotado = riotous

alboroto = fuss

albufera = lagoon

alcázar = fortress

alcachofa = artichoke

alcahuete = pander

alcalde = mayor

alcance = reach

alcanfor = camphor

alcantarilla = culvert

alcantarillado = sewage

alcanzar = to achieve

alce = elk

alcoba = bedroom

aldea = hamlet

alegar = to allege

alegría = joy

aleluya = hallelujah

alemán = German

alentar = to encourage

alerta = clamp
aleta = fin drowsy

alevosía = treachery

alféizar = windowsill

alfabetización = literacy

alfabeto = alphabet

alfarería = pottery

alfiler = pin

alfombra = carpet

algún día = someday

alga marina = kelp

algo dulce = sweetish

algodón = cotton

algodonoso = cottony

alguacil = bailiff

alguien = someone

algunos = some

aliar = to ally

alicates = pliers

aliente = encourage

alimentar = to feed

alimento = feed

alinear = to align

alise = slick

alistamiento = conscription

aliste = enlist
aliviar = to alleviate

alivio = relief

aljaba = quiver

allí = there

allanar = to flatten

allane = flatten

almíbar = syrup

alma = soul

almacén = warehouse

almacenamiento = storage

almacenar [Verb] = store

almeja = clam

almenara = beacon

almendra = almond

almibarado = syrupy

almidón = starch

almidonado = starchy

alminar = minaret

almirantazgo = admiralty

almirante = admiral

almizcle = musk

almohada = pillow

almohadilla = pad

almuerzo = lunch

alondra = lark
alquilar = to rent

alquiler = rent

alquitrán = tar

alrededor de = around

altar = altar

altavoz = loudspeaker

alteración = garble

alterar = to alter

altercado = haggle

alternar = to alternate

altitud = altitude

alto = high

altura = height

alucine = hallucinate

alud = avalanche to

alumbre = lighten

aluminio = aluminum

alumno = student

alveolar = alveolar

alzamiento = lift

alzar = to lift

amén = amen

amígdala = tonsil

ama de casa = housewife

amable = lovable
amagar = feint

amainado, aplacado, mitigado = abated

amalgamado [Adjective] = amalgamated

amalgamar = to amalgamate

amamantar = to suckle

amanecer = dawn

amaneramiento = mannerism affected

amante [Noun] = lover

amapola = poppy

amar = to love

amargar = to embitter

amargo = bitter

amargura = rue

amarillento = yellowish

amarillo = yellow

amase = knead

amazona = horsewoman

ambicionar = to ambition

ambiente [Noun] = environment

ambiguo = backhanded

ambos = both

ambulancia = ambulance

ameba = amoeba

amenaza = threat

amenazador = threatener
amenazar = to threaten

americano = American

ametralle = strafe

amigable = amiable

amigdalitis = tonsillitis

amigo (m), amiga (f) = friend

amistad = friendship

amoníaco = ammonia

amonestador = monitor

amonestar = to admonish

amoneste = admonish

amonio = ammonium

amontonado [Adjective] = amassed

amontonar = to amass

amor = love

amoral = amoral

amorfo = amorphous

amortigüe = deaden

amortizar = to amortize

amparo = aegis

amperaje = amperage

amperio = ampere

ampliable = enlargeable

ampliamente = amply

amplificador = amplifier
amplificar = to amplify

amplio = ample

amplitud = amplitude

ampolla = blister

ampulosidad = bombast

ampuloso = bombastic

amputar = to amputate

ampute = amputate

amueble = furnish

amuleto = amulet

análisis = analysis

análogo = analogous

anárquico = anarchic

anécdota = anecdote

anémico = anaemic

anémona = anemone

anís = anise

anómalo = anomalous

anónimo = anonymous

anaconda = anaconda

anacoreta = anchorite

anacrónico = anachronistic

anacronismo = anachronism

anagrama = anagram

analítico = analytic
analfabetismo = illiteracy

analfabeto = illiterate

analgésico = analgesic

analista = analyst

analizar = to analyze

analogía = analogy

anaquel = bracket

anaquel = ledge

anarquía = anarchy

anatema = anathema

anatomía = anatomy

anca = rump

ancho = wide

anchoa = anchovy

anchura = width

ancla = anchor

anclaje = anchorage

andén = dock

andamio = scaffold

andar = to walk

ande de lado = sidle

anduvo = strode

anecdótico = anecdotal

anestésico = anaesthetic

anexar = to annex
anexo = annex

anfibio = amphibious

angélico = angelic

anguila = eel

angular = angular

angustia = anguish

angustiar = to anguish

anhídrido = anhydride

anhele = yearn

anión [Noun] = anion

anide = nestle

anilina = aniline

anilla = kinklet

animación [Noun] = animation

animado [Adjective] = animated

animal = animal

animal doméstico [Noun] = pet

animal que se engorda para el matadero = cull

animar = to animate

animismo = animism

animosidad = animosity

aniquilar = to annihilate

aniversario = anniversary

ano = anus

anochecer = nightfall
anomalía = anomaly

anonimato = anonymity

anorexia = anorexia

anormal = abnormal

anormalmente = abnormally

anotación = annotation

anote = annotate

ansiedad = anxiety

ansioso = anxious

antártico = antarctic

antífona = anthem

antígeno = antigen

antílope = antelope

antípodas = antipodes

antaño = yore

anta = tapir

antagónico = antagonistic

antagonismo = antagonism

antagonista = antagonist

ante (piel de) = suede

anteayer = the day before yesterday

antecámara = antechamber

antecedente = antecedent

antediluviano = antediluvian

antena = antenna
antepasado = ancestor

anteproyecto [Noun] = blueprint

anterior = anterior

antes = before

antesala = anteroom

antiácido = antacid

anticipar = to anticipate

anticoncepcional = contraceptive

anticoncepcionismo = contraception

anticonvencional = deviant

anticuado = antiquated

anticuario = antiquary

antigüedad = antiquity

antiguo = ancient

antimonio = antimony

antipatía = antipathy

antojo = whim

antología = anthology

antologista = anthologist

antorcha = torch

antracita = anthracite

antropólogo = anthropologist

antropocéntrico = anthropocentric

antropoide = anthropoid

antropológico = anthropological
antropología = anthropology

antropomórfico = anthropomorphic

antropomorfismo = anthropomorphism

anual = annual

anualidad = annuity

anualmente = yearly

anuario [Noun] = yearbook

anudado = knotty

anulación = avoidance

anular = to annul

anunciar = to announce

anuncio = advertisement

anverso = obverse

aorta = aorta

apático = apathetic

apéndice = appendix

apócrifo = apocryphal

apóstata = apostate

apóstol = apostle

apóstrofo = apostrophe

apacible = mild

apalancar = lever up

aparador = sideboard

aparato = apparatus

aparecer = to appear
aparejo = tackle

aparición = apparition

apariencia [Noun] = look

apartado = off

apartado postal = mailbox

apartamento = flat

aparte = apart

apasionado = passionate

apatía = apathy

apear = to alight

apelación = appeal

apelante = appellant

apellido = surname

aperitivo = appetizer

apetito = appetite

apio = celery

aplacar = to appease

aplace = procrastinate

aplastar = to crush

aplaudir = to applaud

aplauso = applause

aplicable = applicable

aplicación = application

aplicado = applied

aplique = apply
aplomo = aplomb

apocalíptico = apocalyptic

apocalipsis = apocalypse

apoderado = proxy

apodo = nickname

apogeo = apogee

apologético = apologetic

apologista = apologist

aposición = apposition

apostólico = apostolic

apoteosis = apotheosis

apoyó, colaboró = abetted

apoyar = to support

apoyo = support

apreciable = appreciable

apreciación = appraisal

apreciar = to appreciate

aprehender = to apprehend

aprehensión = apprehension

aprehensivo = apprehensive

aprender = to learn

aprendiz = apprentice

apresuradamente = hastily

apresurado = hasty

apretón = squeeze
apretón de manos = handshake

apretadamente = tightly

apretado = tight

aprobación = approval

aprobar = to approve

aprovechar de = to exploit

aproximado = approximate

apruebe = approve

aptitud = aptitude

apuesta = bet

apuro = pinch

aquí = here

aquí dentro = herein

aquellos = those

arácnido = arachnid

araña = spider

arañado = scratchy

arabesco = arabesque

arado = plough

arancel = tariff

arbóreo = arboreal

arbitraje = arbitrage

arbitrar = to arbitrate

arbitrariamente = arbitrarily

arbitrario = arbitrary
arbusto = shrub

arcángel = archangel

arcaísmo = archaism

arca = chest

arcada = arcade

arcaico = archaic

arcano = arcane

arce = maple

archidiócesis = archdiocese

archipiélago = archipelago

archivar = to file

archivo = file

arcilla = clay

arco = arc

arco iris = rainbow

ardiente = ardent

ardilla = squirrel

arduo = arduous

arena = sand

arengado [Adjective] = harangued

arengar = to harangue

arenisco = gritty

arenoso = sandys

argón = argon

argüir = to argue
argumentar = to argue

argumentativo = argumentative

argumento = argument

aristócrata = aristocrat

aristocrático = aristocratic

aristocracia = aristocracy

aritmética = arithmetic

armónico = harmonic

arma de fuego [Noun] = firearm

arma de mano = handgun

armada = navy

armadura = armature

armamento = armament

armar = to arm

armario = cabinet

armazón = framework

armiño = ermine

armisticio = armistice

armonía = harmony

armonice = harmonize

armonioso = harmonious

arneses = harness

aro = ring

aromático = aromatic

aroma = aroma
arpía = shrew

arpón = gaff

arpa = harp

arpegio = arpeggio

arqueado = bandy

arqueta = casket

arquetipo = archetype

arquitectónico = architectural

arquitecto = architect

arquitectura = architecture

arranque = extort

arrase = raze

arrastrado = drawn

arrastre = drag

arrebate = enrapture

arrecife = reef

arreglado = trig

arreglar = to arrange

arremetida = dash

arrendador = lessor

arrendamiento = leasehold

arrendatario = lessee

arrepentirse = to regret

arresto = arrest

arriba = above
arriendo = lease

arrinconar = corner

arrodillarse = to kneel down

arrogante = arrogant

arroyo = stream

arroz = rice

arruga (de piel) = wrinkle

arruga (de ropa) = crease

arsénico = arsenic

arsenal = arsenal

artículo = article

arte = art

artefacto = engine

arteria = artery

arterial = arterial

arteriosclerosis = arteriosclerosis

artero = artful

artesano = craftsman

articulado = articulate

articular = to articulate

artificial = artificial

artificio = artifice

artillería = artillery

artimaña = ruse

artista = artist
artrítico = arthritic

artrópodo = arthropod

artritis = arthritis

arzobispo = archbishop

aséptico = aseptic

así = so

as = ace

asa = handle

asado = roast

asalariado = salaried a salary

asaltar = to assault

asalte = assail

asalto = onslaught

ascensión = ascension

ascensor = elevator

asceta = ascetic

ascetismo = asceticism

ascienda = ascend

ascua = ember

aseado = neat

asedie = beset

asegurar = to assure

asentimiento = assent

asentir = to assent

asequible = attainable
aserción = assertion

asesinar = to murder

asesinato = murder

asesino = murderous

asesor = assessor

asfaltar = asphalt

asfalto = asphalt

asfixie = asphyxiate

asiático = Asiatic

asidero = handhold

asiduidad = assiduity

asiduo = assiduous

asiento = seat

asiento trasero = backseat

asignación = assignation

asignar = to assign

asilo = asylum

asimétrico = asymmetric

asimetría = asymmetry

asimilable = assimilable

asimilar = to assimilate

asir = to seize

asistencia = attendance

asistente = attendee

asistir = to assist
asma = asthma

asnal = asinine

asno = ass

asocial = asocial

asociar = to associate

asociativo = associative

asombrado [Adjective] = amazed

asombrar = to amaze

asonante = assonant

aspecto = aspect

aspereza = asperity

aspersión = aspersion

aspirante = aspirant

aspirar a = to aspire

aspirina = aspirin

asqueroso = gross

asterisco = asterisk

asteroide = asteroid

astigmático = astigmatic

astigmatismo = astigmatism

astilla = chip

astillero = shipyard

astrónomo = astronomer

astral = astralent

astrofísica = astrophysics
astronauta = astronaut

astronomía = astronomy

astucia = guile

astuto = astute

asumir = to assume

asunción = assumption

asunto = affair

asunto = subject

asustar = to frighten

atómico = atomic

atún = tuna

ataúd = coffin

atacante = assailant

atacar = to attack

atadura = bond

atajo = cutoff

ataque = attack

atar = to attach

atenúe = attenuate

atención = attention

ateo = atheist

aterrado = terrorized

aterrar = to terrorize

aterrizar = to land

atesorado = treasured
atestigüe = vouch

atice = stoke

atisbo = peek

atlético = athletic

atlas = atlas

atleta = athlete

atmósfera = atmosphere

atolondrado = madcap

atonal = atonal

atormentado = tormented

atraco = holdup

atractivo = attractive

atraer = to attract

atraiga = attract

atrancado = stuck

atrapado = trapped

atrape = entrap

atrasado mental = moron back

atrasarse = lag

atribución = attribution

atribuir = to attribute

atributivo = attributive

atributo = attribute

atrinchere = entrench

atrocidad = atrocity
atrofia = atrophy

atroz = atrocious

aturdir = to stun

aturrullado = distraught

audífono [Noun] = earphone

audacia = audacity

audible = audible

audición = audition

audio = audio

audiovisual = audiovisual

auditivo = aural

auditoría = audit

auditorio = auditory

auge = heyday

augusto = august

aula = classroom

aullar = to yowl

aullido = howl

aumentar = to increase

aunque = although

auricular = headphone

aurora = aurora

ausencia = absence

ausente = absent

auspicios = auspices
austero = austere

auténtico = authentic

autócrata = autocrat

autógrafo = autograph

autómata = automaton

autónomo = autonomous

autenticidad = authenticity

autentique = authenticate

autismo = autism

autista = autistic

auto [Noun] = auto

autobús = bus

autobiografía = autobiography

autocar = bus

autocrático = autocratic

autocracia = autocracy

automático = automatic

automóvil = automobile

automóvil, carro = car

automóviles, carros = cars

automación = automation

automatice = automate

automatizar = to automate

automotor = automotive

autonomía = autonomy
autopista = motorway

autopsia = autopsy

autor = author

autorice = empower

autoridad = authority

autoritario = authoritarian

autorizar = to authorize

auxiliar = auxiliary

avalancha = onrush

avance = headway

avaricia = avarice

avaro = avaricious

ave = fowl

avellana = hazelnut

avellano = hazel

avena = oat

aventura = adventure

aventurero = adventurous

avería = breakdown

avergüence = embarrass

avergonzar = to embarrass

aversión = aversion

avestruz = ostrich

avión = plane

aviador = flier
aviso = notice

avispa = wasp up

avive = enliven

avutarda = bustard

axial = axial

axilar = axillary

axiomático = axiomatic

axioma = axiom

ay = ouch

ayer = yesterday

ayuda = help

ayudado [Adjective] = helped

ayudar = to help

azúcar = sugar

azada = hoe

azafrán = saffron

azalea = azalea

azar = random

azotar = to lash

azucena = lily

azufre = sulphur

azul = blue

azul celeste = azure

azulado = bluish

azular = blue
azulejo (pájaro) = bluebird

azulejo (losa) = tile

bálsamo = balsam

bárbaro = barbarian

bárbaro = barbarous

básicamente = basically

básico = basal

básico = basic

béisbol = baseball

bélico = warlike

bíblico = biblical

bíceps = bicep

bíceps = biceps

bígaro = winkle

bórax = borax

bórico = boric

bóveda = vault

bóveda del tablero = cowl

búfalo = buffalo

búho = owl

búsqueda = rummage

búsqueda = search

bañador = swimsuit

bañe = bathe
bañera = bathtub

baño = bath

baño [Noun] = bathroom

babee = drool

babuíno = baboon

bacalao = cod

bacalao = codfish

bacanal = bacchanal

bacanal = bacchanalia

bacará = baccarat

bacarrá = baccarat

bachiller = bachelor

bachiller = high school

bachilleres = bachelors

bacilo = bacillus

bacilos = bacilli

bacteria = bacteria

bacteria = bacterium

bacteriano = bacterial

bactericida = germicide

badana = sheepskin

bah = bah

bailó = danced

baila = dances

bailarín = dancer
bailar = to dance

bailarina = ballerina

bailarines = dancers

baile = dance about

bajío = shoal

bajamar = low tide

bajar = to download

baje = lower

bajo = low

bajo = under

bajo [Adjective] = below

bajo [Adjective] = small

bajo esto = hereunder

bala = bale

bala = bullet

bala de cañón = cannonball

balada = ballad

balancear = to balance

balandra = sloop

balanza = scale

balasto = ballast

balaustrada = balustrade

balbucear = to babble

balbucear = to fumble

balbuceo = splutter
balcón [Noun] = balcony

balear = Balearic

balido = bleat

balizar = beacon

ballena = whale

ballet = ballet

baloncesto [Noun] = basketball

balsámico = balmy

balsa = raft

balsadero = ferry

baluarte = bastion

baluarte = bulwark

baluarte = rampart

bambú = bamboo

banana = banana

banco = bank

banco = bench

banco = pew

banco de datos = database

banda de rodadura = tread

bandada = bevy

bandada = flock

bandeja = tray

bandejas = trays

banderín = pennant
bandera = ensign

bandera = flag

bandolero = bandit

bandolero = highwayman

bandoleros = highwaymen

banjo = banjo

banquero = banker

banquete = banquet

baqueta = ramrod harsly

barítono = baritone

barómetro = barometer

barón = baron

bar = bar

bar automático = automat

barajada = shuffle

barato = cheap

barato = inexpensive

barba = beard

barba = chin

barbacoa = barbecue

barbarismo = barbarism

barbecho = fallow

barbero = barber

barbero = bib

barbilla = chin
barbitúrico = barbiturate

barbo = catfish

barca de vela = sailboat

barcaza = barge

barco = boat

bario = barium

barlovento = windward

barniz = varnish

barométrico = barometric

baronía = barony

baronesa = baroness

barquillo plano = waffle

barra = loaf

barra = rail

barra invertida (\) = backlash

barra invertida (\) = backslash

barra traviesa = toggle

barranca = gully

barranco = ravine

barras = loaves

barrena = auger

barrera = barrage

barrera = barrier

barrera = hurdle

barrera de peaje = tollgate

barrera de portazgo = turnpike

barrió = swept

barricada = barricade

barrida = sweep

barriga = belly

barriga = paunch

barriga, vientre = abdomen

barril = barrel

barrio bajo = slum

barrio judío = ghetto

barrita de lápiz = crayon

barro = mud

barroco = baroque

barroso = muddy

basílica = basilica

basca = qualm

base = base

base = basis

basilisco = basilisk stick) = cane

bastón = baton

bastón = cane

bastante = enough

bastante = plenty enough

bastardo = bastard

baste = suffice
bastidor = backstage

basto [Adjective] = crude

bastonear = baton

bastones = canes

basura = garbage

basura = junk

basura = rubbish

basura = trash

bata = bathrobe

batallón = battalion

batalla = battle

batea = punt

batería = battery

batidor = beater

batidor = whisk

batista = cambric

batracio (Animal) = toad

batracios = toads

bautismal = baptismal

bautismo = baptism

bauxita = bauxite

baya = berry

bayoneta = bayonet

bazar = bazaar

bazo = spleen
beatificación = beatification

beatifique = beatify

beatitud = beatitude

beatitud = bliss

beatnik = beatnik

bebé = babe

bebé = baby

bebés = babies

beba mucho = guzzle

beber = to drink

bebió = drank

bebida = beverage

bebida = drink

bebida preparada = brew

bebido = drunk a scholarship

begonia = begonia

beige = beige

belga = Belgian

belicoso = bellicose

beligerante = belligerent

belleza = beauty

bello = beautiful

bellota = acorn

benéfico = beneficent

benévolo = benevolent
benceno = benzene

bendición = benediction

bendiga = bless

beneficial = beneficiary

beneficio = benefit

beneficioso = beneficial

benigno = benign

berberecho = cockle

berenjena = eggplant

bergantín = brig

bergantín = brigantine

berilo = beryl

bermejo = russet

bermellón = vermilion

berro = cress

berza = cabbage

besar = to kiss

beso = kiss

bestia = beast

bestial = bestial

besugo = bream

besuquee = smooch

beta = beta

bibliófilo = bibliophile

bibliografía = bibliography
biblioteca = library

bibliotecario = librarian

bicameral = bicameral

bicarbonato = bicarbonate

bicho = bug

bicho = vermin

bicicleta = bicycle

biciclista = bicyclist

bidireccional = bidirectional

bienal = biennial

bienes raíces = realty

bienestar = welfare

bienhechor = benefactor

bienio = biennium

bienvenidos [Adjective] = welcome

bifocal = bifocal

bifurcado = bifurcate

bigote = moustache

bigote = mustache

bikini = bikini

bilateral = bilateralual

bilis = bile

bilis = gall

billón = trillion

billar = billiard
billar = billiards

billete = billet

billete = ticket

billonésimo = billionth

bimestral = bimonthly

bimetálico = bimetallic

binario = binary

binomio = binomial

biografía = biography

biología = biology

biomédico = biomedical

biopsia = biopsy

bioquímica = biochemistry

biosfera = biosphere

bipartito = bipartisan

biplano = biplane

bipolar = bipolare

bismuto = bismuth

bisonte = bison

bistec = beefsteak

bistec = steak

bit (computadora) = bit

bits (computadora) = bits

bivalvo = bivalve

bizcocho = biscuit
bizcocho de chocolate y nueces = brownie

blanco = target

blanco = white

blando = bland

blando = mushy

blando = soft

blanquecino = chalky

blanquee = blanch

blanquee = whiten

blasfeme = blaspheme

blasfemia = blasphemy

blasfemo = blasphemous

bloque = block

bloqueo = deadlock

blusa = blouse

boa = boa

boa = constrictor

bobina = reel

bobina = spool

bobo = booby

bobo [Adjective] = daft

boca = mouth

boca de agua = hydrant

boca de inspección = manhole

bocadillo = sandwich
bocado = mouthful

bocado = snack

bocado de cardenal = tidbit

bocanada = puffed

boceto = sketch

bochornoso = sultry

bocinazo = toot

boda = bridal

bodega = cellar

bodega = grocery store

bodegas = cellars

bofetada = smack

boga = vogue

bohío = chickadee

bohíos = chickadees

boicot = boycott

boicoteado = boycotted

boicoteo; boicotear(verb) = boycott

boina = beret

bolívar = bolivar

bola de nieve = snowball

bola negra = blackball

boletín = bulletin

boleto = ticket

boliche = fry
bollo = bun

bollo esponjado = puff

bolo = skittle

bolsón = backpack

bolsa = bag

bolsa = pouch

bolsa = purse

bolsa [Noun] = handbag

bolsas [Noun] = handbags

bolsillo = pocket

bolsillo lleno = pocketful

bolso = bag

bomba = bomb

bomba = pump

bombarda = bombard

bombardeado = blitz

bombero = fireman

bomberos = firemen

bombilla = bulb

bombilla = lightbulb

bondad = kindness

bonito = pretty

boqueada = gasp

boquete = gap

boquilla = mouthpiece
boquilla = nozzle

borato = borate

borbotón = gurgle

borbotón = spurt

bordado = embroidery

borde = brim

borde = brink

borde = edge

borde = embroider

borde = verge

bordo = shipboard

borla = tassel

borrón = blot

borrón = blur

borrachín = drunkarde

borrachera = booze

borracho = drunk

borracho = rummy

borrador = eraser

borrar = to erase

borrascoso = gusty

borre = deface

borre = efface

borre = erase

borre = obliterate
bosque = forest

bosque = woodland

bosquecillo = grove

bosquecillo = thicket

bostezar = to yawn

bostezo = gape

bostezo = yawn

botánica = botany

botánico = botanist

botín = booty

botín = loot

botón = button

botón de oro = buttercup

bota = boot away

bote = canisterhy

bote de remos = rowboat

bote salvavidas = lifeboat

botella = bottle

botella de dos litros = magnum

botellas = bottles

botero = boatman

boteros = boatmen

boticario = apothecary

botones = bellboy

botulismo = botulism
boutique = boutique

bovino = bovine

boxeador de peso pesado = heavyweight

boxee = spar

brócoli = broccoli

braga = panty

braguero = truss

bramante = twine

bramido = bellow

bravata; jactarse; fanfarronear(v) = brag

braza = fathom

brazado = armful

brazalete = bracelet

brazo = arm

brazos = arms

brecha = breach

breve = breve

brevedad = brevity

bribón = rascal

bribón = scoundrel

bribón = villain

brida = bridleleton

brigada = brigade

brigadier = brigadier

brilló = shone
brillante = agleam

brillante = shiny

brillar = to shine

brillo = glint

brillo = glisten

brillo = shine

brinco = gambol

brinco = hop

brindó (wine) = toasted

brioso = mettlesome

brisa = breeze

brocado = brocade

broche = broach

broche = brooch

broche = clasp

broma = jest

broma = joke

bromo = bromine

bromuro = bromide

bronce = bronze

bronceado (as in suntan) = tan

bronceado (as in suntanned) = tanned

bronceado = suntan

bronquial = bronchial

bronquitis = bronchitis
brote = bud

brote = sprout

bruja = witch

brujería = voodoo

brujería = witchcraft

bruma [Noun] = haze

brumoso = foggy

brumoso [Adjective] = hazy

bruscamente; con aspereza; repentinamente = abruptly

brusco = brusque

brusco,-a; áspero; repentino,-a; súbito = abrupt

brutal = brutal

bruto = brute

buñuelo = doughnut

buñuelo = fritter

bucólico = bucolic

buceo = dive

buena educación = gentility

buena voluntad = goodwill

buenas noches = goodnight

bueno = good

bueno = nice

buey = bullock

buey = ox

bueyes = oxen
bufón = buffoon

bufón [Noun] = zany

bufanda = scarf

bufete = buffet

buitre = vulture

buldog = bulldog

bulevar = boulevard

bullicio = bustle

bullicioso = boisterous

bulto = bulk

bulto = bundle

bumerang = boomerang

bungalow = bungalow

buque de vapor = steamboat

burócrata = bureaucrat

burbuja = bubble

burdel = bordello

burdel = brothel

bureta = burette

burgués = bourgeois

burguesía = bourgeoisie

burguesía = yeomanry

burla = banter

burla = gibe

burla = mockery
burlarse = annoy

burlarse = tease

burle = deride

burle = flout

burlesco = farcically

burocrático = bureaucratic

burocracia = bureaucracy

burocracia = officialdom

burro = donkey

buscó = sought

buscador = prospector

buscapersonas = pager for

buscar = to look for

busque = seek

busto = bust

butano = butane

buzón = mailbox

buzones = mailboxes

byte [Noun] = byte

bytes [Noun] = bytes

cáñamo = cannabis

cáñamo = hemp

cábala = cabal

cáigase = fall
cálculo = calculation

cálculo = calculus

cálculos = calculations

cáliz [Noun] = chalice

cámara = camera

cámara = chamber

cámaras = cameras

cáncer = cancer

cándido = candid

cápsula = capsule

cápsulas = capsules

cárcel = jail

cárter = crankcase

cárter de cigüeñal = crankcase

cáscara = hull

cáscara = husky

cáscara = peel

cáscara = shell

cáscara = shuck

cáscara de huevo = eggshell

cásese = marry

cásese = wed

cátodo = cathode

cáustico = caustic

cédula = cell
cédulas = cells

célebre = celebrity

célebres = celebrities

célula = cell

céntimo = centime

céntrico = centric

césped = grass

césped = greensward

césped = lawn

césped = sod

césped = turf

cíclico = cyclic

cínico = cynic

círculo = circle

cítara [Noun] = zither

cítrico = citric

cítrico = citrus

cívico = civic

código mnemotécnico = mnemonic

cólera (disease) = cholera

cólera = cholera

cómico = comedian

cómico = droll

cómico = funny

cómico = humorous
cómo = how

cómodo = comfortable

cómodo = cozy

cómodo = snug

cómplice = accomplice

cómputo = computation

cóncavo = concave

cónclave = conclave

cónsul = consul

córnea = cornea

córneo = horny

cósmico = cosmic

cúbico = cubic

cúprico = cupric

cúspide = summit

cúter = cutter

caída = crash

caída = tumble

caída de un vestido = hang

cañón = cannon

cañón = canyon

cañón = flue

caña = reed

cañada = dale

cañada = glen
cañería = pipe

caóticamente = chaotically

caótico = chaotic

cabaña = cabana

cabaña = cabin

cabaña = cottage

cabaña = hovel

cabañas = cabanas

cabalístico(a) = cabalistic

cabalgata = cavalcade

cabalgata = pageant

caballa = mackerel

caballar = horsy

caballas = mackerels

caballería = cavalry

caballería = chivalry

caballero = cavalier

caballero = gentleman

caballero = knight

caballeroso = chivalrous

caballete de pintor = easel

caballito = hobbyhorse

caballo = horse

caballo bayo = bay

caballo de fuerza = horsepower

caballo padre = stallion

caballo salvaje = mustang

caballos = horses

cabaret = cabaret

cabecera de cama = headboard

cabelludo = hairy

cabeza = head

cabeza de alfiler = pinhead

cabeza de puente = bridgehead

cabezal = bolster

cabina = cabin

cabina del piloto = cockpit

cabinas = cabins

cabizbajo = crestfallen

cable = cable a cable

cables = cables

cabra = goat worked up

cabrestante = capstan

cabrio = chevron

cabriola = caper

cabriola = prance

caca [Noun] = poop

cacahuete = peanut

cacao = cacao

cacao = cocoa
cacarañar = postmark

cacareo = cackle

cacatúa = cockatoo

cace = hunt

cacerola = casserole

cacerola = pan

cacerola = saucepan

cacharro = crockery

cacharros de barro vidriado = stonewareamajigamajigs fun

cachondo = randy

cachorro = cub

cachorro = pup

cachorro = puppy

cachupín = capuchin

cacofonía = cacophony

cacto = cactus

cactos = cacti

cadáver = cadaver

cadáver = carcass

cadáver = corpse

cadáver = stiff

cada = each

cada = every

cada uno = apiece

cadavérico = cadaverous
cadena = chain

cadenas = chains

cadencia (musical) = cadence

cadencia = rate

cadera = haunch

cadera = hip

cadete = cadet

cadmio = cadmium

caducado = deciduous

caducidad = caducity

cae = fallen

caer = to fall

café = cafe

café = coffee

cafés = cafes

cafeína = caffeine

cafetería = cafeteria

cafeterías = cafeterias

cafetera = coffeepot

cafetera = jalopy

caimán = caiman

caja = bin

caja = box

caja = checkout

caja de herramientas = toolbox

caja fuerte = strongroom

cajas = boxes

cajas de herramientas = toolboxes

cajero (cashier) = teller

cajero = cashier

cajero = teller

cajeros (cashiers) = tellers

cajeros = cashiers

cajista = compositor

cajones = drawers

calórico = caloric

cal = lime

cal viva = quicklime

cala = creek

calabaza = gourd

calabaza = pumpkin

calabaza = squash

calabozo = dungeon

calafatee = caulk

calamar [Noun] = squid

calambre = cramp

calamidad = calamity

calamidades = calamities

calamitoso = calamitous

calcáreo = calcareous
calcetín = sock

calcetería = hosiery

calcificación = calcification

calcificado = calcified

calcificar = to calcify

calcifique = calcify

calcinado = calcined

calcinar = to calcine

calcio = calcium

calcula = calculates

calculable = calculable

calculado = calculated

calculadora = calculator

calculadoras = calculators

calcular = to calculate

calcule = calculate up

caldo = broth

calendario = calendar

calendario, almanaque = calendar

calendarios, almanaques = calendars

calentador = heater

calesa = buggy

calibrado = calibrated

calibrador = caliper

calibrar = to calibrate
calibre = caliber

calibre = calibrate

calicó = calico

calidad = grade

calidad = quality

calidoscopio = kaleidoscope

caliente = bask

caliente = hot

califa = caliph

califato = caliphate

calificación = qualification

calificado = qualified

calificador = qualifier

calificadores = qualifiers

califique = qualify

caligrafía = calligraphy

caliza = limestone

callado = secretive

calle = street

callejón sin salida = impasse the streets

calles = streets

callo = callus

callos = calluses

calloso = callous

calma = calm
calma = calms

calma = composure

calma = lull

calmadamente = calmly

calmado = calmed

calmante = calmative

calmar (verb) = calm

calme = becalm

caloría = calorie

calorías = calories

calorífico = caloric

calorímetro = calorimeter

calor = heat

calor moderado = warmth

calor sofocante = swelter

calumnia = calumniation

calumnia = calumny

calumnia = slander

calumniador = slanderous

calumniar = to calumniate

calumnie = calumniate

caluroso = warm

calvo = bald

calzado = footwear

calzador = shoehorn on shoes

calzo = chock

calzo = chuck

calzones = breeches

cama = bed

cama = couch

cama improvisada = shakedown

camafeo = cameo

camaleón = chameleon

camarón = shrimp

camarada = comrade

camarada = crony

camaradería = camaraderie

camarera = chambermaid

camarera = waitress

camarero = chamberlain

camarero = waiter

camarote = stateroom

camas = beds

cambalache = swap

cambió = changed

cambiable = changeable

cambiar (verb) = change

cambiar = to change

cambio = barter

cambio = change
cambio = shift

cambio de ropa = duffel

cambio total = turnabout

cambios = changes

camboyano = Cambodian

camelia = camelia

camelia = camellia

camello = camel

camellos = camels

camión = lorry

camión = truck

caminata = trudge

camino = path

camino = road

camino [Noun] = way

camino abierto = fairway

camino apartado = byway

camisa (men's shirt) = chemise

camisa = shirt

camisa de dormir = nightgown

camisa de dormir = nightshirt

camisas = chemises

camisería = haberdashery

camisero [Noun] = haberdasher

camiseta = jersey
camiseta = undershirt

camisolín = dickey

camorrista = rowdy

campaña = campaign

campañas = campaigns

campamento = camp

campamentos = camps

campana = bell

campanario = belfry

campanas = bells

campaneo = chime

campanilla = bell

campeón = champ

campeón = champion

campeonato = tournament

campeonatos = tournaments

campeones = champions

campesino = farmer

campesino = peasant

campo = camp

campo = countryside

campo = field

campo de batalla = battlefield

campo de batalla = battleground

campo de fútbol = gridiron

campo de minas = minefield

camposanto [Noun] = graveyard

camposantos [Noun] = graveyards

campus = campus

camuflaje = camouflage

caníbal = cannibal

caníbales = cannibals

canadiense = Canadian

canal = canal

canal = channel

canal = waterway

canales = canals

canalización = conduit

canalla = rabble

canario = canary

canarios = canaries

canasta (basket) = canasta

canasta = crate

canastilla = layette

cancán (the dance) = cancan

canceló = canceled

canceló = cancelled

cancelación = cancel

cancelación = cancellation

cancelaciones = cancellations
cancelar = to cancel cancerous

canceroso = cancerous

canción (song) = chanson

canción = song

canción tirolés = yodel

canciller = chancellor

candado = padlock

candelabro = candelabra

candelabro = candleholder

candelabro = chandelier

candelabros = candelabra

candelero = candlestick

candidato = candidate

candidato = nominee

candidatos = candidates

candidatura = candidacy

canela = cinnamon

cangrejo = crab

canguro = babysitter

canguro [Noun] = kangaroo

canguros = babysitters

canguros [Noun] = kangaroos

canibalismo = cannibalism

canicular = canicular

canino = canine
canoa = canoe

canoa = dugout

canoa automóvil = speedboat

canoas = canoes

canon = canon

canonizar (to canonize) = canon

cansó = wearied

cansadamente = tiredly

cansado = tired

cansado = wearisome

cansado = weary

cansancio = tiredness

cantó = sang

cantón = canton

canta = sungable

cantante = chanter

cantata = cantata

cantata = carol

cantera = quarry

cantero = quarryman

canteros = quarrymen

cantidad = amount

cantidad = quantity

cantimplora = canteen

canto = cant
canto = canto

canto = chant

canto alegre = carol

canto rodado = boulderer

canturree = croon

caoba = mahogany

caolín = kaolin

caos = chaos

capítulo = chapter

capítulos = chapters

capa = cape

capa = cloak

capa pluvial = cope

capacidad = capability

capacidad = capacity

capacidades = capabilities

capacidades = capacities

capacitar = to capacitate

capacite = capacitate

capaz = able

capaz = capable

capaz = capacious

capcioso = captious out

capellán = chaplain

caperuza = chaperon
capicúa = palindrome

capilar = capillary

capilla = chantry

capilla = chapel

capiller = churchwarden

capirotazo = flip

capitán = captain

capital = capital

capitalismo = capitalism

capitalista = capitalist

capitalistas = capitalists

capitanía = captaincy

capitolio = capitol

capitolios = capitols

capitular = capitulate

capitular = chapter

capotillo = cape

capricho = caprice

caprichosamente = capriciously

caprichoso = capricious

caprichoso = crotchety

caprichoso = freakish

capsular = capsular

captura = capture

capucha = hood
capullo = cocoon

capullo = rosebud

caqui = khaki

carácter = character

carámbano [Noun] = icicle

carámbanos = icicles

cara = face

carabina = carbine

caracol = snail

caracol de mar = whelk

característica = characteristic

característica = trait

características = characteristics

características = traits

caracteres = characters

caracterice = characterize

caramba = golly

caramelo = candy

caramelo = caramel

caramelo = toffee

caramelos = candies

caravana = caravan

caravanas = caravans

caravela = caravel

carbón = carbon
carbón = charcoal

carbón = coal

carbón de leña = charcoal

carbónico = carbonic

carbúnculo = carbuncle

carbohídrato = carbohydrate

carbohídratos = carbohydrates

carbonato = carbonate

carbonilla = cinder

carbonizar = coal

carbono = carbon

carbonoso = carbonaceous

carburo = carbide heartily

carcelero = jailer

carcinógeno = carcinogen

carcinogénico = carcinogenic

carcinoma = carcinoma away

cardíaco = cardiac

cardenal = bruise

cardinal = cardinal

cardiograma = cardiogram

cardiogramas = cardiograms

cardiología = cardiology

cardiovascular = cardiovascular

cardo = thistle
carene = careen

carestía = dearth

carey = tortoiseshell

carga = burden

carga = cargo

carga = freight

carga = lien

carga = load

cargable = chargeable

cargado = charged

cargado = fraught

cargar (batteries) = charge

cargar = to burden

cargar = to carry

cargas = cargoes

cargas = cargos

cargatodo = carryall

cargo = charge

caribú = caribou

caricatura = caricature

caricaturista = caricaturist

caricia = caress

caricias = caresses

caridad = charity

carie (dentist) = cavity

caries = cavities

carismático = charismatic

carisma = charisma

caritativo = charitable

carmesí = crimson

carnívoro = carnivore

carnal = carnal

carnaval = carnival

carnavales = carnivals

carne = beef

carne = flesh

carne = meat

carne de caballo = horseflesh

carne de carnero = mutton

carne de cerdo = pork

carnicería = butchery

carnicería = carnage

carnoso = fleshy

carnoso = meaty

caro = expensive

carpa = carp

carpa = tent

carpa dorada = goldfish

carpeta = portfolio

carpintería = carpentry
carpintero = carpenter

carpinteros = carpenters the throat

carrera = career

carrera = scurry

carrera corta = sprint

carreta = cart

carretada = carload

carrete = bobbin

carretera = highway

carretera = roadway

carretilla = cart

carretillas = carts

carroña = carrion

carro = car

carro = chariot

carro de mudanzas = van

carruaje = carriage

carruaje ligero de dos ruedas = gig

carrusel = carousel

cartílago = cartilage

cartógrafo = cartographer

cartógrafos = cartographers

cartón = cardboard

cartón = carton

carta (a la carta) = carte

carta = letter to each other

cartel = cartel

cartel [Noun] = poster

cartelera = billboard

carteles [Noun] = posters

cartera = briefcase

cartera = pocketbook

cartera = wallet

cartero = mailman

cartero(a) [Noun] = postman

carteros = mailmen

carteros = postmen

cartográfico = cartographic

cartografía = cartography

cartucho = cartridge

casa = house

casa = household

casa = lodge

casa de empeños = pawnshop

casa de fieras = menagerie

casa de moneda = mint

casadero = marriageable

casado = married married

casar = to wed

casar a = to marry
casarse = marry

casarse = wed

casas = houses

cascada = cascade

cascada = chute

cascada = waterfall

cascadas = cascades

casco = cask

casco = hoof

casco [Noun] = helmet

casco arrumbado = hulk

cascos = hooves

cascote = rubble

casero = homemade

casi = almost

casilla = booth

casillero = pigeonhole

casimir = cashmere

casino = casino

casinos = casinos

caso = case

caso = instance

caspa = dandruff

cassette = cassette

castaña = chestnut
castañas = chestnuts

castaño = brown

castaño = maroon

castaño rojizo = auburn

castañuela = castanet

castañuelas = castanets

casta = breed

casta = caste

castidad = chastity

castigó = chastised

castiga = castigates

castigado = castigated

castigador = castigator

castigadores = castigators

castigar = to castigate

castigar = to chastise

castigar = to punish

castigo = castigation

castigo = chastisement

castigos = chastisements

castigue = castigate

castigue = chastise

castigue = punish

castillo = castle

castillo = chateau
castillos = castles

casto = chaste

castor = beaver

castró = spayed

castrado = castrated

castrar = to castrate

castre = emasculate

castre = spay

casual = casual

casualidad = haphazard

casualidad = incident

casucha = shanty

catálisis = catalysis

catálogo = catalog

catálogo = catalogue

catálogos = catalogs

catálogos = catalogues

catástrofe = catastrophe

catástrofes = catastrophes

catéter = catheter

cataclisma = cataclysmic

cataclismo = cataclysm

catacumba = catacomb

catalepsia = trance

catalizador = catalyst
catalizador = catalytic

catalogado = cataloged

catalogar = to categorize

catalogue = catalogue

cataplasma = poultice

catapulta = catapult

catarata = cataract

catarata = waterfall

catastrófico = catastrophic

catatónico = catatonic

catecismo = catechism

catedral = cathedral

categóricamente = categorically

categórico = categoric

categoría = category

categorías = categories

catorce = fourteen

cauce = channel

caucho = rubber

caución = caution

causa = cause

causa = sake

causal = causal

cautela = caution

cautivar = to captivate
cautive = captivate

cautividad = captivity

cautivo = captive

cautivos = captives

cauto = cautious

cauto = wary

cave = delve

cavernícola = caveman

cavernícolas = cavemen

caverna = cavern

cavernoso = cavernous

caviar = caviar

cayo = cay

cazar = to chase

cazar furtivamente = poach

ceño = frown

ceño = scowl

ceas = clock

cebada = barley

cebo = bait

cebolla = onion

cebollas = onions

cebollino = chive

cebra [Noun] = zebra

cebras [Noun] = zebras

ceceo = lisp

ceda = cede

cedazo = sieve

ceder = to cede

cedilla = cedilla

cedro = cedar

cedro = cedarwood

cefálico = cephalic

ceja = eyebrow

celebrar = to celebrate

celebre = celebrate

celebridad = celebrity

celeridad = celerity

celestial = celestial

celibato = celibacy

cellisca = sleet

celo = zeal

celofán = cellophane

celosía = lattice

celos = jealousy

celoso = jealous

celoso = zealous

celular (anglicism) = cellular

celular = cellular

celuloso = cellulose
cementerio = cemetery

cementerio = churchyard

cementerio = graveyard

cementerios = cemeteries

cemento = cement

cena = supper

cenagal = quagmire

cenagal = slough dinner

cencerreo = jangle

cencerro = cowbell

cene = dine

cene = sup

cenicero = ashtray

ceniciento = ashen

ceniciento = ashy

cenit = zenith

ceniza = ash a census of

censo = census

censor = censor

censura = censorship

censura = censure

censurado = censored

censurador = censor

censuradores = censors

centésima = hundredth
centígrado = centigrade

centígramo = centigram

centígramos = centigrams

centímetro = centimeter

centímetros = centimeters

centauro = centaur

centavo = cent

centavos = cents

centavos = pence

centellee = twinkle

centenar = hundred

centenario = centenarian

centenario = centenary

centenario = centennial

centeno = rye

centinela = sentinel

centinela = sentry

centrífugo = centrifugal

centrífugo = centrifuge

centró = centered

central = central

centrista = centrist

centro = center

centro = core

centro = midst
centro de la ciudad = downtown

centro de mesa = centerpiece

centros = centers

centros de mesa = centerpieces

centurión = centurion

cepillo = brush

cepillo de dientes = toothbrush

cepillo de pelo = hairbrush

cepillos de diente = toothbrushes

cequí = sequin

cerámica = ceramic

cerámicas = ceramics

cerámico = ceramic

cerámico = ceramist

cera = wax

cercó = rang

cerca = fence

cerca = near

cerca = nearest

cerca de = near

cercamiento = enclosure

cercano = nearby sure

cerco = fence

cerda = bristle

cerda = sow
cerdo = hog

cerdo = pig

cerdo = swine

cerdo hormiguero = aardvark

cerdos hormigueros = aardvarks

cerdoso = stubby

cereal = cereal

cereales = cereals

cerebelo = cerebellum

cerebral = cerebral

cerebro = brain

cerebro = mastermind

ceremonia = ceremony

ceremonial = ceremonial

ceremonioso = ceremonious

cerero = chandler

cereza = cherry

cerezas = cherries

cero = cipher

cero = zero

ceros = zero

cerrado = clannish

cerrado = closed

cerrado = shut

cerradura = lock
cerrajero = locksmith

cerrar = to close

certeza = certainty

certeza = certitude

certificable = certifiable

certificado (noun) = certificate

certificado = certificate

certificado = certificated

certificado = certified

certificados = certificates

certifique = certify

cervato = fawn

cervecería = brewery

cerveza = ale

cerveza = beer

cesó = ceased

cesa = ceases

cesación = cease

cesación = cessation

cesar = to cease

cese = cessation

cese al fuego = ceasefire

cesión = cession

cesio = cesium

cesionario = grantee
cesta = basket

cesta = hamper

cestas = baskets

cesto = basket

chófer = chauffeur

chabacano = apricot

chaleco = vest

chaleco = waistcoat

chalet = chalet

chalote = shallot

champán = champagne

champú = shampoo

champaña = champagneee

chamusque = sear

chantaje = blackmail

chantre = cantor

chapa = veneer

chaparrón = downfall

chaparrón = spate

chaparro [Adjective] = small

chaperón = chaperon

chaperón = chaperone about

chapucee = fumble

chapucería = bungle

chaqueta = coat
chaqueta = jacket

charada = charade

charadas = charades

charco = puddle

charcos = puddles

charló = chatted

charla = babble

charla = chat

charla = gabble

charla = rattle

charla incoherente = gibberish

charlar = to chat

charlas (speeches) = talks

charlas = chats

charlatán = charlatan

charlatanería = quackery

charlatanes = charlatans

charlatanismo = quackery

chasis = chassis

chasquido = snap

checo = Czech

cheque = check

chequera = checkbook

chequeras = checkbooks

chic = chic
chica = lass

chicle (gum) = chicle

chico [Adjective] = little

chico, chamaco, niño = boy

chiflado = cranky

chifladura = quirk

chillón = screechy

chillón = shrill

chillón = tawdry

chillar = to scream

chillido = screech

chillido = shriek

chillido = squeal

chimenea = chimney

chimenea = smokestack

chimenea [Noun] = fireplace

chimeneas = chimneys

chimpancé = chimp

chimpancé = chimpanzee

chimpancés = chimpanzees

chimpancés = chimps

chin, chin (in a brindis) = cheers

chinche = bedbug

chinche = thumbtack

chinchilla = chinchilla
chino = Chinese

chiquito [Adjective] = small

chiripa = fluke

chiripear = fluke

chirriante = squeaky

chisme = spark

chismes = gossip

chismografía = gossip

chismorreo = tattle

chispa = spark

chispa = sparkle

chispeante = racy

chispee = scintillate

chiste = joke

chiste = wisecrack

chistoso = funny

chivato (cuban slang)[noun] = tattletale

chivato = sneak

chivo = calf

chochee = dote

chocolate = chocolate

chocolates = chocolates

choque = brunt

choque = bump

choque = collide
choque = wrecke

chorrillo = dribble

chorro = gush

chorro = squirt

chorro de arena = sandblast

choza = hut

choza = shack

chubascos [Noun] = rainsquall

chuchería = bauble

chuleta = cutlet

chupas = suck

chupete = lollipop

chusma = mob

ciática = sciatica

cianuro = cyanide

cibernética = cybernetics

cicatriz = scar

ciclón = cyclone

ciclista = cyclist

ciclo = cycle

ciclotrón = cyclotron

ciego = blind

cielo = heaven

cielo = sky

ciempiés = centipede
ciencia = science

cieno = silt

científico = scientific

científico = scientist

cientos = hundred

cierna = sift

cierre = close

cierre = closure

cierre = hasp

cierre = shutdown

cierre puerta = lockout

ciertamente = certainly

cierto = certain

ciervo = buck

ciervo = deer

ciervo = stag

cigüeña = crank

cigüeña = stork

cigüeñal = crankshaft

cigarra = cicada

cigarrillo = cigarette

cigarro = cigar

cilantro = coriander

ciliar = ciliary

cilindro = cylinder
cima = top the foundation

cimitarra = scimitar

cinético = kinetic

cinc [Noun] = zinc

cincel = chisel

cincha = cinch

cinco = five

cincuenta = fifty

cine = movie theater

cinemático = cinematic

cinema = cinema

cinta = playback

cinta = ribbon

cinta = tape

cinto = girdle

cinturón = belt

cinturón = girth

cintura = waistline

cintura [Noun] = waist

ciprés = cypress

circo = circus

circonio = zirconium

circuitería = circuitry

circuito = circuit

circulatorio = circulatory
circule = circulate

circulito = circlet

circuncide = circumcise

circuncisión = circumcision

circunferencia = circumference

circunflejo = circumflex

circunlocución = circumlocution

circunscriba = circumscribe

circunscripción = circumscription

circunspecto = circumspect

circunstancia = circumstance

circunstancial = circumstantial

circunvolución = convolution

ciruela = plum

ciruela = prune

cirugía = surgery

cirugía dental = dentistry

cirujano = surgeon

cisma = schism

cisne = swan

cisterna = cistern

cita = appointment

cita = citation

cita = excerpt

cita = quotation
cita = quote

cita = rendezvous

citación = subpoena

citatorio = summon

cite = cite

citoplasma = cytoplasm

ciudad = city

ciudadano = citizen

ciudadela = citadel

civil = civil

civilice = civilize

civilización = civilization

cizaña = weed discord

clásico = classic

cláusula = clause

clérigo = churchman

clérigo = clergyman

clérigo = cleric

clérigo = reverend

clérigos = churchmen

clérigos = clergymen

clínica = clinic

clíper = clipper

clan = clan

clandestino = clandestine
clarín = bugle

claraboya = skylight up

clarete = claret

claridad = clarity

clarificación = clarification

clarifique = clarify

clarinete = clarinet

clarividente = clairvoyant

claro = apparent

claro = clear

claro = downright

claro = of course

claro herboso = glade

clase = class

clase = sort

clasificación = classification

clasificatorio = classificatory

clasifique = classify

clasifique = tabulate

claustro = cloister

claustrofóbico = claustrophobic

claustrofobia = claustrophobia

clavícula = collarbone

clave = infix

clave = keystone
clavicordio = harpsichord

clavija = dowel

clavija = peg

clavo = brad

clavo = nail

clavo de olor = clove

clemente = clement

clero = clergy

cliché = cliche

cliente = client

clientela = clientele

climático = climatic

clima = climate

clima = weather

climatología = climatology

climax = climax

clon = clone

cloqueo = cluck

clorato = chlorate

clorhídrico = hydrochloric

cloro = chlorine

clorofila = chlorophyll

cloroformo = chloroform

cloruro = chloride

clueca = broody
coñac = brandy

coacción = duress

coagulable = coagulable

coagulación = concretion

coagule = coagulate

coautor = coauthor

cobalto = cobalt

cobardía = cowardice

cobarde = coward

cobarde = craven

cobertizo para botes = boathouse

cobertor = bedspread

cobertor = spread

cobertura = coverage

cobra = cobra

cobre = copper

cobrizo = coppery

cocaína = cocaine

coca = coca

cocear = to kick

cocer = to cook

coche = car

coche = coach

coche fúnebre = hearse

cochecito de niño = pram

cochero = coachman

cocheros = coachmen

coches = cars

cochinilla = cochineal

cochino = filthy

cociente = quotient

cocina = cookery

cocina = kitchen

cocina pequeña = kitchenette

cocinero = chef

cocinero = cook

cocineros = chefs

coco = coconut

cocodrilo = crocodile

cocos = bogeymen

codazo ligero = nudge

codicia [Noun] = greed

codicie = covet

codicilo = codicil

codicioso = covetous

codicioso [Adjective] = greedy

codificó = keyed

codificación = code

codificado = codify

codificar = code
codo = elbow

codorniz = quail

coeducación = coeducation

coeficiente = coefficient

coerción = coercion

coercible = coercible

coercitivo = coercive

coexista = coexist

coexistente = concurrent

cofre = coffer

coger = to catch

cogió = caught

cogido = seizure

cognición = cognition

cognoscitivo = cognitive

cogote = bob

coherente = coherent

cohesión = cohesion

cohesivo = cohesive

cohete = rocket

cohete volador = skyrocket

cohibir = restraint

cohorte = cohort

coincida = coincide

coincidencia = coincidence
coincidente = coincident

coincidente = coincidental

cojín = cushion

coja = catch

cojera = hobble

cojera = limp

cojo = cripple

cojo = lame

cok = coke

colérico = choleric

colérico = wrathful

col = cabbage

cola = cola

cola = glue

cola = queue

cola = tail

cola de caballo = horsetail

cola de golondrina = swallowtail

colaboración = abetment

colaborador = collaborator

colabore = collaborate

colador = colander

colas = tails

colchón = mattress

colcha = bedspread
colcha = quilt the tail

colección = suite

coleccione = collect

colecta = purse

colector = collector

colega = colleague

colegiado = collegiate

colegial = schoolboy

colegiala = schoolgirl

colegio = college

coles = cabbages

colesterol = cholesterol

coleta = pigtail

colgó = hung

colgar = to hangbird

coliflor = cauliflower

coliflores = cauliflowers

colina = foothill

colina = hill

coliseo = coliseum

colisión = collision

collage = collage

collar (for dog) [Noun] = collar

collar = necklace

colmena = beehive
colmena = hive

colmenar = apiary

colmillo = fang

colmillo = tusk

colocación = collocation

coloidal = colloidal

colon = colon

colonia = colony

colonial = colonial

colonizador = frontiersman

colonizadores = frontiersmen

colono = colonist

color = color

color = hue

colores = colors

colorete = rouge

colosal = colossal

coloso = colossus

columna = column

columnata = colonnade

colusión = collusion

común = common

coma = coma

coma = comma

coma = eat
comadreja = weasel

comandante = commandant

comando = commando

comatoso = comatose

combado = camber

combadura = sag

combate = combat

combatió = combatted

combatiente = combatant

combinado = cocktail

combine = combine

combustión = combustion

combustible = combustible

combustible = fuel

come = eaten

comedero = trough

comedia = comedy restrained room

comedor = eater

comentario = comment

comentario = commentary

comentario = remark

comentarista = commentator

comenzar = to initiate

comer = to eat

comercial = commercial
comerciante = merchant

comercio = commerce

comercio = trade

comercio, intercambiar (to trade) = trade

comestible = edible

comestible = foodstuff

comestibles = grocery

cometa = commit

cometa = kite

cometa [Noun] = comet

cometió = committed

comezón = itch

comió = ate

comida = dinner

comida = food

comida = meal

comidas = meals

comido = eaten

comienzo = commencement

comino = cumin

comisario = commissary

comisión = commission

comisión = kickback

comité = committee

comitiva = cortege
como = as

como = like

como quiera que = howsoever

comodoro = commodore

compás = compass

compórtese = behave

compañía = company

compañía = troupe

compañerismo = camaraderie

compañero = buddy

compañero = companion

compañero = fellow

compañero = mate

compañero = pal

compañero = partner

compañero de a bordo = shipmate

compañero de clase = classmate

compañero de cuarto = roommate

compañero de equipo = teammate

compañero de juegos = playmate

compañeros de equipo = teammates

compadezca = commiserate

comparable = comparable

comparación = comparison

comparativo = comparative
compare = compare

comparta = partake

compartió = partook

compartimiento = compartment

compasión = compassion

compasivo = compassionate

compatibilizar = coordinate

compatible = compatible

compatriota = compatriot

compatriota = countryman

compatriotas = countrymen

compela = compel

compeler = to compel

compelió = compelled

compendie = abridge

compendio = abridgement

compendio = compendium

compendio = digest

compendios = compendia

compensatorio = compensatory

compense = compensate

competencia = competence

competente = competent

competición = competition

competidor = competitor
competitivo = competitive

compile = compile

compita = compete

complacencia = complacency

complazca = indulge

complejidad = complexity

complejidad = intricacy

complejo = complex

complementario = complementary

complemento = complement

completar, lograr = to fulfill

completo = complete

completo = thorough

completo [Adjective] = full

complicidad = complicity

complique = complicate

componente = component

componga = compose

composición = composition

compota = compote

compró = bought

compra = buy

compra = purchase

comprador = buyer

comprar = to buy
comprar = to purchase

comprenda = comprehend

comprenda = comprise

comprensión = comprehension

comprensibilidad [Adjective] = understandability

comprensible = comprehensible

comprensible [Adjective] = understandable

comprensivo = comprehensive

compresa = compress

compresión = crush

compresor = compressor

comprobación = checkup

comprometa = engage

comprometer = to engage

compromiso = commitment

compromiso = committal

compromiso = compromise

compuerta = floodgate

compuerta = hatch

compuesto = composite

compuesto = compound

compulsión = compulsion

compulsivo = compulsive

compulsivo = compulsory

computadora = computer
compute = compute

comulgante = communicant communion

comunal = communal

comunión = communion

comunicación = communication

comunicado oficial = communique

comunicativo = communicable

comunidad = commune

comunidad = community

comunidad de naciones = commonwealth

comunique = communicate

conífero = conifer

conífero = coniferous

con = with

con costura = seamy

con diplomacia = tactful

con que = whereby

con tolerancia = tolerantly

concíliese = conciliate

conceda = concede

conceda derechos políticos = enfranchise

conceder = to grant

concejal = councilman

concejales = councilmen

concentre = concentrate
concepción = conception

concepto = concept

conceptual = conceptual

concertina = concertina

concesión = concession

concesión = grant

concha = conch

conciba = conceive

conciencia = conscience

concierto = concert

concierto = concerto

conciliatorio = conciliatory

concilio = council

conciso = concise

conciso = terse

conclusión = conclusion

conclusivo = conclusive

concluya = conclude

concomitante = concomitant

concordia = concord up

concreto = concrete

concubina = concubine

concurra = concur

concurrencia = turnout

concurrió = concurred
concurso = concourse

concurso = contest

condado = county

conde = earl

condenación = damnation

condene = condemn

condensación = compression

condensador = capacitor

condensar = to pack

condense = condense

condescendencia = condescension

condescienda = comply

condición = condition

condición = plight

condición = proviso

condición de hombre = manhood

condición de mujer = womanhood

condimentar con especias = to spice

condimento = condiment

condimento = relish

condimento de origen indio = curry

condiscípulo = chum

condiscípulo = schoolmate

condolencia = condolence with

conducente = conducive
conducir = to conduct

conducta = behavior

conducta = conduct

conducto = duct

conductor = conductor

conductor de taxi = cabdriver

conectar = to connect

conecte = connect

conector = connector

conejar = warren

conejera = hutch

conejito = bunny

conejo = rabbit

confíe = confide

confíe = entrust

confín = confine

confabúlese = connive

confederación = confederacy

confederado = confederate

conferencia = conference

conferencia = lecture

confesante = confessor

confesión = confession

confesión = shrift

confiado = reliant
confiado = trustful

confianza = affiance

confianza = confidence

confianza = trust

confidencial = confidential

confidente = confidant

confidente = confidante

confiera = confer

confiese = avow

confiese = confess

configuración = configuration

configure = configure

confinar = to confine

confirió = conferred

confirmación = confirmation

confirme = confirm

confiscación = forfeiture

confisque = confiscate

confitería = confectionery

confitura = preserve

conflicto = conflict

conforme = acquiescent

conforme = agreeable

conforme = conform

conformidad = conformity
confrontación = confrontation

confrontar = to confront

confronte = confront

confunda = confound

confunda = confuse

confusión = baffle

confusión = confusion

confuso = confused

congélese = congeal

congénito = congenital

congelado = frozen

congestión = congestion

congestione = congest

conglomerado = hardboardratiate

congratulatorio = congratulatory

congregar = to assemble

congregue = assemble

congregue = congregate

congreso = congress

congruente = congruent

conjetura = conjecture

conjetura = guesswork

conjetura = surmise

conjetural = conjectural

conjugue = conjugate
conjunto = ensemble

conjunto de caracteres = font

conjunto de cuatro jugadores = foursome

conjure = conjure

conmemorativo = memorial

conmemore = commemorate

conmensurable = commensurable

conmigo = with me

conmoción = commotion

conmoción = concussion

conmovedor [Adjective] = soulful

conmute = commute

connotación = connotation

connote = connote

cono = cone

conocedor = connoisseur

conocedor = knowledgeable

conocible = knowable

conocido/da = acquaintance

conocidos/das = acquaintances

conocimiento = acquaintance

conocimiento = ken

conocimiento = knowledge

conquista = conquest

conquistador = conqueror
conquistador = conquistador

conquiste = conquer

consagración = consecrate

consagrar = to devote

consagre = devote

consanguíneo = consanguineous

consciente = conscious

conscripto = draftee

consecuencia = aftermath

consecuencia = consequence

consecuente = consequent

consecutivo = consecutive

consejero = advisor

consejero = counselor

consejo = advice

consejo = counsel

consejo de administración = directorate

consentimiento = connivance

consentimiento = consent

consentir = to consent

conserje = caretaker

conserje = janitor

conserva = conserve

conservación = conservation

conservador = conservative
conservatismo = conservatism

conservatorio = conservatory

considerable = considerable

considerablemente = considerably

considerado = considerate

considerando = inasmuch

considerando que = whereas

considerar = to consider

considere = consider

consienta = coddle

consignatario = consignee

consiguiente = consequential

consista = consist

consistente = consistent

consola = console

consolide = consolidate

consonante = consonant

consorcio = consortium

consorte = consort

conspicuo [Adjective] = noticeable

conspiración = conspiracy

conspirador = conspirator

conspire = conspire

constante = constant a cold

constitución = constitution
constituya = constitute

constreñimiento = constraint

construcción = construction

constructor = constructor

constructor = homebuilder

construir = to build

construyó = built

construya = construct

consuelo = comfort

consuelo = consolation

consulado = consulate

consular = consular

consultación = consultation

consultante = consultant

consulte = consult

consuma = consume

consumado = consummate

consumo = consumption

contable = accountant

contable = countable

contables = accountants

contacto = contact

contado = counted

contador (de tiempo) = counter

contador = accountant
contagio = contagion

contagioso = contagious

contaminante = pollutant

contamine = contaminate

contamine = pollute

contar = to count

contar = to tell

contemple = contemplate

contemporáneo = contemporaneous

contemporáneo = contemporary

contencioso = contentious

contenga = contain

contenga = stanch

contestación = response

contestar = to reply

contexto = context

contienda = contend

contigüidad = contiguity

continúe = continue

continental = continental

continente = continent

continente = mainlandencyent

continuación = continuation

continuación = sequel

continuado = continued
continuar = to continue

continuidad = continuity

continuo = continuous

continuo = continuum

continuos = continua the hips

contoneo = waddle

contorno = contour

contra = against

contra = con

contra = versus

contraataque = counterattack

contrabandear bebidas alcohólicas = bootleg

contrabando = contraband

contrachapado = plywood

contractual = contractual

contradicción = contradiction

contradiga = contradict

contradiga = contravene

contrafuerte = buttress

contragolpe = backlash

contralto = contralto

contramaestre = boatswain

contrapeso = counterbalance

contrapunto = counterpoint

contrario = averse
contrario = contrary

contraseña = password

contraseña = watchword

contraste = contrast

contrate = hire

contratista = contractor

contrato = contract

contribución = contribution

contribuya con = contribute

contribuyente = contributor

contribuyente = contributory

contribuyente = taxpayer

contrito = contrite

controló = controlled

controlable = controllable

controversia = controversy

contusión = contusion

convaleciente = convalescent

convención = convention

convenga = befit

conveniencia = propriety

conveniente = commodious

conveniente = convenient

conveniente = expedient

convenio = covenant
convento = convent

convenza = convince

converga = converge

convergencia = convergence

convergente = convergent

conversación = colloquy

conversación = conversation

conversación = converse

conversión = conversion

convertible = convertible

convertido = convert

convexo = convex

convicción = assurance

convicción = conviction

convicto = convict together

convoque = convoke

convulsión = convulsion

convulsione = convulse

convulsivo = convulsive

conyugal = conjugal

coopere = cooperate

coordenada = coordinate

coordinar = coordinate

copa = goblet

copa del árbol = treetop

copia = copy

copia = replicate

copia auténtica de un testamento = probate

copia de seguridad = backup

copia impresa = printout

copiar = to copy

copioso = copious

copo de nieve = snowflake

coqueta = coquette

coqueta = vamp

coraje = spunk

coral = choral

coral = coral

coralina = coralline

corazón = heart

coraza = breastplate

corbata = cravat

corbata = necktie

corbatas (as in dress tie) = ties

corbeta = corvette

corcel = steed

corcho = cork

cordón = chord

cordón = cord

cordón = cordon
cordón = lace

cordón = shoelace

cordaje = cordage

cordero = lamb

cordero, borrego, oveja = lamb

cordial = cordial

cordial = heartfelt

cordial = hearty

corear = chorus

coreografía = choreography

coriáceo = leathery

corista = choirboy

cornucopia = cornucopia

coro = choir

coro = chorus

corolario = corollary

corona = corona

corona = wreath

corona [Noun] = crown

coronario = coronary

coronel = colonel

coros = choirs

corpóreo = corporal

corpiño = bodice

corpiño = corsage
corpulento = burly

corpulento = corpulent

corra = run

corral = barnyard

corral = corral

corral [Noun] = yard

correa = strap

correa = thong

correa [Noun] = leash

corrección = correction

correcto = correct

corrector = corrector

corredor = corridor

corredor = hall

corredor de apuestas = bookie

correo = maily

correría = foray

correría = raid

correr = to run

corresponda = correspond

correspondencia = correspondence

correspondiente = commensurate

correspondiente = correspondent

corretaje = brokerage

corrió = ran
corrida [Noun] = arena

corriente de agua = watercourse

corriente principal = mainstream

corrija = proofread

corroa = corrode

corroa = erode

corrobore = corroborate away

corroer = to erode

corromper = to taint

corrosión = corrosion

corrosión = erosion

corrosivo = corrosive

corrupción = corruption

corruptible = corruptible

cortés = debonair

cortés = genteel

cortés = gracious

cortés = polite

cortó = chopped

corta = mown

cortado = abbreviated

cortar = to cut

cortar = to intersect

corte = chop

corte = court
corte = cut

corte = excise

corte = incise

corte = intersect

corte = lop

corte = mow

corte = pare

corte de cabello = haircut

corte de corriente = blackout

corte de pelo = haircut

cortejar = court

corteje = woo

cortesía = courtesy

cortesano = courtesan

corteza = crust

corteza = tan

cortical = cortical

cortina = curtain

corto = curt

corto = short

corto de vista = nearsighted

corto de vista = shortsighted

corvejón = hock

corvetee = cavort

cosa = gadget
cosa = sew

cosa cocida al horno = bake

cosa difícil = crux

cosa picada = mince

cosa sin sentido = nonsenses

cose = sewn

cosecha = crop

cosecha = harvest

coseno = cosine

coser = to sew

cosmético = cosmetic

cosméticos = makeup

cosmológico = cosmological

cosmología = cosmology

cosmopolita = cosmopolitan

cosmos = cosmos

cosquillas = tickle

cosquilloso = ticklish

costa = coast

costa = seashore

costa = seaside

costado = broadside

costanero = coastal

costar = to cost

costee = defray
costilla = rib

costillas = spareribs

costo = cost

costra = scab

costumbre = custom

costura = seam

cotangente = cotangent

cotillón = cotillion

coyote = coyote

coyuntura = conjuncture

cráneo = cranium

cráneo = skull

cráter = crater

crédito = credit

crédulo = credulous

cría = brood

crítica = criticism

crítica = critique

crítico = critic

crónica = chronicle

crónicas = chronicles

crónico = chronic

crótalo = rattlesnake

creíble = credible

creíble = plausible
crea = believe

creación = creation

creador = creative

creador = creator

crecer = to grow

creció = grew

crecido = grown

creciente = crescent

crecimiento = growth

credencial = credential

credibilidad = credibility

credo = credo

credo = creed

credulidad = credulity

cree = create

creencia = belief

creer = to believe

crema = beige

crema = cream

crema de pescado = chowder

cremoso = creamy

crepúsculo = dusk

crepúsculo = twilight

crepuscular = twilight

cresa = maggot
crespón = crepe

crespo = crisp

cresta = crest

cresta = peak

cretino = cretin

creyente = believer

crezca = grow

crezca = thrive

criada = maid

criada = maidservant

criado = manservant

criado = menial

criado = valet

criatura = creature

cribar = sieve

crimen = crime

criogénico = cryogenic

criptógrafo = cryptographer

cripta = crypt

criptografía = cryptography

criptograma = cryptogram

crisantemo = chrysanthemum

crisantemos = chrysanthemums

crisis = crises

crisis = crisis
crisol = crucible

cristal = crystal

cristalería = glassware

cristalino = crystalline

cristiane = christen

criterio = criterion

criterios = criteria

critique = criticize

crochet = crochet

cromático = chromatic

cromar = chrome

cromo = chrome

cromo = chromium

cronológico = chronological

cronología = chronology

croqueta = croquette

croupier = croupier

crucero = cruise

crucial = crucial

crucifijo = crucifix

crucifique = crucify

crucifixión = crucifixion

crudo = crude

crudo = raw

cruel = ruthless
cruel [Adjective] = cruel

crueldad = cruelty

cruja = creak

crujido = crack

crujido = crackle

crujiente = creaky

cruz = cross

cruzada = crusade

cuádruple = fourfold

cuádruplo = quadruple

cuña = wedge

cuaderno = notebook

cuaderno de bosquejos = sketchbook

cuadernos = notebooks

cuadrángulo [Noun] = quadrangle

cuadrángulos [Noun] = quadrangles

cuadráticamente [Adjective] = quadratically

cuadrático = quadratic

cuadrado = square

cuadrafónico [Adjective] = quadraphonic

cuadrafonía [Noun] = quadraphony

cuadragésimo = fortieth

cuadrangular = square

cuadrangular [Adjective] = quadrangular

cuadrante = quadrant
cuadrantes [Noun] = quadrants

cuadratura = quadrature

cuadrilátero = quadrilateral

cuadriplégico = quadriplegic

cuadro = picture

cuadro = square

cuadro = tableau

cuadro de distribución = switchboard

cuadro interior = infield

cuajada = curd

cuaje = curdle

cualitativo = qualitative

cualquier = any

cualquier = whatever

cualquier = whichever

cualquier cosa = whatsoever

cualquier parte = anyplace

cuando = when

cuando quiera que = whenever

cuantifique = quantify

cuantitativo = quantitative

cuarenta = forty

cuarentena = quarantine

cuartel = barrack

cuarteto = quartet
cuarto = fourth

cuarto = room

cuarto de galón = quart

cuarto de jugar = playroom

cuarzo = quartz

cuaternario = quaternary

cuatrillón [Noun] = quadrillion

cuatripartita [Adjective] = quadripartite

cuatro = four

cubeta = basin

cubierta = cover

cubierto de pelusa = fluffy

cubierto de rocío = dewy

cubiertos, utensilios de mesa = tableware

cubil = den

cubo = bucket

cubo = cube

cubo = hub

cubo = pail

cubra con las alas = hover

cubra con pajote = mulch

cubra con ropajes = drape

cubrir = to coat

cubrir = to cover

cucaracha = cockroach
cucaracha = roach

cucharón = ladle

cucharón grande = scoop

cuchara = spoon

cuchara = tablespoon

cuchara grande = tablespoon

cucharada = spoonful

cucharada = tablespoonful

cucharada = teaspoonful

cucharadas = tablespoonfuls

cucharadita = teaspoonful

cucharaditas = teaspoonfuls

cucharaditas = teaspoons

cucharaditas = teaspoonsful

cucharas = tablespoons

cucharilla = teaspoon

cucharita = teaspoon

cuchicheo = whisper

cuchillada = gash

cuchillada = slash

cuchillero = cutler

cuchillo = knife

cuchillos = knives

cuco = cuckoo

cuele = percolate
cuelgue = loll

cuello = collar

cuello = neck

cuenco = bowl

cuenta = bead

cuenta = count

cuenta = score

cuenta = tally

cuenta [Noun] = account

cuenta regresiva = countdown

cuentas [Noun] = accounts

cuentas regresivas = countdowns

cuente = reckon

cuentista = storyteller

cuento = story

cuento = tale

cuentos (stories) = tales

cuerda = rope

cuerda = strand

cuerna = antler

cuerno = horn

cuero = cowhide

cuero = leather

cuero cabelludo = scalp

cuerpo = body
cuerpo = corpus

cuerpos = corpora

cuerpos = corps

cuervo = crow

cuervo = raven

cuesta = incline

cuesta = slope

cueva = cave

cuevas = caves

cuidado = care

cuidado = carefulness

cuidado = worry

cuidadosamente = carefully

cuidadoso = careful after

cuidar = to babysit

cuidar = to tend

culinario = culinary

culmine = culminate

culombio = coulomb

culpa = guilt

culpable = blameworthy

culpable = culpable

culpable = culprit

culpable = guilty

cultivar = to farm
cultive = cultivate

culto = cult

culto = worship

cultura = culture

cultural = cultural

cumbre = hilltop

cumpla = fulfill

cumpleaños = birthday

cumplió, completó [Verb] = fulfilled

cumplido = accomplish

cumplidor [Adjective] = fulfiller

cumplimiento = compliment

cumplimiento = fulfillment

cumplir = to fulfill

cuna = cradle

cuna = crib

cuna de mimbres = bassinet a long way

cuota = quota

cupón = coupon

cura = cure

cura = padre

curato = rectory

curia = curia

curiosee = snoop

curiosidad = curio
curiosidad = curiosity

curioso = curious

curita = aid

cursiva = italic

curso = course

curso = tenor

cursor = cursor

curva = crook

curvatura = bend

curvatura = curvature

curvilíneo = curvilinear

custodia = custody

custodio = custodian

cutáneo = cutaneous

cutis = complexion

cuyo = whose

dádiva = bestowal

dálmata [Noun] = dalmatian

dálmatas [Noun] = dalmatians

dársena [Noun] = dock

dé énfasis a = emphasize

dé = bestow

dé = give

dé = render
dé brillo = buff

dé calabazas = jilt

dé fuerza a = enforce

débil = feeble

débil = flimsy

débil = infirm

débil = weak

débito = debit

década = decade

décimo = tenth

décimos = tens

déficit = deficit

déficit = shortfall

dése cuenta de = realize

déspota = despot

día = day

día = daytime

día de la semana = weekday

día de pago = payday

día del juicio final = doomsday

día laborable = workday

días = days

dígnese = condescend

dígnese = deign

dócil = compliant
dócil [Adjective] = docile

dólar = dollar

dúctil = ductile

dúo = duet

dañar = to damage

dañe = impair

dañe = injure

daño = damage

daño = harm

dañoso = harmful

da = borne

dado = given

dados = dice

daga [Noun] = dagger

dalia = dahlia

dama = lady

dama [Noun] = dame

dama de honor = bridesmaid

damas (game) = checkers

damas = ladies

damasco = damask

damisela = damsel

danés = Danish

dar énfasis a = to emphasize

dar = to give
dar gracias = thank

dar testimonio = testimonialize

dar un gancho = uppercut

dardo = dart

darse cuenta de [Verb] = realize

dato = datum

datos = data

deán = dean

de = from

de = hence

de = of

de abajo = downstairs

de acuerdo = in agreement

de ahora en adelante = hereafter

de algún modo = somehow

de antemano = beforehand

de aquí en adelante = henceforth

de aspecto extranjero = outlandish

de baja calidad = trashy

de buen gusto = tasteful

de burla = derisive

de castigo = punitive

de compromiso = complimentary

de conciencia = conscientious

de costumbre = customary
de donde = whence

de empresa = entrepreneurial

de encaje = lacy

de esqueleto = skeletal

de frente = abreast

de hecho = indeed

de hojas persistentes = evergreen

de improviso = offhand

de invierno = wintry

de la dirección o redacción de una publicación = editorial

de la marea = tidal

de lana = woolen

de latón = brassy

de latón = brazen

de madera = wooden

de mal gusto [Adjective] = fulsomely

de manera macabra = macabrely

de moda = trendy

de nuevo = afresh

de nuevo = again

de pez = fishy

de plomo = leaden

de primera mano = firsthand

de puntillas = tiptoe

de repente = suddenly
de repuesto = spare

de revés = backhand

de roble [Adjective] = oaken

de secretaria = secretarial

de seda = silken

de seda = silky

de segunda mano = secondhand

de supervisión = supervisory

de toda la vida = lifelong

de través = awry

de vez en cuando = occasionally

deba = must

deba = owe

deba = shall

deba = should

debajo = underneath

debate = debate

deber = duty

deber = to owe

debidamente = duly

debido = due

debilidad = debility

debilidad = foible

debilidad = frailty

debilitar = to weaken
debilite = debilitate

debilite = enfeeble

debilite = weaken

debut = debut

debutante = debutante

decántese = decant

decadencia = decadence

decadente = decadent

decaimiento = decay

decapite = behead

decente = decent

decepción = deception

decibelio = decibel

decida = decide

decidir = to decide

decimal = decimal

decimoctavo = eighteenth

decimocuarto = fourteenth

decimonono = nineteenth

decimoquinto = fifteenth

decimoséptimo = seventeenth

decimos = tenths

decimosexto = sixteenth

decimotercio = thirteenth

decir bruscamente = blurt

decir, digo = say

decisión = decision

declamación = declamation

declame = declaim

declaración = declaration

declaración = statement

declaración jurada = affidavit

declarar judicialmente = to adjudicate

declaratorio = declarative

declare = declare

declare judicialmente = adjudicate

declive = decline

decorativo = decorative

decore = decorate

decoro = decorum

decoroso = decorous

decreto = decree

decreto = edict) = thimble

dedal = thimble) = thimbles

dedique = dedicate

dedo = digiter

dedo del pie = toe

dedo pulgar = thumbers

deducible = deducible

deducible = deductible
deduzca = deduce

deduzca = deduct

defectivo = defective

defecto = defect

defectuoso = faulty

defendible = defensible

defensa = defence

defensivo = defensive

defensor = proponent

defensor = zealot

defeque = defecate

defiéndase = fend

deficiencia = deficiency

deficiente = deficient

defienda = defend

defina = define

definición = definition

definido = definite

definitivo = definitive

deformación = deformation

deformado = misshapen

deforme = deform

deforme = mutate

defraude = defraud

defunción = decease
degeneración = degeneracy

degenere = degenerate

degrada; humilla [Verb] = abases

degradación = degradation

degradar = to degrade

degrade = degrade

degrade = demote

deidad = deity

deifique = deify

dejado = abandoned

dejar = to abandon

dejar = to allow) [Verb] = stop

deje = bequeath

deje = quit

deje caer = plump

deje fuera de funcionamiento = deactivate

deje perplejo = perplex

deje vacante = vacate

del barón = baronial

del medio = median

del noroeste = northwestern

del sistema general del cuerpo = systemic

del sudeste = southeastern

del sudoeste = southwestern

del sur = southern

delantal = apron

delantero = forward

delegado = delegate

delegado = vicarious

deleitable = delectable

deleitable = delightful

deleite = delight

deleite [Noun] = zest

deletéreo = deleterious

deletrear = to spell

delfín = dolphin

delgado (person) = thin

delgado = lean

delgado = slender

delgado = slim

delgado = thin

deliberado = deliberate

delicadeza = delicacy

delicado = choosy

delicado = dainty

delicado = delicate

delicado = squeamish

delicioso = delicious

delicioso = luscious

delictivo = criminal
delimitar = to delimit

delimite = delimit

delincuente = delinquent

delinee = delineate

delirante = delirious delirious

delire = rave

delirio = delirium

delirio = rant

delta = delta

demérito = demerit

demócrata = democrat

demagogo = demagogue

demanda = claim

demanda = demand

demanda = quest

demanda = request

demandado = defendant

demandante = claimant

demandante = plaintiff

demandar = to demand

demandar = to sue

demande = sue

demasiado = too

demente = demented

demente = insane
democrático = democratic

democracia = democracy

demografía = demography

demolición = demolition

demonio = demon

demonio = fiender

demostrable = demonstrable

demostración = demonstration

demostrar = to prove

demostrativo = demonstrative

demuela = demolish

demuestre = demonstrate

demuestre = evince

demuestre = prove

denigre = denigrate

denomine = denominate

denote = denote

denso = conglomerate

denso = dense

dentadura postiza = denture

dental = dental

dentar = teeth

dentista = dentist

dentro = inside

dentro de = inside
dentro de = within

dentudo = toothsome

denude = denude

denuncie = denounce

depósito = depot

depósito = hoard

depósito = reservoir

depósito de cadáveres = morgue

depósito de locomotoras = roundhouse

dependa = depend

dependencia = dependence

dependiente = clerk

dependiente = dependent

deplore = deplore

deponga = depose

deportación = deportation

deporte = deport

deporte [Noun] = sport

deportes [Noun] = sports

deportista = sportsman

deportistas = sportsmen

deportivo = sporty

deposición = deposition

depositante = depositor

depositario = depository
depositario = repository

deposite = consign

depravación = depravity

deprave = deprave

depresión = depression

depresión = slump

deprima = depress

deprimido = depressed

derecha = right

derecho = erect

derecho = right

derecho = upright

derecho [Adjective] = straight

derechos de propiedad literaria = copyright

deriva = leeway

derive = derive

derogatorio = derogatory

derramamiento = spill

derramamiento de sangre = bloodshed

derrochar = to squander

derroche = wastage

derroque = overthrow

derrota = defeat

derrota = rout

derrumbamiento = collapse
derrumbamiento = landslide down

derrumbar = to collapse

desacertado = infelicitous

desaconsejado = inadvisable

desacredite = decry

desacredite = disparage

desafíe = defy

desafío = challenge

desafíos = challenges

desafió (action verb) = challenged

desafiante = defiant

desafiar [Verb] = challenge out of tune

desagüe = drain

desagüe = drainage

desagüe de aguas inmundas = sewerage

desahuciar = to evict

desahucie = evict

desaire = slight

desalentado = despondent

desaliñado = unkempt

desamparó = forsook

desampara = abandons

desampara = forsaken

desamparado = abandoned

desamparado [Adjective] = stranded

desamparar, desertar, renunciar, evacuar, repudiar = to abandon

desampare = forsake

desamparo, deserción = abandonment

desanimar = to dismay

desaparezca = vanish

desarraige = uproot

desarreglado = messy

desarregle = derange

desarrolle = develop

desarrollo = development

desastre = debacle

desastre = disaster

desastroso = disastrous

desatar = to untie

desatento = inattentive breakfast

desayuno = breakfast

desayuno-almuerzo = brunch

descalzo = barefoot

descaminado = astray

descansadamente = tirelessly

descansar = to rest

descanso = break

descanso = laze

descanso = rest

descarado = barefaced
descarado = cheeky

descarado = saucy

descarga = exhaust

descarga = volley

descargar = to acquit

descargo = acquittal

descargue = acquit

descarrile = derail

descascarar = to scale

descendencia = progeny

descendente = downward

descendiente = descendant

descenso = descent

descenso súbito = swoop

descienda = descend

descifre = decipher

descifre = decode down

descomponga = decompose

descomposición = decomposition

descompresión = decompression

descomprima = decompress

desconcertar = to bewilder

desconcierte = abash

desconcierte = bewilder

desconcierte = faze
desconcierto, azoramiento [Verb] = embarrassment

desconfíe de = mistrust

descongelado = thawed

descongelar (to thaw) = thaw

desconsiderado = inconsiderate

desconsiderado = irrespective

descontar = to discount

descontentadizo = fastidious

descontento = malcontent

describa = describe

describir = to describe

descripción = description

descriptivo = descriptive

descubra = detect

descubridor = detector

descubrimiento = discovery

descubrir = to uncover

descuento, rebaja = abatement

descuidado = carefree

descuido = overlook

desdén = disdain

desdén = scorn

desdeñable = contemptible

desdeñoso = disdainful

desde = since unworthy of

desear = to desire

desear = to yearn up

desecho = refuse

desecho = reject

desembaracese = extricate rid of

desembolse = disburse up up out

desempleo [Adjective] = unemployed

desencaminó = misled

desencaminar = to mislead

desengrase = degrease

desenlace = denouement

desenredar = to unravel

desenterrar = I/you/he/she/it/we will exhume out

desenvuelva = evolve

deseo = desire

deseo = wish

deseoso = desirous

deseoso = wishful

desequilibrado = lopsided

desequilibrio = imbalance

desesperación = despair

desesperado = desperate

desfalque = embezzle

desfavorable = inauspicious

desfigurar = to disfigure
desfile = parade

desganado = halfhearted the appetite away

desgaste = abrade

desgraciado = wretch up without inhabitants

deshidrate = dehydrate

deshiele = thaw

desierto = desert

desierto = wilderness

designe = designate

desigualdad = inequality

desinfle = deflate

desintegre = zap

desista = desist

deslícese = slither

desleir = dissolve

desliz = balk

deslizamiento = glide

deslumbramiento = daze

deslumbramiento = dazzle

deslumbre = blind

desmáyese = faint

desmenuce = crumble

desmienta = belie

desmontable = exchangeable

desnúdese = striptease milk

desnatar = to skim

desnate = skim

desnaturalice = denature

desnudo = bare

desnudo = naked

desnudo = nude

desnutrición = malnutrition obligations

desodorante = deodorant

desolado = desolate

desorden = clutter

desove = spawn

despótico = despotic up

despacho de aduanas = clearance

despectivo = contemptuous

despegar (aviation) = takeoff

despegue = takeoff the hair

despensa = buttery

despensa = pantry

despertó = awoke

despertó = woke

despertar = to rouse up

despertarse = wake up

despido = dismissal

despido = layoff

despierte = arouse
despierte = awaken

despierte = rouse

despierte = waken

despierto = awake

despilfarrador [Noun] = squanderer

despioje = delouse

desplazamiento = displacement

desplazamiento = offset

desplegar = to display

despliegue = deploy out of plumb

despojo = divestiture

despojo = spoil

desposeído = homeless

despose = betroth

desposea = divest

desposea = expropriate

desposorio = espousal

despreciable = despicable

despreciable = negligible

despreciativo = scornful

desprecie = despise

desprecio = contempt

desprovisto = devoid

después = afterward

después = hereinafter
después = thereafter

después de [Preposition] = since

después de esto = thereafter

después de la muerte = postmortem

después de lo cual = whereupon

despueble de árboles = deforest

desquitarse = retaliate

destacamento = posse

destaque = detach

destaque = highlight

destaque = protrude

destello = gleam

desterrar = to exile

destierre = banish

destierro = exile

destilería = distillery

destinación [Noun] = destination

destinado [Adjective] = destined

destinar = to appropriate

destinar [Verb] = destine

destinatario = addressee

destinatario = recipient

destine = destine

destino = fate

destino [Noun] = destiny

destinos [Noun] = destinies

destituido = destitute

destornillador = screwdriver

destreza = craft

destreza = dexterity

destrucción = destruction

destructible [Adjective] = destructible

destructivo [Adjective] = destructive

destruido [Adjective] = destroyed

destruidor [Noun] = destroyer

destruir = destroying

destruir = to destroy

destruya = destroy

desuna = sever

desunir = dividing

desván = loft

desvíe = deflect

desvíe = divert

desvíese = deviate

desvío = detour

desvíos = aberrations

desvainar = podding

desvanecer = making disappear

desvelado = wakeful

desventaja = disadvantage
desvestir = undressing

desviación = aberration

desviación = bypass

desviación = shunt

desviación = swerve

desviado = aberrated

desviado = devious

desviar = deviating

desviar = to aberrate

desviar = to stray

desvivir = striving

desyerbar = weeding

detallado = elaborate

detallar = detailing

detalle = detail

detectar = detecting

detención = detention

detener = deterring

detener = stopping

detener = to stop

detenga = detain

detenga = deter

detenga = stop

detenga = withhold

detentar = holding
detente = detente

detergente = detergent

deteriorado por la intemperie = weatherbeaten

deteriorar = deteriorating

deteriore = deteriorate

determinación = determination

determinado = purposeful

determinar = determining

determine = ascertain

determine = determine

detestable = abhorrent

detestar = disliking

detestar = to detest

deteste = detest

detonar = detonating

detone = detonate

detrás = behind

detrimento = detriment

detuvo = deterred

detuvo = withheld

deuda = debt

deudor = debtor

deudor = indebted

deudor hipotecario = mortgagor

devaluar = devaluing
devanar = reeling

devastar = desolating

devaste = devastate

devengar = yielding

devoción = devotion

devolver = returning

devorar = devouring

devore = devour

devoto = devotee

devoto = devout

diácono = deacon

diálisis = dialysis

diálogo = dialogue

diámetro = diameter

diócesis = diocese

diabético = diabetic

diabólico = devilish

diabólico = diabolic

diabólico = fiendish

diabetes = diabetes

diablo = devil

diaconisa = deaconess

diacrítico = diacritical

diadema = coronet

diadema = diadem
diafragma = diaphragm

diagnóstico = diagnosis

diagnóstico = diagnostic

diagnostica = diagnoses

diagnosticar = diagnosing

diagnostique = diagnose

diagonal = diagonal

diagrama = diagram

dial = dial

dialecto = dialect

dialogar = dialoguing

diamante = diamond

diapasón = pitch

diapositiva = slide

diario = daily

diario = diary

diatermia = diathermy

dibujó = drew

dibujante = draftsman

dibujantes = draftsmen

dibujar = drawing

dibuje = draw

dibujos animados = cartoon

dicción = diction

diccionario = dictionary
dicho = saying

dicho = trinket

dichos = sayings

dichoso = blissful

diciembre = December

dictar = dictating

dictatorial = dictatorial

dicte = dictate

didáctico = didactic

diecinueve = nineteen

dieciocho = eighteen

dieciséis = sixteen

diecisiete = seventeen

diente = jag

diente = prong

diente = sprocket

diente = tooth

diente de rueda = cog

dientes = teeth

diestro = adroit

diestro = clever

dietético = dietary

dieta = diet

diez = ten

diez centavos = dime

diezmar = decimating

diezmar = to tithe

diezmo = tithe

diezmos = tithes

difícil = difficult

difícil [Adjective] = hard

difamar = defaming

difamatorio = libelous

difame = malign

diferencia = difference

diferencial = differential

diferenciar = differentiating

diferencie = differentiate

diferente = different

diferido = deferred

diferir = deferring

diferir = differing

dificultad = ado

dificultad = difficulty

dificultad = predicament

dificultar = hindering

difiera = defer

difiera = differ

difundir = diffusing

difunto = defunct
difusión = diffusion

difuso = diffuse

diga = say

diga = tell

digerible = digestible

digerir = digesting

digestión = digestion

digestivo = digestive

digital = digital

digitales = digitalis

dignar = deigning

dignatario = dignitary

dignidad = dignity

dignificar = dignifying

dignifique = dignify

digno = fitting

digno = worthy

digresión = digression

dijo = said

dijo = told

dilatación = dilation

dilatar = dilating

dilate = dilate

dilatorio = dilatory

dilema = dilemma
diletante = dilettante

diligencia = stagecoach

diligente = diligent

dilución = dilution

dilucidar = elucidating

diluir = diluting

diluviar = flooding

diluvio = deluge

diluvio = flood

diluya = dilute

dimensión = dimension

diminutivo = diminutive

diminuto = tiny

dimitir = resigning

dinámico = dynamic

dinamismo = dynamism

dinamita = dynamite

dinastía = dynasty

dinero = currency

dinero = money

dinero efectivo = cash

dinosaurio = dinosaur

dio = gave

diodo = diode

dios = god
diosa = goddess

diplomático = diplomat

diplomático = diplomatic

diplomático = tactful

diploma = diploma

diplomacia = diplomacy

diplomacia = tact

diputado = congressman

diputado = deputy

diputados = congressmen

dique = dam

diríjase = accost

dirección = address

dirección = direction

directivo = managerial

directo = direct

directo [Adjective] = live

director = controller

director = director

director de espectáculos = showman

director de espectáculos = showmen

director de un colegio = headmaster

directora = manageress

directorio = directory

dirigido hacia arriba = upward

dirigir = directing

dirigir = to accost

dirigir = to address

discípulo = disciple

discernible = discernible

discernidor = discriminatory

discernimiento = discernment

discernimiento = insight

discernir = discerning

discierna = discern

disciplina = discipline

disciplinar = disciplining

disciplinar = to discipline

disciplinario = disciplinary

disco = disc

disco = disk

disco blando = floppy

discontinuar = discontinuing

discordante = discordant

discreción = discretion

discrecional = discretionary

discrepar = differing

discreto = discreet

discreto = discrete

discreto = inconspicuous
disculpa = apology

disculpar = excusing

disculparse = apologize

discursear = making speeches

discusión = discussion

discuta = discuss

discutible = moot

discutir = discussing

diseñar = designing

disecar = dissecting

disemine = disseminate

disensión = dissension

disentería = dysentery

disentir = differing

disertación = dissertation

disertar = lecturing

disfraz [Noun] = costume

disfrazar = disguising

disfrutar = enjoying

disfrute = enjoy

disgustado = upset

disgustar = displeasing

disidente = dissident

disimular = hiding

disimule = dissemble
disimule = obscure

disimulo = stealth

disipar = dissipating

disipe = dissipate

dislocar = dislocating

disminución = decrease

disminución = diminution

disminuir = diminishing

disminuir, reducir, mitigar = to abate

disminuya = detract

disminuya = diminish

disminuya la velocidad = decelerate

disociar = dissociating

disocie = dissociate

disolución = breakup

disolver = dissolving

disonante = dissonant

dispar = disparate

disparar = discharging

dispare = shoot

dispensador = dispenser

dispensar = excusing

dispensario farmacéutico = dispensary

dispersó = dispelled

dispersar = dispelling
dispersar = dispersing

disperse = dispel

disperse = disperse

dispersión = dispersal

dispersión = dispersion

disponer = providing

disponible = available

disponible = disposable

disposición = disposal

disputa = bicker

disputa = contention

disputa = dispute

disputa = squabble

disputa = strife

disputa = wrangle

disputar = disputing

distancia = distance

distanciar = distancing

distante = distant

distender = loosening

distinción = distinction

distinga = distinguish

distinguir = distinguishing

distintivo = distinctive

distinto = discriminate
distinto = distinct

distorsión = distortion

distraído = absentminded

distraído = absentmindedly

distraído,-a; despistado,-a = absentminded

distraer = distracting

distribución = distribution

distribuidor = distributor

distribuir = distributing

distributivo = distributive

distribuya = dispense

distrito = district

distrito = shire

distrito municipal = borough

disturbar = disturbing

disuada = dissuade

disuadir = discouraging

disuasivo = deterrent

diván = divan

diva = diva

divagar = digressing

divage = digress

divergente = divergent

divergir = diverging

diverja = diverge
diversión = diversion

diversión = fun

diversificar = diversifying

diversifique = diversify

diverso = diverse

divertido = amusing

divertir = having a good time

divertir = to amuse

divida = divide

dividendo = dividend

dividir = dividing

diviertase = amuse

divinidad = divinity

divinizar = deifying

divino = divine

divino = godlike

divisar = sighting

división = division

divisible = divisible

divorciar = divorcing

divorcio = divorce

divulgar = disclosing

divulgue = divulge

dobladillar = hemming

dobladillo = hem
doblar = bending

doblar = to fold

doble = double

doble = duplicate

doble = twofold

doce = twelve

doce docenas = gross

docena = dozen

doctor [Noun] = doctor

doctorado [Noun] = doctorate

doctoral = doctoral

doctorar = granting a doctorate

doctrina [Noun] = doctrine

doctrinal [Adjective] = doctrinal

doctrinario [Noun] = doctrinaire

documentación [Noun] = documentation

documental = documental

documental [Adjective] = documentary

documental [Noun] = footage

documentar = documenting

documentar = to document

documento [Noun] = document

dogmático = dogmatic

dogma = dogma

dogmatismo = dogmatism
dolar = dollar

doler = hurting

doler = to ache

dolió [Verb] = ached

dolor = ache

dolor = aching

dolor = pain

dolor = sorrow

dolor de cabeza = headache

dolor de espalda = backache

dolor de muelas = toothache

dolor de oreja = earache

dolores de cabeza = headaches

dolores de espalda = backaches

dolores de muela = toothaches

dolorido = sore

dolorosamente = achingly

dolorosamente [Adverb] = painfully

doloroso = grievous

doloroso = painful

doméstico = domestic

domable = tameable

domado = tame

domado = tamed

domar (to tame as in animals) = tame

domar = taming

domesticar = taming

domesticar = to domesticate

domicilio = domicile

dominó = domino

dominante = dominant

dominante = masterful

dominar = dominating

domine = dominate

domine = domineer

domine al marido = henpeck

domingo = Sunday

dominio = domain

dominio = dominion

dominio = mastery

domo = dome

don = boon

don = don

donación = perquisite

donador = donor

donar = donating

doncella = maiden

donde = where

dondequiera que = wherever

done = donate
dorado = golden

dorar = gilding

dore = gild

dormido = asleep

dormir = sleeping

dormir = to fall asleep

dormir = to sleep

dormitar = dozing

dormite = doze

dormitorio = bedroom

dormitorio = dormitory

dos = two

dos veces = twice

dosel = canopy

dosificación = dosage

dosificar = dosing

dosis = dose

dotar = endowing

dote = endow

dote [Noun] = dowry

drástico = drastic

dragón = dragon

draga = dredge

dragado = dragging

dragaminas = minesweeper
dragar = dredge

dramáticamente = dramatically

dramático = dramatic

drama = drama

dramatizar = dramatizing

dramaturgo = dramatist

dramaturgo = playwright

droga = dope

droga = drug

drogar = drugging

dromedario = dromedary

dual = dual

dualismo = dualism

ducha = shower

duchar = douching

duda = doubt

dudar = doubting

dudar = to doubt

dudoso = dubious

dueños de casa [Adjective] = homeowners

duela = begrudge

duela = stave

duele = aches

duelo = duel

duende = imp
duende = puck

duende = sprite

duende [Noun] = daemon

duendes = elves

duerma = sleep

dulce = candy

dulce = dulcet

dulce = sweet

dulce de chocolate = fudge

dulcificar = sweetening

dulzura = sweet

duna = dune

duodécimo = twelfth

duplicar = duplicating

duplicidad = duplicity

duque = duke

duquesa = duchess

durable = durable

duración = duration

durante = during

durar = lasting

durazno = peach

duraznos = peaches

durmió = slept

durmiendo = sleeping
duro = hard

ebanista = cabinetmaker

ebanistas = cabinetmakers

ebanistería = cabinetmakers

ebanistería = cabinetmaking

ebrio = drunken

echó = flung

echada = fling

echada = toss

echar = flopping

echar = tossing

echarpe = scarf

eche = jettison

eche fuera = oust

eche los dientes = teethe

ecléctico = eclectic

eclesiástico = ecclesiastic

eclipsar = eclipsing

eclipse = eclipse

eclipse = outshine

eco = echo

ecológico = ecological

ecología = ecology

económico = economic
económico = thrifty

economía = economy

economía = thrift

economista = economist

economizado = economized

economizar = economizing

economizar = to economize

ecos = echoes

ecosistema = ecosystem

ecuatorial = equatorial

edad = age

edelweiss = edelweiss

edición = edition

edificar = building

edificio = building

edificio = edifice

edifique moralmente = edify

editar = publishing

editor = editor

educa = educates

educación = education

educado = educated

educar = educating

educar = to educate

edulcorar = edulcorating
eduque = educate

efímero = ephemeral

efectivo = cash

efecto = effect

efectuar = making

eficacia = efficacy

eficaz = effective

eficaz = efficacious

eficaz = efficient

eficaz [Adjective] = effectual

efluvio = effluvium

egipciano = Egyptian

egoísta = selfish

ego = ego

egocéntrico = egocentric

egos = selves

egotismo = egotism

egotista = egotist

egregio = egregious

eh = hey

ejército = army

ejército = military

eje = axis

eje = axle

ejecución = execution
ejecución = performance

ejecutar = executing

ejecutar = to perform

ejecute = perform

ejecutivo = executive

ejecutor = executor

ejemplar = copy

ejemplar = exemplary

ejemplificar = exemplifying

ejemplifique = exemplify

ejemplo = example

ejercer = exercising

ejercer = to exercise

ejercer = to exert

ejercicio = exercise

ejercitar = exercising

ejerza = exert

elástico = elastic

elástico = lithe

elástico = resilient

elástico = rubbery

elástico = springy

eléctrico = electric

elíptico = elliptic

el = the
el Omnipotente = omnipotent

el Papa [Noun] = pope

el inicio del juego = kickoff

el más alto = uppermost

elaborar = elaborating

elaborar = to elaborate

elección = election

elector = constituent

elector = elector

electorado = electorate

electoral = electoral

electrólisis = electrolysis

electrón = electron

electrónico = electronic

electrice = electrify

electricista = electrician

electrificar = electrifying

electrizar = electrifying

electrizar = to electrify

electrocardiograma = electrocardiogram

electrocutar = electrocuting

electrodo = electrode

elefante = elephant

elefantino = elephantine

elegante = chic
elegante = classy

elegante = dandy

elegante = dressy

elegante = elegant

elegante = fancy

elegante = graceful

elegante = ladylike

elegante = quaint

elegante = stylish

elegible = eligible

elegido = elect

elegir = choosing

elegir = to elect

elemental = elementary

elemento = element

elevar = elevating

eleve = elevate

eleve = heighten

eliminar = eliminating

eliminar = to eliminate

elimine = eliminate

elipse = ellipse

elipsis = ellipsis

elipsoide = ellipsoid

elixir = elixir
ella = herself

ella = she

ellos = them

ellos = themselves

ellos = they

ellos mismos = themselves

elocuencia = eloquence

elocuente = eloquent

elogiar = eulogizing

elogio = eulogy

elucidar = elucidating

elucide = elucidate

eluda = elude

eludir = avoiding

eludir = to avoid

eludir = to elude

emanar = emanating

emanar = to emanate

emancipar = emancipating

emancipe = emancipate

emane = emanate

embadurnar = daubing

embajada = embassy

embajador [Noun] = ambassador

embalar = baling
embaldosar = tiling

embalsamar = embalming

embalsame = embalm

embalsar = damming

embarazada (really) = pregnant

embarazada = pregnant

embarazoso = cumbersome

embarcar = embarking

embarcar = to embark

embargar = levying

embargo = embargo

embargos = embargoes

embarque = embark

embarque = shipping

embarrar = clay

embarrilar = barreling

embaucador = trickster

embaucar = hoodwinking

embeba = imbibe

embeber = imbibing

embelesar = ravishing

embellecer = beautifying

embellecer = to beautify

embellezca = beautify

embellezca = embellish
embestir = charging

embetunar = blackballing

emblanquecer = whitening

embolsar = pocketing

embolsillar = to pocket

emborrachar = making drunk

emborrar = stuffing

emborronar = blotching

emboscar = ambushing

embotado = blunt

embotado = dull

embotar = blunting

embotellar = bottling

embozar = muffling

embozar = to muffle

embrague = clutch

embrear = tarring

embrión = embryo

embriagador = intoxicant

embriagar = intoxicating

embriagar = to intoxicate

embriague = intoxicate

embridar = bridling

embrionario = embryonic

embrollar = puzzling
embrolle = embroil

embrollo = imbroglio

embromar = hoaxing

embromar = kidding

embrujar = bewitching

embrujar = to bewitch

embruje = bewitch

embrutecer = brutalizing

embrutecer = to brutalize

embudo = funnel

emburujar = jumbling

embutió = inlaid

embutido = inlay

embutido escocés [Noun] = haggish

embutir = stuffing

emergencia = emergency

emergente = emergent

emerger = emerging

emerger = to emerge

emerja = emerge

emigrante = emigrant

emigrar = emigrating

emigrar = to emigrate

emigre = emigrate

emigre = migrate
eminente = conspicuous

eminente = eminent

emir = emir

emirato = emirate

emisario = emissary

emisión = emission

emisión = issuance

emisión = issue

emisor = emitter

emita = emit

emitió = emitted

emitir = emitting

emoción = emotion

emoción = thrill

emocional = emotional

emocionar = moving

emolumento = emolument

empírico = empiric

empañado = misty

empañadura = tarnish

empañar = diaper

empacar = packing

empadronar = registering

empalagar = cloying

empalar = impaling
empale = impale

empalizada = stockade

empalizar = impaling

empalmar = connecting

empanar = diaper

empapado = soggy

empapar = soaking

empape = steep

empapelar = papering

empaquetado [Adjective] = packaged

empaquetador [Noun] = packager

empaquetar = bagging

empaquetar = packing

empaquetar = to package

emparejar = matching

emparentar = marrying

empastar = filling

empatía = empathy

empatar = tiing

empeñar = pledging

empedrar = paving

empeine = instep

empellar = pushing

empeorar = worsening

empeore = worsen
empequeñecer = minimizing

empequeñezca = belittle

emperador = emperor

emperatriz = empress

emperchar = perching

empezó = began

empezar = beginning

empezar = to begin

empiece = begin

empieza = begun

empinar = raising

empirismo = empiricism

emplace = convene

emplastar = plastering

emplazar = summoning

empleado = clerk

empleado = employed

empleado = employee

empleados = staff

emplear = employing

emplear = to employ

emplear = using

empleo = employ

empleo = employment

emplomar = leading
emplumar = feathering

empobrecer = beggaring

empobrecer = to impoverish

empobrezca = impoverish

empollar = brooding

empollar = cramming

empolvar = powdering

emponzoñar = poisoning

emporio = emporium

empotrar = embedding

empotre = embed

emprender = to undertake

emprender = undertaking

empresa = enterprise

empresa = firm

empresario = entrepreneur

empresario = impresario

empresario de una funeraria = mortician

empuñar = seizing

empujón = boost

empujón = hustle

empujón = push

empujón = shove

empujón = thrust

empujar = pushing
empuje fuera = extrude

empujoncito = jog

empujones = jostle

emular = emulating

emule = emulate

emulsión = emulsion

emulsionar = emulsifying

emulsione = emulsify

enérgico = energetic

en = in

en = into

en = on

en = upon

en alguna parte = someplace

en alguna parte = somewhere

en ausencia = absently

en buen estado = trim

en buen orden = shipshape

en cama, acostado = abed

en cambio = instead

en ciernes = budding

en cualquier parte = anywhere

en cuclillas = squatting

en desuso = in abeyance

en el extranjero = abroad
en el sentido de las saetas del reloj = clockwise

en eso = therein

en forma aborreciente = abhorrently

en la medida en que = insofar

en llamas = aflame

en los alrededores = thereabouts

en ninguna parte = nowhere

en otra parte = elsewhere

en pro de = pro

en punto = exactly

en punto = o'clock

en qué = wherein

en tierra = ashore

en todo = throughout

en vela = watchful

en verdad = truly

enajenar = transporting

enaltecer = ennobling

enamorar = falling in love

enano = dwarf

enano = midget

enardecer = kindling

enarenar = gravel

encía = gum

encíclica = encyclical
encójase = cringe

encabezar = heading

encadenado = chained

encadenar = chaining

encadenar = to chain

encadene = concatenate

encajar = inserting

encaje = lace

encaje, lazo = lace

encajonar = encasing

encajone = encase

encalar = liming

encallar = beaching

encallecer = hardening

encaminar = guiding

encanecer = graying

encanta [Verb] = love

encantación = incantation

encantado = charmed

encantador = charming

encantador = enchantress

encantar (verb) amuleto (noun) = charm

encantar = loving

encantar = to enchant

encantar = to love
encante = enchant

encanto = charm

encapsule = encapsulate

encapuchar = hood

encarar = facing

encarcelar = imprisoning

encarcele = imprison

encarcele = incarcerate

encargar = entrusting

encariñar = endearing

encarnación = embodiment

encarnado = carnation

encarnado = incarnate

encarnar = embodying

encarne = embody

encarrujado = kinky

encausar = prosecuting

encauzar = channeling

encefalitis = encephalitis

encementado = cemented

encender = lighting

encender = to ignite

encendió = lit

encerar = waxing

encerrar = containing
encerrar = cribbing

encerrar = to enclose

encespedar = sodding

encespedar = turfing

enchapar = veneering

encharcar = swamping

enchilada = enchilada

enchufar = plugging

enchufe = socket

encienda = ignite

encienda = kindle

encierre = enclose

encierre = impound

encierro = lockup

encima de = over

encintar = taping

enclaustrar = cloistering

enclavar = piercing

enclave = enclave

encocorar = nagging

encoge = shrunk

encoger = shrinking

encoger = to shrink

encoger de hombros = shrugging

encogió = shrank
encogido = shrunken

encogimiento = shrink

encogimiento = shrinkage

encogimiento de hombros = shrug

encoló = glued

encolar = gluing

encolerizado = irate

encolerizar = angering

encomendar = commending

encomiar = praising

encomiende = commend

enconar = inflaming

encontró = found

encontró = met

encontrar = finding

encontrar = to find

encorchar = corking

encordar = stringing

encordelar = cording

encortinar = curtaining

encorvado = curve

encorvar = bending

encorve = flex

encostrar = crusting

encuadernación = bindery
encuadrar = framing

encubre = abets

encubrir = hiding

encuentre = encounter

encuesta = questionnaire

encurtido = pickle

encurtir = pickling

endeble = puny

endecha = dirge

endentar = meshing

enderece = straighten

enderezar = straightening

enderezarse [intransitive] [Verb] = straighten

endosar = endorsing

endosar = to endorse

endose = endorse

endose = indorse

endulzar = sweetening

endurecer = hardening

endurecer = to harden

endurezca = harden

eneldo = dill

enemigo = enemy

enemigo = foe

enemistad = enmity
enemistarse con = antagonize

energía = energy

enero = January

enervado = enervate

enervar = enervating

enervar = to enervate

enfático = emphatic

enfadar = angering

enfade = disgruntle

enfangar = puddle

enfatizar = emphasizing

enfermar = making sick

enferme = sicken

enfermedad = malady

enfermería = infirmary

enfermera = nurse

enfermo = ill

enfermo = sick

enfocar = focusing

enfoque = focus

enfrascar = burying

enfrenar = bit

enfrentado [Verb] = faced

enfrentar = facing

enfriar = cooling
enfundar = sheathing

enfurecer = infuriating

enfurecer = to enrage

enfurezca = enrage

enfurezca = infuriate

enfurrúñese = sulk

enfurruñado = sulky

enfurruñar = sulking

engañar = deceiving

engañe = beguile

engañe = circumvent

engañe = deceive

engañe = delude

engaño = deceit

engaño = delusion

engaño = phony

engaño = trickery

engañoso = deceitful

engañoso = deceptive

engañoso = fallacious

engalanar = decking out

engalane = deck

enganchar = attaching

enganchar = snagging

engatusar = coaxing
engatuse = cajole

engatuse = wheedle

engendró = bred

engendra = begotten

engendrar = begetting

engendrar = engendering

engendrar = to engender

engendre = beget

engendre = engender

englobar = orb

engolfar = engulfing

engolfe = engulf

engomar = gumming

engordar = fattening

engorde = fatten

engrandecer = enlarging

engrasar = greasing

engrasar = to grease

engreir = making conceited

engrosar = augmenting

enguantar = gloving

enguirnaldar = garlanding

engullir = gobbling

enharinar = flouring

enhebrar = threading
enhebrar = to thread

enhilar = threading

enigmático = enigmatic

enigma = enigma

enigma = puzzle

enigma = riddle

enjabonar = lathering

enjaezar = harnessing

enjambrar = hiving

enjambre = swarm

enjaulado = caged

enjaular = caging

enjoyar = jeweling

enjuagar = rinsing

enjuague = mouthwash

enjuague = rinse

enjugar = drying

enjuiciar = impeaching

enlace = liaison

enlace = serif

enladrillar = bricking

enlatado = canned

enlatar = being able to

enlatar = canning

enlazar = tiing
enllantar = rimming

enlodar = miring

enloquecer = going mad

enloquezca = madden

enlosar = flooring

enlozado = tiled

enlucir = plastering

enmaderar = boarding

enmallar = being caught in the meshes of a net

enmarañar = entangling

enmarcar = framing

enmascarar = masking

enmasillar = puttying

enmendar = amending

enmendar = to amend

enmohecer = molding

enmudecer = silencing

ennegrecer = blackening

ennoblecer = ennobling

ennoblecer = to ennoble

enojado = angry

enojado = mad

enojar = angering

enojar = to annoy

enojo = anger
enojo = huff

enorgullecer = making proud

enorme = enormous

enorme = jumbo

enorme = whopping

enormidad = enormity

enraizar = taking root

enranciar = souring

enrarecer = making scarce

enrasar = evening

enredadera = bindweed

enredar = entangling

enrede = entangle

enrede = ravel

enredo = mess

enredo = muddle

enredo = tangle

enrejar = grating

enriquecer = enriching

enriquecer = to enrich

enriquezca = enrich

enrocar = castling

enrojézcase = redden

enrojecer = reddening

enrolar = signing up
enrollar = winding

enrolle = enroll

enroscar = coiling

enrosque = convolute

enrutamiento = routing

ensabanar = sheet

ensacar = sacking

ensalada = salad

ensalzar = exalting

ensanchar = enlarging

ensanchar = to widen

ensanche = broaden

ensanche = widen

ensangrentado = gory

ensartar = threading

ensayado = assay

ensayar = rehearsing

ensaye = rehearse

ensayo = essay

ensayo = rehearsal

ensayo = trial

enseñó = taught

enseña = teaches

enseñando = teaching

enseñanzas = teachings
enseñar = teaching

enseñar = to teach

enseñe = teach

ensenada = cove

ensenar = teaching

enseres = chattel

ensillar = saddling

ensombrecer = darkening

ensopar = sopping

ensordecer = deafening

ensordezca = deafen

ensuciando = dirtying

ensuciar = dirtying

ensuciar = slopping

ensuciar = to dirty

ensueño = daydream

ensueño = reverie

entablar = beginning

entablillar = splinting

entallar = fitting

entapizar = draping

entender = to understand

entender = understanding

entendió = understood

enterar = informing
entere = acquaint

enternecer = tenderizing

entero = entire

entero = integer

entero = whole

enterrar = I/you/he/she/it/we will bury

enterrar = bury

enterrar = inter

enterrar = to bury

entibiar = cooling

entidad = entity

entienda = understand

entierro = burial

entierro = funeral

entintar = ink

entomología = entomology

entonar = intoning

entonces = then

entonces = therefor

entone = intone

entornar = half close

entorne = squint

entorno = milieu

entorpecer = hindering

entorpecer = to numb
entorpecer = to stupefy

entorpecimiento = torpor

entorpezca = numb

entorpezca = stupefy

entrañar = involving

entrañas = innards

entrada = entrance

entrada = entry

entrada = gateway

entrada = influx

entrada = inlet

entrada = input

entrada de autos = driveway

entrada ilegal = trespass

entrampar = trapping

entrampe = ensnare

entrante = entrant

entrar = entering

entrar = to enter

entre = amid

entre = among

entre = amongst

entre = between

entre = betwixt

entre = enter
entrecomillar = quoting

entrecortar = interrupting

entrecruzar = crisscross

entredecir = interdicting

entredicho = interdict

entregar = giving

entregar = to deliver

entregue = deliver

entrelace = entwine

entrelazado = crisscross

entrelazar = intertwining

entrelazar = to interlace

entremeter = mixing

entremezclar = mingling

entremezcle = intermingle

entrenamiento = workout

entrenar = training

entresacar = thinning

entretanto = meantime

entretanto = meanwhile

entreteja = wattle

entretejer = interweaving

entretejer = to interweave

entretener = entertaining

entretener = to entertain
entretenga = entertain

entrever = seeing

entrevista = interview

entrevistador = interviewer

entrevistar = interviewing

entristecer = saddening

entristezca = sadden

entrométase = meddle

entrometer = mixing

entronar = throne

entronerar = pocketing

entronizar = throne

entubar = tube

entumecer = numbing

entumir = becoming numb

entusiástico = enthusiastic

entusiasmo = enthusiasm

entusiasmo = zest

entusiasta = enthusiast

entusiasta = fan

enumerar = enumerating

enumerar = to enumerate

enumere = enumerate

enunciar = enunciating

enunciar = to enunciate
enuncie = enunciate

envíe = send

envíe = ship

envainar = sheathing

envaine = sheathe

envalentonar = getting bold

envasar = packing

envejecer = aging

envejecimiento = aging

envenenar = poisoning

envió = sent

enviado = envoy

enviar = sending

enviar = to send

enviciar = corrupting

envidiable = enviable

envidiar = envying

envidiar = to envy

envidie = envy

envidioso = envious

envilecimiento = abasement

envoltura = wrap

envoltura = wrapping

envolver = to envelop

envolver = to wrap
envolver = wrapping

envolver en niebla = fogging

envuelva = envelop

envuelva = involve

envuelva en misterio = mystify

enyesar = plastering

enyugar = teaming

enzima = enzyme

epígrafe = epigraph

epílogo = epilogue

epístola = epistle

epíteto = epithet

epítome = epitome

epicúreo = epicure

epidemia = epidemic

epidemiología = epidemiology

epidermis = epidermis

epigrama = epigram

epiléptico = epileptic

episodio = episode

epitafio = epitaph

epitelio = epithelium

equívoco = equivocal

equidad = equity

equidistante = equidistant
equilibrar = balancing

equilibrio = balance

equilibrio = equilibrium

equilibrio = poise

equinoccio = equinox

equipaje = baggage

equipaje = luggage

equipar = equipping

equipar = to equip

equiparar = comparing

equipe = accouter

equipe = equip

equipo (as in football) = team

equipo = kit

equipo = rig

equipo = team

equipos = teams

equitación = equitation

equivalencia = par

equivalente = equivalent

equivalente = tantamount

equivaler = being equal

equivocó = mistook

equivocación = blunder

equivocación = mistake
equivocación, extravío = aberrance

equivocado = mistaken

equivocar = mistaking

equivocar = to blunder

erótico = erotic

era = era

ergio = erg

erguir = raising

erigir = erecting

erigir = to erect

erizar (to tingle) = tingle

erizar = bristling

erizo = hedgehog

erizos = tingles

errático = erratic

erróneo = erroneous

errabundo = vagabond

errada = miss

erradicar = eradicating

erradique = eradicate

errante = errant

errar = missing

errar = to err

error = aberrancy

error = error
eructar = burping

eructo = belch

eructo = burp

erudición = erudition

erudición = lore

erudito = erudite

erupción = eruption

esófago = esophagus

esófagos = esophagi

esbozar = sketching

escándalo = scandal

escápula = scapula

escénico = scenic

escéptico = sceptic

escéptico = skeptic

escabechar = pickling

escabel = footstool

escabullir = slipping away

escalón = echelon

escalón = rung

escalón = stair

escala = scale

escala = stopover

escalar = climbing

escaldadura = scald
escaldar = scalding

escalera = ladder

escalera = stairway

escalera [Noun] = staircase

escalera de la cámara = companionway

escalfar = poaching

escalofrío = shiver

escampar = stopping raining

escandalizar = scandalizing

escandaloso = scandalous

escapar = escaping

escapar = to escape

escaparate = showcase

escaparse = escape

escape = elope

escape = escape

escapular = scapular

escapulario = scapular

escarabajo = beetle

escaramuza = skirmish

escaramuzar = skirmishing

escarcha = frost

escarcha = hoarfrost

escarcha = rime

escarchado (cake) [Adjective] = iced

escarchar = frosting

escarificar = harrowing

escarlata = scarlet

escarnecer = flouting

escarpa = bluff

escarpado = craggy

escarpar = scarp

escasez = shortage

escaso = scant

escaso = scanty

escaso = scarce

escaso = skimpy

escatimar = scanting

escatime = skimp

escena = scene

escena = setting

escena retrospectiva = flashback

esclarecer = clarifying

esclavice = enslave

esclavice = enthrall

esclavitud = bondage

esclavitud = slavery

esclavizado = slavish

esclavizar = enslaving

esclavizar = to enslave
esclavo = slave

esclerosis = sclerosis

escoba = broom

escocer = biting

escofina = rasp

escofinar = rasping

escoger (to choose) = choose

escoger = choosing

escogió = chose

escogido = chosen

escoja = choose

escolástico = scholastic

escolar = scholar

escolta = escort

escoltar = escorting

escoltar = to escort

escombros = brash

esconda = hide

esconda = stash

esconder = hiding

escondió = hid

escondite = cache

escondite = lurk

escopeta de caza = shotgun

escorar = shoring
escorbuto = scurvy

escoria = scum

escorpión = scorpion

escorzar = foreshortening

escote = neckline

escotillón = scuttle

escrúpulo = scruple

escriba = scribe

escriba = write

escribe [Verb] = writes

escribió = wrote

escribir = penning

escribir = to write

escribir = writing

escrito = scriptural

escrito = writ

escrito = written

escrito a mano = handwritten

escritor(a) [Noun] = writer

escritorio = bureau

escritorio = desk

escritura = script

escritura = scripture

escritura corriente = longhand

escrupuloso = scrupulous
escrutar = scrutinizing

escrutinio = canvass

escrutinio = scrutiny

escuálido = squalid

escuadrón = squadron

escuadra = squad

escuchar = listening to

escuchar = to listen

escuchar detrás de las puertas = eavesdropping

escuche = hearken

escuche = listen

escuche detrás de las puertas = eavesdrop

escudar = shielding

escudero = esquire

escudero = squire

escudo = shield

escudo de armas = escutcheon

escudriñar = examining

escuela = school

escuela = schoolhouse

escuela preparatoria = prep

esculpa = sculpt

esculpir = sculpting

escultor = sculptor

escultura = sculpture
escultural = sculptural

escupir = spitting

escurrir = draining

ese = that

esencial = essential

esfínter = sphincter

esfera = purview

esfera [Noun] = sphere

esferas [Noun] = spheres

esferoide = spheroid

esfinge = sphinx

esforzó = strove

esforzar = making an effort

esfuércese = strive

esfuerza = striven

esfuerzo = effort

esfuerzo = endeavor

esfuerzo para levantar = heave

esfumar = vanishing

esgrimir = fencing

esguazar = fording

esguince = sprain

eslabón = link

eslogan = slogan

esmaltar = enameling
esmalte = enamel

esmerado = painstaking

esmeralda = emerald

esmerar = tidying up

esmoquin = tuxedo

esnob = snob

esnobismo = snobbery

esos = those

esotérico = esoteric

espárrago = asparagus

espástico = spastic

espátula = spatula

espécimen = specimen

espía = spy

espíritu = spirit

espíritu [Noun] = daemon

español = Spanish

espacial = spatial

espaciar = spacing

espacie = expatiate

espacio = space

espacio en blanco = blank

espacio para maniobrar = berth

espacioso = roomy

espacioso = spacious
espada = sword

espalda (noun) = back

espalda = back

espalda = backside

espaldarazo = accolade

espantado = aghast

espantapájaros = scarecrow

espantar = frightening

espantar = to frighten

espante = appall

espantoso = frightful

espantoso = grisly

esparcido = sparse

esparcir = spreading

esparcir = to scatter

esparza = intersperse

espasmo = spasm

específico = specific

especia = spice

especial = especial

especial = special

especialice = specialize

especialización = expertise

especializar = specializing

especie = species
especificar = specifying

especifique = specify

especioso = specious

espectáculo = spectacle

espectáculo de variedades = vaudeville

espectacular = spectacular

espectador = bystander

espectador = onlooker

espectador = spectator

espectrómetro = spectrometer

espectral = spectral

espectral = spooky

espectro = spectrum

espectros = spectra

especular = speculating

especule = speculate

espejismo = mirage

espejo = mirror

espelta = spelt

espera = expectation

esperanza = expectancy

esperanzado = hopeful

esperar = to expect

esperar = to wait

esperar = to wait for

esperar = waiting for

espere = await

espere = bide

espere = expect

espere = hope

espere = wait

esperma = sperm

espesar = thickening

espese = thicken

espeso = bushy

espeso = crass

espeso = thick

espiar = spying

espiar = to spy

espigar = gleaning

espige = glean

espina = spine

espina = thorn

espinaca = spinach

espinal = spinal

espinar = pricking with thorns

espinas = thorns

espinazo = backbone

espinazo = backbones

espinazo = ridge
espinazos = backbones

espinilla = shin

espinilla = shinbone

espinoso = spiny

espinoso = thorny

espionaje = espionage

espiral = spiral

espiral = spire

espiritual = spiritual

espléndido = splendid

espolear = spurring

espoleta = fuse

espolvorear = sprinkling

esponja = sponge

esponjar = making spongy

esponjoso = spongy

espontáneo = spontaneous

espontaneidad = spontaneity

esporádico = sporadic

espora = spore

esposa = wife

esposar = handcuffing

esposo = husband

esposo, esposa [Noun] = spouse

espuela = larkspur
espuela = spur

espuma = foam

espuma = froth

espumante = foamy

espumar = scumming

espumas = suds

espumoso = frothy

espurio = spurious

esputar = spitting

esquí = ski

esquelético = rawboned

esqueleto = skeleton

esquemático = schematic

esquema = layout

esquema = scheme

esquematizar = schematizing

esquió = skied

esquiar = skiing

esquiar = to ski

esquilado = shear

esquilar = shearing

esquina = street corner

esquisto = schist

esquisto = shale

esquivar = avoiding
esquivar = sidestepping

esquive = shirk

está = are

está = been

está = is

estática = static

esté = be

esté de acuerdo = agree

esté flojo = slouch

esté inquieto = fidget

estéreo [Adjective] = stereo

estéril = effete

estéril = sterile

estético = aesthetic

estímulo = stimulus

estímulos = stimuli

estólido = stolid

estómago [Noun] = stomach

estúpido; insensato = brainless

estañar = tinning

estaño = tin

esta noche = tonight

estaba = was

estaba = were

estabilizar = stabilizing
estable = stable

establecer = establishing

establecer = to establish

establezca = establish

establezca = settle

establo = stall

estaca = stake

estacar = staking

estación = season

estación = station

estacional = seasonal

estacionar = parking

estacionario = stationary

estadística = statistics

estadístico = statistician

estadio = stadium

estadista = statesman

estadistas = statesmen

estado = state

estado = status

estado de espera = standby

estafa = swindle

estafar = swindling

estafar = to swindle

estafe = diddle
estalactita = stalactite

estallar = exploding

estallar = to explode

estallido = burst

estallido = pop

estambre = stamen

estambre = yarn

estampa = stamp

estampar = stamping

estampida = stampede

estampido = boom

estampilla = postage

estampillar = stamping

estancado = stagnant

estancamiento = stalemate

estancar = stalemating

estancia = sojourn

estanque = pond

estanque = stagnate

estante = bookshelf

estante = shelf

estante de libros [Noun] = bookcase

estante para libros = bookcase

estantes = bookshelves

estar = being
estar = to be

estar anunciando = announcing

estar de acuerdo = agreeing

estar de acuerdo = to agree

estar nervioso = fretting

estarcido = stencil

estarcir = stenciling

estatua = statue

estatuario = statuary

estatuas = statues

estatuilla = figurine

estatuilla = statuette

estatura = stature

estatutario = statutory

estatuto = bylaw

estatuto = statute

este = east

estela = wake

estela [Noun] = backwash

estelar = stellar

estepa = steppe

estera = mat

estercolar = soiling

estereofónicamente [Adverb] = stereophonically

estereofónico [Adjective] = stereophonic

estereofonía [Noun] = stereophony

estereofotográfico [Adjective] = stereophotographic

estereofotografía [Noun] = stereophotography

estereoquímico [Adjective] = stereochemical

estereotipar = stereotyping

estereotropismo [Adjective] = stereotropism

esterilice = sterilize

esterilizar = sterilizing

esterlina = sterling

esternón = sternum

estetoscopio = stethoscope

estiércol = dung

estiércol = manure

estiércol húmedo = muck

estibador = stevedore

estibar = shoring

estigma = stigma

estigmatizar = stigmatizing

estilar = being used

estilizar = stylizing

estilo = style

estilo de vida = lifestyle

estima = esteem

estimable = estimable

estimado = dear
estimar = esteeming

estimar = to estimate

estime = appraise

estime = estimate

estimulante = stimulant

estimular = spurring

estimular = stimulating

estimule = stimulate

estipendio = stipend

estipular = specifying

estipule = stipulate

estiramiento = stretch

estirar = stretching

estocada = lunge

estofado = stew

estofar = stewing

estoico = stoic

estola = stole

estoque = rapier

estorbar = clogging

estorbar = handicapping

estorbar = hindering

estorbar = to encumber

estorbe = encumber

estorbe = intrude
estorbo = encumbrance

estorbo = hindrance

estornino = starling

estornudar = sneezing

estornudar = to sneeze

estornudo = sneeze

estos = these

estrés, la presión [Noun] = stress

estríe = striate

estrago = havoc

estrangular = strangling

estrangular = to choke

estrangule = strangle

estrangule = strangulate

estratégicamente [Adverb] = strategically

estratégico [Adjective] = strategic

estratagema = stratagem

estratega = strategist

estrategia = strategy

estrategia [Noun] = strategy

estratifique = stratify

estrato = stratum

estratos = strata

estratosfera = stratosphere

estreñir = binding
estrechar = taking in

estreche = constrict

estrecho = narrow

estrella = star

estrella de mar = starfish

estrellar = shattering

estrellato = stardom

estrelle = shatter

estrellita = starlet

estremecer = shaking

estrenar = using for the first time

estreno = premiere

estrenuo = strenuous

estriar = grooving

estribar = resting

estribillo = refrain

estribo = stirrup

estribor = starboard

estricto = strict

estrofa = stanza

estroncio = strontium

estropajo = swab

estropear = marring

estropear = ruining

estropear = to spoil
estropee = mar

estructura = conformation

estructura = structure

estructural = structural

estructurar = structuring

estruendo = peal

estruendoso = thunderous

estruendoso = uproarious

estrujar = squeezing

estuario = estuary

estucar = stuccoing

estuco = stucco

estudiando = studying

estudiante = student

estudiante de medicina = medic

estudiante de segundo año = sophomore

estudiantes = students

estudiar = studying

estudiar = to study

estudio = studio

estudio = study

estudio = survey

estudioso = bookish

estudioso = scholar

estudioso = studious
estufa = stove

estupendo = stunning

estupendo = stupendous

estupor = stupor

esturión = sturgeon

estuvo de acuerdo = agreed

estuvo de pie = stood

etéreo = aerial

etéreo = ethereal

etíope = Ethiopian

eternidad = eternity

eterno = eternal

eterno = everlasting

etimología = etymology

etiqueta = etiquette

etiqueta = label

etiqueta = tab

etiqueta = tag

etiquetado = labeled

etiquetar = labeling

etiquetar = tagging

etiquetas = labels

etrusco = Etruscan

eucalipto = eucalyptus

euforia = euphoria
eugenésico = eugenic

europeo = European

eutanasia = euthanasia

evacúe = evacuate

evacuar = evacuating

evacuar = to evacuate

evada = evade

evadir = avoiding

evadir = to evade

evalúe = assess

evalúe = evaluate

evaluar = evaluating

evaluar = to evaluate

evanescente = evanescent

evangelio = gospel

evapórese = evaporate

evaporar = evaporating

evaporar = to evaporate

evasión = escapade

evasión = evasion

evasivo = evasive

evento = event

eventual = eventual

evidencia = evidence

evidenciar = evidencing
evidente = evident

evitar = avoiding

evitar = to avoid

evite = avoid

evite = eschew

evite = preclude

evocar = evoking

evocar = to evoke

evolución = evolution

evolucionar = evolving

evolutivo = evolutionary

evoque = evoke

exámenes = testings

exámenes = tests

exégesis = exegesis

exótico = exotic

exacerbar = exacerbating

exacerbe = exacerbate

exactitud = accuracy

exacto = accurate

exacto = exact

exageró = exaggerated

exagerar = exaggerating

exagerar = to exaggerate

exagere = exaggerate
exaltó = extolled

exaltación = exaltation

exaltar = exalting

exaltar = extolling

exalte = elate

exalte = exalt

exalte = extol

examen = exam

examen = examination

examen = quiz

examen = test

examinó = tested

examinando = testing

examinar = examining

examinar = scanning

examinar = to examine

examine = examine

examine = scan

exasperar = exasperating

exasperar = to exasperate

exaspere = exasperate

excéntrico = eccentric

excavó = dug

excavar = digging

excavar = to excavate
excave = bulldoze

excave = dig

excave = excavate

exceda = exceed

exceder = exceeding

exceder = to exceed

excelencia = excellence

excelente = excellent

excelente = super

excepción = exception

excepcional = exceptional

excepto = barring

excepto = except

exceptuar = excepting

excesivo = excessive

exceso = debauch

exceso = excess

excitado = excited

excitar = exciting

excitar = to excite

excite = excite

excite = titillate

exclamación = exclamation

exclamar = exclaiming

exclamar = to exclaim
exclame = exclaim

excluir = excluding

excluir = to exclude

exclusión = exclusion

exclusivo = exclusive

excluya = exclude

excomulgar = excommunicating

excomulge = excommunicate

excoriar = chafing

excreción = excretion

excretar = excreting

excursión = excursion

excursionista = picnicker

excusa = excuse

excusable = excusable

excusar = excusing

excusar = to excuse

execrable = execrable

execrar = execrating

execre = execrate

exención = exemption

exentar = exempting

exento = exempt

exhalar = exhaling

exhale = exhale
exhaustivo = exhaustive

exhibición = exhibit

exhibición = exhibition

exhibición = sideshow

exhibición; exposición = exhibition

exhibiciones; exposiciones = exhibitions

exhibicionismo = exhibitionism

exhibicionista = exhibitionist

exhibicionista; expositor = exhibitioner

exhibido = exhibited

exhibiendo = exhibiting

exhibir = exhibiting

exhibir = to exhibit

exhortación = exhortation

exhortaciones = exhortations

exhortado = exhorted

exhortando; exhortar = to exhorting

exhortar = exhorting

exhortar = to exhort

exhortativo = exhortative

exhortatorio = exhortatory

exhorte = exhort

exhumación = exhumation

exhumado = exhumed

exhumador = exhumer
exhumar = exhuming

exhumar = to exhume

exhume = exhume

exigüidad = exiguousness

exigencia = exigence

exigencia = exigency

exigencias = exigencies

exigente = exigent

exigentemente = exigently

exigir = demanding

exigir = to claim

exiguamente = exiguously

exiguo = exiguous

exilio = exile

eximir = exempting

exista = exist

existencia = existence

existencial = existential

existencialismo = existentialism

existente = existent

existente = extant

existir = existing

existir = to exist

exitoso = successful

exonerar = discharging
exonerar = to exonerate

exonere = exonerate

exorbitante = exorbitant

exorcice = exorcise

exorcismo = exorcism

exorcista = exorcist

exorcizar = exorcizing

expíe = expiate

expandir = expanding

expansión = expansion

expansivo = expansible

expansivo = expansive

expatriar = expatriating

expectante = expectant

expectorar = expectorating

expectore = expectorate

expedición = expedition

expediente = dossier

expedir = sending

expeditivo = expeditious

expedito = expedite

expela = expel

expeler = expelling

expeler = to expel

expelió = expelled
expenda = expend

expender = expending

experiencia = experience

experimentación = experimentation

experimentar = experiencing

experimentar = to experiment

experimento = experiment

experto = expert

expiar = expiating

expiración = expiration

expirar = expiring

expirar = to expire

expire = expire

explícito = explicit

explanada = esplanade

explayar = extending

expletivo = expletive

explicable = explicable

explicación = explanation

explicar = explaining

explicar = to explain

explicativo = explanatory

explicativo = expository

explique = explain

exploración = exploration
explorador = scout

explorar = exploring

explorar = to explore

exploratorio = exploratory

explore = explore

explosión = blast

explosión = explosion

explosivo = explosive

explotación = exploitation

explotar = exploiting

explotar = to explode

explote = explode

exponencial = exponential

exponente = exponent

exponer = exposing

exponer = to expose

exponga = expose

exponga = expound

exportación = export

exportación = exportation

exportar = exporting

exportar = to export

exposición = exposition

exposición = exposure

expositor = exhibitor
expositores = exhibitors

expresar = expressing

expresar = to express

exprese = express

expresión = expression

expresivo = expressive

exprimir = squeezing

expropiar = condemning

expulsar = expelling

expulsión = expulsion

expurgar = expurgating

expurgue = expurgate

exquisito = exquisite

extático = ecstatic

extasíe = ravish

extasiado = rapt

extasiar = enthralling

extender = extending

extender = to extend

extendió = splayed

extendido = splay

extendido = widespread

extensión = expanse

extensión = extension

extensión en acres = acreage

extensible = extensible

extensivo = extensive

extenuar = exhausting

exterior = exterior

exterminar = exterminating

exterminar = to exterminate

extermine = exterminate

externo = external

extiéndase = extend

extienda = expand

extinción = extinction

extinga = extinguish

extinguir = extinguishing

extinguir = to extinguish

extinto = extinct

extirpación = ablation

extirpado = ablated

extirpando = ablating

extirpar = extirpating

extirpar = to ablate

extirpe = extirpate

extorsionar = extorting

extrínseco = extrinsic

extrañamente = strangely

extrañar = missing
extrañe = estrange

extraño = extraneous

extraño [Adjective] = strange

extraño [Noun] = stranger

extra = extra

extracto = extract

extractor = extractor

extraer = extracting

extraer = to extract

extraer la savia de = sapping

extranjero = foreign

extranjero [Noun] = alien

extraordinariamente = extraordinarily

extraordinario = extraordinary

extraordinario = superb

extraterrestre = extraterrestrial

extravagante = extravagant

extraviar = misleading

extraviarse = straggle

extremar = carrying to an extreme

extremista = ultra

extremo = butt

extremo = end

extremo = extreme

extremo = outermost
exuberante = exuberant

exuberante = luxuriant

exudar = oozing

exultación = exultation

exultar = exulting

exultar de alegría = jubilate

eyacular = ejaculating

eyacule = ejaculate

fábrica = factory

fábrica [Noun] = fabric

fábrica de conservas = cannery

fábula = fable

fácil = easy

fácil = facile

fácil de aplastar = squashy

fácilmente = easily

fémur = femur

férreo = ferrous

férrico = ferric

fétido = fetid

físico = physique

fórmula = formula

fósforo = match

fósforo = phosphorus
fósil = fossil

fúnebre = funereal

fúnebre = mournful

fútbol = soccer

fútbol [Noun] = football

fútil = futile

fabricar = manufacturing

fabrique = fabricate

fabrique = manufacture

fabrique de antemano = prefabricate

fabuloso [Adjective] = fabulous

faceta = facet

fachada = facade

facial = facial

facilidad = ease

facilidad = fluency

facilitar = facilitating

facilite = facilitate

facineroso = desperado

facsímil = facsimile

factible = feasible

factible = practicable

factor = factor

factura = bill

factura = invoice
facturar = billing

facultad = faculty

facultar = authorizing

faisán = pheasant

faja = sash

faja [Noun] = zone

fajar = banding

falacia = fallacy

faldón = lap

falda = petticoat

falda = skirt

falible = fallible

falla = flaw

fallar = failing

fallecer = dying

fallecimiento = demise

falsear = falsifying

falsedad = falsehood

falsificación = counterfeit

falsificación = forgery

falsificar = falsifying

falsifique = falsify

falso = false

falso = shoddy

falta = fail
falta = fault

falta = foul

falta = mistake

falta de atención = inattention

falta de crecimiento = stunt

falta de equidad = inequity

falta, carencia = lack

faltar = lacking

falte = lack

fama = fame

familia = family

familia, parientes = family

familiar = colloquial

familiar = familiar

familiar = family

familiarizar = familiarizing

famoso = famous

fanático = fanatic

fanático [Noun] = zealot

fanfarrón; jactancioso = braggart

fanfarria = fanfare

fanfarronadas = bragging

fanfarronear = bouncing

fango = mire

fantástico = fantastic
fantasía = fantasia

fantasía = fantasy

fantasma = ghost

fantasma = phantom

fantasma = spook

fantasmal = ghostly

faquir = fakir

faradio = farad

farmacéutico = pharmacist

farmacia = drugstore

farmacia = pharmacy

farmacología = pharmacology

faro = lighthouse

faro de automóvil = headlight

farsa = farce

fascinado = spellbound

fascinador = glamorous

fascinar = fascinating

fascine = fascinate

fascismo = fascism

fase = phase

fase = stage

fastidiar = annoying

fastidie = irk

fastidio = boredom
fastidio = tease

fatal = fatal

fatal = fateful

fatiga = fatigue

fatigar = tiring

fatuo = fatuous

fauna = fauna

fauna = wildlife

fauno = faun

favor = favor

favor = favour

favorecer = favoring

favorito = favorite

favorito = minion

fe = faith

febrero = February

febril = febrile

febril = feverish

fecha = date

fecha tope = deadline

fechado = dated

fechar = dating

fecundar = fecundating

fecundo = fecund

fecundo = fertile
federal = federal

federar = federating

federe = federate

felón = felon

felón = felonious

felicidad = felicity

felicitaciones = congratulations

felicitar = congratulating

felicite = congratulate

felino = feline

feliz = felicitous

feliz = happy

felonía = felony

felpa = plush

felpilla = chenille

femenino = feminine

feminismo = feminism

feminista = feminist

fenómeno = phenomenon

fenómenos = phenomena

feo = ugly

fermentación = fermentation

fermentar = fermenting

fermento = ferment

fermento = leaven
ferocidad = ferocity

feroz = ferocious

feroz = fierce

feroz = truculent

ferrocarril = railroad

ferroviario = railwayman

fertilizar = fertilizing

ferviente = fervent

festejó, celebró = celebrated

festeja, celebra = celebrates

festejante, celebrador = celebrant

festejantes, celebradores = celebrants

festejar = celebrating

festejar, celebrar = to celebrate

festividad = celebration

festividades = celebrations

festivo = festive

festonear = festooning

fetal = fetal

fetiche = fetish

feto = fetus

feudal = feudal

feudo = feud

feudo = manor

fiable = reliable
fiador = bondsman

fiadores = bondsmen

fiambre = delicatessen

fianza = bail

fiar = trusting

fiasco = fiasco

fibra [Noun] = fiber

fibroso = fibrous

ficción = feint

ficción = fiction

ficha = token

fichero [Noun] = file

ficticio = bogus

ficticio = fictitious

fidedigno = trustworthy

fideicomisario = trustee

fidelidad = fidelity

fideo = spaghetti

fiebre = fever

fiel = faithful

fiel = loyal

fieltro = felt

fiesta = festival

fiesta = fete

fiesta = fiesta
fiesta = holiday

fiesta = jamboree

fiesta [Noun] = feast

figura = build

figura [Noun] = figure

figurado [Adjective] = figured

figurar = figuring

figurar = to figure

fijar = look

fijar = pinning

fijar = to anchor

fijar = to appoint

fije = appoint

fijo = set

filósofo = philosopher

fila = row

filamento [Noun] = filament

filantrópico = philanthropic

filantropía = philanthropy

filete = fillet

filete = tenderloin

filial [Adjective] = filial

filibustero = filibuster

filigrana = filigree

filmar = filming
filología = philology

filosófico = philosophical

filosofía = philosophy

filosofar = philosophizing

filtrado = filtrate

filtrar = filtering

filtro = filter

fin = end

fin de semana = weekend

final = final

final = finale

finalizar = concluding

financiar = financing

financiero = financial

financiero = financier

finanzas = finance

fines de semana = weekends

fingimiento = sham

fingir = faking

finiquito = quietus

finja = feign

finlandés = Finnish

finura = nicety

firma = signature

firmar = signing
firmar = to sign

firme = decisive

firme = staunch

firme = steadfast

firme = tight

firme de carretera = roadbed

firmemente = steadily

fiscal = fiscal

fiscal = prosecutor

fisiología = physiology

fisioterapia = physiotherapy

fisonomía = physiognomy

flaco = gaunt

flaco = skinny

flagelar = lashing

flagrante = flagrant

flama = flame

flamear = flaming

flamenco = flamingo

flanquear = flanking

flaquear = weakening

flautín = piccolo

flauta = flute

flecha = arrow

fletar = freighting
fletar = to charter

flexibilidad = flexibility

flexible = flexible

flexible = pliable

flexible = pliant

flirteador = flirt

flirteo = flirtation

flojera = slack

flojo = lax

flojo = sluggish

flojo [Adjective] = loose

florín = florin

flor = bloom

flor = flower

flora = flora

floral = floral

florear = flowering

florecer = flourishing

flores = flowers

florezca = flourish

floricultor = florist

florido = florid

florido = flowery

flotación = flotation

flotador = float
flotante = afloat

flotante = buoyant

flotar = floating

flotar = to float

fluctúe = fluctuate

fluctuar = fluctuating

fluente = fluent

fluido = fluid

fluir = flowing

flujo = flow

flujo = flux

fluorescente = fluorescent

fluoruro = fluoride

foca = seal

focal = focal

foco = limelight

fogata = campfire

fogata de campamento = campfire

foja = coot

folículo = follicle

foliar = foliating

folio = folio

folklore = folklore

follaje = foliage

folleto = brochure
folleto = handout

folleto = pamphlet

fomentar = fomenting

fonético = phonetic

fonógrafo = phonograph

fondear = anchoring

fondo = background

fondo = bottom

fondos = fund

fonema = phoneme

fonología = phonology

fontanero = repairman

fontaneros = repairmen

forastero [Noun] = stranger

forcejear = struggling

forcejeo = flounder

forcejeo = struggle

forense = forensic

forja = forge

forjado = wrought

forjador = smith

forjar = forging

forma = form

forma = shape

formación = formation
formal = formal

formalizar = formalizing

formar = forming

formar arco = arcing

formato = format

formidable = formidable

formulación = formulation

formular = formulating

formule = formulate

fornicar = fornicating

fornido = beefy

fornido = sturdy

fornique = fornicate

foro = forum

forraje = fodder

forraje = forage

forraje conservado en silo = silage

forrajear = foraging

forrar = covering

fortín = blockhouse

fortalecer = strengthening

fortalecer = to strengthen

fortaleza = fortitude

fortaleza = fortress

fortaleza = stronghold
fortalezca = strengthen

forte = forte

fortificar = fortifying

fortifique = fortify

fortuna = fortune

forzar = forcing

forzosamente = perforce

fosfato = phosphate

fosilizar = fossilizing

foso = moat

fotón = photon

fotocopiar = photocopying

fotogénico = photogenic

fotograbar = photoengraving

fotografía = photo

fotografía = photograph

fotografía = photography

fotografiar = photo

frágil = fragile

frágil = frail

frígido = frigid

frío = chill

frío = cold

frívolo = frivolous

fracasar = failing
fracaso = failure

fracaso = flop

fraccionamiento = splitting

fraccionar = fractioning

fractura = fracture

fracturar = fracturing

fragante = fragrant

fragata = frigate

fragmentación = fragmentation

fragmentar = breaking into fragments

fragmentario = fragmentary

fragmento = fraction

fragmento = fragment

fragmento = shard

fragor = blare

fragor = din

fraguar = forging

fraile = friar

frailecillo = puffin

frambuesa = raspberry

franco = candid

franco = forthright

franco = franc

franco = frank

franela = flannel
franja = fringe

franquear = franking

franqueza = franchise

frasco = flask

frasco = jar

frase = phrase

frase = sentence

fraternal = fraternal

fraternidad = fraternity

fraternizar = fraternizing

fraude = fraud

fraudulento = fraudulent

frecuentar = frequenting

frecuentar = to frequent

frecuente = frequent

fregadero = sink

fregado = scrub

fregar = scrubbing

freir = frying

frenético = berserk

frenético = frantic

frenético = frenetic

frenar = braking

frenesí = frenzy

freno = brake
frente = brow

frente = fore

frente = forehead

frente = front

fresa = strawberry

fresco = cool

fresco = fresh

friable = friable

fricción = friction

friega = rub

friegue = scour

frijol = bean

frijoles = beans

frisar = frieze

friso = frieze

frito = fried

frivolidad = frivolity

frondoso = foliate

frondoso = leafy

frontal = frontal

frontera = border

frontera = borderline

frontera = frontier

frotamiento = rubbing

frotar = rubbing
frotar = to rub

fructífero = fruitful

fructificar = fructifying

frugal = frugal

fruición = fruition

frunce = gather

fruncir = puckering

frustración = frustration

frustrar = frustrating

frustre = frustrate

frustre = thwart

fruta = fruit

fue = went

fue de jira = picnicked

fue en taxi = taxied

fuego = fire

fuego lento = smolder

fuente = fount

fuente = fountain

fuente = source

fuera = out

fuera de = outside

fuera del escenario = offstage

fuerce = jimmy

fuerte = forcible
fuerte = fort

fuerte = loud

fuerte = strapping

fuerte = strong

fuerte = tangy

fuertemente = strongly

fuerza = force

fuerza = strength

fuerza intelectual = brainpower

fuga = fugue

fugar = escaping

fugarse = abscond

fugitivo = fugitive

fugitivo = runaway

fugitivo, prófugo, desertor = absconder

fulcro = fulcrum

fulgurar = gleaming

fulminar = fulminating

fulmine = fulminate

fumar = smoking

fumar = to smoke

fume = smoke

fumigar = fumigating

fumigue = fumigate

función = function
funcionamiento = operation

funcionamiento = running

funcionamiento defectuoso = malfunction

funcionar = working

funda = smelt

fundación = foundation

fundadores = founders

fundamentalismo = fundamentalism

fundamentar = basing

fundamento = groundwork

fundar (to found eg. Found a city) [Verb] = found

fundar = finding

fundición = foundry

fundido = molten

fundir (to melt or cast eg. to found the steel bars together) = to found

fundir = fusing

fungicida = fungicide

furia = fury

furioso = furious

furtivo = furtive

furtivo = sly

furtivo = sneaky

furtivo = stealthy

fusión = fusion

fusión = melt
fusilar = shooting

fusionar = fusing

fustigar = whipping

futbolista [Noun] = footballer

futileza = futility

futuro = future

gángster = gangster

gángster = mobster

gárrulo = garrulous

géiser = geyser

género = gender

género = genre

género = genus

génesis = genesis

góndola = gondola

gañido = yelp

gañir = yelping

gabán = overcoat

gabardina = gabardine

gabinete = cabinet

gabinete = closet

gabinetes = cabinets

gacela = gazelle

gaceta = gazette
gacha = mush

gachas = porridge

gafas (de spectacles ) [Noun] = specs

gafas [Noun] = spectacles

gaita = bagpipe

galán = beau

galán = gallant

galón = gallon

gala = gala

galantear = court

galaxia = galaxy

galena = galena

galería = gallery

galera = galley

galgo = greyhound

galgo = hound

gallardía = gallantry

gallardo = perky

gallear = cocking

galleta = cookie

galletas = cookies

gallina = hen

gallina enana = bantam

gallo = cock

gallo = rooster
galopar = galloping

galope = gallop

galopear = galloping

galvanizar = galvanizing

gama = doe

gama = gamut

gamberro = thug

gambito = gambit

gamma = gamma

gamuza = chamois

ganó = won

gana = earns

ganadero = cattleman

ganaderos = cattlemen

ganado = cattle

ganado = earned

ganado = livestock

ganador = earner

ganador = winner

ganadores = earners

ganadores [Noun] = winners

ganancia = gain

ganancia = profit

ganancia [Noun] = earning

ganancias [Noun] = earnings

ganancioso = gainful

ganapán = drudge

ganar = to earn

ganar = to win

ganar = winning

gancho = gab

gancho = hook

gane = earn

ganglio = ganglion

gangrenar = gangrening

ganguear = twanging

ganso = gander

ganso = goose

gansos = geese

garabatear = scrabbling

garabato = scribble

garabatos = scrabble

garaje = garage

garantía = guarantee

garantía = guaranty

garantía = warrant

garantía = warranty

garantía subsidiaria = collateral

garantizar = guaranteeing

garapiñar = browning in sugar

garbanzo = chickpea

garbanzos = chickpeas

gardenia = gardenia

garganta = gorge

garganta = throat

gargantas = throats

gargarismo = gargle

gargarizar = gargling

garra = claw

garra = paw

garra = talon

garrapatear = scrawling

garrapatee = scrawl

garrote = club

garrote corto = cudgel

garza = heron

gas = gas

gasa = chiffon

gasa = gauze

gaseoso = gaseous

gaseoso = gassy

gasolina = gasoline

gasolina = petrol

gastado = shabby

gastado = spent
gastar = spending

gastar = to spend

gaste = spend

gaste = waste

gasto = expenditure

gasto = expense

gastrónomo = gourmet

gastronomía = gastronomy

gatear = crawling

gatito = kitten

gatito = kitty

gato = cat

gato = pussy

gato montés = wildcat

gatos = cats

gaveta = drawer

gaviota = gull

gaviota = seagull

gayuba = huckleberry

gaznate = gullet

geógrafo = geographer

geómetra = geometer

gel = gel

gelatinoso = gelatinous

gema = gem
gemelo [Noun] = twin

gemido = groan

gemido = moan

gemir = groaning

genérico = generic

genético = genetic

gen = gene

genealogía = genealogy

genealogía = pedigree

generación = generation

general = general

generalización = generalization

generalizar = generalizing

generar = generating

genere = generate

generosidad = generosity

generoso = generous

genial = genial

genio = genius

genio = temper

genio, temperamento = temperament

genios, temperamentos = temperaments

genital = genital

genocidio = genocide

gente = folk
gente = people

gente grande = grownups

gentil = gentile

genuino = genuine

geocéntrico = geocentric

geodésico = geodesic

geofísica = geophysics

geofísico = geophysical

geografía = geography

geología = geology

geométrico = geometric

geometría = geometry

geranio = geranium

gerente = manager

germánico = Germanic

germanio = germanium

germen = germ

germinal = germinal

germinar = germinating

germine = germinate

gerundio = gerund

gesticular = gesticulating

gesticule = gesticulate

gestionar = negociating

giba = hump
giga = jig

gigante = giant

gigantesco = gigantic

gigantesco = mammoth

gimnástico = gymnastic

gimnasio = gym

gimnasio = gymnasium

gimnasta = gymnast

gimotear = mewling

gimotee = whine

gimoteo = whimper

ginebra = gin

giró = swung

gira = tour

girar = rotating

girasol = sunflower

gire = gyrate

giro = spin

giro = twirl

giro rápido = whirl

giroscopio = gyroscope

gitano = gypsy

glándula = gland

glóbulo = globule

glacial = glacial
glaciar = glacier

gladiador = gladiator

gladiolo = gladiolus

glandular = glandular

glasear = glazing

global = global

globo = balloon

globo = globe

globo del ojo = eyeball

globular = globular

globulina = globulin

gloria = glory

gloriar = glorying

glorificación = glorification

glorificar = glorifying

glorifique = glorify

glorioso = glorious

glosó = glossed

glosa = gloss

glosar = glossing

glosario = glossary

glotón = glutton

glotis = glottis

glutinoso = glutinous

gneis = gneiss
gnomo = gnome

gobernador = governor

gobernar = governing

gobierne = govern

gobierno = government

goce en = gloat

goleta = schooner

golf = golf

golfo = gulf

golfo = hooligan

gollete = bottleneck

golondrina = swallow

golosina (sweets) = treat

golosina = goody

golosinas (sweets) = treats

goloso [Adjective] = greedy

golpazo = swat

golpeó = struck

golpe = bang

golpe = beat

golpe = clout

golpe = coup

golpe = dint

golpe = hit

golpe = knock
golpe = poke

golpe = slam

golpe = stroke

golpe = thump

golpe = wallop

golpe seco = rap

golpea con violencia = smitten

golpeado = smashed

golpear = hitting

golpear = rapping

golpear = slogging

golpear = to smash

golpear = to strike

golpear con fuerza = swatting

golpecito = dab

golpecito = flick

golpee = slog

goma = rubber

gomoso = gummy

gong = gong

gordo = fat

gordo/gorda [Adjective] = obese

gordura = fat

gorila = gorilla

gorjear = gurgling
gorjeo = chirp

gorra = cap

gorrión = sparrow

gorro = bonnet

gorro = cap

gorronear = cadging

gorronee = scrounge

gota = drop

gota = droplet

gota = gout

gota = minim

gota de lluvia = raindrop

gota para oreja [Noun] = eardrop

gotear = dripping

gotear = to drip

goteo = drip

goteo = dripping

goteo = leakage

goteo = trickle

gotera = leak

gozar = enjoying

gozar = to enjoy

gráfica = graph

gráficamente = graphically

gráfico = graphic
gránulo = granule

grúa = crane

grúa = derrick

grabado = graven

grabar (as in tape a show) = tape

grabar = recording

grabar = to engrave

grabar = to record

grabe = engrave

grabe = etch

gracia = grace

gracias = thanks

grada = tier

grada de dientes = harrow

gradería cubierta = grandstand

grado = degree

graduado = graduate

gradual = gradual

graduar = graduating

grafito = graphite

grajo = rook

gramática = grammar

gramático = grammarian

gran = grand

gran [Adjective] = great

granada = pomegranate

granada [Noun] = grenade

granada de metralla = shrapnel

granadas [Noun] = grenades

granado = seedy

granate = garnet

grande = big

grande = huge

grande = large

grandemente [Adverb] = greatly

grandeza = grandeur

grandilocuente = grandiloquent

grandioso = grandiose

granero = barn

granero = garner

granero = granary

granito = granite

granizada = hailstorm

granizar = hailing

granizo = hail

granizo [Noun] = hailstone

granja = farm

granja = farmhouse

grano = grain

grano = kernel
grano = pimple

granular = granular

granular = granulating

granule = granulate

grapa = clip

grapa = staple

grasa = grease

grasiento [Adjective] = greasy

graso = fatty

gratis = free

gratis = gratis

gratitud [Noun] = gratitude

gratuito [Adverb] = gratuitous

grava [Noun] = gravel

gravar = burdening

grave = demure

grave [Noun] = grave

gravitación [Noun] = gravitation

gravitar = gravitating

gravitar [Verb] = gravitate

gravite = gravitate

graznar = gaggling

grazne = gaggle

graznido = caw

graznido = quack
graznido = squawk

graznido del cuervo = croak

graznido del ganso = honk

graznido del pato = quack

gregal = gregarious

gremio = guild

grial = grail

griego = Greek

grieta = chink

grieta = cranny

grifo = faucet

grifo = griffin

grillete = shackle

grillo [Noun] = cricket

gripe = flu

gripe = grippe

grisáceo = grizzly

gris = gray

gris = grey

gritó = yelled

grita = yells

gritar = screaming

gritar = to shout

grite = bawl

grito = hoot
grito = scream

grito = shout

grito = yell

grosellero silvestre = gooseberry

grosero = ribald

grotesco = antic

grotesco = grotesque

gruñido = growl

gruñido = grunt

gruñido = snarl

gruñir = grunting

grueso = thick

grumo = clot

grupa = crupper

grupo = bloc

grupo = clump

grupo = group

guía = guidance

guía = guide

guía de turismo = guidebook

guía didáctica = tutorial

guadaña = scythe

guadaña = swath

guadañar = reaping

guano = guano
guante = glove

guantelete = gauntlet

guantes = gloves

guapo(a) [Adjective] = handsome

guardó = kept

guardagujas = switchman

guardar = keeping

guardar = to keep

guardar = to store

guardarropa = cloakroom

guarde = keep

guarde = stow

guardería = nursery

guardián = guardian

guardián, custodio = keeper

guardia = guard

guardia = lookout

guardia personal = bodyguard

guarnecer = garnishing

guarnición = garrison

gubernativo = gubernatorial

gubia = gouge

guerra = war

guerra = warfare

guerrear = war
guerrero = warrior

guerrilla = guerrilla

guiñado = yaw

guiñar = winking

guión = hyphen

guión = scenario

guiar = guiding

guijarro = cobble

guijarro = cobblestone

guijarro = pebble

guillotinar = guillotining

guinea = guinea

guinga = gingham

guirnalda = garland

guisa = guise

guisante = pea

guisar = cooking

guitarra = guitar

gurú = guru

gusaniento = grubby

gusaniento = maggoty

gusano = earthworm

gusano = worm

gusano de seda = silkworm

gusanos = earthworms
gustó = tasted

gustador = taster

gustadores = tasters

gustando = tasting

gustar = liking

gustar = to like

gusto = gusto

gusto = pleasure

gusto = taste

gusto = tastefulness

gustos = tastes

gustosamente = tastefully

gustosamente = tastily

gustoso = tasteful

gustoso = tastier

gustoso = tasty

gutural = guttural

gutural = throaty

hábil = able

hábil = cunning

hábil = handy

hábil = proficient

hábil = skillful

hábilmente [Adverb] = ably

hábitat = habitat

hábitats = habitats

hábito = frock

hábito = habit

hábito = habitus

hábitos = habits

hélice = helix

hélice = propeller

héroe = hero

héroes = heroes

híbrido = hybrid

hígado [Noun] = liver

hórrido = horrid

húmedo = dank

húmedo = humid

húmedo = moist

húmedo = muggy

húmedo [Adjective] = damp

húmero = humerus

húsar = hussar

haber = to have

habilidad = ability

habilidad = skill

habilidad, capacidad = ability

habilidades, capacidades = abilities

habilitación = habilitation

habilitado = habilitated

habilitar = enabling

habilitar = to habilitate

habitúe = habituate

habitúe = inure

habitabilidad = habitability

habitable = habitable

habitación = habitation

habitación = tenement

habitaciones = habitations

habitante = habitant

habitante = inhabitant

habitante = townsman

habitantes = habitants

habitantes = townsmen

habitar = living

habitat = habitat

habite = inhabit

habituado = habituated

habitual = habitual

habitualmente = habitually

habituar = habituating

habituar = to habituate

habló = talked
habla = spoken

hablado = spoken

hablador (noun) = talkative

hablador = blab

hablador = chatty

hablador = talkative

hablador = talker

habladores = talkers

hablando = talking

hablar = speaking

hablar = to speak

hablar = to talk

hable = speak

hable = talk

hable de cosas pasadas = reminisce

hacía = did

haca = do

haca = get

haca amar = endear

haca balancear en el aire = dangle

haca cocer a fuego lento = simmer

haca erupción = erupt

haca necesario = necessitate

haca pinitos = toddle

haca pis = pee

haca pis = piss

haca tiras = shred

haca una juerga = carouse

hace = ago

hace = done

hace = gotten

hacendado = landowner

hacendado [Noun] = yeoman

hacer = getting

hacer = making

hacer = to do

hacer = to make

hacer cosquillas = tickle

hacer estallar = popping

hacer fuego = to fire

hacer jirones = ragging

hacer surcos en = rutting

hacer tiras = shredding

hacer un ruido sordo = thudding

hacer una antología de = anthologize

hacha = ax

hacha = axe

hacha de mano = hatchet

hachas = axes

hachear = axing
hacia = onto

hacia = toward

hacia atrás = aback

hacia atrás = backward

hacia atrás = backwards

hacia casa = homeward

hacia el este = eastward

hacia el oeste = westerly

hacienda = farm

hacienda = hacienda

haciendas = haciendas

hacinar = stacking

hada = fairy

hagiografía [Noun] = hagiography

halógeno = halogen

halagar = flattering

halague = coax

halar = pulling

halcón = falcon

halcón = hawk

halconería = falconry

hallar = finding

hallazgo = find

halo = halo

hamaca = hammock
hambre = famine

hambre = hunger

hambrear = famishing

hambrear = to starve

hambree = starve

hambriento = hungry

hamburguesa = hamburger

hamburguesa de queso = cheeseburger

hamburguesas = hamburgers

hamburguesas de queso = cheeseburgers

hangar = hangar

harén = harem

haría = would

haraganear = loafing

hardware = hardware

harina = flour

harina de avena = oatmeal

harinoso = floury

harinoso = mealy

hartar = glutting

hartar = satisfying

harte = cloy

hartura = fill

hasta = till

hasta = until
hasta aquí = heretofore

hasta aquí = hitherto

hasta que = until

hastiar = jading

hato = swag

haya de = ought

haz = sheaf

hazaña = exploit

hazmerreír = laughingstock

hazmerreír = scoff

hazmerreir = laughingstock

hebilla = buckle

hecatombe = hecatomb

hechicería = sorcery

hechizar = charming

hechizo = spell

hechizo, el encanto [Noun] = spell

hechizos = spells

hecho = deed

hecho = fact

hecho = feat

hecho [Adjective] = made

hecho a mano = handmade

hecho a pulso = freehand

hechura = make
heder = stinking

hedió = stank

hedonismo = hedonism

hedonista = hedonist

hedor = stench

hedor = stink

hegemonía = hegemony

heló = froze

helada = freeze

helado = frostbitten

helado = frosty

helado = frozen

helado = ice cream

helado = icy

helar = freezing

helar = to freeze

helechal = fernery

helecho = bracken

helecho = fern

helicóptero = helicopter

helicoidal = helical

helio = helium

heliocéntrico = heliocentric

heliotropo = heliotrope

hembra = female
hemisferio = hemisphere

hemoglobina = hemoglobin

hemorragia = hemorrhage

hemorroide = hemorrhoid

henar = hayfield

henchir = filling

hendedura = crevice

hendedura = rift

hendedura = slot

hender = cracking

hender = slitting

hendido = cleft

hendidura = cleavage

hendidura = fissure

hendimiento = fission

henequén = henequen

henequén = sisal

heno = hay

hepática = liverwort

hepatitis = hepatitis

heraldo = harbinger

heraldo = herald

herboso = grassy

heredar = inheriting

herede = inherit
heredera = heiress

heredero = heir

heredero = inheritor

hereditario = ancestral

hereditario = hereditary

herejía = heresy

hereje = heretic

herencia = heredity

herencia = heritage

herencia = inheritance

herida = hurt

herida = sore

herida = wound

herida = wounded

herido = stricken

herir = hurting

hermético = hermetic

hermana = sister

hermandad = brotherhood

hermandad de mujeres = sorority

hermano = brother

hermano = sibling

hermanos = brethren

hermosear = embellishing

hermoso = beautiful
heroína = heroin

heroína = heroine

heroísmo = heroism

heroicamente = heroically

heroico = heroic

herpes = herpes

herpetología = herpetology

herradura = horseshoe

herramienta = tool

herramientas = tools

herrería = smithy

herrero = blacksmith

hertzio = hertz

hervir = boiling

hervir = to boil

hervor = boil

heterogéneo = heterogeneous

heterogeneidad = heterogeneity

heterosexual = heterosexual

hexágono = hexagon

hexagonal = hexagonal

hibernar = hibernating

hiberne = hibernate

hidráulico = hydraulic

hidrógeno = hydrogen
hidrómetro = hydrometer

hidratar = moisturizing

hidrato = hydrate

hidrato de carbono = carbohydrate

hidrocarburo = hydrocarbon

hidrodinámico = hydrodynamic

hidroeléctrico = hydroelectric

hidrofobia = hydrophobia

hiede = stunk

hiedra = ivy

hiele = frostbite

hielo = ice

hiena = hyena

hierático = hieratic

hierba = grass

hierba = herb

hierro = iron

higiene = hygiene

higo = fig

higos [Noun] = figs

higrómetro = hygrometer

hija = daughter

hijas = daughters

hijastro = stepchild

hijito = sonny
hijo = son

hijo adoptivo = stepson

hilachas = lint

hilado = spinning

hilado = spun

hilar = spinning

hilaridad = hilarity

hilo = thread

hilo [Noun] = yarn

hilos = threads

hilvanar = basting

hilvanar = to threaded

hilvane = baste

himen = hymen

himnario = hymnal

himno = hymn

hincar = sinking

hinchable = inflatable

hinchado = puffy

hinchado = swollen

hinchar = inflating

hinchazón = swell

hinche = bloat

hipérbola = hyperbola

hipócrita = hypocrite
hipócrita = insincere

hipótesis = hypothesis

hipnótico = hypnotic

hipnosis = hypnosis

hipnotizar = hypnotizing

hipocresía = hypocrisy

hipodérmico = hypodermic

hipopótamo = hippo

hipopótamo = hippopotamus

hipoteca = mortgage

hipotecar = mortgaging

hipotenusa = hypotenuse

hispánico = Hispanic

hispanizar = hispanicizing

histérico = hysteric

históricamente = historically

histórico = historic

histerectomía = hysterectomy

histeria = hysteria

histograma = histogram

historia = history

historiador = historian

historieta = comic

historiografía = historiography

histriónico = histrionic
hito = landmark

hito = milestone

hocico = muzzle

hocico = snout

hockey = hockey

hogar = fireplace

hogar = fireside

hogar = hearth

hogar = home

hogar = homestead

hogar, casa, vivienda = home

hoguera = bonfire

hoja = blade

hoja = leaf

hoja = sheet

hoja de vidrio = pane

hoja impresa = leaflet

hojear = thumbing through

hojuela = flake

hola = hello

hola = hi

holgado = baggy

holgar = not work

holgazanear = idling

hollín = soot
hollar = tramping

holocausto = holocaust

holografía = holography

holograma = hologram

homónimo = homonym

homónimo = namesake

hombre = bloke

hombre = man

hombre común = layman

hombre común = laymen

hombre de la ley = lawman

hombre de la ley = lawmen

hombre de negocios = businessman

hombre libre = freeman

hombre libre = freemen

hombres = men

hombres de negocios = businessmen

hombro = shoulder

homenaje = homage

homicida = homicidal

homicidio = homicide

homicidio involuntario = manslaughter

homilía = homily

homogéneo = homogeneous

homogeneidad = homogeneity
homogeneizar = homogenizing

homosexual = fag

homosexual = homosexual

honda = sling

hondo = deep

hondonada = hollow

honestidad = honesty

hongo = derby

hongo = fungus

hongo = mushroom

hongos = fungi

honorario = honorary

honorarios = fee

honorarios = honorarium

honrado = honest

honrar = honoring

horóscopo = horoscope

hora = hour

hora = time

hora de acostarse = bedtime

hora de comer = mealtime

hora de la cena = dinnertime

hora de recreo = playtime

horadar = holing

horario = schedule
horas = hours

horca = crotch

horca = gallows

horca = pitchfork

horda = horde

horizontal = horizontal

horizonte = horizon

hormiga = ant

hormiguear = tingling

hormiguero = anthill

hormona = hormone

hornear = baking

hornear = to bake

horno = furnace

horno = oven

horno crematorio = crematory

horquilla para el pelo = hairpin

horrendo = horrendous

horrible = dire

horrible = ghastly

horrible = horrible

horror = horror

horrorice = horrify

horrorizar = horrifying

horroroso = hideous
hortensia = hydrangea

horticultura = horticulture

hospedar = putting up

hospicio = hospice

hospital = hospital

hospitalario = hospitable

hospitalidad = hospitality

hospitalizar = hospitalizing

hostigar = harassing

hostil = hostile

hostil = inimical

hostilizar = harassing

hotel = hotel

hoteles [Noun] = hotels

hoy = today

hoyo = pit

hoyo = pothole

hoyuelo = dimple

hoz = sickle

hozar = rooting

hozar = to root

huérfano = orphan

huésped = guest

hueco = recess

huelga [Noun] = strike

huella = footprint

huella = track

huella digital = fingerprint

huerto = orchard

hueso = bone

huesos = bones

huesudo = scrawny

huevo = egg

huidizo = elusive

huir = fleeing

huir = shunning

humanidad = humanity

humanidad = humankind

humanidad = mankind

humanismo = humanism

humanista = humanist

humanitario = humanitarian

humano = human

humano = humane

humareda = smother

humeante = smoky

humeante = steamy

humear = fuming

humectar = moistening

humedad = humidity
humedad = moisture

humedecer = humidifying

humedezca = dampen

humedezca = humidify

humedezca = moisten

humildad = humility

humilde = humble

humillación, degradación = abasement

humillaciones, degradaciones = abasements

humillador = abaser

humillante, degradante [Verb] = abasing

humillar = humiliating

humille = abase

humille = humiliate

humo = fume

humo = smog

humo = smoke

humor = mood

humus = humus

hunde = sunk

hundió = sank

hundido = sunken

hundir = bogging

hundir = sinking

hundir = to sink
hurón = ferret

huracán = hurricane

hurgón = poker

hurgonear = jabbing

hurtar = stealing

hurte = filch

hurte = pilfer

hurto = pilferage

hurto = theft

hurtos = thefts

husmear = sniffing

huso = spindle

huyó = fled

huya = flee

huya = shun

iónico = ionic

iceberg [Noun] = iceberg

icono [Noun] = icon

iconoclasta = iconoclast

iconoclasta [Adjective] = iconoclastic

ictericia = jaundice

idéntico = identical

idílico = idyllic

idea = idea
idea [Noun] = notion

idea genial = brainstorm

ideal = ideal

idealista = idealistic

idealizar = idealizing

idealizar = to idealize

idear = devising

idee = contrive

identidad = identity

identificación = identification

identificar = identifying

identificar = to identify

identifique = identify

ideológico = ideological

ideología = ideology

idilio = idyll

idiomático = idiomatic

idioma = language

idiosincrásico = idiosyncratic

idiosincrasia = idiosyncrasy

idiota = idiot

idiota = idiotic

idiotez = idiocy

idolatría = idolatry

idolatrar = idolizing
iglesia = chapel

iglesia = church

iglesia = kirk

iglesias = chapels

ignición = ignition

ignominioso = ignominious

ignominioso = inglorious

ignorante = ignoramus

ignorante = ignorant

ignorar = ignoring

ignore = ignore

igual = equal

igual = even

igualar = equaling

igualar = to equal

igualar = to equalize

igualdad = equality

iguale = equate

igualmente = likewise

ijar = flank

ilícito = illicit

ilegítimo = illegitimate

ilegal = illegal

ilegible = illegible

ilegitimar = illegitimating
ilegitimidad = illegitimacy

ilimitable = illimitable

iluminado por el sol = sunlit

iluminar = illuminating

iluminar = to enlighten

iluminar = to illuminate

ilumine = enlighten

ilumine = illuminate

ilusión = illusion

ilusionar = building up hopes

ilusivo = illusive

ilusorio = illusory

ilustrar = illustrating

ilustrar = to illustrate

ilustre = illustrate

ilustre = illustrious

imán = magnet

imagen = image

imaginación = imagination

imaginar = imagining

imaginar = to imagine

imaginario = imaginary

imaginativo = fanciful

imagine = imagine

imaginería = imagery
imbécil = imbecile

imbécil = twit

imbuir = imbuing

imbuya = imbue

imitó = mimicked

imitación = fake

imitador = mimic

imitar = imitating

imitar = mimicking

imitar = to imitate

imite = imitate

impío = impious

impacientar = growing impatient

impaciente = impatient

impacto = impact

impalpable = impalpable

impar = odd

imparcial = impartial

imparta = impart

impartir = imparting

impasible = impassive

impecable = impeccable

impedancia = impedance

impedido = handicapped

impedimento = handicap
impedimento = impediment

impedir = impeding

impela = impel

impeler = impelling

impelió = impelled

impenetrable = impenetrable

impenetrable = impervious

imperar = reigning

imperceptible = imperceptible

imperceptible = indiscernible

imperecedero = imperishable

imperial = imperial

imperio = empire

imperioso = imperious

impermeable = impermeable

impermeable = raincoat

impermeable = waterproof

impersonal = impersonal

impertinencia = irrelevance

impertinente = flippant

impertinente = impertinent

imperturbable = imperturbable

impetuoso = impetuous

impida = impede

implícito = implicit
implacable = implacable

implantación = implementation

implantar = implanting

implantar = to implant

implantar [Verb] = implement

implante = implant

implicar = implying

implicar = to implicate

implique = implicate

implique = imply

implorar = imploring

implorar = to implore

implore = implore

imponderable = imponderable

imponente = awesome

imponer = imposing

imponer = to impose

imponga = impose

importación = importation

importado = imported

importancia = import

importancia = importance

importante = eventful

importante = important

importante = key
importante = momentous

importar = mattering

importar = to import

importunado = importunate

importunar = importuning

importune = importune

imposibilidad = impossibility

imposibilitar = disabling

imposible = impossible

imposición = imposition

imposición de contribuciones = taxation

impostura = imposture

impotencia = impotence

impotente = impotent

impráctico = impractical

impróvido = improvident

impracticable = impracticable

impreciso = imprecise

impregnado = impregnate

impregnar = impregnating

impregnar = to impregnate

impresión = impress

impresión = impression

impresión = imprint

impresión = print
impresionante = breathtaking

impresionante [Adjective] = impressive

impresionar = impressing

imprimar = priming

imprimir = printing

imprimir = to print

improbable = improbable

impromptu = impromptu

impropiedad = impropriety

impropio = improper

impropio = inappropriate

improvisadamente = extempore

improvisado = extemporaneous

improvisar = improvising

improvisar = to improvise

improvise = improvise

imprudente = imprudent

imprudente = injudicious

impuesto = tax

impuesto suplementario = surtax

impugnar = refuting

impugne = impugn

impulsar = impelling

impulsivo = impulsive

impulso = impulse
impulso = urge

impulsor = impeller

impunidad = impunity

impurificar = polluting

impuro = impure

imputación = accusation

imputación = imputation

imputar = imputing

impute = impute

inaccesibilidad = inaccessibility

inaccesible = inaccessible

inactivo = dormant

inactivo = inactive

inadecuado = inadequate

inadmisible = inadmissible

inadvertido = inadvertent

inagotable = inexhaustible

inaguantable = insufferable

inalienable = inalienable

inane = inane

inanición = starvation

inanimado = inanimate

inaplicable = inapplicable

inarticulado = inarticulate

inaudible = inaudible
inaugural = inaugural

inaugurar = inaugurating

inaugurar = to inaugurate

inaugure = inaugurate

incalculable = incalculable

incandescente = incandescent

incapacidad = inability

incapacidades = disabilities

incapacitar = disabling

incapacite = incapacitate

incapaz = incapable

incautar = confiscating

incauto = gullible

incauto = incautious

incendiar = setting on fire

incendiario = incendiary

incendio provocado = arson

incensar = incensing

incentivo = incentive

incesante = continual

incesante = incessant

incesto = incest

incestuoso = incestuous

incidental = incidental

incienso = incense
incierto = fitful

incierto = precarious

incinerar = incinerating

incinerar = to incinerate

incinere = cremate

incinere = incinerate

incipiente = incipient

incisivo = incisive

incitó = abetted

incitar = abetting

incitar = bestirring

incitar = inciting

incitar = to entice

incitar = to incite

incite = abet

incite = bestir

incite = entice

incite = incite

inclemente = inclement

inclinación = bent

inclinación = bow

inclinación = droop

inclinación = inclination

inclinación = nod

inclinación = skew
inclinación = slant

inclinación = stoop

inclinación = tilt

inclinado = apt

inclinado hacia abajo = downcast

inclinar = inclining

inclinar = to incline

incluido = embedded

incluir = including

incluir = to include

inclusión = inclusion

inclusivo = inclusive

incluya = inclose

incluya = include

incoherente = incoherent

incoherente = inconsistent

incombustible = fireproof

incombustible = incombustible

incomodar = inconveniencing

incomparable = incomparable

incompatible = incompatible

incompetente = incompetent

incompleto = incomplete

incomprensión = incomprehension

incomprensible = incomprehensible
incomunicable = incommunicable

incomunicar = isolating

inconcebible = inconceivable

inconcluso = inconclusive

incongruencia = incongruity

incongruente = incongruous

inconmensurable = incommensurable

inconsecuente = inconsequential

inconsolable = inconsolable

inconstante = fickle

inconstante = inconstant

inconstante = variable

inconveniente = drawback

incorporado = incorporate

incorporar = incorporating

incorporar = to incorporate

incorrecto = incorrect

incorregible = incorrigible

incorregible = irreclaimable

incorruptible = incorruptible

incrédulo = incredulous

increíble = incredible

incredulidad = incredulity

incrementar = increasing

incremento = accrual
incremento = increment

incriminar = incriminating

incriminar = to incriminate

incrimine = incriminate

incrustar = incrusting

incubar = incubating

incube = incubate

inculcar = inculcating

inculque = inculcate

incumbir = being incumbent

incurra en = incur

incurrió en = incurred

incurrir = incurring

incurrir en = incurring

incurrir en = to incur

incursión = incursion

incursión = inroad

indígena = indigenous

indócil = unruly

indagar = investigating

indecente = indecent

indecisión = indecision

indeciso = indecisive

indefendible = indefensible

indefinible = indefinable
indefinible = nondescript

indefinido = indefinite

indeleble = indelible

indelicado = indelicate

indemnización = indemnity

indemnizar = reimbursing

indemnizar = to indemnify

independencia = independence

independiente = independent

independizar = freeing

indescriptible = indescribable

indestructible = indestructible

indeterminado = indeterminate

indicador de velocidad = speedometer

indicar = indicating

indicar = to indicate

indicativo = indicative

indiferente = indifferent

indiferente = nonchalant

indigencia = indigence

indigente = indigent

indigestión = indigestion

indigesto = indigestible

indignación = indignation

indignado = indignant
indignar = indignating

indignidad = indignity

indio = Indian

indique = indicate

indirecta = hint

indirecta = innuendo

indirecto = indirect

indiscreción = indiscretion

indiscreto = indiscreet

indiscutible = incontestable

indiscutible = indisputable

indispensable = indispensable

indisponer = indisposing

indisposición = indisposition

indistinguible = indistinguishable

indistinto = indiscriminate

indistinto = indistinct

individual = individual

individualidad = individuality

individualismo = individualism

individualista = individualist

individualizar = individualizing

indivisible = indivisible

indolente = indolent

indoloro, sin dolor = painless

indomable = indomitable

indomable = tameless

indonesio = Indonesian

indubitable = indubitable

inducir = inducing

inducir = to induce

inductancia = inductance

indulgente = indulgent

indulgente = lenient

indultar = pardon

indulto = reprieve

industria = industry

industrial = industrial

industrialismo = industrialism

industrializar = industrializing

induzca = induce

ineficaz = ineffective

ineficaz = ineffectual

ineficaz = inefficient

inelegante = inelegant

inelegible = ineligible

ineluctable = ineluctable

ineludible = inescapable

inepto = inapt

inepto = inept
inercia = inertia

inerte = inert

inescrutable = inscrutable

inestimable = inestimable

inestimable = invaluable

inevitable = inevitable

inexactitud = inaccuracy

inexacto = inaccurate

inexacto = inexact

inexcusable = inexcusable

inexorable = adamant

inexorable = inexorable

inexperiencia = inexperience

inexperto = inexpert

inexplicable = inexplicable

inexpresable = inexpressible

inexpugnable = impregnable

inextinguible = inextinguishable

inextricable = inextricable

infalible = infallible

infamar = defaming

infame = infamous

infamia = infamy

infamo = notorious

infancia = infancy
infante = infant

infantería = infantry

infantil = childish

infantil = childlike

infantil = infantile

infantil [Adjective] = babyish

infatigable = indefatigable

infeccioso = infectious

infectar = infecting

infectar = to infect

infecte = infect

infecundo = infertile

infeliz = unhappy

inferencia = inference

inferior = inferior

inferior = nether

inferir = inferring

infernal = hellish

infernal = infernal

infestar = infesting

infeste = infest

infidelidad = infidelity

infiel = infidel

infiera = infer

infierno = hell
infierno = inferno

infiltre = infiltrate

infinidad = infinitude

infinidad = infinity

infinitesimal = infinitesimal

infinitivo = infinitive

infinito = infinite

infirió = inferred

inflamable = flammable

inflamable = inflammable

inflamación = inflammation

inflamar = inflaming

inflamar = to inflame

inflamatorio = inflammatory

inflame = inflame

inflar = inflating

infle = inflate

inflexible = inflexible

infligir = inflicting

inflija = inflict

influencia = influence

influencia = leverage

influenciar = to influence

influenza = influenza

influir = influencing
influyente = influential

información = information

informador = informant

informal = casual

informal = informal

informar = informing

informar = to inform

informativo = informative

informe = apprise

informe = brief

informe = inform

informe = report

informe detallado = rundown

infraestructura = infrastructure

infrarrojo = infrared

infrautilización [Noun] = underutilization

infrautilizado [Adjective] = underused

infrautilizar [Verb] = underutilize

infravalorar = undervaluing

infringir = infringing

infringir = to infringe

infrinja = infringe

infunda = infuse

infundir = infusing

infusión = infusion
ingeniero = engineer

ingenio = wit

ingeniosidad = ingenuity

ingenioso = ingenious

ingenioso = witty

ingenuo = ingenuous

ingenuo = naive

ingerir = ingesting

ingestión = ingestion

ingiera = ingest

inglés = English

ingle = groin

ingratitud = ingratitude

ingrato = ingrate

ingrediente = ingredient

ingresar = entering

ingreso = deposit

ingreso = income

inhóspito = inhospitable

inhabilidad = disability

inhabilitar = disabling

inhalación = inhalation

inhalar = inhaling

inhale = inhale

inherente = inherent
inhiba = inhibit

inhibición = inhibition

inhibir = inhibiting

inhumano = inhuman

inhumano = inhumane

inhumar = interring

iniciado = initiate

inicial = initial

inicializar = initializing

iniciar = beginning

iniciativa = initiative

inicuo = iniquitous

inimitable = inimitable

iniquidad = iniquity

injerir = inserting

injertar = implanting

injerto = graft

injuriar = reviling

injurioso = injurious

injusticia = injustice

injusto = inequitable

injusto = invidious

injusto = wrongful

inmóvil = immobile

inmóvil = immovable
inmaculado = immaculate

inmadurez = immaturity

inmaduro = immature

inmanente = immanent

inmaterial = immaterial

inmediación = immediacy

inmediatamente = forthwith

inmediatamente = immediately

inmediato = contiguous

inmediato = immediate

inmemorial = immemorial

inmenso = immense

inmenso = vast

inmensurable = immeasurable

inmersión = immersion

inmigrante = immigrant

inmigrar = immigrating

inmigre = immigrate

inminente = imminent

inmiscuir = mixing

inmoderado = immoderate

inmoderado = inordinate

inmoderado = intemperate

inmodestia = immodesty

inmodesto = immodest
inmolar = immolating

inmoral = immoral

inmoralidad = immorality

inmortal = immortal

inmortalidad = immortality

inmortalizar = immortalizing

inmovilidad = immobility

inmovilizar = immobilizing

inmune = immune

inmunización = immunization

inmunizar = immunizing

inmutar = altering

innato = inborn

innato = inbred

innato = innate

innoble = ignoble

innovar = innovating

innovar = to innovate

innove = innovate

innumerable = innumerable

inocencia = innocence

inocente = innocent

inoculación = inoculation

inocular = inoculating

inocular = to inoculate
inocule = inoculate

inodoro = toilet

inodoros = toilets

inoperable = inoperable

inoperante = inoperative

inoportuno = inconvenient

inoportuno = inopportune

inorgánico = inorganic

inquiera = enquire

inquiera = inquire

inquietar = disturbing

inquietar = to worry

inquieto = shifty

inquilino = tenant

inquilinos = tenants

inquirir = inquiring

inquirir = to inquire

inquisición = inquisition

inquisidor = inquisitor

inquisitivo = inquisitive

insípido = insipid

insaciable = insatiable

inscriba = inscribe

inscribir = inscribing

inscribir = to inscribe
inscripción = inscription

insecticida = insecticide

insecto = insect

inseguro = insecure

inseguro = shaky

inseminar = inseminating

insemine = inseminate

insensible = insensible

insensible = insensitive

inseparable = inseparable

inserción = insert

insertar = inserting

insertar = to insert

insidioso = insidious

insignia = badge

insignia = insignia

insignificante = inconsiderable

insignificante = insignificant

insinúe = insinuate

insinuar = insinuating

insinuar = to insinuate

insista = insist

insistencia = insistence

insistente = insistent

insistir = insisting
insistir = to insist

insolente = insolent

insoluble = insoluble

insoluble = insolvable

insolvente = insolvent

insomnio = insomnia

insonorice = soundproof

insonorizar = soundproofing

inspeccionar = inspecting

inspeccionar = to inspect

inspeccione = inspect

inspector = inspector

inspiración = inspiration

inspirar = inspiring

inspirar = to inspire

inspire = inspire

instalación = installation

instalar = installing

instalar = to install

instale = induct

instale = install

instantáneo = instantaneous

instantáneo = snapshot

instante = jiffy

instar = to urge
instar = urging

instaurar = establishing

instigación, apoyo = abetment

instigador = abettor

instigando, incitando = abetting

instigar = instigating

instigar = prodding

instigar, incitar, inducir = to abet

instigue = instigate

instigue = prod

instilar = instilling

instile = instill

instinto = instinct

institución = institution

instituir = institute

instituto = institute

institutriz = governess

instrucción = instruction

instructor = instructor

instruido = literate

instruir = instructing

instruir = to instruct

instrumentar = orchestrating

instrumento = implement

instrumento = instrument
instrumento de viento de madera = woodwind

instruya = instruct

insubordinado = insubordinate

insubordinar = stirring up

insubstancial = insubstantial

insuficiencia = inadequacy

insuficiente = insufficient

insulina = insulin

insultar = insulting

insultar = to insult

insulto = insult

insuperable = insuperable

insuperable = insurmountable

insurgente = insurgent

intacto = intact

intangible = intangible

integrar = integrating

integrar = to integrate

integre = integrate

integridad = entirety

integridad = integrity

intelecto = intellect

intelectual = intellectual

intelectualidad = intelligentsia

inteligencia = intelligence
inteligencia; cabeza = brains

inteligente = brainy

inteligente = brilliant

inteligente = intelligent

inteligente = smart

inteligibilidad = intelligibility

inteligible = intelligible

intemperancia = intemperance

intención = intention

intensificar = intensifying

intensificar = to intensify

intensifique = intensify

intensivo = intensive

intenso = intense

intentar = attempting

intentar = to attempt

intente = attempt

intento = intent

interés = interest

intercalación = inset

intercalar = inserting

intercale = collate

intercambiar = exchanging

intercambiar = to exchange

intercambio = exchange
interceder = interceding

interceder = to intercede

interceptación = interception

interceptar = intercepting

interceptar = to intercept

intercepte = intercept

intercesión = intercession

intercomunicador = intercom

interconecte = interconnect

interesante = interesting

interesar = interesting

interesar = to interest

interferencia = interference

interferir = interfering

interfiera = interfere

interior = indoor

interior = inland

interior = interior

interior = internal

interior = inward

interludio = interlude

intermediar = intermediating

intermediario = intermediary

intermediario = middleman

intermediarios = middlemen
intermedio = intermediate

intermitente = desultory

intermitente = intermittent

internacional = international

internacionalizar = internationalizing

internar = interning

interno = inner

interno = intern

interpolar = interpolating

interpolar = to interpolate

interpole = interpolate

interponer = interposing

interponga = interject

interpretación = interpretation

interpretar = interpreting

interpretar = to interpret

interprete = interpret

interregno = interregnum

interrelacionar = interrelating

interrogar = interrogating

interrogar = to interrogate

interrogatorio = interrogatory

interrogue = interrogate

interrumpa con preguntas intencionadas o molestas = heckle

interrumpir = interrupting
interrumpir = to interrupt

interrupción = interrupt

interrupción = interruption

interrupción = timeout

interruptor = switch

intervalo = interval

intervención [Noun] = intervention

intervenga = intervene

intervenir = intervening

intervenir = to audit

intervenir = to intervene

interventor = auditor

interventor = comptroller

intestado = intestate

intestino = bowel

intestino = gut

intestino = intestine

intimar = becoming intimate

intimida = browbeaten

intimidad [Noun] = intimacy

intimidar = intimidating

intimidar = to intimidate

intimide = intimidate

intitular = entitling

intolerancia = bigotry
intolerancia = intolerable

intolerante = bigot

intolerante = intolerant

intoxicar = intoxicating

intrépido = intrepid

intrínseco = intrinsic

intransigente = intransigent

intransitable = impassable

intransitivo = intransitive

intravenoso = intravenous

intriga = intrigue

intrigar = bestirring

intrincado = intricate

introducción = introduction

introducir = introducing

introducir = to introduce

introductorio = introductory

introduzca = introduce

introversión = introversion

introvertido = introvert

intrusión = intrusion

intruso = intrusive

intuición = intuition

intuir = sensing

intuitivo = intuitive
inundación = drench

inundación = overflow

inundar = flooding

inundar = to inundate

inunde = inundate

inutilizar = disabling

inutilizar = to disable

inválido = invalid

invada = invade

invadir = invading

invadir = to invade

invalidar = invalidating

invalidar = to invalidate

invalide = invalidate

invariable = invariable

invasión = invasion

invectiva = invective

invención = contrivance

invención = invention

invencible = invincible

inventar = inventing

inventar = to invent

inventariar = inventorying

inventario = inventory

invente = invent
inventivo = inventive

inventor = inventor

invernáculo = hothouse

invernáculo [Noun] = greenhouse

invernar = hibernating

inversión = inversion

inversión = reversal

inverso = back

inversor = investor

invertebrado = invertebrate

invertido = invert

invertir = investing

invertir = to invest

investigación = research

investigar = investigating

investigue = investigate

investir = investing

inveterado = inveterate

invierno = winter

invierta = invest

inviolable = inviolable

invisible = invisible

invitación = invitation

invitar = inviting

invitar = to invite
invite = invite

invocar = invoking

invocar = to invoke

involucrar = involving

involuntario = involuntary

invoque = invoke

invulnerable = invulnerable

inyectar = injecting

inyectar = to inject

inyecte = inject

ion = ion

ionizar = ionizing

iota = iota

irónico = ironic

ir = going

ir = to go

ir de jira = picnicking

ir mejorando = mend

ira = ire

ira = wrath

iraniano = Iranian

iraqueno = Iraqui

iridio = iridium

irlandés = Irish

ironía = irony
irracional = irrational

irradiar = irradiating

irradiar = to irradiate

irradie = irradiate

irreconciliable = irreconcilable

irrecuperable = irretrievable

irredimible = irredeemable

irreducible = irreducible

irreemplazable = irreplaceable

irrefutable = irrefutable

irregular = irregular

irreparable = irrecoverable

irreparable = irreparable

irreprimible = irrepressible

irreprochable = irreproachable

irresistible = irresistible

irresolución = demur

irresoluto = irresolute

irresponsable = irresponsible

irreverente = irreverent

irreversible = irreversible

irrevocable = irrevocable

irrigar = irrigating

irrigue = irrigate

irritable = irritable
irritado = testy

irritante = irritant

irritar = irritating

irritar = to irritate

irrite = irritate

irrite = nettle

isótopo = isotope

islámico = Islamic

isla = island

isla = isle

isleño = insular

isoterma = isotherm

israelita = Israeli

itinerario = itinerary

itinerario = timetable

izar = hoisting

izquierdo = left

jabón = soap

jabalí = boar

jabalina = javelin

jabonar = soaping

jabonoso = soapy

jaca = nag

jacinto = hyacinth
jactancia = boast

jactancia = brag

jactancioso = boastful

jactar = boasting

jactar = bragging

jade = jade

jadeante = wheezy

jadear = panting

jadeo = wheeze

jaguar = jaguar

jalar = pulling

jalea = jelly

jamón [Noun] = ham

japonés = Japanese

jaquear = checking

jarabe = syrup

jarana = revel

jaranear = reveling

jardín [Noun] = garden

jardín de infantes = kindergarten

jardín zoológico [Noun] = zoo

jardinero = gardener

jarrón = vase

jarra = jar

jarro = jug
jarro = mug

jaspear = marbling

jaula = cage

jaula = coop

jaulas = cages

jazz = jazz

jeep = jeep

jefe = boss

jefe = chief

jefe = chieftain

jefe = leader

jefe de estación = stationmaster

jején = gnat

jengibre = ginger

jeque = sheik

jerarquía = hierarchy

jerga = jargon

jerga = lingo

jerga = slang

jeringa = syringe

jeroglífico = hieroglyphic

jibión = cuttlebone

jilguero = goldfinch

jinete = equestrian

jinete = horseman
jinetes = horsemen

jira = picnic

jirafa = giraffe

jockey = jockey

jocoso = facetious

jocoso = jocose

jocoso = jocular

jocundo = jocund

jornada = journey

jornalero = journeyman

jornaleros = journeymen

joroba = hunch

jorobado = humpback

jota = jot

joven = young

joven que abandona sus estudios = dropout

jovencito = youngish

jovencito = youngster

jovenzuelo = youngster

jovial = jolly

jovial = jovial

joya = jewel

joya = jewelry

joyas = jewels

joyero = jeweller
jubilar = retiring

jubiloso = joyful

jubiloso = jubilant

judío = Jewish

judío = kosher

judicatura = judicature

judicial = judicial

judicial = judiciary

judo = judo

juego = gamble

juego = game

juego de auriculares con casco = headset

juego de palabras = pun

juegue = dally

juegue = twiddle

juegue a = play

jueves = Thursday

juez = coroner

juez = judge

jugar = playing

jugar = to play

jugo = juice

jugoso = juicy

juguetón = frisky

juguetón = kittenish
juguetón = playful

jugueteó = toyed

juguete = toy

jugueteando = toying

juguetear = rollicking

juguetee = rollick

juguetes = toys

juicio = judgement

juicio = judgment

juicio = trial

juicios = trials

juicioso = judicious

julepe = julep

julio = July

junípero = juniper

junco = bulrush

junio = June

junquillo = jonquil

junta = junta

junta = splice

junta política = caucus

juntar = joining

juntar = twinning

junte = join

junto = together
juntos = together

juntura = joint

juntura = juncture

juró = swore

jurado = juror

jurado = jury

jurado = sworn

juramentar = swearing in

juramento = oath

juramentos = oaths

jurar = swearing

jure = swear

jurisdicción = jurisdiction

justar = jousting

justicia = justice

justificar = justifying

justifique = justify

justo = equitable

justo = fair

justo = joust

justo = rightful

juvenil = girlish

juvenil = juvenile

juvenil = youthful

juventud = youth
juventud = youthfulness

juzgar = judging

juzgue = deem

kappa = kappa

karate = karate

kilobyte = kilobyte

kilohertzio = kilohertz

kilovatio = kilowatt

kimono = kimono

kiosco = kiosk

kiosco de música = bandstand

lábil = labile

lácteo = milky

lágrima = tear

lágrima = teardrop

lámpara = lamp

láncese = hurtle

lánguido = flagging

lánguido = languid

lápida = tablet

lápida = tombstone

lápida mortuoria = headstone

lápida sepulcral [Noun] = gravestone

lápiz = pencil

lápiz de labios = lipstick

láser = laser

látex = latex

látigo = whip

láudano = laudanum

léxico = lexical

léxico = lexicon

líder = leader

límite = bound

límite = boundary

límite = limit

límpido = limpid

línea = line

línea = rank

lío = pack

lípido [Noun] = lipid

lípidos [Noun] = lipids

líquido = liquid

lítico = lithic

lívido = livid

lívido = wan

lóbulo = lobe

lóbulo de la oreja [Noun] = earlobe

lógica = logic
lúcido = lucid

laúd = lute

la flor y nata = elite

laberinto = labyrinth

laberinto = maze

labial = labial

labio = lip

labio leporino = harelip

labiodental [Adjective] = labiodental

labios = lips

laborable = laborable

laborar (as in to work) = toil

laborar = working

laboratorio = lab

laboratorio = laboratory

laboratorios = laboratories

laboriosamente = laboriously

laboriosamente = toilsomely

laborioso = laborious

laboro = toiled

labrar = working

laca = lacquer

lacayo = footman

lacayo = lackey

lacayos = footmen
lacerar = lacerating

lacerar = to lacerate

lacere = lacerate

lacrar = sealing

lactación = suckling

ladear = leaning

ladear = tipping

ladera = hillside

ladera de la montaña = mountainside

ladera de monte; pendiente = brae

ladino = cagey

lado = side

lado de la cama = bedside

ladró = bayed

ladrón = burglar

ladrón = thief

ladrar = barking

ladrar = yapping

ladre = yap

ladrido = bark

ladrillo = brick

ladrones = thieves

lagarto [Noun] = lizard

lago = lake

lagrimear = sheding tears

laguna = lagoon

laicidad = laity

lamentable = regrettable

lamentable = rueful

lamentar = lamenting

lamente = bemoan

lamente = bewail

lamente = mourn

lamento = cry

lamento = lament

lamento = lamentation

lamento = wail

lamer = licking

lamer = to lick

laminado = laminate

lana = wool

lanar = sheep

lancear = lancing

langosta = lobster

langosta = locust

languidecer = languishing

languidecer = to languish

languidezca = languish

lanudo = shaggy

lanza = lance
lanza = spear

lanzamiento = cast

lanzamiento = launch

lanzar = throwing

lapa = limpet

lapa = macaw

lapas = macaws

lapso = lapse

lardear = basting

largirucho = gangling

largo = lengthy

largo = long

larguirucho = lanky

laringe = larynx

larva = grub

larva = larva

larval = larval

lascivo = lascivious

lascivo = wanton

laser = laser

lastimar = hurting

lastimero = plaintive

lastimoso = pitiable

lastimoso = pitiful

latón = brass
lata = can

lata = tin

latas = cans

latas = tins

latente = latent

lateral = lateral

lateral = sidelong

latido = throb

latido del corazón = heartbeat

latir = beating

latitud = latitude

latonero = brazier

laudable = praiseworthy

laudatorio = laudatory

laureado = laureate

laurear = honoring

laurel = laurel

lava = lava

lavabo = lavatory

lavabo = washbasin

lavado = laundry

lavado de cerebro = brainwashing

lavandera = sandpiper

lavar = to wash

lavar = washing
lavar con esponja = to sponge

lavar el cerebro a; = brainwash

lave = wash

lave el cerebro = brainwash

laxante = laxative

lazar = roping

lazo = bind

lazo = lariat

lazo = lasso

lazo = noose

lazo = tie

leña = firewood

leño = log

leñoso = woody

león [Verb] = lion

lea = read

lealtad = loyalty

lección = lesson

lechada = grout

leche = milk

lechería = creamery

lechería = dairy

lechero = dairyman

lechero = milkman

lecheros = dairymen
lecho de muerte = deathbed

lecho de roca = bedrock

lechuga = lettuce

leer = reading

leer = to read

legítimo = legitimate

legítimo = sound

legítimo; honesto = aboveboard

legado = bequest

legado = devise

legado = legacy

legal = lawful

legal = legal

legalizar = legalizing

legar = bequeathing

legatario = legatee

legendario = legendary

legión = legion

legible = legible

legislar = legislating

legislatura = legislature

legisle = legislate

legitimar = legitimating

legitimidad = legitimacy

legumbre = legume
legumbre = vegetable

lejos = afar

lejos = away

lejos = far

lejos de casa = afield

lema = motto

lengüetada = lick

lengua = language

lengua = tongue

lenguaje = speech

lenguaje periodístico = journalese

lenguas = tongues

lentamente = slowly

lente = lens

lenteja = lentil

lentejuela = spangle

lento = slow

leona = lioness

leopardo = leopard

lepra = leprosy

leproso = leper

lesión = injury

lesión = lesion

lesionar = injuring

letal = baneful
letal = lethal

letanía = litany

letargo = lethargy

letargo = slumber

letra = lyric

letrero = sign

letrero = signboard

leucemia = leukemia

leudar = leavening

levántese = arise

leva = cam

leva = levy

levadura = yeast

levantó = arose

levantó = upheld

levanta = arisen

levantamiento = rise

levantamiento = upheaval

levantamiento = uplift

levantar = lifting

levantar = to raise

levantarse = to get up

levante = uphold

levedad = levity

lexicografía = lexicography
ley = law

leyenda = legend

leyendo = reading

lezna = awl

liar = tiing

libélula = dragonfly

libación = libation

libelo = libel

liberación = deliverance

liberal = liberal

liberalidad = bounty

liberalizar = liberalizing

liberar = liberating

libertad = freedom

libertad = liberty

libertad provisional = parole

libertar = liberating

libertar = to liberate

liberte = liberate

libertinaje = debauchery

libertinaje = lechery

libertino = lecher

libertino = libertine

libidinoso = libidinous

libido = libido
libró = freed

libra = pound

librar = freeing

librar = liberating

librar = ridding

libre = free

libre = rid

libre = vacant

librería = bookstore

librero = bookseller

libreto = libretto

librito = booklet

libro (book) = tome

libro = book

libro de cocina = cookbook

libro de cuentos [Noun] = storybook

libro de texto = textbook

libro de texto, manual = textbook

libro en rústica = paperback

libros = books

libros = tomes

licúe = liquefy

licencia = licence

licenciatura = baccalaureate

licencioso = licentious
licitación = bidding

licitar = bidding

licor = liqueur

licor = liquor

licor de aguamiel = mead

licuar = liquefying

licuefacción = liquefaction

lidiar = fighting

liebre = hare

liga = garter

liga = league

ligadura = ligament

ligadura = ligature

ligamiento = tying

ligar = tiing

ligue por contrato = indenture

lilac = lilac

limón = lemon

lima = lime

limar = filing

limbo = limbo

limitación = shortcoming

limitación = stint

limitar = limiting

limo = slime
limonada = lemonade

limoso = slimy

limousine = limousine

limpiar = cleaning

limpiar = swabbing

limpiar = to clean

limpiar = to wipe

limpie = clean

limpie = cleanse

limpie = wipe

limpio = clean

linóleo [Noun] = linoleum

linaje = ancestry

linaje = lineage

linaje = parentage

linaza = linseed

lince = bobcat

lince = lynx

linchar = lynching

linche = lynch

lindar = abutting

lindo = pretty

lineal = lineal

lineal = linear

linear = lining
linfa = lymph

lingüístico = linguistic

lingüista = linguist

lingote = ingot

lingual = lingual

linimento = liniment

lino = flax

lino = linen

linterna = lantern

linterna eléctrica = flashlight

liquen = lichen

liquidar = liquidating

liquide = liquidate

lirio = iris

lirismo = lyricism

lisiar = crippling

liso = sleek

liso = smooth

lisonja = flattery

lisonjear = flattering

listón = batten

listón = cleat

lista = list

lista = roster

lista de cosas pendientes = backlog

listar = listing

listo = cute

listo = ready

listo = resourceful

listo = savvy

litera = bunk

litera = cabin

literal = literal

literalmente = verbatim

literario = literary

literatura = literature

litigante = litigant

litigar = contesting

litigoso = litigious

litigue = litigate

litografía = lithograph

litografía = lithography

litografiar = lithographing

litoral = coastline

litoral = littoral

litoral = seaboard

litro = litre

liturgia = liturgy

lixiviar = leaching

llamó = called
llama = blaze

llama = flame

llamadas = calls

llamado (as in calling in life) = calling

llamar = calling

llamar = to call

llamarada = flash

llamativo = garish

llame = beckon

llame = call

llano = flat

llano = plain

llanos [Noun] = plains

llanta (car tire) cansar (to tire) = tire

llanta = tire

llantas (car tires) = tires

llave = key

llave de paso = stopcock

llavero = turnkey

llaves = keys

llegada = arrival

llegar = arriving

llegar = to arrive

llegue = arrive

llenador = filler
llenar = filling

llenar = to fill

llene = replenish

lleno = filled

lleno = full

lleno = sellout

lleno de remiendos = patchy

lleno de tocones = stumpy

llevó = led

llevó = wore

llevó una velocidad excesiva = sped

lleva = worn

llevar = lugging

llevar = taking

llevar = to carry

lleve = carry

lleve = convey

lleve = lead

lleve = lug

lleve = tote

lleve a cabo = transact

lloró = cried

lloró = wept

llorón = maudlin

llorar = crying
llorar = to cry

llorar = to weep

llore = weep

lloriquear = whimpering

lloro = blubber

lloroso = tearful

llover = raining

llover = to rain

llovizna = drizzle

llovizna = mist

lloviznar = sprinkling

lluvia = pour

lluvia = rain

lluvia = rainfall

lluvioso = rainy

lo último = latest

lo abstracto = abstract

lo finito = finite

lo inverso = inverse

lo más = most

lo más helado [Adjective] = iciest

lo que = what

loar = lauding

lobo = wolf

local = local
localice = locate

localizar = locating

loción = lotion

loco = crazy

loco = lunatic

loco = madman

loco(Chile) = abalone

locomotor = locomotive

locos = madmen

locuacidad = loquacity

locuaz = loquacious

locura = lunacy

locutor = announcer

lodo = mud

lodo = slosh

lodo = sludge

lodo blando = slop

lodoso = sloppy

loe = laud

logarítmico = logarithmic

logaritmo = logarithm

logró [Verb] = achieved

logra [Verb] = achieves

lograble = achievable

lograr = achieving
lograr = to accomplish

lograr = to achieve

lograr = to attain

logre = accomplish

logre = attain

logro = achievement

logros = achievements

loma = knoll

loma [Noun] = hill

lomo (noun) = back

lomo = backbone

lomo = loin

lomo de caballo = horseback

lona = canvas

longevidad = longevity

longitud = length

longitud = longitude

longitud de onda = wavelength

longitud en pies = footage

longitudinal = longitudinal

loro = parrot

losa = flagstone

lote = batch

lotería = lottery

lotería = sweepstake
loto = lotus

loza = china

loza = tile

lozanía = blossom

lozano = buxom

lozano = lusty

lozas = tiles

lubricar = lubricating

lubricidad = lubricity

lubrificante = lubricant

lubrificar = lubricating

lubrifique = lubricate

luchó = fought

lucha = scuffle

lucha = wrestle

lucha [Noun] = fight

lucha cuerpo a cuerpo = infighting

luchado [Verb] = fought

luchador [Noun] = fighter

luchar = fighting

luchar = to fight

luciérnaga = firefly

lucir = shining

lucrativo = lucrative

lucro = lucre
lugar = lieu

lugar = place

lugar = stead

lugar de reunión = hangout

lugar que se frecuenta = haunt

lugarteniente = lieutenant

lujo = luxury

lujoso = deluxe

lujoso = luxurious

lujuria = lust

lujuriante = lush

lujurioso = lewd

lujurioso = lustful

lumbar = lumbar

lumbre [Noun] = fire

luminar = luminary

luminiscente = luminescent

luminosidad = luminosity

luminoso = bright

luminoso = luminous

luna = moon

luna de miel = honeymoon

lunar = lunar

lunar = mole

lunes = Monday
lustrar = polishing

lustre = glitter

lustre = sheen

lustroso = lustrous

luz = glow

luz = light

luz de la luna = moonlight

luz de la luna = moonlit

luz de las estrellas = starlight

luz del día = daylight

luz del fuego = firelight

luz del sol = sunlight

luz intensa = glare

mágico = magic

mágico = magical

máquina = machine

máquina de planchar = mangle

máquinas = machines

mármol = marble

mártir = martyr

más = add

más = more

más = plus

más allá = further

más allá de = beyond

más alto = highest

más alto = taller

más alto = topmost

más barato = cheaper

más bien = rather

más blanco = whiter

más cómodo = cozier

más capaz [Adjective] = abler

más estatal = stater

más fácil = easier

más fácil = easiest

más gran = greater

más helado [Adjective] = icier

más lejano = farther

más lejano = furthermost

más lejos = farthest

más libre = freer

más libre = freest

más nuevo = newer

más nuevo = newest

más peludo = furrier

más peor = worst

más pequeño = smaller

más profundo = innermost

más seco = drier

más tarde = later

más temprano = earlier

más temprano = earliest

máscara [Noun] = mask

mástil = mast

máxima = maxim

máximo = maximal

máximo = maximum

máximos = maxima

médico = physician

médula = marrow

mérito = merit

método = method

métrico = metric

mínimo = minimal

mínimo = minimum

mínimos = minima

mío = mine

místico = mystic

módem = modem

módulo = module

mórbido = morbid

móvil = mobile

múltiple = multiple
músculo = muscle

música = music

músico = musician

maíz = corn

maña = knack

mañana = morrow

mañana = tomorrow

mañanas = tomorrows

macabro = macabre

macarrón = macaroon

macarrones = macaroni

macera = macerates

maceración = maceration

maceraciones = macerations

macerado = macerated

macerador = macerator

maceradores = macerators

macerando = macerating

macerar = macerating

macerar = to macerate

maceta de flores = flowerpot

machacar = mashing

machete = cutlass

machete = machete

machismo = chauvinism
machismo = machismo

machista = chauvinist

machista = chauvinistic

machista = macho

machistas = chauvinists

macho = macho

machucar = crushing

macilento = haggard

macizo = massive

macro = macro

macrobiótico = macrobiotic

macrocósmicamente = macrocosmically

macrocósmico = macrocosmic

macrodinámica = macrodynamic

macroeconómico = macroeconomic

macroeconomía = macroeconomics

macroencefálico = macrocephalic

madeja = hank

madera = lumber

madera = timber

madera = wood

madera aglomerada = chipboard

madera blanda = softwood

madera de roble = oakwood

madera dura = hardwood

maderaje = woodwork

maderero = lumberman

madereros = lumbermen

madrastra = stepmother

madre = mother

madreselva = honeysuckle

madrigal = madrigal

madriguera = burrow

madrina = godmother

madrugar = getting up early

madurar = maturing

madure = mature

madure = ripen

madurez = adulthood

madurez = maturity

maduro = mellow

maduro = ripe

maestra, profesora = teacher

maestro = maestro

maestro = teacher

maestro de escuela = schoolmaster

maestro, profesor = teacher

maestros, profesores = teachers

magenta = magenta

magia [Noun] = magic

magistrado = magistrate

magistral = magisterial

magma = magma

magnánimo = magnanimous

magnético = magnetic

magnífico = magnificent

magnífico = terrific

magnanimidad = magnanimity

magnate = magnate

magnesia = magnesia

magnesio = magnesium

magnetismo [Noun] = magnetisms

magnetizar = magnetizing

magneto = magneto

magnificar = magnifying

magnifique = magnify

magnitud = extent

magnitud = magnitude

mago = magician

mago = wizard

magos = magicians

magro = meager

magullar = mangling

maicena = cornstarch

majar = pounding
majestad = majesty

majestuoso = majestic

majo [Adjective] = smart

majuela = haw

majuelo = hawthorn

malévolo = malevolent

malévolo = malicious

mal = wrong

mal = wrongdoing

mal educado = impolite

mal ventilado = stuffy

malabares = juggle

malaria = malaria

maldecir = cursing

maldición = curse

maldición = damn

maleable = malleable

malecón = pier

malestar = malaise

malestar = uneasiness

maletín = handbag

maleta = suitcase

malgastado, derrochado [Verb] = squandered

malgastador = wasteful

malgastar = to squander
malgastar = wasting

malgaste = squander

malhechor = wrongdoer

malhumorado = glum

malhumorado = moody

malhumorado = morose

malhumorado = sullen

malicia = malice

maligno = malignant

malla = mesh

malo = bad

malo = evil

malo = mean

malo = naughty

malograr = wasting

malparir = miscarrying

malta = malt

maltratado = abused

maltratado = maltreat

maltratar = mistreating

malva = mallow

malvarrosa = hollyhock

malvender = underselling

malversar = misappropriating

mamá = mommy
mamá = mum

mamífero = mammal

mamífero = mammalian

mamar = suckling

mamparo = bulkhead

maná = manna

manía = craze

manía = mania

maníaco = maniac

manada = drove

manada = herd

manantial de agua mineral = spa

manar = flowing

mancar = maiming

mancha = blemish

mancha = blotch

mancha = fleck

mancha = slur

mancha = smear

mancha = smudge

mancha = speck

mancha = speckle

mancha = spot

mancha = stain

mancha = taint
mancha solar = sunspot

manchado (stained) = tarnished

manchado = smudgy

manchar (to stain) = tarnish

manchar = blotting

manchar = blurring

manchar = slurring

manchar = spotting

manchar = staining

manche = besmirch

manche = dapple

mancillar = staining

mandíbula = jaw

mandíbula = jawbone

mandado = errand

mandarín = mandarin

mandar = sending

mandar = to send

mandarina = tangerine

mandato = fiat

mandato = mandate

mandato = precept

mande = enjoin

mando = commandment

mando = control
mandril = baboon

mandril = mandrel

maneja = driven

manejable = manageable

manejar = managing

manejar = to drive

maneje = drive

maneje = manage

maneje = wield

manera = manner

manera = way

manga = hose

manga = sleeve

manganeso = manganese

manguito = muff

manicomio = bedlam

manifestación = manifestation

manifestar = manifesting

manifiesto = manifest

manilla = handcuff

maniobra = maneuver

maniobrar = maneuvering

manipular = manipulating

manipule = manipulate

maniquí = manikin
maniquí = mannequin

manjar = dish

mano = hand

mano de obra = manpower

manojo = bunch

manojo = handful

manos = hands

manosear = pawing

manosear = to fumble

manotear = gesticulating

mansión = mansion

manso = gentle

manso = meek

manso = tame

mantón = shawl

manta = blanket

manta escocesa = plaid

manteca de cerdo = lard

mantel = tablecloth

manteles = tablecloths

mantener = maintaining

mantenga = maintain

mantenimiento = maintenance

mantequera para hacer manteca = churn

mantequilla = butter
manto = mantel

manto = mantle

manual = handbook

manual = manual

manuales = textbooks

manufacturar = manufacturing

manuscrito = manuscript

manutención, subsistencia = keep

manzana = apple

manzanas = apples

manzanilla = chamomile

mapa = chart

mapa = map

maquillar = making up

maquinabilidad = machinability

maquinable = machinable

maquinable = machineable

maquinación = machination

maquinado = machinated

maquinado = machined

maquinador = machinator

maquinando = machinating

maquinar = scheming

maquinar = to machinate

maquinaria = machinery
maquinarias = machineries

maquinista = machinist

maquinistas = machinists

marítimo = maritime

mar = sea

maraña = tousle

maratón = marathon

maravilla = marigold

maravilla = marvel

maravilla = wonder

maravillar = amazing

maravillar = to amaze

maravilloso = marvelous

maravilloso = wonderful

maravilloso = wondrous

maravilloso [Adjective] = amazing

marca = brand

marca = mark

marca de fábrica = trademark

marcador = scoreboard

marcando = labeling

marcapasos [Noun] = pacemaker

marcar = marking

marcar con asterisco = starring

marchítese = fade
marcha = hike

marcha = march

marcha atrás = reverse

marchar = going

marchitar = withering

marchite = wither

marcial = martial

marco = frame

marea (as in weather) = tide

marea = tide

mareado = giddy

mareado = seasick

marear = making dizzy

mareas (as in weather) = tides

marfil = ivory

marga = loam

margarina = margarine

margarita = daisy

margen = margin

margen = rim

margenar = margin

marginal = marginal

marginar = margin

marica = mollycoddle

marido = husband
marihuana = marijuana

marimacho = tomboy

marinar = marinating

marinero = sailor

marinero = seaman

marineros = seamen

marino = marine

marioneta = marionette

mariposa = butterfly

mariscal = marshal

mariscos = seafood

marmota = marmot

marqués = marquess

marqués = marquis

marquesina = marquee

marsopa = porpoise

martín pescador = kingfisher

martes = Tuesday

martillar = hammering

martilleo = clatter

martillo = hammer

martillo de presidente = gavel

martirio = martyrdom

martirizar = martyring

marzo = March
masa = dough

masa = mash

masa = mass

masa informe = gob

masaje = massage

masaje = rubdown

masajista = masseur

masajista = masseuse

mascar = chewing

mascar = to chew

mascarada = masquerade

masculino = masculine

mascullar = mumbling

masculle = mumble

masilla = putty

masque = munch

mastín = mastiff

masticó = chewed

masticable = chewable

masticando = chewing

masticar = chewing

masticar = to chew

mastique = chew

masturbar = masturbating

mató = slew
matón = bully

matón = hoodlum

mata = slain

matadero = slaughterhouse

matadero de reses = abattoir

matanza = massacre

matanza = slaughter

matar = killing

matar = to kill

matasanos [Noun] = quack

matasellos = postmark

mate = slay

matemático = math

matemático = mathematician

material = material

material = stuff

materializar = materializing

maternal = maternal

maternidad = maternity

maternidad = motherhood

matiz = nuance

matizar = blending

matriarcal = matriarchal

matricúlese = matriculate

matriculada = tuition
matricular = registering

matricular = to matriculate

matrimonial = marital

matrimonial = matrimonial

matrimonio = marriage

matrimonio = matrimony

matrimonio = wedlock

matriz = matrix

matrona = matron

maullar = meowing

maullido = mew

mausoleo = mausoleum

mayúscula = capital

mayo = May

mayonesa = mayonnaise

mayoría = majority

mayor = elder

mayor = eldest

mayor = major

mayor = older

mayor = senior

mayordomo = butler

mayordomo = steward

maza = mace

mazo = mallet
mazo = maul

me = mi

meandro = meander

mear = urinating

mecánico = mechanic

mecánico = serviceman

mecánicos = servicemen

mecanógrafo = typist

mecanismo = mechanism

mecanismo de relojería = clockwork

mecanizar = mechanizing

mecanografiado = typewritten

mecanografiar = typing

mecer = rocking

mechón = cowlick

mechón = tuft

mecha = wick

medalla = medal

media = stocking

mediación = mediation

mediador = mediator

medianoche = midnight

mediar = mediating

medias [Noun] = stockings

mediato = mediate
medición = mensuration

medicina = medicine

medicinal = medicinal

medida = gauge

medida = measure

medida de áridos = bushel

medieval [Adjective] = medieval

medio = half

medio = medial

medio = medium

medio = mid

medio = middle

medio ambiente = entourage

medio campista = halfback

medio de una corriente = midstream

medio galope = lope

mediocre = mediocre

mediocridad = mediocrity

mediodía = midday

mediodía = noon

medios de comunicación = media

medir = measuring

medir por palmos = spanning

meditar = meditating

medite = meditate
mediterráneo = Mediterranean

medusa = jellyfish

megabyte = megabyte

megahertzio = megahertz

megalomanía = megalomania

mejicano = Mexican

mejillón = mussel

mejilla = cheek

mejillas = cheeks

mejor = best

mejor = better

mejoramiento = upgrade

mejorar = improving

mejorar = to improve

mejore = improve

melódico = melodic

melón = cantaloupe

melón = melon

melancolía = melancholy

melazas = molasses

melcocha = taffy

melena = mane

melindroso = finicky

melindroso = fussy

mella = dent
mella = nick

mellar = denting

melocotón = peach

melodía = melody

melodía = tune

melodioso = melodious

melodramático = melodramatic

melodrama = melodrama

membrana = membrane

membranoso = filmy

membrete = letterhead

membrillo = quince

memento = memento

memorándum = memo

memorándum = memorandum

memorable = memorable

memoria = memoir

memoria = memory

memorizar = memorizing

menú = menu

mena = ore

mención = mention

mencionado = aforementioned

mencionado = aforesaid

mencionar = mentioning
mendacidad = mendacity

mendaz = mendacious

mendicación = begging

mendicidad = beggary

mendigar = begging

mendigo = beggar

menear = bobbing

menear = moving

menear = wagging

meneo = wag

meneo = wiggle

meneo rápido = waggle

menester = need

mengüe = dwindle

mengüe = wane

menguante = ebb

menguar = decreasing

menor = junior

menor = littler

menor = littlest

menor = minor

menor = younger

menor [Adjective] = smaller

menor [Adjective] = smallest

menos = least
menos = less

menos = minus

menospreciar = minimizing

mensaje = message

mensajero = courier

mensajero = messenger

menstruar = menstruating

mensurable = mensurable

menta = peppermint

mental = mental

mentar = mentioning

mente = mind

mentir = fibbing

mentir = lying

mentir = to lie

mentira = lie

mentirilla = fib

mentiroso = liar

mentiroso = lying

mentor = mentor

menudeo = retail

menudillo = giblet

mequetrefe = jackanapes

mercúrico = mercuric

mercader = merchant
mercader = tradesman

mercaderes = tradesmen

mercado = market

mercado = mart

mercancía = merchandise

mercancías = ware

mercantil = mercantile

mercantilizó = commercialized

mercantilizar = commercializing

merced divina = godsend

mercenario = mercenary

mercurial = mercurial

mercurio = mercury

mercurio = quicksilver

merecer = deserving

merendar = having a snack

merengue = meringue

merezca = deserve

meridiano = meridian

meritorio = meritorious

merluza [Noun] = haddock

mermar = shrinking

mermelada = jam

mermelada = marmalade

merodear = marauding
merodee = maraud

mes = month

mesa = table

mesa = tabletop

mesas = tables

mesas = tabletops

meseta = plateau

meseta = tableland

metáfora = metaphor

metálico = metallic

meta = goal

metabólico = metabolic

metabolismo = metabolism

metafísicas = metaphysics

metafórico = metaphoric

metal = metal

metamórfico = metamorphic

metamórfosis = metamorphosis

metano = methane

meteórico = meteoric

metedura de pata = gaffe

meteorito = meteorite

meteoro = meteor

meteorología = meteorology

meter = putting
meticuloso = meticulous

metilo = methyl

metodología = methodology

metrónomo = metronome

metrópoli = metropolis

metro = meter

metro = metro

metropolitano = metropolitan

mezcla = admixture

mezcla = blend

mezcla = jumble

mezcla = medley

mezcla = mix

mezcla = mixture

mezclar = mixing

mezcle = mingle

mezquita = mosque

miércoles = Wednesday

mi = my

miasmático = miasmal

micrófono = mike

micra = micron

microbiano = microbial

microcosmo = microcosm

microteléfono = handset
mida = mete

miedo = dread

miedo = fear

miedo = fright

miel = honey

miembro = limb

miembro = member

miembro de una tribu = tribesman

miembro de una tribu = tribesmen

mientras = while

miga = crumb

migar = crumbing

migratorio = migratory

mijo = millet

milésimo = thousandth

mil = thousand

mil millones = billion

mil veces = thousandfold

milagro = miracle

milagroso = miraculous

milenio = millennium

milenios = millennia

miles = thousand

miles = thousands

milicia = militia
milicianos = militiamen

militante = militant

militar = soldierly

militarismo = militarism

militarista = militarist

militarizar = militarizing

milite = militate

millón = million

milla = mile

millar = thousand

millonésimo = millionth

millonario = millionaire

mimar = spoiling

mime = fondle

mime = pamper

minar = mining

mineral = mineral

mineralizar = mineralizing

mineralogía = mineralogy

mini = mini

miniatura = miniature

minimizar = minimizing

miniordenador = minicomputer

ministerial = ministerial

ministerio = ministry
ministro = minister

minorar = lessening

minorar = to extenuate

mintió = lied

minué = minuet

minucias = minutiae

minucioso = minuscule

minuendo = minuend

minuta = docket

minuto = minute

miopía = myopia

miope = myopic

miríada = myriad

miró = beheld

miró = eyed

mirada = gaze

mirada = glance

mirada de soslayo = leer

mirada fija = stare

mirada retrospectiva = retrospect

mirando = looking

mirar = looking at

mirar = to look at

mire = behold

mire = regard
mire a la cara = envisage

mirlo = blackbird

mirlo = grackle

mirra = myrrh

mirto = myrtle

miscelánea = miscellany

misceláneo = miscellaneous

miseria = misery

misericordia = mercy

misericordioso = merciful

misión = mission

misionero = missionary

misiva = missive

mismo = itself

mismo = same

mismo = self

mismo = very

misterio = mystery

misterioso = mysterious

misticismo = mysticism

mitón = mitt

mitón = mitten

mitad = half

mitad del camino = midway

mitigar = mitigating
mitigue = mitigate

mito = myth

mitología = mythology

mixturar = mixing

moño = chignon

mochila = backpack

mochila = backpacks

mochila = knapsack

mochilero = backpacker

mocoso = snotty

moda = fashion

modal = modal

modelar = modeling

modelo = model

modelo = pattern

moderado = moderate

moderar = moderating

modere = slacken

modernice = modernize

modernista = modernist

modernizar = modernizing

moderno = modern

modestia = modesty

modesto = coy

modesto = modest
modificación = modification

modificar = modifying

modifique = modify

modillón = cantilever

modismo = idiom

modo = mode

modulado = modular

modular = modulating

module = modulate

mofa = derision

mofar = ridiculing

mofe de = mock

mofe de = taunt

mofeta = skunk

moharra = spearhead

moho = mildew

moho = rust

mohoso = musty

mohoso = rusty

mojado = sodden

mojado = wet

mojar = wetting

moje = dunk

molécula = molecule

molar = molar
molde = mold

molde = mould

moldear = modeling

molecular = molecular

moler = milling

molestó = vex

molestar = bothering

molestar = to annoy

molestar = to bother

molestar = to harass

moleste = annoy

moleste = molest

molestia = annoyance

molestia = hassle

molestia = inconvenience

molestia = nuisance

molestia = vexation

molesto = bothersome

molesto = obnoxious

molesto = obtrusive

molesto = troublesome

molesto = vexatious

molienda = grind

molienda = grist

molificar = mollifying
molifique = mollify

molinero = miller

molinete = brandish

molino = mill

molino de viento = windmill

mollar = lean

molusco = mollusk

momentáneo = momentary

momento = instant

momento = moment

momia = mummy

momificar = mummifying

monárquico = monarchic

monóculo = monocular

monógamo = monogamous

monólogo = monologue

monótono = monotonous

monótono = singsong

monóxido = monoxide

monacal = monastic

monacal = monkish

monarca = monarch

monarquía = monarchy

monasterio = monastery

mondadientes = toothpicks
mondar = hulling

moneda = coin

monetario = monetary

monja = nun

monje = monk

mono = ape

mono = monkey

mono de Asia = gibbon

monogamia = monogamy

monolito = monolith

monopolio = monopoly

monopolizar = monopolizing

monopolizar = to monopolize

monstruo = monster

monstruosidad = monstrosity

monstruoso = monstrous

montó = rode

montón = heap

montón = huddle

montón = pile

montón de tierra = mound

montañés = mountaineer

montaña = mount

montaña = mountain

montañoso = mountainous
monta = ridden

montaje = hookup

montaje = montage

montante = stud

montar = mounting

montar = to ride

montuoso = hilly

montura = straddle

monumento = monument

monzón = monsoon

moró = abided

mora = abides

morada = abode

morado = purple

morador = abider

moral = moral

moral = morale

moralice = moralize

moralidad = morality

moralizar = moralizing

morar = living

moratoria = moratorium

mordaz = trenchant

mordaza = gag

mordedura = bite
morder = biting

morder = to bite

mordiscar = nibbling

mordisco = nibble

mordisquear = nibbling

more = abide

more = dwell

morena = moraine

moreno = brunette

moreno = swarthy

moreno = tawny

morfema = morpheme

morfina = morphine

morfología = morphology

moribundo = moribund

morir = dying

morir = to die

moroso = doubtful

morsa = walrus

mortaja = mortise

mortaja = shroud

mortal = mortal

mortalidad = mortality

mortero = mortar

mortificación = chagrin
mortificar = mortifying

mortifique = mortify

morueco = ram

mosaico = mosaic

mosaico = patchwork

mosca = fly

mosca común = housefly

mosca enano = midge

mosquete = musket

mosquito = mosquito

mostaza = mustard

mostrar = showing

mostrar = to show

motín = mutiny

motear = mottling

motee = mottle

motel = motel

motete(Eccl); himno nacional = anthem

motivado [Adjective] = motivated

motivante [Adjective] = motivating

motivar = motivating

motive = motivate

motivo = motif

motivo = motive

motocicleta = motorbike
motocicleta = motorcycle

motor [Noun] = motor

motor de reacción = jet

motorizar = motorizing

mover = moving

mover = to move

movilidad = mobility

movilizar = mobilizing

movimiento = move

movimiento = movement

movimiento = stir

movimiento [Noun] = motion

mozo = bartender

mozo = waiter

muérase = die

muérdago = mistletoe

muñeca = doll

muñeca = wrist

muñequitos = cartoon

muaré = moire

muchacha = girl

muchachas = girls

muchachez = boyhood

muchachez, juventud = boyhood

muchachil, juvenil = boyish

muchacho = boy

muchacho = chap

muchacho = lad

muchachos = boys

muchachos = lads

muchedumbre [Noun] = crowd

mucho = much

muchos = many

muchos = much

mucosidad = mucus

mudar = moving

mude = molt

mudo = dumb

mudo = dummy

mudo = mute

mueble = furniture

mueca = grimace

mueca = grin

mueca de dolor = wince

muela = grindstone

muela de molino = millstone

muelle = quay

muelle = wharf

muerde = bitten

muerte = death
muerte = kill

muerto = dead

muesca = joggle

muesca = notch

muestra = shown

muestra [Noun] = sample

muestre = show

mueva = budge

mufla = muffle

mugido = moo

mugir = mooing

mujer = woman

mujer literata = bluestocking

mujeres = women

mula = mule

muladar = dunghill

mulato = mulatto

muleta = crutch

mullir = fluffing

multíplice = multiplex

multa = fine

multa = forfeit

multar = fining

multiplicación = multiplication

multiplicar = multiplying
multiplicidad = multiplicity

multiplique = multiply

multitud = multitude

multitud = throng

munífico = munificent

mundano = mundane

mundial = worldwide

mundo = world

munición = ammunition

municipal = municipal

mural = mural

murar = walling

murió = died

murmullo = murmur

murmullo = mutter

murmurar = murmuring

muro (a fuera) = wall

musa = muse

muscular = muscular

muselina = muslin

museo = museum

musgo = moss

musgoso = mossy

muslo = thigh

muslos = thighs
mustiar = withering

musulmán = Moslem

mutabilidad = changeability

mutante = mutant

mutilación = maim

mutilación criminal = mayhem

mutilar = mutilating

mutile = mutilate

mutuo = mutual

muy = very

muy inteligente; talentudo = brainy

náusea = nausea

náutico = nautical

néctar = nectar

níquel = nickel

nódulo = nodule

nómina = payroll

núcleo = nucleus

núcleos = nuclei

número = numeral

número singular = singular

nabo = turnip

nacer = being born

nación = nation
nacido = born

naciente = nascent

nacimiento = birth

nacional = nationwide

nacionalidad = nationality

nacionalista = nationalistic

nacionalizar = nationalizing

nadó = swam

nada = nil

nada = nothing

nada = swum

nadador = swimmer

nadar = swim

nadar = swimming

nadar = to swim

nadería = trifle

nadie = nobody

nadir = nadir

naipes triunfo = trump

nalga = buttock

nanosegundo = nanosecond

naranja = orange

narcótico = narcotic

narciso = daffodil

narciso = narcissus
narcotismo = narcosis

narcotizar = drugging

narcotizar = narcotizing

nariz = nose

narrar = narrating

narrativa = narrative

narre = narrate

nasal = nasal

nasalizar = nasalizing

natación = swimming

natal = natal

natalicio = birthplace

nativo = native

natural = natural

naturaleza = nature

naturalice = naturalize

naturalista = naturalist

naturalista = naturalistic

naturalizó = naturalized

naturalizar = naturalizing

naufragar = shipwrecking

naufragio = shipwreck

nauseabundo = queasy

nausear = nauseating

nausee = nauseate
navaja = razor

navaja de afeitar = razor

navaja de bolsillo = jackknife

naval = naval

nave = nave

nave espacial = spacecraft

navegable = navigable

navegar = navigating

navegue = navigate

neófito = neophyte

neófito = rookie

neón = neon

neblina = fog

nebulosa = nebula

nebuloso = nebulous

necesariamente = necessarily

necesario = necessary

necesidad = necessity

necesidad = need

necesitado = needful

necesitado = needy

necesitar = needing

necesitar = to need

necio = fool

necromancia = necromancy
necrosis = necrosis

negable = deniable

negar = denying

negar = to deny

negativa = refusal

negativo = negative

negligencia = malpractice

negligente = negligent

negociable = negotiable

negociar = negotiating

negocie = negotiate

negocio = business

negrita = bold

negrita = boldface

negro = black

nena = babe

nene = tot

neoclásico = neoclassic

neologismo = neologism

nervio = nerve

nervio = sinew

nervioso = jittery

nervioso = nervous

nervudo = sinewy

neumático = pneumatic
neumático = tire

neurótico = neurotic

neuralgia = neuralgia

neurología = neurology

neurona = neuron

neurosis = neuroses

neurosis = neurosis

neutrón = neutron

neutral = neutral

neutralice = counteract

neutralizar = neutralizing

neutro = neuter

nevada = snowfall

nevado = snowy

nevar = snowing

nevar = to snow

nevera = icebox

nevera = refrigerator

niña (f) = child

niñera = babysitter

niñeras = babysitters

niñez = babyhood

niñez = childhood

niño = child

niño = kid
niños = children

ni = nor

niara = haystack

niara = rick

nicho = niche

nicotina = nicotine

nido = nest

niebla = fog

niebla = haze

niegue = deny

niegue = negate

nieta = granddaughter

nieto = grandchild

nieto = grandson

nietos = grandchildren

nietos [Noun] = grandsons

nieve = snow

ninguno = neither

ninguno = none

niquelar = plating

nirvana = nirvana

nitrógeno = nitrogen

nitrato = nitrate

nitroso = nitrous

nivel del agua = waterline

nivelado = level

nivelar = evening

nivelar = to level

no = nay

no = no

no = non

no = not

no más = mere

no obstante = nevertheless

no obstante = nonetheless

no obstante = notwithstanding

no pertinente = irrelevant

no pueda = cannot

noble = noble

noble = nobleman

nobles = noblemen

noche = night

noche = nighttime

noción [Noun] = notion

nocivo = noxious

nocturno = nocturnal

nocturno = nocturne

nodo = node

nogal americano = hickory

nombrar = naming
nombre = behalf

nombre = name

nombre = nominate

nombre [Noun] = noun

nombre equivocado = misnomer

nombre propio = Christian name

nomenclatura = nomenclature

nominal = nominal

nonagésimo = ninetieth

nonio = vernier

nordeste = northeast

norma = norm

normal = normal

normal = standard

normalidad = normalcy

normalizar = normalizing

normativo = normative

noroeste = northwest

nororiental = northeastern

norteño = northern

norte = north

noruego = Norwegian

nosotros = ourselves

nosotros = us

nosotros = we
nostálgico = homesick

nostálgico = nostalgic

nostalgia = nostalgia

nota = note

nota a pie de página [Noun] = footnote

notable = notable

notable = noteworthy

notable = observable

notable [Adjective] = noticeable

notado = annotated

notando = noticing

notar = noticing

notar = to annotate

notar = to note

notar = to notice

notario = notary

note = resent

noticia volante = newsletter

noticias = tidings

noticias [Noun] = news

notificó = notified

notificación = notification

notificaciones = notifications

notificar = notifying

notifique = notify
notoriedad = notoriety

notorio [Adjective] = notorious

nova = nova

novato = freshman

novato = tenderfoot

novatos = freshmen

novedad = fad

novedad = novelty

novela = novel

noveno = ninth

noventa = ninety

novia = bride

novia = valentine

noviazgo = betrothal

novicio = novice

noviembre = November

novillo castrado = steer

novio = boyfriend

novio = bridegroom

novio = groom

novio = sweetheart

nube = cloud

nubes = clouds

nublado = bleary

nublado = cloudy
nublado = foggy

nublar = clouding

nuclear = nuclear

nudillo = knuckle

nudo = gnarl

nudo = knot

nudoso = knobby

nuestro = our

nuevamente = anew

nueve = nine

nuevo = new

nuez = nut

nuez = walnut

nulo = null

nulo = void

numérico = numeric

numerable = numerable

numerar = numbering

numere = numerate

numeroso = numerous

nunca = never

nupcial = nuptial

nutra = nourish

nutria = otter

nutrición = nurture
nutrición = nutrition

nutriente = nutrient

nutrimiento = nourishment

nutrir = nurturing

nutrir = to nourish

nutritivo = nutritious

nutritivo [Adjective] = nourishing

oídos [Noun] = ears

oír = to hear

o = either

o = or

oasis = oasis

obedecer = obeying

obedecer = to obey

obedezca = obey

obediencia = obedience

obediencias = obediences

obediente = dutiful

obediente = obedient

obedientemente = obediently

obelisco = obelisk

obesidad = obesity

obeso = obese

obeso/obesa = obese
obispado = bishopric

obispo = bishop

objeción [Noun] = objection

objeciones [Noun] = objections

objetó = demurred

objetable [Adjective] = objectionable

objetado [Adjective] = objected

objetante = objector

objetar = demurring

objetar = object

objetivamente [Adverb] = objectively

objetividad = objectivity

objetividad [Noun] = objectiveness

objetivo [Adjective] = objective

objeto [Noun] = objet

objetor [Noun] = objector

objetores [Noun] = objectors

objetos [Noun] = objects

oblea de silicón = wafer

oblicuamente = obliquely

oblicuidad [Noun] = obliqueness

oblicuidad [Noun] = obliquity

oblicuo = oblique

obligación [Noun] = obligation

obligación, deber = fulfillment

obligaciones [Noun] = obligations

obligaciones, deberes = fulfillments

obligado [Adjective] = obligated

obligado [Adjective] = obliged

obligar = forcing

obligar = to obligate

obligar = to oblige

obligatoriamente [Adverb] = obligately

obligatorio = mandatory

obligatorio = obligatory

obligatorio [Adjective] = obligational

obligatorio [Adjective] = obligatory

obligue = bludgeon

obligue = obligate

obligue = oblige

obliterar = obliterating

oblongo = oblong

oboe = oboe

obra de arte = artwork

obra extravagante y fantástica = extravaganza

obra maestra = masterpiece

obra maestro = showpiece

obra manual = handiwork

obrero = workman

obreros = workmen
obscenidad = smut

obsceno = bawdy

obsceno = obscene

obscurecer = darkening

obscuro = somber

obsequiar = giving

obsequio = treat

obsequioso = obsequious

observación = observation

observar = observing

observar = to observe

observatorio = observatory

observe = observe

observe las estrellas = stargaze

obsesión = obsession

obsesionar = obsessing

obsesionar = to obsess

obsesione = obsess

obsesivo = obsessive

obsoleto = obsolescent

obsoleto = obsolete

obstáculo = blockage

obstáculo = obstacle

obstinación = obstinacy

obstinado = dogged
obstinado = obstinate

obstinado = stout

obstinar = becoming obstinate

obstrucción = stoppage

obstruir = obstructing

obstruir = to obstruct

obstruya = bar

obstruya = obstruct

obtener = obtaining

obtener = to get

obtener = to obtain

obtenga = obtain

obvio = obvious

océano = ocean

ocúpese vanamente = tinker

ocasión = occasion

ocasionar = occasioning

ocaso = sunset

occidental = occidental

occidental = western

occidente = occident

oceánico = oceanic

ochenta = eighty

ocho = eight

ocio = leisure
ocioso = idle

ocluir = occluding

oclusión = occlusion

ocluya = occlude

octágono = octagon

octano = octane

octava = octave

octavo = eighth

octogésimo = eightieth

octubre = October

ocular = eyeglass

ocular = ocular

ocultar = hiding

ocultar = to conceal

oculte = conceal

oculto = hidden

oculto = occult

ocupación = occupation

ocupado = busy

ocupante = occupant

ocupar = occupying

ocupar = to occupy

ocupe = occupy

ocurra = befall

ocurra = occur
ocurre = befallen

ocurrió = befell

ocurrió = occurred

ocurrir = happening

ocurrir = occurring

odómetro = odometer

oda = ode

odia = abhors

odiado = abhorred

odiar = hating

odiar = to abhor

odiar = to hate

odio = abhorrence

odio = hate

odio = hatred

odio = odium

odioso = abhorrent

odioso = hateful

odioso = odious

oeste = west

oeste = westward

ofenda = offend

ofender = offending

ofensiva = offensive

oferta = bid
oferta = offer

oficial = official

oficiar = officiating

oficie = officiate

oficina = office

oficioso = officious

ofrecer = offering

ofrecer = to offer

ofuscación = obfuscation

ofuscado = obfuscated

ofuscando = obfuscating

ofuscar = to obfuscate

ogro = ogre

oh = oh

ohm = ohm

oiga = hear

oir = hearing

ojal = buttonhole

ojeada = peep

ojete = eyelet

ojiva = warhead

ojo = eye

ojo de la cerradura = keyhole

ojos = eyes

olímpico = Olympic
ola (de agua) [Noun] = wave

ola = surge

ola = wave

oleada = billow

oleaje = surf

oler = smelling

oler = to smell

olfatear = smelling

olfateo = sniff

olfato = flair

oligarquía = oligarchy

olivar = olive grove

olla = kettle

olla = pot

olmo = elm

olor = scent

olor = smell

oloroso = odorous

olvidó = forgot

olvida = forgotten

olvidadizo = absentmindedness

olvidado = forgetful

olvidado = oblivious

olvidar = forgetting

olvidar = to forget
olvidarse = forget

olvide = forget

olvido = oblivion

ombligo = navel

ominoso = ominous

omisión = omission

omita = omit

omitió = omitted

omitir = omitting

omitir = to omit

omnívoro = omnivorous

omnipotencia = omnipotence

omnipotente = omnipotent

omnipresencia = omnipresence

omnipresente = omnipresent

omnisciencia = omniscience

omnisciente = omniscient

once = eleven

onda = ripple

ondear = waving

ondulado = corrugate

ondulado = undulate

ondulado = wavy

ondular = waving

oneroso = onerous
onza = cheetah

onza = ounce

opacidad = opacity

opaco = opaque

opción = choice

opción = option

operacional = operational

operador cinematográfico = cameraman

operador cinematográfico = cameramen

operar = operating

operar = to operate

operario que repara la línea = lineman

operario que repara la línea = linemen

operatorio = operative

opere = operate

opereta = operetta

opinar = saying

opinión = opinion

opio = opium

oponente = contestant

oponer = opposing

oponer = to oppose

oponer a = countering

oponga = oppose

oportunidad = chance
oportunidad = opportunity

oportuno = opportune

oposición = opposition

opresión = oppression

opresivo = oppressive

opresor = oppressor

oprima = oppress

oprimir = oppressing

oprobio = opprobrium

optar = opting

opte = opt

optimismo = optimism

optimista = optimist

optimista = optimistic

optometría = optometry

opuesto = contradictory

opuesto = opposite

opulento = opulent

oráculo = oracle

oración = prayer

oral = oral

orangután = orangutan

orar = praying

orar = to pray

oratorio = oratory
orbe = orb

ordeñar = milking

orden = array

orden = command

orden = order

orden del día [Noun] = docket

ordenación = ordination

ordenada = ordinate

ordenado = tidy

ordenanza = ordinance

ordenar = ordering

ordenar = to sort

ordene = assort

ordene = ordain

ordinal = ordinal

ordinario = ordinary

ore = pray

orear = airing

oreja = ear

orejas = ears

orfandad = orphanage

orgánico = organic

orgía = orgy

organdí = organdy

organice = organize
organismo = organism

organización = organization

organizador = host

organizar = organizing

organizar = to organize

orgasmo = orgasm

orgullo = pride

orgulloso = haughty

orgulloso = proud

oriental = eastern

oriental = oriental

orientar = guiding

orientar = to orient

oriente = orient

orificio = orifice

orificio nasal = nostril

origen = origin

originador = originator

original = original

original = primal

originalidad = originality

originar = originating

origine = originate

orilla = edge

orilla = shore
orilla del camino = roadside

orillar = bordering

orina = urine

orinar (to urinate) = tinkle

orinar = urinating

orlar = fringing

ornamentación = ornamentation

ornamentar = ornamenting

ornamento = ornament

ornar = adorning

oro = gold

oropéndola = oriole

orquídea = orchid

orquesta = orchestra

orquestal = orchestral

orquestar = orchestrating

orqueste = orchestrate

ortodoxia = orthodoxy

ortodoxo = orthodox

oruga = caterpillar

osar = daring

oscilación = sway

oscilar = oscillating

oscile = oscillate

oscurecer = darkening
oscurecer = dimming

oscurecer = to darken

oscurezca = darken

oscuridad = abstruseness

oscuridad = darkness

oscuridad = gloom

oscuro = dark

oscuro = dim

oscuro = dingy

oscuro = dusky

oscuro = gloomy

oscuro = murky

oscuro = shadowy

osifíquese = ossify

osificar = ossifying

oso = bear

oso hormiguero = aardvark

oso hormiguero = anteater

oso marsupial = koala

osos hormigueros = aardvarks

osteópata = osteopath

ostensible = ostensible

ostentación = flaunt

ostentar = parading

ostentoso = gaudy
ostentoso = ostentatious

ostra = oyster

ostracismo = ostracism

otoñal = autumnal

otoño [Noun] = autumn

otorgador = grantor

otorgar = granting

otra vez = again

otro = another

otro = else

otro = other

ovalado = oval

ovario = ovary

oveja = ewe

oveja = sheep

ovilló = balled

ovillar = winding in a ball

oxígeno = oxygen

oxidar = oxidizing

oxigenar = oxygenating

oxigene = oxygenate

oyó = heard

oye = hark

oyente = listener

ozono = ozone
página [Noun] = page

pájaro = bird

pálido = pallid

pánico = panic

pánico = panicky

páramo = moor

párpado = eyelid

párrafo = paragraph

péguese = cleave

péndulo = pendulum

pérdida = loss

pérfido = perfidious

pétalo = petal

pícaro = rogue

pícaro = scamp

pífano = fife

píldora = pill

pío = pious

póker = poker

pólvora = gunpowder

pómulo = cheekbone

pómulos = cheekbones

pórtico = portico

pórtico = veranda
póstumo = posthumous

púa = barb

púa = prickle

púa = spike

púa = tine

público = audience

público = public

púdrase = rot

púlpito = pulpit

púrpura = purple

país = country

país de las maravillas = wonderland

pañal = diaper

pañales = swathe

pañería = drapery

paño de lana = tweed

paño mortuorio = pall

pañuelo = handkerchief

pañuelo = kerchief

pabellón = pavilion

pabilo = candlewick

pacíficamente [Adverb] = pacifically

pacíficamente [Adverb] = pacifistically

pacífico = peaceable

pacífico = peaceful
pacífico [Adjective] = pacific

pacer = grazing

paciencia = endurance

paciencia = forbearance

paciente = patient

pacientemente = patiently

pacificador [Noun] = pacificator

pacificar = pacifying

pacifique = pacify

pacifismo [Noun] = pacifism

pacifista [Adjective] = pacifistic

pacifista [Noun] = pacifist

pactar = making a pact

pacto (pact) = treaties

pacto = pact

padecer = suffering

padre = father

padre = parent

padrino = godfather

pagó = paid

paga extraordinaria = bonus

pagado = paid

pagado de sí mismo = smug

pagador = paymaster

pagando = paying
paganismo [Noun] = paganism

pagano = heathen

pagano [Noun] = pagan

pagar = paying

pagar = to pay

paginar = paginating

pagine = paginate

pagoda = pagoda

pague = pay

paisaje = landscape

paisaje = scenery

paisano = civilian

paja = straw

paja = thatch

pajar = barn

pajarera = aviary

pajarito = titmouse

pala = shovel

palabra = word

palabra de santo y seña = shibboleth

palaciego = courtier

palacio [Noun] = palace

palacio de justicia = courthouse

palacios [Noun] = palaces

paladar = palate
paladear = savoring

palanca = lever

palanca = pry

palanca de mando = joystick

palco = loge

palear = shoveling

paleontología [Noun] = palaeontology

paleta = palette

paliar = palliating

palidecer = turning pale

palidezca = bleach

palie = palliate

paliza = whipping

palizada = palisade

palma = palm

palmada = clap

palmada = slap

palmadita = pat

palmadita = tap

palmo = span

palmotear = slapping

palo = bat

palo = stick

paloma = dove

paloma = pigeon
palomitas [Noun] = popcorn

palpable = palpable

palpar = feeling

palpitante = throbbing

palpitar = palpitating

palurdo, patán, zoquete [Noun] = oaf

pan = bread

pan dulce = pastry

pana = corduroy

panacea = panacea

panadería = bakery

panadero = baker

panal = diaper

panal de miel = honeycomb

panda = panda

pandear = bulging

pandemónium = pandemonium

pandereta = tambourine

pandilla = clique

panecillo = muffin

panoplia = panoply

panorámica = panoramic

panorama = panorama

panqueque [Noun] = pancake

panqueques [Noun] = pancakes

pantalón = pant

pantalla = screen

pantano = bog

pantano = marsh

pantano = morass

pantano = swamp

pantanoso = swampy

panteísmo = pantheism

panteísta = pantheist

panteón = pantheon

pantera = panther

pantomima = pantomime

pantoque = bilge

papá = dad

papá = pa

papá = papa

papá [Noun] = daddy

papa = pope

papa = potato

papal = papal

papas = potatoes

papas [Noun] = dads

papel = paper

papel = role

papel = stationery
papel de empapelar = wallpaper

papel de lija = sandpaper

papelería = stationery

papeleta de voto = ballot

papilla = pap

papiro = papyrus

papista = popish

paquete = package

paquete = packet

paquete = parcel

paquete [Noun] = pack

paquidermo [Adjective] = pachyderm

parábola = parable

parábola = parabola

paráfrasis = paraphrase

parálisis = palsy

parálisis = paralysis

parámetro = parameter

parásito = parasite

paréntesis = parentheses

paréntesis = parenthesis

parézcase = resemble

par = couple

par = even

par = peer
par [Adjective] = pair

paraíso = paradise

para = for

para = to

para la vaca = calve

para llevar (as in Take out food) = takeout

para que no = lest

para siempre = forever

parabrisas (se usa en Australia) [Noun] = windscreen

parabrisas (se usa en los EEUU) [Noun] = windshield

parabrisas = windshield

paracaídas = parachute

paradógicamente = paradoxically

parada = halt

parada = parry

parada = relay

paradigma = paradigm

paradoja = paradox

parafina = paraffin

parafrasear = paraphrasing

paraguas = umbrella

paralítico [Adjective] = quadriplegic

paralelismo = parallelism

paralelo = parallel

paralizó = paralyzed
paralizar = paralyzing

paramétrico = parametric

parangonar = paralleling

paranoia = paranoia

paranoico = paranoid

parapeto = breastwork

parapeto = parapet

parar = stopping

pararse = stop

parasicología = parapsychology

parasitario = parasitic

parcela = plot

parcelar = parceling

parche = patch

parcial = partial

pardo = brown

pardusco = brownish

pardusco = drab

parecer = seeming

parecer = to seem

parecido a un abalorio = beady

parecido a una araña = spidery

parecido a una máquina = machinelike

pared (a dentro) = wall

pared = wall
parezca = look

parezca = seem

pariente = kindred

pariente = relative

parientes = kin

parihuela = barrow

parir = birth

parlamentario = parliamentarian

parlamentario = parliamentary

parlamento = parliament

parlotear = chattering

parodia = parody

parodia = travesty

parodiar = parodying

parpadear = blinking

parque = park

parque = zoo

parranda = spree

parrillas = grill

parroquia = parish

parroquial = parochial

parroquiano = parishioner

parsimonia = parsimony

parsimonioso = parsimonious

partícula = particle
parta = depart

parta en dos = halve

parte = part

parte que corresponde a otra = counterpart

partera = midwife

parteras = midwives

partición = partition

participante = participant

participar = participating

participar = to participate

participe = participate

participio = participle

particular = matter

particular = particular

particularice = particularize

particularizar = particularizing

partida = getaway

partidario = partisan

partido = party

partir = leaving

parto = childbirth

parto del ingenio; invento = brainchild

pasó el invierno [Verb] = wintered

pasa = raisin

pasada = bygone
pasadizo = passageway

pasado = past

pasaje = passage

pasajero = passenger

pasamano = banister

pasando el invierno (en algún sitio) [Verb] = wintering

pasaporte = passport

pasar = passing

pasar = to happen

pasar = to pass

pasatiempo = pastime

pascua de navidad = yule

pascual = paschal

pase = elapse

pase = happen

pase de contrabando = smuggle

pase hambre = famish

pasear = going for a walk

pasee = wander

paseo = promenade

paseo = ramble

paseo = ride

paseo = stroll

pasión = passion

pasillo = gangway
pasillo = hallway

pasivo = passive

pasmar = amazing

pasmar = to amaze

pasme = astound

pasmo [Noun] = amazement

pasmoso [Adjective] = amazing

paso = footstep

paso = pass

paso = step

paso [Noun] = pace

paso doble = quickstep

paso largo = stride

paso lateral = sidestep

paso pesado = tramp

pasquín = lampoon

pasquinar = lampooning

pasta = paste

pasta de dientes = toothpaste

pasta dentífrica = toothpaste

pastar = pasturing

pastel = cake

pastel = pastel

pastel = pie

pasteles = cakes
pastelillo = patty

pasteurizó = pasteurized

pasteurizar = pasteurizing

pastilla = pastille

pastinaca = parsnip

pastor = herdsman

pastor = pastor

pastor = shepherd

pastoral = pastoral

pastorear = shepherding

pastura = pasture

patán = boor

patán = loon

patán = slob

patético = pathetic

patético = piteous

patín = skate

pata = paw

patata = potato

patata = spud

patear = kicking

patentar = patenting

patente = patent

paternal = parental

paternal = paternal
paternidad = parenthood

patetismo = pathos

patilargo = leggy

patinador = skater

patinar = skating

patinar = to skate

patio = courtyard

patio = patio

patio = yard

patio de recreo = playground

pato = duck

pato = duckling

pato silvestre = mallard

patología = pathology

patrón = employer

patrón = patron

patriótico = patriotic

patria = homeland

patriarca = patriarch

patriarcal = patriarchal

patricio = patrician

patrimonio = patrimony

patriota = patriot

patrocinador = sponsor

patrocinar = sponsoring
patrocinio = patronage

patrulló = patrolled

patrulla = patrol

patrullar = patrolling

pausa = pause

pausar = pausing

pauta = guideline

pavimentar = paving

pavimente = pave

pavo = turkey

pavo real = peacock

pavonear = deceiving

pavoneo = strut

pavoroso = lurid

payasada = horseplay

payasada = slapstick

payaso = clown

paz = peace

peón = pawn

peaje = token

peaje = toll

peatón = pedestrian

pecó (sinned) = transgressed

peca = freckle

pecado (sin), transgresión = transgression

pecado = sin

pecador = sinful

pecados (sins) = transgressions

pecaminoso [Adjective] = sinful

pecar (to sin) = transgress

pecar = sinning

pececillo = minnow

pecho = bosom

pecho = breast

pecho = chest

peculiar = peculiar

pecuniario = pecuniary

pedacito = morsel

pedagógico = pedagogic

pedagogía = pedagogy

pedagogo = pedagogue

pedal = pedal

pedal = treadle

pedalear = pedaling

pedazo = bit

pedazo = piece

pedazo corto y grueso = chunk

pedernal = flint

pedestal = pedestal

pediatra = pediatrician
pedir = requesting

pedir = to beseech

pedir = to request

pedir la extradición de = to extradite

pedir prestado = to borrow

pedregoso = stony

pegadizo = catchy

pegajoso = clinging

pegajoso = gluey

pegajoso = sticky

pegar = hitting

pegar = to beat

pegar = to hit

peinado = hairdo

peinar = combing

peine = comb

pelícano = pelican

película = film

película = movie

película noticiera = newsreel

pelagra = pellagra

pelar = peeling

pelear = fighting

pelear = to fight

peligro = danger
peligro = peril

peligroso = dangerous

peligroso = perilous

peligroso [Adjective] = hazardous

pelirrojo = redhead

pellizcar = nipping

pellizcar = pinching

pellizco = nip

pellizco = tweak

pelo = hair

pelo de caballo = horsehair

pelotón = gang

pelotón = platoon

pelota = ball

pelotilla = pellet

peltre = pewter

peluca (wig) = toupee

peluca = wig

peludo = furry

peluquero [Noun] = hairdresser

peluqueros [Noun] = hairdressers

pelusa = fluff

pelusa = fuzz

pelviano = pelvic

pelvis = pelvis
península = peninsula

penal = penal

penalidad = penalty

penas = woe

pendenciero = quarrelsome

pendenciero = tough

pender = lolling

pendiente = downhill

pendiente = earring

pendiente = gradient

pendiente = pendant

penetrar = penetrating

penetre = penetrate

penetre = permeate

penicilina = penicillin

peninsular = peninsular

penique = penny

penitencia = penance

penitenciaría = penitentiary

penitente = penitent

penoso = painful

penoso = toilsome

penoso, duro [Adjective] = gruelling

pensador = thinker

pensadores = thinkers
pensamiento = pansy

pensamiento = thought

pensamiento posterior = afterthought

pensamientos = thoughts

pensando = thinking

pensar (to think) = think

pensar = thinking

pensativo = pensive

pensativo = thoughtful

pensión = boardinghouse

pensión = pension

pensionar = pensioning

pentágono = pentagon

penumbra = penumbra

penuria = penury

peor = worse

pepino = cucumber

pepita = pip

pequeño = petty

pequeño = tiny

pequeño = wee

pequeño [Adjective] = little

pequeño [Adjective] = small

perímetro = perimeter

período = period
período de paz = peacetime

pera = pear

percatar = noticing

percebe = barnacle

percepción = perception

percepción retrospectiva = hindsight

perceptible = perceptible

perceptivo = perceptive

percha = perch

percha = rack

percha = roost

perciba = perceive

percibir = perceiving

percibir = to perceive

percusión = percussion

perdón = pardon

perder = losing

perder = to lose

perdición = bane

perdición = perdition

perdido = lost

perdido = stray

perdiz = partridge

perdonó = forgave

perdona = forgiven
perdonar = forgiving

perdonar = to forgive

perdone = condone

perdone = forgive

perdurar = lasting

perecer = perishing

peregrinación = pilgrimage

peregrinar = pilgrim

peregrino = pilgrim

perejil = parsley

pereza = sloth

perezca = perish

perezoso = lazy

perezoso = slothful

perfección = perfection

perfeccionar = perfecting

perfeccionar = to optimize

perfecto = perfect

perfidia = perfidy

perfil = profile

perfil aerodinámico = streamline

perfilar = profiling

perforación = puncture

perforar = perforating

perfore = perforate
perfumar = perfuming

perfume = perfume

perfumería = perfumery

pergamino = scroll

periódico = journal

periódico = newspaper

periódico = periodic

perico = parakeet

periférico = peripheral

periferia = periphery

perilla = knob

periodista = newspaperman

periodistas = newspapermen

perjudicar = harming

perjudicial = prejudicial

perjurar = perjuring

perjure = perjure

perjurio = perjury

perla = pearl

permanecer = remaining

permanente = permanent

permanente, perdurable = abiding

permeable = permeable

permisible = permissible

permiso = furlough
permiso = permission

permiso = permit

permita = let

permitió = permitted

permitir = letting

permitir = permitting

permitir = to allow

permutación = permutation

permutar = exchanging

permute = permute

pernicioso = pernicious

pernoctar = spending the night

pero = but

perorar = spouting

perorata = tirade

perpendicular = perpendicular

perpetúe = perpetuate

perpetrar = perpetrating

perpetre = perpetrate

perpetuar = perpetuating

perpetuidad = perpetuity

perpetuo = perpetual

perplejidad = quandary

perra = bitch

perra = dog
perras = dogs

perrera = kennel

perro = cur

perro = dog

perro chino = chow

perro de aguas = spaniel

perro de lanas = poodle

perro de muestra = setter

perro de pastor = collie

perro guardián = watchdog

perros = dogs

persecución = chase

persecución = persecution

persecución = pursuit

perseguidor = chaser

perseguidor = pursuer

perseguir = pursuing

perseguir = to chase

perseverancia = perseverance

perseverar = persevering

persevere = persevere

persianas = blinds

persiga = dun

persiga = persecute

persignar = crossing
persiguió = chased

persista = persist

persistente = persistent

persistir = persisting

persona = person

persona designada = appointee

persona divorciada = divorcee

persona impetuosa = hothead

persona que logra sus metas = achiever

persona que odia = abhorrer

persona que reconoce = acknowledger

personaje = personage

personal = personal

personal = personnel

personalizar = personalizing

personas = people

personificación = personification

personificar = personifying

personifique = impersonate

personifique = personify

perspectiva = outlook

perspectiva = perspective

perspectiva = prospect

perspicacia = acumen

perspicaz = farsighted
perspicaz = insightful

perspicaz = keen

persuada = persuade

persuadir = persuading

persuasión = persuasion

persuasivo = persuasive

pertenecer = belonging

pertenecer = to belong

perteneciente a un congreso = congressional

pertenezca = belong

pertenezca = pertain

pertinente = apropos

pertinente = germane

pertinente = pertinent

pertinente = relevant

perturbación = disturbance

perturbar = perturbing

perturbe = disturb

perturbe = perturb

perversión = perversion

perverso = perverse

pervertido = pervert

pervertir = perverting

pervinca = periwinkle

pesadamente = heavily
pesadilla = nightmare

pesado = burdensome

pesado = heavy

pesado = hefty

pesado = tiresome

pesado = unwieldy

pesado = weighty

pesar = grief

pesar = regret

pesar = to weigh

pesar = weighing

pesaroso = regretful

pesca con caña = angling

pescadero = fishmonger

pescado = fish

pescador = fisherman

pescadores = fishermen

pescante = davit

pescar = fishing

pescar almejas = clamming

pese = weigh

pesimismo = pessimism

pesimista = pessimist

pesimista = pessimistic

peso = heft
peso = weight

peso ligero = lightweight

peso pluma = featherweight

pespunte [Noun] = backstitch

pespunteado [Adjective] = backstitched

pespuntear [Verb] = backstitching

pesquería = fishery

pesquisa = inquest

pestaña = eyelash

pestaña = flange

pestaña = lash

pestañear = blinking

pestañeo = wink

peste = pest

pestilencial = pestilential

pestillo = latch

petardeo = backfire

petición = petition

petición = requisition

petimetre = fop

petirrojo = robin

petróleo = petroleum

petrificar = petrifying

petrifique = petrify

petunia = petunia
peyorativo = pejorative

pezón = nipple

pez = fish

pez martillo = hammerhead

pez semejante al bacalao = haddock

piña = pineapple

pi = pi

piadoso = prayerful

pianista = pianist

piano = piano

piar = tweeting

picó = stung

pica = pike

picadillo = hash

picadillo = mincemeat

picadura = sting

picante = peppery

picante = pungent

picante = spicy

picar = chopping

pico = beak

pico = spout

picota = pillory

picotazo = peck

picotear = picking
pictórico = pictorial

pida = beseech

pida = crave

pie = foot

piedad = piety

piedad = pity

piedra = rock

piedra = stone

piedra angular = cornerstone

piedra angular = keynote

piedra arenisca = sandstone

piedra de afilar = hone

piedra de granizo = hailstone

piedra pómez = pumice

piel = fur

piel = pelt

piel = skin

piel de becerro = calfskin

piel de cerdo = pigskin

piensa = thinks

piense = cogitate

piense = think

pierda = lose

pierda valor = depreciate

pierna = leg
piernas = legs

pies = feet

pieza de ajedrez = chessman

pieza giratoria = swivel

pifiar = miscue

pigmentación = pigmentation

pigmento = pigment

pigmeo = pygmy

pijama [Noun] = pyjamas

pila = stack

pilar = pillar

pillaje = pillage

pillaje = plunder

pillar = plundering

pilluelo = urchin

pilotar = steering

piloto = pilot

pimentón = paprika

pimienta = pepper

pimiento = chili

pimpollo = sprig

pináculo = pinnacle

pincel = paintbrush

pinchar = jabbing

pinchar = puncturing
pinchazo = jab

pingüino = penguin

pino = pine

pino alerce = larch

pinta = pint

pintado [Verb] = painted

pintar = painting

pintar = to paint

pintarrajear = daubing

pinte = depict

pintor = painter

pintores [Adjective] = painters

pintoresco = picturesque

pintura = paint

pintura = painting

pintura al fresco = fresco

pinturas [Noun] = paints

pinzón real = bullfinch

piojo = louse

piojos = lice

piojoso = lousy

pionero = pioneer

pipa = pipe

pipeta = pipette

piquete = picket
pirámide = pyramid

pirólisis = pyrolysis

pira = pyre

piramidal = pyramidal

pirata = pirate

piratería = piracy

pisó = trod

pisa = trodden

pisada = footfall

pisar = stepping

piscina [Noun] = pool

piscinas [Noun] = pools

piso = storey

pisotear = tramping

pisoteo = trample

pistón = piston

pista = clue

pista = racetrack

pista = tarmac

pista de aterrizaje = runway

pista de patinar = rink

pistacho = pistachio

pistola = pistol

pistolera = holster

pistolero = gunman
pistoleros = gunmen

pitó = tooted

pitón = python

pitar = to toot

pitar = whistling

pitido = beep

pituitario = pituitary

pivote = pivot

pizarra = blackboard

pizarra = chalkboard

pizarra = slate

pizca = whit

pizcar = picking

pizza = pizza

plácido = placid

plástico = plastic

plátano = plantain

plétora = glut

plétora = plethora

placa = plaque

placa de nombre = nameplate

placebo = placebo

placenta = placenta

placer = pleasure

plaf = plop
plagó = plagued

plaga = plague

plagar = plaguing

plagiar = plagiarizing

plagiario = plagiarist

plagio = plagiarism

plan = design

plan = plan

plan de estudios = curricula

plan de estudios = curriculum

plancha = gangplank

planchar = ironing

planchar = to iron

plancton = plankton

planear = planning

planeta = planet

planetario = planetarium

planetario = planetary

planetoide = planetoid

planificación = planning

planificar = planning

plano = flat

planta = plant

planta del pie = sole

planta perenne = perennial

plantación = plantation

plantar = planting

plantear = expounding

plantilla = template

plasma = plasm

plasma = plasma

plasmar = capturing

plastrón = plastron

plata = silver

plata labrada = silverware

plataforma = platform

plataforma giratoria = turntable

platea = parquet

plateado = silvery

platear = plating

platero = silversmith

platicar = chatting

platillo = saucer

platino = platinum

plato = dish

plato = plate

platos = dishes

playa = beach

plaza = piazza

plaza = plaza
pleamar = high tide

plebeyo = plebeian

plegable = collapsible

plegar = pleating

pleito = lawsuit

plenario = plenary

plenitud = plenitude

plica = escrow

pliegue = crease

pliegue = fold

pliegue = pleat

plomero = plumber

plomo = lead

plomo = plumb

pluma = feather

pluma = pen

pluma = plume

pluma = quill

plumaje = plumage

plumoso = feathery

plural = plural

plutonio = plutonium

poético = poetic

población = population

poblar = populating
pobre = pauper

pobre = poor

pobreza = poverty

poción = potion

pocilga = pigpen

poco = modicum

poco [Adjective] = little

poco frecuente = infrequent

poco profundo = shallow

pocos = few

podía = could

podar = pruning

poder = being able to

poder = power

poderoso = cogent

poderoso = forceful

poderoso = powerful

poderoso = virtuous

podio = podium

podrido = addle

podrido = rotten

poema = poem

poesía = poetry

poeta = poet

polémica = polemic
polémico = controversial

polígono = polygon

política = policy

político = politician

polaina = legging

polar = polar

polca = polka

polea = pulley

polen = pollen

policía = bobby

policía = cop

policía = police

policía = policeman

policía = policemen

polifonía = polyphony

poligonal = polygonal

polilla = moth

polinómico = polynomial

polio = polio

politécnico = polytechnic

pollería = poultry

pollito = chick

pollo = chicken

pollos = chickens

polluelo = chick
polo = pole

polución = pollution

polvera de bolsillo = compact

polvo = dust

polvo = powder

polvorear = powdering

polvoriento = dusty

polvoriento = powdery

pomar = orchard

pompa = pageantry

pompa = pomp

pomposidad = pomposity

pomposo = pompous

ponche = punch

ponderar = pondering

pondere = ponder

ponderoso = ponderous

poner = donning

poner = putting

poner = to put

poner al día = to update

poner al sol = sunning

ponga áspero = roughen

ponga = lay

ponga = put
ponga a punto = debug

ponga al día = update

ponga en código = encode

ponga en correlación = correlate

ponga en limpio = engross

ponga en peligro = endanger

ponga en peligro = imperil

ponga mala cara = pout

pontífice = pontiff

pontear = bridging

pontificado = pontificate

pontificar = pontificating

popa = poop

popa = stern

popelina = poplin

populacho = populace

popular = popular

popularizar = popularizing

populoso = populous

por = across

por = by

por = for

por = per

por = through

por allí = thereabouts

por ciento = percent

por consiguiente = therefore

por eso = thereby

por eso = therefore

por favor = please

por la presente = hereby

por otra parte = otherwise

por sorpresa, desprevenidamente, de improviso = aback

por suerte = luckily

por todas partes = everywhere

por un rato = awhile

porcelana = porcelain

porcentaje = percentage

porche = porch

porción = lot

porción = share

pornografía = pornography

poro = pore

poroso = porous

porqué = why

porque = because

porrazo = thud

porro = lummox

portó (carried) = toted

portador = conveyor
portaestandarte = cornet

portal = portal

portapapeles = clipboard

portar = carrying

portar = to tote

portavoces = spokesmen

portavoz = spokesman

portero = doorman

porteros = doormen

porvenir = future

posada = hostelry

posada = inn

posadero = hostess

posar = posing

posdata = postscript

posea = possess

poseedor = possessor

poseedor de una patente = patentee

poseer = possessing

posesión = possession

posesivo = possessive

posfecha = postdate

posibilidad = possibility

posibilitar = facilitating

posible = possible
posición = position

posición = stance

posición = stand

positivo = positive

posponer = postponing

posponer = to postpone

posponga = postpone

posta = buckshot

postal = postal

poste = post

poste = stanchion

poste indicador = guidepost

poste indicador = signpost

posteridad = posterity

posterior = hind

posterior = posterior

postgraduado = postgraduate

postguerra = postwar

postigo = wicket

postoperatorio = postoperative

postrado = bedridden

postrado = prostrate

postrar = prostrating

postre = dessert

postres [Noun] = desserts

postulado = postulate

postular = postulating

postura = posture

potasio = potassium

potencia en vatios = wattage

potencial = potential

potentado = potentate

potente = potent

potranca = filly

potro = colt

potro = foal

potro = pony

práctica = practice

práctico = practical

préstamo = borrow

préstamo = loan

príncipe = prince

prístino = primeval

prístino = pristine

prócer = eminent person

pródigo = lavish

pródigo = prodigal

prólogo = preface

prólogo = prologue

prórroga = adjourn
próspero = auspicious

próspero = prosperous

próstata = prostate

próximo = next

practicante = practitioner

practicar = practicing

practicar = to practice

pradera = prairie

prado = grassland

prado = lawn

prado = meadow

prado = paddock

pragmático = pragmatic

pragmatismo = pragmatism

pragmatista = pragmatist

preámbulo = preamble

preboste = provost

precaución = precaution

precaver = guarding against

preceda = precede

precedente = precedent

preceder = preceding

preceder; ser anterior a = antedate

preciar = pricing

precintar = sealing
precio = price

precio neto = net

precioso = precious

precipicio = cliff

precipicio = precipice

precipitación radiactiva = fallout

precipitación, brusquedad = abruptness

precipitado = precipitate

precipitado = precipitous

precipitar = precipitating

precisar = specifying

precisión = accurately

precisión = precision

preciso = precise

precocidad = precocity

preconcebir = preconceiving

preconocer = foreknowing

precoz = precocious

precursor = precursor

predecesor = predecessor

predecir = predicting

predecir = to predict

predestinar = foredooming

predestine = predestine

predeterminar = predetermining
predicado = predicate

predicador = mantis

predicar = preaching

prediga = predict

predique = preach

predisponer = predisposing

predisponga = predispose

predisposición = predisposition

predominante = ascendant

predominante = predominant

predominar = prevailing

predomine = overpower

predomine = predominate

preestablecer = presetting

prefecto = prefect

preferencia = preference

preferencial = preferential

preferir = preferring

preferir = to prefer

prefiera = prefer

prefigurar = foreshadowing

prefijar = presetting

prefijo = prefix

prefijo que indica separación = ab

prefirió = preferred
pregonar = proclaiming

pregunta = enquiry

pregunta = inquiry

pregunta = query

pregunta = question

preguntar = asking

preguntar = to ask

pregunte = ask

prehistórico = prehistoric

prejuicio = prejudice

prejuzgar = prejudicing

preliminar = preliminary

preludio = prelude

prematuro = premature

premeditación = aforethought

premeditar = premeditating

premedite = premeditate

premiado = winning

premiar = rewarding

premio = award

premio = premium

premio = prize

premio = reward

premio gordo = jackpot

premisa = premise
premonición = premonition

prenda = gage

prenda = nab

prenda = pledge

prender = fastening

prender = nabbing

prensa = press

prensar = pressing

preocupación = concern

preocupado = worried

preocupar = worrying

preocuparse = worry

preocupe = preoccupy

prepóstero = preposterous

preparación = preparation

preparado = concoct

preparar = preparing

preparar = to prepare

preparatorio = preparatory

prepare = prepare

preponderante = preponderant

preposición = preposition

prerrogativa = prerogative

presa = prey

presagiar = denouncing
presagie = betoken

presagie = bode

presbiterio = chancel

prescindir = doing without

prescriba = prescribe

prescribir = prescribing

presencia = presence

presenciar = witnessing

presentación = presentation

presentar = presenting

presente = current

presente = present

presentir = foreseeing

preservación = preservation

preservación = riddance

preservar = preserving

preservar = to save

preserve = save

presión = clench

presión = pressure

presida = preside

presidencia [Noun] = chairmanship

presidencial = presidential

presidenta = chairwoman

presidentas = chairwomen
presidente = chairperson

presidente = president

presidente [Noun] = chairman

presidentes = chairmen

presidir = presiding over

presionar = pressing

preso = inmate

prestó = lent

prestar = lending

prestar = to lend

prestar atención = to notice

preste = lend

prestigio = prestige

prestigioso = prestigious

presuma = presume

presumir = presuming

presumir = showing off

presunción = conceit

presunción = presumption

presunción por omisión = default

presunto = presumed

presuntuoso = presumptuous

presuponer = presupposing

presuponga = presuppose

presuposición = presupposition
presupuestar = budgetting

presupuestario = budgetary

presupuesto = budget

pretérito imperfecto = imperfect

pretencioso = pretentious

pretenda = pretend

pretender = seeking

pretensión = pretense

pretensión = pretension

pretextar = pretext

pretexto = pretext

prevalecer = prevailing

prevaleciente = prevalent

prevalezca = prevail

prevención = prevention

prevenga = prevent

prevenir = preventing

prevenir = to prevent

preventivo = precautionary

preventivo = preventive

prever = forseeing

previo = previous

previsible = foreseeable

primacía = primacy

primado = primate
primar = prevailing

primavera = spring

primavera = springtime

primer = first

primer ministro = premier

primero = first

primero = primary

primero = prime

primeros = first

primitivo = primitive

primo = cousin

primogenitura = birthright

princesa = princess

principal = main

principal = principal

principalmente = mainly

principalmente = primarily

principiante = beginner

principiar = beginning

principio = beginning

principio = fundamental

principio = inception

principio = principle

principio = tenet

prior = prior
priora = prioress

priorato = priory

priori = priori

prioridad = priority

prisa = haste

prisa = hurry

prisa = rush

prisión = prison

prisión militar = guardhouse

prismático = binocular

prismático = prismatic

prisma = prism

privó = bereft

privado = private

privado = privy

privado/privada = private

privar = debarring

privar = depriving

prive = bereave

prive = debar

prive = deprive

privilegiar = privileging

privilegio = privilege

proa = prow

probabilidad = probability
probablemente = probably

probado = proven

probado = tried

probar = proving

probar = to prove

probar a = to try

problemático = problematic

problema = problem

problema = trouble

proceda = proceed

procedencia = provenance

proceder = proceeding

procedimiento = procedure

procesador = processor

procesal = procedural

procesar = processing

procesar un programa = to execute

procese un programa = execute

procesión = procession

proceso = process

proclamación = proclamation

proclamar = proclaiming

proclame = proclaim

proclividad = proclivity

procrear = procreating
procree = procreate

procurar = trying

procure = procure

prodigar = lavishing

prodigio = prodigy

prodigioso = prodigious

producción = turnover

producir = producing

producir = to yield

producir un efecto desagradable = jarring

productividad = productivity

producto = produce

producto = product

produzca = afford

produzca = inbreed

proeza = prowess

profético = prophetic

profanar = profaning

profane = desecrate

profano = profane

profecía = prophecy

proferir = uttering

profesar = professing

profese = profess

profesión = career
profesión = profession

profesional = professional

profesiones = careers

profesor = professor

profesoral = professorial

profeta = prophet

profetice = prophesy

profetizar = prophesying

profundidad = depth

profundidad = profundity

profundizar = deepening

profundo = poignant

profundo = profound

profusión = profusion

profuso = profuse

prognosis = prognosis

programó = programmed

programa = program

programable = programmable

programación = programming

programador = programmer

programar = programming

progresar = progressing

progresión = progression

progresivo = progressive
progresivo [Adjective] = stepwise

progreso = progress

prohiba = forbid

prohiba = prohibit

prohibió = forbade

prohibición = ban

prohibición = prohibition

prohibido = forbidden

prohibir = banning

prohibir = prohibiting

prohibir = to forbid

prohibitivo = forbidding

prohibitivo = prohibitive

prolífico = prolific

proletariado = proletariat

proliferar = proliferating

prolifere = proliferate

prolijo = wordy

prolongar = prolonging

prolongue = prolong

prolongue = protract

promedio = average

prometa = promise

prometer = promising

prometer = to promise
prometida [Noun] = fiancee

prometido [Noun] = fiance

prominente = prominent

promiscuo = promiscuous

promoción = promotion

promover = promoting

promueva = promote

promulgar = promulgating

promulgue = enact

promulgue = promulgate

prono = prone

pronombre = pronoun

pronosticar = predicting

pronosticar = to forecast

pronostique = presage

pronto = quick

pronto [Adverb] = soon

pronunciación = pronunciation

pronunciación = utterance

pronunciar = pronouncing

pronunciar = to pronounce

pronuncie = pronounce

pronuncie con lentitud = drawl

propóngase = pose

propóngase = propose
propósito = purpose

propaganda = propaganda

propagar = spreading

propague = propagate

propensión = propensity

propiciar = propitiating

propicie = propitiate

propicio = propitious

propiedad = estate

propiedad = property

propiedad = proprietary

propietario = landlord

propietario = proprietor

propina (gratuity) consejo (advice) = tip

propina [Noun] = gratuity

propinas (gratuities) consejos (advice) = tips

propinas [Noun] = gratuities

propio = own

propio = proper

proponer = proposing

proporción = proportion

proporción = ratio

proporcionado = proportionate

proporcionar = providing

proporcionar = to provide
proporcione = provide

proposición = overture

proposición = proposition

propuesta = proposal

propulsó = propelled

propulsar = propelling

propulse = propel

propulsión = propulsion

propulsor = propellant

prorratear = averaging

prorratee = prorate

prorrogar = continuing

prosa = prose

prosaico = prosaic

proscriba = proscribe

proscribir = outlawing

proscripción = proscription

prosecución = prosecution

proseguir = continuing

prosiga = prosecute

prospecto = prospectus

prosperar = prospering

prospere = prosper

prosperidad = prosperity

prostitución = prostitution
prostituir = prostituting

prostituta = prostitute

prostituta = whore

protón = proton

protagonista = protagonist

protagonizar = playing

proteína = protein

protección = protection

protector = protector

protectorado = protectorate

proteger = protecting

proteger = to protect

proteger = to screen

protegido = protege

proteja = protect

protesta = protest

protestar = protesting

protocolar = protocol

protocolizar = protocol

protocolo = protocol

prototipo = prototype

protozoario = protozoan

protuberancia = bulge

protuberante = protuberant

provea de comida = cater

provecho = avail

proveedor = purveyor

proveer = providing

provenir = coming

provenir de = stemming

proverbial = proverbial

proverbio = proverb

providencia = providence

providencial = providential

provincia = province

provinciano = provincial

provisión = provision

provisional = interim

provisional = makeshift

provisional = provisional

provisto = equipped

provocación = provocation

provocar = causing

provocativo = provocative

provoque = provoke

proximidad = proximity

proyectar = projecting

proyectil = missile

proyectil = projectile

proyecto = draft
proyecto = project

proyector = projector

prudente = prudent

prueba = ordeal

prueba = proof

prueba = test

prueba = try

pruebe = substantiate

pruebe de antemano = foretaste

psíquico = psychic

pseudo = pseudo

psicólogo = psychologist

psicópata = psychopath

psicoanálisis = psychoanalysis

psicología = psychology

psicosis = psychosis

psicoterapia = psychotherapy

psique = psyche

psiquiátrico = psychiatric

psiquiatría = psychiatry

psiquiatra = psychiatrist

puñalada = stab

puñalada = stabbing

puño = cuff

puño = fist
puño = hilt

pubertad = puberty

publicación = publication

publicar = publishing

publique = publish

pudelar = puddle

pudrir = rotting

pueble = populate

pueblo = town

pueblo = village

pueblos = towns

pueda = can

pueda = may

puente = bridge

puente levadizo = drawbridge

puerco = pig

puerco espín = porcupine

pueril = puerile

puerro = leek

puerta = door

puerta = doorway

puerto = port

puerto [Noun] = harbour

puerto de mar = seaport

pues = well
puesta a punto del programa = debugging

puesta del sol = sundown

pulóver = pullover

pulcro = neat

pulga = flea

pulgada = inch

pulgar = thumb

pulido = natty

pulimento = polish

pulir = polishing

pulmón = lung

pulmonía = pneumonia

pulmonar = lung

pulmonar = pulmonary

pulpa = pulp

pulpo = octopus

pulsado = pulsar

pulsar = pressing

pulse = pulsate

pulse el botón = click

pulsera = bracelet

pulso = pulse

pulular = swarming

pulular = to teem

pulverizar = powdering
puma = cougar

puma = puma

puntúe = punctuate

punta = headland

punta = tip

punta de alfiler = pinpoint

punta de flecha = arrowhead

punta del pie = tiptoe

puntada = stitch

puntapié = kick

puntapié = spurn

puntear = dotting

puntee = stipple

puntero = pointer

puntiagudo = spiky

puntiagudo [Adjective] = pointed

puntilla; clavito = brad

punto = dot

punto = point

punto de control = checkpoint

punto de ruptura = breakpoint

punto de vista = standpoint

punto de vista = viewpoint

punto medio = midpoint

puntual = punctual
puntuar = punctuating

punzada = pang

punzada = prick

punzada = twinge

punzante [Adjective] = poignant

punzar = puncturing

pupilo = ward

purga = catharsis

purga = purge

purgante = purgative

purgar = purging

purgatorio = purgatory

purificar = purifying

purificar = to purify

purifique = purify

puro = pure

puro = sheer

pus = pus

puso = laid

puso a punto = debugged

quántum = quantum

quántumes = quanta

quédese atrás = tarry

quéjese = complain
química = chemistry

químicas = chemicals

químico = chemical

químico = chemist

químicos = chemists

quórum = quorum

que = than

que = which

que = who

que desconfía de sí mismo = diffident

que descubre = detective

que duele = aching

que lleva gafas [Adjective] = spectacled

que logra = achieving

que parece vivo = lifelike

que produce escalofrío = creepy

que tiene o produce corrientes de aire = drafty

que vale la pena = worthwhile

que vuelve ácido = acidifier

quebradizo = brittle

quebrantar = smashing

quebrar = breaking

queche = ketch

quedó = stayed

queda = lain
quedado = curfew

quedar = remaining

quedar = to stay

quede = remain

quede = stay

quehacer (chore) = task

quehacer = chore

quehaceres (chores) = tasks

quehaceres (chores) = taskwork

quehaceres domésticos = housework

queja = complaint

queja = gripe

quejar = complaining

quejarse = complain

quemadura = blight

quemadura = burn

quemadura = scorch

quemadura del sol = sunburn

quemar = burning

quemar = to burn

querer = to cherish

querer = to want

querer = wanting

querido (m), querida (f) = wanted

querido = cherished
querido = dear

queroseno = kerosene

querubín = cherub

querubines = cherubs

queso = cheese

quid = gist

quiebra = bankrupt

quiebra = bankruptcy

quiebra = chasm

quien = whom

quienquiera que = whoever

quiera = intend

quiera = want

quieto = quiet

quijada = jowl

quilla [Noun] = keel

quimbombó = gumbo

quimera = chimera

quince = fifteen

quincena = fortnight

quincuagésimo = fiftieth

quinina = quinine

quinteto = quintet

quintillón = quintillion

quinto = fifth
quintuplicar = quintupling

quiosco de periódicos = newsstand

quirúrgico = surgical

quiste = cyst

quitado = removal

quitar = removing

quitar = to remove

quitar la piel = furring

quitasol = sunshade

quizá = maybe

quizás = perhaps

rábano = radish

rábanos = radishes

ráfaga = gust

rápido = brisk

rápido = fast

rápido = quick

rápido = rapid

rápido = snappy

rápido = speedy

rásguese = rend

rédito = revenue

régimen = regime

régimen = regimen
réplica = replica

réplica mordaz = retort

rígido = rigid

rímel = mascara

río = river

rítmico = rhythmic

róbalo = bass

rótula = kneecap

rústico = boorish

rústico = rural

rústico = rustic

rústico = yokel

raído = frayed

raído = threadbare

raído, raspado = abraded

raíz = root

rabia = rage

rabias = rabies

rabieta = tantrum

rabino = rabbi

rabioso = rabid

rabo = tail

racha = squall

racial = racial

racimo = cluster
raciocinar = ratiocinating

raciocine = ratiocinate

racionalización = rationalization

racionalizar = rationalizing

racionar = rationing

radar = radar

radiactivo = radioactive

radial = radial

radiante = radiant

radiar = radiating

radical = radical

radicar = residing

radie = radiate

radio = radii

radio = radio

radio = radium

radio = radius

radiografiar = x-raying

radiosonda = radiosonde

radioterapia = radiotherapy

raer = fraying

raer, raspar = to abrade

raja = sliver

raja = split

rajar = rending
rajar = to tear

rallador = grater

rallar = grating

rama = bough

rama = branch

ramera = trollop

ramifíquese = ramify

ramificar = ramifying

ramillete = bouquet

ramita = twig

ramonear = pruning

ramoneo = browse

rampa = ramp

rana = frog

rancho = ranch

rancio = rancid

rancio = stale

rango = range

ranura = groove

rapé = snuff

rapaz = predatory

rapaz = rapacious

rapiñar = raven

rapidez = speed

raposear = foxing
rapsodia = rhapsody

raptar = abducting

rapte = abduct

rapto = rapture

raquítico = rickety

raqueta = racket

raquitismos = rickets

raramente = seldom

rarefacer = rarefying

rareza = freak

raridad = rarity

rarificar = rarefying

rarifique = rarefy

raro = bizarre

raro = queer

raro = rare

raro = weird

raro [Adjective] = strange

rascar = scratching

rascar = to scratch

rasgó = tore

rasga = torn

rasgadura = rip

rasgar = ripping

rasgo = feature
rasgo = trait

rasguñar = scratching

rasguño = scratch

rasguear = raking

rasguear = strumming

rasguee = strum

raso = satin

raspadura = erasure

raspadura = scrape

raspar = rasping

rastrear = raking

rastrillar = raking

rastro = rake

rastro = trace

rastrojo = stubble

rasurar = shaving

ratón = mouse

rata = rat

ratear = pilfering

ratificar = ratifying

ratifique = ratify

rato = bout

ratones = mice

rauco = raucous

raya = streak
raya = stripe

rayar = lining

rayo = ray

rayo = spoke

rayo de sol = sunbeam

razón = rationale

razón = reason

raza = race

razonable = sensible

razonablemente = sensibly

razonar = reasoning

reñidora = scold

reñir = quarreling

reabsorber = reabsorbing

reaccionar = reacting

reaccionario = reactionary

reactivar = reactivating

reactivo = reagent

readmitir = readmitting

reafirmó = reaffirmed

reafirmar = reaffirming

reagrupar = regrouping

reajustar = readjusting

real = actual

real = real
real = royal

realeza = royalty

realice una escalada = escalate

realidad = reality

realidades = realities

realista = realistic

realización = completion

realizar = carrying out

realmente = quite

realzar = enhancing

reanimar = reviving

reanudar = renewing

reaparecer = reappearing

rearmar = rearming

reasuma = resume

reasumir = resuming

reasunción = resumption

reavivamiento = revival

reavivar = reviving

reavive = revive

rebájese = grovel

rebajado, humillado, degradado = abased

rebajador, mitigador [Noun] = abater

rebajar = reducing

rebajar = to debase
rebajar, humillar, degradar = to abase

rebaje = abate

rebaje = debase

rebaje = demean

rebanar = slicing

rebanar = to slice

rebasar = surpassing

rebatir = rebutting

rebautizar = rebaptizing

rebeló = rebelled

rebelón = balky

rebelar = rebelling

rebelde = intractable

rebelde = rebel

rebelde = rebellious

rebelión = rebellion

reblandecer = softening

rebobinar = rewinding

reborde = edging

rebosante = brimming

rebosar = overflowing

rebotar = bouncing

rebote = ricochet

rebuznar = braying

rebuzno = bray
recíproco = reciprocal

recóndito = recondite

recaer = relapsing

recalcar = emphasizing

recalcitrante = recalcitrant

recalentar = reheating

recambiar = redrawing

recapitular = recapitulating

recargar = recharging

recaudar = collecting

recepción = levee

recepción = reception

recepcionista = receptionist

receptáculo = receptacle

receptador = receptor

receptivo = receptive

recesivo = recessive

receta = recipe

rechace = repel

rechazó = repelled

rechazar = rejecting

rechazar = repelling

rechazo = denial

rechazo = rejection

rechinamiento = squeak
rechinar = squeaking

rechine = gnash

rechoncho = chunky

rechoncho = stocky

recién nacido = newborn

recién venido = newcomer

reciba = receive

recibir = receiving

recibir = to receive

recibo = receipt

reciclar = recycling

reciente = recent

recinto = campus

recinto = precinct

recintos = campuses

reciprocar = reciprocating

recitar = reciting

recitativo = recitative

reclamación = reclamation

reclamado = catchword

reclamar = claiming

reclinado = recumbent

reclinar = reclining

recline = recline

recluir = confining
recluta = recruit

reclutar = recruiting

reclute forzosamente = commandeer

recobrar = recovering

recoger = picking up

recoger = to gather

recogida = pickup

recoja = pick

recoja la basura = scavenge

recolección = recollection

recolectar = gathering

recomendación = testimonial

recomendación [Noun] = recommendation

recomendado = recommendation

recomendado [Adjective] = recommended

recomendar = recommending

recomendar = to recommend

recompensa = recompense

recompensar = rewarding

recomponer = recomposing

reconciliación = reconciliation

reconciliar = reconciling

reconciliar = to reconcile

reconcilie = reconcile

reconocer = recognizing
reconocer = to acknowledge

reconocer = to recognize

reconocible = acknowledgeable

reconocido = acknowledged

reconociendo = acknowledging

reconocimiento = acknowledgement

reconocimiento = reconnaissance

reconocimientos = acknowledgements

reconozca = acknowledge

reconozca = recognize

reconsiderar = reconsidering

reconstituir = reconstituting

reconstruir = reconstructing

reconstruyó = reconstructed

recontar = recounting

reconvenga = upbraid

reconvenir = remonstrating

recopilación = compilation

recordar = remembering

recordar = to remember

recordativo = reminiscent

recorra = ply

recorra = rove

recorrer = traveling

recortar = clipping
recorte = clipping

recostado = laid

recostar = reclining

recrear = recreating

recriminar = recriminating

recrimine = recriminate

rectángulo = rectangle

rectangular = rectangular

rectificar = rectifying

rectifique = rectify

rectitud = rectitude

recto = straight

rector = rector

recubrir = recovering

recuerde = remember

recuerde = remind

recuerdo = remembrance

recuerdo = souvenir

recular = recoiling

recuperación = recovery

recuperación = recuperation

recuperación = retrieval

recuperar = recovering

recupere = recuperate

recupere = retrieve
recurrente = recurrent

recurrir = appealing

recurso = asset

recurso = recourse

recurso = resort

recusar = impeaching

red = netting

red = network

redactar = editing

redactor de textos publicitarios = copywriter

redención = redemption

redentor = redemptive

redimir = redeeming

redistribuir = redistributing

redoblar = doubling

redoma = vial

redondear = rounding

redondear = to round

redondo = circular

redondo = round

reducción = cutback

reducir = reducing

reducir = to dock

reducir = to reduce

redundante = redundant
redundante = repetitious

redundar = redounding

redunde = redound

reduplicar = reduplicating

reduzca = reduce

reeditar = reissuing

reeducar = reeducating

reembarcar = reembarking

reembolsable = reimbursable

reembolsar = reimbursing

reembolse = redeem

reembolse = reimburse

reemplace = supersede

reemplazar = replacing

reencarcelamiento = remand

reencarnar = reincarnating

reenviar = forwarding

reenviar = to forward

refectorio = refectory

referéndum = referendum

referencia = reference

referir = referring

refiérase a = advert

refiera = refer

refinar = refining
refinería = refinery

refirió = referred

reflector = floodlight

reflector = reflector

reflector = searchlight

reflector = spotlight

reflejar = reflecting

refleje = reflect

reflejo = blink

reflexión = reflection

reflexionar = meditating

reflexivo = reflexive

refluir = redounding

reforestar = reforesting

reformar = reforming

reformatorio = reformatory

reforzar = reinforcing

reforzar = to enhance

refractar = refracting

refracte = refract

refreir = refrying

refrenamiento = restraint

refrenar = refraining

refrendar = countersigning

refrene = restrain
refrescar = refreshing

refrescarse = freshen

refresco = soda

refresque = freshen

refrigerador [Noun] = icebox

refrigerar = refrigerating

refrigere = refrigerate

refringir = refracting

refuerce = enhance

refuerzo = reinforce

refugiado = refugee

refugiar = giving refuge

refugio = refuge

refunfuñar = griping

refunfuño = grumble

refutó = rebutted

refutación = rebuttal

refutación = refutation

refutar = rebutting

refutar = refuting

refute = rebut

refute = refute

regañón = shrewish

regañar = nagging

regañar = to chide
regalías = regalia

regalar = giving

regale = regale

regaliz = licorice

regalo = gift

regar = showering

regar = to water

regate = dodge

regatear = haggling

regeneración = feedback

regenerar = regenerating

regente = regent

región = region

región interior = hinterland

región montañosa = highland

regimentar = regimenting

regimiento = regiment

regio = regal

regional = regional

regir = governing

registrador = registrar

registrar = registering

registro = record

registro = register

registro = registration
registro = registry

regla = prescription

regla = rule

regla = ruler

reglamentación estricta = regimentation

reglamentar = regulating

reglar = ruling

regocíjese = exult

regocijar = rejoicing

regocijar = to exult

regocije = rejoice

regordete = chubby

regresar = returning

regresar = to come back

regresión = regression

reguera = ditch

reguera = launder

regular = regular

regular = regulating

regularizar = regularizing

regule = regulate

regurgitar = regurgitating

rehén = hostage

rehabilitar = rehabilitating

rehabilite = rehabilitate
rehacer = re-doing

rehogar = braising

rehuir = avoiding

rehusar = refusing

rehusar = to refuse

reimprimir = reprinting

reina = queen

reinar = reigning

reincidente [Noun] = backslider

reincidir [Verb] = backslide

reiniciar = restarting

reino = kingdom

reino = realm

reino = reign

reinstalar = reinstalling

reintegrar = reinstating

reintegre = reinstate

reinvertir = reinvesting

reir = laughing

reir = to laugh

reiterar = reiterating

reivindicar = claiming

reja = grate

reja = grid

reja del arado = plowshare

rejuvenecer = rejuvenating

relámpago = lightning

relámpago = thunderbolt

relámpagos = thunderbolts

relación = rapport

relación = recital

relacionar = relating

relajación = relaxation

relajar = relaxing

relajar = to relax

relaje = relax

relamer = licking

relampaguear = lightening

relatar = relating

relate = relate

relegar = relegating

relevar = raising

releve = relieve

religión = religion

religiosidad = religiosity

religioso = religious

relinchar = neigh

relincho = whinny

reliquia = relic

rellenar = stuffing
relleno = padding

reloj = clock

reloj = timepiece

reloj = watch

reloj = wristwatch

reloj de arena = hourglass

reloj de sol = sundial

reluciente = translucent

relucir = glittering

relumbrante = flashy

relumbrar = shining

remachar = riveting

remache = clinch

remache = rivet

remanente = remnant

remanso = backwater

remanso = eddy

remar = rowing

rematar = finishing off

remedar = copying

remediable = remediable

remediar = remedying

remedio = remedy

remendar = repairing

remesa = remittance
remeter = replacing

remiendo = botch

remilgado = prim

remisión = remission

remiso = remiss

remita = remit

remitió = remitted

remitir = remitting

remo = oar

remo = paddle

remodelar = remodeling

remojar = soaking

remojo = soak

remolacha = beet

remolcado = towed

remolcador = tug

remolcando = towing

remolcar = towing

remolinar = whirling

remolinear = eddying

remolino = swirl

remolque = tow

remontar = overcoming

remordimiento = remorse

remos = oars
remoto = remote

remover = removing

remover = to remove

remozar = rejuvenating

remuneración = remuneratión

remunere = remunerate

renacimiento = renaissance

renacuajo = tadpole

renal = renal

rencor = grudge

rencor = spite

rencoroso = rancorous

rencoroso = spiteful

rendición = rendition

rendición = surrender

rendir = yielding

renegar = renouncing

reno = reindeer

renombrar = renaming

renombre = renown

renovación = renewal

renovar = renovating

renquear = limping

renta = rent

renuente = loath
renuente = reluctant

renueve = renew

renueve = renovate

renunciar = giving up

renunciar = to abjure

renuncie = renounce

renuncie = waive

reorganice = reorganize

reorganización = reorganization

reorganizar = reorganizing

repítase = recur

república = republic

reparación = repair

reparación = reparation

reparador = handyman

reparadores = handymen

reparar = repairing

reparar = to atone

reparar = to repair

repare = atone

repartió = dealt

repartir = distributing

reparto regular = dole

repasar = reviewing

repaso = review
repatriar = repatriating

repelente = repellent

repeler = repelling

repercusión negativa = backlash

repercutir = rebounding

repertorio = repertoire

repertorio = repertory

repesar = reweighing

repetición = repetition

repetidor = repeater

repetir = recurring

repetir = repeating

repetir = to repeat

repetitivo = repetitive

repicar = pealing

repintar = repainting

repiquetear = pealing

repisa = mantlepiece

repita = ditto

repita = repeat

repitió = recurred

replantar = replanting

repleto = replete

replicar = replying

repoblar = repopulating
reponer = restoring

reportar = reporting

reporteril = reportorial

reposar = resting

reposo = repose

repostar = refueling

reprenda = chide

reprender = reprehending

reprensible = reprehensible

represa [Noun] = dam

represalia = reprisal

represar = damming

representante = rep

representante = representative

representar = representing

represente = represent

represente = typify

represión = repression

represivo = repressive

reprima = constrain

reprimenda = reprimand

reprimir = repressing

reprobar = reproving

reprochar = reproaching

reproche = blame
reproche = rebuke

reproche = reproach

reproducir = reproducing

reptar = slithering

reptil = reptile

reptil = reptilian

republicano = republican

repudiar = rejecting

repudie = repudiate

repugnante = gruesome

repugnante = repugnant

repugnar = hating

repujar = embossing

repulsa = snub

repulsar = repulsing

repulsión = repulsion

repulsivo = repulsive

repunte = turnaround

reputación = reputation

reputación = repute

reputar = reputing

requerir = requiring

requiera = require

requisar = requisitioning

requisito = requisite
requisito previo = prerequisite

resárzase de = recoup

res de cuernos largos = longhorn

resaca = hangover

resaltar = standing out

resarcir = recouping

resbaló = slid

resbalón = slip

resbaladizo = slippery

resbalar = sliding

resbalar = slipping

rescatar = rescuing

rescate = delivery

rescate = ransom

rescate = rescue

rescinda = rescind

rescindir = canceling

reseñar = pointing out

resecar = drying up

resentido = resentful

resentimiento = pique

resentir = feeling the effect

reseque = parch

reserva = reserve

reserva de existencias = stockpile

reservación = reservation

reservado = reticent

reservar = reserving

resfriar = catching a cold

resguardar = preserving

resguardo = safeguard

resguardo = shelter

resida = reside

residencial = residential

residente = resident

residir = residing

residuo = residual

residuo = residue

resignación = resignation

resignar = resigning

resigne = resign

resina = resin

resista = withstand

resistase = resist

resistencia = resistor

resistente = resistant

resistió = withstood

resistir = resisting

resma = ream

resollar = breath
resolución = resolution

resolución = resolve

resolver = solving

resonante = resonant

resonar = resonating

resoplar = puffing

resoplido = snort

respaldar = endorsing

respaldo = backrest

respetabilidad = respectability

respetar = respecting

respetar = to respect

respeto = respect

respetuoso = respectful

respingar = startling

respiración = breath

respiración = respiration

respirador = respirator

respirar = breathing

respirar = to breathe

respiratorio = respiratory

respire = breathe

respire = respire

resplandecer = glowing

resplandeciente = resplendent
responda = respond

responder = responding

responsabilidad = responsibility

responsabilizar = making responsible

responsable = liable

responsable = responsible

respuesta = answer

respuesta = rejoinder

resquebrajado = leaky

resquebrajar = chapping

resquebrajar = cracking

restablecer = reestablishing

restar = subtracting

restauración = restoration

restaurante = restaurant

restaurar = restoring

restaurativo = restorative

restaure = restore

restitución = restitution

restituir = restoring

resto = remainder

restos = wreckage

restregar = rubbing

restricción = curb

restringir = restricting
restrinja = restrict

resucitar = resuscitating

resucite = resurrect

resucite = resuscitate

resuelto = resolute

resuelva = solve

resuene = resonate

resultado = aftereffect

resultado = result

resultado final = upshot

resultante = resultant

resultar = being

resumen = summary

resumió = summarized

resumir = summarizing

resumir = to abstract

resurgente = resurgent

retírese = retire

retórica = rhetoric

retar = challenging

retardación = retardation

retardar = slowing

retardo = retard

retasar = reappraising

retención = retention
retener = retaining

retenga = retain

retentivo = retentive

retina = retina

retiró = withdrew

retira = withdrawn

retirado = recluse

retirar = retiring

retire = withdraw

retiro = privacy

retiro = withdrawal

retoñar = sprouting

reto = dare

retocar = altering

retorcer = twisting

retornar = returning

retorno = return

retozar = frolicking

retozo = frolic

retozo = romp

retrógrado = retrograde

retractar = retracting

retracte = recant

retracte = retract

retraer = retracting
retrasado = lagged

retrasar = lagging

retrasar = retarding

retraso = delay

retraso = lag

retratar = depicting

retrate = portray

retrate = toilet

retrato = portrait

retrato = portrayal

retrete = toilet

retribución = retribution

retribuir = rewarding

retroactivo = retroactive

retroceda = flinch

retroceda = recede

retroceda = retrogress

retroceder = going back

retroceso = backspace

retroceso = recession

retroceso = regress

retroceso = setback

retroceso = throwback

retrogradar = retrograding

retrotraer = to backtrack
retumbar = resounding

retumbo = rumble

reumático = rheumatic

reuma = rheumatism

reunión = assemblage

reunión = meet

reunión = rally

reunión = reunion

reunir = gathering

revés = backhand

revés = blow

revólver = revolver

revalidar = confirming

revalorizar = revaluing

revelación = revelation

revelar = blabbing

revelar = revealing

revele = reveal

revender = reselling

reventar = exploding

rever = reviewing

reverberar = reverberating

reverbere = reverberate

reverdecer = growing green

reverenciar = revering
reverente = reverent

reversión = reversion

reversible = reversible

revertir = reverting

revestimiento = daub

revestir = having

revierta = revert

revisar = revising

revisar = to edit

revise = edit

revise = revise

revisión = revision

revista = magazine

revistar = reviewing

revivir = reviving

revocable = revocable

revocación = repeal

revocar = revoking

revolcar = knocking

revolotear = flying about

revolución = revolution

revolucionar = revolutionizing

revolucionario = revolutionary

revolver = revolving

revolver = stirring
revoque = revoke

revuélquese = flail

revuélquese = wallow

revuelta = revolt

revuelto = scrambled

revuelva = revolve

revulsión = revulsion

rey = king

reyerta = brawl

rezagar = leaving behind

rezar = praying

rezumar = oozing

rezume = ooze

riñón = kidney

riña = berate

riña = fray

riña = quarrel

riña = spat

riachuelo = rivulet

ribera = riverbank

ribera = riverside

rico = rich

ridículo = ridicule

ridículo = ridiculous

ridiculizar = ridiculing
rienda = rein

riendo = laughing

riesgo = hazard

riesgo = jeopardy

riesgo [Noun] = risk

rifar = raffling

rifle = rifle

riguroso = rigorous

rima = rhyme

rimar = rhyming

rincón = nook

rinda = yield

rinoceronte = rhino

rinoceronte = rhinoceros

ripia = shingle

riqueza = wealth

risa = laugh

risa = laughter

risco = crag

risita = chuckle

risita = giggle

risotada = guffaw

ritmo = rhythm

rito = rite

ritual = ritual
rival = rival

rivalice = vie

rivalidad = rivalry

rivalizar = competing

rivalizar = vying

rizado = crimp

rizado = fuzzy

rizar = ruffling

rizo = curl

roa = gnaw

robótica = robotics

roba = stolen

roba = thieves

robar = robbing

robar = stealing

robar = thieving

robar = to steal

robe = rob

roble = oak

robles = oaks

robo = burglary

robo = larceny

robo = ripoff

robo = robbery

robo = steal
robo = theft

robot = robot

robustecer = strengthening

robusto = hardy

robusto = robust

rocíe = dabble

rocíe = douse

rocío = dew

rocío = spray

rocío = sprinkle

roce = attrition

roce = chafe

rociado = sputter

rociar = dew

rocoso = rocky

rodada = rut

rodaja = slice

rodapié = baseboard

rodar = rotating

rodar = to roll

rodear = surrounding

rodear = to surround

rodee = surround

rodeo = detour

rodeo = rodeo
rodeo = roundup

rodilla = knee

rodillo = skid

rodio = rhodium

roedor = rodent

roedor semejante a la ardilla = gopher

roer = gnawing

rogó = bade

rogar = requesting

rojizo = reddish

rojo = flush

rojo = red

rojo = ruddy

rollo = coil

rollo = furl

rollo = roll

romántico = romantic

romance = romance

romano = Roman

rombo = lozenge

rombo = rhombus

rompa = disrupt

rompecabezas = brainteaser

rompecabezas = conundrum

rompehuelgas [Noun] = strikebreaker

rompeolas = breakwater

romper = breaking

romper = to break

romper = to tear

rompió = broke

ron = rum

roncar = snoring

roncar = to snore

ronco = hoarse

rondar = being about

ronde = prowl

ronquido = snore

ronronear = purring

ronroneo = purr

ropa = apparel

ropa = clothing

ropa [Noun] = clothes

ropa de cama = bedding

ropa interior = lingerie

ropa interior = negligee

ropa interior = underwear

ropero = clothier

rosa = pink

rosa = rose

rosado = pink
rosado = rosy

rosal = rosebush

rosario = rosary

rostro = rostrum

rostro = visage

rostro [Noun] = face

rotatorio = rotary

roto = broken

roto = torn

rotonda = rotunda

rotor = rotor

rotular = labeling

rotundo = rotund

rotura = breakage

rotura = smash

rozamiento = graze

rozar = touching

roznar = crunching

rubí = ruby

rubificar = ruby

rubio = blond

rubio = blonde

rubor = blush

ruborizar = making blush

rudimentario = rudimentary
rudimentario = vestigial

rudimento = rudiment

rudo = gruff

rudo = rude

rueda = wheel

rueda de molino movida por hombres = treadmill

ruede = rotate

ruedecilla = trundle

ruega = bidden

ruegue = beg

ruegue = entreat

rufián = ruffian

rugido = roar

rugir = roaring

ruibarbo = rhubarb

ruido = clash

ruido = noise

ruido silbante = fizzle

ruidoso = blatant

ruidoso = loud

ruidoso = noisy

ruina = ravage

ruina = ruin

ruina [Noun] = destruction

ruinas = debris
ruinoso = ruinous

ruiseñor = nightingale

ruleta = roulette

rumiado = cud

rumiante = ruminant

rumiar = meditating

rumor = hearsay

rumor = rumor

rumorear = murmuring

runa = rune

ruptura = breakaway

ruptura = breakthrough

ruptura = disruption

ruptura = rupture

ruso = Russian

ruta = route

rutina = routine

sábado = Saturday

sábado [Noun] = Sabbath

sádico = sadist

sándalo = sandalwood

sátira = satire

sátiro = satyr

sépalo = sepal
séptico = septic

séptimo = seventh

séquito = retinue

séxtuplo = sextuple

sí = aye

sí = yeah

sí, afirmación = yes

sílaba = syllable

símbolo = symbol

símbolo del acento circunflejo = caret

símil = simile

síncope = syncopate

síncrono = synchronous

síndrome = syndrome

sínodo = synod

síntesis = synthesis

síntoma = symptom

sísmico = seismic

sólido = solid

sólo = just

sólo = only

sórdido = sordid

sótano = basement

sótano = cellar

súbito = sudden
súplica = entreaty

súplica = plea

sabático [Adjective] = sabbatical

sabañón = chilblain

sabe = known

sabedor = aware

sabedor = cognizant

saber = knowing

sabiduría = wisdom

sabio = wise

sable = sable

sabor = flavor

sabor = taste

saborear = savoring

saborear = tasting

sabotaje [Noun] = sabotage

sabotajes [Noun] = sabotages

saboteado [Verb] = sabotaged

saboteador [Noun] = saboteur

saboteando [Verb] = sabotaging

sabotear = sabotaging

sabroso = savoury

sabroso = tasty

sabueso = bloodhound

sabueso = sleuth
sacacorchos = corkscrew

sacar = taking out

sacar = to fetch

sacar una foto = snapping

sacar una muestra = to sample

sacarina [Noun] = saccharin

sacerdote = parson

sacerdote = priest

saciado = satiate

saciar = satiating

saco = sack

saco de arena = sandbag

sacrílego = sacrilegious

sacramento = sacrament

sacrificar = sacrificing

sacrificio = sacrifice

sacrilegio = sacrilege

sacristán = sexton

sacristía = vestry

sacudida = jounce

sacudida = lurch

sacudida = shake

sacudir = shaking

sadismo = sadism

sadomasoquista = sadomasochist
saeta = bolt

safari = safari

sagacidad = sagacity

sagaz = canny

sagaz = politic

sagaz = sagacious

sagrado = sacred

salón = salon

salón de baile = ballroom

salón de descanso = lounge

salón de entrada = foyer

sal = salt

sala = living room

sala = room

sala de conferencias = auditorium

sala de enfermo = sickroom

sala de fiestas = nightclub

sala del tribunal = courtroom

salado = briny

salado = salty

salamandra = salamander

salar = salting

salas = rooms

salaz = salacious

salchichón = salami
salchicha = frankfurter

salchicha = sausage

saldar = liquidating

salga = leave

salga = scoot

salida = departure

salida = exit

salida = start

salida del sol = sunrise

salidizo = jut

saliente = salient

salino = saline

salir = jutting

salir = leaving

salir = to leave

saliva = saliva

saliva = spittle

salival = salivary

salivar = salivating

salive = salivate

salmón = salmon

salmo = psalm

salmodiar = intoning

salmuera = brine

salobre = brackish
salobre; semisalado = brackish

saloma = chantey

salpicadura = splash

salpicar = sprinkling

salpimentar = peppering

salpique = blob

salpullido = rash

salsa = catsup

salsa = gravy

salsa = ketchup

salsa = sauce

saltó = sprang

saltón = goggle

salta = sprung

saltar = jumping

saltar = skipping

saltar = to jump

saltear = frying

salto = bounce

salto = jump

salto = leap

salto = leapfrog

salto = skip

salto mortal = somersault

salubre = salubrious
salud = health

saludable = healthful

saludable = healthy

saludable = salutary

saludar = greeting

salude = greet

saludo = salutation

saludo = salute

salva = salvo

salvación = salvation

salvado = bran

salvaguardar = safeguarding

salvaje = savage

salvaje = wild

salvajismo = savagery

salvamento = salvage

salvar = saving

salvia = sage

salvo = safe

samba = samba

sanar = healing

sanatorio = sanatorium

sanatorio = sanitarium

sanción = sanction

sancionar = sanctioning
sandía = watermelon

sandalia = sandal

sane = heal

sanear = cleaning up

sangría = indent

sangró = bled

sangrado = indentation

sangrar = bleeding

sangrar = to bleed

sangre = bleed

sangre = blood

sangre = gore

sangre vital = lifeblood

sangriento = bloody

sanguijuela = leech

sanguina = sanguine

sanguinario = sanguinary

sanitario = sanitary

sano = hale

sano = healthy

sano = wholesome

santidad = sainthood

santidad = sanctity

santificar = sanctifying

santifique = hallow
santifique = sanctify

santiguar = crossing

santo = saint

santuario = sanctuary

santurrón = sanctimonious

sapo = toad

saque = elicit

saque = fetch

saque copias = mimeograph

saquear = plundering

saquee = ransack

sarape = serape

sarcástico = sarcastic

sarcasmo = gird

sarcasmo = quip

sarcasmo = sarcasm

sarcoma = sarcoma

sardónico = sardonic

sardina = sardine

sargento = sergeant

sarna = mange

sastre (noun) = tailor

sastre = tailor

sastres (noun) = tailors

satánico = satanic
satélite = satellite

satélites = abates

satirizar = satirizing

satisfacción = satisfaction

satisfacer = satisfying

satisfactorio = satisfactory

satisfaga = gratify

satisfaga = satisfy

satisfecho = satisfied

satisfecho de sí mismo = complacent

saturable = saturable

saturar = saturating

sature = saturate

saturnino = saturnine

sauce = sallow

savia = sap

saxofón = saxophone

sazonar = seasoning

sazonar = to flavour

sazone = flavour

señal = cue

señal = sign

señal en la oreja = earmark

señal luminosa = flare

señalar = pointing out

señoría = lordship

señorío = gentry

señor = gentleman

señor = lord

señor = sir

señor = sire

señora = madam

señora = mistress

señorear = dominating

señores = gentlemen

señuelo = lure

se burla = annoys

sebo = tallow

secó = dried

secar = drying

secar = to dry

sección = department

sección = section

sección cónica = conic

secesión = secession

seco = dry

secoya = redwood

secreción = secretion

secretaría = secretariat

secretar = secreting
secretaria = secretary

secreto = cryptic

secreto = secrecy

secreto = secret

secta = sect

sectario = sectarian

sector = sector

secuaces = henchmen

secuaz = henchman

secuestra, rapta = abducts

secuestrado, raptado = abducted

secuestrador = abductor

secuestradores = abductors

secuestrando, raptando = abducting

secuestrar = kidnapping

secuestrar, raptar = to abduct

secuestre = hijack

secuestre = kidnap

secuestro = kidnapping

secuestro, rapto = abduction

secuestros, raptos = abductions

secular = secular

secundar = seconding

secundario = secondary

sedán = sedan
sed = thirst

seda = silk

sedentario = sedentary

sedición = sedition

sedicioso = seditious

sediento = thirsty

sedimentar = depositing

sedimentario = sedimentary

sedimento = sediment

seducción = seduction

seducir = seducing

seductor = seductive

seduzca = seduce

segar = cropping

segar = reaping

seglar = worldly

segmentación = segmentation

segmento = segment

segregar = segregating

segregue = segregate

seguidor = follower

seguir = continuing

seguir = to follow

segundo = second

seguridad = safety
seguridad = surety

seguro = confident

seguro = foolproof

seguro = insurance

seguro = safe

seguro = sure

seguro [Adjective] = secure

seis = six

seleccionador = selector

seleccionar = selecting

seleccione = select

sellar = sealing

sello = hallmark

sello = signet

sello [Noun] = stamp

selva = jungle

semáforo = semaphore

semáforo [Noun] = stoplight

semántico = semantic

semana = week

semanal = weekly

semblante = countenance

semblante = mien

sembrar = sowing

sembrar = to sow
semejante = similar

semejanza = likeness

semejanza = semblance

semejar = looking like

semestre = semester

semicírculo = halfcircle

semilla = seed

semilla del algodón = cottonseed

seminal = seminal

seminario = seminar

seminario = seminary

senado = senate

senatorial = senatorial

sencillo = simple

senda = footpath

senda = lane

senda = path

senda = pathway

sendero = trail

sendero [Noun] = footpath

senil = senile

seno = sine

seno = sinus

sensacional = sensational

sensato = sane
sensato = sensible

sensibilizar = sensitizing

sensible = responsive

sensible = sensitive

sensor = sensor

sensorio = sensory

sensual = sensual

sensual = sensuous

sentó = sat

sentada = sitting

sentado = seated

sentar = sitting down

sentar = to sit

sentarse = sit

sentencia = doom

sentenciar = sentencing

sentido = sense

sentimiento = sentiment

sentir = feeling

sentir = regretting

sentir = to regret

sepárese = secede

sepa = know

separable = separable

separadamente = asunder
separado = separate

separar = separating

separe = sequester

septentrional = northerly

septiembre = September

septuagésimo = seventieth

sepulcral = sepulchral

sepultar = burying

sequedad = drought

ser = being

ser = essence

ser = to be

ser camarada = chumming

serenar = calming

serenata = serenade

sereno = sedate

sereno = serene

serie = serial

serie = series

serio = earnest

serio = serious

serio = staid

sermón = sermon

sermonear = preaching

serpentear = winding
serpentina = serpentine

serpiente = serpent

serpiente = snake

serrar = seeing

servible = serviceable

servicio = service

servidor = servitor

servil = servile

servilleta = napkin

servir = serving

servir = to serve

sesenta = sixty

sesgar = slanting

sesgo = bias

sesión = session

setenta = seventy

seto vivo = hedge

severo = severe

severo = stark

severo = stringent

sexagésimo = sixtieth

sexo = sex

sexteto = sextet

sexto = sixth

sexual = sexual
sexual = sexy

siéntese = sit

siéntese en cuclillas = squat

si = if

si = whether

sibilante = sibilant

sicómoro = sycamore

sicópata = psychotic

sicofanta = sycophant

sideral = sidereal

sidra = cider

siegue = reap

siempre = always

sierra = sierra

siesta = nap

siete = seven

siga = follow

siga = pursue

sigla = acronym

siglo = century

siglos = centuries

significó = meant

significado = purport

significante = meaningful

significante = significant
significar = meaning

signifique = signify

signo = signal

silábico = syllabic

silbar = to whistle

silbar = whistling

silbar o zumbar = zipping

silbato = whistle

silbido = swish

silbido = zip

silencio = hush

silencio = silence

silencioso = silent

silicón = silicon

sillón = armchair

sillón de ruedas = wheelchair

silla = chair

silla de montar = saddle

sillas = chairs

silo = silo

silogismo = syllogism

silueta = silhouette

silvicultura = forestry

simbólico = symbolic

simbiosis = symbiosis
simbolizar = symbolizing

simetría = symmetry

similar = similar

simpático = sympathetic

simpatía = sympathy

simpatizar = sympathizing

simplón = simpleton

simple = simple

simplemente = simply

simplicidad = simplicity

simplificar = simplifying

simplifique = simplify

simposio = symposium

simposios = symposia

simular = simulating

simule = simulate

simultáneo = simultaneous

simultaneidad = simultaneity

sinónimo = synonym

sinónimo = synonymous

sin = without

sin ayuda [Adjective] = singlehanded

sin brillo = pale

sin cansancio = tireless

sin cuidado = carefree

sin cuidado = careless

sin cuidado = carelessly

sin dientes = toothless

sin domicilio fijo = abode

sin embargo = anyhow

sin embargo = anyway

sin embargo = however

sin embargo [Adverb] = notwithstanding

sin energía = dud

sin gusto, insípido = tasteless

sin lengua = tongueless

sin sentido = meaningless

sinagoga = synagogue

sinceridad [Noun] = sincerity

sincero = outright

sincero = straightforward

sincero [Adjective] = sincere

sincopar = syncopating

sincronizar = synchronizing

sindicar = syndicating

sindicato = syndicate

sinfónico = symphonic

sinfonía = symphony

singular = singular

singularizar = singling
siniestro = portentous

siniestro = sinister

sinonimia = synonymy

sinopsis = synopsis

sinsonte = mockingbird

sintáctico = syntactic

sintético = synthetic

sintaxis = syntax

sintetizar = synthesizing

sintió = regretted

sintomático = symptomatic

sintonizar = syntonizing

sinuoso = sinuous

sirena = mermaid

sirena = siren

sirva = serve

sirvienta = maid

sirviente = attendant

sirviente = servant

siseo = hiss

sistemático = systematic

sistema = system

sistematizar = systematizing

sitúe = situate

sitiar = sieging
sitiar = to besiege

sitie = besiege

sitio = locale

sitio = locus

sitio = siege

sitio = site

sitio para animales domésticos = cot

sitios = loci

situación = locality

situación = situation

situar = locating

snob = snobbish

soñó = dreamt

soñador = dreamy

soñar = dreaming

soñoliento = drowsy

soñoliento = sleepy

soñoliento = somnolent

sobaco = armpit

sobaquera = armhole

soberanía = sovereignty

soberano = sovereign

sobornar = bribing

soborno = bribe

soborno = bribery
sobrante = leftover

sobrante = surplus

sobrar = being more than enough

sobre = about

sobre = above

sobre = envelope

sobre todo = especially

sobrealimentar = overfeeding

sobrecarga = surcharge

sobrecargado [Adverb] = overloaded

sobrecargar = overloading

sobrecargar = to overload

sobregirar = overdrawing

sobrehilar = overcasting

sobrenatural = supernatural

sobrepasar = surpassing

sobreponer = lapping

sobreponer = superimposing

sobreprecio [Noun] = overprice

sobrepujar = outclassing

sobresalir = standing out

sobresaltar = startling

sobresalte = startle

sobrestimar = overestimating

sobrevalorado [Adjective] = overpriced

sobrevenir = happening

sobreviva = survive

sobreviviente = survivor

sobrevivir = surviving

sobriedad = sobriety

sobrina = niece

sobrina nieta = grandniece

sobrino = nephew

sobrio = sober

socarrar = singing

socavar = tunneling

sociable = convivial

sociable = sociable

social = social

sociedad = corporate

sociedad = partnership

sociedad [Noun] = society

socio = associate

sociología = sociology

socorrer = aiding

sodio = sodium

sofá = davenport

sofá = sofa

sofocar = suffocating

sofoque = quell
sofoque = suffocate

software = software

soga = rope

soja = soy

soja = soya

soja = soybean

sojuzgar = subduing

sojuzgar = to yoke

solícito = solicitous

sol = sun

solamente = only

solana = sunshine

solapa del vestido = lapel

solapar = overlapping

solape = overlap

solar = lot

solar = solar

solaz = solace

solazar = solacing

soldada de caballería = yeoman

soldado = infantryman

soldado = soldier

soldados = infantrymen

soldadura = solder

soldar = welding
soleado = sunny

soledad = solitude

solemne = solemn

solemnidad = solemnity

solemnizar = solemnizing

solenoide = solenoid

soler = being accustomed to

solfear = sol-faing

solicitación = solicitation

solicitante = applicant

solicitar = requesting

solicite = solicit

solicitud = solicitude

solidaridad = solidarity

solidificar = solidifying

solidifique = solidify

soliloquio = soliloquy

solitario = lonesome

solitario = solitary

sollozar = sobbing

sollozo = sob

solo = lone

solo = solo

solo [Adjective] = single

solsticio = solstice
soltar = loosing

soltería = bachelorhood

soltero = bachelor

soltero = unmarried

solterona = spinster

solteros = bachelors

soluble = soluble

solución = solution

solucionar = solving

solventar = paying

solvente = solvent

somático = somatic

sombrío = shady

sombra = shade

sombra = shadow

sombrear = shadowing

sombrerero = hatter

sombrero = hat

sombreros de señora = millinery

sombrilla = parasol

someta = submit

someter = subjecting

someter = submitting

sometió = submitted

somier = bedspring
sonar = sonar

sonar = sounding

sonata = sonata

sonda = probe

sondar = sounding out

sondear = sounding

soneto = sonnet

sonido chirriante = sizzle

sonido metálico de un choque = clank

sonido metálico resonante = clang

sonoridad = sonority

sonoro = sonorous

sonreír con toda la boca = grinning

sonreir = smiling

sonrisa = smile

sonrisa afectada = smirk

sonrisa de desprecio = sneer

sonrojar = making blush

sopa = sop

sopa = soup

sopló = blew

soplón = tattler

sopla = blown

soplar = blowing

soportar = supporting
soportar = to endure

soporte = endure

soprano = soprano

sorba = slurp

sorber = sipping

sorbete = sherbet

sorbo = sip

sorbo = sniffle

sordo = deaf

sorgo = sorghum

sorprendentemente = surprisingly

sorprender = surprising

sorprendido = surprised

sorpresa = surprise

sosegado = restful

sosegar = calming

sospecha = suspicion

sospechar = suspecting

sospechoso = suspect

sospechoso = suspicious

sostén = bra

sostén = brassiere

sostén = prop

sostener = propping

sostener = sustaining
sostenga = steady

sostenga = sustain

sostenimiento = hold

sostenimiento = upkeep

sostuvo = held

sota = jack

sotavento = leeward

spinnaker = spinnaker

suéter = sweater

su = her

su = his

su = their

su = your

suave = suave

suave = supple

suavice = assuage

suavizar = softening

subarrendar = subleting

subasta = auction

subastador = auctioneer

subastar = auctioning

subdividir = subdividing

sube = risen

subestimar = underestimating

subida = climb
subir = going up

subir = to climb

subir = to rise

subjetividad = subjectivity

subjetivo = subjective

sublevar = revolting

sublimado = sublimate

sublimar = heightening

subliminal = subliminal

submarino = sub

submarino = submersible

subordinado = subservient

subordinado = underling

subordinar = subordinating

subrayar = to underline

subrayar = underlining

subrepticio = surreptitious

subscriba = subscribe

subscribir = subscribing

subscribir = to subscribe

subsidiar = subsidizing

subsidiaria = subsidiary

subsidio = subsidy

subsista = subsist

subsistir = subsisting
substancial = substantial

substantivo = noun

substantivo = substantive

substitución = substitution

substituir = subbing

substituir = substituting

substituto = surrogate

substraer = subtracting

subtítulo = caption

subtender = subtending

subterfugio = subterfuge

subterráneo = subterranean

suburbio = suburb

suburbios = suburbia

subvención = subvention

subvencionar = subsidizing

subvencione = subsidize

subversivo = subversive

subvertir = subverting

subvierta = subvert

subyugar = subduing

succión = intake

succión = suck

succión = suction

suceda = ensue
suceder = happening

sucesión = succession

sucesivo = successive

sucesor = successor

suciedad = filth

sucinto = succinct

sucio = dirty

sucio = nasty

sucumba = succumb

sucumbir = succumbing

sudado = sweaty

sudar = sweating

sudar = to perspire

sudeste = southeast

sudoeste = southwest

sudor = sweat

sueño [Noun] = dream

sueco = Swedish

suegra = law

suelde = weld

sueldo = salary

sueldo = wage

suelo = floor

suelo = ground

suelte = loosen
suelto = loose

suero = serum

suero de manteca = buttermilk

suerte = luck

suerte inesperada = windfall

suficiencia = adequacy

suficiente = sufficient

sufijo = suffix

sufra = suffer

sufragar = financing

sufragio = suffrage

sufrir = suffering

sufrir = to suffer

sugerencia = prompt

sugerencia = suggestion

sugerible = suggestible

sugerir = suggesting

sugerir = to suggest

sugestionar = suggesting

sugestivo = suggestive

sugiera = suggest

suicida = suicidal

suicidar = committing suicide

suicidio = suicide

sujetalibros = bookend
sujetar = holding

sulfúrico = sulfuric

sulfurar = sulfurating

sulfuroso = sulfurous

sultán = sultan

suma = addition

suma = sum

suma = total

sumar = adding

sumar = summing

sumario [Noun] = docket

sumas = totals

sumergir = submerging

sumergir = to immerse

sumerja = immerse

suministrar = giving

suministro = supply

sumir = sinking

sumo = utmost

suntuoso = sumptuous

super = super

super = topping

superando una marca; disminuyendo; situación depresiva [Verb] = abating

superar = overcoming

supere = overcome
supere = surpass

superficial = cursory

superficial = superficial

superficie = surface

superfluidad = superfluity

superfluo = superfluous

superintendente = superintendent

superior = paramount

superior = superior

superior = upper

superlativo = superlative

superpoblado [Adjective] = overpopulated

superponer = superimposing

superstición = superstition

supersticioso = superstitious

supervisar = supervising

supervivencia = survival

supino = supine

suplantar = supplanting

suplante = supplant

suplementario = supplementary

suplente = substitute

suplicar = begging

suplique = plead

suplique = supplicate
suplir = replacing

supo = knew

suponer = supposing

suponga = suppose

suposición = guess

suposición = supposition

suprarrenal = adrenal

supremacía = supremacy

supremo = supreme

supresión = suppression

suprima = suppress

suprimir = suppressing

sur = south

surcar = furrowing

surco = furrow

surgir = arising

surgir = to surge

surtir = providing

sus = theirs

susceptible = petulant

susceptible = susceptible

susceptible = touchy

suscitar = raising

suscribir = subscribing

suspenda = suspend
suspender = suspending

suspensión = abeyance

suspensión = deprivation

suspensión = suspense

suspensión = suspension

suspicaz = leery

suspirar = sighing

suspiro = sigh

sustantivo = noun

sustentar = sustaining

sustento = sustenance

sustento [Noun] = nourishment

sustituir = substituting

susto = scare

susto = shock

sustraer = subtracting

susurrar = whispering

susurro = rustle

sutil = shrewd

sutil = subtle

sutileza = finesse

sutileza = quibble

sutileza = subtlety

sutura = suture

svástica = swastika
tábano = gadfly

tábano = horsefly

tácitamente = tacitly

tácito = tacit

tácito, tácita = tacit

táctica = tactic

tácticas = tactics

táctico = tactic

táctil = tactile

tártaro = tartar

té = tea

técnica = technique

técnicas = techniques

técnico = technic

técnico = technical

técnico = technician

término = term

término = terminal

término = terminus

términos = terms

tés = teas

tétano = tetanus

tía = aunt

tímidamente = timidly
tímido = shy

tímido = timid

tímpano = eardrum

tímpano = timpani

tío = uncle

tísico = consumptive

títere = puppet

título = brevet

título = title

título [Noun] = headline

títulos = titles

tónica = tonic

tórrido = torrid

tótem = totem

tóxico = toxic

tú = thee

tú = thou

tú = you

tú = yourself

tú mismo = yourself

túnel = tunnel

túnica = robe

túnica = tunic

tañer = chiming

tabú = taboo
tabaco = tobacco

tabernáculo = tabernacle

tabernáculos = tabernacles

taberna = pub

taberna = saloon

taberna = tavern

taberna = taverna

taberna clandestina = speakeasy

tabernas = taverns

tablón = plank

tabla = board

tabla = slab

tabla de ajedrez = chessboard

tabla de chilla = clapboard

tabla de surf [Noun] = surfboard

tablas de ajedrez = chessboards

tablero = panel

tabletilla = tablet

tabletillas = tablets

tablilla = splint

tabloide = tabloid

tabulado = tabular

tabulado, tabulada = tabulated

tabulador, tabuladora = tabulator

tabuladores, tabuladoras = tabulators

tabular = tabular

tabular = to tabulate

tabularización = tabularization

taburete = stool

tacómetro = tachometer

tacómetros = tachometers

tacañear = being stingy

tacaño = cheapie

tacaño = cheapskate

tacaño = penurious

tacaño = stingy

tacaño = tightwad

tacaños = cheapskates

tacaños = tightwads

tachadura = deletion

tachar = crossing out

tachuela = tack

taciturno, taciturna = taciturn

taconear = heeling

tacto = feel

tacto = tact

taja = hewn

tajadura = chopping

tajar = slicing

talón = heel
talón = stub

talón = talon

tal = such

taladrar = drilling

taladro = bore

taladro = drill

talco = talc

talco = talcum

talento = talent

talento artístico = artistry

talentos = talents

talismán = talisman

tallado = carved

tallarín = noodle

tallar = carving

tallar = to carve

talle = carve

taller = shop

taller = workshop

tallo = stalk

tallo = stem

talonario de cheques = checkbook

talones = talons

tamaño = size

tamal = tamale
tamarindo (the fruit) = tamarind

tamarindo = tamarind

tambalear = to teeter

tambalear = wobbling

tambaleo = wobble

también = too

tambor = drum

tampón = tampon

tangente = tangent

tangible = tangible

tango (the dance) = tango

tango = tango

tangos (the dance) = tangos

tanque = tank

tantear = sounding

tapón = plug

tapón de oído [Noun] = earplug

tapa = cover

tapa = lid

tapar = covering

tapar = plugging

tapete = coverlet

tapiar = walling

tapice y emborrar = upholster

tapicería = upholstery
tapioca = tapioca

tapiz = tapestry

tapizar = upholstering

taquígrafo = stenographer

taquidermia = taxidermy

taquigrafía = shorthand

taquigrafía = stenography

tarántula = tarantula

tarántulas = tarantulas

tardía = tardiness

tardío = tardy

tardar = taking

tarde = afternoon

tarde = late

tardemente = tardily

tarea = chore

tarea = homework

tarea = task

tarifa = fare

tarifa = tariff

tarifar = tariffing

tarifas = tariffs

tarima = dais

tarjeta = card

tarjeta postal = postcard

tarta = cake

tarta = tart

tartamudear = stuttering

tartamudeo = stammer

tartamudeo = stutter

tartas (as in little cakes) = tarts

tartera = griddle

tasar = appraising

tatuado = tattooed

tatuaje = tattoo

tatuajes = tattoos

tatuar = tattooing

tautología = tautology

taxi = cab

taxi = taxi

taxi = taxicab

taxis = cabs

taxis = taxicabs

taxis = taxis

taxista = cabdriver

taza = cup

taza de té = teacup

teísmo = theism

teísta = theist

teñido = tinted
teñir (to tint) = tint

teñir = tinting

teólogo = theologian

teólogos = theologians

teórico = theorist

teatro = playhouse

teatro = theater

teatros = theaters

techar = roofing

techo = ceiling

techo = roof

tecla de retroceso = backspace

teclado = keyboard

teclear = typing

tecnócrata = technocrat

tecnocracia = technocracy

tecnoestructura = technostructure

tecnológicamente = technologically

tecnológico = technologic

tecnología = technology

tecnologías = technologies

tedio = tedium

tediosamente = tediously

tedioso = tedious

teja = knit
tejado = roof

tejar = tiling

teje = woven

tejer = knitting

tejió = wove

tejido = fabric

tejido = knitting

tejido = tissue

tejido = weave

tejido = web

tejido, tela, telaraña, enredo, red, trama = web

tejo = yew

teléfono = phone

teléfono = telephone

teléfonos = telephones

telégrafo = telegraph

telémetro = telemeter

telón = backdrop

tela = cloth

tela cruzada o asargada = twill

telar = loom

telaraña = cobweb

telaraña flotante = gossamer

telecomunicación = telecommunication

telecomunicaciones = telecommunications
telecomunicar = to telecommunicate

teleconferencia = teleconference

teleconferencias = teleconferences

telecurso = telecourse

telefónico = telephonic

telefilm = telefilm

telefonía = telephony

telefoneó = telephoned

telefonear = telephoning

telefoto = telephoto

telefotográficamente = telephotographic

telefotografía = telephotography

telegrafía = telegraphy

telegrafiar = telegraphing

telegrama = telegram

telegramas = telegrams

teleimpresor = teleprinter

teleimpresora = teleprinter

telepático = telepathic

telepatía = telepathy

telescópico = telescopic

telescopio = telescope

telescopios = telescopes

televidente = televiewer

televisar = televising
televisar = to televise

televise = televise

televisión (TV) = telly

televisión = television

televisor, televisión = televisor

televisores, televisiones = televisors

televisual = televisual

temática = thematic

temáticamente = thematically

temático = thematic

tema = theme

tema = topic

temas = themes

temas = topics

tembló = trembled

temblado = aspen

temblando = trembling

temblar = to quake

temblar = to shiver

temblar = to tremble

temblar = trembling

temblequear = trembling

temblor (as in earthquake) = temblor

temblor = dither

temblor = jitter
temblor = quake

temblor = quaver

temblor = shudder

temblor = tremble

temblor = tremor

tembloroso = trembly

temer = fearing

temer = to fear

temerario = foolhardy

temerario = heady

temerario = temerarious

temeridad = temerity

temeroso = fearful

temeroso = fearsome

temor = awe

temor = temerity

temperamental = temperamental

temperamentalmente = temperamentally

temperatura = temperature

temperaturas = temperatures

tempestad = tempest

tempestear = storming

tempestuosidad = tempestuous

tempestuoso = tempestuous

templado = temperate
templado = tempered

templanza = temperance

templar = tempering

temple = anneal

temple = mettle

temple = temper

templo = temple

temporal = temporal

temporal = temporary

temprano = early

tenía = had

tenacidad = tenaciousness

tenacidad = tenacity

tenaz = tenacious

tenaza = tong

tenazmente = tenaciously

tendón = tendon

tendón [Noun] = sinew

tendencia = drift

tendencia = tendency

tendencia = trend

tendencias = tendencies

tender = spreading

tenebroso = tenebrous

tenedor = fork
tenencia = tenure

tener éxito = to succeed

tener = having

tener = to have

tenga éxito = succeed

tenga = have

tenga = to have

tenga cuidado con = beware

tenga náuseas = retch

tenis = tennis

tenista = tennist

tensar = tightening

tensión = strain

tensión = stress

tensión = tension

tenso = taut

tenso = tense

tentáculo = tentacle

tentáculos = tentacles

tentó = tempted

tentación = temptation

tentaciones = temptations

tentar (to tempt) = tempt

tentar = tempting

tentativa = tentative
teocracia = theocracy

teológicamente = theologically

teológico = theologic

teología = theology

teoría = theory

teorema = theorem

teoremas = theorems

teorizar = speculating

tequila = tequila

terapéuticas = therapeutic

terapéutico = remedial

terapéutico = therapeutic

terapeuta = therapeutist

terapeuta = therapist

terapia = therapy

terapias = therapies

tercamente [Adverb] = obdurately

tercer = third

tercera = thirdly

tercero = third

terciario = tertiary

terciopelo = velvet

tercios = thirds

terco = refractory

terco = stubborn
terco [Adjective] = obdurate

tergiversador = tergiversator

tergiversar = distorting

tergiversar = to tergiversate

termómetro = thermometer

termal = thermal

terminó = abutted

terminar = abutting

terminar = finishing

terminar, confinar = to abut

terminar, hacer cesar = to abate

termine = abut

termine = finish

termine = terminate

terminología = terminology

termita = termite

termonuclear = thermonuclear

ternario = ternary

ternera = veal

ternero = calf

terquedad [Noun] = obduracy

terrífico = terrific

terrón = clod

terrón = lumpish

terraplenar = terracing
terraza = terrace

terremoto = earthquake

terremotos = earthquakes

terreno = terrain

terreno que da = frontage

terrestre = terrestrial

terrible = dreadful

terrible = terrible

terriblemente = terribly

territorial = territorial

territorio = territory

territorios = territories

terrizo = earthen

terror = terror

terrores = terrors

terrorismo = terrorism

terrorista = terrorist

terrorista = terrorizer

terroristas = terrorists

terroristas = terrorizers

terroriza = terrifies

terroriza = terrify

terrorizado = terrified

terroso = earthy

terruño = terrain
terruños = terrains

tertulia = party

tesauro = thesaurus

tesis = theses

tesis = thesis

tesorería = treasurership

tesorería = treasury

tesorero = treasurer

tesoro = treasure

tesoros = treasures

testículo = testicle

testículos = testes

testículos = testicles

testamentario = testamentary

testamento = testament

testamentos = testaments

testarudo = mulish

testicular = testicular

testificó = testified

testificar = testifying

testificar = to testify

testifique = testify

testigo = witness

testigo ocular = eyewitness

testimoniar = testifying
testimonio = testimonial

testimonio = testimony

testimonios = testimonials

testimonios = testimonies

teta (as in breast, slang) = tit

teta = teat

teta = tit

tetas (as in breasts ,slang) = tits

tetera = teapot

tetraciclina = tetracycline

tetrafluoruro = tetrafluoride

textil = textile

texto = text

texto = textbook

texto mecanografiado = typescript

textual = textual

textura = texture

tiña de negro = blacken

tiara = tiara

tibio = lukewarm

tibio = tepid

tiburón = shark

tic = tic

tictac = tick

tiembla = trembles
tiempo = tempo

tiempo = tense

tiempo = time

tiempo = weather

tiempo de guerra = wartime

tienda = store

tienda = tent

tienda de libros [Noun] = bookstore

tiente = grope

tiente = tempt

tiernamente = fondly

tierno (as in gentle) = tender

tierno = tender

tierra = dirt

tierra = earth

tierra = ground

tierra = land

tierra = soil

tierra baja = lowland

tieso = wiry

tieso [Adjective] = hard

tiesto = flowerpot

tifón = typhoon

tifo = typhus

tifoidea = typhoid
tigre = tiger

tigres = tigers

tigresa = tigress

tijeras = scissor

tijereta = earwig

tijeretazo = snip

tijeretear = snipping

tilde = tilde

timón = helm

timón = rudder

timador = cheater

timar = cheating

timbrar = stamping

timbre = doorbell

timidez = timidity

timidez = timidness

timo = cheat

timonear = steering

timonero = helmsman

timoneros = helmsmen

tina = tub

tina = vat

tintín = clink

tinta = ink

tinte = dye
tinte = tinge

tinte = tint

tintes = tints

tintinear = jingling

tintineo = jingle

tintineo = tinkle

tintorero = dyer

tipógrafo = typesetter

tipógrafo = typographer

tiple = treble

tipo = guy

tipo = kind

tipo = type

tipografía = typography

tiró = threw

tiró con honda = slung

tirón = haul

tirón = hitch

tirón = jerk

tirón = pluck

tirón = twitch

tirón = wrench

tirón = yank

tira = strip

tira = thrown
tirador = marksman

tirador de goma = slingshot

tirador de puerta = doorknob

tiradores = marksmen

tiranía = tyranny

tiranizar = tyrannizing

tirano = tyrant

tirar = throwing

tirar = to throw

tire = pull

tire = snipe

tiritar = shivering

tiritar = to shiver

tiro = gunshot

tiro = hurl

tiro = shot

tiro = throw

tiro de arco = archery

tiroide = thyroid

tiroides = thyroid

tiroides = thyroids

tiroteo = gunfire

titánico = titanic

titanes = titans

titanio = titanium
titiritero = puppeteer

titubear = hesitating

titular = incumbent

titular = regular

titular = titular

titular de permiso = licensee

titulares = headline

titule = entitle

tiza = chalk

tizas = chalks

tiznado = smutty

tiznar = smudging

tizne = grime

toalla = towel

toallas = towels

tobillo = ankle

tobillos [Noun] = ankles

tocón = snag

tocón = stump

tocable = touchable

tocado = coiffure

tocado [Noun] = headdress

tocar = to knock

tocar = to play

tocar = to touch
tocar = touching

tocino = bacon

todavía = still

todavía = yet

todo = all

todo = everything

todo el mundo [Noun] = everyone

todos = everybody

todos los días = daily

todos los días = everyday

toleró = tolerated

tolera = tolerates

tolerable = tolerable

tolerablemente = tolerably

tolerancia = tolerability

tolerancia = tolerance

tolerando = tolerating

tolerante = tolerant

tolerar = to tolerate

tolerar = tolerating

tolerar, aguantar = to abide

tolere = tolerate

tomó = took

toma = taken

toma = takeover
toma = wad

tomado = taken

tomar (verb) = take

tomar = taking

tomar = to drink

tomar una siesta = napping

tomate = tomato

tomates = tomatoes

tome = take

tomo = tome

tonal = tonal

tonalidad = tonality

tonalidades = tonalities

tonel = keg

tonelada = ton

toneladas = tons

tonelaje = tonnage

tono = tone

tonos = tones

tontería = folly

tonto = dunce

tonto = foolish

tonto = oaf

tonto = silly

tonto = stupid
topógrafo = topographer

topacio = topaz

topar = colliding

topera = molehill

topográficamente = topographically

topográfico = topographic

topografía = topography

toque = putt

toque = touch

torbellino = whirlwind

torca = contort

torca = distort

torca = inflect

torcedura = twist

torcer = twisting

torcido = wry

tordo = thrush

torear = fighting bulls

torero = toreador

tormenta = storm

tormenta = thunderstorm

tormenta de granizo [Noun] = hailstorm

tormenta de nieve = snowstorm

tormento = torment

tormentos = torments
tormentoso = stormy

tornado = tornado

tornados = tornadoes

tornados = tornados

tornasol = litmus

tornear = lathing

torneo = tournament

tornillo = screw

tornillo de banco = vise

torno = lathe

torno = winch

toro = bull

toronja = grapefruit

torpe = awkward

torpe = clumsy

torpe = gauche

torpe = gawky

torpe = maladroit

torpe = torpid

torpedear = torpedoing

torpedo = torpedo

torpedos = torpedoes

torpedos = torpedos

torpemente = torpidly

torreón = turret
torre = tower

torrencial = torrential

torrencialmente = torrentially

torrente = torrent

torrente sanguíneo = bloodstream

torrentes = torrents

torres = towers

torsión = torsion

torso = torso

torsos = torsos

torta (pie) = torte

torta = cake

tortas = cakes

tortilla (omelet) = tortilla

tortilla = omelette

tortilla de huevos = omelet

tortuga = tortoise

tortuga = turtle

tortuoso = circuitous

tortuoso = tortuous

tortura = torture

torturado = tortured

torturando = torturing

torturar = torturing

torturas = tortures
tos = cough

tosco = coarse

tosco = uncouth

toser = coughing

toser = to cough

tostó (bread) = toasted

tostada = toast

tostado = tan

tostado = toasted

tostado por el sol = sunburnt

tostador = toaster

tostadora (toaster for bread) = toaster

tostadoras = toasters

tostar = toasting

total = total

total = totalization

totalidad = totality

totalismo = totalism

totalitario = totalitarian

totalitario, absoluto = totalitarian

totalitarismo = totalitarianism

totalmente = fully

totalmente = totally

totalmente = wholly

toxina = toxin
tráfico = traffic

trágico = tragedian

trágico = tragic

tránsito = traffic

tránsito = transit

trébol = shamrock

tríada = triad

tríceps = triceps

trío = threesome

trío = trio

trípode = tripod

trópico = tropic

traílla = leash

traba = clog

traba = fetter

traba = tether

trabajó = worked

trabajable = workable

trabajado = labored

trabajador = hardworking

trabajador = industrious

trabajador migratorio = migrant

trabajador, laborante = worker

trabajando = working

trabajar = to work
trabajar = working

trabajo = job

trabajo = labor

trabajo = toil

trabajo = work

trabajo en equipo = teamwork

trabajo metalúrgico = metalwork

trabajo pesado = drudgery

trabajo por horas = char

trabar = beginning

tracto = tract

tractor = tractor

tradición = tradition

tradicional = traditional

tradicionalismo = traditionalism

tradicionalista = traditionalistic

tradicionalistas = traditionalists

tradicionalmente = traditionally

tradiciones = traditions

traducción = translation

traducciones = translations

traduce = translates

traducible = translatable

traducido = translated

traduciendo = translating
traducir = to translate

traducir = translating

traductor = translator

traductores = translators

traduzca = construe

traduzca = translate

traer = bringing

traer = to bring

traficó = trafficked

traficando = trafficking

traficante = trafficker

traficantes = traffickers

traficar = trafficking

tragar = swallowing

tragar = to swallow

tragedia = tragedy

tragedias = tragedies

tragicómico = tragicomic

tragicómico = tragicomical

tragicomedia = tragicomedy

trago = gulp

trago = quaff

trago = swig

tragos = draughts

traición = betrayal
traición = treason

traicionar = betraying

traicionar = to traitorize

traicione = betray

traicionero = treacherous

traidor = traitor

traidor = traitorous

traidora = traitoress

traidores = traitors

traiga = bring

traiga a la realidad = debunk

traje = costume

traje = suit

trajo = brought

tramar = scheming

tramitar = processing

trampa = circumvention

trampa = pitfall

trampa = snare

trampa = trap

trampas = traps

trampolín = springboard

tranca = crossbar

tranquilamente = tranquilly

tranquilidad = calmness
tranquilidad = tranquillity

tranquilidad = tranquilness

tranquiliza = tranquilizes

tranquilizante = tranquilizer

tranquilizantes = tranquilizers

tranquilizar = to tranquilize

tranquilizar = tranquilizing

tranquilo = tranquil

tranquilo = tranquilized

transacción = transaction

transacciones = transactions

transar = trading

transatlántico = transatlantic

transbordar = transferring

transcendental = transcendental

transcendente = transcendent

transcender = transcending

transcienda = transcend

transcontinental = transcontinental

transcriba = transcribe

transcribir = to transcribe

transcribir = transcribing

transcripción = transcript

transcripción = transcription

transcripción = transcripts
transcurrir = lapsing

transeúnte = passerby

transeúnte = transient

transeúntes = transients

transferencia (noun) = transfer

transferencias (noun) = transfers

transferible = transferable

transferir = transferring

transfiera = transfer

transfigurar = transfiguring

transfirió = transferred

transformación = transformation

transformar = to transform

transformar = transforming

transforme = transform

transfunda = transfuse

transfundir = transfusing

transfusión = transfusion

transfusiones = transfusions

transgredir = transgressing

transgresión = transgression

transgresor = transgressor

transición = transition

transiciones = transitions

transigir = tolerating
transistor = transistor

transitar = trafficking

transitivo = transitive

transitorio = transitory

translúcido = translucent

translucir = showing

transmigrar = transmigrating

transmisión = broadcast

transmisión = conveyance

transmisión = transmission

transmisor = transmitter

transmita = transmit

transmitió = transmitted

transmitir = transmitting

transmutación = transmutation

transmutar = transmuting

transmute = transmute

transpacífico = transpacific

transparentar = revealing

transparente = transparent

transpiración = perspiration

transpirar = perspiring

transpire = perspire

transpire = transpire

transponer = moving
transponga = transpose

transportación = transportation

transportar = transporting

transportar en trineo = sledding

transporte = transport

transposición = transposition

transrecibidor = transceiver

transverso = transverse

tranvía = streetcar

tranvía = tram

tranvía = tramway

tranvía = trolley

trapacear = racketeering

trapacero = tricky

trapacista = racketeer

trapeador = mop

trapear = mopping

trapecio = trapeze

trapecista = trapezist

trapezoide = trapezium

trapezoide = trapezoid

trapezoides = trapezoids

trapo = rag

traquetear = jolting

traqueteo = chug
traqueteo = jolt

trascendencia = transcendence

trascendental = transcendental

trascendentalismo = transcendentalism

trascendentalista = transcendentalist

trascendentalistas = transcendentalists

trascendentalmente = transcendentally

trascender = to transcend

trascender = to transcendentalize

trascender = transcending

trascendió = transcended

trascendiente = transcendent

trascendiente = transcending

trasciende = transcendentalizes

trasciende = transcends

trascolar = straining

trasegar = decanting

trasero = breech

trasero = rear

trasladar = transferring

traslapar = shoveling

traslocar = to translocate

traslucir = @translucir

trasmisión = transmission

trasmisibidad = transmissibility
trasmisible = transmissible

trasmisible = transmittable

trasmisiones = transmissions

trasmite = transmits

trasmitir = to transmit

trasmitir = transmitting

trasmutar = transmuting

traspapelar = mislaying

traspasar = passing over

traspase = transfix

traspatio = backyard

trasplante = transplant

trasquilar = shearing

trastornar = overturning

trasudar = perspiring

tratado = treatise

tratado = treaty

tratamiento = treatment

tratamientos = treatments

tratar = trying

trate a un enfermo = medicate

trato = bargain

trato = deal

traumático = traumatic

trauma = trauma
traumado = traumatized

traumar = to traumatize

traumas = traumas

travesía = crossroad

travesaño = traverse

travestido = transvestite

travesura = prank

travieso = impish

travieso [Adjective] = mischievous

trayectoria = trajectory

trayectorias = trajectories

trazó = mapped

trazar = plotting

trazar = tracing

trece = thirteen

tregua = respite

tregua = truce

treinta = thirties

treinta = thirty

tremendamente = tremendously

tremendo = tremendous

trementina = turpentine

tremolar = fluttering

tren (noun) adiestrar (military) = train

tren = train
trence = wreathe

trenes = trains

trenza = braid

trenzar = braiding

trepar = climbing

trepe = clamber

trepidación = trepidation

trepidar = quaking

tres = three

tres veces = threefold

tres veces = thrice

triángulo = triangle

triángulos = triangles

triangular = triangular

tribal = tribal

tribu = tribe

tribulación (woe) = tribulation

tribunal = tribunal

tribunales = tribunals

tribuno = tribune

tribus = tribes

tributo = tributary

tributo = tribute

tributos = tributes

trigésimo = thirtieth
trigo = wheat

trigonométrico = trigonometric

trigonometría = trigonometry

trigueño = brunette

trillado = hackneyed

trillar = thrashing

trille = thresh

trilogía = trilogy

trimestre = trimester

trinar = quavering

trinca = triplet

trinchar = carving

trinchera = trench

trine = trill

trineo = sled

trineo = sledge

trineo = sleigh

trinitario = trinitarian

trino = warble

tripas = tripe

triple = triple

triplicar = triplicating

triplique = triplicate

tripulación = crew

tripular = manning
triquiñuela = chicanery

triquitraque = firecracker

triscar = mingling

triste = dismal

triste = doleful

triste = dreary

triste = sad

tritón = newt

triturar = crushing

triunfal = triumphal

triunfante = exultant

triunfante = triumphant

triunfar = triumphing

triunfo = triumph

trivial = banal

trivial = commonplace

trivial = trite

trivial = trivial

trocar = exchanging

trofeo = trophy

troje = barn

trombón = trombone

trombosis = thrombosis

trompeta = trumpet

trompetear = trumpeting
tronada = thunderstorm

tronar = thundering

tronco = trunk

trono = throne

tropa = troop

tropezar = tripping

tropiezo = stumble

trotador = trotting

trotar = jogging

trote = trot

trovador = minstrel

trozo = hunk

trozo = lump

trozo = scrap

trucha = trout

truco = trick

trueno = thunder

truncar = truncating

trunque = truncate

tuba = tuba

tubería = pipeline

tuberculosis = tuberculosis

tubo = tube

tubo de unión múltiple = manifold

tubular = tubular
tulipán = tulip

tumba = grave

tumba = tomb

tumba = tombstone

tumbar = knocking down

tumbas = tombs

tumbas = tombstones

tumbe = fell

tumulto = tumult

tumulto = turmoil

tumultuoso = tumultuous

turba = peat

turbante = turban

turbar = upsetting

turbe los sentidos = befuddle

turbina = turbine

turborreactor = turbojet

turbulento = turbulent

turco = Turkish

turismo = sightseeing

turismo = tourism

turista = sightseer

turista = tourist

turistas = tourists

turno = inning
turquesa = turquoise

tus = your

tutear = addressing familiarly

tutelar = guiding

tutor = tutor

tuyo = yours

uña = fingernail

uña = nail

uña del pie = toenail

ubicar = locating

ubicuidad = ubiquity

uf = ugh

ulcerar = ulcerating

ulcere = ulcerate

ulterior = ulterior

ultimátum = ultimatum

ultrajante = outrageous

ultrajar = insulting

ultraje = outrage

ultraje = revile

ultramar = country overseas

ultramoderno = ultramodern

ultravioleta = ultraviolet

ulular = ululating
umbilical = umbilical

umbral = sill

umbral = threshold

unánime = unanimous

unísono = unison

un = a

un = an

un poco = somewhat

un, una = a

una = adjoin

una = cohere

una = dovetail

una = merge

una = unite

una con guión = hyphenate

una vez = once

unanimidad = unanimity

unción = unction

uncir = yoking

undécimo = eleventh

undular = undulating

ungüento = salve

ungir = anointing

unión = coalition

unión = junction
unión = linkage

unión = union

unicornio = unicorn

unidad = unit

unidad = unity

unido = coalesce

unifíquese = unify

unificar = to unify

unificar = unifying

uniformar = standardizing

uniforme = uniform

unilateral = unilateral

unir = to unite

unir = uniting

unitario = unitarian

univalente = univalent

universal = universal

universalidad = universality

universidad = college

universidad = university

universo = universe

uno = one

untar = anointing

untar = to smear

uranio = uranium
urbanizar = urbanizing

urbano = urban

urce = heath

urdimbre = warp

urdir = concoct

urgencia = urgency

urgente = urgent

urinario = urinal

urna = shrine

urna = urn

urraca = magpie

usar = to use

usar = using

use = use

uso = usage

uso = use

uso = wear

usted = you

ustedes mismos = yourselves

usual = usual

usura = usury

usurero = usurer

usurpación = usurpation

usurpar = to encroach

usurpar = usurping
usurpe = encroach

usurpe = usurp

utópico = utopian

utensilio = utensil

uterino = uterine

utilidad = utility

utilitario = utilitarian

utilizable = usable

utilizar = to utilize

utilizar = using

utopía = utopia

uva = grape

uva o pasa de Corinto = currant

uvular = uvular

válido = valid

válvula = valve

vándalo = vandal

vástago = offshoot

vástago = offspring

vértebra = vertebra

vértice = vertex

vértigo = vertigo

vía = via

vía [Noun] = way

vía férrea = railway

vía muerta = sidetrack

vía pública = thoroughfare

víctima = dupe

víctima = victim

víctima propiciatoria = scapegoat

vídeo = videotape

vísceras = viscera

víspera = eve

vítreo = glassy

vítreo = vitreous

vívido = vivid

vómito = puke

vómito = vomit

vórtice = vortex

vórtice = whirlpool

va = goes

vacíe = deplete

vacío = empty

vacío = vacuum

vacíos = vacua

vaca = cow

vacar = vacating

vaciamiento = depletion

vaciar = emptying
vaciar = to deplete

vacilación = boggle

vacilante = groggy

vacilante = hesitant

vacilante = shamble

vacilar = hesitating

vacile = falter

vacile = hesitate

vacile = vacillate

vacuna = vaccination

vacuna = vaccine

vacunar = vaccinating

vacune = vaccinate

vacuo = vacuous

vadear = fording

vadee = wade

vado = ford

vagón = boxcar

vagabundear = bumming

vagabundear = wandering

vagabundo = hobo

vagar = wandering

vagina [Noun] = vagina

vaginal [Adjective] = vaginal

vago = bum
vago = sketchy

vago = vagrant

vago = vague

vague = gallivant

vague = roam

vaina = pod

vaina = scabbard

vaina = sheath

vainilla = vanilla

vajilla = chinaware

valentía = bravado

valentía = bravery

valer = being worth

valer de astucias = finessing

valeroso = courageous

valió de astucias = finessed

validar = validating

valide = validate

valiente = brave

valiente = valiant

valioso = valuable

vallar = fencing

valle = valley

valor = bravery

valor = courage
valor = value

valor = worth

valorar = valuing

vals = waltz

valuar = valuing

vampiro = vampire

vanagloriar = boasting

vanaglorioso = vainglorious

vanguardia = forefront

vanguardia = vanguard

vanidad = vanity

vano = vain

vapor = ship

vapor = steam

vaporizar = vaporizing

vaquero = cowboy

vaqueros [Noun] = jeans

varíe = vary

varón = male

vara = rod

vara = wand

vara de medir = yardstick

varar = beaching

variante = variant

variar = varying
variedad = variety

variedad de menta = spearmint

varilla de levantamiento = tappet

varios = several

varios = sundry

varios = various

vasallo = vassal

vascular = vascular

vasija de barro = crock

vaso = drinking glass

vaso = vessel

vate = bard

vaticinar = predicting

vatio = watt

vaya = go

vaya de compras = shop

ve = seen

vea = see

vecina [Noun] = neighbor

vecindad = vicinity

vecindario = neighborhood

vecino = neighbor

vecino = neighbour

vector = vector

vectorial = vectorial
vedar = forbidding

vegetar = vegetating

vegetariano = vegetarian

vegete = vegetate

vehículo = vehicle

vehemente = vehement

vehicular = vehicular

veinte = twenty

veintiuno = blackjack

vejar = annoying

vejestorio = fogy

vela = candle

vela = sail

velar = veiling

vellón = fleece

velo = veil

velocidad = speed

velocidad = velocity

velocidad adquirida = momenta

velocidad adquirida = momentum

veloz = swift

venéreo = venereal

vena = vein

venado = venison

venal = venal
vencedor = victor

vencer = conquering

vencido = beaten

venda = band

venda = bandage

venda = blindfold

venda = sell

venda de puerta en puerta = peddle

vendar = blindfolding

vendedor = salesman

vendedor = salesperson

vendedor = seller

vendedor = vendor

vendedor de periódicos = newsboy

vendedora = salesgirl

vendedora = saleslady

vendedores = salesmen

vender = selling

vender = to sell

vendió = sold

vendimia = vintage

veneno = poison

veneno = venom

venenoso = poisonous

venenoso = venomous
venera = scallop

venerado = venerable

venerar = worshipping

venere = revere

venere = venerate

venezolano = Venezuelan

venga = come

venganza = revenge

venganza = vengeance

vengar = avenging

vengativo = vengeful

vengue = avenge

venial = venial

venir = coming

venir = to come

venta = sale

venta al por mayor = wholesale

ventaja = advantage

ventaja = vantage

ventajoso = advantageous

ventana = window

ventanilla = car window

ventarrón = gale

ventilador = fan

ventilar = to ventilate
ventilar = ventilating

ventile = ventilate

ventisca = blizzard

ventolera = bluster

ventoso = breezy

ventoso = windy

ventura = venture

venza = surmount

venza = vanquish

ver = seeing

ver = to see

veracidad = veracity

veranear = summer

verano = summer

verano = summertime

veraz = veracious

verbal = verbal

verbena = verbena

verbo = verb

verbosidad = verbiage

verbosidad = verbosity

verboso = verbose

verboso = voluble

verdad = truth

verdad = verity
verdadero = factual

verdadero = true

verdadero = truthful

verdadero = veritable

verde = green

verde = verdant

verdor = greenery

verdoso = greenish

verdoso [Adjective] = greenish

verdugo = hangman

verdugos = hangmen

verdulero = greengrocer

verdura = vegetable

veredicto = verdict

vergüenza = abashment

vergüenza = shame

vergonzoso = abashing

vergonzoso = bashful

vergonzoso = shameful

verificar = to check

verificar = verifying

verifique = verify

verja = gate

verja = grille

vermut = vermouth
vernáculo = vernacular

vernal = vernal

vernier = vernier

verosimilitud = verisimilitude

verruga = wart

verrugoso = warty

versátil = versatile

versado = conversant

versar = turning

versión = version

versión revisada = upgrade

versificar = versifying

verso = verse

vertebrado = vertebral

vertebrado = vertebrate

vertedero = dump

verter = pouring

vertical = vertical

vertiginoso = dizzy

vesicular = vesicular

vestíbulo = hallway

vestíbulo = vestibule

vestal = vestal

vestido = clad

vestido = dress
vestido = garb

vestido = gear

vestido = gown

vestigio = vestige

vestir = dressing

vetar = vetoing

vetear = veining

veterano = veteran

veterinario = vet

veterinario = veterinarian

veterinario = veterinary

veto = veto

viña = vineyard

viaducto = viaduct

viajó = traveled

viajando = traveling

viajante = traveler

viajantes = travelers

viajar = to travel

viajar = traveling

viajar = trekking

viaje = travel

viaje = trek

viaje = trip

viaje = voyage
viajero = traveller

viajes = travelings

viajes = travels

viandante = itinerant

vibración = flutter

vibrante = vibrant

vibrar = vibrating

vibre = vibrate

vicario = vicar

viciar = corrupting

vicie = vitiate

vicio = vice

vicioso = vicious

vicisitud = vicissitude

victoria = victory

victoria fácil = walkover

victorioso = victorious

vid = grapevine

vid = vine

vida = life

vida = lifetime

video = video

vidriar = glazing

vidrio = glass

vieja arrugada = crone

viejo = old

viendo [Verb] = looking

viento = wind

viernes = Friday

vierta = shed

vierta = teem

vietnamita = Vietnamese

vigésimo = twentieth

viga = beam

vigilante = vigilant

vigilante = vigilante

vigilante = warden

vigilante = watchman

vigilantes = watchmen

vigilar = watching over

vigile = tend

vigilia = vigil

vigorice = invigorate

vigorizar = invigorating

vigoroso = vigorous

vil = vile

vilipendiar = reviling

villa = villa

villano = villainous

vinagre = vinegar
vinatero = vintner

vinculación = entail

vincular = linking

vindicar = vindicating

vindicativo = vindictive

vindique = vindicate

vinilo = vinyl

vino = came

vino = wine

vino de Jerez = sherry

vio = saw

violín = fiddle

violín = violin

viola = viola

violación = rape

violar = violating

viole = violate

violento = blustery

violento = violent

violeta = violet

virar = veering

vire = veer

virgen = virgin

virgen = virginal

viril = virile
virrey = viceroy

virtual = virtual

virtud = virtue

virtuosismo = virtuosity

virtuoso = righteous

virtuoso = virtuoso

viruela = smallpox

virulento = virulent

virus = virus

visón = mink

visa = visa

visar = approving

visceral = visceral

viscosidad = viscosity

viscoso = clammy

viscoso = viscous

visera = visor

visión = vision

visible = visible

visionario = visionary

visita = caller

visita = visitation

visitante = visitor

visitar = to visit

visitar = visiting
visitar los barrios bajos = slumming

visite = visit

vislumbre = glimmer

vislumbre = glimpse

vista = clothe

vista = eyesight

vista = seeing

vista = sight

vista = view

vista = vista

vista previa = preview

vistoso = flamboyant

vistoso = gorgeous

vistoso = showy

visual = visual

visualizar = visualizing

vital = vital

vitalidad = stamina

vitamina = vitamin

vitorear = shouting

vitrificar = vitrifying

vitrifique = vitrify

vituperar = vituperating

viuda [Noun] = widow

viuda nobiliaria = dowager

viudez = widowhood

viudo [Noun] = widower

viva = live

vivacidad = vivacity

vivaracho = dapper

vivaz = vivacious

viveza = poignancy

vivido = lived

vivificar = vivifying

vivifique = quicken

vivifique = vivify

vivir = living

vivir = to live

vivo = jaunty

vivo = sprightly

vizconde = viscount

vocabulario = vocabulary

vocación = vocation

vocal = vocal

vocal = vowel

vocalizar = vocalizing

vocear = shouting

vociferante = vociferous

vociferar = shouting

vodka = vodka
volátil = volatile

voló = flew

volando [Verb] = flying

volante = badminton

volante = flounce

volante = ruffle

volante = shuttlecock

volar = flying

volar = to fly

volcán = volcano

volcánico = volcanic

volcar = overturning

volear = volleying

voleibol = volleyball

volición = volition

voltaje = voltage

voltear = turning

voltear = upsetting

voltio = volt

volumen = content

volumen = volume

voluminoso = bulky

voluminoso = voluminous

voluntario = voluntary

voluntario = volunteer
voluntarioso = wayward

voluptuoso = voluptuous

volver = returning

volver = to return

volver acído = acidify

volvió = became

vomitar = vomiting

voraz = ravenous

voraz = voracious

vorazmente [Adverb] = greedily

votación = poll

votar = voting

voto = vote

voto = vow

voz = voice

voz del pavo = gobble

vuélvase = become

vuela = flown

vuele = soar

vuelo [Noun] = flight

vuelos [Noun] = flights

vuelque = topple

vuelta = loop

vuelva = turn

vuelva tosco = coarsen

vulgar = tacky

vulgar = vulgar

vulgarizar = vulgarizing

vulgo = vulgar

vulnerable = vulnerable

whisky = whisky

whisky escocés = scotch

xenofobia = xenophobia

xerografía = xerography

xilófono [Noun] = xylophone

xilófonos [Noun] = xylophones

yámbico = iambic

y = and

ya = already

yacer = lying

yacer = to lie

yacija = lair

yak = yak

yarda [Noun] = yard

yate = yacht

yates = yachts

yazca = sprawl

yegua = mare

yelmo [Noun] = helm

yema = burgeon

yema = yolk

yema de huevo = yolk

yema de los dedos = fingertip

yen = yen

yendo = going

yerga = perk

yermo = barren

yermo = bleak

yerre = err

yeso = gypsum

yeso = plaster

yeso [Noun] = chalk

yo = I

yo = me

yo = myself

yo tenía (I had) [Verb] = had

yo tuve (I had) = had

yodo = iodine

yodurar = iodizing

yugo = yoke

yugular = jugular

yunque = anvil

yute = gunny

yute = jute
yuxtaponer = juxtaposing

yuxtaponga = juxtapose

yuxtaposición = juxtaposition

zafar = releasing

zafiro = sapphire

zagal = swain

zambullida = dip

zambullida = plunge

zambullir = dipping

zambullir = diving

zanahoria = carrot

zanahorias = carrots

zanca = shank

zanco = stilt

zanganear = idling

zanjar = settling

zapar = undermining

zapato = shoe

zapatos = shoes

zar = czar

zar = tsar

zarapito = curlew

zarza = blackberry

zarza = bramble

zigzag = zigzag
zigzaguear = zigzag

zodíaco [Noun] = zodiac

zodiacal = zodiacal

zona [Noun] = zone

zoología = zoology

zoquete = chump

zorra = vixen

zorro = fox

zorruno = foxy

zozobrar = keeling

zumbador = buzzer

zumbador = humming

zumbar = humming

zumbido = buzz

zumbido = buzzing

zumbido = drone

zumbido = hum

zumbido = tingle

zumbido = zoom

zurcido = darn

zurcir = mending

zurrar = thrashing

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